System Struktur CTF Finance
System Struktur CTF Finance
System Struktur CTF Finance
Authors: Brian Lee, Design Partner, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
William Baker, Structure Partner, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Ronald Johnson, Associate Director, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Inho Rhee, Associate Director, Design, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Subjects: Architectural/Design
Building Case Study
Structural Engineering
Keywords: Core
Integrated Design
Structural Engineering
Wind Loads
© Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat / Brian Lee; William Baker; Ronald Johnson; Inho Rhee
Next-Generation Supertall Tower Form Determinants: A Study of
the Tianjin CTF Finance Centre | 新一代超高层塔楼的形式决定因素:关于
Abstract | 摘要
Brian Lee
Design Partner | 设计合伙人
This paper puts forth the elements of an integrated design approach to mixed-use supertall
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
towers that is based on rationally creative strategies that encourage efficiency, functionality, and
beauty. SOM’s Tianjin Chow Tai Fook Finance Centre embodies these strategies, and elegantly
Chicago, United States | 芝加
哥,美国 achieves design and engineering excellence within the context of a mixed-use, multi-modal
neighborhood and district. With a stepped core-in-core concept, aerodynamic shaped form,
As an architect and urban designer, SOM Design Partner Brian
Lee considers himself a pragmatist in search of the poetic. He curving sloped column system, and an innovative and cost-efficient envelope, the Tianjin tower
brings a hands-on design approach to his work—maintaining is a unique landmark structure derived from a considered, economical approach to high-density,
a full integration of the natural and built environment, and
providing meaning to those who live and work in the spaces. mixed-use living.
Along with context, culture, tectonics, craft and landscape,
a fundamental question that guides Brian’s work is how
buildings enrich the experiences they engender.
Keywords: Core, Efficiency, Envelope, Integrated Design, Landmark, Structure
作为建筑和城市设计师,Brian Lee先生将自己视作一个
力求保持自然与建成环境的整体性,为在其中生活和工 所需要的设计策略 。SOM的天津周大福金融中心体现了这些策略,并在综合体、多形
造、工艺和景观等一系列引导Brian Lee设计的基本问题
是建筑如何丰富他们所产生的体验。 核心筒、 符合空气动力学的外形、曲面玻璃表皮包裹的柱子和创新又拥有高成本效益
William Baker 的外墙,它从富有关怀和经济实用的方式出发,追求高密度多功能的生活方式,成为具
Structure Partner | 结构合伙人 有特殊意义的地标。
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
SOM建筑事务所 关键词:核心筒、效率、外维护、整合设计、地标、结构
Chicago, United States | 芝加
Figure 1. Tianjin CTF Finance Centre in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) (Source: SOM)
图1. 位于天津经济技术开发区(TEDA)的天津周大福金融中心 (来源:SOM)
magnet for development over the last several and commercial properties and public 年前按照相对较低的密度设立,但在其30
decades. The Tianjin Economic-Technological buildings. Sustainable water management, a 年发展过程中仍结合了其中几项城市设计
Development Area (TEDA) was established focus on an efficient power grid, green 理念。如今,由SOM提供设计及工程服务
in 1984 and has been a major focus of urban roofs, and high-performance building 的项目,如96层周大福金融中心等新一代
development in Binhai.2 To address growing guidelines set a model for green and human- 天津经济技术开发区(TEDA)项目,为
needs for office, research, and residential centered design. 应对当今中国城市面临的挑战,提供了改
space in Binhai, other centers, including the 善高密度、多功能优质开发的机会。
SOM-led Tianjin Binhai New Area Master Plan These principles, now official guidelines
– centered on the Yujiapu CBD – are being after the Central Urban Work Conference’s 周大福金融中心基于完善公交连接的高密
developed to meet these needs. These new report was accepted by the China Central 度、适宜步行的城市路网,形成集住宅、
urban centers represent a new approach Committee and the State Council in 2016, 办公和酒店功能于一体的综合功能结构。
to urban living: the SOM-led master plan indicate the importance of mixed-use, 设计及工程团队提出了一种将多样化功能
includes urban design guidelines which sustainable design in China’s development. 完美结合的解决方案,将不仅使建设多功
balance a need for greater density with Denser street networks, less resource- 能超高层建筑成为可能,还将符合并超越
welcoming streets at pedestrian scale, a range intensive development, and improved quality 政府提出的导则标准,从而为国家构筑可
of park spaces, and a diverse mix of residential of design and construction are top priorities 持续城市发展的未来(图2)。
for future urban development for the country.
