Program Business Communication Audience Duration Category
Program Business Communication Audience Duration Category
Program Business Communication Audience Duration Category
Business Communication Open to all verticals , Employees- G 30/40/50 1 day ( 9.5 Hours) Knowledge-Skill-Attitude The program is based on the concept that effective Business communication skills are the key. Business Communication skills program takes a view of the core elements of impression management, Non- verbal communication, Vocal mastery & Cross cultural sensitization that make them effective and efficient relationship at work. At the completion of this Program, Participants will be able to Create a good first Impression Learn to introduce and greet Power Dressing Meeting Etiquette Office Etiquette Email Writing Skills Image Management Wardrobe /Dressing Etiquette Office Etiquette Business Writing Skills
Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style. - Jonathan Swift
Creative Problem Solving Open to all verticals , Employees- G 30/40/50 1 day ( 6 Hours) Knowledge-Skill- Attitude Creative Problem Solving Process can help one tap into their creative potential. Better yet, with a process like the Creative Problem Solving, one can harness and leverage the collective brain power of multiple people in a coordinated way. At the completion of this Program, Participants will be able to Understand creative techniques for problem solving Be creative in solving problems Develop alternative ways to solve problems What is Creativity & problem solving The process of problem solving Identify alternative creative ways to solve problems Case studies
Every problem or difficulty you face contains the seed of an equal or greater advantage or benefit.Napoleon Hill
Stress Management Open/All day Knowledge-Skill The program will showcase the things that cause you stress. It will find out the stress levels you prefer and to know how effectively you operate under pressure. Overall this will reflect how effective your stress control strategies are thus enabling you to live a sparkling life. At the completion of this Program, participants will be able to Understand the current state of research into stress The fundamental principles behind stress management Identify the most common sources of stress Old and new tools that help them handle unique situations and help them adapt to these
Creating awareness on stress and types Stress Re-Leaf Principles and Body Mapping Stress and Stressors Jekyll and Hyde concept and behavior types Various Stress Zones and its impact Different Stress Management Techniques Treatment Regime LADDER to handle problems assertively Quick Tips for Stress Management
The mind is a strange creature in the regards: the things you want it to remember it forgets; but all those things you want to forget it remembers.
Assertive Skills Open to all verticals , Employees- G 30/40 1/2 day ( 4.5 Hours) Knowledge-Skill- Attitude Assertiveness and self confidence are crucial. Great leaders are most assuredly confident and dedicated without being aggressive and rude. You will learn how to present your ideas
and opinions in ways that enable you to feel heard and respected. You will gain an understanding of the difference between assertiveness and aggression and develop your personal communication style. At the completion of this Program, participants will be able to Understand the importance of being Assertive and selfconfident Recognizing your own behavioral style -passive, aggressive, indirect or assertive? Develop techniques to confidently express opinions & needs Learn to say no without being rude Discover strategies for dealing with difficult behaviors in other people
Self Awareness Behavior styles Interpersonal Techniques How to say Service No The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives - Anthony Robbins Basic Leadership Skills Open to all verticals , Employees- G 30/40/50 day (4.5 Hours) Knowledge Skill Attitude This program will enable participants to promote their leadership styles, effective decision making, managing change, negotiation skills & staying motivated. At the completion of this Program, Participants will be able to Understand situational leadership Know their leadership styles & map them Discover the creativity & innovation Know the decision making model Change Management Feedback Mechanism Leadership Abilities Leadership survey & knowing the Leadership style Values- Foundation of ethics Envisioning Change management-Flexibility Giving Feedback - Create & Lead the team
Summary Objectives
Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see farther-J. P. Morgan Team Management G30-40/All day Knowledge An overview of four of the key skills required for leading a team Understanding the concept of team management Understanding your leadership style Visioning: Setting goals Developing others: coaching & feedback Defining a leaders role in people management Identifying leadership style Goal setting Feedback and coaching Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says Go! - a leader says Let's go!- E.M. Kelly