SG Constitution

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Constitution of the Student Body

of Santa Fe College

We the Students of Santa Fe College, in Order to form a more perfect union; Render a forum for
the expression of student views; Advocate student interests; Promote academic freedom and
responsibility; Provide for the defense of student rights and for their cultural, social, and
physical welfare; Protect student life in all its aspects; and Foster recognition of rights and
responsibilities of students to the college, community, state, the nation, and humanity do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the Student Body of Santa Fe College.

Article I
Declaration of Rights, Responsibilities, and Provisions

Section. 1. All political powers granted by authorities under the constitution, laws, and
regulations of the United States of America, State of Florida, and College Rule are inherent in
the Student Body.

Section. 2. All rights guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States, State of Florida, and
College Rule will be protected by Student Government.
Section. 3. The Student Body shall be guaranteed the right to vote in Student Government
Elections; The right to submit initiatives and referendums for ratification by the electorate; The
right to recall and remove all Student Government officials; The right to address Student
Government officials.
Section. 4. Students are bound by the Student Honor Code and shall be accountable to it. The
Honor Code states, “As students of Santa Fe College, we hold ourselves and our peers to the
responsibility of being honest, true, benevolent, and virtuous to ourselves and each other at all
Section. 5. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age,
disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin,
political opinions or affiliations, veteran status, or any other classification and there shall be no
toleration of any discrimination thereof.
Section. 6. No person holding an exclusionary office within Student Government, or otherwise
prescribed by law, may hold a position in another branch or entity.
Accepting an office within another branch or entity while holding an exclusionary office or as
prescribed by law shall constitute de jure resignation from the former office.
Section. 7. Student Government shall be the supreme form of representation of the Student Body
of Santa Fe College; its actions, not otherwise limited by this Constitution, supersede those of all
other student entities.


Section. 8. Every student in the current term at Santa Fe College shall be a member of the
Student Body and has equal protection, voice, and vote.
Section. 9. The Satellite Centers and their student body shall have the inherent right to form their
own governing body and protection thereof by this Constitution; Student Government shall
accommodate and supervise the Centers in any aspects necessary.
Article II - Legislative Branch
Section. 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Senate of Student
Procedures of the legislative branch shall be prescribed by law.
Section. 2 The Student Senate shall be composed of Senators.
Academic Senators shall be representatives of the Student Body in accordance with the College’s
academic areas. The composition of the academic areas and the apportionment of Senators for
each area shall be prescribed by law. Academic Senators shall be elected during the spring
general election.
At-Large Senators shall be representatives of the Student Body in accordance with the location
of where the students are taking a majority of their classes. The apportionment of Senators for
each location shall be prescribed by law. At-Large Senators shall be elected during the fall
midterm election.
Student Organization Senators shall be the representative of every chartered organization of
Student Government. Student Organization Senators shall be elected by their organization.
Senators shall be elected to annual terms.
When vacancies occur in the Senate, the position shall be filled as prescribed by law.
The Senate shall choose their Officers during the spring general election who shall serve an
annual term. Officers of Senate must first be Senators.
The Senate shall approve the funding of new student organizations to be recognized by Santa Fe
College Student Government.
The Senate shall, through advice and consent, approve appointments and recommendations of
the Student Body President to Student Government administrative positions.
Section. 3. The Senate shall be the judge of the Election and Qualification of its own members.
A majority shall constitute a quorum to do Business. Senate shall compel attendance of members
and develop such penalties for absences.
The Senate shall meet in semester sessions, the first being after the spring general election in
which they shall maintain a publication of its proceedings and at the desire of one-fifth (1/5) of
those present shall enter the Yeas and Nays of the members on any given question.


Every bill having passed the Senate shall be brought before the Student Body President for
approval. If the President disapproves of the bill, it shall be returned to the Senate with a written
correspondence with the objections listed. The Senate can overturn the veto by a two-thirds (2/3)
vote in which case said bill shall become law. If a bill is not returned by the President within five
(5) business days, the bill shall become law as if it were signed.
Senate shall provide for the elections of the Student Body and to judge the results of the general
In case of a tie election, the Senate shall decide the position of Student Body President and the
position of Student Body Vice-President on a joint ticket.
Senate shall provide for the control and disbursement of Student Body funds.
Senate shall enact all laws necessary and proper for the general wellbeing of the Student Body.
Senate shall exercise any other power or duty provided for in the constitution or laws of the
Student Body.
Senate shall provide for equal protection of the Student Body.
Section. 4. Senate shall not enact any law that abridges its powers delegated by the constitution;
There shall be no appropriation of funds for a period of more than one (1) fiscal year.
There shall be no infringing of the secrecy of the ballot in any student body election nor shall
Senate deny speaking privileges in meetings, meet in closed session, or conduct any vote by
secret ballot.
The dates of student body elections and election law shall not be changed in five weeks before
scheduled election.
No bill embracing more than one (1) purpose shall become law.
Senate shall go no longer than two (2) weeks without convening during the semester.
Section. 5. All duties of Student Government legislative exclusionary offices shall be prescribed
by law.
All powers not delegated in this Constitution shall be vested in Senate.
Article III - Executive Branch
Section. 1. All executive power shall be vested in the Student Body President.
Section. 2. The Student Body President, Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be chosen in the
spring election as prescribed by law and shall serve an annual term. The Student Body President
and Vice-President shall be elected on a joint ticket. In the event of a tie refer to Article II,
Section 3.


