Destroy Res
Destroy Res
Destroy Res
Eric W. Osborne
05 06 07 08 / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911
Santa Barbara, California 93116-1911
chapter one
The Technological Revolution Leading to the
Development of Destroyers, 1750–1860 1
chapter two
From Experimental Vessel to Warship, 1860–1918 23
chapter three
Advancements during the Interwar Years
and World War II, 1919–1945 69
chapter four
The Cold War and After, 1946–2004 117
Glossary 277
Index 287
that included in the text and serves to strengthen the reader’s under-
standing of the appearance and mechanics of the destroyer.
I owe a great debt of gratitude to a multitude of people whose
support has made this work possible. The professional assistance
and encouragement of Spencer C. Tucker, aside from the opportu-
nity he has given to me to write for this series, has been invaluable. I
would also like to thank Alicia Merritt, senior acquisitions editor at
ABC-CLIO, and the publishing house’s editorial staff for their con-
sistently helpful guidance.
In addition to the aid of professionals, this work was possible due
to the help of family and friends. The encouragement of Iana, my
wife, has been invaluable. Combined with her efforts has been the
unwavering and ever-present support of my parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Larry Osborne, my brother, Jack E. Osborne, and my extended family.
Eric W. Osborne
Weapons both fascinate and repel. They are used to kill and
maim individuals and to destroy states and societies, and occasion-
ally whole civilizations, and with these the greatest of man’s cultural
and artistic accomplishments. Throughout history tools of war have
been the instruments of conquest, invasion, and enslavement, but
they have also been used to check evil and to maintain peace.
Weapons have evolved over time to become both more lethal and
more complex. For the greater part of man’s existence, combat was
fought at the length of an arm or at such short range as to represent
no real difference; battle was fought within line of sight and seldom
lasted more than the hours of daylight of a single day. Thus individ-
ual weapons that began with the rock and the club proceeded
through the sling and boomerang, bow and arrow, sword and axe, to
gunpowder weapons of the rifle and machine gun of the late nine-
teenth century. Study of the evolution of these weapons tells us
much about human ingenuity, the technology of the time, and the
societies that produced them. The greater part of technological de-
velopment of weaponry has taken part in the last two centuries, es-
pecially the twentieth century. In this process, plowshares have been
beaten into swords; the tank, for example, evolved from the agricul-
tural caterpillar tractor. Occasionally, the process is reversed and
military technology has impacted society in a positive way. Thus
modern civilian medicine has greatly benefitted from advances to
save soldiers’ lives, and weapons technology has impacted such
areas as civilian transportation or atomic power.
Ancient Weapons
Medieval Weapons
Machine Guns
Cruisers and Battle Cruisers
Aircraft Carriers
Military Aircraft, Origins to 1918
Military Aircraft, 1919–1945
Military Aircraft in the Jet Age
Ballistic Missiles
Air Defense
The Technological
Revolution Leading to
the Development of
Destroyers, 1750–1860
ranked low on the ratings system of the day that gauged the fighting
capacity of vessels. First-rate vessels—those that were the eigh-
teenth century equivalent of a modern battleship—mounted 100
guns or upward; second rate between 90 and 98 guns; third rate,
64–74; fourth rate, 50–60; fifth rate, 32–44; and sixth rate, 20–28.
Small frigates normally carried between 24 and 30 guns while larger
ones mounted 50–60 cannons. Sloops mounted between 8 and 24
guns, meaning that the larger vessels of the type fell into the sixth
rate. Smaller sloops fell outside the ranking system.
The weapons carried by sloops were normally cast-iron, smooth-
bore, muzzle-loading cannons. The alternative to iron in this era was
bronze, which had the advantage of being easier to cast. It also better
withstood the shock of firing due to its greater elasticity. Bronze can-
nons, however, were immensely expensive to produce and conse-
quently fell out of favor. They could be four times as expensive as a
piece made of iron. Whether they were made from iron or bronze,
naval cannons were capable of firing a variety of projectiles. Solid
shot, being a solid, round ball of iron, was designed to inflict damage
to the hull of an enemy vessel. Oftentimes, hits from this type of pro-
jectile did not produce holes large enough to sink a vessel. They were
more of a danger to the crews of warships in the Age of Fighting Sail
as they splintered wood upon impact, producing deadly projectiles
that could kill crewmen. This effect was preferable to sinking a ship,
as most navies of this era preferred instead to capture vessels to in-
corporate the prize into their own force. To that end, a further type of
projectile, known as chain shot, was designed to strike at the rigging
of an enemy ship with the object of dismasting it, rendering the ves-
sel incapable of maneuver and easy prey for capture. Chain shot, as
with all types of shot, weighed approximately the same as round shot
of the same size of gun for which it was being used. A typical chain
shot consisted of two balls of equal size attached by a length of chain.
Once fired, the chain between the two balls could slice though a ves-
sel’s rigging. Vessels in the Age of Fighting Sail also carried shot for
close-range actions designed to kill the crew of the opposing ship.
Grapeshot consisted of a collection of small balls contained in a
stand enclosed in canvas. Once fired, the balls would separate from
the stand to form a deadly hail of projectiles. Another type of close-
range, antipersonnel weapon was canister shot, which comprised
scrap metal or musket balls packed into a canister. Like grapeshot,
this type, once fired, would produce a deadly, tightly packed group of
projectiles. All of these were fired through inserting a charge of gun-
powder into the weapon along with the projectile.
the wind. Sloops carried either three or two masts depending on the
size of the ship. Ship-rigged sloops were those with three masts, be-
ing the foremast, or mast in the forward part of the hull; the main-
mast located amidships; and the mizzenmast sited in the stern. Brig-
rigged sloops, with two masts, carried them forward amidships and
aft amidships. These masts were, like the other parts, made out of
several pieces joined together and rested on giant blocks of wood in
the bottom of the hull. The largest was the mainmast in ship-rigged
sloops. Masts were held in place at first by rope, but in the early
nineteenth century this practice gave way to the use of iron bands.
Attached to these giant masts were cross yards from which sails,
made of canvas, were hung to catch the wind. The rigging of sloops
could yield speeds in excess of 14 knots.
Daily life for the sailors who manned these vessels was demand-
ing and harsh. These men constantly drilled to ensure maximum ef-
ficiency in combat. This practice was especially necessary given the
lack of formal training prevalent among seamen. Although many of
the ordinary sailors in the Age of Fighting Sail were recruited from
the merchant service, there were also a great number of individuals
with no experience at sea. These men included foreigners in search
of a living in the employ of another country’s navy, prisoners, con-
scripts in the case of navies such as that of France, and civilians
seized for the service by means of impressment. The work of im-
pressments entailed the use of so-called press gangs composed either
of sailors already in naval service or men who were specifically em-
ployed for the job. The unfortunate individuals captured by such
groups, as well as all other new seamen, had little or no knowledge
of how to operate a warship. Practical experience through drill at
sea was also important for officers, as there were few naval schools
in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Those that did
exist, like Britain’s Royal Naval College at Portsmouth, founded in
1729, did not enjoy high enrollment until the nineteenth century
due to the aversion of officers to formal studies.
The conditions under which the officers and crews worked and
lived offered very little comfort at the end of a trying day of work.
The best-disposed of the crew was, of course, the captain, who en-
joyed a cabin located in the stern of a sloop that spanned the beam
of the hull. The best-disposed sloop commanders were those who
had charge of a sloop that possessed a quarterdeck. In these vessels,
the captain’s cabin was located underneath the quarterdeck and had
windows that enclosed the rear, sternmost portion of the room. In
flush-decked vessels, the commander’s cabin oftentimes did not
have stern windows, as the cabin was located on the lower deck. Of-
ficers also had their own cabins, which were small and placed on
either side of the vessel on the lower deck. Oftentimes, the rooms
allotted to the officers were no more than canvas curtains cordoning
off an area for the individual. Some were more elaborately built, be-
ing canvas stretched over wooden beams to create makeshift walls.
Aside from these accommodations, sloops were very cramped ves-
sels; most of the interior space was filled with the ship’s equipment
and stores. In sloops, the lesser officers and men consequently slept
in hammocks strung from beams on the lower deck. The crews also
ate their meals on this level. This lower deck was generally lacking
in natural light.
Adding to this discomfort was the state of the vessel itself. Crew-
men lived in a constantly damp and dirty environment where rats
and other vermin were commonplace. Many of these unwelcome
passengers made their presence known when the crew ate their
meals. Oftentimes, their bread, stored in casks below decks, was
moldy and inundated with weevils. These insects were so prevalent
that crews took it as commonplace to break apart a biscuit at its
center, where most of the weevils were, and simply scrape them out
with a knife. Equally poor was the meat, which was procured from
local slaughterhouses before a ship set sail and then stored in casks.
Meat was frequently infested with worms over the course of a voy-
age and, although it could be eaten, was certainly no comfort to the
crew. Salting the meat before packaging it, which became a com-
mon practice to make it last longer, could extend the life of food, but
crewmen oftentimes could not taste the meat due to the heavy salt.
Indeed, the poor diet of the crew was a major reason for a variety of
potentially fatal illnesses. One of these was scurvy, which resulted
from a lack of vitamin C in the diet and persisted through most of
the Age of Fighting Sail. This disease quickly produced bleeding
gums and would oftentimes open previously healed wounds.
Hygiene was sometimes a problem for those who manned sloops
in the Age of Fighting Sail. The toilets of these ships, known as
heads, were originally made up of planks with a hole in the center
that were located at the sides of the vessel in the bow. Later, heads
were placed in the bow below decks with sluices that led out of the
ship. Sometimes, officers and crew alike used these facilities, which
were uncomfortable as the pitching motion of a sloop or heavy
winds made them difficult to use. The result was that in periods of
heavy seas the bilge of a sloop, being the lowermost portions of the
hull, might contain human excrement, as the men could not relieve
Cherub that had been dispatched to hunt down Essex. In the open-
ing phase of the battle, Cherub closed to short range at the stern of
Essex and fired broadsides into the U.S. vessel. The sloop, however,
later was forced to bear off as the fire from Essex proved damaging.
Nevertheless, the long guns of Cherub and Phoebe reduced Essex to
shambles, as the U.S. vessel was armed largely with shorter-range
carronades and could not close to proper range. As a result, Porter
was forced to surrender his vessel.
Sloops also were used as commerce raiders. An example occurred
during the Napoleonic Wars with the operations between 1798 and
1800 of the sloop Netley. Armed with 24-pounder carronades, Netley
cruised in the English Channel off the French coast and also off the
coasts of Spain and Portugal. Netley employed its high speed to run
down merchantmen—either enemy ships or neutral vessels violating
Britain’s blockade of France—and forced them to surrender. Once
the vessel had hauled down its colors, the sloop sent a boarding
party that commandeered the merchantmen and all of its cargo as
prizes of war. The vessel and cargo subsequently was sold to the
profit of the officers and captain of Netley.
Sloops were also used during the French Revolution and the
Napoleonic Wars in a corollary to commerce raiding: the imposition
of blockades. In the Age of Fighting Sail, this consisted of deploying
a cordon of warships around the coastline of an enemy power to pre-
vent the entrance or exit of merchantmen carrying supplies. Great
Britain was the principal user of this tactic and first employed a sys-
tematic blockade in the 1756–1763 Seven Years’ War. During the
French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, the British attempted to
deny France and its allies the use of the sea through a blockade of
the entire coastline of those parts of Europe under the control of
French revolutionary forces and later Napoleon. There were two ob-
jectives to this operation. The first was to starve France’s war effort
and consequently generate hardship for the people under French
rule. The second was to prevent the warships of France and its allies
from leaving their ports to prey on British shipping.
At the opening of the conflict in 1793, the British employed an
open blockade strategy. While Britain’s ships-of-the-line remained in
a state of readiness in port, a squadron of frigates sailed within vi-
sual range of French ports. They were accompanied by sloops and
smaller vessels such as cutters and schooners. Sloops, but mostly
frigates, overhauled any merchantman they encountered to ascer-
tain their destination and the nature of their cargo. If the cargo was
proven to be contraband—meaning goods that could be used for
ated, the ship’s magazine—being the storage area for powder and
shot—could blow up and obliterate everyone aboard. All told, the
decks of a sloop in the Age of Fighting Sail might literally have blood
running down their length as a result of combat. The experience of
combat in this era is well described by one seaman who related a bat-
tle where “the whole scene grew indescribably confused and horrible;
it was like some awfully tremendous thunderstorm, whose deafening
roar is attended by incessant streaks of lightening, carrying death in
every flash and strewing the ground with the victims of its wrath:
only, in our case, the scene was rendered more horrible than that, by
the presence of torrents of blood which dyed our decks.”4
Many wounded seamen who survived the nightmarish experience
of combat were confronted with being permanently crippled or dy-
ing from their wounds. Surgeons of the Age of Fighting Sail ex-
tracted splinters, set broken bones, and on many occasions ampu-
tated limbs. Oftentimes, the impact of an object severely damaged
limbs to the point where the only way to provide a chance of survival
for the wounded patient was to remove them. This procedure was
also a distinct possibility for a badly wounded sailor given the state
of medical science, which did not permit for overly complex recon-
structive surgery. Amputation did not always ensure survival. Many
subsequently died of shock or loss of blood in the operation. Aside
from these horrors, seamen had to contend with the fact that med-
ical science had not progressed far enough in the Age of Fighting
Sail concerning infection. Many died due to the festering of a
wound or fever from infection.
Sailors also suffered when their ship foundered from damage sus-
tained in battle. This occurrence was rare, as the buoyancy of wood
permitted a large amount of flooding before a warship was in danger
of foundering. When it did occur, many sailors never made it off of
their vessels, as they were trapped below decks, particularly if the
vessel capsized. Others died in the water through exposure to the ele-
ments, which was a particular danger in areas of the Atlantic Ocean.
The period spanning the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
was the golden age of warfare in the Age of Fighting Sail and per-
haps the greatest contests that showcased the roles of the sloop.
These conflicts, however, also represent the last great war at sea for
sailing sloops and, indeed, all vessels of the Age of Fighting Sail. The
years directly following the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
were the beginning of an era of enormous technological innovation
that transformed naval warfare, ended the Age of Fighting Sail, and
made the modern-day destroyer possible.
Steam propulsion was the first innovation of the new age. The po-
tential advantage of a vessel equipped with steam engines was enor-
mous. A warship that possessed them was not limited in its maneu-
vering in combat by the wind, whose direction changed on a regular
basis. The concept of steam propulsion was not new in the early
nineteenth century. James Watt, a British inventor, produced the
first moderately efficient steam engine in 1769. Even so, Watt’s cre-
ation did not herald a revolution in naval propulsion overnight due
to the fact that harnessing the power of steam was impeded by tech-
nological problems. Early steam engines were heavy and conse-
quently could not be fitted easily inside a wooden-hulled warship.
Such a weighty propulsion plant left little space for guns, stores, and
crew. If the weight of the engine, weapons, supplies, and crew ex-
ceeded the buoyancy provided by the hull, the vessel would sink. Ex-
acerbating this problem were the more conservative-minded naval
officials of the period, who maintained that sails were far more reli-
able than the new invention of steam propulsion. Consequently, the
first use of a steam engine in a vessel was not until 1783 when a
French nobleman, the Marquis Jouffroy d’Abbans, financed an un-
armed steamer named the Pyroscaphe in a trip up the River Sâone.
Others followed d’Abbans by launching steam-powered merchant
vessels and, occasionally, warships. One of the earliest examples of a
steam-engine warship came in 1793 in Great Britain when the Earl
of Stanhope envisioned a vessel using steam-driven paddles. This ex-
perimental craft was the Kent, which proved to be a failure. By 1797
the ship’s engine, after having suffered repeated breakdowns and
yielding poor performance, was removed. Attempts to incorporate
steam propulsion in warships also resulted in failure. In 1813, U.S.
inventor Robert Fulton submitted plans to the U.S. government for a
steam-powered warship. With the authorization of Congress in 1814,
Fulton oversaw construction of Demologos. Commissioned into the
U.S. Navy in June 1815, the hull of this vessel, composed of two sep-
arate hulls joined together in the configuration of a catamaran,
measured 153 feet, 2 inches by 56 feet and displaced 2,475 tons.
The armament consisted of 24 32-pounder guns. It was fitted with a
steam engine in one of its hulls, while the other housed a boiler. De-
spite the groundbreaking design, Demologos was not a success. The
propulsion plant, which delivered its power to one large paddle wheel
housed between the two hulls, could produce a maximum speed of
only 5 knots. This low speed obviated the vessel’s use as a viable war-
ship. The low speed meant the ship was never completed for service.
It probably never went to sea after its trial, being its test run.
The early experiments with steam power made its use in warships
a dubious proposition. Aside from mechanical unreliability and in-
ability to produce high speed was the glaring deficiency of fuel con-
sumption. A tremendous amount of fuel—coal at the time—was
necessary to steam short distances in the early steam-powered ships.
One such early vessel, Rhadamanthus, which was laid down in 1831
as one of the British Royal Navy’s early steamers, is an example of
the problem. This vessel was small, displacing only 813 tons, and
shipped both a steam engine and sails for propulsion. On 21 April
1833, Rhadamanthus left Plymouth, England, and became the first
British steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. By the time it
reached the island of Madeira to recoal, it had consumed 320 tons.5
This high consumption was only a fraction of what might have been
consumed had the vessel not made part of the journey through the
use of sails. The problem of fuel inefficiency is more evident
through a calculation that revealed that Rhadamanthus required
188 tons of coal to steam for 10 days.6
Yet another problem handicapped steamers like Rhadamanthus.
Early boilers were not well-machined and were subject to blowing
up if too much steam pressure was built up. This possibility posed a
threat, as boilers were seated at the bottom of the hull. The explo-
sion of a boiler could blow a hole in the bottom of the hull or the
sides below the waterline and cripple or sink the ship. Aside from
material damage, the explosion could also be costly in human life by
killing engineers and stokers who worked the engines and boilers.
Further compounding the inefficiency of early steam vessels was
transferring the power of the engines to the water to propel the ship.
The earliest machinery to accomplish this task was the paddle wheel,
giant wheels containing blades that were much like those of a water
mill and were connected to the engine plant and dipped into the sea.
Normally one was mounted on each side amidships. The paddle
wheel had numerous weaknesses when applied to warships. Fore-
most was the general inefficiency of the wheel, as the action of the
large blades hitting the water expended power that could otherwise
be used to propel the ship. There were attempts to correct this prob-
lem, such as the invention of the cycloidal wheel in 1833 that re-
placed the large blades of the wheel with narrower, staggered ones.
Such innovations proved unable to fully surmount the problem.
In addition, in a stormy, rough sea a ship had the tendency to
pitch and roll, and one of the wheels might consequently be far out
of the water while the other was far more deeply submerged than
normal. Such a situation would put an enormous amount of strain
on the machinery as one wheel encountered far more drag from the
water than the other. Finally, the paddle wheel had drawbacks in
battle. As warships of the age still mounted weaponry on their sides,
the paddle wheel in most cases decreased the number of guns that
could be mounted on the ship. The wheels also proved vulnerable
targets for enemy fire. Although most naval powers attempted to
protect them by encasing the upper halves in armored boxes, the
wheels could still be shot away and the vessel disabled.
Despite the drawbacks of steam propulsion and the paddle wheel,
the world’s major naval powers could not afford to ignore the steam
engine. The British warship Rhadamanthus and others like it were
invaluable, as the potential of steam power was great. In 1832, the
year before its voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, Rhadamanthus had
proved the value of steam power in a blockade of the Netherlands
coast in support of French operations to expel Dutch troops from
Belgium. The vessel was able to stay on station regardless of chang-
ing wind patterns. Aside from this practical consideration, it was
better in the long run to embrace the new system rather than be left
behind by other powers.
Before 1840, most steamers were small dispatch boats. British
vessels such as Rhadamanthus were the order of the day. Indeed,
France had set the precedent for this vessel in 1829 with the launch
of Sphinx, its first steam-powered warship, at the port of Brest. The
hull of Sphinx measured 151 feet, 6 inches by 26 feet, 4 inches and
displaced 777 tons. Its engine, produced in Great Britain (the
French did not start building their own steam plants until 1848),
was capable of a maximum speed of 7 knots. The vessel also was
equipped with sails. French shipyards over the next 10 years
launched 23 warships that mirrored the design of Sphinx. Other
naval powers such as Russia, the third largest naval power of the
early nineteenth century, were slow to adopt steam power despite
the recognized potential.
These early steam-powered vessels on the whole possessed so lit-
tle armament that they could hardly be considered viable warships.
The launch of the British warship Gorgon in 1837 marked a noted
departure from the dearth of weaponry. Originally rated as a first-
class paddle sloop but considered by many to be a frigate, it was a
wooden-hulled warship that measured 178 feet by 37.5 feet and dis-
placed 1,111 tons. The ship mounted two 10-inch smoothbore can-
nons, the size being the diameter of the gun barrel, and four 32-
pounder cannons. Its steam engines and paddle wheels produced a
speed of 10 knots. The portion of the paddle wheels above water was
for its composition and for the fact that it incorporated watertight
compartments, making the vessel the first warship fitted with this
innovation. The vessel’s means of propulsion consisted of a steam
engine connected to paddle wheels on each side of the ship and a
sail rig of two masts. Its armament originally consisted of two 32-
pounder cannons and four 6-pounders. A crew of 60–90 officers
and men manned the ship. This vessel was not designed as an
oceangoing craft but rather one capable of shore and river opera-
tions. Nemesis proved its worth in these capacities during the
1841–1843 First China War, a British imperial conflict. The vessel
was hit numerous times by enemy fire, but everything simply rico-
cheted off its hull. In one engagement, Nemesis was hit 14 times
without significant damage. Even so, there was a major problem
with ships built solely of iron that hampered its use in larger war-
ships. Iron proved brittle, especially in cold weather, which meant
that it could be a liability in war, as it had a tendency to crack upon
the impact of larger projectiles.
Between 1840 and 1860, despite this difficulty, experimentation
continued with iron-hulled warships. In 1842, U.S. inventor Robert
L. Stevens endeavored to produce the world’s first seagoing iron-
clad. Known as the Stevens Battery, it was never completed, but
other nations pursued Stevens’s goal. The world’s first significant
iron warship was the British-built paddle wheel steam frigate
Guadeloupe, built in 1842 and ordered by Mexico. Although many
of the iron-hulled, steam-powered warships proceeding Guadeloupe
were frigates and still larger craft, the world’s naval powers did ex-
tend iron construction to smaller ships. Great Britain’s first iron-
hulled sloops—termed corvettes at the time—were the three vessels
of the Volage class launched between 1870 and 1875. Other naval
powers produced iron-hulled steam sloops at the same time as the
launch of the Volage-class units.
The delay between the appearance of Guadeloupe and vessels like
those of the Volage class was the result of a temporary, generally
worldwide, cessation in the construction of iron-hulled warships in
the 1850s as concerns over the brittle nature of iron could not be
overcome. This cessation ended due to two technological innova-
tions that posed threats to wooden-walled vessels. The first was
posed by guns that fired shells rather than solid shot. Indeed, the
danger posed by shells to wooden walls had spurred the first use of
iron for the hulls of warships. Tests of this ordnance were con-
ducted by the British and the French between the middle eigh-
teenth century and early nineteenth century. Beginning in the
river. The river, however, moved so slowly that the mines took more
than a week to arrive at the British position, by which time many of
the warships had moved. Another model was the stationary mine,
which was anchored by a chain. This mine had the obvious draw-
back of requiring an enemy craft to pass over its position. In addition
to their having little offensive capability, these weapons also could be
employed only in shallow waters such as coastal areas and rivers.
Experiments with varying types of mines continued in the early
nineteenth century in Europe and the United States. In 1801 dur-
ing the French Napoleonic Wars, U.S. inventor Robert Fulton at-
tempted to convince Napoleon, the emperor of France, to buy his
floating mines by arguing that the best way to defeat Great Britain,
one of the emperor’s principal enemies, was to prevent the passage
into and out of the country’s ports. While Napoleon rejected the
scheme, the undaunted Fulton was able to convince the British to
invest in his weapons. Attempts in late 1804 and the subsequent
year, however, failed for essentially the same reason as Bushnell’s at-
tempt with floating mines: the weapon was at the mercy of the cur-
rents. Fulton was able to demonstrate to the British government the
destructive potential of an underwater weapon on 15 October 1805,
when he successfully detonated a mine against a vessel captured by
the British. The force of the explosion tore the hull of the vessel in
half, making it the first ship of large size to be destroyed by a mine.
Despite this success, the British withdrew their support of Fulton.
The problem of motive power remained one of the chief drawbacks
of the weapon, which continued to render it largely a defensive
Attempts to increase offensive potential produced mines that
were attached to vessels that could propel them toward a target.
These were the earliest torpedoes. Two types predominated by the
middle nineteenth century. The first was the towed mine, attached
to the stern of a vessel by a rope or chain. The second became
known as the spar torpedo, which consisted of a mine attached to
the end of a wooden beam that projected a little more than 30 feet
over the bow of the ship that employed it. Spar torpedoes showcased
the potential of an offensive mine in the U.S. Civil War (1861–
1865). The value of this type, however, was dubious. If an attacking
vessel was successful in detonating a spar torpedo against the hull of
an enemy ship, the nearby blast could easily damage the hull of the
attacking warship. The ramifications of this problem were evident
through the experience of the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley.
On 17 February 1864, H. L. Hunley, armed with a spar torpedo,
sank the Union steam sloop Housatonic, giving it the dubious dis-
tinction of being the first warship destroyed by a submarine in his-
tory. The explosion, however, probably damaged the H. L. Hunley’s
hull, and it sank while trying to return to shore with the loss of its
Naval officials of the great maritime powers in subsequent years
believed that further development of the torpedo was necessary to
make it a viable weapon of naval warfare. This development oc-
curred in 1868 with the introduction of the Whitehead self-pro-
pelled torpedo. In 1865, Captain Giovanni Luppis of the Austrian
Navy had plans for a remote-controlled craft fitted with a spar tor-
pedo. An attacker could afford to lose the small boat provided that it
was unmanned. Luppis’s lack of success led him to solicit the help
of British engineer Robert Whitehead, who in 1867 produced an
improvement on the Austrian officer’s idea. His invention dispensed
with the remote-controlled craft through the inclusion of propulsion
machinery and the explosive charge in one casing. His torpedo con-
sisted of a metal tube in which a 300-pound explosive charge was
housed in the front. Behind it was enclosed a compartment full of
compressed air, stored at a pressure of 370 pounds per square inch,
that drove a motor that could produce a maximum speed of 7 knots.
Although the range of this weapon was only 200 yards at this maxi-
mum speed and only 300 yards at a reduced velocity, this develop-
ment was an enormous improvement that addressed the old prob-
lem of motive power for an underwater weapon. In 1868,
Whitehead showcased improved designs of torpedoes of both 14
inches and 16 inches in diameter that could travel up to 700 yards
at the maximum speed of 7 knots. This convinced the British of the
military potential of Whitehead’s torpedo, and they bought the
rights to Whitehead’s invention.
British naval officials then faced the question of what type of ves-
sel should be used to deploy the new weapon. A committee set up in
1872 to examine the question produced three ideas. The first envi-
sioned the construction of very small launches that could be stored
on the decks of capital ships—at this time meaning battleships—and
deployed in battle. A second proposal was fitting torpedo tubes into
the hulls of conventional warships such as battleships and cruisers.
This latter proposal found favor, and by 1880 many warships of the
British Royal Navy carried torpedoes as part of their armament.
More important for the history of the destroyer, however, was the last
suggestion, which called for the construction of specialized smaller
boats designed to mount torpedoes as their principal armament.
sels were Rattlesnake and its three sister ships. Completed in 1888,
the hulls measured 200 feet by 23 feet by 10 feet, 4 inches and dis-
placed 550 tons. Each ship was armed with one breech-loading 5-
inch gun and six 3-pounder weapons to attack enemy torpedo boats.
The inclusion of the breech-loading weapon represents a further
technological innovation in naval warfare that became a permanent
feature on warships. Breechloaders had been in existence for cen-
turies and were first tried at sea aboard the French battleship Gloire
in 1858, but the French and other navies had reverted to the use of
muzzle loaders owing to the poor seal between gun and breech,
which allowed gases to escape while firing and could lead to the
bursting of the gun. Advances in breechloaders in the 1870s led to
the readoption of the weapon. This type of gun was far more de-
structive than the old muzzle loaders, as it could be loaded far more
In addition to its guns, Rattlesnake and its sister ships were also
armed with four 14-inch torpedo tubes. Unlike later torpedo boat
catchers, these ships also incorporated a .75-inch protective deck of
armor to shield machinery and engines from plunging gunfire. They
were manned by a crew of 66 officers and men. The maximum
speed of 19.25 knots was provided by a new engine, yet another of
the many technological innovations of the day. First introduced in
the mid-1870s and perfected in 1881, this development was known
as the triple-expansion engine. Its giant pistons compressed steam
from the boilers in three stages. This process increased the power of
the engine. Triple-expansion engines could generate steam pres-
sures of 60 pounds per square inch as opposed to compound en-
gines that produced between 25 and 30 pounds per square inch.
