Ethics and Religion

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Ethics and Religion: An Empirical Test of a Multidimensional Model

Article in Journal of Business Ethics · February 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s10551-007-9439-8 · Source: RePEc


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3 authors, including:

K. Praveen Parboteeah John B. Cullen

University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Washington State University


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Journal of Business Ethics (2008) 80:387–398 Ó Springer 2007
DOI 10.1007/s10551-007-9439-8

Ethics and Religion: An Empirical K. Praveen Parboteeah

Test of a Multidimensional Model Martin Hoegl
John B. Cullen

ABSTRACT. Although it seems that ethics and religion Introduction

should be related, past research suggests mixed conclu-
sions on the relationship. We argue that such mixed The link between religion and ethics seems obvious
results are mostly due to methodological and conceptual (Tittle and Wlech, 1983; Weaver and Agle, 2002).
limitations. We develop hypotheses linking Cornwall Religions, through the values they embody, often
et al.Õs (1986, Review of Religious Research, 27(3): 266–244)
build the basis for what is considered right and
religious components to individualsÕ willingness to justify
ethically suspect behaviors. Using data on 63,087 indi-
wrong (Turner, 1997). Religion produces both
viduals from 44 countries, we find support for three formal and informal norms and provides people with
hypotheses: the cognitive, one affective, and the behav- a freedom/constraint duality by prescribing behav-
ioral component of religion are negatively related to iors within some acceptable boundaries (Fararo and
ethics. Surprisingly, one aspect of the cognitive compo- Skvoretz, 1986). Such norms, values, and beliefs are
nent (i.e., belief in religion) shows no relationship. often codified into a religious code such as the Bible
Implications for research and practice are discussed. or the Koran. In Christian religions, for instance, the
Ten Commandments provide a broad basis of cod-
KEY WORDS: religion, ethics, cross-national study ified ethical rules that believing Christians must

K. Praveen Parboteeah (Ph.D. Washington State University) is Academy of Management Journal, Organization Sci-
an Associate Professor of International Management in the ence, the Journal of Management, Decision Sciences,
Department of Management, University of Wisconsin - and others.
Whitewater. ParboteeahÕs research interests include interna- John B. Cullen is Professor of Management at Washington State
tional management, ethics, religion and technology and University. He has also served on the faculties of the Uni-
innovation management. He has published articles in versity of Nebraska, the University of Rhode Island, Waseda
numerous academic journals including Academy of Man- and Keio Universities in Japan (as a Fulbright lecturer), and
agement Journal, Organization Science, Decision Sci- the Catholic University of Lille in France. Professor Cullen is
ences, Small Group Research, Journal of Business the past president of the Western Academy of Management.
Ethics, Journal of World Business, Management In- Professor Cullen is the author or co-author of four books and
ternational Review, International Journal of Human over 60 journal articles. His publications have appeared in
Resource Management, R&D Management and journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly,
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Inter-
Martin Hoegl (Ph.D. University of Karlsruhe, Germany) is national Business Studies, Journal of Management,
Professor at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Organizational Studies, Management International
where he holds the Chair of Leadership and Human Resource Review, Journal of Vocational Behavior, American
Management. Before joining WHU, he served on the faculties Journal of Sociology, Organizational Dynamics, and the
of Washington State University and Bocconi University Journal of World Business. He currently serves on the
(Milan, Italy). His research interests include leadership and editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organi-
collaboration in organizations, management of R&D per- zational Studies and has served on the editorial boards of the
sonnel, knowledge creation in innovation processes, and the Academy of Management Journal and Advances in
management of geographically dispersed collaboration. He has International Comparative Management Journal.
published in leading international journals, including the
388 K. Praveen Parboteeah et al.

