Two Marks FEA

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Unit –I Introduction

1. What are initial and boundary value problems? (Or)

Define Boundary value problem with an example. ND12, ND10
Initial Value Problem:
A differential equation along with subsidiary conditions on the unknown function and its derivatives, all
given at the same value of the independent variable, constitutes an initial value problem. The subsidiary
conditions are initial conditions.
For example: 3y''' + 2 y'' + 5 y' = ex+y, y (π) = 1, y '(π) = 2 is an initial value problem, because both the
subsidiary conditions are given at x = π.
Boundary Value Problem:
A differential equation along with subsidiary conditions on the unknown function are given at more than
one value of the independent variable, the problem is a boundary value problem and the conditions are
boundary conditions.
For example: 3y''' + 2 y'' + 5 y' = ex+y, y (0) = 1, y (π) = 2 is a boundary value problem, because the two
subsidiary conditions are given at the different values x = 0 and x = 1.

2. Classify Boundary conditions. MJ14, ND11

Generally boundary conditions are classified into two types:
1. essential (or primary) boundary conditions and
2. non-essential (or natural or secondary) boundary conditions.

3. What are the methods of solving Eigenvalue problems? MJ12

1. Determinant method
2. Transformation method
a. Jacobian Method
3. Iterative methods
a. Power Method
b. Subspace Iteration Method

4. What is the importance of boundary conditions in FEM? (Or) Why boundary conditions are imposed to
solve a field problem? *ND10
It removes the singularity of a matrix, so that the structure remains in place instead of moving as a rigid

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5. List the various methods of solving boundary value problems. AM10
1. Finite Difference Method (FDM)
2. Finite Element Method (FEM)

6. Distinguish between essential boundary conditions and natural boundary conditions. ND09, MJ14
Essential Boundary Conditions Natural Boundary Conditions
Satisfies the approximation function. Not satisfies the approximation function.
Eg., Ritz equation, waveform equation;
variational equation.
The boundary condition which in terms of the The boundary conditions which are in the
field variables is known as primary boundary differential form of field variables is known as
condition. Secondary boundary condition.

For a simply supported beam of span length „L‟, the essential boundary conditions are u(0)=0; u(L)=0
and the secondary boundary conditions are 𝑑𝑥 𝑥=𝐿
= 0.

7. What is the limitations of using a finite difference method? AM10

1. Only used to solve heat transfer, fluid mechanics, structural problems.
2. Only suitable for 2D regions with boundaries parallel to coordinate axis.
3. Difficult to use when regions have curved or irregular boundaries.

8. State the difference between the FEM (Finite element Method) and FDM (Finite Difference Method)
S.No. Finite Difference Method (FDM) Finite element Method (FEM)
1. FDM makes point-wise approximation to the FEM make piecewise approximation i.e. it
governing equations i.e. it ensures continuity ensures the continuity at node points as well as
only at the node points. Continuity along the along the sides of the element.
sides of grid lines is not ensured.
2. FDM do not give the values at any point except FEM can give the values at any point. However
at node points. It do not give any the values obtained at points other than nodes
approximating function to evaluate the basic are by using suitable interpolation formulae.
values (deflections, in case of solid mechanics)
using the nodal values.
3. FDM makes stair type approximation to FEM can consider the sloping boundaries
sloping and curved boundaries. exactly. If curved elements are used, even the
curved boundaries can be handled exactly.
4. FDM needs larger number of nodes to get good While FEM needs fewer nodes.
5. With FDM fairly complicated problems can be Whereas FEM can handle all complicated
handled problems.

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9. What are the basic approaches to improve a finite element model? (Or)
What are the various methods to solve the engineering problems? ND10
a) Experimental methods
b) Analytical methods
c) Numerical methods or approximate methods
i) Functional approximation
Rayleigh Ritz method (Variational method) and
Galerkin‟s method (Weighted residual methods)
ii) Finite difference method (FDM)
iii) Finite element method (FEM)

10. List any four advantages of FEM (Finite Element Method). AM08
a) FEM can handle irregular geometry in convenient manner.
b) Most accurate approximation is achieved.
c) It handles general loading conditions without any difficulties.
d) Non-homogeneous materials can be easily handled.
e) All the types of boundary conditions are handled.
f) Dynamic effects are included.
g) Higher order elements are implemented.

11. Give the applications of FEM (Finite Element Method)?

The applications of FEM are:
1. deformation and stress analysis of structural members,
2. field analysis of heat flux, fluid flow, magnetic flux,
3. dynamic analysis of the vibrational problems etc.

12. Define the principle of virtual work. AM15

A body is in equilibrium if the internal virtual work equals the external virtual work for every
kinematically admissible displacement field.

13. What are the variational methods? ND10

1. Raleigh Ritz method
2. Weighted Residual method

14. State the principle of minimum potential energy. (Or)

What is the stationary property of total potential energy? *ND07, *MJ16, ND13, ND10, MJ12
The principle of minimum potential energy states that “among all the displacement equations that
internal compatibility and the boundary condition those that also satisfy the equation of equilibrium to make
the potential energy a minimum is a stable system.”
Total potential energy (П) = Internal energy (U) + potential energy of the external force (H)
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15. Write the potential energy for beam of span “L” simply supported at ends, subjected to a concentrated
load “P” at mid span. Assume EI constant. AM08, ND08, ND11
Total Potential energy = U-H
𝐸𝐼𝜋 4 2
𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 = 𝑎 + 81𝑎22 − 𝑃(𝑎1 − 𝑎2 )
4𝐿3 1
Where U = strain energy, H = work done; a1 and a2 are Ritz constants; P is the concentrated load; EI is the
constant; L- span length.

16. What is Rayleigh-Ritz method? MJ14, ND15, MJ13, ND11, ND15

The Rayleigh Ritz method is the approximation method based on integral approach useful for solving
complex structural problems.
Rayleigh Ritz method is possible only if a suitable functional is available.

17. Mention the basic steps of Rayleigh Ritz method. AM11

The basic steps of Rayleigh Ritz method are:
1. Assume a trial function with atleast one Ritz parameter.
2. Find out the Total potential energy for the given problem using the following,
Total potential energy (P) = strain energy (U) + work done (H).
3. Using the minimum potential energy principle obtain the unknown the displacement.

18. What is meant by weak formulation? MJ13, MJ15, ND12

A weak form is a weighted integral statement of a governing equation that includes natural boundary
Work formulation is General weighted residual statement (or variational statement) is given
by 𝑤𝑅𝑑𝑥 = 0.
The weak form is formulated using the variational method and the integration is carried out by parts.

19. Distinguish between the Rayleigh Ritz method and Finite Element Method. ND13, ND14; ND12*
Rayleigh Ritz method Finite Element Method
The Rayleigh Ritz method is the Finite Element method is a numerical method for
approximation method based on solving engineering problems. In this method, a body
integral approach useful for or a structure in which the analysis to be carried out is
solving complex structural subdivided into smaller elements of finite dimensions
problems. Rayleigh Ritz method is called finite element. The properties of each type of
possible only if a suitable finite element is obtained and assembled together and
functional is available. solved as whole to get the solution.

20. What do you understand by the term “piecewise continuous function”? ND13
In a weighted residual method, the polynomial and trigonometric series are used as trial function. This
trial function is a single composite function and it is valid over the entire solution domain. The assumed trial

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function solution should match closely to the exact solution of the differential equation and the boundary
conditions. It is nothing but a process of curve fitting. The curve fitting is carried out by piecewise method.

