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Proceedings of the
Workshops on Wadi Hydrology
and Groundwater



3-6 June



Lineke J.M. Mow-its





Cairo Office,




Cairo Office,


Abdin M.A. Salih



Mohsen Morad Sherif

Cairo University,


IHP-V 1Technical


in ljydrology


1 No. 1 1 UNESCO Cairo Office






for Studies
and Dry Lands

For further


please contact

Regional Hydrologist
UNESCO Cairo Ofice
8 Abdel Rahman Fahmy St
Garden City, 11511 Cairo, Egypt
Tel: 354 3036/5599
Fax: 354 5296

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations or that of its
specialised agencies concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries
The views and opinions in this report do not necessarily represent or reflect those of the
United Nations and its specialised agencies, or any of their member states.

Although Wadi is the name given to a seasonal water course in the Arab region,
increasingly it is recognized as an international name used in most hydrological
publications all over the world. Yet, in spite of its great role as a vital sources of water
supply, as well as a threat of catastrophic floods in many Arab countries, the scientific
understanding and knowledge base of its hydrological processes are rather poorly
understood in most of these countries.
In recognition of this lack of understanding, the fifth cycle of the International
Hydrological Programme (IHP-V) of UNESCO has given great consideration to this
topic in many of its eight themes. For example, it has been explicitly included in various
projects related to the theme Integrated Water Resources Management in Arid and
Semi-Arid Zones (theme 5) while many of its components fit very well, among others,
in projects related to the theme Groundwater Resources at Risk (theme 3) and the
theme Knowledge, Information and Technology (theme 8). It is therefore logical that
the above three themes have also been selected by the participants of the Sixth Regional
Meeting of the IHP committees of Arab Countries, held in Jordan December 1995, as
priority areas for the region. During the same meeting Wadi Hydrology was specifically
outlined as a target project. Both this project, as well as the regional priority themes,
coincide well with UNESCO Cairo Office areas of concentration, i.e. Rainfall Water
Management and Groundwater Protection.
Groundwater Protection has been initiated by UNESCO Cairo Office as a priority
theme in recognition of the vital importance and vulnerability of groundwater in the
Arab region. The core of this initiative was a regional working group formed of four
renowned regional experts in 1994 who prepared a state-of-the-art report on the subject
as well as a priority list and set of documents for an extra-budgetary project. The
findings of the working group were endorsed by an expert meeting, organized jointly
with ACSAD, in Damascus 1994. This meeting also emphasized the importance of
utilizing the group work in preparing and organizing a series of training of trainers
regional workshops on Groundwater Protection. Two such training activities were
successfully implemented by UNESCO Cairo Office and ACSAD with the Tunisian
IHP committee and the National Water Research Centre of Egypt in 1995 and 1996,
It is rewarding that the fifth cycle of the International Hydrological Programme of
UNESCO (IHP-V) has explicitly devoted a whole theme to Groundwater Resources at
Risk (theme 3) and implicitly included groundwater, in a way or another, in at least
three of its remaining seven themes. Furthermore, the importance of groundwater
protection to the Arab region has also been endorsed as a priority subject by the
participants of the Sixthregional meeting of the Arab IHP committees and, consequently,
has continued to be a concentration area of UNESCO Cairo Offices 1996197
programme in hydrology.
This report contains the proceedings of two workshops, on Wadi Hydrology and
Groundwater Protection, held in Cairo, Egypt during the period 3-6 June 1996. Both
workshops were organiied by UNESCO Cairo Office and co-sponsored by the National
Water Research Centre of Egypt (NWRC) and the Arab Centre for Studies of Arid
Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD). An important companion document to this publication
is the report of the meeting which has been published as Report of the UNESCO /
NWRC / ACSAD Workshops on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection and which is available through UNESCO Cairo Office. This report contains a summary
of the meeting, the recommendations, as well as the programme and a list of participants.




Wadi Hydrology
Wadi hydrology: Process Response and Management Implications
H.S. Wheater .. . ... . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. . ... .. .. ... .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... . .. . 1

Flood Risks and Water Management in Wadi Systems

M.S. Farid and G.I. Allam .. .. . ... .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. ... ... . ... ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 14

Wadi Systems: Hydro(geo)logic

Resources Management
M.L. Al-Eryani

Characteristics and Implication for Water

.. .. .. . ... . .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . ... . 19

Review of Research on Wadi Hydrology

AS. Al-Turbak ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . ... . .. .. 21

Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in Wadi Catchments

S.I. Assa ad .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. . ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . 23

Jordans Experience in Wadi Hydrology

M. Shatanawi, A. Al-Kharabsheh

and R. Al-Weshah , .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ...*................. . .. . .. .. .. . 28

Wadi Hydrology: The Sudanese Experience

B.I. Barsi . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... . ... ... . .. ... . ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... ... . .. ... .. .. .. . .. ... . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .... 38

The Status and Prospects of Wadi Hydrology in the West Bank

M. Haddad and N. Mizyed . . .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... . ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... ... .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. .. . ... .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... 4.5

Methodology for Assessment, Operation,Management and Development of

Water Resources in Morocco
M.D. Hasnaoui

. .. . ... . .. ... . .. ... .. .. ... . .. ... . .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... . ... ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 52

Hydrological Consideration and Water Resources in Wadi Watir, South Sinai

I. H. Himida . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . ... .. . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. 59

Groundwater Protection
Indictors of Groundwater Quality and its Protection in Arid and Semi-arid Regions
WM. Edmunds .. .. ... . .. ... . .. ... . ... ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... . ... ... . .. ... . ... ... . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. 67
Development of Groundwater Quality Indications: The Preliminary Stage
of the Egyptian Experience
FA. Attia . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. ... .. .. ... . ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... . .. ... . ... ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ..


Groundwater Protection in Egypt: Recent Development and Future Applications

A. Fekry and E. Smidt .. . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... . ... .. . .. ... . .. .. . ... . . .. ... . .. .. . .. .. . 95
Groundwater Hazards in Siwa Oasis, Egypt
S. Abdel Mogheeth . .. .. .. . ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . ... . . 115
Groundwater Resources in Jordan and its Protection from Pollution
A. Al-Kharabsheh and M. Shatanawi . .. ... . ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 121
Groundwater Protection: The Libyan Experience
O.M. Salem . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... ... . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... ... . ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 129
M. Malakani

and Groundwater


The Syrian Experience

.. .. .. .. ... . .. ... . ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... ... . ... ... . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 137

Wadi Hydrology

Wadi Hydrology: ProcessResponseand Management Implications

Wadi Hydrology: Process Response and

Management Implications
H. S. Wheater
Imper:al College, London SW7 2BU, UK

For manv rural and urban populations in the Arab Region, wadi hydrology has a direct and major impact on their s Lurity
of life. FI t)ods, although infrequent, can be extremely damaging and represent a threat to life as well as property. Furthc 71nore,
such threats are likely to increase. Wadis commonly provide the most practicable routes for roads and other infrastructure;
populatiolr increase, economic development and urbanisation lead to increasing pressure for construction in flood prone
areas; tra\ cllers in air-conditioned vehicles are unaware of flood risk and isolated from traditional warning systems. Water
resources <ireincreasingly a constraint on economic and social development. This paper draws on recent research, mainly
from the Arabian peninsular, to illustrate key aspects of hydrological response. These include rainfall spatial variability,
the generation of surface runoff and transmission losses from ephemeral flows, and groundwater recharge. The I -.:gctations
of conventIona flood design practice are discussed, and a new approach to integrated simulation of hydrologic.
J stems
for water resources management is outlined.

1 Introduction
For map\ rural and urban populations in the Arab Region,
wadi h! tirology has a direct and major impact on their
securit, and quality of life.
Floods, although infrequent, can be extremely damaging
and represent a threat to life as well as property. Such threats
are likely to increase. Wadis commonly provide the most
practicable routes for roads and other infrastructure;
increase, economic development
urbanisation lead to increasing pressure for construction in
~l~x-~x~n~ areas. +:I,\ CIICI\ ;: llr condltloned
vehicles are
unaware of tlood risk and isolated from traditional warning
systems. Water resources are increasingly a constraint on
economic and social development.

There is therefore an important set of issues )r \t iich

appropriate technical guidance is required, incl :ing G!ood
design, flood warning and the sustainable devc I IprnL 11
t of
water resource potential. However, the hydrolclsy o: arid
and semi-arid areas is substantially different frc s.n that of
more humid regions, which has provided thL h i ;9 of
conventional design and management practice. 1~ ;$
essential, then, that appropriate methods are developed and
applied. However, this requires a clear understanding of
hydrological processes in wadi systems and must be
supported by a strong base of quantitative research.
Historically, data from arid regions have been severely
limited; indeed, it has been widely stated that the major
limitation of the development of arid zone hydrology is the
dearth of high quality observations (McMahon, 1979;

Table 1. Summary qf Muscat rainfall data (1893-1959) (after Wheater and Bell, 1983)

Monthly rainfall mm.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

May June July

Aug. Sept. Oct.

Nov. Dec.














Standard deviation

38.9 - 25.1












I 143.0I98.6 I70.4 I98.3 I 8.89 I 64.0 I 37.1 I 14.7 I0.00 I44.5 I77.2 I 171.2 I

Mean number of raindays













Max. daily fall, mm













I Number of years record

I 63

t 64

I 62

I 63

I 61

I 61







\b 1
.: 1



11 i.....,....






Figure I. Location of Saudi Arabian study basins.

Nemec and Rodier, 1979; Pilgrim et al., 1988). There have
been good reasons for this; populations are usually sparse
and economic resources limited, but in addition, the climate
is harsh and hydrological events infrequent, but damaging.
Nevertheless, there has been a significant development of
good quality data in recent years, most notably from the
Arab Region. Although much remains to be done, we can
tlo~ XL wirh ptcjter clarity the unique features of arid zone
hydrological systems and the nature of the dominant
processes. There is thus an important
opportunity to develop methodologies for flood and water
resource management which are appropriate to the specific
hydrological characteristics of arid areas and the associated
management needs; and, hence, to define priorities for
research and hydrological data.

hydrological systems for water resources management is


This paper draws on recent research, mainly from the

Arabian peninsular, to illustrate key aspects of hydrological
response. These include rainfall spatial variability, the
generation of surface runoff and transmission losses from
ephemeral flows, and ground-water recharge. The
limitations of conventional flood design practice are
discussed, and a new approach to integrated simulation of

For spatial characteristics, information is much more

limited. Until recently, the major source of detailed data
has been from the South West USA, most notably the two,
relatively small, densely instrumented basins of Walnut
Gulch, Arizona (150 km*) and Alamogordo Creek, New
Mexico (174 km*) (Osborn et al., 1979). Rain gauge
densities approaching 1 per km2 have permitted the

2 Rainfall
Rainfall is the primary hydrological input, but rainfall in
arid and semi-arid areas is commonly characterised by
extremely high spatial and ten*p,ura; rdliablllly.
temporal variability of point rainfall is well-known.
Although most records are of relatively short length, few
are available from the 19th century. For example, Table 1
presents illustrative data from Muscat (Sultanate of Oman)
(Wheater and Bell, 1983), which shows that a wet month is
one with one or two rain days. Annual variability is marked
and observed, daily maxima can exceed annual rainfall

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Workxhop I on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

definition of detailed storm structure. This has shown highly

localised rainfall occurrence, with spatial correlation of
storm rainfall of the order of 0.8 at 2 km separation, but
close to zero at 15-20 km spacing.
The extent to which this extreme spatial variability is
characteristic of other arid areas has been uncertain. Data
from arid New South Wales, Australia have indicated
spatially extensive, low intensity rainfalls (Cordery et al.,
1983). Anecdotal evidence from the Middle East underlays
comments that spatial and temporal variability were extreme
(FAO, 198 1); but recent data from South West Saudi Arabia
obtained as part of a five-year intensive study of five basins
(Saudi Arabian Dames and Moore, 198S), and undertaken
on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh,
has provided a quantitative basis for assessment. The five
study basins range in area from 456 to 4930 km* and are
located along the Asir escarpment (Figure l), three draining
to the Red Sea, two to the interior, towards the Rub al Khali.
The mountains have elevations of up to 3000 ma& hence
the basins encompass a wide range of altitude, which is
matched by a marked gradient in annual rainfall, from 30-

100 mm on the Red Sea coastal plain up to 450 mm at

elevations in excess of 2000 m a.s.1.
The spatial rainfall distributions are described by Wheater
et al. (1991a). The extreme spottiness of the rainfall is
illustrated for the 2869 km* Wadi Yiba by the frequency
distributions of the number of gauges at which rainfall was
observed given the occurrence of a catchment rainday (Table
2). Typical inter-gauge spacings were S- 10 km, and on 5 1%
of raindays only one or two raingauges out of 20 experienced
rainfall. For the more widespread events, sub-daily rainfall
showed an even spottier picture than the daily distribution.
An analysis of relative probabilities of rainfall occurrence
(defined as the probability of rainfall occurrence for a given
hour at Station B given rainfall at Station A) gave a mean
value of 0.12 for Wadi Yiba, with only 5% of values greater
that 0.3. The frequency distribution of rainstorm durations
shows a typical occurrence of one or two-hour duration point
rainfalls, which tend to occur in mid-late afternoon. Thlls,
rainfall will occur at a few gauges and die out, to t :
succeeded by rainfall in other locations. This is illustratec.
for Wadi Lith in Figure 2, which shows the daily rainfall

Table 2. Wadi Yiba raingauge frequencies and associated conditional probabilities for catchment rainday occurrence.

Number of Gauges




















0.02 1

























,I\ \..---..

2:oo -

+ 5.6

: tlO.2



+ 123~ + IO.6
+ 212

2Ci46 2d36-


+.o .
', + 5 0

+.o ,.*,:
.r+ 0
1 ,*-











t .o



';,9> + .o



l 0

\ l .4
l .4 \
,I+ 1.6
l 5.2 ,*
%\ t.6
t .o
I .*+ .o
+;;s /*

l up:

+ a ,j

t 0 ,a*

-,,t 0


I ,7.6



Lo ngit uda East





Wadi Al Lith


;z \I .*-.\


,*; 16.6
t.0 :
-\ \ l I*6
l .6
l o
6) 3.6
t .o _:
+.o ,.--





LOngit ud6





., t.2

- l .6

a _ Daily

.\ I.4
+ 1.2,\





+ .o



,t .o + .o*- .:
\I r.o,-
,* 0
t.0 :
,I* .o
, ,I
t &fl
+ .o













b- Hourly


(mm )




d- Hourly


( mm 1





(mm 1.

4004a 4850


Figure 2. Wudi Lith rainfall event, 16th May 1984.

tot ~1sfor the storm of 16th May 1984 (Fig. 2a), and the
in ividual hourly depths (Figs. 2b-e). In general, the storm
p: -terns appear to be consistent with the results from the
S# uth West USA, and area reduction factors were also
g nerally consistent with results from that region (Wheater
e al., 1989).
T,le effects of elevation were investigated, but no clear
relationship could be identified for intensity or duration.
Hcyvever, a strong relationship was noted between the
freql. cy of raindays and elevation. It was thus inferred
that one rainfall occurred, its point properties were similar
j )~er the catchment, but occurrence was more likely at the
higher elevations. It is interesting to note that a similar result
has emerged from a recent analysis of rainfall in Yemen

(UNDP, 1992), in which it was concluded that daily rainlalls

observed at any location are effectively samples from a
population that is independent of position or altitude.
It is dangerous to generalise from samples of limited record
length, but it is clear that most events observed by these
networks are characterised by extremely spotty rainfall. ~0
much so that in the Saudi Arabian basins there welt
examples of wadi flows generated from zero observed
rainfall. However, there were also some indications of a
small population of more wide-spread rainfalls, which
would obviously be of considerable importance in terms of
surface-flows and recharge. There is thus a need for longterm monitoring of experimental networks which can be
used to characterise spatial variability.

Imcerdings oftheUNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Worksh op I on Wad; Hydrologv and Groundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrobgy: Procen Rerponsrand Management Implicationr

and obscure the interpretation of observed hydrographs. It

is not uncommon for no flood to be observed at a gauging
station, when further upstream a flood has been generated
and lost to bed infiltration.



Vdum under
Urn dorivod

from Iov








+ Simulated


The spottiness of the spatial rainfall pattern is extremely

difficult, if not impossible, to quantify using conventional
densities of raingauge network. This, taken in conjunction
with the flood transmission losses, means that conventional
analysis of rainfall-runoff relationships is problematic, to
say the least. Wheater and Brown (1989) presented an
analysis of Wadi Ghat, a 597 km2 sub-catchment of Wadi
Yiba, one of the Saudi Arabian basins discussed above. Area1
rainfall was estimated from 5 raingauges and a classical
unit hydrograph analysis was undertaken. A striking
illustration of the ambiguity in observed relationships is the
relationship between observed rainfall depth and runoff
volume (Figure 4). Runoff coefficients ranged from 5.9 to
79.8%, and the greatest runoff volume was generated by
.. smallest observed rainfall.




Figure 3. Wadi Ghat 12 May, 1984- observation and unit

hydrograph simulation.

3. Rainfall-runoff


The lack of vegetation cover in arid and semi-arid areas

removes protection of the soil from raindrop impact, and
soil crusting has been shown to lead to a large reduction in
infiltration capacity for bare soil conditions (Morin and
Benyamini, 1977). Hence infiltration of catchment soils can
be limited. In combination with the high intensity, short
duration convective rainfall discussed above, extensive
overland flow can be generated. This overland flow,
concentrated by the topography, converges on the wadi
channel network, with the result that a flood flow is
generated. HI lwever, the runoff generation process is likely
to be highly l( calised in space, reflecting the spottiness of
the spatial rail fall fields.

The transmission losses from the surface water system are,

of course, a major source of potential groundwater recharge.
The characteristics of the resulting groundwater resource
will depend on the underlying geology; but bed infiltration
may generate shallow water tables, within a few metres of
the surface, which can sustain supplies to nomadic people
for a few months (as in the Hesse of the North of South
Yemen), or recharge substantial alluvial aquifers with
potential for continuous supply of major towns (as in
Northern Oman and SW Saudi Arabia).
The characteristics of the bed infiltration process are
discussed in the following section. However, it is clear that
the surface hydrology generating this recharge is complex
and extremely difficult to quantify using conventional
methods of analysis.

3.0 2.5-





Commonly, flood flows move down the channel network

as a flood w:; ve, moving over a bed that is either initially
dry or has a small initial flow. Hydrographs are typically
characterised by extremely rapid rise times, of as little as
15-30 minutes, (Figure 3). However, losses from the flood
hydrograph through bed infiltration are an important factor
in reducing the flood volume as the flood moves
downstream. These transmission losses dissipate the flood,

I .5.







Figure 4. Storm runoff as a function of rainfall, Wadi











t-2.85 hr
--- tr4.35 hr










Figure 5. Hypothetical wadi bed cross section (halfof

symmetrical profile).

Figure 6. Distribution of saturated zones.

4. Wadi Bed Transmission Losses

by evaporation. Hence wadi bed infiltration may be the

dominant process of groundwater recharge. As noted above,
depending on the local hydrogeology, alluvial groundwater
may be a readily accessible water resource. Quantification
of transmission loss is thus important, but raises a number
of difficulties.

Wadi bed infiltration has an important effect on floou1

propagation, but also provides recharge to alluvial aquifers.
The balance between distributed infiltration from rainfall
and wadi bed infiltration is obviously dependant on local
conditions, but soil moisture observations from SW Saudi
Arabia imply that, at least for frequent events, distributed
infiltration of catchment soils is limited, and that increased
near surface soil moisture levels are subsequently depleted






.\\ I





, .I
\ \


x = 40 cm








One method of determining the hydraulic properties of the

wadi alluvium is to undertake infiltration tests. Infiltrometer
experiments give an indication of the saturated hydraulic


\ I

Figure 7.Moisture content profiles at different abscissae.


Proceedmgsof the UNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Work5hop s ON Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection I

Wadi Hydrology: ProcersRzspomeand Management Implications



1985 - 1986





= -1345.0
:: ---







A p r.


Ma Y.







Figure 8. Longitudinal sequence of wadi alluvium well hydrogruphs and associated sur$aceflows, Wadi
Tabalah, 1985/86.
conductivity of the surface. However, if an infiltration
experiment is combined with measurement of the vertical
distribution of moisture content, for example using a neutron
probe, inverse solution of a numerical model of unsaturated
flow can be used to identify the unsaturated hydraulic
conductivity relation-ships and moisture characteristic
curves. This is illustrated for the Saudi Arabian Five Basins
Study by Parissopoulos and Wheater (1992a).
In practice, spatial heterogeneity will introduce major
difficulties to the up-scaling of point profile measurements.
The presence of silt lenses within the alluvium was shown
to have important effects on surface infiltration as well as
sub-surface redistribution (Parissopoulos and Wheater,
1990), illustrated at small scale in Figures 5, 6 and 7
(duration of surface ponding 2.35h) and sub-surface
heterogeneity is difficult and expensive to characterise. In
a series of two-dimensional numerical experiments it was
shown that infiltration opportunity time, i.e. the duration
and spatial extent of surface wetting, was more important
than high flow stage in influencing infiltration,
significant reductions in infiltration occur once hydraulic
connection is made with a water table, and that hysteresis
effects were generally small (Parissopoulos and Wheater,
1992b). Also, sands and gravels appeared effective in
losses from groundwater
(Parissopoulos and Wheater, 1991).

process complexity arises, however. General

experience from the Five Basins Study was that wadi

alluvium was highly transmissive, yet observed flood
propagation indicated significantly lower losses than could
be inferred from in-situ hydraulic properties, even allowing
for sub-surface heterogeneity. Possible causes are air
entrapment, which could restrict infiltration rates, and the
unknown effects of bed mobilisation and possible pore
blockage by the heavy sediment loads transmitted under
flood flow conditions.
A commonly observed effect is that in the recession phase
of the flow, deposition of a thin (l-2mm) skin of fine
sediment on the wadi bed occurs, which is sufficient to
sustain flow over an unsaturated and transmissive wadi bed.
Once the flow has ceased, this skin dries and breaks up so
that the underlying alluvium is exposed for subsequent flow
The overall implication of the above observations is that it
is not possible at present to extrapolate from in-situ point
profile hydraulic properties to infer transmission losses from
wadi channels. However, analysis of observed flood flows
at different locations can allow quantification of losses,
and studies by Walters (1990) and Jordan (1977), for
example, provide evidence that the rate of loss is linearly
related to the volume of surface discharge.
For example for SW Saudi Arabia,
relationships were defined:

the following

LOSSL = 4.54 + 0.02216 UPSQ - 2034 SLOPE + 7.34 ANTEC

(s.e. 4.15)
LOSSL =3.75x 10-s UPSQO.821 SLOPE -0B65
(se. 0.146 log units (&34%)
(se. 0.184 loge units (i44%)
where:LOSSL = Transmission loss rate (1OOOm~km), (O.R.l.08~87.9)
UPSQ = Upstream hydrograph volutne (1000mj); (O.R. 693744) SLOPE = Slope of reach (m/m); (O.R. O.OOl-0.011)
ANTEC = Antecedent moisture index; (O.R. 0.10-1.00)
ACWW = Active channel width (m); (O.R. 25-231)
and 0. R. = Observed range

5 Groundwater


Recharge from Ephemeral Flows

The relationship between wadi flow transmission losses and

groundwater recharge depends on the underlying geology.
The effect of lenses of reduced permeability on the
infiltration process has been discussed and illustrated above,
but once infiltration has taken place, the alluvium underlying
the wadi bed is effective in minimising evaporation loss
through capillary rise. The coarse structure of alluvial
deposits minimises capillary effects. Thus Hellwig (1973),
for example, found that dropping the water table below 60
cm in sand with a mean diameter of 0.53 mm effectively
prevented evaporation losses. While, Sorey and Matlock
(1969) reported that measured evaporation rates from
streambed sand were lower than those reported for irrigated



Parrisopoulos and Wheater (1991) combined twodimensional simulation of unsaturated wadi-bed response
with Deardorffis (1977) empirical model of bare soil
evaporation to show that evaporation losses were not in
general significant for the water balance or water table
response in short-term simulation (i.e. for periods up to 10
days). However, the influence of vapour diffusion was not
explicitly represented, and long term losses are not well
understood. Sorman and Abdulrazzak (1993) provided an
analysis of groundwater rise due to transmission loss for an
experimental reach in Wadi Tabalah, SW Saudi Arabia and
estimated that, on average, 75% of bed infiltration reaches
the water table.
There is in general little information available to relate flood
transmission loss to groundwater recharge, however. Losses
are expected to be small, but will depend on residual
moisture stored in the unsaturated zone and its subsequent
drying characteristics. If, however, water tables approach
the surface, relatively large evaporation losses may occur.
6 Modelling of Water Resource Evaluation
Appropriate strategies for water resource development must
recognise the essential physical characteristics
hydrological processes. Surface water storage, although
subject to high evaporation losses, is widely used, and is in

rainfall simulation

Dmk$rJbuted rainfall-runoff

Wadi bed transmission

cali bmtion


r recharge



Figure 9. Integrated modelling strategy for water resource evaluation.


ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRCI ACSAD Workshop I on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrology, ProcessResponseand Management Implications


Wo trr






Figure IO. Schematic of the distributed water resource model

general amenable to conventional methods of analysis,
although temporal variability of flows must be adequately
represented to define long term yields. It can be noted that
in some regions, for example, the northern areas of southern
Yemen, small scale storage has been developed as an
appropriate method to maximise the available resource from
spatially-localised rainfall. Numbers of small storages have
been developed, some of which fill from localised rainfall.
These then provide a short-term resource for a nomadic
family and its livestock.
Groundwater, however, is a resource well suited to arid
regions. Subsurface storage minimises evaporation loss and
can provide long-term yields from infrequent recharge
events. The recharge of alluvial groundwater systems by
ephemeral flows can provide an appropriate resource, and
this has been widely recognised by traditional development,
such as the iafalaji of Oman and elsewhere. There may,
however, be opportunities for augmenting recharge and
more effectively managing these ground-water systems. In
any case, it is essential to quantify the sustainable yield of
such systems, for appropriate resource development.
It has been seen that observations of surface flow-do not
define the available resource, and similarly observed
groundwater response does not necessarily indicate
upstream recharge. Figure 8 presents a series of groundwater
responses from 1985/86 for Wadi Tabalah which shows a
downstream sequence of wells 3-B-96, -97, -98, -99 and 100 and associated surface water discharges. It can be seen
that there is little evidence of the upstream recharge at the

downstream monitoring point.

In addition, records of surface flows and groundwater levels,
coupled with ill-defined histories of abstraction, are
generally insufficient to define long term variability of the
available resource.
One solution is to adopt a distributed approach to the
integrated modelling of surface and groundwater response
(Figure 9). This requires the characterisation of the spatial
and temporal variability of rainfall, distributed infiltration,
runoff generation and flow transmission losses, the ensuing
groundwater recharge and groundwater response. This
presents some technical difficulties, although the integration
of surface and groundwater modelling allows maximum use
to be made of available information, so that, for example,
groundwater response can feed back information to
constrain surface hydrological parameterisation. It does,
however, provide the only feasible method of exploring the
internal response of a catchment to management options.

7. The Wadi Ghulaji case study

In a recent application, an integrated modelling approach
was developed for Wadi Ghulaji, Sultanate of Oman, to
evaluate options for groundwater recharge management
(Wheater et al., 1995). The catchment, an area of 758 km2,
drains the southern slopes of Jebal Hajar in the Sharqiyah
region of Northern Oman. Proposals to be evaluated
included recharging dams to attenuate surface flows, and
providing managed groundwater recharge in key locations.


Wadi flow


Figure II. Distributed calibration parameters, water balance model.

An integrated water resource modelling framework was
established, which involved the coupling of a distributed
rainfall model, a distributed water balance model
(incorporating rainfall-runoff processes, soil infiltration and
wadi flow transmission
losses) and a distributed
groundwater model (Figure 10).
The representation of rainfall spatial variability presents
technical difficulties, since data are limited. Detailed
analysis was undertaken of 19 rain gauges in the Sharqiyah
region, and of six raingauges in the catchment itself. A
stochastic multi-variate temporal-spatial model was devised
for daily rainfall, a modified version of a scheme originally
developed by Wheater et al. ( 1991a, b). The occurrence of
catchment rainfall was determined according to a
seasonally-variable first order markov process, conditioned
on rainfall occurrence from the previous day. The number
and locations of active raingauges and the gauge depths
were derived by random sampling from observed
The distributed water balance model represents the
catchment as a network of two-dimensional plane and linear
channel elements. Runoff and infiltration from the planes

was simulated using the SCS approach. Wadi flows

incorporate a linear transmission loss algorithm based on
work by Jordan (1977) and Walters (1990). Distributed
calibration parameters are shown in Figure 11.
Finally, a groundwater model was developed based on a
detailed hydrogeological investigation which led to a multilayer representation of uncemented gravels, weakly/strongly
cemented gravels, and strongly cemented/fissured gravel/
bedrock, using MODFLOW.
The model was calibrated to the limited flow data available
(a single event, Table 3), and was able to reproduce the
distribution of runoff and groundwater recharge within the
catchment through a rational association on loss parameters
with topography, geology and wadi characteristics.
Extended synthetic data sequences were then run to
investigate catchment water balances under scenarios of
different runoff exceedance probabilities (20%, 50% and
80%), as in Table 4, and to investigate management options.

8. Conclusions
It has been shown that for many applications,
hydrological characteristics of arid areas present severe

Proceedingsof the UNESCO /NKQC/ACSAD

Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrologyr ProcessResponseand Management Implicationr

Table 3. Water balance model calibration performance.

Calibrated runoff (MmJ)

5-6 April 1993



Al Haju



An Niba



Al Qabil



problems for conventional methods of analysis. Recent data

are providing new insights. These insights must be used as
the basis for development of more appropriate methods for
flood design water resource evaluation, and in turn, to define
data needs and research priorities. Much high quality
research is needed, particularly to investigate processessuch
as spatial rainfall, infiltration and groundwater recharge in
For developments to maximise the resource potential, define
long-term sustainable yields and protect traditional sources,
it is argued that distributed modelling is a valuable, if not
essential tool. However, this confronts severe problems of
characterisation of rainfall, rainfall-runoff processes, and
groundwater recharge, and of understanding the detailed
hydrogeological response of often-complex groundwater
systems. Similarly, new approaches to flood design and
management are required which represent the extreme value
characteristics of arid areas and recognise the severe
problems of conventional rainfall-runoff analysis.
Above all, basic requirements are for high quality data of
rainfall, surface water flows and groundwater response to
support regional analyses and the development of
appropriate methodologies. Too often, studies focus on
either surface or subsurface response without taking an

integrated view. Too often, networks are reduced after a

few years without recogn:+ion that the essential variability
of wadi response can only be characterised by relatively
long records. Quality control of data is vital, but can easily
be lost sight of with ready access to computerised databases.
Superimposed on these basic data needs are the requirements
for specific process studies, including: sediment transport,
surface water /groundwater interactions in the active wadi
channel, evaporation processesand consumptive use of wadi
vegetation, and the wider issues of groundwater recharge.
These are challenging studies, with particularly challenging
logistical problems, requiring the full range of advanced
hydrological experimental methods to be applied, and
particularly integrating quantity and quality data to deduce
system responses. Thus, making full use of remote sensing
and geophysical methods to characterise system properties.
However, the results of both, detailed research and regional
analyses are required for the essential understanding of wadi
hydrology which must underlie effective management. It is
to be hoped that the present workshop will provide an
important, and timely, stimulus for a coordinated programme
of activities to address these issues which are of such
contemporary importance to the region.

Table 4. Annual catchment water balance, simulated scenarios.

Annual catchment water balaaee (Mm31



. Evapoption























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Water Resoul: Rex, 28,11,3055-3061.
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Jakeman, M.B. Beck and M.J. McAleel; Wiley, 101-132.


Flood Risks and Water Management in Wadi

Mohamed S. Farid and Gamal I. Allam
Water Resources Research Institute, National Water Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.

Water nanagement and flood rlbkh LLK important iccllei: in ll,:~Ji hydrology. The relationship between water management
and its mpacts on the environment is also of special concern. There are many measuresfor flood risks and water management.
VI,: SCection of the suitable alternative needs deep analysis for all of the involved factors. These factors include the
politic. I, environmental, ecological, hydrological and socio-economic impacts and attributes. Incorporating these impacts
and at; ibutes in any management system is very complex due to their hierarchical nature. Wadi \J stem management aim\
to op: mize water use as well as protect the environment. Combination between detention dams at upstream and storage
dam\ at downstream leads to a better issue of sustainability. Field survey and site testing are very important factors for
selec .ing the type of works and their design criteria. This paper discusqca these issues and presents examples which can be
appi ,ed to similar areas. It provides guidelines for the sustn;.;aote integrated water management of wadi s!stems. It is
re mmended to encourage the regional incorporation in the scope of field survey, mapping, sustainability issues, modern
.cc miques for design and operation and managerial aspects

1 Introduction
The decline in water will be the main reason for future wars.
Wat, I Nil1 take priority over oil, especially in arid and semidrld regions (i.e. most of the Arab countries). Accordingly,
wadi flow as a result of rainfall storms becomes one of the
alternative managerial considerations in water resources
illnnning and management.
Alit: b I& ~IuL\ \! stem is still a complex issue because of
the 1 >,k and uncertamty of its minimum data requirements.
/\ISO, there is a limited number of trained staff who can
provide reliable an J logical reconnaissance, as well as
evaluation analyc.,s. Financing remains the main problem
ii! .iL : opin,o ,ountries.
ci LLICl ,,lU~~~~band their interactiqn with land and
aS M cli .L\ ~ntcr-1relations with the socioeconomic measures, are the main controlling factors of the
system. Tilcxc fa;tk3rs depend mainly upon differences
attributed to climatological. geomorphological, geological
of the aasin as well as the region.
Consequently, the integrated management of the system
could be estahll\heJ rhrclugh various alternatives (among
which a feasible cl~c. .tn hc \elected). This needs different
thoughts and i~cnnlquc~ .\ h1c.h tuhL: mtu xcuunt all involved
and related factor<

Water from wadis may be used directly through surface

storage, and indirectly through groundwater storage. Water
harvesting, groundwater recharge and environment
protection are the management keys for wadi systems.

Integration and sustainability are the major controlling

factors. Strong reliable wadi system assessmentis necessary
to achieve an economically integrated management
Flash floods are the uncontrolled water resources among
other water resources known in arid and semi-arid and desert
regions. Accordingly, flood risk analysis and evaluation
should be taken into consideration when management of a
wadi system is required. Optimizmg the use of wadi water
is the other side of this management process.
The above mentioned issues are evaluated in the following
sections. Examples for the means of utilization and
protection are presented. Guidelines which can be picked
up, and items for regional co-operation, are high-lighted.

2 Flood Risk Evaluation

The damage effect is the negative side of wadi floods. Loss
of life (human, animal and plant), destruction
(buildings, roads, transportation
communication facilities) and destruction nf agricultural
land are the different damage effect of wadi flood>. They
reflect danger for the nations socio-economic conditions.
Floods can be handled in two ways: structural and nonstructural. Structural solutions look towards measures such
as dams, culverts, retaining walls. etc. Non-structural
measures depend upon social welfare and human
development. Social welfare comes through governmental

Proceedingsof the UNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Wor kI ho,nJ on Wadi Hydrology and Gromdwater Protection

Flood Risks and Water Management in Wadi Systems









Figure I Zones offlood risk in Egypt.

subsidies or insurance programs, while human development

is usually built upon public training and awareness systems.
All measures depend upon the degree of flood frequency.
Figure 1 shows the flood risk in Egypt. The risks of floods
are high in narrow and short wadis with steep slope and
subject to high rainfall intensity. Roads and railways running
along or across the wadi course (Saint-Katherine - El-Tor,
Nuweiba - Taba, and Nuweiba - Ras-El-Naqab roads as well
as the Qena - Safaga railway), as well as structures and
towns built in wadi fans, are subject to frequent dangers
(Nuweiba and Dahab town), if protection works are absent
or out of work due to the clogging of culverts, outlets and/
or drainage channels. On the other hand, erosion of beds
and suspended loads increase risks of floods, and decrease
capacities and efficiencies of storage and detention damswhich can be filled and rendered their function after the
occurrence of the first flood. Therefore, the problem of
sediment transport in wadi systems is severe and should be
considered beforehand in design and maintenance of
utilization and protection works. Experience from different
countries should be shared in this concern.

3 Management Issues
Management of wadi water system is a very complex issue.
As known, the system has two opposite faces, either
beneficial or destructive. Both faces must be considered in
the management process which should maximize benefits
of the one and minimize dangers of the other. Complexity
usually comes from the sustainability objective of benefits
against the low returnability of the wadi water yield. These
issues, together with economic aspects taking into
consideration the high value of water In arid regions, are
the main management constraints.
Water storage, groundwater extraction and conjunctive use
are the main managements keys. Flocld hazard protection,
sedimentation, evaporation problems, environmental
impacts and socio-economic
measures are of mail)
management concerns.
Sustainable integrated management processes should
incorporate the above-mentioned indefinite constraints, keys
and concerns together for analysis ir an alternatively way
according to the environmental cononions (Figure 2). The

Keys (Aspects)



ond eMpotronsPlration


Figure 2 Water resources management issues.

alternarives must be evaluated to select the most feasible

soluticln, which would then be presented to the decision
maker. This solution provides the optimal management of
the dvailable water resources in the wadi. In turn, evaluation
ian be done by one of the known approaches for forming
the utility function, thus achieving the matching between
decision maker assignments and experts proposals. The
widely used approach is the weighted average for the
alternatives, while the main objective of the management
process is to achieve the optimal use of wadi water in a
feasible and pmte;ted wa, Managerial aspects should be
sharL oerween different countries.

utilization is constrained by a number of related factors

including: flood frequency. possible agriculture and/or
industrial activities and socio-economic measures. The
former one presents the sustainability of establishing
development project. The latter two represent the
differentiating factors among development alternatives.

4 Utilization

Detention and/or storage dams are mechanisms to ensure a

sustainable water resource for domestic and agricultural
purposes. Major floods in Sinai, as an example of arid
regions, usually happen every 3 to 5 years.

and Protection Measures

4.1 Utilization
Although water among all infrastructure sectors has the least
cost recovery, it is still of high concern. Floodwater

Surface water utilization can be adopted through surface

storage or artificial groundwater recharge. Direct use of
flood water for agriculture purposes is usually done by
settlers through capturing water in large natural depressions,
or through man made basins (under ground tanks).

Table I Structural measuresfor utilization and /or protection.





Utilization & protection

Retaining wall or dikes


Artificial channels

Protection & utilization



Irish crossing


Underground tanks


Small dikes (Oquom)

Utilization & protection

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO I NKRC / ACSAD WorkI hop J on Wadi Hydrology and *Groundwater Protection

Flood Risks and Water Management in Wudi Systems

Consequently, flood water usually goes to a very limited

use in a very short time. The sustainable flood water
utilization provides the necessity of saving this water for
longer period and wider uses. Accordingly, natural and/or
artificial groundwater recharge represent the hope of
achieving sustainable development that can be built on flood
Therefore, artificial recharge of groundwater through
detention dams during flood seasonis highly recommended.
This water could be pumped again in non-flood seasons.
The conjunctive use of surface and groundwater is essential
for the sustainable management of the system. Groundwater
production from well fields is in progress in Sinai for various
activities, and different water uses. The drilling and running

Technologies of recharge and/or ground water abstraction

in Sinai still need to be improved. Desalinisation of brackish
groundwater is also an important issue of major concern.
New technologies should be shared between concerned
4.2 Protection
The flood hazard protection is constrained by flood peak
discharge and velocity. In any event there is a relation
between the required goal and the cost of meeting this goal.
The optimal management is to have fixed effectiveness
versus minimum cost.
Normally, a fixed standard is adopted on the basis
of probability. The experience of the Water
Resources Research Institute (WRRI) in this field
has proved that the maximum depth of the 50 years
rainfall event is the proper choice in order to have
high effectiveness with a minimum cost. This
approach has been adopted in different cases in
Sinai (Wadi Dahab, Wadi Watir, Wadi El-Arish,
Wadi EL-Aat) as well as in the Eastern desert.
Dikes and dams are the most feasible structural
approaches for protection.

t ields


costs of these well fields still represent a big financial

problem, however.

of Oqoba

m ~--r--li-Tlir



On the other hand, structural and non-structural

approaches can be applied according to the
existing situation and the application site. There
are many factors that play an important role in
the selection of the suitable approach, including:
the site accessibility, existing culture, floods, infrastructure and economic and financial capabilities.
The experience of the WRRI in the structural
approach has shown the importance of building
detention dams upstream of the main structures.
These dams reduce the energy of flood water and
increase the travel time. The benefits from the
former are: decreasing the flow velocity and
momentum at the main structure, controlling the
flow depth, and decreasing the sediment loads in
front of the main structure. Elongation of the flood
water travel time encourages more water to seep
to underground layers, and gives higher chance
for evacuation. As mentioned before, the structural
measures for utilization and/or protection are
summarized in Table 1. Figure 3 shows some
examples of the above structural works.

5 Discussion and Analysis


Figure 3 Some examples of structural works.

Sustainable development, integrated management

and flood risks and analysis are very sound and
complex issues. Many approaches and techniques

have been applied in different areas around the world. Field

experiences are essential to evaluate these approaches and
techniques. The applied research is of major concern for
WRRI in order to assess, plan and manage the water
resources in Egypt. Technology transfer with similar
countries is necessary.
The nature of work in WRRI has emphasized the experience
in dealing with the above-mentioned issues. Sustainable
development in arid and semi-arid regions is usually
enhanced through the conjunctive use of surface and ground
waters. In wet seasons, direct use from surface storage
reservoirs and natural and artificial groundwater recharge
is the optimal management in order to decreasewater losses.
In dry seasons, groundwater safe extractions will provide
the water demands with the proper quality. This means
saving the resources quantitatively and qualitatively, and
the long-term water demands without
deteriorating the resources. This approach is the so-called
sustainable development. Selection of wadis of high
returnability and low capacity storage dams are more
convenient in achieving this approach.

utilization and/or protection are very important controlling

factors to achieve their function efficiently. This is because
of the well-known sedimentation problem in wadi basins.
Also, quick operation system for surface storage is necessary
because of the high evaporation rates in arid and semi-arid
regions. The average annual evaporation depth in Sinai is
about 3 meters.

6 Conclusions and Recommendations

The main issues of flood risks and guidelines necessary for
the sustainable integrated management of the wadi system
are presented. The paper highlights the necessary terms of
action toward future development policies and their
operation in an efficient way. It also emphasizes the
importance of the structural measures.
It is recommended to carry out more research on
groundwater recharge and conjunctive use with surface
water through a quick operation system. Studies to improve
desalinisation technology of brackish groundwater are
needed. Regional collaboration is needed in the following

Integrated management should include all water resources

activities, surface storage, groundwater, conjunctive use,
artificial groundwater recharge, flood control and seawater
desalinisation. It should merge strong hydrological,
environmental and ecological measures in addition to the
traditional political and socio-economic ones. Different
terms of action should be proposed through a number of
applicable alternatives. These alternatives should be
analyzed by incorporating all of the involved measures in
order to adopt optimal management approaches,

l- Establishing regional guidelines or legend for types of

feasible structural measures and their design criteria.
2- Establishing a regional pre-alarm flood warning system
based on the possible regional storms.
3- Defining an approach to transfer new technologies
concerning sustainability issues and managerial aspects
in wadi hydrology such as periodic hydrological manual
for Arab countries.
4- Finding an approach to make water a subject for
cooperation and integration, instead of being a reason
for wars.

Flood risks and analysis have many approaches and

techniques. Structural measures for flood control are the
experienced measures till now in arid and semi-arid regions.
Therefore, non-structural measures should be practised in
order to have the base of evaluation and differentiation
among them. Non-structural measures include: modifying
susceptibility to flood damage and disruption, and/or
modifying the impact of flooding on both individual and
community scales. The former includes: flood plain
regulations, development and redevelopment policies,
disaster preparednessand response planning, flood proofing,
and flood forecasting and warning systems. The later
includes: information, flood insurance, tax adjustments,
flood emergency measures and post flood recovery.
Selection of the suitable approach should be based upon
many factors. These factors involve regulations
culture, public awareness, education,
evacuation capabilities and financial resources. A Pre-alarm
warning system is necessary for local and regional storms.

1- WRRI (1987), El-Karm Dam Technical ReporYlnternal
Report, WRRI.
2- WRRI (I 995), Flood control for Hammam Mousa area
and the facing coastal area, El-To< South Sinai, Internal
Report, WRRI.

Maintenance processes and costs of structural measures for


ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NVRC IACSAD Workshopron Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Wadi Systems: Hydro(geo)logic

Characteristics and Implications

for Waler K~~UILLA Munugement

Wadi Systems:
Hydro(geo)logic Characteristics and Implications
Resources Management

for Water

Mohamed L. Al-Eryani
Associate Profi of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, Sanaa University, Yemen.

This article defines precisely the differences between the hydrological characteristics of humid zones and arid and semi
arid zones. It also emphasizes the differences between river basins and wadi systems. Finally, the fields and objectives for
further research in wadi hydrology are defined.

1 Introduction
The term wadis is t.lhically used in the Arab region in
reference to surface drainage channels essentially
characterized by intermittent flow. Most of the beds in the
channel networks are dry between successive floods; and,
the few channel reaches that are permanent or seasonal have
baseflow rates several orders of magnitude lower than the
peak flow rates. The flows in a wadi areflashy: water levels
rise very quickly in response to rain storms and after it
reaches the peak it recedes within a limited time.

only a very small fraction of the rainfall over the arid

catchment becomes runoff,
baseflow rates are several orders of magnitude lower than
the peak flow,
streamflow is intermittent and tends to be lost before
reaching the sea,
groundwater is mainly recharged indirectly (by wadis
and by irrigation losses),
hydraulic contact between surface and groundwater is
often via the unsaturated zone, and
ground- and surface water fluxes are relatively small.