follow in order to actualize what they believe in view of religion clearly shows that ‘‘religion seems
(e.g., salvation). In turn, through daily exposure to far too complex an arena of human behavior - as
norms, customs, laws, scripts, and practices, reli- diverse and heterogeneous as human behavior - not
gions impart societal members with values and to include many different and unrelated types of
produce expectational bonds or ‘‘reciprocal expec- variables’’ (Dittes, 1969: 618). Therefore, it seems
tations of predictability’’ (Field, 1979) that eventu- important to consider more multidimensional mea-
ally become taken for granted. Such values often sures of religiosity to get a richer understanding of
provide guides for what are considered ethical the relationship between ethics and religiosity.
behaviors for most of the worldÕs religions (Fisher, Second, even those studies that have considered
2001). Furthermore, in societies where one or few multiple dimensions have done so without regard
religions are dominant, the overarching core values for conceptual support for the choice of their
of these religions are likely to be mirrored in secular dimensions (e.g., Agle and Van Buren, 1999). In
values of society (codified law or non-codified addition, some studies have even included numer-
social norms), which regulate everyday activity and ous dimensions and chosen those dimensions
ethical behavior. that fit their results (e.g., Conroy and Emerson,
However, despite the above conceptual tie 2004). We believe that it is crucial to consider
between religions and ethics, research has provided theoretical models that guide the choice of
mixed conclusions on the relationship (Tittle and dimensions.
Welch, 1983; Weaver and Agle, 2002). For instance, Third, most studies have considered only one
some studies have found no difference between religion (e.g., Angelidis and Ibrahim, 2004; Conroy
religious and non-religious individuals on unethical and Emerson, 2004). Given the similarities of what is
behaviors such as dishonesty and cheating (e.g., considered ethical behavior by the major world
Hood et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1975), while a religions (Fisher, 2001), we suggest considering
negative relationship was found between use of cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of
illegal substances and individual religiousness religiosity (rather than specific religious denomina-
(Khavari and Harmon, 1982). The results are no tions) as predictors of ethics.
more definitive for studies linking religions to Fourth, Weaver and Agle (2002) argue that many
business ethics. For instance, Kidwell et al. (1987) of the ethical measures have been attitudinal and
found no relationship between religiosity and ethical may thus suffer from social desirability biases. It is
judgments of managers while Agle and Van Buren therefore important to consider measures that do not
(1999) found a small positive relationship between elicit socially desirable responses.
religious beliefs and corporate social responsibility. Finally, many studies have emphasized narrow,
Furthermore, even studies linking marketing ethics and for this subject matter, peculiar samples of
with religiousness have found insignificant results undergraduate and MBA students (e.g., Angelidis
(Vitell and Paolillo, 2003), whereby religiosity was and Ibrahim, 2004; Conroy and Emerson, 2004;
found unrelated to consumer ethics. Taken together, Kidwell et al., 1987). Thus, in addition to issues of
the above supports Hood et al.Õs (1996: 341) view of generalizability to wider populations, Tittle and
research between religion and ethics as ‘‘something Welch (1983) have also warned that student samples
of a roller coaster ride’’ and the difficulty to reach should be viewed with skepticism given the role of
definitive conclusions about the relationship religion at such ages. Research is needed using more
(Weaver and Agle, 2002). comprehensive samples that target representative
We, however, believe that the mixed results populations in terms of age and culture.
are mostly due to the following conceptual and Given the above, we investigate the relationships
methodological issues. First, most studies tend to between multiple dimensions of religion and ethics.
consider only unidimensional conceptualizations We use data from the World Values Survey (WVS)
of religion, such as church attendance or reli- (2000) to examine how specific dimensions of
gious affiliations (e.g., Agle and Van Buren, 1999; religion (Weaver and Agle, 2002) are related to
Schwartz and Huisman, 1995). However, De Jong ethics and thus incorporate multiple religious
et al.Õs (1976) empirical test of the multidimensional denominations and multiple facets of the religious
Ethics and Religion 389

