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Aspects of the biology of juvenile barramundi
Lates calcarifer (Bloch)
relevant to production for recreational fisheries and
farming, with a note on the proposal to introduce
Nile perch Lates niloticus (L.) to Australia
Thesis submitted by
Christopher G. BARLOW BSc (JCUNQ) MSc (UNSW)
in January 1998
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protocols for juvenile barramundi Lates calcarifer through studies on diet and
weaning strategies. Juvenile barramundi are produced in northern Australia for two
reasons; to supply seed for the aquaculture industry, and to supply fingerlings for
studies were undertaken: firstly, an analysis of the proposal to introduce Nile perch
evaluation of the use of circulus patterns on scales for discriminating wild and
hatchery-produced barramundi.
species) in Queensland indicated that barriers (barrages, weirs and dams) built in
river systems, coupled with the inability to negotiate even minor stream barriers,
have restricted access of this fish to much of its original, natural habitat. Further,
while the construction of dams has created vast new aquatic habitats (potentially at
least 100 000 ha in Queensland), these have also been inaccessible to barramundi via
its normal life-cycle movements. To fill the 'niche' made available by the
barramundi, the Nile perch Lates niloticus, be introduced to establish sport fisheries
in tropical impoundments. The principal rationale for this introduction was that,
unlike barramundi, the Nile perch reproduces in fresh waters and, hence, once
Contrarily, however, three lines of evidence suggested that the introduction of the
Nile perch would have negatively impacted upon Australian aquatic fauna. The
rivers in eastern Australia indicated that its range would have extended to temperate
regions, thus endangering established fisheries for native species in those areas. The
Kyoga in eastern Africa caused a drastic decrease in species diversity and fish
biomass. L. niloticus is not restricted to lacustrine habitats, and known features of its
biology indicate that it could have colonised and adversely affected the fauna in a
broad range of freshwater habitats in Australia. The risks associated with the
proposed introduction were considered to outweigh the potential benefits, and hence
feeding patterns, stomach evacuation rates, daily food consumption and growth rates.
At 16-18 mm total length (TL), the feeding behaviour of the fry changed abruptly
ponds were obligate zooplanktivores between 10 and about 17 mm. Between about
17 and 50 mm the diet changed progressively from zooplankton to insect larvae to
small vertebrates. The fry were visual feeders, taking food throughout the day, and
under moonlight conditions, but ceased in total darkness. Stomach evacuation rates
for 16 mm fry under continuous feeding and non-feeding conditions were 47 and 210
minutes, respectively; for 37 mm fry the rates were 73 and 108 minutes, respectively.
The daily rations for these two size groups were 19-86% and 38-56%, respectively.
Specific growth rates were 13-16% body weight/day for fry reared in ponds.
behaviour patterns of the different sized fry and the development of an escape
P. flavescens in newly-filled ponds, the development of the pond fauna on which the
barramundi fry feed, and the growth rates of fry, indicated a rearing strategy to
the growth, survival, feeding pattern and daily food consumption of barramundi fry
survival of fry, initially 11-12 mm TL, in either 12, 18 or 24 hours light. Fish
exposed to 12L/12D photoperiod fed continuously during daylight, and ceased
feeding in darkness. Under continuous daylight conditions, fish fed throughout the
normal daytime period, but ceased feeding at a time corresponding to the normal
onset of darkness; feeding started again near midnight. Daily food consumption for
photoperiod. The results clearly showed that there was no advantage to be gained by
by the size of the fry at the initiation of weaning. At the outset of the trials, feeding
crumble was dispensed by automatic feeders every hour for the 12 hours of daylight
(photoperiod 12L/12D). Four trials were undertaken using fish initially 12.8, 13.6,
16.7 and 19.6 mm TL. Survival through the 10-day weaning period averaged 39, 58,
initial size and survival, and indicated that survival of greater than 90% could be
expected with fry greater than 16 mm TL at the time of weaning. This is the size at
which barramundi fry change their feeding habit from that of a roving zooplanktivore
groups with up to 83% accuracy. As the technique utilises innate tags laid down in
response to the rearing environment, it has considerable potential for evaluating the
larger than 350 mm TL were too thick and heavily pigmented to be reliably read, the
applicability of the technique with barramundi is limited to fish smaller than 350 mm
vi i
CHAPTER 6. Optimal Size for Weaning Barramundi Fry onto Artificial Diets... 133
6.1 Introduction 133
6.2 Materials and Methods 134
6.2.1 Fish and facilities 134
6.2.2 Weaning procedure 135
6.2.3 Size and weaning success 136
6.3 Results 139
6.3.1 Weaning procedure 139
6.3.2 Size and weaning success 139
6.4 Discussion 144
CHAPTER 7. Use of Circulus Spacing on Scales to Discriminate Between
Hatchery and Wild Barramundi 148
7.1 Introduction 148
7.2 Materials and Methods 149
7.2.1 Scale origin and preparation 149
7.2.2 Data acquisition 150
7.2.3 Circulus formation and fish length 151
7.2.4 Data analyses 152
7.3 Results ... 153
7.4 Discussion 157
References 176
Appendices 206
Appendix 1. Economic comparison of weaning at 13 mm and
17 nun TL 206
Appendix 2. Published papers 209
Figure 3.7 Relationship between standard length (mm) and wet weight (mg) for 87
61 barramundi in the range 8.5-46.9 mm standard length.
Figure 3.8 Relationship between total length (mm) and dry weight (mg) for 173 88
barramundi in the range 10-56.2 mm total length.
Figure 3.9 Relationship between standard length (mm) and dry weight (mg) for 88
119 barramundi in the range 8.5-46.9 mm standard length.
Figure 3.10 Relationship between dry weight (mg) and wet weight (mg) for 62 89
barramundi in the range 3.4-507 mg dry weight.
Figure 3.11 Relationship between wet weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) for 62 89
barramundi in the range 22.9-2530 mg wet weight.
Figure 4.1 Mean number of mortalities of small barramundi (9.9 mm TL), 107
large barramundi (20.2 mm TL) and sooty grunter (18.7 mm TL)
exposed for 20 hours to predation by nymphs of the dragonfly
Pantala flavescens.
Figure 4.2 Nymph of the anisopteran dragonfly Pantala flavescens. 110
Figure 4.3 A. Density (mean number/m2 of substrate) of Pantala flavescens 111
nymphs in two 0.1 ha freshwater ponds in north-eastern
Queensland during the first 35 days after filling, as determined by
six 15 m tows with a dredge net 0.46 m wide on each sampling
Total lengths (mm) of Pantala flavescens nymphs sampled in
freshwater ponds in north-eastern Queensland during the first 35
days after filling.
Growth in length of barramundi fry of two size groups (10 mm
TL and 20 mm TL at time of stocking) in freshwater ponds in
north-eastern Queensland.
Figure 5.1 Stomach fullness indexes for two size-groups of barramundi fry 128
exposed to 12L/12D (A) and 24L/OD (B) light regimes, with food
continuously available.
Figure 6.1 Experimental arrangement, showing the conical rearing containers, 137
automatic feed dispensers and electronic control boxes for each
Figure 6.2 Percentage survival through weaning onto dry diets for four 143
different size-groups of barramundi fry.
Figure 7.1 Diagrammatic representation of a barramundi scale. 152
Figure 7.2 Relationship between the number of circuli on scales and TL of 43 156
fingerling barramundi 25-38 days old.
Table 1.1 Native and introduced fish species produced in Australia for 7
recreational fisheries enhancement: tabulation of scientific and
common names, States in which stocked, and key references —
with comments — on production techniques.
Table 1.2 Fish species produced in Australia for conservation purposes: 11
tabulation of scientific and common names, and key references to
production techniques and management strategies.
Table 1.3 Aquacultural production (tonnes) of Lates calcarifer in 1986-92 20
in countries reporting to FAO.
Table 1.4 Production and value of barramundi from aquaculture and 21
capture fisheries in Australia in the financial years 1989-90 to
Table 2.1 Capture fishery landings (tonnes) of Lates calcarifer in 1986-92 36
in countries reporting to FAO.
Table 2.2 The stations and rivers at which air-water temperature 48
regressions were determined, and the number of water
temperature readings (n) taken during the period 1963-83.
Table 2.3 Values for constants a and b and their standard errors from linear 49
regressions AMWT + a + bAMMAT for 12 stations in the
Murray-Darling River system.
Table 2.4 Percentage contributions of different fish species to the total 63
weight (tonnes) of fish landed from Kenyan waters of Lake
Victoria from 1970 to 1991.
Table 2.5 Percentage contributions of different fish species to the total 64
weight (tonnes) of fish landed from Tanzanian waters of Lake
Victoria between 1988 and 1992.
Table 3.1 Percentage frequency of occurrence (% FO) and percentage 79
composition by number (% CN) of food items in the diet of
barramundi Lates calcarifer fry reared in freshwater ponds.
Table 3.2 Regression equations, intercepts (a), slopes (b) and r2 values for 86
length, wet weight and dry weight relationships for barramundi
Lates calcarifer fry (10.0-56.2 mm TL).
Table 4.1 Number of mortalities (mean + s.d.) of fish (Table. A) and 106
tadpoles (Table B) exposed for 20 hours to predation by nymphs
of the dragonfly Pantala flavescens.
Table 4.2 Number of mortalities (mean + s.d.) of tadpoles exposed for 20 106
hours to predation by nymphs of the dragonfly Pantala
Table 4.3 Mean number (± s.d.) of odonate nymphs sampled per 15 m tow 109
with a dredge net 0.46 m wide (determined from 6 tows per
sampling occasion) in two 0.1 ha freshwater ponds in north-
eastern Queensland during the first 35 days after filling.
Table 4.4 Number of barramundi stocked into six 0.1 ha freshwater ponds, 112
number harvested as 40-50 mm TL fingerlings, density at
harvest and percentage survival for fish of two sizes at time of
Table 4.5 Guideline for stocking barramundi fry into freshwater ponds for 117
on-growing to fingerling size (40-50 mm TL).
Table 5.1 Mean lengths (TL, mm), weights (Wt, mg), and percentage 125
survivals (and standard errors) of barramundi fry after being
exposed to various photoperiod and food availability treatments
for 13 days.
Table 5.2 Mean lengths (TL, mm), weights (Wt, mg), and percentage 126
survivals (and standard errors) of barramundi fry after being
exposed for 13 days to photoperiod regimes of 12L/12D, 18L/6D
and 24L/OD, with food continuously available.
Table 5.3 Literature reports on the effect of extended light periods on 131
growth and survival of larvae and juveniles of several species of
fin fishes.
Table 6.1 Percentage of feeding and non-feeding barramundi, and final 140
lengths (TL, mm) and wet weights (W Wt, mg) of the feeders,
after 12 days exposure to either a gradual or a sudden transition
from frozen zooplankton to an artificial diet.
Table 6.2 Survival and mortalities due to starvation and cannibalism 142
(expressed as percentages) of barramundi fry of various sizes
during 10 day weaning trials.
Table 6.3 Initial and final total lengths (TL, mm) and computed initial and 142
final wet weights (WWt, mg) and daily growth rates (expressed
as a percentage based on weight) of barramundi fry of various
sizes during 10 day weaning trials.
Table 7.1 Percentage of wild and hatchery barramundi correctly identified 155
using data derived from the spacing of circuli on scales and linear
discriminant analysis.
Table 8.1 Tabulation of the contribution of the major elements of this thesis 174
to management, biology of barramundi, ecological theory, and
aspects of future research requirements.
I declare that this thesis is my own work and has not been submitted in any form for
another degree or diploma at any university or other institution of tertiary education.
Information derived from the published or unpublished work of others has been
acknowledged in the text and a list of references is given.
Many colleagues and friends have assisted me in various ways while I have been
undertaking this Ph.D. program. I wish to acknowledge and thank them here.
My supervisor, Associate Professor Norm Milward for his guidance on the project
and thesis preparation, and considerable patience while awaiting submission of
the thesis.
Zena Seliga, the Fisheries Librarian within DPI, has provided a truly excellent
service during the course of the project, as she continually does for all Fisheries
staff within QDPI.
Barbara Gregg, Bill Rutledge and others within the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department, who provided facilities and assistance to enable the study reported in
Chapter 7 to be undertaken.
Joanne De Faveri, David Reed and Allan Lisle helped with statistical analyses.
Ian Ruscoe, Phil Hales and Joanne Grady prepared some of the figures.
Administrative backing for the project was provided by many people within
QDPI, but in this regard I particularly wish to thank Jim Gillespie and Bob
Pearson, who as managers have provided support and encouragement for the work
undertaken at the FFAC, Walkamin.
Financial support for the work described herein was variously provided by the
Fisheries section of QDPI, the Fishing Industry Research and Development
Council (Grant 89/67) and the Churchill Fellowship Memorial Trust Fund.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Controlled breeding and production of fingerling fish is primarily undertaken for three
to provide fish for farming, either for grow-out as food fish or for the
The respective importance of these rationales varies with the species and to a lesser
extent with the country in which the activity is undertaken. Of the three, producing fish
for food is the most important activity on a world-wide basis, and has the longest
history. Pillay (1990) and Landau (1992) have reviewed the origins and growth of
aquaculture, and cited the earliest known report on the subject, namely 'Yang Yu
Food production from fish farming is now practised in various forms on all inhabited
Asian region between India and Japan than elsewhere (Shepherd 1988). The most
important families are the Cyprinidae and Cichlidae (primarily `tilapias') in tropical
Breeding and rearing ornamental fish, particularly goldfish Cyprinus carpio and carp
Cyprinus carpio, is an ancient practice in Japan and China. Nowadays the ornamental
(or 'aquarium') fish trade encompasses numerous species, and world-wide trade in fish
and accessories is believed to be worth more than US$7000 million per annum
(Andrews 1990). Of the estimate of at least 150 million fish traded each year, the great
majority are freshwater species, and around 90% of these are bred on farms, primarily
Producing fish for enhancement of recreational fisheries started in Europe and North
America in the mid-19th Century (Landau 1992). Obviously the activity is confined to
highly sought-after angling species and to areas where recreational fishing is a major
activity. The most valued taxonomic group is the family Salmonidae, various species
of which have been translocated from Europe and North America into cool-water
recreational fisheries throughout the world. Native angling species are also produced in
different areas, for example the Percichthyidae (perches and cods) in Australia, the
Centrarchidae (basses and sunfishes) in North America, and the Esocidae (pikes) and
fisheries is the production of forage and bait species (Brown and Gratzek 1980),
Europe, Japan and North America since the mid-1800s and continues to the present day
(Moring 1986). The most important of these fishes are the salmonids, and others
include striped bass Morone saxatilis, clupeid fishes Alosa spp., and various sturgeons
Acipenser spp. Enhancement of commercial fisheries for marine species also started in
the 1800s, but these early efforts were constrained by the inability of fish culturists to
rear the larvae beyond the yolk-sac stage (Richards and Edwards 1986). Techniques
for successful production of marine species were developed in the late 1960s—early
1970s, and since then an increasing number of marine fishes has been reared for
(principally with cod Gadus morhua), the Mediterranean (with European sea bass
Dicentrarchus labrax, gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata, mullets Mugil spp., and
flatfishes Solea spp. and Scophthalmus spp.), Japan (with red sea bream or snapper
Pagrus (Chlysophtys) auratus, flatfish Limander spp. and Paralichthys spp., puffers
Fugu spp. and breams Acanthopagrus spp.), and the USA (primarily with red drum
Sciaenops ocellatus) (McCarty et al. 1986, Richards and Edwards 1986, Danielssen et
used as a fisheries management tool; the real challenge is in determining the efficacy of
recent activity. The aims of breeding programs with endangered species vary
Chapter 1. Introduction 4
amelioration of those factors which caused the original decline may be possible, in
which case captive breeding is to provide fish for restocking in native habitats or
preserves (for example, desert fishes in north America (Pister 1990)). At the other
extreme, the changes may be irreversible; in such cases, breeding is simply to preserve
the gene pool (for example, cichlid species from Lake Victoria in east Africa (Bruton
In Australia, fmgerling fish are produced for fisheries enhancement, farming, and
conservation purposes.
Traditionally, production for enhancement of recreational fisheries has been the major
activity. This started in the early 1860s when eyed ova of brown trout Salmo trutta
cyprinids and percids were later brought to Australia by fish acclimatisation societies,
the European members of which wanted familiar species for recreational fishing
purposes (Clements 1988). These and other introductions, their success in establishing
fisheries and some of their concomitant ecological consequences have been reviewed
by Weatherly and Lake (1967), Tilzey (1980), McKay (1984, 1989), Fletcher (1986),
hatcheries in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia. Many millions of fish
are stocked annually into mountainous streams and large impoundments (see review of
from eyed ova, which are placed in artificial redds (nests) in streams, to yearling fish
Experiments on the production of Australian native fishes began in the early 1900s.
Maccullochella peelii (Dakin and Kesteven 1938). T.L. Bancroft was rearing lungfish
Neoceratodus forsteri prior to 1914, and in the 1930s set up what was possibly the first
hatchery for production of an Australian fish (Bancroft 1914, 1933). However, it was
not until the 1960s that programs were initiated with the specific aim of producing
native species for fisheries enhancement. The first of these programs was at the Inland
Fisheries Research Station at Narrandera, New South Wales, which was developed
Part of the impetus for these investigations was the decline in native fish stocks in
rivers and the failure of many high-quality sport fishes to establish large populations in
the numerous impoundments which were being established for water storage. Breeding
of the principal sport fishes was quickly achieved (Lake 1967a, 1967b), but fry
production was problematical, and it was not until the late 1970s that large-scale
(Rowland et al. 1983). Following the early work at Narrandera, breeding programs for
native fishes were established in Queensland and Victoria. At least 11 native species
and 5 salmonids have now been produced in Australia for recreational fishing purposes
Enhancement of commercial fisheries via hatchery releases has not been undertaken on
confined estuarine waters are being made (P. Rothlisberg, CSIRO, Cleveland, pers.
comm. 1996).
goldfish. The few native species which are commercially traded (principally
Aquacultural production of fish in Australia for food production began in the early
1960s with the development of rainbow trout farms in Victoria (Clements 1988),
followed by New South Wales and later Tasmania. In the early 1980s Atlantic salmon
Salmo salar were taken from the mainland to Tasmania, where production of fry was
industry. Farming native species for food production started with barramundi Lates
Table 1.1 Native and introduced fish species produced in Australia for recreational fisheries enhancement: tabulation of scientific and common
names, States in which stocked, and key references — with comments — on production techniques.
Scientific name Common name State in which Key references
(Family) stocked * Comments
Vic., NSW, Qld Rowland (1984)
Bidyanus bidyanus Silver perch
(Teraponidae) Spawning in captivity (in temperate areas) requires hormonal induction;
larvae and fry reared in fertilised freshwater ponds.
MacKinnon (1986)
Spawns naturally in ponds following rain in tropical areas.
Hephaestus fuliginosus Sooty grunter Qld MacKinnon (1986)
(Teraponidae) Production methods entail hormone induction and extensive larval
rearing in freshwater ponds.
Vic., NSW, Qld Merrick and Midgley (1981)
Tandanus tandanus Eel-tailed catfish
(Plotosidae) Description of spawning behaviours.
MacKinnon (1986)
Breeds naturally in ponds; currently not being produced for stocking.
Qld Merrick and Midgley (1982)
Oxyeleotris lineolatus Sleepy cod
(Gobiidae) Description of artificial spawning substrate.
MacKinnon (1986)
Production currently relies on collection of eggs, which are attached as a
mat onto substrates; fry produced in fertilized ponds.
Scleropages jardini Saratoga Qld MacKinnon (1986)
(Osteoglossidae) Breeds naturally in small ponds; parental female incubates eggs in her
Chapter 1. Introduction 9
Scientific name Common name State in which Key references
(Family) stocked * Comments
Salmo trutta Brown trout NSW, Vic., Tas. Cadwallader and Backhouse (1983)
(Salmonidae) * Adults mature in captivity; gametes obtained by hand-stripping;
fertilised eggs incubated in troughs; larvae reared intensively on
artificial dry foods.