The new propulsion plant also consumed less fuel due to greater ef-
ficiency. The result was that a ship equipped with the triple-expan-
sion engine could steam greater distances without the need to re-
coal and could keep station against the increasingly seaworthy boats
of opposing navies.
Although armed with torpedoes, Rattlesnake and craft of the
same design became known in the British service as torpedo gun-
boats (designation: TGB). Between 1892 and 1894, Britain built an-
other three classes of TGB that numbered 32 boats. Each class was
progressively larger; maximum speeds ranged from 18 to 19 knots.
An example is a vessel of the Dryad class that measured 250 feet pp
(the length of a ship from the perpendicular bulkhead in the bow to
that of the stern) by 30 feet, 6 inches by 11 feet, 6 inches and dis-
placed 1,070 tons. It was armed with five 18-inch torpedo tubes,
two 4.7-inch guns, four 6-pounders, and one machine gun. The ves-
sel’s triple-expansion engine produced a maximum speed of 18.2
knots. The crew complement was 120 officers and men.
These first torpedo boat catchers, despite being an innovative de-
sign, proved ineffective due to a host of problems. The biggest was
that the vessels were too slow to hunt down the torpedo boats they
were designed to destroy. For instance, French torpedo boats
launched in 1887 were capable of a maximum speed of 20 knots.
The early torpedo boat catchers were also still limited in range de-
spite the increase in size and were not very seaworthy owing to their
lightly built hulls and low freeboards. Finally, the torpedo boat
catchers were unreliable. Their locomotive boilers strained to pro-
duce the steam necessary to attain high speeds and the vibration of
the reciprocating triple-expansion engines could shake fragile hulls
apart. With the exception of speed, problems would continue to
plague destroyers up to World War I.
Despite such shortcomings, however, the need to pursue better
designs received further reinforcement from experiences of torpedo
attacks around the world. In the 1891 Chilean civil war, the battle-
ship Blanco Encalada was sunk by the torpedo boat Almirante
Lynch. This case merely reinforced the threat of the torpedo to big
surface warships and was the first time that a self-propelled torpedo
sank an armored vessel. Further reinforcement was provided at the
same time by the alarming numbers of torpedo boats in world
navies. By 1890, Great Britain had 186 torpedo boats, but France
and Russia operated 220 and 152, respectively. Other powers also
had high numbers of the craft. Germany possessed 143, while Italy
maintained 129 torpedo boats.4 These craft were increasingly sea-
worthy and carried torpedoes of increasing range.
This environment led the British in 1892 to establish a new de-
sign committee to examine designs of the torpedo boat catcher.
Called in March 1892 by Admiral John Fisher, Third Sea Lord and
controller of the navy, who placed great faith in technological inno-
vation, it was tasked with the job of producing a ship capable of a
maximum speed of 27 knots. This vessel became known as a torpedo
boat destroyer (designation: TBD); the name was subsequently
shortened to destroyer by the turn of the century. Basically an en-
larged torpedo boat, its primary purpose remained defense of the
battle fleet against torpedo attack, but as a portent of the future the
idea existed that this vessel could also assume the torpedo boat’s
role of mounting torpedo attacks. These warships therefore main-
tained a mixed armament of guns and torpedoes.
top speed was 26.7 knots, only a fraction below the Admiralty’s re-
quirement and thus acceptable, and was provided partially through
an early effort to streamline the hull. This innovation was the turtle-
back bow, distinguished by the main deck forward being a rounded
shape in order for seawater to cascade over it as the vessel, which
maintained a low freeboard, plowed through the water.
Besides being the first destroyers, one of the ships, Hornet, repre-
sents an example of destroyers as a testing ground for new technol-
ogy. Destroyers, being cheap and quick to build, would oftentimes
be used in this capacity in subsequent years. Unlike Havock,
equipped with locomotive boilers, Hornet was fitted with new water-
tube boilers, a design that was pioneered by France. Instead of the
old boilers that burned coal to heat air in copper tubing that subse-
quently heated water and produced the steam that drove the en-
gines, the water tube reversed the process. These boilers contained
the water within the tubing itself that passed through the fires of the
boiler. Steam pressure was consequently contained in the tubing
rather than outside and thus reduced the risk of a boiler explosion.
The results were twofold. First, the thickness of the boiler shell
could be reduced and thus saved weight. Also, steam pressure could
be increased more rapidly. This meant that a ship equipped with wa-
ter-tube boilers could raise steam much faster and increase its speed
in a much shorter amount of time. These advantages constituted a
great increase in the effectiveness of destroyers, which relied on
speed to intercept torpedo boats. If used offensively in torpedo at-
tacks, the destroyer would also benefit from being able to conduct
faster attacks, thus giving the opposing gun crews less time to react,
and being exposed for a lesser amount of time to the guns of a
slower opponent. The time necessary to build a ship with water-tube
boilers was longer, so Havock was technically the world’s first de-
stroyer, being launched five months before its sister ship. Despite
this drawback, the water-tube boiler proved a success. Although the
maximum speed of Hornet was only a fraction higher than its loco-
motive-boilered counterpart, the vessel was more reliable.
Both Havock and Hornet represented a far more viable solution to
the threat of the torpedo boat than past designs of the torpedo boat
catchers. This fact was proven during the 1894 fleet training ma-
neuvers of the Royal Navy, during which Havock overtook two tor-
pedo boats. On the basis of this success, these two ships proved to
be the first of a series of destroyers that have become known as the
26-knotters. Thornycroft’s answer to Yarrow’s vessels, Daring and
Decoy, were slightly faster but similarly armed. All subsequent de-
signs from private yards of this type were generally the same in di-
mension, speed, and armament to satisfy the requirements of the
Admiralty. Even so, these destroyers were still not fast enough to
catch some of the latest French-built torpedo boats. An example is
Forban, launched in 1895; it could attain a maximum speed of 29
As a result, the British continued to develop the design of the de-
stroyer with the chief requirement being speed. This effort led to
new groups of destroyers. The first of these were known as the 27-
knotters, totaling 36 vessels that were completed between 1895 and
1901. The 27-knotters were followed by the still faster 30-knotters
that eventually numbered 65 triple expansion–engined warships.
These were built primarily by those private firms that had enjoyed
success through construction of units of the past types. The 30-
knotters, completed between 1896 and 1902, possessed larger hulls
to house the more powerful machinery needed to attain the extra
knots sought by the Admiralty. An example of them is a design by
Thornycroft that led to the launching in 1897 of some of the first of
the type. The hull of Desperate displaced 310 tons, measured 210
feet by 19 feet, 6 inches by 7 feet and, like the previous type, was
unarmored. It was armed with one 12-pounder gun, five 6-pounder
weapons, and two 18-inch torpedo tubes. The triple-expansion en-
gines of the craft produced a maximum speed of 30 knots. Crew
complement consisted of 63 officers and men. Other firms built
similar vessels of the same armament that accommodated an identi-
cal number of people. The chief differences between them lay in
their hull dimensions.
Despite being great improvements over the old torpedo boat
catchers and TGBs of the Rattlesnake type, both the 27-knotters
and 30-knotters shared many of the design problems of their prede-
cessors. Due to the great emphasis on speed, these vessels were
lightly built and their engines strained to meet the requirements of
the Admiralty. Oftentimes, these vessels ran their trials lightly
loaded, as it was the only way to attain the necessary speed that
would lead the Admiralty to purchase the vessels from their private
manufacturers. If a destroyer failed to meet its designed speed, the
ship might still be purchased, but with financial penalties based on
how far short the speed fell from that specified.
As the engines were very lightly built to save weight, the strain at
high speed oftentimes led to mechanical failure. This should not be
surprising, as oftentimes the boilers needed nonstop stoking to the
point where the furnaces glowed white-hot and the stokers needed
colored glasses to protect their eyes from the heat and extreme light.
The vibration of the triple-expansion engines, despite having been
balanced to reduce the problem in 1892, received the steam from
the boilers and produced enormous strain on the flimsy hulls. Their
hull plating was only .125 inches thick, which meant that the shak-
ing motion of the engine could tear or warp the plates and lead to
flooding that might sink the ship. One of the most striking examples
of the problem of great propulsion power in a light hull is that of the
destroyer Chamois. The propeller of this ship flew off its shaft dur-
ing trials, sliced into the thin plating of the stern, and produced
flooding that sank the vessel.
Rather than strange misfortunes like that suffered by Chamois,
the majority of the strain on a destroyer’s hull was the product of
day-to-day operations at sea. In rough seas, crewmen reported that
the entire hull would visibly flex; either the deck or the keel, being
the spine or bottom of the ship, could warp or split from the stress.
Other accounts mention that plates would sometimes rupture or
water would seep through the hull at the joints where each plate
met the other. As these ships also still possessed low freeboards,
crashing seas could easily damage the bridge and equipment
mounted on the main deck. The conning position of these ships,
which housed the wheel and telegraphs to communicate to the en-
gine room, was normally surrounded by thin plate that was just as
susceptible to the pounding seas as the hull.
The actual bridge from which the commander directed the opera-
tion of the ship was enclosed by canvas, which could easily be swept
away by the sea as water traveled over the turtleback bow and
crashed into it. In many instances, the forward section of the ship
might completely submerge, leading some commanders to navigate
from a secondary control position in the aft portion of the vessel. A
specific example of this action comes from the experience of Com-
mander Roger Keyes, who began his career as a destroyer captain
and later became a noted commander of World War I. Keyes related
that the bridge of one of his destroyer commands was oftentimes
submerged feet deep in water as the ship plowed through heavy
In addition to these problems of seaworthiness, the small hull of a
destroyer did not allow for the storage of appreciable amounts of
fuel and provisions for the crew, resulting in a ship that had to port
frequently for replenishment. The early destroyers, consequently,
were still ships that could not operate for long periods of time at sea
with the battle fleets that they were primarily meant to defend.
Added to all of these drawbacks was the fact that, despite being
quicker, the 30-knotters were still only fractionally faster than
France’s fastest torpedo boats. The Admiralty was aware of this fact
and commissioned work on 33-knot destroyers, but these were fail-
ures due to technological limitations posed by the triple-expansion
engine. The 30-knotters proved to be near the limit of the capacity
of the existing propulsion machinery. Three 33-knot destroyers were
built, but none of them achieved the desired speed. Indeed, two of
these spent more than a year running trials to attain the specified 33
knots while the strain on the engines of one of the destroyers during
trials led to serious damage of the machinery.
A further technological innovation held the promise of breaking
the threshold of speed set by triple-expansion engines and of reliev-
ing some of the structural problems experienced in the early destroy-
ers that resulted from their use. As with the 27-knotters, the 30-
knotters were also used as a proving ground for advances in
propulsion and machinery. A subset of the latter type were equipped
with turbine engines rather than the old reciprocating type. Invented
by British engineer Charles Parsons, the turbine engine consisted of
steam being passed from the boilers through a series of nozzles,
where it gained velocity as it was pushed through them. This steam
then passed through an engine that consisted of a series of blades at-
tached to a rotor, which subsequently turned it and produced
propulsion for the craft. The turbine made its debut on 26 June
1897, aboard Turbina, a 103-foot yacht, at the Naval Review at Spit-
head that was part of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. While naval
vessels slowly steamed in a line-ahead formation—a straight line
composed of vessels—as part of the naval review, Turbina broke from
the group and steamed the length of the review line. Boats were dis-
patched to try and stop Turbina, captained by Parsons himself, but
none could match the new craft’s 34-knot speed. This display took
place in front of Queen Victoria and assembled nobility from Eu-
rope, as well as high-ranking naval officials at the celebration.
The display of Turbina led the Admiralty to commission with pri-
vate shipyards for the construction of destroyers equipped with the
turbine engine. The result was the commission in 1900 of Viper, the
first naval vessel in the world equipped with turbine engines. The
hull of Viper measured 210 feet, 3.5 inches (pp) by 21 feet and dis-
placed 344 tons. Like its predecessors, it was armed with one 12-
pounder gun, five 6-pounder weapons, and two 18-inch torpedo
tubes. The turbine engines produced an impressive maximum speed
of 33.75 knots. In the same year, a second vessel, Cobra, was pur-
all the exterior and interior surfaces of the craft and choked the
sailors. In these conditions, it is not surprising that the Admiralty of-
fered hard-lying money, an appropriately named compensatory pay,
to destroyer crews in addition to regular wages.
This money was considered necessary due not only to poor living
conditions in general but also to the destroyer’s light construction,
which placed crewmen in far more danger. The reciprocating triple-
expansion engines of the majority of these ships posed the most se-
vere problem. As the ships reached full speed and the machinery
strained, stokers and other engine-room personnel would hurriedly
try to pour oil on the machinery to lubricate it and avoid a break-
down. One individual described this as a situation where one would
“pour on the oil and trust in Providence.”7 Breakdowns could lead to
catastrophic situations as the machinery commenced to tear itself
and the ship apart as it continued to move. One destroyer of this pe-
riod experienced a piston punching through its keel, and another
had a piston break loose and launch itself through the main deck.
Aside from the problem of maintaining machinery, destroyer crews
also faced the horrible possibility of a collision with another vessel
that could slice through the light hull. In some cases, collisions re-
sulted in the ship being completely carved in half by larger warships.
Despite all the difficulties, the value of the destroyer was recog-
nized by the British and all the other naval powers of the era. Na-
tions consequently embarked on destroyer production in the wake
of the launching of Britain’s first craft. By 1892, France had experi-
mented heavily with the torpedo and built large numbers of torpedo
boats as a consequence of Jeune École thought. Among the types
pursued by the French, in tandem with the continued construction
of torpedo boats, was a design for a ship that was much like the
British Havock. France’s first true destroyers were the four ships of
the Durandal class that were launched between 1899 and 1900.
The hull of Durandal measured 188 feet, 8 inches by 20 feet, 8
inches by 10 feet, 5 inches and displaced 296 tons; its appearance
resembled that of the British boats through its turtleback bow. Its
armament consisted of one 2.5-inch gun and six 1.8-inch weapons
as well as two 15-inch torpedo tubes. Like all of France’s first de-
stroyers, the ship was equipped with triple-expansion engines that
produced a maximum speed of 26 knots.
The intended use of the Durandal-class destroyers was ambigu-
ous owing to chaos in the strategic planning of French naval offi-
cials by the turn of the century. The influence of the Jeune École
had declined somewhat, but debate raged between advocates of it
pitz as secretary of the state for the navy, who was also a believer in
an oceangoing navy, in 1897 led to new naval building programs to
this end. In 1898, Germany passed the First Naval Law that dealt
primarily with the construction of capital ships. Destroyers were in-
cluded in the 1900 Second Naval Law that called for a fleet com-
prising 38 battleships, 20 armored cruisers, 38 light cruisers, and 96
destroyers by 1920. These plans heralded the beginning of a naval
arms race with Great Britain that would be one factor leading to the
outbreak of World War I.
The first of these destroyers, and Germany’s first domestically
built units, were the 12 destroyers of the German S.90 class. Con-
structed by the German firm Schichau between 1898 and 1901,
these ships were unlike the British models in two respects. First, the
armament resembled an enlarged torpedo boat. It was composed of
three 17.7-inch torpedo tubes and three 1.9-inch guns. The light
gun armament was due to the fact that Germany emphasized the
role of torpedo attacks on capital ships for destroyers rather than de-
fense versus opposing torpedo boats. Second, the Germans focused
on the production of more strongly built hulls at the expense of
some speed to provide greater seaworthiness. The result was a vessel
whose triple-expansion engines produced a maximum speed of 26.5
These ships were, however, far better sea boats than their British
counterparts due in part to the use of a raised forecastle instead of a
turtleback bow. This greatly increased the freeboard, meaning that
water did not cascade over the bow with the same ferocity as on
turtleback boats. It also allowed for the storage of greater provisions
and better crew accommodations. This hull configuration, which
was also being developed in the United States, would soon make a
great impression on other naval powers. Between 1901 and 1902,
three more classes were built for a total of 20 additional ships.
These were generally armed in the same manner and were slow in
relation to their British rivals.
Japan also embarked on the construction of destroyers. Following
the 1853 arrival of a U.S. naval force under the command of Com-
modore Matthew Perry, the Japanese looked to transforming their
country from a largely medieval one into a modern industrialized na-
tion to combat Western influence that threatened their security.
Naval construction was at first difficult owing to internal instability,
a result of quickly implemented reforms. A proposed naval construc-
tion plan in 1873 was consequently shelved, and the first orders for
a new naval program were not placed until two years later. The ma-
jority of these first ships were built through contracts with foreign
shipyards, as those of the Japanese were not yet very advanced and
the economy was still in the process of industrialization.
In 1879 the Japanese contracted for four torpedo boats with the
British shipyard Yarrow. Others followed with various firms as the
Japanese embraced the ideas of the French Jeune École on the
value of small craft armed with torpedoes. These vessels also found
favor with Japanese government officials because they were cheap
to build and offered the possibility of a weaker naval power success-
fully combating a more powerful enemy. An 1896 10-year naval ex-
pansion bill heralded the beginning of the domestic Japanese de-
stroyer program. This legislation called for 23 destroyers and
eventually led to the construction by 1902 of four classes that com-
prised 15 ships. All of them were British designs and thus resembled
British craft. An example is the two-ship Shirakumo class. The Shi-
rakumo measured 216 feet by 20 feet, 9 inches by 6 feet and dis-
placed 342 tons. It was armed with two 12-pounder guns, four 6-
pound pieces, and two 18-inch torpedo tubes. Possessing a
turtleback bow, its triple-expansion engines produced a maximum
speed of 31 knots.
Italy also pursued the construction of vessels armed with torpe-
does. Like Germany and Japan, the country was still in the process
of becoming a modern industrialized power in the second half of the
nineteenth century. Following the process of Italian unification that
began in the early 1860s, naval construction was low. The Italian
Navy had suffered a serious defeat to the Austrians in the 1866 Bat-
tle of Lissa during the Austro-Prussian War. This loss brought dis-
favor on the navy and a decline in naval expenditures. By the early
1880s, the budget of the Italian Navy was still below that before the
Battle of Lissa. Nevertheless, the Italians did invest in torpedo
In 1878 the Italians procured their first torpedo boat from
Thornycroft of Britain and constructed their first craft seven years
later. Due to Italy’s geographic position, small craft like torpedo
boats were desirable, as they did not experience as many problems
with seaworthiness. The Mediterranean Sea encounters far less
stormy weather than areas such as the North Sea and the Pacific
Ocean. In addition, the size of the Mediterranean obviated some of
the problems of endurance, as there were smaller areas of operation.
Despite the interest in torpedo boats, however, the Italians were
latecomers in the production of destroyers. Capital ships were under
construction in Italian shipyards in the late nineteenth century, but
speed of only 17.5 knots. This low speed is primarily the reason why
these vessels cannot be considered true destroyers. The state of Aus-
tro-Hungarian production would improve with time, but these ves-
sels exhibited the fact that the empire had much ground to cover to
produce a ship comparable to those of other navies.
By the turn of the twentieth century, the combat role attached to
the destroyer began to change in the face of technological advances.
The original mission of the destroyer, with the notable exceptions of
the French and Germans, who viewed them from an early stage as
offensive warships, was to hunt down and destroy enemy torpedo
boats that attempted to launch torpedo attacks against the battle-
ships of a fleet. New destroyers, however, were far better craft over-
all than the torpedo boats that they were designed to destroy. The
result was a move away from the production of torpedo boats in fa-
vor of construction only of destroyers. Their torpedoes allowed them
to assume the offensive duty of the torpedo boat while retaining
their original function as defensive units against opposing torpedo
craft. Destroyers became progressively better vessels in light of this
shift and would consequently become one of the most important
units of every nation’s battle fleet.
Further advancement in the design of destroyers had been initi-
ated in part by the Germans with the introduction of the raised fore-
castle. Throughout the period between 1902 and 1914, other naval
powers pursued similar improvements. One of these was the United
States, which built ships of the same hull configuration as the Ger-
mans. Naval constructors in the United States had been working on
improving seaworthiness at the same time as those in Germany and
produced the same innovation. The five ships of the Bainbridge
class were all commissioned in 1902 and were the first multiple-unit
class of destroyer in the U.S. Navy. The hulls measured 250 feet by
23 feet, 7 inches by 6 feet, 6 inches and displaced 420 tons. Their
armament consisted of two 3-inch guns, five 6-pounder weapons,
and two 18-inch torpedo tubes. Equipped with the raised forecastle,
the triple-expansion engine of this ship produced a maximum speed
of 29 knots. Like the Germans, U.S. constructors saw a slight de-
crease in speed as acceptable in exchange for greater seaworthiness
and habitability that would enable these ships to travel to far-flung
U.S. bases like those in the Pacific Ocean.
Significantly, these vessels still lacked the seaworthiness neces-
sary to remain at sea for extended operations. They were, however,
able to project U.S. power by traveling to distant possessions. The
vessels of this class spent the majority of their careers based in the
U.S. possession of the Philippines. The Bainbridge class was the be-
ginning of a great increase in U.S. destroyer production that focused
primarily on craft designed for the role of defense against torpedo
attacks, as the battleship was the mainstay of the U.S. Navy. The 11
additional units, of five classes, that were commissioned by 1903
were generally similar to the Bainbridge class in terms of armament,
although three of the groups were a reversion to the turtleback bow
Subsequent vessels became progressively larger in the continuing
quest for greater seaworthiness. In 1908 and 1909, the five-ship
Smith class was launched. Each unit measured 293 feet, 8 inches by
26 feet by 8 feet and displaced 700 tons. The armament consisted of
five 3-inch guns and three 18-inch torpedo tubes. These vessels
were the first U.S. destroyers equipped with turbine engines and
could steam at a maximum speed of 28 knots. The proceeding 10
ships of the Paulding class, launched between 1909 and 1910, were
virtual repeats of the Smith class. The key difference was the use of
oil-fired boilers rather than those that used coal. These ships are
therefore significant as the first U.S. destroyers to employ this fuel.
All subsequent destroyer classes employed oil rather than coal. Fol-
lowing a repeat class of 11 ships launched between 1910 and 1912,
the United States produced the first of what became known as the
1,000 tonners. These vessels were built especially for seaworthiness
and endurance. The first group of the 1,000 tonners was the Cassin
class comprising eight ships. The hull of Cassin measured 305 feet,
5 inches by 30 feet, 2 inches and displaced 1,010 tons. It mounted
four 4-inch guns and eight 18-inch torpedo tubes, making it the
most heavily armed type of U.S. destroyer to date. To stay at sea for
the longest time possible, Cassin was equipped with reciprocating
engines for cruising and turbines when it was necessary to attain the
ship’s maximum speed of 29 knots. The final class of six ships that
were laid down before the outbreak of World War I in August 1914
were merely improvements on the design of the previous group. Two
of these were launched before the beginning of the conflict. The
Cassin class and those similar to it represent the culmination of a
tremendous effort to make destroyers more seaworthy vessels capa-
ble of extended operations at sea with battle fleets. Other navies em-
barked on the same course.
Great Britain, in the midst of a naval arms race with Germany, al-
tered its construction plans for destroyers in much the same way as
the United States. By the early twentieth century, British naval offi-
cials realized that the emphasis on speed at the cost of seaworthi-
River class into their own ships. Great Britain was once again billed
as the world’s leading destroyer designer.
Subsequent British destroyer development followed along the
lines of the River class, although there were some notable excep-
tions in the years directly following that group’s completion. These
were the result of John Fisher, First Sea Lord of the Admiralty.
Throughout his 1904–1910 term in office, Fisher experimented
with destroyer design and ultimately their combat role. Always a be-
liever in employing the latest technological innovations, Fisher over-
saw the next three destroyer designs, which produced mixed results.
The smallest were the 36-ship Cricket-class destroyers. Launched
between 1906 and 1909, their hulls measured 180 feet by 17 feet, 6
inches by 6 feet and displaced 255 tons. They were armed with two
12-pounder guns and three 18-inch torpedo tubes. Their engines
represented a return to turbines, a feature of all future British de-
stroyer classes of this age, and these could produce a maximum
speed of 26 knots. This feature is a reflection of Fisher’s belief in
employing new technology.
A further example of this is the use of oil-fired boilers rather than
coal-fired ones. This feature made the Cricket-class destroyers the
first in the world to use oil fuel. Despite this advance, these ships
were of limited value. Fisher had intended them to be coastal de-
stroyers that supplemented the second class of larger ships. As a re-
sult, these craft were not very seaworthy and were a sharp contrast
to the destroyer production programs of other countries. The larger
counterparts of the Cricket class also suffered somewhat from
Fisher’s direction. The first of these were the 12 units of the Tribal
class. Launched between 1907 and 1909, the dimensions and dis-
placements varied because the British continued the practice of
contracting with private shipyards. One unit, Afridi, will suffice as
an example of these ships. Its hull measured 250 (pp) by 24 feet, 6
inches by 10 feet and displaced 855 tons.
Owing to Fisher’s belief in the efficacy of large-caliber guns,
Afridi mounted two 4-inch guns, three 12-pounders, and two 18-
inch torpedo tubes. Its oil-fired turbine engines could produce a
maximum speed of 33 knots. The principal problem with these ves-
sels was their armament. Although the smaller guns were a quick-
firing model, the largest guns were regular breechloaders as the
technology had not progressed to the point where guns of this size
could be made effectively with the quick-firing advance. Since
British destroyers were primarily designed to ward off torpedo at-
tacks, the rate of fire was crucial to sinking enemy vessels before
they closed into torpedo range. This defect, however, was a slight
one in comparison to the one-ship Swift class.
Swift represents not only Fisher’s desire for a large vessel to lead
destroyers into battle but also his belief that larger destroyers could
assume the duties of light cruisers. These roles include commerce
protection and scouting. The hull of this ship measured 353 feet, 9
inches by 34 feet, 2 inches by 10 feet, 6 inches and displaced a very
large 2,170 tons. It was armed with four 4-inch breechloaders and
two 18-inch torpedo tubes. Its maximum speed was 35 knots. This
vessel proved a technological failure. Fisher wanted a ship that
could reach 36 knots, as he was a firm believer in speed as an ad-
vantage in battle, but Swift could not attain it. Indeed, while the
ship was launched in 1907 and completed sometime later, the Ad-
miralty did not accept the ship until 1920. In addition, the high fuel
consumption and low seaworthiness of the craft made it impossible
to assume the duties of a light cruiser. Swift was an extreme design
and was not attempted again, but the concept of the destroyer
leader would persist, and new vessels would be constructed with
this task in mind.
Following the construction of two more River-class destroyers
that represented a reversion to the use of turtleback bows, the Admi-
ralty returned to designs that more closely matched that of the
River-class destroyers. Sixteen ships of the Beagle class were
launched between 1909 and 1910 and were a more heavily armed
version of the Rivers. They are primarily significant for the fact that
they were the last British destroyers to use coal rather than oil. This
reversion was a result of fears in the British government over the
availability of oil from the Middle East in time of war. Between 1910
and 1914, the British designed five more classes of destroyers, with
85 units being complete before the outbreak of war. The last of
these, the M class, as all of the vessels in the class had names begin-
ning with “M,” is a prime example of the state of British destroyer
technology by World War I. Only one unit, Miranda, was launched
by August 1914. Its hull measured 269 feet, 6 inches by 25 feet, 7.5
inches by 9 feet, 6 inches and displaced 850 tons. Its gun armament
consisted of three 4-inch guns, which were now a new quick-firing
model. The larger, uniform gun armament was the result of the Ad-
miralty’s belief that the old 12-pounder gun was too small because
the size of gunnery weapons had increased substantially by this
time. These guns had small shields mounted around them to protect
the crew from flying splinters that were generated by exploding
shells. They could not resist a direct hit, however, from even light
fleet to protect its vast geographic area, but it was also necessary
due to the onset of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). This con-
flict stemmed from a clash of imperial interests between Russia and
Japan on the Asian mainland, principally Korea. The war proved
devastating for the Russians, who lost the bulk of their fleet, includ-
ing 21 destroyers, in the first defeat of a modern European power by
an Asian nation. By the conclusion of the war, Russia had slipped
from third to sixth on the list of the world’s most powerful navies.
Subsequent destroyer production before World War I was only able
to address wartime losses. As a result, the Russian destroyer fleet by
1914 was only slightly larger than that of France.
The first new Russian destroyer was not ordered until 1909 in
part because of the diversion of resources to combat popular unrest
over the strain caused by the war. It, like all future destroyers, was
designed and built solely in a domestic shipyard. This vessel, Novik,
was launched in 1911 and was a continuation of the Russian ten-
dency to build larger destroyers like the U.S. 1,000 tonners. Its hull
measured 336 feet, 3 inches by 31 feet, 3 inches by 9 feet, 10
inches and displaced 1,280 tons. It was armed with four 4-inch
guns, eight 18-inch torpedo tubes, and 60 mines in keeping with the
Russian belief in using destroyers as minelayers. Its turbine engines
produced a maximum speed of 36 knots. Due to its propulsion
plant, this destroyer is significant for Russia as the first to use both
turbines and oil fuel. The other group produced before the war, the
nine-ship Bespokoiny class, was a variation of Novik. A difference,
however, was the inclusion of two 1.8-inch guns. These were for use
against enemy aircraft. The development of the airplane, while still
in its infancy, had already gotten the attention of Russian naval offi-
cials due to the potential of air attack. World War I would provide a
proving ground for antiaircraft armament such as that carried on
these Russian craft.
