Research Article Corbicula Fluminea, From Mekong River, Pa Sak River, and
Research Article Corbicula Fluminea, From Mekong River, Pa Sak River, and
Research Article Corbicula Fluminea, From Mekong River, Pa Sak River, and
Research Article
An Assessment of Heavy Metals Toxicity in Asian Clam,
Corbicula fluminea, from Mekong River, Pa Sak River, and
Lopburi River, Thailand
Ai Yin Sow ,1 Koh Han Dee,2 Seong Wei Lee,1 and Aweng A. L. Eh Rak 2
Faculty of Agro-Based Industry, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Locked Bag No. 100, Jeli Campus, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
Faculty of Earth Science, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Locked Bag No. 100, Jeli Campus, 17600 Jeli, Kelantan, Malaysia
Received 23 February 2019; Revised 13 May 2019; Accepted 4 July 2019; Published 15 July 2019
Copyright © 2019 Ai Yin Sow et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
High population density and economic development attributing to the changes in water quality in Pa Sak River, Lopburi River, and
Mekong River have attracted great attention. This research aimed to determine the pollution of heavy metals in collected clams at
three different study sites. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) may be likely to cause serious health
effects on human beings. The clams sampled from three different rivers (Mekong, Pa Sak, and Lopburi) from Thailand were analyzed
for the presence of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Mn, and Pb) with an air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer
(AAS). Among the heavy metals studied, Zn was recorded as having the highest concentration (127.33-163.65 𝜇g/g) among the
three rivers. The observed mean concentration of Cu was in the range of 84.61-127.15 𝜇g/g followed by Mn (13.96-100.63 𝜇g/g), Cr
(5.79-15.00 𝜇g/g), Pb (3.43-8.55 𝜇g/g), and Cd (0.88-1.95 𝜇g/g). Overall, Asian clam from Pa Sak River was found to contain high
concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Pb compared to Mekong and Lopburi River.
by filtering between twenty and one hundred litres of water a and analytical balance 0.1mg precision. The collected clams
day [11]. sizes ranged from 13.0 to 15.0 mm in length and 1.201 to 1.532g
The use of the total soft tissues of Asian clam for biomon- in body weight (BW).
itoring studies of heavy metal pollution has been focused Upon cleaning, the clams were placed in folded alu-
on rather than the clam shells as a quantitative indicator minium foil and dried in an air-circulating oven for 3-4 days
to reflect the heavy metals contamination at the particular at 60∘ C until a constant dry weight was achieved prior to
coastal area [12]. Baby et al. [13] and Juncharoenwongsa metal analysis. In this study, the whole dry tissues of clam
et al. [14] reported that concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, were used for acid digestion. The dried powdered samples
Ni, Zn, and Pb were found in Asian clam and Zn had the were weighed and placed into a digestion tube with the
highest concentration accumulated in soft tissues. Because addition of 10ml of concentrated nitric acid (HNO3 ) (AnalaR
of the strong capabilities to bioaccumulate metals, in vivo grade, BDH 69 %). This reaction was performed at room
experiments are often adopted as an acute toxicity test [15]. temperature. Three replicates were digested for each location
For the past few decades, the risk assessment of aqua- in this study. Next, the tubes were placed in a hot-digester
culture production to human health became a pressing apparatus at 40∘ C for 1 hour, after which the temperature
topic. Bivalves have been extensively studied with regard to was gradually increased up to 140∘ C for at least 3 hours.
the exposure to heavy metals in marsh clam (Polymesoda Upon completing the digestion procedure, distilled water
expansa) and green mussel (Perna viridis) [11, 16]. The was added into the tubes up to 40 ml followed by filtration
Asian clam C. fluminea is consumed by the majority of using Whatman No. 1 (Filter speed: medium) filter paper in
the population in Thailand and Cambodia while some do a funnel. The filtered solution was then collected in an acid-
get exported to other countries especially Malaysia. Hence, washed polyethylene bottle (Yap et al., 2002a; 2002b).