Figure 4. Crown configuration studies and wind-tunnel testing (Source: SOM) 震体量。
图4. 塔冠布置分析和风洞试验 (来源:SOM)
充阻尼器- 其位移加速度远低于行业导则
Figure 5. Open crown top with inner screen wall for reduction of wind loads (Source: SOM) (图5)。
图5. 塔冠顶部开敞,内有网屏墙降低风荷载 (来源:SOM)
that has a consistent pattern of core openings wind tunnel testing of the final geometry 收进式的塔楼形态将显著降低风荷载。将
with optimal link beam depths without and structural properties indicated that 风性能要求和楼层尺寸要求相结合以获得
compromising the architectural layout, ceiling the maximum 10-year return acceleration 大楼的整合设计及最终造型。结构造型优
height, and MEP services. would be only 10.5 mg without needing 化,包括对造型、以及在办公功能过渡到
a supplemental damper – movement 住宅功能处的周边坡度变化率进行优化。
In the serviced apartment zone, wing walls well below industry guidelines (Figure 4). 将住宅和酒店的配套功能、以及设备层布
were added to the hotel core creating an A number of crown configurations were 置在过渡区,能充分利用不同的楼层平
“egg-crate” structure that stiffened the core studied, and it was determined that a zone 面,使得结构系统从大的办公平面过渡到
and created a smooth transition from the of high cladding porosity at the base of the 小的住宅平面。在办公上部和配套楼层的
small to the large core. Apartment layouts crown along with variable porosity over the 倾斜角柱产生的大约30%的剪力由这些
were configured so that the wing walls are on height of the crown not only reduced wind 楼层斜柱的轴向力抵抗。结构分析还显示
apartment demising walls. The stepped, core- loads on the crown, but also was effective in 在低层部位略微向内收进可以做到使用较
in-core system allowed the residential floor reducing wind loads on the entire tower. An 少的结构材料控制同样的侧向位移,因此
plate to be as small as possible, which both open top to the crown along with an inner 在塔楼最终确定的造型中包含这一收进处
reduced the wind “sail” area and the seismic screen wall around the crown core elements 理。
mass at the higher levels of the building. also contributed to reducing the wind loads.
Grating was used for the floors of the crown 采用倾斜柱系统代替外伸桁架
Wind Engineering – Aerodynamic Shape satellite and building maintenance equipment 外伸桁架虽然大大加强了结构的刚度,但
Finding levels to allow an effectively open top to the 是由于在延展性方面有局限性,也增加了
Wind tunnel tests were conducted early in crown (Figure 5). 地震作用。初步分析表明外伸桁架比周边
the Schematic Design phase to determine
the optimal shaping of the tower and the The results of the preliminary wind tunnel 所有的剪力需要由核心筒内承受,因此系
effectiveness of various levels of cladding tests indicated that curved corners and a 统的延展性有限,外伸桁架系统的性能表
porosity and wind slots in the crown. The tapering shape dramatically reduced wind 现在极端地震情况下 (比大震的程度更
goal was to reduce wind forces to equal loads. These wind performance requirements 高)将受到影响。此外,外伸桁架的节点
or below seismic loads so wind would not were then coordinated with the floor plate 较复杂,造价更高, 施工工作经常在外
control the design. Reducing wind loads and size requirements to achieve an integrated 伸桁架层被延迟。外伸桁架还降低了设备
optimizing the shape resulted in very low design and the final shape of the building. 层可使用的面积,从而降低了大楼的整体
building movements and accelerations: the Structural shape optimization included 建筑使用率。因此,设计的主要目标是去
Figure 9. Physical study model comparison of bent glass (left) vs. flat glass (right) (Source: SOM)
图9. 弯曲玻璃(左)与平板玻璃(右)的物理分析模型对比 (来源:SOM)
fourth corner. Higher saturated color on vertical mullion was selected, achieving the 对位窗框既无法实现恒定的1500mm外立