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout NSW, Vic., Cadwallader and Backhouse (1983)
(Salmonidae) Tas., WA * As for S. trutta.
bidyanus farming is now developing in New South Wales and Queensland (Rowland
1994). These two species are the only ones being produced commercially, although
there is limited experimental work being conducted on marine snapper Pagrus auratus
(Bell et al. 1991), striped trumpeter Latris lineata (Hutchinson 1993) and freshwater
for five threatened freshwater species in Australia, these being trout cod
production of these species provides fry for restocking, safeguards stocks, and provides
opportunities for research into the biology of threatened fishes (Pollard et al. 1990).
Key references to production techniques and management strategies are listed in Table
From the foregoing discussion it is apparent that the type of species and end use of
progeny from fish breeding programs varies enormously. However, many steps in the
production process are inherently similar and independent of the ultimate aim of the
breeding program. This can be seen in Figure 1.1, in which the various steps involved
Table 1.2 Fish species produced in Australia for conservation purposes: tabulation of scientific and common names, and key references to
production techniques and management strategies.
Scientific name (Family) Common name Key references
* Comments
Scientific name (Family) Common name Key references
* Comments
Macquaria australasica Macquarie perch Ingram et al. (1994)
(Percichthyidae) Breeding protocols have been investigated at NSW and Victorian
Government hatcheries; induced spawning of captive fish generally unsuccessful.
et al. (1990); Moritz et al. (1995).
Melanotaenia eachamensis Lake Eacham Barlow et al. (1987); Ingram
(Melanotaeniidae) rainbowfish Disappearance from Lake Eacham, Queensland, associated with translocation
of other Australian native fishes into the lake; stocks being maintained in ponds at
Walkamin Research Station; re-introduction to Lake Eacham has not been successful.
Taxonomic status of this species and congenerics under review.
Chapter 1. Introduction 13
Access breeders
on spawning grounds Collection of broodstock
Broodstock maturation
Spawning — 3 methods
Manual Natural spawning Induced with exogenous Induced with exogenous
and fertilisation of hormones, followed by hormones, followed by
stripping and gametes natural spawning and manual stripping and
fertilisation of fertilisation of gametes fertilisation of gametes
Egg incubation
Larval an --production
- —*yr -
xtetisive; ggfertifiTairchrtanOr -:4;14ny, Intensive, in controlled
organitlikaye osel asPeets.ofiii4e two conditions; food organisms
e -treines cultured separately from larval
rearing tanks
STO—alrellritkv—gious Endangered species
sizes:ta enhance: Food trade on- Aquarium trade retained as source of
recreational or grown to marketable genetic material or
commercial fisheries size stocked into
rehabilitated areas
There are early reports of farming of barramundi using wild-caught fingerlings in India
(Menon 1948), and pond and cage rearing of wild progeny were traditionally practised
in other south-east Asian countries. However, aquaculture of the species was limited
by the difficulty and unreliability of obtaining fry from natural waters. In an attempt to
solve this problem, the Thai Government commenced research in the early 1970s on
Hatchery production of fingerlings was achieved for the first time in 1973 using eggs
stripped from wild spawners (Wongsomnuk and Manevonk 1973). By 1975, the
station had successfully produced the first batch of fry from eggs obtained from
international training programs offered by the Thais, provided the impetus for other
decade, hatchery production was achieved in the Philippines (Harvey et al. 1985),
Taiwan (Lin et al. 1985), Singapore (Lim et al. 1986) and Malaysia (Ali 1987).
projects. The first was a project on development of barramundi hatchery and farming
Chapter 1. Introduction 15
techniques, funded by the Fishing Industry Research Trust Account (FIRTA Project
83/38). This project was conducted in the Cairns—Innisfail region in north Queensland,
and led to the formation in 1985 of the publicly listed aquaculture company 'Sea
Industries (QDPI) at its Cairns and Walkamin laboratories. The initial aims of the
work were to investigate controlled breeding and production of fingerlings for stocking
freshwater impoundments in north Queensland. The program was given high priority
within QDPI because, if successful, the use of barramundi for enhancing recreational
fisheries would provide an alternative to the exotic Nile perch, which was concurrently
Both the FIRTA and QDPI projects were successful in establishing controlled breeding
of barramundi (Heasman et al. 1985, MacKinnon 1987a), and the resultant supply of
late 1980s. About the same time, several private hatcheries commenced operation.
Rutledge 1991), and with the sale of fertilised eggs by QDPI which commenced in
1990. These advances allowed barramundi farmers to produce their own fingerlings,
Chapter 1. Introduction 16
rather than relying on production by the larger hatcheries. In turn, this has resulted in
farms were licensed in the Northern Territory. In South Australia, West Beach
Aquaculture Pty Ltd has established a hatchery operation, which provides fingerlings,
expertise and facilities to a network of grow-out farms (in 1998, these were located in
New South Wales and South Australia). There is also one farm in South Australia
Broodstock maintenance
Early work on culture techniques for barramundi relied heavily on obtaining fertilised
grounds. This approach is expensive, unreliable and can potentially be in conflict with
commercial fisheries' interests. It has now largely been replaced by the development
of controlled breeding techniques for captive broodstock. Fertilised eggs are obtained
from captive broodstock in two ways (Palmer et al. 1993). The most reliable and
commonly used method is hormone-induced tank spawning, in which the fish spawn
naturally following the injection of reproductive hormones (Garrett and Connell 1991).
and ova soon after ovulation. The semen and ova are manually mixed to enable
fertilisation. This method is not preferred because of the labour requirement, the
difficulties in predicting the time of ovulation, and the fact that fertilisation rates are
Purpose-built systems are required for broodstock maintenance. The fish are usually
may be kept in either fresh or salt water but must be placed in salt water prior to the
breeding season to enable gonads to fully mature. At the Northern Fisheries Centre,
Cairns, barramundi have recently been bred throughout the year using controlled
spawning outside the normal spawning season (Garrett and O'Brien 1994).
Larval—fingerling rearing
Barramundi larvae have a physiological requirement for salt water up to about 8-10
days old, but thereafter they have the ability to survive in both salt and fresh water
salt water, or on salt water followed by fresh water after about 10 days.
Intensive larval rearing involves the culture of larvae in a controlled environment, such
as a hatchery, where the fish larvae are supplied with prey organisms which are also
cultured under controlled conditions (Ruangpanit 1987). The intensive system requires
Chapter 1. Introduction 18
dedicated facilities and a high degree of technical skill. In contrast, extensive larval
and the culturist has relatively little direct control over factors such as water quality,
prey organism density and disease (Rimmer and Rutledge 1991, Rutledge and Rimmer
1991). The intensive technique also requires a higher labour input than the extensive
In South-East Asia, barramundi larvae are reared intensively and it was these larval
rearing techniques which were introduced to Australia, where they are still used in a
few hatcheries. The QDPI barramundi rearing project originally used the intensive
technique for early larval production, but modified it to incorporate a freshwater pond
rearing phase for larvae older than 15-20 days. In the early 1990s the intensive system
was dropped in favour of extensive rearing in brackishwater ponds for all larval and
early juvenile stages. The majority of barramundi fry now produced in northern
barramundi farmers have begun using the 'green water' culture technique, which
entails the phytoplankton, zooplankton and larval fish being grown together in large
Grow-out systems
There are three quite different methods currently used in Australia for growing weaned
fingerlings to market size. One is cage culture in estuarine waters or marine waters,
which has considerable advantages over other systems, particularly where large-scale
Chapter 1. Introduction 19
production (several hundred tonnes or more per annum) is envisaged. There are,
The most common grow-out system currently utilised in Australia is pond culture, in
either brackish or fresh water. Fish are usually maintained in cages, although recently
cage culture of fish less than 120-150 mm total length and free-ranging for larger fish
have been sometimes combined. Pond rearing of free-ranging fish does not require the
labour associated with cage culture, and produces fish with a better appearance and
colour (silver rather than dark grey to black). The major disadvantages of these
controlled environment building, using underground water (i.e. pathogen free) and a
high level of recirculation through biological filters. This facility and technology have
been developed and patented by a South Australian company (West Beach Aquaculture
Pty Ltd), which has established -plants in South Australia, New South Wales and
Queensland. The facility is generic, in that it is suitable for any species which can be
temperature requirements of the species. By the mid 1990s, many small recirculation
tonnes of fish coming from Sea Hatcheries' farm in that year. Since then, farms have
been developed in the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales.
There is also one pilot-scale operation in Lake Argyle, Western Australia. Production
has increased significantly since then, with approximately 460 tonnes (live weight)
being sold from farms Australia-wide in 1995-96 (Table 1.4). The value of the
barramundi aquaculture industry now equals that of the capture fishery (Table 1.4).
Chapter 1. Introduction 21
Table 1.4 Production and value of barramundi from aquaculture and capture fisheries in Australia in the financial years 1989-90 to 1996-97.
Production figures are tonnes live weight (t).
1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97
FISHERY STATE t $'000s t $'000s t $'000s t $'000s t $'000s t $'000s t $'000s t $'000
AQUACUL- Qlda 37 429 103 1100 152 1538 232 2313 248 2419 200 2192 328 3332 350 3439
NV' 0 0 0 0 5 51 10 100 50 500 100 1000 20 200 10 100
SA/NSW 0 0 2 22 5 55 10 110 40 420 55 633 116 1469 150 1762
TOTAL 37 429 105 1122 162 1644 252 2523 338 3339 355 3825 464 5001 510 5301
CAPTURE Qldd 733 5864 783 3913 471 2035 582 3055 478 2870 520 2705 667 2567 601 2103
N'Td 550 2052 459 1819 457 1689 451 2073 472 2111 482 2263 552 2956 577 2839
Wac 56 346f 61 282f 46 212f 46 228` 43 225f 40 197f 39 280 46 319
TOTAL 1 1339 8262 1 1303 6014 1974 3936 11079 5356 1993 5206 11042 5165 11258 5803 11224 5261
Information sources:
Aquaculture Production Surveys 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92. Reports published by Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
Personal communication from Dr. C. Shelley, N.T. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries. The data are estimates.
Personal communication from Dr. J. Trendall, West Beach Aquaculture Pty Ltd; and L. Gray, SA Fisheries.
Australian Fisheries Statistics 1992, 1995 and 1998. ABARE, Canberra. (The value of Queensland production reported in Aust. Fish. Stat. 1995 and
1998 were twice the actual value, due to confusion between the value of fillet and the reporting of tonnes live weight).
Personal communication from Ms H. Brayford, W.A. Fisheries Department
Estimated from value of QLD and NT product.
Chapter 1. Introduction 22
The overall goal of this study was to investigate the biology of juvenile barramundi to
enhancement and farming purposes. Several aims were identified, which in effect
Ch. 2 The aim of this section was i) to review the sport fishery for barramundi and
and ii) to analyse the proposal to introduce the exotic Nile perch Lates niloticus
juvenile barramundi reared in a hatchery and pond complex were studied, with
Ch. 5 Barramundi are visual feeders and as such it was hypothesised that extended
Ch. 6 Weaning juvenile fish from live (or natural) food onto dry, manufactured diets
Ch. 7 The ability to recognise hatchery fish after stocking into open systems is a
programs. Fingerling fish, because of their small size, are particularly hard to
tag, and traditional methods are subject to error (tag loss and mortality) and are
Chapter 1. Introduction 24
labour intensive. Studies overseas have shown that growth patterns laid down
using facilities provided by the Marine Fish Hatchery at Corpus Christi, Texas,
niloticus TO AUSTRALIA
2.1.1 Taxonomy
The barramundi was originally described by Bloch (1790) using specimens collected
from the Indo-Pacific region. The exact location of collection of the type specimen is
not known. Bloch (1790) listed it as Japan, but Cuvier and Valenciennes (1828)
considered that Bloch was mistaken and that it was Java. They based this on the facts
that the specimen was collected by Dutch traders (whose centre of operations was the
Indonesian Archipelago), and that Bloch had mistakenly listed Japan as the locality for
Bloch (1790) named the species Holocentrus calcarifer (`calcarifer' meaning 'thorn
carrier', a reference to the spines on the operculum and pre-operculum). The genus
Lates was erected by Cuvier and Valenciennes in 1828 to encompass barramundi and
several related African species. (According to Cuvier and Valenciennes (1828), Tates'
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 26
was the name used by 'des anciens' for the Nile perch, Lates niloticus, and it was still
in use in parts of Egypt up to the 17th Century). Congeners of barramundi are seven
African species (Greenwood 1976) and the akame Lates japonicus from southern Japan
(Katayama and Taki 1984). Lates has at various times been placed in several families
in the Order Perciformes (see listing by Grey 1987), and is now in the family
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Osteichthyes
Subclass Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Suborder Percoidei
Family Centropomidae
Genus Lates
Australia the accepted common name is barramundi (derived from an aboriginal word
'burramundi', meaning large scales), but in the past it has also been called palmer, cock-
up and giant perch (Grant 1985). Throughout South-East Asia the accepted common
name in English is sea bass (or Asian sea bass). As expected for a fish with such a
wide distribution, there are numerous local names for the species, such as `bhekti' in
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 27
India (James and Marichamy 1987), `ka-ka-dif in Burma (Htin 1987) and 'pia kapong
The taxonomic description of Lates calcarifer from FAO (1974) is given below. It
should be noted that the colour description is incomplete as it applies only to subadults
Description. Body elongate, compressed, with a deep caudal peduncle. Head pointed,
with concave dorsal profile becoming convex in front of dorsal fin. Mouth large,
slightly oblique, upper jaw reaching to behind eye; teeth villiform, no canines present.
Lower edge of pre-operculum with a strong spine; operculum with a small spine and
with a serrated flap above origin of lateral line. Dorsal fin with 7-9 spines and 10-11
soft rays; a very deep notch almost dividing spiny from soft part of fin; pectoral fin
short and rounded, several short, strong serrations above its base; dorsal and anal fins
both have scaly sheaths; anal fm rounded. Scales large, ctenoid (rough to touch).
Colour. Two phases, either olive-brown above with silver sides and belly (usually
juveniles) or green-blue above and silver below. No spots or bars present on fins or
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 28
2.1.2 Distribution
Lates calcarifer is widely distributed in rivers and coastal areas throughout the tropical
and subtropical Indo-West Pacific region (Fig. 2.1). Its western limit is the Persian Gulf.
To the north it ranges to Xiamen (24° 30'N) in southern China. Its eastern and southern
limits are the eastern tip of Papua New Guinea and the east coast of Australia south to the
In Australia, the barramundi is found in all the coastal waters and river systems north of
the Noosa River on the east coast and the Ashburton River (22° 30'S) on the west coast
(Morrissy 1985). It has also been recorded from the Abrolhos Islands (28° 40'S) off the
coast of Western Australia (Whitley 1959), but this record results from misidentification
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 29
collected at any distance from the coast, and is generally found only in waters subject to
In Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya Lates calcarifer is found only on the southern side
of the island. Moore (1980) proposed that its distribution in PNG is linked to the
occurrence of river systems with associated large deltaic swamps combined with large
tidal variations. On the southern (Papuan) side of the island the abundance of L.
calcarifer is greatest around the Fly River, form where it decreases in numbers to both
the east and west. Its absence from the northern (New Guinea) side of the island is
intriguing, as the Sepik River provides habitat very similar to the Fly River. Reynolds
(1978) referred to three possible reasons for L. calcarifer not being found there. The
first, postulated by Dunstan (1961), was the small tidal rise in this area (0.6 m as
compared with 2.5 m at the mouth of the Fly River). The second, suggested by Rapson
(1968), was that the south equatorial current sweeping the north coast would remove
eggs and larvae from the breeding area. The third, pointed out by Reynolds (1978),
was that there is very little continental shelf at the mouth of the Sepik, with a sharp
drop off within 800 m of the shore. He concluded that further information was required
before any firm explanation could be given for the absence of barramundi from New
The limits to the distribution of barramundi have been reported by Grey (1987). He
considered that the lack of large rivers and fresh water to the west and the lack of
continental land masses (and thus rivers) to the east would limit further distribution
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 30
(note that southern China and southern Queensland are at similar latitude (24-26° N
stress-related mortalities. Breeding during summer does not start until January in
temperature cycle is such that 0+ fish would have a very short growing season prior to
the cessation of growth due to low temperatures (less than about 20°C) (J. Burke,
Individuals start life as a male, and after spawning one or more times, become female
(Moore 1979, 1982; Davis 1982). Thus, the occurrence of females becomes more
common with increasing size. Sex inversion takes place rapidly (probably in less than
two months) immediately after spawning (Moore 1979). The size and age at which this
Papua New Guinea and areas of the Northern Territory and southern Gulf of
Carpentaria have a 1:1 sex ratio at about 80-100 cm total length (6-7 years old)
(Moore 1979; Davis 1982, 1984). However, there have been precocious populations
identified from northern Cape York Peninsula which mature much earlier (functional
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 31
males at 1-2 years versus 3-5 years in 'normal' populations), and in which a 1:1 sex
Primary females (that is, fish which mature initially as females and do not undergo sex
reversal) are sometimes found, but their proportion in populations studied to date is
very low (apparently less than about 1%) (Moore 1979, Davis 1985).
Researchers in the Philippines (Parazo et al. 1990) and Malaysia (Ali 1987) consider
that stocks of L. calcarifer in those countries change sex, but there are no records of sex
inversion in other areas of the fish's distribution. Detecting sex change in wild
populations is very difficult because of the rapidity with which barramundi undergo sex
populations is very evident from the disparity in size between males and females. It is
noteworthy that researchers in the Songkhla Lakes region in Thailand, where wild and
captive populations of L. calcarifer have been studied in great detail since the early
Fisheries Station, Thailand, pers. comm. 1983). Thus, while it appears that most L.
Barramundi is generally classed as catadromous; that is, a species which spends most
of its life in freshwater and migrates to the sea to breed (Myers 1949, cited in
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 32
leave estuarine nurseries when only a few months old (Dunstan 1959, Davis 1985,
1987, Russell and Garrett 1985, Griffin 1987). The fish mature in freshwaters, then
the rivers from which the fish emigrated (Shaklee and Salini 1985). It seems that most
adult fish then remain in estuarine waters or lower river reaches, with recolonisation of
the upper riverine reaches again being by 0+ juveniles (Davis 1987, Griffm 1987),
although there is a small percentage of fish which apparently spend their entire lives in
In contrast, in Papua New Guinea maturing barramundi move out of inland rivers and
swamps and then undergo extensive coastal migrations to specific spawning sites. The
larval recruitment at the mouths of many river systems. After spawning, most adults
leave the coastal waters and migrate back to the inland swamps and rivers from which
they originated, although there are some adult fish which remain in coastal waters.
Juvenile fish remain in coastal nursery swamps until about six months old, when the
drying swamps force them to leave and distribute along coastal and estuarine regions.
They later colonise the inland waters as 1+ or 2+ fish (Moore 1982, Moore and
Reynolds 1982).
Chapter 2. Barrarnundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 33
Spawning takes place in areas of high salinity (27-36 ppt) close to nursery grounds
(Garrett 1987). Generally the spawning sites are in sheltered waters near river mouths,
although barramundi will breed in the upper reaches of large estuarine systems if the
salinities are suitable (Garrett et al. 1987). The spawning season in Australia is linked
to seasonal temperature cycles, and only takes place when water temperatures exceed
27°C (Garrett 1987). This coincides with the summer monsoons in Australia, when
In equatorial regions the spawning season for barramundi is considerably extended; for
instance in Thailand it breeds all year round (Ruangpanit 1987) and in India it breeds
Movement of young barramundi into freshwaters is an integral part of their life history.