analyzing the concentrations of heavy metals in Asian calm Following filtration, the collected solution of each sample
can assist in monitoring water quality and evaluating the was tested for the presence of Zn, Cu. Cd, Cr, Mn, and
potential risks to consumers caused by consuming polluted Pb by using an air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spec-
seafood. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the level trophotometer (AAS), Perkin-Elmer Model analyst 900F. The
of heavy metals in Asian clams collected from Thailand and data is presented in 𝜇g/g dry weight (dw). Multiple-level
Cambodia. calibration standards were employed to generate calibration
curves against which sample concentrations were estimated.
To ensure the accuracy of the results, the r2 of the calibration
2. Material and Method curve was maintained in the range of 0.998-1.000. In order
to confirm the validation of the method, SRM 2976 provided
The collection of Asian clam, C. fluminea, was conducted by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
in three different sites, namely, Pa Sak River (14∘ 21’51”N, was used for clam samples. The analytical results for the
100∘ 34’48”N), Lopburi River (14∘ 52’38”N, 100∘ 24’40”E), and investigated heavy metals in the reference material were
Mekong River (33∘ 42.5’N, 94∘ 41.7’E). Pa Sak River which within the certified values as follows: Zn (102.70%), Cu
is located in the central of Thailand joins the Lopburi (99.98%), Cd (96.34%), Pb (99.30%), Mn (101.24%), and Cr
River before they run into Chao Phraya River. According to (100.14%).
Nuanchan [17], Pa Sak River and Lopburi River are enriched
with faecal coliform bacteria (FCB) concentration and low
concentration of DO which lead to the water quality degra- 3. Result
dation. Mekong River is an important international river,
which flows through 6 countries, namely, China, Myanmar, Table 1 lists the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Mn, and
Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, before it empties Pb in Asian clams collected from three different locations
into the South China Sea. Since the population and economic within Thailand and Cambodia. The concentration of Zn
development increased dramatically, the source of water was estimated in the range of 127.33-163.65 𝜇g/g, Cu 84.61-
had been polluted [18, 19] especially at the Upper Mekong, 127.15 𝜇g/g, Mn 13.96-100.63 𝜇g/g, Cr 5.79-15 𝜇g/g, Pb 3.43-
especially the dams constructed or under construction, which 8.55 𝜇g/g, and Cd 0.88 -1.95 𝜇g/g. The concentrations of Zn,
is attributed to the increase in amount and composition of Cr, and Pb were nonsignificant (p>0.05) among the three
sediment [20–23]. locations, while the Cd was significantly (p<0.05) different
Since the rivers are deep and high tide was observed, the for clam tissues from the three locations. As for Cu, clams
collected clams were obtained directly from the fisherman from Lopburi and Mekong displayed insignificance (p>0.05)
and no collection of water and sediment was done. The while clams from Pa Sak Lake indicated significant (p<0.05)
collection of the samples was conducted during the dry differences. Based on the overall findings, Asian clam from
season for three different sites. The samples were directly Pa Sak Lake was found to contain high concentrations of
placed into polyethylene bottles upon sampling from the Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Pb compared to Mekong and Lopburi
fishermen. However, the samples were rinsed several times River. However, Mn metal was detected to be of the highest
with distilled water to get rid of mud and dirt prior to concentration in the Asian clams collected from Mekong
performing the analyses. Process of measuring the initial River. Nevertheless, insignificant (p>0.05) difference was
weight and initial length linear distance from posterior end to observed for Mn in clams from the Mekong and Pa Sak River
anterior end was performed using a digital calliper 0.01 mm compared to Lopburi which was significant (p<0.05). On the
The Scientific World Journal 3
Table 1: Mean concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Mn, and Pb (𝜇g/g ± SD) in freshwater Asian clam.
