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A review on the accumulation of of heavy metals
heavy metals in coastal sediment in coastal
of Peninsular Malaysia
Kamaruzzaman Yunus 21
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received 30 December 2019
M.A. Zuraidah Revised 8 March 2020
Accepted 10 March 2020
Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University Malaysia,
Kuantan, Malaysia, and
Akbar John
Institute of Oceanography and Maritime Studies (INOCEM), Kulliyyah of Science,
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Malaysia

Purpose – This study aims to examine the metal pollution in coastal sediment in the Peninsular Malaysia.
Design/methodology/approach – Approximately 141 published studies were screened from 1,285
documents and reviewed to determine the existing pollution status in the coastal areas of Peninsular Malaysia
and the metals under review were Pb, Hg, Cd, Ar, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni. Sources of pollutants and their effect on
biological systems, marine organisms and human health were addressed in this review as well as
recommendation of heavy metal removal or remedies in short. Emphasis is placed on marine pollution,
particularly on the toxic metal accumulation in biota.
Findings – This study has revealed the different concentrations of pollutants, low, moderately, and
chronically contaminated areas from heavy metals and the consequences to aquatic ecosystem and indirectly
to human health, since an increasing in the coastal developments in Peninsular Malaysia.
Originality/value – This study has revealed the different concentrations of pollutants, low, moderately,
and chronically contaminated areas from heavy metals and the consequences to aquatic ecosystem and
indirectly to human health, since an increasing in the coastal developments in Peninsular Malaysia.
Keywords Metal toxicity, Coastal sediments, Biomonitoring, Enrichment factor
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Heavy metal concentration in aquatic ecosystem is measured in three conditions; in water,
sediment and living organisms. Normally, heavy metals exist in lowest concentration in
water and reach considerable concentrations in sediments followed by bioaccumulation