Japan continued to build destroyers as part of its naval expansion
program, but most of the units launched between 1902 and 1914
continued to be either ships contracted in British shipyards or those
built in Japan to a British design. This was in part the result of the
great degree of cooperation between Japan and Britain that was the
result of the 1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance, a defensive agreement.
By 1909, the Japanese had 39 new destroyers at their disposal that
remained a rather small design like those of the past. The next class,
however, represented a Japanese move toward larger destroyers in-
corporating the most modern technology available. The two ships of
the Umikaze class, launched between 1910 and 1911, possessed
the empire’s first destroyer design since Fulmine; they were also the
first large destroyers for the fleet. The hull of Tatra was 273 feet, 11
inches by 25 feet, 7 inches by 9 feet, 10 inches and displaced 850
tons. It was the first destroyer for the empire that used turbine en-
gines, which could produce a maximum speed of 32.6 knots.
Mounted on this hull were two 3.9-inch guns, six 2.5-inch guns,
and four 17.7-inch torpedo tubes.
By the outbreak of World War I on 1 August 1914, the destroyer
was the most numerous type of warship in the navies of the mar-
itime powers. Great Britain led the world with 228 destroyers in ser-
vice. Germany operated 154 vessels and thereby had the second-
greatest destroyer power. Russia possessed 105 destroyers, but many
of these were of older designs. The other powers possessed fewer
ships, but they would prove no less significant in the conflict that
was about to unfold: France maintained 84 destroyers, although
many of these were not capable of service in open seas; the United
States operated 54, most being modern ships; Japan followed closely
with 50; Italy had 32; and Austria-Hungary maintained 26.8 All told,
the combatant powers of World War I possessed 703 destroyers.
These would prove invaluable not only in the primary tasks envi-
sioned for them in the prewar years but also in new roles. By the end
of the conflict, destroyers would be multi-role vessels that per-
formed more duties than any other type of warship.
Destroyers throughout their history to this point had changed lit-
tle in one aspect: Everyday life continued to be harsher than for
sailors aboard bigger ships. The raised forecastles of destroyers had
allowed for less cramped living and eating quarters, but amenities
such as libraries on bigger ships were still impossible. All but the
newest destroyers in operation by World War I continued to have
electrical lighting in only the engine room areas, making the lives of
officers and crewmen alike a dreary one after sunset, when only oil
lamps were available.9 Even these had to be used sparingly due to
the threat of fire if the pitching and rolling in heavy seas broke one.
Food remained much as it was in the age of sail in terms of quality. A
common description by sailors of the meat of this era was that it re-
sembled a piece of wood.
One of the few amenities aboard that had changed markedly for
the better were toilet facilities. In most of the destroyers produced
in the twentieth century, both officers and crewmen used enclosed
toilets located below deck. Some ships had facilities for the officers
equipped with washbasins while the crew still had to bathe on deck.
Despite rough conditions, these ships were seen by young officers
and crewmen as the first step in a career. There were never any
shortages of men who volunteered specifically for destroyer duty
given this fact. In addition, the discipline aboard was on the whole
not as harsh as on bigger ships. Even the newest destroyers only had
about 70 men aboard, while the newest battleships carried a com-
plement of more than 1,000 officers and ratings. As a result, there
was a sense of camaraderie in destroyers lacking in larger ships.
Each individual knew the other as part of a close-knit community
where all shared the same hardships. These men also bonded as part
of the romantic air in the public sphere that surrounded destroyer
men, who were seen as brave, tough, and dedicated to their duty de-
spite adverse conditions.
Another aspect of life for sailors—recruitment and education—
did change substantially by the outbreak of war. This did not appear
until the early twentieth century. Before this time, the educational
methods of some naval powers were ancient. The best example was
France, whose naval training consisted of largely experience rather
than schooling. Although the manning of the navy was partly volun-
tary and some soldiers in the army were conscripted into service, the
majority of France’s sailors were procured through the Inscription
Maritime. This was established in 1681 during the age of King
Louis XIV; the legislation enrolled all French sailors between the
ages of 18 and 50 years. Most of these men saw five to seven years
of service beginning at 20 years old. These men garnered almost all
of their knowledge from experience aboard ship.
Although the recruitment methods differed somewhat than
France, Great Britain and the United States pursued the same gen-
eral method. Not until the twentieth century was detailed schooling
really stressed. The change occurred here as a consequence of the
vast number of technological innovations by the turn of the nine-
teenth century that made much more specific training necessary for
the sake of efficiency in combat. Examples are numerous. One is
the case of Russia, which by the turn of the century sought individ-
uals with prior technical training. By 1900, 60 percent of the con-
scripts in Russia’s navy were already experienced in some form of
factory work to transition easily to operating machinery on board
warships. When contrasted to the 2 percent of individuals with fac-
tory training in the army, it is clear that the Russians considered in-
dividuals with prior technical education as a necessity at sea.10
Other navies pursued the same course, including the greatest
naval power at the time. The British increasingly screened incoming
recruits to identify their aptitude for special skills. To supplement
the numbers of skilled individuals, all navies by the end of the first
decade of the twentieth century had specialized schools for the
training of regular sailors in specific tasks such as engineering, gun-
nery, torpedoes, and damage control. The education of officers went
up in tandem with that of the ratings. British naval schools were
founded at Osborne and Dartmouth while specialized schools that
were already in existence grew in importance and attendance. An ex-
ample is HMS Vernon, the Royal Navy’s torpedo school that became
an independent institution in 1876. By the opening of the war, the
training of destroyer men, like those in other navies, consisted in
most powers of specialized training on land followed by on-site
training aboard ship.
Despite the great numbers of destroyers produced from the 1880s
to 1914, these ships had little opportunity to distinguish themselves
in combat at sea. The Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895), sparked by
the Japanese desire to imperially expand into the Korean Peninsula,
involved only torpedo boats. Similarly, the 1898 Spanish-American
War saw almost no usage of destroyers despite the fact that the
Spanish had a few craft at the Battle of Santiago Bay. Destroyers ex-
perienced their first combat during the 1900 Boxer Uprising in
China. This was an anti-foreigner revolt directed against an array of
imperial powers that by this time had greatly diminished Chinese
sovereignty in favor of their own interests. Numerous imperial pow-
ers dispatched destroyers as part of naval forces to quell the rebel-
lion and rescue diplomats trapped in the Chinese capital of Peking
(Beijing) by the Boxers. Even in this case, however, destroyers were
not used in their roles of torpedo defense or torpedo attack.
The one instance where destroyers participated in their intended
roles was the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). This was sparked
by the Russian desire in early 1904 for a warm-water port in the Far
East. The Chinese province of Manchuria, China itself, and Korea
were possible sites. Russian interference in the region infuriated the
Japanese since the Russians had forced them out of the same areas
after the Sino-Japanese War on the pretext of protecting the peoples
that populated them. The performance of destroyers in the naval as-
pect of this war, however, was not considered very successful by the
combatants and the naval officials of other powers that acted as ob-
servers. The 8 February 1904 Japanese assault on the Russian naval
base Port Arthur involved destroyers, but no Russian warships were
sunk by the torpedo attacks conducted by the Japanese. In the 10
August 1904 Battle of the Yellow Sea, the opposing Russian and Jap-
anese fleets operated eight and 17 destroyers, respectively. Like the
two destroyers, the British sank three German light cruisers and two
destroyers. One of the sunken German cruisers, Mainz, was crip-
pled by a destroyer’s torpedo attack. These losses led to Kaiser Wil-
helm II being far less willing to risk his fleet in a major action. He
subsequently imposed severe restrictions on the operational move-
ments of the German High Seas Fleet where the commander in
chief was required to ask for the consent of the kaiser before engag-
ing in a clash with British naval forces. Wilhelm’s action largely re-
moved the possibility of a major fleet engagement that had been pre-
dicted by both sides in the period leading up to the war. As a result,
smaller vessels, particularly destroyers, became some of the princi-
pal combatants in the war at sea.
The only exception to the kaiser’s rule—and for that matter the
one opportunity in World War I that destroyers had to serve in both
the fleet capacities of torpedo defense and attack—was the 31
May–1 June 1916 Battle of Jutland. This engagement proved to be
the only major clash of battle fleets between the opposing sides. De-
stroyers formed the majority of the warships deployed in both fleets:
of 151 British warships, 80 were destroyers; the Germans operated
63 destroyers in a fleet that numbered 101 vessels.11 Both the
British and German vessels launched torpedo attacks against the
capital ships of their enemy and tried to defend against the same by
sinking the opposing destroyers. The results of these attacks were,
like the Russo-Japanese War, not very successful. Only one large
vessel, the German predreadnought Pommern, was sunk by torpe-
does during the Battle of Jutland. The effort of attacking and de-
fending craft, however, provided some of the most savage fighting of
the engagement.
Examples are numerous, but one of the more celebrated ones is
the British destroyer Shark. This vessel was smothered by enemy fire
and eventually crippled. Damage to the ship’s engines rendered it
dead in the water. The experience of Shark’s crew is a testimony both
to the bravery of those who manned destroyers and the horrors that
could be experienced aboard them in battle. Catastrophic damage
was caused to Shark, as it lay motionless, by heavy-caliber guns that
ripped into its unarmored hull. One shell from such a weapon blew
the forward gun completely over the side of the ship and killed the
gun crew. Shark’s captain ultimately fell victim to the explosions that
wracked his ship and lost a portion of his leg. Finally, enemy destroy-
ers employed in the role of defending capital ships from torpedo ves-
sels closed in on Shark and scored a torpedo hit on the ship, whose
light hull immediately broke in two and sank with the loss of all but
five of the crew. Many of those who died in the sinking were proba-
bly trapped within the hull of their sinking ship. Such an experience
is certainly an awful one, where any light that illuminated the inte-
rior of the ship is extinguished and men struggle to find a hatch on
the main deck as an avenue for escape. Even if successful, a sailor
would still be subjected to many dangers while adrift in the sea.
These include oil slicks from their ship that may be set ablaze, ma-
rine predators such as sharks, and simple exposure to the elements.
Although vessels such as Shark were generally not successful in
their mission of launching torpedo attacks, the mere threat posed by
destroyers proved to be a pivotal feature of the engagement. By
nightfall, after having suffered heavy damage at the hands of the
British, the German commander in chief, Admiral Reinhard Scheer,
ordered his destroyers to launch a torpedo attack against the British
battle fleet while he executed a retreat. The order probably saved a
great portion of the German fleet from destruction and forced the
British commander in chief, Admiral John Jellicoe, to turn away
from the impending attack. The result was a loss of contact between
the two fleets and an end to the majority of the fighting, with the ex-
ception of some skirmishes. Destroyers, despite their lack of success
in launching torpedo attacks, had proven successful in defense and
their destructive potential realized by the opposing fleets. They were
also proven as an integral part of battle fleet operations. The losses
of both sides exhibit the heavy use of destroyers. The British lost 14
warships, eight destroyers, while five German destroyers were sunk
out of their total of 11 destroyed vessels.
The destroyer, however, proved far more important in duties other
than the fleet operations for which they had been designed. The
most important was that of commerce protection, being an old duty
of sloops in the Age of Fighting Sail. In this role, destroyers acted as
a counter to the threat posed by the submarine. Like the destroyer,
World War I proved to be the first great proving ground for this type
of submersible. Germany put these vessels to good use, as they were
well aware of the fact that Great Britain relied on overseas sources
for its food supply and the majority of its munitions. The Germans
believed that the use of submarines against British commerce could
starve the country into submission and thereby lead to a German
Destroyers proved to be the best weapon against submarines.
They were difficult to hit using torpedoes, the submarine’s primary
weapon, owing to their shallow drafts, meaning that their hulls did
not extend very low into the water and torpedoes could conse-
quently pass under them without detonating. The ships also had the
advantage of being extremely maneuverable and speedy. These at-
tributes were necessary to run down an enemy submarine. As tor-
pedo attacks in this era were primarily made on the surface or at
shallow depth, destroyers would attempt to ram the submarine,
break open its hull, and sink it. The possibility of ramming sub-
marines was foreseen by some navies in the years before the war.
Several U.S. destroyers were fitted with reinforced bows to ram sub-
marines. In effect, destroyers proved to be a floating missile on the
surface of the sea against attack from an enemy below it.
Even so, despite these attributes for submarine hunting, the de-
stroyer was not an ideal weapons system for this task. In the first
years of the war, there was no method of detecting an enemy subma-
rine other than lookouts who might sight a surfaced vessel or its
periscope. In addition, the use of ramming as the principal weapon
against submarines was problematic, as it could cause as much
damage to the attacker as the victim. In 1916, the destroyer came
into its own as a more effective antisubmarine vessel with the ad-
vent of the depth charge. Pioneered by Great Britain, this weapon
was a steel drum 18 inches in diameter and 30 inches long that
weighed 400 pounds. Of this weight, 300 pounds consisted of high
explosive contained in the drum. The depth charge was detonated
by a device known as a hydrostatic pistol. This was pressure-sensi-
tive and could be adjusted to fire at a certain depth, the range of the
first depth charges being between 25 and 300 feet, and thus deto-
nate the charge. These depth charges could either be rolled off racks
on the stern or fired from mortars that could project them some 40
yards from the ship. This latter device became known as a depth
charge thrower (DCT). Although a depth charge had to explode
within 40 feet of the hull of a submarine to cause significant dam-
age, the destroyer now had a viable weapon for use against what be-
came its greatest enemy.
Upon the introduction of the convoy system in 1917, destroyers
became escort vessels that patrolled the waters around convoys,
which are groups of merchant ships in search of submarines. That
same year, crude underwater listening devices known as hy-
drophones entered service. This innovation could not provide a pre-
cise bearing or range to a target but could detect the presence of a
submerged vessel. Oftentimes, its value was reduced by the sounds
of the destroyer that carried it. Nevertheless, hydrophones enabled
destroyers to become more effective in their newfound role.
Equipped with depth charges and hydrophones, destroyers allowed
eign vessels seized during the course of the war that augmented
Germany’s force. Like the British, the Germans were one of the
leading prewar destroyer designers and builders and had contracts
placed in domestic yards by other countries. On the outbreak of war,
the Germans seized two classes of destroyers that each comprised
four vessels. One of these groups was intended for Argentina, while
the other was bound for the Netherlands. Plans existed for the pro-
duction of an additional seven classes of destroyers that had led to
the beginning of construction on some units, but these were incom-
plete at the end of the war in November 1918. An additional group
that was in the planning stages was cancelled upon Germany’s
The other great maritime powers of World War I also produced
destroyers, but not in the numbers of the three most powerful naval
combatants. Upon the outbreak of World War I, Japan was an ally of
Great Britain through the 1902 Anglo-Japanese Naval Alliance. On
23 August 1914, the Japanese honored this agreement and declared
war as a member of the allied powers. The Anglo-Japanese Naval Al-
liance had been entered into by the British so that, in the event of
war against Britain, the Japanese would protect British holdings in
the Pacific while the British focused their fleet strength closer to
home. The Japanese deemed destroyers as absolutely necessary to
fleet operations given the commitment in this alliance. The result
was a construction program that continued the prior Japanese prac-
tice of building large destroyers with heavy torpedo armaments.
During the war, the Japanese launched six classes of ships that to-
taled 28 units. The best example of the Japanese design is the two-
ship Tanikaze class. Tanikaze measured 336 feet, 6 inches by 29 feet
by 9 feet, 3 inches, displaced 1,300 tons, and carried turbine en-
gines that could drive the ship at 37.5 knots. Its armament consisted
of three 4.7-inch guns and six 21-inch torpedo tubes. This design
would be improved upon in later years when Japan would launch
some of the largest destroyers in the world.
Italy, which in 1915 became an allied power, largely neglected the
construction of large warships in favor of smaller vessels needed to
defend allied interests against submarines and the Austro-Hungar-
ian fleet in the Mediterranean. The Italians pursued the construc-
tion of regular destroyers and flotilla leaders to this end. In the for-
mer category, the Italians built three classes totaling 20 ships. The
La Masa–class vessels are indicative of Italian design during the war.
Measuring 241 feet, 2 inches by 24 feet by 9 feet, 4 inches, displac-
ing 785 tons, and capable of 30 knots, these ships were armed with
six 4-inch guns and four 17.7-inch torpedo tubes. They also carried
a fairly heavy AA armament of two 40mm guns and two 6.5mm ma-
chine guns. The inclusion of AA armament was a common feature
in Italian destroyers of the World War I era. Finally, the vessel was
also armed with 10 mines. The flotilla leaders proved to be large and
fast. The Italians built 10 of these type in three classes. The
Mirabello class proved the largest, displacing 1,784 tons.
France produced fewer than Japan and Italy. French naval con-
struction declined rapidly as a whole due to the strain placed on the
country by the war. The Western Front lay on French soil in re-
source-rich areas of the country. The material that was still at
French disposal was directed to the army to repel the invading Ger-
mans. Plans for several large destroyers were consequently shelved,
and the French were able to build only one group of destroyers to
supplement their prewar fleet. Of the three Enseigne Roux–class
ships, only two were launched. Like their predecessors, they were
lightly armed. As France needed more destroyers for convoy escort
duties primarily in the Mediterranean, and domestic yards could not
provide the necessary ships, the French turned to other outlets. One
of these was contracting for ships in Japan. This produced the 12-
ship Arabe class whose units were all launched in 1917. Arabe and
its sisters were built as quickly as possible to meet French needs.
Otherwise unremarkable, they were equipped with triple-expansion
engines rather than turbines. The rest of France’s wartime destroyer
production came at the expense of other powers. Four destroyers be-
ing built in France for Argentina were requisitioned, and eight
Greek coastal defense destroyers were seized by French authorities.
Imperial Russia’s destroyer program was also greatly affected by
the war. Russia was still in the process of rearming following the
Russo-Japanese War and continued upon the outbreak of World
War I with its prewar program. Construction proceeded on four
classes of destroyers totaling 37 ships between 1914 and 1917, but
many of these, including all nine ships of one class, were never com-
pleted. Mounting economic hardship produced by the war hindered
production. Ultimately, the Communist-led 1917 Russian Revolu-
tion that toppled the czarist government led to a standstill in naval
construction. The last group of destroyers launched in the war, the
Kerch class, is an example of the problem. Of the eight ships under
construction, two were not launched until 1924.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire fared the worst of the naval pow-
ers in terms of destroyer output, although destroyers were important
as patrolling vessels in the confines of the Adriatic Sea. Despite the
3. Peter Charles Smith, Hard Lying: The Birth of the Destroyer, 1893–
1913 (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1971), p. 17.
4. James L. George, The History of Warships: From Ancient Times to the
Twenty-First Century (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1998), p. 135.
5. David K. Brown, Warrior to Dreadnought: Warship Development,
1860–1905 (London: Chatham Publishing, 1997), p. 140.
6. David Lyon, The First Destroyers (London: Chatham Publishing,
1996), p. 30.
7. Brown, Warrior to Dreadnought, p. 11.
8. George, The History of Warships, p. 139.
9. John Wells, The Royal Navy: An Illustrated Social History (Gloucester-
shire, UK: Alan Sutton, 1994), p. 81.
10. Ronald H. Spector, At War at Sea: Sailors and Naval Combat in the
Twentieth Century (New York: Viking, 2001), p. 33.
11. Spencer C. Tucker, The Great War, 1914–1918 (Bloomington: Indi-
ana University Press, 1998), p. 113.
12. George, The History of Warships, p. 139.
The naval officials of the great powers faced a world that had
been changed dramatically by World War I. The naval competition
between Great Britain and Germany had ended with Germany’s de-
feat and the surrender of the majority of its battle fleet to the victo-
rious Allied powers. Austria-Hungary also ceased to be a maritime
force, as the peace agreement with this defeated Central Power re-
quired the surrender of its fleet and deprived the empire of its ports
through territorial terms that destroyed the empire itself. Finally,
Russia, which had withdrawn from the war before its conclusion,
was removed from the naval scene in the years immediately follow-
ing 1918 because the Bolshevik revolution had toppled the govern-
ment and the country was largely in chaos as imperial forces fought
Communists for political control.
Destroyer construction for some years after World War I was thus
in large part the product of the victorious powers. Rather than being
new designs, most of the destroyers launched immediately after the
war were World War I–era vessels that were in the process of com-
pletion upon the close of hostilities. Despite the fact that the de-
stroyer had proven its importance in World War I, few politicians
wished to consider the construction of new warships in the atmos-
phere of war-weariness that prevailed.
Great Britain, the largest producer of destroyers during World
forces in both the Atlantic and Pacific owing to the fact that the
1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance remained in force.
The British, by contrast, did not want to engage in a new compe-
tition given the state of their postwar economy. The result was the
1921–1922 Washington Naval Conference that included represen-
tatives of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan.
The goal of the meeting was to prevent a future naval arms race,
which was viewed by many as a cause of World War I. The resulting
Washington Naval Treaty dealt primarily with the limitation of the
aggregate tonnage of capital ships, being battleships and aircraft
carriers, that each naval power could possess. It also stipulated re-
strictions on the size of new capital ships. Legislation on smaller
warships like destroyers was contemplated through a U.S. proposal
to extend the overall tonnage restrictions to smaller craft, but this
was rejected by the French. In their view, the high cost of the
French Army made destroyers, cruisers, and submarines necessary
for national defense, as they were cheaper to build. As a result, the
treaty signed in 1922 did not impede the construction of warships
smaller than capital ships. Tonnage for capital ships was placed at
525,000 tons each for Great Britain and the United States, 315,000
tons for Japan, and 175,000 tons each for France and Italy.
Despite not having directly affected destroyer development, the
Washington Naval Treaty was important for the future of the ship
type. The treaty actually encouraged the production of smaller ships
like destroyers to supplement battle fleets that had reached their
limits in capital-ship tonnage. The numbers of destroyers subse-
quently built would not equal that of the pre–World War I era due to
the impoverished world economy resulting from the war and eco-
nomic depression in the late 1920s and early 1930s, but construc-
tion did move forward. The new destroyers that appeared after the
treaty were warships that for the most part incorporated merely re-
fined and improved versions of the technology that had either ex-
isted before the war or been produced during it. The big exception
was the advent of sonar devices to detect and plot the position of en-
emy submarines. Although the first sonar set was produced in 1918,
the system was not included in destroyers until the early 1920s.
This production took place amid a debate concerning the proper
roles of destroyers that was generated by the numerous functions
that the ship type had assumed in the war. The crux of the differ-
ence in the opinion among the world’s naval officials was whether
torpedoes or guns should be emphasized. Some naval officials advo-
cated dispensing with torpedoes altogether given the disappointing
effect of torpedo attacks at the 1916 Battle of Jutland and in the war
overall. The antisubmarine role, despite the heavy use of destroyers
as escorts against submarines in World War I, was generally de-
emphasized. Regardless of this debate over wartime use, destroyers
were seen by all naval powers as important ships of war, and con-
struction of destroyers began in many naval powers soon after the
signing of the treaty.
France was among the first to begin new construction. Although
the army still received priority over the navy, the French were ready
to move forward with their 1922 naval construction plan. This pro-
gram was considered necessary given Italian production that threat-
ened French power in the Mediterranean. The results fall into two
different types of destroyers. The first of these were conventional
destroyers. The 12-ship Bourrasque class, being the first French
postwar design, was launched between 1924 and 1925, while the 14
L’Adroit-class vessels were launched from 1926 to 1929 and were
merely improved versions of the first group. The hull of L’Adroit
measured 351 feet, 8 inches by 32 feet, 3 inches by 14 feet, 1 inch
and displaced 1,378 tons. They were more heavily armed than in the
past, mounting four 5.1-inch guns, two 37mm AA weapons, two
13.2mm AA guns, and six 21.7-inch torpedo tubes. The turbine en-
gines could produce a maximum speed of 33 knots.
The second type of destroyer marked a tendency for even larger
and more heavily armed craft than either of the conventional de-
signs. Between 1923 and 1924, the French launched the six ships of
Chacal class (known also as the Jaguar class). These ships were
among the superdestroyers, meaning destroyers of a particularly
large size that mounted very heavy armament. The ships measured
more than 415 feet long, displaced 2,126 tons, and were armed with
five 5.1-inch guns and six 21.7-inch torpedo tubes. Such dimen-
sions and armament were huge for a destroyer and were indeed un-
precedented. The next group of six Guépard-class vessels were gen-
erally similar, but were the first of the French 2,400-ton designs.
The last destroyers launched by the end of 1930 were the first two
units of the Aigle class comprising six ships. Aigle measured 421
feet, 7 inches by 38 feet, 10 inches by 16 feet, 4 inches and dis-
placed 2,441 tons. It was armed with five 5.5-inch guns, four 37mm
and four 13.2 mm AA weapons, and six 21.7-inch torpedo tubes.
The vessel was capable of a maximum speed of 36 knots.
Italy was also an early producer of destroyers after 1922 as it con-
tinued its program that had been embarked upon in the months af-
ter World War I. The country’s naval rivalry with France deepened
after 1922 with the rise to power of Benito Mussolini and his fascist
party. One of the facets of Mussolini’s plan to increase Italy’s influ-
ence in the world was overseas expansion. A large navy was a neces-
sity to further that ambition. Mussolini in the years after his rise to
prominence devoted a large amount of resources to naval construc-
tion. The need for numbers led to the production between 1925 and
1927 of 16 ships in three classes that were improvements on World
War I designs.
More significant was the launching between 1928 and 1929 of
the 12 Navigatori-class destroyers. These vessels were Italy’s first
and only superdestroyers. Navigatori measured 352 feet by 33 feet,
5 inches by 11 feet, 2 inches, displaced 1,900 tons, and could steam
at 38 knots. It was armed with six 4.7-inch guns and, unlike destroy-
ers of previous eras, these were not contained in single mounts. In-
stead the armament was carried in three dual-piece mounts, one
each being sited in the bow and the stern and the third amidships.
The vessel also shipped two 40mm and four 13.2mm AA guns along
with six 21-inch torpedo tubes. These vessels, with their maximum
speed of 38 knots, were faster than their French equivalents and
were deemed a serious threat by French naval officials. Supplement-
ing these vessels in 1930 were the first two units of the four-ship
Freccia class, which were smaller ships designed to operate with the
fastest capital ships of Italy’s fleet.
Japan followed closely behind France and Italy in terms of the
speedy construction of destroyers after 1922. Following the end of
the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in the early 1920s, the Japanese came
to rely totally on their own technology and shipbuilding techniques,
as they could no longer rely on British aid. Construction beginning
in the mid-1920s would yield Japanese destroyers that engendered
respect around the world. The Japanese plan revolved around larger
destroyers, as Tokyo pursued a policy of quality over quantity in part
due to Japan’s more limited resources. The production of destroyers
seemed a good use of naval funds given the 1922 Washington Naval
Treaty. Not only was Japan at its tonnage limit in capital ships; its
ceiling was less than those of the United States and Great Britain.
Japanese naval officials viewed the production of powerful destroy-
ers as a good method to supplement the power of their smaller bat-
tle fleet. In addition, destroyers were also necessary as part of
Japan’s strategic requirements. In February 1923, Japanese military
officials had created a secret list of potential future enemies in
which the United States was number one. Destroyers were envi-
sioned as vessels that needed to be of sufficient size and endurance
against smoke and poison gas. This turret sat on top of a barbette, a
French invention in existence since 1867. A barbette is simply a
large turntable on which the guns were placed that could swivel, at
this point through the use of steam or electrical power, and thus
provide a large arc of fire. The barbette extended below the main
deck and encased the loading machinery and magazines, the later
being normally in the bottom of the ship for the sake of protection
from enemy fire. Ammunition and the powder with which to fire it
was passed from the lowest level of the barbette via hoists to the tur-
ret, where the crews loaded and fired the guns.
The guns of Fubuki were controlled from a position placed on top
of the bridge that was known as director control. Pioneered by the
British in the years leading up to World War I, this system was in
wide use by the end of the conflict but reached destroyers later than
larger ships due to the size and weight of the machinery. Director
control was a range-finding center that housed electronic equip-
ment that calculated an enemy vessel’s range, course, and speed.
This information was used to aim the guns, which could be fired
from this location. In addition to the armament itself and the range-
finding equipment that greatly increased its accuracy, later units of
the Fubuki class were equipped with turrets that could elevate the
guns up to 75 degrees in the air as opposed to the 40 degrees of
prior vessels of the type. These proved to be among the world’s first
dual-purpose guns that were designed both to combat surface tar-
gets and to provide AA fire. Supplementing the fine gun armament
of the Fubuki class was a torpedo armament of nine 24-inch tubes,
two 13mm AA guns, and depth charges. The heavy torpedo arma-
ment was a reflection of the priority placed by the Japanese on de-
stroyers as torpedo attack vessels.
The stir created in international circles by the heavy armament of
these vessels was heightened by the fact that these ships were truly
all-weather vessels that were superior to most foreign destroyers.