experience. We use Cornwall et al.Õs (1986) con- variants of cognitive (knowing), affective (feelings),
ceptual model of religiosity to guide us in the and behavioral (doing) components (Cornwall et al.,
selection of religion dimensions. Furthermore, to 1986). As such, we use Cornwall et al.Õs (1986)
examine ethics, we use an accepted measure in the conceptual framework, consider manifestations of
literature, namely the justification of ethically sus- each of the above components, and discuss the likely
pect behaviors (Cullen et al., 2004; Parboteeah link with justifications of ethically suspect behaviors.
et al., 2005). Unlike typical measures of ethical
behavior such as asking respondents if they have
received ÔkickbacksÕ or engaged in unethical Cognitive component
behaviors, justification of ethically suspect behaviors
asks respondents to which degree they would be The cognitive component refers to the ÔknowledgeÕ
willing to justify behaviors (e.g., bribing, cheating on dimension of religion (De Jong et al., 1976) and
your taxes) that are generally considered unethical. tends to be one of the most frequently measured
As such, respondents are less likely to provide so- dimensions (Cornwall et al., 1986). Often, this
cially desirable responses, as they are not asked dimension is manifested through personal or private
whether they have engaged in such behaviors, but religious beliefs that reflect the existence of the
whether they consider such behaviors as justifiable. divine (Cornwall et al., 1986), such as for example,
Finally, this study incorporates large-scale cross- the belief that God exists or the belief that there is
national data from 63,087 respondents from 44 life after death. As empirically verified by Faulkner
countries. and De Jong (1966), this dimension reflects the
ideological aspect of religion as reflected in expec-
tations regarding religious beliefs (e.g., belief in the
Hypotheses importance of God) (Weaver and Agle, 2002). Past
studies of ethical issues show that some have con-
Our dependent variable of interest is an individualÕs sidered religious beliefs as prime indicators of reli-
willingness to justify ethically suspect behaviors, giosity (Angelidis and Ibrahim, 2004).
such as cheating on taxes or accepting bribes Most religions and the consequent religious
(Cullen et al., 2004). Our focus is primarily on beliefs incorporate strong teachings about appropri-
RestÕs (1986) third stage (intention or justification ate ethical behaviors (Tittle and Welch, 1983;
of the ethically suspect behavior) in the moral Weaver and Agle, 2002). For instance, the Ten
reasoning process that leads to unethical behaviors. Commandments provide guidelines about what is
Although willingness to justify ethically suspect considered unethical. Additionally, classical writings
behaviors is not the same as committing the ethi- of Hinduism also spell out clear ethical values, such
cally suspect behavior, it may nevertheless be as respect for oneÕs parents (Ludwig, 2001). Simi-
viewed as an endorsement or acceptance of the larly, Islam has clear rules and ways that prescribe the
behavior (Szwajkowski, 1992). proper pious life (Sadeq, 2002). Ali et al. (2000) go
While research has tended to consider only uni- even further and suggest that the worldÕs major
dimensional aspects of religion, often through mea- monotheistic (belief in one and all powerful God) all
sures such as church attendance (Parboteeah et al., contain moral tenets that provide similar moral
2004), most researchers agree that religion ‘‘cannot guidance. Additionally, Buddhism also prescribes
be conceived as a single, all-encompassing phenom- that the good life is an ethical life based on the basic
enon’’ (De Jong et al., 1976). Research suggests that tenet of coexistence of humans and nature and,
religions can manifest themselves through numerous ultimately, compassion (Dalai Lama, 1974)
dimensions such as religious belief, religious experi- Given the above, we argue that religious beliefs
ences, religious practices, and religious knowledge are negatively related to justifications of unethical
(Cornwall et al. 1986; De Jong et al., 1976). behaviors. Strong beliefs in religion suggest that
However, although previous studies have people have a foundation for a moral life built on
revealed a number of different religious dimensions, religion (Vitell and Paolillo, 2003). Because strong
most studies suggest that these dimensions are religious beliefs imply clear religious teachings
390 K. Praveen Parboteeah et al.

