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Test 3 Shih

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Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 24 questions. 5

Power (W)
Multiple-choice questions may continue on 4
the next column or page – find all choices 3
before answering. The due time is Central 1
time. 6. 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Resistance (Ω)
A variable resistor is connected across a con-

Power (W)
stant voltage source. 4
Which of the following graphs represents 3
the power P dissipated by the resistor as a 2
function of its resistance R? 7. 0 cor-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
5 Resistance (Ω)
Power (W)

3 rect
1 Explanation:
1. 0 The power dissipated in the resistor has
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 several expressions
Resistance (Ω)
P =EI = = I2 R ,
5 R
Power (W)

3 where the last two are simply derived from the
2 first equation together with the application of
2. 0 the Ohm’s law.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 Since the resistor is connected to a constant
Resistance (Ω) voltage source E = constant

5 E2 constant
Power (W)

P = = ,
4 R R
2 tells us that the powerµ is inversely
¶ propor-
1 1
3. 0 tional to the resistance P ∝ .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 R
Resistance (Ω) 5
Power (W)

5 3
Power (W)

4 2
3 1
2 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
4. 0 Resistance (Ω)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
Resistance (Ω) 002 (part 1 of 3) 10 points
A rectangular loop consists of 333 closely
Power (W)

4 wrapped turns of wire and has dimensions

3 0.17 m by 0.25 m. The loop is hinged along
2 the y-axis, and its plane makes an angle of
5. 0 θ = 12◦ with the x-axis.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 A uniform magnetic field of 0.85 T is di-
Resistance (Ω) rected along the x-axis and the current in the
loop is 3.2 A in the direction shown.
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 2

y 0.2
5 6. try to lower the loop along the y-axis.
B = 0.85 T Explanation:
The right hand rule shows that torque tends

0.17 m
i = 3.2 A to rotate the loop clockwise as viewed from
x above.
If we just look at the torque about the
B = 0.85 T y axis, only the vertical bar away from the

12 ◦
z axis contributes to the torque, and is ~τ =
~ × ~` produces a torque that tries to
(~I × B)
What is the magnitude of the torque ex- make θ = 12◦ larger.
erted on the loop? Alternatively, note that the direction of the
Correct answer: 37.6536 N m. dipole, (in the direction of your thumb as the
Explanation: fingers of your right hand circulate around the
loop in the direction of the current), is gener-
Let : n = 333 , ~ Magnetic dipoles
ally in the direction of B.
` = 0.17 m , try to align in the direction of lowest energy,
w = 0.25 m , which is directed opposite to B,~ causing θ to
θ = 12◦ , increase rather than decrease.
B = 0.85 T , and
004 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
I = 3.2 A .
If the axis or rotation is parallel to the y-axis
The field makes an angle of α = 90◦ − θ but at the center of the coil (with both sides `
with a line perpendicular to the plane of the of the coil contributing), the torque
loop, so the torque acting on the loop is
τ = n B I A sin α 1. is not affected. correct
= n B I ` w sin α (1)
2. is larger than when the axis of rotation is
= (333)(0.85 T)(3.2 A)(0.17 m)(0.25 m) on the edge of the coil.
× sin(90◦ − 12◦ )
= 37.6536 N m . 3. is smaller than when the axis of rotation
is on the edge of the coil.

003 (part 2 of 3) 10 points 4. None of these

Assume that θ is measured in the positive
direction; i.e., clockwise (looking down from 5. cannot be determined since the direction
above) as shown in the figure. of the torque is changed.
If the loop is at rest, the magnetic torque
Notice: If the axis of rotation is parallel to
y-axis, the torque is the same — no matter
1. try to lift the loop along the y-axis.
where the axis of rotation is placed; e.g., if the
axis of rotation were in the middle of the coil,
2. try to make θ larger. correct
we have
3. try to make θ smaller. `
τ = 2nB I w sin α
4. not affect θ. = n B I ` w sin α ,

5. None of these which is the same as Eq. 1.

Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 3

005 (part 1 of 3) 10 points R3
4r A i1 i3 B
2r i5
R2 R4
A i1 i3 B
i5 i2 i4
4r 2r E
i2 i4
D I Basic Concept: DC Circuit.
Solution: Based on Kirchhoff’s law, the
i1 equation for the loop ACDA is given by
Find the ratio , where I is the current
i2 −i1 R1 + i2 R2 = 0
entering and leaving the battery. i1 R2
Hint: Apply the Kirchhoff’s law to the loop ⇒ =
i2 R1
i1 2r
1. =3
i2 = 2 .
i1 3
2. =
i2 7 006 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
i1 2 Find the magnitude of the current i5 which
3. =
i2 5 flows from C to D.
i1 3
4. = 2
i2 5 1. i5 = I
i1 1 5
5. = 1
i2 2 2. i5 = I
i1 5
6. = 1
i2 8 3. i5 = I
i1 4
7. = 1
i2 5 4. i5 = I
i1 2
8. = 1
i2 3 5. i5 = I correct
9. = 2 correct 5
i2 6. i5 = I
i1 3
10. = 1
i2 2 7. i5 = I
Explanation: 8. i5 = I
9. i5 = I
Let : R1 = 2r, 10. i5 = I
R2 = 4r, Explanation:
R3 = R2 = 4 r , and
R4 = R1 = 2 r . i1 = 2 i 2
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 4

I = i 1 + i2 By inspection, the following circuit is equiv-

= 2 i 2 + i2 alent to the original circuit.
= 3 i2 , therefore R1 R3
1 A B
i2 = I , and
3 R2 R4
i1 = I .
Following a similar analysis, one finds that R1 R2
RAB = 2
i4 1 2 R1 + R 2
= 2 , so that i3 = I and i4 = I .
i3 3 3 (2 r) (4 r)
Note: The junction equation at D is 2r + 4r
i2 + i 5 = i 4 = r .
⇒ i5 = i4 − i2 , or
= i3 − i1
008 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
1 2
= I− I Hint: Use non-relativistic mechanics to work
3 3 this problem.
= I A cyclotron is designed to accelerate pro-
3 tons to energies of 9.3 MeV using a magnetic
1 field of 0.9 T.
|i5 | = I .
3 The charge on the proton is 1.60218 ×
10 C and its mass is 1.67262 × 10−27 kg.
007 (part 3 of 3) 10 points What is the required radius of the cy-
Find the resistance RAB . clotron?
Correct answer: 0.489591 m.
36 Explanation:
1. RAB = r
2. RAB = r Let : B = 0.9 T ,
84 q = 1.60218 × 10−19 C ,
3. RAB = r
13 E = 9.3 MeV
63 = (9.3 × 106 eV)
4. RAB = r
8 ×(1.602 × 10−19 J/eV) ,
15 = 1.48986 × 10−12 J , and
5. RAB = r
4 m = 1.67262 × 10−27 kg .
6. RAB = r
3 The speed of the proton is
8 r
7. RAB = r correct 2E
3 v=
8. RAB =
r sm
5 2 (1.48986 × 10−12 J)
16 =
9. RAB = r (1.67262 × 10−27 kg)
= 4.22074 × 107 m/s ,
10. RAB = r
2 where E is the kinetic energy of the proton.
Explanation: The magnetic force supplies the centripetal
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 5

acceleration, so 6.8 µF

Q02 V20
m v2
qvB = S1
qB b
m 2E
qB m

= Q01 V10
2 (1.48986 × 10−12 J)
= 36 V 1.7 µF
(1.60218 × 10−19 C) (0.9 T)
× (1.67262 × 10−27 kg) S2
Q is the magnitude of the charge on either
= 0.489591 m . plate of the capacitor and v is the magnitude
of the electric potential across the capacitor
By inspection, which of the following rela-
tions is correct?

009 (part 1 of 3) 10 points 1. Q01 + Q02 = Q2 + Q1

Two capacitors are initially charged by briefly
closing switch S2 to a battery. The double- 2. Q01 − Q02 = Q2 + Q1
pole double-throw switch S1 is in position a.
6.8 µF 3. None of these.

4. Q01 − Q02 = Q2 − Q1
a 5. Q01 + Q02 = Q2 − Q1 correct
S1 Consider the total charge on the right plate
of C1 and the left plate of C2 . While they
b are connected to the battery this charge is
Q2 − Q1 . Removing the battery does not
change the charge on either capacitor. But
when the capacitors are reconnected to each
Q1 other the charge is redistributed.
However, the total amount of charge on the
right plate of capacitor 1 and the left plate
36 V 1.7 µF of capacitor 2 cannot change since there is no
conducting path by which it could leave. So,
Q2 − Q1 = Q01 + Q02 .
The switch S2 is then opened, disconnecting
the battery, then S1 is thrown to position b :
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 6

010 (part 2 of 3) 10 points Substitute this expression for Q02 into (1):
By inspection which of the following relation- µ ¶
ships is true? C2
Q01 1+ = C2 V − C 1 V ,
1. None of these.

2. V10 > V20 C2 V − C 1 V

Q01 =
3. V10 < V20 1+
C2 − C 1
4. V10 = V20 correct = C1 V
C1 + C 2
Explanation: = (1.7 µF) (36 V)
The plates with charge Q01 and with charge µ ¶
6.8 µF − 1.7 µF
Q02 are at the same potential, say V+ , since ×
1.7 µF + 6.8 µF
they are connected by a conductor. For the
same reason, the plate with charge −Q01 is at = 36.72 µC .
the same potential, say V− , as the plate with
charge −Q02 . So,
012 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
V10 = V+ − V− = V20 . The electric potential energy stored in a ca-
1 Q2 1 1
pacitor is U= = QV = C V 2.
2 C 2 2
011 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
Find the final charge on the smaller of the two a) An isolated capacitor has a dielectric slab κ
capacitors. between its plates.
Correct answer: 36.72 µC. b) The capacitor is charged by a battery.
Explanation: c) After the capacitor is fully charged, the
battery is removed.
d) Finally, the dielectric slab is moved out of
Let : C1 = 1.7 µF , the capacitor.
C2 = 6.8 µF and
V = 36 V .

We need to find Q01 . From the first 2 parts κ κ

we have

Q01 + Q02 = Q2 − Q1
V10 = V20 . Let Uout denote the electric potential en-
ergy of the capacitor when the dielectric is
But Q2 = C2 V and Q1 = C1 V while V10 = “out” of the capacitor.
Q01 Q0 The work required to remove the dielectric
and V20 = 2 , so,
C1 C2 from the capacitor is

Q01 + Q02 = C2 V − C1 V (1) 1. W = (1 − κ) Uout

µ ¶
Q01 Q0 2 3
= 2 (2) 2. W = − Uout
C1 C2 3 2κ
µ ¶
Q01 C2 1
Q02 = . 3. W = 1 − Uout correct
C2 1 κ
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 7
µ ¶
µ ¶ 1
3 2 W = 1− Uout ,
4. W = − Uout κ
2 3κ
5. W = (κ − 1) Uout where Uout is with an air-filled gap and Uin is
µ ¶ with a dielectric-filled gap. It takes work to
2 3 move the dielectric out of the capacitor and
6. W = κ− Uout
3 2 Uout > Uin . A system will move to a position
µ ¶
1 of lower potential energy.
7. W = − 1 Uout If the dielectric is moved half way out of
µ ¶ the capacitor, the potential energy stored in
3 1
8. W = 1− Uout the capacitor will be larger than it would
2 κ
µ ¶ have been with the dielectric left in place.
3 2 Therefore, the dielectric will be pulled back
9. W = κ− Uout
2 3 into the capacitor.
10. W = (κ − 1) Uout
2 013 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
Explanation: A current I flows in the directions indicated
The capacitance of a capacitor with a di- by the arrows in the figure along a wire bent
electric slab is to form concentric semicircles.

Cin = κ Cout , where κ > 1 , and I

1 V2 a
Uout = .
2 Cout ı̂

When the battery is removed, the charge
on the plates of the capacitor will remain I k̂ is upward
constant. Charge is neither created nor de- from the paper
stroyed; i.e., Qin = Qout = Q = constant. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field at
The difference in the potential energy the center O of the semi-circles in plane of the
stored in the capacitor is paper.

1 Q2 1 Q2 ~O = 1
1. B
µ0 I
∆ Ucap = − 7 a
2 Cin 2 Cout
1 Q2 1 Q2 ~O = 1
2. B
µ0 I
= − 3 a
2 κ Cin 2 Cout
µ ¶
1 1 Q2 ~O = 3
3. B
µ0 I
= −1 , 8 a
κ 2 Cout
and the energy drained from the battery is ~O = 3 µ0 I
4. B
4 a
∆ Ubat = (Qout − Qin ) V
= 0 , since ∆ Q = 0 , ~O = 1
5. B
µ0 I
2 a
so the total energy difference ∆ Utotal is

1 Q2 ~O = 1
6. B
µ0 I
Uin − Uout = −1 4 a
κ 2 Cout
µ ¶ ~O = 1
7. B
µ0 I
1 8 a
= − 1 Uout , since
~O = 5
8. B
µ0 I
W = −∆ Utotal 8 a
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 8

Using appropriate right hand rule, (fingers

~ O = 2 µ0 I
9. B pointing along current, then thumb points
3 a in direction of magnetic moment) the thumb
~ O = 1 µ0 I
10. B points in the −k̂ direction. Thus magnetic
5 a moment is
The magnetic field is from two semi-circles 5
with common center. By a right hand rule ~µ = − π a2 I k̂ .
the magnetic field from both loops is into the
plane of the loop (−k̂). From Biot-Savart law
µ0 I Therefore the direction of the magnetic mo-
the magnetic field from the upper loop is
4a ment is −k̂ .
µ0 I
and from the lower loop, it is . Hence
· ¸ 015 (part 1 of 3) 10 points
~ 2 µ0 I µ0 I The cube below is 29 cm on each edge. Four
B=− + k̂ −→ −−→ −−→
8a 8a straight segments of wire (CD, DH, HR, and
3 µ0 I RG) form a path that carries a current of 3 A,
=− k̂ in the direction shown.
8 a
~ = 3 µ0 I k̂ . The conventional Cartesian notation of ı̂ (a
kBk unit vector along the positive x axis), ̂ (a unit
8 a
Therefore the magnitude of the field is vector along the positive y axis), and k̂ (a unit
vector along the positive z axis), is used.
3 µ0 I
. There is a 2 T uniform magnetic field in the
8 a z direction.
014 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
What is the direction of the magnetic mo- z R
1. µ̂ = −k̂ correct I B
2T B
2. µ̂ = +k̂ C
G y
3. µ̂ = −ı̂
4. µ̂ = +ı̂ D
x 29 cm
5. None of these b ≡ F of the resul-
Find the direction F
6. µ̂ = +̂ tant magnetic force on the current segment
7. µ̂ = −̂
b = ̂
1. F
Magentic moment is b = −ı̂
2. F
b = √1 (̂ − ı̂)
3. F
and the area is 2

1 £ 2 ¤ 5
π a + π (2 a)2 = π a2 . b = − √1 (̂ + ı̂)
4. F
2 2 2
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 9
The vector ~` is the current segment ~` = CD ,
b = −̂
5. F 1
so ~` = ̂ − ı̂ , and ˆ` = √ [̂ − ı̂] .
b = ı̂
6. F The direction of F ~ mag is given by

7. Undetermined, since the magnitude of the

~ ' ~` × B
F ~
force is zero.
' (−ı̂ + ̂) × k̂
b = √1 (̂ + ı̂) correct
8. F = −(ı̂ × k̂) + (̂ × k̂)
= ̂ + ı̂
b = √1 (ı̂ − ̂)
9. F
2 b = √1 [̂ + ı̂] .
Explanation: 2

Let : a = 29 cm = 0.29 m , 016 (part 2 of 3) 10 points

Find the magnitude kF ~ magnetic k the magnetic
B = 2 T , and
field exerts on the current segment HR.
I = 3 A.
Correct answer: 2.46073 N.
Basic Concept: The magnetic force on a Explanation:
wire is given by The magnitude is given by
~ mag = I ~` × B
F ~ ~ magnetic k = |I ` B sin θ|
~ mag k = I ` B sin θ ,
kF √
= |I 2 a B sin θ|

where the vector ~` is a current segment; e.g., = (3 A) 2 (0.29 m) (2 T) sin 90◦
~` = −
HR , so ~` = +̂ − ı̂ . = 2.46073 N .
HR) The current in wire segment CD
flows in the “+ı̂” direction, 017 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
DH) the current in wire segment DH ~
Find the direction F b ≡ F of the resultant
flows in the “−̂ + k̂” direction, ~k
−−→ kF
HR) the current in wire segment HR magnetic force on the four currents shown
flows in the “+̂ − ı̂” direction, and −→
−→ on the cube; i.e., the current segments CD +
RG) the current in wire segment RG −−→ −−→ −→
DH + HR + RG
flows in the “−̂ − k̂” direction.
Consider at the cube as viewed from the b = − √1 (̂ + ı̂)
1. F
right-hand front edge: 2
b = −̂
2. F

b = √1 (ı̂ − ̂)
3. F
b 2

b = ̂
4. F
̂ − ı̂ b = √1 (̂ + ı̂)
5. F
The magnetic force on a wire is given by
6. Undetermined, since the magnitude of the
~ mag = I ~` × B
F ~. force is zero.
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 10

Find the voltage across the 1 MΩ center-

b = −ı̂ correct
7. F left resistor at time t1 = 5 s.
Correct answer: 0.107807 V.
b = √1 (̂ − ı̂)
8. F Explanation:
b = ı̂
9. F R2
Note: The resultant magnetic force on the C
−→ −−→ −−→ −→ − → R1 S b
current segments CD + DH+ DA+ RG = CB ;
i.e., the beginning point to the end point on a
the cube.
Consider at the cube as viewed from the
front face:

Let : R1 = 1 MΩ = 1 × 106 Ω ,
R2 = 3 MΩ = 3 × 106 Ω ,

C = 1 µF = 1 × 10−6 F , and
~` V0 = 16 V .
The magnetic force on a wire is given by When the switch is closed to position “a”,
~ mag = I ~` × B ~. the resistor R2 is not part of the circuit and
F may be disregarded, see Figure (a).

The vector ~` is the current segment ~` = CB ,
so ~` = −̂ . R1
Note: Also, the sum of the four segments gives
us (+ı̂) + (−̂ + k̂) + (̂ − ı̂) + (−̂ − k̂) = −̂ . V0
The direction of F ~ mag is given by
~ ' ~` × B
F ~
Figure (a)
' −̂ × k̂
For an RC circuit,
= −ı̂
b = −ı̂ .
F I = I0 e−t/(R C)
µ ¶
018 (part 1 of 2) 10 points = e−t/(R1 C) .
For a long period of time the switch S is
in position “b”. At t = 0 s, the switch S is Because I R1 = VR1 , we have
moved from position “b” to position “a”.

3 MΩ VR1 = V0 e−t1 /(R1 C)

Ω)(1×10−6 F)]
= (16 V) e(−5 s)/[(1×10
1 µF = 0.107807 V .
1 MΩ S b
16 V
019 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
Much later, at some time t00 = 0 s, the switch
is moved from position “a” to position “b”.
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 11

Find the voltage across the 1 MΩ center- 5.9 cm

left resistor at time t0 = 1.5 s.
Correct answer: 2.74916 V.
Now the switch moves to position “b”,
thereby excluding the battery from the cir- θ=18◦ θ
cuit, see Figure (b).
A 148 mg B
R2 27 nC

C ~
Figure (b) + −
Note: The equivalent resistance of the cir-
cuit is
What is the potential difference between
Req = R1 + R2 the plates?
= 1 × 106 Ω + 3 × 106 Ω Correct answer: 1.0298 kV.
= 4 × 106 Ω

because R1 and R2 are in series.