21. What should be considered during piecewise trial functions? AM11

The following condition should be considered during the selection of piecewise trial function:
1. It should satisfy the geometric boundary conditions.
2. It must be continuous in the field variable and its derivatives.

22. What is Galerkin’s method of approximation? (Or) What is a weighted residual method? (Or)
Write about Galerkin’s residual method. (Or) State the principle followed in Galerkin method used to
solve a problem in structural mechanics. MJ14, MJ16, ND07, ND10, MJ12
In this method the differential equation of the phenomenon can be formulated and the approximate
function is chosen to determine the solution, using the following equation

𝒘𝒊 𝑹 𝒙 𝒅𝒙 = 𝟎

Where wi is the weighting function in terms of „x‟ ; D is the domain; and R(x) is the residual.
It is applicable to the non-structural problems.

23. Mention the basic steps involved in weighted residual method. (Or)
Mention the basic steps of Galerkin method. MJ13, ND14, ND13
The basic steps involved in weighted residual method (variational method) is given by,
1. Formulate the differential equation for the phenomenon with boundary conditions.
2. Choose a trial function or approximate displacement function.
3. Find out the residual
4. Apply the Galerkin‟s technique to find the unknowns using the following equation,
𝑤𝑖 𝑅 𝑥 𝑑𝑥 = 0, Where wi is the weighting function i.e., trial function ; D is the domain; and
R(x) is the residual.

24. Mention two situations where Galerkin’s method is preferable to Rayleigh Ritz method. ND13
Galerkin‟s method is based on functional approximation and is only applicable to non-structural
problems. But the Rayleigh Ritz method is useful for solving complex structural problems.
Galerkin‟s method is applicable for the phenomenon whose differential equation is known. But the
Rayleigh Ritz method is possible only if a suitable functional is available.

25. Name the weighted residual methods. (Or)

List out weighted residual techniques in FEM. ND14, ND10, ND11
a) Point Collocation method
b) Sub-domain collocation method
c) Least Square method
d) Galerkin‟s Method

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26. List the basic steps involved in FEA. (Or) List out the step by step procedure of FEA.
Step: 1 Discretization of structure.
Step: 2 Numbering of nodes and elements.
Step: 3 Selection of proper displacement or interpolation function
Step: 4 Define the material behavior by strain-displacement and
stress-strain relationships
Step: 5 Derivation of element stiffness matrix and equations.
Step: 6 Assemble the element equations to obtain the global
equations Analysis
Step: 7 Applying boundary conditions.
Step: 8 Solution for the unknown displacements
Step: 9 Computation of the element strains and stresses from the
nodal displacements
Step: 10 Interpret the results Post-processing

27. What is meant by nodes in finite element? MJ14, ND15

Nodes or joints are the points where the finite elements are connected and degree of freedom are
Generally nodes are placed at (i) ends of the element; (ii) point at which loads are applied; (iii) change
of material and cross-sections.

28. List the types of nodes. (Or)

What is meant by Primary and Secondary node? MJ12, MJ13

There are two types of nodes viz. external nodes and internal nodes.
External nodes : External nodes are those which occur on the edges/surfaces of the elements and they may be
common to two or more elements In Figure below, nodes, 1 and 2 in one dimensional element, nodes 1 to 9 in
10 noded triangular element and nodes 1 to 8 in 9 noded Lagrangean rectangular element are external nodes.
These nodes may be further classified as (i) Primary nodes and (ii) Secondary nodes.
Primary nodes: Primary nodes occur at the ends of one dimensional element or at the corners in the two or
three dimensional elements.
Secondary nodes: Secondary nodes occur along the side of an element but not at corners.

Internal nodes: Internal nodes are the one which occur inside an element. They are specific to the element
selected i.e. there will not be any other element connecting to this node.

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10 noded triangular element 9 noded rectangular element

29. What do you meant by discretization? MJ12, ND11, MJ14, ND15

The process of subdividing a structure or domain into several numbers of smaller components is
known as Discretization. There are two types: Natural and Artificial Discretization.

30. What is the essence of finite element method? (Or)

What is the basic concept of finite element method (FEM)? MJ14, MJ13
Discretization is the essence (or basis) of FEM.
The art of subdividing a structure or domain into several numbers of smaller components is known as

31. Why polynomial types of interpolation functions are preferred over trigonometric functions? (Or)
Why are polynomial terms preferred for shape functions in Finite Element Method? (Or)
Why are polynomial types of interpolation functions mostly used in FEM? (Or)
Why polynomials are generally used as shape functions? ND07, AM11, MJ13, MJ15, MJ14, ND11,
The polynomial types of interpolation functions are mostly preferred over trigonometric functions in
FEM due to the following reasons.
a) It is easy to formulate and computerize the finite element equations.
b) It is easy to perform differentiation and integration.
c) The accuracy of the results can be improved by increasing the order of polynomial.

32. What are the various types of elements in FEM?

*One Dimensional Elements Ex: bar, beam, truss, frame elements
*Two Dimensional Elements Ex: Triangular (CST, LST)and rectangular elements
*Three Dimensional Elements Ex: Tetrahedral and hexagonal (brick) elements
*Axisymmetric Elements Ex: One dimensional axisymmetric element is a conical
frustum and a two dimensional axisymmetric element is a
ring with a triangular or quadrilateral cross section

33. Define element connectively* ND12

Element connectivity is the connectivity of nodes in a structure while assembling the element matrices
and force vectors. It establishes the local and global correspondence.

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34. What is the effect of node numbering on assembled stiffness matrix? ND13
The bandwidth of the global characteristic matrix (or global stiffness matrix) depends on the node
numbering scheme and the number of degrees of freedom considered per node. The memory storage
requirements as well as solution time should be minimum for any give type of problem; this is possible only
when the bandwidth is minimum. Since the number of degrees of freedom per node is generally fixed for any
given type of problem, the bandwidth can be minimized by using a proper node numbering scheme.

35. What are interpolation functions? (Or)

Define Shape function. ND07, MJ12, MJ14, ND09, MJ12, AM15, ND15
The function used to represent the behaviour of the displacement (or field variable) within an element
in terms of the nodal displacement (or field variables) of the element is called Interpolation or Shape function.
For one dimensional two noded bar element, the approximating functions is given by,

Where Ni is the shape functions (or) interpolation (or) approximating functions, u i is nodal

36. Write down the relationship of strain-displacement. ND12

For the linear strain displacement relationship is given by,
ε = B u
{ε} - strain matrix
{u} - displacement matrix
[B] – Strain- displacement relationship matrix.

37. If a displacement field in x-direction is given by u = 2x2 + 4 y2 + 6 xy. Determine the strain in x-
direction. MJ16
displacement field, u = 2x2 + 4 y2 + 6 xy
𝜕𝑢 𝜕(2𝑥 2 + 4𝑦 2 + 6𝑥𝑦 )
strain in x-direction, 𝑒 = 𝜕𝑥
= 𝜕𝑥
= 4𝑥 + 6𝑦

38. List the methods of finite element analysis. (Or)

What are the methods generally associated with the finite element analysis? MJ16, MJ12
a) Force Method
b) Displacement or stiffness method

39. What is meant by Post Processing? MJ13, ND14, ND16

Analysis and evaluation of the solution results is referred as post processing. Post processor computer
programs help the user to interpret the result by displaying them in the graphical form.

