Research Article: Global Medical and Health Communication

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Global Medical and Health Communication

Online submission: GMHC. 2020;8(1):78–82

DOI: pISSN 2301-9123 │ eISSN 2460-5441


A Comparative Evaluation of Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and

the Presence of Nicotine Stomatitis among Smokers
after Oral Hygiene Instruction
Meta Maulida Damayanti,1 Yuktiana Kharisma,2 Fajar Awalia Yulianto,3 Santun
Bhekti Rahimah,2 Winni Maharani,4 Meike Rachmawati,1 Herri S. Sastramihardja,2
Muhammad Alief Abdul ‘Aziiz,5 Muhammad Ilham Halim5
Department of Pathology, 2Department of Pharmacology, 3Department of Public Health,

Department of Microbiology, 5Medical Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

Smoking can cause periodontal disease as well as lesions in the oral mucosa. Nicotine stomatitis is inflammation
caused by heat stimuli injury on the hard and soft palate of the oral cavity; smokers commonly suffer from this
condition. Knowledge of how oral hygiene affects the health of dental and oral cavity. The purpose of this study
was to describe the differences in community periodontal index (CPI) and nicotine stomatitis in smokers after oral
hygiene instruction. The study subjects were 54 men who have a history of active smoking for more than five years.
The experiment was carried out in the Biomedical Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Bandung
in September 2018–January 2019. Dental examination initiated before and after dental health instructions. CPI
and nicotine stomatitis tests performed on all subjects by dentists using dental instruments. After six weeks of
information about oral hygiene, all subjects re-examined. The results show that there is a statistically significant
difference in the average CPI value in smokers before and after dental instruction with a p value<0.001 (p≤0.05).
In contrast, the condition of nicotine stomatitis remains the same. CPI value influenced by oral and dental hygiene
showed that dental health instruction is very effective. However, stomatitis has not healed as long as the cause is
not eliminated.
Key words: Community periodontal index, smokers, stomatitis nicotine

Evaluasi Komparatif Community Periodontal Index (CPI) dan Stomatitis

Nikotin di Kalangan Perokok setelah Instruksi Kebersihan Mulut

Merokok dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada periodontal maupun lesi pada mukosa mulut. Stomatitis nikotin
merupakan inflamasi yang disebabkan oleh panas yang terdapat pada palatum keras dan lunak; perokok umumnya
menderita kondisi ini. Pengetahuan mengenai tata cara kebersihan mulut memengaruhi kesehatan gigi dan rongga
mulut. Tujuan penelitian ini menilai perbedaan community periodontal index (CPI) dan stomatitis nikotin pada
perokok setelah instruksi kebersihan mulut. Subjek penelitian adalah 54 pria yang memiliki riwayat merokok aktif
selama lebih dari lima tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biomedik, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas
Islam Bandung pada bulan September 2018–Januari 2019. Pemeriksaan dental dilakukan sebelum dan setelah
instruksi kesehatan gigi. Pemeriksaan CPI dan stomatitis nikotin dilakukan kepada seluruh subjek oleh dokter
gigi menggunakan instrumen gigi. Setelah enam minggu mendapatkan penyuluhan mengenai kebersihan mulut,
seluruh subjek diperiksa kembali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara
statistik nilai CPI rerata pada perokok sebelum dengan setelah dilakukan instruksi kesehatan gigi dengan p<0,001
(p≤0,05). Sebaliknya, kondisi stomatitis nikotin tetap sama. Nilai CPI dipengaruhi oleh kebersihan gigi dan mulut
sehingga instruksi kesehatan gigi sangat efektif. Akan tetapi, stomatitis tidak dapat sembuh selama penyebabnya
tidak dihentikan.
Kata kunci: Community periodontal index, perokok, stomatitis nikotin

Received: 12 April 2020; Revised: 19 April 2020; Accepted: 21 April 2020; Published: 30 April 2020
Correspondence: Meta Maulida Damayanti, drg., M.Kes. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung.
Jln. Tamansari No. 22, Bandung 40116, West Java, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]

Meta Maulida Damayanti et al.: A Comparative Evaluation of Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and the Presence of 79