Juvenile fish have been recorded up to 800 km upstream in the Fly River in Papua
New Guinea (Moore 1980), and up to 130 km upstream in India (James and
Marichamy 1987). In Australia it is regularly found more than 100 km upstream from
Natural or artificial structures across streams present barriers to fish migration. The
capacity of percoid fishes to negotiate the barriers depends largely on the swimming
ability of the particular species. Hogan and Graham (1994) documented flood gates on
Kowarsky and Ross (1981) and Russell (1991) have studied two tidal barrages in
though both were equipped with fish ladders). Research on swimming ability has
shown that under experimental conditions burst swimming speeds of barramundi are
Cooper 1989), another catadromous species from eastern Australia with similar body
shape and ecology to barramundi. Field observations tend to confirm this finding, as
Australian bass is found at higher altitudes and over steeper stream inclinations than is
Clague (1991), who showed that under laboratory conditions small barramundi (30-70
mm total length) exhibited slower burst and sustained swimming speeds than did
Obviously, the barramundi is not a strong swimmer, and even minor barriers across
From this brief review it is apparent that the reproductive biology of L. calcarifer varies
extremely wide natural distribution. Despite this flexibility, there are several key
factors which control the occurrence of barramundi within its natural range. These are:
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 35
fishermen throughout its range. FAO (1994b) lists that the capture fishery for the
species worldwide was 34 479 tonnes in 1992, but the actual catch was presumably
considerably more, as no data were provided for Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Kampuchea,
Thailand, Singapore, Burma, India and Sri Lanka (Table 2.1). Its relative importance
in regional fisheries in unclear. The only pertinent reports are those of Sodikin (1987)
about 1% by weight of the commercial marine catch; Kasim and Jones (1987) who
reported that in certain estuarine fisheries in India it comprises 4-6% of the catch.
The statistics for the capture fishery in Australia indicate landings of approximately
1000 tonnes annually (Table 1.4). Production is static (or slowly declining) due to
stringent controls aimed at preventing over-exploitation and, in the case of the Northern
Territory, redistribution of the resource between the commercial and the recreational
fisheries (Lea et al. 1987, Anon. 1991). The number of fishers involved is difficult to
determine as not all licence holders are active, and in many cases barramundi fishing
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 36
Griffm, N.T. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, pers. comm. 1996) and
Papua New Guinea 442 473 331 526 520 400 410
in terms of harvest of fish, participation rate and economic activity. Although this is
widely accepted, quantitative data on the extent of the fishery are limited because the
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 37
collection of reliable information is inherently difficult due to the dispersed effort in the
Most surveys on recreational fishing for barramundi have been carried out in the
accounted for 23% and 31% of the total barramundi catch landed in the eastern part of
the Northern Territory in 1979-80 and 1986 respectively. Commercial fishing in the
Mary River (the principal fishing site in the area) was totally banned in 1988, as the
Government considered that on an economic and social basis the resource was more
fishery was estimated at 17 000 and 11 000 angler days in 1991 and 1992 respectively,
but this was only about half the participation level in 1986 (Griffin 1993).
There is no direct assessment of the extent of the recreational fishery for barramundi in
in the range of 50 000-100 000 fish, and that this was worth $8-15 million per annum.
Their data were in part derived from a tag-recapture study which indicated that in the
east coast fishery in Queensland the ratio of commercial to recreational caught fish was
3:1 (Russell 1988). However, Russell (1988) warned that commercial fishermen may
have under-reported the return of tagged fish; if this was the case the estimates of
The only specific study on recreational fishing for barramundi in Queensland was
conducted in the Lakefield National Park in the period 1986-91 (Russell and Hales
1993). They estimated that each year 1500 anglers landed 4.4-9.4 tonnes of
barramundi. Direct expenditure (consumables used during the fishing trip) amounted
to $49 per trip, and capital investment per fishing party was $32 500.
There are no data available on the recreational fishery for barramundi in Western
in Queensland.
reported that all the major rivers in eastern Queensland have dams or weirs on them.
water (Anon 1993). The South-east Queensland Water Board manages 3 dams
impounding 17 300 ha. Significantly more stored water is contained in large dams
controlled by various other water boards, local councils, mining companies and private
land holders. Thus, although there is no complete listing of the dams and weirs in
Queensland, it is clear that there are more than 100 000 ha of impounded water
The largest storages are built in the headwaters of river systems, outside the natural
range of the barramundi. However, there are numerous weirs and tidal barrages built on
the lower reaches of rivers and creeks which have effectively excluded the barramundi
(and other diadromous fishes) from much of their former range. The extent of habitat
lost to the barramundi is not known, as a complete listing of all barriers is not available.
barramundi is the tidal barrage on the Fitzroy River at Rockhampton (Midgley 1987).
Fitzroy, Don, Dawson, Comet, Nogoa, MacKenzie, Isaac and Connors Rivers (Fig.
precluded barramundi from all the freshwater reaches of the system. The barrage was
barramundi (Kowarsky and Ross 1981; Peter Long, Fisheries Inspector, QDPI,
Rockhampton, pers. comm. 1996). Several other weirs were constructed on the system
after the barrage, but they are comparatively low-level and are submerged in medium
Chapter 2. Barrarnundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 40
-) -.1;6.
_ ,c).0 r"' 1
Soi. , f 1
Nebo I
J 1. Coral Sea •
v, IA,
I Moranbah ■1,...
% % :1
Peak Dowiia Mine Darn
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-.. l
) Sanni Mine -•
..,--..-, ., ./. ..,
410 Dysart
Sandy Creek Weir
• -%
• 14_,
Theresa Creek)
A Tartrus Weir - -
Bundoora Dam River
f Eden Bann Weir
'fitzroy River Barrage
Emerald Weir ROckhampion
weir Blackwater
lifool Weir
etcher Creek Wyiii
Neville Hewitt WE
0 100 200 •••••■ •
There have been vast new aquatic habitats created in Queensland as a consequence of
either a wide variety or a large number of good angling fishes. Obviously, the primary
reason for this is the comparatively impoverished Australian freshwater fish fauna,
which is to a very large extent comprised of families of marine origin (Allen 1989).
geared to riverine environments. Since rivers and their running waters obviously
provide very different habitats from that found in impoundments, our native fishes are
There are two ways of developing the population of angling fishes in these water
proportion of which then grow to a size suitable for catching and eating. When the
number of fish available declines to low levels due to fishing or natural mortality, the
impoundments are restocked. This is a common practice overseas and also in southern
Australia, where the best example is the chinook salmon fishery in Lake Purrumbete in
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 42
The second method is to stock the impoundments with species of fish that will breed in
species that qualify as sport fishes are unsuitable for this purpose, due to their riverine
requirements for breeding. However, there are some storages in which the inflowing
rivers provide suitable habitats for a few native sport fishes to breed, and from there to
recruit to the impoundments. In addition, there are some less-favoured sport fishes,
such as the eel-tailed catfish Tandanus tandanus, the saratoga Scleropages spp., the
archer fish Toxotes chatareus, and the sleepy cod Oxyeleotris lineolatus, that will breed
in most Queensland storages. In this context, the quest to obtain populations of high-
quality angling fish able to breed successfully in the majority of impoundments led to
It was on this basis that S. H. Midgley (a private fisheries consultant) proposed in 1968
that the Queensland Government introduce the Nile perch Lates niloticus from Africa
considered that the Nile perch was the most appropriate fish for the purpose because of
the following purported attributes: it is an excellent angling and eating fish; it breeds in
lakes and rivers; its temperature requirements would prevent it colonising waters in
southern Australia; and it inhabits the open waters as well as margins of lakes.
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 43
Midgley (1981) argued that it was unlikely there would be serious ecological
consequences resulting from the introduction of the Nile perch, on the grounds that it
was closely related taxonomically, was physically similar, and had similar feeding
habits to the barramundi. He considered that the only major biological difference
between them was that the barramundi bred in salt water, while the Nile perch bred in
fresh water.
introductions (Williams 1970) and also questioned the basic assumption that an exotic
fish was necessary, given the possibility that hatchery-bred barramundi could be used
for creating put-and-take fisheries (Reynolds and Moore undated, Williams 1982).
In order to resolve the debate on the Nile perch issue, a pre-release study was
conducted to determine the likely impact of the Nile perch on native fauna should it be
introduced to Australia. The experimental protocol was divided into three phases,
namely determining the lower temperature limiting the fish's distribution, determining
its salinity tolerance, and finally investigating its interaction with native fishes (Barlow
1984). Quarantine facilities were built for this purpose. However, before the fish was
imported, data on its lower temperature tolerance (Hashem and Hussein 1973) and
information from Africa on the impact of the Nile perch in lakes into which it had been
introduced (Barel et al. 1985), indicated that the Nile perch might not be suitable for
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 44
In the remainder of this chapter, I present data on the lower temperature tolerance of the
Nile perch and its potential distribution in Australia. I then summarise findings on its
effect on the native fish and fisheries of Lake Victoria and Lake Kyoga in eastern
against which the Nile perch proposal can be evaluated. Finally, I discuss other aspects
of the biology of the species relevant to its proposed role as a sport fish in Australia.
The potential range of the Nile perch if introduced into Australia was an important
evaluation criterion, as it was essential that the species not extend as far south as the
Australia, in terms of both flow and catchment area. It originates in Queensland, and
extends through New South Wales into Victoria and South Australia. The requirement
not to colonise the Murray-Darling system stemmed from the possible impact of the
Nile perch — a large piscivore which often eats prey about 25% of its own body length
(Gee 1969, Okedi 1971, Bishai 1975, Ogutu-Ohwayo 1984) — on native fishes in the
system. Two of the most important recreational and commercial species in this system
are the golden perch Macquaria ambigua and the silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus.
Both species migrate upstream to breed, and recruitment downstream is by egg and
larval drift (Reynolds 1983). Thus it was conceivable that Nile perch living in the
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 45
upper reaches of the Darling River (southern Queensland) could prey on adult golden
perch and silver perch, and consequently affect their recruitment into New South Wales
It was postulated that the southern extension of the Nile perch's potential range in
(Arthington and Mitchell 1986), with the most important probably being temperature.
Midgley (1968), who suggested that the fish should not be subjected to temperatures
below 15°C but warned that his uncontrolled experiments could not be regarded as
conclusive and that future work could prove a lower thermal minimum.
Nile perch can be inferred from temperature data for waters in the Nile delta, which is
the coldest part of the species' natural range. Hashem and Hussein (1973) reported that
some mortalities of L. niloticus were usually observed in the Nozha Hydrodome near
Alexandria and in other shallow Nile delta lakes ... when the water temperature
dropped to less than 10°C, especially when this relatively low temperature prolonged
for some days'. The temperature in these lakes occasionally drops to 8°C overnight
(M. T. Hashem, pers. comm. 1985). At the Manzalah Fish Farm, where the Nile perch
water temperatures recorded at 1100h in December (the coldest month) in 1969 and
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 46
1970 were 12.0°C and 11.2°C respectively (Eisawy et al. 1974). Considering that the
quoted temperatures were averages for the month, and were recorded after the
temperature had started to rise in the morning, one can reasonably assume that the
overnight minimum would have occasionally been less than 10°C. Thus, the
conclusion of Hashem and Hussein (1973) that 10°C may be considered a limiting
water temperature over the whole river system to enable this to be done directly from
water temperatures. However, a study by Crisp and Howson (1982) showed that the
relationship between air and water temperatures in streams in northern England was
approximately linear when air temperature was above 0°C. If a similar relationship
could be shown to exist in the Murray-Darling system, use could be made of the
extensive air temperature data available from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology to
Relationship between water and air temperatures in the Murray-Darling River system
Water temperature data were obtained for 12 stations situated in New South Wales,
Victoria and South Australia. For convenience I refer to these sites as 'calibration
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 47
stations'. These stations were all in large rivers sufficiently removed from the snowline
All water temperature records were taken in the top 50 cm of the water column.
although bimetallic thermometers were also used in Victoria. No allowance was made
for diurnal variation in temperatures, as this is usually negligible in large rivers (N.
The New South Wales (Bourke, Menindee, Buronga, Bathurst, Yass, Condobolin,
Bairanald and Deniliquin) data are from Llewellyn (1978a,b,c, 1979a,b, 1980a,b,c,d,
1981). The Victorian (Torrumbarry and Swan Hill) temperatures were supplied by the
State Rivers and Water Supply Department (unpublished data). The periods during
which water temperatures were recorded and the number of records taken at each
Table 2.2 The stations and rivers at which air-water temperature regressions were
determined, and the number of water temperature readings (n) taken
during the period 1963-83. (Air temperatures for Torrumbarry,
Buronga and Cadell were taken at Echuca, Mildura and Waikere,
were obtained for the meteorological stations nearest to the calibration stations. The
only information readily available was average monthly mean air temperature (mean
temperature records were available on a daily basis, so these were condensed to form
average monthly water temperatures (AMWT). The relationship between AMWT and
AMMAT was then determined by simple linear regression for each of the 12
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 49
calibration stations. This relationship was found to be statistically adequate and highly
significant (P < 0.01) in all cases. The results of these analyses are summarised in
Table 2.3.
Table 2.3 Values for constants a and b and their standard errors from linear
regressions AMWT = a + bAMMAT for 12 stations in the Murray-
Darling River system. (n is the number of monthly data points.)
An analysis of parallelism and displacement was then carried out to determine whether
a single regression relationship could be used for all stations. Results of this analysis
indicated that this was not possible. Thus, although water temperature was strongly
related to air temperature, the precise nature of the relationship varied according to
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 50
Plots of long-term averages of air and water temperatures showed the same pattern over
all the calibration sites (Fig. 2.3) with both reaching minima during July. Thus,
conditions during this month would be most likely to determine the limits to the
In order to estimate the positions of midwinter water isotherms, long-term mean air
temperatures for July were calculated using Bureau of Meteorology data from 142 sites
distributed throughout the catchment. These air temperatures were then used to predict
the average July water temperature for each site. Since it was not possible to obtain a
single regression equation for the entire catchment it was decided that, for any given
site, the equation obtained for the nearest calibration station would be used to predict
water temperature. These predicted water temperatures, along with the latitude and
longitude of each site, were processed using the program 'CONTOUR' (Briggs 1981)
to produce a map of the region showing midwinter water isotherms (Fig. 2.4).
The values used to plot the midwinter water isotherms are long-term means, around
which the average July water temperature in any year would fluctuate. Consequently, a
further map was constructed showing the approximate percentage probabilities of the
occurrence of average July water temperatures greater than 10°C (Fig. 2.5). This was
done using a pooled estimate of the variance in air temperatures of 0.94 and the
Figure 2.3 Average monthly water temperature ( ) and average monthly mean
air temperature (- - - ) for 12 sites (refer Table 2.2) in the Murray-
Darling River system. Data points are averages ± one standard
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 52
Figure 2.4 Predicted water isotherms during July (mid-winter) in rivers of the
Murray-Darling River system.
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 54
Figure 2.5 Contours showing the percentage probability of the average July (mid-
winter) temperature exceeding 10°C in rivers in the Murray-Darling
River system.
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 55
Definitive statements cannot be made regarding the potential range of the Nile perch
because many factors may influence its establishment and spread in Australia
presented herein and the temperature information from northern Egypt can be
considered. Taking 10°C as the limiting temperature for the Nile perch, and cognizant
that the species can tolerate lower temperatures for at least short periods of time
(Hashem and Hussein 1973), it seems clear that this species could form permanent
populations in the headwaters of the Darling River system, where more than 9 out of
every 10 years can be expected to have average July temperatures greater than 10°C
(Fig. 2.5). In fact, the 80 percentile line (Fig. 2.5) takes in all of the Darling River and
its northern inflowing rivers. Spawning in the headwaters of the system would result in
recruitment downstream, which would be facilitated by the pelagic nature of the Nile
that the Nile perch could survive throughout the Darling River.
L. niloticus ceases feeding at temperatures lower than 15°C (Hashem and Hussein
exists, temperatures lower than 15°C are experienced for 2-3 months each year
(Hashem and Hussein 1973). This thermal regime is similar to that at Bourke, where
the water temperature is lower than 15°C for approximately 3 months (Fig. 2.3).
Therefore, decreased feeding during the colder months would probably not be as
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 56
Analysis of water temperatures in the coastal rivers of northern New South Wales was
not undertaken. Nevertheless, the water temperature in the Clarence River in winter is
higher than 12°C (Fig. 2.6), indicating that temperature would not restrict Nile perch
30 AA
0 0 a A
A CA Le■
(°C )
28 g AA
a A
Te mp e ra tu re
22 A
A I 'S a it
18 ACM.
&AA C. 41
14 A
J F M A M J J A S 0 ND
Figure 2.6 Water temperatures recorded in the Clarence River at Lillydale between
1971 and 1985. (Data supplied by NSW Water Resources Commission).
In conclusion, the temperature data presented here indicate that the Nile perch, if
headwaters of the Darling River and in the coastal rivers of northern New South Wales,
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 57
if all other environmental requirements were met. Consequently, if the Nile perch were
released in Australia the native fishes in these rivers could be adversely affected.
In western Africa the Nile perch is found in all the large river basins between the
Senegal and Zaire Rivers, and in the internal drainage of Lake Chad. In the Nile River
its natural distribution extends from Alexandria (32°N) to Lake Albert (2°N) on the
White Nile and to the headwaters of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia. It is also found in the
closed drainages of Lakes Tana, Chamo and Abaya in Ethiopia and Lake Turkana in
Kenya (Hopson 1972, Vanderpuye and Ocansey 1972, Greenwood 1976, Moreau
The range of the Nile perch was extended during the 1950s and early 1960s by
translocations within Uganda to Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga, Lake Nabugabo, Lake
Kijanebolola, Lake Saka, Kabaka's Private Lake and Lake Awajo (Gee 1964 2). The
species subsequently thrived in Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga and Lake Nabugabo
`Harrison (1991) concluded that the characters currently used in taxonomy of Lates are inappropriate.
He found that the Lake Victoria Lates showed significant morphological differences from all possible
parental stocks. Nevertheless, the stock is considered herein to be Lates niloticus, in accordance with all
other reports on Lates in Lake Victoria.
2 Gee (1964) also lists the stocking of Lake Kwania and Lake Bisina (formerly Salisbury) with Nile
perch. These (and numerous other small lakes) are discrete during dry years, but during years of high
water level (e.g. 1965-71) they form a confluent sheet of water comprising the Kyoga Lakes complex
(Vanden Bossche and Bemacsek 1990).
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 58
Lake Victoria and to a lesser extent Lake Kyoga, but not on Lake Nabugabo other than
the Nile perch's fate in Kabaka's Private Lake, Lake Awajo, Lake Saka and Lake
The introduction of the Nile perch to Lake Victoria was originally suggested by keen
anglers (see Worthington 1973), but later proponents argued that the highly esteemed
Nile perch would eat the abundant haplochromine fishes (Cichlidae), of which more
than 300 species were present in the lake (Oijen et al 1981, Witte et al. 1992a,b), and
which were said to be under-exploited (Anderson 1961). Opponents of the idea argued
the efficiency of production by 80%) and that since the diet of the Nile perch was
(Fryer 1960).
Lake Kyoga was stocked on eight occasions between 1954 and 1960 by the Uganda
Game and Fisheries Department, purportedly to obtain information on the effects of the
Nile perch on the haplochromine-dominated fauna, which was similar to that in Lake
Victoria (Anderson 1961). The stocking of Lake Nabugabo in 1959 and 1960, and
again in 1963, was similarly justified (Anderson 1961, Gee 1964). Unfortunately,
before these trials were evaluated the first Nile perch was caught in Lake Victoria in
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 59
May 1960 (Gee 1964). There is no official record of the original release of Nile perch
into Lake Victoria, but it probably took place in 1959 with fish brought from Lake
Albert (A. Achieng, Lake Basin Development Authority, pers. comm. 1985). Further
stockings were carried out in 1962 by the Uganda Fisheries Department with fish from
Lake Albert, and in 1963 by the Kenya Fisheries Department with fish from Lake
Despite the documented justification for stocking the Nile perch in Lake Victoria and
Lake Kyoga, there is evidence that the real reason was to create sport fisheries. Firstly,
the proposed rationale does not equate with the fact that the haplochromines were eaten
by many of the numerous tribes bordering the lakes (but not by Europeans who
preferred the larger fishes) (Bwathondi 1984; G. Fryer, Windemere Research Station,
U.K., pers. comm. 1985). Indeed, the haplochromines traditionally (that is, pre-Nile
perch irruption) constituted 30-40% of the weight of all fish landed in the Kenyan and
Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria (Ssentongo and Welcomme 1984; see also Table
2.4). Secondly, avid sport fishermen within the Uganda Game and Fisheries
Department advocated its dispersal (Achieng 1990), and Gee (1964) noted that Lake
Saka was stocked before any analyses of the stockings in Lake Kyoga or Lake
1961), angling techniques (Hamblyn 1962), and the widescale translocation of the Nile
perch (Gee 1964) indicate that the development of sport fisheries based on this species
The wave of colonisation of Lake Victoria by the Nile perch spread from the north to
the south. Small numbers of fish were caught in the Kenyan and Ugandan regions
from the early 1960s onwards (Gee 1965), but the species did not form a major portion
of the commercial catch until the mid-1970s. Thereafter, the contribution of the Nile
perch to the commercial catch increased dramatically, and by 1983 it constituted almost
70% of the catch (Table 2.4). By 1988, it formed over 90% of the fish biomass in the
northern part of the lake, as determined by experimental fishing using a variety of gears
(gillnets, large and small seines, trawls) (Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990a). In the south of the
lake (Tanzania) the Nile perch was caught as early as 1972 but catches in experimental
trawls did not increase substantially until 1983 (Goudswaard and Witte 1984).