For the first time in a destroyer, the bridge was completely enclosed
to keep the bridge crew protected in rough weather and thereby in-
crease efficiency. The Fubuki class was not a perfect design, how-
ever, as the addition of an enclosed bridge, director control, and tur-
reted guns made the ship very top-heavy and unstable. Also, to save
weight the hull and bridge structure were very lightly built. Indeed,
the bridge was composed of aluminum rather than steel. As a result,
the hull and superstructure were slightly weak, and there would be
instances of plates buckling during the careers of the Fubuki-class
ships. Nevertheless, Japan had created a ship that subsequently
for the United States and Great Britain and 105,000 tons for Japan,
which translated into a 10:10:7 ratio, respectively. Notably, the
French and Italians refused to sign this treaty due to the restriction
on destroyers. Both powers deemed such restrictions as running
counter to their naval planning, which relied heavily on the use of
destroyers. Indeed, destroyers constituted the majority of the naval
arms race in the Mediterranean Sea between the two powers.
The result of the London Treaty was that all of the signatory pow-
ers between 1930 and 1934 built destroyers up to the maximum of
the design limitations. Great Britain is the first example of this
trend, as the British produced three classes of destroyers in this pe-
riod that conformed to the tonnage restrictions of the treaty. Two of
these classes, the C and D class and the E and F class, were similar
to one another and comprised a total of 30 warships. The first was
an enlarged version of the A and B class while the second group fol-
lowed from their predecessors’ design. An E and an F-class vessel
displaced between 1,350 tons and 1,405 tons and carried four 4.7-
inch guns in single mounts protected by gun shields. These attrib-
utes were well within the stipulations of the London Treaty. The
third class of two ships became the first newly designed British
flotilla leaders since World War I. These vessels were merely en-
larged E- and F-class boats that displaced between 1,460 tons and
1,495 tons and carried an additional 4.7-inch gun. Like the smaller
destroyers, these still conformed to the lower tonnage limit of the
treaty as well as the gun armament limit.
The United States, given rising concerns in Washington over Jap-
anese imperial expansion in Asia that posed a threat to U.S. Pacific
interests, returned to destroyer production with the nine Farragut-
class ships. These vessels, being the first produced to a post–World
War I design, were launched between 1934 and 1935. The hull of
Farragut measured 341 feet, 3 inches by 34 feet, 3 inches by 11 feet,
7 inches and displaced 1,358 tons. It was armed with five 5-inch
guns in single mounts. Only the two forward weapons were enclosed
in gun houses. These weapons, like vessels such as Fubuki, were
placed on dual-purpose mounts that would become a standard fea-
ture in U.S. destroyers. Farragut also carried four .5-inch weapons
for use against enemy aircraft and eight 21-inch torpedo tubes. The
vessel’s turbine engines could produce a maximum speed of 36.5
knots. Like the British ships, these vessels conformed to the London
Treaty. They were built for endurance to operate for extended peri-
ods in the expanses of the Pacific Ocean and thus are a reflection of
the growing U.S. concern over Pacific holdings in light of the Japa-
nese threat. The Farragut class proved to be the benchmark for all
future U.S. destroyer designs in the years before World War II.
Japan’s construction of destroyers between 1930 and 1934 took
place in the context of the government’s decision to pursue imperial
expansion. In 1931, Japanese forces invaded and conquered the
Chinese province of Manchuria. Also, plans were in existence in the
early 1930s that called for the seizure of areas in Southeast Asia and
the East Indies, which were rich in oil and raw materials that were
necessary to sustain a Japanese economy that was increasingly de-
voted to the production of military equipment. A strong navy was
necessary to realize the goals set forth in these plans. Destroyers
constituted a large part of the subsequent construction effort.
The first new group of four Akatsuki-class ships was launched be-
tween 1931 and 1932 and was generally similar to Fubuki. A key
difference was the use of electric welding to attach the hull plates to
the frame rather than rivets of steel that nailed them to the beams.
This method was billed as a weight-saving measure and became
standard practice in subsequent decades in all the world’s navies.
Nevertheless, at this time the use of welding proved a problem
through several instances of separations of hull plates from beams.
The proceeding Hatsuharu class of six ships was the first built to
conform to the London Treaty. Hatsuharu’s hull measured 359 feet,
3 inches by 32 feet, 10 inches by 9 feet, 11 inches, displaced 1,490
tons, and was powered by turbines capable of 36.5 knots. The arma-
ment consisted of five 5-inch dual-purpose guns, two 13mm AA
weapons, nine 24-inch torpedo tubes, and 14 depth charges.
The destroyers built in France in the wake of the London Treaty
were far larger than those of the signatory powers, as the French,
having refused to sign it, were unfettered by any limitation on de-
sign. As a result, France continued its program of constructing su-
perdestroyers. Between 1931 and 1932 the French launched the six
ships of the 2,441-ton Vauquelin class that mounted a primary ar-
mament of five 5-inch guns and seven 21.7-inch torpedo tubes.
These were followed by the six Le Fantasque–class vessels.
Launched between 1934 and 1935, these warships were some of
the most impressive destroyers of their day. The hull of Le Fantasque
measured a colossal 434 feet, 4 inches by 40 feet, 6 inches by 16
feet, 5 inches and displaced 2,569 tons. It carried five 5-inch guns
in single mounts protected by gun shields, four 37mm and four
13.2mm AA weapons, nine 21.7-inch torpedo tubes, and 50 mines.
Its turbine engines produced a maximum speed of 37 knots, making
the vessel, as well as its sister ships, some of the fastest in the world.
pally armed with four 4.7-inch guns in single mounts equipped with
gun shields and eight 21-inch torpedo tubes. Three additional ves-
sels were merely enlarged versions to act as flotilla leaders.
After 1936, with the expiration of the London Treaty, the num-
bers of British destroyers greatly increased as part of a hurried re-
armament program. Britain’s only superdestroyer type, the Tribal
class, was part of this effort. The Tribal class was a reaction to the
Japanese Fubuki-class destroyers, which had greatly impressed
British naval officials. These ships were designed specifically to
combat Fubuki-class vessels in the Pacific in case of war with Japan,
which would threaten Britain’s Eastern empire. Sixteen Tribal-class
destroyers were launched between 1937 and 1941, the lion’s share
in 1937. The hull of a Tribal-class ship measured 377 feet by 36
feet, 6 inches by 13 feet, displaced 1,854 tons, and was powered by
turbine engines that generated speeds between 36.25 and 36.5
knots. A unit of the type was armed with eight 4.7-inch guns in
twin-piece mounts that were protected by gun shields. It also car-
ried four 40mm pom-pom AA weapons and four 21-inch torpedo
tubes. Ships of this design were not produced in very large numbers
owing to the expense incurred in the construction of larger vessels.
The result was the smaller, 24-ship J, K, and N class, of which 16
ships were ready by the opening of war in September 1939. These
displaced 1,690 tons and mounted a primary armament of six 4.7-
inch guns and 10 21-inch torpedo tubes.
Japan, the other signatory of the London Treaty, remained true to
its stipulations on destroyers in the years between 1934 and 1936
despite the fact that the Japanese government had renounced the
Washington Treaty. The embodiment of this fact is the 10-ship Shi-
ratsuyu class, whose units displaced 1,685 tons and mounted five 5-
inch guns. The expiration of the London Treaty in 1936, however,
led the Japanese to launch ships that signaled the end of Japan’s ad-
herence to treaties concerning destroyers.
Between 1936 and 1937, the Japanese launched 10 Asashio-class
destroyers that displaced 1,961 tons. Their gun armament was the
same as the Fubuki class, and they also carried eight 24-inch tor-
pedo tubes. The decision to construct a similar class of 18 Kagero-
class ships led to the launching of 10 units of the group by the out-
break of war in Europe. All were slightly less unstable at sea than
prior models in part due to the damage suffered by many destroyers
of the fleet in a typhoon. In 1935, units of the Imperial Japanese
Navy were caught in a storm that placed many of the earlier destroy-
ers in danger of capsizing and led to their reconstruction between
1935 and 1937 to include more ballast to keep the vessels stable.
Overall, by September 1939 the Japanese destroyer fleet was one of
the most powerful in the world.
France continued its destroyer production in keeping with past
programs that were never subject to the London Treaty. In the case
of France, this yielded one more class of ship that was the largest
superdestroyer ever built. Launched between 1936 and 1937, the
two ships of the Mogador class displaced an incredibly large 2,884
tons each. The hull of Mogador measured 451 feet, 1 inch by 41
feet, 7 inches by 15 feet and contained turbine engines that could
generate a maximum speed of 39 knots. The ship was armed with
eight 5.5-inch guns in four twin mounts that were fully enclosed by
gun houses. Two of these were located in the bow while the other
two were placed in the stern. It also carried 10 21.7-inch torpedo
tubes and a collection of AA armament.
Italy responded to the output of French destroyers with vessels
that remained smaller than those of their Mediterranean rival. The
four-ship Oriani class was simply a repetition of the previous type,
but the final group of destroyers launched before the outbreak of
war in Europe was built to a new design that became the most suc-
cessful of all Italian types. In 1937 and 1938, the Italians launched
12 Soldati-class destroyers. Soldati measured 350 feet by 33 feet, 7
inches by 11 feet, 6 inches, displaced between 1,690 tons and 1,820
tons, and housed turbines that produced 38 knots. It mounted five
4.7-inch guns, six 21-feet torpedo tubes, two depth charge throwers,
and 12 13.2mm AA weapons.
In addition to these conventional destroyers, the Italians in the
years leading up to World War II were among the pioneers of a new
type of ship that would evolve into the escort destroyer. Between
1934 and 1937, the Italians launched 37 smaller destroyers that
were intended to augment the strength of the Italian Navy while at
the same time not costing as much to build as regular destroyers.
The final group, the Pegaso class, serves as an example of the type.
Pegaso measured only 293 feet and displaced a small 840 tons. In
essence, the ship was an enlarged torpedo boat. Its armament con-
sisted of only two 3.9-inch guns, four 18-inch torpedo tubes, and
eight 13.2mm AA weapons. Significantly, the ship also mounted six
depth charge throwers, making it a vessel best suited for ASW. This
small type of vessel, although it was not designed specifically for
ASW and therefore is not considered an escort destroyer, was a por-
tent of the future of destroyer production due to its very large ASW
sides of the bow flared out to better plow through the water and
thereby help the ship maintain its speed in a seaway. These ships
were consequently much better seafaring boats. The hull of one of
these ships measured 404 feet, 2 inches by 38 feet, 8 inches by 13
feet, 1 inch and displaced 1,811 tons. Its armament and engines
were virtually the same as the 1934 class, but the clipper bow en-
abled the possibility of a maximum 40 knots. By September 1939,
the German Navy had made a relatively quick return to the family of
destroyer powers. All of these vessels, which were originally known
simply by their pennant numbers, were eventually named after fa-
mous German naval figures of World War I.
The Soviet Union was the other former naval power to revive its
destroyer production program in the years leading up to World War
II. In the late 1920s, a massive industrialization program was under-
taken that proved crucial to the desire of premier Joseph Stalin,
Lenin’s successor, for a large battle fleet. By the early 1930s, Stalin
attached importance to re-establishing his country as a naval power
to expand Soviet influence. The need for a large fleet was also justi-
fied in the late 1930s by German rearmament. Included as part of
the 1933 Soviet naval reconstruction program was authorization for
49 destroyers. This legislation produced three classes of destroyers
by the outbreak of war.
The first of these was the one-ship Opytnyi class that when
launched in 1935 was the first Russian destroyer design since World
War I. This vessel was intended as an experimental ship, and its
poor performance exhibited the fact that the ability of Russian ship-
yards to design destroyers had declined since the Communist
takeover. Stalin consequently looked to foreign shipyards for the
next class of vessels. Although the 31-ship Gnevnyi class was con-
structed entirely in Russian yards, the design was an Italian one. Be-
tween 1936 and late 1939, the Russians were able to launch 22
units of the class. The hull of Gnevnyi measured 370 feet, 7 inches
by 22 feet, 6 inches by 13 feet, 5 inches, displaced 1,855 tons, and
was powered by engines that generated 37 knots. It was armed with
four 5.1-inch guns in single mounts housed in gun shields. Two
each were located in the bow and stern. The ships also carried two
3-inch guns, six 21-inch torpedo tubes, two 45mm and four .5-inch
guns for AA defense, and 56 mines. The latter weapon represented a
continuation from czarist times of the Russian belief in destroyers
serving as minelayers. Supplementing this heavily armed and nu-
merous group were the Storozhevoi-class destroyers that signaled a
return to wholly Russian designs. These vessels were large, displac-
These duties, despite their value, were not regarded as being typi-
cal for destroyers. All naval powers recognized that these ships were
almost exclusively vessels of war and had built their destroyer fleets
of the interwar period with this in mind. The value that naval offi-
cials attached to them is evident from the number of operational de-
stroyers in the navies of the belligerent powers of World War II soon
after the outbreak of war. By the beginning of 1940, Great Britain
possessed 247 destroyers of varying age. The United States operated
149 vessels and Japan had 116 destroyers. Italy counted 90 craft in
the service of its navy. France maintained 66 destroyers while the
Soviet Union was close behind with 64 ships. Germany operated 37
These numbers do not do justice to the true size of the world’s de-
stroyer fleet, as smaller naval powers are not included. Over the pe-
riod between late 1918 and the beginning of 1940, other European
powers had produced a significant number of destroyers. The
Netherlands launched 8 vessels; Norway launched 3 small destroy-
ers that some scholars label as frigates; Poland operated 4 destroy-
ers; Spain counted 13 such vessels in its navy; and Sweden operated
12 destroyers. Other powers around the world also counted destroy-
ers as a principal portion of their forces. Argentina had 12 destroy-
ers by late 1939 while Chile operated 6 destroyers. Even the Near
East country of Turkey, having been in existence only after World
War I, operated four destroyers.2
In general, these smaller powers, with their modest financial re-
sources, relied on destroyers due to their relatively low construction
costs. Whether the destroyers were built in large naval powers or
lesser maritime nations, debate had been constant over their pri-
mary purpose in the period between the end of World War I and the
beginning of World War II. These duties included destroyers in their
old roles of torpedo attack and defense, light gunfire support for am-
phibious operations, and to a lesser extent antisubmarine warfare.
All of these roles were proven important once the world was plunged
into a new, extremely destructive war.
Destroyers had been constructed throughout the 1930s in an at-
mosphere of ever-increasing world tensions created by nations that
were bent on territorial expansion. In 1935, Benito Mussolini
launched a war of imperial aggrandizement through the invasion of
Ethiopia. Two years later Japanese imperial aggression in China that
had begun in 1931 finally produced war between the Japanese and
Chinese. These two conflicts, while greatly troubling to the world
community, paled in comparison to the situation that subsequently
War I–era destroyers in exchange for 99-year leases for British bases
in Newfoundland, Bermuda, and the British Caribbean Islands.
Known as the Destroyers for Bases Deal, this act was an incredible
morale boost to the British people in the wake of the fall of France.
It also was a further step by the United States toward outright par-
ticipation in the conflict.
Destroyers proved equally as important in the Mediterranean in
the same roles as those of the Battle of the Atlantic upon Italy’s en-
try into the war on the side of Germany. Having signed the 1939
Pact of Steel with Germany and emboldened by the German con-
quest of France in 1940, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini declared
war on Great Britain. This action opened the Mediterranean Sea as
a new theater of war and consequently posed a severe strategic
threat to the British. Italy’s geographic position threatened British
supply lanes providing oil and supplies from the eastern portion of
the empire that passed through the Suez Canal into the Mediter-
ranean and to the British home islands. The campaign in the
Mediterranean quickly centered on British attempts to protect its
trade and defend the island base of Malta that lay astride its ship-
ping lanes. The Italians were conversely committed to the destruc-
tion of this valuable commerce.
Destroyers participated in almost all the major operations and en-
gagements in the Mediterranean. These actions revolved largely
around commerce war. In the context of the traditional role of pro-
tecting capital ships from torpedo attacks, the Italian Navy used its
destroyers as screens for task forces of battleships and cruisers bent
on the destruction of British trade.
Examples are numerous, but one of the best examples as well as
one of the largest engagements in the Mediterranean was the Battle
of Cape Matapan. On 28–29 March 1941, an Italian squadron com-
prised of 1 battleship, 8 cruisers, and 17 destroyers that was at-
tempting to attack British convoys around Crete was intercepted by
a British force of 3 battleships, 1 aircraft carrier, 4 cruisers, and 13
destroyers. The British destroyers were present in this battle, as in
others in the Mediterranean, to protect their capital ships against
torpedo attacks and try to launch assaults themselves; they were
also among the few Allied warships that could catch the fast Italian
vessels. The British detached their destroyers in an attempt to run
down the Italian squadron. Although this measure failed, the de-
stroyers did have an opportunity to later prove their worth as Italian
cruisers and destroyers were sent to the aid of one crippled cruiser.
The result was a night action in which three Italian cruisers were
sunk. Although the destruction was accomplished largely by gunfire
from British battleships, two cruisers were finished off by torpedoes
launched by British destroyers. The Allied craft were also used to at-
tack the Italian destroyers that tried to protect the cruisers. By the
end of the battle, two Italian destroyers were also sunk and the Al-
lies had established primacy in the Mediterranean. This coup was
possible in part due to the use of radar—an innovative development
introduced to naval combat in World War II that the Italian Navy
lacked—to pinpoint Axis vessels at night and air superiority.
Destroyers were also used for commerce warfare as escorts for
merchant convoys and as commerce raiders, in which they launched
torpedo attacks against merchantmen. In November 1941, an Ital-
ian convoy escorted by destroyers and bound for North Africa to re-
supply Axis forces was intercepted by a British squadron of cruisers
and destroyers. The result was the loss of the entire Italian convoy
and the destruction of two of the destroyers, one being sunk by a
British submarine that arrived on the scene. The British, like the
Italians, also employed destroyers as escorts. In August 1942, the
desperate need to resupply the British-held island of Malta led to a
convoy being dispatched in which destroyers accounted for the bulk
of the covering force.
Past surface actions that arose from roles in the commerce war,
destroyers were also used as resupply vessels, primarily to North
Africa. The threat of attack by land-based aircraft was high in the
Mediterranean due to the relatively small size of the sea in relation
to the Atlantic Ocean. Destroyers were, because of their high speed,
used to carry troops and supplies at night. Traveling at their maxi-
mum velocity, these ships could make a complete journey in the
cover of darkness, thus greatly decreasing the chance of an air at-
tack that could destroy not only the vessels but also the valuable car-
gos that they carried.
Gunfire support for amphibious invasions also became an impor-
tant task for destroyers. On 8–14 November 1942, the Allies
mounted an amphibious invasion to wrest control of North Africa
from the Axis. Destroyers not only served as sources for covering fire
while Allied troops landed on the beaches; they also guarded the un-
loading of supplies to the ground forces after the initial assault. The
same roles were attached to the Allied destroyers in the 1943 inva-
sion of Italy.
Finally, as in the Atlantic, destroyers were also used in evacuation
and rescue operations. In April 1941, as Greece collapsed under
that aircraft carriers were the capital ships of the theater. This was
the duty of escort for primarily the carriers. Throughout the con-
flict, all navies relied on screens of destroyers to use their AA arma-
ment to intercept attacking planes before they could reach the carri-
ers. In the case of the Japanese, the need for such protection
became increasingly vital due to the loss of naval air strength that
greatly reduced air cover for the surface forces of their navy. At the
23–26 October 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf, the Japanese hoped to
offset Allied air superiority through a reliance on warships such as
destroyers with heavily increased AA armament. The core of the Jap-
anese force in this operation, the Center Force under the command
of Admiral Takeo Kuritia, comprised 5 battleships, 12 cruisers, and
15 destroyers serving primarily as AA screens. In total, there were 27
destroyers of the total 64 Japanese warships employed in the
engagement. The United States used its destroyers in a similar
They were particularly useful in the latter stages of the war when
the U.S. Navy faced attacks by kamikazes, the Japanese suicide
bombers bent on the destruction of U.S. surface ships. In the April–
June 1945 Allied invasion of Okinawa, kamikazes sunk 14 U.S. de-
stroyers while the same vessels and their consorts used AA guns to
defend themselves and the rest of the fleet, particularly aircraft car-
riers, against such attacks. U.S. destroyers were also important in
the latter half of the Pacific War as radar pickets versus air attacks.
In this capacity, destroyers formed a perimeter around aircraft carri-
ers and used radar equipment to detect incoming flights of hostile
planes. This ability enabled U.S. task forces some time, albeit not
very much, to prepare for an assault in which the destroyers as well
as other warships that formed the perimeter endeavored to shoot
down as many aircraft as possible.
Amphibious assaults were also operations in which destroyers saw
great use. The task of escort for landing craft was of great impor-
tance for the U.S. strategy of island-hopping across the Pacific,
where select Japanese-held islands were conquered in the effort to
bring Japan within the range of land-based bombers and to cut off
overseas supply to the home islands. A celebrated example of this
duty occurred in the 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf at Samar. In the clos-
ing stages of the Leyte Gulf contest, the Center Force of Admiral
Takeo Kurita managed to almost accomplish its goal of destroying
the U.S. amphibious forces landing on the island of Leyte. As the
large U.S. aircraft carriers had been drawn away from the landing
zone through the lure of a decoy force comprised of Japan’s last car-
riers, the only protections for the troops were a collection of small
escort carriers, three destroyers, and four escort destroyers. These
latter ships were diminutive versions of conventional destroyers.
Facing this force was Kurita’s four battleships, including Yamato,
being one of the world’s largest battleships and armed with 18.1-
inch guns, six heavy cruisers, and 10 destroyers. In a desperate
fight, the destroyers and escort destroyers launched torpedo attacks
while producing smoke screens to obscure the escort carriers, whose
planes attacked the Japanese vessels. Two hours and 40 minutes
later, two U.S. destroyers and one escort destroyer were sunk along
with one escort carrier. The punishment they received was tremen-
dous, as in the case of the destroyer Hoel, one of the lost vessels,
which suffered more than 40 hits from a variety of different calibers
of Japanese guns. Their action, however, unnerved Kurita, who be-
lieved that he actually was facing the planes and escort screen of a
larger U.S. force. His consequent order to withdraw saved the U.S.
troops on Leyte and eventually led to the successful reconquest of
the Philippine Islands. This action crippled the Japanese war ma-
chine, as it cut the supply lines from the home islands to the re-
source-rich East Indies.
In addition to protecting landing forces, destroyers were also used
as gunfire support vessels for amphibious invasions. Both the
United States and Japan relied on these ships in this capacity. The
United States regularly employed destroyers as gunfire ships during
landings on islands on Japan’s defensive perimeter. The Japanese
looked to destroyers for this task during the 1942 campaign for
Guadalcanal. An example is provided by action on the night of
24–25 August, when Japanese destroyers bombarded Henderson
Field, a vital U.S. airfield on Guadalcanal, as a prelude for an am-
phibious invasion, which ultimately failed.
In connection with their roles as escorts and gunfire support ves-
sels for amphibious operations, destroyers were also used as troop
transports and resupply vessels. The best instances of this role come
from the experiences of the Imperial Japanese Navy, again in the
campaign for Guadalcanal. Part of the strength of the Imperial Japa-
nese Navy involved in this struggle were destroyers under the com-
mand of Rear Admiral Raizo Tanaka. This commander, known to
historians as the most accomplished Japanese destroyer leader of
World War II, used the forces under his command to resupply Japa-
nese forces on Guadalcanal. On the night of 17–18 August 1942,
his squadron, known as the Tokyo Express to the Allies, conducted
its first run to Guadalcanal.
escaped intact. Gunfire was responsible for a large part of the de-
struction, but Japanese torpedoes sank one destroyer, damaged an-
other, and were possibly responsible for the sinking of an additional
destroyer. This battle decimated ABDA Command and, after one ad-
ditional engagement, left Southeast Asia devoid of any significant
Allied naval presence.
U.S. destroyers also claimed victories through destroyer attacks.
In the 1944 Battle of Leyte Gulf, a U.S. force comprised of battle-
ships, cruisers, and destroyers that was defending Surigao Strait an-
nihilated the Japanese Southern Force that was attempting to steam
through the strait. This night action resulted in the sinking of two
Japanese battleships. One of these was sunk by torpedoes while the
other was destroyed by a combination of heavy gunfire and torpe-
does. Destroyers continued to the end of the war as torpedo attack
vessels. As a testimony to their great service, destroyers engaged in
the last naval battle in the Pacific. On 16 May 1945, the British
26th Destroyer Flotilla intercepted the Japanese heavy cruiser
Haguro. In the ensuing engagement, the Japanese cruiser was crip-
pled by three torpedo hits and was subsequently finished off by an
additional attack.
The loss of Haguro provides one of many examples of destroyers
being used in roles other than combat. Following the sinking of this
ship, a Japanese destroyer picked up the vessel’s survivors. In addi-
tion to rescuing crewmen of sunken or sinking vessels, destroyers
were tasked with picking up downed pilots. Destroyers were also
employed as fire-fighting ships whereby massive hoses fed by sea-
water would drench large vessels that were ablaze. When this mea-
sure failed or when a vessel was unsalvageable, the task of scuttling
a ship to prevent its capture by the enemy fell to destroyers.
The myriad of duties performed by destroyers in all the theaters
of World War II made them a vital element in the naval operations
of every combatant. As a result, the destroyer was the type of war-
ship produced in the greatest numbers during the war. The facts
that they were the fastest and cheapest to build also encouraged de-
stroyer production. Of all of the naval powers, the United States and
Great Britain accounted for most of the destroyer construction of
World War II. Other nations did not have the resources to produce
them in very large numbers.
The United States, with its very powerful industrial base, was re-
sponsible for the greatest number of new destroyers. Like World War
I, these ships represented only a handful of classes to save time on
construction by eliminating the process of drawing up several differ-
ent designs. As war broke out in Europe, the United States was in the
process of launching the last group of its prewar destroyers. These
were the 95 ships of the Benson/Gleaves class and were also the final
ships to adhere to the stipulations of the London Treaty, despite the
fact that the agreement had expired. Launched between November
1939 and February 1943, these vessels were similar to the preceding
Sims class but with slightly greater armament. Construction increased
dramatically as these ships were still in the process of building.
By June 1940 in the wake of the fall of France, U.S. politicians
were aware of the possibility that the United States, although neu-
tral, might eventually be the only power left to stand in the face of
German and Japanese aggression. The result was a naval expansion
program that called for a two-ocean navy to combat both threats if
the need presented itself. Among the ships authorized were 115 de-
stroyers that proved to be only part of total wartime production. Be-
tween 1940 and 1945, the United States built 470 conventional de-
stroyers capable of fleet operations.5
The first of these vessels comprised the Fletcher class, the largest
group ever produced in the world. Launched beginning in 1942,
178 ships of the class were commissioned by September 1944. The
design is commonly considered one of the best in the history of the
destroyer. The hull of Fletcher measured 376 feet, 5 inches by 39
feet, 7 inches by 13 feet, 9 inches and displaced 2,325 tons. Unlike
most destroyers, the engine and machinery spaces of the hull were
protected by .75-inch side armor and .5-inch deck protection. U.S.
naval constructors decided to include this feature in light of British
wartime experience, where even the explosions produced by ord-
nance that narrowly missed generated splinters that could seriously
damage a destroyer’s thin hull plating. The gun armament consisted
of five 5-inch guns in single mounts that were completely enclosed
by gun houses. Both the bow and the stern contained two each of
these weapons while the fifth was sited aft just before the rear por-
tion of the ship’s superstructure, as by this time most destroyers car-
ried auxiliary control positions in this area. In addition, Fletcher car-
ried four 1.1-inch weapons and four 20mm guns for AA defense. Its
torpedo weaponry consisted of 10 21-inch tubes. Finally, as with all
destroyers of the age, the ship was equipped with sonar and depth
charges. Powering this impressive ship were turbines that could pro-
duce a maximum speed of 38 knots.
Supplementing the ships of this type were those of the Allen
Sumner class that comprised 59 commissioned warships by the end
of 1944. These possessed slightly larger, unarmored hulls and
40mm Bofors gun. This type first went to sea in the U.S. Navy in
July 1942 and was proven to be among the best AA guns. Increas-
ingly large numbers were placed on destroyers to both replace ineffi-
cient armament and to provide the most AA defense possible. Often-
times, the importance of the AA capability outweighed that of more
traditional functions. Many U.S. destroyers had one of their aft gun
mounts removed to accommodate more AA weapons.
These vessels, thanks in part to the continual refits, were the
most capable destroyers produced during World War II by the
United States. Ultimately, however, they did not fill the military de-
mand for destroyers. Their numbers were large, but the myriad roles
demanded of destroyers were too great to fill. The United States
consequently turned to the construction of a type of destroyer that
had been pioneered by the British to bridge the gap. This type was
the escort destroyer.
The escort destroyer was a smaller vessel, making it faster to
build, and was devoted to the performance of fewer missions than
larger ships. U.S. escort destroyers were built largely for a single
mission: ASW. The need for these was dire given the Battle of the
Atlantic, upon which hinged the survival of Great Britain. In 1941,
the British contracted with the U.S. government for vessels that
could protect convoys against submarines given the fact that they
could not domestically produce an adequate number of craft. Escort
destroyers subsequently became important both for Great Britain
and, increasingly, for the United States.
The United States built vessels comprising four escort destroyer
classes over the course of the war. These vessels, influenced by the
original British design, were all generally similar. The last classes,
whose units were launched primarily in 1943, were the DET and
FMR classes designed primarily for ASW, but also for AA defense.