Location Zn Cu Cd Cr Mn Pb
Lopburi River 157.73±39.00a 88.55±9.75b 0.88±0.08c 6.95±2.10a 13.96±2.55b 3.43±2.76a
Mekong River 127.33±29.09a 84.61±2.95b 1.72±0b 5.79±1.51a 100.63±5.40a 3.61±1.50a
Pa Sak River 163.65±69.93a 127.15±0.91a 1.95±0.07a 15.0±8.63a 95.2±13.29a 8.55±9.55a
Remark: post hoc: mean metal concentrations of different location sharing a common letter for a particular metal present no significant differences, p>0.05;
having different letters represents a significant difference, p<0.05.
Table 2: Heavy metals concentration of C. fluminea in descending of fuelling may have resulted in the increased levels of Cu
order from three rivers. in these areas and subsequently accumulated in the Asian
Metal The sequence in descending order clams in the respective rivers. In addition, the increasing
demand for agricultural products in the Chao Phraya basin
Zn Pa Sak >Lopburi>Mekong
has resulted in the rapid use of pesticides and fertilizers.
Cu Pa Sak >Lopburi>Mekong
The toxins from the excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers
Cd Pa Sak >Mekong>Lopburi may have been discharged as runoff from agricultural areas
Cr Pa Sak >Lopburi>Mekong into the surface water causing contamination (Kruawal et
Mn Mekong >Pa Sak >Lopburi al., 2005). Although the concentration of Cu was found to
Pb Pa Sak > Mekong>Lopburi be high, it is still well below the limits set by the Ministry
of Public Health, Thailand, at 133.00 𝜇g/g dw. However, Cu
may pose a serious threat to the aquatic organisms if the
other hand, Table 2 postulated that the Pa Sak River was permissible limit is exceeded.
the highest polluted water body, followed by Mekong and Next, Cd is a nonessential element which is considered
Lopburi River based on the descending order of heavy metals toxic for both vertebrates and invertebrates alike (Elinder
according to the localities. 1982; Taylor, 1983). The mean concentration of Cd recorded
for all three locations ranged between 0.88 and 1.95 𝜇g/g,
where the peak value was recorded in Asian clams collected
4. Discussion
from Thailand’s Pa Sak River. Although the latter is still lower
The results revealed that the Asian clams of Pa Sak River accu- than the concentration of Cd recorded in samples collected
mulated high concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Mn, and Pb from Parit Jawa, Johor, 3.59 𝜇g/g [24], it has breached the
compared to the clams in Mekong and Lopburi River. Among permissible limits set by the Ministry of Public Health,
the metals tested, Zn was present in high concentrations in Thailand, and Malaysian Food Regulation at 1.00 𝜇g/g. Hence,
the Asian clams from Pak Sak River, suggesting that this metal it is strongly suggested that the consumption of clams from
is an essential element for most of the bioactivities within the these locations for a longer period of time may cause a serious
clam. Similarly, high concentrations of Zn were observed in health threat to the local consumers.
marsh clam and green mussel studies conducted by Harsono Cr in the soft tissues of clams in this study ranged from
et al. [11] in the Mengkabong River, Sabah. Additionally, 5.79 to 15.0 𝜇g/g for all study areas, which is lower than
Jaffar and Pervaiz (1989) declared that the accumulation of the concentrations reported in Northwest Sabah (20.2 𝜇g/g)
high Zn could be related to specific metabolic processes and [11]. As a nonessential metal, Cr is an element required
coenzyme-catalysed reactions involving Zn within fish. Nev- in small quantity for the biological processes of organisms
ertheless, the estimated Zn level (127.33-163.65 𝜇g/g) in this where its permissible limit is 3 to 5 mg/kg as stated by Popa
study was lower than the concentrations reported in samples (2006), as short exposure to Cr can irritate the skin and cause
collected from Kg. Pasir Putih, Johor [24], and Mengkabong ulceration and long term exposure may be related to serious
River, Sabah [11]: 368.0 𝜇g/g and 377.1 𝜇g/g, respectively. health hazards effects such as mutation and damage to cells,
Furthermore, the contents of Zn in clam tissues collected circulatory and nerve tissues, kidney, and liver [25].
