Biz Ethics & Neuroscience

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University of Pennsylvania

Legal Studies and Business Ethics Papers Wharton Faculty Research


Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience

Diana Robertson
University of Pennsylvania

Christian Voegtlin

Thomas Maak

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Recommended Citation
Robertson, D., Voegtlin, C., & Maak, T. (2016). Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-48.

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Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience
Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience research portend well for furthering understanding of many of the
fundamental questions in the field of business ethics, both normative and empirical. This article provides an
overview of neuroscience methodology and brain structures, and explores the areas in which neuroscience
research has contributed findings of value to business ethics, as well as suggesting areas for future research.
Neuroscience research is especially capable of providing insight into individual reactions to ethical issues,
while also raising challenging normative questions about the nature of moral responsibility, autonomy, intent,
and free will. This article also provides a brief summary of the papers included in this special issue, attesting to
the richness of scholarly inquiry linking neuroscience and business ethics. We conclude that neuroscience
offers considerable promise to the field of business ethics, but we caution against overpromise.

Business | Law

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Diana C. Robertson
Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
3730 Walnut Street, Suite 671
Philadelphia PA 19104 USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Christian Voegtlin
Department of Business Administration (IBW)
University of Zurich
Universitätsstrasse 84
CH-8006 Zurich
E-mail: [email protected]

Thomas Maak
School of Management
University of South Australia
GPO Box 2471, Adelaide SA 5001
E-mail: [email protected]

Unedited version of a paper published in

Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-016-3312-6. For private use only.

For correct citations and quotations please see the original publication in the Journal of

Business Ethics.

The authors thank Laura Noval and William T. Ross, Jr., for their helpful comments on
earlier drafts of this paper. C. Voegtlin acknowledges the financial support by the Swiss
National Science Foundation for the research projects on Responsible Leadership and Social
Innovation (grant numbers 100018_149937 and 100010_165699).

Electronic copy available at:



Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience research portend well for furthering

understanding of many of the fundamental questions in the field of business ethics, both

normative and empirical. This article provides an overview of neuroscience methodology and

brain structures, and explores the areas in which neuroscience research has contributed

findings of value to business ethics, as well as suggesting areas for future research.

Neuroscience research is especially capable of providing insight into individual reactions to

ethical issues, while also raising challenging normative questions about the nature of moral

responsibility, autonomy, intent, and free will. This article also provides a brief summary of

the papers included in this special issue, attesting to the richness of scholarly inquiry linking

neuroscience and business ethics. We conclude that neuroscience offers considerable promise

to the field of business ethics, but we caution against overpromise.

Keywords: Neuroscience methods, brain structures, normative business ethics, empirical

business ethics, ethical decision making

Electronic copy available at:


The field of business ethics has afforded an intriguing research journey since its

inception as a focus of serious scholarly study in the latter part of the twentieth century. Now

is an especially fascinating time to be a business ethicist especially because increasingly

sophisticated empirical methodologies are being tested. Cognitive neuroscience, the study of

the mind through the brain, has attained increasing importance in the field of business ethics

and moral judgment, largely through advances in the tools of functional neuroimaging

(Greene and Cohen, 2004, Salvador and Folger, 2009, Shehnav and Green 2014, Young and

Koenigs 2007). This technology affords the opportunity to study what is happening in the

brain as individuals encounter an ethical issue, process such an issue, and engage in unethical

behavior, for example, lying (Abe et al., 2007; Farah et al., 2014) or cheating (Zeki and

Goodenough, 2004).

This special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics aims to synthesize neuroscience

knowledge and insights to inform theories in business ethics. The issue brings together

scholarly work from a variety of disciplines, such as marketing and organizational behavior.

It highlights various aspects of business ethics including normative theories and theories of

moral decision making, as well as the more specific topics of sex differences, leadership,

empathy, and justice. Topics are varied, as befits a relatively new stream of research and is in

keeping with the originality of inquiry that this technology affords. An interdisciplinary

approach that combines knowledge of the social sciences and neuroscience enables us to

generate novel insights into ethical decision making and behavior and to look at different

levels of analysis from an integrative point of view. It links questions related to the social

(motivational and social factors), cognitive (information-processing mechanisms), and neural

levels (brain mechanisms), using traditional neuroscience methods, neuroimaging and

neuropsychology (Lieberman, 2007; Ochsner and Lieberman, 2001).

As such, business ethics joins a wide range of scholarly fields employing

neuroscience methodology to study human decision making, including economics (Camerer

et al., 2005; Frydman et al., 2014), social psychology (Amodio, 2010), marketing (Karmarkar

et al., 2015), and organizational behavior (Becker et al., 2011). Salvador and Folger (2009)

provide an excellent review of neuroscience research in business ethics; although still in a

formative stage, interest in the topic is increasing, as this special issue attests. Neuroscience

methodology is especially auspicious for the study of ethics because it is less subject to social

desirability bias than survey research methods using participants’ self-reports about their

emotional and cognitive processes. In brain imaging research, it is possible to investigate

processes of which subjects themselves are not aware.

This interdisciplinary approach that integrates cognitive neuroscience and business

ethics provides both opportunities and challenges. The challenge is to forge meaningful links

between brain biology and human behavior; research that succeeds in forging these links can

provide significant contributions to business ethics theories. Although neuroscience

methodology is by definition empirical, neuroimaging findings also raise significant

normative questions about the nature of moral responsibility, autonomy, intent, and free will.

Therefore, the question that this article raises is: What value will cognitive

neuroscience have to the field of business ethics? Will it enhance our understanding of

unethical behavior? Or will nothing fundamental change? We have seen this debate play out

in the question of the impact of neuroscience on law, in which one side of the argument

believes neuroscience to be transformative, whereas the other side believes that little in the

law is changed by neuroscience. Greene and Cohen (2004) imagine that “neuroscience will

challenge and ultimately reshape our intuitive sense(s) of justice” (p. 1775). Morse (2004), on

the other hand, contends that our present conceptualization and system of legal principles will

not be altered fundamentally by findings from cognitive neuroscience. He believes that our

theories of responsibility and personhood remain unthreatened by neuroscience. Both

positions hold considerable validity and provide scope for discussion and debate among

business ethics scholars.

In addition to these larger questions about the contribution of neuroscience to business

ethics, we should point out that there are fundamental objections to the very use of

neuroscience in the study of human behavior. One set of objections centers on the ethics of

the use of neuroscience, a topic of great interest to business ethicists and one to which we will

return later in this article. Other objections mounted by neuroskeptics include problems with

the neuroimaging methodology itself and doubts about the interpretation or over-

interpretation of results. For a discussion of neuroskepticism as well as a set of

counterarguments, see, for example, Farah et al. (2014), and Rachul and Zarzeczny (2012).

We appreciate the importance of exploring the validity of these objections, but at the same

time we welcome the potential contribution of neuroscience to business ethics scholarship.

We see the promise of neuroscience, but we are not blind to the possibility of overpromise.

Our approach is meant to be descriptive of what neuroscience is able and not able to

do. To that end we provide an outline of neuroscience methodology, a synopsis of the brain

areas most likely to relate to questions of business ethics, and a sense of the current state of

neuroscience research on business ethics. At the same time, we support the exploration of

possible future studies and imagine a world in which neuroscience offers one approach to the

most provocative and important questions in business ethics.