The hull of one of these vessels measured 306 feet by 36 feet, 7
inches by 10 feet, 5 inches and displaced 1,253 tons. Its armament
consisted of three 3-inch guns in single open mounts and three 21-
inch torpedo tubes. This light armament was due to the fact that the
vessel carried a large ASW battery in keeping with its intended pri-
mary role. The vessel mounted one Hedgehog, eight depth charge
throwers, and two depth charge racks. The small number of guns
and torpedo tubes also resulted from the very large number of AA
guns, being two 40mm Bofors and between 8 and 10, 20mm Oer-
likons. These ships, unlike the preceding classes, were equipped
with diesel-fueled engines rather than turbines. This propulsion
plant was necessary because turbines took longer to build and the
need for speedy production of ships was paramount. The diesel en-
gines could generate a maximum speed of only 20.2 knots, but this
was acceptable given that the role of the vessel was primarily that of
protecting slow-moving convoys.
By the end of the war, the United States had commissioned 499
escorts, which eclipsed the number of conventional destroyers in ser-
vice at the end of the conflict. Counted in this number, however, is a
type of vessel that was designed solely for escorting merchantmen
rather than being intended for both ASW and AA defense. Known as
the frigate, this vessel was, like the escort destroyer, a product of
British naval yards. Produced in only one type, a U.S. frigate meas-
ured 301 feet, 6 inches by 36 feet, 6 inches by 13 feet, 2 inches and
displaced 1,509 tons. Its armament consisted of three 3-inch guns in
single mounts, and four 40mm and nine 20mm AA guns. Most sig-
nificantly, the vessel carried one Hedgehog, eight depth charge
throwers, and two depth charge racks. Its engines were capable of a
maximum speed of 20 knots. As with the larger escort destroyers,
high speed was not considered necessary given their mission.
Great Britain also produced regular destroyers, escorts, and
frigates, but in lesser numbers given that its industrial capability was
not equal to that of the United States and its resources were
stretched more thinly. Even so, the British commissioned 285 con-
ventionally designed destroyers over the course of the war. Following
the launch of 11 Tribal-class ships for the Australian and Canadian
navies and 8 J-, K-, and N-class vessels, the British constructed the
16-ship L and M class. Launched between 1939 and 1942, these
vessels were the first British wartime design and were essentially an
enlargement of the preceding type with one additional 4.7-inch gun
and lesser torpedo armament. The next five classes were like the L
and M class in that they were generally of the same design, but with
slight modifications in weaponry. The 24 units of the last of these,
the Ch, Co, and Cr classes, were launched between 1944 and late
1945 and are an example of this trend. The hull of one of these ves-
sels measured 362 feet, 9 inches by 35 feet, 8 inches by 14 feet, 5
inches, displaced between 1,710 tons and 1,730 tons, and was pow-
ered by turbines that generated 36.75 knots. The armament con-
sisted of four 4.7-inch guns in single mounts protected by gun
shields, four 21-inch torpedo tubes, and two 40mm Bofors AA
In addition to these similar classes, the British also launched
three more groups of vessels that were larger than those of the past.
These were intended for extended operations in the Pacific. Indica-
tive of the larger craft are the 16 Battle-class destroyers. The hull of
a unit in this group measured 379 feet by 40 feet, 3 inches by 15
feet, 2 inches and displaced between 2,315 and 2,325 tons. The ar-
mament consisted of four 4.5-inch guns, eight 21-inch torpedo
tubes, and eight 40mm Bofors AA guns. The maximum speed of the
type was 35.75 knots.
All were continually upgraded in keeping with wartime experi-
ence. The two principal improvements were refits to include radar
sets and additional AA armament. Like most other navies, many de-
stroyers finished the war lacking one or more of their primary guns
in favor of more Oerlikon and Bofors AA weapons.
As in the case of the United States, the British also pursued the
construction of escort destroyers for ASW and AA defense roles.
These duties were deemed extremely important by British naval offi-
cials in the event of a war with Germany and had been foreseen by
October 1938. Great Britain was the pioneer of the escort destroyer
type through the production between 1939 and 1940 of the 23
Hunt-class escort destroyers. A Hunt-class ship measured 280 feet
by 29 feet by 12 feet, 6 inches and displaced 1,000 tons. The vessel
was armed with four 4-inch guns in single mounts and four 2-
pounder pom-pom weapons. Most lacked any torpedo battery. This
was the result of the fact that the ship was designed specifically for
the protection of convoys against submarines. The Hunt-class units
carried an impressive ASW armament that totaled between 50 and
110 depth charges. The turbine engines of one of these ships pro-
duced 28 knots. By the end of the war, the British launched three
more batches of escort destroyers that were improved Hunt-class
ships. In total, the Royal Navy operated 86 vessels of the Hunt-class
Supplementing these vessels were the frigates of the Royal Navy.
Great Britain pioneered the design of frigates with the River class,
first launched in 1942. A River-class vessel measured 301 feet, 4
inches by 36 feet, 8 inches by 11 feet, 10 inches and displaced be-
tween 1,310 tons and 1,460 tons. Its armament consisted of only
two 4-inch guns, but it possessed a large ASW battery. This con-
sisted of a Hedgehog and 126 depth charges mounted primarily in
racks. The large amount of antisubmarine ordnance is evidence of
the fact that the frigate of the Royal Navy, like that of the United
States, was intended solely for use against submarines while escort-
ing merchantmen. Great Britain built several classes following that
of the original River type. By the end of the war, the Royal Navy op-
erated 349 escort destroyers and frigates.
only because of their age but also from the added wear of several
years of World War II service. In August 1944, the Soviets further
expanded their destroyer fleet when the Red Army marched into Ro-
mania, which had been a German ally. They subsequently seized
four ships. Two of these had been launched in 1917 and 1918 and
were, like the vessels provided by the British, of little use. The other
two were of slightly greater value, as their design resembled that of
the British Shakespeare-class flotilla leaders.
Smaller naval powers with the Allies offered what they could, but
their destroyer programs during the war were on the whole minimal
or nonexistent. Canada ultimately deployed a large number of de-
stroyers and escort destroyers for use in the Battle of the Atlantic,
but as Canada was a member of the British Commonwealth a large
number of these ships were built in British shipyards. Some of the
other vessels, notably 4 destroyers of the Tribal-class design and 18
frigates similar to the British River class, were domestically built.
New Zealand and Australia, also members of the British Common-
wealth, contributed a number of domestically built ships. The
Netherlands managed to launch three new destroyers in late 1939
and early 1940 before being invaded and conquered by Germany in
late May 1940.
Despite the collapse of France’s destroyer program, the low out-
put of Soviet shipyards, and the miniscule forces of lesser Allied
navies, the forces of the United States and Great Britain dwarfed
those of the Axis powers. The largest Axis program was that of Japan,
which built conventional destroyers, escort destroyers, and frigates.
Destroyers were the only type of warship built in any substantial
quantity during the war. Japan launched 33 ships between 1941 and
1945 that were of conventional destroyer designs. The first units
produced after the outbreak of war in Europe were the final six
Kagero-class vessels. These were followed by Japan’s first wartime
construction, the 20 Yugumo-class destroyers that were generally
the same as the preceding Japanese destroyers. Indeed, all Japanese
destroyer classes save one were largely based on the design specifi-
cations of Fubuki. In 1942, Shimakaze was launched as an experi-
mental one-ship class looking forward to the construction of larger
destroyers. The experience gleaned from Shimakaze led to the
launch of 12 ships of the Akitsuki class that were designed primarily
as fast AA defense escorts for aircraft carriers. These were among
the last fleet destroyers built for the Imperial Japanese Navy. The
hull of Akitsuki measured 440 feet, 3 inches by 38 feet, 1 inch by 13
feet, 7 inches, displaced 2,701 tons, and possessed turbines that
includes not only ships of this type but also frigates. These high
numbers suggest the extreme degree of their use and the vital nature
of their tasks. The need for these vessels, proven in war, meant that
destroyers would continue to be important in the world that
emerged after World War II.
that were all launched by mid-1952. Like the Soviet vessels, these
U.S. designs originated from experience gleaned in World War II.
The first of these was Norfolk, originally designated as a cruiser.
Some scholars continue to place this rating on the ship. In actuality,
Norfolk was intended as a destroyer leader (designation: DL), mak-
ing it the first of this type in the U.S. Navy. Essentially, the defining
aspect of this type was its large size. The hull of Norfolk measured
540 feet by 53 feet, 6 inches by 19 feet and displaced 5,560 tons. Its
armament reflected the desire of U.S. naval officials for more ships
capable of ASW defense. The ship mounted eight 3-inch pieces
housed in four dual-gunned gun houses. Two each were located fore
and aft. Norfolk also carried eight 21-inch torpedo tubes as its prin-
cipal ASW weaponry, being capable of firing early homing torpe-
does. Finally, the ship mounted four Weapon Alpha systems. Its en-
gines produced a maximum speed of 33 knots. A crew of 546 men
manned the ship. The chief problem with Norfolk was the enormous
cost, some $61 million for construction and weaponry.1
The other four units laid down by the United States before 1952
comprised the Mitscher class of destroyer leaders that were designed
primarily for ASW operations. Mitscher measured 490 feet by 47
feet, 6 inches by 14 feet, 8 inches and displaced 3,642 tons. It
mounted two 5-inch guns in single-piece gun houses, one each be-
ing located fore and aft. The vessel also carried four 3-inch guns,
eight 20mm AA weapons, four 21-inch torpedo tubes, two Weapon
Alpha ASW systems, and one depth charge rack. The vessel’s en-
gines produced a maximum speed of 36.5 knots. The Mitscher-class
destroyers were only moderately cheaper than Norfolk. These ships
represent the beginning of the trend toward the construction of
fewer destroyers owing to their increasing cost.
The vessels of the United States and the Soviet Union represented
an exception to the rule in the immediate postwar years as the victo-
rious powers reduced the size of their navies to trim maintenance
costs in a peacetime world that did not require warships in such
large numbers. The United States alone had built 349 destroyers
and 420 escort destroyers between the December 1941 attack on
Pearl Harbor and October 1945.2 That country slowed its produc-
tion program while keeping the majority of its destroyers in service to
counter the rising threat of the Soviet Union by the late 1940s. The
British, due to the great financial drain of the war and the govern-
ment’s plan to divert what resources existed to the domestic front,
viewed the reduction of the Royal Navy as a lamentable necessity. A
massive program of cuts in the fleet was instituted in 1948 that led
eased in the years following the conclusion of the peace treaties that
ended World War II due to the dawn of a new conflict: the Cold War.
The rise of this new struggle demonstrated the continued need for
destroyers in the post–World War II world. Indeed, the new con-
struction programs of the United States and the Soviet Union had
been predicated on this fact. The worldwide conflict of the Cold War
resulted from diplomatic tensions immediately after World War II
that arose between the United States, its European allies, and their
former Soviet ally over Soviet dealings in Eastern and Central Eu-
rope. The United States and Western European countries were
alarmed at the rise of Communist governments in Eastern Europe
that were allied with Moscow and that threatened the global balance
of power as well as the freedoms of those under Communist systems.
In 1947, amid a Communist revolution in Greece that threatened
to envelop the country, U.S. President Harry S. Truman took the
first steps to check the spread of Soviet influence through the Tru-
man Doctrine. It stated that the United States would support any
free nation threatened by “outside pressures” or “armed minorities.”
This policy statement was clearly directed at the Soviet Union. Sub-
sequent steps like the 1947 Marshall Plan, a massive aid program to
rebuild the shattered economies of Europe in order that they might
not be unstable in the face of Communist insurgency, hardened atti-
tudes of the two sides toward one another. In 1949, as a response to
the Berlin airlift crisis of the previous year and the rise of Commu-
nist China, the United States and Western European nations
founded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military
alliance against the Soviet Union. It was initially composed of the
United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Canada, the Nether-
lands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, and Iceland.
The Soviets in turn directed their military strength against this
challenge. They also employed the military power of Eastern Eu-
rope. Since the end of World War II, the Soviet Union had estab-
lished control over the military forces of most of the nations of East-
ern Europe. The Soviets ultimately made this arrangement official
in 1955 with the creation of their own alliance, known as the War-
saw Pact. By the end of the 1940s, the world had polarized into two
camps led by two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet
Union, that rivaled one another around the world. This conflict, the
Cold War, was one of massive military buildups. One component
was a new naval arms race.
As most of the maritime powers of the world were either impover-
ished or devastated by World War II, the majority of the destroyer
1949, the economy of the country had been damaged in the war to
the extent that the Italians could not feasibly produce new destroy-
ers. Exacerbating the problem was Italy’s chronic lack of industrial
raw materials needed for new construction. The Italians also had al-
most no vessels to convert to more modern units. Even so, the Ital-
ian Navy was tasked through NATO with the defense of Otranto
Channel in the Mediterranean Sea and the protection of the
Tyrrhenian Sea and the Adriatic Sea. This created an immediate
need that began to be filled by U.S. aid provided through MDAP by
the transfer in 1951 from the United States to Italy of two World
War II destroyers, one each from the Benson Gleaves class. In the
same year, three World War II Cannon-class destroyer escorts were
also provided to the Italians. Although they had not been modern-
ized, these ships were useful in the sense that the Italian Navy was
somewhat strengthened and the ships served as training facilities for
a new generation of Italian naval officers and men.
The Netherlands also benefited from the large wartime destroyer
fleet of the United States. The invasion of Dutch possessions in the
Pacific by the Japanese in World War II had led to the end of the im-
perial history of the Netherlands, as the former colonies were never
recovered. As a result, the Dutch in 1949 devoted its navy to the de-
fense of Europe in the context of the Cold War when they joined the
NATO alliance. Specifically, the Dutch Navy became partially re-
sponsible for the protection of convoys in the area of the English
Channel and North Sea. The navy became committed to ASW de-
fense, which meant that destroyers formed a large part of their navy
due to their effectiveness in this role. Between 1950 and 1951, the
Netherlands acquired six U.S. Cannon-class destroyer escorts.
Funds from MDAP also provided for frigates built in the United
States. The six ships of the Roofdier class were completed in 1954
and relied largely on World War II technology. Roofdier measured
185 feet by 33 feet by 10 feet and displaced 808 tons. Its weaponry
consisted of one 3-inch gun, an assortment of AA pieces, and one
Hedgehog launcher.
Unlike many of the other powers, however, the postwar Dutch
Navy turned to domestic production from an early stage after the
war. The first new destroyers were the four ships of the Holland
class that were specifically built for ASW defense. Laid down and
completed between 1950 and 1955, a unit of this type had a hull
that measured 371 feet by 37 feet by 17 feet and that displaced
2,215 tons. The destroyer was armed with four 4.7-inch weapons
mounted in two dual-gunned gun houses, one each being located
fore and aft. It also mounted one 40mm AA gun, two 375mm ASW
mortar systems, and two depth charge racks. The engines produced
a maximum speed of 32 knots. These vessels were only the first of a
new program envisioned by the Netherlands that would make it an
integral part of NATO defense at sea.
Potentially augmenting the destroyer force of NATO from an
early period after World War II were the navies of nonaligned pow-
ers, being countries not allied with either the West or the Soviet
Union, that were friendly to Western nations. Among these were
Australia and New Zealand due to their past imperial connection to
Great Britain. By 1951, Australia received the last of two Battle-
class destroyers built in British shipyards. These were of an im-
proved design over those launched for the British Royal Navy in
World War II. Between 1948 and 1949, New Zealand profited from
its relationship with Britain by acquiring six World War II Loch-class
destroyer escorts, which were subsequently designated frigates.
Both countries entertained more additions to their destroyer forces.
All of these nations faced primarily the Soviet Navy rather than a
combined force of the entire Communist bloc. From the beginning
of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had few European allies with sig-
nificant naval power to aid in countering NATO forces. Few nations
in the Warsaw Pact had possessed warships in the years before
World War II. This development was the product either of their
economies, which did not allow for a large naval armaments pro-
gram, or the fact that many of the powers that became members of
the Warsaw Pact were landlocked. Those powers that did have any
naval force in the early 1950s garnered one from the Soviet Union.
In 1949, Bulgaria received one Russian Novik-class destroyer, while
Romania operated two obsolete destroyers that had been built in the
late 1920s in Italian shipyards. The Soviets also did not have any
significant naval allies outside the Warsaw Pact.
Potentially the most powerful of the Soviet Union’s allies in the
opening years of the Cold War was the People’s Republic of China.
In 1949, the Communists of China had established a Communist
regime under the leadership of Mao Tse-tung. In February of the
following year, a 30-year mutual assistance pact was signed with
China that effectively aligned it with the Soviet Union. This agree-
ment was extremely important for China’s efforts to establish a
naval force, as the country was still largely based on an agrarian
rather than an industrial economy. The shipyards that had existed
were in ruins due to the World War II occupations by the Japanese
and the civil war between the Communists and Nationalists that
had ensued at the conclusion of the war. As a result, the Chinese re-
lied at first on Soviet help to rebuild its facilities, expand their
knowledge of naval architecture, and create a navy for the new
regime. This force was from its inception dedicated to coastal de-
fense. The first units of this new navy were destroyers, being four
Soviet World War II destroyers transferred between 1954 and 1955
to Chinese service. This paltry force could do little to help the Sovi-
ets versus the West.
Regardless of the number or design of destroyers in world navies
in the period between 1946 and 1955, all units shared the common-
ality that they relied on guns and torpedoes as their primary arma-
ments, with limited advancements in ASW and detection equip-
ment. In the minds of naval officials in many countries by 1955,
such as the British who cancelled their 1953 gun-armed destroyer
design, this fact made them obsolete in the face of the advent of the
missile, a new technological development that transformed naval
warfare. The United States was among those nations at the fore-
front of this innovation, whose roots extended back to World War II.
During that conflict, Nazi Germany pioneered missile technology
with the development of the V-1 and V-2 rockets. U.S. naval officials
sought to extend this technology to missiles aboard ships to combat
a very serious strategic threat that had arisen in 1949 when the So-
viet Union became an atomic power upon the detonation of its first
test weapon. This development, in combination with the advent of
jet power for airplanes, allowed the Soviets to attack the U.S. main-
land using fast aircraft armed with weapons of mass destruction.
The speed of these planes largely obviated the use of antiaircraft
guns on ships that might be deployed as a defensive screen in the
waters off the United States. Their rate of fire was slow, as was their
aiming, which was controlled by human beings. Missiles, in con-
trast, could match and exceed the speed of the new jet bombers
through the use of rocket technology. U.S. naval officials also be-
lieved in the need for vessels armed with missiles to protect the air-
craft carriers of the fleet against assaults by enemy jets.
By the early 1950s, hurried R&D with the aid of German scien-
tists for a missile system that could fulfill these needs bore fruit with
antiaircraft missiles that became known as the “3 Ts” and were des-
ignated as surface-to-air missiles (SAMs). These were the Terrier,
Talos, and Tartar missiles. They were the product of the U.S. pro-
gram Bumblebee, which was begun in 1944 and was committed to
the invention of SAM ordnance that possessed long range. While
this long-range missile, the Talos SAM, was in the development
the design of destroyers, thus ushering the vessel type into the mis-
sile age. A chief reason was the need for economy, as destroyers were
both cheaper to build and maintain than cruisers and more could
consequently be deployed for missile protection. This desire for ex-
perimentation led to the world’s first guided missile destroyer (desig-
nation: DDG). On 1 December 1956, the Gearing-class destroyer
Gyatt was recommissioned after a conversion that transformed the
ship into a test bed to examine the feasibility of mounting large mis-
sile systems in relatively small ships. The hull dimensions and
propulsion machinery of Gyatt remained unchanged, but the
weaponry was substantially altered. The twin-gunned 5-inch gun
house was removed as well as all of the AA weaponry in the stern. In
place of the 5-inch weapons and gun house was a twin-armed Terrier
missile launcher. Located just forward of the battery was loading ma-
chinery and a magazine that held 14 missiles in addition to the 2 car-
ried on the arms of the launcher. Not only was the vessel the first de-
stroyer to mount missiles; it was also the prototype in the U.S. Navy
for the inclusion of hull stabilization equipment. The rolling and
pitching motion of small hulls like those of destroyers presented a
particular problem to a missile system, which needed a fair degree of
stability to operate effectively. It also led to more fuel consumption
for destroyers in rough seas as captains sought to maintain position
in their vessels, meaning that a ship could not remain on station for
as long as larger ships due to the need to refuel. As a result, Gyatt re-
ceived the Denny-Brown Stabilization System. This technology was
developed by the British and was first employed in the Hunt-class de-
stroyer escorts launched between 1939 and 1940. It consisted of two
45-foot fins located below the waterline on either side of the hull.
This innovation became commonplace in the destroyers of world
navies. Finally, Gyatt received a slightly improved radar system to
provide guidance for Terriers once they were in flight.
Gyatt proved that it was feasible to mount the Terrier on a vessel
of destroyer size, but ultimately the test ship was unsuccessful. The
lack of extensive improvement in the radar system was the result of
weight restrictions arising from the small hull of the Gearing-class
destroyer. The large radar suite mounted on the first guided missile
cruisers for the Terrier system would have threatened the stability of
Gyatt by making it too top-heavy. Without this array, the guidance
system of Gyatt was not advanced enough to provide proper control
for the Terrier missile.
Nevertheless, the United States used the experience gleaned from
Gyatt to produce the world’s first purpose-built guided missile de-
entered service in 1959 and possessed the longest range of the three
missile types, being a maximum of 57 miles. It measured 21 feet
long with a wingspan of 110 inches and weighed 3,400 pounds. A
portion of this was the warhead, which weighed 300 pounds. Its
ramjet engine could produce a maximum speed of Mach 2.5.
The United States was not alone in its quest to produce warships
that incorporated missiles. Technological innovation in the Soviet
Union challenged the missile program of the United States and was
the product of a shift in the priorities of the Soviet Navy. Following
World War II, Stalin had concentrated on the construction of a navy
that could defend the coasts of the Soviet Union and a few large ves-
sels that could project power further overseas. All were armed solely
with guns. Upon his death in 1953, his successor, Nikita Khrush-
chev, turned toward the incorporation of missiles in the belief that
the gun was obsolete in the face of the missile. Indeed, he believed
that the sole priority of the Soviet Union should be the production
of nuclear-missile technology. New warship designs were subse-
quently drawn up under the direction of commander-in-chief of the
navy, Sergei Gorshkov, who rose to this position in 1956, that relied
on the Soviet missile program for armament.
The Soviet program, like that of the United States, had begun in
earnest in the months following the end of World War II with the
acquisition of German rocket technology. Soviet experiments with
the German equipment eventually produced missiles in the mid-
1950s that alarmed the Western powers as increasingly the Soviet
Navy posed a greater strategic threat through their employment. In
September 1955, the Soviet Union became the first nation to fire a
submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), a weapon that could
carry a nuclear warhead and deliver it to a target hundreds of miles
away. The Soviets also produced the first conventionally powered
ballistic missile submarine in 1958.
At the same time, the Soviets were in the process of developing
surface ship missile systems. In the late 1950s, old warships were
refitted to test the first-generation Soviet SAM missile batteries,
while experiments were also under way for the world’s first surface-
to-surface missile (SSM) for use against enemy vessels. This latter
type was the result of the need for an offensive capability against
NATO aircraft carriers owing to the fact that the Soviet Union had
no sea-based airpower. Soviet officials viewed Western aircraft carri-
ers as a threat to the Soviet Union itself, as they could launch air-
craft armed with nuclear weapons against Soviet military sites and
cities. The Soviet Union consequently designed the world’s first
SSM, the SS-N-1, in the late 1950s; it could carry either a conven-
tional or a nuclear warhead. The missile measured 25 feet long with
a wingspan of 15 feet and weighed more than 7,000 pounds. Its
maximum range was 150 miles.
This innovation led to the world’s first missile destroyers armed
with missiles that possessed offensive capability. These were the
Kildin class comprising four ships. All were laid down in 1957 and
1958 and were essentially modified Kotlin-class warships. The first
of these, Neulovimyy, was completed in 1960 and measured 415
feet, 1 inch by 42 feet, 8 inches by 15 feet, 1 inch with a displace-
ment of 2,850 tons. Its innovative SS-N-1 armament was comprised
of a single missile launcher mounted in the stern. The magazine of
this system, consisting of a hanger situated on the main deck aft,
could hold four reloads. In addition to this new weapon, Neulovimyy
also exhibited Soviet advances in ASW weaponry through the inclu-
sion of two RBU-2500 ASW launchers. This weapon was much the
same as the ASROC system of the United States. Developed in
1957 and first in service in the Kildin-class destroyers, it consisted
of a swivel-mount launcher that held 16 barrels. Each of these con-
tained a rocket with a 46-pound warhead that could be fired to a
maximum distance of 2,730 yards against enemy submarines.3 In
addition to this weapon and the SS-N-1 launcher, Neulovimyy also
carried 16 2.2-inch guns and four 21-inch torpedo tubes. As with
the Kotlin class, the vessel’s top speed was 38 knots. Another eight
warships of the Krupny class were also laid down in 1958, with the
first being completed some three years later. The hull of one of
these warships was 452 feet, 2 inches by 48 feet, 11 inches by 10
feet, 6 inches and displaced 4,500 tons. It was armed with two SS-
N-1 missile launchers, one each being located fore and aft, and car-
ried 20 reloads. The ship’s weaponry also included two RBU-2500
ASW launchers, 16 2.2-inch guns, and six 21-inch torpedo tubes.
The ship’s maximum speed was 36 knots, and it was crewed by 350
officers and men.
Neither Kildin- nor Krupny-class destroyers proved to be very
successful designs due to the new SS-N-1 system, which had nu-
merous drawbacks that detracted from its use. Unknown to the
West, the missile was designed to release its warhead at close range
to the target in order for it to submerge in the water before hitting
the hull of an enemy ship. The intention was to cause damage below
the waterline that would sink the target vessel. This release system
was not very reliable, and consequently the probability of a hit was
decreased. In addition, the Soviets lacked the electronic capability
to guide the missile to targets over the horizon, which further lim-
ited the weapon’s usefulness. In addition to these problems was the
fact that manual labor, rather than loading machinery, was required
to remove these missiles from storage and place them in the launch-
ers. Not only was this process time-consuming; it was also extremely
difficult to perform in even moderately rough seas. As the warships
of the Soviet Navy operated partly in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans,
these conditions were largely the rule rather than the exception.
Nevertheless, the United States and its NATO allies viewed the ar-
rival of Soviet ships armed with SSM systems with alarm, as few of
these problems were known. The Soviet Union possessed a potential
offensive capability that the navies of the West lacked.
From the late 1950s forward, all of the navies of the world turned
to the production of missile destroyers in light of the fact that the
new weaponry had largely made warships armed primarily with guns
obsolete. The United States and the Soviet Union continued to pro-
duce the majority of these warships. The destroyer program of the
United States up to 1967 continued to rest on new construction and
conversions/refits of older destroyers to counter the large number of
Soviet destroyers, guard against incoming aircraft, and protect
against the Soviet Union’s ballistic missile submarine fleet.
Many of the newly constructed destroyers pressed the limits of
the standard design parameters considered to be those of destroyers.
The first of these was the Leahy class comprising nine warships that
were designed primarily for AA duty. Laid down in 1959 and com-
pleted in mid-1962, the hull of the Leahy measured 533 feet by 53
feet, 4 inches by 19 feet and displaced 5,146 tons. It was armed
with two Terrier SAM launchers, one each being located fore and
aft. Each of these twin-armed launchers had a magazine that held
40 missiles. The ships also mounted one ASROC ASW system, four
3-inch guns, and six 12.75-inch torpedo tubes that fired ASW torpe-
does. The ship’s engines produced a maximum speed of 32 knots.
Crew complement was 377 officers and men. Another nine ships of
the Belknap class, completed between 1964 and 1967, were de-
signed for ASW defense. As a result, they shipped only one Terrier
system, albeit a modified one that could launch SAM and ASROC
weapons, one 5-inch gun, two 3-inch weapons, and an array of hom-
ing torpedoes.
Also among these larger destroyers were two that signaled a new
innovation in destroyer design. This was the introduction of nu-
clear-powered turbine engines in place of those powered by steam
created by oil-fed boilers. The first use of nuclear power occurred in
the late 1940s when the United States built land-based reactors.
The success of these plants spurred an R&D program in the U.S.
Navy for nuclear-powered propulsion in submarines and ships that
was overseen by Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover. In 1954, this effort
led to success when the U.S. submarine Nautilus was commissioned
for service as the world’s first nuclear-powered vessel.
The propulsion system of this submarine and all other warships
that utilize nuclear power is complex. The entire plant is contained
in a section of a ship known as the reactor compartment. Each nu-
clear reactor plant contains more than 100 tons of lead shielding to
protect the crew from radiation. The reactor generates heat through
the process of fission of nuclear material in water. This heat energy is
transferred to a generator that produces steam that is then directed
to a ship’s turbine engines for propulsion. Steam is also used to
power other turbines that supply electricity for shipboard operations.
There are several advantages to nuclear power. The first of these
is the fact that power for the engines is available immediately upon
orders being received in the engine room from the bridge. In the
past, steam power had to build up gradually for a destroyer to reach
its maximum speed, which took a great deal of time. In addition to
this advantage is the fact that warships equipped with nuclear-pow-
ered engines are no longer hampered by the need to steam to a port
and refuel. The only limiting factor to the endurance of a nuclear-
powered warship is the amount of supplies that can be shipped
In 1961, the guided missile cruiser Long Beach became the first
surface warship that went to sea with a nuclear reactor for propul-
sion. The ship was intended to operate with Enterprise, the world’s
first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, completed in the same year.