Along with the massive increase in the catch of the Nile perch there was a marked drop
in the catch of virtually all other species (Acere 1984, Goudswaard and Witte 1984,
Okemwa 1984, Hughes 1986, Achieng 1990, Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990b, Ligtvoet and
Witte 1991). The original multi-species fishery (see Table 2.4) changed to one
niloticus (another species introduced from the Nile River). The catch composition is
partly due to target fishing for Nile perch, but stock assessment studies have indicated
that the catch statistics are indicative of the relative composition of the fish stock
(Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990a, Witte et al. 1992a). Fishing practices have contributed to these
changes, but there is no doubt that the major influence has been predation by Nile perch
(Hughes 1986, Ogari and Dadzie 1988, Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990a,b, Witte et al. 1992a).
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 61
The impact of the Nile perch on the haplochromine (Cichlidae) stock has been
catastrophic. The endemic fauna comprised more than 300 species, and virtually all
were restricted to Lake Victoria and Lake Kyoga (which receives its water from Lake
Victoria). Prior to the stocking of Nile perch, the haplochromines constituted about
80% of the demersal fish biomass, estimated at 200 kg/ha in the sublittoral areas of the
lake (Kunhongania and Cordone 1974, Witte et al. 1992b). The haplochromines were
the preferred prey of the Nile perch (Hamblyn 1962, Gee 1964, 1965, 1969), and their
numbers were rapidly depleted. Research in one area in Tanzania has shown that of the
123+ species present prior to 1980, about 80 had disappeared by 1990 (Witte et al.
1992). Extrapolation of these data indicates that approximately 200 of the 300+
The establishment of Nile perch ( and the tilapia Oreochromis niloticus) resulted in a
marked increase in the commercial fishery landings from Lake Victoria. Prior to 1975,
the commercial fishery in the Kenyan region was about 16 000 tonnes per annum; with
the introduction of Nile perch, the yield rose to 135 000 tonnes by 1989 (Table 2.4).
Similar trends were recorded in the Ugandan and Tanzanian sections of the lake
(Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990b), and the total annual yield from the lake was estimated to have
It is possible that the high yields and associated economic activity (Achieng 1990) will
not be sustained. Indeed, recent data indicate that the yield from the Tanzanian section
of the lake is declining (Table 2.5), and this is accompanied by a reduction in the
average size of Nile perch being caught (P.C. Goudswaard, Institute of Evolutionary
and Ecological Sciences, Leiden University, the Netherlands, pers. comm. 1996).
Ecological theory suggests that the introduction of a top predator (in this case a
piscivore) will result in the loss of approximately 80% of the biomass from the system
(Fryer 1960). However, the food web in the lake is changing, and as the present
situation is unstable (Hughes 1986, Ligtvoet and Witte 1991, Goldschmidt et al. 1993),
the future cannot be predicted. Ogutu-Ohwayo (1990b), using data from Lake Kyoga,
commensurate with oscillations in the abundance of its prey, and that the major primary
converter 0. niloticus (which is eaten by Nile perch, but apparently is not overly
Table 2.4 Percentage contributions of different fish species to the total weight (tonnes) of fish landed from Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria
from 1970 to 1991*.
Genus 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
14.0 16.0 59.8 54.4 67.7 57.5 56.5 63.5 69.1 59.3 54.3 56.7 57.3
',ales 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.5 0.13 0.5 1.1 4.5
27.8 21.6 13.5 2.1 4.2 0.8 0 0 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.5 1.1 0.5
Haplochromis 32.7 32.0 29.0 33.2 35.0 27.9 34.0 32.4
Ragrineobola 3.2 5.1 7.8 10.5 21.8 27.4 30.3 34.7 36.5 30.5 35.1 20.4 17.1 21.3 27.1 29.2 30.5 24.5 36.5 38.5 39.6 39.2
27.5 21.1 14.8 10.1 5.6 3.9 5.4 7.4 10.9 9.0 18.6 10.2 7.3 5.5 10.4 10.7 2.7 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.4
7.2 10.0 4.5 2.6 3.4 2.7 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.6 1.4 0.2 0.2
Clarias 9.7 12.5 17.0 15.7 12.9 15.6 13.0 9.1
Bagrus 6.7 7.1 5.4 8.6 6.4 8.4 5.5 6.0 5.9 5.8 2.4 1.1 4.2 3.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.1 0
2.6 1.5 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0
Protoplents 11.0 12.8 12.7 13.0 8.6 1.1 5.0 4.0
0.3 0.7 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
Schilbe 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.3
0.08 - - 0 0 0 0 0 "i 0 0 - -
Aleues 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.02 0.01
1.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.4 1.6 0.8 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 - - -
Barbus 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.1 0.7
Labeo 1.8 1.5 2.0 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.6 1.5 1.8 0.3 1.5 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
Synodomis 1.1 0.7 1.3 1.3 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.6 0.6 1.6 1.4 1.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
5.0 5.2 7.9 3.8 1.9 3.8 - - - - - 3.3 2.6 1.0 0.1 0.7 - - -
Small mixed
16400 14918 15989 16797 17175 16581 18680 19332 23856 30592 26914 45667 60958 77327 71854 89589 103000 113000 123000 225000 185000 175000
* Source: Fisheries Department of Kenya, Statistical Bulletin. Also Ochumba et al. 1995.
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 64
Table 2.5 Percentage contributions of different fish species to the total weight
(tonnes) of fish landed from Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria between
1988 and 1992*.
The Nile perch spread quickly throughout the lake, with the first fish being caught in
1958 (Anderson 1961). Records show that the species flourished in the 1960s and that
the fishery yield increased dramatically after the introduction of Nile perch (Gee 1969).
Prior to its introduction the yield was about 4500 tonnes; by 1963 it had increased to
20 000 tonnes and peaked at 167 000 tonnes in 1977 (Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990c).
However, in 1986-87 the yield was only 57 000 tonnes (Marriot et al. 1988 cited in
As in Lake Victoria, the introduction of Nile perch to Lake Kyoga has had a
devastating impact on the indigenous fishes. Even in the late 1960s, it was suspected
that the decreasing abundance of two commercially important species, the catfish
Bagrus dogmac and the lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus, was due to competition from
the Nile perch (Stoneman and Rogers 1970). By the early 1980s the haplochromines
were virtually absent from the lake and other originally abundant species rare (Ogutu-
Ohwayo 1984). Evaluation of the diet of the Nile perch through time has shown that it
unquestionably the major impact has been predation by Nile perch (Ogutu-Ohwayo
The native fish fauna of Lake Nabugabo was similar to that in Lakes Victoria and
Kyoga. Commercial catch statistics are not available for the lake, but experimental
fishing in 1991-92 showed that the Nile perch constituted by weight 79-87% of the
catch in seine nets and 68% of the catch in gill nets. The next most abundant species
was the Nile tilapia 0. niloticus which was recorded at 8-15% of the catch (Ogari
1995). The Nile perch has 'apparently had a similar effect in Lake Nabugabo to that in
biology of the Nile perch to see how they equate with its proposed role as a sport fish in
The Nile perch grows to approximately 170 cm and 70 kg (based on more than 500 000
specimens taken from Lake Victoria by the Haplochromis Ecology Survey Team: P.C.
Netherlands, pers. comm. 1996). It is primarily a piscivore (Moreau 1982). Large fish
commonly eat prey up to 25% of their own body length, and on occasion will eat prey
up to 50% of their length (Hopson 1972, Bishai 1975, Ogari 1984, Ogutu-Ohwayo
1990a). Thus the Nile perch if introduced into Australia would have the potential to eat
the juvenile and breeding stock of every endemic freshwater fish, with perhaps the
exception of the Murray cod Maccullochella peeli peeli, the lungfish Neocertatodus
forsteri and the barramundi Lates calcarifer. Moreover, the Nile perch is opportunistic,
with the capacity to shift to different types of prey depending on availability (Ogari
1984, Ogutu-Ohwayo 1984, 1990b,c, Okemwa 1984, Hughes 1986, Ogari and Dadzie
1988). Consequently, the foraging activity of the Nile perch is not restricted to any
particular trophic level, but directly impacts on fish at all levels in the food chain.
The only documented requirement for breeding of the Nile perch is water temperature
rising to about 24°C, and thereafter the breeding season extends for as long as the
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 67
temperature exceeds that value (Hopson 1972). Thus, in Australia the Nile perch could
potentially breed in any body of water in which it could live. In fact, in Africa it has
colonised a broad range of habitats from large rivers to lakes and small ponds (Pruginin
and Kanyike 1967, Gee 1969, Planquette 1974, Moreau 1982, Bedawi 1985). There is
little doubt that the Nile perch would be capable of occupying the same range of
The Nile perch is clearly an r-strategist (that is, an animal that maximises its
reproductive potential) with large fish producing up to 16 million eggs per spawning
recently happened in Australia with the highly fecund carp Cyprinus carpio
(Arthington and Mitchell 1986). An r-strategy generally results from selection pressure
rates (and thus overall riverine environments) are characteristically highly variable,
The Nile perch is also a long-lived fish. Specimens from Lake Chad have been reliably
aged at 15 years (Hopson 1972) and there is evidence that in Lake Victoria it may live
for up to 20 years (Ligtvoet 1989, cited in Achieng 1990). The longevity of the species
endows its populations with resistance to, or the ability to survive, environmental
Chapter 2. Barramundi biology and the Nile Perch proposal 68
2.2.5 Conclusions
The biological characteristics of the Nile perch, and its success in colonising lakes
outside its natural range in Africa, indicate that it would be well suited to widespread
sport fisheries would develop, at least temporarily, soon after the release of the fish in
lakes. However, the temperature tolerance of the Nile perch is such that it would be
system and in coastal rivers in northern New South Wales, thus endangering valuable
fish stocks in those regions. Furthermore, the Nile perch's dietary habits and its impact
on the fishes of Lake Victoria and Lake Kyoga suggest that its introduction into
Australia would almost certainly be detrimental to native aquatic fauna, not only in
On the basis of the analyses and information presented herein, fisheries agencies
abandoned the concept of introducing the Nile perch to Australia. In its stead,
emphasis was placed on investigations into the breeding of the barramundi to provide
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 69
The feeding habits of barramundi in the wild have been documented by Menon (1948),
Dunstan (1959), Patnaik and Jena (1976), Tait (1981), Davis (1985) and Russell and
Garrett (1985). At the time this study was undertaken, however, few papers had been
published on the rearing of barramundi fry in nursery ponds: MacKinnon (1987b) had
mentioned growth rates and survival in freshwater ponds, and De (1971) and Ghosh
and Pandit (1979) had discussed the food of barramundi fry reared in brackish water
The scant information available was identified as a possible limiting factor in the
investigated. (Metamorphosis is defined herein as the time at which scales first form,
feeding patterns and stomach evacuation rates (and hence daily food consumption), and
maximising survival and growth and, in turn, large scale production of high quality
barramundi fry.
Larvae were reared at the Northern Fisheries Centre, Cairns, Queensland. At 16-20
days after hatching and 8-10 mm total length (TL), the larvae were acclimated to fresh
water (Russell et al. 1987) and transferred to the Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture
Centre at Walkamin, Queensland. The fry were then either stocked directly into 0.1 ha
earthen nursery ponds which had been fertilised to promote the algal-zooplankton food
Observations on feeding behaviour were conducted for two weeks in two glass aquaria
900*350*300 mm, each stocked with 50 fish. Both aquaria had a fine-sand substrate
and external filtration. Cover was provided in one aquarium in the form of 30 strips,
each 30*400 mm, of black plastic mesh (1 mm2) suspended vertically from polystyrene
floats. Several lengths of opaque plastic tubing of various diameters were also placed
on the substrate. There was no cover in the other aquarium. The fish were fed with
mixed live zooplankton obtained from freshwater ponds, and the temperature
maintained at 28°C. Night-time observations were made using dim red light. During
the study, the fish grew from 9 mm TL to 15-25 nun TL. Pigmentation patterns were
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 71
behaviour of similar-sized fish in ponds were also made. This was done by observing
the areas in the ponds occupied by the fish, as well as their feeding activity.
Observations were made during the day, and at night-time with the aid of spot-lights.
3.2.2 Diet
Dietary analyses were conducted on 163 fish, ranging in TL from 10.0 mm to 56.2 mm,
taken from three stocked ponds at regular intervals through the 15-30 day rearing
period. Samples were collected at 0900 hours by seine netting from these ponds.
Immediately after collection the fish were killed by plunging them into an ice-water
slurry (which prevented regurgitation) and the stomach contents removed. Food items
in each stomach were identified to the lowest possible taxon and counted. The
zooplankton, insects, and vertebrates were individually grouped, and the percentage
volumes of these three groupings in each stomach were visually estimated. Estimates
were made independently by the author and a second person, and then averaged. Diet
was analysed as frequency of occurrence (number of fish containing a given food type
number (number of food items of a given food type as a percentage of the total number
of food items) for individual taxa, and as percentage composition by volume for the
population every 3 hours for 24 hours. This was done with small fish (average 15.8
mm TL, standard deviation 2.5 mm) and repeated with larger fish (37.2 ± 3.7 mm TL).
Specimens were processed immediately after collection. Dry weights of all fish and of
the stomach contents of the larger fish were recorded after drying at 60°C for 24 hours.
The weights of the stomach contents of the small fish were determined by counting the
zooplankters (copepods and Moina sp.) in each sample and interpolating from the
weight of a known number of the particular taxon (average weight of copepods 4.19
mg (n = 215), Moina sp. 3.44 mg (n = 465)). The stomach fullness index was
Values for stomach fullness index at different times were compared by analysis of
Stomach evacuation rates of feeding and starved fish were determined for two groups,
corresponding to the small and large fish used in the diel feeding study. Approximately
100 fish were held in an aquarium and fed to excess with wild zooplankton (copepods,
cladocerans and rotifers) for 24 hours. All fish were then transferred to another
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 73
aquarium and given a short meal (20 minutes duration) of Artemia nauplii. At the end
of Artemia feeding (to), 50 fish were removed to an aquarium without food and the
remainder to an aquarium with abundant wild zooplankton. Eight fish from each group
were then dissected at regular intervals (starting at a time — 20-150 minutes after to —
determined from preliminary trials) and the presence or absence of Artemia in the
stomachs recorded. The temperature in all aquaria was maintained at 28.0 ± 0.1 °C.
This temperature was chosen because it is close to the optimum temperature for growth
of barramundi. The median evacuation time was taken as the period between to and the
Several methods have been proposed for estimation of evacuation rates and daily ration
of fishes (see, for example, Jobling (1986) and Persson (1986)), but the method of
Bajkov (1935), and a variant of it by Eggers (1977), has recently been shown to be
particularly robust (Amundsen and Klemetsen 1988, Boisclair and Leggett 1988).
The daily ration was calculated using evacuation times for both feeding and non-
feeding fish. (In this case, 'non-feeding' means complete evacuation of the stomach
Regression relationships for TL, standard length (SL), wet weight (WIN/0 and dry
weight (DWt) were determined for fish 10.0-56.2 mm TL. All analyses were
Growth rates were calculated for fish stocked into a 0.1 ha earthen pond at an initial TL
of 8.7 mm and density of 3.7 fish/m2; food for these fish was zooplankton produced
naturally in the ponds, and the water temperature was 25-33°C. On another occasion,
growth rates were determined for a batch of fish reared from 9.9 to 20.3 mm TL
indoors in a 1500 L concrete tank at a density of 2 fish/L; food was wild zooplankton
harvested from ponds, fed ad libitum; the temperature was maintained at 29-31°C, and
the total volume of tank water exchanged twice daily. After attaining an average TL of
20.3 mm, these fish were then stocked into a pond at a density of 2 fish/m2 and reared
to an average TL of 43.2 mm; water temperature during the pond-rearing phase was
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 75
Barramundi less than 17-18 mm TL swam actively throughout the water column,
especially when searching for food. The fish targeted zooplankton up to 10 mm away.
When eating, they lunged forward to within about 3 mm of the prey, apparently
ingesting food items by a sucking action associated with expansion of the gill covers.
Sated fish often lay on the sand substrate, while others remained comparatively still in
the water column, generally with the body angled upward. Fish of this size showed
neither territoriality nor affinity for cover. At night, the fish rested on or within 20 mm
of the substrate. Behaviour in aquaria with and without shelters was identical. A
themselves near the mesh strips but not in the tube shelters on the bottom. The fish
oriented in a head-down position, usually in the lower one-third of the aquarium. They
often fed on zooplankton or insect larvae near or on the substrate, in addition to prey in
the water column. These fish would occasionally chase smaller fry if they came within
about 60 mm of the larger fish's station. In the aquarium without shelter, the fish were
more mobile and did not exhibit any form of territoriality. Consequently, aggressive
interactions were common, and resulted in some smaller fish being eaten. A term given
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 76
to this behavioural stage, applying to fish larger than about 18 mm TL, was 'lurking
distinct pale bands running transversely from the posterior half of the spiny dorsal fin
to the anal region, and between the posterior limits of the soft dorsal and anal fins
(Figure 3.1a). There was also a very prominent pale stripe on the uppermost part of the
head, extending from the snout to the dorsal fin. These roving zooplanktivores could
be readily seen in daytime in the surface waters of stocked ponds, but not at night, even
Beyond about 16 mm TL, the pigmentation became less dark (Figure 3.1b). At about
18 mm TL (i.e. when the fish adopted the lurking predator strategy), the pigmentation
was paler and the patterning irregular, although the transverse pale bands were still
evident (Figure 3.1c). These fish were never seen in stocked ponds, presumably
In aquaria, the change from roving zooplanktivore to lurking predator and the
3.3.2 Diet
The food items eaten by barramundi fry grouped into 10 mm TL intervals are presented
3.1). The most commonly consumed taxa were copepods (100-3001.i) and the
increasing size of fish, although Moina sp. continued to be a common element of the
diet throughout the study. Larval insects, especially the ephemopteran Centroptilium
sp. mm), were important food items for fish larger than 20 mm TL, whereas
tadpoles (>8 mm) were prominent in the diet of fish larger than 40 mm TL. Only one
fish was found eaten in the course of the study; this was a rainbowfish Melanotaenia
The change in diet with increasing size of fish is demonstrated by plotting the
percentage volumes of the zooplankton, insect and vertebrate groups against size of fish
(Figure 3.2). The diet of fish less than 18 mm TL was entirely zooplankton. As the
fish became larger, insects became more important, until in fish 33-48 TL they made
predominantly frog larvae, were first eaten by fish 38 mm TL, and appeared to replace
Brachionus sp. 10.0 0.2 14.9 0.3 29.8 0.4 42.2 1.4 0 0
Moina sp. 100.0 81.7 74.5 66.8 74.5 90.2 77.8 93.3 25.0 98.2
80 - ••
••• "s,
A \
20 -
• ''''' ..... \
I ..***
0 1111111Ii I
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Small barramundi (15.8 ± 2.5 mm TL) fed continuously during daylight, showing a
distinct peak in feeding activity at dusk, but during the night ceased feeding altogether
(Figure 3.3a). Food remaining in the stomach at the 2100-hour sampling occasion was
well digested, indicating that feeding had ceased soon after sunset. The average
stomach fullness index between dawn and mid-afternoon was 3.5 (n = 32), while at
dusk it was 7.0 (n = 8). At the time of the trial, there was a new moon which set 39
The larger fry (37.2 ± 3.7 mm TL) showed a similar pattern, although this group did
continue feeding at a reduced level in the first half of the night (Figure 3.3b). There
were freshly eaten prey items in the fish sampled at 2200 hours, but food remaining at
0100 hours was well digested. At the time, the moon was in its first quarter, and set at
2315 hours. The average stomach fullness index for the times 1000, 1300, 1600 and
2200 hours (at which times the indices were not significantly different) was 3.5 (n =
32), but at dusk it was 6.3 (n = 8). That is, both the small and larger fish ate virtually
9 (A)
Fu llne ss in dex
4 i
ic ic
sunrise sunset ib
0 ! a I I „ I Ta
Time (hrs)
Figure 3.3a. Average stomach fullness indices for pond-reared barramundi fry 15.8 ±
2.5 mm TL. The horizontal bars are means; vertical bars are ± one
standard error. Indices marked with the same letter are not significantly
different (P > 0.05, ANOVA, In transformed data, Duncan's Multiple
Range Test).