Let : m = 148 mg = 0.000148 kg ,
Again, see Figure (b)
g = 9.8 m/s2 ,
I = I0 e−t /(Req C) d = 5.9 cm = 0.059 m ,
V0 −t0 /(Req C) θ = 18◦ , and
= e
Req q = 27 nC = 2.7 × 10−8 C .

because the capacitor has an initial potential

across it of V0 . Thus,

VR 1 = I R 1
µ ¶
R1 0
= V0 e−t /(Req C)
Req θ

For the given values A m B

µ ¶
1 × 106 Ω
VR1 = (16 V) ~
4 × 106 Ω E
6 −6
× e(−1.5 s)/[(4×10 Ω)(1×10 F)]
= 2.74916 V . + −

020 (part 1 of 1) 10 points The forces acting on the particle are the
A small electrically charged object is sus- tension T on the thread, the weight m g and
pended by a thread between the vertical V
plates of a parallel-plate capacitor. the electric force q E = q . Since the par-
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . ticle is in equilibrium, the resultant force is
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 12

equal to zero; i.e.,

7. E1 + E2 − i2 r2 − i1 r1 = 0
T sin θ = q
d 8. E1 − E2 − i2 r2 + i1 r1 = 0
T cos θ = m g
Dividing, 9. E1 − E2 − i2 r2 − i1 r1 = 0

qV 10. E1 − E2 + i2 r2 − i1 r1 = 0 correct
tan θ =
m g d tan θ Explanation:
V = Recall that Kirchhoff’s loop rule states that
q the sum of the potential differences across all
(0.000148 kg) (9.8 m/s2 ) (0.059 m) the elements around a closed circuit loop is
2.7 × 10−8 C zero. If a resistor is traversed in the direction

× tan 18 of the current, the change in potential is −i R .
= 1.0298 kV . If an emf source is traversed from the − to
+ terminals, the change in potential is +E .
Apply the opposite sign for traversing the
021 (part 1 of 2) 10 points elements in the opposite direction.
Consider the circuit shown below. There Hence, by inspection up to an overall sign,
are three resistors, r1 , r2 , and R; and two following is the correct equation
emf’s, E1 and E2 . The directions of the cur-
rents i1 , i2 , and i3 are shown in the figure. ABCDA : E1 − E2 + i2 r2 − i1 r1 = 0 .
r1 E1
i1 022 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
Let E1 = E2 = 5 V, and r1 = r2 = 4.5 Ω, and
E R F R = 1.9 Ω.
A 5V
i3 A 4.5 Ω B
r2 E2 i1
i2 E 1.9 Ω F
Apply Kirchhoff’s rules. Neglect the differ- i3
ence of an overall sign, if applicable.
What equation does the loop ABCDA D 4.5 Ω C
1. E1 + E2 − i2 r2 + i1 r1 = 0 Find the current i3 .
Hint: From symmetry, one expects i1 = i2 .
2. E1 − E2 − i1 r2 + i2 r1 = 0 Correct answer: 1.20482 A.
3. E1 + E2 + i2 r2 + i1 r1 = 0 We are given that E1 = E2 and r1 = r2 .
This implies that i1 = i2 . Hence the junction
4. E1 − E2 + i2 r2 + i1 r1 = 0 rule yields

5. E1 + E2 + i2 r2 − i1 r1 = 0 i1 + i 2 = 2 i 2 = i 3
6. E1 − E2 − i1 r2 − i2 r1 = 0 i2 = .
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 13

Substituting this into the loop equation

DCFED gives E2 1
7. = correct
E1 2
E2 − i 3 R − r2 = 0 . E2
2 8. =8
Solving for i3 yields E2 1
9. =
E2 E1 12
i3 = r2
R+ E2 1
2 10. =
E1 4
(5 V)
(4.5 Ω) Explanation:
(1.9 Ω) +
= 1.20482 A . V2
E2 ` `1 `1 1
= 2 = = = .
E1 V 1 `2 2`1 2
023 (part 1 of 2) 10 points `1
Consider two conductors 1 and 2 made of the
same ohmic material; i.e., ρ1 = ρ2 . Denote 024 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
the length by `, the cross sectional area by A. I2
The same voltage V is applied across the Determine the ratio of the currents .
ends of both conductors. The field E is inside
of the conductor. 1. =8
I 1 ~E 2 I2 1
~E 1 V2 2. =
V1 I1 3
`1 3. =2
`2 I1

r2 4. =4
If A2 = 2 A1 , `2 = 2 `1 and V2 = V1 , find
E2 I2 1
the ratio of the electric fields. 5. =
E1 I1 2
E2 1 I2
1. = 6. = 1 correct
E1 8 I1
E2 I2 1
2. =1 7. =
E1 I1 8
E2 I2 1
3. =2 8. =
E1 I1 4
E2 1 I2 1
4. = 9. =
E1 16 I1 16
E2 1 I2 1
5. = 10. =
E1 3 I1 12
6. =4
E1 Explanation:
Platt, David – Quiz 2 – Due: Oct 18 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 14

µ ¶
V2 `1 `1
I2 R2 R1 A
= = = µ 1 ¶ = A1 = 1 .
I1 V1 R2 `2 2 `1
R1 A2 2 A1
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 27 questions. µ0 i (a2 − b2 )

Multiple-choice questions may continue on 9. B(r3 ) =
2 π r3 (r32 − b2 )
the next column or page – find all choices µ0 i
before answering. The due time is Central 10. B(r3 ) =
2 π r3
Ampere’s Law states that the line inte-
001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points I
The figure below shows a coaxial cable of gral ~ · d~` around any closed path equals
radii a, b, and c in which equal, uniformly µ0 I, where I is the total steady current pass-
distributed, but antiparallel currents i exist ing through any surface bounded by the closed
in the two conductors. path.
a Considering the symmetry of this problem,
iout ¯ b we choose a circular path, so Ampere’s Law
c is simplified to
B (2 π r3 ) = µ0 iin ,
iin ⊗
where r3 is the radius of the circle and iin is
O the current enclosed.
F Since, when b < r3 < a, for the cylinder,
E Ain π (r32 − b2 )
= , we have
r1 Acylinder π (a2 − b2 )
r2 µ0 Iin
C r3 B=
2 π r3
r4 ·
π (r32 − b2 )
µ0 i − i
Which expression gives the magnitude π (a2 − b2 )
B(r3 ) at D of the magnetic field in the re- 2 π r3
µ 2
gion b < r3 < a? a − r32

µ0 i
a2 − b 2
µ0 i (a2 − r32 ) =
1. B(r3 ) = correct 2 π r3
2 π r3 (a2 − b2 )
µ0 i (a2 − r32 )
2. B(r3 ) = 0 = .
2 π r3 (a2 − b2 )
µ0 i r 3
3. B(r3 ) =
2 π b2 002 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
µ0 i (a2 + r32 − 2 b2 ) Calculate the resonance frequency of a se-
4. B(r3 ) = ries RLC circuit for which the capacitance is
2 π r3 (a2 − b2 )
99 µF , the resistance is 33 kΩ , and the induc-
µ0 i r 3
5. B(r3 ) = tance is 56 mH .
2 π c2 Correct answer: 67.5941 Hz.
µ0 i (r32 − b2 ) Explanation:
6. B(r3 ) =
2 π r3 (a2 − b2 )
µ0 i r 3
7. B(r3 ) = Let : R = 33 kΩ = 33000 Ω ,
2 π a2
L = 56 mH = 0.056 H , and
µ0 i
8. B(r3 ) = C = 99 µF = 9.9 × 10−5 F .
π r3
The resonance frequency is the frequency at
which the current becomes maximum, or the
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 2

impedance becomes minimum. This occurs the above figures. At this same instant, the B ~
when vector is along the negative y axis (at a point
with a phase difference of 360◦ from the place
XL = X C ~ vector is
on the velocity (z) axis where the E
ωL = . drawn).
ωC ~ ×B ~ is along the negative z axis.
Then E
From this condition, the resonance frequency Therefore, the electromagnetic wave is
is given by traveling left to right.
f= √ 004 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
2π LC
1 The impedance from a to b in one of the cir-
= p cuits below is plotted as a function of angular
2π (0.056 H) (9.9 × 10−5 F) velocity ω.
= 67.5941 Hz .

003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
Consider an electromagnetic wave pattern as ω
shown in the figure below. Select the circuit which gives rise to the
E above plot.

The wave is
1. traveling left to right. correct b
2. traveling right to left. a
3. a standing wave and is stationary. 3.
~ vector and B~ vector are not at the b
The E
same point on the velocity axis. a
Pick an instant in time, where the E and
B fields are at the same point on the velocity 4. L C cor-
E b
x y
z v 5. None of these
For instance, let us choose the point where
~ vector is along the x axis, as shown in
the E
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 3

a 1
ω0 = √
6. R C
b ω0
a ======================

7. R L
1 1
ZRC = s =r
1 1 1
1 + 2 2
+ (ω C)2
Zparallel =s µ ¶2 , R 2 XC R
1 1 1
+ −
R2 XC XL 1

q ω0 =
Zseries = R2 + (XL − XC )2 , RC

1 ω
when XC = , and XL = ω L . ω0
ω C
====================== ======================
a a
b b

1 1 s
ZLC = sµ ¶2 = sµ
1 1 1
¶2 ZRC = R2 + XC2 = R2 +
− ωC − (ω C)2

ω0 =

1 RC
ω0 = √
ω ω0
ω0 ======================
====================== a
1 1
s ZLR = s =r
µ ¶2 1 1 1 1
1 +
ZCL = (XL − XC )2 = ωL− 2
+ 2 R 2 (ω L)2
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 4

the current through R is

ω0 =
ω E
ω0 =
====================== R
a N d ΦB
R R dt
dB A 1
L dt R
b dB A
=N .
q q dt R
ZLR 2 2
= R + XL = R2 + (ω L)2 Integrating both sides of the equation above
R yields
ω0 =

C t t
A dB
I dt = N dt
t0 t0 R dt
ω Z B
ω0 = N dB
−B R
005 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A
A circular coil enclosing an area of 102 cm2 =N ∆B
is made of 212 turns of copper wire as shown A
schematically in the figure. Initially, a 1.1 T = N 2B .
uniform magnetic field points perpendicularly
left-to-right through the plane of the coil. The The left hand side of the above equation is
direction of the field then reverses to right-to- just the charge flowing through the R during
left. The field reversal takes 1.0 ms. this period of time! So,
Z t
Q= I dt
=N 2B
Magnetic R
Field B(t) = 0.79288 C .

During the time the field is changing its 006 (part 1 of 3) 10 points
direction, how much charge flows through the A point light source S produces radiative
coil if the resistance is 6 Ω? power P = 55.5 W . It radiates light isotrop-
Correct answer: 0.79288 C. ically. A mirror is placed at point B , which
Explanation: is a distance 2.99 m away from the source S .
From Faraday’s Law for Solenoids The mirror has a cross section of 1.12 cm2 .
dΦB Make the approximation that all the light hit-
E = −N ting the mirror comes in perpendicular to it.
The mirror is a totally reflecting surface.
and Ohm’s Law The permittivity of free space is
V 8.85419 × 10−12 C2 /N · m2 and the speed of
I= , light is 2.99792 × 108 m/s .
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 5

incoming light as perpendicular, the force is

X simply
F = pA,
S where p is the radiation pressure. The mirror
is totally reflecting, so
Determine the light intensity I at point X . c
2 (0.494016 W/m2 )
1. I = π r 2 P 2.99792 × 108 m/s
= 3.29572 × 10−9 N/m2 ,
2. I =
2 π r2 leading to a force
3. I = F = pA
π r2
= (3.29572 × 10−9 N/m2 ) (0.000112 m2 )
4. I = 2 π r 2 P
= 3.6912 × 10−13 N ,
5. I = 4 π r 2 P
on the mirror.

6. I = 008 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
4 r2
P Calculate the maximum electric field of the
7. I = correct oscillatory electromagnetic wave at X .
4 π r2
Correct answer: 19.293 V/m.
8. I = 4 π r 2 P Explanation:
Basic Concepts:
P Let : ²0 = 8.85419 × 10−12 C2 /N · m2 .
Intensity: I =
A The total (i.e., both electric and magnetic)
Pressure: p = average energy density uav is related to I as
The point light source radiates in all di- follows
rections, so the power is spread out on the I
surface of a sphere uav =
P P 0.494016 W/m2
I= = = 0.494016 W/m2 . =
A 4 π r2 2.99792 × 108 m/s
= 1.64786 × 10−9 J/m3 .
007 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
Find the total force on the mirror. We also know that the total average energy
Correct answer: 3.6912 × 10−13 N. density uav of an electromagnetic wave is
Explanation: uav = h²0 E 2 i

where h i denotes the time average. An elec-

Let : I = 0.494016 W/m2 ,
tromagnetic wave oscillates harmonically (sin
c = 2.99792 × 108 m/s , and or cos) so the average is half the maximum
A = 1.12 cm2 = 0.000112 m2 . value (the amplitude).
Since the mirror is small enough (or far 1 2
enough away) that we may approximate the uav = ²0 Emax .
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 6

Therefore the maximum electric field of this

wave is

L cos θ
2 uav θ
Emax =

2 (1.64786 × 10−9 J/m3 )
= P , ∆t
8.85419 × 10−12 C2 /N · m2 h
Ug =0 J
= 19.293 V/m .
Applying conservation of energy, we obtain
Kf − K i + U f − U i = 0 .
Since Ui = Kf = 0 and Ki = , we have
009 (part 1 of 1) 10 points 2m
A pulsed laser fires a 1000 MW pulse of 200 ns p2i
duration at a small object of mass 10 mg − + Uf = 0
suspended by a fine fiber 6 cm long. p2i
The speed of light is 3 × 108 m/s and the − + m g L (1 − cos θ) = 0 . (1)
acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 .
Using conservation of momentum,
U P ∆t
pi = pem = = . (2)
c c
Substituting pi from Eq. 2 into Eq. 1, we

9.81 m/s2

µ ¶2
P ∆t
1000 MW − + m g L (1 − cos θ) = 0
200 ns 10 mg P 2 (∆t)2
− + m g L (1 − cos θ) = 0 ,
If the radiation is completely absorbed 2 m c2
so the maximum angle of deflection of this
without other effects, what is the maximum
pendulum is
angle of deflection of this pendulum? Assume
P 2 (∆t)2
· ¸
the displacement of the bob during the ab- −1
θ = cos 1−
sorption of the pulse is negligible. 2 m2 L c2 g
Correct answer: 4.98033 ◦ . ·
(1 × 109 W)2 (2 × 10−7 s)2
Explanation: = cos 1−
2 (1 × 10−5 kg)2 (0.06 m)
(3 × 108 m/s)2 (9.81 m/s2 )
= 4.98033◦ .
Let : P = 1000 MW = 1 × 109 W ,
∆t = 200 ns = 2 × 10−7 s ,
m = 10 mg = 1 × 10−5 kg , 010 (part 1 of 7) 10 points
Consider a parallel circuit with a 47 Ω resis-
L = 6 cm = 0.06 m , tor, a 9.6 µF capacitor, a 39 mH inductor, and
c = 3 × 108 m/s , and a 967 rad/s AC supply operating at 120 Vrms ,
g = 9.81 m/s2 . as shown in the figure below.
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 7
39 mH =s µ ¶2 ,
1 1
+ ωC −
9.6 µF R ωL

µ ¶2
1 1
47 Ω IS = V S + ωC − , and IS is
R2 ωL
120 Vrms minimum when ω C = ; i.e., at its reso-
nance frequency.
ω 1
A typical phasor diagram is shown below. f= = √
2π 2π LC
VS 1
IR = p
IC ωt 2 π (0.039 H) (9.6 × 10−6 F)
= 260.107 cycles/s .

IL 011 (part 2 of 7) 10 points

The instantaneous voltages and rms volt- At 967 rad/s, calculate the rms current in the
ages across the three circuit elements are the resistor.
same, and each is in phase with the current Correct answer: 2.55319 Arms .
through the resistor. The currents in C and L Explanation:
lead or lag behind the current in the resistor,
as shown above.
What is the resonance frequency of the cir- Let : VS = 120 Vrms and
cuit? R = 47 Ω .
Correct answer: 260.107 cycles/s.
Explanation: VS 120 Vrms
IR = = = 2.55319 Arms .
R 47 Ω
Let : ω = 967 rad/s ,
L = 39 mH = lu , 012 (part 3 of 7) 10 points
C = 9.6 µF = 9.6 × 10−6 F . At 967 rad/s, calculate the rms current in the
Correct answer: 3.18193 Arms .
q Explanation:
IS = 2 + [I − I ]2 ,
µ ¶2 µ ¶2
= = + − ωL
Z R XC XL 120 Vrms
¶2 =
(967 rad/s) (0.039 H)
1 1 1 1
= + −
Z R2 XC XL = 3.18193 Arms .
Z=s µ ¶2
1 1 1 013 (part 4 of 7) 10 points
+ −
R2 XC XL At 967 rad/s, calculate the rms current in the
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 8

capacitor. φ < 0 so the current lags behind the volt-

Correct answer: 1.11398 Arms . age.
017 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
A magnetic dipole is falling in a conducting
IC = V S ω C metallic tube. Consider the induced current
= (120 Vrms ) (967 rad/s) (9.6 × 10−6 F) in an imaginary current loop when the magnet
= 1.11398 Arms . is moving away from the upper loop and when
the magnet is moving toward the lower loop.

014 (part 5 of 7) 10 points

At 967 rad/s, calculate the rms current deliv-
ered by the AC supply.
Correct answer: 3.2856 Arms . Iabove

q Npole
IS = 2
IR + [IC − IL ]2 y
n h N dipole
= (2.55319 Arms ) + (1.11398 Arms ) x v magnet
i2 o1/2 z
− (3.18193 Arms ) S Spole
= 3.2856 Arms .

015 (part 6 of 7) 10 points ?
In a phasor diagram, what is the magnitude
of the angle between the current with respect
to the voltage?
Correct answer: 39.0055 ◦ . Determine the directions of the induced
Explanation: currents Iabove and Ibelow in an imaginary loop
shown in the figure, as viewed from above,
IC − I L
¶ when the loop is above the falling magnet and
φ = arctan when the loop is below the falling magnet.
µ ¶
1.11398 Arms 3.18193 Arms 1. Iabove = clockwise and
= arctan −
2.55319 Arms 2.55319 Arms Ibelow = counter-clockwise
= −39.0055◦ ,
2. Iabove = counter-clockwise and
so the angle is 39.0055 . ◦ Ibelow = counter-clockwise

016 (part 7 of 7) 10 points 3. no current flow

In a phasor diagram, is the current leading or
lagging behind the voltage? 4. Iabove = clockwise and
Ibelow = clockwise
1. The current leads the voltage.
5. Iabove = counter-clockwise and
2. The current lags the voltage. correct Ibelow = clockwise correct
Explanation: Explanation:
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 9

When the falling magnet is below the up-

per loop, →−µ ind must be up to attract the B B
falling magnet and slow it down; i.e., counter- +++++
clockwise as viewed from above.
Before reaching the lower loop, →−
µ ind must 2. v
be down to oppose the falling magnet; i.e.,
clockwise as viewed from above. −−−−−

Iabove −−−−−
3. v
y +++++
N dipole B B
x v magnet
z correct
S Spole
+ −
Ibelow + −
4. + − v
+ −
+ −
018 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
A square piece of copper is pulled through B B
a magnetic field B (into the page ⊗, out of
the page ¯). Shown below are different charge
configurations associated with this procedure. 5. v
Select the figure with an acceptable charge
distribution. +++++
− + B B
− +
1. v − + +++++
− + 6. v
− +
B B −−−−−

Using the right-hand-rule, the only accept-
able charge distribution is
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 10
B B = C E2
−−−−− C
Imax = E.

+++++ 020 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

A solenoid with circular cross section pro-
B B duces a steadily increasing magnetic flux
through its cross section. There is an octago-
019 (part 1 of 1) 10 points nally shaped circuit surrounding the solenoid
Consider the following circuit. After leaving as shown below.
the switch at the position “a” for a long time, The increasing magnetic flux gives rise to a
move the switch from “a” to “b”. There will counterclockwise induced emf E.
be current oscillations. Initial Case: The circuit consists of two
identical light bulbs of equal resistance, R,
L connected in series, leading to a loop equation
E − 2 i R = 0.
C i
S b Figure 1:


The maximum current will be given by
1. Imax = E correct
2. Imax = E i
LC 0
r Primed Case: Now connect the points
E L C and D with a wire CAD, (see the figure
3. Imax =
R C below).
L Figure 2:
4. Imax = E D
E √

5. Imax = LC A
√ B B
6. Imax = E L C
X Y i2
7. Imax =
8. Imax =
Explanation: i3
What happens after the points C and D are
connected by a wire as in the second (primed)
1 2 1 2 case?
L Imax = q
2 2 C max
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 11

1. Bulb Y goes out and bulb X remains at For the second (primed) case, bulb Y is
the same brightness. shorted; i.e., PY0 = 0 . Hence the ratio is 0.
Therefore bulb X gets brighter and bulb Y
2. Bulb X goes out and bulb Y remains at goes out.
the same brightness.
021 (part 1 of 4) 10 points
3. Bulb X goes out and bulb Y gets Four long, parallel conductors carry equal 4 A
brighter. currents. A cross-sectional view of the con-
ductors is shown in the figure below. Each
4. Bulb Y goes out and bulb X gets dim- side of the square has length of 0.9 m.
mer. Note: The current direction is out of the
page at points indicated by the dots and into
5. Bulb X goes out and bulb Y gets dim- the page at points indicated by the crosses.
mer. The premeability of free space is 4 π ×
10−7 N/A2 .
6. Bulb Y goes out and bulb X gets brighter. y
+4 A +4 A
Basic Concepts: Induced emf.
Solution: Let E and R be the induced emf x
and resistance of the light bulbs, respectively. P
For the first case, since the two bulbs are
in series, the equivalent resistance is simply
Req = R + R = 2 R and the current through
the bulbs is +4 A +4 A
i= . 0.9 m
Hence, for the first case, the power consumed Which of the diagrams correctly denotes
by bulb X is the directions of the components of the mag-
µ ¶2 netic field from each conductor at the point
E P?
PX = R
= BA
For the second (primed) case, since bulb Y is
1. P
shorted, the current through bulb X is now
i0 = , BD
and the power consumed by bulb X is
µ ¶2
0 E BA
PX = R
E2 2. P
= .
Hence the ratio is BD
= R2 = 4 .
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 12

+4 A
3. P BB

BA +4 A
4. P correct Consider the magnetic field contributions
BC due to the currents in C and D only:
+4 A

5. P P
+4 A
Consider the results of all four magnetic
6. P field contributions superimposed on one an-
A 0.9 m D
+4 A +4 A

Explanation: BA
Let : I = 4 A and BC
` = 0.9 m . BD

The directions of the magnetic field due +4 A +4 A

to each wire are given by the right hand rule, B C
where the thumb points in the direction of the
current and your fingers curl in the direction 022 (part 2 of 4) 10 points
of the magnetic field’s circular path. What is the magnitude of each of the four
Note: The magnetic field from each wire components BA , BB , BC , and, BD at the
circulates in a circle around that wire. At the point P?
point P, you take the magnetic field direction Correct answer: 1.25708 × 10−6 T.
tangent to the circle formed by magnetic field Explanation:
lines. By Ampere’s law, the line integral around
Consider the magnetic field contributions any closed path is equal to µ0 I. Here the
due to the currents in A and B only:
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 13

path is defined by the circle with radius r.

I 024 (part 4 of 4) 10 points
~ · d~s = µ0 I
B What is the direction of this resultant mag-
netic field?
B · 2 π r = µ0 I
µ0 I ~ net
B= , 1. = +ı̂
2πr ~ net k
` ~ net
where r = ` cos 45◦ = √ is the distance from 2. = +̂
2 ~ net k
any of the wires to P, from which it follows
~ net
that 3. = −ı̂
BA = B B = B C = B D ~ net k
~ net
B 1
µ0 I 4. = + √ (ı̂ + ̂)
BA = √ ~ net k
kB 2
2 π`
Bnet 1
(4 π × 10−7 N/A2 )(4 A) 5. = − √ (ı̂ − ̂)
= √ ~ net k
kB 2
2 π (0.9 m)
~ net
= 1.25708 × 10−6 T . 6. = −̂
~ net k
~ net
023 (part 3 of 4) 10 points 7. is undetermined, since B = 0
~ net k
What is the magnitude of the magnetic field correct
at point P ?
Correct answer: 0 T. ~ net
B 1
Explanation: 8. = + √ (ı̂ − ̂)
~ net k
kB 2
To determine the magnetic field at P, add
Bnet 1
the four components. The components in the 9. = − √ (ı̂ + ̂)
x directions are ~ net k
kB 2
Bx = +BA cos 45◦ − BB cos 45◦
− BC cos 45◦ + BD cos 45◦
µ0 I
=0 √ cos 45◦ ,
2 π`
and the components in the y directions are
By = +BA cos 45◦ + BB cos 45◦
+4 A +4 A
− BC cos 45◦ − BD cos 45◦
µ0 I
=0 √ cos 45◦ .
2 π`
The result is
µ0 I
Bnet = (0)2 + (0)2 √ cos 45◦
2 π`
µ0 I +4 A +4 A
= (0)
π` B C
(4 π × 10−7 N/A2 )(4 A) At P, the direction of the resulting magnetic
= (0)
π (0.9 m) ~ net
field is undetermined, since B = 0 .
= 0T . Bnet
Platt, David – Quiz 3 – Due: Nov 15 2005, 10:00 pm – Inst: Ken Shih 14

025 (part 1 of 3) 10 points
A pendulum consists of a supporting rod and
a metal plate (see figure). The rod is pivoted
at O. The metal plate swings through a FB
region of magnetic field. Consider the case
where the pendulum is entering the magnetic i
field region from the left. ent

027 (part 3 of 3) 10 points

The direction of the force which the magnetic
field exerts is
er 1. into the paper.

