Learning Outcomes:: What Is An Engineer?

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Civil Engineering has a significant role in the life of every human being, though one may not truly sense its
importance in our daily routine. But before we dig further about the works of a civil engineering, let us know first
how Civil Engineering started as a discipline, as a profession, and in education.
This module introduces what is civil engineering and ancient history of Civil Engineering.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. define civil engineering, and
2. understand the history of civil engineering.


What is an engineer?
Engineers are problem solvers!
“Engineering is concerned with the implementation of a solution to a practical problem. A scientist
may ask "why?" and proceed to research the answer to the question. By contrast, engineers want to know
how to solve a problem and how to implement that solution.
In other words, scientists investigate phenomena, whereas engineers create solutions to problems or
improve upon existing solutions.
A scientist builds in order to learn. An engineer learns in order to build.”
(http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Engineering )
One way to define engineering is: “how to do new things in new ways” (Win Phillips, 1997)
Another definition is: "Engineering is the application of math and science to create something of value
from our natural resources." The difference between science and engineering was explained well by Theodore
Von Karman, an aerospace engineer. As he stated: "Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers
create the world that never was." (http://www.discoverengineering.org/aboutengineers.asp)
Even the etymology of the word “engineer” reveals their problem-solving nature: “It is a myth that
engineer originated to describe those who built engines. In fact, the words engine and engineer (as well as
ingenious) developed in parallel from the Latin root ingeniosus, meaning "skilled". An engineer is thus a
clever, practical, problem solver.” (http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Engineering)

What is Civil Engineering?

“Civil engineering is a profession that applies the basic principles of science in conjunction with
mathematical and computational tools to solve problems associated with developing and sustaining civilized
life on our-of-a kind projects; they are often grand in scale; and they usually require cooperating among
professionals of many different disciplines.”

“Civil Engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines both in terms of the range of
problems fall within its purview and in the range of knowledge required to solve those problems.”
-CHED policies, standard, guidelines for the BSCE program AY 2018-2029

CE 100-Civil Engineering Orientation

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“Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and
maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including public works such as roads, bridges,
canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, structural components of buildings, and railways.”
“Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline after military engineering, and it was defined to
distinguish non-military engineering from military engineering.”

“Civil engineering takes place on all levels: in the public sector from municipal through to federal
levels, and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international companies.”

Some interesting thoughts on civil engineering by Bugliarello (1994) include:

Civil engineering is “the modification of nature to create and improve human habitats.” Civil
engineers work toward an ideal that is “a standard of perfection, beauty, or moral and physical
excellence, especially as an aim of attainment or realization.” Civil engineers strive to “match
deep functionality with aesthetics in every manifestation of the profession.” Engineers should
be mindful that there is a “moral compact between the engineer and world society.”

“Professional engineers should work for the welfare of the public. They are responsible for observing societal
needs, and often have the position and resources to improve society. As professionals, engineers are

What is a profession?
A PROFESSION is defined by:
1. Knowledge - requires formal education, judgment and discretion that are not routine and cannot be
mechanized; continuing education required
2. Organization - sets standards for admission to profession, enforces standards of conduct, establishes
codes of ethics
3. Public Good - purpose of service and preservation of public welfare


Civil Engineer(noun) – is a professional who provides services in the form of consultation, planning,
design, preparation of plans, specifications, estimates, erection, installation, and supervision of construction of
streets, bridges, highways, and railroads, airports and hangers; port works, canals, river and shore
improvements, light houses, and dry docks; buildings, towers, signages, signboards, chimneys, silos
containment structures, and solid waste disposal sites; fixed structures for irrigation, flood protection,
drainage, water supply, and sewerages work; tunnels; and demolition of permanent structures.


Apply Understand the principles of Use relevant and Propose innovations in
knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, appropriate applied design of structures, water
mathematics, physics, natural and applied sicence, engineering resources system,
chemistry, sciences including principles and techniques highways, railroads, and
physics, information technology. in the different Civil foundation, and impart
information Determine relevant and Engineering tracks to solve these to peers.
and appropriate applied science, complex engineering Develop and continually
technology engineering principles and problems. Develop simple upgrade proficiency in
and other techniques that can be used computer programs to numerical and
engineering to address engineering solve Civil Engineering computational modelling in
principles concerns such as problems solving Civil engineering
Construction, Engineering problems.

