Masterseal 591: Cement Based Fast Setting Mortar For Plugging Active Water Leakage
Masterseal 591: Cement Based Fast Setting Mortar For Plugging Active Water Leakage
Masterseal 591: Cement Based Fast Setting Mortar For Plugging Active Water Leakage
Cement Based Fast Setting Mortar For Plugging Active Water Leakage
Open the crack that has active water leakage Watch Points
with minimum 20 mm width and depth or
until reaching to the sound substrate. Mix Wait for the appropriate ambient and substrate
MasterSeal® 591 with necessary amount of temperature if it is less then 5oC or more than
water and make it conical shape in your hand 25oC. Also application should not be made
and apply it on the leaking region with a single in very hot rainy or windy weathers.
motion, when the mixture starts to heat. Apply As a result of rising hydration temperature,
MasterSeal® 591 (Formerly known as Waterplug ®)