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40. What are the types of non-linearity? ND07, MJ12

The types of non-linearity are:
a) Geometric non-linearity
b) Loading and Boundary condition non-linearity
c) Material non-linearity
d) Both material and geometric non-linearity.

41. What are the factors which govern the selection of nodes? (Or)
During Discretization, mention the places where it is necessary to place the node? ND12, AM00.
Generally nodes are placed at
(i) ends of the element;
(ii) point at which loads are applied;
(iii) Changes in material properties.
(iv) Changes in element cross-sections.
(v) Support locations.

42. What is geometric Isotropy? (Or Spatial Isotropy Or Geometric invariance)* MJ13, MJ15
When a linear transformation is made from one Cartesian coordinate system to another
coordinate system, the field variable representation within an element should not change with a change
in the local coordinate system. This property is called geometric isotropy or geometric invariance or
spatial isotropy.

43. List the various methods of solving boundary value problems. ND16
1. Direct Method
2. Finite Difference Method
3. Decomposition Method
4. Raleigh-Ritz Method
5. Galerkin‟s Method

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Unit II – One Dimensional Problems

1. Mention any two advantages of quadratic spar element over linear spar element? (Or)
What is the use of introducing the quadratic shape functions? (Or)
When do we resort to 1D quadratic spar elements? AM11 ND13, ND12
a) Better accuracy of results
b) Representation of curved boundaries
c) Faster convergence of results

2. State the properties of Stiffness matrix. (Or)

List out the stiffness matrix properties. MJ12, AM15, ND09, ND10; MJ14, ND11, AM10
a) Stiffness matrix is a symmetric matrix.
b) Stiffness matrix is a banded matrix.
c) The dimension of the global stiffness K is (N x N ), where N is no. of nodes in the 1D structure.
d) Sum of the elements in any column must be equal to zero.
e) The diagonal values of the Stiffness matrix are always positive.
f) Stiffness matrix is unstable element. So, determinant of Stiffness matrix is equal to zero.

3. What are the types of problems treated as one dimensional problem? MJ13
The problems whose one of the dimension is very large compared to the other two dimensions, such
problems are considered as one dimensional problem.
Eg: Axial loaded bars and rods, temperature distribution through fins, heat conduction along the wall
thickness, elastic spring system, etc.

4. What is the use of Pascal triangle?

Pascal triangle is used to determine the number of polynomial terms in the interpolation function.

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5. Evaluate the integral over the entire length of 2 - noded 1-D element, 𝑳 𝒑
𝒙𝟏 𝟏
𝑳𝟐 𝒒 𝒅𝒙.

6. List the characteristics of the shape functions. (Or)

State the properties of shape functions. (Or)
What are the features of Shape functions? (Or)
State the significance of shape function. MJ13, ND14, MJ15, ND14*, MJ14, ND10, ND15, ND12, AM10
a) The shape function has unit value at its own nodal point and zero value at other nodal points.
b) The sum of the shape function is always equal to one.
c) The shape functions are always polynomials of same type as the original interpolation equations.

7. What are the conditions to be satisfied by a shape function?

a) First derivatives must be finite within an element.
b) Displacements must be continuous across the element boundary.

8. State the differences between Quadric and linear bar element.

Linear Spar Element Quadratic Spar Element
Linear spar element has two nodes, each at their Quadratic spar element has three nodes, two each
ends. at their ends and the other at its mid length.
Element Stiffness matrix is 2x2. Element Stiffness matrix is 3x3.

Interpolation function for this element is linear. Interpolation function for this element is

9. Plot the variations of shape function for 1-D linear ( 2 noded) bar element.*

10. Derive the constitutive matrix for a 2 noded element. MJ16

[D] = E
[D] is the constitutive matrix (or) stress strain relationship matrix,
E is the young’s Modulus

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11. Determine any one linear shapes function and illustrate the same. (Or) Write the shape functions for a
1D, 2noded element. (Or) Write the shape function for 1D linear bar element. MJ13, ND08
𝑥 𝑥
𝑁1 = 1 − ; 𝑁2 =
𝑙 𝑙
Where ‘l’ is the length of the element.

12. Write the stiffness matrix for a 1D two noded linear element. ND14, ND13
𝐴 𝐸 1 −1
𝐾 =
𝑙 −1 1
A is the Area of the element
E is the Young’s Modulus
l is the length of the element

13. Obtain the shape functions for a 1D quadratic spar element (Or) 1D quadratic bar element (Or) 1D 3-
noded element. AM15, MJ16, ND13
3𝑥 2𝑥 2 −𝑥 2𝑥 2 4𝑥 4𝑥 2
𝑁1 = 1 − + 2 ; 𝑁2 = + 2 ; 𝑁3 = − 2
𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙 𝑙
Where ‘l’ is the length of the element.

14. Plot the variations of shape function for 1-D quadratic bar element.*

15. Distinguish between 1D bar element and 1D beam element. ND09

1D Bar Element 1D Beam Element
1D bar element has axial deformation only. 1D beam element has transverse deformation and
rotation that may cause bending moments about an
axis perpendicular to the plane of the member.
Element stiffness matrix is 2 x 2. Element stiffness matrix is 4 x 4.

U1 U2

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16. Write the stiffness matrix for the simple beam element.* ND08

Stiffness matrix [K] for simple beam element is given by,

12 6𝐿 −12 6𝐿
𝐸 𝐼 6𝐿 4𝐿2 −6𝐿 2𝐿2
𝐾 = 3
𝐿 −12 −6𝐿 12 −6𝐿
6𝐿 2𝐿2 −6𝐿 4𝐿2
Where, L- element length; E- young’s modulus and I- moment of inertia of the beam.

17. Obtain the shape functions for a 1D beam element.*

Where ‘l’ is the length of the element.

18. Plot the variations of shape function for 1-D beam element. ND10

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19. How thermal loads are input in finite element analysis? ND07
The nodal thermal load vector due to rise in temperature in the member is given by
F = E A α ΔT
ΔT be the rise in temperature
E is the young’s Modulus
A is the Area of the element
α is the thermal expansion coefficient.

20. What is a truss? MJ14

The truss elements are the part of the truss structure linked together by pin joints, which transmit only
axial force to the element.

21. State the assumptions made while finding the force in a truss. ND11
1. All the members are pin jointed.
2. The truss is loaded only at the joints.
3. Self weight of the members are neglected.

22. Specify the expression for stiffness matrix for a truss element having four degrees of freedom. MJ13,
ND15, AM11, MJ15
𝑙2 𝑙𝑚 −𝑙 2 −𝑙𝑚
𝐴𝐸 𝑙𝑚 𝑚2 −𝑙𝑚 −𝑚2
𝐾 =
𝐿 −𝑙 2 −𝑙𝑚 𝑙2 𝑙𝑚
−𝑙𝑚 −𝑚2 𝑙𝑚 𝑚 2

Where [K] is the stiffness matrix,

A is the cross-sectional area,
E is the Young Modulus,
L is the length of the element,
l , and m is the directional cosines.