© Kamaruzzaman Yunus, M.A. Zuraidah and Akbar John. Published in Ecofeminism and Climate
Change. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create
derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full Ecofeminism and Climate Change
attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http:// Vol. 1 No. 1, 2020
pp. 21-35 Emerald Publishing Limited
The research work was sponsored under Research Postdoctoral grant scheme (RPDF 18–004- p-ISSN: 2633-4062
e-ISSN: 2633-4070
0004) IIUM and Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS 19—0210–0629). DOI 10.1108/EFCC-03-2020-0003
EFCC level in living organisms (Ebrahimpour and Mushrifah, 2008). It does not exist in soluble
1,1 forms for long time in waters, but are existent as suspended colloids or fixed by organic and
mineral substances. Water contamination by heavy metals is one of the main types of
pollution that may stress the biotic community in aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals have a
particular significance in ecotoxicology including both essential and non-essential elements,
as they are highly persistent and all have the potential to be toxic to living organisms. These
22 elements become toxic if concentration reaches above certain threshold bio-available levels
(Zulkifli et al., 2010).
Sediments are known as a mixture of several components of mineral species and
represent the important sink for various pollutants in aquatic systems, including heavy
metals, and also play a useful role in the assessment of heavy metal contamination. Heavy
metals discharged into environment might directly affect the overlying water (Alkarkhi
et al., 2009; Zulkifli et al., 2010). Contaminated sediments in rivers, lakes and coastal regions
have the potential to carriage ecological and river sediments are a major carrier of heavy
metals in an aquatic environment. Heavy metals are released from sediments into water
bodies and, consequently, to living organisms depending on the speciation of metals and
other factors such as sediment pH and organic matter. In general, they reveal different
physical and chemical behaviour in terms of chemical interactions, mobility, biological
availability and potential toxicity (Li et al., 2000). Heavy metals are not removed from water
but are accumulated in sediments, which then enter the food chain; hence, affects the
ecological system and directly risks the human health (Loska and Wiechuła, 2003). They
may distribute in sediments as exchange-, organic matter- or residual-bound species. Total
amount of heavy metal concentrations in sediment is useful to detect any net change;
however, it does not give any sign about the chemical form of metals in sediment (Otero
et al., 2000; Pagnanelli et al., 2004). Concentrations of certain trace elements such as Cd, Cu,
Ni, Pb, Zn and other metals are often elevated above background levels in sediments that
have been affected by anthropogenic activities.
The anthropogenic activities and natural phenomena such as weathering of rocks and
volcanic activities, plays a main role in heavy metal concentrations in sediments. In most
situations, the major contribution of anthropogenic heavy metals in a coastal area is of
native origin, such as from agriculture, industries and urban development as well as other
human activities near rivers and estuaries (Yunus et al., 2011; Tanjung, 2013) . Recently,
great development has occurred around Malaysia, especially Peninsular Malaysia as
industrialization, urbanization, the advancement of agriculture and other activities related to
the modern era are occurring rapidly, which have directly influenced the coastal ecosystems
that contain aquatic resources, for example, fish, which are also used by humans
(Kamaruzzaman and Ong, 2009). Heavy metal concentrations contained in the effluents
pollute river water and contaminate fish, eventually creating significant health risks and
economic costs for residents, including the polluters (Poon et al., 2016). When large
quantities of pollutants are released, there may be an immediate impact as measured by
large-scale sudden mortalities of aquatic organisms, e.g. fish kills resulting from
contamination of waterways with agricultural pesticides (Austin, 1999). Coastal and marine
ecosystems worldwide are continuously being threatened by pollution issues, such as
eutrophication, toxic substances, heavy metals, acidification and siltation, resulting from
human activities (Tavakoly Sany et al., 2013). Decline in ecosystem productivity, loss of
biological diversity, alteration of habitats and contamination of aquatic biota are among the
most important effects of these pollutants (Zeitoun et al., 2014). An estimated 80% of
pollution load in coastal and marine environments originate from industrial, agricultural,
urban/rural and other land-based activities (Tiquio et al., 2017). Direct or indirect discharge
of effluents from agriculture, aquaculture, domestic, industries, mining, paper and pulp Accumulation
mills, waste water treatment plants and sewage sludge (Nugegoda and Kibria, 2016). It will of heavy metals
be important to measure the concentration of pollutant, particularly, mercury released from
cement factories and coal combustion, which is predicted to be high (Yoshimoto et al., 2016).
in coastal
Department of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia sediment
stated in every annual report the activities that can be the sources of anthropogenic
pollutants and potentially contaminate the coastal environment. Until recently, there were
limited number of reports on the status of trace elements in the aquatic environment in 23
Malaysia, particularly in relation to intertidal sediments (Zulkifli et al., 2010). Nevertheless,
continuous long-term monitoring is needed to assess the toxic heavy metals in this river, as
it could ultimately have effects on food for the fishes, which are consumed by anglers and
communities around the Kuantan River (Hossen et al., 2015). The aim of this review is to
summarize the distribution of heavy metals, to provide preliminary data on the
environmental conditions and to evaluate the risks from heavy metal contamination to
human health.
Ecological systems are containing aquatic resources of food chain; therefore, they can
accumulate heavy metals from food, water and sediments. Then, fish is main component of
the aquatic food chain, which is used by majority of humans. The content of toxic heavy
metals in fish can counteract their beneficial effects, and several adverse effects of heavy
metals to human health have been recognized for a long time (Austin, 1999; Obasohan et al.,
2010). Therefore, maintaining good marine environmental quality is crucial for several
socio-economic reasons. In Malaysia, most of the case studies were conducted to investigate
the impacts of these human activities on water and fish resources, as well as on human well-
being from an ergonomics perspective. The objective of study is to help provide useful
perceptions into sustainable relationships between humans and ecology in facilitating
human well-being in consideration of the overall performance of the social-ecological
system. Therefore, many monitoring programs have been established to assess the quality
of fish for human consumption and to monitor the health of the aquatic ecosystem (Meche
et al., 2010). In the past few decades, the concentrations of heavy metals in fish have been
extensively studied in different parts of the world (Elnabris et al., 2013). Most of these
studies concentrated mainly on the heavy metals in the fish muscles. However, other studies
reported the distribution of metals in different organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart,
gonads, bone, digestive tract and brain. According to the literatures, metal bioaccumulation
by fish and subsequent distribution in organs is greatly inter-specific. In addition, many
factors can influence metal uptake such as sex, age, size, reproductive cycle, swimming
patterns, feeding behaviour and living environment, for example, geographical location (Ye
et al., 2012).
This review article tries to determine the distribution and heavy metal concentration
status in coastal sediment of Peninsular Malaysia. Sources of heavy metal (Pb, Hg, Cd, Ar,
Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni) pollution into coastal areas were examined and effects on human health
were also assessed in this study in short. This review also aims to address the most useful
tool as heavy metal removal to reducing the concentration of pollution to coastal sediment.
An overall to explore method in minimizing the heavy metal pollutant in coastal sediment in
Peninsular Malaysia indirectly minimized potential health risks for human.

