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I am very proud of my origins and grateful for the place that I was raised in.

This strong feeling

that I carry inside me was only possible due to my hunger to discover other cultures, people
and beliefs. I am strongly confident that everyone of us have something to contribute for a
better World. Having that in mind I always try to listen and interact with different people as
much as I can to be able to constantly integrate good habits along the way in this long lasting
journey of life.

Talking Business…

Five years of industrial experience has helped me to take a more pragmatic approach within
organizations by measurable and achievable results and through management tools used to
leverage the industrial operation. The opportunity to lead teams has shown me how leaders
can be a key factor when it comes to incorporate a business owner mentality throughout the
company and how this ability heavily contributes for corporate success as a whole.

Even though this experience has opened my eyes into the industrial world, I felt that I was
lacking a more strategic view to be able to understand 'why' the companies take their

Currently I work in the PMO at Scania Group and have access to the business strategy within
new products and markets. This opportunity together with my new challenge to pursuit a
master’s degree in Business Administration at INSPER has put me into the right track to have
an holistic view of the market and to understand relevant corporate movements that assure
the sustainability of a company’s operations.

Constantly, I stumble upon situations in which I have to use the power of influence to be able
to engage various areas to cope in one single goal. This job allows me to navigate through
pretty much the entire company, getting in touch with completely different profiles of
managers and employees. This interaction has gradually improved my leadership skills and
motivates me to achieve the most challenging objectives.

My biggest challenge today is to understand the global scenario of each cross functional
Project and be able not only to involve all areas in a very effective way, but also to recommend
a decision to the Board of directors and this way be able to influence the future of the
company, always taking the responsibility for my proposals

Constantly, I stumble upon situations in which I have to use the power of influence to be able
to engage various areas to cope in one single goal. This job allows me to swing by pretty much
the entire company, getting in touch with completely different profiles of managers and
employees. this interaction has shaped me to be

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