The remainder of the article is structured as follows. In the following section two, we

present a brief overview of neuroscience methods, as well as information about brain

structure and connectivity. Section three delineates the territory of neuroscience research in

business ethics. In this section we raise questions about the position of neuroscience in

addressing normative issues. We also consider empirical research beginning with studies of

individual characteristics, moving to individual decision making about ethical issues, to

studies of interaction with others, and finally to organizational topics related to ethics. As we

consider this research, we identify the topics that have been most researched as well as

proposing future research directions. Section four introduces the articles that comprise the

contributions of this special issue. Section five discusses the implications of neuroscience for

the teaching of business ethics and touches upon ethical questions of conducting neuroscience

research. The article ends with a conclusion that summarizes the contributions of

neuroscience to business ethics research.



Neuroscience Methods

The aim of neuroscience research is to relate brain activity to human cognition,

emotions, and behavior. In the following we briefly discuss the most often used techniques

(for further and more in-depth discussion of the methods, see, e.g., Dimoka, 2012; Glimcher

et al., 2009; Huettel et al., 2014; Kable, 2011). Table 1 presents a summary of the advantages

and disadvantages of the different neuroscience techniques.

Insert Table 1 about here

Electroencephalography (EEG), one of the first neuroscience techniques used in

management research, is a method that places electrodes on the scalp to measure

electromagnetic activity of the brain. It thereby tracks and records brain wave patterns. In

studies relating to business ethics and corporate responsibility, Waldman et al. (2011), for

example, used EEG to investigate the neurological basis of inspirational leadership behavior;

their research focused specifically on leadership that emphasizes the social responsibility of

business and the empowerment of followers. Similarly, Lee et al. (2014) used EEG to

distinguish green consumers, those who choose environmentally products, from non-green


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become the most commonly used

method in the social neuroscience literature (Dimoka, 2012), particularly in the study of

moral cognition. Participants are placed in an fMRI scanner and react to stimuli or perform

tasks while their brain activity is measured. The most prominent measure is the blood-

oxygen-level-dependency effect (BOLD). BOLD fMRI captures changes in the oxygen

concentration of the blood flow in the brain. Neural activity increases blood oxygenation. The

resulting changes in the magnetic field measured by fMRI are used as a proxy for brain areas

that are active during a task or as a response to a stimulus (Dimoka, 2012; Huettel et al.,

2014). In a relatively early use of fMRI in the study of moral cognition, Greene et al. (2001)

scanned the brains of subjects faced with the “trolley dilemma” in its multiple variations;

subjects have to decide if they are willing to sacrifice the life of one person to save five

persons from being overrun by a trolley. The results of this study indicate that deontological

decisions (“do not kill”) are more likely driven by affective, emotional reactions, whereas

utilitarian decisions (“kill one to save five”) seem to be based on higher-order reasoning and

cognition (Greene et al., 2001).

In addition to the previously mentioned methods, transcranial magnetic stimulation

(TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) afford the ability to directly

manipulate brain activity. TMS uses electromagnetic induction to inhibit or activate certain

brain areas (Rossi et al., 2009). A magnet coil is placed near the head of the participant. The

magnet produces small electric currents that inhibit or trigger activity in the region of the

brain. The method is non-invasive and the activation of the brain area is only temporary

(Dimoka, 2013; Rossi et al., 2009). Knoch et al. (2006) used TMS to show that disruption of

the right, but not the left, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the brain made participants more

willing to accept unfair offers. Young et al. (2010) found that interfering with activity in the

right temporoparietal junction, an area involved in reasoning about others’ mental states,

disrupts the capacity to use such mental states in moral judgment. In addition to studies of

brain lesions, TMS and tDCS provide the possibility for experimental manipulation to draw

better causal inferences about brain activity and human behavior and decision making.

However, due to the controversial nature of such studies, researchers need to proceed

cautiously in study design and implementation (Rossi et al., 2009).

Apart from brain imaging techniques, the study of hormones has become increasingly

prevalent in investigating biological predictors of human behavior. Hormones are

biochemical messenger molecules produced in an endocrine gland or the brain and released

into the bloodstream. The release of different hormones in the human body has been related

to social outcomes such as trust (oxytocin), aggressive behavior and power (testosterone), or

altruism (dopamine) (Fehr, 2008; Kosfeld et al., 2005; Schultheiss and Stanton, 2009;

Schultheiss et al., 2004). Research more directly related to business ethics investigated the

role of testosterone in leader corruption (Bendahan et al., 2015) and utilitarian moral decision

making (Carney and Mason, 2010).

Finally, scholars often count as neuroscience methods measures of physiological

responses of the body, including the measurement of heart rate, skin conductance, pupil

dilation, or eye tracking (Becker and Menges, 2013). An example of the application of such

methods related to business ethics is the study of Decety et al. (2012), which combined

neurophysiological measures, including eye-tracking, pupillary response, and fMRI to

investigate reactions to morally salient situations. Participants viewed scenarios depicting

intentional versus accidental actions that caused harm to people and objects. Eye-tracking and

measures of pupil dilation showed that participants looked at the victims rather than the

perpetrators and reacted more strongly to intentional harm; these physiological reactions were

correlated with activation in the posterior superior temporal sulcus and amygdala. Overall,

the findings indicate that morally questionable situations (e.g., harming others) induce a

negative emotional reaction. The authors suggest that these negative emotional reactions

sensitize individuals, making them aware of the moral nature of the situation and thus may

play an important role as an antecedent to moral judgment (Rest 1979; Reynolds 2006).

Ethical Decision Making in the Brain: How Our Brain Helps Us Understand Ourselves
and Others

Using the above mentioned neuroscience methods, scholars have started to classify

different regions of the human brain associated with social cognitive processes. Studies draw

inferences from brain activity related to behavioral tasks or stimuli and thereby try to “locate”

basic emotions such as fear, anger, or happiness, but also more complex cognitive constructs

including ethical decision making in the human brain. Research shows that most often

multiple brain regions are involved in the same mental process related to social interaction,

while at the same time, a certain brain region is responsible for several mental processes

(Greene, 2015; Greene and Haidt, 2002; Lieberman, 2007). This latter point makes a reverse

inference challenging, i.e., trying to draw social or psychological conclusions from the

activation of certain brain areas may lead to over-interpretation of the results (Dimoka, 2012,;

Lieberman, 2007). In the following, we provide an overview of brain areas associated with

important facets of ethical decision making (see also Voegtlin and Kaufmann, 2012 for a

similar overview with regard to ethical leadership). We call attention to specific brain

regions, as these are important for understanding the most relevant findings of neuroscience

research. At the same time, we attempt to make our discussion as accessible as possible to

non-neuroscientists. The overview relates to the general mental capacity of an individual to

understand oneself, and others, and to interact with others as the fundamental preconditions

for ethical behavior (see Table 2).

Insert Table 2 about here

Understanding oneself: Self-reflection and self-regulation

Understanding oneself includes the mental capacities to understand and reflect about

oneself as a moral person (Johnson et al., 2002; Lieberman, 2007). Self-reflection means

actively engaging in the process of deliberation about one’s own experiences (past or

current), and one’s positive or negative feelings about those experiences, in order to seek or

avoid similar situations in the future (Lieberman, 2007). Evaluation of current experiences,

autobiographical reflections of the past, and memory retrieval are strongly associated with

activity in several parts of the pre-frontal cortex (Johnson et al., 2002; Lieberman, 2007).