2. Methodology
This review included a search of the online electronic databases SCOPUS, ProQuest,
PubMed and Google Scholar. Each database was searched with multiple key words
including sediments, Malaysian coastal area, Malaysian waters, metal toxicity,
EFCC biomonitoring, enrichment factor and others. Relevant references from the bibliographies of
1,1 identified papers were searched. Data of heavy metal concentration in sediment are also
extracted from relevant articles and dissertations. These data are standardized in ppm unit.
Data is summarized based on sampling location and metal concentration in sediments.

2.1 Trace element of heavy metal

24 Observation on heavy metal pollution in the aquatic ecosystem by using sediment has been
conducted since years ago in Malaysia, as had been reported in the literature study (Ismail
et al., 1993; Yap and Pang, 2011; Yap et al., 2003). However, these data are reported in the
literature without comparing with distribution of metal by location and the toxicity level.
Heavy metals, namely, Pb, Hg, Cd, As, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni were discussed the sources of
metal, biological mechanism and that the effect will indirectly impact human health upon
consumption. Accumulation of substances or chemicals in a living organism or
bioaccumulation can occur, especially in fishes. The levels of heavy metals varied
significantly among fish species and organs (Mziray and Kimirei, 2016). Normally, muscles
are not an active site for metal accumulation and always contain the lowest concentrations
of all metals. Hence, the liver was the target organ for Cu, Zn and Fe accumulation (Elnabris
et al., 2013; El-Moselhy et al., 2014). However, in polluted aquatic habitats the concentration
of metals in fish muscles may exceed the permissible limits for human consumption and
indicate severe health threats (Rezaee Ebrahim Saraee et al., 2011). It is important to
investigate heavy metal concentration and distribution in the environment because most
heavy metals such as Pb, Hg, Cd and As are toxic and not biodegradable in nature thus, it
will affect humans and ecosystem (Redzwan et al., 2014).
Table 1 presents the summarized distribution of heavy metal in Peninsular Malaysia for
past 20 years. The summarized distribution can conclude that most heavy metal pollution to
aquatic ecosystem focuses in western area, especially Selangor, which is the centre of
industrial and development area.

2.2 Plumbum
Plumbum is highly toxic metal and a non-biodegradable hazardous heavy metal that easily
accumulates on human body (Abbas et al., 2016). In human beings, it damages blood
circulation, central nervous system, liver and kidneys (Kamaruzzaman and Ong, 2009).
Hence, knowledge on Pb accumulation is highly essential for the usage of fishes for safer
human consumption. Even though, the bioavailability of plumbum in marine environment
is low, its constant bioaccumulation by aquatic organisms, especially fishes, would cause
serious threats to human health when they are consumed.
The sources of contaminations of plumbum in the ecosystem are from paint, pesticides,
smoking automobile emissions, burning of coal and mining (Abbas et al., 2016; Sia and
Abdullah, 2012). Plumbum is used in many different ways, for example, it is used to produce
batteries, ammunition, metal products such as solder and pipes and X-ray shielding devices,
resulting in related health concerns; consequently, its usage has been drastically reduced in
recent years. Similarly, the high concentration of lead at study area was situated at the boat
stations where high boating activities take place and where the pH of the sediment was the
lowest (Whitfield and Becker, 2014). While, drinking water major source of lead in human
body cause containing substantial amount of lead which is initially it can enter the body
through the digestive tract and lungs and carried spread by blood throughout the body.
Presence of large quantity of lead in drinking water can cause anaemia, cancer, renal kidney
disease, nervous system damage and mental retardation (Lim et al., 2013; Razak et al., 2015;
Muhammad et al., 2012; Lim et al., 2012).
Heavy Metal
Location Pb Hg Cd As Cu Zn Cr Ni Reference