2. along the direction of swing.

The direction of the circulating eddy cur-
rent in the plate is 3. out of the paper.

1. counter-clockwise. 4. along the rod toward the pivot point.

2. clockwise. correct 5. opposite to the direction of swing. cor-

Using the right-hand rule the circulating Explanation:
eddy current in the plate is clockwise. Because the magnetic field only exerts a
force on the current segment already in the
026 (part 2 of 3) 10 points magnetic field region, the net magnetic force
The direction of the induced magnetic field at is opposite to the direction of swing, see the
the center of the circulating eddy current is figure in the explanation of the previous Part.

1. out of the paper.

2. parallel to the direction of motion; i.e.,

the arrow in the sketch.

3. along the rod away from O.

4. along the rod toward O.

5. into the paper. correct

Because the magnetic field is pointing out
of the paper, the induced flux of the portion of
the plate entering the magnetic region should
be into the paper. Hence, by the right hand
rule, the induced current is clockwise.
Platt, David – Homework 16 – Due: Oct 14 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 11 questions.

Multiple-choice questions may continue on 002 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
the next column or page – find all choices What is its direction?
before answering. The due time is Central
time. 1. Into page

001 (part 1 of 2) 10 points 2. Out of page correct

An unusual message delivery system is pic-
tured in the figure. A 28 cm length of con- 3. Toward the top edge of the page
ductor (that is free to move) is held in place
between two thin conductors. All of the wires 4. None of these
are in a magnetic field. When a 11.2 A cur-
rent is directed as shown in the figure, the wire 5. Toward the right edge of the page
segment moves upward at a constant velocity.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 6. Toward the left edge of the page

0.28 m 7. Toward the bottom edge of the page

11.2 A
11.2 A 11.2 A

Assuming the wire slides without friction

on the two vertical conductors and has a mass
of 39 g, find the magnitude of the minimum
magnetic field that is required to move the
Correct answer: 0.121875 T.

Let : ` = 28 cm = 0.28 m ,
I = 11.2 A ,
m = 39 g = 0.039 kg , and Explanation:
g = 9.8 m/s2 . Apply the right-hand rule: Force directed
out of the palm of the hand, fingers in the
For the wire to move upward at constant direction of the field, thumb in the direction
speed, the net force must be 0, so of the current.
The thumb points to the left, the palm faces
Fmag = W toward the top of the page, so the fingers point
B I ` sin θ = m g out of the page.
since θ = 90◦ ,
003 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
mg The gravitational force on loop is downward.
I` ¡ ¢ A rectangular loop with dimensions (hor-
(0.039 kg) 9.8 m/s2 izontal = 0.48 m) × (vertical= 1.104 m), is
= suspended by a string, and the lower hori-
(11.2 A) (0.28 m)
zontal section of the loop is immersed in a
= 0.121875 T magnetic field.
Platt, David – Homework 16 – Due: Oct 14 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

If a current of 3.9 A is maintained in the loop,

what is the magnitude of the magnetic field
required to produce a tension of 0.06 N in the
supporting string for a negligible gravitational
Correct answer: 0.0320513 T.
The magnitude of the force on the lower leg
~ | = |I ~`hor × B|
|F ~ .
Therefore, the magnitude of the magnetic
field due to this force is
I `hor
0.06 N
(3.9 A) (0.48 m)
How must the current flow in the loop so = 0.0320513 T .
that the tension in the supporting string is
The gravitational force on loop is down- 005 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
ward. A circular current loop of radius R is placed
in a horizontal plane and maintains a current
1. either way ~ in the
I. There is a constant magnetic field B
xy-plane, with the angle α (0 < α < 90◦ )

2. counter clockwise defined with respect to y-axis. The current in
the loop flows clockwise as seen from above.
3. clockwise correct In this problem we determine the torque
Explanation: vector τ which the field exerts on the current
To have a tensile force in the supporting loop.
y, ̂ x
string, the loop must produce a force that α ı̂
pulls downward on the supporting string. The

downward force in the loop comes from the

~I × B~ `hor , force on the lower leg of the loop
(`hor is the length of the horizontal leg), which
would be downward if this current is directed
to the left on this lower leg. Hence, as this
current moves around the loop, the current k̂
must flow clockwise. z
Also note that there is no external force What is the direction of the torque vector
on the upper leg since the external magnetic ~τ ?
field is zero there (we neglect the magnetic
field from the current of the loop). The mag- τ = +ı̂
1. b
netic forces on the vertical legs are equal and
opposite and in the horizontal directions, so τ = + k̂ correct
2. b
they do not produce any forces on the sup-
porting string. τ = − ̂
3. b

004 (part 2 of 2) 10 points τ = + ̂

4. b
Platt, David – Homework 16 – Due: Oct 14 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

The magnetic dipole moment is

τ = − k̂
5. b
µ = I A = I π R2 .
τ = −ı̂
6. b

τ = ı̂ + ̂ sin α
7. b The magnitude of a cross product is

ı̂ + k̂ ~ = kA
~ × Bk
~ = A B sin θ ,
τ= √
8. b kCk
τ = k̂ − ̂ sin α
9. b
where θ is the angle between A~ and B ~.
The angle between ~µ and B is α , so the
k̂ − ı̂
τ= √
10. b magnitude of the torque (k~τ k ≡ τ ) is
Basic Concepts: Torque on a current τ = µ B sin θ = I π R2 B sin α
loop due to a magnetic field. = µ B sin α
y, ̂ x
ı̂ = (0.00152004 A m2 )(2.8 × 10−6 T) sin 24.3◦
= 1.75145 × 10−9 N · m .

007 (part 1 of 1) 10 points


µ α
k̂ A particle with charge q and mass m is un-
z dergoing circular motion with speed v. At
Solution: We know that torque is t = 0, the particle is moving along the nega-
~τ = ~µ × B tive x axis in the plane perpendicular to the
~ which points in the positive
magnetic field B,
= µ (−̂) × [Bx (+ı̂) + By (−̂)]
z direction in the figure below.
and that ̂ × ̂ = 0 and −̂ × ı̂ = k̂, so
~τ = µ Bx k̂ , y
and the direction of the torque is +k̂ . This
agrees with the answer from the right-hand ~v
rule. x
006 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
Let I = 0.24 A, R = 4.49 cm, B = 2.8 µT, and Find the direction of the instantaneous ac-
α = 24.3◦ . celeration b
a at t = 0 if q is negative.
What is the magnitude of the torque ex-
erted on the current loop? a = −k̂ + î
1. b
Correct answer: 1.75145 × 10−9 N m.
Explanation: a = ĵ + k̂
2. b

Let : I = 0.24 A , a = −ĵ correct

3. b
R = 4.49 cm , a = −k̂
4. b
B = 2.8 µT , and
α = 24.3◦ . a = −î
5. b
Platt, David – Homework 16 – Due: Oct 14 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

Neglect the effect due to gravity.

a = î + ĵ
6. b What is a reasonable explanation?

a = k̂
7. b 1. The charge is negative and slowing
a = î
8. b
2. None of these
a = ĵ
9. b
3. The charge is positive and speeding up.
a = k̂ + î
10. b
Explanation: 4. The charge is positive and slowing down.
The particle is moving along the negative
x-axis in this instant 5. The charge is negative and speeding up.
~v = −v î ;
since it is moving in a circle, we need to talk We know that when a charged particle
about instantaneous direction. moves in a uniform magnetic field with a
~ at all times.
The force FB is equal to q ~v × B constant speed, it undergoes a circular mo-
We know that B ~ is pointing in the z direction, tion with the centripetal force provided by
so the magnetic force, namely
~ = B k̂ ,
and therefore m = qvB,
~ B = q v (−î) × B k̂
so we know that the radius is in fact propor-
= q v B (−î × k̂) = q v B ĵ .
tional to the speed,
The charge q is negative (q = −|q|) , so
~ B = −|q| v B ĵ = |q| v B (−ĵ) . r= v.
F qB
All quantities are positive, so the actual di- Since the particle follows a spiral of increasing
rection in which F~ B points is the negative y
radius, we can judge that it is speeding up.
direction, or b
a = −ĵ . The magnetic force F ~ = q ~v × B ~ must be
in the direction for the centripetal force −r̂
008 (part 1 of 1) 10 points (pointed inward) of this particle in counter-
clockwise circular motion. Since ~v × B ~ is in
A static uniform magnetic field is directed the positive r̂ direction, the particle has a
out of the page. A charged particle moves negative charge.
in the plane of the page following a counter-
clockwise spiral of increasing radius as shown. 009 (part 1 of 3) 10 points

B A device (“source”) emits a bunch of

charged ions (particles) with a range of ve-
locities (see figure). Some of these ions pass
through the left slit and enter “Region I” in
which there is a vertical uniform electric field
(in the −̂ direction) and a B uniform mag-
B netic field (aligned with the ±k̂-direction) as
shown in the figure by the shaded area.
Platt, David – Homework 16 – Due: Oct 14 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 5
+V Region of point out of the page or in the +z-direction
q Magnetic +k̂ , since the force F ~ is in the direction up
m B the page; i.e., “+̂ ”

y q

d |q|
x = +ı̂
k~v k
z ~
Region I Region II =?
Figure: ı̂ is in the direction +x ~B
(to the right), ̂ is in the direction = −̂ , and
~B k
+y (up the page), and k̂ is in the
direction +z (out of the page). the vector product
In which direction (relative to the coor-
ı̂ × k̂ = −̂ , and since
dinate system shown above) should the mag-
F~ = q ~v × B ~ = kF ~ k (−̂)
netic field point in order for positively charged " #
ions to move along the path shown by the dot- ~
F q ~v B~
ted line in the diagram above? = ×
kF~k |q| k~v k kBk ~
h ³ ´i
B = + (+ı̂) × +k̂
1. = +k̂ correct
kBk = −̂ , consequently
2. = −k̂ ~
kBk = +k̂ is correct.
~ = 0 ; direction undetermined
3. kBk
Explanation: 010 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
To obtain a straight orbit, the upward and In “Region I”, the electric potential between
downward forces need to cancel. The force on the plates is V , the distance between the
a charged particle is plates is d, which gives rise to an electric
field E . The magnetic field in both “Regions
~ =F
F ~E + F
~ B = q (E
~ + ~v × B)
~ . I and II” is B .
The velocity v of the ion is
For the force to be zero, we need
~E + F
F ~B = 0 , or 1. v = E B

~ E = −F
F ~B . 2. v =
µ ¶2
Therefore, the forces are equal and opposite B
and the magnitude of forces are equal; i.e., 3. v =
kF~ E k = kF
~Bk . µ ¶2
The force due to the magnetic field provides E
4. v =
the centripetal force that causes the negative B
ions to move in the semicircle. B
5. v = 2
As the positively charged ion exits the re- E
~ B = q ~v × B,
gion of the electric field, F ~ so by E
the right-hand rule the magnetic field must 6. v = correct
Platt, David – Homework 16 – Due: Oct 14 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 6

7. v = mv
B r= .
B qB
8. v = Br
E m=q
9. v = 2 Br
B =q
√ E
10. v = EB B
Explanation: q B2 r
Since the electric and magnetic forces on =
the ion are equal,
qE = qvB
v= .

011 (part 3 of 3) 10 points

The ions that make it into “Region II” are
observed to be deflected downward and then
follow a circular path with a radius of r.
The charge on each ion is q.
What is the mass of the ions?
1. m =
q B2 r
2. m = correct
3. m =
q B2
4. m =
5. m =
q E2 r
6. m =
q E2
7. m =
8. m =
9. m =
10. m =
The radius of a circular path taken by a
charged particle in a magnetic field is given
Platt, David – Homework 17 – Due: Oct 17 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 6 questions. q = 1.6021 × 10−19 C ,

Multiple-choice questions may continue on I = 7.5 A , and
the next column or page – find all choices
L = 2.2 m .
before answering. The due time is Central
Please learn chapter 30, section 1 by your- ~
self to solve some of these problems. This
section will be included in Quiz2. a
001 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
Assume: The mobile charge carriers are ei- ~
ther electrons or holes. The holes have
the same magnitude of charge as the elec-

trons. The number of mobile charge car-
riers for this particular material is n =
8.49 × 1028 electrons/m3 . V
Note: In the figure, the point at the upper P2
edge P1 and at the lower edge P2 have the L
same x coordinate. For the Hall effect the magnetic force bal-
A constant magnetic field of magnitude ances the electric force which means
points out of the paper. There is a steady
flow of a horizontal current flowing from left q vd B = q E ,
to right in the x direction.
y E = vd B .
x B = 1.2 T
Also we know

P1 I = n q vd A or
B vd = ,
7.5 A nqA
4.9 cm

so that the magnitude of the electric field is

P2 (7.5 A) (1.2 T)
2.2 m =
n (1.6021 × 10−19 C) (0.00294 m2 )
The charge on the electron is 1.6021 ×
10−19 C. = 2.2506 × 10−7 N/C ,
What is the magnitude of the electric field
where the area
between the upper and lower surfaces?
Correct answer: 2.2506 × 10−7 N/C. A=a·b
= (0.06 m) (0.049 m)
= 0.00294 m2 .
Let : a = 6 cm = 0.06 m ,
b = 4.9 cm = 0.049 m , 002 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
B = 1.2 T , For this part of the problem a voltmeter (with
n = 8.49 × 1028 electrons/m3 , an internal resistance less than infinity) is
Platt, David – Homework 17 – Due: Oct 17 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

connected to the system, where the contact S

points are on the upper and lower surfaces
and are in the same vertical plane. I I
Choose the correct answer for the case d d
where the sign of the charge of current carri- wire #1 P wire #2
ers are either negative (electrons) or positive
(holes). S0
At what points in the plane of the page
1. The direction of the current through the
(besides points at infinity), is the magnetic
voltmeter is downward for either positive or field due to the currents zero?
negative charge carriers.
1. At only point P . correct
2. The direction of the current through the
voltmeter is upward for positive charge carri- 2. At all points on the line SS 0 , a perpen-
ers and downward for negative charge carriers. dicular bisector of a line connecting the two
correct wires.
3. The current through the voltmeter is zero 3. At all points on the line connecting the
for either positive or negative charge carri- two wires.
4. At all points on a circle of radius d cen-
4. The direction of the current through the tered at either wire.
voltmeter is downward for positive charge car-
riers and upward for negative charge carri- 5. At no points.

5. The direction of the current through the

voltmeter is upward for either positive or neg-
ative charge carriers.
First consider the negative charge carrier
case. Applying the right hand rule, the force
on electrons moving to the left is downward. Explanation:
This generates a counterclockwise electron The only way that the total magnetic field
flow, or a clockwise current. In other words at would be zero is if the magnetic fields due to
the voltmeter, the current flows downward. the two wires have the same magnitude but
For the positive charge carrier case, the opposite directions at the same point.
force on the positive charged carrier is again Only at points on the line SS 0 do the mag-
downward. This generates a counterclockwise netic fields have the same magnitude. Only
current. At the voltmeter now the current at point P are the magnetic fields parallel
flows upward. (aligned with the vertical axis). Using the
right hand rule, they are in opposite direc-
003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points tion.
Thus, at only point P (besides points at in-
Two long, parallel wires are separated by a finity) is the magnetic field due to the currents
distance 2 d, as shown below. Wire #1 carries zero.
a steady current I into the plane of the page
while wire #2 carries a steady current I into 004 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
the page. The wire is carrying a current I.
Platt, David – Homework 17 – Due: Oct 17 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

and r̂ are parallel meaning d~s × r̂ = 0 for this

part of the wire. It is now easy to see that the
180◦ right part, having a d~s antiparallel to r̂, also
gives no contribution to B~ at O.
Let us go through the semicircle C. The
I I element d~s, which is along the wire, will now
R be perpendicular to r̂, which is pointing along
the radius towards O. Therefore
O x
I | d~s × r̂| = ds
Find the magnitude of the magnetic field B
at O due to a current-carrying wire shown in using the fact that r̂ is a unit vector. So the
the figure, where the semicircle has radius r, Biot-Savart Law gives for the magnitude B of
and the straight parts to the left and to the the magnetic field at O
right extend to infinity. Z
µ0 I ds
µ0 I 4 π C r2
1. B =
3πr Since the distance r to the element d~s is con-
µ0 I stant everywhere on the semicircle C, we will
2. B = correct
4r be able to pull it out of the integral. The
µ0 I integral is
3. B = Z Z
2πr ds 1 1
µ0 I 2
= 2 ds = 2 LC ,
4. B = C r r C r
µ0 I where LC = π r is the length of the semicircle.
5. B = Thus the magnitude of the magnetic field is
µ0 I µ0 I 1 µ0 I
6. B = B= πr = .
r 4π r 2 4r
µ0 I
7. B =
3r 005 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
µ0 I Note: î is in x-direction, ĵ is in y-direction,
8. B =
πr and k̂ direction is perpendicular to paper to-
µ0 I wards reader.
9. B =
8πr Determine the direction of the magnetic
µ0 I ~ at O due to the current-carrying wire.
field B
10. B =
b = +ı̂
1. B
By the Biot-Savart Law,
b = −̂
2. B
~ µ0 I d~s × r̂
B= . b = +̂
3. B
4π r2
Consider the left straight part of the wire. b = +k̂
4. B
The line element d~s at this part, if we come ³ ´
in from ∞, points towards O; i.e., in the x- b = √1 î − ̂
5. B
direction. We need to find d~s × r̂ to use the 2
1 ³ ´
Biot-Savart Law. However, in this part of the b = √ k̂ − ̂
6. B
wire, r̂ is pointing towards O as well, so d~s 2
Platt, David – Homework 17 – Due: Oct 17 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

³ ´
b = √1 î + ̂
7. B
1 ³ ´
b = √ k̂ + ̂
8. B
9. B = −k̂ correct

b = −ı̂
10. B
We know from Part 1 that the only contri-
bution to the magnetic field at O comes from
the semicircle. Furthermore, we need only
consider the direction of d~s × r̂ for one typi-
cal segment d~s. If we go along the semicircle
from left to right, and we know that r̂ is point-
ing in towards O, the right hand rule tells us
that the field resulting from this element is
into the paper. Since this holds for every el-
ement on the semicircle, the total field is also
pointing into the paper.

006 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

A wire in which there is a current of 7.05 A is
to be formed into a circular loop of one turn.
The permeability of free space is
1.25664 × 10−6 T · m/A .
If the required value of the magnetic field
at the center of the loop is 8.07 µT, what is
the required radius?
Correct answer: 54.8903 cm.

Let : B = 8.07 µT = 8.07 × 10−6 T ,

I = 7.05 A , and
µ0 = 1.25664 × 10−6 T · m/A .

The magnetic field at the center of circular

loop is
µ0 I
µ0 I
(1.25664 × 10−6 T · m/A) (7.05 A)
2 (8.07 µT)
= 54.8903 cm .
Platt, David – Homework 18 – Due: Oct 21 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 9 questions. Conversion from degrees to radians:

Multiple-choice questions may continue on π
the next column or page – find all choices 60◦ = radians
before answering. The due time is Central
time. Solution: For current along arc CD, d~s is
perpendicular to r̂. Therefore, if we are not
001 (part 1 of 5) 10 points concerned with the field’s direction, the Biot-
The current loop ABCDA carries current I Savart law gives
in the direction indicated in the figure, where µ0 I
the segments AB and CD are concentric arcs dB = ds
4 π b2
with radii a and b respectively.
for current along arc CD. Integrating over
D C the segment yields
µ0 I
60◦ BCD = ds
y 4 π b2 C
µ0 I

= (b α)

4 π b2
x µ0 I µ0 I π
= α=
O 4πb 4πb 3
What is the magnitude of the resultant µ0 I
= ,
~ at the center of curva-
magnetic field kBk 12 b
ture O due to the current segment of arc CD?
where the pseudo unit of α should be radians.
Radian denotes a pure number, and is not a
~ CD k = µ0 I
1. kB
12 b unit.