In mountainous catchments (such as in Yemen), wadis often

have very steep slopes, and in the upper parts of their
catchrnents they usually have cut their valleys deeply into
consolidated rocks. These narrow valleys are filled with
coarse alluvial deposits that form aquifers of limited width
and depth, but often hundreds of kilometres long. Such wadi
aquifers are recharged by floods passing through the wadi
beds, and may form easily exploitable sources of water. At
locations where the transmissivity of the wadi aquifer is
relatively low (e.g. where impervious bedrock blocks the
wadi) there may be an outflow of groundwater into the land
surface or wadi bed, thus causing baseflow. A wadi may
also be hydro-geologically connected to other rocks units
in its near surroundings, in which case springs and seepage
zones may drain into the wadi and surface water On the
other hand, they may infiltrate and percolate into such rocks.

Clearly, therefore, significant differences exist between the

hydro(geo)logical characteristics of wadi systems and those
of river basins. So much so, that it is possible to consider
wadis special hydrologic systems with their own natural
hydrologic features and processes and, hence, with their
special management requirements.

Wadis are typical for the dry zones (semi- to hyper-arid

climate zones). As such, wadi systems may be viewed as
the dry zones equivalents of river systems in humid zones.
The hydrological characteristics of these zones, and hence
of wadi systems, differ considerably from those of humid
zones. Special features of dry zones are:

b- Implications to sustainability and management options:

Given the hydro(geo)logical characteristics of wadi
systems, as well as the status of natural resources in
general and water in particular, what are the optimum
management options?

- large rainfall detiicns,

- high variability of rainfall in time,
- evaporation is very prominent in the hydrological cycle,

In essence,it is proposed that wadi systems be studied under

two themes; namely:
a- Natural hydrogeological characteristics:
Essentially, the question is: what hydro(geo)-logic
characteristics make the hydro(geo)-logy of these systems
different from the river basin systems of the humid zones?
The objective here is to identify the static and dynamic
features of wadi systems (concepts and processes).

2 Justification
Wadi systems are extremely

fragile natural systems,

particularly with respect to water. Consequently, the water

resources of these systems are highly susceptible to overexploitation.
Indeed, many wadi systems in the Middle East in general,
and in Yemen in particular, are experiencing a rapid
depletion of their natural resource base (water, soil,
vegetation, etc.). For water, the main reason is the high rate
of resource exploitation that exceeds the rate of natural
replenishment; i.e. resource over-exploitation. With the
increasing occurrence of this problem, the restoration of
environmental sustainability in such wadis is increasingly
receiving more and more attention.

Other objectives may be identified as this proposal is put to


van der Gun, J. A. andAhmed, A. 1995. The Water Resources
of Yemen. Report WRAY-35. Ministry of Oil and Mineral
Resources < Id TNO.
Al-Eryani, M. L. Dec. 1989. Injiltration Galleries A Practical
Water Supply Technique in the Inter-mountainous Alluvial
Aquqers of the Yemen Highlands. Proceedings of the First
Scientific Conference of Al-Azhar Univ. Cairo.

Unfortunately however, the knowledge base regarding both

the characteristics of wadi systems, and possible restoration
measures, is very poor. Most work on these systems has
been based on extrapolations from river basins and only
very little research has specifically targeted these systems.
There is a rich experience in the countries of the region.
Some have resorted to the construction of storage dams,
while. others are sceptical, becauseof high evaporation rates.
For groundwater, innovations in the development of
infiltration galleries have been documented.

3 Research Goals and Objectives

Although surface and groundwater professionals have been
working with wadis for a long time, not much has been
done to develop adequate techniques of resource
exploitation which recognize the susceptibility of these
systems to over-exploitation, and ensure their sustainable
Therefore, the goal for required research is to help maintain
and restore the environmental sustainability of the natural
resource base of wadi systems, particularly with respect to
water resources. This goal can be accomplished by achieving
the following objectives:
- consolidating the knowledge baseon wadi systems. Indeed,
the subject is new and needs to be built into a recognized
field, just like river basin hydrology, or snow
hydrology, etc..... It is the duty of scientists in this part
of the world to do such an activity.
- identifying endogenous techniques of sustainable water
resources exploitation in various countries of the region,
pointing out that the research needs to further enhance or
develop these techniques,
-developing critcri;l ftir ?ypraisal, and comparison of various
water management options. These would look not only
at the economic, social, and other traditional aspects of
water projects, but also at the water-worthiness; i.e. the
water gains and losses, due to these projects. In particular,
criteria to appraise dam projects in arid zones should be

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO /NWlK/ACSAD

Workhops on Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection


of Research on Wadi Hydrology

Review of Research on Wadi Hydrology

Abdulaziz S. Al-nrbak
Civil Engineering Department, King Saud University, l?O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia.

The paper reviews research activities in wadi hydrology which have been conducted over the last two decades. Emphasis
is given to infiltration from wadi beds, recharge from wadi flow and recharge dams. It also refers to a large number of
relevant articles, and is concluded with some aspects to be considered in future research.

1 Introduction
The subject of arid land hydrology has not been very much
addressed in the past. The major reason for this may be that
arid areas are not economically vital to warrant funding for
related research. Only recently have investigators
recognized the urgent need for conducting research in arid
regions to sustain their valuable natural resources. Pilgrim
et al. (1988) reviewed problems related to rainfall-runoff
modelling in arid and semi-arid regions. They pointed out
the difficulties encountered in modelling hydrological events
and processesin arid regions and emphasized the differences
between arid regions, and other regions. Examples of general
research papers on arid areas include, among others, Lane
et al. (1971), Dillon and Ligget (1993) and Walters (1989).

2 Infiltration

from a Wadi Bed

The first process that occurs after flow starts in an ephemeral

stream (wadi) is the infiltration of water into the wadi bed.
This is a very important process to study since its
characteristics are peculiar to wadis. In rivers, the flow is
continuous and there is no need to investigate this process.
An example of recent investigations in this area is found in
Parissopoulos and Wheater (1992). Their results indicate
that the wadi bed is heterogeneous but of a highly
transmissive profile and, therefore, significant ground-water
recharge will occur from ephemeral wadi flows. Related
works include, among others, those of Reeder et al. (1980)
and Parissopoulos and Wheater (199 1).

3 Recharge from Wadi Flow

Abdulrazzak and Morel-Seytoux (1983) concluded that
groundwater mound build-up would cause a decrease in the
rate of recharge. Such a condition may occur when there is
a wide wadi bed and flood flow covers the active flow
channel. They also developed and used analytical expression
for estimating lateral recharge under wadi beds, following
the arrival of the wetting front to the water table. Besbes et
al. (1978) estimated the rcchnrgc frw- 1 \xradi in Tunisia,
while some researchers have concentrated on the

mathematical modelling of the recharge process; examples

of those include Monech and Kiesel(l970) and Flug et al.
(1980). Otherwise, Sorman and Abdulrazzak (1993)
developed several regression equations to estimate
transmission losses from a wadi bed and the resulting
groundwater recharge.

4 Dammed Wadis (Recharge Dams)

Dams are built in arid areas for many different purposes. In
Saudi Arabia, over 200 dams have been built, most of which
are of small to medium size, with recharge and flood control
as their major two purposes.
A team of researchers at King Saud University (Fouad AlMuttair, Abdin Salih, Uygur Sendil and Abdulaziz AlTurbak) started a three-years research project in 1985 to
study two recharge dams in Central Saudi Arabia. The major
objective was to study the efficiency of these dams in
recharging the flood water that they store, and to apply
alternative management plans to improve the recharge
whenever necessary.The results have shown that these dams
are indeed efficient in recharging the aquifers below and
that improvement will be considerable only if significant
amount of silt is present in the particular reservoir. Some of
the publications related to this project include Al-Muttair
et al. (1986), Al-Turbak et al. (1992) and Sendil et al. (1990).

5 Related Research
Illangesekare and Morel-Seytoux (1984) developed a
physically based distribution parameter model for arid-zone
surface-groundwater management. The model was applied
to Wadi Jizan area in Saudi Arabia. Parissopoulos (1989)
used numerical models of unsaturated-saturated
groundwater flow to estimate recharge from ephemeral
stream. Watson and Awadalla (1986) used Green and Ampt
approach in modelling water table rise under intermittent
surface flux conditions. Al-Turbak and Quraishi (1986)
developed regression equations to estimate flood
frequencies for two areas in Saudi Arabia.

6 Concluding Remarks
In recc-nt years, many investigators have rmwn a specific
interest In modelling hydrological processes in arid regions.
Several studies have been carried out to assess the
application of different types of models on certain problems
related IO the hydrology of arid areas. However, certain
aspects of wadi hydrology still need more .:search. Such
aspects include:
1- Development of rainfall-runoff models suitable for wadi
2- More accurate and reliable models are needed to simulate
infiltration and recharge from wadi beds. Data should
be collected to calibrate, validate and enhance the
existing models.
3- Development of flood frequency methods to simulate
various hydrological processes in arid regions, and
consider the lack of data in such areas.
4- Modelling of stream-well-aquifer systems under arid and
semi-arid conditions. In such regions, wells are drilled
in aquifers which are affecting and affected by wadi flow.
should be developed to study the
interaction between the wadi, the wells, and the aquifer.
Abdulrazzak, M.J. and Morel-Septoux, H.J. (1983),
Recharge from an Ephemeral Stream Following Wetting
Front Arrival to Water Table, WRR, 19; 194-200.
Al-Turbak, A.S. and Quraishi, A.A. (1986), Regional Flood
Frequency Analysis for Some Selected Basins in Saudi
Arabia, Proceedings of ht. Sym. on Flood Frequency and
Risk Analysis, Louisiana State Univ., Volume on Regional
Flood Frequency Analysis, pp. 27-34.
Al-Turbak, A.S., Al-Muttaic FE. and Sendil, U. (1992),
Application of Water Release as Management Plan at Two
Recharge Dam Sites, Arabian Journal for Science and Eng.,
Vol. 17 (4A), pp. 453-464.
Al-Muttair; FE:, Al-Turbak, A.S., Sendil, I/. and Salih, A.
(1986), Recharge Characteristics from Dammed Wadis in
Central Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of Int. Confi on Water
Resources Needs and Planning in Drought Prone Areas,
Khartoum, pp. 1095-1112.
Besbes, M., Delhome, J.P and DcMarsily, G. (1978),
Estimating Recharge from Ephemeral Stream in Arid
Regions; A Case Study at Kairouan, Tunisia, WRR, 14(2),

Event Based Model for Recharge from an Ephemeral

Stream, WRR, 16(4), l-11.
lllungesekure, I:S. undMorel-Seytoux, H.J. (1984), Design
of a Physically Based Distribution Parameter Model for
Arid-Zone Surface-Groundwater Management, Joul: of
Hydra.. 74. 213-232.
Lane, L. J., Diskin, M. H. and Renard, K.G. (1971), InputOutput Relationships for an Ephemeral Stream Channel
System, J. Hyde: Div., ASCE (13), 11-40.
Monech, A.F and Kiesel, C.C. (1970), Application of the
Relurrcm 11 Ectimating Recharge from an
Ephemeral Stream, WRR, 6(4), 1087-I 094.
G.A. (1989), Numerical Studies of
Groundwater Recharge from
Ephemeral Flow. Ph.D. Thesis, Imperial College, London
Parissopoulos, G.A. and Wheatel; H.S. (1991), Effects of
Wadi Flood Hydrograph Characteristics on Infiltration,
Jour: of Hydr, 126, 247-263.
G.A. and Wheater, H.S. (1992),
Experimental and Numerical Infiltration Studies in a Wadi
Stream Bed. Hydro. Sci. Jou~:, 37(l), 27-37.
Pilgrim, D.H., Chapman, TG. and Doran, D.G. (I 988),
Problems of Rainfall-Runoff Modelling in Arid and SemiArid Regions. Hydra. Sci. Jour: 33(4), 379-400.
ReedeK J. W, Freyberg, L.D. Franzini, J.B. and Remson, I.
(1980), Infiltration Under Rapidly Varqing Surface Water
Depths, WRR, 16; 97-104.
Sendil, CT.,Al-Turbak, A.S. And Al-Muttail; FE (1990),
Management Plans for Artificial Reservoir Recharge.
International Joul: of Water Resources Development, U.K.,
Vol. 6(3), pp. 163-169.
Sorman, A.U. and Abdulrazzak, M.J. (1993), InfiltrationRecharge Through Wadi Beds in Arid Regions, Hydro., Sci.
Jour:, 38(3).
Walters, M. 0. (1989), Transmission Losses in Arid Regions,
J. Hyde: Div., ASCE 116(11), 129-138.
Watson, K. K. and Awadalla, S.A. (1986), Green and Ampt
Analysis of Rising Water Table and Intermittent Surface Flux
Conditions, WRR, 22; 1835-1843.

Dillon, PJ. andLigget, J.A. (1983), An Ephemeral StreamAquifer Interaction Model. WRR, 19; 621-626.
Flug, M., Abi-Ghanem, G. and Duckstein, L. (1980), An

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO f NWRC IACSAD Workhpr on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in Wadi Catchments

Integrated Water Resources Development and

Management in Wadi Catchments
Shawki I. Assaad
Private Consultant, Cairo, Egypt.

The wadi systems constitute an important sector of the water sources in the Arab countries. Its catchment areas cover
roughly 6.0 x 10 km. Spotted catchment areas have been adequately attempted to assess their water resources. The
surface water potential, from these catchments, might be in the range of 25-40 x 10 m3.These water resources are partially
exploited in different schemes such as: small storage reservoirs, water spreading, rainwater harvesting, run-off agriculture
and groundwater recharge schemes. The optimum development and management of the resources in the wadi systems
could be better achieved through the formulation of integrated water resource plans. These plans should be based on an
accurate assessment of all natural resources, environmentally balanced, technically and economically sound, and adopting
realistic implementation approach. Continued follow-up of the operation and maintenance programmes for the executed
schemes is a must to achieve the long term objectives of sustainable socio-economic development.

1 The Wadi System

Wadi is a general term used to define the intermittent water
course that runs across arid or semi arid land. Almost 85%
of the area of the Arab countries ( 14.2 x 1O6km) is situated
within the arid and semi arid climate zones. These wadis
are not covered by reasonable reconnaissance studies.
Limited selected areas were adequately investigated and
development schemes were planned and implemented. The
wadi system in the Arab countries could be divided into
two groups: Coastal wadi systems and Desert/plateau
1.1 Coastal wadi systems
These are wadis that originate from the mountain ranges
extending parallel to the coastal line (20000 km long) of
the Atlantic ocean, the Mediterranean sea, the Red sea, the
Arab sea and the Gulf of Oman. Wadis occupy only 12000
km of the coastal line. Usually the wadi courses do not
exceed 100 km from the origin till the mouth at the sea/
ocean. Wadis have steep bed slopes (O.OSO-O.OlO),
and cross
alluvium fans upon emerging from the mountain front. The
fans are composed of coarse alluvium (boulders, grave and
sand) of various degree of consolidation ending with fine
sediments (fine sand and silt) at the coast. Individual
catchment area varies from 50-1000 km to almost 1.0
million km?. Their floods are flashy, with peak discharge
200-3000 m/sec and 6- 12 hr flood duration. Frequency of
flood occurrence ranges from O-8 flood/yr, depending on
the rainy seasons. Floods take place during winter, spring,
or summer, depending on the geographical location and

altitude. The coastal wadis have better water potential

compared to the other group. Their total potential is
estimated at 15-25 x 1Oym year.
1.2 Desert / plateau wadi systems
These are wadis that originate from the other side of the
mountain ranges of the Atlas, the Red sea,the Mediterranean
sea, and the Gulf of Oman. They head towards the interior
plateaux or gravel plains, and end at the desert fringe. Some
wadis join the river Nile or river Euphrates, while others
originate from the interior isolated massive hills such as
Jebal Marra, Nuba hills; Ingassana hills in the Sudan and
Jebal Al Arab in Syria.
The length of the wadi course ranges from 200-500 km,
with a bed slope of 0.040 at the upper catchment and
reduced to 0.010-0.005 in plains. The total catchment of
these wadis is roughly estimated as 5.0 x lo6 km. Flood
patterns are more or less the same as for the coastal wadis,
but their water potential is less and concentrated at the upper

2 The Hydrological


The hydrological networks are not only inadequate, but also

recently established to serve the current development
projects. Their operation is often interrupted resulting in
poor quality data. Furthermore, the distribution of the
observation points is, sometimes improperly selected giving
more emphasis to the accessibility of the site and, ignoring
other important parameters of selection. This is reversibly
reflected on the quality of data. The high altitudes are

sparsely covered with raingauges which also do not enable

satisfactory assessment of the rainfall distribution at the
potential areas contributing to the runoff; and do not yield
approp!-i.11, ~~iJc~.tanding of the rainstorm characteristics
m such an :nvironmcqt
3 Potential

of Natural


in Wadi

The catchment area of the wadi systems constitutes about

40% of the area of the Arab countries. This area is inhabited
by 15% of the population (about 30 tndliun~ of whtch the
nomads represent the majority.
The wadi catchments are comprised of a variety of natural
resources such as arable lands; pasture and range lands.
Natural vegetation consist of thin forests, range, shrubs and
bush trees of variable density. Animal resources (60-80
million heads) comprise of livestock, i.e. sheep, goats, cattle,
camels and donkeys, in addition to wildlife of fauna of the
arid region. Mineral resources are few compared to the huge
crude oil and natural gas reserves in the Gulf region and
African Arab countries. In brief, a considerable sector of
the national economy is attributed to this wadi catchment
Concerning the water resources, annual surface-runoff of
25-40 , III ,n3, generated from about 800 x 10 m3 of
rainfall, is considered a modest and irregular source with
sharp fluctuations in space and time, and often interrupted
by long drought cycles. Groundwater resources include large
extensive reserves of fossil water, and other poorly recharged
aquifers of variable water quality. Most aquifers are rather
deep (more than 300 m). Deep groundwater exploitation is
restricted to domestic uses. The shallow coastal aquifers
(less than 100 m), which are naturally recharged by wadi
floods, are solely abstracted for agricultural purposes.
Consequently, they are heavily exploited. However, deep
confined aquifers are used in some regions for agriculture
too, as practised in Libya, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
4 Applied

Water Development

Schemes in Wadi

The Arab countries have recognized the significance of

, ,_ ; (. milestone and fundamental requirement for
almost all lluman activities. Water plays a comprehensive
and critical role in the national economy. During the last
three decades,it has become obvious that the available water
resources are not coping with the increasing demands of
the various sectors. Therefore, more investment is foreseen
and planned to develop both surface and groundwater
Development schemes for surface water resources have
covered wide range of updating promising traditional
technologies for water supply to increase their efficiency.

Those related to wadi systems are briefly



4.1 Rainwater harvesting schemes

This is still in use for rural and remote hilly areas to provide
water supply, for drinking and domestic use, by collecting
rainfall from roofs, nr artificially-lined or prepared slopes
of hills or high land, dsphalt or earth roads. Collected water
is allowed to settle down to get rid of most sediments in
suspension before storing it in covered tanks. Arrangements
to stcrilize the water hrfrw dl-inkirIs XP needed, however.
Rainwater harvesting could also be developed for agriculture
on the slopes of hills that are cut to form terraces to retain
rainfall (300/400 mm/yr) which is then diverted it to irrigate
fruit trees or barley and wheat fields. The same principle is
applied in the vast central clay plain in the Sudan where
rainfall (500-600 mm/yr) is retained in place by small low
bonds called terms to moisten the clay soil and secure
enough water for the cultivation of sorghum, until the
maturing stage.
Microcatchment farming is a fourth pattern for collecting
rainfall from small catchment (16-25 m?) and diverting it
to -rigatc a plant jltuatcci m the basin at the lowest point of
the microcatchment. The basin is fertilized with manure to
promote percolation of run-off water, and preferably covered
with mulch to reduce water evaporation from the soil.
4.2 Runoff for agriculture schemes
In theses schemes, flood water is diverted from the wadi
course to inundate mild slope plain of suitable light soil
(silty sand, silty loam) using series of staggered earth/stone
mounds fitted with outlets to facilitate the passage of flood
water at certain levels to the lower areas. The excess water
could be diverted to the wadi course at the end.
Similar arrangements could be used to utilize the wild flood
for irrigation by constructing medium earth embankments
to take the first strike of the flood wave and disperse the
flood water over vast plain area. Delta Tokar and Al Gash
in the Sudan are typical examples of such a pattern of runoff
agriculture. Irrigated lands are used to grow various
vegetables, crops or forage and development of natural
4.3 Runoff for storage schemes
Schemes for storing flood water are not applicable in the
Gulf region due to the high evaporation losses from the
water surface. However, storage schemes could be
constructed if seasonal storage is planned for certain period,
or evaporation losses are considered in the design where no
other alternative exists. Small storage dams or hafirs are
commonly constructed in wadi systems in the Maghreb,
Middle East regions and Sudan.

Integrated Water Resources Development and Manugement in Wadi Catchments

Hafirs, are widely applied in Sudan where they perfectly

suit the provision of water supply for dry farm projects and
watering livestock as well. Storage capacity ranges from
20.000 m3 to over 1.000.000 m3 and water depth varies
between 5 and 8 m. Small dams vary widely in storage
capacity from few hundred thousands to few millions m3,
to meet multipurpose requirements.
4.5 Groundwater recharge schemes
Schemes under this category were executed in the Gulf
region (in 1985) to augment the groundwater resources of
the shallow aquifer of the coastal/desert plains which are
excessively exploited for agricultural development. Wadi
systems are provided with long low embankments,
constructed from earth or gabion, to check flood water
temporarily. The impounded water is later released, at low
rate, through outlets to the downstream area selected earlier
for recharging the flood water. These areas are usually close
to the agricultural land and domestic area. These types of
schemes serve as flood protection projects to properties
and souls. They are designed to safely pass the 50%
maximum probable flood which usually corresponds to
discharge values of very high return periods (1000 yr).

5 Water Supply Augmenting Schemes

Other proposed schemes for augmenting water resources
in wadi system, but which are rather costly, are briefed
5.1 Recycling waste water
This requires treatment of the sewage water of big towns
which could be used later either for irrigating pasture and
forage, for fattening sheep and cattle, or for beautification
of streets or other recharge purposes. Detailed studies,
including economic feasibility, are necessary to justify the
implementation of such costly schemes.
5.2 Distillation plants
These schemes are generally expensive; they could be
implemented to provide water supply for tourism resorts,
or for limited rural population. Such plants are also used
for large towns, where other cheap means to provide
community water supply are unfeasible.
5.3 Rainfall enhancement
This scheme involves weather and climate modification on
hilly areas. It is still in the experimental phase, and requires
more research on the physical processes causing the
precipitation, and solutions for the engineering difficulties
to seed the clouds in optimum amount and at the right time.
So far no conclusive results are available despite several
experiments conducted in Libya and the United Arab

6 Evaporation

Control Measures

As mentioned earlier, the water resources in the wadi

systems are scarce, vulnerable, and can be affected by severe
or long drought cycles. Consequently, the natural ecosystem
is seriously disturbed which result in heavy percussion on
the environment and burdening the national socio-economy
with big losses. Therefore, efficient management of the
developed water resource schemes should be carefully
planned and monitored to overcome such unpredictable
condition when they arise.
Methods and experiments to effectively reduce the huge
evaporation losses encountered in arid lands, and which have
been under testing for a few decades with variable degree
of success, are mentioned hereafter.
6.1 Reduction of evaporation losses from water
Attempts include application of chemical solutions, covering
the water surface with block, rafts, wax, floating butyl rubber
sheeting, and storing water in sand and gravel layers
upstream masonry dams. Results achieved so far are
satisfactory for small water surface areas, but for large
reservoirs, economical viable techniques are not available
6.2 Reduction of seepage losses
Water losses through the bottom of ponds, small reservoirs
or irrigation canals could be effectively reduced by using
compacted impermeable soils, butyl rubber, sheet plastic,
or an asphalt layer reinforced with plastic or fibreglass
sheeting. The major concern is the initial cost and routine
maintenance cost; in case of puncturing the lining by sharp
pebbles, or gravel, or root penetration.
6.3 Reduction of evaporation from soil surfaces
The evaporation loss from soil surface ranges from 20 to
40% of the evapotranspiration of the plant. This loss can be
reduced by placing a moisture barrier on the soil surface
such as paper asphalt, oil, plastic film, or mulch from plant
residual, as well as a layer of gravel. All these methods
need further research to improve their effectiveness and
reduce the cost, however.

7 Management of Water Use

Other methods of efficient management of the water use
result in immense water saving. These could be enumerated
as follows:
- Lining irrigation canals and other conveyance systems to
cut seepage losses.
- Adopting modern irrigation system such as sprinklers,
trickle and drip irrigation.
- Wide application of controlled environment agriculture
such as green houses.

- Managing crops in the sense of:

-Selection of drought resistant varieties of cereals and
-Selection of rapid growing varieties.
-Selection to high yielding varieties.
- Proper cultivation practice, i.e. timing to start plantation
cultivation in rows on the contour, proper tillage depth to
promote root system and weed clearance. Levelling
irrigating basin is also of major importance.
- Application of appropriate fertilizers, insect control and
disease control.

contour, resulting in severe rain cuts and serious soil

- Clearance of forest lands for rainfed cultivation, thus
disturbing the wildlife pattern and endangering the
- Heavy abstraction of groundwater within the periphery
of the mother wells in the falaj system, which result in
considerable lowering of the water table; and eventually
complete destruction of the falaj system.

8 Planning and Management

This project is briefly presented hereafter as a sample of

integrated planning for the development and management
of a wadi catchment.

There is an acute competition among the beneficiaries (water

users). The previous pattern of developing single purpose
*\ater schemes can not be continued where the deficient
water supply era has already been experienced. Furthermore,
some of the implemented water schemeshave shown, during
their commissioning, series of impediments not adequately
foreseen during their planning and design phases. These
require major addressing and significant modification to
sustain their economic feasibility.
Following below are examples of such improper planning
of water resources development and management within
wadi catchmcnts.
- Construction of large storage dams in the desert wadi
systems neglecting the interest of the downstream
- Construction of large storage dams near the coast resulting
in the decay of the shore line.
- Extensive agriculture in the coastal area resulting in
excessive withdrawal of freshwater, upconing of saline
water, sea water intrusion and, ultimately, desertification
of the agricultural lands.
- Excessive pumping of freshwater at the coastal area to
irrigate poor sandy soil unsuitable for agricultural
- Utilization of groundwater from a limited or poor yield
aquifer for traditional basin irrigation system.
- Utilization of fossil water of high quality from deep
aquifers to grow cereal crops, ignoring the low economic
feasibility i)f the scheme.
- Utilization of groundwater of good quality to irrigate
extensive farms for forage production.
- Plantation of fruit trees of low quality and limited cash
value in regions of low yield groundwater.
- Establishment of uncontrolled ground-water points for
drinking livestock in low carrying capacity ranges, which
speeds up desertification processes.
- Extensive rainfed cultivation using improper cultivation
practices which result in degradation of land, and soil
- Deep ploughing of sloping lands perpendicular to the

9 Hamad Basin Project

The Hamad basin is an extensive basin (166.000 km?)

inhabited by 92 thousand persons. It is located in the arid
region encompassing the border area of four Arab countries:
Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The average annual
precipitation is 78 mm, and falls mostly during winter.
Integrated studies of the natural resources (water, soil, range
and animal) were carried out, as well as other
complementary studies, to formulate a socio-economic
development plan for the promising areas within the basin.
Modern technologies were applied such as remote sensing,
isotopes analysis and processing and documenting of basic
hydrogeological data within the data bank system using
computer facilities.
Results revealed that the output of the natural dry plant
production amounts to 2 x IO6ton. Animal wealth comprise
2 x lo6 head, mainly sheep. Average annual surface runoff,
about 146 x lo6 m3,could be appropriately exploited in water
spreading schemes to improve range. Water losses, by
evaporation from vast flat depressions, could be conserved
through deepening these depressions, and by recharging
shallow perched aquifers using surface runoff.
Results of regional geology, partial geo-physical studies and
interpretations, have
concluded the existence of two main aquifer systems. The
first lies within the tertiary and quaternary formations, while
the second extends to the Mesozoic and Palaeozoic. Their
yield varies quantitatively and qualitatively. Up to 100 x
lo6 m3 could be safely drawn annually. The study was
conducted by ACSAD, in collaboration with national groups
from the concerned four countries, and in cooperation with
GTZ technical assistance programme.
To ensure an appropriate and successful implementation of
the project targets, ACSAD incorporated a special central
directorate for the project. This central body was entrusted
to execute the project and maintain full coordination with
concerned authorities of the contributing coun::ies. At the
country level, works and activities were executed through

Integrated Water Resources Development and Management in Wadi Catchments

two bodies. The first body is a high commission consisting

of four highly responsible personnel in planning, and/or
directors of ,:atural resources nominated by the four
countries, in addition to the director-general ofACSAD and
the project manager. Its responsibility was to design the
overall policy for the development plan and control the
programmes of execution. It was also required to make
necessary modifications which may be revealed during the
execution phase.
The second body is the country directors committee, which
was formed of five members: the project manager and four
country directors nominated by the four contributing
countries who were heads of departments or research
directors. This committee was entrusted to carry out and
facilitate the field operations in cooperation with the relevant
departments and institutions in the four countries. Budget
of the project amounts to 27.5 million US dollars financed
by the contributing countries.

10 Conclusion
Urgent need calls for the adoption of an integrated plan for
the development and management of the water resources
in wadi systems. This has to be formulated on the following
- Through comprehension of the hydrological cycle and
human interventions.
- Minimum interactions with the natural environment.
- Integrated basin development approach.
- Appropriate allocation of water among the inter-sectoral
- Sound evaluation of the water economy.
- Full public involvement in decision making in planning,
implementation and management of programmes.
- Competent management institution and proper legal
arrangements to secure the realization of the plan.

ACSAD, 1983. Hamad Basin Project.

Jordans Experience in Wadi Hydrology

Muhammad Shatanawi, Atef Al-Kharabsheh and Radwan Al-Weshah
Water and Environment Research and Study Center (WERSC), University of Jordan, Jordan.

Jordan is characterized predominantly by a Mediterranean climate in which the rainfall varies according to the topographic
features (Hilly regions, Ghor or deserts). The average rainfall volume over Jordan is estimated at 8425 MCM and ranges
between 6235 MCM for dry seasons and 10630 MCM for wet seasons. Over 90 percent of the country lands receive less
than 200 mm of rainfall annually. Due to the limited number of flood gauges, empirical and synthesis methods for flood
analysis are used, like the SCS method. These methods account for the catchment physical characteristics and rainfall
storm characteristics. Recently three hydrological models, adaptive to arid land conditions, were modified and verified for
three different basins in Jordan. Results and analyses from flood water models are in good agreement with observed data.
However, real time rainfall and flood flow measurements are needed for an accurate calibration and verification of the
rainfall-runoff simulation.

1 Introduction
The climate in Jordan is predominated by the Mediterranean
condition. It is similar to the climate of California, the
Southeast coast of Africa and Southeast Australia. It is
characterized by a hot dry summer and a cool wet winter
with two short transitional periods in between. The first one
starts by the mid of November and the second starts at the
end of April (Meteorological Department of Jordan, 1988).
Climate zones in Jordan could be divided into three zones:

rainfall less than 200 mm, while the remaining receives

rainfall ranging between 200-700 mm.
In deserts, about 95 percent of the total rainfall is lost by
In the other areas of Jordan,
evapotranspiration reaches between 80-85 percent of the
rainfall. The infiltration is calculated using the formula:

a- The hilly regions comprise a long strip to the eastern

sides of the Jordan Valley. The altitude of these regions
ranges between 500- 1500 m above mean sea level. They
are characterized by their pleasant climate; cool dry
summer and cold wet winter. The average annual rainfall
is more than 500 mm.
b- The Ghores are located below mean sea level. These
include the Dead Sea and the Jordan River, with an
altitude ranging between 197 m below msl in the north
and 400 m bmsl at the Dead Sea. The average annual
rainfall in this zone is about 150 mm.
c- The deserts are located in the eastern parts of the country,
forming a part of the Syrian Desert (Badia). They are
characterized by a clear sky during most of the year, a
dry summer and a cold winter.
Due to the variable topographic features of Jordan, rainfall
distribution varies considerably with location and time.
Annual ramfall varies from 600 mm to less than 200 mm
(Figure 1). The long term average (50 years) volume of
annual rainfall over Jordan is more than 8400 million cubic
meters, which corresponds to an average rainfall depth of
92 mm/yr. Approximately 91 percent of the country shows




Figure 1. Rainfall distribution in Jordan (normal


Proceedingsofthe UNESCO INWRC/ACSAD

Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection

Jordans Experience in Wadi Hydrology

I = P-E-R-Ia (1)
where I, P, E, R and Ia are the infiltration, precipitation,
actual evapotranspiration, runoff and initial abstraction,
respectively (all have the same units).
There are 44 meteorological stations in Jordan provided with
Class A pan recorders. Climatological data are recorded
monthly in term of precipitation, sunshine, wind speed, and
humidity. The evaporation rate in Jordan varies from 1984
mm in the north to 4323 mm in the south. About 70 percent
of the annual evaporation occurs during May through
October, and falls over 13 surface water basins. Surface
water basins (Figure 2) in Jordan can be grouped into two
categories: the first group is formed from
the basins that drain westward to the Jordan rift valley; the
second group encompasses the basins that drain eastward
to the desert depressions. Most of the wadis in the first
category are gauged, their waters well developed and fully
utilized. However, wadis draining to the desert basins are
mostly ungauged, and their flood water drains mainly into
desert depressions and mudflats (where it is eventually lost
by evaporation). This relationship between rainfall and
runoff is not well verified, however.
About 50 percent of the total rainfall in Jordan falls above
the desert basins. Flood volume and hydrograph are
estimated using the United States Soil Conservation Service

(SCS) method or the Curve Number Approach (CN). Most

of the rain occurs early or late in the season in the form of
intense rainstorms which produce significant amounts of
runoff. In addition, the formation of soil crust decreases the
infiltration capacity of the soil, thus increasing the volume
of runoff expected by any rational method. This issue is
very important in studying the relationship between rainfall
and runoff in desert basins.
Recognizing the special characteristics of arid lands,
research and monitoring activities should be oriented
1. Establishing a number of gauging stations on selected
wadis draining the major desert surface basins like those
wadis in the Azraq basin.
2. Calibrating existing surface water models such as HEC1 and CEQUEAU, using data obtained from gauging and
rainfall stations.
3. Using these models to develop a regional hydrology
analysis for rainfall-runoff relationships.

2 Runoff Estimation and Hydrograph

Records of wadi gauging stations are the primary source of
information on runoff volumes and hydrographs. Most of
the data before 1960 is considered to be inadequate, due to
the poor methods and lack of experience of that time. For
example, much data were measured using float type gauges
which are not precise. Fairly good wadi flow data gauging
observations exists on large wadis. On the other hand,
several catchment areas have scarce or no records of floods
or baseflow. Most of the wadis in the eastern, southern and
northern deserts, however, are very wide and inaccessible.
They are not gauged, and their flood flow is estimated by
using SCS the method for design rainfall data. This method
was developed after conducting worldwide experiments on
different soils and watersheds of different physical
The SCS method can be used for
uncultivated land, as well as for agricultural, suburban and
urban areas. A case study using the SCS method in a desert
catchment in Jordan is provided hereafter.
2.1 Wadi Butum catchment area
The Wadi Butum catchment area is located in the western
part of the Azraq basin between the Palestine grids 275294 East and 13I- 145 North (Figure 3). It has an oval shape
area, with 140 km. The longest canal reach. The longest
wadi is 20 km and dips in the direction of the well field
area with a dendritic drainage system. The highest point of
the wadi is 760 m above mean sea level, while the lowest is
605 m. The amount of rainfall ranges between lOO-150 mm.

Figure 2. Sur$ace water basins in Jordan.

Sieve analyses of two soil samples show 32.91 percent

gravel, 47.38 percent sand, 19.71 percent siltclay and large
bolders of chert at a shallow depth. The specific gravity is

2.65, hydraulic conductivity is 8.26x10- m/s, dry specific

density is 1.58 and the wet specific density is 1.77 (AlKharabsheh, 1995).
The exposed rocks in Wadi Butum are of the Rijam
formation of the late Paleocene age (Figure 4). It is
composed of light-grey, medium hard, argillaceous,
phosphatic, locally silicified, dense to massive, limestone
intercalated with thin beds of marl. The depositional
environment is fully marine average thickness is 150 m,
and unconformity separates the Mastrichtian rocks from
Eocene strata.
The Rijam aquifer complex covers all parts of the catchment
area and classifies as a good aquifer that dips in the south
and east directions. Its transmissivity ranges between
4.63~10.~ and 1.23~10-~m%.
The SCS method is used to determine flood characteristics
and volumes; this method takes into consideration the
catchment characteristics, antecedent moisture conditions
(AMC), type of soils, initial abstraction of rainfall, slope
and len;.h of longest channel, watershed boundaries,
urbanization and the land cover. The formula below shows
the relationship between accumulated runoff (Q) and
accumulated rainfall (P) (United States Department of the
Interior, 1960):















E3 64

Figure 4. Geological map for Wadi Butum.

Q = (P-Ia)?/(P-Ia+S)


where Q, P, Ia and S are accumulated depth of runoff in

mm, accumulated depth of storm rainfall in mm, depth of
initial abstraction in mm and depth of potential abstraction
in mm, respectively.
Initial and potential abstractions are related to the soil deficit,
interception and to the evapotranspiration. The relationship
between initial and potential abstraction for different
watersheds was calculated to be:
Ia = 0.2 x S


Then the accumulated runoff formula is:

Q= (P-Ia)?/ ( P+O.8 xS)


The relation between CN and S is written as:

S = ( lOOO/CN)- 10


where S should be in inches.

The Curve Number (CN) is defined in terms of watershed
land cover and hydrologic soil group types. This number
can be obtained from the graphical solution of the runoff

Q . 20 km






Wadi butum
Dam site


Figure 3. Location map for Wadi Butum catchment area.


Four types of soil groups were classified according to the

SCS (Table 1). The saturated hydraulic conductivity and
hydrologic soil group were identified based on predicting
Green and Ampt parameters from soil texture, organic matter
content and tillage practice factors. The zero percent porosity
change is according to the initial soil state. Runoff Curve
Numbers for land cover delineations, defined from landsat
photographs, are presented in Table 2.

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NKRC 1ACSAD WorkI hop 5 ON Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Promtim

Table 1. Hydrologic grouping of soil textures.


Soil textures
sand, loamy, and sandy loam
silt loam and loam

sandy clay loam

clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay and clay

Flow duration curves represent the probability of occurrence

for the maximum and minimum runoff volumes. They were
calculated by using the floating average technique. First,
the annual runoff volumes were calculated, then the
accumulated volumes for the consecutive years 2,3,4, and
5 were made. The probabilities for every consecuti-ve year
were calculated by using the WEIBULL
(Raghunath, 1990):
P = M/(N+l)


where P, M and N are probability, descending order rank

and total number of records, respectively.
The data were ranked and plotted on probability versus
runoff volume to show the probability of occurrence for
the maximum and minimum volumes of floods during the
consecutive years (Figure 5).
Where no flow measurements exist, the SCS Dimensionless
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph is used (Figure. 6). The area
under the Unit Hydrograph is equal to one unit of the net
rainfall on the catchment area. The time required to reach
its peak is defined as:
Tp = D/2+0.6 Tc


where Tp, D and Tc are time to peak in hours, duration of

the Unit Hydrograph in hours and time of concentration in

hours, respectively.
Time of concentration (Tc) is defined as the travel time of
water from the hydraulically most distant point in the
watershed to the point of interest, and is calculated using
the Kirpich formula as (Subramanya, 1984):
Tc = (0.871 x L3/H) 0.385


where Tc, Land H are time of concentration in hours, length

of the longest watercourse in km and maximum elevation
difference in the catchment area in m, respectively. It should
also be noted that, the duration of unit hydrograph (D) can
be defined as (United States Department of the Interior,


where Tp> 4D
Peak discharge (Qp) was estimated using:


where A and Qp are drainage area in square miles, and peak

discharge in cubic feet per second (cfs), respectively.
Tp and Qp were multiplied
by the generalized,
dimensionless Unit Hydrograph T/Tp and Q/Qp to derive
the Unit Hydrograph of the Wadi Butum catchment area

Table 2. Runoff curve numbers for land cover delineations defined from landsat investigations (Ragan and Jackson,
1 Land use description

Hydrologic soil group


Forest land





Grassed open space





Highly imperviousness (Commercial industrial, large parking lot)*










Bare ground





*According to Ragan & Jackson (1976), CN=93 is probably sufficient for all soils.

Return periods








1 Year


3 Yeors





99 99


Figure 5. Flow duration curve for Wadi Butunz catchrnent area.

(Figure 7). The dimensionless Unit Hydrograph is useful

for comparing Unit Hydrographs for different watersheds.
Flood frequencies were determined by using the storm
rainfalls for 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years return periods
with the SCS method (Figures 8a, b).
3 Rainfall-Runoff



3.1 The rational method approach

The rational method, like the SCS method, has proved to
be not accurate, as it under- estimates the runoff. Therefore,
some watersheds in the desert were selected and gauged to
test the existing models. Most of these models were
developed for humid areas. However, to choose a suitable
model for the study, the arid and semi-arid climate
conditions that prevail in Jordan should be known. There is
a major difference between humid and arid regions when
trying to generate runoff from meteorological data, therefore
it is important to know about the effect of the properties of
rainfall on runoff generation. The understanding of runoff
process in arid and semi-arid lands has helped in finding
hydrological models that suit the needs (Shatanawi, 1996).
A second case study is presented hereafter.
3.2 Rainfall-runoff
modelling in Muwaqqar
Muwaqqar watershed, which represents semi-arid climate,
was selected and equipped with rain gauges and flood
recorders to model rainfall-runoff relationship.
The Muwaqqar watershed is located in the eastern part of
Jordan. It is approximately 30 km South-East of Amman.
Elevations vary from 755 to 855 m above msl. The area of


the watershed is approximately

70 km. Extreme
temperatures measured in the region are 40C and -7C. The
maximum number of sunshine hours is around 12.5 and
occurs in the first days of July, The mean annual rainfall is
170 mm and the basin is considered to be in an arid climate.
Almost all flow occurs between the months of November
and April. The climate is characterized by irregular, sporadic
and unpredictable rainfalls. Intense storms of short duration
cause large runoffs. The rainfall intensity is often greater
than the rate of soil infiltration because of the thin crust
layer at the soil surface. Because of the upper crust layer
and the low vegetative cover, small amounts of rainfall often
produce runoff. In this area, there is a great loss of water by
evaporation (Shatanawi et al., 1995). The soil is mainly
composed of limestone and chert. Water erosion is caused
by low vegetative cover, uneven rainfall distribution, and
the low stability of soil aggregate. Wind erosion is also
encountered in the area.
For arid and semi-arid regions, it is necessary to have a
dense network of meteorological stations because of the
spatial variability of rainfall. For the Muwaqqar region, there
is no existing network of meteorological stations for
precipitation measurement. Three meteorological stations
are located on or near the Muwaqqar watershed. Two of
them are located on the watershed and the other is out of
the basin. The exterior meteorological station is the Queen
Alia International Airport. This station, about 1.5km from
the watershed, is important because twenty years of data
are available. There meteorological measurements are also
taken at two locations in the basin namely the Civil Defence

ofthe UNESCO / hMRC

IACSAD WorkJhopron Wddi Hydrology Imd Groundwater Protectiorr

Jordans Experience in Wadi Hydrology

0 0.66
Figure 6. Dimensionless unit hydrograph.







Figure 7. Unit hydrograph for Wadi Butum.

i. I -\
\ \ \
\ \

2. 60
Time in hours


25 yyy:

25 Years
50 Years
IO0 Years

JO Years



in haurs


in hours




Figure 8a. 2, 5 and IO return periods.

Figure 8b. 25, 50 and 100 return periods.

station and University Farm station in the west and east

parts of the basin, respectively.

- Able to provide results that are suitable for the intended

use and of acceptable.quality.

The Muwaqqar watershed has been subdivided into six subbasins of different sizes (ranging from 0.5 to 6 km*).
Discharge is measured at each site with a rectangular short
crest weir. These different sub-basins represent different soil
types and slopes on the basin. Calibration curves have been
developed for the six micro catchments.

It is hard to satisfy all those constraints. In the last few

decades, the WMO (World Meteorological Organization)
has published some reports on operational hydrology. From
the pertinent report on the intercomparison of hydrological
model, 10 to 14 models have been tested and evaluated.
Those reports give a summary for each of the evaluated
models. The objective of the WMO project was not to find
the model that performed best under all circumstances but
to give users the opportunity to examine the performance
of the tested models in various conditions. With the common
use of computers now, different hydrological models are in
use and, papers involving hydrological models are more
present now than ever before.

The desired hydrological models for arid conditions like

Jordan should be:

A deterministic physical model;

A distributed or semi-distributed model;
Applicable in arid and semi-arid regions;
Able to calibrate parameters automatically or manually;
Able to accept changes in watershed (reservoirs, land use,
- Able to give prediction in any required point of the
- Able to simulate runoff in any time frame required, such
as: hourly, daily, weekly or monthly;
- Able to utilize GIS database and/or be easily adjustable
to dynamically exchange data with GIS;

The existing hydrological models were reviewed, based on

WMO intercomparison studies, to find the most suitable
model for this investigation. Three hydrological models
were looked: at the CEQUEAU model from INRS-Eau,
Qubec and the SLURP model from Environment Canada
NHRI (National Hydrologic Research Institute) and HEC1. The SLURP hydrological model was not in the WMO

The SLURP model is a simple semi- distributed model. It

was developed mainly for Canadian watersheds. The
performance of the model in arid and semi-arid environment
has not been previously tested. For such a project, distributed
models are preferable because there is a great deal of a
variability involved. To use the SLURPmodel, considerable
modification would be required in order to generate
reasonable results for the Muwaqqar watershed.
The CEQUAEU model seemed to be the most suitable
model for arid conditions, it is a fully distributed model.
The model accommodates watersheds containing reservoirs
and lakes, and also has a good snow component. It was
applied to various water-sheds in North America and Africa.
A successful application in Algeria demonstrated the
efficiency of the model in semi-arid land.
3.2.1 Numerical modelling of the flow with
The hydrological modelling for the Muwaqqar watershed
was done using the CEQUEAU model from INRS-Eau
(Quebec). DOS and Windows versions of the model are
available. A daily time step was used because of the data
limitations. Two applications with two different sets of
parameters were made. For each application, two distinct
simulations were presented: a simulation at two sites (5.5
km* & 0.5 km*) with a 1 km* grid covering the whole
Muwaqqar watershed (70 km*) and a simulation on a 0.5
km micro-basin with a grid composed of squares of 0.01
km2.Application- 1 and application-2 for each grid size were
used to illustrate the different results with different sets of
input parameters. The utilization of the model under two
different grid sizes and with two different sets of parameters

Table 3. Hydrometeorological stations.