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and Management,
Geotechnical and Geo-
Environmental Engineering,
Structural Engineering,
Transportation Engineering,
Water Resources
Identify, Use relevant information Apply results from Consolidate results of
formulate, gathered from research research of literature and research and technical
research, literature and other available other technological information in formulating
literature and technological information advances in design of solutions to Civil
analyze sources in coming out with structures, water Engineering design and
complex solutions to complex resources system, adapt these into systems to
engineering engineering problems highways, railroads, and achieve efficiency targets,
problems foundation reaching to impart these technological
reaching substantiated conclusions advances to peers.
substantiated using first principles of
conclusions mathematics, natural
using first sciences and engineering
principles of sciences
sciences and
Design Study, investigate and gather Study, investigate and Consolidate studies made
solutions for data related to complex gather data related to on problems in structures,
complex engineering problems and problems in design of water resources system,
engineering propose solution based on structures, water highways, railroads, and
problems and the fundamentals of resources syste,, foundation and propose
design engineering principles while highways, railroads, and changes. Specialize in
systems, incorporating ethics, safety foundation and prepare specific fields of practice in
components or and environmental proposals to implement the Civil Engineering
processes that considerations. solutions while Professional and use the
meet specified incorporating ethics, safety technical expertise in
needs with and environmental design of solutions to
appropriate considerations. Design applicable complex
consideration solutions for complex engineering problems.
for public engineering problems and Prepare project proposals,
health and design systems, budget and reports related
safety, cultural, components or processes to the design of structures.
societal, and that meet specified needs Impart learnings to peers.
environmental with appropriate
considerations. consideration for public
health and safety, cultural,
societal, and



CE 100-Civil Engineering Orientation

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Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles for solving the problems of
society, and its history is intricately linked to advances in the understanding of physics and mathematics
throughout history. Because civil engineering is a wide-ranging profession, including several specialized sub-
disciplines, its history is linked to knowledge of structures, materials science, geography, geology, soils,
hydrology, environment, mechanics and other fields.
A treatise on Architecture Book called Vitruvius' De Archiectura, was published at
1AD in Rome and survived to give us a look at engineering education in ancient times. It
was probably written around 15 BC by the Roman architect Vitruvius and dedicated to his
patron, the emperor Caesar Augustus, as a guide for building projects.
Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and
construction was carried History out by artisans, such as stonemasons and carpenters,
rising to the role of master builder. Knowledge was retained in guilds and seldom
supplanted by advances. Structures, roads, and infrastructure that existed were repetitive,
and increases in scale were incremental.
One of the earliest examples of a scientific approach to physical and mathematical problems
applicable to civil engineering is the work of Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, including Archimedes
Principle, which underpins our understanding of buoyancy, and practical solutions such as Archimedes'
screw. Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician, used arithmetic in the 7th century AD, based on Hindu-
Arabic numerals, for excavation (volume) computations.


Engineering has been an aspect of life since the beginnings
of human existence. The earliest practice of civil engineering may
have commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC in ancient Egypt, the
Indus Valley Civilization, and Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) when
humans started to abandon a nomadic existence, creating a need
for the construction of shelter. During this time, transportation
became increasingly important leading to the development of the
wheel and sailing.
Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engineering and architecture, and the
term engineer and architect were mainly geographical variations referring to the same occupation, and often
used interchangeably.
 The construction of pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700– 2500 BC) were some of the first instances of
large structure constructions.
 Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first documented engineer,
built a famous stepped pyramid for King Djoser located at
Saqqara Necropolis. With simple tools and mathematics he
created a monument that stands to this day. His greatest
contribution to engineering was his discovery of the art of
building with shaped stones. Those who followed him
carried engineering to remarkable heights using skill and
Stepped Pyramid for King Djoser
 Ancient historic civil engineering constructions include the Qanat water management system (the
oldest is older than 3000 years and longer than 71 km,)
 the Parthenon by Iktinos in Ancient Greece (447– 438 BC),
 the Appian Way by Roman engineers (c. 312 BC),
 the Great Wall of China by General Meng T'ien under orders from Ch'in Emperor Shih Huang Ti (c.
220 BC), and
 the stupas constructed in ancient Sri Lanka like the Jetavanaramaya and the extensive irrigation
works in Anuradhapura.
 The Romans developed civil structures throughout their empire, including especially aqueducts,
insulae, harbors, bridges, dams and roads.