23. State Fourier’s Law of heat conduction used in FEA. MJ12

Fourier’s Law of heat conduction states that the rate of heat transfer through a material is directly
proportional to the negative temperature gradient and to the area.
𝑄 = −𝑘𝐴
‘Q’ is the heat flow rate by conduction (W)
‘k’ is the thermal conductivity of material (W/mK)
‘A’ is the cross-sectional area normal to direction of heat flow (m2)
‘dT/dx’ is the temperature gradient (K/m)

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24. What is the governing differential equation for a 1D heat conduction with convection? (Or)
What is the governing differential equation for a 1D heat transfer? AM08
The governing differential equation for a 1D heat conduction with convection is given by
∂ ∂T ∂T hP
Kx + Q = ρc + (T − Tα )
∂x ∂x ∂t A
h is the heat transfer or convection coefficient in W/m2°C;
T is the temperature of the solid surface at the solid/fluid interface in °C;
T∞ is the temperature of the fluid in °C;
Kx is the thermal conductivity in the x- direction in W/m°C;
Q is the internal heat source in W;
P is the perimeter in m2;
A is the cross-sectional area in m2;
ρ is the mass density of the fluid in kg/m3; and
c is the specific heat in W/kg°C

25. Mention two natural boundary conditions as applied to thermal problems. (Or)
What are the boundary conditions in FEA heat transfer problem? (Or)
Name a few boundary conditions involved in any heat transfer analysis. MJ16, AM10, AM11, ND15
1. Natural boundary conditions
a. Imposed Heat flux
b. Imposed Temperature
c. convection through one end
d. Internal Heat generation.
2. Forced boundary conditions.

26. What is the governing differential equation for a 2D steady state heat transfer? MJ14, ND09
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
Kx + Ky +Q=0
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
T is the temperature of the solid surface at the solid/fluid interface in °C;
Kx is the thermal conductivity in the x- direction in W/m°C;
Ky is the thermal conductivity in the y- direction in W/m°C;
Q is the internal heat source in W;

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27. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for one dimensional heat conduction element. ND11
KC T = F
A k 1 −1 T1 F1
𝑙 −1 1 T2 F2
[KC] is the stiffness matrix for conduction
{T} is the temperature vector
{F} is the load vector
A is the area of the element,
k is the thermal conductivity,
l is the length of the element,

28. Derive the convection and conduction matrix for a 1D linear bar element. AM15
conduction matrix for a 1D linear bar element
𝐴 𝑘 1 −1
𝐾𝐶 =
𝑙 −1 1
convection matrix for a 1D linear bar element
ℎ𝑃𝑙 2 1
𝐾ℎ =
6 1 2
A is the area of the element,
P is the perimeter of the element,
k is the thermal conductivity,
l is the length of the element,
h is the heat transfer coefficient.

29. What is meant by Longitudinal vibration and transverse vibration? MJ14, ND15
Longitudinal Vibration:
When the particles of the shaft moves parallel to the axis of the shaft, then the vibrations are known as
longitudinal vibrations. In this case, the shaft is elongated and shortened alternately and thus the tensile and
compressive stresses are induced in the shaft.

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Transverse Vibration:
When the particles of the shaft moves approximately perpendicular to the axis of the shaft, then the
vibrations are known as transverse vibrations. In this case, the shaft is straight and bend alternately and thus
the bending stresses are induced in the shaft.

30. What type of analysis preferred in FEA when the structural member subjected to transient vibrations?
Dynamic Analysis is preferred in FEA when the structural member subjected to transient vibrations.

31. Write down the governing equation for 1D longitudinal vibration of bar fixed at one end and give the
boundary conditions. (Or)
Write down the expression of governing equation for free axial vibration of rod. MJ16, AM15
The governing equation for 1D longitudinal vibration of bar fixed at one end is given by,

 2u E  2u

t 2  x 2
With boundary conditions,  0 at x = l and u(0, t )  0 .
l is the length of the element,
E is the young’s modulus,
ρ is the density

32. Write down the expression of governing equation for transverse vibration of beam. MJ16
∂4 u ∂2 u
EI + ρA =0
∂x 4 ∂t 2
I is the moment of inertia,
A is the area of the element,
E is the young’s modulus,
ρ is the density

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33. What are consistent and lumped mass techniques? ND13

Consistent mass matrix is the matrix derived from the same shape functions which are used for the
derivation of element stiffness matrix. The general expression for the consistent mass matrix is given by,
𝑚 = 𝜌𝐴 0
[𝑁]𝑇 𝑁 𝑑𝑥
Lumped mass matrix is formed by lumping the whose mass of the element into equal amounts and
placing at the nodes for further analysis.

34. Specify the mass matrix for a 1D linear bar element. (Or)
Determine the element mass matrix for one dimensional, dynamic structural analysis problem. Assume
the two nodes, linear element. ND11, AM15
Consistent mass matrix:
𝜌𝐴𝐿 2 1
𝑚 =
6 1 2
Lumped Mass matrix:
𝜌𝐴𝐿 1 0
𝑚 =
2 0 1

35. Specify the lumped mass matrix for a bar and beam element.
Lumped Mass Matrix for a Bar Element
𝜌𝐴𝐿 1 0
𝑚 =
2 0 1
Lumped Mass Matrix for a Beam Element
1 0 0 0
𝜌𝐴𝐿 0 0 0 0
𝑚 =
2 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0

36. Specify the consistent mass matrix for a beam element. ND13
156 22L 54 −13L
ρAL 22L 4L2 13L −3L2
m =
420 54 13L 156 −22L
−13L −3L2 −22L 4L2

37. Consistent mass matrix gives accurate results than lumped mass matrix in dynamic analysis of bar
element- Justify. MJ16, ND12
Yes, Consistent mass matrix gives accurate results than lumped mass matrix in dynamic analysis of bar
element. Since in lumped mass matrix, inertia effect is ignored.

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Unit III – Two Dimensional Scalar Variable Problem

1. What are the differences between 2D scalar variable and vector variable elements?* ND09
2D scalar variable elements 2D vector variable elements
These elements have one direction independent These elements have one direction dependent
variable per node. variable per node.
2D triangular element Stiffness matrix size is 3 x 3. 2D triangular element Stiffness matrix size is 6 x 6.

2. What are the differences between 2D scalar variable and vector variable problems? MJ15, MJ12,
2D scalar variable problem:
If the geometry and material properties of any element are described by two spatial coordinates, then
that element is referred as 2D finite element and in a problem containing that element if the measure
parameter is having only one quantity (i.e, magnitude only) and not having direction of application, then it is
referred as 2D scalar variable problem.
Eg. Temperature distribution on the surface due to heat transfer.
2D vector variable problem:
In vector variable problem, the field variable is described by its magnitude and direction of action
inorder to get the complete information and for the further process.
Eg. Structural problems.

3. Give some applications for scalar variable problems.

Torsion, heat transfer, seepage, electrical and magnetic field problems, fluid flow in ducts, Acoustics,
axial vibrations, potential flow.

4. Name the 2D elements. ND12

2D elements are
CST (Constant Strain Triangular) element;
LST (Linear strain triangular element);
QST (Quadratic strain triangular element);
rectangular elements;
quadrilateral elements etc,.

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5. How do you define two dimensional elements? MJ14
Two dimensional elements are defined by three or more nodes in a two dimensional plane (x, y).
The basic element useful for 2D analysis is triangular element.

𝐩 𝐪
6. Evaluate the following area integrals for the three noded triangular element 𝐋𝟏 𝐋𝟐 𝐋𝐫𝟑 𝐝𝐀.

