Toadstool Bookmark!: Finished Size Yarn
Toadstool Bookmark!: Finished Size Yarn
Toadstool Bookmark!: Finished Size Yarn
W+Tk bring working yarn to the front of the work, slip next stitch knit-wise
onto the RH needle, take working yarn to the back, slip the slipped stitch back
onto the LH needle, turn the knitting = W+Tk (wrap and turn knit)
W+Tp take working yarn to the back of the work, slip next stitch purl-wise
onto the RH needle, bring working yarn to the front, slip the slipped stitch
back onto the LH needle, turn the knitting = W+Tp (wrap and turn purl)
by Claire Garland
Hat Underside - With WS (purl-side) together match the cast-off edge
and cast-on edge together and mattress stitch to join the seam that
makes up the underside of the toadstool hat.
Stem - With WS (purl-side) together match the row ends from the stem
and mattress stitch to join the seam from the underside of the hat to the
gathered-up Stem End.
Very lightly stuff the stem - either with a small amount of toy filling or
yarn endings and scraps.
Create roots at the stem end by joining two or three long lengths, these
can be your tail endings if they are long enough - the same length as ABBREVIATIONS
your book is ideal. NB. A4 size book is 297mm long. I then tied the K = knit; P = purl; inc = increase; dec = decrease;
roots together at the stem end. K2tog = knit two together;
Rep = repeat; RH/LH = right hand/ left hand; RS/WS = right side/
Hat - With WS (purl-side) together match the cast-off edge with the
wrong side; st/ sts = stitch/ stitches; Skpo = slip one stitch, knit next
cast-on edge and mattress stitch to join.
stitch, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch; Kfb = knit into front then
Using the tail end work a running stitch around the tops of the stitches
into back of stitch to increase by one stitch; Pfb = Purl into front then
at the short edge and pull up to gather and close the top of the hat.
into back of stitch to increase by one stitch
When tightly puckered-up knot the ends to secure the gather.
Turn the hat out to RS.
There is a quick-time video here - https://www. dotpebbles.blogspot.
Ease the edge of the cap togther with the cast-on edge of underside and
com and here
carefully and neatly join around.
if you’d like to see the making up stage a bit clearer.
Push the underside inside the hat and, if needs be, sew a few stitches to
keep it inside - although I found that I didn’t need to do this!