Mean dai/y kmpwaiaras


: 999999
ol watwshd:7~37



Figure 9. Mean daily temperature for the calibration on

Muwaqqar watershed.

gives a good indication about its capabilities and limitations.

Only four months of data were used. The calibration period
started December lst, 1993 and ended March 30, 1994.
Additional data, and a longer calibration period, were used
to verify the model.
3.2.2 Adaptation of CEQUEAU for arid and semi-arid
Few modifications were required to use the CEQUEAU
model in arid and semi-arid regions. For the simulation with
100 m grid, a limited modification
for the program
PHYCECP.EXE was made. Subsequent versions of the
model were correlated. For arid and semi-arid regions, snow
parameters have no effect on runoff. The evaporation is
greater and the response of the basin is quicker because the
soil is bare, with a low vegetative cover and a low presence
of forests, lakes and marshes. Another characteristic of such

Jordan k Experience in Wadi Hydrology

arid regions is the low infiltration capacity of the soil because

of the crust at the surface which makes the soil almost
impervious. The CEQUEAU model is adaptable to different
climates and does not need extensive data. It is possible to
simplify the model structure by closing some outlets from
reservoirs. For the simulations on the Muwaqqar watershed,
the coefficient CVSB was put to zero in order to completely
close the outlet of the soil reservoir.


3.2.3 Data preparation for the calibration period

In order to calibrate the model, the following data were used:
- Precipitation of Civil Defence meteorological station;
- Maximum and minimum temperature of the University
Farm were used for the Civil Defence station, since no
precipitation data was available from the latter and
variation of temperature with altitude is negligible on the
- Discharge from six gauging stations in the watershed. Due
to the uncertainty of information on stations numbering,
only two sites were considered good enough to compare
the simulated and observed values (site-l and 5).
For the simulation with squares of 1 by 1 km on the whole
basin, data from the Civil Defence meteorological station
was used. For that specific station, measured minimum and
maximum temperatures were not available. Since there is
little variation in temperature with altitude, the minimum

Dolly rolnfon




of wotwshd

: 55



1 (b)



Figure 11. Simulated sur$ace runofland excess rainfall

for storm in the Azraq basin using HEC-1 model.

and maximum temperatures of University Farm station were

used to complete the input data tile. This file encompassing
meteorological data (precipitation from Civil Defence and
temperatures from University Farm) was applied at the
location of the Civil Defence station for the 1 by 1 km
simulations; and, at the location of University Farm for the
100 m simulations (Table 3). For the other simulations done
on the Muwaqqar watershed, the same meteorological input
file was used. Figure 9 shows the mean daily temperatures
for the calibration period on Muwaqqar watershed (1x1 km).
Daily rainfall and runoff at site no. 1 are presented in Figures
10a and b.

4 Other Models
There are some other different types of surface water models
which were used in Jordan; an example of the HEC- 1 model
is given hereafter.













a- Daily rainfall.
b- Daily discharge.
Figure 10. Rainfall data at site no.1.

4.1 Surface hydrological models HEC-1

The HEC-1 model is designed to simulate the response of
surface runoff in a wadi basin to precipitation,
representing the basin as an interconnected system of
and hydrogeologic
components. Each
component simulates one aspect of the precipitation-runoff
process within a portion of the basin, commonly referred to
as a sub-basin. A component may represent a surface runoff
entity, a wadi, or a reservoir. The result of the modelling
process is the computation of wadi hydrographs at desired
locations in the basin. The major components of the program
1. Surface runoff components which represent the
movement of water over the land surface and into stream

Figure 12. Observed rainfall and runoff volumes and simulated runoff volumes
using the LVGFM model in the Zerqa basin

2. Stream routing components which are used to represent

the flood wave movement in a channel reach.
3. Combined use of stream routing and subbasin runoff
components, which could be used to represent the
connectivity of land surface runoff to the stream routing.
Flows are combined at confluences, and routed
4. Reservoir components similar to that of streamflow
routing; it represents the storage outflow characteristics
of a reservoir or flood-retarding structure.
5. Diversion or pump components which are used to
simulate channel diversions and pumping actions,
respectively to transfer water to or from the stream.
6. Hydrograph transformation options which are useful to
perform sensitivity analysis or parameter estimation
based on user-defined criteria. Figure 11 shows the
simulated runoff and excess rainfall in the Azraq basin
using the HEC- 1 Program.
4.2 Linear variable gain model in Zerqa Basin
This model was used to simulate the rainfall-runoff
relationship. The simple linear model (SLM) constitutes the
first step in the calibration of the LVGFM. The SLM is based
on the concept of instantaneous unit hydrograph. The
instantaneous unit
hydrograph is usually used with storm runoff and effective
rainfall, however, it can also be used with transform data
such as total rainfall and total runoff. In this case it is
formulated from a simple linear model. The output of the
simple linear model can be considered as a suitable measure
to the catchment wetness condition. The variable gain factor

model is approximated by considering the relationship

between the variable gain factor and the catchment wetness
condition, based on a prior knowledge about the gain factor
variation. The simple form is a linear relationship. Figure
12 shows the relationship between the calculated and
simulated runoff using the LVGFM for Zerqa river basin
(Rahbeh, 1996).
5 Conclusions
1.Rainfall varies according to the topographic features.
More than 90 percent of Jordan shows rainfall less than
200 mm.
2.The average rainfall over Jordan is about 8425 million
m3, with ranges between 6235 during the dry years to
about 10630 million m3 during the wet years. About 95
percent of the total rainfall is lost, as evapotranspiration
in the eastern deserts and the other areas shows
evapotranspiration loss between 80-85 percent.
3. Due to the lack of flood measurements, the United States
Soil Conservation Service, or Curve Number Approach,
was used to estimate the runoff volumes in Jordan.
4. Results of the surface water models show that estimations
are in good agreement with observations.
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Surface Water Utilization of Five Representative Catchment
Areas (Jonian), Journal of Hydrogeologie und Umwelt, Heft
10, 104 Figures, 55 Tables, 205p., Wuerzburg, Germany.

Department of Jordan, (1988). Jordan

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO I NWRC / ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Jordans ExDerience in Wadi Hydrology

Climatological Data Handbook, 104 I?, Amman, Jordan.

Ragan, R. M., & Jackson, T J., (1976). Hydrograph
Synthesis Using Landsat Remote Sensing and SCS Models,
Document X-913-76-161, Goddard Space Flight Centel; 57
p., Greenbelt, Maryland.
Raghunath, H. M., (1990). Hydrology (principles analyses
and design), Wiley Eastern Limited New Delhi, 482 p,,
Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Hyderabad, Pun,
Lucknow, Guwahati, 3rd Edition, India.
Rahbeh, M. (1996). Rainfall-RunoffRelationshipsforZerqa
River Basin, MSc Thesis, University of Jordan, Amman,
Rango, A., (1985). Runoff Synthesis Utilising Landsat
Hydrologic Land Use Data and Soil Conservation Service
(SCS) Models, Journal of Water Resources Planning
Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2 Fig., 4 Tab.,
pp l-7., Washington, U.S.A.
Shatanawi, M., Drolet, J., Taimeh, A., Oweis, Th., and ElJabi, N. (1995). Development of Optimal Strategies for
Water Harvesting in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands, Department
of Civil Engineers, 1455 deMaisonneuve Blvd. W Montreal,
QC, Canada, H3G IBM, Canada.
Shatanawi, M., (1996). Water Harvesting in Selected Arab
Countries, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Soil Conservation Service, (1969). Computer Program for
Project Formulation,
Technical Release No.20, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., U.S.A.
Soil Conservation Service, (1972). National Engineering
Hand-book Section 4, Hydrology, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Wa-shington DC, U.S.A.
Soil Conservation Service, (1975). Urban Hydrology of
Small Watersheds, Technical Release No.55, Engineering
Division, U.S. Department Agriculture, Washington DC,
Subramanya, K., (1984). Engineering Hydrology, Tata
Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 122 Fig., 49
Tab., 167p., New Delhi, India.
United States Department of the Interion (1960). Design of
Small Dams, United States Government Printing Ofice, Ist
Edition, 277 Fig., 34 Tab., 611 p., Washington, U.S.A.

Wadi Hydrology:

The Sudanese Experience

Babiker I. Barsi
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Khartoum, Sudan

The republic of Sudan exhibits various climate conditions. The average annual rainfall ranges from zero in the northern
parts to more than 1500 mm in the South western zone. Seasonal wadis exist in different parts of the country, their catchment
areas vary from less than 20 km? to more than 22000 km?. The utilization of wadi water resources was practised in Sudan
since early civilization. This paper reviews the rainfall-runoff relationships, with more emphasis on those applicable to
arid and semi-arid regions. Two methods for frequency analysis of hydrological events are provided. The Sudaneseexperience
in dealing with wadi hydrology is elaborated through a case study of a water supply problem in El-Gadarif city. A 600 m
wide earth dam was proposed across the main wadi to balance the water deficit during the summer time. In conclusion
there is a recommendation to launch a major regil lnal interdisciplinary project on wadi hydrology in arid and semi-arid

1 Introduction
The Republic of Sudan is the largest country in Africa, with
an area of 2.5 million square kilometres. It extends between
latitudes 3 and 23 N; and longitudes 2 1 45 and 38 30 E.
The following climatic zones are found in the difl :rent parts
of Sudan:
- Equatorial climate in the southern part.
- Savannah climate in the central part.
- Desert climate in the northern part.
- Mediterranean climate in the Jebel Marra area in the
western part.
The average annual rainfall ranges from zero in the north
to more than 1500 mm in the south-west. On the other hand,
potential evaporation decreases from a maximum annual
value of 2800 mm in the north to 2500 mm in the central
part, and reaches a minimum annual value of 1400 mm in
the south-western part of the country. Hundreds of nonnilotic (not connected to the Nile system) seasonal streams
(wadis) exist in different parts of the country. Some of theselike Wide Azum in the Jebel Marra region- have catchment
areas greater than 22000 km. while others have catchment
areas less than 20 km. Some streams are perennial, while
others are ephemeral. This variability in climate, rainfall,
potential evaporation, soil type, plant cover and catchment
area has enriched the Sudanese experience in Wadi
Since early civilization, several methods for utilizing the
water resources of these wadis in agriculture and water
supply were practised. Among these early practices were
the followmg.
a- Construction of small earth dams for water supply.

b- Excavation of supply canals for irrigation and water

supply purposes.
The new practices include:
a- Construction of diversion structures for spreading the
water and thus increasing the groundwater recharge.
b- Excavation of open water reservoirs (hafir) beside the
wadi for water supply.
c- Construction of proper earth dams, equipped with deep
sluice and spillways, for water supply and flood
protection works.
d- Construction of groynes for river training.
This paper highlights the physical processes in arid and
semi-arid conditions, and reflects some of the Sudanese
experience in this field. Techniques and procedures for
addressing problems related to Wadi Hydrology at
catchment and regional levels are outlined. Classic and new
rainfall runoff relationships are discussed, and their
suitability for Wadi Hydrology is investigated. Application
of some statistical methods and regional frequency analysis
are presented. Different methods for estimating runoff from
rainfall and catchment characteristics are evaluated. Some
case studies from Sudan are presented. Recommendations
for future activities and regional cooperation on Wadi
Hydrology are suggested.

2 Rainfall-Runoff


2.1 General
The rainfall-runoff relationship is influenced by catchment
characteristics and climatic factors. These climatic factors
include precipitation
and its properties, humidity,
evaporation, wind speed and temperature. In arid and semiarid regions, the rainfall is almost the only form of
precipitation. The first loss of this rainfall is through the
interception by vegetation and artificial surfaces. This

ProceeditrgsoftheUNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrology: The Sudanese Experience

interception storage is lost completely by evaporation. The
rainfall in excess of the interception storage falls to ground
surfaces and infiltrates. The water in excess of infiltration
capacity starts to accumulate over the surface and thus will
be subject to evaporation. The remainder of the accumulated
water will start moving, by gravity towards the low areas
of the catchment, filling the depression storage and creating
water courses and small streams. These streams combine
together to form the main stream or river of the catchment
area. This sequence of events summarizes the main
hydrologic (physical) processesin any catchment and forms
the basis of the rainfall-runoff modelling.
There are many catchment properties that influence the
surface runoff. Significant catchment characteristics include:
a- Catchment area: the larger the catchment area the larger
the surface runoff.
b- The main stream length: as the flood peak travels
downstream, it will be attenuated due to the temporary
storage effects within the reach.
c- Average catchment slope: the more steeply the ground
surface is sloping, the more rapidly the surface runoff
will travel. Therefore, concentration time would be
shorter and flood peaks would be higher (Wilson, 1983).
d- Shape of the catchment: for the same catchment area,
catchments with large widths and short lengths will have
discharge peaks higher and earlier than long catchments
with narrow widths.
e- Average catchment infiltration capacity: The higher the
infiltration capacity the lower the surface runoff.
f- Vegetation cover: The more the vegetation cover the
larger the interception loss, and consequently the more
the evaporation loss.
g- Depression storage: The more the total depression storage
the more the water lost by infiltration and evaporation
and, consequently the less the surface runoff.
Many rainfall-runoff relationships are available in the
literature, ranging from the old simple ones to the new
sophisticated relations. The following rainfall-runoff
relationships are recommended for Wadi Hydrology in arid
and semi-arid conditions.
2.2 Hydrological budget
The volumetric relationship (or the hydrological budget)
between different physical processesin the hydrologic cycle,
for a particular period of time, is generally written as:



where, P is the total precipitation, I is the infiltration, Q is

the stream discharge, S is the change in surface and
subsurface storage and ET is the evapotranspiration.
Equation (1) holds true for the balance over a short period

during which changes in the subsurface storage could have

taken place. Under specific conditions, some elements of
the hydrological budgets can be eliminated because they
do not affect the water balance. Thus, on an annual basis,
under natural conditions with no significant pumping, the
net change in the subsurface (i.e. soil moisture and
groundwater storage) would be negligible. The annual
hydrological budget could be rewritten as:


2.3 The rational method

The rainfall-runoff relationship is represented in its simplest
form by the rational method, in which:
Q =CiA


where Q is the peak discharge, i is the average rainfall

intensity in the time of concentration, A is the catchment
area, and C = runoff coefficient.
Despite its simplicity, the rational method is used extensively
for the design of urban drainage systems, and for estimating
the runoff for relatively long periods of time. This method
could be used in Wadi Hydrology for estimating the monthly
and annual surface runoff, particularly for small catchments.
The time of concentration used by this method is defined
as the time of travel from the farthest point on the catchment
boundary to the catchment outfall. In order to use this
method, the intensity-duration-frequency curve (IDF) of the
catchment must be developed.
2.4 The design hydrograph method
This method is recommended in Wadi Hydrology for
estimating the maximum design discharges. The method
involves drawing the isochrones, i.e. lines of equal travel
time, on a map of the catchment area using a time increment:
to, such that the time of concentration t = m to, where m is
an integer number. The areas between adjacent isochrones
aj, (j = 1,2,...., m) are then measured. Assuming that the
rainfall profile consists of a series of average intensities i 1,
i2,..., etc. within successive time increment of to, the
ordinates of the discharge hydrograph may be written as:
Q, = Ci2 A, + Ci, A2
Q, = Ci, A, + Ci, A, + Ci, A,


where C is the average runoff coefficient of the catchment.

This method, of course, is more flexible than the rational
method and could be used for catchments with relatively
large areas.
2.5 The unit hydrograph method
This method can be used successfully in Wadi Hydrology
despite the criticism associated with it. The Unit Hydrograph
(UH) of duration T, is defined as the storm runoff due to
unit volume (e.g. 10mm) of effective rainfall, generated

uniformly in space and time on the catchment in time T

(Nash, 1980). The Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH)
is the limit to which the UH tends, as the duration of effective
rainfall T, is diminished indefinitely. The UH principle
applies to linear time-invariant systems.The main deficiency
of the UH principle is that both the storm runoff and effective
rainfall are ill-defined, since the rainfall losses and the base
flow separations, are done in an arbitrary manner. However,
once the UH is determined the rainfall-runoff relationship
is written as:
Q, = Ci,U,-,

where, Qt is the storm runoff at time, ir is the effective

rainfall at time r, and Ut-r is the UH ordinate number (t-r).
2.6 Rainfall - runoff modelling
Since the development
of high-speed computers,
hydrological modelling has become an important tool in
water resources development. Natural catchment systems
are so complex that closed form solutions cannot be found
to describe precisely the processes at the basin scale. The
ultimate objective of hydrological modelling is to provide
more efficient and economic use of water resources systems.
The value of a hydrological model lies in its ability, to extract
the maximum amount of information from the available data
(Barsi, 1983).
Hydrological models can be classified into deterministic
and stochastic. For deterministic models, the output is
uniquely determined by the input. On the other hand, a
stochastic model produces an output which contains timedependent random variables. Hydrological models can also
be classified into conceptual and empirical models according
to whether they are, or are not, capable of physical
interpretation. Conceptual models are developed by purely
rational considerations involving the interplay of inductive
and deductive reasoning. The parameters of conceptual
models are either physically measurable or can be
interpreted in physical terms.
Ideally, the best model would deterministicaly describe the
rainfall-runoff process, based on well-known physical laws.
Although, in principle, estimating the runoff given the
meteorological inputs should be based on the application
of such laws, the complexity of natural catchments precludes
such an approach. As a result, most of the developed models
are based on imperical relations.
Simple Linear Regression (SLR) and Multiple Linear
Regression (MLR) techniques are considered as empirical
(black-box) rainfall-runoff models. The SLR models are
suitable for annual and monthly values, while the MLR
models are suitable for daily values. The Linear Perturbation
Model (LPM) which is also known as the Hybrid Model,
introduced by Nash and Barsi (1983), could be used for


perennial seasonal streams. Several time series models

described by Box and Jenkins (1976) such as autoregressive
(AR), autoregressive moving average (ARMA) and
autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), could
also be used in Wadi Hydrology.
3 Regional



Frequency analysis deals with the determination of how

often a particular extreme event (e.g. flood, drought,...) will
occur. A basic assumption in any frequency analysis is that
the data are random variables. They are, Therefore,
homogeneous (i.e. do not follow any deterministic pattern
such as trends and seasonal variations), independent (i.e.
uncorrelated) and stationary (i.e. remain in equilibrium
about a constant mean).
To overcome the difficulty of several short records in a single
climatic region, data are combined to give a much longer
record which is used to define the form of the frequency
such records are neither
homogeneous, nor independent. However, the problem of
homogeneity is solved if the annual values for each
catchment are divided by their respective annual means
(i.e.xT /?i). This record may be used to obtain the
relationship between the annual value (XT) and the return
period (T), i.e.:

= f(T)



There are some different methods of estimating the

frequency of occurrence of a particular extreme event. These
include among others, the parametric and non-parametric
In the parametric method, a certain relationship is assumed
to exist between the extreme event and the return period.
The form of this relationship is usually known, and the
parameters of the relationship are estimated from the sample
data. If, for example, the normal probability distribution is
chosen for the series of maximum annual floods, the
relationship will be:
ZT =%Sz



where, ZT = XT / ?? is the annual maximum flood with a

return period T, and is the mean of annual maximum floods.


= -+



yT is obtained from the normal probability tables. Thus

the above equation can be used to estimate the annual
maximum flood XT for any return period T. If the probability
of non-exceedence is P (x), then,

P(x) = I - l/T


Proreedir~groftheUNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Workshopron Wadi Hydrology and Gromdumter Protection

Wadi Hydrology: The Sudanese Experience

There are two ways for judging whether a particular
distribution adequately describes a set of observations or
not. Both of these methods require visual judgement of the
accuracy of fit. One method is to compare the observed
relative frequency curve with the theoretical one. The second
method is to plot the data on the appropriate probability
paper, and judge as whether or not the resulting plot is a
straight line. Also the &i-square tests is one of the most
commonly used tests for rightness of fit of data to a specified
theoretical frequency distribution.

wadi from human beings and cattle, to lorries and heavy

trucks. Their roaring sound is the only available warning
4.1.2 Rainfall and evaporation measurements
At present there are more than 1000 ordinary rain gauges
in the Sudan. However, they are not well-distributed over
the country. There are 40 first class meteorological stations
equipped with autographic rainfall gauges. These stations
measure the other meteorological factors as well (i.e.
humidity, temperature, wind speed and evaporation).

The second method is the non-parametric method: it assigns

a series of possible return periods to each event according
to its rank in the sample, and irrespective of the catchment
to which it belongs. The data are then plotted on the
appropriate probability paper. However, the assumption of
independence constitutes the main weakness of this method,
since all the records for different catchments are combined
together (Nash, 1980).

The Sudan meteorological department has more than 70

stations where evaporation is measured with Piche Tubes.
Most of these stations have records of evaporation for more
than 40 years. Class-pans are also used (Salih and Khadam,
4.2 A case study from Sudan
4.2.1 General
The case study is concerned with the El Gadarif (a Sudanese
city) water supply problem. The city is located in the eastern
region of Sudan and has a population of 300,000. It has a
serious water supply problem during the summer period
(March-June). The existing water supply system consists
of two sources: a 67 km long pipeline (which supplies the
water from River Atbara), and a network consisting of.16
wells in the vicinity of the city. The water is pumped uphill
against a static head of 70 m, with a total quantity of 10000
m3/day. The well-field supplies the city with 6000 m3/day.
It is estimated that the existing water demand is 25000 m3/
day. Therefore, a deficit of 9000 m3/day in water supply is
encountered. Moreover, the pipeline water supply decreases
dramatically during the summer period.

4 The Sudanese Experience

4.1 Wadi bydrometeorology in Sudan
4.1.1 Streamflow gauging
The streamflow gauging in some of the Sudanese wadis
(like El Gash Stream) had started as early as 1907, but for
most of the important wadis, gauging was started in 1956
(Salih and Khadam, 1980). At present, there are more than
60 gauging sites in the different parts of the country. Flow
measurements are carried out by one or a combination of
the following methods:

Current meter measurement by wading and/or cable way.

Float velocity measurement.
Post-flood slope area survey using Mannings equation.
Flow gauging using sharp and broad crested weirs.

A team of specialists from the Faculty of Engineering,

University of Khartoum, studied all the possible alternatives
of increasing the water supply and proposed a
comprehensive solution with three options. One of these
options is to make use of the water supplied by Wadi Abu
Gara. In this section, the hydrological studies of Wadi Abu
Gara are illustrated as an example of the Sudanese
experience in handling Wadi Hydrology.

Although dilution methods are simple and easy to use, they

are not yet introduced. Usually, the floods last for few hours,
and are completely unpredictable. They come with fast
speeds and roaring sounds like thunder, carrying debris,
trees, rolling stones, and large rocks. They have large
destructive powers and wash away almost anything in the
Table I. Annual rainfall and runofffor Abu Gara.

PFob, of exceedence

Annual rainfall

Annual runoff
( 106)m3
















The wadi has a catchment area of 365 km*, a total length of

38 km, and an average slope of 0.003. It discharges into
River Atbara near El Showak town. The catchment area of
this wadi is between El Gadarif and El Showak. Therefore,
rainfall and other meteorological factors for the two cities,
for the period (1960-1989), were used in the study.

cubic meters is available in 99% of the years (Table 1).

4.2.2 Estimation of annual runoff and reservoir

The mean annual rainfall at El Gadarif is 589 mm, with a
standard deviation of 110 mm; while the mean annual
rainfall at El Showak is 437 mm, with a standard deviation
of 119 mm. Consequently, the mean annual rainfall for the
wadi is 5 11 mm with a standard deviation of 88 mm. In
order to choose the suitable frequency distribution for the
annual rainfall in the region, the observed relative frequency
curves were compared with the theoretical ones, for the
following probability distributions:

4.2.3 Spillway design discharge

For this purpose, the series of maximum daily rainfall was
selected for El-Gadarif and El-Showak, for the period 19601989. A similar procedure to that applied in the previous
section was adopted. It was found that the suitable
distribution for maximum daily rainfall is the extreme value
type 1. The relationship between the maximum daily rainfall,
XT, and the corresponding return period, T, for El Gadarif
is given by:

Table 2 shows the expected evaporation loss, infiltration

loss, and the net storage for each month. The net storage in
June is 2.2 million cubic meters, which is sufficient to meet
the water demand during the summer period.

XT = 54.8 + 14.3 (-Ln (Ln (T/(T-I)))


Similarly, the corresponding relationship for El-Showak is

given by:

a- Normal probability distribution.

b- Log-normal probability distribution.
c- Extreme value type I distribution.

XT = 51.1 + 15.8 {-Ln (Ln(T/(T-I))J


Equation (11) was used to calculate the annual rainfall for

different probabilities of exceedence as shown in Table 1.

The maximum daily rainfall for Abu Gara is the mean of

the maximum daily rainfalls for El-Gadarif and El-Showak.
The spillway design discharge is computed using the design
Hydrograph Method, equation (4). One hour-interval
isochrones subdivided the catchment into five subareas.
Since the actual rainfall durations were not recorded, a twohour duration was assumed. The peak discharge was
estimated for a 50 year return period as 230 m3/sec. The
results are shown in Table (3). Also Mannings formula was
applied usingthe water marks at a bridge site, giving a peak
discharge of 220 m3/s, which is surprisingly close to the
first estimate.

The probability of exceedence represents the percentage of

years during which the particular quantity is available. The
Rational Method is then used to estimate the annual runoff

5 Proposed Procedure for Handling the Wadi

Hydrology Problems in Arid and Semi-Arid

It was found that the normal probability distribution is

suitable for the region. Hence, the annual rainfall in the
wadi, X, with a non exceedence probability, P(x), is given


where x is the mean annual rainfall, sx is the standard

deviation of annual rainfall, and y is the variation, obtained
from the normal probability tables.




where V is the total annual volume of runoff, P is the total

annual depth of rainfall (mm), A = Wadi catchment area
(km2), and C = runoff coefficient.
In a gauged catchment (Wadi Abu Fargha) which is adjacent
to Abu Gara, the average runoff coefficient was calculated
as 13% for a catchment area of 365 km*. Hence, for Wadi
Abu Gara, with a catchment area of 365 km2, a runoff
coefficient of 8% was assumed. The corresponding results
are shown in Table 1.
A 600 m-wide earth dam was proposed across the wadi.
The maximum height of the spillway crest above the ground
level is 11.0 m. This corresponds to a storage capacity of
6.35 million cubic meters. An annual runoff of 8.7 million

5.1 Wadi hydrometeorology

From both engineering and agricultural stand points, the
quantity and regularity of hydrological processes need to
be studied and determined with a reasonable degree of
confidence. While it is useful to know the mean values of
these hydrological processes of a region or a locality, it is
equally (if not more) important to assess its spatial and
temporal variability. This is particularly true for arid and
semi-arid conditions where the variability is tremendous.
On the other hand, the longer the record the more accurate
the results obtained by using it. It is widely accepted in
hydrological cycles that records of more than 30 years will
give reliable statistical estimates.
It has been widely stated that the major limitation to
development of arid and semi-arid zones hydrology is the

Wadi Hydrology: The Sudanese Experience

Table 2. Monthly net reservoir storage,

storage (m3)

Water levet


loss (m3)






5,6?7,03 1





loss (m3)

Net storage.


430,5 19

5,697,03 1














260,25 1
























2,8 14,233














dearth of high quality field observations. The rainfall, which

is the primary input to the hydrologic cycle, must be
accurately measured showing the spatial and temporal
variations. For this purpose, an adequate network of rainfall
gauges must be established for each wadi basin in the region.
Equally important are the measurements of evaporation and
other meteorological factors. Stream gauging can be made
in a number of methods; the most important of which are
given hereafter.

This limit should be evaluated depending upon the

experience gained in regional Wadi Hydrology. On the other
hand, annual runoffs can be estimated using the Rational
Method, equation (12).
The main difficulty in using the Rational and the Design
Hydrograph Methods is the determination of the runoff
coefficient C. All the catchment and rainfall characteristics
mentioned in section 2, affect the value of C. Computed
runoff coefficients obtained from observed rainfalls, and
runoffs in gauged catchments, could be used as guidelines
for estimating the runoff coefficients for ungauged wadi
basins having similar catchment and rainfall characteristics.

5.2 Rainfall-runoff
In principle, all the rainfall-runoff relationships outlined in
section 2, can be used. However, due to the expected scarcity
of the data in the region, the Rational Method and the Design
Hydrograph Method are recommended for estimating the
peak discharges. The Rational Method could be used for
catchment areas less than five square kilometres, while the
design Hydrography Method could be used for larger
catchment areas provided that the subareas between
successive isochrones are less than five square kilometres.

5.3 Regional frequency analysis

It is strongly recommended that the regional frequency
analysis methods outlined in section 3, should be applied
in Wadi Hydrology. As stated by Wheater (1994), Nash
(1980) Haan (1977) and others, the methods of regional
frequency analysis offer a great potential for the
understanding of the hydrological processes.These methods

Table 3. Maximum daily rainfall and the corresponding discharge for different return periods.
Return period

Max. rainfaIl
. Gadarif(mm)

Max. rainfall
Showak (mm)

Max. rainfall
Ahu Gara (mm)

Max. discharge





















also offer means of estimating the design rainfalls and floods

for the different water resources projects in ungauged

6 Recommendations
It is recommended
to launch a major regional
on Wadi Hydrology in arid and
semi-arid conditions for the execution of the following
a- Formation
of a regional data base for Wadi
Hydrometeorology from the available data sets in the
Arab and African countries.
b- Execution of the proposed procedure outlined in section
5.1 through 5.3. Working groups from the IHP National
Committees, in cooperation with universities and
institutes, should be established for this purpose.
c- Development
of a standardized methodological
guidebook tackling the various aspects of Wadi
Hydrology in arid and semi-arid conditions.

Salih, A.M.A and Khaaam, M.A, Water Resources in the
Sudan, National Councilfor Research Publications, 1980.
Barsi, B.I, A Hybrid Modelfor River Forecasting on Large
Catchments Exhibiting Marked Seasonal Behavior, PhD.
thesis, National University of Ireland, 1983.
Barsi, B.I, Afrequency Analysis of the Rainfall in Sudan,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Eficient
Utilization and Management of Water Resources in Africa,
Khartoum-Sudan, 1994.
Box, G.E. and Jenkins, GM. Time Series Analysis:
Forecasting and control, Holden-Day, 1976.
Haan, C.T., Statistical Methods in Hydrology Iowa State
University Press, 1977.
Herschy, R.W Hydrometry, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.,
Nash, J.E., Hydrological Modelling, unpublished lectures
notes, 1980.
Nash, J.E. and Barsi, B.I., A Hybrid Model for Flow
Forecasting on Large Catchments,
Journal of Hydrology, Vol. (65), 1983.
Wheatel; H.S., Modelling Hydrological Processes in Arid
and semi-Arid Areas, Proceeding of the International
Conference on Eficient Utilization and Management of
Water Resources in Africa, Khartoum-Sudan, 1994.
Wilson, E. M. Engineering Hydrology, I Macmillan, 1983.

The Status and Prospects of Wadi Hydrology in the West Bank

The Status and Prospects of Wadi Hydrology in

the West Bank
Marwan Haddad and Numan Mizyed
Water and Environmental Studies Centel; An-Najah National University, PO Box 7, Nablus-Palestine

The scarcity of water resources in Palestine lead to the conclusion that every possible source of water that can be available
for use and re-use should be developed and utilized. Wadis are one of those resources which were neglected in the past due
to several reasons, a major one being the Israeli military occupation of Palestine. The hydrologic conditions in Palestine,
including the West Bank, exhibit large variations. Reliable data on water resources in general, and on wadis in particular,
is scarce and limited. Also, the available information is not satisfactory to determine wadi flows and characteristics. The
flow characteristics vary from known flows to seasonal floods. The purpose of this paper is to present and review the status
of wadi hydrology in the West Bank, and to emphasize their possible future development and outlook.

1 Background
1.1 Study area
The West Bank, with an area of 5572 square kilometres,
extending for approximately 155 kilometres in length and
60 kilometres in width, is located mainly in the mountainous
lay of historic Palestine. It contains the section of the Jordan
valley between the Beisan valley in the north and the Dead
sea in the south, as well as and small areas in the coastal
plains near Tulkarm and Qalqilia (Figure 1).

mm in the Jordan Valley. The Eastern slopes have been

subjected to severe over-grazing and rainfall run-off, which
have resulted in soil erosion and deterioration of natural
The Jordan Valley is the northern- most part of the SyrioAfrican Rift Valley. In the Neogene and early Pleistocene
period, it was a plateau connecting lake Tiberias with the
Dead sea.The base of the Valley is composed of marl layers

The West Bank is longitudinally divided into four main

topographical regions running roughly north-south: the
coastal plains, the western slopes, the eastern slopes, and
the Jordan valley. The coastal plains are small parts of the
coastal plain region which is 15-20 kilometres wide. Its
elevation is about 5 meters above mean sea level, with a
line of sand dunes and sandstone hills along the sea shore,
and lower-lying heavier soils further inland.
The western slopes include the mountains of the West Bank.
They are characterized by high precipitation during winter,
with annual values exceeding 600 mm. Winters are cold
with common frost days during December, January, and
February, while summers are dry and hot. These mountains
are either unsuitable for cultivation for being rocky and
steep, or they are cultivated with olive, grapes, and other
fruit trees.
The eastern slopes lie between the Central Uplands and the
Jordan valley. It is estimated that out of 1.4 million donums
in this region, only about 200 thousand donums are
cultivated with cereal crops. This region is considered the
most arid and eroded region in the West Bank. Its annual
rainfall is about 250 mm in the higher areas, and about 100

Figure 1 Location map for Palestine along with major


originating from that period. Mainly among the western

margins of the Valley, silt was brought down during floods
and accumulated. The Valley gets progressively wider from
north to south. It has two terraces: the flood plain of the
Jordan River, called Zhor, and the rest of the Valley, called
Ghore. The Jordan Valley, or the western Ghore, has a total
area of about 500 thousand donums. It is considered the
most important area for intensive cultivation of winter
vegetables, citrus and banana trees. The Valley lies within
200-300 m below sea level, and enjoys warm winter and
hot summer climates suitable for the production of offseason crops.
Soil physiognomy in Palestine is affected by parent rocks
and the local climate. Rock and climate conditions display
a wide range of soil types. Most similar to the parent rocks
in composition are young soils. In mature or old soils,
climatic and other environmental factors are decisive while
the origin of the rock is hardly identifiable. Soils mature in
central and northern Palestine due to relatively intermediate
high temperatures, while in the Naqab and lower Jordan
Valley desert soils prevail.
1.2 Climate and rainfall
The climate of the West Bank follows the Mediterranean
type. There are two clearly defined climatic seasons, a wet
winter and a dry hot summer. The rainy seasonextends from
November to May, with the lowest temperatures occurring
in January and February, and with maximum rainfall in
January. The long-term total annual average rainfall for the
West Bank is estimated at 409 mm. The total annual rainfall
in the West Bank has a large range of variation from year to
year and from one location to another. The annual average
rainfall in the coastal plains, the mountainous areas and the
Jordan Valley, is 500-600 mm, 700 mm and 150 mm,
respectively. Another rainfall variation trend is that observed
along the Jordan Valley. The annual rainfall drops from 270
mm in the north to less than 100 mm in the south.
The mean number of rainy days per year ranges from 55 in
the western parts of the West Bank, to 25 days in the eastern
parts. The total amount of rainfall in the winter season
(October-May) determines the volume of recharge to the
groundwater, subtracting the volume of water lost by
evapotranspiration- which constitutes the largest amount.
The surface water runoff constitutes a very small portion of
total rainfall- which is almost a negligible factor in the water
1.3 Population
The 1994 population of the West Bank including East
Jerusalem was estimated at 1,395 millions. Population
density in the West Bank ranges from 71 to 609 persons
per km, with an overall average of 250 persons per km.
About half of the population of the West Bank resides in

the Northern parts, while less than 50 thousands inhabits

the Jordan Valley. This distribution is a result of long-term
practices and policies enforced by the Israeli occupational
authorities. This trend is still in effect because land issues
between Palestinians and Israelis were postponed to the final
status negotiations.

2 Available Water Resources

There are two sources of water in the West Bank: ground
and surface water; with an average annual capacity of 905
million m3.The groundwater has an average annual recharge
of 648 million m3,while the surface water, or the Palestinian
share from the Jordan River Basin, is estimated at 257
million m3 /year.
2.1 Groundwater and springs
The groundwater sources in the West Bank originate from
the rain and sometimes snow which falls over the West Bank
(Judean Anticline) during the winter season, starting in the
month of October and ending in April. This rainwater flows
in two main directions, following the slopes of the Judean
anticline, towards the west and east. The amount of rainfall
on the western flank of the anticline is much higher than
that which falls on the leeward side, due to the fact that the
eastern side lies in a rain shadow. Therefore, a high
percentage of the rainwater flows towards the west. The
western slopes are very gentle, the surface flow (runoff) is
small and therefore a large amount of this rain infiltrates to
the subsurface and is stored in the different limestone and
dolomitic limestone formations (aquifers).
Furthermore, the smaller amounts of rainfall on the eastern
side of the watershed infiltrate to the subsurface, and are
trapped in the different geologic formations by the Jordan
Valley step faults-which feed the largest springs in the West
Bank that are located along the escarpment. The infiltrating
rain also feeds the deep limestone and dolomite aquifers
which were exploited after 1967 by the Israelis.
The total annual rainfall depth on the West Bank was
estimated at 409 mm or 2248 million m3, of which 68%
evaporates, 2.2% flows as runoff, and 28.8% recharges the
groundwater. The groundwater in the West Bank is all
renewable and is replenished by rain and sometimes snow
that falls over the West Bank during the winter season
(October-May). Therefore, an average amount of 648
million m3of rainwater infiltrates to the subsurface (different
aquifers) and comes out in the form of seeps due to the rock
formations. Or, it comes out as natural springs due to the
intersection of the shallow water-table with the land surface,
or structural springs resulted from faults and deep joints.
The remaining part of the rainwater infiltrates to the deep
strata forming the different aquifers with different depths,
which constitute the major and the only dependable source
of water in the West Bank. These aquifers vary in depth,

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC/ACSAD

Work5hop I on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

The Status and Prospects

thickness and extension.

The groundwater in the West Bank is found in shallow,
intermediate and deep-seatedaquifers, ranging in depth from
tens of meters to several hundreds of meters. They belong
(in age) to the Pleistocene and the Lower Cenomanian. There
are six known aquifers in the West Bank, namely the
Pleistocene, Neogene, Eocene, Turonian, Upper and Lower
Cenomanian aquifers.
Natural and structural spring and seepage water originates
from limestone or dolomitic limestone water-bearing
formations where the water table intersects the land surface
or from deep-seated faults and joints. There are 297 springs
and seeps distributed over the West Bank. Of these, 291 are
of fresh water nature (and of excellent quality), and 6 springs
or groups of springs are of brackish nature.
According to the observation data collected over a period
of 24 years, the 297 springs and seepsprovide, on average,
an annual volume of 90- 100 million m?of fresh and brackish
water. An average of 50-60 million m3 of fresh water is
utilized for irrigation and domestic purposes. Out of that,
an average of 4.0 million m3 is utilized in an organized
manner for domestic use by municipalities and village
The springs located along the northern and western shores
of the Dead sea provide 40-50 million m3 of brackish water.
At the present time, part of this brackish water, with chloride
(Cl) content ranging between 1700 - 2300 mg/l, is utilized
by the Israeli occupation authorities for palm tree irrigation
and recreation purposes.
The major springs, however, accounting for 75% of the total
spring fresh water or a yearly volume of about 38 million
m3, are located along the Jordan Valley escarpment and the
transverse wadis from Wadi Qilt in the south to Wadi Faria,
Bethan and Maleh in the north. The rest of the springs, which
are scattered along the western flank of the Judean Anticline
(Western Drainage Basin), supply an average yearly volume
of 12 million m3. They are located in, or close to, cities or
villages. The flow is utilized for domestic purposes and for
small scale farming.
Surface water in the West Bank is limited. It is directed to
irrigation and domestic uses, usually at or near the source.
In some cases, the flow is conveyed by concrete canals
downstream to far away distances to irrigate land plots
suitable for cultivation. In other cases where the flow is too
small, the water is conveyed by Roman aquaducts to
reservoirs for storage and distribution.
2.2 Jordan river
Water in the Jordan river originates from Syrian and
Lebanese territory. The Jordan river originates from Al-

of Wadi Hydrology

in the West Bank

Huleh valley, and flows through the area of Al-Huleh lake

to lake Tiberias. Al-Huleh lake was drained by Israel during
the period 1950- 1958. South of lake Tiberias- near the area
of Samakh, the Yarmouk river, which originates from Syrian
territories, joins the Jordan river which then continues its
way through the Ghore, to its final point at the northern
part of the Dead sea.
Palestinian use of the Jordan river water before 1967 was
through 140 water pumping units installed and used to
irrigate the area next to the Jordan river known as Az-Zhor,
to the north west of the Western Ghore. These pumping
units were either destroyed, demolished, or confiscated by
Israeli authorities immediately
after their military
occupation of the West Bank. Since 1967, Israeli military
authorities prohibited local Palestinians from withdrawing
any water from the Jordan river. In addition to large areas
of the Ghore, Az-Zhor, the land area that was irrigated and
used by Palestinians, was confiscated or closed as a military
zone and later given to Jewish settlers.
The 1954 Johnston plan, prepared by Charles Main to
divide the Jordan rivers waters, allocated 394 million m3
for Israel, 774 million m3 or Jordan, and 45 million m3 for
Syria. Both Israel and the Arabs rejected the plan and
developed their own counter proposals. The Israeli Cotton
plan included the Litani river in its scope, allocating 400
million m3 of its water to Israel and bringing the total Israeli
share to 1290 million m3 per annum. In October 1955, the
modified version of the Johnston plan allocated 565 million
m3 to Israel and 720 million m3 to Jordan.
It should be noted that at the time of the Johnston plan, the
West Bank was part of Jordan. Therefore, its share in water
was considered as a part of the Jordanian share (774 million
m3/yr). In the Johnston plan, the western Ghore canal was
proposed to irrigate 160,000 donums with 257 million m3/
yr, and the eastern Ghore canal was supposed to irrigate
353,000 donums with 5 17 million m3/yr. Thus according to
Johnston plan, Jordanian and West Bank shares would be
5 17 and 257 million m3/yr, respectively.
Although the Arab Technical Committee approved the
modified Johnston Plan, the Arab League rejected it on
political grounds. Nevertheless, Israel and Arab States have
followed many of its principals. Therefore, the water amount
of 257 million m3/yr, allocated in Johnstons plan for Western
Ghore, is used in this paper as an approximate, figure of the
Palestinian share in the Jordan river basin.

3 Surface and Urban Runoff

3.1 Surface runoff
An average of 71 million m/yr of water is lost through
surface runoff. This amount varies from one year to another
depending on rainfall intensity and duration. Most of this


amount is lost through small wadis during the winter season.

None of this runoff water is utilized as there are no dams
available in the West Bank to store such runoff for later use
in summer or as artificial recharge for groundwater.
Surface runoff resulting only from high rainfall intensity is
intermittent, and does not occur very often. Due to that,
only three flood monitoring stations were constructed,
namely in: Wadi Qilt / Jericho, Wadi Faria / Jiftlik, and
Wadi Maleh / Hammam Maleh. However, these monitoring
stations have been abandoned since 1967, thus, data for
surface runoff through these wadis is not available. There
are several other wadis in the West Bank; Table 1 shows a
summary of selected surface drainage basins in the West
Bank. Values of runoff volumes shown in Table 1 are
theoretical estimates as there are no measurements for

Although about 7 1 million m3/yr of water is lost every year

through runoff, Mizyed and Haddad (1993) estimated that
it is possible to harvest about 13 million m3/yr through
constructing dams on five main wadis. These are Faraa and
Badan, Auja, Ahmar, Maleh, and Qilt (see Figure 1).
The catchment area of Wadi Faraa extends for 30 km from
Nablus to the Jordan River, with a total area of 300 km2.
The slopes of the upper parts of the catchment area ranges
between 1 and 15%, while the slope in the lower parts
reaches 65%. The elevation difference reaches 1150 meters
(from 900 m above sea level to 250 m below sea level).
There are considerable areas of alluvium within the
catchment; however, most of the lands of Faraa and Badan
are cultivated. The,major springs within the catchment are
Faraa, with discharge of 5.0 million m3/yr, Badan, with a
discharge of 4.0 million m3/yr, and Miska, with a discharge
of 1.4 million m/yr. The average total precipitation over

Table 1. Description of selected wadis in the WestBank


Wadi Name



. I)


1 I Zimar




surrace run-



off mm/a








I At-Tean





















W. Nar














Abu Nar




























Al Faraa







_ Al Ahmar







Al Auja














Al Qilt








Source: (NRA, 1993).




The Status and Prospects

the catchment is estimated at 121 million m/yr (ten years

average) and the pattern of the flow is flashy due to sharp
The catchment of Wadi Qilt extends for 35 km, from near
Ramallah and Jerusalem to the Jordan river near the Dead
sea,and has a total area of 178 km*. The major springs within
the catchment are Qilt, with a discharge of 3.03 million m3/
yr, Fawar, with a discharge of 2.40 million m3/yr, and AsSultan, with a discharge of 5.8 million m3/yr. The total
@recipitation over the catchment is estimated at 46.0 million
The catchment of Wadi Auja extends for 35 km, from near
Nablus and Ramallah to Auja and Jericho, and then to the
Jordan river; with an area of 618 km*. The slopes of Wadi
Qilt and Auja are similar to those of Wadi Faraa. The major
springs within the catchment are Fasayel, with a discharge
of 0.54 million mYyr, Auja, with a discharge of 5.64 million
m3/yr, Diuk with a discharge of 4.98 million m3/yr, Shosa,
with a discharge of 0.54 million m3/yr, and Nueimeh, with
a discharge of 2.21 million m3/yr. The total precipitation
over the catchment is estimated at 20.3 million m/yr.