Introduction Methods

Smoking with tobacco increases the possibilities The study was at the Biomedical Laboratory,
of periodontal disease by affecting periodontal Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung
attachment, pocket formation, and bone loss. (Unisba), from September 2018 to January
Besides, smoking will cause inflammation on the 2019. Subjects were Unisba security officers with
gingiva, and cause stains on the teeth interfere inclusion criteria, adults aged over 20 years, and a
with the aesthetics and halitosis.1–3 Smoking also history of active smoking for more than five years.
causes damage to almost all organs and body The research subjects were 54 men. The method
systems. Oral health is an area that receives is by examining the periodontal health status
less attention, but it is a vital area. If the normal based on the criteria of the CPI and lesions on the
flora of the mouth changes, it will cause various palate that is nicotine stomatitis before and after
diseases, both local and systemic. The smoke instructions regarding dental and oral hygiene.
of the cigarette can cause the oral mucosal CPI examination by evaluating the community
epithelium to be susceptible to the pathogen.4 periodontal index treatment needs (CPITN)
Periodontal disease often occurs, and there are as follows; Code 0 to Code 4 (Code 0: healthy
some risk factors such as smoking, the knowledge periodontal conditions; Code 1: gingival bleeding
of dental health, socioeconomic status, diabetes, on probing; Code 2: calculus and bleeding; Code 3:
senility, heredity, genetics, oral hygiene, lifestyle, periodontal sac 4–5 mm; and Code 4: periodontal
and stress are related to periodontal disease.5–7 sac ≥6 mm). Nicotine stomatitis examination is
Cigarettes have a hazardous composition such done with anamnesis and examination using a
as gas, nicotine, tar, and also contains more than mouth glass by the dentist.10,13
4,000 chemical constituents. Nicotine and tar The data were processed using SPSS, and
able to stimulate injuries that will cause changes differences in CPI values analyzed with the
in the oral cavity such as changes in pH of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test while for nicotine
oral cavity, oral moisture, increasing intraoral stomatitis analyzed with a chi-square test. The
temperature, changing immune response, and data presented in tabular form. The Health
resistance to infections, especially fungal and Research Ethics Committee of Faculty of Medicine
virus infections.2,8 Universitas Islam Bandung has approved this
Nicotine stomatitis is a lesion that formed research, with the ethical clearance number: 379/
due to physical irritation from smoke.9 The Komite Etik.FK/X/2018.
temperature at the tip of the tobacco cigarette
combustion reaches 650°C (470°C–812°C), and Results
the core temperature of the cigarette can reach
824°C–897°C. During inhalation of smoke, the A total of 54 subjects were included in this study,
mouth can reach 190°C. High-temperature fumes had an average age of 34 years, with 74% had a
that come into direct contact with the mucous history of having a toothache.
palate causing irritation and inflammation of the Table 1 shows that before oral hygiene
minor salivary glands in the hard palate.2 instructions, most smokers in Code 1 as much
Periodontal screening is to prevent periodontal as 37 people (68%), whereas after instruction,
disease and improve oral health. Community most in Code 0 as much as 45 people (83%). The
periodontal index (CPI) or periodontal screening results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon signed
record should be performed for assessing the ranks test at 95%CI that there are statistically
periodontal tissue.10–12 significant differences in the average CPI value in
Instructions on oral hygiene such as tooth smokers before and after oral hygiene instruction
brushing techniques, frequency, and time of at Unisba, with a p value<0.001 (p≤0.05).
brushing are essential knowledge to improve Table 2 shows stomatitis in smokers before
dental and oral hygiene and health. The research and after oral hygiene instruction. Before oral
aimed to see how the prevalence of nicotine hygiene instructions, most smokers experience
stomatitis and the value of CPI in smokers after stomatitis as much as 37 people (69%), while
oral hygiene instruction that is needed to detect after instructions, most smokers also experience
severe periodontal disease. stomatitis are 35 people (65%).