Peninsular Malaysia
Malaysia Coast 8.67 – 4.35 – 18.42 196.07 – 4.99 (Hossen et al., 2015)
Peninsular Malaysia 12.21 – 0.16 6.13 9.59 49.82 41.48 23.86 (Zulkifli et al., 2010)
Mangrove Peninsular 98.97 2.90 1.56 41.43 17.15 100.96 40.92 – (Cheng and Yap, 2015)
Water in Malaysia – 22.84 – – – – – – (Yoshimoto et al., 2016)
South Coast
South China Coastal 33.70 – – – 24.21 – – – (Kamaruzzaman and Ong, 2009)
Strait of Johor 52.52 – 0.30 27.30 57.84 210.45 55.50 18.31 (Zulkifli et al., 2010)
South West Malaysia 0.07 4.64 – 18.00 25.60 – – – (Kamaruzzaman et al., 2011)
North Coast
Juru River – – – – 2.87 34.41 – 7.8 (Al-Shami et al., 2011)
Northern Peninsular – – 1.64 – – 258.50 – 40.00 (Yap and Pang, 2011)
Kilim River 6.38 – 7.49 – – 67.35 – – (Tajam and Kamal, 2013)
Bayan Lepas, Penang 35.45 – 1.70 – 56.03 – 37.96 51.50 (Khodami et al., 2016)
Western Coast
Sepang Besar River 16.00 – 0.28 – 23.00 55.00 – – (Ismail and Ramli, 1997)
Offshore West Coast – – 0.76 – – 41.53 – – (Yap et al., 2003)
Intertidal West Coast – – 1.01 154.66 (Yap et al., 2003)
Western (marine) 64.92 – – – 67.96 286.40 – – (Yap and Pang, 2011)
Western (freshwater) 38.71 – – – 18.85 175.50 – – (Yap and Pang, 2011)
Port Klang 128.98 – 0.810 475.26 118.34 492.39 388.84 74.56 (Tavakoly Sany et al., 2013)
West Coast 0.560 – – – 0.18 0.37 1.30 0.21 (Redzwan et al., 2014)
Langat River 30.44 – – 16.19 5.72 35.87 15.88 4.47 (Lim et al., 2013)
Langat River 6.80 – – – – 1.50 4.40 13.08 (Mokhtar et al., 2015)
Sg Puloh 78.84 – 0.94 – 46.89 1023.68 – 35.54 (Udechukwu et al., 2015)
Bernam River – – 0.62 – – – 14.90 5.30 (El Nemr et al., 2016)
Langat River – 0.00 0.04 – – – – – (Lim et al., 2013)
in coastal