Fullne ss in dex
6- ie
3 - id
2 -
1b sunrise sunset
0— M a 4 '
i 1 1 I I i i i
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400
Time (hrs)
Figure 3.3b. Average stomach fullness indices for pond reared barramundi fry 37.2 ±
3.7 mm TL. The horizontal bars are means; vertical bars are ± one
standard error. Indices marked with the same letter are not significantly
different (P > 0.05, ANOVA, In transformed data, Duncan's Multiple
Range Test).
Gastric evacuation rates at 28°C for the small and larger fish under conditions of ad
libitum feeding and no feeding are plotted in Figure 3.4. With the small fish, the
median evacuation time for continuously feeding fish was 47 minutes, whereas for non-
feeding fish it was 210 minutes. For the larger fish, the median evacuation time for
feeding fish was 73 minutes, although under a non-feeding regime it took only 108
Within all groups the evacuation time was quite similar for individual fish, as
evidenced by the steep slopes of the percentage evacuation versus time plots (Figure
The 24-hour average stomach fullness index for the small fish was 2.79 (n = 64) and
for the larger fish it was 2.86 (n = 64). Using these data and the median evacuation
times shown in Figure 3.4, the daily ration for the smaller fish under conditions of ad
libitum feeding and 'non-feeding' were 85.8% and 19.1% body weight respectively; for
the larger fish they were 56.3% and 38.1% body weight respectively.
e vac ua te d
80 -
47 min
/ 210 min
60 - /
\ / /
/ / \
/ 73 min / 108 min
/ /
I /
I /
0 II IIIIIIIIII1111111j1111111111
Time (mins)
Figure 3.4. Stomach evacuation rates for barramundi fry 15.8 ± 2.5 mm TL (solid
line) and 37.2 ± 3.7 mm TL (dashed line), for continuously feeding fish
and non-feeding fish. Median evacuation times for each group are
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 85
The regression equations describing relationships between TL, SL, WWt and DWt are
given in Table 3.2. The correlation coefficients for all relationships were highly
significant (P < 0.001). The relationship between SL and TL was linear (Figure 3.5),
whereas power equations described all length—weight and dry weight—wet weight
Fish stocked prior to metamorphosis in an earthen pond grew from 8.7 to 44.4 mm TL
in 28 days; the daily growth rate based on weight was 16.4%, and density in the pond at
harvest was 0.5 fish/m2 (14% survival). Fish reared intensively in the laboratory grew
from 9.9 to 20.3 mm TL in 13 days; the daily growth rate was 15.5%, and survival
through this period was 98%. After stocking into a pond at 2/m 2, they grew to 43.2 mm
Table 3.2. Regression equations, intercepts (a), slopes (b) and 1-2 values for length,
wet weight and dry weight relationships for barramundi Lates calcariftr fry (10.0-56.2
mm TL). (n = number of data pairs; CL = confidence limits; TL = total length (mm);
SL = standard length (mm); WWt = wet weight (mg); DWt = dry weight (mg)).
X n Equation a b(*95%CL) r2
Stan dardlength (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 3.5. Relationship between total length (mm) and standard length (mm) for
129 barramundi in the range 10-56.2 mm total length.
Chapter 3. Feeding habits
Wet we ig ht (mg)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 3.6. Relationship between total length (mm) and wet weight (mg) for 135
barramundi in the range 11-87 mm total length.
Wet we ig ht (mg )
Figure 3.7. Relationship between standard length (mm) and wet weight (mg) for 61
barramundi in the range 8.5-46.9 mm standard length.
Chapter 3. Feeding habits
E 400
a) 300
t, 200
10 20 30 40
Total length (mm)
Figure 3.8. Relationship between total length (mm) and dry weight (mg) for 173
barramundi in the range 10-56.2 mm total length.
Dry weig ht ( mg )
Figure 3.9. Relationship between standard length (mm) and dry weight (mg) for
119 barramundi in the range 8.5-46.9 mm standard length.
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 89
100 200 300 400 500 600
Dry weight (mg)
Figure 3.10. Relationship between dry weight (mg) and wet weight (mg) for 62
barramundi in the range 3.4-507 mg dry weight
CD 400
ca 300
Z" 200
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Wet weight (g)
Figure 3.11. Relationship between wet weight (mg) and dry weight (mg) for 62
barramundi in the range 22.9-2530 mg wet weight.
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 90
This study has revealed the relationship between ontogenetic changes in pigmentation,
feeding behaviour and diet of barramundi in the size range 10-50 mm TL. The
(1982) and Mukhopadhyay et al. (1983), but, as their specimens were wild-caught fish,
they did not have the data to relate pigmentation changes to the feeding ecology of the
species. Field observation would be required to elucidate the nature of the association
between environmental cues and ontogenetic changes, but the pigmentation changes
of mangroves, Melaleuca spp. or Eleocharis grasses (Moore 1982, Russell and Garrett
1985). Such systems are characterised by low intensity light, due to filtering by
vegetation and occasionally the presence of tannins in the water. The dark pigmentation
and distinct pale vertical bands on the 9-16 mm TL barramundi would camouflage fish
swimming through the water column in swampy habitats. The irregular but paler
pigmentation, which first develops at about 17 mm TL and occurs at the same time as a
change in feeding behaviour and diet, may provide camouflage for the fish while
utilising the lurking predator feeding habit, particularly when stationed near submerged
vegetation. The change to the adult form of pale silvery colour proceeds gradually in
fish 50-100 mm TL (Moore 1982), and is presumably associated with movement from
swamps to nearshore or riverine systems (Moore 1982, Russell and Garrett 1985).
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 91
reported in flatfish approaching metamorphosis, and has also been associated with
(Boehlert and Mundy 1988). For barramundi being reared in freshwater ponds,
however, this habit could be detrimental because of the presence of predators (for
The shift in diet of barramundi from planktonic crustacea (the sole food category in fish
smaller than 18 mm TL) to insect larvae (first eaten at 18 mm TL) paralleled the
change from a roving zooplanktivore to a lurking predator feeding habit. The general
trend for the diet to change with increasing fish size from planktonic crustacea to a
mixture of insect larvae and crustacea, to larger arthropods and vertebrates, is similar to
that reported by Patnaik and Jena (1976) and Davis (1985) for wild fish in India and
northern Australia respectively, and by De (1971) for fish reared in a brackish water
pond in India. It is obvious from these studies that to maximise the growth potential
zooplankton while the fish are 10 to 40 mm TL, and to have macroscopic animals of
Cannibalism was not recorded in the fish sampled from the ponds for the dietary
studies, although it was evident in the feeding behaviour studies conducted in aquaria.
size class, and Ghosh and Pandit (1979) did not consider the piscivorous habit of L.
calcarifer to be developed until the fish attained 125 mm. This apparent lack of
tanks, where it is necessary to constantly grade the population according to size after
Trendall 1991).
Diel feeding patterns have not previously been documented for barramundi fry. This
constant through the day, but increasing significantly at dusk. Feeding ceased during
darkness, although there was some minor feeding activity under moonlit conditions, at
least by the larger fish. The enhanced feeding at dusk is presumably an adaptation to
store food for the ensuing non-feeding period. Daytime feeding with a peak at dusk has
been shown for larvae of American shad Alosa sapidissima (Wiggins et al. 1985) and
largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Laurence 1971). Daytime feeders can show
other patterns, however. For instance, the rabbitfish Siganus guttatus feeds continually
through the day with no apparent peaks in activity (Hara et al. 1986); the rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss has been recorded as a daytime feeder with a peak at midday
exhibits maximum feed intake at dawn (Sagar and Glova 1988); and juvenile haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus are daytime feeders, with peaks in feeding activity at dusk
The evacuation rates of the small and large barramundi fry under feeding and non-
feeding conditions appeared to be consistent with their feeding ecology. The small fish
(about 16 mm TL) were roving zooplanktivores, whereas the larger fish (about 37 mm
TL) had adopted the lurking predator habit. Under conditions of continuous feeding
the smaller fish evacuated food more quickly than the larger fish, but under non-
feeding conditions the smaller fish took considerably longer to evacuate their stomachs
(Figs. 3.3a and 3.3b). It is postulated that the variability in evacuation rates for the
small fish is an adaptation to prey availability. For fish consuming zooplankton, which
evacuation rate when food is abundant and a slow rate when food is scarce. Larval
herring Clupea harengus pallasi exhibit this strategy of increasing zooplankton intake
and evacuation when food concentrations are high. The increased intake is associated
with decreased carbon assimilation efficiencies, but experimental studies have shown
that the magnitude of increasing ingestion more than compensates for the decreased
carbon assimilation, and herring larvae thus gain greater total energy under conditions
The strategy of maximising food intake apparently becomes less important as the
smaller fish can be classified as number maximisers, the larger fish, which have a wider
range of prey available and greater energy reserves, appear to be energy maximisers,
foraging and processing prey to maximise net energy. This pattern supports the
conclusion of Griffiths (1975) that many invertebrates and larval vertebrates eat prey as
The energy maximiser strategy would also be advantageous for carnivorous fish which
can consume large prey. Bromley (1987) has shown that for turbot Scophthalmus
maximus the rate of gastric digestion is slower for larger meal sizes, but the amount of
chyme released to the intestine remains constant, or independent of, meal size. The
which apparently lets chyme pass freely but retains solids very effectively. It is quite
possible that digestive processes for juvenile and adult barramundi are similar, given
that, like turbot, they have a powerful duodenal sphincter and the ability to consume
large prey.
Both the diel feeding pattern and evacuation rates demonstrated in this study have
implications for fish culturists rearing fingerling-sized barramundi. The results indicate
that feeding should take place throughout the day with more food being provided at
dusk. If feeding live food, it may be more efficient to feed less food more regularly
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 95
rather than large amounts on fewer occasions. If dry diets are being used, feeding
frequency should probably be at least every two hours. However, it is recognised that
optimising both the ration size and frequency would depend on a complex interplay
The daily growth rates (13-16%) of barramundi fry are high, although not surprisingly
so for fry reared at temperatures in excess of 25°C. Arumugam and Geddes (1987)
reported that another Australian species, the golden perch Macquaria ambigua, reared
from first feeding larval stage to fry in fertilised ponds under temperature regimes
similar to those in the present study, showed daily growth rates of 15%. Similarly,
Houde (1989) has shown a positive correlation between weight-specific daily growth
rates and temperature, and that daily growth rates greater than 20% are common for
larvae reared at temperatures higher than 25°C. Fermin (1991) and Fermin and Bolivar
(1994) recorded daily growth rates of 2.6-18.8% for barramundi larvae reared at 27-
30°C on either live or frozen Moina macrocopa, Artemia salina or minced fish flesh
The daily rations determined in this study (19-86% for 16 mm TL and 38-56% for 37
mm TL fish) are high, which concurs with the rapid growth rates of, and high rearing
temperatures employed for, barramundi. The daily ration figures also indicate the
Chapter 3. Feeding habits 96
amounts of live feeds required for optimal growth of barramundi in intensive nursery
comparison of the energy content of the zooplankton used in this study and the dry
Morphometric relationships for barramundi fry have been recorded by De (1971), but
previous documentation of wet and dry weight relationships for barramundi fiy has not
been located. These relationships, along with information on feeding behaviour, diel
feeding patterns and stomach evacuation rates, are valuable indicators for optimising
Barramundi, Lates calcariftr, is being reared in Australia for aquaculture and for
has a physiological requirement for salt water up to about 8-10 days old (approximately
5-6 mm total length, TL), but thereafter it can be grown in either salt or fresh water.
One technique for producing fish for stocking impoundments is to rear them in
freshwater ponds from 8-9 mm TL (that is, prior to metamorphosis) to the commonly
accepted stocking size of 40-50 mm TL. This technique was employed at the
Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre, Walkamin, but survival through the
pond-rearing phase was always less than 50%, despite low stocking rates (2-16/m 2) and
One possible explanation for the lower-than-expected survival became evident from
undergo a distinct change in diet and feeding behaviour at about 18 mm TL. While less
than 18 mm TL (corresponding to about the first 10 days after stocking into ponds) the
fish are obligate zooplanktivores and show no affinity for cover. Fish of this size when
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 98
hungry swim throughout the water column, but when sated remain still in the water
column or even lie on the substrate. Fish larger than 18 mm TL feed on insects and
It was postulated that the behaviour of fish less than 18 mm TL may make them
Odonate nymphs are common in freshwater ponds in the tropics and have often been
implicated in mortality of larval fish (e.g. by Huet 1970 and by Piper et al. 1982).
However, the only quantitative report located is that of McGinty (1980) (referred to in
Tave et al. 1990) who found that when dragonfly nymphs were uncontrolled they
consumed all channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, fry in nursery ponds. McGinty
stocked earthen ponds with 50 000 and 100 000 fry/ha. Prior to stocking, some ponds
were treated with methyl parathion to kill dragonfly nymphs, while other ponds were
untreated. Survival of fry in the treated ponds ranged from 79-98%, whereas in the
untreated ponds dragonfly nymphs consumed all fry within 47 days. Horn et al. (1994)
Tramea sp.) on larval razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus). The fish larvae (11-15
mm TL) were highly susceptible to both odonate species and, based on observations of
nymph densities in natal rearing environments and the ecology of the water bodies
(water depth, vegetation, absence of predatory fish), Horn et al. (1994) concluded that
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 99
comparative purposes, the experiment was also conducted on larvae of the sooty
odonate faunas in two ponds were also monitored. Based on the results of this work, an
alternative rearing strategy which precludes predation by odonate nymphs was devised
and tested.
maintained at 28.0 ± 0.5°C. Each aquarium contained 20 fish, together with abundant
zooplankton (captured using air-lifts and plankton nets in ponds) and 6 tadpoles
(approximately 20 mm total length). The zooplankton was eaten by both the fish and
dragonfly nymphs, and was supplied in excess of the feeding requirements of the fish
and nymphs. The tadpoles were included because they are a common component of
the macrofauna of ponds, and it was thought that their exclusion might artificially
increase predation on fish due to the lack of alternative prey for the dragonflies. The
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 100
treatments were 0 (control), 3, 6 and 12 dragonfly nymphs per aquarium, with the
numbers chosen to represent low, medium and high densities of nymphs typically seen
in ponds (see Section 4.3.2). The nymphs, zooplankton and tadpoles were introduced
to the aquaria at least one hour before adding the fish. This ensured that the nymphs
had the opportunity to feed prior to adding the fish. The nymphs had an average TL of
Two size-groups of barramundi were tested on separate occasions. The two size-
zooplanktivores, applying to fish less than about 18 mm TL, and lurking predators,
applying to fish larger than about 18 mm TL. In this experiment, the roving
zooplanktivores averaged 9.9 mm TL (s.d. 0.7 mm, range 9.1-11.9 mm, n = 30), and
the lurking predators 20.2 mm TL (s.d. 1.6 mm, range 17.9-24.3 mm, n = 30). The
sooty grunter larvae, which do not undergo a similar change in feeding habit, averaged
18.7 mm TL (s.d. 0.7 nun, range 17.2-20.2 mm, n = 30). The narrow size ranges of the
fish within each group effectively precluded cannibalism. The respective sizes of the
fish, dragonfly nymphs and tadpoles prevented predation by the fish on either the
The number of mortalities of fish over a 20 hour exposure period (10 h light/10 h dark)
was recorded, along with observations on the behaviour of the fish and the dragonfly
nymphs. Night-time observations were made using dim red light. Mortality data
(arcsin transformation) were analysed using analysis of variance and means were
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 101
compared using the LSD test. In analysing the tadpole mortality data, Bartlett's test
was used to test for homogeneity of variances for the three trials (i.e. small barramundi,
large barramundi and sooty grunter) prior to combining the data to examine the
Colonisation and development of odonate fauna was investigated in two 0.1 ha earthen
ponds, situated at the Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre, Walkamin. Black
plastic, extending 2 m above and below full supply level, was laid around the perimeter
of one pond (Pond A). This effectively eliminated ovipositing habitat for odonate
species that lay eggs into soil or the tissues of plants near the water (endophytic species,
see Williams 1980). Both ponds were filled on 16 February 1988 with channel water
originating from Lake Tinaroo. Maximum and minimum temperatures at the bottom of
the pond (approximately 1.3 m depth) were recorded every 3 days during the 5 weeks
Epibenthic fauna was collected with a dredge net (Williams 1980, Barlow et al. 1982)
made of 425 pin mesh net. The open end was 460*310 mm, and the net tapered for 1
m to a collecting jar 60 nun in diameter. The net was supported 60 mm off the
substrate by a frame attached to a ski on each side. A "kick chain" joined the skis 130
Six samples were collected twice weekly from each pond for 5 weeks, starting 3 days
after filling. The net was positioned randomly in the ponds, and then towed over 15 m
Development of the population of the most abundant species, Pantala flavescens, was
TL = 4. 035H10.872
two 1500 L indoor tanks, in a flow-through system with water exchanged every 12
hours. The fish were fed on freshwater zooplankton harvested from ponds. After 14
days, when they had attained an average TL of 20 mm, the fish were introduced into 2
ponds which had been filled 7 and 11 days prior to the stocking. Survival to fingerling
size (40-50 mm TL) and density at harvest under this rearing system were compared
with that under the traditional system, which was to place the fish prior to
metamorphosis into nursery ponds, filled 14-16 days previously, and rear them to
of barramundi and one group of sooty grunter larvae is shown in Table 4.1 and Figure
4.1. Comparing the different groups of fish, the mortality of the large barramundi and
sooty grunter was not significantly different, and both groups had significantly less
For the small barramundi, there was a significant difference in the mortality of fish at
each density of nymphs (P < 0.05). One fish died in one control aquarium, and there
were average mortalities of 46%, 63% and 84% in the 3, 6 and 12 nymphs per
In contrast, predation on the larger barramundi was much less severe. There were no
mortalities in the control aquaria, and averages of 4%, 11% and 16% mortality in the 3,
the 0, 3 and 6 nymphs per aquarium treatments were not significantly different, but the
different from that at the 0 and 3 nymphs per aquarium treatments (P < 0.05).
The impact of dragonfly nymphs on the sooty grunter larvae was similar to that on the
larger barramundi. In the controls there were no mortalities, and averages of 11%, 13%
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 104
and 30% mortality in the 3, 6, and 12 nymphs per aquarium treatments, respectively.
per aquarium, but the number of mortalities at 12 nymphs per aquarium was
significantly different from that in the other three treatments (P < 0.05).
The response of the two groups of barramundi to the dragonfly nymphs was markedly
different. The small barramundi showed no avoidance or escape response even when
being attacked. During the day, the fish continually swam into the zone within 50 mm
of the substrate, where they were easily captured by nymphs jumping off the substrate.
At night, nearly all the fish were near or on the substrate. Behaviour of fish in the
control and treatment aquaria was similar. Selective predation on fish near the
substrate meant that, at the end of the exposure period, all survivors in the treatment
aquaria were in the upper reaches of the water column, whereas in the controls most
The larger barramundi generally remained more than 50 mm above the substrate, in
controls and treatments, and during light and dark conditions. When a nymph lunged
During the daytime, the sooty grunter larvae swam continuously in a loose school in
the upper half of the water column in both control and treatment aquaria. At night, in
the control aquaria all fish were resting motionless within 1 cm of the sand substrate,
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 105
dispersed evenly around the aquaria. In contrast, in the treatment aquaria, only 0-3 fish
were near the sand, with the remainder in a school near the surface.