7. Evaluate the following area integrals for the three noded triangular element 𝐍𝐢 𝐍𝐣𝟐 𝐍𝐤𝟑 𝐝𝐀. MJ12
1! 2! 3! A
Ni Nj2 Nk3 dA. = 2A =
(1 + 2 + 3 + 2)! 1680

8. Differentiate CST and LST elements. (Or)

What are CST and LST element? ND07, AM08, ND09, MJ13, ND15, ND16
CST Element LST Element
CST element is 3 noded triangular elements; each LST element is 6 noded triangular higher order
node has two unknown displacement fields. elements; each node has two unknown
displacement fields.
CST element has 6 degrees of freedom. LST element has 12 degrees of freedom.
The interpolation function for the CST element is The interpolation function for the CST element is
linear. quadratic.
Constant strain throughout the element. Strain variation within the element is linear.
Element stiffness matrix is 6 x 6. Element stiffness matrix is 12 x 12.

9. Explain the important properties of CST element. ND08

a) CST element is 3 noded triangular elements; each node has two unknown displacement fields. And
therefore it has 6 unknown displacements or degrees of freedom.
b) Constant strain throughout the element
c) The interpolation function for the CST element is linear.
d) Element stiffness matrix is 6x6

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10. Write the natural coordinates for the point “P” of the triangular element. The point „P‟ is the C.G. of
the triangle. ND08

11. What are the different coordinate systems in FEM? MJ12

The following terms are commonly referred in FEM
(i) Global coordinates
(ii) Local coordinates and
(iii) Natural coordinates.

12. Differentiate: Local coordinate and Global coordinate. AM08, ND11, MJ13
Local coordinate Global coordinate
For the convenience of deriving element
The coordinate system used to define the points
properties, in FEM, separate coordinate is used to
in the entire structure is called Global
define each element. Such coordinate system is
coordinate system
called Local coordinate system.
Global Coordinates:

Local Coordinates:

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13. What are the advantages of natural coordinates? (Or)

What are the advantages of natural coordinates over global coordinates? ND14, ND07, ND08
 Since magnitude of natural coordinate system always varies between -1 to +1, formulation of
derivative terms are easier than the global coordinate system.
 Easy to perform numerical integration.
 Used to represent the isoparametric elements.
 This type of system is useful for assembling the stiffness matrix.

14. Define natural coordinate system. ND12*, ND14

A natural coordinate system is a coordinate system which is used to specify any point within the
element by a set of dimensionless numbers, whose magnitude never exceeds unity.
Natural coordinate’s magnitude always lies between -1 and +1.
The use of natural coordinate system is advantages in assembling of stiffness matrices.

15. What are the four basic sets of elasticity equations? MJ12*
a) Strain-displacement relationship equations
b) Stress-Strain relationship equations
c) Equilibrium equations
d) Compatibility equations

16. What do you meant by constitutive law? ND07; ND08

The constitutive law (or) stress strain relationship relates the relationship between the stress and
{σ} = [D] {ε}.
This equation is called constitutive law.
{σ} - stress;
[D] is the stress-strain relationship matrix;
{ε} is the strain.

17. What is plane strain condition? AM15, ND11, ND15

Plane strain is defined to be a state of strain in which the strain (ε) normal to the x-y plane and shear
strains (γ) are assumed to be zero.
𝜀𝑧 = 0; 𝛾𝑥𝑧 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛾𝑦𝑧 = 0

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18. Define plane stress problem with a suitable example. MJ15, MJ13*, ND11, ND16
Plane stress is said to be a state of stress in which the normal stress (σ) and shear stress (τ) directly
perpendicular to the plane is assumed to be zero. 𝜎𝑧 = 0; 𝜏𝑥𝑧 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜏𝑦𝑧 = 0
Plane stress problem is applicable to the thin plates and the loads act only in x-y plane.
Practical examples for Plane stress problem: Analysis of plates with holes and fillets subjected to
loads act only in x-y plane.

19. Distinguish between plane stress and plane strain problems. ND09, ND10, MJ14, ND15, MJ12, ND14,
Plane Stress Problems Plane Strain Problems
Plane stress is said to be a state of stress in which Plane strain is defined to be a state of strain in
the normal stress (σ) and shear stress (τ) directly which the strain (ε) normal to the x-y plane and
perpendicular to the plane is assumed to be shear strains (γ) are assumed to be zero.
zero. 𝜎𝑧 = 0; 𝜏𝑥𝑧 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜏𝑦𝑧 = 0 𝜀𝑧 = 0; 𝛾𝑥𝑧 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛾𝑦𝑧 = 0

Plane stress problem is applicable to the thin Plane strain problem is applicable to the long
plates and the loads act only in x-y plane. structures; cylinders and pipes and the loads act
along the x-axis.
Practical examples for Plane stress problem are Practical examples for Plane strain problem are
analysis of plates with holes and fillets subjected dam subjected to hydraulic loading and the pipe
to loads act only in x-y plane subjected to a constant load along the length.

20. Give one example each for plane stress and plane strain problems. (Or)
Give one practical application where plane stress and plane strain problems can be applied. AM15,
MJ16, AM08, ND08
Practical application for plane stress:
Plane stress problem is applicable to the thin plates and the loads act only in x-y plane.
Example: Analysis of plates with holes and fillets subjected to loads act only in x-y plane.
Practical application plane strain:
Plane strain problem is applicable to the long structures.
Example: Dams, cylinders and pipes and the loads act along the x-axis.

21. Write down the stress-strain relationship matrix for plane stress and plane strain condition. ND10
stress-strain relationship matrix for Plane stress condition,

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stress-strain relationship matrix for plane strain condition

E is the young’s modulus and
μ is the Poisson’s ratio.

22. Why a 3 noded triangular element is called a constant strain triangular element? (Or)
Why is the 3 noded element called as CST element? (Or)
Why a CST element so called? MJ15, ND14, ND10
In a 3-noded triangular element for the specific loading, the stress developed is assumed constant
throughout the element. By hooke’s law stress is directly proportional to strain. And therefore, strain
developed is Constant throughout the element.

23. Obtain the shape functions for CST element. (Or)

Write down the shape functions associated with the three noded linear triangular element. AM15

x1, x2, x3 are the x-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.

y1, y2, y3 are the y-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.

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24. Plot the variation of the shape functions associated with the three noded linear triangular element.

25. 𝟏𝟗 – 𝟒.𝟓 𝐱 − 𝟐 𝐲 𝟑𝐱−𝟐𝐲

In a triangular element, 𝐍𝟏 = 𝟏𝟗
, 𝐍𝟐 = 𝟏𝟗
. Determine N3. ND10

19 – 4.5 x − 2 y 3x−2y
N1 = , N2 =
19 19
To Find: N3 = ?
For the triangular element,
N1 + N2 + N3 = 1
19 – 4.5 x − 2 y 3x−2y
+ + N3 = 1
19 19
19 – 4.5 x − 2 y 3x−2y
N3 = 1 − −
19 19
19 − 19 + 4.5 x + 2y − 3x + 2y
N3 =
1.5 x + 4y
N3 =

26. Write a displacement function equation for CST element. (Or)

Write down the nodal displacement equation for a two dimensional triangular elasticity element. MJ16,
u x, y N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 u2
u = = v2
v (x, y) 0 N1 0 N2 0 N3
N1, N2, N3 are shape functions;
u1, u2, u3 are nodal displacements along x-direction; and
v1, v2, v3 are nodal displacements along y-direction.

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27. What are the limitations of CST element? MJ13, MJ12

In CST element, the strain variation within the element is considered as constant. So, the results will
be poor.

