Warfubar 40,000 - Codex: Space Marines: Disclaimer Character Special Rules Space Marine Assault Weapons

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WarFUBAR 40,000 – Codex: Space Marines


This expansion for the FUBAR rules is NOT Space Marine characters and specialists have Any model carrying a close combat weapon
COMPATIBLE with the built-in weapons or special abilities and rules listed below. (chain or power swords, lightning claws,
armor types, nor will it work with any of the  Captain – any friendly unit within line of thunder hammers, etc) roll an additional die
published force supplements (such as the sight adds 1 to their activation roll in close combat. Additional close ccombat
generic/cinematic Sci-Fi setting). The  Chaplain – any model in his unit may re- weapon effects are as follows:
WarFUBAR series of expansions are designed roll misses in Close Combat  Chainsword – no additional effect
only to operate with each other, and to be  Librarian – any model in his unit may re-  Power weapon – ignore armor saves
played using the core rules from the main roll misses when Shooting against infantry
FUBAR document.  Standard Bearer – while alive, his army  Two lightning claws – +1 Expertise and
gains +1 to the Initiative roll at the start ignore armor saves against infantry
AND THEY SHALL KNOW NO FEAR of each turn  Power Fist – +1 expertise against all
Space Marine units, vehicles, and characters  Apothecary – any model in his unit may targets
receive an activation penalty for Suppressed re-roll a failed armor save  Thunder Hammer – +1 expertise against
models, as described in the FUBAR main  Techmarine – any vehicle within 8” may all targets, target is Suppressed during
rules. However, if the unit successfully re-roll a failed armor save. As an action, next activation
activates, all models in that unit may a Techmarine may attempt to repair one  Combat/Storm Shield - +1 armor save in
immediately shoot or assault. previously-damaged vehicle in base close combat only
contact. Damage of Immobilized or Models armed with chainswords, power
SPACE MARINE STATS Weapon Destroyed is negated on a weapons, and lightning claws may still attack
Scouts count as Seasoned when determining successful Expertise roll. armored vehicles – this rule accounts for
experience level for Suppressed results. their use of Krak grenades.
Veterans, Terminators, and characters are SPACE MARINE ARMORY
Elite. All other units count as Veteran. Weapon Range Fire Pts DREADNOUGHTS
Troop Act. Exp. Assault Cannon 32” 5FP Dreadnoughts (all variants) count as Infantry
Captain* 2+ 3+ Autocannon 48” 4FP for activation choices (walking, shooting, on
Chaplain* 2+ 3+ Bolt Pistol* 8” 2FP guard, assault, etc). If they receive damage,
Dreadnought* 3+ 4+ Bolter* 32” 2FP the Vehicle Damage Table is used.
Land Speeder Storm 4+ 4+ Demolisher Cannon** 16” 6FP
Librarian* 2+ 3+ Flamer* 8” 3FP LAND SPEEDERS
Marine 3+ 4+ Flamestorm Cannon* 16” 5FP Land Speeders (including the Storm variant)
Scout 4+ 4+ Grenade Launcher* 16” 3FP operate as normal vehicles with the following
Scout Sergeant 3+ 4+ Heavy Bolter* 32” 4FP rule changes:
Sergeant 3+ 4+ Heavy Flamer* 8” 5FP  May move up to 18” and fire one
Tanks/Drop Pods 3+ 4+ Hurricane Bolter* 32” 8FP weapon or 9” and fire all weapons.
Terminator* 3+ 4+ Lascannon** 48” 5FP  Ignore intervening terrain if they start
Veteran* 3+ 4+ Multi Melta** 16” 5FP and finish their move on clear ground.
*: These units may re-roll failed activation Meltagun** 16” 3FP
 May fire over terrain, but may be
dice at a penalty of -1. For example, a unit of Missile Launcher 48” 3FP
targeted over terrain during that turn.