Ni) in Peninsular
Distribution of heavy

Table 1.
of heavy metals

As, Cu, Zn, Cr and


Malaysia coastal
weight) (Pb, Hg, cd,
metal (ppm dry


Table 1.
Heavy Metal
Location Pb Hg Cd As Cu Zn Cr Ni Reference

East Coast
Chini Lake 2.35 – 0.18 – 0.41 – – – (Ebrahimpour and Mushrifah, 2008)
East Coast Peninsular 37.40 0.10 0.25 14.90 9.30 44.30 46.40 20.10 (Rezaee Ebrahim Saraee et al., 2011)
Terengganu River 32.70 0.18 0.99 11.98 – – – – (Sultan et al., 2011)
East Coast 0.29 – – – 0.69 0.75 1.06 0.40 (Redzwan et al., 2014)
Kuantan River 0.01 0.04 – 42.30 42.03 9.08 3.35 – (Rahman et al., 2013)
Balok River 29.30 – 0.50 – 24.30 159.40 42.90 16.00 (Mohd Zahari Abdullah et al., 2015)
EPA has determined that plumbum is a probable human carcinogen. It can affect every Accumulation
organ and system in the body. Long-term exposure in adults can result in decreased of heavy metals
performance, in some tests that measure functions, of the nervous system; weakness in
fingers, wrists or ankles; small increases in blood pressure; and anaemia. Regulatory limits
in coastal
by EPA is 15 parts per billion (ppb) in drinking water (Martin and Griswold, 2009). Refer to sediment
Table 1, for plumbum column; it clearly showed that almost all listed studies examined the
amount of plumbum, as it one of the most toxic and high source of contamination to
ecosystem. Most high concentration of plumbum is at western coast with highest amount 27
128 ppm at Port Klang, which is known as the industrial area. This is considered a critical
environmental issue for this region.

2.3 Mercury
Mercury, one of the heavy metal, is of special concern because it can result in many serious
impacts on human health including the environment (Yoshimoto et al., 2016). Its toxicity and
bioavailability is stated by its species, which in turn is influenced by natural, chemical and
biological processes. It may change between different states and species in its cycle;
however, its simplest form, elemental mercury, is harmful to humans and the environment
(Issaro et al., 2010). After discharge of mercury from mineral deposits, fossil fuel or ores, the
possible sites of its accumulation are bottom sediments, water bodies and earth’s surface
soils where it combines with other elements to form organic and inorganic mercury
compounds. Metallic mercury is used to produce chlorine gas and caustic soda and is also
used in thermometers, dental fillings, switches, light bulbs and batteries. Coal-burning
power plants are the largest human-caused source of mercury emissions to the air in the
USA. Mercury in soil and water is converted by microorganisms to methylmercury, a
bioaccumulating toxin (Yoshimoto et al., 2016; Martin and Griswold, 2009).
Mercury is the element that will not degrade into harmless substances. It is highly
mobile, cycling between earth surface and atmosphere, once it is liberated from ores.
Although most mercury occurs in the inorganic form, methylmercury is the most toxic and
readily bioaccumulated form of mercury. The major targets are the nervous system upon
short-term exposure, whereas kidneys upon long-term exposure. The potential toxic effects
of mercury include damage to kidneys, reproductive systems, immune, hematologic,
cardiovascular, respiratory systems and brain (Aldroobi et al., 2013). The sources of
mercury are mineral deposits, fossil fuel or ores, pesticides, batteries and paper industries.
As Malaysia is one of the fast developing countries in Asia, it has experienced problems
with regard to mercury pollution. Distribution of mercury has been summarized in Table 1
and shows high concentrations at a few locations of south and east coast area, which it is
because of the industrial activities nearest to river as well as in seawater (Mokhtar et al.,
However, the concentration of the total mercury decreased from pre-monsoon to post-
monsoon because of heavy rainfall that increased levels of water, during this time, diluting
and lowering the concentration of mercury and during pre-monsoon, the concentration of
mercury was the highest (Rahman et al., 2013). This was because of industrial and
residential activities, as mercury has been used in electrical appliances such as lamp and arc
rectifiers. Improperly disposed household products, such as mercury-containing outdoor
paints, can move through the soil and reach private well water supplies then enter the river
water (Rahman et al., 2013). Regulatory limit of mercury concentration by EPA is 2 ppb in
drinking water and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standardized 1 part of
methylmercury in a million parts of seafood. Compared to mercury concentration in the
Table 1, it was exceeding the permissible level of mercury; this situation is harmful to
EFCC human and environment as well. The potential toxic effects of mercury include damage to
1,1 kidneys, reproductive systems, immune, hematologic, cardiovascular, respiratory systems
and brain (Bonsignore et al., 2013). Thus, more stringent regulatory controls have been
imposed for mercury in many countries.