28. Write down the expression of strain-displacement relationship matrix for CST element. ND13, ND12,
The strain-displacement relationship matrix [B] for 2D CST element is given by,

1 𝑞1 0 𝑞2 0 𝑞3 0
𝐵 = 0 𝑟1 0 𝑟2 0 𝑟3
2𝐴 𝑟1 𝑞1 𝑟2 𝑞2 𝑟3 𝑞3

A is the area of the triangular element.

x1, x2, x3 are the x-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.
y1, y2, y3 are the y-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.

29. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for 2D CST element. MJ12

The Stiffness matrix equation for 2D CST element is given by,

[K] = t A [B]T [D] [B]
[K] is the stiffness matrix
[B] is the strain-displacement relationship matrix
[D] is the stress-strain relationship matrix
A is the area of the triangle.
t is the thickness of the element.

30. Define Jacobian Matrix. ND13, ND10

Jacobian matrix relates derivative of the function in local coordinate system to derivative in global
coordinate system.

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31. Give the Jacobian matrix for CST element. ND13
(𝑥1 − 𝑥3 ) 𝑦1 − 𝑦3
J =
(𝑥2 − 𝑥3 ) 𝑦2 − 𝑦3
Where, [J] is the Jacobian matrix.
x1, x2, x3 are the x-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.
y1, y2, y3 are the y-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.

32. What is an equivalent nodal force? AM08

A body can be described into number of elements with nodes in FEM analysis. The elements are
interlinked by the nodes. The force vector of the body is called equivalent nodal force

33. Write the body force matrix using the natural coordinate system.

 f b    N T X b dV

Where, [N] is the shape function

{Xb} is the body force per unit volume

34. Write the equation for surface forces using the natural coordinate system.

 f s    N T Tx dS

where, {Tx} is force per unit length.

[N] is shape functions

35. Write down the governing differential equation for a 2D steady state heat transfer problem. MJ14,
∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
Kx + Ky +Q=0
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
T is the temperature of the solid surface at the solid/fluid interface in °C;
Kx is the thermal conductivity in the x- direction in W/m°C;
Ky is the thermal conductivity in the y- direction in W/m°C;
Q is the internal heat source in W;

36. Write down the finite element equation used to analyse a two dimensional heat transfer problem. MJ13
[K] {T} = {F}
[K] is the stiffness matrix, [K] = [KC] + [Kh]
[KC] is the Conduction matrix (or Stiffness matrix for conduction)
[Kh] is the Convection matrix (or Stiffness matrix for convection)
{T} is the Temperature Vector
{F} is the Load Vector or Force Vector.

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37. Write down the conduction matrix (or stiffness matrix for conduction) for a three noded linear
triangular element (CST). AM15
Conduction matrix (or stiffness matrix for conduction) for a three noded linear triangular element is
given by,
(𝑏12 + 𝑐12 ) (𝑏1 𝑏2 + 𝑐1 𝑐2 ) (𝑏1 𝑏3 + 𝑐1 𝑐3 )
𝐾𝐶 = (𝑏1 𝑏2 + 𝑐1 𝑐2 ) (𝑏22 + 𝑐22 ) (𝑏2 𝑏3 + 𝑐2 𝑐3 )
(𝑏1 𝑏3 + 𝑐1 𝑐3 ) (𝑏2 𝑏3 + 𝑐2 𝑐3 ) (𝑏32 + 𝑐32 )

[KC] is the conduction matrix (or stiffness matrix for conduction)

k is the thermal conductivity of the element material
A is the Area of the element
x1, x2, x3 are the x-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.
y1, y2, y3 are the y-coordinate of the nodes 1, 2, and 3.

38. Draw a sketch of a four node quadrilateral element with nodal degree of freedom. MJ12

39. Represent elemental displacement in terms of nodal displacements for a bilinear quadrilateral element.

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40. Specify the shape functions of four node quadrilateral element. ND13

For four noded qadrilateral element, shape functions in terms of natural coordinates are given by,
N1 = ¼ (1 – ξ) (1 – η)
N2 = ¼ (1 + ξ) (1 – η)
N3 = ¼ (1 + ξ) (1 + η)
N4 = ¼ (1 – ξ) (1 + η)

41. Give the Jacobian matrix for a four noded quadrilateral element. MJ13
The Jacobian matrix for a four noded quadrilateral element is given by,
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
𝜕𝜉 𝜕𝜉
𝐽11 𝐽12
𝐽 = =
𝐽21 𝐽22
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
𝜕𝜂 𝜕𝜂
𝐽11 = − 1 − 𝜂 𝑥1 + 1 − 𝜂 𝑥2 + 1 + 𝜂 𝑥3 − (1 + 𝜂)𝑥4
𝐽12 = − 1 − 𝜂 𝑦1 + 1 − 𝜂 𝑦2 + 1 + 𝜂 𝑦3 − (1 + 𝜂)𝑦4
𝐽21 = − 1 − 𝜀 𝑥1 − 1 + 𝜀 𝑥2 + 1 + 𝜀 𝑥3 + (1 − 𝜀)𝑥4
𝐽22 = − 1 − 𝜀 𝑦1 − 1 + 𝜀 𝑦2 + 1 + 𝜀 𝑦3 + (1 − 𝜀)𝑦4

42. What are higher order elements? Give examples (Or)

What are called higher order elements? AM11, AM08; ND08, ND10, ND11*
The element whose interpolation polynomial is the order of two or more, the element is known as
higher order elements.
The elements having end nodes and interior nodes are known as higher order elements. These
elements are used to represent the curved boundaries and complex model geometry.
Examples: 2D eight noded rectangular element; 2D nine noded rectangular element; 1D quadratic bar
element; LST element.

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43. Why higher order elements are preferred? (Or)

Why higher order elements are needed? (Or)
Why are higher order elements required for FE analysis? AM11, MJ12
a) The higher order elements are preferred in-order to capture the variations in stress in an element;
such as stress occurring near fillets, holes, etc., thus providing greater accuracy.
b) It is used to represent the curved boundaries.

44. What is QST (Quadratic Strain Triangle) element? MJ14

The 10- noded Triangular elements is known as Quadratic Strain Triangle.
Three corner nodes, six secondary nodes and one interior node.

45. Draw a sketch of a eight node quadrilateral element. ND12

46. State the assumptions in the theory of pure torsion. ND16

The assumptions have been made in the theory of pure torsion:
1. The material of the shaft is homogeneous and isotropic throughout.
2. The material of the shaft obeys Hooke’s Law.
3. The applied twist is uniform along the shaft.
4. The shaft is of uniform circular section throughout.
5. Cross-section of the shaft, which are plane before twist remain plane after twist.
6. The shaft is subjected to pure torsion.
7. All radii, which are straight before twist, remain straight after twist.

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Unit-IV Two Dimensional Vector Variable Problem

1. Write short notes on axisymmetric problems. (Or)

What is meant by axisymmetric field problem? Give an example. ND07, ND09
Many 3D problems exhibit symmetry about the axis of rotation. Such types of problems are known as
axisymmetric problems. These types of problems are solved by 2D triangular or rectangular finite elements
which are described in cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z).
Example: One dimensional axisymmetric element is a conical frustum and a two dimensional
axisymmetric element is a ring with a triangular or quadrilateral cross section.
Practical Example: analysis of rotating Fly wheel.