Research has shown that the pre-frontal cortex, but also the region of the brain involved in

memorizing and in emotional reactions (amygdala) are important for a person’s moral

development (Greene, 2015). Self-regulation, another important competency of the self,

enables an individual to reappraise emotional events and to control affective and emotional

impulses (Lieberman, 2007). Studies have shown that specific parts of the brain (dorsal

anterior cingulate cortex, lateral pre-frontal cortex) aid in intentionally overriding an impulse

(Lieberman, 2007).

Models of moral reasoning dating back to Kohlberg (1969) have assumed a conscious,

deliberate reasoning process. More recently the social intuitionist model considers moral

judgment to be a function of immediate, intuitive processes, often (but not always) followed

by more rational reasoning (Haidt 2001). The dual-process theory of moral judgment is a

continuation of these findings and offers a significant contribution of cognitive neuroscience

research to understanding how individuals make decisions about ethical issues. The theory is

based on neuroscience findings and suggests that individuals make ethical decisions based on

intuition and emotion as well as reason (Greene et al. 2001; Haidt 2001; Reynolds, 2006).

Seminal studies of patients with brain damage highlight the importance of emotions in

being able to act ethically in the first place (Damasio, 1994). The famous case of Phineas

Gage, whose ventromedial pre-frontal cortex was damaged after he was hit by a steel rod,

shows that Gage was still able to engage in abstract moral reasoning, while emotional

reactions and real-life ethical decision making were clearly impaired (Damasio, 1994).

Additional brain lesion studies confirmed that individuals with similar brain damage make

poor decisions because they are unable to generate feelings; these individuals have weak

affective responses to harm (Greene, 2015; see also, Greene and Haidt, 2002; Damasio,

1994). Damage to regions relevant for generating and regulating responses to salient stimuli

(ventromedial pre-frontal cortex, amygdala) seem to be major catalysts for psychopathy

(Greene, 2015). These and other neuroscience studies investigating patients with brain

damage indicate that it is both having emotions that make individuals care for others, and

being able to regulate these emotions, that are necessary for making ethical decisions.

Understanding others: Theory of Mind and empathy

Apart from understanding oneself, understanding others, i.e., the way in which an

individual experiences the mental state or mind of another person, is important for ethical

behavior. The theoretical concepts in neuroscience considered to be of key importance for

explaining human interaction in a social context are theory of mind (ToM) and empathy, both

of which are relevant for understanding the ethical beliefs and intentions of others (Frith and

Singer, 2008) and for understanding why individuals behave ethically or unethically. ToM

can be considered largely cognitive and involves the ability to represent the mental states of

others (ability to mentalize); empathy, on the other hand, is considered largely affective and

describes the capacity to understand what others feel (Frith and Singer, 2008; Singer et al.,

2004). (Note that some conceptions of empathy also include a cognitive dimension, but for

our purposes we focus on the affective dimension.)

ToM is relevant for understanding the psychological traits of another person in order

to make more accurate judgments about dispositions for certain behavior. Based on the

cognitive capacity to perceive oneself as a subject expressed by personal pronouns (“I”,

“me”), perceptions, and experiences, ToM is the ability to assign such capacities of the self to

others, which is crucial for any kind of social interaction and communication (Frith and

Singer, 2008). As such, individuals draw upon their personal theory of how minds operate in

order to infer the mental states of others (Lieberman, 2007). Several studies indicate that

ToM usually involves neural activation in specific brain regions (primarily the anterior

paracingulate cortex, posterior superior temporal sulcus, and temporo-parietal junction) (see,

Rilling et al., 2004b; Vogely et al., 2001).

The second important theory for understanding others refers to empathy—namely, the

capacity to understand what it feels like when someone else experiences something like

happiness, pain, a touch, or sadness. Neuroscientific studies suggest that an empathic reaction

in the brain associated with feeling an emotion is caused by seeing another person’s facial

expression of this same emotion (Gallese, 2001; Lieberman, 2007). Singer and colleagues

(2004) found that empathy with the pain of others does not include activation of the whole

pain matrix in the brain, but rather those areas representing the affective dimension of pain.

The authors concluded that these regions (basically the rostral part of the anterior cingulate

cortex and anterior insula) have a dual function in that they are important both for the

formation of subjective feelings with respect to the self and for understanding others’

emotional states (Singer et al., 2004).

In a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies, Bzdok et al. (2012) found that brain areas

related to ToM and empathy (temporo-parietal junction, medial pre-frontal cortex, middle

temporal gyrus) are engaged in moral decision making, emphasizing again the relevance of

both abstract-cognitive and intuitive-emotional skills for ethical behavior. Furthermore, the

results of the study suggest that these brain regions, “emerged as potential nodes of a network

common to moral cognition, ToM, and empathy” (Bzdok et al. 2012, p. 789). In a study

connecting neuroscience methods and the business ethics context, Bagozzi et al. (2013)

investigated the relation between ToM, empathy, and Machiavellianism, i.e., social conduct

that aims to manipulate others for personal gain. As expected, brain regions associated with

ToM were negatively correlated with Machiavellianism. However, interestingly and perhaps

counterintuitively, activation of brain regions connected to empathy indicated that

Machiavellians were better able to detect the emotions of others, particularly negative affect,

and might use this to facilitate manipulative acts (Bagozzi et al., 2013).

Social interaction

Successful social interactions are based on phenomena such as trust, fairness,

cooperation, and ultimately, ethical decision making. Using social cognitive neuroscience and

neuroeconomic lenses, the view of trust, cooperation, and fairness has been enriched by a

brain-based perspective and explanations (Fehr, 2008; Van IJzendoorn and Bakermans-

Kranenburg, 2012; Yoder and Decety, 2014). Many of these studies are framed as a monetary

exchange situation in which individuals participate in an economic game (Glimcher et al.,

2009; Sanfey, 2007). For trust and related behavior, such as cooperation or fairness, neural

activation occurs in regions of the brain important for memory and emotional reactions

(amygdala), regions involved in memory and learning, and error and conflict detection

(cortical regions), those involved in body movement, learning, and memory (caudate

nucleus), and regions important for feelings of reward (nucleus accumbens, ventral striatum)

(Adolphs, 2003; King-Casas et al., 2005; Rilling et al., 2004b).

From understanding oneself and others to moral judgment

On a more aggregate level, scholars have started to map moral judgment in the brain.

Over time, moral cognition has been relatively consistently associated with a number of brain

regions (anterior pre-frontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, posterior superior temporal sulcus,

anterior temporal lobes, insula, precuneus, anterior cingulate cortex, and the limbic system)

(Moll et al., 2005). However, activation of brain regions differs according to the situational

cues of the study design and is dependent on the nature of the moral problem, the decision

difficulty, and contextual stimuli, including the time participants have to make decisions. For

this reason, as well as the connectivity of brain regions, it is difficult to isolate any particular

brain region as housing moral cognition.