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 Other remarkable historical structures are Sennacherib's Aqueduct at Jerwan built in 691 BC; Li
Ping's irrigation projects in China (around 220 BC); Julius Caesar's Bridge over the Rhine River built
in 55 BC, numerous bridges built by other Romans in and around Rome(e.g. the pons Fabricius); Pont
du Gard (Roman Aqueduct, Nimes, France) built in 19 BC; the extensive system of highways the
Romans built to facilitate trading and (more importantly) fast manoeuvring of legions; extensive
irrigation system constructed by the Hohokam Indians, Salt River, AZ around 600 AD; first dykes
defending against high water in Friesland, The Netherlands around 1000 AD; El Camino Real - The
Royal Road, Eastern Branch, TX and Western Branch, NM (1500s
 Machu Picchu, Peru, built at around 1450, at the height of the Inca
Empire is considered an engineering marvel. It was built in the
Andes Mountains assisted by some of history’s most ingenious
water resource engineers. The people of Machu Picchu built a
mountain top city with running water, drainage systems, food
production and stone structures so advanced that they endured for
over 500years.
Figure 1 Machu Picchu
In the 18th century, the term civil engineering was coined to
incorporate all things civilian as opposed to
military engineering.[4] The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John
Smeaton, who constructed the Eddystone Lighthouse. [3][9] In 1771 Smeaton and
some of his colleagues formed the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, a
group of leaders of the profession who met informally over dinner. Though there
was evidence of some technical meetings, it was little more than a social
In 1818, world’s first engineering society, the Institution of Civil
Engineers was founded in London,[10] and in 1820 the eminent engineer
Thomas Telford became its first president. The institution received a Royal
Charter in 1828, formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession. Its
charter defined civil engineering as:
Figure 2 John Smeaton, the
“Civil father of Civil Engineering engineering is the application of physical
and scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked
to advances in understanding of physics and mathematics throughout history. Because civil
engineering is a wide-ranging profession, including several separate specialized sub-disciplines,
its history is linked to knowledge of structures, material science, geography, geology, soil,
hydrology, environment, mechanics and other fields.”


 The first engineering school, The National School of Bridges and Highways, France, was opened in
 The first private college to teach civil engineering in the United States was Norwich University,
founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge.
 The first degree in civil engineering in the United States was awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute in 1835.
 The first such degree to be awarded to a woman was granted by Cornell University to Nora Stanton
Blatch in 1905.
 In the UK during the early 19th century, the division between civil engineering and military engineering
(served by the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich), coupled with the demands of the Industrial
Revolution, spawned new engineering education initiatives: the Class of Civil Engineering and Mining
was founded at King's College London in 1838, mainly as a response to the growth of the railway
system and the need for more qualified engineers, the private College for Civil Engineers in Putney
was established in 1839, and the UK's first Chair of Engineering was established at the University of
Glasgow in 1840.

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As a CE student, do you think it is important to understand the history of Civil
Engineering? Why?

How are you right now? Does it find you difficult in understanding the given topics and
learning tasks? I hope you are gaining knowledge in this module.
Enjoy learning, and let’s dig more and appreciate what is Civil Engineering all about.

“Never give up. Hard work is worthless for those that don’t believe in themselves” - Naruto

“Working in the Public Sector Versus Private Sector for Civil Engineering Professionals”. The Civil
Engineering Podcast. Engineering Management Institute. 5 June 2019

Baveystock, Nick (8 August 2013). “So, what does a civil engineer do, exactly?”. The Guardian. Retrieved 11
Sept. 2020

Victor E. Saouma. “Lecture Notes in Structural Engineering” (PDF). University of Colorado. Archived from the
original (PDF) on 19 April 2011. Retrieved 2 Nov 2007.

Henry Thomas Colebrook, Algebra: with Arithmetic and mensuration (London 1817)

The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance Jacob Burckhardt ISBN 0-8052-1082-2

p. 4 of Mays, L. (30 August 2010). Ancient Water Technologies. Springer. ISBN 978-90- 481-8631-0.

Oakes, William C.; Leone, Les L.; Gunn, Craig J. (2001). Engineering Your Future. Great Lakes Press. ISBN

"Our history". Institution of Civil Engineers. 2 December 2015. Retrieved 12 April 2018.

"Institution of Civil Engineers' website". Retrieved 26 December 2007.

"Norwich University Legacy Website". Archived from the original on 6 July 2014. Retrieved 15 December

Griggs, Francis E Jr. "Amos Eaton was Right!". Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and
Practice, Vol. 123, No. 1, January 1997, pp. 30–34.

"RPI Timeline". Archived from the original on 2 July 2014. Retrieved 14 September 2007.

"Nora Stanton Blatch Barney". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 8 October 2010.

"Cite Postgrad". Archived from the original on 6 November 2008.

"Why Should You Get Licensed?". National Society of Professional Engineers. Archived from the original on 4
June 2005. Retrieved 11 August 2007.

Civil Engineering. Retrieved form www.wikipedia.com

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History of Civil Engineering. Retrieved from http://www.thecivilengg.com

CHED policies, standard, guidelines for the BSCE program AY 2018-2029. Retrieved from www.ched.gov.ph

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