discouraging ethically suspect behaviors, it is un- religious feelings should discourage deviant behaviors
likely that those with religious beliefs will justify (and unethical behaviors) as it would require strong
unethical behavior. They are more likely to use believers to confront behaviors potentially conflict-
those religious principles as guides to discourage and ing with their ideals. Such thoughts may evoke dis-
condone others engaging in unethical behaviors. comforting cognitive dissonance feelings. As such,
Furthermore, Conroy and Emerson (2004) also ar- people with high religious feelings and commitment
gue that believers in God are less likely to act seem less likely to condone ethically suspect behav-
unethically because of the fear of being caught by an iors (as so judged by the religion they are spiritually
omniscient God and being punished. In such cases, committed to). Hence, the more they are spiritually
people may take a more utilitarian approach committed, the more likely unethical behaviors are
whereby they assess the costs of engaging or sup- inconsistent with their own belief systems. As such,
porting in unethical behaviors against rewards of we propose:
discouraging or not engaging in such behaviors.
Those with strong beliefs are more likely to feel that Hypothesis 2 The affective component of religion
they have a cost because such costs may come from is negatively related to justification of ethically
internalized values or sanctions from others in their suspect behaviors.
religious community.
Behavioral component
Hypothesis 1 The cognitive component of religion
is negatively related to justifications of ethically The behavioral component refers to the ÔdoingÕ
suspect behaviors. manifestations of being religious. Most people act on
their religious values through participation in church
Affective component activities, praying in private, and even making
financial contributions to their church (De Jong
The affective component ‘‘encompasses feelings et al., 1976). Religious practice is typically seen as an
toward religious beings, objects, or institutions’’ indicator of how much value individuals place on
(Cornwall et al., 1986: 227) and reflects the degree religion. The more people value religions, the more
to which people are committed to God and religion. likely they are to ÔconsumeÕ religion (Myers, 2000)
This component refers to the emotional attachment and thus be involved in church attendance and other
or spiritual commitment people feel towards reli- forms of public consumption.
gion. In its private form, the affective component The behavioral component is likely one of the most
refers to the subjective mode of religion and is frequently studied dimensions of religiosity (Cornwall
reflected in the degree to which people are com- et al., 1986) and some have even argued that the
mitted to God or some deity (Cornwall et al., 1986). behavioral measure is one of the best indicators of the
In its institutional form, the affective component is degree of religiosity of individuals (Parboteeah et al.,
manifested through peopleÕs commitment towards 2004). Unlike other attitudinal measures, the religious
their religion or religious organization. practice requires respondents to think about the
As such, extant research sees spiritual commitment frequency of activity and thought regarding religion
as an important mechanism for maintaining religious and thus provides a more accurate description of
identity as it reflects the degree to which people feel religion in oneÕs life (Smith et al., 1999).
attached to God or religion. Similar to our arguments Similar to other dimensions of religion, the
regarding the cognitive component, we also expect behavioral component should also be negatively
spiritual commitment to relate negatively to related to justifications of unethical behavior. Those
justifications of unethical behavior. Given that most who participate in church or other religious insti-
religions and religious groups tend to emphasize and tutions and pray are more likely to be exposed to
promote moral behaviors (Tittle and Welch, 1983), it religious teachings and ideals that condemn unethi-
follows that if people are emotionally attached, they cal practices and behavior (Weaver and Agle, 2002).
are more likely to have internalized values consistent As such, we expect that frequent exposure to rituals
with promotion of ethical behaviors. Such strong and practices reinforce particular religious beliefs and
Ethics and Religion 391