This innovation was extended to slightly smaller vessels than Long
Beach out of the need for more escorts to operate with Enterprise.
The first of these was Bainbridge. Designated as a frigate, Bain-
bridge was laid down in 1959 and completed in 1962. Its hull meas-
ured 565 feet by 56 feet by 19 feet, 5 inches and displaced 7,250
tons. It was armed with two Terrier SAM systems, one each being
located fore and aft, one ASROC ASW launcher, six 12.75-inch
ASW torpedo tubes, and four 3-inch guns. The two turbines of the
vessel were each powered by one nuclear reactor. These reactors
were of the D2G model. The letters and numbers of the designation
indicated the ship type for which the reactor was designed, the ver-
sion of the reactor, and the designer of the plant, respectively. In the
case of these reactors, the model designation indicated a second-
marily for the ASW role as coastal defense ships. Between 1961 and
1969, the Soviets completed 45 Petya-class frigates. Each unit
measured 268 feet, 4 inches by 30 feet, 2 inches by 9 feet, 6 inches
and displaced 950 tons. The armament consisted of four 3-inch
guns, two RBU-2500 ASW launchers, five 16-inch torpedo tubes,
two depth charge racks, and 22 mines. A Petya-class frigate could
achieve a maximum speed of 32 knots. By 1966, 18 similar vessels
of the Mirka class were completed to augment the numbers of So-
viet frigates.
The remainder of the world’s destroyer production in the years be-
tween 1955 and 1967 was largely the result of NATO powers seek-
ing to augment the ability of the West to counter the Soviet Navy.
The naval power with the greatest output was Great Britain. In this
period, destroyers and smaller frigates came to represent the major-
ity of the British surface fleet. This was in part due to financial re-
strictions, as the state of the British economy after World War II had
necessitated a massive cut in the number of ships in service as well
as a curtailment of new construction. Destroyers and frigates were
among the cheapest to build given financial restrictions. These types
of ships were also favored due to the prevailing belief in Britain, as in
many other nations, that navies were largely obsolete in the age of jet
bombers equipped with atomic bombs. Such a belief that empha-
sized airpower, however, meant that aircraft carriers still had some
validity in the Royal Navy. As a result, Britain needed destroyers and
frigates to serve in their AAW role to protect the carriers.
Most of the escorts Britain produced in this era were frigates
rather than destroyers. The only class of destroyer produced by
Great Britain in this period was the County class comprising eight
vessels that were dedicated to the AA escort role in defense of air-
craft carriers. The first six of these were completed between 1962
and 1966, while the other two were ordered in 1967 and completed
three years later. The hull of the lead ship, Devonshire, measured
521 feet, 6 inches by 54 feet by 20 feet, 6 inches and displaced
6,200 tons. Its primary weaponry consisted of Britain’s first domesti-
cally built SAM systems. The first of these was one Seaslug SAM
launcher. Development for the missile had begun in 1949 and sev-
eral plans had been floated for cruisers to carry the weapon, but the
missile was not ready for service until 1962. By that time, Great
Britain had abandoned plans for a cruiser to carry the Seaslug in
preference for mounting the SAM system in cheaper destroyers.
Seaslug was similar to the U.S. Terrier missile in terms of perform-
ance. It measured 16 feet, 1 inch, had a wingspan of almost 57
inches, and weighed 1,980 pounds. The original missile, the Mark I,
could deliver the 200-pound warhead to a distance of 15 nautical
miles at a maximum speed of Mach 1.8; the improved Mark II that
entered service in 1965 could travel a distance of 35 nautical miles.
The guidance of Seaslug was also much like that of Terrier—beam-
riding technology. Later versions of the missile had a limited anti-
ship capability. Devonshire carried as many as 32 reloads for this sys-
tem that were located in a magazine located in the forward portion.
Missiles were removed from this area and transported via a tunnel
to the launcher in the stern. While en route, preflight checks were
performed and fins were fitted to the ordnance. In addition to
Seaslug, the Devonshire also mounted two Seacat SAM launchers.
This missile also entered service in 1962 and was designed specifi-
cally to counter close range aircraft or missiles. A further design
specification was that it had to be small and lightweight in order for
frigates to mount it. As a result of these requirements, the Seacat
missile measured 1.48 meters long with a wingspan of 65 centi-
meters and weighed 68 kilograms. Its maximum speed was Mach .9
and it could carry its payload to a range of 3 nautical miles. This
missile proved successful and was adopted by several other coun-
tries. In addition to these missile systems, Devonshire was also
armed with two 4.5-inch guns in a dual-gunned turret located in the
bow, two 20mm pieces, and a helicopter for use in an ASW role. The
ship’s engines produced a maximum speed of 30 knots through a
new propulsion system. The Combined Steam and Gas Turbine
(COSAG) system employed both steam-powered turbines and new
gas-powered turbines. A crew of 440 officers and ratings operated
the vessel.
The County-class destroyers were the exception rather than the
rule in terms of Britain’s production of escorts between 1955 and
1967, as they were dwarfed by the number of smaller, cheaper
frigates produced. During this period, Great Britain completed
seven classes of frigates that totaled 58 vessels. This output made
frigates the bulk of the surface fleet of the Royal Navy and signaled
a decisive shift away from large-scale destroyer production for the
sake of economy. It ultimately signaled the end of large-scale de-
stroyer production in Great Britain, the country that had created the
first destroyer.
The first of these ships were the six units of the Whitby class.
Completed between 1956 and 1959, they were designed to act as
ASW escorts. Whitby measured 370 feet by 41 feet by 17 feet, dis-
placed 2,150 tons, and had a maximum speed of 29 knots. It was
and 1957 and were intended for the AAW role to protect aircraft
carriers, which was the same driving consideration in other navies at
the time. The hull of Surcouf measured 422 feet by 42 feet by 18
feet and displaced 2,750 tons. It was armed with six 5-inch guns, six
2.2-inch pieces, four 20mm guns, and 12 21-inch torpedo tubes.
The ship’s maximum speed was 34 knots and it was crewed by 347
officers and men.
Four of these ships exhibited an exception rather than the rule for
France in terms of missiles when they were rearmed in the early
1960s with the U.S. Tartar SAM system. These vessels mounted two
twin-armed launchers in place of their aft 5-inch guns. The next
class of destroyers, the Duperre class, comprised of five ships and
completed between 1957 and 1958, was a virtual repeat of the previ-
ous class and did not ship U.S. missiles. Augmenting these destroy-
ers were 27 frigates of three different classes. Like the majority of
their larger counterparts, these ships were armed with guns and tor-
pedoes. Their primary roles were either AAW or ASW duty or a com-
bination. An example is the last type of frigate produced between
1955 and 1967, being the Commandant Riviere class comprising
nine units. Commandant Riviere measured 338 feet by 38 feet by 14
feet, displaced 1,750 tons, and had a maximum speed of 25 knots.
The ship was designed primarily for use with NATO forces as a con-
voy escort. Its armament consisted of three 3.9-inch guns housed in
three single-piece turrets. Two of these were located aft while the
other was mounted in the forward section of the hull. The ship also
carried two 30mm AA guns, one 12-inch ASW mortar, and six tor-
pedo tubes. A crew of 180 officers and men operated the vessel.
Of these ships, the most effective were those designed for the
ASW role as their armament remained effective for use against sub-
marines. The capability of the AAW destroyers, however, was limited
owing to the fact that they did not have missiles to counter jet air-
craft and Soviet antiship missiles. The four modified Surcouf-class
destroyers were exceptions, but the French insistence on the use of
domestically built missiles meant that the majority were armed with
World War II–era weaponry that was ill-suited to the postwar era.
This problem was resolved in the early 1960s as a result of worsen-
ing diplomatic relations between France and the United States. In
1958, General Charles de Gaulle became the leader of France and
subsequently criticized the command structure of the NATO al-
liance. In his view, France deserved greater influence in the actions
of the alliance. U.S. intransigence over demands to address this is-
sue led the French to quicken the pace of their missile R&D for the
weapon began in 1963 with the object of replacing the Terrier and
Tartar systems. First entering service in 1967 and designated RIM-
66, this missile measures 15 feet, 6 inches, weighs 1,370 pounds,
and possesses a maximum range of 104 miles thanks to its solid-fuel
Aerojet rocket that can produce a speed of Mach 3.5. The guidance
system is greatly enhanced and allows for better accuracy through
faster course corrections while in flight. As a result, it can be used
against aircraft and helicopters and for defense versus cruise mis-
siles. This latter capability was particularly important at the time
given the inability of the 3T missile systems to effectively combat
Soviet antiship missiles. Finally, the Standard missile can also be
used against surface targets, although its destructive power in this
capacity is limited.
This step forward was due in part to increased funding by Con-
gress in the wake of the Eilat incident to research SSM technology
and thereby address the paucity of offensive power against enemy
vessels that plagued the first U.S. missile-armed warships. In addi-
tion to this system and its enhanced fire control and radar array, the
California class also shipped an ASROC launcher and four Mark 32
torpedo launchers for ASW warfare along with a sonar system.
These vessels were also armed with two 5-inch guns in single
mounts for the purpose of close-range defense. Unlike guns of the
past, these were fully automated, computer-controlled weapons.
Each gun possessed a magazine that held 475–500 rounds and
could fire 16–20 rounds per minute to a maximum range of almost
15 miles. This gun remains in use in the U.S. Navy.
Four similar warships of the Virginia class were completed be-
tween 1976 and 1980, the chief difference being the absence of an
ASROC launcher in favor of a Standard missile system that could
fire both SAM and ASROC missiles. None of the units of this latter
class operated as frigates due to a change in U.S. Navy policy. In the
1970s, the United States moved increasingly toward the operation
of smaller ships that were deemed equally effective as the larger
ones through the scrapping of several cruisers. In 1975, as a meas-
ure to offset the reduction of cruisers, the United States chose to re-
designate many of the frigates of the fleet as cruisers. The large size
of the nuclear-powered frigates was one reason behind their inclu-
sion. The move also affected the designation of the Leahy, Bain-
bridge, Belknap, Truxton, and California classes.
Although these vessels received a new label due primarily to their
size, the first of a new class of warship entered service that was only
slightly smaller, but more lightly armed. This was the destroyer
pleted until 1989. The hull of the Oliver Hazard Perry measured 445
feet by 45 feet by 22 feet and displaced 2,650 tons. Warships of the
class produced after 1979 had an elongated bow 10 feet longer. The
original armament of Oliver Hazard Perry is one 3-inch gun
mounted aft amidships, one Standard SAM system with a magazine
that holds 40 reloads, six 12.75-inch torpedo tubes, and two heli-
copters. The missile launcher is capable of firing not only SAM
weapons but also the Harpoon antiship missile.
Harpoon became the first true SSM in the U.S. Navy. The naval
version of this missile was first deployed in the early 1980s. It is still
a primary weapon of the U.S. Navy and was first deployed on the
Virginia-class cruisers (once designated frigates) in 1982 when they
were retrofitted with them. The Harpoon weighs 1,385 pounds and
is 15 feet long. It carries a 488-pound warhead at a speed approach-
ing the speed of sound and has a maximum range of almost 70 miles.
The missile resembles the French Exocet, an SSM produced earlier
by the French Navy. Like the Exocet, its guidance system allows it to
home in on a target while skimming the surface of the ocean before
striking the hull of an enemy vessel and exploding within the ship.
The Harpoon greatly enhanced the offensive capability of U.S. war-
ships through the deployment of SSM systems that were far better
than the limited surface capability afforded by the Standard system,
which had been originally intended for SAM defense.
During the first half of the 1980s, warships of several classes
were retrofitted with the Harpoon missile as well as other innova-
tions. In the case of Harpoons, this process normally entailed the in-
clusion of a box launcher that held four missiles. All former nuclear-
powered frigates were slated for this upgrade as well as units of the
Farragut, Spruance, and Charles F. Adams classes. The latter group
fired Harpoons from the Tartar missile launcher rather than using
the new box launcher.
Between 1967 and 1982, the Soviet Union countered the con-
struction program of the United States with large destroyers, missile
frigates, and conversions of older vessels. In 1981, two vessels en-
tered service that, like the nuclear-powered frigates later designated
as destroyers by the United States, blurred the distinction between
destroyers and cruisers. One of these was Sovremenny, designed for
anti-ship warfare that was armed with a variety of ordnance that in-
cluded SSM and SAM systems. The other type was Udaloy, equipped
for the ASW role. For purposes of comparison to the large U.S.
frigates that were reclassed as cruisers, Sovremenny measured 511
feet, 10 inches by 56 feet, 9 inches by 21 feet, 4 inches and dis-
placed 6,200 tons. It was armed with two SS-N-22 SSM launchers,
two SA-N-7 SAM launchers, four 130mm weapons and four 30mm
guns for AA defense, four 20.8-inch torpedo tubes, two RBU-1000
ASW launchers, and one helicopter. The vessel’s maximum speed
was 35 knots.
Ultimately, 20 units of the Sovremenny class and 13 vessels of the
Udaloy class were commissioned for the Soviet Navy. The designa-
tion of these ships is a matter of debate among naval scholars. Many
class them as cruisers rather than destroyers, and for purposes of
this work they will be considered as cruisers. Aside from these large
warships, in 1970, as construction continued on the final units of
the Kashin class, the Soviet Union completed the first of its Krivak-
class guided missile frigates. These were the largest of the frigates
produced in this age. The hull of one of these vessels measures 405
feet, 3 inches by 46 feet, 3 inches by 15 feet, 1 inch and displaces
3,300 tons. Designed for ASW duty, the armament consists in part
of one SS-N-14 ASW box launcher mounted in the bow that holds
four missiles. Entering service in 1969, this missile measures 25
feet long and has a range of 30 nautical miles. It can also be used
against surface ships. In addition, the ship also possesses two RBU-
6000 ASW rocket launchers and eight 21-inch torpedo tubes. A Kri-
vak-class warship also carries two SA-N-4 SAM launchers with 20
reloads each and four 3-inch guns mounted in dual-piece gun
houses located in the stern. A subsequent version of the type, Krivak
II, mounts two 4-inch guns in single-mount gun houses in place of
the original gun armament. The top speed is 32 knots. Crew com-
plement consists of 200 officers and men. The Soviet Union com-
pleted 33 Krivak-class warships between 1970 and 1982 while also
producing 43 Grisha-class frigates designed for coastal defense. Al-
though a unit of this class is rather small and lightly built, measur-
ing only 234 feet, 11 inches and displacing 950 tons, it is armed
with one SA-N-4 SAM launcher. This missile, like the SA-N-1, can
be used against surface targets.
In addition to new construction, the Soviets augmented the over-
all effectiveness of their destroyer fleet by converting a large number
of existing destroyers to fire missiles of varying types. Between 1967
and 1972, seven Kotlin-class vessels received a SA-N-1 SAM
launcher in place of the aft 5.1-inch gun mount. By 1977, eight
Kanin-class vessels had also received a SA-N-1 SAM launcher; in
this instance it replaced the SS-N-1 SSM system. The Soviets also
pursued conversions to SSM systems due to the continuing value at-
being Amazon and Antelope, were also equipped with four French
Exocet SSMs in two dual-tubed launchers located on the super-
structure immediately forward of the bridge.
The chief problem with these vessels was the fact that their hulls
were very lightly built, which was a weakness revealed in combat.
The last new frigates in service, the four Broadsword-class vessels,
completed between 1979 and 1982, are essentially larger frigates
that carry a greater AA capability through their two Sea Wolf SAM
systems. The Sea Wolf missile, although smaller than the Seacat, is
superior due to its speed. The Seacat traveled at a maximum velocity
of Mach .6 while the Sea Wolf attains a speed of Mach 2.5. Like the
Amazon class, these warships also carry four Exocet missiles. By
1982, the frigates of the Amazon and Broadsword classes were only a
portion of the British vessels that carried the French weapon. Eight
Leander-class frigates also received the Exocet through an upgrade
Aside from Britain and France, the majority of the destroyers and
frigates constructed in Europe between 1967 and 1982 were units
of the NATO nations of Italy, West Germany, and the Netherlands.
Italy, in keeping with its naval construction program that rested pri-
marily on destroyers and smaller craft, produced two Audace-class
destroyers in 1972 that shipped an armament similar to the previous
Impavido class. The chief difference was the inclusion of helicopters
for ASW operations. The Italians also completed nine frigates. Four
of these represent the Lupo class and are the first Italian frigates to
carry an SSM system. The hull of Lupo measures 370 feet, 2 inches
by 39 feet, 4 inches by 12 feet and displaces 2,208 tons. It is armed
with one 5-inch gun in a gun house mounted in the bow, one U.S.
Sea Sparrow SAM system, four 40mm AA guns, six 12.6-inch tor-
pedo tubes, one ASW helicopter, and eight Ottomat SSM weapons.
These are contained in single-cell launchers. One each is located on
the sides aft amidships of the helicopter hanger. The other two are
situated on either side of the forward superstructure. The current
version of this weapon is a sea-skimmer like the Exocet. In 1982,
the first three of eight Maestrale-class frigates entered service that
also mount Ottomat SSM weaponry and are essentially enlarged
versions of the preceding class.
The Netherlands nearly equaled the destroyer and frigate produc-
tion of Italy, launching eight missile frigates. The Kortenaer class
represents the majority of this construction. The first 6 of this 14-
ship group entered service between 1978 and 1981 and are general-
purpose destroyers. Kortenaer measures 427 feet by 47 feet by 14
feet, displaces 3,000 tons, and mounts an array of weaponry that in-
cludes one U.S. Sea Sparrow SAM launcher, eight Harpoon SSM
weapons, and two helicopters. This armament reflects the Dutch
decision to rely on U.S. weapons technology.
West Germany augmented its fleet with five vessels that also re-
lied on U.S. technology. Indeed, three of these are modified U.S.
Charles F. Adams–class destroyers. Known as the Lutjens class,
these ships mount a modified Tartar SAM launcher that fires the
Standard SAM and the Harpoon SSM. The United States com-
pleted these vessels for shipment to Germany between 1969 and
1970, making them the largest surface units of the West German
Navy at that point. The Germans did not produce additional war-
ships until 1982 with the completion of the first two units of the
seven-ship Bremen-class frigates, which were actually a variation of
the Dutch Kortenaer class. The hull of Bremen measures 420 feet by
47 feet, 10 inches by 19 feet, 9 inches and displaces 3,700 tons.
The warship’s armament consists of one 3-inch gun located in the
bow, eight Harpoon SSMs, one Sea Sparrow SAM system, four
ASW torpedo tubes, and two ASW helicopters contained in a hanger
that forms the vessel’s aft superstructure. The maximum speed of
the ship is 30 knots.
Japan, a pro-Western nonaligned power, nearly equaled the out-
put of all three of these European NATO powers through the con-
struction of 18 destroyers and frigates that resoundingly signaled
the return of Japan as a world naval power. These vessels continued
to reflect Japan’s strategic emphasis on ASW vessels and its reliance
on U.S. weapons technology. Between 1967 and 1974, Japan com-
pleted 12 ASW destroyers. Among these were the last three units of
the Yamagumo class and seven vessels of the Takatsuki and
Minegumo classes that were largely similar. The other two were the
innovative vessels of the Haruna class that revived Japan’s reputa-
tion as an innovative power in destroyer design. Completed between
1973 and 1974, these destroyers were the first in the world to carry
three full-sized helicopters for ASW operations. The hull of Haruna
measures 501 feet, 11 inches by 57 feet, 5 inches by 16 feet, 8
inches, displaces 4,950 tons, and is capable of a maximum speed of
32 knots. Its armament consists of two 5-inch guns in single mounts
located in the bow, one ASROC ASW system, six 12.75-inch torpedo
tubes, and three helicopters that operate on a flight deck situated on
the stern.
In 1980 and 1981, the Japanese constructed two additional units
of the Shirane class that are enlarged versions of the Haruna design.
ficers and crew used this opportunity to stage a mutiny with the ob-
ject of trying to reach international waters and ultimately defect from
the Soviet Union. This attempt failed, however, as Soviet jets caught
and repeatedly strafed the vessel to compel the mutineers to abort
their action. Soviet officials subsequently removed the entire crew,
whether they had been involved in the mutiny or loyal to the govern-
ment, and replaced them with a fresh complement. They also trans-
ferred Storozhevoy to another theater of operations.
Whether involved in combat operations or peacetime duties, de-
stroyers and frigates were regarded around the world as indispens-
able vessels. Upgrades of existing units and construction continued
in the context of the Cold War between 1983 and 1991, the latter
date being the end of the Cold War period due to the collapse of the
Soviet Union. The United States produced 26 frigates of the Oliver
Hazard Perry class, but naval officials turned back to designs for
larger craft capable of handling multiple, simultaneous threats. This
move was not new by the 1980s, as many recognized in the late
1950s in the wake of the introduction of the Terrier SAM that the
chief weakness of the 3-T systems was the inability to engage more
than one target at a time.
This led to the Typhon program for new long- and medium-range
missiles to ultimately replace the Talos and Terrier systems that
would benefit from a new type of sensory array for targeting. Several
proposals concerning the proper vessel to carry it led to a design for
a frigate, but the extreme cost of the system and ship led to the
1963 decision to cancel the effort. Nevertheless, the concept did
not die with the program in terms of an improved missile control
system. This innovation, the Aegis Combat System, is designed to
control and coordinate the defense of the ship that carries it, as well
as to command the defense of entire task forces through the use of
complex computers. First tested in 1973, the Aegis system relies on
the powerful AN/SPY-1 radar that can simultaneously conduct
searches and track more than 100 targets. This data is fed to the
command center of a ship (the Combat Information Center), where
a computer evaluates which targets pose the greatest threat to the
ship or task force and uses the vessel’s weapons accordingly to ad-
dress the situation. At first, U.S. naval officials believed that the best
warship to carry the new system was a cruiser. As a result, in 1983
the first Ticonderoga-class cruiser, equipped with the Aegis system,
entered service.
In subsequent years, however, the innovation extended to de-
stroyer design with the Arleigh Burke class. The lead ship, commis-
the use of all of these weapons and relies on large, flat sensory pan-
els mounted on the sides of the superstructure. All told, the Arleigh
Burke design of multi-role destroyer is among the most advanced
and powerful in the world.
The production program of the Soviet Union did not approach
that of the United States. This was due to both the struggling Soviet
economy by the 1980s and the coming to power in March 1985 of
Mikhail Gorbachev. The new Soviet leader greatly curtailed the con-
struction of new warships and began to lessen the extent of sea-
borne operations for existing units to ease some of the burden on
the Soviet economy. As a result, Soviet production was a far cry from
that of the first decades of the Cold War. The Soviet Union con-
structed nine more Krivak-class frigates to counter the production
of the United States and its NATO allies. The majority of construc-
tion, however, centered on smaller craft designated as frigates, suit-
able largely for coastal defense rather than blue-water operations.
Between 1986 and 1990, the Soviets commissioned 11 Parchim-
class frigates with hulls that measure 246 feet, 8 inches by 32 feet,
2 inches by 14 feet, 5 inches and displace 769 tons. They are armed
with SAM weapons and one 3-inch gun. Additional units of the
Grisha class, a previous design intended for the same task, also left
Soviet shipyards. All entered service in the Soviet Navy with an un-
certain future. Owing to continually worsening economic problems
and Gorbachev’s policy toward the navy, many units of the Soviet
fleet were already riding inactive at anchor and in a state of decay.
By 1991, the problem was particularly pronounced as the Soviet
Union neared collapse.
Not only did the number of new destroyers in the United States
dwarf the production of the Soviet Union; so did that of the other
members of the NATO alliance. Chief among these was Great
Britain. Following the Falklands War, London announced plans to
reverse the policy of reductions in the navy for the sake of economy
that had been the hallmark of past years. This decision, although
not long-lasting, resulted in the construction of two types of frigate.
Between 1984 and 1990, British dockyards completed 10
Broadsword-class frigates in two variants of the original design. They
also turned out the first three units of the Duke class. Norfolk, the
lead ship, entered service in 1990 and measures 436 feet, 2 inches
by 52 feet, 9 inches by 18 feet with a displacement of 3,500 tons. It
is armed with eight Harpoon SSM in two four-celled launchers lo-
cated in the bow, a Sea Wolf SAM system in the bow, one 4.5-inch
gun, two 30mm AA guns, four torpedo tubes, and one helicopter
that operates off a flight deck located on the stern. The maximum
speed of the vessel is 28 knots, and the crew consists of 181 officers
and ratings. Although Norfolk entered service, the number of total
units was not determined. In 1991, London reversed its post-Falk-
lands stance on new construction through the Option for Changes
Program. This policy called for a reduction of the Royal Navy in
keeping with the end of the Cold War.
Other NATO powers contributed to the destroyer and frigate fleet
of the alliance, although the output steadily decreased in most na-
tions, as in Great Britain, with the diminution of the Soviet threat.
As in all other navies in Europe, frigates constituted all of the con-
struction, as they are cheaper to build than destroyers. Germany
constructed an additional five Bremen-class frigates by 1991, while
Italy produced five units of the Maestrale design. Canada, out of the
need for economy, relied largely in this era on refits of existing units,
but it did commission the first of its Halifax-class frigates designed
for the AAW role. In 1986, the Netherlands commissioned two Ja-
cob Van Heemskerck–class vessels armed principally with eight Har-
poon missiles. Two Karel Doorman–class frigates followed five years
later. Turkey buttressed the naval force of the alliance with four
Meko-class frigates between 1987 and 1989 that relied in part on
technical assistance garnered from Germany. Spain produced the
same number of ships that were launched in Spanish yards, but they
are Oliver Hazard Perry–class vessels.
As throughout the Cold War, NATO also looked to the forces of
nonaligned, pro-Western powers for aid in the event of war with the
Soviet Union. The largest producer of destroyers and frigates among
these powers was Japan, which added destroyers and frigates to its
fleet. While units of the Hatsuyuki class neared completion, the Jap-
anese also commissioned in 1986 and 1988 two Hatakaze-class de-
stroyers armed with both Harpoon SSMs and Standard SAM
weaponry. Closely following these vessels between 1988 and 1991
were eight Asagiri-class destroyers that are similarly armed. Aug-
menting the power of these new vessels were eight frigates. This
output greatly exceeded that of France, a former NATO member
that, despite its withdrawal from the alliance, was certainly still
counted as a nation friendly to the organization. Between 1988 and
1991, France commissioned two more Georges Leygues–class vessels
and two Cassard-class destroyers, the latter being armed with Exocet
SSM and Standard SAM weapons. French shipyards also continued
the D’Estienne d’Orves–class frigate program and launched another
five such vessels.
ing the Iran-Iraq War. A second incident involving the Oliver Hazard
Perry–class frigate Samuel B. Roberts led to a U.S. response that in-
volved frigates. On 14 April 1988, this ship was en route to port for
re-supply after patrolling the gulf when a lookout spotted mines in
proximity to the ship. Upon closer inspection, the captain of Samuel
B. Roberts concluded that his warship lay in the midst of a mine-
field. After 21 minutes of successfully navigating the minefield, the
ship struck a mine, which detonated and produced a hole 15 feet by
20 feet in a portion of the hull beneath the waterline and close to
the keel. The force of the blast created a crack in the hull that held
the potential of breaking the ship in half. To prevent the crack from
growing larger, the crew lashed steel cables across the crack. This
procedure as well as the other damage control efforts saved the ves-
sel. The incident led three days later to an attack on Iranian oil plat-
forms and warships. Named operation praying mantis, it involved
frigates that shelled oil platforms and engaged enemy vessels.
By the close of the war in June 1988, the frigates of the United
States had succeeded in protecting shipping lines for oil tankers to
an extent that obviated any threat to the world economy through
skyrocketing oil prices. The war, however, had left Iraq with the
largest military in the Middle East with the exception of Israel. This
served as a catalyst for the next conflict in the region in which de-
stroyers and frigates participated. In August 1990, Iraqi forces,
many of them being veterans of the Iran-Iraq War, invaded Kuwait
in keeping with Saddam Hussein’s goal of acquiring the oil reserves
of the small nation. The threat posed to the stability of the region, as
well as to the global economy through the disruption of oil exports
from Kuwait, led to an international coalition dedicated to wresting
control of Kuwait from Iraq. During the night of 16–17 January
1991, operation desert storm began with an air offensive con-
ducted largely by the United States. Naval forces of several nations
formed a key part of this effort as aircraft carriers conducted numer-
ous strikes against Iraqi targets. Destroyers and frigates protected
these valuable vessels from the possibility of attack. They also joined
in the air offensive against Iraq through the use of their missiles.