Global Medical and Health Communication, Volume 8 Number 1, April 2020

80 Meta Maulida Damayanti et al.: A Comparative Evaluation of Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and the Presence of

Table 1 Differences of Average in CPI Values of Smokers before and after Oral Hygiene
Groups (n=54)
CPI Values p Value*
Before After
CPI codes
Code 0 15 (28%) 45 (83%)
Code 1 37 (68%) 8 (15%)
Code 2 2 (4%) 1 (2%)
CPI value <0.001
Average (SD) 0.76 (0.51) 0.19 (0.43)
Median (min–max) 1 (0–2) 0 (0–2)
Note: *Wilcoxon signed ranks test; Code 0: healthy periodontal conditions; Code 1: gingival bleeding on probing; Code 2:
calculus and bleeding

Table 3 shows smokers with stomatitis before oral hygiene instruction with p value=0.500 (p
and after instruction. They were 35 people value>0.05).
(95%), while smokers without stomatitis before
counseling with stomatitis after instruction Discussion
were none (0%). Stomatitis before and after
the instruction found in two people (5%), while Smoking is a significant risk factor associated
subjects without stomatitis before and after with a lifestyle that causes periodontal disease.
instruction were 17 people (100%). Oral hygiene instruction is the most effective
Based on Table 3, the results of the chi-square way to change people's behavior regarding the
test with the 95%CI indicate that there were no importance of oral and dental hygiene, starting
statistically significant differences in smokers with proper technique, frequency, and time of
who experience stomatitis before and after brushing.14
This study shows that the periodontal disease
that is assessed by CPI before the oral and
dental health instruction is higher than after
Table 2 Overview of Nicotine Stomatitis the instruction, and it is useful for explaining
in Smokers before and after Oral the pathogenesis of periodontal disease caused
Hygiene Instruction by smoking. Sajjad et al.1 and Saribas et al.7
Groups (n=54) stated there is a high correlation between the
Stomatitis consumption of tobacco and gingival index, the
Before After plaque index, and the community periodontal
Yes 37 (69%) 35 (65%) index of treatment needs, there was a high
correlation between intake of tobacco and the
No 17 (31%) 19 (35%) gingival score.

Table 3 Differences in Nicotine Stomatitis Conditions in Smokers before and after Oral
Hygiene Instruction
Stomatitis after
Stomatitis before Total (%) p Value*
Yes (%) No (%)
Yes (%) 35 (95) 2 (5) 37 (100) 0.500
No (%) 0 (0) 17 (100) 17 (100)
Total (%) 35 (65) 19 (35) 54 (100)
Note: McNemar test; chi-square test

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Meta Maulida Damayanti et al.: A Comparative Evaluation of Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and the Presence of 81

Nicotine can inhibit alveolar bone repair. smoking. Research that is conducted by Ain et al.3
Smokers have periodontitis four times more regarding various oral lesions where the subject
than nonsmokers. In general, calculus deposits has various bad habits; the most common is
are higher and also gingival inflammation.15 The smoking (56.46 %).
results showed that smoking is very susceptible
to periodontal disease. Smoking affects the Conclusions
periodontitis process through an immunological
mechanism and vascular damage. The Smoking is closely related to the onset of
periodontal status index and gingival melanin periodontal disease. Assessment and diagnosis of
pigmentation were significantly worse in smokers periodontal conditions of a smoker is a complex
than nonsmokers; it indicates that chronic and challenging task to prevent serious diseases.
smoking habits can affect dental health and can Instructions regarding effective oral hygiene can
cause different periodontal disease. The level of reduce the risk of periodontal disease but cannot
gingival melanin pigmentation can correlate with cure nicotine stomatitis.
worsening periodontal status and can be used
as an early symptom of developing periodontal Conflict of Interest
History of stomatitis in the study showed no There is no conflict of interest in this study.
difference between before and after oral hygiene
instruction. Mild nicotine stomatitis does not need Acknowledgments
therapy. However, if it worsens, it can be treated
palliatively, giving the instructions for improving The authors convey gratitude to all staff of
oral hygiene and stop smoking.2 Nicotine Biomedical Laboratory staff of Faculty of
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Global Medical and Health Communication, Volume 8 Number 1, April 2020

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