Greene et al. (2001, 2004) demonstrated that utilitarian judgments involve cognitive

areas (lateral pre-frontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex), whereas emotional areas (medial

pre-frontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, superior temporal sulcus) are correlated with

deontological moral judgments. Pincus et al. (2014) found that individuals with a stronger

neurobiological representation (left ventrolateral pre-frontal cortex) of deontological rules

demonstrate “deontological resolve,” meaning that individuals will resist bending the rules,

when others do so. The study of Prehn et al. (2015) indicates that subjects at Kohlberg’s

(1969) post-conventional level of moral reasoning are characterized by increased gray matter

volume (ventromedial pre-frontal cortex, subgenual anterior cingulate cortex), compared with

subjects at a lower level of moral reasoning. Furthermore, studies have found overlap

between moral sensitivity brain regions (anterior pre-frontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex,

superior temporal sulcus, and limbic regions) and regions associated with basic emotions

such as disgust or fear (Moll et al., 2005).

Finally, the nervous system plays an important role in ethical decision making.

Hormones act as neurotransmitters that stimulate our bonding with others and reward us for

pro-social behavior (Keltner et al., 2014; Schultheiss and Stanton, 2009). Oxytocin and

vasopressin “promote attachment and caregiving” and target “emotional processing areas in

the brain, including the amygdala, septal area, and reward circuity” (Keltner et al., 2014, p.

445). Dopamine is related to reward stimuli we experience when acting in a manner that is

“good” or pro-social. Furthermore, our emotions and cognitive processes are regulated by the

neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for a multiplicity of processes (e.g.,

regulating mood, appetite, sleep). Experimentally lowering serotonin levels was found to

reduce cooperation and increase the likelihood of punishing unfair behavior (Keltner et al.,



In the following section, we discuss the implications of neuroscience research for

normative and empirical business ethics and point out directions for future research in both

areas. There can be no empirical research without a normative basis to establish what is

meant by unethical behavior. As Tenbrunsel and Smith-Crowe (2008) rightly point out, the

first and most fundamental question to be asked is, “What is ethical?”, and they appropriately

levy criticism at empirical researchers who ignore this question. Normative ethicists aim to

construct arguments about the ways that individuals should behave and to derive principles

that guide decisions or action; normative theories are “prescriptive” or “action-guiding”

(Donaldson, 1994, p. 158). The focus is on answering the question, “What ought to be?”

Leading researchers in business ethics have contended that normative and empirical research

are of equal significance and each can inform the other, but that they must by definition

remain distinct (Donaldson, 1994; Treviño and Weaver, 1994).

We are not suggesting that neuroscience holds the answer for integrating normative

and empirical perspectives in the business ethics field. After all, neuroscience is by its very

nature methodological and thus empirical. However, neuroscience research results can

prompt further questions of interest to philosophers and social scientists alike. Additionally,

leading scholars long have acknowledged the field of business ethics to be interdisciplinary

and have insisted that both normative and empirical insights into ethical issues have value

(DeGeorge, 1987; Donaldson, 1994). Thus, it strikes us as worthwhile to consider the

relevance of neuroscience to both normative and empirical business ethics.

The Contribution of Neuroscience to Normative Business Ethics

In this section of the paper we seek to explore the areas in which findings from

neuroscience can contribute most usefully to the study of normative business ethics. Greene

(2014) suggested that cognitive neuroscience generates knowledge about the nature of moral

decision making so fundamental that it will lead to a reformulation of extant normative

theories of business ethics. Earlier, Greene and Cohen (2004) made an equally bold

statement, contending that findings from neuroscience will change the way we think about

free will, responsibility, and intentionality. Similarly, Roskies (2002) believes that as we

acquire more sophisticated knowledge about the neural structure of the moral brain, we may

well need to revise our concepts of moral and ethical, even to the extent of modifying our

existing philosophical theories.

If cognitive neuroscience is able to demonstrate that morally significant actions are

driven by neural activity, as these authors suggest, does that mean that our notions of moral

responsibility need to be re-examined? An underlying assumption of most normative

approaches to business ethics is that morally significant actions are the result of individuals’

autonomy and free will (Treviño and Weaver, 1994). But perhaps neuroscience is telling us

that we need a deterministic model to explain ethical or unethical actions. Does determinism

exclude moral responsibility? Does moral responsibility require free will? In exploring age-

old philosophical questions such as these, cognitive neuroscience may well enhance our

understanding of normative ethics and challenge future research to engage with these


Neuroscience findings to date suggest that many decision processes in the brain are

governed by implicit processes that never reach the level of consciousness (Burns and

Bechara, 2007). If reactions to ethical issues are immediate and intuitive as Haidt (2001)

argues, can we ascribe intent? For example, stereotypes are believed to operate automatically

and unconsciously (Greenwald and Banaji, 1995). If one acts unconsciously on those

stereotypes, should one be held less responsible than if one acts more consciously? (See

Bowie, 2009, for an excellent discussion of the implications of cognition research for ethical

behavior.) We do not wish to enter the longstanding philosophical discussion as to what

constitutes moral responsibility (see, for example, Fischer, 1999), but only to suggest that

what we learn from cognitive neuroscience may add to the discussion.

Legal scholars have pursued this notion as well, arguing that certain abnormalities in

the brain may result in criminal behavior (Raine, 2013). If a part of an individual’s brain is

missing or impaired, some people may think about absolving the individual of moral

responsibility for an action. But this does not mean that unethical behavior necessarily rests

solely on a pattern of neural activity. If caution is advised in interpreting cognitive

neuroscience findings about ethical decision making, even greater caution is needed to draw

conclusions from neuroimaging data about assigning and taking responsibility for unethical

actions. Parens (2014) considers that neuroimaging data can provide evidence that a

particular person in a particular situation may have limited options for action based on that

person’s atypical brain functioning. However, this does not mean necessarily that every

action of every individual is predetermined by brain structure or function. Parens instead

concludes (perhaps not very satisfactorily) that we will likely have to get better at “oscillating

between seeing our actions as determined and seeing them as freely chosen” (Parens, 2014, p.


Another intriguing topic concerns how individuals process the actions of corporations

and relates to the longstanding business ethics discussion of corporations as moral agents

(see, for example, French, 1979; Velasquez, 1983; and Sepinwall, 2015). Cognitive

neuroscience has examined brain activity as individuals blame other individuals, but there is

little research looking at the question of brain activity as people blame an entity such as a

corporation. In one study that does examine perceptions of companies, Plitt et al. (2014)

conclude that “our brains understand and analyze the actions of corporations and people very

similarly, with a small emotional bias against corporations” (p.1). This question of brain

processing of corporate ethical infractions provides a fruitful area for additional research.

We recognize that realistically neuroscience can perhaps bring us one step closer to

understanding questions of moral responsibility, autonomy, intent, and free will, but

neuroscience findings cannot in and of themselves answer these questions. Instead the

contribution of neuroscience to these debates warrants considerable further discussion and


The Contribution of Neuroscience to Empirical Business Ethics

Perhaps the most basic aim of empirical business ethics research is to understand why

and under what circumstances individuals make decisions about ethical issues and behave

unethically. (Of course, there is interest too in why individuals behave ethically, but this has

not been the focus of as much research.) Broadly speaking empirical research in business

ethics has sought to answer this question by examining several levels of possible explanation

for unethical behavior: the individual, the situation or context, and a combination of the two

(person-situation interactionist theory) (Treviño, 1986). Individual characteristics include

age, gender, personality, and stage of moral development. Situational characteristics include

variables ranging from the task at hand, to organizational compensation systems, to national

culture. Several decades of empirical research have advanced our knowledge of the variables

leading to unethical behavior, but many questions remain and neuroscience methods may

provide tools to address these questions.