knowledge discouraging engagement in unethical Sample

behaviors. By being involved with others with The universe for the survey included adults 18 and
similar beliefs, the behavioral component, ‘‘provides over in 44 countries. Both national random and
a stake in conformity as well as restraint through a quota sampling were used. All surveys to collect our
network of time, place, and behavioral obligations’’ measures were conducted with face-to-face inter-
(Tittle and Welch, 1983: 657). As such, it seems less views. Surveys in Western countries were carried
likely that those who exhibit strong behavioral out by professional survey organizations, while sur-
components support justifications of unethical veys in Eastern European countries were conducted
behaviors. by their respective national academies of science or
In addition to the above, participation in university-based institutes.
church activities is a mechanism by which indi- Consistent with procedures recommended by
viduals become connected to other individuals Singh (1995) for establishing measure equivalence
through a highly valued social network (Myers, across countries, we computed the reliability of our
2000). Such social networks allow members of the dependent variable separately for each country. We
network to get social support and to report better included in the study only those countries that had
social relationships (Bradley, 1995). However, a reliabilities of over 0.60 for the justifications of
consequence of the network is that members have ethically suspect behaviors. Although we would
strong ties and share ideological, ethical, and moral have liked reliabilities of 0.70 and above, given the
values and beliefs (Berger, 1969). As such, we richness and depth of the available data and a total
expect that frequent participation in religious ser- sample reliability of 0.70, a reliability criterion of
vices will reinforce ethical teachings as attendants 0.60 is acceptable (Bagozzi, 1994; Cohen et al.
interact with others with similar ethical values. 2003). Data for the study included 63,087 individ-
Furthermore, people who participate regularly in uals from 44 countries. Table I lists the countries
religious practice value the benefits (e.g., friend- studied, respective sample size and the reliability of
ship, social support, etc.) associated with such our dependent variable.
activities. As such, they are wary of expulsion
from the network (Ellison, 1995) and are less Dependent variable
likely to justify ethically suspect behaviors, because Similar to Cullen et al. (2004) and Parboteeah et al.
actions are likely to be viewed negatively by other (2005), justification of ethically suspect behaviors
members of the network. was measured by asking respondents the extent to
which they thought that certain unethical behaviors
Hypothesis 3 The behavioral component of reli- were justified (on a 1–10 scale). The unethical
giosity is negatively related to justifications of behaviors were reflected in four items pertaining to
ethically suspect behaviors. such behaviors as ‘‘Claiming government benefits
which you are not entitled to,’’ ‘‘Avoiding a fare on
public transport,’’ ‘‘Cheating on taxes if you have
Methods the chance,’’ and ‘‘Someone accepting a bribe.’’
Consistent with accepted procedures, we con-
Sample and data sources structed a measure of individual unethical behavior
by averaging the items.
The data for the present study came from the To establish a measure of individualsÕ justification
World Values Survey (WVS) (World Values of unethical behaviors independent of possible
Study Group, 2000), available through the Inter- dependency on country differences, we regressed
University Consortium for Political and Social country (as dummy variables) on all items and saved
Research. The WVS is a large-scale effort to collect the standardized residuals for further analyses. This
data around the world on a large variety of topics. ÔpartiallingÕ procedure is accepted as a way to remove
The researchers are also tracking how values and group effects (Cohen et al., 2003). We used the
attitudes are changing in over 60 countries around standardized residuals from this procedure (‘‘puri-
the world. fied’’ from country-effects) as input for the
392 K. Praveen Parboteeah et al.

TABLE I subsequent analyses including all individual-level

Countries, Sample Size, and Reliability responses.