façades means greater protrusion.) constant façade module, as well as a uniform 面模数,也无法形成统一的外观效果,因
appearance of the elevation. Staggered 而,选用了交错布置的竖向窗框,既能实
Warped (bent) and flat IGUs were studied; vertical mullions at façades, curved in plan, 现恒定的外立面模数,也能形成统一的外
Figure 9 showing the physical study model can be accommodated for with curved 观效果。通过采用弯曲的水平窗横梁,可
comparison of bent glass vs. flat glass. Hot- horizontal transoms. Curved horizontal 在外立面上交错布置竖向窗框,在平面上
bent, warped IGUs were eliminated due to transoms would allow for a conventional 呈曲面。采用弯曲水平窗横梁可实现传统
cost reasons. Cold-bent, warped IGUs were curtain wall stack joint, made up of two 的幕墙水平交缝,由两部分组成:上部型
not selected, as the maximum glass protrusion components: One upper extrusion, which 材,属于上部幕墙模数;下部型材,包含
of 71 mm for a 4,700 mm tall module exceeds belongs to the upper curtain wall module; 排水槽,属于下部幕墙模数。但弯曲水平
industry standards of 1% maximum glass and one lower extrusion, containing the 窗横梁相对直梁而言造价较高,且需要采
protrusion over the diagonal IGU length. Flat gutter, which belongs to the lower curtain 用曲面玻璃。由于选用了平面玻璃,上/下
glass was chosen, and triangular metal infill wall module. A curved horizontal transom, 窗横梁都是直线的;这类直框需要采用第
pieces (Figure 9) of varying sizes are provided however, is more expensive than a straight 三个组件,即“转接件”,插在上窗横梁
along two glass edges in order to allow for transom and requires curved glass. As flat 和下窗横梁之间(图10)。该连接器还可
flat-glass protrusion. glass was selected, both upper and lower 用作排水槽,允许上窗框与下窗框不在同
transoms are straight; this straight mullion 一平面内。
In addition to being energy and cost efficient, requires a third component, an “adapter,” to be
the façade accommodates for aerodynamic inserted between upper and lower transoms
building envelope shaping, resulting in (Figure 10, showing adapter in red color). This
varying envelope geometries at different
levels. The façade also accommodates for
the sloped perimeter columns, for fire / life
safety code requirements for maximum
floor plate areas of a multiple of 2,000 sqm,
for requirements on different lease spans at
different floor plate elevations in conjunction
with diminishing of the core dimensions
with an increase in tower height, and for
requirements on a constant mullion/demising
wall module. Office, serviced apartment, and
hotel zones all have a typical, constant 1,500
mm-wide mullion module, which is driven
by optimization of the façade, as described
above, by owner requirements on interior
layout demising, and by simple connection
of interior partition and demising walls to
mullions. As the façade perimeter length
changes from floor to floor with varying
façade curvatures, the relation between
vertical mullions varies from floor to floor.
A stacked mullion would not allow for a
constant, 1,500 mm façade module, nor for a Figure 10. Straight upper and lower transoms with adapter inserted between transoms (Source: SOM)
uniform façade appearance. Thus, a staggered 图10. 上部和底部的直横梁之间配有转接件 (来源:SOM)
Tianjin Economic Technological Development Area. (2016). Finding TEDA. Available at:
World Bank. (2014). Urban China : Toward Efficient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Urbanization. Available at: https://openknowledge.