Neural imaging studies have been effective at documenting the underlying brain

structure and connectivity of individual characteristics or dispositions, including gender

(Ruigrok et al., 2014) and age (see, for example, Grady, 2012 on the ageing brain and Defoe

et al. 2015, on the adolescent brain). Our task is to understand how these results have an

impact on ethical and unethical behavior. We choose to focus on these particular

characteristics because they have received a great deal of research attention in the business

ethics literature, as well as in studies of cognitive neuroscience. However, fMRI research also

affords the opportunity to investigate other factors that have not been traditional independent

variables in the business ethics literature. These include, for example, the consequences of

sleep deprivation and the impact of stress on brain activity that affects ethical decision

making. In the following sections we present a brief overview of the research on individual

characteristics and then focus on the connection between neuroscience research and two

specific organizational factors relevant for business ethics, i.e., rewards and leadership. A

complete literature review is beyond the scope of this paper.


Beginning with gender there are well-documented differences between men’s and

women’s brains (Cahill, 2006). However, business ethics research findings of gender

differences in ethical awareness and behavior are mixed (Kish-Gephart et al., 2010). While

some empirical studies have found evidence that women are more ethical than men or more

sensitive to the presence of ethical issues (Betz et al., 1989; Dawson, 1997), other research

has found no differences (Kish-Gephart et al., 2010). However, there are few studies that link

any gender differences in the brain to gender differences in ethical awareness and behavior.

Furthermore, caution should be exercised in interpreting fMRI studies of gender differences;

some scholars have contended that the limitations of present-day methodologies may lead

researchers to findings that reinforce gender stereotypes (Bluhm, 2013; Jordan-Young and

Rumiati, 2012; Fine, 2012).

A further area of interest is the question of the link between gender, emotion,

intuition, and ethical decision-making. Cognitive neuroscience research has established that

emotion is a key component of ethical decision making (see, for example, Greene et al.,

2001; Moll et al., 2002). Women are believed to be more emotional in their decision making

than men (Croson and Gneezy, 2009), and some research contends that women are more

likely than men to make use of intuitive decision making processes (Lieberman, 2000).

Future fMRI research could investigate the anatomical basis for any gender differences in

emotional and intuitive approaches to ethical decision making.

Finally, a major part of biological sex differences stems from differences in brain

chemistry, more specifically, from baseline hormone levels and the number of neural

receptors for those hormones. Women have a higher baseline level of oxytocin and lower

levels of testosterone (Cahill, 2006; Schultheiss and Stanton, 2009). These hormones have

been linked to aspects relevant for ethical behavior (e.g., trust, justice perceptions, aggressive

behavior, and moral judgment) (see, for example, Carney and Mason, 2010; Riedl and Javor,

2012; Schultheiss et al., 2004). Future research could more clearly delineate the effect of

gender differences based on hormonal dispositions for ethical behavior in the business

context, e.g., by investigating the implications of hormonal differences between men and

women in their reaction to organizational injustice or the aggressive behavior of colleagues.


Although empirical research on the relationship between age and unethical behavior

again is mixed, there is some evidence that older individuals are more ethical. Certainly

Kohlberg (1969) and Rest (1979) built their model of the stages of moral reasoning on the

assumption that movement through the various stages correlates with age. However, as we

now know, the conscious deliberate processes on which their models are based constitute

only part of moral reasoning. Decety et al. (2011) conducted a study of the role of empathy in

moral reasoning with participants aged between 4 and 37 years; the study concluded that

moral reasoning processes include a complex integration of emotion and cognition that does

indeed gradually change with age. Furthermore, empathic responses and self-regulatory

responses may increase with age, leading to more ethical decision making (Decety et al.,

2011). More specifically, the period of adolescence is one in which changes in moral

behavior may be observable; many brain regions that are germane to moral reasoning

continue to mature until adulthood (Decety, 2016). In a study of adolescents and adults

encountering everyday moral conflict situations, Sommer et al. (2014) found that adolescents

chose significantly more hedonistic alternatives than did adults. Future neuroimaging

research could confirm that there are individual differences in the brains of older and younger

people such that they approach ethical issues differently. Particularly as business

organizations face an aging workforce, future neuroscience studies on age and ethical

decision making may provide arguments for retaining older employees.

Physiological factors

In addition to age and gender, the physiological underpinnings of unethical behavior

remain largely unexplored. For example, we have evidence that sleep deprivation leads

individuals to behave unethically. Barnes et al. (2011) found that sleep quantity and quality

are positively associated with self-control and negatively correlated with unethical behavior.

Sleep deprivation has been linked to increased student cheating (Barnes et al., 2011), as well

as employee cyberloafing (Wagner et al., 2012). Additionally, there is considerable

neuroscience evidence of the effect of lack of sleep on cognitive functioning (Lim and

Dinges, 2010). Future research could investigate how areas of the brain affected by lack of

sleep are linked to unethical decisions, especially in (simulated) workplace settings that are

characterized by long working hours, irregular shifts, or highly demanding workloads before


Similarly, stress, although not strictly a physiological factor, has a direct impact on

moral decision making (Starcke et al., 2011, Youssef et al., 2012). Youssef et al. (2012)

found that subjects under stress tended to give fewer utilitarian and thus less rational

responses to personal moral dilemmas. The authors conclude that their results provide

corroboration of a dual process theory of moral reasoning, demonstrating that stress tends to

stimulate more emotional, rather than rational, moral reasoning. However, stress does not

necessarily lead to more egoistic decisions (Starcke et al. 2011). Starcke and Brand (2012)

suggest that stress may be prompted by decisions involving a higher degree of uncertainty, a

condition that applies to certain moral issues and is widely encountered in business

organizations. Cognitive neuroscience affords an appropriate methodology for further

investigation of the effects of stress on ethical decision making.

Other potential areas believed to have an effect on ethical decision making that may

become salient in business settings include chronotype and time of day (differences between

morning and evening people) (Gunia et al. 2014, Kouchaki and Smith 2014), cognitive load

(V’ant Veer et al. 2014), and hunger (de Ridder et al. 2014). Each of these research areas is

conducive to fMRI studies that can document brain activity based on manipulation of

biological states and ethical decision making tasks.


Traditional business ethics research has identified reward or the anticipation of reward

as a key variable leading to ethical or unethical behavior (See, for example, Treviño 1986).

An individual contemplating behaving unethically would most likely engage in some type of

risk/reward calculation. The risk portion of this calculus involves both the risk of detection

and the risk of anticipated punishment, if detected. The reward portion involves consideration

of the benefits to be accrued as a result of behaving unethically. But some risks are simply

not worth taking. Behavioral economics research tells us, for example, that individuals will

only cheat up to a point that does not interfere with their self-image as an ethical person

(Mazar at al., 2008). Similarly, individuals may be more inclined to behave unethically when

the rewards (and the risks) are small rather than large (Jap et al., 2013).

There is a great deal of neuroscience research on reward activation in the brain.

(Gottfried, 2011, Sanfey et al., 2003). When thinking about unethical behavior and reward,

the most usual reward that comes to mind is monetary. But there are also more intrinsic

rewards that may guide and motivate those behaving ethically. Abe and Greene (2014) used

fMRI to investigate the role of the nucleus accumbens, one part of the brain’s reward system,

and its response to anticipated rewards as a predictor of dishonest behavior. Their findings

identify the cognitive and neural determinants of honesty and dishonesty. The authors

interpret their findings to mean that some individuals have a general tendency to be less

interested in and motivated by monetary rewards. We know, for example, that in some

instances a region of the brain associated with reward systems may be more active when

making a charitable donation than when accepting a financial reward (Moll et al. 2006). Such

a finding suggests that business ethics research would benefit from thinking beyond

individual monetary rewards when considering motivation for ethical or unethical behavior.