Terminators (activation 3+) rolls a 2. They Plasma Cannon 32” 4FP
 May only move 6” if troops are
may re-roll, but now require 4+ to activate. Plasma Gun 32” 3FP
Plasma Pistol 8” 3FP
Sniper Rifle**,* 48” 2FP
 Add +1 to the damage table roll
All units in a Space Marine army benefit from Storm Bolter* 32” 3FP
Whirlwind Launcher 48” 5FP SPACE MARINE BIKES
armor saving throws.
*: Has no effect on vehicles with armor saves Bikes, scout bikes, and attack bikes count as
Armor Type Save
greater than 4+ Infantry models, but add 6” to movement for
Carapace Armor 6+
**: Ignores all armor saves all actions (walk, duck & weave, run).
Power Armor 5+
Terminator Armor 4+ Note: Twinlinked weapons may re-roll hit dice
Dreadnought Armor 4+
Ironclad Dreadnought Armor 3+ JUMP PACKS Scout units (including bikes) may make a
Land Speeder Armor 5+ If equipped with Jump Packs, Space Marine “free” Run action prior to the first turn.
Rhino/Razorback/Whirlwind 4+ units may Walk a distance of 9” or Run a
Predator/Vindicator/Drop Pod 3+ distance of 18”. They may not select Duck & DROP PODS
Land Raider (all variants) 2+ Weave as an Activation choice. May deploy anywhere on the table during
their first turn. Count as an immobilized
vehicle once troops have disembarked.

This is a fan-created document. Warhammer 40,000, Space Marines, and all related terms remain the intellectual property of Games Workshop Ltd, copyrighted and
trademarked in the UK, US, and other nations around the world. Used without permission, however no challenge to their status is intended. This document is not
endorsed or supported by Games Workshop in any way, and may not be used for any financial or personal gain. Official Games Workshop miniatures, rules, and
associated products can be found at http://www.games-workshop.com.
Armed with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword Consists of 5-10 Space Marines with Bolters. Consists of 5-10 Scouts with Bolters.
 25 points  13 points per Space Marine  10 points per Scout
 May exchange any weapon for the following:  Sergeant may exchange his Bolter for two of the  Any scout may exchange his Bolter for Bolt
 Plasma Pistol (+1 point) following: Pistols and Chainswords (+1 point), Sniper Rifles
 Power Sword (+2 points)  Bolt Pistol (free) (+1 point), or Shotgun (+2 points)
 Power Fist (+3 points)  Plasma Pistol (+1 point)  Sergeant may exchange his Bolter for two of the
 Storm Bolter (+3 points)  Chainsword (+1 point) following:
 Thunder Hammer (+5 points)  Power Sword (+2 points)  Bolt Pistol (free)
 Power Fist (+3 points)  Plasma Pistol (+1 point)
 Up to four Space Marine may exchange his  Chainsword (+1 point)
Bolter for the following:  Power Sword (+2 points)
Armed with a Bolt Pistol and Power Sword
 Missile Launcher (+5 points)  Power Fist (+3 points)
 24 points
 Heavy Bolter (+6 points)  Up to one Scout may exchange his Bolter for the
 May exchange any weapon for the following:
 Plasma Cannon (+7 points) following:
 Plasma Pistol (+1 point)
 Lascannon (+11 points)  Missile Launcher (+5 points)
 Power Fist (+3 points)
 Multi Melta (+10 points)  Heavy Bolter (+6 points)
 Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Heavy Flamer (+6 points)
Armed with a Bolt Pistol and Power Sword SPACE MARINE ASSAULT SQUAD Consists of 5-10 Space Marine Terminators with
Consists of 5-10 Space Marines with Bolt Pistol and Storm Bolters and Power Fists.