During the operation, the Spruance-class destroyer Fife launched
58 Tomahawk missiles against Iraqi targets.9 The destruction caused
by the Fife, other destroyers, and larger vessels of the fleet seriously
damaged Iraqi command and communication facilities. On 28 Feb-
ruary, President George H. W. Bush declared a ceasefire after a
ground war that had lasted only 100 hours. The Iraqi war effort had
completely collapsed. The Gulf War became an example of the con-
Navy design, are equipped with the Aegis system. Currently, Japan
operates one of the largest naval forces in the world in terms of de-
stroyers and frigates. In 2004, the Japanese Navy included 45 de-
stroyers. The fleet also maintains nine frigates with two of these be-
ing built after 1991. As the Japanese Navy is dedicated to homeland
defense, these ships counter the program of China, Japan’s neigh-
bor, that continues to forge ahead in destroyer and frigate produc-
tion as part of its plan to extend its influence in Asia through the use
of a fleet comprised of oceangoing craft. Between 1992 and 2004
the Chinese constructed 4 destroyers and 11 frigates. Currently, the
Chinese operate 4 destroyers and 31 frigates. In addition to these
Far East powers is India. The Indian Navy currently operates eight
destroyers and four frigates. Three of the destroyers and one of the
frigates represent construction since the end of the Cold War.
Added to these three powers are the host of nations around the
world that base their fleets on a smaller number of destroyers and
frigates that are either old units procured from other nations or new
vessels purchased from foreign shipyards. Examples of the former
practice include Chile, which currently operates three former
British County-class destroyers, and Turkey, which bought eight old
U.S. Oliver Hazard Perry–class frigates. Instances of the latter oc-
currence abound, as in the case of Thailand, which bought six
frigates from China between 1991 and 1995.
The crews of today’s modern destroyers and frigates operate in an
environment where most aspects of life have changed since the dawn
of the missile age. These define present-day life aboard destroyers
and frigates. Education for officers and regular ratings has become
much more complex as a result of the use of computers, missile sys-
tems, and nuclear power. Officers continue to receive education in
naval schools, where many graduate with specialty degrees in specific
systems aboard ship. These include the United States Naval Acad-
emy in Annapolis, Maryland, and the Admiral Nakhimov Naval
Preparatory School in Russia. Regular ratings receive more general
education both on land and through experience at sea. These sailors
are currently recruited as volunteers in the case of Western nations,
whereas those in the Soviet Navy, and later that of Russia after the
fall of communism, are conscripts and volunteers.
In some cases, the need for efficiency has led to the abolishment
of time-honored traditions that existed since the Age of Fighting
Sail. One of these is the use of alcohol aboard destroyers, frigates,
and warships in general. In 1970, the Royal Navy dispensed with
the practice of providing rum rations to its sailors. The Soviet Navy
also abolished alcohol aboard ship, but with less success. Often-
times, Soviet sailors procured alcohol on the black market or dis-
tilled beverages from industrial alcohol used to clean machinery
aboard ship. This resulted from generally poor conditions aboard
Soviet, and later Russian, ships that led the crews to seek comfort
through alcohol.
The greater need for well-educated and effective crews has also
led to a drive in many navies to provide not only for officers and rat-
ings but also for their families to attract people to service at sea. The
Royal Navy has instituted programs in keeping with the British wel-
fare state in which financial allowances are given to assist sailors in
the purchase of housing for their families. The British also provide
money for the children of sailors to attend boarding schools. The
United States has also followed this course in an effort to attract
people to naval service. In 1981, the pay of U.S. sailors was in-
creased to a level that closely mirrored pay in the civilian sector to
allow families to better provide for themselves.
Another change in the life of sailors is living conditions aboard
ship. The crew compartments are generally more spacious, and
bunks have replaced the hammocks of the past that had been
shipped in the destroyers and frigates of most navies since the Age
of Fighting Sail. Vessels now contain all basic amenities, such as air-
conditioning, in addition to a variety of extracurricular equipment
that includes Internet access and e-mail, satellite TV, and gymnasi-
ums. Food has also improved markedly in many navies. Life aboard
many of the world’s destroyers and frigates, particularly those of the
United States, is a much better experience today than in the past.
These living conditions have been affected in Western navies
through the integration of the sexes. Although women served in
Western navies during World War II, their participation was land-
based rather than in combat. This situation has changed with the in-
clusion of women among the crews of warships. An example is the
U.S. Navy. In 1976, the petitioning of women’s advocacy groups and
political representatives led to the acceptance of women in the
United States Naval Academy in an effort to make military service
open to all. By 1999, women comprised 13 percent of the U.S.
Navy; of 117 combatant ships in service, 57 had integrated crews.10
Despite this myriad of changes, some conditions aboard destroy-
ers and frigates remain the same and probably will never be altered.
Life aboard these ships is still one that includes rigid discipline,
constant drilling and training, and periods of personal hardship pro-
duced by extended deployments during which officers and sailors
are separated from families. These aspects have always been pres-
ent, and they still define life at sea. They are the price that the peo-
ple who crew the destroyers and frigates of the world pay to fulfill
the strategic requirements that are charged to the world’s warships
by all maritime powers.
These men and women who operate destroyers and frigates do so
in an environment, despite the end of the Cold War, where duties
abound. In today’s world a significant duty for destroyers is the pro-
jection of power abroad. This duty reveals danger through the rising
threat of global terrorism. On 12 October 2000, the Arleigh
Burke–class destroyer Cole entered the port of Aden, Yemen, in the
Middle East for refueling and suffered the detonation of explosives
by suicide bombers aboard a small boat that was among those hired
to guide the warship to its moorings. The blast blew a hole in the
side of Cole that measured some 20 feet by 40 feet. Although the
crew saved the vessel, the attack crippled it and killed 17 sailors and
wounded 31 others. The attack was a serious blow to U.S. prestige in
the Middle East and highlights the fact that destroyers and frigates
operate in an environment of constant danger despite the fact that
the Cold War has ended and the world is not in a state of general
armed conflict. This situation is more apparent than ever since the
terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 that resulted in the destruc-
tion of the World Trade towers in New York City. In the unfolding
war on terrorism, destroyers and frigates continue to project power
overseas. As the war is primarily a land-based endeavor, direct action
is limited. Even so, destroyers and frigates have participated actively
in the war through the 2003 operation iraqi freedom designed to
topple Saddam Hussein from power. In the opening stages of this ef-
fort, the U.S. Navy counted 15 destroyers and 6 frigates in its strike
force. Those destroyers equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles
were used to attack targets in advance of the ground offensive. On
20 March 2003, two Arleigh Burke–class destroyers joined two
Ticonderoga class cruisers to launch 40 Tomahawk missiles at the
Iraqi capital of Baghdad. On the same day, a further 50 Tomahawks
were launched against other Iraqi targets by an additional Arleigh
Burke–class vessel and American and British attack submarines.
Nevertheless, the future of destroyers is somewhat in doubt given
their large construction costs versus smaller frigates, which, with
the exception of the very few nations such as the United States and
Japan, constitute the majority of warship construction. At present,
Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, and Spain are all in the process
of constructing new destroyers. In the case of Germany, these are
two additional vessels of the Sachsen type. Japan will launch an im-
proved Kongo-class destroyer in 2007 while the Netherlands is
building three AAW destroyers. Spain is building an additional Al-
varo de Bazan–class destroyer and has contracted for two more. The
numbers pale in comparison to frigates.
Some of these programs are multinational to cut design costs.
Among these is a frigate design, known to many as the Horizon
class, produced from collaboration originally between France, Great
Britain, and Italy, although Britain dropped out of the project. The
hull of one of these vessels will measure 130 feet and mount en-
gines that can produce a maximum speed of 27 knots. The arma-
ment of these multi-role frigates will be Exocet missiles, a SAM sys-
tem, a gun, torpedoes, and a helicopter. France has contracted for
17 such ships, with 2008 being projected as the year of delivery for
the first units. Italy issued orders for two of these ships, to be deliv-
ered in 2007 and 2009. Aside from joint projects, work also pro-
gresses on individual, highly advanced frigate designs in a myriad of
nations around the world.
Despite the trend toward frigates, the story of the destroyer will
continue for some years owing to the DD(X) program of the United
States, which calls for vessels with hulls designed to mask detection
by enemy sensors, a quiet electrical-drive propulsion system, and
various weapons to make the warship a multirole craft. Although
still in the design stage, the U.S. government projects as many as 60
orders of DD(X) vessels over the coming years. It will also endure
through existing units, as all naval nations appreciate their value in
a world increasingly fraught with the uncertainties of the post–Cold
War age, particularly the war on global terror. Destroyers, as well as
the smaller frigates, will remain at the forefront of global naval oper-
ations until unseated by still smaller, cheaper, more effective craft.
5. Ibid.
6. Robert Gardiner, Conway’s All the World’s Fighting Ships, 1947–
1982—Part I: The Western Powers (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press,
1983), p. 215.
7. Max Hastings and Simon Jenkins, The Battle for the Falklands (New
York: W. W. Norton, 1983), pp. 346–348.
8. Bernard Prézelin, Combat Fleets of the World 1993: Their Ships, Air-
craft, and Armament (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1993), p. xv.
9. Ibid., p. 833.
10. Ronald Spector, At War at Sea: Sailors and Naval Combat in the
Twentieth Century (New York: Viking, 2001), p. 394.
Destroyers and Frigates
of the World
DESTROYERS, 1850s–1918
The destroyers and frigates listed above and discussed below are
arranged alphabetically by country within three eras. In each coun-
try subset, the destroyers and frigates are listed chronologically ac-
cording to the dates of their completion. The data concerning each
vessel and class are contained in the categories described below.
When referring to a class of ship, the data concerning the attributes
of the type are that of the lead ship of the class.
Units: Durandal, Hallebarde, Faucon- gines whose power output was 4,800
neau, Espingole horsepower that was driven by two
Type and significance: These vessels coal-fired boilers.
were France’s first true destroyers Speed: 26 knots
rather than torpedo boats. Complement: 52
Dates of construction: Two units Summary: These vessels resembled
launched in 1899 while another two Havock of Great Britain. Its hull in-
followed in 1900. corporated a turtleback bow in-
Hull dimensions: 188'8" 20'8" tended to streamline the vessel to al-
10'5" low it to better cut through the
Displacement: 296 tons water. Espingole was sunk in 1903
Armor: None while Durandal, Hallebarde, and
Armament: One 2.5" gun, six 1.8" Fauconneau were retired from ser-
weapons, and two 15" torpedo tubes. vice in 1919, 1920, and 1921, re-
Machinery: Two triple-expansion en- spectively.
Courtesy of Naval Historical Foundation
mines. A British submarine torpe- the British naval base of Scapa Flow
doed and sunk S.33 in 1918, while while the Imperial German Navy lay
S.35 was sunk by heavy gunfire from there pending the conclusion of the
British battleships in the 1916 Battle Paris Peace Conference that ended
of Jutland. The crews of S.32 and World War I. These latter two units
S.36 scuttled their vessels in 1919 at were raised in 1925 and scrapped.
Type and significance: The first British Summary: This ship represents an early
warship designed specifically for tor- design step forward toward the de-
pedo attack. stroyer. It proved an unsuccessful de-
Dates of construction: Construction sign as the relatively deep draft for
on Vesuvius began in 1873 and was the size of the hull produced an inor-
completed in 1874. dinately high amount of drag in a
Hull dimensions: 90' 22' 8'6" seaway, which greatly affected the
Displacement: 245 tons speed of the vessel. As a result, most
Armor: None battleships, the principal prey of a
Armament: One 16" torpedo tube ship like Vesuvius, were faster than
mounted in the bow. the torpedo craft and could outrun it.
Machinery: A compound engine driven The design problem of Vesuvius led
by coal-fired boilers capable of pro- quickly to the vessel being removed
ducing 350 horsepower. from active service in favor of use as
Speed: 9.7 knots an experimental craft. The vessel
Complement: 15 went to the scrap yard in 1924.
Type and significance: Britain’s first offer the smallest silhouette and thus
torpedo boat. make it harder for the enemy’s gun-
Dates of construction: Construction ners to hit it. The small size essen-
commenced in 1876 and was com- tially dictated its use in coastal
pleted the following year. defense operations rather than blue-
Hull dimensions: 87' 10'8" 5'2 water duties. Even so, all naval pow-
Displacement: 32.5 tons ers recognized the value of torpedo
Armor: None boats as these cheap craft could de-
Armament: The original armament con- stroy expensive battleships with their
sisted of two torpedo cages that torpedoes. The potential threat
could be lowered into the water on posed by Lightning ultimately led to
either side of the craft. These proved ships designed to hunt them down
impractical and were replaced by a and prevent their torpedo attacks.
torpedo tube in the bow. These vessels would be destroyers.
Machinery: A compound engine driven The hull of Lightning, like all tor-
by coal-fired boilers that produced a pedo boats and many destroyers, was
maximum of 460 horsepower. not very strong as a heavy hull would
Speed: 19 knots impede the vessel’s speed. Conse-
Complement: 15 quently, in 1896 Lightning went to
Summary: This very tiny craft was in- the breakers with a highly degraded
tended to fire torpedoes after steer- hull.
ing the ship directly at the target to
Units: Desperate, Fame, Foam, Mallard Summary: These ships were the product
Type and significance: These vessels of the British desire by the turn of
are among the first of the British 30- the twentieth century for destroyers
knotters that dominated construc- of the greatest speed possible. The
tion in the country in the last decade 30-knotters, of which these ships
of the nineteenth century. were a part, were completed between
Dates of construction: All units were 1896 and 1902 and possessed larger
laid down in 1895 and completed in hulls to house the more powerful
1897. machinery needed to attain the extra
Hull dimensions: 210' 19'6" 7' knots sought by the British Admi-
Displacement: 310 tons ralty. Meeting the Admiralty require-
Armor: None ment came at the cost of reliability
Armament: One 12-pounder quick-fir- and sea-keeping. Due to the great
ing gun, five 6-pounder quick-firing emphasis on speed, these vessels
weapons, and two 18" torpedo tubes. were lightly built and their engines
Machinery: Triple expansion engines strained to generate their maximum
powered by coal-fired boilers that output. Oftentimes the engines
produced a maximum power output broke down or their vibration led to
of 5,700 horsepower. stress on the hull that could warp it
Speed: 30 knots or crack the plating, thus causing
Complement: 63 leaks that endangered the ships.
Their small hulls, like so many de- scrapping of Foam in 1914, but the
stroyers at the time, were also too other units served in World War I.
small to carry the fuel and supplies Desperate and Mallard went to the
necessary for extended operations. breakers in 1920; Fame followed a
The problems with the machinery year later.
and structural weakness led to the
Units: Erne, Ettrick, Exe, Kennet, Jed, between 7,000 and 7,500 horse-
Derwent, Eden, Foyle, Itchen, Ribble, power.
Teviot, Usk, Welland, Cherwell, Dee, Speed: 26 knots
Waveney, Arun, Blackwater, Chelmer, Complement: 70
Colne, Gala, Garry, Swale, Ure, Wear, Summary: Several different private firms
Ness, Nith, Liffey, Moy, Ouse, Boyne, built these vessels to Britush Admi-
Doon, Kale, Rother ralty specifications. These ships are
Type and significance: Destroyers that considered by most scholars as the
are generally regarded as the world’s world’s first oceangoing destroyers, as
first oceangoing destroyers. the German S.90 class and the U.S.
Dates of construction: Completed be- Bainbridge class that preceded the
tween 1904 and 1905. British ships and were similar in de-
Hull dimensions: 233'6" 23'6" sign proved to be less seaworthy and
9'9" (Erne) of lesser endurance. Despite their re-
Displacement: 550 tons (Erne) duced speed in comparison to the
Armor: None British 30-knotters, the reduction
Armament: One 12-pound quick-firing was acceptable given the advantages
gun, five 6-pound quick-firing guns, that it presented. These ships, with
and two 18" torpedo tubes. their raised forecastles, had better
Machinery: Triple expansion engines or sea-keeping abilities than past British
turbines powered by coal-fired boil- destroyers. In addition, the surrender
ers that produced a maximum output of some power decreased mechanical
Courtesy of Art-Tech/Aerospace/M.A.R.S./TRH/Navy Historical
Courtesy of Art-Tech/Aerospace/M.A.R.S./TRH/Navy Historical
Type and significance: Pruitki was one of two 11-pound guns, two 15" tor-
of the fastest of the world’s early de- pedo tubes, and 10 mines.
stroyers. Machinery: Triple expansion engines
Dates of construction: Construction powered by eight coal-fired boilers
of Pruitki began in 1894 and con- that produced 3,800 horsepower.
cluded the following year. Speed: 30.2 knots
Hull dimensions: 190' 18'6" 7'6" Complement: 54
Displacement: 220 tons Summary: Pruitki, known by most of
Armor: None the world as Sokol, generated a great
Armament: The original armament con- deal of interest among naval officials
sisted of one 11-pounder, three 3- outside of Russia due to its speed.
pound guns, and two 15" torpedo After serving as a minelayer in World
tubes. Alterations later in the vessel’s War I, the craft went to the breakers
career led to an armament comprised in 1922.
Type and significance: Farragut was the Machinery: Two triple-expansion en-
first destroyer of the U.S. Navy. gines powered by three coal-fired
Dates of construction: Construction boilers that generated 5,888 horse-
began in 1897, and in 1899 the ves- power.
sel was commissioned into the navy. Speed: 30 knots
Hull dimensions: 214' 20'8" 6' Complement: 66
Displacement: 279 tons Summary: Although officially classed as
Armor: None a torpedo boat, Farragut was in actu-
Armament: Four six-pound guns and ality a destroyer. In 1919, the U.S.
two 18" torpedo tubes. Navy sold the ship for scrap.
Units: Jaguar, Lynx, Tigre, Chacal, fired boilers that produced 50,000
Léopard, Panthère shaft horsepower.
Type and significance: These vessels Speed: 35 knots
were among the first known as super- Complement: 195
destroyers. Summary: Chacal and its sister ships
Dates of construction: Construction were designated by world naval offi-
on Jaguar came to an end in 1923; cials as superdestroyers due to their
the other units were launched the large size and powerful armament
following year. relative to the type of ship. This class
Hull dimensions: 415'11" 37'2" fared poorly in World War II, which
13'5" claimed most of the units. Jaguar was
Displacement: 2,126 tons sunk on 23 May 1940 by a German
Armor: None torpedo boat attack; Chacal was sunk
Armament: Five 5.1" guns in single the next day by aircraft. Lynx was
mounts protected by gun shields, two scuttled in 1942; the Italians seized
3" pieces, and six 21.7" torpedo tubes. Panthère and scuttled it the following
In 1939, eight 13.2mm AA guns re- year. Léopard was wrecked off the
placed one of the aft 5.1" pieces. coast of Tobruk. Only Tigre survived,
Machinery: Turbines fed by five oil- being scrapped in 1954.
Units: Echo, Eclipse, Electra, En- favor of one 3" gun and 1–4 20mm
counter, Escapade, Escort, Esk, Ex- weapons for the purpose of AA de-
press, Fame, Fearless, Firedrake, fense. By the end of World War II,
Forester, Foresight, Fortune, Fox- several vessels had undergone a fur-
hound, Fury ther refit that converted them into
Type and significance: The units of this escort destroyers that shipped three
destroyer class are examples of ves- 4.7" guns, six 20mm weapons, four
sels built to the stipulations of the 21" torpedo tubes, 125 depth
1930 London Treaty. charges, and a Hedgehog ASW
Dates of construction: Construction launcher. Still other units were refit-
was completed on all of these vessels ted for mine laying.
in 1934. Machinery: Turbines powered by three
Hull dimensions: 329' 33'3" 12'6" oil-fired boilers that generated
Displacement: 1,350–1,405 tons 36,000 shaft horsepower.
Armor: None Speed: 36 knots
Armament: The original armament con- Complement: 145
sisted of four 4.7" quick-firing guns Summary: This class conformed to the
in single mounts protected by gun tonnage restrictions of the 1930
shields and eight 21" torpedo tubes. London Treaty, the international
A refit removed four torpedo tubes in agreement crafted for the purpose of
arms limitation. All of these units to Greece and the Dominican Re-
served in World War II, with Eclipse, public, respectively. The former
Electra, Encounter, Escort, Esk, Fear- power broke up Echo in 1956, while
less, Firedrake, and Foresight being the latter nation scrapped Fame in
sunk from various causes. Fury 1968. All the other units remaining
stayed afloat after suffering heavy in British service save Express were
damage from a mine in 1944, only to scrapped between 1946 and 1948.
be declared beyond repair. After the Express followed in 1956.
war, the British sold Echo and Fame
Units: Afridi, Ashanti, Bedouin, Cos- guns and as many as 12 20mm guns
sack, Eskimo, Gurkha, Maori, were added for AA defense.
Mashona, Matabele, Mohawk, Nu- Machinery: Turbines supplied by three
bian, Punjabi, Sikh, Somali, Tartar, oil-fired boilers that produced
Zulu, Arunta, Bataan, Warramunga, 44,000 shaft horsepower.
Athabaskan (I), Haida, Huron, Iro- Speed: 36.25–36.5 knots
quois, Athabaskan (II), Cayuga, Mic- Complement: 190–250
mac, Nootka Summary: These vessels constitute a
Type and significance: These ships British reaction to the Japanese
were Great Britain’s only super- Fubuki-class destroyer and were in-
destroyers. tended primarily to engage vessels of
Dates of construction: All units were similar design. Although a British de-
launched between 1937 and 1946. sign, the Canadians and Australians
Hull dimensions: 377' 36'6" (37'6" built some of the units. Of those ves-
in the Canadian version) 13' sels that served in World War II, a to-
Displacement: 1,854 tons tal of 13 were sunk from various
Armor: None causes during the war. The British,
Armament: Eight 4.7" guns placed in Canadians, and Australians scrapped
four dual-gunned mounts protected the others between 1948 and 1966,
by gun shields with two each being with the exception of one. Haida, a
located fore and aft, four 2-pound Canadian warship, was preserved for
pom-pom AA guns, four 21" torpedo the nation in 1964 and is now a mu-
tubes, and 30–45 depth charges. seum ship anchored at Hamilton,
During World War II, two 40mm Ontario.
Units: This class comprised 139 units. type for accelerated mass production
Type and significance: These vessels to counter the dire threat of German
were the first frigates in the world. submarines to British commerce in
Dates of construction: All units were World War II. Although the British
launched between 1942 and 1944. produced this design, the Canadians
Hull dimensions: 301'4" 36'8" and Australians built a substantial
11'10" amount of the overall number. These
Displacement: 1,310–1,460 tons vessels, known as frigates, were to-
Armor: None tally devoted to convoy escort, which
Armament: Two 4" guns in single is evident given the small number of
mounts, one being located fore and guns and low speed that rendered
aft, 126–150 depth charges, and one them incapable of fleet operations.
Hedgehog ASW launcher. Only six of these craft were de-
Machinery: Triple expansion engines stroyed in World War II. Most of the
powered by three oil-fired boilers others remained in service in the
that produced 6,500 shaft horse- British Royal Navy, Royal Canadian
power. Navy, and Royal Australian Navy;
Speed: 20 knots some were sold to a variety of na-
Complement: 140 tions. The majority of the River class
Summary: The British intended this was scrapped by the mid-1960s.
Units: Chaplet, Charity, Chequers, 40mm Bofors AA guns, and four 21"
Cheviot, Chevron, Chieftain, Child- torpedo tubes. They also shipped a
ers, Chivalrous, Cockade, Comet, Co- depth charge armament of up to 108
mus, Concord, Consort, Constance, depth charges. During World War II,
Contest, Cossack, Creole, Crescent, all units received additional AA
Crispin, Cromwell, Crown, Croziers, weapons, normally being 20mm guns.
Crusader, Crystal Machinery: Turbines driven by three
Type and significance: This class was oil-fired boilers that produced 40,000
among the last built in Great Britain shaft horsepower.
during World War II. Speed: 36.75 knots
Dates of construction: All units were Complement: 186–211
launched between 1944 and 1945 Summary: These vessels did not enter
and completed between 1945 and service in time to participate in
1946. World War II. The British scrapped
Hull dimensions: 362'9" 35'8" 16 of them between 1960 and 1971
14'3" and sold the others to foreign pow-
Displacement: 1,710–1,730 tons ers. Pakistan acquired four and Nor-
Armor: None way bought another four. The first
Armament: The original armament con- power operated three of its ships into
sisted of four 4.5" guns in single the 1980s; the latter nation scrapped
mounts protected by gun shields, two its vessels between 1966 and 1967.
Units: Nicolo Zeno, Luca Tarigo, and four 13.2mm for AA defense and
Ugolini Vivaldi, Alvise da Mosto, An- six 21" torpedo tubes.
tonio da Noli, Nicoloso da Recco, Machinery: Turbines powered by four
Giovanni di Varrazzano, Lanzerotto oil-fired boilers that generated
Malocello, Leone Pancaldo, Eman- 50,000 horsepower.
uele Pessagno, Antonio Pigafetta, An- Speed: 38 knots
toniotto Usodimare Complement: 224
Type and significance: These vessels Summary: Italy constructed these ves-
comprised Italy’s first and only class sels to counter the superdestroyers of
of superdestroyers. France, its primary naval rival. The
Dates of construction: The ships were ships were slightly unstable in a sea-
launched between 1928 and 1930. way, but the relatively calm waters of
Hull dimensions: 352' 33'5" 11'2" the Mediterranean Sea, their princi-
Displacement: 1,900 tons pal theater of operation, obviated any
Armor: None potential problem. All units served in
Armament: Six 4.7" guns placed in World War II. Only Nicoloso da Recco
three dual-piece mounts, one each survived the war and served until
being sited in the bow and the stern 1954, when the Italians scrapped the
while the third was located amid- ship.
ships. In addition, two 40mm guns
Units: Pegaso, Procione, Orsa, Orione oil-fired boilers that generated 16,000
Type and significance: These small ves- horsepower.
sels represent the Italian trend of Speed: 28 knots
building smaller destroyers for the Complement: 168
sake of quick construction. Summary: Although the Italians did not
Dates of construction: Pegaso was specifically design these ships as es-
launched in 1936; the other three cort destroyers, their rather heavy
units followed the next year. ASW armament made them best
Hull dimensions: 293' 31'9" 12'3" suited for the role. As a result, this
Displacement: 840 tons design was a step toward the purpose-
Armor: None built escort destroyer. All units served
Armament: Two 3.9" guns in single in World War II, with Pegaso and Pro-
mounts protected by small gun cione being scuttled in 1943. The
shields, four 18" torpedo tubes, eight Italians removed Orsa and Orione
13.2mm AA weapons, and six depth from service in 1964 and 1965, re-
charge throwers. spectively.
Machinery: Turbines powered by two
Units: Fubuki, Shinonome, Isonami, set a design trend for heavily armed
Usugumo, Shirakumo, Shirayuki, destroyers in many other naval pow-
Hatsuyuki, Miyuki, Murakumo, ers. Their design caused a great stir
Uranami, Shikinami, Ayanami, Asa- in naval circles due to their many in-
giri, Sagiri, Yugiri, Amagiri, Oboro, novations. These vessels were the
Akebono, Sazanami, Ushio first destroyers to mount their guns
Type and significance: At the time of in turrets and these were armored to
their launch, the units of the Fubuki prevent damage from splinters. The
class were the best-armed destroyers inclusion of director control for aim-
in the world. ing greatly increased the effective-
Dates of construction: Fubuki was ness of the guns. Later units of the
launched in 1927 and followed by class also incorporated the innova-
the other units between 1927 and tion of dual-purpose weapons, being
1930. guns that could either fire at surface
Hull dimensions: 388'6" 34' 10'6" targets or aircraft. A further improve-
Displacement: 1,750 tons ment in destroyer design that the
Armor: Light armor on turrets Japanese incorporated in the Fubuki
Armament: Six 5" guns housed in three, class was a totally enclosed bridge to
twin-gunned turrets. One of these protect the crew from the elements.
was located in the bow while the This made the Fubuki class the first
other two were placed in the stern. in the world with this feature.
In addition, two 13mm guns for AA The main design weakness was
defense, nine 24" torpedo tubes, and stability at sea, as the weight of the
18 depth charges. turrets, director, and bridge made the
Machinery: Turbines powered by four units of the Fubuki class top-heavy.
oil-fired boilers that produced All but one, Miyuki, which was sunk
50,000 shaft horsepower. in 1934 by a collision with another
Speed: 38 knots vessel, served in World War II. Only
Complement: 197 Ushio survived the conflict. It was
Summary: The Fubuki-class destroyers scrapped in 1948.
Units: Kagero, Kuroshio, Oyahio, Hat- During World War II, the Japanese
sukaze, Natsushio, Yukikaze, Haya- altered the armament in favor of a
shio, Maikaze, Isokaze, Shiranui, greater AA capacity. This arrange-
Amatsukaze, Tokitsukaze, Urakaze, ment consisted of four 5" dual-pur-
Hamakaze, Nowaki, Arashi, Hagi- pose guns, 14 25mm AA weapons,
kaze, Tanikaze and 36 depth charges. Subsequent
Type and significance: This design was refits increased this new armament to
the last produced by Japan before the as many as 24 25mm AA guns.
outbreak of World War II. Machinery: Turbines powered by three
Dates of construction: Construction oil-fired boilers that produced
of the class took place between 1938 52,000 shaft horsepower.
and 1940. Speed: 35 knots
Hull dimensions: 388'9" 35'5" Complement: 240
12'4" Summary: All but one was lost in World
Displacement: 2,033 tons War II to a variety of causes that in-
Armor: None cluded Allied air attack and surface
Armament: The armament consisted action. The survivor, Yukikaze, was
originally of six 5" dual-purpose guns, transferred to China in 1947 and
four 25mm AA weapons, eight 24" then Taiwan in 1949. The Taiwanese
torpedo tubes, and 16 depth charges. scrapped the vessel in 1971.