~ CD k = µ0 I
2. kB
002 (part 2 of 5) 10 points
6 b
What is the direction of the resultant mag-
~ CD k = 0 I
3. kB
µ 1 ~ at the center of curvature O due
netic field B
24 b2 to the current segment of arc CD?
~ CD k = µ0 I
4. kB
6 b2 1. pointing into the paper
~ CD k = 0
5. kB
2. positive y direction
~ CD k = µ0 I
6. kB
12 b2 3. undetermined
~ CD k = µ0 I
7. kB
4. negative x direction
3 b
~ CD k = µ0 I
8. kB
5. positive x direction
3 b2
~ CD k = 0 I
9. kB
µ 1 6. pointing out of the paper correct
24 b
Explanation: 7. negative y direction
Basic Concepts: Biot-Savart law: Explanation:
Using the right-hand rule, for d~s × r̂, the
µ0 I d~s × r̂ ~ points out
resultant magnetic field vector B
~ =
4π r2 of the paper.
Platt, David – Homework 18 – Due: Oct 21 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

Like Part 2, the magnetic field due to segment

003 (part 3 of 5) 10 points DA is also 0. Like Part 1, the magnitude of
Find the magnitude of the magnetic field at magnetic field due to segment AB is given by
O due to the current segment BC. Z B
µ0 I µ0 I µ0 I α
BAB = ds = (a α) =
~ BC k = µ0 I
1. kB
1 4πa A 2 4πa 2 4πa
24 (b − a)2
However, the magnetic field due to segment
~ BC k = µ0 I
2. kB
AB is pointing into the paper, while the mag-
12 (b − a)2 netic field due to segment CD is pointing out
~ BC k = µ0 I 1
3. kB of the paper. Since a < b, the contribution by
24 b − a AB is larger in magnitude than that by CD.
~ BC k = µ0 I 1
4. kB
Put all the previous results above together,
3 b−a we get the direction of the resultant magnetic
field is pointing into the paper.
~ BC k = µ0 I
5. kB
3 (b − a)2
005 (part 5 of 5) 10 points
~ BC k = 0 correct
6. kB What is the magnitude of the magnetic field
µ0 I 1 due to the entire loop?
~ BC k =
7. kB
6 b−a µ 0 I
1 1

~ =
1. kBk −
~ BC k = 0 I 1
8. kB
µ 24 a b
12 b − a µ I
1 1

~ = 0
2. kBk −
~ BC k = µ0 I
9. kB
1 12 a 2 b2
6 (b − a)2 µ I
1 1

~ = 0
Explanation: 3. kBk −
3 a b
For segment BC, d~s is from an element on µ I
1 1

~ = 0
BC to O, so it is antiparallel to the direction 4. kBk −
6 a b
~ BC = 0 .
of r̂. Therefore d~s × r̂ = 0 =⇒ B
~ =0
5. kBk
004 (part 4 of 5) 10 points µ I
1 1

~ = 0
What is the direction of the resultant mag- 6. kBk − correct
~ at the center of curvature O due 12 a b
netic field B µ ¶
to the current loop ABCDA? ~ = µ0 I
7. kBk
− 2
6 a 2 b
µ ¶
1. positive y direction. ~ µ0 I 1 1
8. kBk = −
3 a 2 b2
2. undetermined. µ0 I
1 1

9. kBk = −
24 a 2 b2
3. negative y direction.
4. pointing into the paper. correct Its magnitude is given by
µ ¶
~ = BAB − BCD = µ 0 I α 1 1
5. positive x direction. kBk −
4π a b
µ ¶
6. pointing out of the paper. µ0 I 1 1
= − .
12 a b
7. negative x direction.
Explanation: 006 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
Platt, David – Homework 18 – Due: Oct 21 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

Consider the two parallel wires shown. They A

are separated by a distance a. Find the i^
magnitude and the direction of the magnetic
field at P due to the two currents, where P
I1 = I2 = I. The shaded triangle is in the BA BB j^
plane perpendicular to the two wires. In the
left view, AP = BP .
x B

− −
→ →

The direction of B = B A + B B is down
A (or −ı̂).

z 007 (part 2 of 2) 10 points

P What is the magnitude of the field at P ?

B µ0 I
y 1.
µ0 I
A 2.
µ0 I
3. correct
left view a P µ0 I
µ0 I
B 2πa
µ0 I
As seen from left, what is the direction of 6.
the magnetic field at P ? : (Caution: Notice
when viewing from the left, +ı̂ is up and + ̂ Explanation:
is to the right.) From the sketch, the resultant magnetic field
is pointing downward. Adding up the vertical
(ı̂ − ̂) projections, the magnitude of the magnetic
1. √
2 field at B is
2. − ̂
(ı̂ − ̂) B = 2 BA cos
3. − √ 4µ ¶
2 µ0 I 1
=2 a √
(ı̂ + ̂) 2π √ 2
4. − √
2 2
µ0 I
5. +ı̂ =
6. + ̂

7. −ı̂ correct 008 (part 1 of 2) 10 points

Three very long wires are strung parallel to
(ı̂ + ̂) each other as shown in the figure below. Each
8. √
2 wire is at a distance 42 cm from the other two,
and each wire carries a current of magnitude
Explanation: I = 6.7 A in the directions shown in the figure.
Platt, David – Homework 18 – Due: Oct 21 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

I 1
3 30 ◦ 3
I y B ◦ ×
I x 30 ̂
2 ◦
3 z B 2 60
× 1 ı̂

42 cm 42 cm
◦ 60 ◦
y 60
1 2
z Adding Magnetic Fields
1 42 cm 2
Cross-sectional View
Find the magnitude of the net force per
unit length exerted on the upper wire (wire 3)
by the other two wires.
Correct answer: 3.70236 × 10−5 N/m. F

30 ◦
The magnetic field due to a long straight

F 23


wire is
µ0 I ×3
B= ,
2πr ı̂
60◦ k̂
and the force per unit length between two
parallel wires ◦ 60 ◦
1 2
F µ0 I 1 I 2
= . Adding Forces
` 2πr
Its components will then be
There are two ways to solve this problem
which are essentially the same. The first way ~ 1 = B [sin (30◦ ) ̂ − cos (30◦ )ı̂] .
is to find the net magnetic field at the upper
wire from the two wires below (B ~ net = B
~1 + Similarly, B~ 2 points down and to the left of
~ 2 ) and then find the force from F
B ~ = IL ~ × wire 3; its components are given by
~ . The crucial step here will be to add the
B ~ 2 = B [− sin (30◦ ) ̂ − cos (30◦ )ı̂] .
magnetic fields as vectors. The second way
would be to use F ~ = IL ~ ×B~ to find the net
Notice that by symmetry the ̂ (y) compo-
force on the upper wire from the two lower
~ net = F
~1 + F~ 2 , where we must be nent of the magnetic field vanishes. The net
wires F
magnetic field is therefore
sure to add the forces as vectors. You should
recognize that the two methods are formally ◦
identical. Let’s do it the first way. The ~ net = −2 µ0 I cos (30 ) ı̂ .
magnitude magnetic field from wire 1 is found
from Ampere’s law to be The force is then
~ =IL
F ~ ×B~
µ0 I
B1 = . −2 µ0 I cos (30◦ )
µ ¶
2πr =IL (−k̂ × ı̂)
−2 µ0 I cos (30◦ )
µ ¶
Using the right hand rule the direction points
=IL (−̂)
up and to the left of wire as shown in figure 2. 2πr
Platt, David – Homework 18 – Due: Oct 21 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 5
kF µ0 I 2 cos(30◦ )
kLk πr
µ0 (6.7 A)2 cos(30◦ )
π (0.42 m)
= 3.70236 × 10−5 N/m .

Notice the direction of L ~ is in the −k̂ direc-

tion, since that is the direction of the current.
After all the negative signs have cancelled,
we notice that the force is in the ̂ direction.
This is 90◦ from the positive x-axis.

009 (part 2 of 2) 10 points

What angle does the net force on the upper
wire (wire 3) make with the positive x-axis?
Measure your angles in the standard way:
counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.

1. θ = 300◦

2. θ = 60◦

3. θ = 270◦

4. θ = 240◦

5. θ = 180◦

6. θ = 210◦

7. θ = 90◦ correct

8. θ = 0◦

9. θ = 120◦

10. θ = 30◦
See Part 1.
Platt, David – Homework 19 – Due: Oct 24 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 10 questions. a radius of 190 cm with its center a distance r
Multiple-choice questions may continue on from the straight part.
the next column or page – find all choices
before answering. The due time is Central
190 cm
001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points r I
A conductor suspended by two flexible wires
as in the figure has a mass per unit length of
0.86 kg/m.
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Find r so that the magnetic field at the
center of the circular portion is zero.
Correct answer: 60.4789 cm.

B in Let : R = 190 cm .

For a net magnetic field at the center to be

What current must exist in the conductor in zero,
order for the tension in the supporting wires
to be zero when the magnetic field is 3.7 T Bline + Bloop = 0
into the page?
Correct answer: 2.27784 A. µ ¶ µ ¶
Explanation: µ0 I µ0 I
ı̂ + − ı̂ = 0
2πr 2R

Let : B = 3.7 T , µ ¶
g = 9.8 m/s2 , and µ0 I 1 1
− =0
m 2 πr R
µ= = 0.86 kg/m .
The magnetic force acting on a current car-
rying wire is 1 1
− =0
πr R
~ = I ~l × B
F ~. R
To balance the wire, the¯ magnetic force 190 cm
¯~ ¯ =
must be equal to the gravity ¯F ¯ = m g, so π
= 60.4789 cm .
mg 0.86 kg/m 9.8 m/s2
I= =
lB 3.7 T
= 2.27784 A 003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
An infinitely long straight wire carrying a
where µ is the mass per unit length. current I1 = 46.9 A is partially surrounded
by a loop as in figure. The loop has a length
002 (part 1 of 1) 10 points L = 50.6 cm, a radius R = 18.6 cm, and
An infinitely long straight wire is bent as carries a current I2 = 13.1 A. The axis of the
shown in the figure. The circular portion has loop coincides with the wire.
Platt, David – Homework 19 – Due: Oct 24 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

p ermeability of
ore, 40



L I1 r
2 A

rn s id
Calculate the force exerted on the loop. of wire in toro
Correct answer: 668.562 µN.
Explanation: Find the magnitude of the magnetic field
within a toroid at some point P = h, where
the perpendicular distance from the central
Let : I1 = 46.9 A, axis to the point P is r.
I2 = 13.1 A,
µ0 i
L = 50.6 cm = 0.506 m, and 1. B =
R = 18.6 cm = 0.186 m. µ0 N i
2. B = correct
The central wire creates field µ0 i
3. B =
~ = µ0 I 1
B counterclockwise . µ0 i
2πR 4. B =
The curved portions of the loop feels zero µ0 i
5. B =
force since ~l × B
~ = 0 there. The straight 2a
portions both feel I2 ~l × B
~ forces to the right, µ0 N i
6. B =
amounting to 2πb
µ0 N i
7. B =
~ = I 2 2 L µ0 I 1
F 2πa
2πR µ0 i
µ0 I 1 I 2 L 8. B =
= to the right 2πr
πR µ0 i
~ k = µ0 (46.9 A) (13.1 A) (0.506 m)
9. B =
π (0.186 m)
= 0.000668562 N 10. B = 0
= 668.562 µN .
Basic Concepts: Magnetic Field in
004 (part 1 of 3) 10 points Toroid.
The toroid has its inner radius a, its outer ~ and
Denote the magnetic field at P by B,
radius b, a height of h, and its number of construct a circular Amperian loop which
turns N . The rectangular cross-sectonal area is centered at the symmetry axis and it
of the hollow core is (b − a) h. passes through P. Applying Ampere’s law
Platt, David – Homework 19 – Due: Oct 24 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

gives 2 π r B = µ0 N i. So
µ0 N i
8. B =
µ0 N i πa
B= . µ0 i
2πr 9. B =
From the derivation in Part 1, we see that B ~ µ0 i
10. B =
is independent of the vertical height, so long b
as the point P is within the toroid. Explanation:
Applying Ampere’s law gives 2 π r B = 0.
005 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
~ field within the toroid as
The direction of B 007 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
view from the top is An open hemispherical surface of radius
0.141 m is in a magnetic field of 0.121 T.
1. counterclockwise The circular cross-section of the surface is
perpendicular to the direction of the field.
2. clockwise correct Calculate the magnetic flux through the
3. Cannot be determined. Correct answer: 0.00755742 T m2 .
Apply the right-hand rule. Curl the right-
hand fingers along the direction of the current. Let : B = 0.121 T and
The thumb gives the direction of the magnetic r = 0.141 m .
field inside of the toroid. When looking down
from the top, one sees that the B-field lines
form clockwise circular loops.
= B π r2
006 (part 3 of 3) 10 points = (0.121 T) π (0.141 m)2
Find the magnitude of the magnetic field in- = 0.00755742 T m2
side the central hole of the toroid at some
point P = h, where the perpendicular dis-
2 008 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
tance from the central axis to the point P is
1 Gauss’ law for magnetism tells us:
1. that the line integral of a magnetic field
1. B = 0 correct around any closed loop vanishes.
µ0 i
2. B = 2. that charges must be moving to produce
πb magnetic fields.
µ0 N i
3. B =
πb 3. the net charge in any given volume.
µ0 i
4. B =
2 4. that the magnetic monopoles do not exist.
µ0 i correct
5. B =
µ0 i 5. the magnetic field of a current element.
6. B =
πa Explanation:
µ0 N i
7. B = 009 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
Platt, David – Homework 19 – Due: Oct 24 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

A uniform non-conducting ring of radius

3.1 cm and total charge 4.98 µC rotates with µ µ
a constant angular speed of 4.61 rad/s around
an axis perpendicular to the plane of the ring A B
that passes through its center. µ µ
What is the magnitude of the magnetic
moment of the rotating ring?
Correct answer: 1.10312 × 10−8 A m2 .
2π C µ µ µ µ D
The period is T = . The spinning pro-
Q Qω
duces a current I = Q f = = . Then, For configurations A and B, assume that
T 2π the two current loops have the same axis and
the magnetic moment µ is given by
move freely along the axis. For configurations
C and D, assume that the two current loops
are on in same plane and move freely only in
Qω that plane.
µ=IA= π R2 .
2π In which case(s) are the current loops at-
tracted to one-another?

Hence 1. None of these.

2. B, D

Q R2 ω 3. A, C correct
(4.98 × 10−6 C) (0.031 m)2 (4.61 rad/s) 4. C
5. B
= 1.10312 × 10−8 A m2 .
6. A, D

7. B, C
010 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
Given: A loop with current I produces a 8. A
magnetic moment µ , as shown below.
9. D
µ If we consider the magnetic moments as a
small magnets, then opposite poles will at-
tract (N and S), and same poles will repel
each other (N and N, S and S). In case of A
and C, opposite poles are facing each other,
so the system is stable.
Consider the following four configurations
of two loops each, A, B, C, and D. The
placement and current directions of the loops
are shown below. The loops are characterized
by their magnetic moments µ.
Platt, David – Homework 20 – Due: Oct 26 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 5 questions. Explanation:

Multiple-choice questions may continue on
the next column or page – find all choices
before answering. The due time is Central Let : B = 0.121 T and
time. r = 0.141 m .

001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

An air-core solenoid has a length of 55.9 cm, a
cross-sectional area of 0.0885 m2 , and contains = B π r2
660 turns. The current through the solenoid = (0.121 T) π (0.141 m)2
increases by 9.55 A. = 0.00755742 T m2
The permeability of free space is 1.25664 ×
10−6 N/A2 .
By how much does the magnetic flux 003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
through the solenoid change? A coil is wrapped with 231 turns of wire on the
Correct answer: 1253.97 µWb. perimeter of a square frame of sides 35.5 cm.
Explanation: Each turn has the same area, equal to that of
the frame, and the total resistance of the coil
is 1.87 Ω. A uniform magnetic field is turned
Let : ` = 55.9 cm = 0.559 m, on perpendicular to the plane of the coil.
A = 0.0885 m2 , If the field changes linearly from 0 to
N = 660 turns, −0.313 Wb/m2 in a time of 1.05 s, find the
I = 9.55 A, and magnitude of the induced emf in the coil while
the field is changing.
µ0 = 1.25664 × 10−6 N/A2 .
Correct answer: 8.67808 V.
The magnetic field inside the solenoid is Explanation:
Basic Concept: Faraday’s Law is
B = µ0 n I d ΦB
= (1.25664 × 10−6 N/A2 ) E =− .
µ ¶ dt
660 turns
× (9.55 A) Solution: The magnetic flux through the
0.559 m
loop at t = 0 is zero since B = 0. At t =
= 0.0141692 T . 1.05 s , the magnetic flux through the loop is
ΦB = B A = −0.0394458 Wb . Therefore the
∆ΦB = B A magnitude of the induced emf is
= (0.0141692 T) (0.0885 m2 ) N · ∆ΦB
= 0.00125397 Wb ∆t
= 1253.97 µWb . (231 turns) [(−0.0394458 Wb) − 0]
(1.05 s)
= −8.67808 V
002 (part 1 of 1) 10 points |E| = 8.67808 V .
An open hemispherical surface of radius
0.141 m is in a magnetic field of 0.121 T.
The circular cross-section of the surface is 004 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
perpendicular to the direction of the field. A 12 Ω square loop, whose dimensions are
Calculate the magnetic flux through the 4.7 m × 4.7 m, is placed in a uniform 0.066 T
surface. magnetic field that is directed perpendicular
Correct answer: 0.00755742 T m2 . to the plane of the loop (see figure).
Platt, David – Homework 20 – Due: Oct 26 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

The loop, which is hinged at each vertex, is d

a with one leg being . The area of each of
pulled as shown until the separation between 2
points C and D is d = 1.6 m. The process these triangles is
takes 0.13 s.
µ ¶ µ ¶2
1 1 d d
C Af = 2
a − .
4 2 2 2

7 Thus


F F s
µ ¶2
d d
Af = d a2 −
µ ¶2
1.6 m
D = (1.6 m) (4.7 m)2 −
What is the average current generated in = 7.41026 m2 .
the loop?
Correct answer: 0.621066 A. We then find the average emf to be
Explanation: B [Ai − Af ]
Basic Concept: Faraday’s Law Eavg =
d ΦB (0.066 T) [(22.09 m2 ) − (7.41026 m2 )]
E =− . =
dt 0.13 s
= 7.45279 V .
Ohm’s Law Applying Ohm’s law, the average current is
I= .
R Eavg
Iavg =
(7.45279 V)
Let : R = 12 Ω , =
(12 Ω)
a = 4.7 m , = 0.621066 A .
d = 1.6 m , and
∆t = 0.13 s . 005 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
A toroid having a rectangular cross section
Solution: From Faraday’s law, the average (a = 2.87 cm by b = 2.03 cm) and inner
induced emf is radius 4.84 cm consists of N = 630 turns of
∆ΦB wire that carries a current I = I0 sin ω t, with
Eavg = − I0 = 20.7 A and a frequency f = 47.1 Hz. A
∆A loop that consists of N` = 16 turns of wire
= −B . links the toroid, as in the figure.
The change in area for the square with sides
a is
∆A = Af − Ai , N

Ai = a 2
= 22.09 m2 .
R Nl
To find Af , we note that the final shape is
made up of four right triangles of hypotenuse b
Platt, David – Homework 20 – Due: Oct 26 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

Determine the maximum E induced in the

loop by the changing current I.
Correct answer: 0.124143 V.
Basic Concept: Faraday’s Law
d ΦB
E =− .
Magnetic field in a toroid
µ0 N I
B= .
Solution: In a toroid, all the flux is confined
to the inside of the toroid
µ0 N I
B= .
So, the flux through the loop of wire is
ΦB1 = B dA
Z b+R
µ0 N I 0 a dr
= sin(ω t)
2π R µ r

µ0 N I 0 b+R
= a sin(ω t) ln .
2π R
Applying Faraday’s law, the induced emf can
be calculated as follows
d ΦB1
E = −N`
dt µ ¶
µ0 N I 0 b+R
= −N` ω a ln cos(ω t)
2π R
= −E0 cos(ω t)
where ω = 2πf was used.
The maximum magnitude of the induced
emf, E0 , is the coefficient in front of cos(ω t).
d ΦB1
E0 = −N`
dt · ¸
ω b+R
= −N` µ0 N I0 a ln
2π R
= −(16 turns) µ0 (630 turns)
× (20.7 A) (47.1 Hz) (2.87 cm)
· ¸
(2.03 cm) + (4.84 cm)
× ln
(4.84 cm)
= −0.124143 V
|E| = 0.124143 V .
Platt, David – Homework 21 – Due: Oct 28 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 8 questions. Use a “bracket”, “[ ]”, to denote the direc-
Multiple-choice questions may continue on tions. The direction content of Faraday’s Law
the next column or page – find all choices then reads,
before answering. The due time is Central · ¸
time. dΦ
[Eind ] = − = −⊗ = ¯ .
001 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
Given: B = b t, where b = 0.9 T/s (lower The right hand rule then implies that the
figure). direction of Eind is counter-clockwise. This
Consider a changing magnetic field (from is consistent with Lenz’s Law: the magnetic
B 0 to B, upper figure) within a circle of radius field is increasing into the page, so the induced
4 m. emf Eind creates a magnetic field out of the
The magnetic field is pointing into the page page to counter this change.
⊗ and its magnitude is increasing.
002 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
Find the magnitude of the induced electric
B0 4m B 4m field Eind on the perimeter of the circular
magnetic field.
⇒ Correct answer: 1.8 V/m.
0 0
B B B B Explanation:

|Eind | = (B A)
B dt
~ dB
B B0 = π a2
= (0.9 T/s) π (4 m)2
0 ~t = 45.2389 V .
Find the direction of the induced emf Eind .
From I
1. clockwise E= ~ ind · d~s ,

2. counter-clockwise correct we have Eind = Eind 2 π a, so

3. out of the page Eind

Eind =
4. into the page dB
π a2
= dt
a dB
Let : a = 4 m and 2 dt
(4 m)
b = 0.9 T/s . = (0.9 T/s)
Faraday’s Law of Induction: = 1.8 V/m .
~ ind · d~s = − d ΦB
Eind = E
003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
Lenz’s Law – Induced emf’s always oppose A rectangular loop of wire is pulled through
magnetic flux changes. a magnetic field B (out of the page). Shown
Platt, David – Homework 21 – Due: Oct 28 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

below are four different stages of development

of this procedure, labeled A, B, C, and D. 2. FA = FC > FB = FD
The rectangular loop has a constant speed
as it is pulled through the loop. 3. FB = FC > FA = FD

B B 4. FB > FD = FA > FC

5. FA > FC = FB > FD
FA v
6. FA > FD = FB > FC
B B 7. FA > FC > FB > FD

8. FA = FD > FB = FC
9. FB > FC = FA > FD

FB v 10. FB = FD > FA = FC correct

B B FA is zero because there is no field. FC is
zero because there is no change in flux within
the loop; i.e., no current in the loop. FB and
FD both have a changing flux in the loop,
B B producing a current flow in the loop. The
right-hand-rule produces a force which will
tend to hold the loop stationary, (FB = FD ) .
FC v
004 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
B B A(n) 0.58 m length of wire moves across a
2.14 T magnetic field. At what speed would
it have to move to induce an EMF of 13.1 V?
Correct answer: 10.5543 m/s.
B B Explanation:

FD v Let : ` = 0.58 m ,
B = 2.14 T , and
B B EM F = 13.1 V .
The induced EMF is
Figure: The force vector is not
to scale. The velocity vector is V = Blv
to scale; (i.e., constant speed). Thus
Select the correct rank ordering of the mag-
nitudes of the force pulling the rectangular v=
loop (at constant speed) in the four stages Bl
13.1 V
shown above. =
(2.14 T) (0.58 m)
1. FB > FC > FA > FD = 10.5543 m/s .
Platt, David – Homework 21 – Due: Oct 28 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

005 (part 1 of 4) 10 points 7. ~ · dA
B ~ = 0 correct
Which equation best represents Gauss’s Law
~ = µ 0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
for electrostatics? ~ · dA
8. B
I ∂t
~ · d~s = 0
~ · d~s = − ∂ ΦB
1. B
9. E
~ = Q correct
~ · dA
2. E ~ · dA~ = µ0 I
²0 10. B
~ · d~s = Q
3. E Explanation:
I Even in many ways we’ve seen the sym-
4. B ~ · dA~ = 0 metry between Electrostatics and Magneto-
I statics, so far, there is no a solid experiment
5. B ~ · dA~ = µ0 I showing the existence of a single magnetic
pole. Thus the Gauss’s Law for magnetostat-
~ = µ 0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
6. B ~ · dA ics just has 0 on the right hand side.
∂ Φ 007 (part 3 of 4) 10 points
7. E ~ · dA~ = − B

∂t Which equation best represents Faraday’s

~ · d~s = µ0 I + µ0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
8. B
~ = µ 0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
1. B~ · dA
~ = Q
9. B ~ · dA ∂t
~ = Q
2. B~ · dA
~ · d~s = − ∂ ΦB
10. E ²0
~ = Q
3. E~ · dA
Explanation: ²0
As described by Gauss’s Law, the net elec- ~ · dA~ = µ0 I
4. B
tric flux is equal to the net charge inside the
surface divided by ²0 .
~ · d~s = µ0 I + µ0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
5. B
006 (part 2 of 4) 10 points I
Which equation best represents Gauss’s Law 6. B~ · dA~ = 0
for magnetostatics? I
7. B~ · d~s = 0
~ = Q
1. B~ · dA
~ · d~s = − ∂ ΦB correct
I 8. E
~ · d~s = 0 ∂t
2. B
~ · d~s = Q
9. E
~ · d~s = Q
3. E
~ = − ∂ ΦB
²0 ~ · dA
10. E
~ = − ∂ ΦB
~ · dA ∂t
4. E
∂t Explanation:
~ · d~s = µ0 I + µ0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
5. B Faraday’s Law, also known as Faraday’s
∂t Law of induction, says that the emf induced
~ = Q
~ · dA in a circuit is directly proportional to the time
6. E
²0 rate of change of magnetic flux through the
Platt, David – Homework 21 – Due: Oct 28 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4


008 (part 4 of 4) 10 points

Which equation best represents Ampere-
Maxwell’s Law?
1. B ~ · dA~ = µ0 I

~ = − ∂ ΦB
2. E ~ · dA
~ = µ 0 ²0 ∂ ΦE
3. B ~ · dA
4. B ~ · dA~ = 0

~ · d~s = µ0 I + µ0 ²0 ∂ ΦE correct
5. B
6. B ~ · d~s = 0

~ · d~s = − ∂ ΦB
7. E
~ · d~s = Q
8. E
~ = Q
9. E ~ · dA
~ = Q
10. B ~ · dA
Ampere-Maxwell’s Law, the generalized
form of Ampere’s Law as shown in Maxwell’s
equations, describes a relationship between
magnetic and electric currents. That is, the
line integral of the magnetic field around any
closed path is determined by the sum of the
net conduction current through that path and
the rate of change of electric flux through any
surface bounded by that path.
Platt, David – Homework 22 – Due: Oct 31 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 8 questions.

