(Personal Development) : Course Outline Bba & Mba

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Course Outline
Personal Development
Course Description
● This course will cover some important soft skills and educate them the techniques through which our students will be able to
develop some of the most important soft skills in order to become a leader at every position and at any level of their
professional, personal and student life.

Course Goals
● For students who are already employed face problems on daily basis because they never realize the importance of soft skills.
Similarly fresh graduates complain that they perform well in the interview but never get success in that. Reason in both the
situations is same that is that organizations prefer to give employment or to promote those who have a very positive attitude,
emotionally intelligent, have team building skills and always ready to grab the opportunity to achieve the desired goals of
the team. Always ready to work for the company instead of achieving their personal goals. Always ready to work in any
environment any with people of different background.
● The goal of this course is to make our students aware of these great skills through which they could work in any
environment or with any kind of person.

Course Objectives
● The objective of this course is to make every student understand the importance of soft skills and what kind of soft skills are
required to be developed by the students to handle their everyday problems.
● Once our students are aware of the importance of different soft skills then through different techniques those skills will be
developed in the students to be an emotionally intelligent person and to become a leader instead of a manager.
● Development of soft skills in our students will enable them to stand out not only in the interview but also in their
professional live due to their unique skills and unprecedented behavior.

Week Topic SLOs

1. Understanding Personal development- self
awareness ● Explain the importance of continuous
● Understanding importance of personal Personal development
development. ● To enable them to explore themselves.
● Personal development in different areas of ● Perform SWOT analysis to identify own
life. strengths, weaknesses, Opportunity and
● Journey of self-awareness - SWOT threats.
analysis ● Understands the importance of well-
● Process of reality check balanced life.
● What / Why Self Disclosure? ● Demonstrate the capability of reality
- check for continuous development.
● Practice appropriate ways and limits of

2. Personal vision & personal development Plan

● Ways to give yourself an honest ● To specify academic / personal
reality check on life. development goals.
● What is personal development plan.
● To guide students how to match personal
● How to write personal development
vision with the skill.
● Why should I maintain Personal
Development Plan File?
Learning to think ● To be able to write reflection of every
● What is critical, intelligent and positive ● Enable to develop the habit of learning
thinking? new things.
● Benefits of critical, intelligent and ● To develop habit to think critically on
positive thinking. regular basis.
● Fallacies about critical & positive
● Inhibiting factors of rational thinking.

4. Self esteem & building self confidence ● To be able to solve problems confidently.
● Signs of low self esteem. ● To be able to boost up self-esteem to
● Techniques to improve self esteem. excel themselves in any field.
● Pillars of Self Esteem.
● Relation between self esteem and self
● Self Confidence building techniques.

5. Basic presentation skills ● To be able to present ideas effectively

● Misconceptions about presentation skills. ● To develop effective listening skills.
● Techniques of effective presentation.
● Characteristics of effective presenter.
● How to handle difficult questions.
● 1/6/6 rule and 10/20/30 rule.

6. listening skills ● To develop effective listening skills.

● Difference between hearing & listening
● What is not listening
● Types of listening

7. Self-discipline ● To be able to manage time effectively by

● Principles of self-discipline. setting priorities.
● Characteristics of self-disciplined people. ● To be able to differentiate between
● Time quadrant to become self-disciplined important and urgent through time
quadrant, so they can prioritize their
person / student.
daily, weekly and monthly activities.

8. Personal grooming, Etiquettes & Behavior ● To be able to open that door of success
● How to dress up in formal, informal through some changes in daily habits.
● How to dress up as a student?
● Why good etiquettes and good
● What / why good positive behavior?

9. Effective study habits ● To be able to understand that readers are

● Study habits of highly effective students. leaders.
● How to set study goals? ● To be able to find out more alternatives
● Time quadrants to become effective to solve their personal/professional
student. problems.
10. Stress management ● To be able to understand and effectively
● Who / what is stressor? cope with life stressors.
● How to handle stressor effectively?
● Stress Management Techniques.
● Benefits of Stress Management.

11. Conflict resolution ● To be able to solve problems to become

● What is conflict? an undesignated leader and to gain
● Advantages / disadvantages of conflicts. respect from the team members.
● Conflicts due to differences and attitude.
● My Way / Your Way / Our Way.

12. Emotional intelligence ● To be able to understand and control

● Why emotional intelligence is essential. emotions to become a wiser human being
● Techniques to be an emotionally and a successful leader.
intelligent personal.
● EQ vs IQ (which one is better?)
● Emotional Intelligence –leadership skill

13 Final project concluding feedbacks

14 Revision and exam queries

15 Final Exam

Marks Distribution

Marks Head Frequency Total Marks

Quizzes 4 20

1 05

Reflection of Webinar 2/3 05

Mini Project 01 10

Final project 01 20

Final Exam 01 40

Total Marks 100

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