336E M03 ElecCtrlSysMntr en STU
336E M03 ElecCtrlSysMntr en STU
336E M03 ElecCtrlSysMntr en STU
• Visual Presentation 1. Given the presentation of the 336E Hydraulic Excavator: Electronic Control System
and Monitor, the student will take notes in the classroom on the identification,
location, and basic functionality of the major components and service points of the
electronic control system and monitor.
• Lab 1 1. Given a 336E Hydraulic Excavator and the Lab 1 Worksheet, the student will
identify the location and explain the basic functionality of the major components
and service points of the electronic control system and monitor.
• Lab 2 1. Given a 336E Hydraulic Excavator, the student will use the E-Series monitor and
follow the Lab 2 Workheet and directions to access and record various data and
make changes to certain parameters on the 336E Hydraulic Excavator.
• Lab 3 1. Given a 336E Hydraulic Excavator, the student will use the tools listed in the
Preparation Checklist and follow the Testing and Adjusting procedure to test and
properly adjust the power shift pressure PRV solenoid.
• Lab 4 1. Given a 336E Hydraulic Excavator, the student will use the tools listed in the
Preparation Checklist and follow the Testing and Adjusting procedure to test and
properly adjust the boom down regeneration PRV solenoid.
• Posttest There is no posttest for this module. The lab exercises serve as practical
application of the module information. Further usage of the E-Series monitor will
be required when performing lab exercises in subsequent modules.
LAB 1: 336E Hydraulic Excavator: Electronic Control System and Monitor Component Identification
and Function
Directions: Use this checklist to take notes during the presentation regarding component function and location. During the lab
exercise, use this sheet as a checklist when identifying components.
Directions: Follow the instructions below to access and gather information, make changes to settings, and adjust parameters.
During the lab exercise, use this sheet to record your findings. At the end of this exercise, the instructor will gather the class to
compare answers and discuss any differences in observations. Check off each task when complete.
1. What is the current Clock Setting? ____________. Adjust the clock to the current local time if the time is incorrect.
2. Use the Contrast and Brightness adjustment and set it to your preference.
3. Go to the “Work Tool Select” category, what is the current tool selected? ___________________
4. What are the “accumulated hours” for the Engine Oil Filter , the Hydraulic Return Filter ,
the Engine Coolant , and the Hydraulic Pilot Filter ?
5. What are the recommended “Maintenance Intervals” for the Engine Oil Filter ,
the Hydraulic Return Filter , the Engine Coolant , and the Hydraulic Pilot Filter ?
6. What are the current “accumulated work hours” for the Engine , the Hydraulic Pump , the
Swing Motor , and the Travel Motor ?
8. Is/Are there any Logged Diagnostic Code(s)? Yes No If yes, what is the first active code listed and what is:
9. Save the Diagnostic Code and Event information to a USB storage device.
15. Move the Hydraulic Lock Lever to “OFF.” What is the status of the Hydraulic Lock Switch now?
16. For how many minutes is the Lighting Shutdown Timer set?
Return the key-start switch to the OFF position when finished with this exercise.