Country Sample size Reliability Religion dimensions

To construct the various dimensions for our study,
1. Albania 960 0.79 we used data available from the WVS. We con-
2. Azerbaijan 1,704 0.60 structed measures based on two important consid-
3. Australia 2,027 0.71 erations. First, and most importantly, we relied on
4. Austria 1,471 0.68
previous research to select items from the World
5. Armenia 1,873 0.72
Values Survey (2000) to measure the various religion
6. Bosnia 1,192 0.69
7. Belarus 830 0.69 dimensions. Second, we chose items that also con-
8. Canada 1,898 0.78 tributed to the reliability of each measure.
9. Chile 1,133 0.70 For the cognitive component, consistent with De
10. Taiwan 755 0.65 Jong et al. (1976) and Kelley and De Graaf (1997),
11. Colombia 2,989 0.61 we derived two manifestations. This classification
12. Croatia 983 0.69 reflects CornwallÕs et al. (1986) assertions that the
13. Czech Republic 1,852 0.72 cognitive aspect of religion can involve both a private
14. Finland 1,012 0.67 and public mode. As such, for the cognitive com-
15. France 1,540 0.67 ponent, we constructed a private mode (belief in
16. Georgia 1,943 0.76 religion) and public mode (belief in church author-
17. Germany 1,962 0.81
ities). We measured the belief in religion dimension by
18. India 1,809 0.90
asking respondents the degree to which they believed
19. Italy 1,933 0.63
20. Japan 1,256 0.79 in (1) an after-life, (2) in hell, and (3) heaven. These
21. Lithuania 917 0.68 dummy variables (1 – yes, 0 – no) were then com-
22. Luxembourg 1,100 0.61 bined to form the religious belief dimension. We
23. Macedonia 944 0.65 note that, although not all religions may view these
23. Mexico 1,248 0.60 issues similarly, there is nevertheless some agreement
24. Moldova 826 0.81 that they all recognize such concepts as hell or heaven
25. Montenegro 947 0.78 (Barro and McCleary, 2003). Reliability (CronbachÕs
26. Morocco 2,086 0.60 alpha) for this measure is 0.85.
27. New Zealand 1,120 0.78 For the dimension of belief in church authorities, we
28. Nigeria 2,022 0.80 relied on Cornwall et al. (1986) and constructed a
29. Peru 1,426 0.60
measure based on responses to four questions per-
30. Philippines 1,167 0.76
taining to beliefs in church authorities. Respondents
31. Puerto Rico 682 0.69
32. Russian Federation 2,226 0.62 were asked whether they believed that the church
33. Serbia 1,095 0.73 authorities were providing adequate answers to ‘‘The
34. Singapore 1,502 0.80 moral problems and needs of the individual,’’ ‘‘The
35. South Africa 2,882 0.78 problems of family life,’’ ‘‘PeopleÕs spiritual needs,’’
36. Spain 1,154 0.77 and ‘‘The social problems facing our countries.’’
37. Switzerland 1,159 0.64 These dummy variables (Yes = 1 and No = 0) were
38. Tanzania 1,129 0.61 combined to form a belief in church authorities
39. Uganda 995 0.80 measure. Reliability for this measure is 0.84.
40. Ukraine 1,024 0.73 Consistent with previous research (Cornwall
41. United Kingdom 970 0.71 et al., 1986; De Jong et al., 1976), the affective
42. U.S.A. 1,195 0.74
component was measured with two items reflective
43. Uruguay 966 0.69
of the degree of feeling towards religion. The items
44. Venezuela 1,183 0.67
include measures asking respondents: (1) the degree
Ethics and Religion 393

Correlations and Descriptive Statistics

Variables Mean S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Age 41.08 16.29

2. Education 4.48 2.26 )0.19
3. Income 4.52 2.49 )0.10 0.32
4. Gender 0.48 0.50 )0.02 0.06 0.06
5. Justifications of ethically suspect behaviors 2.31 1.66 )0.16 0.01 )0.001 0.05
6. Cognitive component: belief in religion 0.02 1.32 0.05 0.08 0.05 )0.03 )0.01
7. Cognitive component: Belief in church authorities 0.56 0.40 )0.02 )0.10 )0.05 )0.07 )0.07 0.08
8. Affective component 0.08 0.63 )0.03 )0.09 )0.04 )0.10 )0.09 0.15 0.54
9. Behavioral component 0.002 0.90 0.04 )0.07 )0.03 )0.13 )0.09 0.19 0.49 0.62

For correlations greater than or equal to 0.04, p < 0.05; for correlations greater than or equal to 0.06, p < 0.01
N = 63,087

to which God was important in their lives on a Table II shows a matrix of correlations and sample
10-point scale (1 – not at all to 10 – very important), statistics of variables used in this study.
and (2) the importance of religion in their life (four
point scale). These two items reflect the degree of
affect individuals feel towards religion. Reliability Analyses
for this measure is 0.77.
Finally, for the behavioral component, consistent Linear regression
with previous research (Myers, 2000; Parboteeah We used linear regression to test our hypotheses. All
et al., 2004), we used items that reflected behaviors variables were entered in an equation regressing
supporting religion. Specifically, Cornwall et al. justifications of ethically suspect behaviors on the
(1986) suggests that the behavioral dimension reflects control and independent variables. Multicollinearity
the ‘‘acting out’’ aspect of religion of which praying statistics do not indicate distortions of results due to
and church attendance is prominent. We therefore correlation among independent variables. Variance
constructed a measure based on two items. Respon- inflation factors for all parameter estimates were less
dents were asked the frequency with which they at- than 10, indicating that multicollinearity is not a
tended religious services (8-point scale from ÔneverÕ to problematic issue (Studenmund, 1992).
Ômore than once a weekÕ). Respondents were also
asked the degree to which they prayed to God outside
of religious services on a 7-point scale ranging from Results
ÔneverÕ to Ôeveryday.Õ We used the average of the
standardized scores to construct our behavioral mea- Table III shows the results of the regression analysis,
sure. Reliability for this measure is 0.77. providing partial support for one hypothesis while
fully supporting two others. Specifically, the model
Control variables shows belief in church authority (Hypothesis 1),
The extant literature shows that individual charac- religiosityÕs affective component (Hypothesis 2), and
teristics also play a role in determining justifications the behavioral component (Hypothesis 3) are nega-
of unethical behaviors. To control for such effects, tively related to individualsÕ willingness to justify
we used a number of variables provided in the ori- unethical behaviors. However, our analysis finds no
ginal data set (World Values Survey, 2000). They support for our prediction regarding belief in reli-
included (1) age (measured in years), (2) gender (0: gion (cognitive component) as this variable was not
female, 1: male), (3) education (years of education), related to individualsÕ willingness to justify unethical
and (4) income. behaviors.
394 K. Praveen Parboteeah et al.

