MTID322 Lab3 W21
MTID322 Lab3 W21
MTID322 Lab3 W21
Lab #3
Introduction to ABB 1600 /IRC5 Robot and Work Cell
Student Name:________________________________
Student Number:______________________________
Date: ____________________ Section: ___________
● To explore the simulation and actual ABB Robotic cell
● Know how to power up and turn off unit
● Basic jogging of the Robot
Lab Report:
Submit Lab Report before the start of the next lab class, should include this
cover sheet, the requested information (Procedure 2, 3, 4, 5) of this cover sheet.
1. Review the simulation made from Lab 2 with Lab Instructor. Update your simulation if needed.
2. Lab Instructor will demonstrate start up procedures for ABB using a teach pendant. Video of
procedure to be shown (Describe the following steps).
2.1. Controller On
2.2. Pendant Initialized
2.3. Robot Motion ready
2.4. Emergency stop
2.5. Reset
3. Watch video of all 6 axis (degrees of freedom) of the ABB robot. Simulate in your RobotStudio
their motion configuration and show the Lab Instructor online. Indicate the following:
3.1. The Main axes
3.2. The Secondary axes
4. Watch video exploring the ABB teach pendant functions and jogging the simulation robot:
Take a picture of the following and explain each function:
4.1. Find main windows, menu, function keys on the teach pendant.
4.2. 4 Navigation keys
4.3. 4 custom push buttons
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Industrial Mechanical Technology: MTID322– Manufacturing Automation
In the event that class will be in person make note or the following safety rules:
Call the lab instructor to show the safety rules. (1) All students must sign the safety sheet prior to
working on lab #1 in the D1-09 lab. (2) Use a screw driver or similar mechanical device (Do not use your
hand) to find and trigger the input components (3) For activating the output signals, students are not
allowed inside the robotic cells (4) When working inside the robotic controller panel, a lab technician or
the lab instructor must be present with the students. WARNING: Personnel may suffer serious
injuries and/ or robot may be damaged if safety rules are not followed.
Instructors Signature:______________________
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