Multiple-choice questions may continue on
the next column or page – find all choices Let : ` = 5 cm = 0.05 m ,
before answering. The due time is Central A = `2 = 25 cm2 = 0.0025 m2 ,
ω = 1210 rev/min ,
001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points N = 135 turns , and
A(n) 0.58 m length of wire moves across a B = 2.8 × 10−5 T .
2.14 T magnetic field. At what speed would
it have to move to induce an EMF of 13.1 V? The maximum emf is
Correct answer: 10.5543 m/s.
Explanation: Emax = N A B ω
= (135) 0.0025 m2 2.8 × 10−5 T
¡ ¢¡ ¢

Let : ` = 0.58 m , 2 π rad 1 min

× (1210 rev/min) · ·
B = 2.14 T , and 1 rev 60 sec
103 mV
EM F = 13.1 V . ×
The induced EMF is = 1.19742 mV .
V = Blv

Thus 003 (part 1 of 2) 10 points

V The resistance of the rectangular current loop
Bl is R, and the metal rod is sliding to the left.
13.1 V The length of the rod is d, while the width of
(2.14 T) (0.58 m) the rails is `.
= 10.5543 m/s . Note: a and b are the contact points where
the rod touches the rails, and d > ` .

002 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

A 135-turn 5 cm square wire coil rotates about a
a vertical axis at 1210 rev/min. The horizon-
tal component of the Earth’s magnetic field B d
at the location of the loop is 2.8 × 10−5 T. R m
v B `
5c b
Bx = 2.8 × 10−5 T
What is the magnitude of the induced cur-
5 cm

rent around the loop?

Bx = 2.8 × 10−5 T
B d v2
1. |Iind | =
1210 rev/min R2
Calculate the maximum emf induced in the B `2 v
2. |Iind | =
coil by Earth’s field. R
Correct answer: 1.19742 mV. B ` v2
Explanation: 3. |Iind | =
Platt, David – Homework 22 – Due: Oct 31 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

B `v 004 (part 2 of 2) 10 points

4. |Iind | = correct
R The magnitude of the force exerted on the
B ` v2 metal rod by the magnetic field, and the di-
5. |Iind | = rection of the current through the metal bar
B d2 v are given respectively by
6. |Iind | =
R 2 2 2
~ k = B ` v , current flow a → b
1. kF
B dv R
7. |Iind | =
R 2 2
B dv ~ k = B d v , current flow a → b
2. kF
8. |Iind | = R
~ B d2 v
B `v 3. kF k = , current flow b → a
9. |Iind | = R
R2 2 2 2
B d v2 ~ k = B d v , current flow b → a
4. kF
10. |Iind | = R
R 2 2 2
Explanation: ~ k = B ` v , current flow b → a
5. kF
Note: The part of the rod which extends R
2 2
past the rails does not have a bearing on the ~ k = B ` v , current flow b → a
6. kF
answers. R
Lenz’s law states that the induced current 2
appears such that it opposes the change in the ~ k = B d ` v , current flow b → a
7. kF
magnetic flux. In this case the magnetic flux 2 2 2
through the rectangular loop is decreasing ~ k = B d v , current flow a → b
8. kF
(since the area of the loop is decreasing) with R
the direction of the flux into the page, so that 2 2
~ k = B ` v , current flow a → b cor-
9. kF
the induced magnetic field must point into the R
page in order to keep the flux through the loop rect
constant. This corresponds to an induced cur- 2
rent which flows in a counter-clockwise direc- ~ k = B d ` v , current flow a → b
10. kF
tion. Hence, if you look at the potential drop R
across the resistor, then you can see that the Explanation:
potential at a is greater than the potential at The magnitude of the magnetic force ex-
b, and the direction of the induced current is erted on the metal rod is given by
down through the metal rod.
The rate of change of the area of the rect- F = I `B ,
angular loop is
where i is the induced current found in part
dA dx 2.
=` . ~ = 0 outside the
Note: ` was used since B
dt dt
Then from Faraday’s law, the magnitude of Substituting in the expression for the in-
the induced emf is given by duced current yields
E = B`v. B 2 `2 v
F = .
From Ohm’s law, E = I R so the magnitude R
of the induced current is The direction of the induced current is down
E B `v (a → b) through the metal rod as explained
Iind = = . in Part 1.
Platt, David – Homework 22 – Due: Oct 31 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

Thus, the magnitude of the force exerted on

005 (part 1 of 1) 10 points the bar due to the magnetic field is
In the arrangement shown in the figure, the
resistor is 1 Ω and a 7 T magnetic field is FB = I ` B
directed into the paper. The separation be- = (245 A)(5 m)(7 T)
tween the rails is 5 m . Neglect the mass of the = 8575 N .
An applied force moves the bar to the right To maintain the motion of the bar, a force
at a constant speed of 7 m/s . Assume the must be applied on the bar to balance the
bar and rails have negligible resistance and magnetic force
F = FB
7T = 8575 N .

7 m/s
m¿1 g


006 (part 1 of 3) 10 points


For the situation described in figure, the mag-

netic field is directed into the page ⊗ and
7T varies as

B = d t 3 − a t2 + b ,
Calculate the applied force required to
move the bar to the left at a constant speed where d = 2 T/s3 , a = 3.78 T/s2 , and b =
of 7 m/s. 0.404 T, and R = 1.8 cm, r = 4.74 cm.
Correct answer: 8575 N.
Explanation: × ×
× × × × P
Let : R = 1 Ω, × × × × × r×
B = 7 T, × × × × R× ×
` = 5 m , and
× × × ×
v = 7 m/s . B× ×
Motional emf: E = B ` v .
~ = I ~` × B
Magnetic force on current: F ~.
V Calculate the magnitude of the force ex-
Ohm’s Law: I = . erted on an electron located at point P when
The motional emf induced in the circuit is t = 2.49 s.
Correct answer: 1.00624 × 10−20 N.
E = B `v Explanation:
= (7 T) (5 m) (7 m/s) Lorentz’s Force
= 245 V .
~ = q (~v × B
F ~ + E)
~ .
From Ohm’s law, the current flowing through
the resistor is Faraday’s Law in general form
I= I
R E= E ~ · d~s
245 V
1Ω d ΦB
= 245 A . = .
Platt, David – Homework 22 – Due: Oct 31 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

Lorentz’s Force
007 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
~ = q (~v × B
F ~ + E)
~ . And direction of the force is
at P , there is only induced electric field and 1. same as that of the magnetic field.
no magnetic field, so Lorentz’s equation can
be simplified as 2. opposite to that of the electric field. cor-
~ = qE
F ~. rect

To calculate electric field at P , note that 3. opposite to that of the magnetic field.
the magnetic field region is circular, so there
is a symmetry for the induced electric field, 4. same as that of the electric field.
i.e., they are equal magnitudely for all points
on a circle of radius r away from the center of 5. not determinable due to insufficient infor-
the magnetic field; so mation.
~ d~s = 2 π r E ,
E 6. perpendicular to that of the electric field
and magnetic field.
while Explanation:
The direction of the force is opposite to that
d ΦB d (B · A) ~ since the charge on the
of the electric field E,
dt dt electron is negative.
d (B · π R2 )
dt 008 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
dB At what (non-zero) time is this force equal to
= π R2
dt zero?
= π R (3 d t2 − 2 a t) .
2 Correct answer: 1.26 s.
From Faraday’s Law in general form, we get The F = 0 if and only if the electric field is
zero. From explanation for Part 1 we know
2 π r E = πR2 3 d t2 − 2 a t ;
¡ ¢
R2 d B
i.e., 2 r dt
from this we get the condition for the F = 0
R2 ¡ is
3 d t2 − 2 a t
E= dB
2r =0
(0.018 m)2 h dt
= 3 (2 T/s3 ) (2.49 s)2 i.e.,
2 (0.0474 m)
i 3 d t2 − 2 a t = 0
− 2 (3.78 T/s2 ) (2.49 s)
= 0.0628047 N/C , t=0s
and so the magnitude of the force exerted on or
the electron is 2a
F = qe E 2 (3.78 T/s2 )
= (1.60218 × 10−19 C) (0.0628047 N/C) 3 (2 T/s3 )
= 1.00624 × 10−20 N = 1.26 s .
~ k = 1.00624 × 10−20 N .
kF The t = 0 solution is trivial!
Platt, David – Homework 23 – Due: Nov 2 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 7 questions. The time required for current to drop to
Multiple-choice questions may continue on 1
one-half its initial value, I(t) = I0
the next column or page – find all choices 2
before answering. The due time is Central 1. increases by exp(2).
2. increases four-fold. correct
001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
A circuit consists of a 32 Ω resistor and a 3. decreases by one-fourth
740 mH inductor connected in series to a 17 V
battery. 4. decreases by ln(2).
What is the value of the current when the
current is increasing at the rate of 4 A/s? 5. increases by ln(2).
Correct answer: 0.43875 A.
Explanation: 6. halves.
Let : R = 32 Ω ,
7. decreases by exp(2).
L = 740 mH = 0.74 H ,
V = 17 V , and 1
8. increases by .
∆i ln(2)
= 4 A/s .
∆i 9. doubles.
In an RL circuit
∆i 10. decreases by .
V =L + iR ln(2)
∆t Explanation:
V −L If the switch in the RL circuit is opened at
i= ∆t t = 0 then the current fades away as
17 V − (740 mH) (4 A/s) I(t) = I0 e−R t/L ,
32 Ω
i = 0.43875 A where I0 is the current at t = 0. So the time
τ = ln 2 required for the current to drop
002 (part 1 of 1) 10 points to is proportional to
In the circuit below a steady current I0 is 2
flowing when the switch is in position “a”. If N ΦB
the switch is then thrown to position “b”, the I
current will decrease to zero after some time. ΦB = B · A
µ0 N I
I(t) `
µ0 N 2 A
L= .
R L `
S b
When we replace the inductor of inductance
a L with one of the same area and length, but
twice as many turns, the magnetic field in-
side it will double, and the inductance will
quadruple (scales as N 2 ) .
Suppose we replace the inductor with one of Therefore the inductance L0 of the new in-
the same area and length, but twice as many ductor will be four times that of the original
turns. one, causing τ to quadruple.
Platt, David – Homework 23 – Due: Nov 2 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

The self-inductance of a solenoid is

003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points µ0 N 2 A µ0 N 2 π r 2
In an RL series circuit, an inductor of 4.92 H L= =
` `
and a resistor of 7.43 Ω are connected to a
= (4π × 10−7 T · m/A)
26.3 V battery. The switch of the circuit
is initially open. Next close the switch and (200 turns)2
× π (0.01 m)2
wait for a long time. Eventually the current 0.96 m
reaches its equilibrium value. = 0.0164493 mH .
At this time, what is the corresponding
energy stored in the inductor?
Correct answer: 30.8226 J. 005 (part 2 of 4) 10 points
Explanation: What is the magnetic field at its center?
Correct answer: 0.00759218 T.
Let : L = 4.92 H ,
R = 7.43 Ω , and
Let : I = 29 A .
E = 26.3 V .
The magnetic field of a solenoid is
The current in an RL circuit is
E ³ ´ B = µ0 n I
I= 1−e . = (4π × 10−7 T · m/A)
The final equilibrium value of the current, 200 turns
× (29 A)
which occurs as t → ∞ , is 0.96 m
E 26.3 V = 0.00759218 T .
I0 = = = 3.5397 A .
R 7.43 Ω
The energy stored in the inductor carrying a 006 (part 3 of 4) 10 points
current 3.5397 A is How much energy is stored in it?
1 Correct answer: 0.00691695 J.
U = L I2
2 Explanation:
1 The energy stored in a solenoid is
= (4.92 H) (3.5397 A)2
2 1
= 30.8226 J . U = L I2
= (1.64493 × 10−5 H) (29 A)2
004 (part 1 of 4) 10 points 2
An air-core solenoid consists of 200 turns of = 0.00691695 J .
wire wound on a form that is 96 cm long and
has a inner diameter of 2 cm. A current of
29 A is established in this solenoid. 007 (part 4 of 4) 10 points
The permeability of free space is µ0 = 4π × What is the energy density in the solenoid?
10−7 T · m/A. Correct answer: 22.9347 J/m3 .
What is its self-inductance? Explanation:
Correct answer: 0.0164493 mH. The energy density is
Explanation: B2
2 µ0
Let : N = 200 turns , (0.00759218 T)2
` = 96 cm = 0.96 m , 2 (4π × 10−7 T · m/A)
r = 1 m = 0.01 m , and = 22.9347 J/m3 .
µ0 = 4π × 10−7 T · m/A .
Platt, David – Homework 24 – Due: Nov 4 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 5 questions. Thus the magnetic energy per unit length
Multiple-choice questions may continue on within the wire is
the next column or page – find all choices
before answering. The due time is Central
time. Z a
d Um
Um 0
001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points =
` ` Z
A long cylindrical wire of radius 18 cm carries
µ0 I2 a 3
a current of 84 A uniformly distributed over = r dr
its cross-sectional area. 4π a4 0
The permeability of free space is 4π × µ0 I 2 a4 µ0 I 2
−7 = =
10 T · m/A. 4π a4 4 4π 4
Find the magnetic energy per unit length (84 A)2
within the wire. = (1 × 10 T · m/A)
Correct answer: 0.0001764 J/m.
= 0.0001764 J/m .

a The magnetic energy per unit length within

r the wire is independent of the radius of the
dr cylinder a and depends only on the total cur-

002 (part 1 of 2) 10 points

Let : a = 18 cm , A long solenoid has inside a coil of fine wire
I = 84 A , and coaxial with it.
The permeability of free space is 4π ×
µ0 = 4π × 10−7 T · m/A .
10−7 T · m/A.
Use Ampere’s law, the magnetic field inside
the wire at a distance r < a from its center is
µ0 r
µ0 πr2 R
= I

2 π r πa2
µ0 r I
= .
2 πa2 Inside coil has N turns
The magnetic energy within the cylindrical Outside solenoid has n turns per meter
annulus is
What is the mutual inductance between the
d Um = Vannulus solenoid and the inner coil?
2 µ0
B2 1. M = π r 2 µ0 n N
= 2 π r ` dr
2 µ0
B2 2. M = π R2 µ0 n
= π r ` dr
µ ¶2 3. M = 2 π R µ0 n
µ0 r I π r ` dr
= 2
2πa µ0 4. M = π R2 µ0 n N correct
2 3
µ0 I r ` dr
= . 5. M = 2 π r µ0 n N
4π a4
Platt, David – Homework 24 – Due: Nov 4 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

radii of 0.2 m and 0.39 m share a common axis

6. M = π r µ0 n with the coil centers separated by 5.7 m and
with the axis perpendicular to both planes of
7. M = 2 π r µ0 n the coil.
The permeability of free space is 4π ×
8. M = 2 π R µ0 n N 10−7 N/A2 .
Explanation: What is the mutual inductance of the coils?
The magnetic field of a solenoid is Hint: Use the far-field approximation.

B = µ0 n I . Correct answer: 5.83629 × 10−6 H.

The magnetic flux is

ΦB = B · A = (µ0 n I) (πR2 ) , Let : N1 = 250 ,

N2 = 360 ,
so the emf is
r1 = 0.2 m ,
dΦB dI r2 = 0.39 m ,
E = −N = −πR2 µ0 n N .
dt dt ` = 5.7 m , and
(Because we are interested in the emf in µ0 = 4π × 10−7 N/A2 .
the inner coil, the area to use is the area of
the inner coils rather than the solenoid area.) The far-field approximation means
The emf created through a mutual induc- ` À r1 , and ` À r2 .
tance M is E = −M , so we have
dt If coil 1 has a current I1 the magnitude of
the magnetic field it produces on the axis a
M = π R 2 µ0 n N . distance ` from the coil is
µ0 N1 I 1 r 1 2
B1 = ,
003 (part 2 of 2) 10 points 2 `3
If the current in the solenoid is I0 (1 − e−t/τ ), directed along the axis. The magnetic flux
with I0 = 33 A, τ = 0.625 s, n = 429 turns/m, Φ12 at coil 2 due to coil 1 is
r = 26 cm, N = 252 turns, and R = 6 cm,
what is the magnitude of the induced emf at Φ12 = B1 π r2 2 ,
time t = 0? ~ 1 is nearly constant and along the axis
since B
Correct answer: 81.1249 mV. on the immediate region around coil 2. The
Explanation: mutual inductance M is given by
From the previous part, we know
µ0 N1 N2 r 1 2 r 2 2 I 1 π
I0 M I1 = N2 Φ12 = .
E 0 = π R 2 µ0 n N 2 `3
π (0.06 m)2 (4 π × 10−7 ) Thus
0.625 s
× (429 turns/m) (252 turns) (33 A) µ0 N1 N2 r 1 2 r 2 2 π
= 81.1249 mV . 2 `3
(4 × 10−7 N/A2 ) (250) (360)
(5.7 m)3
004 (part 1 of 2) 10 points × (0.2 m)2 (0.39 m)2 π
Two circular planar coils that have 250 and
360 loops, respectively, and corresponding = 5.83629 × 10−6 H .
Platt, David – Homework 24 – Due: Nov 4 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

005 (part 2 of 2) 10 points

If coil 2, carrying a constant current 32 A, is
moving at a velocity of 39 m/s along the axis,
what is the magnitude of the emf induced
in coil 1 when the distance between them is
5.7 m?
Correct answer: 0.00383352 V.

Let : I2 = 32 A and
= 39 m/s .
We know that
dM 3 π N 1 N2 µ0 r 1 2 r 2 2
d` 2 `4

3 5.83629 × 10−6 H
(5.7 m)
= 3.07173 × 10−6 H/m .