TABLE III not equal to committing such behaviors (Cullen

Regression Results et al., 2004). Rather, this is merely one of a series of
steps that may eventually lead to unethical behavior
Variables (Rest, 1986).
Control variables

Age )0.18***
Discussion of findings
Education )0.04***
Gender 0.04***
Income )0.02*** Three of four measures of religion considered in
our empirical analysis show the expected negative
Religiosity components relationship with individualsÕ willingness to justify
Cognitive component: 0.00
unethical behaviors. The degree to which people
belief in religion
believe in church authorities (cognitive component)
Cognitive component: belief in )0.03***
church authorities and their emotional attachment to religious beings,
Affective component: spiritual )0.14*** objects, or institutions (affective component) are
commitment related to individualsÕ being less likely to justify
Behavioral component: )0.04*** unethical behaviors such as cheating on taxes or
religious practice using public transport without paying. On a general
level, these findings support numerous claims of
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
scholars highlighting the values-setting and norma-
R2 = 0.043; Adjusted R2 = 0.043
tive effect of religions in societies (Field, 1979;
Fararo and Skovoretz, 1986; Fisher, 2001). This
Moreover, all four individual level control vari-
general argument is well established, claiming that as
ables appear significantly related to individualsÕ
religions are important in the shaping of societal
willingness to justify unethical behaviors: Consistent
values and norms, individuals identifying with such
with prior research, individualsÕ age (Harris, 1990;
religions are more likely to live by these values and
Parboteeah et al., 2005), education, and income are
adhere to these norms.
negatively related to their willingness to justify
Results also provide support for our predictions
unethical behaviors (Parboteeah et al., 2005).
regarding the behavioral aspect of religion. Specifi-
Moreover, men, more than women, are inclined to
cally, attendance of religious services and praying is
justify unethical behaviors (Husted, 2000).
negatively related to justifications of ethically suspect
behaviors. As we argued earlier, this suggests that the
presence at church reinforces religious teachings
Discussion while also placing conformity pressures on individ-
uals. The act of praying is also a form of reinforce-
The objective of this paper is to provide a more fine- ment. It therefore follows that the behavioral
grained conceptual and empirical analysis of the component should be related to lower justification
linkages between religion and ethics. First, we fol- of ethically suspect behaviors.
low De Jong et al.Õs (1976) multidimensional view of Contrary to our hypotheses, belief in religion is not
religion, distinguishing between four dimensions. related to individualsÕ justification of ethically suspect
Second, we relate these variables to individualsÕ behaviors. Although surprising, there seems to be one
willingness to justify unethical behaviors, rather than strong explanation for our findings for religious belief.
asking if they personally have committed such It is possible that although all religions share similar
behaviors. Using this as our dependent variable holds beliefs regarding what constitutes moral behavior,
important implications, as individualsÕ willingness to there will be differences in the intensity and nature of
justify ethically suspect behaviors can be viewed as such beliefs. For instance, Weaver and Agle (2002)
an endorsement or acceptance of such behaviors suggest that some forms of Christianity tend to
(Szwajkowski, 1992). It is important to note, how- emphasize forgiveness to such a degree that ethical
ever, that willingness to justify unethical behaviors is behavior becomes less crucial to the religion. In
Ethics and Religion 395