Analysis of the mortality data for the tadpoles indicated that within each trial there was
no significant effect (P > 0.05) of dragonfly density on tadpole mortality (Table 4.1).
Inspection of the data indicated that this negative result was a consequence of the low
power of the test (Searcy-Bernal 1994). Further analysis employed Bartlett's test for
equality of variance between the trials, which indicated that the variances were not
unequal (X22a= 3.504 (P > 0.1)). Thereafter, grouping the data from all three trials
showed that overall there was a significant effect (P < 0.05) of increasing mortality of
Table 4.1. Number of mortalities (mean ± s.d.) of fish (Table A) and tadpoles
(Table B) exposed for 20 hours to predation by nymphs of the dragonfly
Pantala flavescens. At each density of dragonflies there were four
replicates, initially stocked with 20 fish and 6 tadpoles. Different
superscript letters within the same column indicate significantly
different (P < 0.05) means.
Table 4.2. Number of mortalities (mean ± s.d.) of tadpoles exposed for 20 hours
to predation by nymphs of the dragonfly Pantala flavescens. The data
are combined for the three trials (namely, small barramundi, large
barramundi and sooty grunter). At each density of dragonflies there
were 12 replicates, each initially stocked with 6 tadpoles. Different
superscript letters within the same column indicate significantly
different (P < 0.05) means.
Treatment Mortalities
0 dragonflies 0.08 ± 0.29a
3 dragonflies 0.92 ± 0.79ab
6 dragonflies 1.17 ± 1.11 be
12 dragonflies 1.83 ± 1.34c
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs
Small barramundi
Large barramundi
• Sooty grunter
Figure 4.1. Mean number of mortalities of small barramundi (9.9 mm TL), large
barramundi (20.2 mm TL) and sooty grunter (18.7 mm TL) exposed
for 20 hours to predation by nymphs of the dragonfly Pantala
flavescens. At each density of dragonflies there were four replicates,
initially stocked with 20 fish.
Maximum and minimum temperature ranges in both ponds were 27-30°C and 23-
27°C, respectively.
The number of dragonfly larvae sampled from the two ponds (A with the black plastic
perimeter, B without plastic) in the first 35 days after filling is presented in Table 4.3.
By far the most abundant species in both ponds was Pantala flavescens (Fig. 4.2),
which generally made up more than 90% of the odonate fauna sampled.
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 108
The density of P. flavescens determined from the data in Table 4.3 is plotted in Figure
4.3a. The density appeared to peak in both ponds at day 14 after stocking, at 6
larvae/m2 in Pond A and 12/m2 in Pond B. The nymphs continued to increase in size
The barramundi stocked into the two indoor flow-through tanks grew from an average
of 9.9 mm to 20.2 mm TL in 16 days. Survival through this period was 94.5% and
97.6% in the two tanks. These fish were then stocked into two 0.1 ha outdoor ponds
and on-grown to fingerling size (40-50 mm TL). Mean (±s.e.) survival during the
pond phase was 98.2±1.3% (Table 4.4). In comparison, mean (±s.e.) survival of
barramundi stocked at an initial average size of 9.9 mm TL into four 0.1 ha ponds and
reared to 40-50 mm TL was 31.2±9.1% (Table 4.4). Mean (±s.e.) density at harvest
for the larger fish at time of stocking was 2.8±0.75 fish/m 2, while for the smaller fish it
Table 4.3. Mean number (± s.d.) of odonate nymphs sampled per 15 m tow with a dredge net 0.46 m wide (determined from 6 tows per
sampling occasion) in two 0.1 ha freshwater ponds in north-eastern Queensland during the first 35 days after filling.
Pantalaflavescens A - 0.2 (0.4) 0.14 (0.8) 39 (25) 27 (8) 34 (19) 24 (11) 12 (5) 25 (20) 17 (5)
- 5 (3) 3 (3) 82 (19) 59 (19) 52 (23) 52 (17) 36 (6) 47 (14) 38 (24)
Other A - - 0.2 (0.4) 0.4 (0.8)
2 (2) 2 (3) 10 (7) 0.8 (1.0) 0.3
Aeshnidae sp. 1 A - - -
- 0.2 (0.4)
Aeshnidae sp. 2 A 0.5 (0.5) -
- 0.2 (0.4) 2 (2) 2 (3) 8 (10) 5 (10) 2 (2) 1 (1.3) 1 (1)
Coenagrionidae A - 0.2 (0.4) 0.2 (0.4) - -
0.2 (0.4) - 1 (1) 3 (5) 5 (7) 1 (1) 0.8 (1.2) 0.8 (1.3) 1 (2) 2 (3)
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 110
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 111
12 Pond A
E 10 A Pond B
0 8
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
E 20
E 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
T. L. Barra mu nd i (m m)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Days after filling
Table 4.4 Number of barramundi stocked into six 0.1 ha freshwater ponds,
number harvested as 40-50 mm TL fingerlings, density at harvest and
percentage survival for fish of two sizes at time of stocking. The
smaller fish averaged 9.9 mm TL at stocking and were harvested 27-
31 days later; the larger fish averaged 20.2 mm TL at stocking and
were harvested 14-17 days later.
juvenile barramundi (Chapter 3). The lack of an escape response in the small
barramundi (10 mm TL) and their night-time habit of resting on the substrate resulted
exposure period of 20 hours. The impact of predation was less severe on the larger
dragonfly nymph. The development of the escape response is associated with a range
Interestingly, the area occupied within the experimental aquaria did not differ for either
contrast to the sooty grunter larvae, which at night-time rested on the substrate in
control (zero dragonfly) aquaria, but schooled near the surface in aquaria containing
dragonflies. The sooty grunter is a freshwater fish and has obviously evolved in
habitats containing dragonfly nymphs, whereas the barramundi has a life history in
which post-larvae inhabit brackish waters (see Section 3.4), which are generally devoid
of dragonfly nymphs. It seems reasonable to assume that sooty grunter larvae have
dragonfly nymphs as predators and avoid the benthic areas occupied by the nymphs. I
have been unable to locate references to larval and juvenile fish exhibiting avoidance
Little can be inferred from the comparatively minor dragonfly predation on the
tadpoles. It is possible that the fish were preferred prey for the nymphs, or that the
tadpoles did not generally exhibit movements that elicited an attack response from the
nymphs. Other factors, such as predator—prey size interactions and density of tadpoles
(Sherratt and Harvey 1989), could also have contributed to the result.
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 114
There were more dragonfly nymphs of all species collected in Pond B than in Pond A
(Table 4.3). This was most likely because the substrate in Pond B was covered with a
fauna, whereas Pond A had a bare clay substrate. The effect of the black plastic placed
around the edges of Pond A in eliminating ovipositing habitat for endophytic species
Coenagrionidae) (Williams 1980) were collected in Pond A, but they were also
because the numerically dominant species (family Libellulidae) are exophytic (that is,
Escapement or avoidance of the dredge net used to collect the samples was not
measured. Thus, the density of P. flavescens shown in Figure 4.3a is almost certainly
an underestimate of the real abundance in the ponds. The apparent decline in density
after day 14 could have been due to cannibalism, which has been shown to be a factor
alternatively, the larger nymphs may have been better able to avoid the sampling
Pantala flavescens was by far the most numerous of the odonate species sampled from
both ponds. P. flavescens is circumtropical, and is the most widely distributed of all
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 115
the odonate species (Lamb 1925). It is an opportunist and is known to colonise small,
temporary ponds (R. Rowe, James Cook University, pers. comm. 1989). In the present
study, it appears that only one cohort may have colonised the pond, as early instars
were never found in the samples collected during days 21-35 (Fig. 4.3b).
Alternatively, nymphs from the initial colonisation may have cannibalised larvae
arising from later hatchings, although if this was the case one would reasonably
anticipate that a small number of early instars would still have been collected in the
later samples.
35 days of filling the ponds (Fig 4.3b). Lamb (1929) reported the final instar of P.
flavescens to be 16.7-18.7 mm TL. This suggests that the larval stage in these tropical
waters was close to completion after 35 days, which is considerably faster than the 51
days reported for the same species in summertime in Victoria (Hawking and Ingram
could consume common carp fry, and that nymphs 5-20 mm TL were capable of
consuming fry slightly in excess of their own body length. Thus, both the size and
density of P. flavescens nymphs 14 days after filling the ponds would have been
that survival of barramundi is enhanced if the fry are stocked at 20 mm TL rather than
10 mm TL. However, the conditions of this trial were such that it was not possible to
isolate the factor(s) responsible for the better survival of the larger fish. This is
demonstrated by the growth curves for the fish and development of the dragonfly
population (Fig. 4.3a, b, c). The dragonfly nymphs would have been abundant at the
time of stocking the small fish and for the subsequent 8-10 days during which the fish
would have grown to 17-18 mm TL. The barramundi would have been vulnerable to
predation by the dragonfly nymphs throughout this period, according to the results of
the aquarium trials (Fig. 4.1) (see also Gonzalez and Leal 1995). On the other hand,
the larger barramundi were stocked earlier in the pond cycle, and they were already
beyond the vulnerable stage (determined from the aquarium studies) at the time of
stocking. Also, the nymphs were also extremely small (<3 mm TL) and comparatively
few at the day 7-11 period (Figs. 4.3a, b). Thus, the influence of size at stocking
cannot be isolated from the influence of the different time of stocking. To obtain more
sized barramundi it would be necessary to stock the two size groups into ponds filled
based on ontogenetic changes in diet and behaviour of the fry and the development of
pond fauna (both food and predators). Zooplankton, in particular copepods and
cladocerans (Table 3.1), is the sole food for fry smaller than 18 mm TL. Insect larvae
are first eaten at 18 mm TL and become increasingly more important food items as the
fish grow; at about 30-45 mm TL zooplankton and insect larvae are equally
represented volumetrically in the diet (Fig. 3.2). Pond fauna studies at Walkamin
(unpublished data) have shown that there is a time lag of 10-14 days after filling a
chironomids, are reasonably common 8-10 days after filling. Considering these
factors, as well as the growth rate of the fry (1-1.5 mm per day, Chapter 3), the
schedule depicted in Table 4.5 is suggested as a guideline for stocking barramundi fry
Table 4.5 Guideline for stocking barramundi fry into freshwater ponds for on-
growing to fingerling size (40-50 mm TL).
TL of fry Days after pond Rationale
15 mm Not to be stocked into freshwater ponds.
Fry dependent on zooplankton, susceptible
to predation by dragonfly nymphs.
16-17 mm 10 Approximately 2 days before escape
response developed. Dragonfly nymphs
very small (2-3 mm TL).
18-19 mm 8-12 Escape response developed. Fry can eat
small insect larvae. Dragonfly nymphs
small (2-5 mm TL).
> 20 mm > 8 Diversity of food for fry. Fry not vulnerable
to dragonfly nymphs.
Chapter 4. Predation by dragonfly nymphs 118
Control of air-breathing insects in fish-rearing ponds has been achieved using diesel or
oil to create a surface film through which the insects cannot penetrate (Brown and
insecticides (organophosphates and pyrethroids) have been used (e.g. Burleigh et al.
1993), but such chemicals have not been approved for use in aquaculture in Australia.
Moreover, the use of insecticides would be detrimental to the fish, as insecticides are
also toxic to microcrustacea, which are the major component of the food base for fish
well-developed escape response. The escape response first becomes apparent at about
3). Under the trial conditions, the dragonfly populations in ponds at the Walkamin
Research Station peaked at about 14 days after the ponds were filled, and growth of the
information on rearing procedures (Chomdej 1986, Copland and Grey 1987, Parazo et
al. 1990). However, there is surprisingly little literature on the biology of larvae and
Several authors have shown that fish biology and behaviour are influenced by light.
Extending the photoperiod under which teleost larvae are reared affects growth and
survival, although the nature and extent of the effect varies between species (see, for
example, Marliave 1977, Tandler and Helps 1985, Duray and Kohno 1988). Pearce
(1991) reported that artificially extending daylight during larval rearing resulted in
increased growth due to greater food consumption, but that it had no effect on survival.
In Chapter 3 it was shown that barramundi fry are visual feeders, taking food
throughout the day, with a peak in feeding activity at dusk. The fry continue feeding at
a reduced level under moonlit conditions, but cease feeding in total darkness.
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 120
Based on this information, I hypothesised that artificially increasing the day length
during hatchery rearing may increase the growth rate of barramundi fry. Consequently,
trials were conducted to determine if photoperiod had any effect on the growth,
survival, feeding pattern and daily food consumption of barramundi fry reared in a
freshwater hatchery.
The fish used in this experiment were bred from eggs stripped from wild fish captured
on the spawning grounds in the Hay River, Weipa (12°34'S, 142°53'E). The larvae
were reared at the Northern Fisheries Research Centre, Cairns. At about 18 days old,
the fish were acclimated to fresh water over a 24 hour period and transferred to the
Walkamin Research Station. They were maintained in fresh water for at least 5 days
prior to starting the growth and survival experiment, and at least 25 days prior to
starting the feeding periodicity experiment. Two trials were conducted within each
The first trial was designed to test the effect on growth of 12 hours light and 12 hours
dark (12L/12D) and continuous lighting (24L/OD) in combination with food being
The second trial was designed to test the effect on growth of 12L/12D (treatment 1),
18L/6D (treatment 2) and 24L/OD (treatment 3) light regimes, with food constantly
All treatments were replicated 5 times, with 20 fish per replicate. Each replicate
filter and aeration. Artificial shelter, in the form of 12 strips (30*400 mm 2) of black
plastic mesh (1 mm2) was suspended in each aquarium. Temperature was maintained
at 29.0 ± 1.0°C.
Lighting was controlled by covering each aquarium with black material and positioning
one 15 watt incandescent globe 25 cm above the surface of the water at the centre of
the aquarium. Automatic time switches turned lights on and off at either 0700 hours
and 1900 hours (Trial 1, treatments 1 and 2; Trial 2, treatment 1) or 0700 hours and
0100 hours (Trial 2, treatment 2) respectively. Light intensity at the water surface
varied from 300 lux at the ends of the aquaria to approximately 1100 lux directly under
the globes.
Equal aliquots of live zooplankton were added to each aquarium at 0700 hours and
1600 hours. The zooplankton was harvested from a pond using airlifts and a 250 mm
net. The amount fed was sufficient for excess food to be available continuously during
the feeding period. To preclude zooplankton being extracted from the aquaria by the
biological filters, inlet water to the filters was strained through 200 mm filter boxes. In
the 12 hour food-availability treatments in Trial 1, the inlets to the biological filters
were removed from the filter boxes at 1900 hours, which effectively removed all
Fish were allocated randomly at the start of each trial, with a subsample retained for
weighing and measuring. Total lengths (TL) and wet weights (Wt) at the start of each
Each trial was run for 13 days, after which all fish were weighed and measured. Two-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse growth data in Trial 1, and
In Trial 1, 10 fish from each treatment were killed by immersion in 0°C water and fixed
in 70% alcohol. Longitudinal section mounts stained with haematoxylin and eosin
continuous lighting.
Two trials were conducted with different-sized fish to determine the patterns of food
consumption over a 24 hour period for fish exposed to 12L/12D and 24L/OD light
regimes. Approximately 80 fish for each treatment were placed into aquaria set up as
described above, and acclimated to the experimental conditions for 3 days prior to the
trials. The TLs of the fish used in each trial were as follows:
Excess live zooplankton was fed one hour prior to sampling, which was every three
hours for 24 hours. Eight fish per treatment were sampled on each occasion.
Immediately after sampling the fish were killed by immersion in 0°C water, and
preserved in 70% alcohol. Within one week, the stomach contents were removed, and
the dry weights of fish and stomach contents were recorded after drying at 60°C for 24
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 124
hours. The stomach fullness indexes for each sampling period were calculated from the
For the fish in Trial 1, the percentage body weight eaten per day was determined from
the formula
The number of hours for stomach evacuation for barramundi with a mean total length
of 34 mm was taken as 1.5 hours (results reported in Chapter 3). (The percentage body
weight eaten per day was not calculated for fish in Trial 2, because the stomach
Final lengths, weights and survival of barramundi fry in Trials 1 and 2 are listed in
Tables 5.1 and 5.2 respectively. In Trial 1, analysis involved the partitioning of
treatment effects into photoperiod, food availability and interaction effects. The only
effect which was statistically significant was that of food availability. Having food
available for 24 hours increased length by 0.7 mm (P = 0.032) and increased weight by
19 mg (P = 0.052). Note that the latter falls just short of the conventional 5%
significance level. The lack of any interaction indicated that this increase was unrelated
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 125
Mean survival in Trial 1 was in the range 93-97%; in Trial 2 it was 66-76%. There
was no significant difference between the survivals in the various treatments within
either trial.
Table 5.1. Mean lengths (TL, mm), weights (Wt, mg) and percentage survivals
(and standard errors) of barramundi fry after being exposed to various
photoperiod and food availability treatments for 13 days. Initial size
was TL = 11.9 ± 1.4 mm, Wt = 23.0 ± 8.7 mg.
Table 5.2. Mean lengths (TL, mm), weights (Wt, mg) and percentage survivals
(and standard errors) of barramundi fry after being exposed for 13 days
to photoperiod regimes of 12L/12D, 18L/6D and 24L/OD, with food
continuously available. Initial size was TL = 11.0 ± 1.1 mm, WT = 21.3
± 7.1 mg.
The patterns of food consumption over 24 hours were different between the two
treatments, with similar patterns being exhibited by both small (Trial 1) and large (Trial
2) fish. Fish subject to a 12L/12D regime commenced feeding upon first exposure to
light and continued to feed at a high rate over the next 6 hours of the light period.
Following this, on the basis of stomach fullness, feeding slowed and tapered off during
the latter part of the light period (ie., after about 1500 hours). The advanced stage of
digestion of food in the gut after about 3 hours of darkness indicated that feeding had
Fish exposed to continuous light also showed the same trend of decreased feeding after
1500 hours, and at 2100 hours all had empty stomachs. Thereafter, the fish started
feeding again (Fig. 5.1B), in marked contrast to those in the 12L/12D light regime.
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 127
The increase in feeding was particularly marked in the smaller fish, which consumed
more at the 2400 hour feed than at other times during the 24 hour cycle (Fig. 1B).
The 24 hour average stomach fullness index for the small fish (Trial 1) was 1.65 for the
12L/12D treatment and 2.28 for the 24L/OD treatment. Using these data, the daily
ration in the 12L/12D treatment was 26.4%; in the 24L/OD it was 36.5%. That is, the
fish exposed to continuous lighting consumed approximately 1.4 times more food than
The results of this study clearly show that there is no advantage to be gained by rearing
barramundi fry under extended light regimes. While fry in extended daylight did not
show any adverse effects (in either survival or morphological development), they grew
no faster than those in normal daylength light regimes. This was despite the fact that
fry in 24 hours light consumed approximately 40% more food than did those in 12
hours light (with food continuously available in both cases). Presumably, the extra
intake under continuous light was expended as non-productive energy associated with
Barramundi fry reared in outdoor ponds have a distinct feeding pattern, with food being
consumed throughout the day and with a distinct peak in food intake at dusk. The fry
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 128
Mea n fu llness index
Mean fu llness index
Figure 5.1. Stomach fullness indexes for two size-groups of barramundi fry
exposed to 12L/12D (A) and 24L/OD (B) light regimes, with food
continuously available. Each datum is the mean ± s.e. (n = 8).
The solid bar indicates the period of darkness. ■ = fry TL
33 ± 3.3 mm (mean ± s.d.); o = fry TL 51.7 ± 5.0 mm
(mean ± s.d.).
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 129
do not feed in total darkness (results presented in Chapter 3). The experimental
protocol in the present study did not simulate dawn/dusk conditions; lighting was
review the results in terms of a diel cycle, particularly with respect to the patterns
reported in Chapter 3. Peak feeding in the 12L/12D regime occurred about 6 hours
after first light (in the 'early afternoon'), with intake decreasing after that time and
continuous light, with all fish having empty stomachs at 2100 hours. Prior to 2400
hours, however, feeding resumed in continuous light (Fig. 5.1B), in contrast to fish in
the 12L/12D cycle. The maintenance of a modified feeding pattern in continuous light
and in the absence of other external cues indicates that the feeding pattern is only partly
controlled by light, and that other, presumably innate or genetic, controls are involved.
