Speech Choir Rubric
Speech Choir Rubric
Speech Choir Rubric
Category 4 3 2 1 Points
Excellent Satisfactory Fair Poor
Interpretation Excellent Satisfactory Fair Poor
(25 points) presentation and interpretation and interpretation and interpretation and
effective good sustainable not sustainable
presentation of presentation of presentation of presentation of
the theme the theme. the theme. the theme.
Diction and Vocal Excellent Satisfactory Fair diction and Poor diction and
Expression diction and diction and good satisfactory use limited use of
(35 points) impressive use use of vocal of vocal vocal expression.
of vocal expression. expression.
Stage Presence and Impressive Good variety use Fair variety use Limited variety
Oneness/Precision of variety use of of movements, of movements, use of
Movements movements, emotions, and emotions and movements,
(20 points) emotions, and unity in unity in emotions, and
unity in competent way. acceptable way. unity in
exemplary way. developing way.
Props and Costumes Use and choice Use and choice Use and choice Use and choice
(20 points) of props and of props and of props and of props and
costumes is costumes is good costumes is costumes is
effective that that attracts the sustainable and limited and does
enhances and audience. satisfies the not satisfy the
attracts the audience. audience