 24 points
Chainsword  23 points per Terminator
 May exchange any weapon for the following:
 14 points per Assault Marine  The entire squad may Teleport onto the
 Plasma Pistol (+1 point)
 The entire squad may take Jump Packs (+2 battlefield (+2 points/Terminator)
 Power Fist (+3 points)
points/Marine)  Sergeant may exchange his Power Fist for a
 Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Sergeant may exchange any weapon for the Power Sword (free)
following:  Up to two Terminators may:
SPACE MARINE TECHMARINE  Plasma Pistol (+1 point)  Exchange his Storm Bolter for: a
Armed with a Bolt Pistol and Power Sword
 Power Sword (+2 points)  Assault Cannon (+5 points)
 20 points  Power Fist (+3 points)  Heavy Flamer (+4 points)
 May exchange any weapon for the following:  Up to two Space Marines may exchange their  Take a Cyclone Missile Launcher (+11 points)
 Plasma Pistol (+1 point) Bolters for the following:
 Power Fist (+3 points)  Flamer (+3 points)
 Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Meltagun (+4 points) Consists of 3-8 Space Marines Bikes armed with
 Servo Harness (+10 points) (counts as flamer,  Plasma Gun (+4 points) Twinlinked Bolter.
plasma pistol, and 2 power fists)
 18 points per Space Marine Bike
SPACE MARINE VETERAN SQUAD  Sergeant may take the following:
SPACE MARINE TACTICAL SQUAD Consists of 5-10 Veterans with Bolters.  Chainsword (+1 point)
Consists of 5-10 Space Marines with Bolters.
 17 points per Veteran  Plasma Pistol (+1 point)
 13 points per Space Marine
 Any Veteran may exchange their Bolter for a  Power Sword (+2 points)
 Sergeant may exchange his Bolter for two of the Bolt Pistol and Chainsword (+1 point)  Power Fist (+3 points)
 Veteran Sergeant may exchange his Bolter for  Up to two Space Marine Bikes may take the
 Bolt Pistol (free)
two of the following: following:
 Plasma Pistol (+1 point)  Bolt Pistol (free)  Flamer (+3 points)
 Chainsword (+1 point)  Plasma Pistol (+1 point)  Meltagun (+4 points)
 Power Sword (+2 points)  Chainsword (+1 point)  Plasma Gun (+4 points)
 Power Fist (+3 points)  Power Sword (+2 points)  The squad may include an Attack Bike with a
 Up to one Space Marine may exchange his  Power Fist (+3 points) Heavy Bolter for +30 points or with a Multi
Bolter for the following:
 Up to two Veterans may exchange their Bolter Melta for +34 points
 Flamer (+3 points)
for the following:
 Meltagun (+4 points)  Flamer (+3 points) SPACE MARINE ATTACK BIKE SQUADRON
 Plasma Gun (+4 points)  Meltagun (+4 points) Consists of 1-3 Space Marines Attack Bikes armed
 Up to one Space Marine may exchange his  Plasma Gun (+4 points) with Twinlinked Bolter and Heavy Bolter
Bolter for the following:
 Missile Launcher (+5 points)  30 points per Space Marine Bike
 Missile Launcher (+5 points)
 Heavy Bolter (+6 points)  Any Attack Bike may exchange its Heavy Bolter
 Heavy Bolter (+6 points)
 Plasma Cannon (+7 points) for a Multi Melta (+4 points)
 Plasma Cannon (+7 points)
 Lascannon (+11 points)
 Lascannon (+11 points)
 Multi Melta (+10 points) SPACE MARINE DROP POD
 Multi Melta (+10 points)
 Heavy Flamer (+6 points) Armed with a Storm Bolter
 Heavy Flamer (+6 points)
 18 points
 May transport up to 12 models or one
 May replace Storm Bolter with a Missile
Launcher (+3 points)

This is a fan-created document. Warhammer 40,000, Space Marines, and all related terms remain the intellectual property of Games Workshop Ltd, copyrighted and
trademarked in the UK, US, and other nations around the world. Used without permission, however no challenge to their status is intended. This document is not
endorsed or supported by Games Workshop in any way, and may not be used for any financial or personal gain. Official Games Workshop miniatures, rules, and
associated products can be found at http://www.games-workshop.com.