The data presented in Figure 1B appear to contain an anomalous result, namely the
surprisingly high level of intake (stomach fullness index) exhibited by the smaller fish
in continuous light at 2400 hours, that is, immediately after the non-feeding period.
The larger fish resumed feeding at the same time, but did not show the same magnitude
datum point for 2400 hours for the smaller fish should be considered indicative of a
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 130
The lack of growth response to the different light regimes contrasts with the results of
earlier work with barramundi larvae (Pearce 1991). He reported that during the rotifer
feeding stage (2-10 days old), larval growth was progressively faster under conditions
of 8, 16 and 24 hours light each day. The effect was less pronounced during the brine
shrimp feeding stage (8-20 days old), when larvae in 8 hours light grew more slowly
than in 16 and 24 hours light, but growth rates in 16 and 24 hours light were the same.
Thus, although continuous light may be advantageous for growth of larval barramundi
during their first eight days, as shown by Pearce (1991), the experiments conducted in
this study show that it becomes less important thereafter and has no effect after
are similar to those for several other species reported upon, which also tend to show a
diminishing effect of continuous light with age (see Table 5.3). It appears that
extended periods of light during larval rearing are generally beneficial for growth, but
juvenile fishes is usually the same in both normal and extended light regimes.
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 131
Table 5.3. Literature reports on the effect of extended light periods on the growth and survival of larvae and juveniles of several species of fin
fishes. (Salmonid fishes are not included, because with these anadromous species the effect of photoperiod interacts with the state of
physiological development and time of year.)
Siganus guttatus First-feeding larvae, 0- Continuous light vs natural Growth rate and survival better in continuous Duray and Kohno 1988
7 days light/dark cycle light.
Lates calcarifer Larvae, 2-20 days 12,18 and 24 hour light Days 2-10 (rotifer feeding) — growth Pearce 1991
periods significantly better in 24 hours light, survival not
significantly different.
Days 8-20 (Anemia feeding) — growth
significantly better in 16 and 24 hour light,
survival not significantly different.
Dicentrarchus labrax Larvae, 0-30 days 12,18 and 24 hour light Maximum growth at 18 hours light, maximum Barahona-Fernandes 1979
periods survival at 12 hours light.
Dicentrarchus labrax Larvae, 1-30 days 9 and 24 hour light periods Growth significantly better in 24 hour light; Cerqueira and Chatain 1991
survival and swim bladder inflation rate
significantly better in 9 hour light
Nautichthys oculofasciatus Larvae, 0-38 days 13 and 24 hour light periods; Survival in 24 hours light and simulated natural Marliave 1977
simulated natural photoperiod significantly better than in 13L/11D.
photoperiod (dawn/dusk plus
low intensity light at night).
Chapter 5. Photoperiod 132
Sparus aurata Larvae, 0-70 days . 12 and 24 hour light periods Survival and growth best in continuous light. Tandler and Helps 1985
Solea solea Larvae and juveniles to 12,18 and 24 hour light Larvae — survival not significantly different, Fuchs 1978
3 months old periods growth better in 18 and 24 hours light.
Juveniles — survival and growth not significantly
Mylio macrocephalus Larvae and juveniles 13,18 and 24 hour light Larvae — growth best under continuous light. Kiyono and Hirano 1981
0-108 days periods Juveniles — growth not significantly different.
Sebastes diploproa Juveniles, 30-55 mm 12 and 16 hour light periods. Growth rates better in 16 hour light. Boehlert 1981
standard length.
Chapter 6. Weaning 133
The transition from live food to an artificial diet is an important period in the rearing of
fish larvae or fry. In general terms, the transition should be accomplished as early as
possible, because of the costs involved in live food production, while at the same time
avoiding excessive mortalities due to the fish being unable to adapt to the artificial
food. In this context, failure to adapt can be due to either a physiological problem (the
live prey to stimulate a feeding response) or a physical problem (the food is rejected
Literature reports have indicated that weaning barramundi onto inert foods (formulated
dry diets, or minced fish, prawns or meat) is generally commenced when the fish are
about 20 days old, or 10-12 mm total length (TL) (Awang 1987, MacKinnon 1987a,
Maneewong 1987, Tucker et al. 1988, Walford and Lam 1993). At this length,
barramundi have not completed metamorphosis (scales are first apparent when the fish
Chapter 6. Weaning 134
are 11 mm TL). None of these reports have indicated the degree of mortality
Studies detailed in Chapter 3 have shown that barramundi undergo an abrupt change in
feeding habit at about 16-18 mm TL. At sizes less than 17 mm TL the fish are roving
mode of feeding, eating small insect larvae in addition to zooplankton. The change in
that survival of fry through the weaning period would be enhanced if weaning is
commenced once the fish have adopted the lurking predator mode of feeding.
The fish were obtained from hormone-induced spawnings of captive broodstock held at
the Northern Fisheries Centre, Cairns. The larvae were reared in salt water until
approximately 10 mm TL, when they were transferred to fresh water and transported to
the Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre, Walkamin, where they were
Chapter 6. Weaning 135
maintained in 1500 L tanks at 26-30°C. Prior to the commencement of each trial, the
fish were fed live Artemia nauplii and zooplankton harvested from freshwater ponds.
deep and of 130 L capacity (Fig. 6.1). Water was exchanged at the rate of 4 L/min via
a central stand pipe which was screened to prevent the escape of fish. The
experimental temperature was maintained at 28.0 ± 0.5°C. Air was supplied via an air-
stone in the bottom of each tank. Photoperiod was 12L/12D. Artificial feed was
Literature reports (Awang 1987, Maneewong 1987) have indicated that a gradual
transition from live to formulated feeds is appropriate for weaning barramundi. In the
absence of information to the contrary, it was assumed that a gradual transition would
trial, conducted primarily to test facilities and procedures, was undertaken with the
appropriate procedure for weaning barramundi fry onto dry diets. Because it was
undertaken as a preliminary trial, replication of the sudden transition treatment was not
considered a priority.
The gradual transition treatment (T1) was frozen zooplankton (mixed taxa, obtained
from a freshwater pond) offered in conjunction with a dry diet (Ski -et-tinge 0.3-0.6 mm
Chapter 6. Weaning 136
salmon starter diet) for 5 days; during the 5th to 7th days of the trial the volume and
frequency of zooplankton offered was decreased; and from the 8th day the zooplankton
was discontinued and the dry diet only dispensed for a further 5 days. The sudden
transition treatment (T2) was the dry diet only fed from day 1 and maintained for 12
days. T1 was replicated 4 times, but T2 was not replicated (for reasons as explained
above). Each tank was stocked with 105 fish, TL 15.8 ± 0.7 mm, at the start of the
experiment. Feed was offered every hour for 12 hours (darkness one hour after the last
feed). The tanks were cleaned each morning by scrubbing the walls, turning off the air
and water and siphoning out the settled debris. Dead fish were collected and counted.
At Day 8 five fish were sampled from each tank and dissected to determine whether
they had commenced feeding on the dry diet. The fish were counted and measured
when the trial was terminated. Any difference between the number of missing fish at
the end of the trial and the number of dead fish recorded during the trial was assumed
to be attributable to cannibalism.
were fish of different initial TLs (meant s.d.) as follows (CV = coefficient of
Because of a shortage of facilities, it was not possible to test the four treatments
simultaneously on the same batch of fish. Thus, four trials (corresponding to the four
treatments) were conducted over a two-month period, using fish from different
At the start of each trial, 200 healthy fish were placed into each of the four replicate
tanks and maintained on zooplankton for one day. Any mortalities during this period,
stopped and the dry diet (Skretting 0.3-0.6 mm salmon starter diet) was dispensed
every hour for 12 hours (darkness one hour after the last feed). At each feeding, 5 g of
food was dispensed, which was in excess of the requirements of all sizes of fish. The
trials were conducted for 10 days, which was sufficient time for all surviving fish to be
fully adapted to the dry diet. Tank maintenance and data collection were as above.
percentage data), and means compared using the LSD(T) test (Siegel 1992). Non-
linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between percentage
survival through the weaning period and initial size. Total lengths were transformed to
equivalent wet weights (WWt) using the equation derived in Chapter 3 (WWt =
0.028TL2.82) and daily growth rates (G), expressed as percentages, determined from the
G = (1nWWtf — hiWWt)/(tf —
where WW; and WWtf are the initial and final wet weight of fry and (tf — t) is the
The survival and growth of barramundi fry in the gradual and sudden transition
weaning regimes are listed in Table 6.1. Survival was similar in all tanks, with the
accounted for most losses. The percentage of surviving fish which adapted to the
artificial diet varied from 90-100% in both treatments. In the sudden transition
treatment it was apparent from the behaviour and distended stomachs of the fish that
feeding on the artificial diet was established by Days 2-3. In contrast, in the gradual
transition treatment only 8 of the 20 fish sampled at Day 8 had started feeding on the
artificial diet. Growth was markedly superior in the sudden transition treatment, in
which the fry were three times heavier than those in the gradual transition treatment at
The percentage survival and the percentage of fish which died due to starvation and
cannibalism are listed in Table 6.2. Analysis of variance of the percentage survival
data indicated that there was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in survival between
the treatments. Least significant difference tests showed that the treatments separated
into two groups with significantly different (P < 0.05) mean survivals, namely T4 and
Chapter 6. Weaning 140
Table 6.1 Percentage of feeding and non-feeding barramundi, and final lengths
(TL, mm) and wet weights (WWt, mg) of the feeders, after 12 days
exposure to either a gradual or a sudden transition from frozen
zooplankton to an artificial diet. The figures are means ± standard
T3 being different from T2 and Ti. The relationship between TL and percentage
Survival within treatments was uniform, with the exception of the fourth replicate in
T2, wherein the survival was 79% compared with 46%, 51% and 55% for the other
replicates (Figure 6.2). There was no obvious explanation for the higher survival in
this one replicate. Daily growth rates varied between 11.1% and 17.7% in the four
Chapter 6. Weaning 141
treatments (Table 6.3), with the lowest rates being for T1 and T4 (the smallest and
largest fish, respectively) and the highest for T2 and T3 (the intermediate sized fish).
The initiation of feeding was evident by day 3 in all treatments. At this stage visual
observation indicated that about 5-10% of the fry had started feeding in T1, about 30-
40% in T2, and the majority in T3 and T4. Fish in each tank congregated as a loose
school near the water surface awaiting food, but once it was dispensed they fed
Weaker, non-feeding fish were darkly pigmented. In T1, there was a marked increase
in mortality of these fish during days 5-7, peaking at day 6. There was little mortality
thereafter, as virtually all remaining fish were feeding. There was no similar peak in
different (P < 0.001) in T2 (26%) to that recorded in the other treatments (2-7%).
The aeration systems were effective in lifting the sinking food particles back into
suspension, thus giving the fry longer exposure to the food at each feeding period than
would have been the case if the food was allowed to fall through the water column to
the base of the tanks. A slimy, organic film developed each day on the walls of the
tanks, as a consequence of the high organic load. The circular current swept food
particles onto the film, where they attached, effectively becoming unavailable to the
fry. This effect became more pronounced as the film redeveloped after each daily
' Chapter 6. Weaning 142
Table 6.2 Survival and mortalities due to starvation and cannibalism (expressed as
percentages) of barramundi fry of various sizes during 10 day weaning
trials. The figures are means ± standard errors.
Table 6.3 Initial and final total lengths (TL, mm) and computed initial and final
wet weights (WWt, mg) and daily growth rates (expressed as a
percentage based on weight) of barramundi fry of various sizes during
10 day weaning trials. The figures are means ± standard errors.
Perce ntag e survival
12 14 16 18 20
Total length (mm)
Figure 6.2 Percentage survival through weaning onto dry diets for four different
size-groups of barramundi fry.
Chapter 6. Weaning 144
There are a variety of protocols that can be used for weaning fish onto artificial diets,
but generally a gradual transition from live food to formulated feed or minced fish has
appropriateness of this procedure was not vindicated by the results of the weaning
procedure trial. Growth was markedly superior in the fish exposed to the sudden
transition to artificial food, although the percentage of fish which were successfully
weaned did not differ between the sudden and gradual transition treatments. In the
sudden transition treatment, in which there was no alternative food source, the fish had
commenced feeding on the artificial diet within 2-3 days of starting the trial. In
contrast, in the gradual transition treatment the fish apparently consumed the frozen
zooplankton in preference to the artificial food when the two were supplied
simultaneously. This observation was supported by the low percentage (40%) of fish
feeding on the day after the zooplankton feeding was discontinued. That is, weaning
effectively commenced only after the zooplankton feeding was stopped and the
The experimental design used in the size and weaning success trial was compromised
by the fact that the treatments were tested on batches of fish from different spawnings.
It is a common phenomenon in fish culture that larval fish originating from different
parents, or even from the same parents but different spawning events, may exhibit
treatments on high-quality fish from the same spawning. In the present trial, it was not
possible to use fish from the same spawning because of a shortage of experimental
tanks and automatic feeders. Nevertheless, I am confident that the survivals determined
in the different treatments faithfully reflect the influence of initial size, because of the
consistency within treatments and similar survivals shown in other weaning events
The survival curve for barramundi fry presented in Figure 6.2 indicates that greater
than 90% survival during weaning onto dry diets can be expected when using fish
larger than 16.2 mm TL at the initiation of weaning. The shape of the curve confirmed
that survival through the weaning period is enhanced if weaning is delayed until the
fish have adopted the lurking predator mode of feeding. This is also supported by the
increasing rapidity with initial size with which feeding on the dry diet was commenced
by the majority of fish. The asymptotic shape of the curve indicates that there is
negligible gain in survival if weaning is initiated with fish larger than about 16-17 mm
TL. The results of this experiment are similar to those of Verreth and van Tongeren
(1989) who showed that larvae of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, could be
successfully adapted onto dry diets after two days feeding on live foods, and that
Cannibalism was more severe in T2 than in the other treatments. This was possibly
due to the comparatively wide size range of fish in this treatment at the start of the trial
(coefficient of variation for T2 was 10%, while for T1, T3 and T4 it was 7.3%, 8.5%
and 7.2%, respectively). Moreover, the rapid adaptation of fish in T3 and T4 onto the
The daily growth rates of 11-18% for fish in the size and weaning success trial are
comparable with the 13-15% reported in Chapter 3 for fry reared intensively in the
laboratory on live zooplankton. This indicates that with respect to growth the fish were
not compromised by the change to, or nutrient composition of, the dry diet. The
comparatively slow growth rate of the largest fish (T4) could not be explained by any
obvious physical factors; one possible explanation is that it was a consequence of this
attempt to wean the fry onto artificial diets as soon as practicable, which is at about 10
mm TL (Awang 1987, MacKinnon 1987a, Maneewong 1987, Tucker et al. 1988). This
study has shown, however, that survival through the weaning period is considerably
enhanced if the initiation of weaning is delayed until the fry are 16-17 mm TL.
However, it is apparent that the economic advantage of survival of say 90% with 16-
17 mm TL fry would outweigh the reduced rearing costs associated with weaning fish
Chapter 6. Weaning 147
of hatcheries producing 530 000 weaned fingerlings per season indicates that there is
hatchery fish after stocking. In the past, fingerling fish have been marked by
(for instance, stains, dyes and tetracycline antibiotics) applied either externally or
internally (Wydoski and Emery 1983). These techniques are subject to error from
As early as 1913 it was realized that growth patterns on scales could be used to
studies showed that the rearing environment (analogous to the racial history)
environmental conditions, growth rates of fish and scale growth (Henry 1961, Major
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 149
et al. 1972, Doyle et al. 1987). The features on the scales reflecting growth rates are
circuli, which are fine ridges laid down in a circular pattern around the centre or
focus of scales (Jearld 1983). Later developments led to methods for distinguishing
and circulus spacing using discriminant function techniques (Amos et al. 1963, Cook
and Lord 1978). These methods have recently been shown to be capable of
distinguishing hatchery and wild striped bass Morone saxatilis stocks, and even
assigning cultured fish to their hatchery of origin (Ross and Pickard 1990). The
The aim of the present study was to determine if patterns of circulus spacing on
barramundi scales could be used to distinguish hatchery and wild fish. If valid, this
barramundi in areas where hatchery fish are released to supplement wild stocks.
The wild fish were obtained from the Cairns region (17°S, 146°E) northern
Queensland. A scale set was obtained from approximately 120 fish collected
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 150
between August 1979 and May 1980. The total lengths (TL) of the fish ranged from
The hatchery fish were bred at the Northern Fisheries Centre (NFC), Cairns, in
November 1988. Larval rearing was conducted in salt-water tanks at the NFC. When
20 days old (spawning = Day 0, hatching = Day 1), the fish (about 10 mm TL) were
indoors until approximately 20 mm TL, then stocked into a pond. Scale samples
were collected from 100 fish (range 120— 220 mm TL) in March 1989.
Scales from both wild and hatchery fish were taken from the region immediately
posterior to the pectoral fin. Scales were washed in water and 4-6 non-regenerated
scales from each fish were mounted between glass microscope slides for examination
and analysis.
Data were acquired using the Optical Pattern Recognition System (OPRS) software,
microcomputer, video camera and monitor, frame grabber, digitiser pad and mouse
(Biosonics 1989). The video camera was attached to a microscope (*2 objective).
The frame grabber transformed video images of scales to digital images, which were
displayed on the monitor. Linear distance on the image display was calibrated with a
stage micrometer. All measurements were obtained using the mouse and menu-
driven software.
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 151
The cleanest scale from each set was chosen for image analysis. Measurements were
conducted along two 1 mm lines (Fig. 7.1), creating two data sets. The first set,
herein termed straight-line data, was derived along a line located adjacent to the
radius, where the circuli curve and are most widely spaced. The other, herein termed
450 reference-line data, was from a line at an angle of 45° to the first, or at
approximately 90° to the anterior-posterior axis. Because the distance from the
centre of the focus to the first complete circulus varied between scales, the origin of
the measuring line was located just inside the first circulus. The program
control was necessary to correctly mark circuli with inadequate contrast between
To examine the relationship among circulus formation, TL and age, 10 scales from
each of 43 hatchery-reared fish were examined. Circuli were counted on each scale
from the focus to the margin adjacent to the radius. The fish were 25 to 38 days old
and from 11 to 40 mm TL (scales had not formed in fish smaller than 11.0 mm TL).
Because of the small size of these fish, it was not possible to take the scales from a
Discriminant function analysis developed by Cook (1982) and Cook and Guthrie
(1987), and available as part of the OPRS software package (Biosonics 1989), was
calculate the discriminant function. This iterative procedure uses the total data set as
the training and test sets and produces better estimates with less bias than other
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 153
variables in each type of analysis were the basis for selecting variables to enter into
the discriminant function analysis. Results of the analysis were displayed as stock
The relationship between the number of circuli, TL and age was evaluated using
regression analysis. The number of circuli used in the analysis was taken as the
mean of the number of circuli on the 10 scales taken from each fish.