2.4 Cadmium
28 Cadmium is a very toxic metal and is a known human carcinogen. Severe damage to the
lungs may occur through breathing high levels of cadmium. Ingesting very high levels
severely irritates the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhoea. Long-term exposure to
lower levels leads to a build-up in the kidneys and possible kidney disease, lung damage and
fragile bones. Smokers get exposed to significantly higher cadmium levels than non-
smokers (Zulkifli et al., 2010; Perera et al., 2016). Many sources of cadmium are human
activities and industries such as steel and plastic industries, cooling tower blow down,
electroplating and metal plating, nickel–cadmium batteries, zinc of galvanized pipes,
welding, fertilizers and nuclear emission plants. Entirely soils and rocks, including coal and
mineral fertilizers, contain some cadmium from human activities and industries (Yoshimoto
et al., 2016). Drinking water may be contaminated by cadmium, as a result of the presence of
cadmium as an impurity in the zinc of galvanized pipes or cadmium-containing solders in
fittings, water heaters, water coolers and taps (Damodharan, 2013). Cadmium
concentrations in unpolluted natural waters are usually below 1 m g/l and it levels could be
higher in areas supplied with soft water of low pH, as this would tend to be more corrosive
in plumbing systems containing cadmium. There was a higher fluctuation in the various
sampling sites of river, which was attributed to the reason of the other industrial and
anthropogenic sources. Upstream cadmium concentrations during all the four seasons were
several times lesser than the cadmium concentration of raw effluent, which indicated the
dilution effect of the river weather and also showed that this site is free from anthropogenic
inputs and only the natural effects are the predominant factors in this particular site
(Damodharan, 2013). Because of low pH, heavy metals may be desorbed from the sediment
into water; thus, the highest concentrations of cadmium, copper and lead in water were
found in lakes which had the lowest water pH and the lowest sediment pH (Ebrahimpour
and Mushrifah, 2008). Cadmium concentrations in the lake water samples decreased with
increasing pH, because the metal binding abilities are decreased with decreasing pH because
of proton binding. A decrease in pH will increase the competition between metals and
hydrogen ions for binding sites and may dissolve metal complexes, releasing free metal ions
into the water column (Rezaee Ebrahim Saraee et al., 2011). An increase in pH is generally
accompanied by a decrease of the solubility of many toxic heavy metals in water
(Udechukwu et al., 2015). Regulatory limits of cadmium based on EPA is 5 ppb or 0.005 ppm
of cadmium in drinking water. According to FDA, permission of concentration in bottled
drinking water should not exceed 0.005 ppm (5 ppb). Meanwhile by OSHA, an average of 5
mg/m3 of workplace air for an 8 h workday, 40 h workweek. Compared to concentration
recorded in Table 1, most of the area was exceeding the maximum permitted level of
cadmium concentration.

2.5 Arsenic
Arsenic is toxic and can cause numerous health effects in humans, including cancer. It is
odourless and tasteless. Inorganic arsenic is a known carcinogen and can cause cancer of the
skin, lungs, liver and bladder. Arsenic compounds are soluble in water, cannot be destroyed
in the environment and can only change its form (El-Sorogy et al., 2016; Alamdar et al., 2017).
Arsenic bioaccumulates in fish and shellfish. It present in the water originates from natural
resources and human activity. It is released into the surface ground water by means of Accumulation
geological formation that happens in sedimentary rocks, geothermal water and from of heavy metals
weathered volcanic rocks. Human activities such as mining, manufacturing, metallurgy,
wood preservation and use of pesticides also introduce arsenic into the water bodies
in coastal
(Tanjung, 2013; Zeitoun et al., 2014; Freije, 2015). The reason that put concerns with arsenic sediment
in drinking water was that the majority of the population who had been exposed to
arsenic in drinking water reported cases of cancer-based health concerns. High levels of
arsenic contaminant have been found in Taiwan, India and West Bengal, where they have 29
been exposed to much higher levels than the maximum possible concentration (Pagnanelli
et al., 2004). These cases are only a correlation in the study, as the main mechanism of the
toxicology levels of arsenic have not been studied thoroughly, but for sure both the
individual and the population has been susceptible to the poisonous effects of arsenic-
contaminated water. The existence of arsenic in sediments affects bioaccumulation in fish,
but accumulation of arsenic does not change according to the feeding habits of fish. Arsenic
accumulation pattern in different organs of kidney, liver, gill and muscle, stresses that the
water-borne pathway is more important for dietary pathways. Further, comprehensive
assessment on the gills is necessary to understand the suitability of the species for
biomonitoring studies (Perera et al., 2016). Table 1 presents the arsenic distribution in
sediment of Peninsular Malaysia and the highest was at Port Klang area, which exceeds the
permissible limit.