contrast, other forms of Christianity places much theoretically guided understanding of the relation-
stronger emphasis on ethical behavior. Additionally, ship between religion and ethics, thus answering
Butterfield et al. (2000) also discuss the role of lan- Weaver and AgleÕs (2002: 80) lament that ‘‘much of
guage or categorizing in terms of how individuals the research examining relationships between reli-
interpret situations. As such, it also seems possible that giosity and behavior have been relatively atheoreti-
the different religions will have different interpreta- cal, being focused primarily on specific empirical
tions of the dependent variables. For example, some of phenomena.’’ Given that most previous research has
the behaviors perceived as unethical by some religions focused individually on specific dimensions, this
(someone accepting a bribe) may be seen as a normal study provides a more comprehensive analysis.
way to doing business by others. Although it is Third, by considering the dimensions of religions
problematic to explain non-significant findings, we representing the majority of people around the
surmise that the above thoughts may provide some world (Protestant, Roman Catholics, Buddhism,
avenues for further inquiry. Hinduism, Islam), we provide insights into religions
that are practiced by over 70% of the worldÕs pop-
ulation (Cullen and Parboteeah, 2005). Fourth, by
Theoretical implications considering multiple dimensions of religion, we
examine whether these various dimensions are sim-
Given the above findings, our study makes some ilarly related to ethics. This can provide for a more
significant contributions to the study of the rela- fine-grained understanding of the relationship
tionship between ethics and religion. Most impor- between the two and explain some of the inconsis-
tantly, we provide detailed and broad-based tent results found in the literature (Weaver and Agle,
evidence that religiosity is related to justifications of 2002). Finally, by using a theoretical approach
unethical behavior. Using data from over 44 guiding our selection of religion dimensions, we
countries, we show that one of the key compo- hope that future researchers will also incorporate a
nents of religion has the hypothesized effect on more theoretical approach to their consideration of
justifications of ethical behavior. Although we did religion. Furthermore, given the increased and sus-
not make an explicit comparison of the various tained importance of religion around the world
components, a look at Table III shows that the (Iannacconne, 1998), our study provides a possible
affective component is most likely the best indi- approach to examining the link between religion
cator of religiosity (with regards to ethics) among and other key work outcomes.
the various components. Our operationalization
includes items such as importance of God in oneÕs
life and importance of religion in oneÕs life etc. As Limitations and outlook
such, the affective component reflects the emo-
tional reaction people have with respect to religion. We hope that this investigation spurs future research
Given that the affective component had the to examine other key questions in the religion and
strongest negative relationship with justification of ethics debate. First, we note that we were limited to
ethically suspect behaviors, our findings provide the measures provided by the World Values Survey
definite support for the purported link between (2000). For instance, our measure for justification of
religion and ethics. ethically suspect behavior contains only four items
Our study thus contributes to the study of ethics and only one of those items is directly relevant to
and religiosity in different ways. First, the issue of business ethics. However, we hope that future
ethics continues to be of prime interest to both research will examine actual prevalence of unethical
practitioners and academicians (Cullen et al., 2004). behaviors and more business ethics related issues
By linking religion and ethics, we provide a more rather than other stages of the moral reasoning
refined understanding of determinants of unethical process (Rest, 1986). Specifically, it would be
behaviors. Second, by considering multiple dimen- interesting to examine whether the relationship be-
sions of religion through a conceptual model tween our religious dimensions hold with all of the
(Cornwall et al., 1986), we provide for a more four stages of RestÕs (1986) model. This could
396 K. Praveen Parboteeah et al.

potentially explain some of the counterintuitive Acknowledgment

findings in the literature. Similarly, it might be very
interesting to investigate religiosityÕs effects on other We thank the Inter-University Consortium for Political
domains of ethical decision making such as work and Social Research (ICPSR) for making a significant
ethics and marketing ethics. portion of the date used in this study.
Second, we examined only certain religiosity
dimensions as we were constrained by what was
available from the World Values Survey (2000). References
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