Travel Brochure Rubric

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Travel Brochure Rubric

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Attention Grabber

Organization Content Accuracy & Completeness

The brochure has a strong hook or attention grabber that is appropriate for the audience. This could be a The brochure has a hook strong statement, a or attention grabber, but it relevant quotation, is weak, rambling or statistic, or question inappropriate for the addressed to the reader. audience. The brochure has The brochure has excellent appropriate formatting formatting and very well and well organized organized information. information. All of the facts are Most of the facts are accurate. accurate.



The brochure is not interesting AND is not relevant to the topic. The brochure's format and The brochure has some organization of material organized information are confusing to the with random formatting. reader. Some of the facts None of the facts are accurate. accurate. The brochure The brochure The brochure communicates irrelevant communicates irrelevant communicates relevant The brochure information, or information, and information appropriately communicates relevant communicates communicates and effectively to the information appropriately inappropriately to the inappropriately to the intended audience. to the intended audience. intended audience. intended audience. The graphics go well with The graphics go well with The graphics do not go the text, and there is a the text, but there are so The graphics go well with with the accompanying good mix of text and many that they distract the text, but there are too text or appear to be graphics. from the text. few. randomly chosen. Eight or more of the Five or less of the requirements are included requirements are include in the brochure. in the brochure.

The brochure has an interesting introductory paragraph but the connection to the topic is not clear.


All requirements in the brochure are included.

Only 1 of the requirements is included.

Convincing Paragraphs


The brochure contains 2 paragraphs but they are The brochure contains 2 The brochure contains 1 not convincing and/or the paragraphs convincing paragraph convincing connections to the topic is The brochure does not tourists to visit Mexico. tourists to visit Mexico. not clear. include any paragraphs. Most of the writing is not Most of the writing is Some of the writing is done in complete All of the writing is done in done in complete done in complete sentences. Most of the complete sentences. sentences. Most of the sentences. Some of the capitalization and Capitalization and capitalization and capitalization and punctuation are not punctuation are correct punctuation are correct punctuation are correct correct throughout the throughout the brochure. throughout the brochure. throughout the brochure. brochure.

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