2.6 Copper
Copper has a number of applications in industrial and agricultural processes and it can be
released into the environment from many sources such as mining, metal piping, chemical
industries and pesticides industry. Though, our body needs some heavy metals such as
copper and zinc, but in high concentration presence of these metals may cause hazardous
effects (Abbas et al., 2016). Copper also plays a vital role in enzymatic processes and is
essential for the synthesis of haemoglobin. However, very high intake will cause health
problems. Drinking water can be a potential source for an intense copper exposition.
Mercury is the most toxic metal and is followed by copper that is highly toxic for drinking
water (Loska and Wiechuła, 2003; Gangaiya et al., 2001; Gismera et al., 2004). Besides, the
example of effects of high intake of copper in human body are increased blood pressure and
respiratory rates, damage in kidney and liver, convulsions, cramps, vomiting or even death
(Abbas et al., 2016). Copper is also important for animal metabolism, however, the excessive
ingestion of copper brings about serious threats, such as increased blood pressure and
respiratory rates, damage in kidney and liver, convulsions, cramps, vomiting or even death
(Mziray and Kimirei, 2016; Storelli et al., 2005; Taweel et al., 2013). Among the studied metals
in fishes, copper was present highest concentration in the liver compared to gills and
muscles. Permissible limit of copper concentration by US EPA is 1.3 mg/L and 2 mg/L by
World Health Organization for drinking water. Table 1, in the summarized heavy metal
distribution, shows most of the heavy metal pollution studies included examination of

2.7 Zinc
Zinc plays a vital role in regulating many biochemical processes and physiological functions
of living tissues. The presence of zinc in excess causes prominent health problems, for
example, stomach nausea, skin irritations, cramps, vomiting and anaemia (Abbas et al.,
2016). The human activities and industrial sources of zinc include brass platting, wood pulp
production, ground and newsprint paper production, steel works with galvanizing lines and
EFCC zinc and brass metal works. Waste concentrations of zinc ranges from less than 1 to more
1,1 than 48,000 mg L 1 in various waste streams described in the literature. Zinc is released into
environment from sediment entrainment, agricultural activities, groundwater intrusion or
from a combination of these sources (Jan and Edward, 2016). The concentrations of Cu, Zn,
Mn, Ni, Cd and Pb in the muscles of the analysed six fish species are presented, which shows
that the highest concentrations were for zinc and the lowest were for lead and cadmium in
30 fish muscles. There were vast differences among the heavy metal concentrations in the
muscles of different fish species (Elnabris et al., 2013). Meanwhile, MFA permissible level of
Zn for human consumption is 100 mg/kg wet weight and Table 1 shows zinc distribution
area in Peninsular Malaysia sediment. The list of concentration of zinc is not exceeding the
permissible limit for all studies recorded.