3.2 Urban Runoff

Urban storm-water runoff in the West Bank is not used, and
flows in open channels through wadis and drains either to
the west into the Mediterranean sea or to the east into the
Dead sea. Various waste materials, including inorganic and
organic contaminants washed-out and carried by the stormwater runoff, are dispersed along open channels and
represent a potential pollution source.
There are 26 municipalities in the West Bank, occupying
about 196,000 donums (about 3.5% the area of the West
Bank), and having population of about 682 thousands (about
49% of the total population of the West Bank-1994
estimates). Because there are two distinct draining directions
for storm-water in the West Bank, to the east and to the
west, the West Bank municipalities
were grouped
accordingly in two groups. The areas draining to the west
represent about 63% of the total urban area and population.
Ten of the West Bank municipalities have storm-water
collection system. Nine of these have combined sewer
system and only one has a separate storm-water drainage
The estimated urban annual runoff is 14 million m3.
However, most of this runoff is lost. Only minimum amounts
of that runoff are utilized in rainfed cisterns to supply needed
domestic water. Utilization of urban runoff could be done
through expanding the use of rainfed cisterns. However,
such systems are difficult to monitor for water quality, and
thus there might be a negative health impact. The other
possibility is constructing small earth dams on the wadis

of Wadi Hydrology in the West Bank

draining from the cities to utilize urban and agricultural


4 Water Use
The total water use in the West Bank was estimated at 127.4
million m3/yr, of which 37.4 was used for domestic purposes
and 90.0 million m3/yr for agriculture. The 26 municipal
areas in the West Bank (Abdulhadi et al., 1994) are mostly
covered by piped water supply. There are 504 villages and
khirbets in the West Bank. About 63% (by number) or 8 1%
(by population) of these villages and khirbets have water
supply services.
There are now 365 water wells in operation in the West
Bank with an output of 64.7 million m3/yr. Fourty one of
these 365 wells, with a total capacity of 27.8 million m3/yr,
are used for domestic purposes while the other 324 million
m3/yr, are used in agriculture with a capacity of about 36.9
million m/yr.

5 Sewage Effluents
Reclaiming waste water for reuse requires collection,
treatment and reuse systems. However, rural areas in the
West Bank either do not have running water at all, or do not
have systems for waste water collection (even if they have
running water). In villages, waste water is collected ,in
individual waste pits or cisterns were it infiltrates into the
ground. Thus, there is no waste water to be reclaimed in the
rural areas of the West Bank.
In urban areas,cities with collection systems for waste water
have combined systems for waste water and urban storm
runoff. Thus, reclaimed waste water in these cities will
include urban storm runoff.
It was found that an estimated portion of 50% to 75% of
urban waste water in the West Bank is collected in pipes
within residential areas and then left to flow out in open
channels. The waste water open channels flow by gravity
through wadis, villages and agricultural lands. Currently
some waste water is utilized untreated in irrigation of
vegetables, mainly in Nablus. Such utilization is causing
severe health effects on the public. There are no complete
and safe waste water reuse projects in the West Bank.
The quality of waste water is not being monitored
systematically in any of the urban areas in the West Bank.
Some monitoring was done either by institutions or
individual experts. The waste water quality of Nablus was
monitored for two years via Al-Najah University. It was
found that its quality changes considerably with time and
location. Seasonal variations in quality are high. Variations,
according to the location, are attributed to the different types
of industrial wastes. As a result of connecting urban runoff
to the same system of waste water collection, significant

dilution to the biological load of waste water occurs after

rain storms. At the same time, physical loads increase
tremendously after storms.
In general, the biological and physical loads of waste water
are high in all localities of the West Bank. BOD ranges
from 500 mg/l to 1300 mg/l depending on the time of the
year and locality. Suspended and settleable solids are also
high in the waste water. The variations in quality, and the
high concentration of waste water, reduce the efficiency of
waste water treatment in the West Bank.

6 Water Quality
The quality of water sources in the West Bank can be divided
into two parts: the quality of surface water (springs), and
the quality of groundwater (wells). No measurements for
runoff quality were conducted in the past.
The quality of the fresh water springs is very stable, i.e.,
the chloride content does not change and it ranges between
30-60 mg/l. It is stable due to the fact that the rock formations
are mainly limestone (CaCO,), dolomite (Ca(MgC0,)) and
The quality of the groundwater is characterized by the kind
of aquifer, from which it is extracted. The water quality in
the Pleistocene aquifer located in the Jordan Valley, i.e.
Jericho, Auja, Jiftlik and Marg Naja, is saline (i.e. chloride
content (Cl) ranging from llOmg/l up to 2000mg/l). The
water quality in this aquifer is characterized by the amount
of fresh water recharge which flushes the salts in the gravels
and makes the water in this aquifer usable. The quality of
the water is deteriorating due to the fact that this aquifer is
fully utilized, and in many casesthere is over pumpage, i.e.
the amount of recharge is less than the discharge which
upsets the balance. Therefore, pumping from the lower
section of this aquifer causes a rise in the salinity. However,
the results of the chemical analysis conducted over a period
of 20 years in the Jericho area show that the salinity
increased, ranging from 24mg/l to 1356mg/l. This rise in
salinity is very disastrous for the crops, soil and groundwater.
In Auja, Jiftlik and Marg Naja, the rise in salinity is less
disastrous, but continuous monitoring is still necessary.

7 The Outlook
The present status of wadi hydrology in the West Bank
shows the possibility of a better future outlook. Much work
is still needed including: monitoring and data collection,
data analysis, developments and develop-mental plans and
applied research. As a parallel step with this work, however,
there should be good development and capacity building in
related institutions-as well as personnel equipment and


Two main groups were identified for better future, and

efficient, utilization of wadis in the West Bank: Applied
Research, Data Availability and Analysis. These two groups
are briefly listed below:
7.1 Data Availability and Analysis
- GIS applications in wadi hydrology; local and regional
monitoring networks on wadi hydrology are needed.
- Remote sensing applications.
- Rainfall-runoff modelling for wadis.
- Data and data analysis related to climatic change covering
various uncertainties, stream flows correlations and
stochastic modelling for wadis.
- Analysis and investigation of hydrologic balance.
- Dry-wet wadis and base flow estimates.
7.2 Applied research needed
- Wadis under probable maximum flow (PMF) conditions,
including flood routing techniques, definition and
identification of PMF cases, roughness coefficients and
cross sections determinations.
- Transport processes in wadis including sediment yield,
delivery ratio, deposition sediment storage, sink areas,
source areas, spatial distribution and others.
- Projects on runoff control mean, including the creation
of large harvesting projects and artificial recharge fields
and wells.
- Projects for evaluation and calibration of soil erosion
models for the local conditions of the West Bank.
- Projects on setting up, and standardization of design
criteria, for soil erosion control methods for the local
conditions of the West Bank.

8 Conclusion
Wadi hydrology in the West Bank was neglected in the past,
with specific reference to the last thirty years. The lack of
data and data analysis represents the main constraint against
development and research on wadi hydrology in the West
Bank. There is a potential of 13 million m3/yr of surface
runoff, and 14 million m3/yr of urban runoff that can be
developed and utilized.

Abdulhadi, R., Asad, A., Assaf K., Haddad, M., Koning,
R., Naser Eddin, T, and Roark, P, Water Conservation in
Palestine: An Integrated Approach Toward Palestinian
Water Resources Management. A Study Report Sponsored
by the World Bank and Prepared by the Center for
Engineering and Planning, Ramallah, March 1994.
Haddad, M., Environmental Conditions of Drinking Water
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. SAMED, No. 91,

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO I NWRC IACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

The Status and Prospects

Haddad, M., and Mizyed, N., Agriculture in the Occupied

Palestinian Territories. Journal of Palestinian Studies, No.
14, Spring 1993.
Haddad, M., and Mizyed, N., Development of Irrigated
Agriculture in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. AlHandasah: Palestinian Journal for Engineering Research
and Studies, Vol. I, No. 1, January 1994.

of Wadi Hydrology in the West Bank

Artificial Recharge Held at the University

Amman, December 1993.

of Jordan,

Mustafa Al-Dabagh, Biladuna Falastin (in Arabic), DarAlTaliaa, Beirut, 196.5,pp 15-23.

Haddad, M., Abu Eisheh S., Water Demand on the West

Bank, Paper Presented at the Workshop on Water and
Sanitation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, An-Najah
University, Nablus, July 1991.
Haddad, M., Meeting Future Water Demands in Palestine
Through Population Re-Distribution. A Paper Accepted
for Presentation at the VII IWRA World Congress on Water
Resources to be Held in Cairo, November 21-25 1994.
Haadad M., Urbanisation, Water Supply, Sanitation and
Agriculture in Palestine. A PaperAcceptedfor Presentation
at the International Seminar of the International Centerfor
Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies Entitled
Urbanization and Agriculture, Tunis, November 11-13,
Haddad, M., andAwad, A., WaterResources in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory. A Report Under Publication,
Haddad, M., State of the Environment in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories. A Study Report Presented The
Conference of the Management of the Environment in the
and Sponsored by the Center for
Engineering and Planning , Nicosia, April 1990.
Haddad, M., and Mizyed, N., Potential Use of
Recharge in the WestBank: Urban Storm Runofl
Presented at the International Conference on
Recharge Held at the University of Jordan,
December 1993.

A Paper

Natural Resources Authority Department of Water Studies,

Water Conditions in the WestBank, Amman 1993.
Mohammad, A., Jordan River and the Zionist Conspiracy
(in Arabic). National Publishing and Printing House, Cairo,
1964, p 25.
Mizyed ,N., and Haddad,, M., Development of the Water
Resources in the Eastern Slopes of the WestBank. A Paper
Presented at the First Engineering Conference atAn-Najah
University, Nablus, November 1993.
Mizyed, N., and Haddad, M., Potential Use of Artificial
Recharge in the West Bank: Natural Springs Runofi A
Paper Presented at the International
Conference on


Methodology for Assessment, Operation,

Management and Development of Water
Resources in Morocco
M. D. Hasnaoui
General Hydraulic Directol; Ministry of Public Works, Morocco

This paper describes the methods used for different purposes such as the assessment of water resources and estimation of
peak flows for the design of spillways. It also presents the specific manner in which water resources are operated and
managed in the arid zones of Morocco. Several methods are used, in order to approximate the results as good as possible
according to the available data. This presentation evokes, first the data and their availability, then the assessment of water
resources methods, followed by the estimation of peak flows methods. Because the water resources of Morocco are operated
and managed in a specific way, the paper underlines these particularities. But, also because the development of such
resources is subjected to many constraints, the drought characteristic is identified as the major one. Throughout, the whole
paper, examples are given as illustrations and possible comparisons with other Arab countries.

1 Introduction
The arid and semi-arid zones have attracted the interest of
scientists since a long time. However, existing methods
remain incapable of assessing the water resources precisely,
and making economical designs of hydraulic structures
across the wadi. As such areas are very common in Arab
countries, some effort is required to enhance the exchange
of data by strengthening measurements, and building basic
models which can better fit their hydrological

and described in the literature.

In this paper an inventory for the methods used in assessment

of water, and estimation of peak flows, is made. Also, the
specific manner in which the basins are managed is
discussed; and, examples are given for illustration.

3 Quantitative

2 Hydrological

Data in Morocco

The Water Resources Division, of the Research and Planning

Water Directorate of Morocco, had began to strengthen since
the seventies, the hydrological networks of measurements
all over the country. Even if data are available at present,
they belong to the last few years (since the eighties) which
had known severe droughts, and concern wide basins (more
than 500 km?) not covering various aspects of water.
Therefore, they remain insufficient for a good assessment
of water resources,
Concerning the methodology used for data processing, it is
based on the use of several software such as the local
software Hydro, Hydrom from Orstom, Hymos from Delft
and Hydata from Wallingford; most of them widely known,


The homogeneity of the data is mainly verified by the known

double mass curves, in a general form with the Brunet Moret
index, whereas the lack of data is performed with the
correlation techniques between stations and/or the previous
index. Sometimes, the method of yearly stations is
practical in preparing long samples for the purpose of
frequency analysis.

Assessment of Water Resources

For the quantitative assessment of surface water in arid

zones, models are used to know the relationship which can
result from the comparison between rainfall and runoff.
These models are statistical and/or conceptual, depending
on the case study and the hydrological regime of the basin.
But, they differ in the length and the nature of available
data which can be hourly, daily, monthly, or yearly events.
The following models are used in Morocco.
3.1 Case of gauged basins
3.1.1 Statistical models
Because of the availability of computers and the easy use
of statistical models, the correlation techniques are widely
used between rainfall and runoff. The results, however, vary
upon the time interval of data.
Concerning yearly data, these models fit the data, with
reasonable correlation coefficients, where only the length
of data influences the accuracy. For monthly data, the same


Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Pmtection


for Assessment, Operation, Management and Development of Water Resources in Morocco

relationships are observed, but sometimes when the

phenomenon occurs between months the relationship can
not be justified. Data from events are, generally, the most
suitable data for best correlation. The application of simple
regression to Taghjijt wadi, in the South West of Morocco,
shows that the correlation coefficient -between rainfall storm
events and corresponding runoff in mm- is always the
highest. The formula applicable to this wadi is presented
below, not necessarily as the best one, but to give an idea
about the values of a (regression coefficient) and b



L = runoff in mm, P = rainfall in mm,

r = correlation coefficient and n = number of data.
As it is expressed above, this formula is valid for certain
values of rainfall (above 30 mm). The equation is not usually
linear for the whole range of rainfalls, and other exponentials
in forms can be written as follows:


L = runoff in mm, P = rainfall in mm and a, b = coefficients.
The above formula was applied to two basins: Taghjijt (1400
km*) and Assaka (2450 km*); as given in Table 1.
To assess surface water resources with daily data, the
formula type L = a (P - PO)seems to fit better (Master Plan
of South and South-East Basins of Atlas Chain). The
threshold P, can take high or small values upon the value of
the coefficient a, according to small or high floods. The
coefficient a determines the fraction, of either the threshold
P, or rainfall P, to produce runoff. The threshold P, limits,
indirectly, the number of floods taken into account for the
basin. A small value of P,,means that we consider even the
small floods, so the value of a is small too. Contrarily, if the
value of P, is high, only the high floods are considered, and
then the value of a becomes high too. In any case, the result
involves the same annual outputs in the calculation of the
effective rainfall from the raw rainfall.
As examples, for the same wadi of Taghjijt, we find (Master
Plan for south basins) that the relationship between rainfall

and runoff can be written as follows:

L = 0.40 * (P - 15)
L = 0.15 * (P - 5)
The most elaborated method for the daily assessment of
water is that where we expect daily maximum means
discharge from the daily rainfall, and then apply the
recession formula for the following days to calculate the
expected flows. The maximum discharge is calculated by
the regression formula, which can have a high correlation
coefficient, extracted from data of the observed period of
any gauged basin. The recession formula is also adjusted
on available data for isolated events. This method,
mentioned here, allows the values for runoff of any gauged
basin to extend to the historical unknown period.
The same method is proposed in the hydrological study of
arid zones in Morocco. The idea is to calculate the maximum
instantaneous discharge q0 from the daily rainfall, and to
apply the recession formula for the following days. The
instantaneous discharge can be calculated from the
following equation:
40 = c* Pd
and the recession formula is written as:
4, = 40 ckr
q,, = maximum instantaneous discharge in m3/s, P, = daily
rainfall in mm, c,, = coefficient, k = recession coefficient
and t = time in days.
3.1.2 Approximating runoff by numbering floods and
their characteristics
Arid regions are generally subject to a small number of
floods (which do not exceed ten, except in wet years). Most
of the surface water comes from floods only, as the local
people say, you are passing the water of the year. This
means that all the water of the year is passing through their
location in one voluminous and high flood. The expression
includes some regret, because the people are incapable of
doing anything to gain profit from the flooding water. In
contrast to what we imagine as scarcity of water in such
zones, considerable quantities of water characterize them.

Table 1. Deduced Formula and Coefficients for Taghjijt and Assaka.


L = o.og

* p*.w4

L = o.OoOO119* PZ.w8

correlation coeff%ient





p>30 mm

r = 0.815


p>45 mm

IPi = (SiTRi - STM) /a3

STSi = STTRi - IPi

If people can regulate these quantities, they will satisfy their

needs and make some additional profit.
If we have the number of floods for any previous year, and
the mean volume of the flood, we can estimate the annual
runoff of any wadi (even for the ungauged one). These
statistics are easy to learn from rainfall gauges; yet but the
volume of floods is quite difficult to determine.

IPi = deep infiltration, STTRi = part of rainfall which
percolates the soil, STSi = part of rainfall which supplies
the storage of the upper reservoir, a3 = parameter and STM

In the case ofAssaka wadi, (hydrological studies of Assaka

and Assayad Dams), the relationships between annual
runoff, and the total volume of floods for two wadis, is as

The deep reservoir is supposed to release water following

the rule:



(for Assaka wadi)

Va = 1.2 *


(for Taghjijt wadi)

Va = annual volume and VC = flood volumes.

3.1.3 Water balance with multiple reservoirs methods

This kind of model is used when the rainfall is more
distributed along the year, with an annual rainfall of more
than 300 mm, which is true in the mountain parts of wadis
in Morocco. The model used is based on monthly water
balance, with 9 parameters which were reduced to 5. The
full description is given hereafter:
- The first fraction of water is the direct runoff which is
expressed by the following equation:
Rdi = al (Pi - SRD)
Pi = rainfall of the i month, SRD = the threshold of direct
runoff and al = runoff coefficient.
-The second fraction of rainfall is divided in two parts again
as follows:
1) Evapotranspiration which is based on the Turc formula:
ETRi = TOTi/(l +(TOTi/a2 Tu)~)
Tu = 300 + 25 Ti + 0.05 Ti3
ETRi = monthly evapotranspiration in mm, TOTi = monthly
rainfall in mm, Ti = monthly mean temperature in C and
a2 = parameter.
2) Total infiltration amount of water which, at certain
threshold of STM, supplies both of the upper reservoir
(affected by evapotranspiration through the following
months) and the groundwater reservoir. The equations
related to this description are as follows:


Hi = deep reservoir and a4 = parameter.
The total runoff Qi is then expressed by the following

It is important to underline that, sometimes, it is difficult to

know the volume of the floods. For this purpose, we need
to search for additional methods.


Rli = a4 Hi
Hi = Hi-l + IPi

Qi = Rdi + Rli
This model needs to be fitted for gauged stations by using
any criteria function. In this case, we use the sum of squares
function of: the difference between calculated and observed
runoffs. The task is to minimize the following formula:
(Qi - Di)2
Qi = calculated runoff and Di = observed runoff.
The model was developed and computerized for the purpose
of the Souss basin Master Plan, and was used in many other
locations. In other semi arid zones, for example, the model
had been applied for the Mellah basin (in the Draa basin) of
about 770 km? at the Agouillal gauged station, with 370
mm mean annual rainfall. Results of parameters for this
case (hydrological studies of Agouillal dam) are the
following: al = 0.055, a2 = 0.1256, a3 = 2.584, a4 = 0.2346
and SRD = 37.47 mm.
It is important to underline that, even with these models, it
is difficult to reproduce the extreme values, minimum and
maximum. However, these models allow the extrapolation
of results by direct calculation for any ungauged basin, or
for unknown periods of runoff for any gauged station.
3.2 Case of ungauged wadi
For this purpose, we need many gauged stations, or at least
two in a homogenous region. The simplest model used for
the estimation of runoff for an ungauged basin is the one
based on a correction factor taking into account the surface
areas of two basins and their mean annual rainfalls, as in
the following equation:


K = (SUS2) (PI/P2)

f ACSAD Wohhopr on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection


Methodology for Assessment, Operation, Management and Development of Water Resources in Morocco

Sl = surface area of the known basin in km*, S2 = surface
area of the unknown basin in km2, Pl = annual mean rainfall
for the known basin in mm, P2 = annual mean rainfall for
the unknown basin in mm and K = correction factor. This
kind of correction must be verified between gauged basins.
Sometimes, when several gauged wadis are available in
homogenous regions, (even in arid regions), empirical
formulae can be extracted from the analysis of data in which
annual runoff is expressed versus surface area, and/or mean
annual rainfall. In the case of Morocco, many attempts were
made to find suitable regressions. The variability of the
annual mean rainfall (ranging from less than 100 mm in the
plain near the mouths of basins, to more than 400 mm in
the crest of mountains) makes this analysis difficult. Perhaps,
in the future, when the data of the stations which were
installed from the beginning of the eighties will be available
(long periods of data), this analysis will be possible.
Another simple method, which will give an idea about runoff
of ungauged basins, is the use of the runoff coefficient. But,
for best approximations, the difference between surface
areas of the basins (unknown and known) must be small.
Otherwise, if more than one gauged basin is available, the
best approximation is obtained when the correlation between
surface areas of basins is used to calculate the runoff

4 Estimation of the Peak Flow

The design of dams, mainly their spillways, requires floods
evaluation, (essentially of peaks and shapes).The calculation
methods used in estimating the peak flows are spread
depending on the quality, quantity, and type of available
data which includes the physical characteristics of the wadi
(soil, vegetation and geology), as well as and the geometric
and morphometric characteristics. Rainfall characteristics
have a major effect on wadis response against runoff.
In the case of Morocco, as for many other similar countries,
various methods are used to calculate the peak flows for
different return periods. Described below are some of these
4.1 Frequency functions methods
Many frequency functions, developed for the purpose of
hydrology, are used all over the world for fitting data return
periods. Results are very spread, depending on the length
of the data (which makes the choice difficult) because of
the utilization of short data mainly available in these zones.
The functions used in Morocco are Gumbel, Galton,
Pearsons family, Goodrich, Freechet, ....etc.
These functions, by themselves, cannot inform if the results
of scarce frequency (more than 100 years return periods)
are right or not. In this subject, more investigations are

-- ---

required to confirm the accuracy of any probability function

with the length of data.
4.2 Gradex method
This method, as interpreted from the theoretical idea of
Guillot and Duband, is based on the follovving assumption:
at one threshold of rainfall, the soil of the basin becomes
impervious when the infiltration rate reaches its low limit,
then the excess of rainfall becomes completely runoffleading to the idea of the parallel distribution between
rainfall and runoff- for the same data interval of time. The
slope value of the distribution curve in the Gumbel graph is
known as Gradex, from which the name of the method is
extracted. The procedure used is described briefly as
l- fit the Gumbel function distribution to the yearly
maximum rainfall data for the concentration time of the
2- fit the Gumbel function distribution to the available data
of maximum mean discharges over the concentration
3- choose the return period from which the assumption
above is true. This period takes values from 10 to 100
years depending on the permeability of the soil in the
basin. The choice constitutes the threshold indicated
4- application of the Gradex value observed for rainfall to
the discharge over the threshold value retained in choice.
The values of rare periods (more than the threshold) are
estimated by the equation as Gumbel probability function
calculated from the threshold, as a point on the curve, and
gradex as the slope of the curve.
4.3 USCS method
This formula, established by the United States Soils
Conservation Service, is also widely used in Morocco, in
calculating the peak flow, because of its simplicity and the
availability of data on rainfall. Curve number CN is
tabulated, and the run off is calculated as:

=(p(P + 4)

I = 5.08 (IOOOKN - 10)

R = runoff in mm, P = rainfall in mm, I = Infiltration
mm, CN = runoff curve number.


This formula is also preferred in the assessment of water

resources, and is used in complex form- with multiple
reservoirs- for that purpose.
4.4 Regional methods
Among the empirical methods we find the regional group,




which is easy to use but difficult to build, because of the

lack in data. The most useful methods are mainly expressed
versus areas of basins in the following form:

Q = peak discharge in m/s, S = area of the basin in km and
a, b = regional coefficients.

5.1.1 Spreading of floods technique

The characteristics of the dry zones, in which floods
dominate impose a specific manner of operation and
management to take benefits from floods for the people
settled along the wadis. These type of constructions are like
small dams for diverting flood-water to be distributed to
agricultural lands, where cereal crops grow with flood

The importance of these types of formulae is to facilitate

calculating discharge of any basin in a homogenous region.
Data in arid regions in Morocco are not yet sufficient to
this regionalization, because of the shortness of the data
which may only be available over the last dry years.

As examples, the Rheriss wadi and the Guir Wadi, both in

the South East of Morocco, are covered by more than ten
dams for the purpose of spreading floods mainly to grow
cereal crops, in addition to tree plants ( such as olive tree,
date palm trees, etc...).

For the aim of estimating peak flows the formula used in

Morocco is the Francou-Rodier, expressed below:

To estimate the diverting volume of floods, generally we

proceed as follows:



Q = Z@ ( S/l@ )f-wlo)
Q = peak discharge in.m/s, S = area of basin in km2 and k
= Francou-Rodier coefficient.
The main purpose for which this formula is used is the
extrapolation of data of peak discharges, from gauged
stations to ungauged sites.
In analysing the accuracy of this formula (hydrological study
of Sidi Amar Dam in the upper Grou Basin), it was found
that the area between gauged basin and ungauged basins is
unimportant for better estimation.
4.5 Rational method
The ration4 formula is widely used, among the other
empirical formulae, for small basins. In Morocco, it is also
used at large for the purpose of determination of peak flows,
but we have to underline that the necessary data are not
usually available mainly for rainfall. Also, the value of the
runoff coefficient is difficult to estimate-unless some
improvements are introduced to the expression of runoff,
like in the hydrological study of Sidi Amar Dam. These
two constraint limits, to some degree, the use of this method
(which takes the following form):


C I s

Q = Discharge in m/s, S = area of the basin in km?, I =
rainfall intensity in mm/h, C = runoff coefficient and a =
unit homogeneity coefficient ( = 0.28 in units expressed

5 Methods and Constraints to the Development

of Water Resources
5.1 Operation and management

- Classify the daily mean discharges in the form of a flow

duration curve at the upper station assuming less influence
by the artificial abstraction of water. This assumption is
correct because of the high fraction of floods occurring
in the upper parts of the basins at mountainous locations
and the fact that water abstraction is only done
- From the upper to the lower diverting structures,
discharges are abstracted at the values of their project
flows: from the lower parts of the flow duration curve in
a rising order of their occurrence. Then the volume
diverted is limited to the flow duration curve: the
horizontal line corresponds to the sum of all the upper
project flows, and the concerned diverting structure is
placed (in turn) at the right position.
In this way, if any other new diverting dams for any project
are planned, we can know the effect introduced to the
existing system, and then decide on introducing it to the
system or not.
5.1.2 Construction of dams
Morocco has carried out Master Plans for all the regional
basins of the Kingdom. The last Master Plan concerns the
basins in arid and semi-arid zones, situated at the South
and South East parts of the Atlas mountain chain. The studies
are on going, to determine all the and resources in these
areas-in order to plan and construct dams according to needs
up to the year 2030.
Yet, earlier in the past, the development of these regions (in
which agricultural lands are wide enough) needed the
construction of big dams, such as Hassan Addakhil dam on
the Ziz wadi to develop Tafilalet lands; Mansour Eddahbi
dam on the Draa wadi to develop Middle Draa lands, and
Youssef Ben Tachffine on the Massa wadi to develop Massa
lands. These dams are sized in order to allow for the storage
of water in wet years, while others are made to recharge the

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRClACSAD

.._ _ ..-.--



Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection


Methodology for Assessment, Operation, Management und Development of Water Resources in Morocco

aquifers like Aoulouz dam on Sous wadi. Also, many other

dams will be built for the development of the agriculture in
various locations all over the country.
51.3 Groundwater accretion by the surface water
According to the nature of arid and semi-arid zones in
Morocco, water of wadis springs from mountains which
can sometimes be covered by snow during the winter season
(December to February). This characteristic gives to the
wadi in mountains a certain continuity of flow for periods
depending on the wetness of years.
Groundwater is extracted by two systems: the first uses
separate wells, and the second uses the khattara system
(which is an underground natural gallery, joining a series
of traditionally made wells. The free water table of the
groundwater has a gradient, and, the water flows according
to gravity and becomes available to any use.
In a study for assessment of water resources during the dry
season of the year, a trial was made to assessthe quantities
of phreatic water that can be produced, or extracted, by the
khattara system. An important correlation of about 0.8794
was found between discharge produced, assuming that the
whole potential is extracted, and area of basins in the Maider
wadi (about 13000 km* and annual mean rainfall of less
than 150 mm) in the South East of Morocco. The following
equation was obtained:

e = 0.12254 x S - 10.0523,

r = 0.8794, n = 21

Q = discharge in l/s, S = area of basins in krr?, r = correlation
If we extrapolate the result of this equation to the whole
basin of Maider, we find that the potential extracted, during
the dry years (1992 for example) in Morocco, will be around
50 million m3 which represent 2.56% of the annual mean
5.2 Major constraints against development
Among the major constraints against water resources
development, is the severity of droughts. The frequency of
years below the mean is greater than that of wet years, and
the wet years can be very rainy with rather extreme
exception. Drought had made a strong barrier to real
development in these zones, which led to the use of
groundwater in general, and sometimes to the use of sewage
water (released by the cities in a wide scale).

6 Conclusion
The problem of development in arid and semi-arid zones is
dependent on regulating water resources. The hydrology of

these areas is naturally irregular in space and time, which

leads to the weakness of models to fit the regime of wadis
with the limited measurements. This lack of measurements
and their shortness leads to high expenses to construct
structures, and make any additional development possible.
This workshop provides an excellent opportunity to
exchange experiences between Arab countries, as well as
to present the methodology followed in Morocco which may
serve for other arid and semi arid zones. The manner
followed by local people, and the administration
Morocco, to develop these areas is presented. The paper
underlines major problems which restrict the integrated
development of water resources.
The water resources produced by wadis in arid and semiarid areas are sufficient for real development, if funds are
available and sound management polices are adapted.

COYNE et BELLIEWINGEMA, Etude hydrologique du
Rheriss Todra Mission I et II, DRPE/AHMaroc, April 1988.
DELFT March 1992.

Hymos manual version 3.00 ,

FRANCOU J., RODIER J.A. , Essai de classification des

clues maximales, Cahiers Orstom Paris, France.
D., La methode du Gradexpour le
calcul de la probabilite des trues ci partir des pluies.
HASNAOUI M.D., Campagne de jaugeages differentielsRapport de mission du.10 au 15 Aout 1992 c?la DRH
dErrachidia, DRPE/AH Maroc, Aout 1992.
HASNAOUI M.D., Etude hydrologique
du barrage
dAgouilla1, DRPE/AH Maroc, Decembre 1990.
HASNAOUI M.D., Etude hydrologique du barrage Sidi
Amar dans 1Oued Grou, DRPE/AH Maroc, Avrill993.
INGEMAKOYENE et BELLIER, Chaine de traitements
hydropluviometriques, DRPIZAH Maroc, Janvier 1988.
INSTITUTE of HYDROLOGY Hydata - Hydrological
database version 3.0, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
strengthening of hydrological activities - hydrology of arid
zones and ungauged catchments in Morocco.
ISUEQUITER, Etude hydrologique des barrages Assayad
et Assaka, DAH/AH Maroc, Mai 1994.
Plan Directeur dAmPnagement Integre des eaux des bassins
du Seuss Massa, DRPE/AH Maroc, 1988.

- ORSTOM, Hydrom 3.1: Gestion des don&es

hydromtftriques, ORSTOM France, Mui 1994.
- SOGREAHBCET Plan Directeur dAmt%ugement Integre
des eaux des bassins Guil; Ziz, Rheriss et Draa (Sous mission
I.1 climatologie- hydrologie), DRPE/DGH Muroc, Juin
- VAN TE CHOW Handbook of Applied Hydrology, 1964.


Proceedingsofthe UNESCO /NWRC/ACSAD

Workshopson W&; Hydmo~and

Groundwatrr Protection



Considerahons and Water Resources in Wndi Watir: South Sinai

and Water
Resources in Wadi Watir, South Sinai
I. H. Himida
Desert Research Centel; Cairo-Egypt

Flash floods occur occasionally in Wadi Watir causing serious damages to roads and structures with specific reference to
the Neweiba area. Meanwhile, considerable amount of surface water is being lost during flash floods into the Aqaba Gulf.
The area is, generally, suffering from serious shortage in water resources while various demands have grown rapidly
during the last few years. This paper discusses the possible means for the control of flash floods to minimize destructive
effects and maximize the utilization of surface and groundwater resources.

1 Introduction
Surface runoff in ephemeral streams and groundwater
resources constitute the comer stone for the sustainability
of various activities in the desert areas of Egypt. Runoff
water should be utilized directly in irrigation to minimize
evaporation loss or indirectly to recharge the underlying
aquifers. Aquifers in such regions serve as natural reservoirs
which may accommodate excess water during wet periods
and balance water shortage in dry periods.





The shortage in water resources in Sinai forms the major

constraint against its development. The Egyptian authorities
have, recently, taken various steps towards water resources
development in the ephemeral Wadis of Sinai to support
the water demands for agricultural and other civic purposes.
Flash floods in some ephemeral streams in the province of
Southern Sinai cause harmful effects to roads and other
important infra-structures. Hence, controlling these floods
would minimize their effects. In this respect, Wadi Watir
got special attention during the past few years by the Desert
Research Center in order to provide additional water supply
for irrigating the Neweiba farm (350 feddan). This farm is
supposed to supply Taba to Sharm El-Sheikh coastal area
with vegetables and fruits.



Figure 1. Locution map for Wudi Wutir

2 Physical Setting
Wadi Watir is a part of the strongly uplifted western margins
of the Great Aqaba Rift. Wadi Watir basin (3860 km*) is
one of the main hydrographic basins of the Aqaba Gulf
drainage system. Its main course runs in N-S direction for
about 40 km, and then it bends into NW-SE direction for
about 20 km towards the Gulf of Aqaba (Figure 1). In the
upstream part of the Wadi (Sheikh Attia landmark), the
contact between the basement rocks and the Nubian
Sandstone rock unit is quite obvious. A number of water

wells (Shaira wells) are drilled by the Ministry of Public

Works and Water Resources. In the downstream part Ain
Furtaga, a permanent spring, is considered an important
landmark where a number of tributaries of Wadi Watir
intersect. The yield of Furtaga spring is estimated between
1200 and 1500 m3/day. Its water runs several kilometres
along Wadi Watir channel attaining a salinity of about 400500 mg/l.
The prevailing climatic conditions in the area of Wadi Watir

volume of rain water is encountered in only a few hours

(Shick and Lekach, 1989).
The catchment area of Wadi Watir (3860 km2) has a steep
mountainous topography, however, the gradient of its main
channel is less than 1.O.El-Shamy, 1992 indicated that Wadi
Watir basin consists of 12 sub-basins that join its main trunk
from both sides at high acute angles. The total number of
the main wadis included in Wadi Watir basin is about 32.
The highest peak in Watir catchment is at Gebel Shiti (158

3 Surface Hydrology
According to the records of the Water Resources Research
Institute (WRRI, 1987), the main tributaries contributing
to Wadi Watir during flood seasons,along with their distance
of intersection along the main Wadi stream measured from
Neweiba (Sheikh Attia land mark) are:
I- Wadi Taba, at 68 Km.
2- Wadi Qudeira, at 58 Km.
3- Wadi Abyad Batna, at 51 Km.
4- Wadi Shobeiha, at 40 Km.
5- Wadi Sowana, at 38 Km.
6- Wadi Al-Ain, at 36 Km.

Figure 2. Mean annual rainfall (mm}.

are given according to the meteorological records at Ras

El-Naqab, S. Katherin and Sharm El-Sheikh. Summer
temperature is around 40C, while winter temperature is
13C on average. Rainstorms in the area are infrequent and
highly localized. The area is mainly subject to two main
storms, one in spring and the other in autumn. The mean
annual rainfall can be estimated at 30-40 mm (Figure 2).
There are 5 to 10 rainy days per year, and the bulk of the

The depth of the flood water in the main channel of Wadi

Watir increases from 2 m at 58 km from Neweiba town to
3 m at 46 km and reaches 5 m at 37 km. The runoff discharge
of Wadi Watir throughout the period from October 1987 to
January 1994 as recorded by WRRI is given in Table 1.
Schick and Lekach (1989), in their study of the high
magnitude flood of Wadi Mikeimen (one of Watirs
tributaries), estimated the runoff coefficient to range
between 16% and 22%. The peak discharge for drainage
areas between 4 and 12.9 km2 was estimated in the range of
40-68.5 m3/s.

Table 1. Runoff in Wadi Watir ( Himida, 1994)





Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and *Groundwater Protection


In the Delta of Wadi Watir, the water course is directed

slightly towards the north after it leaves the Wadi outlet
and before it reaches the Gulf ofAqaba. Such condition has
its bearing upon the measured groundwater quality.
The flow of Furtaga spring (1200-1500 m3/day) does not
reach the delta of Wadi Watir. Therefore, direct recharge
(from Ain Furtaga) to the groundwater in the Delta is absent.
The water of Ain Furtaga is recently being gathered in a
collecting reservoir in order to maximize its use and reduce
losses. A project for water transportation from Furtaga
spring, to supply Neweiba municipality, is now under

4 Data Acquisition
The study of water resources in the zone of Aqaba Gulf is
seriously confronted by lack of data. A project for the study
of Water Budget of the Delta of Wadi Watir was conducted
by the Desert Research Center. It was supported by The
National Agricultural Research Program (NARP) during the
period 1994 - 1995. Within this project, the following
activities were carried out:

Considerations and Water Resources in Wadi Watir; South Sinai

l- Drilling and design of two productive and eight

observation wells in some representative sites (Figure
2- Performing some pumping tests on the production wells
and some other shallow hand dug wells to determine
aquifer hydrogeologic parameters.
3-Water sampling from the newly drilled wells,
municipality wells and some representative shallow dug
wells. Sampling records covered the following dates:
Nov. 1994, Apr. 1995, Feb. 1996 and May 1996. Water
samples were analyzed in the laboratories of the Desert
Research Center (DRC) for TDS and some major
4- Analyzing the groundwater salinity variation with depth
in the production and observation wells drilled via DRC.
5- Performing infiltration tests in 15 sites representing the
different localities within Wadi Watir (Figure 3).
6- Inventory and mapping of all investigated water points,
including shallow hand-dug wells (75), municipality
wells (8), DRC production wells (2), DRC observation
wells (8), and other sites where infiltration tests were
conducted (15 sites), (Figure 3).
7- Examining the tidal effect on one of the wells located
200 m from the shore line.
8- Collecting climatic data and analyzing data from the
surrounding meteorological stations.

5 Groundwater


in Wadi Watir

During the period 1982 - 1987, eight water wells were drilled
for the municipality of Neweiba city tapping the Quaternary
deposits Wadi Watir delta. Six of the wells are productive
and two were abandoned because of their high salinity (more
than 10,000 mg/l) and low productivity (less than 10 m3/h).
The aquifer underlying the Delta of Wadi Watir is
heterogeneous, composed of fine to coarse sand with
boulders of basementrocks embedded in silt and clay matrix.
The study of the lithological logs of the drilled wells
indicates that the thickness of the clay and silt layers
increases towards the south eastern portion of the area. ElKiki et al. (1992) referred to the unconfined nature of the
aquifer in the Delta. They distinguished four hydrogeologic
zones within the Quatemary aquifer. The distinction was
based on the results of the geophysical logging. Four zones
are recognized:




Figure 3. Location of wells and tested sites.

Zone A: is characterized by its high resistivity value (average

200 ohm/m) and negative SP. This zone is dry with an
average thickness of about 30 m. The heterogeneous
character of this zone is clear from the variation of resistivity
from one well to another.
Zone B: is saturated with groundwater and lies above the
mean sea level. Its thickness ranges from 0.29 m at well
No. 5 to 2.32 m at well No. 1. It is absent in well No.3 This
zone produces the best water quality in the Quaternary




Table 2. Basic information for eight municipal wells

Water salinity (ppm)

1988 1990

Vell No.

Total depth

Static water
level (m)



































aquifer (900 ppm).

Zone C: lies below the mean sea level. The gradual decrease
in aquifer resistivity with depth, from about 652 to 40 ohm/
m is accompanied by an increase in the groundwater salinity
from 900 to 6000 ppm.
Zone D: is characterized by the lowest resistivity values
(10 ohm/m) and low gamma radiation (locps), indicating
high groundwater salinity (well No. 5).

recharge of groundwater. The contour lines for the vertical

permeability are provided in Figure 5.

The basic hydrogeologic information for the eight municipal

wells are illustrated in Table 2. Municipal wells penetrate
different zones of variable salinity. The pumped water is
actually a mixture between the waters of zone B, which is
relatively fresh, and the underlying zones C and D according
to the classification of El Kiki et al. (1992).
The thickness of the fresh water layer is of major importance
in the design of production wells. Hence, the salinity
variation with depth was measured in a number of
production and observation wells by the Desert Research
Center during 1994 - 1995. The mixing zone induced by
pumped wells was avoided. The relatively fresh water layer
(less than 2500 ppm) attains a thickness between 7 m in the
middle part of Delta Wadi Watir to about 12 m near the
outlet of the Wadi. The fresh water lens diminishes in
thickness towards the Gulf until it reaches 4 m in DRC well
No. 5 and 2 m in DRC well No. 2.
The salinity zonation map is presented in Figure 4.
Measurements in 75 shallow dug wells distributed at the
eastern part of Wadi Watir Delta, along with other available
measurements, were used in this map.
In order to verify the importance of the surface deposits on
the replenishment regime, a number of 20 infiltration tests
were carried out in selected representative sites. These tests
would also help to define suitable places for the construction
of Cisterns and dams to store water and enhance artificial

Figure 4. Salinity zonation map in the study area.

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO INWRCI ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection


Considerations and Water Resources in Wadi Watir, South Sinai

_ ----

Figure 5. Contour lines for vertical permeability in the

study area.

Figure 6. Water table map based on field measurements

in October and November 1994.

A number of sites in the eastern part of Wadi Watir are

recommended to build subsurface Cisterns to store the runoff
water dams. Other sites in the western side of the through
construction of suitable diversion Delta are relevant to
conduct activities of artificial recharge, Figure 5.

horizon varies between 3.16~10~~at dug well No. (72) to

0.01 at dug well No. (42). Higher storativity can be observed
at the southern parts of Wadi Watir Delta.

The water table map, Figure 6, was constructed based on

the measurements of water levels from October to
November 1994. Groundwater flows from the Northwest
to Southeast. This flow pattern matches the direction of the
increase of water salinity as indicated in Figure 4.
The hydraulic gradient varies between 2.3~10.~in the south
to 2.7~10.~ in the north with an average value of about
1.5~10-~.Generally, the absolute groundwater level ranges
between 0.23 m to 1.75 m above msl.
Based on the results of several pumping tests two maps
were construed; a transmissivity map, Figure 7, and a
storativity map, Figure 8. The storativity of the water bearing

The values of transmissivity range between 65 ml/day and

500 m*/day. High values are observed at the central part of
the Wadi Watir Delta, whereas moderate values are observed
in northern localities and relatively low values are found in
the south.

6 Conclusions and Recommendations

Groundwater availability and quality in the Delta of Wadi
Watir (Neweiba area) are controlled by the occurrence of
flash floods. A portion of the surface water replenishes the
fresh water lens that overlies brackish and salt water
horizons. An unknown amount of freshwater base flow is
encountered through the cracked and fissured basement
block surrounding the Delta of Wadi Watir from the west.



Figure 7. A transmissivity map for the aquifer in the study


Figure 8. A storativity map for the aquifer in the study


The distribution and design of the existing production wells

cannot ensure the balance between fresh and saline
groundwater. Moreover, the thickness of the fresh water
lens is subject to change according to flood occurrence.

are located in the eastern parts of the Delta.

3- A considerable part of the surface runoff can be directed
by suitable means to recharge the groundwater. The most
suitable areas for such purpose are in the western parts
of the Delta.
4- Groundwater abstraction should be done using radial
wells in the western part of the area to penetrate the fresh
water horizon. On the other hand, shallow dug wells and
galleries are more suitable for fresh water abstraction in
the eastern part of the area.
5- A numerical model is needed for the proper management
of fresh water resources in Wadi Watir. The available
data (in the Desert Research Center data base) can
provide adequate base for the required information.

To protect the area of Wadi Watir from flash floods and to

increase fresh water resources the following
recommendations are made:
l- Protections measures for Delta Wadi Watir (Neweiba
area) should start from the watershed area of the Wadi.
Hence detailed hydrographic and hydrologic studies
should be carried out to locate the effective sites which
contribute to the main channel of the Wadi.
2- Within the Wadi Watir Delta, it is recommended to build
some underground reservoirs (Cisterns) to store a portion
of the runoff water. The suitable areas for diversion dams

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC IACSAD WorkJhop I ON Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

~. _--.--

_ .-


Considerations and Water Resources in Wadi Watir; South Sinai

El-KiKi et al. (1992). Hydrogeology of the Aqaba Rip Border
Province. (3rd Con$ Geol. Sinai Develop. Ismailia).
El-Shamy et al. (1992). Towards the Water Management in
Sinai Peninsula (3rd Co@ Geol. Sinai Develop. Ismailia).
Himiau (1994). Water Resources of Wadi Watir; Internal
Report-Desert Research Center (in Arabic).
WRR1(1987). Wad Watir Internal Repor?.Ministry of Public
Works and Wafer Resources in Arabic.
Saud et al. (1980). Quantitative
Analysis of the
Geomolphology and Hydrology of Sinai Peninsula (ann.
geol. Surv. Egypt 10, 819-936).
Schick and Lekach (1989). A high magnitude jlood in the
Sinai Desert. (Jerusalem Studies in Geography).