Future neuroscience research could investigate rewards more clearly linked to the business

ethics context, for instance brain activity linked to monetary incentives such as bonuses or

pay raises, short-term and long-term rewards, or the risks involved in unethical behavior in

organizations (e.g., job loss, loss of status).


Leadership is an influence relationship between leaders and organizational

stakeholders (Maak and Pless, 2006). Thus, it is key to the recognition and reconciliation of

stakeholder needs and interests. Within business organizations, leadership is especially

relevant for the fair treatment of individuals, and neuroscience methods have recently been

used to study the topic. Research to date has focused on individual characteristics of the

leader and has investigated the neuroscience basis for complex leadership, i.e., leadership that

can meet diverse role demands (Hannah et al., 2013), for inspirational leaders who espouse a

high level of regard for others (Waldman et al., 2011) and the relation between empathy,

perspective taking, and a Machiavellian leadership style (Bagozzi et al., 2013).

Future neuroscience research could look more closely at the ethical implications of

the interaction between leader and followers. While this might prove difficult to achieve,

recent research shows that the leader-follower relationship can be simulated in an fMRI study

by using virtual partners as counterparts (Fairhurst et al., 2014). Johnson and colleagues

(2013) in a team-neurodynamics study found evidence for neurophysiological indicators

among leaders and followers in an ethical decision-making scenario. Miska and Mendenhall

(2015) suggest that neuroscience research could investigate the cognitive and emotional

challenges of responsible leaders who try to address a diversity of stakeholder demands and

could foster our understanding of the neural mechanisms related to corporate social

responsibility and sustainability. Maak et al. (2016) argue that cognitive and social

complexity and a social-welfare orientation are conducive for a form of responsible

leadership that is able to integrate diverse stakeholder concerns and competing goals. It

would be interesting to research the neural correlates of such cognitive complexity and social

value orientations.


The research areas we have addressed also surface in the contributions to this special

issue; this section briefly introduces each of these articles. Drawing on decision neuroscience

research, George Christopoulos, Xiao-Xiao Liu and Ying-yi Hong (2016) develop a

framework detailing how model-free learning (learning by trial and error) and model-based

learning (learning based on associations drawn from one’s mental models of the world) have

an impact on individuals’ moral decision making. The authors demonstrate that concepts in

decision neuroscience, such as valuation, risk, and time, are relevant for moral decision

making. Marc Orlitzky (2016) also focuses on moral decision making, reflecting on the

implications of neuroscience findings related to deontological and utilitarian moral decision

making for normative theories of business ethics. The article summarizes neuroscientific

evidence that points toward an evolutionary approach to individuals’ moral thinking and

moral subjectivism, a view that argues that morality is subjectively constructed by an

individual’s mental activity.

Russell Cropanzano, Sebastiano Massaro, and William Becker (2016) use

organization neuroscience to focus on the link between three core processes that relate to

individuals’ fairness perceptions: justice rules, cognitive empathy, and affective empathy.

The authors provide detail on the brain regions and processes related to their model of

deontic justice and emphasize the relevance of intuitive, emotional responses for business

ethics. Kylie Rochford, Anthony Jack, Richard Boyatzis, and Shannon French (2016) explore

the implications of neuroscience for developing ethical leaders in organizations, contending

that it is essential to achieve a balance between cognitive perspectives based on two large

scale brain networks: the Task Positive Network (TPN) and the Default Mode Network

(DMN). They suggest that business ethics education can help to develop ethical leaders who

are able to find a balance between socio-emotional and analytical reasoning.

Lori Ryan (2016) highlights current sex difference findings from neuroscience and

neuroeconomics research related to business ethics in six areas: trust, moral decision-making,

organizational justice, moral development, the ethic of care, and female management styles.

The article underscores the importance of hormones in biological sex differences and

examines their role in individuals’ reactions to ethical situations. Patrick Hopkins and Harvey

Fiser (2016) develop a framework to analyze moral and legal issues in the potential use of

neurotechnologies to detect and alter employees’ performance skills and capabilities in the

workplace. The article explores employer permission or prohibition of neurointerventions and

discusses current and potential legal interventions concerning them.

Finally, Steven Stanton, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, and Scott Huettel (2016) present

both the benefits and ethical concerns of the use of neuroscience techniques to study

marketing practices and consumer behavior. The article identifies steps that can help to

mitigate the ethical risks of neuromarketing, especially of industry research, and proposes

that the use of neuroscientific methods should be subject to the highest standards of scientific

rigor and ethical supervision.

Overall this set of contributions provides a sense of the neuroscience topics receiving

emerging attention from business ethics scholars. The topics and approaches vary, but all

have a common aim to use neuroscience to extend theoretical and practical considerations in

business ethics. The Journal of Business Ethics, as one of the leading journals in the field of

business ethics, provides an ideal platform for this kind of research; further contributions in

this area are both timely and needed.


In this article we have presented an overview of the current state of cognitive

neuroscience and its impact on the field of business ethics. Looking to the future, the

proliferation of cognitive neuroscience research that has taken place over the last decade is

likely to continue. Business ethicists have the opportunity to shape and contribute to this

research, particularly to the research on moral cognition. The paper has highlighted several

areas of overlap between neuroscience and business ethics and pointed toward future research

directions. A summary of these ideas for future research is presented in Table 3.

Insert Table 3 about here

Apart from what we have discussed with regard to unethical behavior, there are also

more nuanced issues that could be studied as well. For example, it would be instructive to

learn how the brain processes issues like the following: if a firm does not fully inform its

employees of hazardous working conditions, at what point do individuals consider the

omission of this information to be unethical? We know that individuals have an emotional

reaction to unethical behavior, but we do not know how egregious the behavior has to be

before this emotional reaction is triggered. Jones’ (1991) conceptualization of moral intensity

captures this notion of the egregiousness of the unethical act by identifying six components

which increase moral intensity, including, for example, magnitude of consequences and

concentration of effect. Future research could test how the brain processes ethical issues in

which these components are varied.

Neuroscience research does not only offer future research directions and implications

for ethical behavior, it can also contribute to business ethics education. The most important

point to be made about implications for the teaching of business ethics from neuroscience

research is that of the demonstrated plasticity of the brain (Pascal-Leone et al. 2005). We now

know that brains can change according to individuals’ experiences, and that plasticity is the

mechanism for development and learning. In terms of teaching ethics, this means that

business ethics professors have the opportunity to shape literally the thoughts of students

about ethical issues (especially when the students are adolescents or young adults whose

brains are not yet fully formed). At both graduate and executive levels, it seems promising to

look at the effect of international service-learning programs in shaping the participants’

emotional and ethical literacy. Pless, Maak and Stahl (2011) have demonstrated the profound

learning impact of international service-learning programs, and it can be assumed that those

effects can be measured in a neuro-cognitive study.

More specifically, in approaching the teaching of business ethics, neuroscience

findings about the significant role that emotion plays in ethical decision making suggest that

the discussion of ethics should not rest solely on a rational decision making model.