Units: This class consisted of 19 units. three 37mm AA weapons, four .5"
Type and significance: These ships machine guns, six 21" torpedo tubes,
were the first completely Russian de- and 60 mines.
signed and built destroyers of the Machinery: Turbines powered by four
postrevolution era in Russia. oil-fired boilers that yielded 54,000
Dates of construction: All units were shaft horsepower.
launched between 1938 and 1940. Speed: 36 knots
Hull dimensions: 370'1" 33'6" Complement: 207
13'1" Summary: Service in World War II led
Displacement: 2,192 tons to the destruction of nine of these
Armor: None vessels. All of the other units, except
Armament: Four 5.1" guns in single for Soobrazitelnyi, were taken out of
mounts protected by gun shields. service by 1959. In 1966, the one
The bow and stern each carried two surviving unit became a museum
of these. In addition, two 3" guns, ship.
Units: Hull, Farragut, Aylwin, Dewey, Owing to the threat of enemy air-
MacDonough, Worden, Dale, Mon- craft, during World War II the arma-
aghan ment included additional AA weap-
Type and significance: These U.S. de- ons at the cost of one aft 5" gun.
stroyers were the first in the United They also shipped depth charges for
States produced to a post–World War ASW operations.
I design. Machinery: Turbines powered by two
Dates of construction: These ships oil-fired boilers that produced
were launched between 1934 and 42,800 shaft horsepower.
1935. Speed: 36.5 knots
Hull dimensions: 341'3" 34'3" Complement: 160
11'7" Summary: These ships proved to be the
Displacement: 1,358 tons template for all U.S. destroyer pro-
Armor: None duction before World War II. All
Armament: The original armament con- units served in World War II. In
sisted of five 5" guns in single mounts 1943, Worden was sunk; Hull and
with the forward two guns being pro- Monaghan followed the next year.
tected by partially enclosed gun The other units went to the scrap
houses. In addition, four .5" machine yard in 1947.
guns and eight 21" torpedo tubes.
Units: Sims, Hughes, Anderson, Ham- weapons, eight 21" torpedo tubes,
mann, Mustin, Russell, O’Brien, and 10 depth charges.
Walke, Morris, Roe, Wainwright, Buck Machinery: Turbines powered by three
Type and significance: This class of oil-fired boilers that produced
U.S. destroyer serves as an example 50,000 shaft horsepower.
of U.S. destroyer design upon the Speed: 35 knots
outbreak of World War II. Complement: 190
Dates of construction: All units were Summary: All of the vessels in the class
constructed between 1938 and 1939. served in World War II. Sims, Ham-
Hull dimensions: 348'4" 36' mann, O’Brien, Walke, and Buck
12'10" were destroyed in the conflict. By
Displacement: 1,764 tons 1948, the others were either scrapped
Armor: None or destroyed as test ships.
Armament: Five 5" guns, four .5" AA
Units: This class comprised 95 units. tion, six .5" AA guns, 10 21" torpedo
Type and significance: This class was tubes, and depth charge racks. The
both the last design produced before actual armament following the first
World War II and the last to adhere 24 units varied, and many were refit-
to the stipulations of the 1930 Lon- ted with different armaments during
don Treaty, despite the fact that the World War II.
agreement had expired. Machinery: Turbines powered by four
Dates of construction: The first of oil-fired boilers that generated
these units was launched in 1939 50,000 shaft horsepower.
and construction continued on the Speed: 35 knots
class through 1943. Complement: 208
Hull dimensions: 348'4" 36'1" Summary: These vessels served exten-
13'2" sively in World War II. Fourteen of
Displacement: 1,839 tons the class were sunk in the war. Most
Armor: None of the others operated far past World
Armament: As designed, five 5" guns in War II, the last in U.S. service being
single mounts enclosed in gun scrapped in 1972. The United States
houses. Two each of these were lo- transferred several units to other
cated in the bow and stern while the powers following the war. Taiwan op-
fifth was sited aft amidships. In addi- erated one of them until 1976.
Units: This class comprised 178 ships. located aft amidships. In addition,
Type and significance: This class of de- four 1.1" weapons and four 20mm
stroyer is the largest, in terms of the guns for AA defense, 10 21" torpedo
number of units, ever produced in tubes, and depth charges.
the world. Machinery: Turbines fed by four oil-
Dates of construction: Construction fired boilers that generated 60,000
of the vessels in this class spanned shaft horsepower.
from 1942 to 1944. Speed: 38 knots
Hull dimensions: 376'5" 39'7" Complement: 273
13'9" Summary: The Fletcher class was an im-
Displacement: 2,325 tons pressive design that incorporated the
Armor: Side armor .75" thick and .5"- rare feature (for a destroyer) of ar-
thick deck protection protected the mor protection. Most operated in
machinery spaces and engines. World War II. Fifteen of them were
Armament: The original armament con- sunk from various causes. Many of
sisted of five 5" guns in single them also served in the Korean War
mounts that were completely en- for the purpose of gunfire support. In
closed by gun houses. The bow and 1975, the U.S. Navy removed the
the stern contained two each of last Fletcher-class destroyer from ser-
these weapons. The fifth mount was vice. Units of this class ended up in
Units: This class comprised 17 vessels. four Exocet SSM, one Matra Simbad
Type and significance: These ships are SAM system, one 3.9" gun, two
indicative of the reliance of many 20mm pieces, one ASW mortar, and
naval powers, like France, on frigates four torpedo tubes.
as they are smaller and cheaper to Machinery: Two diesel engines that
construct than destroyers. generate 12,000 horsepower.
Dates of construction: These units Speed: 23 knots
were laid down between 1972 and Complement: 79
1981, with the final unit being ready Summary: These vessels are designed
for service in 1986. primarily for coastal defense. The
Hull dimensions: 262' 34' 10' French sold three to Argentina, two
Displacement: 950 tons being existing units sold in 1978,
Armor: None while the third was a specially built
Armament: Originally, two Exocet SSM, ship additional to the original num-
one 3.9" gun in a single-piece gun ber. In 2000, the French sold an-
house mounted forward, one ASW other six vessels to Turkey. Nine units
mortar, and four torpedo tubes that remain in service and are scheduled
fire ASW homing torpedoes. The for decommissioning in 2015.
units that remain in service carry
Units: Leander, Ajax, Dido, Penelope, frigates to be among the best of their
Aurora, Euryalus, Galatea, Arethusa, type ever built in the missile age.
Naiad, Phoebe, Cleopatra, Minerva, Dates of construction: The original
Sirius, Juno, Argonaut, Danae (broad- units of this class were completed
beam version: Andromeda, Jupiter, between 1963 and 1967, with the
Charybdis, Hermione, Bacchante, broad-beam ships following between
Scylla, Achilles, Diomede, Apollo, 1969 and 1973.
Ariadne) Hull dimensions: 372' 41' 18'
Type and significance: Many naval (broad-beam version: 372' 43'
officials and scholars consider these 19')
Units: Amazon, Antelope, Active, Am- 12.75" ASW torpedo tubes, and one
buscade, Arrow, Alacrity, Ardent, helicopter that operated on a flight
Avenger deck situated on the stern.
Type and significance: These frigates Machinery: Gas turbines that produced
are indicative of a general-purpose 56,000 shaft horsepower.
design for escort duty. Speed: 30 knots
Dates of construction: All units were Complement: 180
laid down between 1969 and 1974, Summary: These ships suffered from
with the last units being completed the fact that their hulls were very
in 1978. lightly built. Two of the units, Ante-
Hull dimensions: 384' 41'9" 19' lope and Amazon, were lost in the
Displacement: 3,100 tons 1982 Falklands War. The first ship
Armor: None sank from damage sustained by air-
Armament: One 4.5" gun mounted in launched rockets, while bomb dam-
the bow, four Exocet SSM, one Sea- age destroyed the other. The British
cat SAM system, two 20mm guns, six have retired all the units of this class.
Units: Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, SAM system, two 20mm guns, six
Coventry, Newcastle, Glasgow, Exeter, 12.75" torpedo tubes, and one heli-
Southampton, Nottingham, Liverpool copter operating on a flight deck sit-
Type and significance: Guided missile uated on the stern. The units that re-
destroyers. main in operation carry one Sea Dart
Dates of construction: Sheffield was SAM system, one 4.5" gun, and four
laid down in 1970 and completed in 12.75" torpedo tubes as well as one
1975. The other units were laid helicopter.
down between 1972 and 1978 and Machinery: Gas turbines that gener-
completed between 1976 and 1982. ated 50,000 shaft horsepower.
Hull dimensions: 410 46' 19' Speed: 30 knots
Displacement: 3,850 tons Complement: 280
Armor: None Summary: At the time of their comple-
Armament: The original armament con- tion, these vessels comprised the
sisted of one 4.5" gun in a gun house largest class of guided missile de-
situated in the bow, one Sea Dart stroyers launched by Great Britain.
Units: Norfolk, Argyll, Lancaster, Marl- the bow, a Sea Wolf SAM system in
borough, Iron Duke, Monmouth, the bow, one 4.5" gun, two 30mm
Montrose, Westminster, Northumber- guns, four torpedo tubes, and one
land, Richmond, Somerset, Grafton, helicopter that operates off a flight
Sutherland, Kent, Portland, St. Al- deck located on the stern.
bans Machinery: Gas turbines that can pro-
Type and significance: These frigates duce 31,000 horsepower. Also diesel
are the newest ships of their type in engines that generate 8,100 horse-
the British Royal Navy. power. Finally, the vessel mounts
Dates of construction: Construction electric motors that can yield 4,000
of the first unit, Norfolk, began in horsepower.
1985, with the ship being commis- Speed: 28 knots. Diesel-electric propul-
sioned in 1990. All other units were sion generates 15 knots.
ready for service between 1991 and Complement: 181
2002. Summary: These impressive ships incor-
Hull dimensions: 436'2" 52'9" 18' porate stealth technology into their
Displacement: 3,500 tons design to conceal the vessel from en-
Armor: None emy detection systems. All units are
Armament: Eight Harpoon SSM in two currently in service.
quadruple-cell launchers located in
Units: Luigi Durand De La Penne (for- Armament: One 5" gun mounted in the
mer Animoso), Francesco Mimbelli bow, three 3" guns with one being
(former Ardimentoso) mounted astern amidships and one
Type and significance: Currently these each being placed on the sides, eight
ships are the newest guided missile Ottomat SSM, one Standard SAM
destroyers of the Italian Navy. system, six 12.6" torpedo tubes, and
Dates of construction: Luigi Durand two helicopters.
De La Penne (former Animoso) was Machinery: Combined diesel and gas
laid down in 1988 and commissioned machinery capable of 54,000 horse-
in 1993. Francesco Mimbelli (former power.
Ardimentoso) was laid down in 1991 Speed: 31 knots
and was ready for service in 1993 Complement: 377
also. Summary: These destroyers are in active
Hull dimensions: 487'5" 52'10" service and rank as two of the best
28'2" surface combatants of the Italian
Displacement: 4,330 tons Navy.
Armor: Kevlar armor over vital areas.
Units: Artigliere, Aviere, Bersagliere, bow, eight Ottomat SSM, four 40mm
Granatiere guns, and one helicopter that oper-
Type and significance: These frigates ates on a flight deck situated on the
are the newest vessels of their type in stern.
the Italian Navy. Machinery: Gas turbines and diesel en-
Dates of construction: Construction gines that can produce a maximum
on all four vessels commenced be- power output of 50,000 horsepower.
tween 1982 and 1984, with the last Speed: 35 knots
unit being commissioned for service Complement: 185
in 1996. Summary: The Italians built these ves-
Hull dimensions: 371'4" 37'1" sels for sale to Iraq but transferred
12'1" the vessels to its own navy in lieu of
Displacement: 2,208 tons international arms embargoes that
Armor: None prohibited the sale. All units are cur-
Armament: One 5" gun mounted in the rently in service.
Courtesy of Art-Tech/Aerospace/M.A.R.S./TRH/Navy Historical
Type and significance: This vessel was six 12.75" torpedo tubes. In 1978,
the first guided missile destroyer the Terrier system was offloaded in
built in Japan. favor of a Standard SAM system.
Dates of construction: Amatsukaze Machinery: Turbines powered by oil-
was laid down in 1962 and com- fired boilers that produced a maxi-
pleted in 1965. mum output of 60,000 shaft horse-
Hull dimensions: 429'9" 43'11" power.
13'9" Speed: 33 knots
Displacement: 3,050 tons Complement: 290
Armor: None Summary: This vessel is one of several
Armament: The original armament con- built by Japan that shows the re-
sisted of four 3" guns, one Terrier liance of the Japanese on U.S. mis-
SAM system, one ASROC ASW sile technology. Amatsukaze was
launcher, two Hedgehog devices, and withdrawn from service in 1995.
Units: Asagiri, Yamagiri, Yuugiri, Ama- Armament: One 3" gun mounted in the
giri, Hamagiri, Setogiri, Sawagiri, bow, eight Harpoon SSM, one Sea
Umigiri Sparrow SAM system, one ASROC
Type and significance: These destroy- ASW launcher, two 20mm Phalanx
ers represent some of Japan’s more cannon, six 12.75" torpedo tubes,
recent warship construction. and one helicopter operating on a
Dates of construction: These units flight deck situated on the stern.
were laid down between 1985 and Machinery: Gas turbines capable of
1988, with the last unit being com- 53,000 horsepower.
missioned in 1991. Speed: 30 knots
Hull dimensions: 449'5" 48' 14'7" Complement: 220
Displacement: 3,500 tons Summary: All ships are currently in ser-
Armor: None vice.
Units: This class comprised 30 units. amidships, two 3.9" guns, two RBU-
Type and significance: These frigates 1200 ASW launchers, twelve 37mm
were the first Chinese warships to guns, and depth charges.
carry SSMs. Machinery: Diesel engines that were
Dates of construction: The first of capable of 16,000 horsepower.
these units was launched in 1975 Speed: 25 knots
while the last was completed in Complement: 195
1984. Summary: The design of this vessel at-
Hull dimensions: 337'9" 39'4" tracted foreign interest, and improve-
13'2" ments on the design have led to addi-
Displacement: 1,800 tons tional, improved batches of the type
Armor: None both in China and through contracts
Armament: The original armament con- abroad. In 1984, the Chinese trans-
sisted of two 3.9" guns, four SS-N-2 ferred two of these units to Egypt,
SSM, two RBU-1200 ASW launch- and in 1989 a further unit of the
ers, twelve 37mm guns, and depth class was procured by Bangladesh. In
charges. In 2004, the surviving units 2004, the Chinese maintained 27
carried two HY-2 SSM launchers vessels of the class in service.
Units: Boiki, Derzkiy, Gnevnyy, Gordyy, Armament: The original armament con-
Gremyashchiy, Upornyy, Zhguchiy, sisted of two SS-N-1 missile launch-
Zorkiy ers, one each being located fore and
Type and significance: These destroy- aft, two RBU-2500 ASW launchers,
ers were the succeeding class to the sixteen 2.2" guns, and six 21" tor-
Kildin class and represent the con- pedo tubes. In 1968, a refit com-
tinued Soviet drive for warships menced that transformed the vessels
equipped with SSM weaponry. into ASW craft armed with one SA-
Dates of construction: The first of N-1 SAM system, three RBU-6000
these units was laid down about ASW launchers, 14 2.2" guns, and
1958 and completed by 1961. The six 21" torpedo tubes.
other units were constructed during Machinery: Turbines powered by four
the same period. oil-fired boilers that were capable of
Hull dimensions: 452'2" 48'11" 80,000 shaft horsepower.
10'6" Speed: 36 knots
Displacement: 4,500 tons Complement: 350
Armor: None Summary: In May 1975, Boiki and
Zhuguchiy became the first Russian the thirtieth anniversary of the end
warships to visit a U.S. harbor when of World War II. All have been re-
they arrived in Boston to celebrate moved from service and scrapped.
Units: This class comprised 42 units. the 3" weapons. In 2004, most of the
Type and significance: This design was surviving units carried eight SS-N-25
a large frigate that was unusual for SSM in two quadruple-cell launch-
the Soviet Union, which constructed ers, two SA-N-4 SAM systems, four
mostly small frigates for coastal de- 3" guns, eight 21" torpedo tubes, and
fense. two RBU-6000 ASW launchers.
Dates of construction: All units were Machinery: Diesel and gas plant capa-
laid down and completed between ble of 48,600 shaft horsepower.
1970 and 1991. Speed: 32 knots
Hull dimensions: 405'3" 46'3" Complement: 200
15'1" Summary: On 8 November 1975, a por-
Displacement: 3,300 tons tion of the crew of one of these ves-
Armor: None sels, Storozhevoy, staged a mutiny in
Armament: One SS-N-14 SAM an effort to seize the ship and defect
launcher located on the bow, two SA- from the Soviet Union. Their en-
N-4 SAM launchers, four 3" guns, deavor ultimately failed. Today, 15 of
two RBU-6000 ASW launchers, these units remain in service. Of the
eight 21" torpedo tubes, and 20 others, three were transferred to
mines. Some of these ships, known Ukraine in 1997, and many of the
as Krivak II, have 4" guns in place of others have been scrapped.
Type and significance: This World War the four 5" guns mounted in the bow,
II–era destroyer was refitted to be- a portion of the AA weaponry, and
come the world’s first guided missile one Terrier SAM launcher mounted
destroyer. in the stern in place of the original 5"
Dates of construction: Gyatt was gun house.
launched in 1945, refitted after Machinery: Turbines powered by four
World War II, and recommissioned oil-fired boilers that produced a max-
in 1956. imum power output of 60,000 shaft
Hull dimensions: 390'6" 40'10" horsepower.
14'4" Speed: 36 knots
Displacement: 2,616 tons Complement: 336
Armor: None Summary: This ship was not only the
Armament: The original armament con- world’s first guided missile destroyer,
sisted of six 5" guns in dual-mount but it was also a prototype for the in-
gun houses. Two of these were lo- clusion of stabilization gear in the
cated in the bow and the last was U.S. Navy. The ship itself did not
sited in the stern. The ship also car- prove a great success in the sense
ried 12 40mm guns, 11 20mm weap- that it could not carry the large radar
ons, and 10 21" torpedo tubes. The set needed to properly control the
armament after the refit consisted of Terrier missile. The hull could not
Units: Dewey, Coontz, Preble, Mahan, ward, one Terrier SAM launcher lo-
King, Farragut, Luce, MacDonough, cated in the stern, one ASROC ASW
Dahlgren, William V. Pratt launcher, and six 12.75" ASW tor-
Type and significance: These destroy- pedo tubes. Following refits, the ar-
ers, originally designated as frigates, mament consisted of eight Harpoon
were the world’s first purpose-built SSM, one Standard SAM launcher,
guided missile destroyers. one 5" gun, one ASROC launcher,
Dates of construction: All units were and six 12.75" torpedo tubes.
laid down in 1957 and 1958 and Machinery: Turbines powered by four
completed between 1959 and 1961. oil-fired boilers capable of 85,000
Hull dimensions: 512'6" 52'4" shaft horsepower.
17'9" Speed: 32 knots
Displacement: 4,167 tons Complement: 360
Armor: None Summary: All have been removed from
Armament: The original armament con- service; most have been scrapped.
sisted of one 5" gun mounted for-
Units: Spruance, Paul F. Foster, Kinkaid, seven of the Spruance class were re-
Hewitt, Elliott, Arthur W. Radford, Pe- fitted in major overhauls that began
terson, Caron, David R. Ray, Olden- in 1986. When they emerged, the
dorf, John Young, Comte de Grasse, ships were armed with one 61-cell
O’Brien, Merrill, Briscoe, Stump, VLS launcher in the bow that is capa-
Conolly, Moosbruger, John Hancock, ble of Tomahawk missiles and AS-
Nicholson, John Rodgers, Leftwich, ROC weapons, eight Harpoon SSM,
Cushing, Harry W. Hill, O’Bannon, one Sea Sparrow SAM system, two 5"
Thorn, Deyo, Ingersoll, Fife, Fletcher guns located one each fore and aft,
Kidd class: Kidd, Callaghan, Scott, two 20mm Phalanx cannon, six
Chandler, Hayler 12.75" torpedo tubes, and one heli-
Type and significance: These two copter. The other vessels of the class
groups combined constitute one of as well as those of the Kidd class were
the two largest post–World War II refitted to include eight Harpoon
destroyer groups in the U.S. Navy. SSM.
Dates of construction: All units were Machinery: Gas turbines capable of
laid down between 1972 and 1980 80,000 shaft horsepower.
and completed between 1975 and Speed: 30 knots
1983. Complement: 296
Hull dimensions: 563'4" 55' 20'6" Summary: At present, Spruance, Elliot,
Displacement: 5,826 tons O’Brien, Briscoe, Stump, Cushing,
Armor: Kevlar armor added to the O’Bannon, Thorn, Deyo, and Fletcher
Spruance class while the Kidd class remain in service. The other vessels,
were constructed with armor in- including all those that did not re-
cluded over vital spaces. ceive the VLS upgrade, are decom-
Armament: The original armament con- missioned. The last warships of the
sisted of two 5" guns, one each being class are scheduled for removal from
located fore and aft, one Sea Sparrow service by 2007. All of the vessels of
SAM launcher, one ASROC ASW the Kidd class have been removed
launcher, six 12.75" torpedo tubes, from service and will be sold to Tai-
and one helicopter operating on a wan. They will reenter service in the
flight deck sited in the stern. All but Taiwanese Navy by 2006.
non, six 12.75" torpedo tubes, and sunk on 17 May 1987, in the Persian
one helicopter. Gulf by two Exocet SSMs fired from
Machinery: Gas turbines capable of an Iranian warplane. Of the original
41,000 horsepower. 54 units, the U.S. Navy continued to
Speed: 29 knots operate 33 in 2004. Many of the
Complement: 200 units that have been removed from
Summary: The design for these vessels service have either been transferred
called for a cheap, mass-production or sold to other countries that in-
type of craft. One of the units in this clude Taiwan, Turkey, Egypt, Bah-
group was Stark, which was nearly rain, Poland, Australia, and Spain.
Units: In 2004, this class remained un- icopter that operates off the flight
der production and currently com- deck sited on the stern.
prises 38 units. Machinery: Gas turbines that can pro-
Type and significance: The Arleigh duce 105,000 horsepower.
Burke class of destroyer is the newest Speed: 32 knots
of the type built by the United States Complement: 346
and among the most advanced de- Summary: In addition to their weaponry,
stroyers in the world. these ships are regarded as very ad-
Dates of construction: Arleigh Burke vanced due to the inclusion of the
was laid down in 1988 and commis- Aegis Combat System. It is designed
sioned in 1991. All other units have to control and coordinate the de-
followed since, the most recent being fense of the ship that carries it, as
Mason, which was laid down in 2000 well as to command the defense of
and launched in 2003. entire task forces through the use of
Hull dimensions: 504'6" 66'8" its complex computers. The system
32'7" can track more than 100 targets si-
Displacement: 8,315 tons multaneously and feed data to the
Armor: Kevlar armor covers vital ship’s command-and-control center,
spaces. where a computer evaluates which
Armament: One 29-cell VLS housed in targets pose the greatest threat to the
the bow and a 61-cell VLS posi- ship or task force and uses the ves-
tioned aft. The VLS can fire Stan- sel’s weapons accordingly.
dard SAM weaponry and Tomahawk Among the units of this class is
cruise missiles. In addition, eight Cole, which was damaged by a ter-
Harpoon SSM, one 5" gun in an au- rorist attack on 12 October 2000, in
tomated gun house located in the the port of Aden, Yemen. The United
bow, six 12.75" torpedo tubes, one States currently plans to construct
20mm Phalanx cannon, and one hel- another 24 of these vessels.
AA antiaircraft
abaft “farther aft than”; in or toward the stern
ABDA World War II designation for a force of U.S., British, Dutch, and
Australian warships
adrift a term meaning a vessel is not under control or has come loose
from its moorings
aft near or at the rear portion of a ship’s hull
Allies, Allied Powers Allies being the most commonly used as the col-
lective term for the belligerent states of the United States, Great Britain,
France, and Russia in World War II; Allied Powers also used as a collec-
tive term for those nations arrayed against the Central Powers in World
War I
amidships (midships) center part of a ship that is located between the
bow and stern
antiaircraft battery all the weapons aboard a vessel that are used to de-
fend it against attacking enemy aircraft
AP armor-piercing; a type of shell
astern behind a ship
ASROC antisubmarine rocket
ASDIC Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee, the body
that produced an experimental submarine detection set in 1918; that
equipment became known as SONAR
ASW antisubmarine warfare
Axis Powers collective term for the belligerent powers of Germany, Italy,
and Japan in World War II
ballast weight additional to the ship itself carried low in a hull to provide
greater stability while a ship is at sea
battery group of guns or missile launchers; also refers collectively to the
entire armament of a vessel
beach as verb, means to run a ship onto a shore, sometimes a deliberate
act by a captain to prevent a ship from sinking when flooding
beam width of the hull of a ship measured at the widest point
rigging originally referred collectively to all the masts, spars, and sailing
accoutrements of a vessel, in latter ages, signal lines and radio wires
round shot ball of iron used as a projectile in the Age of Fighting Sail; its
size was dependent on that of the weapon that fired it; also known as
solid shot
rudder device for steering a vessel that is normally situated in the stern
salvo the firing of several guns at once
SAM surface-to-air missile
scrapping the process of dismantling a ship
scuttling purposely flooding a vessel to sink it
shaft horsepower (shp) the net power available at the propeller shaft af-
ter losing some power to friction generated by the machinery that trans-
fers the power of the engine to the shaft that turns the propeller of a
ship-of-the-line (line-of-battle ship) in the Age of Fighting Sail, term re-
ferred to the most powerful vessels of a battle fleet that formed up in a
line against an opposing like formation of enemy vessels
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
spar in the Age of Fighting Sail a pole comprised of wood that was used
for masts and yards
SSM surface-to-surface missile
standard displacement displacement of a ship when fully equipped but
without fuel
STAAG stabilized tachymetric anti-aircraft gun
starboard right-hand side of a vessel when one faces toward the bow
stern aft end of a ship
superstructure structure that is built on top of the main deck of a ship;
in a warship, this area includes the command and control facilities
TERCOM terrain contour matching; a targeting system used in cruise
TBD designation for torpedo boat destroyer; this was eventually short-
ened to the modern term “destroyer”
TGB British designation of the nineteenth century that stood for a tor-
pedo gunboat
Triple Entente belligerent powers of Great Britain, France, and Russia
in World War I
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VLS vertical launch system
V/STOL vertical/short takeoff and landing
yard unit of measurement equal to 3 feet; in nautical terms, refers to a
spar attached lengthways across a mast from which a sail is hung
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and wooden-hulled ships, 10–11, Italian Navy, 43, 86, 97, 121, 126,
20 144
Humanitarian assistance, 89 Italy, 122
Hunt, 108, 130, 145 and destroyers, 1880–1902,
Husza¥r, 53 43–44
Hydrophones, 60–61. See also and destroyers, 1902–1914, 53
individual weapons and destroyers, 1914–1918, 54,
Hygiene. See Shipboard life 65–66
and destroyers, 1919–1939, 71,
I class, 84 74–75, 75–76, 81, 83, 86,
Iceland, 93, 122 90–91
Ikara system, 158 and destroyers, 1939–1945, 93,
Impavido, 144, 160 97–98, 99, 112, 114
Impetuoso, 144 and destroyers, 1946–1955, 121,
Impressment, 5 125–126
India and destroyers, 1955–1967,
and destroyers, 1967–1982, 143–144, 148
162–163 and destroyers, 1967–1982, 160
and destroyers, 1992–present, and frigates, 143–144, 160, 169,
175 174, 178
and frigates, 162–163, 170, 175 and torpedo boats, 31, 43
Indian Navy, 175
Indomito, 53, 71 J class, 85, 107
Indonesia Jacob Van Heemskerck, 169
and frigates, 163 Jaguar, 75
Inscription Maritime, 55 Jamaica, 150
Insulation Japan, 126, 127
on destroyers, 1880-1902, 38 and destroyers, 1880–1902,
Invincible, 62, 164 42–43
Iran, 154 and destroyers, 1902–1914,
Iran-Iraq War, 170–172 52–53, 56–57
Iraq and destroyers, 1914–1918, 54,
and First Gulf War, 172–173 65, 67
and Iran-Iraq War, 170–172 and destroyers, 1919–1939, 71,
and Kuwait invasion, 172–173 74–75, 76–79, 81–82, 83,
and Second Gulf War, 177 85–86, 90
Iron-hulled ships, 17–20 and destroyers, 1939–1945, 93,
first oceangoing, 17 99–103, 104, 110–111, 114
See also Hulls and destroyers, 1946–1955, 121
Iroquois, 162 and destroyers, 1955–1967,
Islamic Revolution of 1979, 154 146–147
Israel, 172 and destroyers, 1967–1982,
and destroyers, 1955–1967, 152 161–162
and destroyers, 1967–1982, 157 and destroyers, 1983–1991,
Israeli Navy, 152 169