Initial screening of the scales from the wild fish showed that scales from fish larger
than approximately 350 mm TL were unreadable with the equipment available. The
thickness of the scales and the irregularly positioned pigment spots interfered with
rejection of the unreadable scales, analysis was conducted on a set of 88 0+ wild fish
(150-350 mm TL). The set comprised of 68 fish from the 1978-79 spawning season
and 20 fish from the 1979-80 spawning season. Determining the position of circuli
on scales from wild fish smaller than 350 mm TL and from all the hatchery fish
The basic measures analysed for these scales were various sets of single, double and
triple inter-circulus distances. For the paired circulus measures, distances between
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 154
circuli were combined two at a time beginning at the centre of the scale (e.g. pair 1 =
(1+2), pair 2 = (3+4), and so on). With triplet measures, the circulus distances were
Straight-line data
The straight-line luminance data provided better separation than did the 45°
reference-line data, particularly when using triplets and pairs (Table 7.1). The
straight-line data were also easier to derive, as the positioning of the line, adjacent to
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 155
the radius, was simple, and the spacing of the circuli was clearer and with less
Using the triplet combination, 83% of the hatchery scales and 82% of the wild scales
were correctly classified (17 and 18% errors, respectively). The paired circulus
combinations were separated with 83% correct for hatchery scales and 77% correct
for wild scales. The classification rates for the 45° reference-line luminance data
ranged from 74-77% of hatchery scales classified correctly to 74-76% of the wild
Table 7.1. Percentage of wild and hatchery barramundi correctly identified using
data derived from the spacing of circuli on scales and linear discriminant
Test Wild Hatchery Composite
(n = 88) (n =100)
Straight-line data
Test A (Singles) 68 68 68
Test B (Pairs) 77 83 80
Test C (Triplets) 82 83 83
45° reference-line data
Test D (Pairs) 74 77 76
Test E (Pairs) 75 77 76
Test F (Triplets) 76 74 75
Chapter 7. Circulus spacing 156
Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that 94% of the variation in the number
of circuli was attributable to TL (P < 0.001, partial r2 = 0.9413). Adding age to the
equation did not improve its descriptive power (P > 0.05, partial r2 = 0.0047). The
relationship between the number of circuli and TL was described by the linear
y = —2.64 + 0.63x,
The separation of hatchery from wild scales achieved with these data (83% for
hatchery and 82% for wild) was encouraging, especially since only luminance line
data were used. This compares favourably with other stock discrimination
investigations using the same technique. For instance, Schwartzberg and Fryer
tshawytscha with 80-94% accuracy; Cook and Lord (1978) separated three riverine
(1988) separated a lake strain and riverine strain of brown trout Salmo trutta reared
under virtually identical hatchery conditions with 94-98% accuracy. Ross and
It is noteworthy that certain of the circulus distances repeatedly occurred in the sets
of variables tested. For example, circuli 13 and 14 occurred in all of the 6 variable
sets analysed and circuli 15 and 16 were found in four of the six. Circuli 13-16
would have been formed when the fish were 25-30 mm TL, which would have
coincided with the first 5-10 days after the hatchery fish were transferred from the
laboratory to the ponds. This suggests that hatchery fish might have been
occurs at about 20 mm TL (Glenn and Mathias 1985), while for three species of
which barramundi forms scales, coupled with the fact that juveniles can be reared
over a wide range of temperatures (at least 24-32 0C), indicates that barramundi may
One obvious problem with barramundi, however, is that circuli on scales from fish
larger than 350 mm TL could not be read with the present methods. Only minimal
scale preparation — washing in water — was used in this study. Whaley (1991) has
shown that the use of pancreatin (an enzyme that breaks down protein substances
from 4% for uncleaned scales to 70% for cleaned scales. Similar techniques may
also improve the readability of scales from barramundi larger than 350 mm TL,
although it is likely that the absolute thickness of barramundi scales will remain a
problem for analytical techniques dependent on light transmittance close to the focus
of scales. These older scales are thicker through the focus than towards the margins,
and this made it difficult to focus the microscope on all circuli at once. Other
directly from the impressions (e.g. Lear and Misra 1978, Fisher and Pearcy 1990).
The difficulty experienced in reading circuli on scales from large barramundi does
not apply to similar-sized fishes with smaller scales, such as salmonids. In Australia,
species with suitably small scales include silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus, golden
Sillago ciliata and dusky flathead Platycephalus fuscus. All of these species are
currently used to enhance recreational fisheries, and patterns of circulus spacing are
being employed for monitoring stocking success (Willett 1994a, 1995, 1996; Palmer
scales of hatchery-reared fish, many of the questions associated with the assessment
stocking survivals and population sizes) could be more readily answered. Overseas
researchers have shown that manipulating the rearing environment can induce
specific marks on fish scales and otoliths. For instance, Skurdal and Andersen
(1985) have demonstrated that scales of brown trout can be marked by varying the
temperature during egg incubation and rearing of the alevins, and Volk et al. (1987)
showed that sudden temperature shifts can induce banding on otoliths of juvenile
Similar research has recently been taken up in Australia as part of the Queensland
that pond-reared silver perch from three hatcheries in south-east Queensland could be
that better discrimination is achieved if the environmental differences (in this case,
(Willett 1994b) in which he grew silver perch fry for 4 weeks at temperatures of 20°,
25° and 30°C. Classification of the scales based on circuli spacing was 54-58%, 58-
72%, and 94-96% accurate at each of the respective temperatures. The reduced
classification accuracy at 20°C and 25°C was a consequence of similar growth rates,
which in turn resulted in some overlap of lengths of fish from the two treatments. He
speculated that simultaneously altering other variables (for example, feed ration) to
induce disparate growth rates would further enhance the ability to batch-mark
Since the present study was restricted to investigation of scale circulus pattern
growth zones were examined. Other workers have shown that analysis of the shapes
of whole otoliths or scales can also be used to differentiate stocks or genetic races
(Jarvis et al. 1978, Riley and Margraf 1983, Bird et al. 1986, de Pontual and Prouzet
1987, Maceina and Murphy 1989, Campana and Casselman 1993, Margraf and Riley
distinct stocks (Shaklee and Salini 1985, Russell and Garrett 1988, Keenan 1994).
Scale or otolith shape analysis (also a function within OPRS software) may provide
pattern of circulus spacing near the origin of the scales. The technique, which relies
on luminance data generated from the light and dark zones created by the circuli, was
suitable for barramundi less than 350 mm TL. However, with the technique
employed herein, scales from fish larger than 350 mm TL were too thick and
with barramundi, unless methods are developed to clean larger scales and thus
This study evaluated the proposal to introduce the Nile perch, Lates niloticus, from
Africa, and examined aspects of rearing juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer, for
following fields:
Finally, within the context of the above, some future areas for research are identified.
Much of the following discussion is summarised in Table 8.1, in which the outcomes
of the study are tabulated within the generic headings of management, biology,
The introduction of Nile perch into Lake Victoria has had dramatic consequences for
the ecology of the lake and its riparian inhabitants. Prior to the introduction, Lake
Victoria (and Lake Malawi) contained the most species-rich lacustrine fish faunas in
the world. As a result of the introduction, over 200 of the original 300+ (possibly
400+, see Seehausen and Witte 1995) endemic haplochromine species have
disappeared from Lake Victoria in less than a decade (Witte et al. 1992a).
Goldschmidt et al. (1993) described this as the largest extinction event amongst
1987, Bruton 1990, Kaufman 1992), but such activities cannot realistically be
scale of the problem and the difficulties associated with reintroductions (Craig 1992).
While the impact on the fish fauna was to a large extent predicted by early opponents
of the introduction (e.g. Fryer 1960, Anderson 1961), there have been flow-on effects
which were not foreseen (Witte et al. 1995). Diets and feeding behaviour of
piscivorous birds (Goudswaard and Wanink 1993, Wanink and Goudswaard 1994)
and otters (Kruuk and Goudswaard 1990) have changed. Drastic shifts in the food
web within the lake have taken place and continue to do so (Ligtvoet and Witte
1991), and may in fact be linked to apparent water quality changes, particularly
Chapter 8. Synthesis 164
increasing algal blooms (Goldschmidt et al. 1993, Ochumba 1995). The fish harvest
from the lake has increased 3-4 times since the establishment of the Nile perch
(Ligtvoet and Witte 1991), but it is currently not clear if it is sustainable at the
present level. Indeed, recently available information indicates that the yield may
already be decreasing (see Tables 2.4 and 2.5, also Kunhongania and Chitamwebwa
1995). Pitcher and Bundy (1995) analysed historical catch-per-unit-effort data for
the lake and concluded that if the fishery continues to expand in the 1990s as it did in
instability. Obviously, research on trends in the fishery and the continuing shifts in
Socio-economic changes have also been far-reaching, although the pros and cons of
these are still being debated. The early views on disruption to riparian communities
and deforestation associated with fuel-wood demand for curing Nile perch (Barel et
al. 1985) were countered by others arguing the economic benefits of development of
the fishery (Acere 1988), which are considerable. Reynolds et al. (1995) calculated
that the net economic benefit to the riparian states of the post-Nile perch fishery was
US$200 million up to 1989, and that it would accrue to a billion dollars by the early
2000s. On the other hand, Harris et al. (1995) pointed out that much of the foreign
exchange earnings actually went to foreign companies supplying the gear and
infrastructure to support the fishery. In addition, they identified many other negative
Extinction of fish species in lakes as a result of the introduction of exotic fish has
been recorded in other areas, such as Lake Kyoga in Uganda, Lake Lanao in the
Philippines, Lake Atitlan in Guatamala, Lake Luhondo in Ruanda, and Gatun Lake in
fishes (and possibly crayfish) have occurred in Lake Eacham as a consequence of the
interaction with brown trout (Salmo trutta) and the introduced Galaxias brevipennis
(S. Chilcott, Inland Fisheries Commission, Tasmania, pers. comm. 1996). These
scenarios, while not as dramatic as the Lake Victoria situation, further illustrate the
From a management perspective, the approach taken in this study of marrying the
impacts of the Nile perch had it been released in Australia. Based on the information
unacceptable risk to aquatic ecosystems over a large part of the country. The
The trials on feeding behaviour and diet of barramundi fry undertaken in this study
most important result was the identification of the change in diet and behaviour at
about 17 mm TL, as this change had implications for pond-rearing and weaning
exhibit no escape response, and rest on the substrate at night. Larger than 17 mm TL,
they consume larval insects in addition to zooplankton, and they have a well-
ability of fish larger than 17 mm TL to avoid predation. The responses of both size
showed very poor survival (14%), while those stocked at 20 mm TL exhibited 99%
The feeding behaviour of barramundi fry also had practical implications for weaning
onto dry diets. The change in feeding behaviour at about 17 mm TL indicated that
weaning may be more successful if initiated at that stage, rather than with fish of
The information on diet and behaviour of the barramundi fry, and its practical
larvae meant that traditional freshwater pond rearing techniques did not work.
to successfully marry the biology of the species with the ecology of the rearing
of darkness, salinity greater than 25 ppt and low to zero aeration, but only
salinity of 10 ppt and under high aeration (Battaglene and Talbot 1990). Murray cod
Maccullochella peeli ovulates within a very narrow, defined period of time after
hormonal injection, and fertilisation must then be accomplished within 1-2 hours of
ovulation (Rowland 1988). These examples further illustrate the need for basic and
The gut evacuation rates for barramundi fry indicate a functional relationship
between feeding strategy and prey availability. The small, obligate zooplanktivores
comparatively slow rate when not feeding (i.e. they are numbers maximisers).
Larger fry, at a size capable of eating larval insects, have a more constant rate of gut
passage whether feeding continuously or on single meals (i.e. they are energy
maximisers). It would be beneficial to extend the gut passage and energetics studies
to larger fish, as this would facilitate definition of appropriate feeding frequencies for
It was also interesting that extending the photoperiod for barramundi fry resulted in
increased food intake, but that it did not increase growth rate. A review of the
literature showed that extending the photoperiod during nursery rearing of fry (i.e.
fish which have metamorphosed) usually has no effect on growth rate (although for
larval fish prior to metamorphosis it often does increase growth rate). The increased
food intake at dusk is of particular significance for farming: barramundi farmers have
observed that juvenile barramundi exhibit a more vigorous feeding response at dusk,
and consequently feeding at dusk is now the normal procedure at most production
more efficiently at night when the fish have discontinued feeding (slower gut passage
rate) and are comparatively inactive (at least at the fry stage). It has been shown that
the South American fish Piaractus brachypomus grows faster and converts food
more efficiently when fed at night, compared with feeding during the daytime or over
24 hours (Baras et al. 1996). The different performance was proposed as being a
decrease in energy expenditure when food was given at night, possibly due to the
Chapter 8. Synthesis 169
correspondence between the nocturnal feeding schedule and the activity rhythm
influences growth patterns and food conversion rates in many species of fishes (see
review by Boujard and Leatherland 1992). These examples, and the information
generated on barramundi in the present study, emphasise the need for fish culturists
It should be noted that during the course of this study other researchers within
barramundi (Palmer et al. 1992, Rimmer 1996). The technique of intensive larval
Australia are grown extensively in brackishwater (about 18-25 ppt salinity) larval
rearing ponds. The ponds are stocked with 1-2 day old larvae, and harvested 20-25
days later at which time the fry are about 25-35 mm TL (Rimmer 1996). The fry are
then transferred to nurseries for weaning onto artificial diets prior to further grow-
out, or stocked into impoundments and rivers for fisheries enhancement purposes
(Russell and Rimmer 1997). The use of brackishwater larval rearing ponds has
greatly reduced the costs associated with fry production, and contributed significantly
One of the overall aims of the barramundi rearing studies undertaken by the QDPI
has been to provide fish for stocking of water impoundments and rivers for
spawning of captive broodstock (Garrett and Connell 1991, Garrett and O'Brien
1994), larval rearing (Rimmer 1996) and juvenile rearing (this thesis) have been
documented and taken up by industry. Juvenile barramundi are now available for
Stocking to enhance fisheries can be in closed systems (e.g. natural lakes, freshwater
impoundments) or open systems (e.g. rivers, estuaries or the sea). In both systems,
size at stocking on survival. Obviously, the larger the fish at the time of stocking the
more expensive it is to produce, so management agencies are keen to stock fish at the
smallest size possible while still getting satisfactory post-stocking survival. Many
agencies maintain that the larger fish show better survival, which is certainly evident
Lundqvist et al. 1994, Yamashita et al. 1994, Hoff and Newman 1995, Leber 1995).
On the other hand, Willett (1996) showed that post-stocking survival of silver perch
Even in cases where larger fish show better survival, there is still a trade-off between
present study. Size groups were distinguished by stocking at different times. Fry 10
Melanotaenia splendida which was observed at the time of stocking. However, fish
when monitored 6-12 months after stocking (A. Hogan, Freshwater Fisheries and
system, the Johnstone River, in north Queensland. The aims are to determine the
optimal stocking strategy with respect to size and release site, and whether stocked
barramundi enhances the recreational fishery (Russell 1995). The tagging system
being used is micro-wire tags injected into the cheek musculature, which has been
shown to be the most suitable technique for physically marking multiple batches of
barramundi (Russell and Hales 1992). Analyses of data for three years of stocking
indicated that the size of fish at stocking (30-40 mm TL and 50-60 mm TL) did not
affect survival (Russell and Rimmer 1997). Furthermore, estuarine, freshwater and
Chapter 8. Synthesis 172
upper tidal habitats all appear to be suitable locations for stocking, although more
data are required to determine if any one site is superior (Russell and Rimmer 1997).
The use of circulus spacing as an innate tag to distinguish different batches or stocks
of fish proved reliable for barramundi, as it has for many other species (see Chapter
7). Its application with barramundi is, however, limited to fish smaller than 350 mm
TL, as beyond that size the scales are too thick and pigmented to be reliably read
to evaluate the use of pancreatin for cleaning barramundi scales. This was not done
in the present study, as Australian quarantine authorities currently prohibit the import
of pancreatin because of its porcine origin (D. Willett, Southern Fisheries Centre,
particularly useful for a range of other Australian freshwater and marine fish which
have small scales as adults. These include silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus, golden
perch Macquaria ambigua (Willett 1995), summer whiting (Sillago ciliata) and
become more prominent given the initial success of stockings with barramundi in
Chapter 8. Synthesis 173
northern Queensland (Russell 1995, Russell and Rimmer 1997), and the increasing
Chapter 8. Synthesis 174
Table 8.1 Tabulation of the contribution of the major elements of this thesis to management, biology of barramundi and ecological
theory, and aspects of future research requirements.
Management Biology of barramundi Ecological theory Future research
Chapters 1-2
Nile perch in Lake Victoria provides a Graphic example of predation being Sustainability of fishery in Lake Victoria — will
stark example of ecological impacts the primary agent responsible for biomass reduction result in a significant
resulting from introduction of exotic extinction of a large number of species decrease in Nile perch catches?
fish; multitude of flow-on effects; socio- and reduction in faunal biodiversity
economics complex Preservation and rehabilitation of endangered
species — maintenance of biodiversity
Chapters 3 6 -
Feeding behaviour and diet influences Feeding behaviour and diet of juvenile For new species, feeding behaviour and diet
the optimum size for weaning barramundi (10-50 mm TL) changes (under laboratory, pond and/or natural
barramundi onto artificial diets with size, with a major switch from conditions) should be an integral part of
roving zooplanktivore to lurking aquaculture research
predator at 16-18 mm TL
Chapter 8. Synthesis 175
Management of dragonfly predation Feeding behaviour indicated that Innate behavioural response of Documentation of the impact of dragonfly
necessary for freshwater pond rearing – escape response not developed until barramundi (marine spawner) and predation in pond rearing of freshwater fish
need to stock fish at 16 mm TL and/or approx 16 mm TL; this confirmed in sooty grunter (freshwater spawner) to larvae, and development of control methods
minimise period between filling and trials testing susceptibility to predation dragonfly nymphs – lack of
stocking pond. by dragonfly nymphs recognition and recognition
respectively of a predator
Gut passage rate changes with feed Barramundi fry shift from numbers Define optimum frequency for feeding grow-
availability and size of fry maximisers to energy maximisers as out barramundi, including potential for
they grow – inter-relationship between compensatory growth (i.e. increased food
biology and environment consumption and growth rate following a
period of no feeding)
Diel feeding patterns have implication Diel feeding patterns — juvenile Define diurnal activity rhythms for all size
for management of feeding regimes on barramundi feed throughout the day, ranges of farmed barramundi
farms, and possibly lighting in indoor peak intake in the evening, cease
production systems feeding in darkness Is food assimilation efficiency increased at
night in barramundi?
Chapter 7
Circulus spacing provides a mechanism Pattern of circulus spacing near the Influence of size at stocking on survival
for recognising separate stocks of origin of scales is determined by the
barramundi released into common water natal rearing environment Contribution of stocked fish to fishery
bodies — but technique presently only
applicable to barramundi smaller than Carrying capacity of recipient waters
350 mm TL
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Appendices 206
associated with two or more different management techniques. It takes into account
only the costs which differ, thus it is not an estimate of the total costs associated with
the technique (in the present case, it is not an estimate of the total costs of fingerling
For the purposes of the comparison, it was assumed that both management regimes
size 31 mm TL, from five batches of fish (ie., 106 000 fish per run) during one
breeding season. All biological estimates relating to growth rates, feeding rates and
mortalities were derived from data in Chapters 3 and 6. Operational costs (feed,
labour and enrichment diets) and fixed costs (capital items and depreciation rates)
barramundi farmers.
A list of the costs associated with each weaning regime is given in Table A1.
delaying weaning until the barramundi fry are about 17 mm TL. Under the scenario
assumed in this comparison, there is a saving of approximately $70 000 per annum in
Table Al. An estimate of costs associated with producing 530 000 barramundi
per season, with fry being weaned onto dry, formulated diets at either
13 mm or 17 mm TL.
Fixed Costs
Administration 0 0
Electricity 0 0
Sundry fuel & oil 0 0
Permanent hired labour 0 0
Repairs and maintenance 0 0
Depreciation 247 56
Other 0 0
17mm fish, 8% mortality through weaning plus 2.5% mortality during 13-17 mm Artemia
feeding stage.
Therefore (530 000 x 100/92) = 576 087 fry required at initiation of weaning.
Assuming fish die at 17 mm, value of mortalities through weaning = (576 087 x 8/100 x 0.17)
= $7835.
Appendices 208
At the start of the 13-17 mm growing period, required (576 087 x 100/97.5) = 590 828.
Assuming fish die at 13 mm, value of mortalities = (590 828 x 2.5/100 x 0.13) = $1920.
Published Papers
This Appendix contains copies of four papers which have been published based on
Barlow, C.G. and Lisle, A. 1987. Biology of Nile perch Lates niloticus
Barlow, C.G. and Gregg, B.A. 1991. Use of circuli spacing on scales to discriminate
Barlow, C.G., Rodgers, L.J., Palmer, P.J. and Longhurst, C.J. 1993. Feeding habits
Barlow, C.G., Pearce, M.G., Rodgers, L.J. and Clayton, P. 1995. Effects of