Groundwater Protection


of Groundwafer Quality

Indicators of Groundwater Quality and its

Protection in Arid and Semi-arid Regions
W. M. Edmunds
British Geological Survey, Wallingford, OX10 8BB UK

Geochemical indicators which have a global or regional significance, and which are sensitive over timescales of up to 100
years, are proposed for groundwaters to detect important signals of change using a few parameters. Two levels of indicators
are recommended which monitor physical change, changes in the natural hydrogeochemistry and anthropogenic influences.
The primary indicators (water level, pH, HC03, DO, Cl, N03, S04, DOC) should be supported where possible by secondary
indicators which help to characterise the various controlling processes, and specific contaminants. The unsaturated zone in
unconsolidated lithologies is also recommended as a target for monitoring since it can record the recharge rate, recharge
history, products of geochemical reactions and records of pollution.

1 Introduction
The availability of sustainable sources of water of acceptable
quality has had a profound influence
on human
development. The rise and decline of civilisations have been
l.inked to climatic changes which have, in turn, controlled
the natural recharge to aquifers and regulated the salinity
of groundwater and soils. In addition to secular changes in
groundwater caused by climatic variation there are now
serious threats to both quality and quantity of groundwater
resources caused by accelerating human intervention.
Groundwater vulnerability, and protection of groundwater
resources, are issues both of quantity and quality, especially
in semi-arid regions.
In the past decade the issue of groundwater vulnerability
and how to measure it has been addressed by
hydrogeologists at both national and international level (van
Duijvenbooden and van Waegeningh 1987; Vrba and
Zaporozec 1994). Emphasis has been placed on the
hydrogeological, especially physical, properties, of aquifer
systems. Vulnerability maps based on a range of criteria
have been used as a tool to define those areas most sensitive
to pollution; and such maps are now in use in a number of
countries, especially in temperate regions. The situation is
somewhat different in semi-arid regions due to effects of
the extremes of climate, especially the low rainfall, and the
generally greater intensity of this rainfall. In addition the
higher mean annual air and groundwater temperatures may
lead to acceleration in biogeochemical processes (Khouri
and Miller 1994). In semi-arid regions the amounts of
available groundwater become the key issue for protection.
In many regions palaeowaters are in use where conservation
is the main issue; good management practices are also
needed here to avoid or minimise mixing of potable and

non-potable reserves. The question of recharge is of

paramount importance. Identification of zones of recharge
effectively defines the areas where groundwater protection
needs are greatest. Because of low recharge rates, in general
the main quality problem is likely to be salinisation and
salinity. To this is linked the problem of groundwater
discharge areas where a delicate balance exists between
fresh and saline waters. Lower rates of recharge found in
semi-arid regions, together with higher temperature and
oxidising environments, may be favourable for the
attenuation of many pollutants of concern in temperate
regions. Changes in the groundwater regime may also have
a knock-on effect on other parts of the environment, as
water tables are lowered or land becomes salinised.
In this paper those processes and phenomena that are of
particular significance for groundwater protection in semiarid regions are reviewed, particularly the questions of
groundwater recharge, geochemical baseline conditions
which control the attenuation of pollutants and which impose
natural limits to potability and use. The possible human
impacts are then considered, and indicators proposed which
can be used to characterise various forms of natural and
anthropogenic pollution. Finally, the basic requirements for
in arid/semi-arid
environments are discussed.

2 Groundwater


The development of groundwater resources in semi-arid

regions often proceeds without an understanding (or with
an over-optimistic interpretation) of the recharge process
or the sustainable yields. Falling water tables testify to
overdevelopment of groundwater, specifically that the rates
of groundwater pumping exceed the rates of natural

replenishment from rainfall; or, that a transient condition is

produced where water level decline is proportional to the
hydraulic diffusivity (transmissivity/storage) of the aquifer
(Custodio 1992). In many semi-arid areas the water
resources are being mined from recharge from former humid
episodes. Recharge estimates based on empirical formulae
are inadequate for low rainfall
areas with high
evapotranspiration (Gee and Hillel 1988; Allison et al.
1994). It is important therefore that recharge estimates are
based on long-term data that encompass climatic
oscillations, at least at the decadal scale, and which are
representative of the size of the groundwater resource
(Edmunds 1996). The problems of recharge estimation in
semi-arid zones have received much recent attention by
hydrogeologists (e.g. Lerner et al., 1990; Simmers, 1987).
On the whole, physical or piezometric approaches have been
more widely used than tracer techniques (isotopic and
Chemical or isotopic techniques are considered to offer
definite advantages for recharge estimation in arid regions
(Allison et al 1994; Gaye and Edmunds 1996), using
information contained both in the unsaturated zone and at
the immediate water table. Profile techniques using tritium
or chloride in unsaturated zones have been successfully
applied in Africa and the Middle East (Edmunds et al., 1988;
Edmunds and Walton, 1980), Australia (Allison and Hughes,
1978), India (Sukhija et al, 1988) and North America (Stone







Cl tmgl-1















Tritium (TU)




Figure I. Unsaturated zone in the Mediterranean region

(Cyprus) with mean annual rainfall 450mm. Recharge
rate are around 50mm/yr corresponding to Cl
concentration (Cs) of 120 mg/l. The tritium peak confirms
recharge rates using Cl.











35 t


10. t






Figure 2. Unsaturated zone profiles in semi-arid zone of WestAfrica (Northern Senegal) where mean annual rainfall is
around 300 mm/yr Recharge rates (Rd) range from lo-29 mnvyr
1987), and generally provide realistic mean recharge
estimates over periods of years or decades. Of the three
possible tracer methods (tritium, stable isotopes and
chloride), the use of chloride proves especially attractive as
a low-cost tracer for recharge estimation (Gaye and
Edmunds 1996). Chloride has the advantage over tracers
the water molecule OH, igO, *H) in that
atmospheric inputs are conserved during the recharge
process, allowing a mass balance approach. In comparison
with other inorganic ions, chloride is neither added nor
removed by water-rock interaction during percolation in the
vast majority of environments.

Representative profiles from three semi-arid regions- the

Mediterranean (southern Cyprus), west Africa (Senegal) and
east Africa (Sudan)- are shown in Figures l-3 which cover
the range of conditions from active recharge to effectively
zero recharge at the present day.
The data from Cyprus are from the Akrotiri peninsular from
recent dune sediments. The chloride profiles are shown
together with tritium profiles (Figure 1) from the same
percussion drilled borehole, and are described in detail in
Edmunds et al. (1987). The chloride concentrations below
the zero flux plane (around 2 m in grass vegetation) oscillate

Procrcdings ofthr UNESCO / NWTCIACSAD

Workshop on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Indicarors of Groundwarer Qua/in

of NW Senegal (Figure 4). The regional recharge varies

from 20 to < 1 mm/yr, corresponding to a renewable resource
of between 13,000 and 1100 m3/kmZlyr (Edmunds&Gaye


0 Profile


0 -1782




Figure 3. Unsaturated zone profiles from East Afkica

(Sudan), rainfall < 200 mm/yl; where chloride
concentrations of >2000 mg/l effectively indicate zero

about mean values (Cs) in each profile of 119 and 200 mg/
1, respectively. These oscillations have been interpreted in
terms of seasonal variations related to periods of wet and
dry years. The mean concentrations can be interpretated to
give values of recharge respectively of 52 and 22 mm/yr,
using a three year mean rainfall concentration of 16.4 mm/
yr at this coastal site. Tritium profiles serve to confirm the
recharge rates given by chloride, the peaks marking the
position of the 1963 thermonuclear fallout maximum in the
rain. The shape of the peaks also confirms that down ward
movement of moisture (and solutes) is homogeneous with
little or no by-pass flow.
Four profiles of chloride from north-west Senegal (Figure
2) illustrate the spatial variability of recharge within one
site (O.lm*). All were obtained from Quatemary dune sands
where the water table was at 35 m and where the long term
(100 year) rainfall is 356 mm/yr (falling by 36% to 223
mm since 1969 during the Sahel drought). The mean
concentrations of chloride (Cs) in these four profiles ranges
from 28 to 85 mg/l and, as in Cyprus a series of oscillations
related to wet and dry years can be found. The average
chloride concentrations of 7 .profiles at this site is 82 mg/l
(13mmIyr). Having established that all the Cl in this region
is atmospherically derived, it is possible to extrapolate the
unsaturated zone data to determine the spatial variability of
recharge at a regional scale using data from shallow dug
wells. Over an area of 1600 km* 120 shallow wells were
used to calculate the distribution of recharge over this area

A limiting condition must exist in arid regions where rainfall

becomes too low and other factors, such as soil type,
intervene to inhibit any regional or diffuse recharge. Under
this condition the unsaturated zone will become saline and
geochemical reactions will lead to the formation of indurated
crusts. This is illustrated by results from Sudan near Abu
Delaig (Edmunds et al 1992), north east of Khartoum where
prior to 1969 the mean annual rainfall was 225 mm, but for
the following 15 years was only 154 mm (Darling et al
1991). Profiles drilled flat-lying interfluve areas,comprising
sandy colluvial clays of probable Quaternary age overlying
Nubian (Cretaceous) sandstone, are very similar in their
chloride concentrations which range from 1288- 1936 mg/l
corresponding to recharge rates of 0.52 to 0.78 mm/yr. This
is effectively zero and any water in the unsaturated zone in
this part of Sudan, (which is 25 m) thick could be in transit
for around 2000 years.
For many areas of the Middle East and North Africa, the
Butana area of Sudan serves as an example. Direct recharge
is small or negligible, and the low transit times mean that
vulnerability is an academic problem, since any recharge
will be saline. However, in such areas it has been shown
that renewable supplies do occur via wadi systems, as well
as via the Nile (Figure 5). The attention to groundwater
protection therefore needs to be focused locally in line with
a realistic understanding of recharge regimes, distinguishing
active systems from palaeowater taken from recharge
regimes of the past.

3 Geochemical Baseline and Controls

The natural geological environment provides a characteristic
groundwater composition from region to region, and
geochemical processes need to be taken into account in the
context of groundwater protection. The natural baseline
needs first to be defined and recognised before plans can
be made to protect groundwaters, or to be sure that manmade rather than geological pollution is taking place.
Geochemical processes also give rise to zonation of
chemistry in the aquifer and may be important for
attenuation of pollutants.
Natural geochemical reactions may impart adverse
properties to some groundwaters in terms of trace element
deficiency or excess (Edmunds and Smedley 1996). The
main constituents of water giving rise in excess to health
problems in African countries are F and As. High Fe
concentrations are of more local importance, either as a
result of reducing conditions
or in certain acidic
environments, but waters with high Fe present problems of









In rgt-









Figure 4a. Isochlors and mean value of chloride for the unsaturated zone in northern Senegal.







Figure 46. Contents of mean annual recharge (in mm) derived from use of chloride balance for the area of northern




Workshop5 on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwatrr Protection

Indicators of Groundwater Quality


vi3 sond dunes






. .........
.:,.j .:
: : ........ ROCKS ::.: :.,.: :::..];1;:..:.
: : : ....
. ::.:: .... ..... .::: :.:..- . ..... ._

Figure 5. The Butana area, Sudan, showing



acceptability rather than health. Deficiencies in I may also

be a major problem in some countries. High salinity
however, as a result of natural processes, is the main limit
to potability and health. I
Geochemical processes that are important in controlling
and modifying
may be
summarised; and this helps to identify some parameters
which are important in contributing to groundwater
protection, as indicators, and for monitoring.
3.1 Acid attenuation and mineral dissolution
The main process of groundwater mineralisation takes place
by acid-base reactions in the top few metres of the earths
crust. Natural rainfall acidity is around pH5 and although
atmospheric CO, concentrations are low, they may increase
by up to two orders of magnitude, due to microbiological
activity in the soil zone. The concentration of CO, is of
fundamental importance in determining the extent of
reaction, as well as reaction pathways in the groundwater
flow system. The nature of geochemical reactions also
depends upon whether the system remains open or closed
with respect to the atmospheric/soil CO, source. Reactions
with CO, are the most important in determining
groundwater quality in both carbonate and non-carbonate
aquifers (Appelo and Postma 1993).
During the hydrolysis of silicate, minerals silica and a
secondary mineral are produced as well as HCO,. In
carbonate aquifers, saturation with calcite (or other
carbonate minerals) is quickly reached; while in noncarbonate terrains the hydrolysis of silicate minerals is
relatively slow. The saturation index (SImineral) forms a

occurs only via the wadi system and River Nile.

useful index of the extent of mineral reaction and different

HCO, concentrations at equilibrium reflect different pC0,
in the recharge area. Alkalinity
(HCO,) is therefore
recommended as a first order indicator for monitoring the
progressive neutralisation of acidity and the extent of waterrock interaction; pH, which is easily buffered by reactions
similar to the above, is not a good indicator of change except
below pH 5.5. Most metals will only be mobile under acidic
conditions and therefore pH measured in the field is an
important indicator of whether heavy metals (from natural
or man-made sources) will be mobilised.
3.2 Redox reactions
Under natural conditions, groundwaters undergo redox
changes moving along flow lines (Champ et al 1979). In
the context of geoindicators over timescales of 50- 100 years,
the most significant process is the consumption of oxygen.
The solubility of oxygen in groundwater at the point of
recharge (around lo-12 mg/l) reflects the ambient air
temperature and pressure. The concentrations of dissolved
oxygen (DO) in newly recharged groundwaters may remain
high (8-lOmg/l) indicating relatively little loss of DO during
residence in the soil or unsaturated zone. Oxygen reacts
slowly with organic matter, and/or with Fe*+ released from
dissolution of impure carbonates, some silicates or with
sulphides. Oxygen may persist, however, for many
thousands of years in unreactive sediments. Complete
reaction of oxygen is marked by a fall in the redox potential
(Eh) by up to 300mV. This provides a sensitive index of
aquifer redox status. A decrease in the concentration of
oxygen in pumped groundwaters therefore may herald
changes in the input conditions. An increase in dissolved

iron (Fe*+) concentrations, as well as Eh, may be useful as

secondary indicators.
3.3 AdsorptionJdesorption
Many rocks and minerals in contact with groundwater have
the capacity to release ionic constituents in exchange for
ions contained in groundwater. This process will modify
the groundwater along flow paths and has the net effect of
retarding the flow of solutes relative to the water molecule.
As well as giving rise to significant changes in water quality
such as water softening, adsorption reactions will also have
the net effect in retarding the migration of pollutants.
3.4 Salinity changes
Chloride in shallow groundwater of active recharge systems
may be derived mainly from the atmosphere. It remains
inert and is conserved during hydrogeochemical reactions.
Thus it is an important indicator of meteoric inputs; under
natural conditions, changes in concentration reflect mainly
changes in the physical processes (evaporation,
transpiration) taking place in the soil and the unsaturated
zone and, therefore salinity levels can often be equated with
recharge rates as described above. Increased groundwater
abstraction rates may lead to increases in salinity from a
variety of sources including sources of saline formation
water, recent generations of sea water (resulting from
climatic change in coastal areasfor example) and drawdown
of salinity from sebkhats, for which Cl measurement
(supported by SEC) is an essential primary indicator. A range
of other geochemical parameters are needed to characterise
the sources of salinity. The Mg/Ca ratio is the most useful
secondary indicator of recent marine intrusion; modern sea
water has a high Mg/Ca ratio but ancient marine waters
have molar Mg/Ca ratios < 1, resulting from loss of Mg
and reequilibration with both calcite and dolomite. Isotopic
ratios ( 180 and *H) as well as Br/Cl may also be diagnostic
of the source of salinity.

4 Human Impacts
The proportion of accessible groundwater resources in
which the impact of human activities cannot be recognised
is surprisingly low. Pollution by human action is both
widespread and extremely diverse, such that to recommend
indicators that are of global significance and both easy and
reliable to measure remains difficult. The number of
individual pollutants, especially the numbers of organic
compounds, runs into tens of thousands. Some of these can
serve as very specific markers since they were introduced
at certain dates and may be useful to indicate residence time.
Pollution can be subdivided into two main categories
depending upon source diffuse (from a global or regional
source, including towns), or point source (from a single focal
point). Those processes identified as being significant in
the natural geochemical cycle are also those that have the

greatest significance in attenuation of pollutants and in

protecting groundwater, although physical processes advection, dispersion, filtration and biogeochemical
processes become important in measuring risk to supplies.
One of the most important sources of diffuse pollution with
a global distribution
is radioactivity
derived from
thermonuclear testing; these sources may of course have a
value as indicators of residence times in groundwater
systems. Tritium, which circulates as part of the water
molecule, has been used as an environmental indicator and
hydrological tracer for almost three decades, but its
usefulness has now declined on account of its short half
life (12.3 yr) and the cessation of atmospheric nuclear
testing. The usefulness of tritium may be extended by
measuring the daughter product 3He and the ratio 3W3He
(Schlosser et al 1988). Cosmogenic long lived isotopes (
14Cwith a half-life of 5280years, and 36C1- 306OOOyears)
the abundances of which have been increased by nuclear
testing may also serve as indicators. %r (half-life 10.8
yr), produced not only from nuclear testing but also in
increasing amounts from civilian nuclear reactors, is another
potential environmental indicator (Rosanski and Florkowski
1979). Freons, introduced in the 1930s, which are entirely
of synthetic origin, have global atmospheric distribution and
are non-biodegradable (Busenberg and Plummer 1992), can
also serve as environmental tracers. They have one
advantage over tritium (apart from lack of radioactive decay)
in that they have been introduced in an increasing pulse
and do not therefore suffer as much from hydrodynamic
The other important group of diffuse pollutants of global
and regional importance is agricultural chemicals, especially
fertilisers. Nitrate (which may also be added from human
and animal wastes) is the most significant indicator, having
a mobility in aquifers close to that of water. In the case of
nitrate, it is important to be able to define the natural
background, especially in semi-arid and tropical
environments where- due to nitrogen fixation or land use
change- the NO, concentrations may be high. Changes in
the natural baseline concentrations of nitrate may thus also
provide a useful indicator of environmental changes. Nitrate
has been extensively monitored over the past two decades
and reliable records are to be found in many regions.
Numerous other compounds (pesticides, herbicides and
fertilisers) could also be used as pollution indicators.
However, for the large majority of compounds, their
geochemical attenuation is not well understood and their
analysis is non-routine. They can therefore only be
recommended as secondary indicators. For urban and
industrial (as well as agricultural) pollution, in a large
number of instances, pollution may be recognised indirectly
by three proxy-indicators
- an increase in Cl, DOC

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO f NWRC IACSAD Workhpr on Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection


(dissolved organic carbon) and HCO, from fermentation

of organic matter. These three indicators are all mobile in
relation to the complex mixtures with which they are
associated and for which therefore they serve as early
warnings of pollutant migration.
Water with high total dissolved solids is probably the main
diffuse pollution problem (natural as well as man induced)
and presents a limit to development in several areasof Africa
and the Middle East, in semi-arid and arid regions as well
as coastal regions. Geochemical methods can be used to
differentiate saline waters of various natural origins as
described above. Salinisation, which is man-induced, can
also be followed using 0 and H isotopes together with
measurements of SEC and chloride.

5 Groundwater


In many countries the risk of pollution of groundwater

resources to both diffuse and point source pollutants has
been treated as a high priority issue mainly because cleanup of contaminated sources is irreversible or at best is a
costly and lengthy process. The approach to defining
groundwater vulnerability at an international level (mainly
in temperate zones) has been reviewed by Vrba and
Zaporozec (1994) and the approach favoured by
at present is to produce maps of
groundwater vulnerability to man-made pollution.
This approach may be illustrated (with respect to the UK)
where a protection policy has been adopted based on a series
of vulnerability and protection zone maps (NRA, 1992).
These maps are of necessity a simplification of the controls
and processes involved in the transmission and attenuation
of pollutants. The first step is the recognition of permeable
strata which are then subdivided into major and minor
aquifers and the depth of unsaturated zone is taken into
account. A further classification is then devised based on
soils. The soils in England and Wales are subdivided into
three classes based on soil physical properties which affect
the downward movement of pollutants. These properties
include texture, structure, soil water regime and distinctive
layering. The various categories are shown in Table 1.

6 Geoindicators and Groundwater


Geoindicators are being sought as high-resolution measures

of short-term changes in the geological environment, which
are significant for environmental monitoring and assessment
(Berger 1996; Berger and Iams 1996). This search mirrors
a desire for markers for natural environmental change as
opposed to purely economic indicators such as GNP and
the recent momentum has been generated by the Agenda
21 Rio Summit. The Rio meeting tended to concentrate on
climate change, biodiversity and forestry (Robinson 1993)
and recently geoscientists have emphasized the importance

of Groundwater Quality

of measuring the basic, geological elements of the landscape

as part of a drive towards an integrated, holistic monitoring
of our earth (Berger 1966).
Geoindicators have been defined as measures of surface
or near-surface geological processes and phenomena that
vary significantly over periods of less than 100 years and
that provide information
that is meaningful
environmental assessment.
Groundwater is an important medium for recording
environmental change. Indicators for the groundwater
environment have been proposed and discussed by Edmunds
(1996). The main indicators proposed are i) ground-water
level, ii) groundwater quality and iii) groundwater quality
in the unsaturated zone. A summary of these indicators is
given in the Appendix. The corresponding physical and
geochemical parameters are given in Table 2. The
measurement of piezometric levels is a first order
requirement in the monitoring of groundwater availability
and sustainability and it has a special significance in semiarid regions. Improvements in groundwater yield in arid
and semi-arid regions often rely upon exploitation (mining)
of palaeowaters, as shown in numerous case studies.
Inevitably these developments cause an irreversible
lowering of piezometric
surface but with careful
management and large investments, as in Libya, the life
span of well fields can be prolonged (Pim and Binsariti
1994). The installation of wellfields in deeper confined or
semi-confined aquifers may have the effect of dewatering
the unconfined aquifer upon which rural (dispersed)
populations have traditionally relied. Improvements in rural
water supplies (providing small-yield sealed boreholes with
hand-pumps, for example) is to be encouraged in socioeconomic terms and such investment needs to be
safeguarded from over-development of deeper aquifers.
Water table decline may be better expressed as a reduction
in the volume of total groundwater reserves, taking account
of the amount of annual recharge and the depletion, if any,
of palaeowaters. This parameter should also take into
account the volumes of water being irreversibly lost due to
The various geochemical parameters proposed are listed in
Table 2. It is evident that a decrease in the concentration of
oxygen in pumped groundwaters may herald changes
upstream. The complete reaction of oxygen can be inferred
by the sharp change in the redox potential and in most cases,
by a rise in dissolved iron (Fe*+) concentrations; Eh and
Fe*+ are therefore recommended as secondary indicators.
Changes in the concentrations of HC03 and Cl are probably
the most sensitive indicators of perturbations in natural


Table 1. Categories used for groundwater vulnerability class$ication in England and Wales

Soils of high fetching potential

Soils with &ale ability to attenttatcr dime satme po&m%s and in which non-adsorbed d@se-source po&tunts
and liquid discharges ~$1 penAate rapid&. 3 Sub-&sseq are recognised:

H3 Coarse-mcured or moderat& shallow soils which readily transmit a wi& range oJF&.9&am and Itquid
discharges but which have som abiliq to attenuate adsmhed pollutants because af their Eaqe ctqv or rzrganic
_ mat&r cmfents,

soils of intesmediateleachingpotenttat
Soils which have a moderate ability to attmuate d#use source pollutm%s or in which it is possible that some non&orbed di@se source pollumts and liqt&ddis&atge~ couldpenetrate the soil layer two sub-classsesan.?recognised:
11 Stiils which can possibly transmi%a wide range ojpollmmts.
12 Soils which can possibly transmit non- or weakly adsorbed pollutants and liqrcicd discharges but which am
u&keEy m tramnti~ adsorbed polfutmrs.

Soils of low leaching pate&i&

Sails in which pollutants are unlikely to penetrate tti soil layer because water movement is large& hor&antal or
they have a large ability to attenuate d&&se po&&ants. Generally these am so& wi%hahigh clay content. I%mlrst
be recognised that run-o#fim
these soils may contribute to gmundwater rechaqe elm&m
in the catchmmt.

Diffuse pollutants of global and regional importance are

and agricultural chemicals, especially
fertilisers. Nitrate (which may also be added from human
and animal wastes) is the most significant indicator, having
a mobility in aquifers close to that of water (Hill 1984).
Numerous other compounds (pesticides, herbicides and
fertilisers) could also be used as pollution indicators.
However, for the large majority of compounds, their
geochemical attenuation is not well understood and their
analysis is non-routine. They can therefore only be
recommended as secondary indicators; boron is also
considered as a useful mobile secondary indicator of urban/
domestic wastes where detergents are used. For urban and
industrial (as well as agricultural) pollution, in a large
number of instances, pollution may be recognised indirectly
an increase in Cl, DOC
by three proxy-indicators
(dissolved organic carbon) and HC03 from fermentation
of organic matter. These three indicators are all mobile in
relation to the complex mixtures with which they are
associated and for which therefore they serve as early
warnings of pollutant migration and are recommended here
as the most universally applicable primary indicators.


The unsaturated zone is possibly the only part of the

hydrological cycle (apart from ice cores) where it is possible
under favourable circumstances to preserve a fairly high
resolution of inputs to the system, for periods typically of
10-500 years. The unsaturated zone has some importance
therefore for recording environmental change as has been
proposed as an indicator (Edmunds 1996). Water moves
downwards through porous sediments and under favourable
conditions may preserve the input records from climatic
variations (in the Cl or isotopic signature), from weathering
processes and from human activities such as agriculture
(N03), or acidification (H+). This indicator may be
considered as the output from the soil zone and may reflect
the properties or change in properties of soils. Rates of
downward movement are typically 0.1 to 1.0 m/yr and a
record of individual events (resolution l-20 years or more)
may be preserved over a scale of decades or centuries. This
indicator is summarised in Figure 6 and is defined more
thoroughly in the Appendix.

7 Groundwater


The list of primary indicators in Table 2 has been reorganised

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC /ACSAD Worksh op I on Wadi Hydmhgy and Groundwatrr Protection

Indicators of Groundwater Quality

Table 2. Recommended indicators of rapid environmental change in groundwater systems.








Piezometric change

Water level

Natural hydrogeochemical processes:
Mineral dissolution
Redox reactions


Si, SIcslcite,major ions


Eh, Fez+
MglCa, i80, 2H, Br
jH, i4C, trace elements

Residence time
Anthropogenic pollution (diffuse)
Environmental radioactivity





K, pesticides

Industrial, urban



3H, 14C,36cl



PHYSICAL Processes
Recharge rates
and Pollution


Acid attenuation




(Table 3) on the basis of the issues and/or problems that are

considered of greatest significance and concern. Six of the
twelve issues are given the highest priority. It is then possible
to select a total of 8 indicators which, if used singularly or
in groups, would be able to detect and monitor the impacts
of each of the issues. They include, in addition to water
level, two variables measured in the field (02 and pH), and
five which are measured in the laboratory (HCO,, Cl, NO,,
SO, and DOC). In addition, tritium is recommended for
the monitoring of radioactivity but this cannot be considered
as a routine measurement like the others.
Measurement of trends in the main eight parameters are
likely to give important indications of changes in the
groundwater, brought about directly or indirectly by man.
Three of these (HCO,, Cl, NO,) may also be used to study
historical trends in the evolution of groundwater quality
since their analysis has been relatively robust over this
timescale. The indicators chosen here are very similar to
those recommended by the European Community (water
level, conductivity, pH, redox, NO,, DOC, chlorocarbons,
metals) as being amenable to automated monitoring with
current or new technology (CEC 1993).

of measurement programmes for
groundwater indicators need to be harmonised with
individual national programmes. Thus the range of key
indicators has also been kept small so as to be compatible
with many existing national programmes. In some poorer
countries, it might be easier to find support for a basic
programme of monitoring rather than a sophisticated
The secondary indicators are considered desirable as a
means of corroboration.
They provide a means of
understanding the nature of environmental change using
supporting geochemical studies, either through monitoring
or in special research studies. If an aquifer system is well
understood then, a very simple monitoring programme may
be all that is required to observe it.
There already exist a number of other national and
international programmes designed to monitor changes in
hydrological and biological systems. Groundwater forms
an integral part of the hydrosphere. The indicators proposed
here are designed to fit in with other proposed schemes.
The groundwater environment may be seen as the output
from the surface or from the soil zone. Over the medium to

long term, groundwater is also a net contributor to surface

waters, with any pollution source likely to persist for decades
if not centuries. Good collaboration must thus be established
between geoscientists and others involved in monitoring
the hydrosphere.

European countries, the national groundwater monitoring

strategy is less clear and/or under review. The hydrogeology
of UK, France and Germany for example is more complex
and monitoring is currently carried out at a regional level.
However, in UK a monitoring scheme has recently been
proposed to operate at a national level (Chilton and Milne
1994). This is a hierarchical scheme in which a sampling
network of three levels and scales is differentially targeted
at a number of defined objectives. In the USA trends in
groundwater quality are monitored by a series of 54
catchments upon which routine measurements are
conducted at regular intervals but with intensive studies
rotated between catchments on an approximate lo-year
cycle (Alley and Cohen 1991).

Several countries have already developed programmes for

groundwater monitoring.
These programmes are designed with the goal of ensuring
the protection of groundwater for public supplies. The level
of activity is related to the size of country, the complexity
of its hydrogeology, the importance of groundwater relative
to surface water and, not least, the affordable costs. The
existing monitoring programmes include some but not all
of the parameters proposed as geoindicators.

Much of the current activity worldwide is devoted to the

measurement of thresholds for a wide range of substances
for public supply that must not be exceeded for statutory
reasons. These measurements may not always be suitable
for aquifer monitoring and for use as indicator parameters.
In addition to analytical accuracy and precision, attention
needs to be paid to problems of sampling and
representativeness. Groundwater sampling must take into
account the aquifer framework and heterogeneity, pumping
and flow regimes, geographical constraints in the
distribution of existing boreholes, the particulate/solute
composition and the need to filter, the need for field
measurement of unstable parameters and the storage of

The Dutch monitoring network is widely regarded as one

of the most comprehensive national programmes. The
design of a centralised monitoring system is relatively easy
for Holland, which has aquifers composed, almost
exclusively, of unconsolidated sediments. A purpose-built
network of observation boreholes with both shallow and
deep screens is combined with the public supply network
to give a very detailed and three-dimensional network for
sampling of groundwaters (van Duijvenboden 1987;
Frapporti et al 1993). A similar approach is adopted in
Denmark (Korkman 1987), which also relies heavily on
unconsolidated aquifers for water supplies. In other

Rate of
(m Yf)











; Geoch.

0. 24








3.5 4.0




( mgll)




Figure 6. The significance of the unsaturated zone as an indicatorfor recharge estimation, record of recharge history,
investigation and understanding of geochemical processes and the transport of contaminants.

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NKK

IACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection

Table 3. Geoindicators in the groundwater environment.


Priority 1Issue/Problem

t Total

f Acid neutralisation













IIUrban industrial impact I

Aquifer redox status

ILaod use/forestrychange

8, PO+ solvents, metalsetc (CFC)

Mining impact


3H, %I, 10

Eh, Fe2+, HS


I x I

t andclimatic influence



1gO. 2 3 14c


Frequency of

Depletion of palxowater



Indices of water quality: storagechanges

1 Radioactive contamination 1



Spring discharge

At, Ca
1 Mg/CI, Br, l8O, 2H (TDS,SEC)


Groundwater salinity
f Agricultural impact


Changingwater table

t Water

I *---. I


I metals

Proceedirrgrofthe UNESCO / NWRC f ACSAD WorkI hop I OTLWudi Hydrology and Grourtdwater Protection

samples ( Foster and Gomes 1989). It should be noted that

pumped samples usually represent mixtures from different
depths. For monitoring purposes, the origins need to be
constrained by supporting data such as pumping rate
measurements and geophysical logging.

8 Conclusions
The purpose of indicators is to measure rather precisely those
key parameters that can best describe long term trends and
effects on the environment. Thus, well constrained sampling,
analytical precision and sensitivity become important.
Measurement of relatively few, well-chosen parameters on
well-selected and characterised sites becomes more
important than large numbers of threshold analyses. The
health of the aquifer is equally as important in the present
context as the information directly related to public health.
The primary and secondary indicators proposed above are
applicable to semi-arid regions, serving as proxy data for
one or more processes or water quality problems. In semiarid regions recharge becomes an important control on
vulnerability, so that water level and salinity (Cl) monitoring
are of high priorities. Human activity poses a threat to quality
indirectly by the risk of over-exploitation of resources and
directly by contamination. In semi-arid countries the
problem of contamination is alleviated somewhat by the
slower rates of recharge, but may be exacerbated by extreme
hydrological events. Use of indicators and monitoring
strategies need to take these factors into account.

Alley, WM. & Cohen,P 1991. A scientifically based
nationwide assessment of groundwater quality in the
United States. Environ. Geol. and Water Sci, 17:17-22.
Allison,G.B., Gee,G. W& Ty1el;S.W 1994. Vadose-zone
techniques for estimating groundwater recharge in arid
and semi-arid regions. Soil Sci.Soc.Am.J.58:6-14.
Appelo, CA. J & Postma,D. 1993. Geochemistry,
groundwater and pollution. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Berger A. R. & lams, W J. 1996. Geoindicators. Assessing
rapid environmental changes in earth systems. Balkema,

Champ, D. R, Gulens, J & Jackson, R.E. 1979. Oxidationreduction sequences in groundwaterflow systems.
Canadian J .Earth Sci. 16: 12-23
Chilton PJ and Milne C J. 1994. Groundwater quality
assessment: a national strategy for the NRA. Report to
National Rivers Authority. British Geological Survey
Report WD/94/4OC
Custodio, E. 1992. Hydrological and hydrochemical
aspects of aquifer overexploitation. In: Selected papers
on aquifer overexploitation. International Association of
Hydrogeologists Vo1.3,3-27. Hanover:Heise,
Darling, WG., Edmunds, W?M., Kinniburgh, D. G. &
Kotoub,S. 1987. Sources of recharge to the basal Nubian
sandstone aquifer Butana region, Sudan. In Isotope
Techniques in Water Resources Development:205224. Vienna:IAEA.
Edmunds, WM. 1996. Indicators in the groundwater
environment of rapidenvironmental change. pp 135-150
In A.R Berger & WJ.Iams (eds), Geoindicators. Balkema,
Edmunds, WM.,Darling, WG. & Kinniburgh, D.G. 1988.
Solute profile techniques for recharge estimation in semiarid and arid terrain. In I.Simmers (ed) Estimation of
Natural Groundwater Recharge:I39157.Amsterdam:Reidel.
Edmunds, WM.,Darling, W.G.& Kinniburgh, D.G.,
Kotoub, S. & Mahgoub, S. 1992. Sources of recharge at
Abu Delaig, Sudan. J Hydrol. 131, I-24.
Edmunds, WM.& Wa1tonN.R.G. 1980. A geochemical
and isotopic approach to recharge evaluation in semiarid zones - past and present. In Application of Isotopic
techniques in Arid Zone Hydrology. Proc. Advisor Group
Meeting, Vienna, I978 :47-68. Vienna: IAEA.
Edmunds, WM.& Gaye, C.B. 1994. Estimating the spatial
variability of groundwater recharge in the Sahel using
chloride. J.Hydrol.156:47-59.
Edmunds, W M & Smedley, P L.. 1996. Groundwater
geochemistry and health: an overview. In Appleton, J.D,
Fuge, R and McCall, G.J.H (eds).Geological Society
Special Publication No 113pp 91-105.

Busenberg,E & P1ummel;L.N. 1992. Use of

chlorofluorocarbons (CCUF and CC12F2) as hydrologic
tracers and age-dating tools: The alluvium and terrace
system of central Oklahoma. Water Resour Res. 28:

Edmunds, WM. (in press). Recharge to groundwater in

arid and semi-arid regions from the Holocene to the
present. Rotterdam. A.A. Balkema

CEC. 1993. Research and technological development for

the supply and use offresh water resources. Report on
monitoring and modelling. EUR-14725-EN. Luxembourg:

Edmunds,WM.,Gaye, C.B.& Fontes,J-Ch. 1992. A record

of climatic and environmental change contained in
interstitial waters from the unsaturated zone of northern
Senegal. In Isotope Techniques in Water Resources


ProceedingsoftheUNESCO INWRC IACSAD WoTkI hop I ON Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater


Indicatars of Groundwater Quality



Edmunds, WM. and Wright,E.P 1979. Groundwater

recharge and palaeoclimate in the Sirte and Kufra
Basins, Libya. J.Hydro1.40:215-245
F0ster;S.S.D and Gomes,D.C. 1989. Ground-water
Quality Monitoring: An appraisal of practices and
costs.103~~. Lima:Pan American Centre for Sanitary
Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS)
Frapporti, G, Vriend,S. P and van Gaans. 1993.
Hydrogeochemistry of the shallow Dutch Groundwater:
Interpretation of the National Groundwater Quality
Monitoring Network. Water Resour Res. 29: 2993-3004.
Gaye, C.B. and Edmunds, WM 1995. Groundwater
recharge estimation using chloride, stable isotopes and
tritium proJiles in the sands of north-western Senegal.
Environmental Geology,
Gee,G.W!& Hillel,D. 1988. Groundwater recharge in arid
regions:review and critique of estimation methods.
J.Hydrol. Process. 2:255-266.
Hill 0.1984. Relative rates of difSusion of nitrate,
chloride, sulphate and water in cracked and untracked
chalk. J Soil Sci, 35: 27-34.
Korkman,TE. 1987. Strategies for ground-water
monitoring in Denmark. Studies in Environmental
Science 17, Quality of Groundwater: 237-246.
Khouri J and Miller J C. 1994. Groundwater
vulnerability in areas of climatic extremes. ~~49-56 In
J. Vrba and Zaporozec A (eds) Guidebook on mapping
groundwater vulnerability. International Association of
Hydrogeologists, Vol16. Heise, Hannover

Stumm,W & Morgan, J.J. 1981. Aquatic chemistry. 2nd

ed. New York: Wiley
Stone, WJ. 1987. Palaeorecharge, climatohydrologic
variability and water resource management. In The
Influence of Climate Change and Climatic Variability on
the Hydrologic Regime and Water Resources. IAHS Publ.
No. 168. Wallingford:IAHS.
Sukhtja, B.S., Reddy, D.V! Nagabhushanam, I? & Chand,
R. 1988. Validity of environmental chloride method for
recharge evaluation of coastal aquifers. India J. Hydrol.
van Dutjvenbooden, W?1987. Groundwater quality
monitoring networks: design and results. ~~179-191 In:
W van Duijvenbooden & H.G. van Waegeningh teds).
Vulnerability of Soil and Groundwater to Pollutants.
Report 38. The Hague:TNO Commission on
Hydrological Research .
van Duijvenbooden and van Waegeningh. 1987.
Vulnerability of soil and groundwater to pollutants. TN0
Committee on Hydrological Research, The Hague,
Proceedings and Information No 38, 1143~.
Vrba J and Zaporozec A.(eds). 1994. Guidebook on
mapping groundwater vulnerability. International
Association of Hydrogeologists, Vol16. Heise, Hannover

Geoindicators for the groundwater


SchlossenP Stute,M, Sonntag,C & Munnich, K.O. 1989.

Tritium/3He dating of shallow groundwater Earth and
Planet. Sci. Lett. 89:353-362.

NAME: Groundwater quality

The chemistry (quality) of
groundwater reflects inputs from the atmosphere, from soil
and water-rock reactions (weathering), as well as from
pollutant sources such as mining, land clearance, agriculture,
acid precipitation, domestic and industrial wastes. The
relatively slow movement of water through the ground
means that residence times in groundwaters are generally
orders of magnitude longer than in surface waters. As in
the case of Surface water quality, it is difficult to simplify
to a few parameters. However, in the context of
geoindicators, a selection has been made of a few important
first-order and second-order parameters that can be used in
most circumstances to assesssignificant processes or trends
at a time-scale of 50- 100 years.

Simmers,I, villaroya,F & Rebollo,L.F (eds) 1991.

Selected papers in Aquifer Overexploitation. Vol.3.
Selected papers, International Association of
Hydrogeologists. HanovecHeise.

The following first-order indicators (in italics) of change

are proposed, in association with a number of processes
and problems, and supported by a number of second order

NRA 1992. Policy and practice for the protection of

groundwater National Rivers Authority. Bristol.
Pim,R.H, & Binsariti,A. 1994. The Libyan Great ManMade River project. Paper 2. The water resource. Proc.
Instn Civ. Engrs Wat. Marit. & Energy. 106, 123-145.
Robinson N A. 1993. Agenda 21: Working toward a
global partnership. New York: Oceana Publications.

1. Salinity: Cl, SEC (specific electrical conductance), S04,

Br, TDS (total dissolved solids), Mg/Ca, **O,2H, F;
2. Acidity and redox status: pH, HCO,, Eh, DO, Fe, As;
3. Radioactivity: 3H, 36C1,222Rn;
4. Agricultural pollution: NO,, SO,, DOC (dissolved organic
carbon), K/Na, P, pesticides and herbicides;
5. Mining pollution: SO,, pH, Fe, As, other metals, F, Sr;
6. Urban pollution: Cl, HCO,, DOC, B, hydrocarbons,
organic solvents. During development and use of an
aquifer, changes may occur in the natural baseline
chemistry that may be beneficial or detrimental to health
(e.g. increase in F, As): these should be included in
monitoring programs. The quality of shallow groundwater
may also be affected by landslides, fires and other surface
processes that increase or decrease infiltration or that
expose or blanket rock and soil surfaces which interact
with downward-moving surface water.
Groundwater is almost globally
important for human consumption, and changes in quality
can have serious consequences. It is also important for the
support of habitat and for maintaining the quality of
baseflow to rivers. The chemical composition
groundwater is a measure of its suitability as a source of
water for human and animal consumption, irrigation, and
for industrial and other purposes. It also influences
ecosystem health and function, so that it is important to
detect change and early warnings of change both in natural
systems and resulting from pollution.
1. Salinity: Fresh groundwater may be limited laterally by
its interface with sea water and adjacent rock types, or
vertically by underlying formation waters. Saline water
intrusion into coastal aquifers can result from
overpumping of fresh groundwater, or when streamflow
decreases (e.g. due to dams or diversions) lead to reduced
recharge of aquifers in deltas and alluvial plains. Strong
evaporation in areas with shallow water tables may also
lead to salinization. Changes in levels of salinity may
occur due to natural climate change or due to excessive
pumping and irrigation
practices that stimulate
precipitation of dissolved solids as salts on agricultural
lands. It is important to monitor overall changes in salinity
using Cl or SEC and, if possible, to characterize the source
of the salinity, using one or more secondary indicators.
2. Acidity and redox status: Emissions of SOx and NOx
from industrial sources have, in places, led to an order of
magnitude decrease in mean rainfall pH. This has
accelerated natural weathering rates and reduced the
buffering capacity of soils and rocks, causing an increase
in acidity of shallow groundwaters especially in areas


deficient in carbonate minerals. Acidification is a major

problem to human and ecosystem health in large areas of
North America, Northern Europe, Southeast Asia and
South America. The impact on surface waters is
exacerbated where the buffering effect of HCO, in
groundwater baseflow to rivers and lakes is diminished.
Changes in the redox status of groundwater (mainly
consequent on the reduction of OJ can also take place
rapidly due to microbial or chemical processes in natural
systems or as a result of pollution. An increase in acidity
(decrease in pH) or a decrease in Eh (redox potential)
may give rise to undesirable increases in dissolved metals.
The onset of reducing conditions may, however, have
benefits such as in situ de-nitritication.
3. Radioactivity: Natural background radioactivity can be
closely related to the presence or absence of rocks and
sediments containing uranium or other naturally
radioactive materials. Concentrations of dissolved Rn gas
provide one means of detecting the presence of natural
radioactivity in groundwater [see karst activity]. Of more
significance from an environmental point of view is the
possible migration of radionuclides to groundwater from
thermonuclear testing, nuclear power plants and military
4. Agricultural pollution: Nitrate levels in groundwater have
been increasing over recent decades in most countries as
a result of drainage of excess fertilizers. Nitrate, and other
mobile fertilizer-derived parameters such as K (K/Na),
DOC and SO, serve as important tracers of humaninduced environmental degradation, though natural
denitrification can also occur under reducing conditions
(see Acidity). Herbicides and pesticides (insecticides,
fungicides) and other agrochemicals may also be mobile
in groundwaters and can serve as an index of diffuse
pollution beneath agricultural lands over the past 20-30
years. Because analysis is extremely difficult, it is not
feasible to use these as indicators. Their presence can,
however, be inferred if high concentrations of other
indicators are present.
5. Mining pollution: Sulphate derived from the oxidation
of sulphide minerals is the best single indicator of
pollution from metal and coal mining, oil and gas
production, and to a lesser extent from exploration
activities. A decrease in pH is generally associated with
this process, as are increases in the dissolved loads of Fe
and other metals that may contaminate both groundwater
and surface waters as acid mine drainage. The problem
becomes acute for water supplies and ecosystems as
ground- water levels rise following mine closures. F and
Sr derived from weathering of associated vein minerals
may also serve as secondary indicators.
6. Urban and industrial pollution: The impact of human



Workshopson Wadi Hydmiogy and Groundwater Protection


habitation and disposal of wastes characterized by

numerous chemicals is invariably evident in the quality
of local groundwater. Many chemicals enter the ground,
but the deterioration of water quality may be assessed
by those constituents that are most mobile. One key issue
is to protect deeper, uncontaminated aquifers and to
monitor the effects of contaminant plumes moving into
surrounding areas. Thus, DOC, Cl and HCO, represent
primary indicators of pollution from towns, cities,
landfills and waste dumps. Biological impacts may be
measured using indicator organisms such as E.coli.
However, harmful microorganisms generally fade out
within several hundred meters of flow in groundwater,
and an alternative is to measure the breakdown products
of these biological processes, such as DOC and HCO,,
Secondary indicators include B (where detergents are
used), solvents and hydrocarbons.
natural baseline conditions may occur over the timescales
of interest, and may be measured at an individual borehole
or spring. Superimposed on these, however, are the greater
impacts of the human activities described above.
The main
environments of importance from a global viewpoint are
those where major aquifers provide water supplies,
especially in bottomland settings with saturated riverine or
deltaic sediments, generally of limited thickness and high
transmissivity. These environments include temperate
regions where adequate supplies of surface water are
unavailable, semi-arid and arid regions where groundwater
is overwhelmingly the source of supply, and humid tropics
where groundwater increasingly provides a bacteriologically
safe source of drinking water. It is essential to protect
groundwater quality here. Groundwater also provides an
medium for of monitoring
environmental change in these regions.
TYPES OF MONITORING SITES: Shallow wells, springs
and major water supply boreholes where flow is active.
Observation holes where flow may be low or stagnant should
be avoided. Locations should be along major hydraulic
gradients, and some should be located downstream of
potential problem areas (e.g. power stations, urban areas,
waste disposal sites, agricultural lands) so as to relate
individual pollutants to their sources. Wherever possible
groundwater monitoring of geoindicators should be
integrated with national water quality networks.
SPATIAL SCALE: Patch to mesoscale/regional.
METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: The first order indicators
can be analyzed with relative easeusing standard techniques
and laboratory equipment. In many cases they may be

of Groundwater Quality

measured remotely by sensors placed in wells or at points

of discharge. To measure small environmental changes
requires high precision and accuracy. Changes in acid status
should be assessedusing HCO, rather than pH, which may
vary little (except below a pH of 5.5) due to buffering. The
second order parameters require more specialized and costly
analysis, as do measurements of radioactivity.
Changes in
groundwater quality are usually detectable on a seasonal or
annual scale. Dispersion, reaction and mixing ensure that
the addition of small amounts of contaminants are
commonly difficult to detect. Changes both at a regional
scale and in point source effects are important for
monitoring. A maximum frequency of 4 times a year is
suggested to detect changes in shallow groundwater sources,
but annual measurements are sufficient for deeper sources.
needed to ensure that sample locations are representative
of the groundwater flow regime, vertically as well as
horizontally. It is useful to have two sample points, one
shallow and one deep, installed at the same site. Spatial
variability will impose a limit of what can be achieved, and
the resulting network of sites to measure groundwater
quality is likely to represent a compromise. Analytical
accuracy between widely-spaced measurements, possibly
by different people, is likely to be a problem. Springs may
be stable over the long term, but they can also fluctuate
rapidly, due to dual porosity nature of the aquifer, to changes
in atmospheric pressure, in precipitation and evaporation
rates, or to seismic or volcanic activity, making causes
difficult to determine.
water table, groundwater is not generally a good archive of
past changes because of dispersion of the input signal.
However, paleowaters may be recognizedby chemical and
isotopic signals in large sedimentary basins. Around springs,
deposits of calcareous or siliceous material (travertine, tufa,
sinter), ranging from those that are inorganically precipitated
to those that are wholly organic, may reflect past changes
in surface climate or in local underground conditions of
hydrology and chemistry. The chemistry of groundwater in
the unsaturated zone can provide a key archive of past
climatic and ecological changes [see groundwater chemistry
in the unsaturated zone].
POSSIBLE THRESHOLDS: International standards for
maximum admissible concentrations of various substances
in drinking water have been set by WHO (1993) and many
national agencies. Arange of guidelines exist for the quality
of groundwater used for other purposes, such as livestock
watering and irrigation.


content, and some other harmful substances.