Section. 3. If the office of Student Body President becomes vacant, such vacancy shall be filled
by the succession of the Student Body Vice-President. If both the position of Student Body
President and Vice-President become vacant, the Student Body Treasurer shall assume the
powers and responsibilities thereof as interim Student Body President until selection process
prescribed by law is fulfilled within 30 calendar days.
In the absence of the Student Body President and Vice-President, the hierarchy of succession
shall be the Student Body Treasurer, Senate President, Senate President pro tempore, and
executive directors as selected by Senate.
Section. 4. The Student Body President shall deliver, on a semester basis, The State of the
College Address.
Section. 5. All duties and responsibilities of the Student Body President, Vice-President, and
Treasurer not specified in this Constitution shall be prescribed by law.
Article IV - Judicial Branch
Section. 1. The judicial power of Santa Fe College Student Government shall be vested in one
Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as Senate may from time to time ordain and establish
as allowed by law.

Section. 2. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be the chief administrative officer of the
judicial branch.
The Supreme Court shall adopt its own internal rules of practice and procedure for itself.
The Supreme Court shall provide in its rules of practice and procedure the process for assigning
replacements, where recusals for cause would prohibit the Supreme Court from convening.
Section. 3. The Supreme Court shall consist of the Chief Justice and four (4) associate justices.
The Chief Justice shall preside over the Supreme Court. A Presiding Justice shall be selected
amongst the Associate Justices to hold court sessions in the temporary vacancy or absence of the
Chief Justice. Four members shall constitute a quorum. The concurrence in judgment of three
members shall be necessary for a decision.
The Supreme Court shall interpret any provision of the constitution or any law upon written
petition of 25 members of the Student Body; Request of any current Student Government
member; or at the discretion of the Chief Justice.
The Supreme Court shall, upon written petition of any member of the Student Body, and for
good cause shown, order any student government official or any officer of a student organization
that receives Student Body funds to perform any lawful act or refrain or desist from any unlawful
The Supreme Court shall hear appeals from tribunals established by law.
The Supreme Court may issue any writ necessary to the complete exercise of its jurisdiction, and
shall maintain a permanent election result file of every student body election.


The Supreme Court shall maintain a permanent record of cases, decisions, and dissents.
Section. 4. The Supreme Court shall have the power to issue subpoenas and subpoena duces
tecum directed at any student government official or any officer of a student organization that
receives Student Body funds, returnable before the Supreme Court.
Section. 5. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chief Justice or Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court, the Student Body President shall fill the vacancy by appointment which shall
be subject to a two-thirds (2/3) confirmation vote by Senate.
Section. 6. The Chief Justice shall be elected by the Student Body during the spring general
election and serve an annual term.
The selection of the Associate Justices shall be prescribed by law.
Section. 7. All duties and responsibilities of the Chief Justice shall be prescribed by law.
Article V – Programming
Section. 1. Programming shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing
student programs and activities.
Programming shall provide activities and programs that will enhance the experience of college
life. Programming is designed to provide quality entertainment for the promotion of student life
on campus including social, intellectual, and cultural enhancement throughout Santa Fe College.
Section. 2. All powers vested in Student Government Programming shall be managed by the
Event Chair and Finance Chair.
Programming shall establish their own rules of procedure for all matters not otherwise specified.
Programming shall plan, coordinate, and implement any activity approved and shall provide for
the control and disbursement of all Programming funds with the approval of the Event Chair and
Finance Chair.
Section. 3. Programming Event Chair and Finance Chair shall be selected by a method
prescribed by law and shall serve an annual term.
Selection of Programming Event Chair and Finance Chair shall be confirmed by Senate during
the confirmation of the spring general election.
Replacement of Programming members shall be prescribed by law.
Section. 4. All duties and responsibilities of Programming shall be prescribed by law.


Article VI – Impeachment
Section. 1. All Student Government members shall be subject to impeachment for dereliction of
duty, misfeasance, malfeasance, abuse of power, usurpation of power, and/or conviction of a
criminal offense while in office.
The impeachment resolution must be filed by at least two (2) senators and the affected person
must receive a true copy of the resolution.

Section. 2. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that
purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation.
A majority vote of the impeachment body shall be required in order to impeach. The Chief
Justice shall preside over the impeachment trial. Should the Chief Justice be on trial, the
President of the Senate shall preside over the impeachment.
A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the impeachment body shall be required in order to convict.
Conviction shall remove the Student Government member from office and may include
permanent disqualification.
Conviction or acquittal shall not affect the civil or criminal responsibility of the person.
Impeachment proceeding may not be conducted during suspended quorum.

Article VII – Amendments

Section. 1. Amendments to this Constitution shall be presented to Senate as bills of law. Said
bills shall not be subject to a veto. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of Senate and a plurality vote of the
Student Body in the subsequent election shall constitute ratification.
The Constitution shall not be edited and amendments shall be listed following the end of this
Article VIII – Advisor
Section. 1. The primary responsibility of the Student Government Advisor(s) will be to serve and
provide all members of Student Government with advice and assistance on relevant issues of the
Student Body.
Section. 2. The Student Government Advisor(s) shall be a non-voting member of Student
Government committees and their absence shall not limit the committee from conducting


Article IX – Transition
Section. 1. Upon ratification of this constitution, it and its statutes shall take effect immediately.

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