The mutual inductance between coil 1 and

coil 2 is independent of whether the current
flows in coil 1 and the emf is induced in coil 2,
or vice-versa. The magnitude of the induced
emf acting on coil 1 is then

¯ ¯
¯ d Φ21 ¯
|E| = ¯¯N1 ¯
dt ¯
¯ ¯
¯d ¯
= ¯ (M I2 )¯¯
¯ ¯
¯ dM¯
= ¯I2
¯ ¯
dt ¯
¯ ¯
¯ d` dM¯
= ¯I2
¯ ¯
dt d` ¯
= (32 A) (39 m/s) 3.07173 × 10−6 H/m
¡ ¢

= 0.00383352 V .
Platt, David – Homework 25 – Due: Nov 7 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 9 questions. Select an item below which has the dimension
Multiple-choice questions may continue on of time.
the next column or page – find all choices
before answering. The due time is Central 1
time. RC

001 (part 1 of 3) 10 points R

Consider the following circuit. After being at C
the position “a” for a long time, the switch is C
moved from “a” to “b”. The usual LC circuit 3.
oscillations occur.
4. R C correct
Let the square bracket be used to denote
C the dimension of the enclosed quantity. One
S b
may deduce the dimension of the quantity in-
a volving R and C from the respective potential
E hqi
R differences. Here we have [I R] = , or
hq i C
[R C] = =T.
The maximum current will be given by
003 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
Select an item below which has the dimension
1. Imax = E . of time.
E L 1
2. Imax = . 1. [T ] =
3. Imax = E . correct 2. [T ] = correct

4. Imax = E L C .
3. [T ] = R L
5. Imax = . 4. [T ] =
1 Explanation:
6. Imax = E .
LC Similarly,
7. Imax = .
· ¸
E √ [I R] = L
8. Imax = LC . dt
R  
Explanation: · ¸
L  I 
µd I ¶ = T .
= 
1 2 1 2 1
L Imax = qmax = C E 2 dt
2 2C
r 2
Imax = E.
L 004 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
In the circuit below, initially the switch S1 is
002 (part 2 of 3) 10 points in position “a” and switch S2 is closed.
Platt, David – Homework 25 – Due: Nov 7 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2


L S b
S1 b
a E
What is the time-dependent expression of
current I in the bottom loop for t > 0?
When the switch S1 is then thrown to “b”,
the voltage will oscillate at a frequency which E ³ −t/(R C)
1. I = 1−e
is R
2. I = e−t /(R C)
1. higher when switch S2 is open. correct R
E ³ ´
2. the same whether switch S2 is open or 3. I = 1 − e−L t/R
closed. E ³ ´
4. I = 1 − e−R t/L correct
3. lower when switch S2 is open.
5. I = e−L t/R
4. zero, since the battery is no longer in the R
circuit. E
6. I = e−R t/L
5. zero, since the circuit was not oscillating E ³ −C t/R
to begin with. 7. I = 1−e
8. I = e−t/(L C)
Explanation: R
The oscillation frequency is E
9. I = e−C t/R
E ³ ´
10. I = 1 − e−t/(L C)
1 1
ω=√ =p . Explanation:
LC L (C1 + C2 ) Just prior to shifting the switch from b
to a, there is zero current flowing. When
the switch is set to a, the bottom loop is a
RL circuit, where the initial current is zero.
The capacitors are parallel C = C1 + C2 , According to the text, the current build-up is
thus when switch S2 is opened the capacitance given by
decreases and its inverse increases. Therefore, h i
the frequency ω is higher when only ONE of I = I0 1 − e−t/τ ,
the capacitors is connected. E
with I0 = , the current that flows in a dc
005 (part 1 of 1) 10 points L
Initially the switch S is in the open position circuit, and τ = , the time scale to reach a
and the capacitor C is uncharged. Then at current comparable to the dc level, known as
time t = 0, the switch is set to position a. the time constant.
Platt, David – Homework 25 – Due: Nov 7 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

What is the maximum energy stored in the

006 (part 1 of 4) 10 points capacitor, expressed in terms of L, E, and R.
Consider the figure shown below. The switch (Hint: Use conservation of energy.)
is initially set at position b. There is no charge µ ¶2
nor current around the right loop while at 1 E
1. Umax = L correct
position b. At t = t0 the switch is set to 2 R
position a. 1 E2
2. Umax = L
C 2 R
E 2
3. Umax = L
b S L µ ¶2
c 2 E
4. Umax = L
a R
E µ ¶2
d 5. Umax = L
1 E
What is the potential difference Vdc = Vc − 6. Umax = L 2
2 R
Vd across the resistor R at t = t0 ? E
7. Umax = L 2
1. Vdc = −E e−1 µ ¶2
1 2 E
8. Umax = L
2. Vdc = −∞ 2 R
1 E
3. Vdc = −E (1 − e−1 ) 9. Umax = L
2 R
4. Vdc = E (1 − e−1 ) 10. Umax = L
5. Vdc = E e−1 Explanation:
By conservation of energy
6. Vdc = 0 correct 1 1 Q2max
Umax = L Imax = .
2 2 C
7. Vdc = E
8. Vdc = ∞ Imax =,
9. Vdc = −E the maximum stored energy in the capacitor
µ ¶2
10. Vdc = E e 1 E
Umax = L .
Explanation: 2 R
Vc − Vd = i R. Because of the inductor,
i = 0 at t = t0 . Thus 008 (part 3 of 4) 10 points
At t = , where T is the period of the LC
Vdc = Vc − Vd = 0 . 12
circuit, let the sign of the charge qright on the
right plate be
007 (part 2 of 4) 10 points
After a long time at position a, the switch is • A1 : +
set back to position b. Denote this time as • A2 : 0
t = 0. • A3 : −
Platt, David – Homework 25 – Due: Nov 7 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

and the direction of the displacement current • The direction of the displacement current
within the gap of the capacitor is 5
is the same as the current. At t = T , i is
less than zero which corresponds to the right
• B1 : to the left (counterclockwise). within the gap.
• B2 : undetermined (since the
displacement current is 0). 009 (part 4 of 4) 10 points
• B3 : to the right (clockwise). The magnitude of the displacement current in
the proximity of point t = is
Choose the correct answer: 12
1. increasing. correct
1. A2, B3
2. constant.
2. A3, B3
3. decreasing.
3. A1, B2
4. A1, B3 correct From the graph in the previous part we can
see that the magnitude of i increases as i
5. A2, B2 becomes more negative.

6. A1, B1

7. A2, B1

8. A3, B2

9. A3, B1



T 5T T 3T
4 12 2 4
Consider the figure above. Positive current
is defined as counter-clockwise; i.e., to the left
within the gap.
Hence at t = T,
• The charge on the right-hand plate is
positive, qright is + .
Platt, David – Homework 26 – Due: Nov 9 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 8 questions. Thus the effective current is

Multiple-choice questions may continue on
V 145 V
the next column or page – find all choices I= = = 0.0284817 A .
before answering. The due time is Central Z 5090.99 Ω
002 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
001 (part 1 of 3) 10 points What is the power factor of the circuit?
An effective AC voltage of 145 V at 60 Hz Correct answer: 0.00883915 .
is applied to an RLC circuit with 27.4 mH Explanation:
inductor, 0.52 µF capacitor, and 45 Ω resistor Power factor of the circuit is
in series. R 45 Ω
cos φ = = = 0.00883915 .
Z 5090.99 Ω
45 Ω 27.4 mH
003 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
0.52 µF 145 V What is the power consumed in the circuit?
S Your answer must be within ± 2%.
Correct answer: 0.0365043 W.
I Explanation:
The power consumed by the circuit is
What is the effective current?
Correct answer: 0.0284817 A. P = V I cos φ
Explanation: = (145 V) (0.0284817 A) (0.00883915)
= 0.0365043 W .
Let : V = 145 V ,
f = 60 Hz ,
004 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
C = 0.52 µF = 5.2 × 10−7 F ,
A 0.236 H inductor is connected to a capacitor
L = 27.4 mH = 0.0274 H , and and a 15.2 Ω resistor along with a 77.5 Hz,
R = 45 Ω . 28.4 V generator.
For an RLC series circuit at f = 60 Hz, To what value would the capacitor have to
be adjusted to produce resonance?
XL = 2 π f L
Correct answer: 17.87 µF.
= 2 π (60 Hz) (0.0274 H) Explanation:
= 10.3296 Ω , and
XC = Let : f0 = 77.5 Hz , and
2πf C
1 L = 0.236 H .
2 π (60 Hz) (5.2 × 10−7 F)
= 5101.12 Ω , 1
f0 = √ ,
so the total impedance is 2π LC
Z = R2 + (XL − XC )2 the capacitance is
= (45 Ω)2 C=
4 π 2 L f0 2
i2 ¾1/2 1 106 µF
+ (10.3296 Ω) − (5101.12 Ω) ·
4 π 2 (0.236 H) (77.5 Hz)2 1F
= 5090.99 Ω . = 17.87 µF .
Platt, David – Homework 26 – Due: Nov 9 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

The effective voltage of the source is

005 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
Find the voltage drop across the resistor at V0 282 V
resonance. V = √ = √ = 199.404 V ,
2 2
Correct answer: 28.4 V.
Explanation: so

Let : V = 28.4 V . XC
VC = V
At resonance, XL = XC . Therefore, Z across
27.7685 Ω
the capacitor-inductor combination is zero, = (199.404 V)
and the voltage drop across the resistor is 6718.52 Ω
28.4 V. = 0.824162 V .

006 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

A 17 Ω resistor is connected in series with 007 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
a 281 mH inductor and a 1.5 µF capac- What value of inductance should be used in
itor. The applied voltage has the form series with a capacitor of 2.1 pF to form an os-
V = V0 sin(2πf t), with initial voltage 282 V cillating circuit that will radiate a wavelength
and frequency 3821 Hz. of 4.2 m?
Find the effective voltage V across the ca- Correct answer: 2.36744 µH.
pacitor. Explanation:
Correct answer: 0.824162 V.
Let : c = 2.99792 × 108 m/s ,
Let : V0 = 282 V , λ = 4.2 m , and
R = 17 Ω , C = 2.1 pF = 2.1 × 10−12 F .
L = 281 mH = 0.281 H ,
C = 1.5 µF = 1.5 × 10−6 F , and
f = 3821 Hz . c 2.99792 × 108 m/s
f0 = =
The impedance of the circuit is λ 4.2 m
q = 7.13792 × 107 Hz.
Z = R2 + (XL − XC )2
where The frequency is
XL = 2 π f L
= 2 π (3821 Hz) (0.281 H) f0 = √
2π LC
= 6746.26 Ω ,
1 L=
XC = 4 π 2 C f02
2πf C
1 1
= =
2 π (3821 Hz) (1.5 × 10−6 F) 4 π 2 (2.1 × 10−12 F)
= 27.7685 Ω . ×
(7.13792 × 107 Hz)2
q 106 µ H
Z = (17 Ω)2 + (6746.26 Ω − 27.7685 Ω)2 1H
= 6718.52 Ω . = 2.36744 µH .
Platt, David – Homework 26 – Due: Nov 9 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

008 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

A model electric train requires 6.7522 V to
If the primary coil of its transformer has
174.461 turns windings, how many windings
should the secondary have if the primary is
connected to a 97.604 V household circuit?
Correct answer: 12.0691 turns.

Let : VP = 97.604 V ,
NP = 174.461 turns , and
VS = 6.7522 V .

174.461 turns
= (6.7522 V)
97.604 V
= 12.0691 turns .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 27 questions. ~ = Q2

Multiple-choice questions may continue on 7. kEk .
2 π ²0 r `
the next column or page – find all choices
before answering. The due time is Central 2
time. ~ = Q .
8. kEk
2 π r`
001 (part 1 of 3) 10 points 2
Consider a long coaxial arrangement with a ~ = Q .
9. kEk
cylindrical wire of radius a along the axis of 4 π r2
a thin cylindrical shell of radius b. There is a
charge of −Q on the inner wire and charge of Explanation:
+Q on the outer shell. The figure below shows Construct a Gaussian cylinder at radius r
a short segment (length `) of the coaxial cable. (for a < r < b). The charge enclosed is the
Assume the length is much greater than the charge on the wire, +Q. Thus,
radii of the cylinders (` À b).
Φ= E ~ = Q
~ · dA
+Q, b ` E 2πr` = r̂
P,r ~ = Q
kEk .
2 π ²0 r `
−Q, a In the second step the following reasoning
was used. The total flux coming out from
the cylindrical Gaussian surface is the sum
of φends , the flux coming out from the ends
of the cylinder and φside the flux coming out
from the side of the cylinder. For ` large
The magnitude of the electric field at P compared with a and b we can neglect φends
where P is at a radius r, between the wire and
and take the electric field to be radial, so
the shell, is given by ~ points radially,
φ = φside = E 2 π r `. Since E
Q ~ = Q
~ =
1. kEk . E r̂ .
2 π ²0 r 2 2 π ²0 r `
002 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
~ = Q2 The magnitude of the potential difference be-
2. kEk . tween the two conductors is given by
4 π ²0 r 2
µ ¶
Q 1 1
~ = Q 1. |∆V | = − .
3. kEk . 4 π ²0 a b
2 π r`
µ ¶
Q2 b
~ = Q 2. |∆V | = ln .
4. kEk . correct 2 π ²0 ` a
2 π ²0 r `
µ ¶
Q2 b
5. None of these 3. |∆V | = ln .
2π` a
~ = Q µ ¶
6. kEk . Q 1 1
4 π r2 4. |∆V | = − .
4π a b
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2
µ ¶
Q b
5. |∆V | = ln . correct
2 π ²0 ` a 5. a = b e−ke C/` .

6. a = b eke C/(2 `) .
6. None of these
µ ¶ 7. a = b e`/(2 ke C) .
Q b
7. |∆V | = ln .
2π` a
8. a = b eke C/` .
µ ¶
Q2 1 1 Explanation:
8. |∆V | = − . Q
4π a b The capacitance is C = . Using ke =
µ ¶ 1
Q2 1 1 and the above equation,
9. |∆V | = − . 4 π ²0
4 π ²0 a b
Explanation: C= µ ¶
The absolute value of the potential differ- 2 ke ln
ence is given by the expression µ ¶
b `
Z ln =
~ · d~` . a 2 ke C
∆V = − E ³ ´
a −`
= e 2 ke C
This is a line integral along a radius vector b ³ ´
from r = a to r = b. Thus, d~` = dr r̂. −`
a = b e 2 ke C .
Z b
|∆V | = dr r̂ · r̂ .
a 2 π ²0 r `
004 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
Since r̂ is a unit vector, r̂ · r̂ = 1 . Thus, A parallel-plate capacitor is charged by con-
necting it to a battery.
Z b
Q dr If the battery is disconnected and the sep-
|∆V | = aration between the plates is increased, what
2 π ²0 ` a r
µ ¶ will happen to the charge on the capacitor
Q b
= ln . and the electric potential across it?
2 π ²0 ` a
1. The charge increases and the electric po-
003 (part 3 of 3) 10 points tential decreases.
Given: The capacitance C, the length `, and
radius of the cylindrical shell b as shown in 2. The charge decreases and the electric po-
the figure. tential increases.
The radius a of the inner conducting wire
is given by 3. The charge remains fixed and the electric
potential increases. correct
1. a = b e−`/(ke C) .
4. The charge decreases and the electric po-
`/(ke C)
2. a = b e . tential remains fixed.

3. a = b e−`/(2 ke C) . correct 5. The charge and the electric potential de-

4. a = b e−ke C/(2 `) .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

6. The charge and the electric potential in- c

crease. C1

7. The charge remains fixed and the electric a C2

potential decreases.
8. The charge and the electric potential re-
main fixed. E C4
9. The charge increases and the electric po-
tential remains fixed. A good rule of thumb is to eliminate junc-
tions connected by zero capacitance.
Charge is conserved, so it must remain con-
stant since it is stuck on the plates. With the
a C1 b
battery disconnected, Q is fixed.
C2 C3
The definition of capacitance is C ≡ .
A larger d makes the fraction smaller, so C is V
Q The series connection of C2 and C3 gives
smaller. Thus the new potential V 0 = 0 is the equivalent capacitance
larger. 1
C23 =
1 1
005 (part 1 of 4) 10 points +
C2 C3
Four capacitors are connected as shown in the
C2 C3
figure. =
F c C2 + C 3
4 µ (47 µF) (58.6 µF)
22. =
47 µF + 58.6 µF
47 µF

a b = 26.0814 µF .
58.6 µF

The total capacitance Cab between a and b can

be obtained by calculating the capacitance in
97.5 V 5 µF the parallel combination of the capacitors C1 ,
86 .
d C4 , and C23 ; i.e.,

Cab = C1 + C4 + C23
Find the capacitance between points a and
b of the entire capacitor network. = 22.4 µF + 86.5 µF + 26.0814 µF
Correct answer: 134.981 µF. = 134.981 µF .

006 (part 2 of 4) 10 points

Let : C1 = 22.4 µF , What is the charge on the 47 µF centered-
C2 = 47 µF , upper capacitor?
Correct answer: 2542.94 µC.
C3 = 58.6 µF , Explanation:
C4 = 86.5 µF , and The voltages across C2 and C3 , respectively,
E = 97.5 V . (the voltage between a and b) are Vab = V23 =
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

97.5 V , and we have The equivalent capacitance of the two capaci-

tors C2 and C3 is now
Q23 = Q3 = Q2
= Vab C23 0 C 2 κ C3
C23 = ,
= (97.5 V)(26.0814 µF) C2 + κ C 3
= 2542.94 µC . 0
so the new total equivalent capacitance Cab is

007 (part 3 of 4) 10 points 0 C 2 κ C3

A dielectric with dielectric constant 2.63 is Cab = C1 + C4 +
C2 + κ C 3
inserted into the 58.6 µF capacitor (lower- = 22.4 µF + 86.5 µF
centered capacitor) while the battery is con- (47 µF) (2.63)(58.6 µF)
nected. +
47 µF + (2.63)(58.6 µF)
What is the charge on the 86.5 µF lower-
= 144.916 µF .
right capacitor?
Correct answer: 8433.75 µC. 0
Explanation: The new voltage Vab between a and b is there-
Since the battery is still connected, the volt- fore
age will remain the same. Thus the charge is Qab
simply Vab = 0
Q4 = Vab C4 Cab
= Vab 0 ,
= (97.5 V) (86.5 µF) Cab
= 8433.75 µC .
since Q0ab = Qab = Vab Cab . The new charge
Q04 on C4 is now
008 (part 4 of 4) 10 points
If the battery is removed before the dielectric 0
Q04 = Vab C4
in the above question is inserted, what will be
the charge on the 86.5 µF lower-right capaci- = Vab 0 C4
tor? Cab
Correct answer: 7855.56 µC. (134.981 µF)
= (97.5 V) (86.5 µF)
Explanation: (144.916 µF)
After the battery is removed, as the di-
= 7855.56 µC .
electric is inserted into C3 , there will be a
redistribution of charge.
Note: The total charge is unchanged, so
Qab = Q0ab . 009 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
The primed quantities correspond to those Suppose that a uniform wire of resistance R
after the insertion of the dielectric. Before the is stretched uniformly to N times its original
battery was disconnected, length.
Assume the total volume of the wire re-
Qab = Vab Cab mains the same, and the volume is given by
µ ¶
C2 C3 the product of the cross sectional area and the
= Vab C1 + C4 + . length. Denote the original area by A and the
C2 + C 3
area after the stretch by A0 .
from Part 1. After the battery was discon- A0
nected and the dielectric was inserted, The ratio is
0 Qab A0
Vab = 0 . 1. =0
Cab A
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 5

A0 1 R0 1
2. = 2 2. =√
A N3 R N
A0 1 R0 1
3. =√ 3. = 2
A N R N3
A0 1 R 0 √
4. = 2 4. = N
A0 R0
5. = N2 5. = N 2 correct
A0 R0
6. =N 6. =N
A0 3 R0 3
7. = N2 7. = N2
A0 √ R0 1
8. = N 8. = 2
A0 1 R0
9. = correct 9. =1
A0 R0
10. =1 10. =0
The original resistance is given by
Let : `0 = N ` . ρ`
R= ,
The volume before the stretch is A
where ρ is the resistivity of the material. The
V = A` new resistance is

where ` is the length. The volume after the ρ `0

R0 = .
stretch is A0
V 0 = A0 `0 = A0 N `.
R0 ρ `0 ρ ` `0 A (N `) A
= 0 ÷ = = µ ¶ = N2 .
The volume remains the same, so R A A `A 0 A
A ` = A0 N ` .
A0 1 Intuitive reasoning: Notice the increase
= . of the resistance is by a factor of N 2 . One fac-
A N tor of N comes from the increase in the length
and the other factor is from the decrease of
010 (part 2 of 2) 10 points the area. Since the volume is fixed, the in-
Denote the original resistance by R and the crease in length causes the decrease in area.
resistance after the stretch by R0 . Both N -factors are operating, so we have a
R0 factor of N 2 .
The ratio is
R General strategy: For this type of prob-
R0 1 lem, in which there is an original situation and
1. = an altered situation, it is helpful to introduce
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 6

two sets of symbols, the unprimed ones and Since the potential difference is applied be-
the corresponding primed ones. Translate the tween the inner and the outer surfaces, the
problem statement into equations in terms of current flows in a radial direction. To visual-
the unprimed (original) and the primed (al- ize the setup, we may cut the cylinder surface
tered) quantities. and partially straighten out the side surface.
Now the length ` here is the distance trav-
011 (part 1 of 2) 10 points eled by the current in crossing the cylindrical
A resistor is constructed by forming a mate- element,
rial of resistivity ρ into a shape of a hollow ` = ∆r ,
cylindrical shell of length L with inner radius and the cross sectional area is that of the side
ra and outer radius rb . Suppose a potential of the cylindrical element,
difference is applied between the inner and
outer surfaces such that the current flows ra- A = 2πrL.
dially outward.
Remember, L is the length of the cylinder,
L while ` is the “length” traveled by the current
rb while crossing the area A. Thus we have
ρ ∆r
ra ∆R = .