Appelo, C.A.J. & D. Postma 1993. Geochemistry,

Rotterdam: Balkema Hem, J.D.
1985. Study and interpretation
of the chemical
characteristics of natural water US Geological Survey
Water Supply Paper 2254. WHO 1993. Guidelines for
drinking water quality. Geneva: World Health Organization.

SIGNIFICANCE: Changes in recharge rates have a direct

relationship to water resource availability. The unsaturated
zone may store and transmit pollutants, the release of which
may have a sudden adverse impact on groundwater quality.


of NO3 concentrations and other major ions are to befound

in many national archives, and can be used to study

change. Environment
and health
departments, water/hydrological
agencies, geological
surveys, IAGC, GS, IAH, IAHS.
ISSUES: In many areas, especially tropical, endemic human
diseases (e.g. fluorosis associated with excess F and goitre
associated with iodine deficiency) are related to natural
groundwater quality: these diseases may be mitigated by
appropriate changes in water chemistry. Changes in
groundwater quality may result from other environmental
impacts, including acid precipitation,
agricultural development, land clearance and mining, as
detailed above. Variations in groundwater chemistry may
also cause changes in habitats and in the salinization of
soils and sulface waters. Groundwater tritium has been
monitored with regard to fallout from nuclear testing in
several countries over the past 30 years.
changes in
groundwater quality provides a key indication of both human
impacts on the hydrosphere and on the environment in

NAME: Groundwater
unsaturated zone

chemistry in the

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Water moves downwards through

porous soils and sediments and, under favourable conditions,
may preserve a record of weathering processes, climatic
variations (in the Cl or isotopic signature), or human
activities such as agriculture (NO,) and acidification (H+).
This indicator may be considered as the output from the
soil zone and may reflect the properties or change in
properties of soils. Rates of downward movement are
typically 0. l- 1.O m/yr, and a record of individual events
(resolution l-20+ years) may be preserved over a scale of
decades or centuries [see groundwater quality; soil quality].
In contrast, records collected over periods of years are
needed to establish trends from the monitoring of rivers
and streams or groundwater discharge [see groundwater
quality; surface water quality]. The unsaturated zone is also
an important buffering zone for attenuation of acidity, metal

HUMAN OR NATURAL CAUSE: Both. Depending on

land use, the unsaturated zone beneath a site may record
either natural inputs from the atmosphere, vegetation, soil
or mineral weathering, or the effects of human activities
such as agriculture and industrial activity, or regional
problems such as acidic deposition.
semi-arid regions in particular. In temperate zones, the
typical record may extend for 5-50 years, and in semi-arid
regions lo-200 years.
SITES: Unconsolidated
sediments or consolidated porous media (sand, till,
sandstone, chalk, calcarenite, volcanic ash) on relatively
level terrain (negligible surface runoff). The best records
are obtained where the unsaturated zone is lo-30 m thick,
and where sediments and flow are relatively homogeneous.

SPATIAL SCALE: PatWmesoscale.

Dry sampling of
unsaturated zone sediments is carTied out by hollow stem
auger (hand or motor-operated), by sampling from dug
wells, or by percussion or air-flush rotary drilling. Pore water
is extracted from sediments by high-speed (13,000 rpm)
centrifuge (drainage or immiscible liquid displacement) or,
for non-reactive components such as Cl and NO,, by elution
with deionized water. For isotopic samples (3H, 180, 2H),
vacuum distillation may be used. Measurement of Cl, NO,,
SO, and other representative ions is made by standard
methods suitably miniaturized to handle small quantities
of water (eg. 5-10 ml).
FREQUENCY OF MEASUREMENT: 5- 10 year intervals
to confirm movement of solutes towards the water table.
Relatively homogeneous sediments are required where flow
takes place uniformly (piston displacement). In dual
porosity media, some by-pass flow may occur that needs to
be taken into account, as when some contaminant travels
relatively rapidly to the water table along fissures. In very
dry sediments (< 4% volumetric moisture content) it may
be difficult to release pore waters, and elution must then be
the unsaturated zone may indicate inputs (amounts of
recharge, history of recharge or contamination) over periods

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO f NWRC IACSAD Work&opt on Wadi Hydmbgy and %roundwatrr Protection


of Groundwater Qualit)

of lo-100 years, and possibly up to 500 years or more. The

resolution of the signal will be related to dispersion. Under
favourable conditions (e.g. in semi-arid environments), the
unsaturated zone may provide an important terrestrial record
of climate/environmental change.

provides the simplest indicator of changes in groundwater

resources. However, springs may be perennial, intermittent,
or periodic, and their discharge may depend on changes in
climate, tides, and local underground conditions such as
changes in rock stresses.


SIGNIFICANCE: Groundwater is the major source of water

in many regions, supplying a large proportion of water
globally. In the USA, more than half the drinking water
comes from the subsurface: in arid regions it is generally
the only source of water. The availability of clean water is
of fundamental importance to the sustainability of life. It is
essential to know how long the resource will last and to
determine the present recharge: groundwater mining is a
terminal condition.


Appelo, C.A.J. & D. Postma 1993. Geochemistry,
groundwater and pollution. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Cook, PG., WM. Edmunds & C.B. Gaye 1992. Estimating
palaeorecharge and palaeoclimate from unsaturated zone
profiles. Water Resources Research 28: 2721 -2731.
Edmunds, WM., WG. Darling & D.G. Kinniburgh 1988.
Solute profile techniques for recharge estimation in semiarid and arid terrain. In: I. Simmers (ed.), Estimation of
Natural Groundwater Recharge: 139- 157. Higham, MA:
Geake, A.K. 8~S.S.D. Foster 1989. Sequential isotope and
solute profiling in the unsaturated zone of British Chalk.
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 34: 79-95.
agencies, geological surveys, IAH,
ISSUES: Although inputs ofpollutants can be monitored in
the saturated aquifer, the resolution of data in the
unsaturated zone is of high quality and unique value in
providing an archive at annual or decadal scales.
OVERALL ASSESSMENT Analysis of the chemistry of
groundwater in the unsaturated zone is a technique of
growing importance in groundwater quality assessment,and
the only available fine-resolution means of gaining an
instant record of long-term in- puts to the hydrological cycle.

NAME: Groundwater


BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Groundwater is replenished from

precipitation and from surface water, but the rate of
abstraction (withdrawal by humans) may exceed the rate of
natural recharge, leading to reduction of the resource. Some
aquifers, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, contain
paleowaters (fossil groundwater) stored from earlier periods
of wetter climate: the reduction of these reserves is
comparable to mining. In alluvial plains, reduction in
streamflow reduces the rate of natural recharge to aquifers:
in Bangladesh it is estimated that local groundwater levels
have dropped nearly 3 m because of upstream dams and
diversions of the Ganges. Measurement on a regular basis
of water levels in wells and boreholes or of spring discharge

HUMAN OR NATURAL CAUSE: There are natural

changes in groundwater levels because of climate change
(drought, pluvial episodes), but the main changes are due
to human abstraction. In many places artificial recharge of
aquifers is accomplished deliberately by pumping or as an
indirect result of irrigation.
groundwater is extracted for human use (drinking, irrigation,
industrial use), or where it influences the ecosystem (e.g.
in wetlands). Paleowaters are of particular importance in
aquifers in arid and semi-arid regions.

SCALE: Patch to landscape/regional.

TYPES OF MONITORING SITES: Boreholes, wells or
springs representative of the particular aquifer.
METHOD OF MEASUREMENT: Monitoring of the (lepth
to the water table is carried out using manual measurements,
automatic water-level recorders, or pressure transducers.
Standard hydrogeological methods are used to calculate a
water balance. Current recharge rates must be calculated
taking account of climatic variability over recent decades.
intervals to reflect seasonal as well as annual changes. The
state of fossil aquifers should be assessed at about 5 year
levels need to be measured both seasonally and annually
over decades to deterrnine overall trends. Overall accuracy
of manual methods is around I cm, but this can be reduced
to millimeters with automation.
may provide an archive of past climatic variations.
POSSIBLE THRESHOLDS: A threshold is crossed when
the rate of abstraction exceeds the rate of recharge,

and a sustainable renewable resource becomes a nonrenewable mined one. When pumping a well exceeds the
rate of lateral inflow, the well dries out and a threshold has
been crossed, though the situation may reverse itself when
pumping ceases or when recharge increases.

Freeze, R.D. & J.A. Cherry 1979. Groundwatel: Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. deMarsily, G. 1986. Quantitative
hydrology. New York: Academic Press.
Price, M. 198.5. Introducing groundwater London: Allen
& Unwin.
water/hydrology agencies, geological surveys, IAH, IAHS,
ISSUES: There is an extensive agenda of environmental
issues related to groundwater depletion, including the
drainage of wetlands, stability of foundations, and the
salinization of soils [see groundwater quality]. Pollution of
groundwater, a major problem in urban areas, also reduces
the overall resource.
OVERALL ASSESSMENT: The level of groundwater is
an essential parameter in areas of groundwater use.


ProceedingsoftheUNESCO I NWRC/ACSAD

Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Develoomenr of Groundwater Quality Indicators.

Development of Groundwater Quality

Indicators: The Preliminary Stage of The
Egyptian Experiences
Fatma A. Attia
Director of the Research Institute for Groundwatel; National Water Research Centel; El-Kanater; Egypt.

Various problems are facing the water availability in Egypt, some of the most important being: constant quota available
from the Nile, continuous pollution of the surface water, limited renewable groundwater resources, lack of sustainable
strategies for development of deep and fossil groundwater, pollution of groundwater, high non-beneficial losses from
water supply systems, as well as lack of proper water supply and sewerage systems. Water quality indicators, along with
other environmental indicators, can play an important role in this sustainable development. Steps involving the interlinking of economic, social, institutional and environmental parameters are considered the most critical and difficult aspects
in developing the indicators. The process is multi-disciplinary in nature, dictating the involvement of various experts along
with end-users and the public. Water quality issues, have recently received attention from scientists and the government.
However, groundwater quality has not yet been addressed well. In this work, some efforts made by the national and
international professionals, are reviewed aiming at developing preliminary groundwater quality indicators for the country.
The results of such exercise indicated that: (1) coverage of various communities with potable water and waste water
systems is still behind the standards, giving a probability of health hazards; (2) fresh water bodies still receive raw sewage
from various sources, a situation that indicates a continuous threat to their sustainability; (3) dependence on groundwater
especially as a source of potable water is increasing, which dictates the development of monitoring and conservation
systems; (4) groundwater salinity is generally at the lowest part of the indicator, except in coastal aquifers and in limestone
formations; (5) nitrate indicator is moderate to high due to poor fertilizer application in agriculture; (6) except in Greater
Cairo, pollution with iron is low to moderate, this could be due to industrial pollution and/or clay contamination; and
finally (7) domestic pollution is generally low, except at some specific sites where irrigation is based on raw waste water.
This exercise is still at its initial stage. Results may not represent the complete truth as it has been based on samples
extracted from groundwater fluctuating systems, due to the absence of a quality monitoring system. It is thus recommended
to develop a groundwater quality monitoring systems to enable proper evaluation of its status and define the proper
protection and management means.
1 Introduction
Water quality indicators are important tools needed in the
process of water conservation. They differ according to the
water user sector, the state of development, water
availability,... etc. In Egypt, like in many other countries,
water conservation should receive high attention before its
deterioration reaches a state that is difficult to recover. In
general, protection and conservation are more easy to
implement than remediation of polluted aquifers.
Interpretation of water quality data needs an understanding
of the following:
1) What are the important parameters?
2) Which parameters are representative (indicators)?
3) How and what can be aggregated (indices)?

4) How and what can be inter-linked to describe sustainable

The information can be described in the form of a pyramid
having the structure given in Figure 1. Primary data
comprise the broad base or foundation, while analyzed data
takes the next level. Indicators occupy the third level, and
indices occupy the top. Technical aspects decrease from the
level of primary data to the level of indices, while descriptive
measures increase in the same direction.
Basic information
Development of water quality indicators should be based

the aquifers underlying the deserts. This is mainly

represented by the Nubian sandstone which contains almost
non-renewable water. On the other hand, groundwater in
the Nile aquifer system cannot be considered a resource in
itself, as it is mainly recharged due to water activities based
on the Nile water. Table 1 summarizes the foreseen original
and recycled water resources in Egypt. The following points
are thus deduced:



1) The original groundwater resources are almost nonrenewable.

2) The recycled groundwater will remain stored in the
aquifer if not used; while other recycled agricultural and
sanitary drainage water is lost if not used or stored



Figure 1. Information needs for decision makers.

on various factors, namely:

1) Water quality issues and simple conceptual frameworks;
2) Impacts on the specific use of water, including health,
industrial and agricultural production, ...etc..
3) Participation of the public (affected and affecting
4) Availability

of time series of records.

Due to the lack of a quality monitoring system and time

series for various important water quality issues in Egypt, a
first trial is made for the development of groundwater
quality indicators for the Egyptian conditions. The trial is
based on available data and information.
2 Egypt Water Resources
Egypt covers an area of about one million square kilometres,
and is considered an arid country. Its main source of water
is the Nile which originates outside the country and is shared
by ten riparian countries. Rainfall is very limited with respect
to its geographical and temporal distribution and rates. The
other source of water in the country is the groundwater in

2.1 The hydrogeological environment of Egypt

The hydrogeological framework of Egypt comprises six
aquifer systems (RIGW, 1993). These are, Figure2:
1. The Nile aquifer system, assigned to the Quaternary and
Late Tertiary, occupying the Nile flood plain region and
the desert fringes -where 90% of Egypts population live.
2. The Nubian Sandstone aquifer system, assigned to the
Paleozoic-Mesozoic. It occupies mainly the Western
3. The Moghra aquifer system, assigned to the Lower
Miocene. It occupies mainly the western edge of the
4. The Coastal aquifer systems, assigned to the Quaternary
and Late Tertiary. They occupy the northern and western
5. The karstified Carbonate aquifer system, assigned to the
Eocene and the Upper Cretaceous. It predominates in
the northern part of the Western Desert.
6. The Fissured and Weathered hard rock aquifer system,
assigned to the Pre-Cambrian. It predominates in the
Eastern Desert and Sinai.
2.2 Problems facing water availability
Various problems face water availability in Egypt, some of
the most important being the constant quota available from

Table I. Original and recycled water resources in Egypt.



billion cum/year





Ag. drainage



Sa. drainage






billion cum&ear

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NKZRC ! ACSAD WorkI hopf on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection


of Groundwater Quality Indicators:

Figure 2. Distribution of main aquifer systems in Egypt.

the Nile, continuous pollution of the surface water, limited

renewable groundwater resources, lack of strategies for the
sustainable development of deep and fossil groundwater,
pollution of groundwater, high non-beneficial losses from
the water supply system, and the lack of proper water
supplies and sewerage systems.
Figures 3, 4 and 5 show examples of water supply status,
conditions of waste water service, and per capita water
consumption for GreaterCairo. Even in the capital, the water




supply and sewerage systems cover only 70% of the

permanent population (Figure 4); while losses from the
water supply system account for about 40% of the treated
water (Figure 5).
The main causes of water pollution are attributed to the
high vulnerability of groundwater to contamination at many
locations. Man-made activities including agricultural,
domestic, industrial activities and sea water intrusion in
coastal aquifers form the main pollution sources. The major

O/. of population



Figure 3. Water supply status in Greater Cairo.

Figure 4. Waste water service in Greater Cairo.


3) Pollutants disposed into the water systems by agricultural

activities are mainly related to salination, and the use of
fertilizers and pesticides. A portion of the substances
percolates to the groundwater.


3 Conceptual


and Water Quality

A trial is made in this section to compile possible conceptual

frameworks developed in Egypt and Canada.

Figure 5. Water consumption and losses in Greater Cairo.

pollutants caused by the man-made activities can be grouped

as shown in Table 2. One may deduce the following:
1) The total BOD level of municipal waste water all over
Egypt is estimated at 2,400 tons/day. This estimate is
based on a 40 gram BOD per capita per day. The
treatment of the municipal effluent in Egypt aims at the
so-called 20/20-level, with 20 g/m3 BOD and 20 g/m3
TSS. A minor portion of the effluent is used at present
either treated or untreated, and the rest is generally
disposed of into the agricultural drainage system.
2) The total amount of BOD discharged by industrial plants
amounts to 270 tons/day. On the other hand, toxic
substances like heavy metals are estimated at 1.25 tons/
day, in Greater Cairo region and Delta. Figure 6 shows
the means of industrial effluent disposal.

3.1 The Canadian framework

In the conceptual framework developed by the Canadian
task force (Table 3), three broad categories are described
corresponding to the water environment-related goals for
sustainable development. They are: water, water-related
human health, and economy.
In order to identify the types of indicators required under
each category, the following three questions are posed:
- What is happening to the state of the water resources; in
other words, what are the changes and trends?
- Why is it happening (causes and stresses)?
- What are we doing about it?
This effort led to the identification of a set of water quality
and water status indicators, as given hereafter:
- population served by treated water supply;
- municipal discharges to fresh water (BOD, TSS,
- discharges and regulated substances by petroleum
- concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in water;

Table 2. Main pollutants in Egypt.



Main Sources



All, including seawater

Oxygen demand


Domestic and industrial


NO,, NH,, org.N, PO,

Agriculture and domestic

Heavy metals

Cd, Hg, Pb




Agriculture and some industrial



Industrial and navigation

Other organic micro pollutant





Industrial and domestic

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC /ACSAD Workhps on Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection



of Groundwater Quality indicators:

- Trace metals (trace metals).

- Salinity and physical properties (salinity).
- Oil, grease, and petrochemicals (BOD, COD, and Oil &
- Pesticides and insecticides (pesticides).
- Oxygen demanding substances (BOD, COD).


With these parameters, the matrix (framework) shown in

Table 4 was used for ranking the hazards.






6. Water consumption and losses in Greater Cairo.

maximum concentration of pesticides;

municipal solid wastes disposal trends;
total water withdrawals compared with gross domestic
rates of water withdrawals and consumption by key
economic sectors;
rates of water recirculation by key industrial sectors;
daily household water use per capita.
3.2 Egyptian trial for the identification of issues
A quantitative risk assessment was conducted in which
seven potential water quality hazards were evaluated in
terms of their effect on public health, agriculture and
environment. Each of the hazards was evaluated based on
regional water quality data and professional judgement of
Egyptian experts. The following parameters were used in
this evaluation:.
- Parasites, pathogens and viruses (E. Coli).
- Nutrients (nitrates, phosphorus).

This exercise led to the definition of water quality issues

and priorities for various regions in the country, indicating
a range of priority according to the level of seriousness.
3.3 Water quality parameters identified in the
Egyptian clean water act
The parameters identified in Law 4 8/1992 (Egyptian Clean
Water Act) include: (1) pH; (2) temperature; (3) turbidity
(SS); (4)biochemical oxygen demand (BOD); (5) dissolved
oxygen (DO); (6) total coliform density (MPN/lOO) ; (7)
nitrate; (8) phosphate; and (9) total solids (TS). Provisions
are also made for the inclusion of pesticides and toxic metals.
For pesticides, if the total content of all types of pesticides
exceeds 0.1 mg/l (100 ppb), the water is considered at the
highest value of the indicator. For toxic elements and
substances, the indicator is based on setting upper limits
for the presence of each of these elements or substances. If
any of the toxic elements exceeds its assigned upper limit,
the water quality indicator (WQI) would characterize the
water as highly polluted.
3.4 Framework developed by Khordawi and
Khordawi and Sharkawi (1988) developed the following
mathematical function which can be applied with some

Table 3. Framework matrixfor developing water quality/status indicators.

WQI = XlSn


where, WQI is the water quality indicator, X is the water

quality parameter, and Sn is the permissible level for a
particular use.
The critical value is thus 1. Values greater than 1 indicate
that the water is exceeding the maximum allowable
concentration for that specific use. For those parameters
not following the rule (increase as pollution increases),
other formulas are applied.
For water quality parameters that decrease in value as
pollution increases (DO), the indicator would be as follows:
WQI = (X,, - X)/(Xmax - Sn)


where, X,,x is a practical maximum value.

For parameters having permissible ranges (i.e. temperature
and pH), the mean value of Sn should be calculated from
averaging Snmin and Snmax.

WQI = (X - SnmeanWnmin- Snmean)(3)


WQI = W - SnmeanY(Snmax
- Snmean)(4)
4 Development of Groundwater
Indicators for Egypt


4.1 Importance of groundwater

The importance of groundwater as a water resource for
municipal and agricultural activities in Egypt has increased
tremendously. The present groundwater withdrawal is
estimated at about 3.8 and 1.4 billion m3/year in the flood
plain and deserts, respectively; of which more than one
billion is allocated for drinking purposes (1996). This rate
is expected to increase due to the specific characteristics of
groundwater and lack of additional surface water. This

situation dictates the development of conservation methods,

which can be based, among others, on the groundwater
quality indicators (GWQI).
4.2 Bases
In Egypt, the importance of groundwater conservation was
not realized until the middle of this century. Even at that
time, the main concern focused on groundwater quantities
(fluctuations), while quality issues were not addressed.This
situation resulted in a limited time series for the chemistry
(1961), and ad hoc observation for the other elements.
Moreover, all available records are based on the groundwater
fluctuation monitoring network. In 1994, however, the
activities concerning the design of a groundwater quality
monitoring system were initiated. Implementation of the
system will take place in the upcoming few months.
The selection of groundwater quality issues is based on the
quality parameters identified by the Egyptian panel of
experts, as well as through the Environmental Clean Water
Act (ECWA). However, due to the lack of time series, in
addition to difference between surface water and
groundwater, the involved parameters will be modified. The
main quality parameters involved are: (1) the Total
Dissolved Solids (TDS); (2) Nitrogen; (3) Coliform; and
(4) trace metals.
The applied framework is that developed by Khordawi and
Sharkawi (1988), and is simple and flexibie. The standards
upon which the indicators are developed are those for
potable water since the future plan for potable water in the
country will be based on groundwater. Egyptian permissible
values are used. If not existing, then they are replaced by
the WHO standards.
Due to the lack of comprehensive data for drinking water,
the percentage of the served population has been used as an
indicator. Moreover, per capita water use could also indicate
the level of health education. Trends in groundwater use

Table 4. Scoring matrix for potential hazards to water quality.

Hazard Sype

Health Risk




Trace metals

Oil & Grease


Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC IACX4D Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection


are also considered an indicator, especially in the desert

regions. In addition, trends in waste disposal, including both
industrial and domestic, along with service status are used
as indicators for pollution. In addition, domestic pollution
at some specific sites is presented as an indicator for the
effect of using sewage effluent for irrigation. Regions
subjected to sea water intrusion are also identified.

5 Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions
Water quality and water status indicators, along with other
environmental indicators, can play an important role in
sustainable development. Steps involving the inter-linking
of economic, social, institutional and environmental
parameters are considered the most critical and difficult
aspects in developing the indicators. The process is multidisciplinary in nature, and dictates the involvement of
various experts along with the end-users and the public.
A preliminary list of parameters and status, reflecting the
major groundwater quality issues in Egypt (with specific
reference to Greater Cairo), has been identified; while some
are considered indicators. For parameters having enough
measurements with time, indicators are developed.
The results of the groundwater quality exercise in Egypt
indicated the following:
1) The production of potable water has increased, but still
the level of service is below standard. This situation,
which might result in health problems, begins with the
collection, of water to its storage and consumption.
2) The level of waste water service in Greater Cairo is still
below standard, indicating an increased risk of pollution;
especially due to poor on-site facilities
to the
3) The per capita water consumption in the Greater Cairo
region is increasing slowly. However, the losses are still
considerable, indicating a low level of maintenance.
4) Industrial effluents are still disposed into water ways and
groundwater, probably with little or no treatment. This
would cause more pollution to the fresh water resources.
5) Groundwater withdrawals for drinking are increasing,
especially in Middle Delta, Greater Cairo and the deserts.
More attention to groundwater protection is required.
6) The groundwater salinity indicator is generally within
the low range (cl), except for the coastal aquifers and
Siwa Oasis. The coastal aquifers are subject to seawater
intrusion, while the groundwater in Siwa is pumped from
the limestone formations.
7) Nitrate pollution is moderate to high. This may be
attributed to the extensive use of nitrogen fertilizer.
8) Trace metals concentration is generally low, except for
Greater Cairo, where a portion of the effluent is disposed
underground. The index for iron, is moderate (Middle

of Groundwater Quality Indicators:

and Upper Egypt) to very high (Greater Cairo). The high

concentration of iron may be attributed to the clay
9) Domestic pollution (faecal coliform), is generally
moderate, except at the few locations where domestic
sewage is used for irrigation.
5.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations can be made:
1) The disposal of industrial and domestic effluents into
fresh water bodies should be prohibited. Treated effluent
can be used to recharge depleted aquifers (this will also
result in an additional treatment). However, this practice
should be subject to intensive monitoring and evaluation.
2) The water supply and waste services should be elevated
to enhance health, and decrease improper disposal
3) The use of non-degradable pesticides should be forbidden,
along with extending and intensifying agricultural
extension services to educate the farmers on the safe
application of fertilizers.
4) A national monitoring system is highly important for the
conservation of water resources and sanitation.
Information should be processed and interpreted to
facilitate the development of indicators.
5) A public awareness program is highly needed for the
conservation of fresh water resources of the country.

CAPMAS, 1986. Population characteristics and In-house
Everett LG, 1987. Groundwater monitoring,
Publishing Corporation, Schenectady, NE


HSC, 199.5. Situation analysis of the water; environment,

and sanitation in Cairo. report presented to UNICEI;: Cairo.
Khordawi H.K. and E Sharkawi, 1988. Indexing Water
Pollution in Developing Nations. Bulletin of HIPH Vol.
XVIII, No. 4.
Meyer CF (ed.), 1973. Polluted groundwater: Some causes,
effects, Controls, and monitoring. US (EPA), Report no.
EPA-600/4- 73-001 b, Washington DC, 282 pp.
NWQCU, 199.5. Assessment of water quality hazards in
Egypt. internal report of the workshop, March 1995, Cairo,
Ott W, 1978. Environmental Indices-Theory and Practice.
Ann Arbol; Michigan, Ann Arbor Science Publisher; MI.
Pride, 1992. Egypt Water Quality-Impact AssessmentPhase I, Internal report presented to the National Water
Research Center; Cairo, Egypt.

RIGW/IWACO, 1991. Investigation

of groundwater
pollution from domestic activities in Egypt, technical note.
RIGW/IWACO, 1991. Investigation
of groundwater
pollution from agricultural activities in Egypt, technical
RIGW/IWACO, 1991. Inventory of groundwater pollution
in the Nile Delta, technical note.
SOE report, 1991. A state of the environment reportCanada 5 progress towards a national set of environmental
indicators. report No. 91-I.
Stumm W, 1986. Water and endangered ecosystem.Ambio,
vol. 1.5, no. 4, pp. 201-7.
UN Environmental program, 199.5. Development of water
quality indices for sustainable development, a case study.
report presented to the expert group meeting on the
implications ofAgenda 21 for integrated water management
in the ESCWA region Amman, Jordan.


Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwurer Protection in Egypt

Groundwater Protection in Egypt:

Recent Developments and Future Applications
Akram Fekry and Ebel Smidt
Research Institute for Groundwater (RIGW), National Water Research Centel; Cairo.
Consultants teamleader Environmental Management of Groundwater Resources Project, IWACO B. V, Cairo.

Groundwater is a precious resource serving present and future generations. Sustainable use of groundwater resources
highly depends on effective and efficient protection against pollution and unintended extractions. General groundwater
protection concepts and strategies have been developed by UNESCO/ACSAD, while countries in the Arab region have
begun implementation of groundwater protection measures adapted to their specific hydrogeological and administrative
conditions. The role of groundwater in Egypt is expected to be doubled in the forthcoming 25 years. As pressure on the
existing groundwater resources increases, the need for general protective measures is growing. On several levels,
contributions to groundwater protection have been made, research has resulted in hydrogeological mapping and assessment
of the groundwater vulnerability and potentiality. Groundwater management and regulations have mainly focused on
protection of groundwater with respect to sustainable abstraction rates for different categories of users. On pilot scale
levels, experiments are being executed with remedial measures, viz. artificial recharge and public awareness programmes
have been executed. Integration of these components into a national groundwater protection policy and planning, preferably
as part for a wider national water resources plan, needs further attention. An example of the protection measures in Egypt
is provided.

1 Introduction
Groundwater is a valuable and often irreplaceable resource,
especially in the semi-arid countries. Groundwater is and
will be used to the benefits of the present and the
forthcoming generations. Therefore groundwater resources
must be protected against short and long term deterioration,
be it in the form of aquifer depletion (quantity aspect) or
aquifer pollution (quality aspect). Aquifer depletion can take
place through extensive exploitation, which might be the
result of unplanned development. Overpumping can also
lead to quality problems caused by upconing of deep saline
water or seawater intrusion. Other quality deterioration
processes include chemical, physical and biological
pollution as a result of domestic, agricultural and industrial
activities. No unique methodology for groundwater
protection exists as each combination of hydrogeological
setting and administrative procedures requires a tailor
made system of protective measures. On the other hand a
methodology and a general framework have been proven
to be useful in the selection of measures, priorities and the
exchange of experiences. The methodology contains
elements of policy-making, research and application of
protective measures, which interact mutual!y, resulting in a
dynamic groundwater protection process rather than a static
system of standards and rules.

In the present work, the overall framework for groundwater

protection is discussed. Subsequently, the elements of the
framework are applied to Egypt by describing their actual
status of development. Recommendations for further actions
are also formulated. Differentiation
is made between
general protection of groundwater resources and
comprehensive or specific protection around public water
supply well fields - also referred to in the literature as
wellhead protection (a.o. UNESCO 1991 and 1995).
Work for the present paper benefitted from the long
experience of the RIGW with groundwater research. Special
experience on groundwater protection is being gained at
RIGW in the recent project Environmental Management
of Groundwater Resources (part of the Egypt - Netherlands
cooperation programme). The project on groundwater
quality monitoring, an essential element of groundwater
protection and on artificial recharge, a remedial measure
within the framework of groundwater protection. As in both
fields the experiences in the Netherlands have been useful,
some of the issues in this paper are illustrated by examples
from that country.

2 Principles and Approaches of Groundwater

Essential for groundwater protection is prevention or
limiting the impacts of groundwater quantity and quality

deterioration. This implies that groundwater protection

consists of an integration of operations at national, regional
and local level. The main elements in the groundwater
protection framework are presented in figure 1.

development, planning and management. Monitoring is a

necessary input not only for the research, but also for the
evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of
protective measures.

The elements are mainly based on the work of UNESCO/

ACSAD (1995); while the assessment of pollution load is
added as an important research element as it determines to
a great extent the quality of the groundwater. Groundwater
vulnerability in combination with pollution load results in
the concept of pollution risk, which is also added to the
framework. The equivalent of pollution risk in quantitative
terms is the concept of groundwater potentiality, also
included in the framework. On the other hand, groundwater
treatment processes are not dealt with as they come at the
end of the chain: in case protection fails, treatment will be

2.2 Comprehensive or specific protection around

public water supply wells or well fields
In recharge areas of well fields for public water supply, other
extractions have normally been regulated (limited or
prohibited). Specific groundwater protection therefore
focuses on groundwater quality aspects. Prevention of
pollution of the aquifer is essential, resulting in limitation
on activities at the land overlying the recharge areas.As the
risk of a calamity affecting the well field decreases with
travel time, zonation of protection areas is based on lines of
equal travel time. The travel time principle is illustrated in
Figure 2. A short description of groundwater protection in
the Netherlands in presented in the next page.

2.1 General protection of groundwater resources

Within the framework of a national environmental policy,
or a national water resources policy, targets and standards
are defined for the national groundwater resources.
Especially in the Arab region where groundwater is a scarce
commodity, general protection of groundwater resources
includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Based
on the general policy, plans are developed to achieve the
defined targets or standards. Groundwater management,
and enforcement and public awareness
programmes are embedded in the policy and the planning
since they feed back the policy development and
subsequently the planning. Research plays a vital role in
the groundwater protection framework: i.e. assessment of
the available groundwater resources, their vulnerability, and
the actual pollution
load is necessary for policy


Groundwater protection around well fields affects existing

economic activities. A.compensating or stimulating policy
can be followed (see box).

3 General Groundwater

Protection In Egypt

3.1 Policy development

The role of groundwater in Egypts water resources has been
defined in various policy papers. Depending on the region,
groundwater is reserved for public water supply, or
agricultural and/or industrial use. In quantitative terms the
importance of groundwater will increase in the forthcoming
years. In fact, total abstraction of groundwater will increase
from 5.2 to 11.3 billion m3, thus increasing the relative
importance of groundwater in the national water resources





Groundwater resources

Groundwater potentiality

Groundwater vulnerability

Pollution load assessment

Pollution risk assessment





Remedial measures (land

use restriction, artificial

Protection zones

Public awareness and

human resources



Figure I.Groundwater protection framework.

Groundwater Protection in Egypt

Groundwater quality issues have received substantial

attention at the level of policy makers. Activities are
generally following
the policy laid down in the
Environmental Action Plan (1992): a) definition of current
groundwater status; b) completion of the mapping of
groundwater vulnerability to surface pollution. Evaluation
of technical protection measures will be based on the results
of these steps.
3.2 Groundwater resources planning and management
Groundwater resources planning and management in Egypt
aims at optimal and sustainable use of this precious resource,
in the framework of an overall integrate&water resources
management plan. Major concern of the management is
protection of groundwater resources from various sources
of pollution including seawater intrusion, controlled
economical drawdowns and prevention of waterlogging.
The planning and management process continuously
receives input from research on groundwater assessment,
potentiality and vulnerability;
and from research on
pollution load and risk. For all these components proper
monitoring is required.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of a

groundwater protection area.

3.3 Groundwater resources assessment

3.3.1 Hydrogeological maps
Hydrogeological mapping has been executed at different
scales. The national hydrogeological
map (scale
1:2,000,000) has been prepared in 1988 (RIGW/IWACO,
1988) and is presently being updated by RIGW. On a
regional level, hydrogeological maps of different scales have
been prepared (1500,000 and 1: 100,000). The maps are an


Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection in Envpt

integration of information on topography, hydrography,

geology, tectonics, man-made features, surface water
features, groundwater features and hydrogeological units.
The purpose of these hydrogeological maps is to present a
qualitative and quantitative classification of the suitability
of groundwater resources development. The legend is based
on the UNESCO international legend for hydrogeological
maps (1983) with some modification to suit the local
conditions (figure 6).
3.3.2 Groundwater potentiality
The first national potentiality map named Land Forms and
Groundwater Utilization Map (1990) was constructed on
scale 1: 2,000,OOO(figure 7) (see box for definition). The
country was divided into different geomorphological basins,
each with specific characteristics regarding the geographic
extension, water bearing layer, productivity and source of
recharge. In the same year the first Groundwater Atlas was
produced, including potentiality maps, scale 1:250,000,
covering all the Nile Valley, the Delta and their desert

In 1995, the groundwater potentiality maps for the Nile

Valley and Delta were updated (figure 8). Special attention
was given to the desert fringes in the East and West Nile
Delta region. The updated maps were compared with the
previous maps, resulting in a status map showing the actual
and future required interventions (figure 9).
3.4 Groundwater vulnerability, pollution load and
pollution risk
3.4.1 Vulnerability of groundwater to pollution in the
Nile Delta
The main sources of groundwater pollution in the Nile
aquifer system and desert fringes originate from agriculture
activities (fertilizer and pesticide application), urban
activities (industrial waste water and sewage water), village
activities (sewerage and septic tanks), in addition to
irrigation return flow (salinity).
The vulnerability of groundwater to pollution is largely
determined by the thickness of the top clay layer, depth to

Table I. Present andfuture groundwater abstraction in Egypt.

Groundwater Itasht~



Nile Basin
Fringesof the NiSeBasin
Subtotal pllikt Basin


Coasta1Aquifers and Wadis

Subaotal autsidtt Nile. &sin

(109 m3 yearfRmar

















5.4 *

Surface water dependenr;is considered


a reservoirin the Nile systqm









Additionafto HAD flow of

ss.5 lo* &year





groundwater, rate of recharge and direction of natural

vertical groundwater flow (see Table 2).
According to these parameters the Nile Delta region can be
distinguished into four areas (see Figure 10).
1. The reclaimed desert areas with moderate to high
vulnerable groundwater, due to the presence of sandy
formations with high infiltration and low adsorption
capacities, although groundwater is relatively deep.
2. The traditionally cultivated area with moderate to low
vulnerable groundwater, due to the presence of a clay
3. The transition zone between the old land (traditionally

LI thology

The assessed impact of some pollutants on groundwater

quality can be summarized in the following points:
1*Most of the shallow handpumps appear to be contaminated
with faecal coliform in the areas nearby domestic
pollution sources (in the high vulnerable areas). This




cultivated) and the reclaimed areaswith highly vulnerable

groundwater, due to the presence of sandy soils and a
shallow groundwater table.
4.The northern part with very low vulnerable groundwater,
due to the presence of a top clay cap and upward
groundwater flow.


YalTD of






cmtlnww utwln






to hleh
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..--.---



l xtwulw





to high


IOU to





lo!d to
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..----.-Plrwrod
















f I rrurd








Figure 6. National hydrogeological map of Egypt.


Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC /ACSAD Workrhopr on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection in Egypt

Figure 7. Land forms and groundwater utilization map of Egypt.

faecal coliform counts decline rapidly with increasing

screen depth.
2. In the reclaimed desert areas (moderate-high
vulnerability), as a result of extensive use of fertilizers,
concentration of nitrate increases (75-100 mg/l) and
exceed the WHO drinking water standard (45 mg/l).
3. High nitrate concentration was found in sandy areas near
sewage water irrigated areas (30-75 mg/l).
3.4.2 Vulnerability of groundwater to pollution in
Greater Cairo Region
Following the same procedure, as in case of the Nile Delta,
the groundwater vulnerability of Greater Cairo was assessed
(Figure 11). Accordingly it can be concluded that:
1. Despite the very thin clay layer, the groundwater in the
area east of Belbeis Drain has low vulnerability because
the existing of upward seepage (discharge) from the
aquifer. This discharge is mainly caused by extensive
leakage from the Ismailia Canal which is located just in
the high land.

2. Most of the groundwater in the flood plain has a moderate

to low vulnerability to pollution. Exceptions concern two
areas - one in urban Cairo and one north of Cairo - where
the groundwater is more vulnerable due to locally thin
covering layer combined with a larger sand fraction of
the soil.
3. The high groundwater vulnerability exists in the fringes
of the flood plain, where most of the agricultural land is
located with some scattered rural areas. This is mainly
due to the type of the aquifer (unconfined with relatively
shallow groundwater).
The main sources of pollution in Greater Cairo Region are
the following:
1. Common industrial activities are located at Shoubra El
Kheima, Imbaba, Moustord and Helwan. Several private
industries are spread all over Cairo. Assessment of
impacts of the industrial pollutants still needs more
2. Agricultural pollution is mainly located at the western

Groundwater potential? tY

Where to pump groundwater and in which quantity, is a question which has to be solved before starting any
groundwater development activity which complies with the national water resources policy. After construction of
the wells, monitoring of abstractions and drawdowns is required to improve the management strategies. In this
respect, the concept of groundwater potentiality has been proven to be very useful in the Egyptian conditions.
Groundwater potentiality is based on an integrated evaluation of the following parameters:

aquifer type and its saturated thickness;

productivity of the aquifer and rate of recharge;
present and future depth to groundwater table;
land use and existing abstractions;
suitability of the groundwater for irrigation.

Groundwater potentiality depends on the quantity and natural quality of groundwater, Quantity refers to the availability
of the source, while the quality refers to its suitability for a specific use (drinking water supply or agricultural use).

bank of the river Nile and north of Cairo. It results from

the extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
3. Domestic pollution mainly originates from leakage of
sewage networks in the served areas and from the
drainage of sewage in the open channels in the areas
which depend on the septic tanks. The total and faecal
colifonn are the indicators for this pollution.

In general, at various locations within the Greater Cairo

Region, most of the shallow wells for drinking water supply
could be considered polluted either due to high salinity, iron
content, or bacteriological contents.
3.4.3 Pollution Load
The pollution load depends on the land use of the area.

Figure 8. Potential for groundwater abstraction in WestNile Delta Region (1995).

Groundwater Protection in Egypt

0 ra-cudmter
for CevaQmlt
#St cdta



,.<.*. . . . . ..L.l

,* I,,,,,,.

*. ,.I...



,I.. . . . .



I,.. *a .I *....




8. II *..*.


I,, I.,.,...a,..I. ,*I..*.

Figure 9. Status of Groundwater Potential for Development WestNile Delta Fringes (I 995).

Table 2.

Factors Afleeting The Groundwater Vulnerability in The Nile Delta




Rate of
, mm/day

Depth to
from surface (m)



and reclaimed land












Transition zone

transition zone











North Delta

Figure 10. Groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Nile Delta Region.

Table3 shows a qualitative indication for the pollution load

considering different agricultural activities with different
sources of irrigation water, industrial and urban activities.
3.4.4 Pollution risk
By combining groundwater vulnerability and pollution load,
the pollution risk is established (Table 4). This pollution
risk is a powerful indicator for determining priority areas
for monitoring or intervention measures.
3.5 Monitoring network
The groundwater monitoring system in Egypt consists of
the following components:
1. National groundwater level network (see figure 12):
consists of about 500 observation wells. (Data have been
collected in the past 20-30 years.)
2. National groundwater quality monitoring network: the
network is being updated at present. The design of the
network is a stepwise process (see box).
Figure 13 shows the presently assessedpriority areas for
monitoring and the required density of observation points.
Location of the observation wells depends on the
processes to be monitored (see figure 14).

Figure 11. Groundwater vulnerability


in Greater Cairo

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Workshop ON Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection in Egypt

Table 3. Classification of Pollution Load.




Sewage water drainage in open cha,nnels cutting sandy soil

and near groundwater table

NO,and NH,


Sewage water drainage in open channels cutting part of the clay cap

NO, and NH,


Sewage water losses from sewage network or septic tanks

in clayey soil

NO, and NH,


Sewagewater losses from septic tanks in sandy soil

and depth to groundwater c 5 m.

NO, and NH,


Agriculture: crops requiring high rate of nitrate (maize and wheat)



Agriculture: crops requiring medium to low rate of nitrate {vegetables)



Irrigation with treated sewage water: first treatment.

NO3 and
heavy metals


Large scale industrial areas

Heavy metals
organic and oil


Table 4. Pollution risk matrix.

IWlution load

















3. National well inventory (executed at least once every

five years, with higher frequency for some regions);
4. National Groundwater Resources Information System,
maintained by the RIGW where the data on groundwater
levels and groundwater quality are stored.

4 Implementation

of Groundwater


The results of the aforementioned research have been

integrated in the groundwater protection policy. In the next
paragraphs the implementation of this policy will be

Steps in the design of the national groundwater quality monitoriug network

1. Identification of regions and aquifers

2. Identification of hydrogeocbemical units

3. Identification and prioritizing subareas

4. Selection of area3 for monitoring salinisation

5. Identification of homogeneous pollution units

6,Monitoring area3 selection; well distribution

) 7. Detailed design
9, Mo&oring

and data reporting

8. Implementation
10. Evaluation of data, reporting, optimization

Figure 12. National groundwater level monitoring network (Nile Delta Region).
4.1 Legislation and enforcement
Groundwater protection measures have been initialized by
the introduction of a well licensing system. Extractions need
to be authorized by a High Committee formed from high
ranking officials from the Ministry of Public Works and

Water Resources, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land

Reclamation. The potentiality maps and the regular well
inventories of the RIGW are crucial for the well-functioning
of the licensing system, in addition to means for
enforcement, which can still be improved.