Acknowledgment that decision making about ethical issues is not entirely a rational process

can inform the manner in which classroom lectures and discussions are structured. Learning

about ethics includes both cognitive and emotive learning (McCuen and Shah, 2007), and

business ethics education should acknowledge both. Perhaps one of the most challenging

dimensions of teaching business ethics is guiding students to recognize the ethical component

of an issue and not just frame it as strictly a business issue (see Reynolds and Miller 2015 for

an excellent discussion of the importance of the recognition of moral issues). Neuroscience

research can inform our understanding of brain activity as an individual recognizes the ethical

dimension of an issue (Robertson et al., 2007).

Individuals have developed a myriad of ways to frame issues and deceive themselves

such that the ethical dimension is absent from a business decision, including rationalizations

(Patterson et al., 2012) and unconscious biases (Heinzelmann et al., 2012). Additionally

lessons from neuroscience and social perspective taking, empathy, theory of mind

(Lieberman 2007), and intuition (Haidt, 2001) can play a role in designing curriculum that

enhances students’ ability to analyze ethical issues and to refine their own thinking about

these issues. For example, case studies and role play exercises that encourage students to take

the perspective of another are beneficial, given that social perspective taking and empathy are

important ingredients of ethical reasoning. Additionally, the importance of self-reflection and

autobiographical recall (Lieberman 2007) suggests that students engage in exercises to

understand their own values and purpose, as well as how their previous experiences have

shaped those values.

Finally, we should also point to the distinction between the neuroscience of ethics and

the ethics of neuroscience (Roskies 2002, Salvador and Folger 2009). The neuroscience of

ethics has been the focus of this paper, but we also acknowledge the responsibility of

business ethicists to engage in assessing the ethics of neuroscience. The ethics of

neuroscience examines questions about the use and application of neuroscience

methodologies. Business ethicists have a great deal to contribute to the debate over the

strengths and weaknesses of neuroscience, but particularly to the ethical implications of its

use in studying human behavior.

Controversy over the ethics of neuroscience includes, for example, the questions

raised by some critics as to whether marketers are trying to isolate a “buy” button in the

brain, and if prospective employers will use brain images to select employees, introducing

questions of invasion of privacy. Some hold the attitude that it is but a short step from the

descriptive nature of brain imaging to the ability to manipulate the brain of a consumer or an

employee, despite the fact that present-day neuroscience has limited ability to do so. In the

field of ethics, as well as law, the fear seems to be that neuroscience can identify

abnormalities in brain structure that can be used to establish excuses for unethical and illegal

behavior. In other words, can unethical behavior be reduced to brain chemistry, and, if so,

what are the implications? This type of anxiety on the part of the lay public has been stirred

by the media and cannot be ignored by those conducting neuroscience research (Weisberg

2008). Finally, there are critical voices regarding the use of neuroscience in leadership

research (Lindebaum, 2013; Lindebaum and Raftopoulou, 2014; Lindebaum and Zundel,

2013). Criticism centers primarily on the ethically problematic suggestions that neuroscience

can be used to select and develop leaders. Neuroscience researchers must be cognizant of the

potentially reductionist assumptions that certain activities in the brain are necessary for good

leadership, i.e., care must be taken not to derive from brain activity what constitutes ‘good’

leadership (Lindebaum and Zundel, 2013). Business ethics scholars have the opportunity to

engage in these controversies, analyzing and weighing arguments on both sides, and

ultimately presenting a measured representation of what neuroscience can and cannot do.

Importantly, we need to consider how to foster meaningful dialogue between business

ethicists and neuroscientists. Methodologies used by those in the two fields are dissimilar,

and the analysis of fMRI data may prove daunting to those not schooled in cognitive

neuroscience. Additionally, researchers in both fields need to exercise caution in interpreting

findings (see, for example, Bowers, 2016, Lindebaum, 2016). Empiricists in the field of

business ethics understand the complexity of factors underlying an individual’s decision to

behave ethically or unethically. Any one study can only contribute a small piece of the

complete puzzle needed to provide an explanation of behavior. Similarly, cognitive

neuroscientists could fall prey to the temptation to conclude that activation in a particular area

of the brain is the cause of a certain decision or behavior. Instead, complex behaviors

materialize from interactions among various parts of the brain, and, moreover, are influenced

by an individual’s environment (Parens and Johnston 2014).


In this article we have addressed the question of the value neuroscience can add to the

study of business ethics to enhance the contributions of philosophy and other social sciences.

In the normative realm, neuroscience continues to raise questions that have engaged

philosophers for centuries. While neuroscience cannot provide answers to questions of, for

example, freedom and autonomy, it can tell us how freedom is limited if certain brain regions

are damaged or impaired. In the empirical realm, neuroscience adds to our knowledge of how

individuals make ethical decisions below the level of consciousness and thus beyond what

individuals themselves can tell us. Neuroscience thus brings us closer to understanding how

individuals process ethical issues. As we have discussed, neuroscience has provided

considerable evidence of the importance of emotion in ethical decision making. Additionally,

psychology has suggested that unconscious biases govern our behavior; neuroscience can

confirm these biases as well as provide information on effective means to counter them.

Looking to the future, the proliferation of neuroscience research on moral cognition that has

taken place over the last decade is likely to continue. We hope that this article, by introducing

the promise of neuroscience to business ethics, can contribute to meaningful dialogue

between business ethicists and neuroscientists and spark interest in using new methods to

study business ethics phenomena.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

The article was not funded by any third-party organization. The article does not contain any

studies with human participants or animals.

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TABLE 1: Overview of neuroscience methods

Examples related to business

Neuroscience method Measure Advantages Disadvantages
ethics research
Electroencephalography Technique based Excellent temporal resolution Limited spatial resolution Boksem and De Cremer, 2010;
(EEG) on changes in (milliseconds) Hannah et al., 2013;
electric activity Restricted to surface levels of Lee et al., 2014;
Can measure activity in different brain brain activity Waldman et al., 2011
regions simultaneously

Relatively easy to use, can be applied

to group settings

Relatively low cost (compared to

Functional magnetic Technique based Excellent spatial resolution of the brain Relatively high costs Bagozzi et al., 2013;
resonance on changes in (up to one millimeter) Greene et al., 2001, 2004;
imaging (fMRI) cerebral blood Extensive preparations Moll et al., 2002;
flow/metabolism Good temporal resolution (seconds) Rilling et al., 2004a;
Participants are confined to a small Singer et al., 2004
Can measure activity in different brain space where movement is very
regions simultaneously limited
Transcranial magnetic Technique based Allows for experimental manipulation Limited temporal resolution Jeurissen et al., 2014 ;
stimulation (TMS) and on temporary and the test of causal relations Knoch et al., 2006;
transcranial direct inhibition or (between brain areas and cognitive Restricted to surface regions of the Young et al., 2010
current stimulation stimulation of functions) brain and to manipulating a single
(tDCS) specific brain brain region at a time
areas or
functions Relatively high human subjects

