Project Calculation
Project Calculation
Project Calculation
Torque in Gear 3 ¿ T 32=6.63× =26 .21 Nm
This torque is applied on the intermediate shaft between the gears 3 and 4.
The same force is applied by gear 3 on the intermediate shaft.
Gear 5 is the one that experiences the maximum force and therefore is considered.
1 1
1 1
[( ] [( ]
2 2
C p= = =190.27 MPa
1−μ2p 1−μ2g 1−0.32 1−0.32
Eg ( )) π +
207 ×10 3 207 × 103 ))
r 1= sin ∅=8.21 mm
r 2= sin ∅=28.73 mm
Pitch line velocity ¿ 168 × π × ×10−3=1.034 m/sec
3.5 × 3.5
Kv= =1.17
Gear numbers Teeth Speed Ratio Pitch Radius Center Distance Speed (RPM)
2 12 24 1440
3 42 3.5 84 108 360
4 12 24 360
5 42 3.5 84 108 120
Gear 2 calculations:
Addendum circle
Mirror Involute
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Gear 3 calculations:
84 Series1
83 Series2
82 Series3
81 Series4
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Shaft calculation
Step 6
Shaft design results should have 5 parts
1. General geometry form
2. Diameter calculations
3. Bending Moment calculations
4. Actual endurance calculations
5. Torque calculations
From this we know that the bending moment is maximum at C and there is torque at this
i. Starting from D a step is needed to lock the bearing without moving to the left. A
circlip is used to lock its movement to the right.
ii. Then at C another step is needed to lock the gear wheel from sliding to the left. A
circlip is used to lock its movement to the right.
iii. Then at B a step is needed to lock the bearing from moving to the right and reducing
the size of the bearing. A circlip is used to lock its movement to the left.
Therefore the geometry form of the shaft will be something like the one shown below:
2. Diameter Calculations
From Mott
1 /3
[ √( ) ( )]
Kt M 2 3 T 2
32 N
D= +
π S'n 4 Su
Where N is the safety factor
K t −¿StressConcentration Factor
S'n−¿Actual Endurance strength
S y−¿¿ Yield strength
M – Bending moment
T – Torque
3. Bending moment calculations
Input :
K t =3
C m=1
C R =0.9 ( reliability )=0.9
C st =1
Sn → AISI 1040=270 Mpa
Sa =779 Mpa
S y =593 Mpa
D1=48 ÷2=24 [shaft dia]
D 2=18
D2 −0.11
C s=D 1=D 2+6=( ) =0.9
S'n=S n C m C st C R C s=( 270 ×1 ×1 ×0.9 × 0.9 )=218.7 Mpa
T =6.63145 N .m
M =7.35109 N .m
D=0.0127 m
Bearing Calculations
Table 2
Beari Fd =
ngs 1029.2
Xd 1036.8 296.2285 296.2285 84.63673
714 714 469
C10(K 5.208126 3.430248 3.430248 2.259277 Divide by 2 for wach bearing and
N) 728 069 069 17 turn F to KN
Force Bore OD Width Fillet Shoulder ds Shoulder dH
(mm) Radius
4.94 10 30 9 0.6 12.5 27
5.2 10.25 30.25 9.125 0.6 12.5 27.125
7.02 12 32 10 0.6 12.5 28
Gearbox layout and bill of materials
a- Gears
b- Shafts
c- Bearing
d- Drawing of the assembly
e- Geometry of the assembly
At the end of the project we designed a 2 stage gear reduction that inputs 1440 rpm and
outputs around 120 rpm. While satisfying design requirements and constrains. At the end
the project proved success as shown in the results, as we designed a full gearbox from
scratch taking into account the design of gear, shaft, bearing, and cover design. As
mechanical engineers this great learning experience, since its crucial for mechanical
engineers to be able to machine design basic industrial components. We are now able to
design gears which is most important and used component in all industries and calculate
their exact specifications, by calculating number of teeth from desired reduction ratio, then
using the thread analogue and finding angle. Also we can design shafts with specific torque
handling and strain. Lastly, able to design bearings which are important in any moving shaft,
and find every component dimension. After designing each component we implement our
knowledge in CATIA to simulate it, to have an idea of looks and to design housing. In
conclusion, we consider this a great experience that was plentiful of knowledge and will
benefit us in our future careers.