from all three study areas were below the permissible limit Sediment is the sink of various contaminants including
set by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, which is heavy metals [26]. Mekong River was recorded as the second
667.00𝜇g/g dw (MPHT, 1986). highest polluted after Pa Sak River. This was observed from
Cu is another essential element required for enzymatic the high concentrations of metals in clams collected from this
systems (Kanakaraju et al., 2008). Cu was found to be non- area, especially of Mn (100.63 ±0.54) (Table 1), compared to
significant (p>0.05) in clams from the Lopburi and Mekong the other two sites. This value was also higher than the data
River (Table 1). However, the Cu concentrations recorded recorded by Xu et al. (2016) in oysters, ranging from 23.8 to
in this study were slightly higher in samples collected from 65.0 𝜇g/g dw. High concentrations of Mn were also detected
Tanjung Lumpur, Pahang (15.5 ±3.09 𝜇g/g) [16]. The high in the soft tissues of bivalves in previous studies conducted
concentrations of Cu in the Pa Sak, Lopburi, and Mekong in Mandori area at 21.6-140.2 𝜇g/g, Chapora area at 10.8-98.3
River could be due to the fact that these are busy routes 𝜇g/g (Al-Usmani et al., 2015), and Mengkabong River, Sabah,
used for boating and tourism activities. Hence, the deposition at 91.73 ± 13.1 𝜇g/g [11]. The bioaccumulation of high levels of
4 The Scientific World Journal
Mn in whole tissues of clam represents its bioavailability in may exert toxicological health hazards to humans. In short,
the water and sediments. Besides, Ferreira et al. [27] stated high population density and rapid economic development
that the spatial variation of heavy metals accumulation in have resulted in the loading of anthropogenic pollutants in
bivalves from different sites is affected by anthropogenic water bodies, thus affecting water function and health of the
activities. Furthermore, several other factors affecting the ecosystem (Chris et al., 2006; He et al. 2006). Hence, since the
accumulation of heavy metals in bivalves include species, age, study areas are part of the fishing ground, regular monitoring
feeding habits, and reproductive as well as physiochemical of heavy metals in aquatic organisms should be conducted
state [28]. Since Asian clam is a sedimentary organism and periodically.
is usually buried in the sediment, this might explain the high
levels of Mn in its soft tissues particularly due to the nature of Data Availability
the study area (Al-Usmani et al., 2015). According to WHO
(1993), the permissible limit for Mn in molluscs is 100 𝜇g/g. The data used to support the findings of this study are
On the other hand, Pb is a nonessential metal known available from the corresponding author upon request.
to cause toxic effects even at low levels. The Pb levels
recorded in this study are higher than that of a previous
study conducted by Ong et al. [29]. The Asian clams from
Conflicts of Interest
Pa Sak River accumulated Pb above the permissible limit The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
set by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (1986), at
6.67 𝜇g/g dw. However, the levels of Pb in clams from the
Mekong River and Lopburi River were within the safe range. Acknowledgments
The deposition of Pb in Asian clams from Pa Sak River This study was supported by the Transdisciplinary Research
might have been due to the burning of fossil fuels during Grant Scheme, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (TRGS/AO.700/
boating activities [30]. Mansour et al. [31] reported that the 00387A/007/2016/000391 and TRGS/AO8.00/00244A/005/
increasing Pb load is attributed to the tourism activities in 2016/000389). The authors would like to thank all the
the Hurghada area, Egypt. Furthermore, Pb tends to deposit members of Earth Science Laboratory, Universiti Malaysia
and bioaccumulate in the younger bivalve due to their higher Kelantan, for their support during the sampling and sample
metabolism compared to those of bigger size [32]. This poses analysis.
a health threat to the local consumers.
Based on the CGIAR (2018), pollution hotspots in Thai-
land included the Lopburi River and Pa Sak River (Sunthorn, References
2010). Sunthorn (2010) also reported that the Pa Sak and
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