2. When are axisymmetric elements preferred? (Or)

What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric? (Or)
List the required conditions for a problem assumed to be axisymmetric. ND13, MJ14, AM10, MJ14
The required conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric are:
a) The problem domain must be symmetric about the axis of revolution.
b) All boundary conditions must be symmetric about the axis of rotation.
c) All the loading conditions must be symmetric about the axis of rotation.

3. What are axisymmetric elements? AM15

The problems which exhibit symmetry about an axis of rotation are solved by two dimensional
elements called axisymmetric element. Axisymmetric element is also a 2-D model of a 3-D solid with
axisymmetric geometry, loads and boundary conditions.

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4. Give four applications where axisymmetric elements can be used. (Or)

State the practical applications of axisymmetric elements. AM11, MJ16, ND10, MJ12*, ND14, MJ13
Axi-symmetric elements are used in finite element analysis of structures like
a) Pressure vessels
b) cylindrical or conical containers
c) automobile piston
d) plunger valves
e) rotating equipments like kilns, cement mills
f) Rocket castings
g) Cooling towers
h) Belleville springs

5. Write down the matrix formation of axisymmetric problem. (Or)

Write the basic equation for axi-symmetric formulation. AM15, ND12
Matrix formulation of axisymmetric problem is given by,
[K] {u} = {F} &
{σ} = [D] {ε}

E is the young’s modulus;
μ is the Poisson’s ratio;
{σ} is the stress vector;
[D] is the stress-strain relationship matrix;
{ε} is the strain vector

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6. Give the constitutive law for axisymmetric problems.AM08, ND08

Where E is the young’s modulus and μ is the Poisson’s ratio.

7. Give the expression for the equations of equilibrium in case of a three dimensional system.*
The equations of equilibrium in case of a three dimensional system is given by,

Where X, Y, Z are the body forces in x, y, z directions respectively.

8. What are the ways by which a 3D problem can be reduced to a 2D problem? ND14
1. When an element is too small when compared to other two dimensions, the problem is solved using
plane stress condition.
2. When an element is too large when compared to other two dimensions, the problem is solved using
plane strain condition.
3. When the geometry is symmetric about the axis, the problem is reduced to 2D problem using
axisymmetric element.

9. Write down the stress-strain relationship matrix for an axisymmetric triangular element. MJ16
1−𝜇 𝜇 𝜇 0
𝐸 1−𝜇 𝜇 0
𝐷 = 1−𝜇 0
1 + 𝜇 1 − 2𝜇
1 − 2𝜇
[D] is the stress-strain relationship matrix
E is the young’s modulus and
μ is the Poisson’s ratio.

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10. Write down the displacement matrix equation for an axisymmetric triangular element.
u r, z N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 u2
u = = w2
w (r, z) 0 N1 0 N2 0 N3

11. Write down the strain-displacement relationship matrix for an axisymmetric triangular element. MJ13

𝛽1 0 𝛽2 0 𝛽3 0

𝛼1 𝛾1 𝑧 𝛼2 𝛾2 𝑧 𝛼3 𝛾3 𝑧
1 + 𝛽1 + 0 + 𝛽2 + 0 + 𝛽3 + 0
𝑟 𝑟 𝑟 𝑟 𝑟 𝑟
𝐵 =
0 𝛾1 0 𝛾2 0 𝛾3

𝛾1 𝛽1 𝛾2 𝛽2 𝛾3 𝛽3

[B] is the strain-displacement relationship matrix and A is the Area of the element
𝑟1 + 𝑟2 + 𝑟3
Coordinate, r =
𝑧1 + 𝑧2 + 𝑧3
Coordinate, z =
α1 = r2z3 – r3z2 α2 = r3z1 – r1z3 α3 = r1z2 – r2z1
β1 = z2 – z3 β2 = z3 – z1 β3 = z1 – z2
γ1 = r3 – r2 γ2 = r1 – r3 γ3 = r2 – r1

12. Sketch a finite element model for a long cylinder subjected to an internal pressure using axisymmetric
elements. ND15, ND13

13. Sketch an axisymmetric finite element model representing a rotating flywheel. MJ13

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14. Name the strain available in axisymmetric triangular element. AM10
1. Radial strain
2. Circumferential strain
3. Longitudinal strain
4. Shear strain

15. Name the stress available in axisymmetric triangular element.

1. Radial stress
2. Circumferential stress
3. Longitudinal stress
4. Shear stress

16. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for an axisymmetric triangular element. ND10
The stiffness matrix equation for an axisymmetric triangular element is given by,
[K] = 2π r A [B]T [D] [B]
[K] is the stiffness matrix
[B] is the strain-displacement relationship matrix
[D] is the stress-strain relationship matrix
A is the area of the element
r is the coordinate

17. What do you meant by Shell element? State its advantages.

Shell Element:
A shell is a curved surface. Due to their shape they transfer most of the load applied on their surface
as in-plane forces (membrane forces) rather than by flexure.
Advantages of using Shell Element:
 Reduction in the number of degrees of freedom.
 Higher load carrying capacity
 Reduced sensitivity to round-off error through the elimination of strain in the normal direction.
 Greater attention to the effects of curvature.

18. What are the types of shell elements? MJ16

1. flat shell element,
2. curved shell element,
3. solid shell element and
4. Degenerated Solid shell element.

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Unit-V Isoparametric Formulation

1. What do you meant by iso-parametric formulation? (Or)

What is the salient feature of an iso-parametric element? Give examples. ND07, ND13, ND15, MJ12

It is difficult to represent the curved boundaries by straight edges finite elements. The large finite
elements have to be used to achieve convergence. In order to overcome this drawback, isoparametric elements
are used for the problem involved in curved boundaries.
Example: Isoparametric LST element.

2. Define iso-parametric elements. ND08, ND14

If the shape functions defining the geometry and displacements are the same, the element is called as
isoparametric element. For example in Fig (a); all the eight nodes are used in defining the geometry and

3. What is the purpose of isoparametric elements? MJ16, MJ13, ND16

It is used for solving problems involving curved boundaries by straight edges finite elements.

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4. Distinguish between subparametric and superparametric elements. Give an example. AM15, ND10,
Super-parametric elements:
If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is more than number of nodes used for defining
the displacements is known as superparametric element as shown in figure below.

Sub-parametric elements:
If the number of nodes used for defining the geometry is less than number of nodes used for defining
the displacements is known as subparametric element as shown in figure below.

5. State the basic laws on which iso-parametric concept was developed. AM08
Isoparametric concept is developed based on the following three basic theorems:
Theorem I: If two adjacent elements are generated using shape functions, then there is continuity at the
common edge.
Theorem II: It states, if the shape functions used is such that continuity of displacement is represented in the
parent coordinates, then the continuity requirement, will be satisfied in the isoparametric elements also.
Theorem III: The constant derivative conditions and condition for rigid body are satisfied for all
isoparametric elements if, Σ𝑁𝑖 = 1

6. Write down the stiffness matrix equation for four noded isoparametric quadrilateral elements. MJ14
The stiffness matrix equation for four noded isoparametric quadrilateral elements is given by,
1 1
K =t B D B 𝐽 ∂ε ∂η
−1 −1

t is the thickness of the element

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[B] is the strain-displacement relationship matrix
[D] is the stress-strain relationship matrix
J is the Jacobian matrix
ε, η is the natural coordinates

7. What is the difference between natural coordinates and local coordinates? MJ16
Natural coordinates Local coordinate
A natural coordinate system is a coordinate For the convenience of deriving element
system which is used to specify any point within properties, in FEM, separate coordinate is used
the element by a set of dimensionless numbers, to define each element. Such coordinate system
whose magnitude never exceeds unity. is called Local coordinate system.
Natural coordinates:

Local Coordinates:

8. Write the shape function for a 1D quadratic isoparametric element. ND14

9. Write a short note on Gaussian Quadrature integration techniques.

Gauss quadrature is the approximation method for the definite integrals. It includes some specific
functions called weight functions and some sampling points called gauss points through which the
approximation method is carried out.
1 n

I= f x dx = wi f xi
−1 i=1

Where xi are called sampling points or gauss points, f(xi) are the values of functions at gauss points ‘i’
(i= 1 to n) and wi are weight functions.