2.8 Chromium
Chromium is a metal found in natural deposits such as rocks (ores), animals, plants and soil
and can be a liquid, solid or gas. Chromium is considered one of the earth crust’s most
abundant elements and it is estimated to be the sixth most abundant transition metal
(Martin and Griswold, 2009). Chromium compounds bind to soil and are not likely to migrate
to ground water, but they are very persistent in sediments in water. Its soluble forms are
used in wood preservatives. Chromium is used in textile industries, electroplating, leather
tanning, metal finishing and chromate preparation, protective coatings on metal
(electroplating), magnetic tapes and pigments for paints, cement, paper, rubber, composition
floor covering and other materials. Therefore, the potential source of chromium to drinking
water contamination is industrial wastewater discharge to environment. .Chromium (VI)
compounds are toxins and known human carcinogens, whereas chromium (III) is less toxic
and an essential nutrient for human (Abbas et al., 2016; Martin and Griswold, 2009). In
contrast, Cr (VI) is extremely toxic, found in various industrial waters and can cause severe
diarrhoea, vomiting, pulmonary congestions and liver and kidney damage. Besides,
breathing high levels can cause irritation to the lining of the nose, nose ulcers, runny nose
and breathing problems, such as asthma, cough, shortness of breath or wheezing (Tanjung,
2013; Malkoc and Nuhoglu, 2007; Sarmani, 1989). Regulatory limit by EPA is 0.1 ppm in
drinking water. Meanwhile, according to FDA limit should not exceed 1 mg/l (1 ppm) in
bottled water. OSHA standardized an average between 0.0005 and 1.0 mg/m3 of workplace
air for an 8-h workday and 40-h workweek, depending on the compound (Malkoc and
Nuhoglu, 2007; Mokhtar et al., 2015; Oyetibo et al., 2016; Sarmani, 1989; Sfakianakis et al.,
2015; Tanjung, 2013). Table 1 shows chromium distribution into sediment in Peninsular
Malaysia. Obviously, summarized showed chromium studies most in heavy industrial at
western coast Malaysia, which is area highest concentration of chromium contamination.

2.9 Nickel
Nickel is a non-biodegradable toxic heavy metal ion present in wastewater. The main source
of nickel pollution in the water derives from a number of industrial production processes
such as battery manufacturing, production of some alloys, zinc base casting, printing,
electroplating and silver refineries (Li et al., 2000; Meche et al., 2010; Baldantoni et al., 2004).
The toxic effects of nickel include dry cough, bone nose and lung cancer, cyanosis, rapid
respiration, shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, chest pain and nausea. However, all
fish species sampled from Galas River in Kelantan for nickel concentrations showed lower
than the permissible levels recommended by the MFA and the FAO (Baharom and Ishak,
2015). Table 1 presents nickel distribution in sediment at Peninsular Malaysia, which shows
the highest concentration was at Port Klang, 74.56 ppm.
3. Conclusion and recommendation Accumulation
The review has highlighted findings of heavy metal in sediment from studies carried out at of heavy metals
Peninsular Malaysia coastal. Because of rapid industrialization and urbanization a negative
impact has been affected on the positive health of the aquatic system. The contamination of
in coastal
water is also transmitted in the biological section, many of which are consumed as sediment
sustenance by humans, specifically local people. The present review is important not only
from the aquatic animal health status and management point of view but also as it presents
a comparative justification of heavy metals. Regulatory standards for discharges from
human activities and industries that include process plants should be strictly controlled.
Reprocessing or recycling of wastes containing heavy metals needs to be given greater
emphasis for not only environmental and health considerations but also resource
conservation measure. Monitoring of air, water and soil in the vicinity of the toxic metal-
processing units needs to be carried out more vigorously for the specific metal. Improved
coordination among the relevant agencies could be effective for marine protected area
management in Malaysia. In the future, it will be necessary to create reliable inventories for
not only the atmosphere but also other media in Malaysia, by collecting more measurement
data. In particular, it will be important to measure the concentration of heavy metal released
from industries and factories, which are anticipated to be high. Further study on
accumulation of pesticides and toxic metals in fish tissues should be undertaken because of
usage of these chemicals in all over Malaysian coastal region. However, the levels of metals
in fishes should be continuously monitored in potentially polluted areas, as fishes showed a
tendency to accumulate heavy metal such as cadmium in muscles from polluted water.

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Further reading
Kamaruzzaman, Y., Ong, M.C., Shahbudin, S. and Nor, O.M. (2009), “Accumulation of lead and copper
in Rhizophora apiculata from Setiu mangrove Forest, Terengganu”, J Environ Biol, Vol. 30 No. 5
Suppl, pp. 821-824.

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Kamaruzzaman Yunus can be contacted at: [email protected]

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