Cebu Technological University: Republic of The Philippines
Cebu Technological University: Republic of The Philippines
Cebu Technological University: Republic of The Philippines
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Ed 216
First Semester, A.Y.: 2019 - 2020
Mission of the University : The University shall primarily provide advanced professional and technical instruction for special purposes, advanced studies in industrial
RA No. 9744 trade, agriculture, fishery, forestry, aeronautics and land-based programs, arts and sciences, health sciences, information technology and
other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of
Goals of the College : 1. To train and develop highly competent teachers in their field of specialization who will meet the manpower needs in their respective
2. To produce researches who can address the needs for the improvement of instruction, extension and production.
3. To prepare graduates to become responsible community extension workers and be effective agents of change for a better quality of life.
Program Goals : The BSEd degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary
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Program Outcomes : The minimum standards for the BSEd degree program are expressed in the following set of learning outcomes:
A. Common to all programs in all types of school
The graduates have the ability to:
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor)
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor)
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
Course Description : This is a course that focuses on the principles, development and utilization of conventional assessment to improve the teaching-learning
process. It emphasizes on the use of assessment of, as, and for, in measuring knowledge, comprehension and other thinking ski lls in the
cognitive, psychomotor or affective domains. It allows students to go through the standard steps in test construction and development and the
application in grading systems.
Course Learning 1. Compare and contrast the terms measurements, assessment, testing and evaluation (PO 1,6,7)
Outcomes 2. Articulate the various roles of assessment to learners, teachers, parents and other stakeholders (PO 1,7,8)
3. Manifest learning outcomes with the appropriate assessment method (PO 2,4)
4. Describe evidences of validity and reliability in teacher-made tests (PO 2,3,6)
5. Describe how testing can be made more practical and efficient (PO 2,6)
6. Develop recommended actions to observe ethical standards in testing (PO 4,6,7)
7. Develop a Table of Specifications (TOS) aligned with the specified learning outcomes (PO 4,5,7)
8. Select and construct appropriate test items and tasks for classroom assessment (PO1,2)
9. Enhance procedures for improving classroom-based assessment test (PO4, 5)
10. Develop a meaningful definition to test results using norm-referenced and criterion-referenced interpretations (PO 2,4,6,7)
11. Describe the utilization of assessment results to monitor students learning process and achievements (PO 3,4,8)
12. Describe the nature, purpose and use of large-scale student assessment (PO 1, 2, 4)
13. Describe the development process of a large-scale assessment test (PO 1, 4, 7)
Course Content:
Teaching & Learning Learning Time Remarks/
Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks Contents References
Activity Resource Allocation Evaluation
Discuss the University’s and the Oral Recitation on the Discuss the importance CTU/COEd Mission, Vision Posters of CTU CTU Manual 1
College’s Vision, Mission and VMGO of CTU and the adherence of and Goals VMGO hour
Goals. COEd Philosophy, University’s VMGO Student handbook
Mission and Goals CTU Manual
Relate the Vision, Mission and Making an essay on the
Goals of the College and the relation of VMGO to Multi-media
University to the course. their respective degree presentations
Point out the relevant
relationship of the VMGO to
their degree program.
Compare and contrast Students classify Interactive lecturing I. Nature and Roles of Power Point De Guzman, E. and 3
measurements, assessment assessments and Assessment Presentation Adamos, J. (2015). hours
and evaluation (CLO 1) different categories Assigned Reading A. Concept and Relevance Assessment of
of Assessment Video Clips Learning I. Adriana
Assessment scenarios Learning Partner 1. Measurement, Testing, News Article Publishing Company,
Assessment and QC.
Concept Clarification Evaluation Reference Book Heritage, M. (2010).
1.1 Measurement Internet Formative
Analogies and 1.2 Testing Resource Assessment: Making It
Metaphors 1.3 Types of Test Happen in the Classroom
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Utaberta, N. and
Hassanpour, B.
(2012). Aligning
Assessment with
Learning Outcomes.
Internet Sources:
Chappius, J Stinggins,
R., Chappius, S. and
Arter, J. (2012).
Assessment for
Student Learning:
Doing It Right, Doing It
Well, 2nd ed.
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Describe evidences of validity Scenario Based / Lecture Forum Validity and Reliability De Guzman, E. and
and reliability in teacher-made Problem Solving Books Adamos, J. (2015). 3
tests (CLO 4) Learning: Work – along Activities 1. Validity Assessment of hours
1.1 Sources Learning I. Adriana
Reflective Lecturing of Internet sources Publishing Company,
Informatio QC.
n Multi-media and
• Content-related hypermedia McMillan, J. (2007).
evidence presentations Classroom
• Criterion-related Assessment: Principle
evidence Videos or and Practice for
• Construct-related Effective Standards-
evidence based Instruction, 4th
1.2 Unified Concept ed.
of Validity
1.3 Validity of Miller, M., Linn, R, and
Assessment Gronlound, N. (2009)
Methods Measurement and
1.4 Threats of Assessment in
Validity Teaching, 10th Ed.
New Jersey: Pearson
2. Reliability Education, Inc.
2.1 Types of
Reliability Airasian, P. and
• Stability Miranda, H. (2011).
• Equivalence The Role of
• Internal Assessment in the
Consistency Revised Taxonomy.
• Scorer or Rater
Consistency Internet Source:
CIzek. G.J., Germuth,
• Decision
A.A., &Schmid, L.
2.2 Measurement
2.3 Reliability of
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Describe how testing can be Scenario-based/ Reflective Lecturing Practicality and Efficiency Books De Guzman, E. and
made more practical and Problem Solving 1. Familiarity with the Adamos, J. (2015).
efficient (CLO 5) Learning: Restructuring Inquiry Method Assessment of
2. Time Required Internet sources Learning I. Adriana
Teacher provides Collaborative Learning 3. Ease in Publishing Company,
scenarios or problems Administration Multi-media and QC.
for students to solve Selection Reasoning 4. Ease of Scoring hypermedia 3
after being taught. 5. Ease of presentations
They provide Assessment Scenarios Interpretation McMillan, J. (2007).
suggestions or 6. Cost Videos or Classroom
recommendations. documentaries Assessment: Principle
and Practice for
Effective Standards-
based Instruction, 4th
CHEd (2014)
Handbook on
Typology, Outcomes-
Based Education, and
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5. Constructing
a. Binary-choice
b. Multiple choice
c. Matching
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Utilization of Assessment Books Guzman, E. and hours
Provide meaning to test results Scenario-based/ Lecture –Demonstration
Data Adamos, J. (2015).
using norm referenced and Problem Solving
1. Types of Test Assessment of
criterion-referenced Learning: Restructuring Inquiry
Scores Internet sources Learning I. Adriana
interpretation (CLO 10)
1.1 Raw and Publishing Company,
Students analyze Frames of Reference
Percentage Multi-media and QC.
situations and provide
Scores hypermedia
explanations for their Comparison and
1.2 Percentile Rank presentations Kubiszyn, T. and
answers. Contrast
1.3 Standard Scores Borich, G. (2010).
2. Types of Test Videos or Educational Testing
Conversion and
Scores documentaries and Measurement:
Interpretation of Scores
Interpretation Classroom
2.1 Norm- Management
referenced Application and
2.2 Criterion- Practice.
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Course Requirements:
1. Develop learning objectives/outcomes
2. Construct the different types of test
3. Construct the Table of Specification
4. Answer the exercises prepared
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