Hormones (e.g., Measures of Easy to use and to measure Strong circadian variation over the Bendahan et al., 2015;
testosterone, cortisol, hormone course of the day Carney and Mason, 2010;
oxytocin) concentration Relatively low cost Fehr, 2008;
in saliva or blood Gender differences makes Kosfeld et al., 2005;
Possible to measure the current state as comparison between genders Schultheiss et al., 2004
Possibility to well as to manipulate hormonal levels difficult
manipulate for causal inferences
concentration Possible to collect data in laboratory as
(invasive) well as field settings
Biological implicit Include eye Relatively low cost Difficulties in interpretation Decety et al., 2012;
measures tracking, Pärnamets et al., 2015
measures of Reliable measure of attention (eye Requires careful design to rule out Skulmowski et al., 2014
pupil dilation, tracking) alternative explanation for bodily
skin conductance reactions
by measuring Reliable measure of emotional
perspiration reactions (skin conductance)

TABLE 2: Ethical decision making and the brain

Concepts Brain structure Functions associated with brain structure and Relevance for ethical decision making Example references
related to involved brain chemistry
ethical decision

Self-reflection Several areas of the PFC is associated with cognitive tasks, personality • Shows the relevance of emotions in ethical Damasio, 1994;
and self- prefrontal cortex expression, and the orchestration of thoughts and decision making Dimoka, 2012;
regulation (PFC) (e.g., medial actions in accordance with internal goals; it fulfills Greene, 2015;
PFC, ventromedial an executive function in differentiating between • Understanding oneself helps reflection on Johnson et al., 2002;
PFC, lateral PFC) conflicting thoughts (such as good or bad) one’s ethical behavior and finding the Lieberman, 2007
balance between emotional and cognitive
Medial PFC is associated with reflecting on one’s reactions when making ethical decisions
experiences and is active in self-judgment tasks; the
ventromedial PFC is involved in autobiographical • Highlights the possibility of self-regulation
and episodic memory retrieval; the lateral PFC is in the form of impulse control and the
associated with focusing on goals and inhibiting reappraisal of emotional events
one’s beliefs when necessary for making rational
decisions; lateral and ventrolateral PFC are • Past and current experiences and positive or
associated with emotional self-control negative emotional stimulation trigger
intuitive ethical behavior
Dorsal anterior ACC is relevant for affective, cognitive and motor
cingulate cortex control phenomena; also involved in controlling,
(ACC) avoiding, or regulating painful emotions

Amygdala Amygdala is involved in perceiving and processing

emotions, and in automatic affective processes
Theory of Mind Anterior ACC is relevant for affective, cognitive and motor • Cognitive-rational understanding of others’ Bagozzi et al., 2013;
(ToM) paracingulate cortex control phenomena; also involved in controlling, motives and reasons helps to engage in Bzdok et al., 2012;
avoiding, or regulating painful emotions deliberative ethical reasoning Dimoka, 2012;
Rilling et al., 2004b;
Posterior superior STS is attributed to multisensory processing • ToM is a necessary precondition for ideal Young et al., 2007
temporal sulcus capabilities (e.g. voices, speech and language role-taking processes
(STS) recognition); involved in social perceptions

Temporo-parietal TPJ is involved in information processing and
junction (TPJ) perception; integrates information from the external
environment and from within the body; important
for self-other distinctions

Dorsomedial Dorsomedial PFC is associated with mentalizing

prefrontal cortex and encoding the psychological traits of others
Empathy Anterior cingulate ACC is relevant for affective, cognitive and motor • Emphasizes the importance of recognizing Bagozzi et al., 2013;
cortex (ACC) control phenomena; also involved in controlling, other persons’ feelings and emotional states Bernhardt and Singer,
avoiding, or regulating painful emotions for ethical decision making 2012;
Bzdok et al., 2012;
Anterior insula Insula plays a major role in representing and • Affective emotional reaction to others’ Dimoka, 2012;
integrating emotions; involved in sensation, affect, harm or unethical treatment triggers ethical Singer et al., 2004
cognition sensitivity and awareness

Ventromedial PFC Ventromedial PFC is relevant for encoding the

emotional value of sensory stimuli; also important
for adherence to social norms
Social Several areas of the PFC has been associated with cognitive tasks, • Social lubricants like trust and fairness Adolphs, 2003;
interaction prefrontal cortex PFC personality expression and the orchestration of perceptions influence the propensity to Lieberman, 2007;
(including trust, (e.g., ventromedial thoughts and actions in accordance with internal engage in ethical or unethical behavior Rilling et al., 2004a;
justice, PFC, medial PFC, goals; it fulfills an executive function in Yoder and Decety,
cooperation) dorsomedial PFC) differentiating between conflicting thoughts (like • Shows the importance of trust and justice 2014
good or bad) perceptions for successful social
interactions and highlights stimulus-
Insula Insula is associated with sensitivity to norm response settings that trigger trusting
violations, care and justice cognition responses and facilitate cooperation

Amygdala Amygdala is involved in perceiving and processing

emotions, and in automatic affective processes

Caudate nucleus Caudate nucleus is important for feelings of reward

Moral judgment Ventromedial Ventromedial PFC is activated during moral • Combines the above mentioned mental Fumagalli and Priori,
prefrontal cortex judgment; it is associated with encoding the abilities to make ethical decisions and 2012;
(PFC) emotional value of sensory stimuli, emotional behave ethically Greene et al., 2001 ;
processing and adherence to social norms Moll et al., 2002,
Dorsolateral Dorsolateral PFC is involved in problem-solving, Young et al., 2007
prefrontal cortex cognitive control, cost-benefit analysis; it is
(PFC) associated with utilitarian moral judgments and
deciding on appropriate punishment

Anterior cingulate ACC is relevant for affective, cognitive and motor

cortex (ACC) control phenomena and is associated with mediating
the conflict between emotional and rational
components of moral reasoning

Posterior superior STS is associated with multisensory processing

temporal sulcus capabilities is activated in moral dilemmas, social
(STS) cognition, and ethical decision making

Temporo-parietal TPJ is attributed to moral intuition and involved in

junction (TPJ) belief attribution during moral judgment

Insula Insula is associated with moral processing,

sensitivity to norm violations, care and justice

Amygdala Amygdala is activated in processing moral emotions

and consequently, during evaluation of moral

Table 3: Suggested future research directions

Areas related to business Research questions

Individual differences Does brain activity in older individuals indicate that they
process ethical issues differently than do younger
individuals? What implications does this have for an ageing

Does brain activity in men indicate that they process ethical

issues differently than do women?

Can brain activity tell us more about how the time of day
(differences between morning and evening people) impacts
ethical decision making?

What can brain activity tell us about how stress or lack of

sleep in highly demanding work environments are linked to
ethical decision making?
Incentives and rewards How does the brain process intrinsic rewards (e.g., altruism,
cooperation, meaningful work) versus extrinsic rewards (e.g.,
money, organizational promotion)?

Does ethical or moral behavior trigger reward activation in

the brain? If so, does this differ by individual?

Are there differences in brain activity for different kinds of

rewards typical for business organizations (e.g., bonuses or
pay raises, short-term and long-term rewards)

How does the brain calculate the risks involved in unethical

behavior in organizations (e.g., job loss, loss of status, etc.)?
Leadership How does the brain process the cognitive and emotional
challenges of ethical leadership?

How do the brains of leaders and followers process issues of

the leader-follower relationship? How does leaders’ ethical
role modelling relate to followers’ brains’ activities?

What can brain activity tell us about responsible leadership?

What are the neural correlates of social value orientations?
Teaching business ethics Does a course in business ethics alter brain activity as
students engage in ethical decision making? If so, how?


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