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10. When do we resort to numerical integration in 2D elements? ND13

For the 2D elements, while computing [B] matrix, we are in need to compute the inverse of the
jacobian matrix [J]. Since the coefficients of the jacobian matrix [J] are the functions of (ε, η) and an explicit
inverse cannot be obtained. This inability of obtaining an explicit inverse for [J] is reason to resort the
numerical integration to evaluate the element integrals.

11. Evaluate the integral +𝟏
𝟑𝝃𝟐 + 𝝃𝟑 𝒅𝝃 using Gaussian quadrature method. ND12
For exact integral, the polynomial of order 3.
2n = 4
 n=2
No. of Gauss point, n = 2
For two point Gaussian quadrature,

1 1
𝑥1 = + = 0.57735 𝑥2 = − = −0.57735
3 3

Weights, w1 = w2 = 1
1 n

I= f x dx = wi f xi
−1 i=1

1 2

I= 3𝜉 2 + 𝜉 3 𝑑𝜉 = wi f xi = w1 f x1 + w2 f x2
−1 i=1

f (x) = 3 ξ + ξ
2 3

f (x1) = 3ξ2 + ξ3 = 3(0.57735)2 + (0.57735)3 = 1.192449

f (x2) = 3ξ2 + ξ3 = 3( - 0.57735)2 + (- 0.57735)3 = 0.80755
1 2
2 3
I= 3𝜉 + 𝜉 𝑑𝜉 = wi f xi = w1 f x1 + w2 f x2 = 1.192449 + 0.80755 = 2
−1 i=1

12. What do you meant by Lagrangean element?

Rectangular elements of higher order in which nodes are in the form of grid points and has internal
nodes are called as Lagrange element.
Example: 9-noded quadrilateral, 16-noded quadrilateral, etc.

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13. What are Serendipity elements? MJ15, ND11
Rectangular higher order elements with no interior nodes i.e., all the nodes are only along the
external boundary of the element, such type of element are called as Serendipity elements.
Example: 8-noded quadrilateral, 12-noded quadrilateral, etc.

14. 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽

Show that the matrix 𝑨 = is orthogonal. MJ14
− 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽
cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃
− sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃
cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃
𝐴𝑇 =
sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃
cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃
𝐴 . 𝐴𝑇 = .
− sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃

𝐴 . 𝐴𝑇 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃 − cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 + cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃

− cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 + cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃
1 0
𝐴 . 𝐴𝑇 =
0 1
Determinant of A. AT is 1.
Therefore the Matrix A is Orthogonal.

15. What is meant by Gaussian elimination? ND12, AM15, ND15, MJ13

Gaussian Elimination Method is the direct method for solving simultaneous linear equations. This
method is based on triangularization of the coefficient matrix and evaluation of the unknowns by back-
substitution i.e., a coefficient matrix is reduced to equivalent upper triangular matrix.

16. List out the types of errors involved in FEM. (Or)

List any two sources of errors in finite element method. ND15, ND10
1. Modelling Error
2. User Error
3. Discretization Error
4. Truncation Error (Or) Rounding Error
5. Manipulation Error
6. Numerical Error

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17. What are the stages in finite element analysis? (Or) State the three phases of finite element method.
1. Preprocessing
2. Analysis
3. Post processing.

18. List the various matrix solution techniques.

1. Direct Method.
a. Gauss Elimination method.
b. Gauss-Jordan elimination method.
2. Indirect or Iterative Method.
a. Gauss Iterative method.
b. Gauss-Seidel Iterative method.
3. Method of Factorization.

19. What is the influence of element distortion on the analysis results? AM11
It affects the accuracy of stress distribution.

20. Name any four FEA softwares. (Or) Name a few FEA packages. ND14
a) NASA Structural Analysis (NASTRAN)
b) Non-linear Incremental Structural Analysis (NISA)
c) Structural Analysis Program (SAP)
d) Engineering Analysis System (ANSYS)
a) Structural Design Language (STRUDEL)

21. Define mesh refinement. AM15

To get the better results the finite element mesh should be refined. This is called mesh refinement.
Types of mesh refinement
1. h-refinement
2. p-refinement
3. γ-refinement

22. Define dynamic analysis. Give examples. MJ14, ND11, ND15, ND16
In dynamic problems, the displacements, velocities, strains, stresses and loads are all time- dependent.
That is, their magnitudes vary with respect to time. The analysis of such type of problems are called as
dynamic analysis.
Example: Dynamic analysis of structural components like bars; trusses, beams frames; and machine
components piston rods, connecting rods etc.,

23. Define normal modes. MJ15, MJ13

Normal modes is defined as the unique pattern in which all the parts of the elements moves in
sinusoidal motion with the same frequency.

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24. What is meant by mode superposition technique? (Or)

What is the principle of mode superposition technique? MJ13, ND13
Mode superposition technique are used to transform the original equations of motion into a set of
uncoupled single degree of freedom oscillator equations in modal coordinates.
The mode superposition technique is used to solve transient vibration problems of the mode shape is
transformed into set of incomplete single degree of freedom model.

25. State the principle of characteristic polynomial method for solving dynamic problems. MJ13
The characteristic polynomial for solving dynamic problems
𝐾 − 𝜔2 𝑀 = 0
Take 2= then 𝐾 −𝜆 𝑀 =0
Find the trivial solution for the dynamic problem using the above equation which yields the natural
[K] is the stiffness matrix;
[M] is the mass matrix.
λ is the Eigen value.

26. List the types of dynamic analysis problems. MJ12

 Harmonic analysis
 Transient analysis

27. What is the difference between static and dynamic analysis? AM’00
Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis
The solution of the problem does not vary with The solution of the problem varies with time is
time is known as static analysis. known as dynamic analysis.
Example: Stress analysis of Beam. Example: Flow and Vibration analysis problems.

28. Define static condensation. ND10

The condensation technique used to eliminate internal degrees of freedom of an element used
in the finite element method is called Guyan Condensation.
Since the dynamic effect is ignored in the condensation, this method is also referred to as
Static Condensation.

29. Give the Lagrange equation of motion. ND15, MJ12

Lagrange equation of motion is given by,

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30. What is the principle of skyline solution based on Gaussian Elimination? ND14, ND13
The computer implementation of the Gauss elimination procedure is referred to as the active column
solution or Skyline reduction method.

31. What are the advantages of Gauss quadrature numerical integration for isoparametric elements?
ND16, ND13
1. When evaluating integrals of isoparametric elements, gauss quadrature numerical integration is
2. Accuracy improves as more gauss points are used.
3. Using gauss quadrature, computation of stiffness matrix is simpler than analytical.

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