012 (part 2 of 2) 10 points

Find the total resistance R.
µ ¶
The resistance ∆R due to a thin cylindrical ρ rb
element with inner radius r and outer radius 1. R = ln 1 +
2πL ra
r + ∆r and length L (where, ra < r < rb ) is µ ¶
given by ρ ra
2. R = ln
2πL rb
ρ ∆r µ ¶
1. ∆R = . ρ ra
π (rb2 − ra2 ) 3. R = ln 1 +
2πL rb
ρ ∆r µ ¶
2. ∆R = . ρ r
2 π ra L 4. R = ln b correct
2πL ra
ρ ∆r µ ¶
3. ∆R = . correct ρ ra
2πrL 5. R = ln 1 −
2πL rb
ρ ∆r µ ¶
4. ∆R = . ρ rb
2 π (rb − ra ) L 6. R = ln 1 −
2πL ra
ρ ∆r
5. ∆R = q . Explanation:
2 π rb2 − ra2 L The total resistance is obtained by letting
Explanation: these cylindrical elements be very thin (∆r →
The resistance due to the cylindrical element dr) and integrating from ra to rb ,
is the resistivity of the material times the Z rb
ρ dr
length of the element divided by the cross sec- R=
tional area (the area “seen” by the current, 2 π L ra r
i.e., perpendicular to the direction of the cur- = (ln rb − ln ra )
rent): 2πL µ ¶
ρ` ρ rb
R= . = ln .
A 2πL ra
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 7

013 (part 1 of 1) 10 points 014 (part 1 of 2) 10 points

Consider the resistor network shown.
The resistance to the right of A0 B0 is the C
same as the resistance to the right of AB; that 18 Ω
is, RAB = RA→0 B0 .
A r A0 r r A i1 i3 B
9Ω I5
36 Ω
2r 2r 2r
i2 i4
B B0 D 120 mA
What is the resistance RAB between the
terminals A and B of this infinitely repeating Find the network resistance RAB .
chain of resistors. Correct answer: 16.5 Ω.
1. RAB = r + 2 r − RAB ,
therefore RAB = r
2 Let : R = 9 Ω ,
2 r RAB R1 = R = 9 Ω ,
2. RAB = r + ,
r + RAB R2 = R = 9 Ω ,
therefore RAB = r R3 = 2 R = 18 Ω ,
R4 = 4 R = 36 Ω , and
2 r RAB
3. RAB =r+ , I = 120 mA .
2 r + RAB
therefore RAB = 2 r correct
Explanation: R1 R3

A i1 i3 B
Rseries = R1 + R2 + R3 + · · · R2 I5
1 1 1 1 i2 i4
= + + +··· E
Rparallel R1 R2 R3 D I
The infinite chain can be redrawn as follows
A r A0 The resistor network is equivalent to the
2r RAB R1 R3

B B0 A B
R2 R4
1 2 r RAB
RAB = r + =r+
1 1 RAB + 2 r R1 R2 R2 1
+ R12 = = = R
2 r RAB R1 + R 2 2R 2
(RAB − r) (RAB + 2 r) = 2 r RAB R3 R4 (2 R) (4 R) 4
R34 = = = R.
R3 + R 4 2R + 4R 3
RAB − r RAB − 2 r 2 = 0
p So the equivalent resistance RAB is
r ± r2 + 4 (2 r 2 ) r + 3r
RAB = = = 2r . RAB = R12 + R34
2 2
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 8
R 4R So solving for i5 and substituting the relations
= +
2 3 for I, i3 in Eq. 4, and i1 in Eq. 6 yields
= R (1)
= (9 Ω)
6 I5 = i 3 − i 1
= 16.5 Ω . 2 1
= I− I
3 2
015 (part 2 of 2) 10 points = I
Let the current through the resistor network 1
be 120 mA. = (120 mA)
Find the magnitude of the current (I5 ) be- 6
tween junctions C and D. = 20 mA .
Correct answer: 20 mA.

Let : I = 120 mA .
Kirchhoff’s rule applied to the right loop 016 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
A network below consists of with three bat-
i 3 R3 = i 4 R4 teries, each having an internal resistance, and
i3 2 R = i 4 4 R five resistors.
i3 = 2 i 4 . (2) 19 V
5Ω 2Ω 3Ω
The junction rule applied to the right junction
B yields
i3 + i4 = I , so using Eq. 2 (3) 28 V
2Ω 7Ω
a b
i4 = I and
2 36 V
i3 = I . (4) 3Ω 1Ω 3Ω
Kirchhoff’s rule applied to the left loop yields
Find the magnitude of the potential differ-
i 1 R1 = i 2 R2 ence between points a and b.
i1 R = i 2 R Correct answer: 1 V.
i1 = i 2 . (5) Explanation:

The junction rule applied to the left junction E1

R1 r1 R3
A gives
i1 + i2 = I , so using Eq. 5 i i
1 E2
i1 = I . (6) r2 R5
a b
Finally, the junction rule applied to the top
junction C (or bottom junction D will also E3
R2 r3 R4
work) yields
i1 + I 5 = i 3 . i i
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 9

where the current through r2 and R5 is zero.

Let : E1 = 19 V ,
017 (part 1 of 3) 10 points
E2 = 28 V ,
E3 = 36 V ,
R1 = 5 Ω, 1.4 µF
R2 = 3 Ω, 4.5 MΩ
R3 = 3 Ω,
R4 = 3 Ω, 15.5 V
R5 = 7 Ω, S
r1 = 2 Ω,
r2 = 2 Ω , and
r3 = 1 Ω. The switch is closed at t = 0.
Find the charge on the capacitor at 1.85 s.
Basic Concepts: Kirchhoff’s Laws:
X Correct answer: 5.52185 µC.
V = 0 around a closed loop. Explanation:
I = 0 at a circuit junction.
Solution: There is no current flow between
a and b. Therefore, applying the loop rule to
the outside path in the figure above, we have E
E1 − E3 − i (r1 + R1 + R2 + r3 + R4 + R3 ) = 0 ,
R1234 = 2 Ω + 5 Ω + 3 Ω
= 17 Ω ,
Let : t = 1.85 s ,
We have
R = 4.5 MΩ = 4.5 × 106 Ω ,
E1 − E 3
i= C = 1.4 µF = 1.4 × 10−6 F , and
r1 + R 1 + R 2 + r 3 + R 4 + R 3
E1 − E 3 E = 15.5 V .
19 V − 36 V
= At t = 1.85 s,
17 Ω
= −1 A .
We can then find the magnitude of the poten- ³ ´
tial difference between a and b, |Vab |, by using q = C E 1 − e−t/(R C)
the top loop; i.e., ½
= (1.4 × 10 F) (15.5 V)× 1
Vab = E1 − E2 − i (R1 + r1 + R3 )
· ¸¾
= (19 V) − (28 V) −(1.85 s)
− exp
− (−1 A) (5 Ω + 2 Ω + 3 Ω) (4.5 × 106 Ω) (1.4 × 10−6 F)
= −1 V = 5.52185 × 10−6 C
|Vab | = 1 V , = 5.52185 µC .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 10

= (2.56796 × 10−6 A)
018 (part 2 of 3) 10 points ·
Find the current in the resistor at 1.85 s. × (2.56796 × 10−6 A)
Correct answer: 2.56796 µA.
Explanation: × (4.5 × 106 Ω)
At t = 1.85 s, (5.52185 × 10−6 C)
(1.4 × 10−6 F)
E −t/(R C)
I= e = 3.98034 × 10−5 W
15.5 V = 39.8034 µW .
= 6
4.5 ×
· 10 Ω ¸
−(1.85 s) 020 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
exp 6
(4.5 × 10 Ω) (1.4 × 10−6 F) A circular current loop of radius R is placed
= 2.56796 × 10−6 A in a horizontal plane and maintains a current
~ in the
I. There is a constant magnetic field B
= 2.56796 µA .
xy-plane, with the angle α (0 < α < 90◦ )

defined with respect to y-axis. The current in

019 (part 3 of 3) 10 points the loop flows clockwise as seen from above.
At 1.85 s the current in the resistor is I (Part In this problem we determine the torque
2) and the charge on the capacitor is q (Part vector τ which the field exerts on the current
1). loop.
y, ̂ x
What is the power delivered by the bat- α ı̂

Correct answer: 39.8034 µW.
In the time interval ∆t, work done by the
battery in pushing charge ∆q across the bat-
tery is
∆Wbattery = ∆q · E . k̂
Correspondingly, the power is
What is the direction of the torque vector
d Wbattery dq ~τ ?
=E =IE.
dt dt
τ = ı̂ + ̂ sin α
1. b
The power dissipated in a resistor is
d Wresistor τ = + k̂ correct
2. b
= I2 R .
τ = k̂ − ̂ sin α
3. b
The power to create the electric field in a
capacitor is τ = +ı̂
4. b
d Wcapacitor q ı̂ + k̂
=I . τ= √
5. b
dt C 2
Thus the total power dissipated in the capac- k̂ − ı̂
τ= √
6. b
itor and resistor, that is the power delivered 2
by the battery is
τ = + ̂
7. b
d Wbattery ³ q´
=I IR+ τ = −ı̂
8. b
dt C
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 11

where θ is the angle between A~ and B ~.

τ = − ̂
9. b ~
The angle between ~µ and B is α , so the
magnitude of the torque (k~τ k ≡ τ ) is
τ = − k̂
10. b
Explanation: τ = µ B sin θ = I π R2 B sin α
Basic Concepts: Torque on a current = µ B sin α
loop due to a magnetic field.
x = (0.00152004 A m2 )(2.8 × 10−6 T) sin 24.3◦
y, ̂
= 1.75145 × 10−9 N · m .

022 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
In an experiment designed to measure the
strength of a uniform magnetic field produced

µ α
k̂ by a set of coils, electrons are accelerated from
z rest through a potential difference of 218 V.
Solution: We know that torque is The resulting electron beam travels in a circle
~ with a radius of 12.3 cm.
~τ = ~µ × B The charge on an electron is 1.60218 ×
= µ (−̂) × [Bx (+ı̂) + By (−̂)] 10 −19
C and its mass is 9.10939 × 10−31 kg.
Assuming the magnetic field is perpendic-
and that ̂ × ̂ = 0 and −̂ × ı̂ = k̂, so ular to the beam, find the magnitude of the
~τ = µ Bx k̂ , magnetic field.
Correct answer: 0.000404788 T.
and the direction of the torque is +k̂ . This Explanation:
agrees with the answer from the right-hand
Let : e = 1.60218 × 10−19 C ,
021 (part 2 of 2) 10 points r = 12.3 cm = 0.123 m ,
Let I = 0.24 A, R = 4.49 cm, B = 2.8 µT, and V = 218 V , and
α = 24.3◦ .
m = me = 9.10939 × 10−31 kg .
What is the magnitude of the torque ex-
erted on the current loop?
Correct answer: 1.75145 × 10−9 N m. 1
Since Ki = 0 and Kf = m v 2 , we have
Explanation: 2

Let : I = 0.24 A , m v 2 = |e| V
2 s
R = 4.49 cm ,
2 |e| V
B = 2.8 µT , and v=
α = 24.3◦ . s
2 (1.60218 × 10−19 C) (218 V)
The magnetic dipole moment is =
9.10939 × 10−31 kg
µ = I A = I π R2 . = 8.75697 × 106 m/s .
The magnitude of a cross product is
From conservation of energy, the increase in
~ = kA
kCk ~ × Bk
~ = A B sin θ , the electrons’ kinetic energy must equal the
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 12

change in their potential energy |e|V : Hence the force on the particle is zero, and
the particle continues to move in a straight
m v2 line parallel to the field.
F = evB =
B= 025 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
|e| r Assume: The mobile charge carriers are ei-
(9.10939 × 10−31 kg) ther electrons or holes. The holes have
(1.60218 × 10−19 C) the same magnitude of charge as the elec-
(8.75697 × 106 m/s) trons. The number of mobile charge car-
× riers for this particular material is n =
(0.123 m)
8.49 × 1028 electrons/m3 .
= 0.000404788 T . Note: In the figure, the point at the upper
edge P1 and at the lower edge P2 have the
same x coordinate.
023 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
A constant magnetic field of magnitude
What is the angular velocity of the electrons?
points out of the paper. There is a steady
Correct answer: 7.11949 × 107 rad/s.
flow of a horizontal current flowing from left
to right in the x direction.
For the angular velocity of the electron we
obtain y
v x B = 1.2 T

8.75697 × 106 m/s 6 P1
0.123 m
= 7.11949 × 107 rad/s . ~
B 7.5 A
4.9 cm

024 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

A charged particle is projected with its initial
velocity parallel to a uniform magnetic field. V
What is the resulting path? P2
2.2 m
1. straight line parallel to the field. correct The charge on the electron is 1.6021 ×
10−19 C.
2. spiral. What is the magnitude of the electric field
between the upper and lower surfaces?
3. straight line perpendicular to the field. Correct answer: 2.2506 × 10−7 N/C.
4. parabolic arc.

5. circular arc.
Explanation: Let : a = 6 cm = 0.06 m ,
The force on a moving charge due to a b = 4.9 cm = 0.049 m ,
magnetic field is given by B = 1.2 T ,
~ = q~v × B
F ~. n = 8.49 × 1028 electrons/m3 ,
q = 1.6021 × 10−19 C ,
~ are parallel, then
If ~v and B
I = 7.5 A , and
~ = 0.
~v × B L = 2.2 m .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 13

Choose the correct answer for the case

B where the sign of the charge of current carri-
ers are either negative (electrons) or positive
a (holes).
1. The direction of the current through the
B voltmeter is downward for either positive or
negative charge carriers.

2. The direction of the current through the

voltmeter is upward for positive charge carri-
V ers and downward for negative charge carriers.
P2 correct
For the Hall effect the magnetic force bal- 3. The direction of the current through the
ances the electric force which means voltmeter is upward for either positive or neg-
ative charge carriers.
q vd B = q E ,
4. The direction of the current through the
or voltmeter is downward for positive charge car-
E = vd B . riers and upward for negative charge carri-
Also we know
5. The current through the voltmeter is zero
I = n q vd A or for either positive or negative charge carri-
I ers.
vd = ,

so that the magnitude of the electric field is

IB Explanation:
nqA First consider the negative charge carrier
(7.5 A) (1.2 T) case. Applying the right hand rule, the force
= on electrons moving to the left is downward.
n (1.6021 × 10−19 C) (0.00294 m2 )
This generates a counterclockwise electron
= 2.2506 × 10−7 N/C , flow, or a clockwise current. In other words at
the voltmeter, the current flows downward.
where the area For the positive charge carrier case, the
force on the positive charged carrier is again
A=a·b downward. This generates a counterclockwise
= (0.06 m) (0.049 m) current. At the voltmeter now the current
= 0.00294 m2 . flows upward.

027 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

026 (part 2 of 2) 10 points The set up is shown in the figure, where 38 A
For this part of the problem a voltmeter (with is flowing in the wire segments, AB = CD =
an internal resistance less than infinity) is 30 m, and the wire segment arc has a radius
connected to the system, where the contact 28 m subtending an angle of 90◦ .
points are on the upper and lower surfaces The permeability of free space is
and are in the same vertical plane. 1.25664 × 10−6 T · m/A .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 2 – Due: Oct 16 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 14

38 A
30 m


28 38 A D
30 m

Find the magnitude of the magnetic field at

O due to the current segment ABCD.

Correct answer: 2.1318 × 10−7 T.


Let : I = 38 A ,
µ0 = 1.25664 × 10−6 T · m/A , and
a = 28 m .

Along CD d~s and r̂ are antiparallel, so

again d~s × r̂ = 0 . Therefore that segment
of the current also creates no magnetic field
at O. Along BC d~s is perpendicular to r̂ so
|d~s ×r̂| = ds = a dθ. Also d~s ×r̂ is in the same
direction for all d~s along BC, while r = a, so
the magnitude of the magnetic field at O due
to ABCD is

Z π/2 ¯π/2
µ0 a dθ µ0 ¯
B= I 2
= I θ¯
4π 0 a 4πa 0
µ0 I
(1.25664 × 10−6 T · m/A) (38 A)
8 (28 m)
= 2.1318 × 10−7 T .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 1

This print-out should have 32 questions. µ0 i

10. BCA =
Multiple-choice questions may continue on 2a
the next column or page – find all choices Explanation:
before answering. The due time is Central 13 13
time. Note: 360◦ = 97.5◦ = π.
48 24
This problem has a direct way for its solu-
001 (part 1 of 4) 10 points tion (based on the Biot-Savart law) and a fast
Consider the current segment shown where a insightful way, based on Ampere’s law and the
current i is flowing through a straight segment principle of superposition.
from C to A , then an arc from A to D , and a Fast Way: Choose the orientation of the
straight segment from D to F . x-axis so that CA is along the negative x-axis
with origin at A (see figure).

r C P A P0 C0
13 D i F
π From C to A a current I flows, and imagine
24 ∞
this current continuing from A to C 0 . At
Both segments AC and DF extend to infinity. O , the magnetic field B 0 from the current in
The circular arc AD is of a circle with a the extended wire (CAC 0 ) can be found from
48 Ampere’s law, which gives 2 π a B 0 = µ0 I , or
radius a . The arc is centered at O .
~ CA k ≡ BCA ) of µ0 I
What is the magnitude (kB B0 = , with B 0 coming out of the paper.
the magnetic field at O due to the CA segment 2πa
This follows from the standard right hand rule
alone? associated with Ampere’s law.
µ0 i Note: Contribution to B 0 from the current
1. BCA < in the segment CA equals the contribution
from the current in the segment AC 0 .
µ0 i
2. BCA = Reason: This follows by noticing (from the
a ~0
Biot-Savart law) that the contribution to B
µ0 i from a current through the line element d `
3. BCA =
8πa centered about P is the same as the contribu-
µ0 i tion from an equal incremental line element
4. BCA =
4a d ` centered about P 0 with P and P 0 equally
µ0 i distant from point A.
5. BCA = correct Thus each half of the extended wire gives
µ0 i the desired magnetic field B , and B + B =
6. BCA > µ0 I µ0 I
a B0 = . Therefore B = .
2πa 4πa
µ0 i Direct Way: Set up a coordinate system
7. BCA =
6a with the origin at A , such that the segment
µ0 i CA goes along the negative x-direction as in
8. BCA = the figure. The distance from the field point
µ0 i O to the wire is a. Consider a certain point P
9. BCA = along CA with x-coordinate x. The distance
from O to this particular point is called r.
Denote the (counterclockwise) angle between
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 2

the line OP and the horizontal by θ . We find

1 µ0 i
a x 4. BAD =
sin θ = , cos θ = − . 6 a
r r 3 µ0 i
5. BAD =
Dividing gives 16 a
23 µ0 i
x = −a cot θ , 6. BAD =
96 a
then 17 µ0 i
7. BAD =
a 96 a
dx = dθ 5 µ0 i
sin2 θ 8. BAD =
r2 24 a
= dθ . 11 µ0 i
a 9. BAD =
48 a
The contribution to the magnetic field at O
7 µ0 i
from an incremental line segment dx at point 10. BAD =
P is 48 a
µ0 i dx µ0 i dθ We sum up the incremental current contri-
dBCA = 2
sin θ = sin θ.
4π r 4π a butions along the arc:
Every segment part of CA gives a contribu-
tion to the field which points out of the paper. µ0 i ∆x
∆BAD = sin θ.
Thus the total field due to CA is 4 π r2
In this case,
µ0 i
BCA = dBCA = sin θ dθ . ∆x = a ∆θ
which is the formula for the arc length of an
The integration starts at infinity, where the arc segment with angle ∆θ and radius a.
angle θ is 0◦ . The integration ends at A , Note: The r in the previous formula is the
where the angle is 90◦ = π/2 radians. Thus distance to the field point, but for the circular
the integral is arc this is constantly a.
Z π/2 ¯π/2 Finally, we note that the angle θ is always
¯ 90◦ along the arc. Thus
sin θ dθ = − cos θ ¯¯ = 1,
0 0
µ0 i a ∆θ µ0 i
and so the magnetic field is ∆BAD = 2
sin 90◦ = ∆θ .
4π a 4πa
µ0 i The arc has an angular span (given in the
BCA = .
4πa question) of

002 (part 2 of 4) 10 points 13

∆θ = 2π.
Find the magnitude of the field BAD at O due 48
to the circular arc AD alone.
Thus, the magnitude of the field BAD at O
13 µ0 i due to the circular arc AD alone is
1. BAD = correct
96 a
µ0 i 13 13 µ0 i
5 µ0 i BAD = 2π = .
2. BAD = 4 π a 48 96 a
32 a
7 µ0 i
3. BAD = 003 (part 3 of 4) 10 points
32 a
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 3

Select the choice which represents the magni-

tude and the direction of the resultant mag- 1. equal in magnitude and parallel. correct
netic field O due to the vector sum of all
contributions: B~ =B~ CA + B~ AD + B~ DF . 2. equal in magnitude and neither parallel
Use the notation B ≡ kBk , BCA ≡ kB ~ CA k , nor antiparallel.
3. not enough information given.
1. B = +BAD , out of page
4. unequal in magnitude and neither parallel
2. B = +BCA + BAD − BDF , into page nor antiparallel.

3. B = −BCA + BAD − BDF , into page 5. unequal in magnitude and parallel.

4. B = +BCA + BAD + BDF , out of page 6. equal in magnitude and antiparallel.

7. unequal in magnitude and antiparallel.
5. B = −BCA + BAD + BDF , into page
6. B = +BCA + BAD − BDF , out of page Very similar principles as the first part of
problem apply. Application of the right hand
7. B = +BAD , into page rule gives the fields as parallel, and since point
O is equidistant to points A and D , the mag-
8. B = −BCA + BAD + BDF , out of page nitudes of the magnetic fields are equal from
the two segments.
9. B = +BCA + BAD + BDF , into page
005 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
10. B = −BCA + BAD − BDF , out of page Given: B = b t, where b = 0.9 T/s (lower
Explanation: figure).
We already found out in part 1 that the Consider a changing magnetic field (from
segment CA gives a contribution out of the B to B, upper figure) within a circle of radius
paper. If we consider similar incremental 4 m.
segments of CA or DF , we find that the The magnetic field is pointing into the page
right-hand rule gives that they all point per- ⊗ and its magnitude is increasing.
pendicularly out of the paper. Since they all
point in the same direction, the fields add as
magnitudes B0 4m B 4m


0 0
µ ¶ B B B B
µ0 i 1 13 1
= + +
a 4 π 96 4 π
µ ¶
µ0 i 1 13
= + .
a 2 π 96 B
B B0
004 (part 4 of 4) 10 points
The field at Point O due to the current in the
0 ~t
segment DF , when compared to the field at
point O due to the current in the segment CA Find the direction of the induced emf Eind .
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 4

1. into the page we have Eind = Eind 2 π a, so

2. counter-clockwise correct Eind

Eind =
3. clockwise dB
π a2
= dt
4. out of the page 2πa
Explanation: a dB
2 dt
(4 m)
Let : a = 4 m and = (0.9 T/s)
b = 0.9 T/s . = 1.8 V/m .
Faraday’s Law of Induction:

~ ind · d~s = − d ΦB
Eind = E 007 (part 1 of 2) 10 points
dt Imagine that Galileo had dropped a bar
Lenz’s Law – Induced emf’s always oppose magnet (permanent magnetic dipole) and
magnetic flux changes. an unmagnetized bar of the same mass and
Use a “bracket”, “[ ]”, to denote the direc- shape down identical resistive metallic (cop-
tions. The direction content of Faraday’s Law per) tubes from the Tower of Pisa.
then reads, PISA
· ¸

[Eind ] = − = −⊗ = ¯ .
The right hand rule then implies that the
direction of Eind is counter-clockwise. This
is consistent with Lenz’s Law: the magnetic
field is increasing into the page, so the induced
emf Eind creates a magnetic field out of the
page to counter this change. ?

