Combustion: Figure 1spreading of An Axis Symmetric Jet in The Surrounding
Combustion: Figure 1spreading of An Axis Symmetric Jet in The Surrounding
Combustion: Figure 1spreading of An Axis Symmetric Jet in The Surrounding
The release of potential energy of fuel by combustion with air requires several stages, namely.
Except mixing of air and fuel, all other stages are extremely fast such that it is said that if fuel and air
are mixed, fuel is burnt. Accordingly mixing is the slowest step in the process of combustion
This can be understood by considering that each mole of carbon theoretically requires 1 mole of
oxygen for complete combustion. But 1 mole of oxygen is obtained from 4.76 moles of air. That
means 3.76 moles of nitrogen are present with 1 mole of oxygen. Nitrogen is inert and does not take
part in combustion therefore mixing of air + fuel is important.
A burner is a mechanical device that.
There are liquid fuel and gaseous fuel burners. In liquid fuel burner, oil is heated and atomized either
mechanically or by high speed gaseous jet. In mechanical methods oil is atomized by means of a
rotating disc or cup or by swirled as shown in the figure a and b
In atomization, compressed air or steam is the atomizing fluid. Air atomization produces higher flame
temperature than steam atomization. Steam atomization is preferred for viscous oil. Some ways of air
atomization are shown in the figure 2
When a mixture of air and gaseous fuel passes through the burner, a free jet is produced downstream
the burner. If the air fuel mixture is discharged in the furnace then a confined jet is produced because
of the furnace walls. The difference between the free jet and confined jet is that in the former the
amount of surrounding is unlimited whereas in the later the amount is limited. Mixing of secondary
air in the jet is important for complete and efficient combustion. In the absence of mixing the chances
of formation can not be ruled out.
Mass of the air at the exit of the nozzle is constant. The entrainment of the surrounding in the jet
increases the mass of the jet but decreases the velocity of the jet. The cumulative effect is that
momentum flux within the jet remains constant. Entrainment of the surrounding and hence increase in
mass of jet depends on the difference in the momentum flux within the jet and that of surrounding
(note that as the jet is discharged into a still surrounding, the surrounding sets in motion). The
entrainment of the surrounding will continue as long as the difference in the momentum flux exists.
In the figure
1. A free unconfined get spreads in the surrounding
2. Spreading of the get is due to entrainment of the surrounding
3. Entrainment of the surrounding is due to the difference in momentum flow rate within the jet and
that within the surrounding. Entrainment of surrounding continues till the difference becomes
4. Entrainment of surrounding depends on mass flow rate and jet velocity
In furnaces jet is confined by furnace walls. Due to confinement, mass of the surrounding is limited to
the amount equal to secondary air. The primary air mixes rapidly with the fuel at the nozzle but the
remaining air must be entrained and for this purpose excess momentum flux in the jet is required. If
the confined jet has momentum flux in excess of that required for the complete entrainment of the
secondary air, products of combustion will entrain and a circulatory jet is produced. Figure5 shows
recirculation of products of combustion in the jet
Figure 5Entrainment of products of combustion in the jet. At point secondary air is entrained.
Beyond point A the products of combustion entrain due to the excess momentum in the jet.
In designing a gaseous fuel burner total mass flow rat of air is subdivided into primary, secondary and
tertiary air. Whereas primary air is mixed with fuel, secondary and tertiary amounts of air are
introduced through the pots in the furnace.
Degree of recirculation
Recirculation sets in when the secondary air is mixed completely with the fuel. Degree of
recirculation indicates complete mixing of fuel with air.
In confined gets, absence of recirculation results in a tendency for the flame to expand until it
impinges into the furnace walls of load. Hot gases will be in direct contact with the refractory brick
which may result in failure. The recirculating gases provide a “cushion” of cooler inert flue gases
which prevents direct impingement of flame. A high momentum recirculartory jet will also produce a
stable flame which is comfortable.
Coal furnace with air mixture
In the coal furnace the coal that is mixed with limestone is continuously supplied from above while a
hot blast of hot air is introduced from the lower section of furnace through a series of pipes so that the
good mixture of air and falling coal takes place result in good combustion, blast furnace is a example
of coal furnaces
O.P.Gupta: elements of fuels, furnaces and refractories