Figure 13. National groundwater quality monitoring network: priority areas and well density.

Proceedingso thr UNESCO INWRC/ACSAD

Wrksbops on Wadi Hydrologyand Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection in Egypt

Figure 14. Groundwaterprocesses to be monitored.

Law 48-1982, regarding the protection of the River Nile
and Waterways from pollution, has been integrated in the
Law for the Environment 4-94. Groundwater is specifically
mentioned as waterway, also in the Implementary
Regulations of Law 48-1982 (Decree no. g-1983), where
limits are given for different effluent being discharged in
either surface water or groundwater. Compliance with Law
48 has generally been weak, partly because standards were
very high. Nevertheless the law forms a firm base for the
protection of the Egyptian groundwater resources with
respect to direct discharges (e.g. by injection through wells).
To combat pollution of groundwater resources from diffuse
sources (fertilizers, pesticides etc.) the legal framework of
the two cited laws seems to be insufficient.
4.2 Remedial measures
4.2.1 Restrictive landuse
Directions on land use are imposed within the framework
of national and regional development plans; whereas
restrictions on land use related to threats imposed on soil or
groundwater can be derived from existing legislation
(Decree No.8-1983, implementary regulations for law 481982), but are not systematically applied.

Hammam Area, in the coastal zone about 50 km west of

Alexandria. In Bustan Extension Area the first tests have
already been executed (figure 16).
The experience gained in Bustan Extension Area will be
used to evaluate other proposed sites for artificial recharge
in Egypt. Agricultural drainage water and treated urban
sewage water could be considered as an alternative source
for artificial groundwater recharge. However groundwater
recharge with sewage or drainage water requires special
attention with regard to clogging and environmental
4.3 Public awareness programme
The main objective of the Public Awareness Program was
to promote awareness by the officials and inhabitants of

4.2.2 Artificial recharge

Egypts Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources
(MPWWR) considers artificial recharge as an important
option in the national water conservation policy. It serves
several goals, such as augmenting the groundwater potential,
storage of water, reduction of evaporation losses and
improvement of water quality (Attia et. al., 1995).
In previous studies, eleven locations have been indicated
as being feasible for an artificial recharge experiment (figure
15). Two sites have been selected for detailed
hydrogeological studies: Bustan Extension Area, at the
desert fringe about 150 km northwest of Cairo; and Bahig

Figure 15. Locations for artificial recharge in Egypt.


RIGW Artificial


Recharge Project Bustan

levels during infiltration

I I i I I




1 l-Jan





01 basin




150 m trom







Figure 16. Groundwater levels during artificial recharge test in Bustan Extension Area.
Mansouryia on the dimension, reasons and effects of water
pollution (deep and shallow), and on the options and the
relevant procedures to minimize the negative and hazardous
effects of this problem. The program can be summarized as
l- Preparation for the gatherings: The involved officials were
informed about the PAP and their assistance was sought
to contact people and organizing the gatherings.
2- Informal talks and small gatherings with some of the
inhabitants: The objective was to obtain their views and
opinions about the water supply situation and to spread
word on the upcoming public gatherings.
3- Visits in order to inspect and collect data about the
situation of public as well as the private groundwater
4- Both audio-visual as well as simple drawings have been
used to illustrate the causes of groundwater pollution and
related health impacts (Figure 17).
5- Two days gatherings: one for the officials and unit leaders,
and the other for the women of the community. People
anJ officials showed high concern for the poor water
quality; indicating that it was not only the poor well
facilities but also the poor operation of the public water
supply system. Both the people and the officials were
ready to contribute to the solution of the problem.

Well fields for public water supply exist all over Egypt, yet
little is known about their vulnerability to pollution, thus
protection of the recharge area of the well field is hardly
implemented. Preventing future pollution of the wells
requires protection measures based on several factors,
including the flow pattern and pollution risk. A widely

5 Comprehensive Groundwater Protection for

the Drinking Well Fields - a Practical Example
from Greater Cairo Region
Figure 17. Examples of Public Awareness Illustration

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection in Egypt

Recently, Public Awareness Programmes (PAP) were initialized by RIGW (Attia, 1996). The selected pilot area for
conducting the PAP is El Mansouryia unit located west of Cairo, which comprises Mansomyia main village (the
mother village) and 15 ezbas, or small private plots. The population of the area is 65,000 and the total area under
15,000 acres.
There are two groundwater drinking stations in the area, at El Mansouryia and Abdel Samad Villages, while the
ezbes depend onIy on hand pumps. In El Mansouryia, groundwater is pumped 18 hours daily with no storage
facility. Chlorine tanks are availabfe but they are not used, indicating that the water pumped to the consumer is not
treated and therefore may be polluted. The groundwater station has only 2,300 connections within Mansouryia
village, leaving more than 65% of the inhabitants unserved. Hence, extensive reliance is made on handpumps, a
phenomenon give rise to the high rate of water pollution and its related diseases in the village. Abdel Samad Village
has only two we&, covering a smalf proportion of the population. The villages and ezbes are not served with a
sewage network, the main system is the by unlined trenches.
Regarding to the groundwater quality, most of the elements are within the limits except, manganese concentration
is above permissible (>0.5 ppm), except at a few locations (highconcentration of COD>. Colifotm (microbiological
pollution) is present in surface water (canals) and drains as well as in shallow groundwater and taps, being less
pronounced, and with little spread in deep groundwater.

A. Simulated groundwater

C. Groundwater




B. Land use map

D. Travel time map

Figure 18. Grourldwater protection in Moustord Area (Greater Cuiro).

Table 5. Summary of general groundwater protection elements in Egypt




Targets set / policy development

groundwater use defined

until 2025

Groundwater assessment

well known for the Nile Basin, improvements in the Desert areas

Existence of monitoring system

existing and being optimized

being processed

Groundwater vulnerability

well known for the Nile Basin.

Under development for the
Desert areas

known for some areas (Delta,

parts of Valley), being
processed for other areas

Groundwater resources Planning

groundwater use plans exist

and are under further

being processed

Groundwater resources

regular well inventories are used

to update management

being processed

Legislation and enforcement

existing, needs updating

being further processed




being processed

Remedial measures
* artificial recharge
* restrictive land-use

experiments being executed

under study

Public awareness

several campaigns have been


accepted concept for determining protection measures is

based on the calculation of travel time of groundwater and
indicate areas of equal travel time, for example 1, 10, 2.5
and 100 years. For shorter travel times, more stringent
protection measures are introduced.
5.1 Practical example: Moustord drinking well field
The Moustord well field is located east of Greater Cairo
Region, near Ismailia Canal, with a discharge of about 35
million m3/year. This area is covered by silty clay, its
thickness reaches about 20 m. and the underlying aquifer

Effectiveness and environmental

first campaigns have been


belongs to the Quaternary with a thickness of more than

100 m. Many industrial activities exist in area and its
surrounding, hence the expected pollution load will be
mainly of industrial origin. Groundwater vulnerability varies
from low to moderate while the regional groundwater flow
direction is from south to north. In this present location, as
result of the extensive pumping, a cone of dc nression exists
in the area surrounding the drinking stat! I, resulting in
radial flow directed towards the well field.
Application of a simple numerical model resulted in the

efficiency of general and comprehensive groundwater


Comprehensive protection around well fields for public water supply exists about six years in the Netherlands.
Recently the question has been raised if the more strict Provincial protection measures are more effective and have
a higher environmental efficiency than the general protection by the government. Effectiveness is defined as the
degree to which the for water quality are realised. Environmental efficiency is the difference between groundwater
quality under the two sets of regulation. It is expressed as percentage of improvement of the pumped groundwater
quality. Nitrate resulting from over-fertilizing, is supposed to be representative for diffuse pollution and has been
taken as representative indicator. Groundwater protection under the supervision of the Provincial authorities resulted
in sufficient effectiveness (desired level of 25 mg/l will be realised), and in an environmental efficiency between 510% (for extractions with a high historical nitrate load) and 20-30% (for extractions with a low historical nitrate

Groundwnter Protection in Egypt

Table 6. Drinking water guidelines in Egypt and the Netherlands and groundwater quality target values
according to the National Environmental Plan.

Drinking water
guidelines in
Egypt (based on
WHO guidelines

The Netherlands

Target values in

Standard for
drinking water

Nitrate (NO,) (mg/l)




Aluminium (mg/l)


Arsenic (mg/l)




Cadmium (mg/l)






Zinc (mg/I)
Pesticides (ng/l)


ind. 100
sum 500

d - IO(d)

- organochlorinated pesticides
- organophosphor pesticides
- organotine pesticides
- atrazine
- others
(Orga@c micropollutants &g/l)
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- chlorophenols
- volatile halogen-hydrocarbons
- chlorobenzenes
- halogenenitro-aromats
- sum 7 PCBs
- mineral oil
- other organic micropollutants


per type 0,0004-O, 1

per type 0,02-0,25
per type 0,Ol (d)
per type 0,Ol (d)
per type d
WI (4
50 (4
0,2 (d) - 1

total: 0,2
as pesticide
per type: 1
1 or 0.1
1 or 0.1
as pesticide

d = detection limit 2 DS DifSerently stated

travelling time zones as indicated in figure 18 (RIGW/
1996). Combination
with groundwater
vulnerability and land use data illustrates the need for
protective measures, especially in the eastern part of the

Results of the aforementioned components of general

groundwater protection are summarized in table 5.
Accordingly, it can be concluded that:

2. Tools for general groundwater quality protection are
available or under development: i.e. some laws already
exist, but still need reinforcement or adjustment to be
However, enforcement
of specific
groundwater protection still needs further effort from
various parties involved (Research Institute for
Groundwater, Ministry of Public Works and Water
Resources, Ministry of Housing and New Communities,
and the Water Companies/Authorities).

1. Groundwater quantity protection is being applied

successfully making use of the assessment,planning and
management of groundwater which started more than
30 years ago. The existence of the monitoring network
served as the backbone to plan and management of this
resource. In recent years, the groundwater potential maps
have formed a major tool in establishing the licensing

The question can be raised if groundwater protection should

focus on the general level or the specific level with respect
to its effectiveness and efficiency (see box). In the case of
Egypt where the National Government is the focal point
for the environmental issues both issues are best addressed
at the central level for the time being. As decentralization
of authority on the public water supply is rapidly taking

6 Discussion

place on the level of the water company, it seemsappropriate

to involve these stakeholders also with respect to the specific
groundwater protection, thus increasing the possibility of
successful implementation of the measures.
7 Action

Plan for Groundwater



Protection strategies can be established and implemented
on different levels:
1. National level: At this level a national groundwater
protection plan in which different targets are determined
can be developed, including target values and drinking
water standards (see Table 6 as example). The output at
this level serves as strategic framework for Provincial/
Governorate and lower level protection measures.
2. Governorate / Provincial level; General guidelines are
derived from the national level, but at this level regional
differences in vulnerability and potentiality can be taken
into account. In regional execution plans extra protection
of abstractions for drinking water (e.g. protection of (part
of the) recharge areas) generally are taken into account.
3. Local level: at this level plans are put into operation, e.g.
remedial measures at local scale.
The national and governorate plans focus on prevention of
groundwater pollution and provide general groundwater
protection. Remedial measures are mostly related to local
sources and are part of comprehensive

under the
responsibility of local authorities (municipalities, districts,
water supply companies, industries) (see Table 7).
Strategic protection measures for groundwater protection
are first to be implemented at a national level. These
measures may be the framework of a national groundwater
protection plan
7.1 General groundwater protection measures
Groundwater protection measures are directed to the main
sources of pollution: domestic, agricultural and industrial
activities. In table 8 these measures are summarized, taking
into consideration the different levels of groundwater
8 Conclusions

and Recommendations

1. Comprehensive groundwater protection around public

water supply well fields and general groundwater
protection are two sides of the same coin. Experiences
on both approaches mutually reinforce each other. In
caseswhere groundwater protection is being developed,
it is recommended to execute the two approaches in
parallel, while focusing on priority areas for well field
protection in the first stages.
2. In Egypt most elements for general groundwater
protection are available or under development.
Integration of the various components into a national
groundwater protection policy and planning, preferably
as part of a wider national water resources plan, is a

Table 7. Policy Options for Groundwater Protection



Type of Plan


General aims

National Level

protection plan

* strategy and approach

* methods and tools
* monitoring and control

prevention of

Governorate Level

protection plans

* groundwater protection areas near

drinking water abstractions
* provincial differentiations of
* regulations in protection areas for:
- agriculture
- industry
- domestic activities
- oil pipelines, etc

prevention of

Local Level
- districts
- municipalities
- water supply
- industries

operational plans

* environmental ranking (priority

ranking according to risks)
* selection of protection alternatives
* remedial measures
* monitoring and control

* Remedial
* Measures to
control spreading
interception wells)


ProreedirrgsoftheUNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Work5hop I on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protectim

Groundwuter Protection in Eavnt

Table 8. Strategic Measures for Groundwater Protection.

component that needs urgent action. First question to

be answered in this plan is: which standards for
groundwater (quantity and quality) are to be realized in
a certain year, e.g. 2010. Differentiation in standards,
e.g. drinking water limits, groundwater target value and
groundwater intervention value, and geographical
zonation is recommended to avoid too rigid and therefore
unrealistic planning.
3. Hydrogeological knowledge and tools are sufficiently
elaborated to start detailed studies on comprehensive
groundwater protection areas. Involvement of water
supply companies, local and regional authorities. besides
the development of appropriate legislation And
enforcement means, is essential for the successful
integration of the studies in actual groundwater
protection implementation.
Attia, FA., 1996. Community Participation as a Mean For
Water Conservation In Greater Cairo. International

Conference on Managing Water Resourcesfor Large Cities

and Towns, Beijing, China 18-21 March 1996.
Attia, FA., A. Fekry and E. Smidt, 199.5.Artificial recharge
- a tool for Egypts future water
management. Int. Conf on Water Res. Management in Arid
Countries, Muscat 12-16 March 1995, p. 183-191.
of groundwater

Government of Egypt, 1992. Environmental Action Plan.

IWACOIKIWA, 1994. Evaluation ofprovincial groundwater
protection policy: effectiveness and environmental
RIGW/IWACO, 1988. Hydrogeological map of Egypt, scale
1991. Planning for groundwater
development in arid and semi-arid regions. Round Table
Meeting 5-9 October 1991, Cairo.
1992. Monitoring
and Control of
Groundwater Pollution. Guidelines with respect to
groundwater quality.

RIGW/IWACO, 1994. Environmental Management of

Groundwater Resources Project. Inception Report.
RIGW/IWACO, 1996. Groundwater protection areas in
Egypt: methodology and examples (underpreparation).
Smit, PR., 1995. Groundwater protection, where are the
changes. H20 (28). nr 26, p. 790-792 (in Dutch).
Unesco, 1991. Approaches to integrated water resources
management in humid tropical and arid and semi-and zones
in developing countries. (Edited by Maynard M. Hufschmidt
and Janusz Kindler).
Unesco/Acsad, 1995. Groundwater Protection in the Arab
Vrba, J., 1994. Guidebook on mapping groundwater
vulnerability. IAH Int. Contr to Hydrogeology, vol. 16.


or rho s OR wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection

Groundwater Hazards in Siwa Oasis, Eawt


Hazards in Siwa Oasis, Egypt

SM. Abdel-Mogheeth
Desert Research Centel; Matariya, Cairo

Because of the excessive and uncontrolled groundwater flow, the soil layer of Siwa Oasis, which attains a variable thickness
ranging between 2.0 and 4.0 meters, is unduly subjected to continuous up rising of the water table (2 - 4 cm/year) causing
a serious water-logging problem. The present study, which is a part of multi-disciplinary research work by the DRC staff
members (1988-1994), deals with the assessment and evaluation of groundwater hazards to the soil-drainage system in
Siwa Oasis. The process of assessment took place in three main steps. The first one was to collect and analyse Soil-Water
level fluctuations in twenty shallow piezometers (maximum 5 m depth) distributed mainly in the central part of the depression.
The second involved a water well inventory including hydrological data analysis and classification among the dominating
aquifer units. The last step included analysis of water samples collected from 100 representative water points (wells,
piezometers, lakes, springs, and drains). The assessment of groundwater hazards in Siwa depression is subject to many
dimensions related to soil properties, irrigation and drainage sysLems,socio-economic aspects...etc, and therefore should
not be limited to the water budget and salt balance only, nor to a certain period of time.

1 Introduction
Siwa Oasis occupies an area of about 1000 square
kilometres. It lies 330 km south-west of the Mediterranean
shore line and 65 km to the east of the Libyan border. It
attains a length of about 75 km and a width ranging between
5 and 25 km. The ground elevation of the Oasis ranges
between 15 and 20 m below the mean sea level.
Climatically, Siwa Oasis is characterized by desert climate;
it displays mild winter and hot summer. The average
temperature ranges between 20 C in January and 40 C in
July and August. The precipitation is rare and does not
exceed 10 mm/year. The evaporation exceeds 2000 mm/
year, and indicates a value of about 5.4 mm/day in winter
and 16.8 mm/day in summer.
Physiographically, Siwa Oasis has four main water ponds
where water exists all the year round. The ponds are used
as drainage areas for the cultivated lands. These four water
lakes are:

Zeitoun lake
Achurmi lake
Siwa lake
Maraki lake (3000

( 17600 feddan)
(19300 feddan)
(7300 feddan)

The total number of inhabitants in Siwa ranges around

10,000 residents, and 2000 strangers. The main activity of
the people is agriculture; mainly palm trees, olive trees and
alfalfa are cultivated. Agro-industrial activities are practised
by the inhabitants as well; e.g., date grinding, olive oil
extracting, olive canning, etc. Recently, fresh water bottling
has been introduced by two factories (Siwa and Safi).

Although the cultivated area increased from 2000 feddan

(feddan = 4200 m?) in 1962 to 9000 feddan in 1991, the
plant production per feddan decreased for about 50%
because of water logging and soil salinization problems.
This dangerous situation may lead to a serious socioeconomic problem in the Siwa environment.

2 Aquifer Systems
In Siwa Depression, aquifers are, broadly, classified into
two major systems; they are:
2.1 The Tertiary Carbonate aquifer system
Depending upon the degree of consolidation and the
development of permeable zones, the Tertiary carbonate
rocks in Siwa Depression vary widely in their hydrological
characteristics and water quality. Openings in limestone
section in Siwa range from normal cracks and channels in
the upper part to large solution caverns forming subterranean
lost rivers in the lower part of the section. The succession
of the carbonate aquifers in Siwa is subdivided, from top to
bottom, into the following main aquifer units:
2.1.1 The Middle Miocene limestone unit
This unit is composed of medium hard and coarse grained
limestone interbedded with marl. It attains a thickness of
150 m. Some 1000 hand-dug wells and 400 drilled wells
tap this unit.
The upper part of this unit (20 - 40 m) has a piezometric
head at, or slightly above, the ground surface. The natural
flow of water in this unit is of the order of 10 m/hour per
well on average. Most of the wells tapping this aquifer do
not exceed 40m in depth, and are free flowing for 24 hours

without any discharge control. Recently, about 20% of those

hand-dug wells were fitted with valves by the local
authorities in order to reduce water losses. However, many
farmers in Siwa are still not convinced by any means of
flow control, especially in the summer months (AprilNovember) when water demands increase. The distribution
pattern of hand dug wells in Siwa is extremely poor, where
more than 900 wells are concentrated around Siwa and
Aghurmi lakes, i.e. in the center of the depression. Such a
condition of well distribution is one of the main reasons for
groundwater hazards in the area. Water salinity of this
aquifer sub-unit is in the range of 2500 - 2800 mg/l.
The lower part of this unit consists of medium hard
limestone interbedded with thin layers of shale. The
thickness of the lower part is about 80 m, and found at a
depth of 70- 150 m from the ground surface. Average yield
of this sub-unit is 40 m3/hr per well on average, and water
salinity amounts to 1600 mg/l.
2.1.2 The Eocene limestone unit
The rocks of this unit underlie immediately the rock of the
Miocene aquifer. It consists of highly fractured limestone
with thin marl and shale layers. The limestone beds are very
rich in gypsum which is considerably soluble in water
causing large cavities and increasing the fracture capacity
of the rock. The development of such limestone terrain,
due to the dissolution of calcium carbonates and calcium
sulphates, has led to the formation of what is called Karst
Zone within this Eocene unit. The total thickness of this
unit is 350-400 m and is directly underlain by
elastic carbonate deposits of Upper


Cretaceous age. The average water salinity in this aquifer

unit ranges between 6000 and 8000 mg/l.
2.2 The Lower Cretaceous Clastic system
This aquifer system (Nubian Sandstone) is capped by the
Upper Cretaceous impervious beds which consist mainly
of shale and marl, and have a thickness of about 120 meters.
The sandstone, which is the main source of fresh
groundwater in the whole Western Desert of Egypt, has been
partially tapped by five deep wells (900-11OOm) in Siwa
Depression. It contains water under high artesian pressure.
Actually, the recently drilled Siwa deep wells have realized
a head of about 100 m above sea level. This aquifer is
saturated with fresh water (220 mg/l) and is considered as
the sole source of fresh water in the depression with great
potentials (450-550 m3/hr/well). Consequently, in Siwa
Depression, the groundwater circulates within two main
different media; these are:
The upper fractured and karstified
(secondary openings); and

carbonate rocks

The lower elastic rocks (primary openings).

The interrelationships
among both media of water
is still questionable. Many of previous
investigators believe that water contained in the lower elastic
rocks (Nubia sandstone) is the main source of recharge to
the upper carbonate rocks (Parsons, 1963; Zakaria, 1983;
Mudallal, 1990 ). Others believe that rainfall on Gebel alAkhadar in Libya percolates to the east towards Siwa and
Quattara depressions (AOAD, 1977) replenishing the
fractured carbonate rocks.

Figure I. Soil water salinity in Siwa Oasis.


ProceedingsoftheUNESCO ! NWRC / ACSAD WOTkI hop son Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection

Groundwater Hazards in Siwa Oasis. Egypt

Table 1. Some physical parameters of Siwa soil (Afifi et al., 1996).



Depth of water
table (m)

Repth of impermeable layer (m)

1. Alkaf area




2. Bakrin Mahdi farm




3. Salih Ali farm




4. Abdul Mahied farm




5. Dakrur farm




6. Abou Shaboon farm




7. Near Agormi lake








From the drilling results of water wells in Siwa depression,

it can be concluded that the flow behaviour and relationships
among aquifers follow the following main concepts.
The relative fresh water in the lower sub-unit of the Miocene
rocks, if compared with that of the upper one, may indicate
a kind of separation between them. The layers of shale and
marl, 40-80 m in the drilled wells, may emphasize the partial
separation between both subunits of the Miocene aquifer.
The Eocene aquifer unit is characterized by a highly
fractured nature. The middle part of it (200-445 m) is a
karst zone and is considered a huge water reservoir, but
unfortunately it contains saline water (average 6500 mg/lj.
Most probably, such karst zone is the main source of water
for Ain Abu Shuruf, Ain Guraishet, and Ain Mashandit
springs. Such karst zone can be, under certain conditions,
used for the construction of drainage wells in order to
improve the agricultural drainage problem in the depression.
In fact, the southern flank of Gabal Akhdar (Eastern region
of Libya) is gently dipping towards the low land from
Ajidabiya to Siwa marked by several large Sabkhas.
Although the average rainfall on the mountainous part of
Gabal Akhdar is 400 mm/year, the precipitation decreases
sharply to the south until it becomes negligible in the
depression belt from Ajidabiya to Siwa.
The Tertiary carbonate aquifer system is almost separated
from the underlying Nubia sandstone aquifer by thick
impervious layers of shales, marl, and chalk (130 m thick).
These impervious layers may hinder the natural artesian
flow to the upper carbonate aquifer division. The great
difference in water quality, between the Nubia sandstone
(220 mg/l) and the Eocene limestone (6500 mg/l) supports
this concept.

3 Water Budget



in the Soil Layer

The non-homogeneity of Siwa soils is one of the main

factors controlling the movement and distribution of the
soil water. This means that the soil water in Siwa moves
laterally under free water table condition towards the lakes
(Figure 1). Local upward movement of water under pressure
head is, also, expected in some localities.
The saturated thickness of the soil in Siwa ranges, in general,
between 1 and 2 meters; i.e. it represents about 75% of the
total soil profile. The general increase in the soil saturated
thickness from 1962 (about 25%) to 1987 (about 75%) is
illustrated on a water level-time curve. The saturated flow
is, generally, directed to the depression center, exhibiting
the lowest potential position.
Saturated flow problems are associated primarily with
drainage in order to provide sufficient aeration for plant
growth and reduce water evaporation. Evaporation and
water uptake by plants result in a relatively
concentration of salts at the soil surface as in the case of
most of the irrigated lands in Siwa, particularly where the
water table is less than 0.75 m from the surface. It is quite
obvious from the soil water salinity map (Figure 1) that
higher salinities (up to 40 g/l) are encountered in areas
having clayey and silty soil where the depth to water table
is less than 0.75 m.
The area of the depression that embraced between both the
northern and the southern zone topographic lines is in the
order of 500 km, including the area covered by water lakes
(70 km). The net area of soil under consideration is about
350 km (84000 feddan) with an average soil thickness of
2.5m. Assuming that the average specific yield of the soil

Table 2. Water budget in the soil layer in Siwa (Abd El-Mogheeth at al., 1995).

No. of we&


Tertiary carbonates

m3 /h/well


m3 /day








(upper horizon)
Tertiary carbonate
(mid. horizon)


in the study area is lo%, and that 75% of the soil thickness
is saturated with water, the volume of water stored in soil
voids is:

= 45.9x 106m3


lowlands where direct evaporation takes place.

According to the estimates done by DRC (internal report,
1988), the daily agricultural drainage water received by the
lakes is 90,000 m3/day in the summer and 165,000 mYday
in winter. The present work estimates the excess water flow
to lakes from agriculture to be 98,000 m/day in summer
and 187,000 m3/day in winter.

The above figure is based on the assumption that the soil

texture is homogeneous.

Therefore, the surface and subsurface water flow to the lakes

is given as:

The theory of water movement in the saturated soil is based

upon Darcys law which states that: the discharge of water
(Q) passing through a unit cross section of soil (A) in a unit
time is proportional to the gradient of the hydraulic head

(in winter); and
=(1.267+98)xI03 = 99.267x IO3 m3/day
(in summer)
The evaporation rate from lakes was estimated as 6 mm/
day in summer, and 4 mm/day in the winter. The total
evaporation from lakes (free water evaporation) is:

Q = KA dWdL
where K is the hydraulic conductivity.
The hydraulic gradient differs between 0.02 near lake Siwa
and Aghurmi to 0.01 towards the east and north from Gebel
Dakrur. The permeability and other physical parameters of
the soil layer are investigated by Afifi et al. (1996), where
the average value of permeability is 3.25 m/day, and the
average thickness of the soil layer is 1.75 m (Table 1).
Then, A is equal to the average distance between the zero
topography lines bordering the Oasis (14.9 km) multiplied
by the average thickness of the soil layer to the impermeable
bed (1.75 m). Or,
A = 14.9~10~~ 1.75 = 26.0x ld


Average hydraulic gradient dh/dL = 0.0 15


Q = 3.25 x 26.0x1@ x 0.015

=I.267 x 103.m3/da\:

This daily amount of groundwater flows to the lakes and

70 (km2) x 6 mm = 70x106x0.006
= 420x10- m3/day (in summer); and
= 280~10~ m3/day (in winter).
From the water budget of the lakes, the direct groundwater
flow to lakes from springs is estimated at 105,000 m3/day
all the year round. This means that the total surface and
subsurface flow towards the lakes (water gain) is:
188.26+105=303.2x103m3/day (winter}; and
99.26+10.5=209.2x1@ m3/day (summer)
By estimating the water budget of the soil layer,
evapotranspiration (PET) of the cultivated area in Siwa,
(9000 feddan) is calculated as 228x103 m/day in summer
and 152x103 m3/day in winter. According to Hamill & Bell
(1986), the actual evapotranspiration AET=0.7xPET.
Therefore, the total water loss from the soil layer in Siwa is
given as:
Q(tota1) = the surface flow by drains + the subsurface flow
by gradient + actual evapotranspiration

Groundwater Hazards in Siwa Oasis. Egypt






I 993


Figure 2. Fluctuation of groundwater levels in Siwa.

= 258.8x10- mj/day (in summer):
=187+1.267+106.4= 294.6~10~ m-/da>
( in winter )

and west. The slope of water flow towards Zeitun Lake

is relatively gentle. Two water mounds are detected: one
in Gebel Takrur and the other in Qaret Khamisa.
4. Recommendations

Actually, the water uptake by plants must be considered in

these equations in order to include all elements of water
loss from the soil layer. Abd El Mogheeth et. al. (1995)
have estimated the water input to the so11layer in Siwa as
given in Table 2.

In order to avoid more deterioration of soil properties in

Siwa, improve the drainage through removing excess water,
and increase the potential for agricultural horizontal
expansion, the following recommendations are made:

Such imbalance between the gain and loss, especially in

winter, causes serious logging problems in the area. The
rate of rise in the elevation of the water table is 4 cm/year.

Seasonal determination of salt and iron contents in the

soil water and drainage water is required. Also, the

a) Salt balance estimation

Accordingly, the excess of water in the winter season

compared with that in summer leads to the following
1. Considerable fluctuation in the water table within the
soil layer. having peaks in winter (Figure 2).
2. Irregular manner in the winter season. The areas of
wetlands, where the aeration zone is less than 0.75 m
within the Oasis, increase widely in winter (Figure 3).
3. The area1distribution of the depth to water table, which
is considered a critical factor for land management, shows
an irregular manner in the winter season.
4. The gradient of water flow within the soil layer in winter
shows a steep slope towards Siwa Lake from both east












Figure 3. Seasonal changes in the area ojthe critical

aerated zone of Siwa.

annual determination of chemical composition of drilled

wells and springs is needed.
b) Cc <I;truction of drainage wells
It i< required to drill a number of open holes, tapping
the karst zone of the Eocene limestone at selected sites
of the depression, on the basis of surface geophysical
survey. Water from agricultural drainage should be
injected into the karst zone. Such a process must be based
on an adequate evaluation of hydraulic parameters and
a thorough understanding of the behaviour of the Eocene
limestone formation. The amount of water to be injected
would depend on the water budget calculations. The
depth and technical specifications of the drainage wells
depend upon the geologic and hydrologic conditions that
prevail in the selected sites.
Abdel-Mogheeth et al. (1995). Wetlands Managementfor
Sustainable Development in Siwa Oasis. Conf, Versatility
of Wetlands, Fl., U.S.A.
Abul Ix, M.S. (1971). Landforms of Egypt. The American
Univ. in Cairo Press. Cairo. Egypt.
Afifi et al., (1996) unpublished report, DRI, Cairo.
Arab Org. ization ,for Agricultural Development, AOAD
(1977). Feasibthcy Study for Economic and Agricultural
Development in Siwa. (Arabic), Khartoum, Sudan.
Aral; A. (1981). Study on the Agricultural
of Siwa Oasis, Egypt FAO, Report.


Desert Research Institute (1988). Biological

Project in Siwa. DRI, Cairo.


Mudallal, U.H. (1990). Hydrogeological Studies ofAreas

in The North Western Coastal Zone and Siwa. FA0 Report.
Parsons, R.M. Engineering Co. (1963). Siwa Oasis Area,
Final Report UAR.



Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Grormdwater Protection

Groundwater Resources in Jordan

Resources in Jordan
Protection from Pollution

arid its

Atef Al-Kharabsheh and Muhammad Shatanawi

Water and Environment Research and Study Center (WERSC), University of Jordan, Jordan.

As a result of water scarcity in Jordan, the government and the private sector have relied on groundwater to satisfy
municipal and agricultural needs. Groundwater abstraction has far exceeded the safe yield to the degree that both quality
and quantity of water are heavily affected. There are 13 different groundwater basins in Jordan, mainly deep Sandstones,
Upper Cretaceous rocks, and shallow aquifers. In many aquifers, overpumping rates have reached 190 percent of the safe
yield. Municipal and industrial waste waters, municipal solid waste, chemical fertilizers, return irrigation water, and septic
tanks constitute the pollution sources in Jordan. The monitoring program aims to identify the natural variation of groundwater
quality. Chemical, biological, and isotopical analyses are used to monitor the quality of different resources and identify the
proper use of each. Many actions were taken to prevent the pollution of groundwater, including the use of drip irrigation
systems, reduce the pumping rates, drilling wells for the drinking purposes only, connecting of the municipal waste water
to the treatment plants through sewer network, and applying artificial recharge

1 Introduction
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan occupies an area of about
90,000 km2, with a population of 4,095 million (1995); 9 1
percent of the country is dry with irregular amount of
rainfall. The amount of water falling on the Kingdom is
highly variable and ranges between 6235 to 10630 million
m3. The long period average of rainfall (1938- 1988) is about
8425 million m3. Approximately, 77 percent of the country
area receives rainfall less than 100 mm/yr, with evaporation
and evapotranspiration of about 92 percent of the total
rainfall. Only 1 percent of the total area receives rainfall
between 500 to 600 mm/yr (Figure 1).

The non-conventional sources include: treated waste water,

desalinized brackish water, enhanced water resources
(artificial recharge, water harvesting, cloud seeding, etc..),
and potential of water importation.
Groundwater basins are separated by geomorphologic and
geologic features. Generally, more than one aquifer exist in

2 Water Resources in Jordan

Water resources in Jordan depend mainly on the low and
irregular rainfall for recharging surface and groundwater
resources. They can be classified as conventional sources
including renewable and non-renewable groundwater,
surface water, and non-conventional water sources.
The conventional water resources are the main resources in
the Kingdom where their renewable yearly capacity reaches
about 960 million m/yr. Yarmouk river is the most important
surface water source which provides King Abdullah Canal
with irrigation water.
The rainfall is characterized by irregularity in both intensity
and duration. It causes high peak discharges and,
consequently, causes inundation in the discharge area.

Figure 1. Rainfall distribution in Jordan (normal




., ./--=-,.

, /






/ /1


p I,
; \.



S irhan







IQ/ 3500












Figure 2. Groundwater basins in Jordan.

the same basin. The identification of the groundwater should
be linked to a certain aquifer. There are 13 basins distributed
all over Jordan (Figure 2 and Table 1).

There are three main aquifer systems in Jordan (Figure 3);

these are: deep Sandstone aquifers, upper Cretaceous
aquifers and shallow aquifers.

Groundwater is the major source for drinking, industrial

and agricultural water in some areas. In other areas, it may
be the only water resource; it comprises both renewable
and non-renewable resources.

2.1 Deep Sandstone aquifers

The sandstone aquifers are forming one aquifer in south
Jordan, but in the north they gradually become thick
limestones and marls separating the sandstones into two
aquifers hydraulically interconnected. This complex consists
of two groups; the first is the Disi aquifer group (Ordovician)
which is the deepest in Jordan and consists of sandstone
and quartzite. It outcrops at the south along the Wadi ArabaDead Sea Rift Valley and underlies the entire Jordan areas.
The second is the kurnub aquifer group (Lower Cretaceous)

Groundwater is found due to recent or old recharge. It

originated from direct precipitation, by lateral or vertical
flow from other aquifers, by return flow or by artificial
recharge. Discharge can be in the form of springs, wells,
seepage, lateral, and vertical flows to other aquifers.

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Resources in Jordan

Table 1. Average pumping rate from the Jordan basins and aquifer types.

which is underlying the Jordan area and overlying the Disi

aquifer. It outcrops along the Zerqa river and along the
escarpment of the Dead Sea, as well as Wadi Araba and
Disi region. Wells drilled in this aquifer have fairly good
yields. The groundwater aside from the recharge area is
2.2 Upper Cretaceous aquifer
This aquifer is composed of an alternating sequence of
limestone, dolomites, marlstone and chert beds. The total
thickness of which in central Jordan is about 700 m. The
limestone and dolomites are the excellent aquifers in Jordan.
2.3 Shallow aquifers
They are composed of two systems, The Basalt aquifers in
which the basalt extends from Jebel El-Arab area to Azraq
and Wadi Dhuleil area. It forms a good aquifer with good
water quality. It is recharged from Jebel El-Arab area. The
second system is the Sedimentary rocks. These rocks form
local aquifers overlying the basaltaquifers or are separated
from them by aquitards. Recharge takes place directly into
these aquifers or through the underlying basalt. Figure 4
shows the hydrodynamic characteristics for these aquifers.

3 Sources of Pollution
There are several sources for groundwater contamination
in Jordan. They can be classified as follows:
1. Municipal water and solid wastes
2. Industrial wastes
3. Agricultural chemical fertilizers.
4. Return flow of irrigation water.
5. Groundwater depletion and saline water intrusion.
6. Septic tanks.
An increase in groundwater salinity was observed in some
areas like Azraq and Wadi Dhuleil and in some wells in the
upper Yarmouk basins. Sharp decline in groundwater level
was also recorded in most of the Azraq wells. Following
are few examples for water pollution in Jordan.
3.1 Case study 1: Azraq basin
The Azraq basin covers an area of about 12710 km? and is
located between the Palestine grids 250-400 East and 55230 North (Figure 2). The basin constitutes the main source
for drinking water for three major cities in Jordan (Amman,
Zerqa and Irbid), as well as the Azraq area itself. The Oasis

Sand grovel


part1 y

Marl siltGypa



El Chalk



Figure 3. Surface extension of groundwater aquifer systems in Jordan (GlZ, 1977).

is located in the central part of the depression, and locally

known as the Shishan and Drouz springs which have
recently dried up. The Azraq Oasis is an outstanding
example of an oasis wetland in an arid region with few
parallels in the world. The wetland supports rich and varied
aquatic fauna and flora characteristics with freshwater
habitats. The Azraq Oasis is famous with date palm trees
and various birds, from all over the world, migrate towards
it. The basin extends from the southern part of Jebel ElArab area Southeast across the Azraq springs and continues
Southeast to reach Al-Jauf area in Saudi Arabia.
From the hydrogeological point of view, the basin contains
three aquifers, these are:


a- The upper aquifer complex which is composed of alluvial

deposits (Quaternary), Basalt (Quaternary), Shallala
formation (Eocene), and Rijam formation (Paleocene). This
aquifer is the most utilized one in the area. It is recharged
from Jebel El-Arab area in the north.
b- The middle aquifer complex which is separated from the
upper aquifer by low permeable marls of the Muwaqqar
formation and is composed of Amman formation
(Campanian), Ruseifa formation (Santonian), and Wadi
Essir formation (Turonian). It outcrops in the western and
south-western parts of the basin and underlies most of the
c- The lower aquifer complex which is separated from the
middle aquifer complex by low permeable marls and

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC / ACSAD Workshopson Mdi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection



limestone of

the Ajlun group, and is composed of poorly

limestone of the Lower Cretaceous age and
with thin beds of shales and clays (Al1996).

The basin is suffering from the following problems:

1. Over-pumping from the upper aquifer complex in which
the saline water from the middle and lower aquifers may
damage the basin. Artesian pressure of saline water is
higher than the fresh groundwater levels (Figure 5).
2. Odour from the biological activities after the drying of
the springs.
3. The open irrigation systems which may destroy the soils
by increasing their salinity and the salinity of the
infiltrated water.
4. The pollution of the waste water.
The following actions are recommended:
1. Use a numerical model to determine the safe pumping
limits from the upper aquifer complex to prevent saline
water intrusion from deep aquifers.
2. Pump water from wells to decrease or get rid of the odour
in the Oasis.
3. Use drip irrigation systems to decrease the salinity of
the soils.
4. Construct a sewage project using closed pipes and keep
the waste water away from the groundwater and reuse it
in agriculture.

5. Construct four gabions for the groundwater recharge

3.2 Case study 2: Amman-Zerqa basin
This basin is located in one of the transitional areas between
high lands in the west and the desert in the east (Figure 2).
Rainfall and habitat vary among different areas within the
basin. The western hilly areas are densely populated, while
the south-eastern parts are deserts and almost without
population (Watcv Authority, 1989). More than half of the
population is located inside this catchment area. This basin
is one of the most important basins in the country.
There are three aquifer complexes in the Amman-Zerqa
1. The upper aquifer complex is composed of the basalt,
Amman (B2) and Wadi Essir (A7) formation.
2. The middle aquifer complex is composed of the Hummar
aquifer (A4) and Naur aquifer (Al-2).
3. The lower aquifer complex is composed of the Kurnub
The basin is suffering from the following problems:
1. Lowering of groundwater levels due to overpumping.
2. Effects of the industrial and municipal wastes (water and
The following actions are recommended:
1. Decreasing the pumping from the aquifers to allow the

Figure 4. Hydrodynamic characteristics of groundwater in Jordan (Al-Kharabah, 1995).



-1050 11.~



Figure 5. Grourldwaterfluctuation




in observation well AZ-IO in the Azraq basin.

groundwater levels to increase naturally.

2. Establishing a sewage project to avoid the pollution of
3. Constructing pre-treatment stations in the factories and
establishing monitoring programs and regulations for
waste water disposals.
4. Conducting investigations to assure that groundwater is
free from solid waste pollution.
3.3 Case study 3: Wadi Al-Arab basin
Wadi Al-Arab is one of the important wadis in North Jordan,
which starts from the eastern heights toward Jordan Valley
and covering a total area 267 km2, with rainfall average
around 400 mm/yr (Figure 2). It is located within a densely
populated area that requires a large demand of water. In the
period 1982-1983, six wells were drilled to provide Irbid
city with drinking water. Adam was constructed at the outlet
of the wadi with a capacity of 20 million m3. This dam
receives the treated waste water from Irbid central treatment

plant, located 18 km from the dam. Kuffur Assad

experimental well was considered as a monitoring well for
groundwater levels and quality. The decreasein groundwater
level reached about 55m. Therefore, the artesian flow in
springs and the base flow in the wadi were depleted (Figure
The treated waste water from Irbid central treatment plants,
through its movement in the wadi, indicated several
environmental problems for groundwater. The EC and NO3
in Kuffur Assad were increased gradually as shown in
Figures 7 and 8, respectively.
The basin is suffering from the following problems:
1. Decreasing groundwater
levels as a result of
2. Penetration of unclean surface water to groundwater.
The following actions are recommended:
1. The environmental impacts in Wadi Al-Arab affect the

_- --


Figure 6. Groundwaterfluctuation



in observation well AE-1003 in Kufur Assad area.

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO I NWRC / ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protectiorr


Figure 7. Electrical conductivity in Kufur Assad well

within 12 years.

surface and groundwater resources due to waste water

In (ht. Xadi. Therefore, the Ministry of Water and
Irrigation constructed a small dam on the wadi for the
treated waste water. This was constructed to pull the
waste water to the Jordan Rift Valley to prevent its
movement to Wadi Arab dam.
2. The removal of the waste water from Irbid central plants
to the small dam must be conducted through closed pipes
due to the exposure of the permeable layer in that area.
3. Decreasing the pumping from Wadi Al-Arab wells.
3.4 Case study 4: Wadi Dhuleil
Wadi Dhuleil is located in the eastern deserts. The recharge
occurs through basalt and carbonate formations (B2/A7).
The groundwater was fresh until the end of the sixties. After
that the irrigation activities started in the area and the aquifer
was overpumped. The salinity has increased from 300 mg/
1to more than 3000 mg/l (Momani and Rayyan, 1995).
Hydrogeological studies indicated that the salinity has
increased due to the return flow of irrigation water to
groundwater. The caltc in fhc cpil dissolved and infiltrated
in to groundwater casing considerable increase in its salinity.
Furthermore, the irrational use of chemical fertilizers raised
the nitrate in groundwater.
The basin is suffering from the following problems:
1. High salinity of groundwater due to irrigation return flow
and overpumping.
2. Declination of groundwater levels.
The following actions are recommended:
1. Control pumping to reduce the salinity.

Figure 8. Nitrate fluctuation in Kufur Assad Ire11within

12 Jears.

2. Construction of Khalidiyeh dam to:

Recharge the groundwater in the Dhuleil
natural infiltration.

area through

Improve the water quality resulted from mixing with

recharged fresh water. The hydrochemical and isotopic
studies show direct influence of the Khalidiyeh dam on the
quality and quantity of groundwater (Figure 9).
4 Water Quality


4.1 Institutional framework

Manq agenclzb, water and environmental institutions and
scientific research centers monitor the water quality. The
Ministry of Water and Irrigation controls the municipal and
industrial wells and some irrigation wells. A monitoring
program for all the former and for springs, dams, rivers,
water nets and reservoirs exists. The waste water from
treatment plants, which is used for agriculture, is monitored
periodically. This program is carried out by the Ministry of
Health and Environmental Departments.
Various institutions have the responsibility to plan for the
development and conservation of water resources in the
Kingdom and prevent pollution. Institutions involved
1. Ministry of Water and Irrigation
2. Ministry of Health
3. Royal Scientific Society
4. Environmental Departments
5. Universities
The above institutions try to conserve and protect water
resources from pollution through the following measures:
Establishing an environmental protection law to protect
environmental elements and conserve environmental

Figure 9. Effect of artificial recharge on the electrical

conductivi5 in well DP-4.

Constructing waste water treatment plants and sewage

networks for the cities to protect groundwater from pollution
especially where heavy human activities exist. For example,
the building of a sewage network reduces the concentration
of NO, in the springs of Wadi Kufranja.

Forming special communities to choose areasfor solid waste

Constructing closed pipes to transport the waste water from
the cities to treatment plants.
4.2 Selection of monitoring works
This depends on specific targets to the monitoring program
and includes:

Caused damage to any of the Authority projects, or ruined

or destroyed any water resources or the Authority,s public
sewers or acted in any way which may cause the damage
or destruction of construction, equipment, vehicles or
materials related to Authority or any of its projects or
public sewers.

Identifying the natural variation of the water quality as a

base to locate the pollution sources.

Polluted any water resource, which is under the

management or supervision of the Authority directly or
indirectly, or caused its pollution and failed to remove
the causes within the period fixed by the Authority.