Which one would have struck the ground

006 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
Find the magnitude of the induced electric
field Eind on the perimeter of the circular
1. both at the same time
magnetic field.
Correct answer: 1.8 V/m.
2. the unmagnetized bar correct
3. the bar magnet
|Eind | = (B A) Explanation:
dB Lenz’s law states: The polarity of the in-
= π a2 duced emf E is such that it tends to produce
a current that will cause the induced mag-
= (0.9 T/s) π (4 m)2
netic flux to oppose the applied changing flux
= 45.2389 V . and the induced forces to oppose the applied
From I forces.
~ ind · d~s , When the bar magnet is falling, currents
E= E
are induced in a shell of the copper tube that
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 5

by Lenz’s law must induce magnetic forces

that tend to counter-act the external force of
gravity acting on the bar magnet. Hence, Iabove
the total downward force on the bar magnet Npole
has a smaller total force acting on it than on 4. v dipole magnet
the unmagnetized bar which does not induce
currents leading to opposing magnetic forces. Spole
Thus the unmagnetized bar will accelerate Ibelow
more rapidly and will reach the ground before
the bar magnet.

008 (part 2 of 2) 10 points

Which of the following figures best represents Iabove
the direction of the induced currents “ I ” in Npole
the metallic tube (above and/or below the 5. v dipole magnet
dipole magnet) as the dipole falls through the
tube? Spole

Iabove = 0
1. v dipole magnet Iabove
Spole Npole
6. v dipole magnet correct

Npole Explanation:
When the bar magnet is falling, there will
2. v dipole magnet be a change of magnetic flux around any
Spole closed loop (which we take at constant height
and viewed from above) that lies in the wall
of the metal shell.

Iabove = 0 Npole
Npole v dipole magnet
3. v dipole magnet Spole
Spole Ibelow
If this loop is below the bar magnet, the
magnetic flux through it points upward and
increases in magnitude as the leading south
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 6

pole of the bar magnet heads to the loop

and therefore the current induced in the wall d Φm
3. , Φm is magnetic flux through loop,
at this loop must produce downward mag- dt
Biot-Savart Law
netic fields to counteract this change of flux.
Such magnetic fields require currents that flow
clockwise when viewing the falling bar mag-
4. ~ · dA
E ~ over a surface, Gauss’s Law
net from above as shown by the bottom loop
in the figure.
For the loop above the bar magnet the mag-
netic field is from the falling north pole which 5. µ0 I, I is the total steady current passing
then points upward and decreases in magni- through any surface bounded by the closed
tude during the bar magnet’s fall. Therefore loop, Ampere’s Law
the current induced in the wall at this loop correct
must produce upward magnetic fields to coun-
teract the decreasing magnetic flux through 6. µ0 I, I is the total steady current passing
this loop. Such an induced magnetic field re- through any surface bounded by the closed
quires a current that flows counter-clockwise loop, Faraday’s Law
when viewing the bar magnet from above as
shown in the top curve in the figure.
An alternative explanation is that the loop 7. µ0 I, I is the total steady current passing
below the bar magnet must produce a mag- through any surface bounded by the closed
netic moment to repel the falling bar magnet loop , Biot-Savart Law
to try to prevent the bar magnet from in-
creasing the magnetic flux through the loop. Z
The required direction of the magnetic mo- 8. ~ · dA
E ~ over a surface, Biot-Savart Law
ment must then be downward (which repels
a falling south pole), as produced by a clock-
wise current viewed from above. Alterna- −d Φm
9. , Φm is the magnetic flux through
tively, when the falling bar magnet is below dt
the loop, Ampere’s Law
the loop, the induced magnetic moment of the
loop must attract the north pole of the falling
bar magnet, which requires the direction of Explanation:
the magnetic moment to be upward, as pro- I
duced by a counter-clockwise current when ~ · d~s = µ0 I
viewed from above.
I is the total steady current passing through
009 (part 1 of 4) 10 points the closed loop. This is Ampere’s Law.
Complete theI following formula and give its
name if any: B~ · d~s =?
010 (part 2 of 4) 10 points
−d Φm Complete the following formula and give its
1. , Φm is magnetic flux through the d Φm
dt name if any − =?
loop, Faraday’s Law dt
1. µ0 I, I is current causing flux, Biot-
Q Savart Law
2. , Q is the charge enclosed in the vol-
ume of integration, Gauss’ Law 2. µ0 I, I is current causing flux, Ampere’s
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 7
3. ~ · d~s, Faraday’s Law
B 6. µ0 , I is the current through surface of
4. E, induced electromotive force, Ampere’s
Law Explanation:
~ · d~s, Biot-Savart Law ~ · dA
E ~ = Φe
5. B

6. µ0 I, I is current causing flux, Faraday’s where Φe is the electric flux through the sur-
Law face of integration. This formula does not
have a Iname, although when the surface is
7. ma, mass times acceleration, Newton’s closed, E ~ = Φe = Qenclosed
~ · dA
Law closed surface ²0
is Gauss’s Law.
8. E, induced electromotive force, Faraday’s
Law correct 012 (part 4 of 4) 10Z points
What is the surface integral B ~ · dA~ =?
9. E, induced electromotive force, Biot-
(Assume I is the current passing through
Savart Law
the surface, Φm is the magnetic flux through
I the surface, and Q is the charge enclosed by
10. B ~ · d~s, Ampere’s law
the surface in the answers below.)
Explanation: −d Φm
d Φm
− =E 2. Φm correct
E is the induced emf. This is Faraday’s Law. Q
011 (part 3 of 4) 10 points d Φm
Complete the following formula and give its 4.
I if any dI
~ · dA
E ~ =? 5. µ0
1 dQ
1. Φe , electric flux through surface of inte- 6.
²0 dt
gration correct
7. −µ0
2. E, electromotive force around border of dt
surface of integration. 8. µ0 I
d Φm 1 dQ
3. − , Φm is the magnetic flux through 9. −
dt ²0 dt
surface of integration
10. Φm + µ0 I + Q/²0
4. µ0 I, I is the current through surface of Explanation:
integration I
d Φe ~ · dA
B ~ ≡ Φm
5. , Φe is the electric flux through sur- surface
face of integration the magnetic flux through the surface of inte-
gration. This formula does not have a name.
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 8

where Vc > Va , therefore Vc −Va < 0 . Another

way of approaching this problem is by using
the formula
013 (part 1 of 4) 10 points ¯
d I ¯¯
Consider the figure shown below. The switch Vca ≡ Va − Vc = −L .
dt ¯t1 =0
is initially set at position b. There is no charge
nor current around the upper loop while at
position b. At t1 = 0 the switch is set to 014 (part 2 of 4) 10 points
position a. The switch is still in position a.
What is the power consumption through
C 1
the resistor R at time t1 = τL , where τL is
the time constant of the LR loop?

c L S b E2 ³ ´2
1. Pca = 1 − e−1/2 correct
a R
E E2 ³ ´2
R 2. Pca = 1+e +1/2
E 2 ³ +1/2 ´2
What is the potential difference Vca ≡ Va − 3. Pca = e
Vc at time t1 = 0?
E2 ³ ´2
4. Pca = 1 + e−1/2
1. Vca = −E e−1 R
5. Pca =
2. Vca = ∞ R
E 2 ³ −1/2 ´2
3. Vca = 0 6. Pca = e
4. Vca = E E2 ³ ´2
7. Pca = 1 − e+1/2
5. Vca = E (1 − e−1 ) Explanation:
The equation for the power dissipated is
6. Vca = E e−1 given by

2 E2 ³ −t1 /τL
7. Vca = −∞ P (t1 ) = I(t) R = 1−e
8. Vca = ∞ − ∞ τ
At t1 = L , we then have
9. Vca = −E (1 − e−1 )
E2 ³ ´2
P = 1 − e−1/2 .
10. Vca = −E correct R

Explanation: 015 (part 3 of 4) 10 points

Since at time t1 = 0 the current is zero, After a long time at position a, the switch is
we can consider the potential difference Vca ≡ set back to position b at time t2 = 0 .
Va − Vc across the battery, which immediately What is maximum charge on the capacitor
yields while the switch is at position b?
Va − Vc = −E , or
Vc − Va = +E , 1. Qmax = E R
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 9

R 7. Vb = Vc ; flows from b through L to c
2. Qmax = E R
E 1 8. Vb > Vc ; flows from c through L to b
3. Qmax = √
E 1 9. Vc > Vb ; flows from c through L to b
4. Qmax = √
r Explanation:
E L Let’s track the oscillation. At t2 = 0 the
5. Qmax =
R R current is at its maximum value flowing left-
E R to-right through the inductor; the capacitor
6. Qmax = is uncharged. At¶ one quarter of the pe-
R L µ
1 riod i.e., t2 = , the right plate is fully
7. Qmax =ER √ 4
charged positive. At t2 = the current
E 2R 2
8. Qmax = is flowing right-to-left through the inductor
√ 3T
9. Qmax = E R 2LC while at time t2 = , the left plate of the
capacitor is fully charged positive.
E √ 3
10. Qmax = L C correct Hence at time t2 = T , I = 0 and Vc > Vb .
R 4
017 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
By conservation of energy we have
Assume: These are ideal coils.
Qmax 2 1 Given: Two coils are suspended around a
= L Imax 2 . common central axis as shown in the figure
2C 2
below. One of the coils is connected to a
Solving for Qmax yields resistor R with ends labeled “a” and “b”. The
√ E √ other coil is connected to a battery E through
Qmax = Imax LC = LC . a switch S.
Use Lenz’s law to answer the following ques-
tion concerning the direction of induced cur-
016 (part 4 of 4) 10 points rents.
At time t2 = T , where T is the period
4 a R b
of the LC circuit, the relationship between
Vb and Vc , and the direction of the current
through the inductor are given by

1. Vb = Vc ; flows from c through L to b

2. Vb > Vc ; no current flow E S

3. Vc > Vb ; no current flow correct

The direction of the magnetic field in the
4. Vb > Vc ; flows from b through L to c coils after the switch is closed for a long period
of time is
5. Vc > Vb ; flows from b through L to c A1: right to left (⇐= B).
A2: left to right (B =⇒).
6. Vb = Vc ; no current flow After switch S has been closed for a long
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 10

period of time, the switch is opened. terminal a to terminal b.

The direction of the internal induced mag- Using the right-hand rule, when the
netic field by the larger diameter (secondary) induced magnetic field is left to right
coil just after the switch is opened is (Binduced =⇒), the induced current through
B1: left to right (Binduced =⇒). the resistor R flows from “a” through R to
B2: right to left (⇐= Binduced ). “b” (I →).
The direction of the current induced in the Note: There are eight different presenta-
resistor R just after the switch is opened is tions of this problem and this is the eighth.
C1: from “a” through R to “b” (I →).
C2: from “b” through R to “a” (← I). 018 (part 1 of 4) 10 points
Choose the appropriate answer. A large circular coil encircles a long tightly
wound solenoid (of smaller diameter) as
1. A2, B1, C2 shown in the figure below.
2. A1, B1, C2 `c
3. A2, B2, C2 rc
4. A2, B1, C1
5. A1, B2, C1 correct

6. A1, B1, C1 Inside solenoid has Ns turns

Outside coil has Nc turns
7. A2, B2, C1 At the center of the solenoid, the magnetic
field Bs due to the current I in the solenoid is
8. A1, B2, C2 given by
Explanation: µ0 I
The smaller helical coil produces a counter- 1. Bs = .
2 π `s
clockwise current (looking from left-hand end µ0 Ns I
of the coil). 2. Bs = . correct
Using the right-hand rule, when the switch
is closed, the magnetic field is directed from µ0 I
3. Bs = .
right to left (⇐= B). 2 rs
The induced magnetic field depends on µ0 Ns I
4. Bs = .
whether the flux is increasing or decreasing, 2 π rs
since by Lenz’s law the induced current will µ0 I
produce flux to oppose a change in flux. 5. Bs = .
2 π rs
When the switch is closed, there is a mag- µ0 Ns I
netic field. 6. Bs = .
2 `s
At the moment the switch is opened, the
µ0 Ns I
magnetic flux through the coils decreases. 7. Bs = .
The induced field through the coil in the rs
circuit with a resistor must produce a mag- µ0 I
8. Bs = .
netic field from left to right (Binduced =⇒) to 2 `s
resist any change of flux in the coil (Lenz’s µ0 Ns I
law). 9. Bs = .
2 rs
The larger helical coil is wound clockwise
(looking from left-hand end of the coil) from
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 11
µ0 I calculate the mutual inductance of the circu-
10. Bs = .
rs lar coil and solenoid.
Explanation: Correct answer: 592.386 µH.
Basic Concepts: Mutual Inductance: Explanation:
The mutual inductance is given by
N1 Φ21 N2 Φ12
M21 = = = M12 . (1)
I2 I1
N2 Φ21
Solution: Magnetic field inside a solenoid is M=
N I1
B = µ0 I , where N is the number of turns Nc Bs πrs2
` =
and ` is the length of the solenoid. So I
Nc µ0 Ns Iπ rs2
Ns =
B = µ0 I . `s I
`s µ0 Nc Ns π rs2
019 (part 2 of 4) 10 points (4π × 10−7 T · m/A)(12.7)(614)
The magnetic flux Φc through a single loop of =
35.8 cm × 10−2
the circular coil is given by × π(8.3 cm × 10−2 )2
1. Φc = Bs `2s . = 0.000592386 H
= 592.386 µH .
2. Φc = Bs 2π rs `s .

3. Φc = Bs π rc2 .
021 (part 4 of 4) 10 points
4. Φc = Bs π rs2 . correct Now the current in the solenoid is increased
linearly at a rate of = a, where a =
5. Φc = Bs 2π rc . dt
20.2 A/s.
6. Φc = Bs `s . What is the magnitude of the voltage E
across the circular coil?
7. Φc = Bs 2π rs . Correct answer: 11966.2 µV.
8. Φc = Bs π (rc2 − rs2 ) . The emf induced by mutual induction is

9. Φc = Bs 2π rc `s .
¯ ¯
¯ d I ¯
|E| = ¯¯−M ¯
dt ¯
Magnetic flux is ΦB = ~ · dA,
B ~ and the B
= (0.000592386 H)(20.2 A/s)
field is confined inside a solenoid. So the flux = 0.0119662 V
inside the coil is
= 11966.2 µV .
Φc = Bs · π rs2 .

020 (part 3 of 4) 10 points 022 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

If Nc = 12.7, Ns = 614, rc = 23 cm, In the circuit below, initially the switch S1 is
rs = 8.3 cm, `s = 35.8 cm, and `c = 7.68 cm , in position “a” and switch S2 is closed.
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 12

L 70 mH

C2 Emax = 124 V
S2 S
S1 b
C1 E = Emax sin ωt
Calculate the magnitude of the current in
the inductor at 17.9 ms.
R Correct answer: 5.10331 A.

When the switch S1 is then thrown to “b”, Let : Emax = 124 V ,

the voltage will oscillate at a frequency which
t = 17.9 ms = 0.0179 s ,
L = 70 mH = 0.07 H , and
1. higher when switch S2 is open. correct f = 53.9 rev/s .
The inductive reactance is given by
2. zero, since the battery is no longer in the
circuit. XL = ω L = 2 π f L .
The maximum current is
3. zero, since the circuit was not oscillating Vmax Vmax
to begin with. Imax = = .
XL 2πf L
4. the same whether switch S2 is open or In a purely inductive circuit driven by
closed. V = Vmax sin ω t ,
the current is given by
5. lower when switch S2 is open. h πi
I = Imax sin ω t −
Explanation: Vmax h πi
= sin ω t −
The oscillation frequency is 2πf L 2
124 V
2 π (53.9 rev/s) (0.07 H)
1 1
h πi
ω=√ =p . × sin ω (0.0179 s) −
LC L (C1 + C2 ) 2
= 5.10331 A .

The capacitors are parallel C = C1 + C2 , 024 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

thus when switch S2 is opened the capacitance The emf E drives the circuit shown below
decreases and its inverse increases. Therefore, at an angular velocity ω.
the frequency ω is higher when only ONE of
the capacitors is connected.
023 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
For the circuit shown in the figure, the max-
imum voltage is 124 V, the angular repetition R
is 53.9 rev/s, and the inductor is 70 mH. When does the light bulb (with resistance
The switch is closed at t = 0 . R) glow most brightly?
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 13

A series RLC circuit in which the 1898 Ω

1 resistor and the 80 nF capacitor is connected
1. lower frequencies, 0 < ω < √
LC to an ac generator whose frequency can be
1 varied. When the current is maximized as a
2. both higher frequecies, √ < ω < ∞,
LC function of frequency the current is 0.2 A and
1 the frequency is 66 kHz.
or lower frequencies, 0 < ω < √
LC Determine the inductance.
1 Correct answer: 7.2688 × 10−5 H.
3. higher frequencies, √ <ω<∞ Explanation:
4. steady DC voltage, ω = 0 correct
Let : f = 66 kHz = 66000 Hz and
5. the resonant frequency, ω = √ C = 80 nF = 8 × 10−8 F .
Explanation: The current in the RLC circuit reaches a max-
The voltage across Cq is E = IC ZC , where imum when
the impedance is ZC = XC2 . 1
ω0 L =
1 ω0 C
Since XC = , the current through the 1
ωC L= 2
capacitor is ω0 C
E =
IC = s µ ¶2 . [2 π f ]2 C
1 1
ωC [2 π (66000 Hz)]2 (8 × 10−8 F)

As the angular velocity ω decreases, the cur- = 7.2688 × 10−5 H .

rent IC will also decrease.
The voltage across R and L is E q
026 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
where the impedance is ZRL = R2 + XL2 . Determine the rms value of the generator volt-
Since XL = ω L , the current through the age at this frequency.
inductor is Correct answer: 268.418 V.
IRL = q .
R2 + (ω L) Let : Imax = 0.2 A and
As the angular velocity ω decreases, the cur- R = 1898 Ω .
rent IRL will increase. The limiting case is
constant voltage. Irms = √
Since the light bulb is in series with the 2
inductor, it will glow most brightly at a con- = 0.141421 A .
stant voltage; i.e., steady DC voltage, ω = 0.
At resonance, Z = R, so
R Vrms = Irms R
Ilight bulb

ω0 =
L = (0.141421 A) (1898 Ω)
= 268.418 V .
025 (part 1 of 2) 10 points 027 (part 1 of 1) 10 points
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 14

A ideal transformer shown in the figure vector

below having a primary with 35 turns and EB Emax Bmax
secondary with 28 turns. I = Save = =
µ0 2 µ0
The load resistor is 47 Ω.
The source voltage is 80 Vrms . Since E = c B,
I= ,
2 µ0 c

35 turns

28 turns
80 Vrms

the maximum electric field is

47 Ω
Emax = 2 µ0 c I
= 2 (4 π × 10−7 T m/A)
What is the rms electric potential across × (2.99792 × 108 m/s)
the 47 Ω load resistor? i1/2
Correct answer: 64 Vrms . × (353 W/m2 )
= 515.724 V/m .

Let : N1 = 35 turns ,
029 (part 2 of 3) 10 points
N2 = 28 turns , and
What is the pressure on a surface which is
V1 = 80 Vrms . perpendicular to the beam and is totally re-
The rms voltage across the transformer’s flective?
secondary is Correct answer: 2.35496 × 10−6 N/m2 .
V2 = V1
N1 Let : c = 2.99792 × 108 m/s .
28 turns
= (80 Vrms ) The pressure on a perfect reflector is given by
35 turns
= 64 Vrms , P =
which is the same as the electric potential 2I
across the load resistor. c
2 (353 W/m2 )
028 (part 1 of 3) 10 points =
2.99792 × 108 m/s
Consider an electromagnetic plane wave with
time average intensity 353 W/m2 . = 2.35496 × 10−6 N/m2 .
The speed of light is 2.99792 × 108 m/s
and the permeability of free space is 4 π × 030 (part 3 of 3) 10 points
10−7 T · m/A . Consider an electromagnetic wave pattern as
What is its maximum electric field? shown in the figure below.
Correct answer: 515.724 V/m.

Let : I = 353 W/m2 ,

µ0 = 4 π × 10−7 T·m/A , and
c = 2.99792 × 108 m/s .
The average intensity of an electromagnetic
wave is the magnitude of its average Poynting
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 15

In which direction is the wave traveling? Correct answer: 11.4592 W/m2 .

1. left to right. Basic Concepts: Radiation intensity due
to a point source is given by
2. right to left. correct
I= .
3. a standing wave and is stationary. 4 π r2
Radiation pressure on a perfect absorbing sur-
Explanation: face is
~ vector and B
~ vector I
One can see that the E Pab = ,
are not at the same point on the velocity axis c
as drawn in the figure. while the radiation pressure on a perfect re-
Pick an instant in time, where the E and flective surface is
B fields are at the same point on the wave I
pattern. Pref = 2 .
E Solution:
y B
x Let : P = 144 W and
v z r = 1 m.
For instance, let us choose the point where
~ vector is along the y axis, as shown in Since the light bulb emits light isotropically,
the E
(i.e., uniformly in all directions), it can be
the above figures.
~ vector is along treated as a point source.
At the same instance, the B
the positive x axis (not the negative x axis P
as shown in the figure for a point 180◦ out of I=
4 π r2
phase from the place on the velocity (z) axis 144 W
~ vector is drawn). =
where the B 4 π (1 m)2
Then E ~ ×B ~ is along the negative z axis.
= 11.4592 W/m2 .
Therefore, the electromagnetic wave is
traveling right to left.
032 (part 2 of 2) 10 points
031 (part 1 of 2) 10 points Determine the radiation pressure P at Q,
Consider a light bulb S emitting light isotrop- where I is the light intensity at Q. See the
ically, (i.e. uniformly in all directions), with a previous question for the setup of this prob-
power of 144 W. The paper is 1 m away and lem.
has an area of 0.04 m2 , with the coefficient
1 1 1. P = 0
of reflection ; i.e., of the light intensity
3 3
2 1I
is reflected, and of the light intensity is 2. P =
3 2c
absorbed. ∆A 7I
3. P =
Q 3c
4. P =3
S c
5. P =2
Determine the intensity at point Q. 6. P =
Platt, David – Oldquiz 3 – Due: Nov 13 2005, 4:00 am – Inst: Ken Shih 16

7. P =
8. P = correct
9. P =
10. P =
Since of light is reflected, the radiation
pressure due to this portion of light is given
Iref I 2 I
Pref = 2 =2 3 = .
c c 3 c
The remaining of light is absorbed, so the
radiation pressure due to this portion of light
I I 2 I
Pab = ab = 3 = .
c c 3 c
Therefore the total pressure on the paper is
given by

P = Pref + Pab
2 I 2 I
= +
3 c 3 c
4 I
= .
3 c

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