Armed with a Power Fist with Storm Bolter and a Armed with twinlinked Heavy Bolters Armed with a Twinlinked Assault Cannon and two
Seismic (Thunder) Hammer with Meltagun  26 points Hurricane Bolter sponsons
 30 points  May transport up to six models  50 points
 May exchange Storm Bolter or Meltagun for a  May take a Dozer Blade (+2 points)  May transport up to 16 models
Heavy Flamer (+2 points)  May exchange Heavy Bolters for:  May take the following:
 May replace Power Fist with a Hurricane Bolter  Additional Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Multi Melta (+2 points)
(+4 points)
 Twinlinked Lascannon (+3 points)  Dozer Blade (+2 points)
SPACE MARINE DREADNOUGHT  Twinlinked Assault Cannon (+1 points)  Missile Launcher (one-shot) (+2 points)
Armed with a Multi Melta, Power Fist, and  Lascannon and Twinlinked Plasmagun (+7
Stormbolter points)
 27 points
 May exchange Multi Melta for the following: SPACE MARINE WHIRLWIND
 Twinlinked Heavy Bolter (free) Armed with twinlinked Whirlwind Launcher
 Twinlinked Lascannon (+4 points)  30 points
 Assault Cannon (free)  May take a Dozer Blade (+2 points)
 Twinlinked Autocannon (+2 points)
 May exchange Close Combat Weapon for the SPACE MARINE PREDATOR
following: Armed with an Autocannon
 Missile Launcher (+4 points)  29 points
 Twinlinked Autocannon (+3 points)
 May take the following:
 May exchange Stormbolter for Heavy Flamer (+1
 Additional Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Dozer Blade (+2 points)
SPACE MARINE LAND SPEEDER SQUADRON  Missile Launcher (one-shot) (+2 points)
Consists of1-3 Speeders armed with a Heavy Bolter  Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+12 points)
 29 points per speeder  Lascannon Sponsons (+22 points)
 May exchange Heavy Bolter for a:  May exchange Autocannon for Twinlinked
 Heavy Flamer (+2 points) Lascannon (+3 points)
 Multi Melta (+2 points)
 May take the following: SPACE MARINE VINDICATOR
Armed with a Demolisher Cannon
 Heavy Flamer (+5 points)
 31 points
 Multi Melta (+5 points)
 May take the following:
 Heavy Bolter (+3 points)
 Additional Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Assault Cannon (+4 point)
 Dozer Blade (+2 points)
 Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (+6 points)
 Missile Launcher (one-shot) (+2 points)
Consists of1 Land Speeder Storm SPACE MARINE LAND RAIDER
Armed with a Twinlinked Heavy Bolter and two
 28 points per speeder
Twinlinked Lascannon Sponsons
 May transport up to 5 Scouts
 54 points
 May exchange Heavy Bolter for a:
 May transport up to 10 models
 Heavy Flamer (+2 points)
 May take the following:
 Multi Melta (+2 points)
 Additional Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Assault Cannon (+1 point)
 Dozer Blade (+2 points)
 Missile Launcher (one-shot) (+2 points)
Armed with a Storm Bolter
 21 points
Armed with a Twinlinked Assault Cannon and two
 May transport up to ten models Flamestorm Cannon sponsons
 May take the following:  52 points
 Additional Storm Bolter (+3 points)  May transport up to 16 models
 Dozer Blade (+2 points)  May take the following:
 Missile Launcher (one-shot) (+2 points)  Additional Storm Bolter (+3 points)
 Dozer Blade (+2 points)
 Missile Launcher (one-shot) (+2 points)

This is a fan-created document. Warhammer 40,000, Space Marines, and all related terms remain the intellectual property of Games Workshop Ltd, copyrighted and
trademarked in the UK, US, and other nations around the world. Used without permission, however no challenge to their status is intended. This document is not
endorsed or supported by Games Workshop in any way, and may not be used for any financial or personal gain. Official Games Workshop miniatures, rules, and
associated products can be found at http://www.games-workshop.com.

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