Using the chemical, biological and isotopical analyses as

indicators for groundwater pollution.

Drilled unlicensed groundwater wells or violated the

conditions of the license issued to him.

Monitoring groundwater quality for all resources to

determine and identify water for the different uses.
4.3 Legislation for groundwater protection
The laws and by-laws of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation
(MWI), the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), and the Jordan
Valley Authority (JVA) urge explicitly for groundwater
, .,Lection. Below are some of the articles taken from these
Article 25 of law (1988):
a. All water resources available within the boundaries of
the Kingdom, whether they are surface and groundwater,
regional waters, rivers or internal seas are considered State
owned property and shall not be used or transported except
in compliance with this law.
b. Any water resources that are not under the management,
responsibility or supervision of the Authority shall not be
used in excess of personal or domestic needs or other
acceptable private usage; or in excess of legal water rights
in accordance with the laws and regulations in effect
including drinking and irrigation rights applicable to the
area of land which contains that resource.
L. All natural n-idjudicial bodies are prohibited to sell water
from any source, or grant or transport it, without obtaining
in advance the written approval of the Authority and within
the conditinns and restrictions decided or included in the
contracts or agreements concluded in the contracts or
agreements concluded between them and the Authority.
Article 30 explains that:
a. Any one may be sentenced to, not less than six months
and not more than two years, imprisonment or may be fined
not less than JD 1000 and not more than JD 5000, or both
penalties if he has committed any of the following deeds:
1. Established any buildings or construction of any kind on
State owned land within the prohibited land strip defined
in article 24 of this law.

5 Recommendations
To reduce the salinity in groundwater
recommendations are made:

the following

Use of drip irrigation systems in planting to reduce the water

losses and reduce the leaching activities.
Reduce the pumping from groundwater to prevent saline
water upconing from deep aquifers. Farmers should not
pump water without license.
Digging new wells must be prevented in the country except
for drinking purposes.
Constructing closed pipes for treatment plants to prevent
pollution of ground-water.
Using proper artificial recharge techniques to sustain
groundwater resources.

Al-Kharabsheh, A. (1996). Water Budget and Hydrogeology
of the Azraq Basin, Water and Environment Research and
Study Center; University of Jordan, Technical Bulletin No.
19, Amman, Jordan.
GTZ: Agrar & Hydrotechnik & GTZ., (1977). National
Water Master Plan of Jordan, vol.3 & 4, Essen, Hannovel;
Momani, M. and Rayyan, M. (1995). Water Resources in
Jordan and its Protection from Pollution, Workshop of
Pollution Monitoring and Water Quality Protection,
Casablanca, Morocco.
Water Authority Law, (1988). law No.18 of 1988 Water
Authority Law, Water Authority, Amman, Jordan.
Water Authority, (1989). Amman-Zerqa Basin Water
Resources Study Draft Final Report, The North Jordan
Water Resources Investigation
Project Staff Water
Authority, Amman, Jordan.

Groundwater Protection: The Libyan Experience


Protection: The Libyan

Omar M. Salem
General Water Authority, Tripoli-Libya

Groundwater is almost the only water resource in Libya, it provides 98% of the total water supply. The water consumption
has increased sharply after the sudden boom in the Libyan economy in early 1960s. The current rate of abstraction from
various aquifers is estimated at 4.3 billion m3/year. Safe yield of pumping (based on reasonable drawdown over 50 year
horizon) is estimated at 3.4 billion m3/year. Desalination and sewage treatment projects would sustain the groundwater
resources. The seawater intrusion is a major source for groundwater pollution. Nitrate concentration in excess of permissible
level was detected in groundwater. Industrial waste forms the most dangerous source of groundwater pollution in Libya.
Legislation and institutional measures are considered to protect the groundwater resources in Libya.

1 introduction
Libya, being a large north African country of more than 1.7
million km*, dominated by a desert climate with inadequate
surface water resources, depends heavily on groundwater
for present and future development. Groundwater is,
therefore, responsible for nearly 98% of the total water
supply. Traditionally, groundwater exploitation was a simple
common practice, using conventional and primitive tools,
animals and manpower for withdrawing water from large
diameter dug wells. These wells, known as Arabic wells,
rarely exceed 10 m in depth. They are well known in most
areas by their fresh water which is suitable for both domestic
and agricultural purposes. They tap the first (Quaternary)
aquifer which receives direct recharge from winter rainfall
in the northern parts of the country, and/or recharge from
wadi run-off in other areas away from the coast.
Deep into the desert, groundwater could easily be obtained
from shallow dug wells or drilled boreholes. This water is
however, of old origin and is usuaIly under artesian
The water table was close to ground surface, reducing
irrigation requirements to the minimum, especially for palm
trees, fruit trees, and most winter and some summer crops,
In addition, the countrys population was less than 2 million
and therefore an equilibrium between water demand and
supply was naturally maintained until early 1960s, when
oil exploration activities led to a sudden boom in the Libyan
economy. Sharp increase in water consumption was
witnessed as a result of population increase, urbanization,
improved standard of living, and introduction of basic
industries such as food processing, construction materials,
in addition to the initiation of large scale farming using

modem irrigation technologies. Such activities necessitated,

for the first time, the introduction of centrifugal pumps,
driven by diesel or electrical engines and later of high
capacity submersible pumps. Drilling techniques were also
changed to suit the new depths of water tables. Percussion
and rotary drilling rigs were, thus, introduced marking the
beginning of a real revolution in the field of water resources

2 Groundwater


Before highlighting
the efforts exercised by Libyan
authorities to protect groundwater, it is appropriate to give
a brief description for the groundwater basins; their
geographical distribution, lateral and vertical extent, number
of aquifers involved, and most importantly, their quantitative
and qualitative characteristics. In general, six groundwater
basins exist in the country (Figure 1).
2.1 Gefara Plain basin
This basin occupies the north-western part of Libya. It is
bounded by the Mediterranean coast on the north and has a
surface area of only 15,000 km*. It has a great economic
and social importance, and encompasses the largest Libyan
city, Tripoli and more than 40% of the Libyan population.
It contributes more than 50% of the national agricultural
output, as well as a wide industrial base.
Hydrogeologically, the Gefara Plain contains four aquifer
systems varying in age from Quaternary to Triassic.
The Quaternary aquifer is generally unconfined with
thickness ranging from 30 to 150 m, reflecting moderately
high values for transmissivities and storage coefficients. Its

Sea J~bal


of Sirtr



s*. : *.*.*
-. .







Nu bian










hlgure 1. Groundwater basins in Libya.

water table is under continuous decline exceeding 5 mm/

year in areas of intensive irrigation (Figure 2). As a result,
seawater intrusion is taking place along a strip of 2 by 10
km wide around the city of Tripoli.
The water quality varies considerably in all directions with
salinities ranging from less than 1 g/l to over 5 g/l. The
aquifer is recharged through direct rainfall and wadi runoff.
The Miocene aquifer is a confined aquifer underlying the
Quaternary and consists of both middle and lower Miocene
aquifers. The first has a thickness of 125 to 200 m with
relatively good transmissivity and storativity values, but of
remarkably poor water quality of 3 to 4 g/l. The second
occurs at a greater depth with even lower hydraulic
properties and higher salinity.
The Triassic aquifer, consisting of sandstone (Abushayba)
and limestone (Azizia) aquifers which are both unconfined
at areas of outcropping in the south central part and confined
elsewhere. Both aquifers occur at great depth and possess

good hydraulic properties and water quality of less than 2

g/l. They are relatively thicker than the overlying Quaternary
and Miocene and have better well yield. Like other aquifers,
they also undergo a continuous decline in their piezometric
Total extraction of water from the Gefara plain aquifer is in
the order of 1.2 billion m3/year, as compared to an annual
recharge of approximately 200 million m3.
2.2 Jabal Akhdar
The Jabal Akhdar is an east-west anticline of Upper
Cretaceous and Tertiary Carbonate deposits. The fractured
Eocene and Miocene rocks are the main aquifers in the area.
They are karstified aquifers of local importance as suppliers
of adequate water for many small communities. They also
contribute water to the great number of karstic springs and
receive direct recharge from rainfall. Their yield depends
mainly on the secondary porosity with salinities generally
less than 2.5 g/l, deteriorating rapidly in the southern
direction towards discharge zones. In recent years, water

ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NWRC f ACSAD Work5hop I on Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection: The Libyan Experience

IAin Zara
Aquifer 1 Q

Area 1Azizia


I I 0I I I I I 1 ,

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levels dropped in certain areas of the Benghazi plain and

the Jabal area, with an increase in salinities and
contamination from industrial and household wastes.
The Jabal Akhdar aquifer system receives around 200
million m3 of annual recharge, whereas abstraction is
estimated at 600 million m3/year.
2.3 Hamada basin
The Hamada basin can be defined as a group of sub-basins
hydraulically interconnected on a regional scale. It extends
over a surface area of about 215,000 km2, with moderate
rainfall in the north, along the southern slopes of Jabal
Nafusa. The aquifer system is composed of lower
Cretaceous sandstone rocks and upper Cretaceous carbonate
rocks. The former is a regional aquifer extending westward
towards Algeria and Tunisia, where it is known as the
Continental Intercalaire. In Libya it is known as the Kikla
aquifer which occurs at great depths of more than 700 m,
except in the north, where it outcrops along the Jabal
escarpment. The Kikla aquifer is used extensively for
domestic and agricultural water supply in the towns and
villages of the Hamada, Saw El-Jin and central zone areas.
It is characterized by high artesian pressure, good water
quality with salainities of 1 to 2 g/l and fairly high hydraulic
parameters. In the eastern part, water temperature undergoes
a sudden increase and can exceed 7OC. Little decline in
piezometric levels is witnessed in the exploitation zones.





The groundwater flow is generally towards the NE and NW

in the direction of the great depressions and coastal sabkhas.
The Upper aquifer system is that of the Upper Cretaceous.
This aquifer or group of local aquifers, is of minor
importance due to its relatively poor hydraulic properties,
and high salinity, except in the eastern part of the basin
where it occurs under artesian condition, with salinities less
than 1.5 g/l, and is in direct contact with the underlying
Lower Cretaceous and Cambro-Ordovician
The total abstraction by wells from the Hamada aquifer
systems is estimated at 150 million m3/yr. This is still below
the total annual recharge of 475 million m/yr in the form
of direct rainfall and runoff.or underflow from the south.
Local declines in water levels are, however, witnessed in
high production zones.
2.4 Murzuk basin
The Murzuk basin occupies the SW corner of Libya. It has
a circular shape with a surface area of about 350,000 km2.
Except for two major valleys and few oases, the whole
territory of the basin is either a gravely desert or sand dunes.
Two main aquifer systems are known to exist, the Nubian
aquifer of Triassic to Lower Cretaceous sandstone and the
Palaeozoic aquifer of Cambrian, Ordovician and Devonian
sandstone. The upper aquifer (Nubian) is unconfined and

occupies the central part of the basin. It is locally exploited

for the water production to several agricultural and domestic
uses. Its thickness is maximum at the center where it reaches
about 1000 m and reduces to about 300 m at the margins.
The water quality is usually good, with a salinity of less
than 0.5 g/l except for the shallow horizons. The aquifer is
not receiving current recharge due to lack of rainfall. The
water therefore, is considered fossil water and is exploited
accordingly. Little decline in water levels is observed in
the intensive exploitation zones. Such decline is, however,
local and is not spreading far from well fields.
The second aquifer system is that of the Palaeozoic, which
outcrops and therefore becomes unconfined at the outer
peripheries of the basin. Elsewhere, it lies very deep below
the Nubian. The aquifer is being tapped for both agricultural
and domestic uses, in the SW and NE corners. It maintains
flowing and semi-artesian conditions all over the basin. The
water quality is normally good and the salinity is rarely
exceeding 1 g/l. A slow decline in the piezometric head is
also recorded in observation wells, although very local in
nature. As in the case of the Nubian aquifer, the water is
considered as fossil water and is dealt with on this basis.
Remarkably, however, it maintains a high hydraulic gradient
from SW to NE towards Wadi Shati depression and the
coastal sabkhas.

2.5 Sark basin

The Sarir basin is a tertiary basin consisting of two main
aquifers of Miocene and Oligocene sandstone. The water
quality in both aquifers is generally good and rarely exceeds
1 g/l. The aquifers are characterized by high yield and good
hydraulic properties. Their present use is limited to local
agricultural development as well as to transporting part of
the water northward to close the gap between supply and
demand in the densely populated areas. Both aquifers
undergo lithofacies changes in the horizontal and vertical
directions, with salinity increasing to very high levels at
the northern edges, where the aquifers discharge along the
EW depressions.
A close monitoring of the piezometric levels in the shallow
and deep aquifers is maintained through a network of
observation wells. The recorded decline is notably within
the acceptable range and is limited to well field areas.

2.6 Kufra basin

The Kufra basin occupies the SE corner of Libya and
consists of two aquifer systems; the Nubian and Palaeozoic.
Extending over a surface area of about 250,000 km2, the
Kufra basin is a regional basin shared with Egypt, Sudan
and Chad. The two aquifers are hydraulically interconnected
and form one regional body of huge fresh water reserve.
The thickness of the saturated zone exceeds 3000 m at the
center of the basin. The hydraulic parameters, as well as
the water quality are excellent. Salinities of less than 0.5 g/

I are common. The aquifer is exploited only for local

development in the oasis of Kufra. The groundwater flow
is from south to north towards the Sarir basin. Monitoring
of groundwater levels in shallow and deep aquifers revealed
that drawdown over the last three decades of exploitation is
small and does not extend far beyond well field centers.
The aquifer is being considered for future expansion of the
Great Man-Made River Project.

3 Groundwater


As previously stated, Libya relies heavily on groundwater

resources. The current rate of abstraction from various
groundwater aquifers is estimated at 4300 million m3/yr.
The total available groundwater for abstraction is
approximately 3400 million m/yr. Only 500 million m3/yr
is attributed to direct recharge from rainfall in the basins of
Gefara, Jabal Akhdar and Hamada. The rest is assumed to
be the upper limit for abstraction with a reasonable
drawdown over a 50 year planning horizon.
It should be noted, however, that a major portion of
abstraction is already taking place in the coastal aquifers of
both the Gefara Plain and Jabal Akhdar. These are two
heavily populated areas with intensive agricultural and
industrial activities.
The water balance in these aquifers is negative indicating
that withdrawals are exceeding recharge. The gap between
supply and demand will continue to grow wider unless
additional water resources are introduced. At present, this
solution is represented by desalination and sewage
treatment. In the near future, it will take the form of piped
water from the southern basins of Sarir, Kufra and Murzuk
in the framework of the Great Man-Made River Project.
This project will convey 2.2 billion m3/yr from four major
wellfields in the south, for a period of 50 years.

4 Groundwater


There are several causes of groundwater contamination,

among which seawater intrusion is the most known. In the
past few years, seawater front advanced rapidly inland and
became a dominant issue among municipal planners who
are responsible for the operation and maintenance of water
supply wells (Figure 3).
In the city of Tripoli, several wells had to be shut down or
replaced and the problem became so severe that people had
to manage their own supply of drinking water, usually from
distant wells.
Several studies were conducted to determine the rate of
intrusion and to seek remedial measures. Among the
proposed solutions was the construction of a well barrier
for the injection of fresh water and the ban of groundwater
withdrawals from existing wells within a certain distance


Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection I

Groundwater Protection: The Libyan Experience


well and

its nrmkr



I.0 Km



Figure 3. Salinity changes in Tripoli municipal welljield, 19761993 (El-Bark,

from the coast. Both solutions were not implemented.
Another cause of pollution is the application of chemical
fertilizers. Though very limited in area1extension, this kind
of pollution has been noticed in few agricultural projects in
the south. It is well expressed by the slight increase in nitrate
concentration in groundwater. The increase in nitrates could
also be due to improper handling of sewage effluent in urban
centers, especially those located at highly porous formations
with shallow water tables. Nitrate concentrations in excess
of permissible levels were also detected at other areas, some
of which have no agricultural activities.
Sewage treatment plants play a major role in protecting
groundwater from direct pollution. The number of such
plants in Libya is approximately 55, varying in capacity
from 3000 m3/day to 12000 m3/day, in addition to a number
of plants annexed to special installations. The constructed



plants are planned to serve more than 80% of the Libyan

population. Accordingly, the daily treated sewage output
varies from 400000 to 500000 m?. However, a number of
plants are either completely or partially out of order,
reducing the output capacity to only 184000 m3/day in winter
season and to lower figures in summer. Repair works are
currently underway to restore the design capacity for a great
number of plants. At present, the output of sewage treatment
is used for the irrigation of fodder and orchards in private
or public farms initiated for this purpose.
Several towns are still lacking proper sewage collection and
treatment, and depend either on septic tanks or evaporation
pits, and in few cases, contamination of shallow groundwater is detected.
The most dangerous source of groundwater pollution in
Libya is the industrial waste. Public awareness of such

pollution is still very limited. Several small and medium

scale industries lack any protective measures and dispose
their solid and liquid wastes directly into the ground or in
public sewage networks. Industries such as food processing,
textiles, leather, petrochemicals, as well as service stations,
mining activities and small workshops are responsible for
different aspects of soil and water contamination. Leakage
from buried petrol pipes has also taken place in few
occasions in the past.
A newly introduced source of groundwater contamination
is that resulting from inland groundwater desalination plants,
where the brine output is usually disposed near the pumping

5 Groundwater


In Libya, groundwater pollution though very limited in the

past, is becoming increasingly important and deserves
greater attention from both public and private sectors.

5.1 Legislative measures

The Libyan legislation dealt properly with potential
pollution hazards and defined ways of avoiding such
hazards. The Libyan water law of 1982 dedicated a full
section for groundwater protection. Article (6) of the Law
states that It is prohibited to dispose of wastes whether
solid or liquid in water sources. The Secretariat of
Agricultural Reclamation and Land Development shall in
collaboration with the authorities concerned, study the
sources of water pollution and propose the necessary
producers for control and removal of such pollution and
take the necessary measures for treatment, discharge or use
of polluted water for suitable purpose.
Chapter Three of the Executive Regulation of the Water
Law deals extensively with regulations for water use and
prevention of pollution (Annex 1). The Environmental
Protection Law of 1982 dedicated a full Chapter for the
protection of water resources (Annex2).

5.2 Institutional measures

The General Water Authority is entrusted with the
development, management, and protection of groundwater
resources. A section for water quality and pollution was
formed within the Directorate of Water Resources. This
section is responsible for the monitoring of water quality
changes, detection of pollution incidents, study of pollution
occurrence and rate of expansion, and enforcing laws and
regulations on groundwater contamination.
The section is currently understaffed and lacks the necessary
tools for conducting its duties in a proper manner.
Nevertheless, it has participated in a detailed seawater
intrusion study along the western coast. In addition, it has
gathered necessary data on groundwater quality for the
selection of well completion and irrigation materials. Several

investigations were also conducted to minimize pollution

hazards. The section is also participating in various
committees for the selection of industrial sites, dump sites,
and advising on the appropriate way for brine disposal from
groundwater desalination plants.
On the other hand, the Technical Center for Environmental
Protection, which is relatively younger than the General
Water Authority, is involved in the control of all aspects of
pollution. The Center has a groundwater pollution unit
which plays an active role in collaboration with competent
authorities, in the prevention of pollution hazards,
concentrating more on public awareness campaigns. It
controls the use and circulation of pesticides and other
chemicals used at farm level. The unit also keeps a record
on industrial waste disposal, sewage treatment, and garbage
At municipal
level, an environmental
administration is entrusted with garbage collection and
disposal, operation of sewage treatment plants, chlorination
of drinking water, and monitoring the chemical and
bacteriological composition of drinking water.
The Secretariat of Public Health and the National Center
for Measures and Standards, contribute to the protection of
groundwater by setting the permissible limits fc r chemical
and bacteriological concentrations for differs nt uses. In
addition, they determine the maximum concentl Ition of all
elements that can be allowed for recharge to aq lifers.

6 Conclusion
Groundwater is a vital source for the continuation of
development in Libya. It represents nearly 98% of total
water consumption. Protection of this resource from all
kinds of pollution is, therefore, necessary and must be given
priority in future plans. No major industrial and agricultural
pollution problems were encountered in the past; however,
pollution due to seawater intrusion is a commonplace all
along the western coast. No protective measures so far were
capable of reversing or even reducing the rate of advance
of the seawater front. But, this could possibly be controlled
in the near future by minimizing groundwater abstraction
along the coast and using conveyed water from the south as
a substitute.
Legislation dealing with pollution control were issued, and
administrative bodies entrusted with the enforcement of such
laws were also formed.

El-Baruni, S. 1995. Deterioration of Quality of Groundwater
from Suani Wellfield Tripoli - Libya 1976 - 1993.
Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2.

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWXC / ACSAD Workshop5 oII Wadi Hydrology Irand Groundwater Protection

Groundwater Protection: The Libyan Experience

S. 1994. Effect of Overexploitation
Groundwater in Libya. Egyptian Geographic Society, CairoEgypt.
GWA - Water Legislation of Libya.
Fares, B. Personal Communication on Sewage Treatment.
Salem, 0. 1995. Management of Water Resources of Libya.
6th meeting of IHP Committees in the Arab Region, Amman.
Salem, 0. 1995. Groundwater Basins of Libya, IFCP Cairo.
Salem , 0. 1992. The Great Man-made River Project. A
Partial Solution of Libyas Future Water Supply. Water
Resources Development, Vol. 8, November 4.

Annex ( 1)
Criteria/Rules for Water Use and Prevention of Pollution
Article ( 32 )
(a) Any licensee for water use shall take the necessary
measures for preventing misuse or waste of water.
(b) The licensee shall not use a quantity of water exceeding
the quantity specified in the license.
(c) In case of water misuse or deliberate waste thereof,
the water licensing Committees in the Municipalities
shall temporarily stop the license, cancel it, without
prejudice to any criminal penalty specified in the Law.
Article ( 33 )
The licensee for water use shall do the possible measures
fnr reuse of water for the same purpose or other purposes
whenever possthle.
The Water and Soil Department shall in co1 aboration with
the competent bodies set out the methods <rndconditions
for water reuse.
Article ( 34 )
(a) The licensee for water use shall take [he necessary
measures for preventing exposure of potable water,
mineral water or water used in foodstuff industries from
pollution or deterioration of its quality.
(b) The Peoples Committee for Health in the competent
shall, in collaboration
with the
authorities concerned, take the necessary measures for
isolating polluted water sources, drainage or treatment
thereof for reuse.
The competent water Licensing Committees and Water and
Soil Depar-tment may suspend or cancel of the license for
anyone causing poisoning or pollution of drinking water or
water used in food industries without prejudice to any
criminal penalty specified in the Law.

Article ( 35 )
deterioration of water quality or
degree of temperature during water circle so that water
becomes unfit for the relevant purpose or possible use
thereof shall be considered as pollution of water.
(b) The licensee shall take the necessary measures for
preventing and control of pollution of water source
licensed for use and to observe the effective laws and
regulations regarding water pollution
Cc) All authorities concerned with water consumption shall
take the necessary measures for separating the polluted
water resources, treatment, drainage and use for other
purposes under supervision of water Licensing
Committees in the Municipalities and Water and Soil
(4 Any person or industrial establishment desirous for
disposal of wastes whether solid or liquid shall submit
an application to the competent water licensing
Committee for obtaining permission for disposal of
such wastes in the cases involving water pollution.
The Water and Soil Department, shall, together with
the competent bodies specify such cases and organize
the procedures to be followed for discharge of such

Annex ( 2 )
Law No. ( 7 ) For The Year 1982 For Environmental
Protection of Water Resources
Article ( 40 )
Water Resources in the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya is an Ownership of the People.
Article ( 41 )
It is meant by water resources in the implementation of this
Law, water which used or can be used or might be used or
will possibly be used for drinking and domestic purposes
or for agricultural , industrial, or recreational uses, or as a
source for some elements or chemicals or for sanitary
purposes, whether this source is surface, ground,
desalination or rain water or surface runoff.
Article ( 42 )
Any user of water as per the definition in the previous article
is obliged to protect it. The official bodies entrusted with
supervision and control of water resources are obliged to
follow practical means and ways in the inspection of such
resources and insure their economical
use, the
implementation of technical rules which reduce water
consumption in a way that guarantees the preservation of
these resources, avoiding any damages that might reduce
or prevent their optimal use. The following steps therefore,
need to be followed:-

(1) Use of groundwater aquifers in a way that prevents

sea water intrusion and invasion of water from other
aquifers of higher salinity or inferior quality.
(2) Organizing an efficient and economical agricultural
(3) Use of water for agriculture in a precise and economical
way. Agricultural practices should be closely followed
with regard to kind of crops and methods of irrigation
needed to minimize water consumption and guarantee
highest return.
(4) Adoption of closed circuits and reverse lines for
industrial activities that consume water, in addition to
following modern industrial techniques that require less
water per unit of production.
Article ( 43 )
Public and private bodies concerned with water provision,
in distributing water for consumption from a licensed source,
must provide potable water safe for reuse in drinking ,
agricultural, industrial or other activities that are legally
Licensed water sources must be defined by decision from
the General Popular Committee, upon request from the
competent bodies.
Methods of treatment and means of reuse are determined
accordmg iti the relevant regulations.
Article ( 44 )
Household and industrial water wastes are considered part
of the water resources and should not be discarded or
abandoned after treatment, except when it is proved that
their use is impractical. In such case, their disposal should
be conducted according to the available rules and codes,
not resulting in pollution of the environment.

Executive regulations for this law will determine the

authorities responsible for the disposal of solid, liquid and
gaseous wastes and treatment methods, and standards and
snecifications that apply to these wastes which guarantee
tne prutc,:. 7: 2: tiater resources from pollution.
Article ( 49 )
The disposal of liquid wastes in areas with no sewage
networks should be conducted according to approved
technical regulations.
Article ( 50 )
Authorities entrusted with environmental protection are
authorized to control water resources, define their uses and
protect them from pollution, and should carry out the
following:(a) Particingte in the preparation of Executive Kegulauvns
~IKI tiecisions needed for the implementation of this
(b) Review of environmental impact studies for the
(c) Comment on the import, manufacturing, transport, and
use of all kinds of pesticides and chemical materials
in a way that guarantees prevention of water resources
(d) Regulate the monitoring of the gathering and treatment
of different wastes in a manner that guarantees the
protection of water resources from pollution.

(Article 45 )
Every person in the Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya is entitled to obtain potable water for domestic
and other uses that are legally allowed in a satisfactory
quantity and pressure and in accordance with health
specifications and standards and within the technical and
economical feasible limits.
Article ( 46 )
Authorities responsible for domestic water supply, should
disinfect and treat these waters and control their quality and
confirm their safety from physical, chemical and biological
aspects before they reach the consumer.
Article ( 47 )
It is prohibited to dispose of any wastes that could cause
pollution to the water resources in a direct or indirect
Article ( 48 )
ProceedingsoftheUNESCO / NlKK






/ ACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydro&

and Groundwater Protection




Wadi Hydrology: ProcessResponseand Management Implications

Hydrology and Groundwater


The Syrian Experience

Maamoun Malakani
Director of Water Research Centel; Ministry of Irrigation, Syria.

This paper presents the Syrian experiences in Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection, Emphasis is given to the river
systems and dams built across them to store water for irrigation and power generation. The hydrological network is mainly
serving the river systems. Few stations are located in the desert steppe region. The groundwater quality monitoring system
in Syria has not been yet completed. The paper is concluded with stressing the need for training courses and capacity
building. Also stressedis, the need for investigating interaction between surface and groundwater, and the role of constructing
dams for groundwater replenishment.

1 Introduction

2 Natural Regions

The Syrian Arab Republic lies at the crossroads between

three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa. It is bordered to
the North and Northwest by Turkey, to the East and SouthEast by Iraq, to the Southwest by Jordan and to the West
mainly by Lebanon and the Mediterranean sea. Figure 1
shows the different Governorates or Mohafazats in Syria.
The country covers an area of 185,180 km?, of which
110,000 km* are deserts. In 1963 the population was
estimated at 3.5 million, while in 1994 the population
reached 13,8 13 million. By the year 2000, the population is
expected to be around 20 million. Syria has been since
ancient times, and is currently, experiencing a rapid
population growth of 3.4 percent annually.

Three large natural regions can be identified in Syria (Figure

2). These are:

Half the population is under 15 years of age, while only 13

percent is over 45 in age. Nearly two-thirds are towndwellers, with one Syrian in five living in Damascus or
Aleppo. The largest cities are Damascus, Aleppo, Horns,
Hama and Lattakia (Figure 1).
Syria used to suffer from a dramatic water shortage which
has been considerably attenuated by remarkable dambuilding efforts since 1970. The economy of Syria is highly
dependent on agriculture. Impetus was given to development
of irrigateci f&mine :-sndwater supply network after 1970.
Irrigated land areahas increased from 500,000 ha in 1970
to more than 1,150,OOOha (1993). In addition to wells,
springs and direct abstractions from rivers, there are now
more than 140 large and small water supply dams with their
associated delivery systems. Regulations are being enforced
to increase the water yield and maximize the benefit to the
nation. Living standards are risingas domestic and drinking
water are made available. Efforts are continuing to expand
the water supply sector to meet the increasing number of

- Coastal zone: The Western coastal zone in the Northern

half of the country extends for 173 km, comprising a
narrow coastal plain, and a coastal range rising to 1755
m above mean sea level (asl) at mount al-Akraia. It has a
Mediterranean climate with mild, wet winter and hot, dry
summer. The population density is generally high at the
coastal zone.
- Mountains: The mountain region comprises the coastal
chain (which is an extension of the Lebanon chain), the
whole Eastern flank of Harramoun (2814 m), and AntiLebanon (2629 m), together with Mount Arab (1799m).
The mountains spreading out from Harramoun and AntiLebanon, up to and hey;.:.? Palmvra. form a part of this
- Syrian plateau: The great Syrian plateau, an extension of
the Arabia platform, covers nearly the whole country. The
crystalline basement is overlain in the West by Cretaceous
limestones (Late Secondary), but in the Euphrates Valley
and at Jazirah, Miocene-Pliocene (Later Tertiary) limestone, lies at the surface. These limestones are largely
overlain in the Hawran plain south of Damascus, and in
the Northwest and Northeast by vast basalt deposits. The
plateau dips from 700 m as1at its Western edge (along the
Anti-Lebanon and Zawiyah mountains), to 200 - 300 m
as1in the depression in which the Euphrates flows.
The center of the plateau, with little rainfall, forms the Syrian
desert. The Cretaceous limestone is highly Karstic and the
growth of the basalt flows, allied to the presence of gypsum,
creates serious problems for dam builders.













Figure I. Location map for Syria and its administrative divisions.

3 Rainfall
There are five agricultural settlement zones in Syria,
classified according to rainfall depths (Figure 3). These are:
First zone : more than 350 mm, rainfall per year (coastal
Second zone: more than 250 mm, but never less than 250
mm in two-thirds of the records of the different years.
Third zone: 250 mm, for at least half of the years on the
Fourth zone: 200-250 mm, more than 200mm for at least
half the years on the record.
Fifth zone: less than 200 mm, for more than half the years
on record (desert and steppe areas).
The Arab Tower station (in the coastal zone) holds the record
for the greatest annual rainfall: 1073 mm, greatest monthly

rainfall: 350 mm (in February), and greatest daily rainfall:

70 mm (on 13 February).
Figure 3 traces the boundaries of this fertile crescent, which
describes a circular curve around the Northern edge of the
Syrian desert. It is the steppe area covering 60,000 km? (or
about one-third of the countrys total land).

4 Rivers
The major rivers in Syria are:
The Euphrates, which begins in Turkey and after Syria
enters Iraq; it has two large tributaries on the left bank: the
Balikh (116 km) and Khabour (442 km), and numerous
ramifications in the catchment further upstream.
The Orontes (571 km), which originates from Lebanon,
North of the Balabakk sill, at an altitude of 920 m-as1from
a large (40 m3/s) spring. It is still unknown why the highest
flow occurs in summer. It flows North in the Bekkaa plain,

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and %roundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrobg: ProcessResponseand Management Implications







Volta nit





over lain with


Dome in overlying


and faulted





and rift

Folded overlying

. .::I






Figure 2. Geological map of Syria.

arrives in Syria where it comes up against the basalt bodies
at Horns-Tripoli; and then, farther East at Hama it crosses
Antakaya (Antioch), and reaches the Mediterranean near
Samandaz in the Iskenderun (Alexandretta) Sanjak.
The Yarmouk (42 km), which is located in the Southwest
corner of the country, and cuts deeply (200-300m) into the

basalt and limestone basement. It forms the border between

Syria and Jordan, and merges with the Jordan River just
downstream of lake Tiberias. It has three Southward-flowing
tributary branches from Hawran plain, each about 60 km
long. These branches are the sites for 27 dams, generally
less than 30 m in height. There are no dams in the Yarmouk

1, First




2 - Second




Figure 3. Agricultural


In t rrnotional


settlement zones (based on the precipitation).

gorge. The three branches join the Yarmouk through short


5 Dams in Syria
Dams construction commenced in 1960 but was not
significant until 1966. By the year 1970, there were 48 dams
in operation. These dams are located in the rivers Orontes
(19), Yarmouk (9), Steppe and (10) Barada (5); and are all
less than 15 m in height (except for Rastan (67 m) and
Mehardeh (41m) on the Orontes).
Dams in operation, or under construction in Syria in 1993,
share some significant features. The construction rates for
dams are quite high since 1963, when two dams were built.
By the year 1992,122 dams were put into operation (Figure

3 _ Third

4) and almost four dams were built every year since then.
In 1993, another 13 dams were under construction. Most of
the dams are small, 94 are less than 25 m in height, or
impounding less than 10 million m3. There are 28 dams
exceeding one of the above limits, 22 dams have reservoir
capacities of more than one million m3, and 20 dams are
more than 25 m in height (Figure 5).
The criteria for inclusion in the ICOLD World Register of
Dams (dams higher than 15m, or between 10 m and 15 m
with a reservoir capacity of more than 10 million m3) are
met by 76 Syrian dams.
There are currently, 18 dams under construction. Seven are
more than 40 m in height, two of them will be the highest

Pmceedingrofthe UNESCO / NWRC IACSAD Workshopson Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrology: ProcessResponseand Management Implications

dams in Syria: Althawra in the coastal region (76.5 m), and

17-April Dam on the Orontes (68 m); the other dams will
be between 9 and 13 m in height.

- Alheffeh (coastal zone): Water supply.

- 16-November (coastal zone): Irrigation (14430 ha) and
domestic water supply (1 m3/s).

The individual storage capacity of each dam is large. While

only 48 of the 54 Syrian dams are more than 15 m in height
and impound more than one million m3, nearly half of the
remainder, include some less than 1Omheight, have larger
capacities. The most indicative example is Quattina on the
Orontes, which impounds 200 million m 3of water, although
its height is 7 m only. In all, two-thirds (77) of Syrian dams
have capacities in excess of one million m3 .

Fish farming is developed as an industry in all reservoirs,

especially Lake Al Assad, which has an annual carp
production of 700 tons (with its lakeside hatcheries, boatand-net fishing in the reservoir, and fattening pans). In the
16-November Reservoir, 45 tons of fish are raised annually
in 6 m3 pens.

All Syrian dams are earth or rockfill embankments, except

for one concrete dam (Al Heffeh). They are mostly built for
irrigation, some also provide domestic water or generate

The Ministry of Irrigation is responsible, at the national

level, for the construction, operation and maintenance of
the national stations (which measure surface and subsurface
water levels) as well as for processing, publication and
analysis of the obtained data. Besides the national networks,
most of the water basins have their own hydrometric

6 The Purpose of the Networks in Syria

The few exceptions are as follows:

- Tabqa (Euphrates): Irrigation (64,000 ha) and electricity
(2500 GWh/year).
- Baath (Euphrates): Electricity (375 GWh/year) and
Tabqa re-regulating dam.
- Rastan (Orontes): Irrigation (72,000 ha with Mehardeh)
and electricity (57 GWh/year).
- Mehardeh (Orontes): Irrigation and electricity (18 GWh/
- Jabal Al Arab (Yarmouk): Domestic water supply.

The following basic parameters are measured at the national

stations: water level, current velocity, water discharge, water
temperature, electric conductivity of water, pH, dissolved
oxygen content, and a number of chemical parameters.
At present, the Ministry of Irrigation is responsible for the
operation of hundreds of stations for surface water level
measurements and tens of stations for groundwater
measurements. Water discharges are measured at hundreds


I20 -



@ Development


Figure 4. Rate of construction of dams.


8. 8. Table


+ ++


















Figure 5. Important reservoirs in Syria.

of gauging sites. On the other hand, there are many other
stations in different Governorates for water level
measurements, water discharge measurements, and
precipitation measurements within the responsibility of other
Agencies and Directorates (e.g. Ministry of Agriculture,
General Directorate of Climatology). In some places, realtime control of the water resources requires direct and
immediate measurements of water levels, and discharge (e.g.
for reliable runoff forecast).
Since 1970, within the frame work of the National Program
of the analytical study of rivers in Syria, the following
parameters have been measured at several stations of the
National Hydrometric network: Alkalinity,
Magnesium, Total Hardness, Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonium,
Nitrogen, Chlorides, Sulphates, Sodium, Potassium, Total
Organic Carbon Content, Dissolved Organic Carbon, Zinc,
Copper, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury.
Directorates of Water Resources Pollution Control provide
the specialists, engaged in water resources protection, with
the basic data on the physical and chemical characteristics
of water in the rivers of Syria. The Ministry of Irrigation,
Directorates, individuals, and Research Institutes and

Centers make their studies on several water basins; out of

which eight basins are under the responsibility of the
Ministry. Additional stations are operated by other bodies
of Agriculture,
General Directorate
Climatology, Water Research Center, Center of the Research
and Scientific Studies, etc.). Their activities include:
determination of long-term fluctuations of water discharges,
compilation of water balances, evaluation of sediment
discharge in particular regions, and preparation of basic
documents for regional training and research.
Before 1970, only quantitative aspects of water were
observed. Water quality problems were recognized later,
which led to the establishment of additional stations for solid
discharge measurements, water temperature measurements,
and chemical parameter measurements.
6.1 Network design and administration
At present, quite reliable information on water levels and
discharges are available in Syria. This information has been
collected for a long period of time. The purpose of the
network design is to make a critical assessment for stations
operation. Recent analysis indicated that most of the stations
are needed for water management (operation of hydraulic

Proceedingsofthe UNESCO / NWZC / ACSAD Work& op J ON Wadi Hydrology *and Groundwater Protection

Wadi Hydrolqy: ProcessRapome and Management Implications

structures, runoff control, design, development of projects

in water management, etc.), environmental protection
(protection against water pollution and depletion), and
national water resources inventory. They also indicated a
great need for data on extreme discharges.
Stations for water discharge measurements were mainly
installed on the largest rivers. The inadequacy of data
concerns mainly small and mid-sized rivers, with drainage
areas from 1 km2 to 120 km2. Discharge can also be
evaluated through indirect methods. Current information
for small watersheds is insufficient for verification and
evaluation of extreme discharge events.
On the other hand, the analysis of the existing data, and
application of statistical methods (e.g. regression methods),
makes it sometimes possible to translate the results of
measurements to other sites. It may be possible to close
few stations in some specific locations.
The General Directorates in the Ministry of Irrigation are
responsible for the following activities.
Planning construction, maintenance and operation of
hydrometric stations (measuring networks);
Hydrological data delivery in the appropriate form;
Collection, control, primary processing, classification, and
storage of hydrological data;
Training of the personnel;
Coordination of hydrological observations and data
processing between Governorates in the form of
methodological instruction;
Preparation of reports and studying the water resources
for large river basins, as well as making long-range
forecasting for the development of these basins, in
particular, concerning water levels, discharges, water
temperature and sediment transport;
Preparation and transmission of hydrological forecasts
on water levels and discharges, as well as forecasts of the
transport of pollutants into the Euphrates, Orontes,
Yarmouk and other important rivers;
Publication of the hydrological year-books for each basin
and for the whole country.
6.2 Instruments and methods of observation
For water level measurement, the General Directorates in
the Ministry of Irrigation apply staff-gauges, water level
recorder with floats, and pneumatic water level recorders.
Also, pressure sensors have been recently introduced into
practice. Water discharges are measured quite reliably during
flood at permanent gauging sites in streams, where runoff
conditions are optimum and solid discharge is limited. Such
conditions are seldom observed in Syria.
Accurate discharge measurements during floods are often
impossible with the current meters because of the high speed

of bed load, suspended sediment transport, river bed

during floods, and rapid water level
fluctuations,...etc. New technologies would produce more
accurate measurements, but still many difficulties exist.
For operational measurements of suspended sediments, a
bathometer for water sampling is fixed to a rod or suspended
from a cable. This bathometer takes water samples from
the water surface, as well as from various depths.
Solid sediments are measured by ordinary or automatic
thermographs. Stations for water quality measurement are
equipped with instruments for manual or automatic water
sampling, for continuous measurements of some parameters.
6.3 Observing program
Limnigraphic diagrams, where water levels are recorded,
are replaced every few weeks. Hydrometric stations deliver
data on water levels, measured for the previous 12 hours or
more. A new generation of automatic devices for: water
level measurements, discharge measurements, temperature,
electric conductivity, Oxygen content, pH...etc. will be fixed
to most water basins of Syria.
Water samples, intended for
measurements or other chemical
bottles to the laboratories of the
Special teams are engaged in the
and maintenance of the stations.

suspended sediment
analysis, are taken in
Ministry of Irrigation.
construction, operation

6.4 Data collection processing and storage

Data are first checked for gaps (gaps are filled by probable
values), and for the coincidence of the control measurements
taken at local site (in situ). The data are also checked for
likelihood, taking into account the characteristics of other
stations, and measurements at adjacent sites.
Then, the data are transformed into digital form (the rating
curve of the station is also included). Tables and preliminary
graphs are consequently developed. At this stage, it is
possible to correct the transformed values.
Some data are delivered to the Hydrological Data Bank in
the Ministry Headquarters. At this stage, the Hydrological
Year-Book of Syria is produced.
6.5 Effectiveness of the network
During the recent years, the Ministry of Irrigation of Syria
made efforts to define the demands of other administration
and research institutes. These attempts were made for
adapting the existing network to data needs.
Studies show that the stations available on the large streams
are quite sufficient, for discharge measurements and for
water quality determination. On the other hand, the number
of stations on the small streams is quite insufficient.




As to sediment discharge measurements, the number of

measuring should be increased, the objectives of the network
up-dated. For network optimization, many parameters are
considered, of which major ones are costs for maintenance
of the station, operational costs, practical importance of the
measured data, preliminary investment, obligatory payment,
contribution of other organizations, required accuracy,
possibility of getting the required information at the required
accuracy by means of computing
the results of
measurements, and cost-benefit analysis.

7 Groundwater

Quality Monitoring

System in

The component of groundwater monitoring within the water

system of Syria is not yet completed.
Groundwater level and groundwater quality, however, are
measured for individual cases. Experiences indicate that
groundwater pollution in several water basins of Syria seems
heavier than assumed few years ago. The government,
therefore, has decided to complete the water monitoring
system. Groundwater monitoring network should be put into
operation shortly.

7.1 Basic measuring network

A public groundwater monitoring network must be
established, by using in part the measuring stations that
already exist. The network should consist of a basic
measuring network operated by the Ministry of Irrigation.
The following requirements are to be met:
a- Assessment of near-surface groundwater quality to detect
changes at early stages, and
b- Consideration of all potential anthropogenic sources of
pollution in selecting the parameters to be measured.
The problems arising in evaluating and interpreting the
measurements will give rise to a considerable number of
difficulties. In this context, the question will be as to what
extent the values are of geological origin, or whether they
already reflect anthropogenic influences. The basic
measuring network will therefore consist of two types of
measuring stations:
1 Measuring points for basic values in groundwater
aquifers that are probably not yet very affected by human
2 Measuring points for trend values for the assessment of
large anthropogenic changes, e.g. influences from

which are as homogeneous as possible. In this way,

between geological and anthropogenic
characteristics can be made.

7.2 Operation of the basic measuring network

The current investigation programme assesses the most
important basic parameters for the characterization of
groundwater. It serves for the observation of the critical
value of pollution.
All data are stored in the Ministry of Irrigation, Directorate
of Water Resources Pollution Control, and The General
Directorates of Water Basins. It is also stored in the General
Establishments of the Ministry. This data will be available
in the future to other interested groundwater users. A central
groundwater data base, to be established, is expected to store
the results of special measuring programs, and all other
results of groundwater investigations in Syria.

8 Recommendations
Moreemphasis in the research and projects is required to
deal with Wadi Hydrology and Groundwater Protection.
National, sub-regional and regional cooperation, and
integration are needed between the different countries in
the region. Experiences in water management, and
methodologies to cope with water scarcity, should be
exchanged among the participants. Workshops, training
courses, seminars and pilot projects would help in this
regard. Data from the national monitoring networks should
be exchanged between the concerned organizations in the
various countries, to seek for better water resources
management under the arid conditions.

Malakani, M., 1996, Basic Hydrometeorological Factors
in Water Resources Management,
Workshop on
Measurements, Collections and
Analyses, Current Technologies in Water Resources
Management in the Mashreq and Maghreb Project, RAB/
89/003, UNDP, Tunisia.
Malakani, M., 1995, Sulface Water Networks, Case Study:
Damascus Basin workshop on Sur$ace Water and Dams
Constructions, Current Technologies in Water Resources
Management in the Mashreq and Maghreb Project, RAB/
89/003, UNDP Damascus.

The existing groundwater stations originally selected for

this measuring network must, during the medium term, be
replaced by new stations.

Rassam, J.C., 1986, Water Resources Data Processing,

UNDP/wMO/ACSAD Regional Training Workshop on
Water Resources Data Processing, Damascus.

Spring catchments, near-surface groundwater observation

wells and monitoring stations shall be used for monitoring.
The station sites are also selected according to groundwater
provinces with a geologic structure, and groundwater types

Rofail, N., 1986, Design of Groundwater Networks, UNDP/

WMO/ACSAD Regional Training Workshop Design of
Groundwater Networks, Ryadh 23-27 Feb. 1986.


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