Plant-Growth Experiment: 15. Brief Version of The Case Study

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15. Brief Version of the Case Study

15.1 Problem Formulation

15.2 Experiment Design
15.3 Data Collection
15.4 Displaying Data
15.5 Two-Way ANOVA
15.6 Summary

15.1 Problem Formulation

In the following study, you will be involved in the experiment of growing a plant of your
choice. The experiment is designed such that the data can be collected with reasonably
inexpensive measuring equipment. The data will be analyzed using SPSS. The
experiment can be carried out in a team.

Your task is to examine and estimate the effects of seed type and amount of water on the
growth of a particular type of plant. You will have to design the experiment, collect the
data, enter the data into SPSS, carry out the statistical analysis, and formulate your

The plant-growth experiment will be performed in several versions, and you will see that
the statistical model used depends heavily on how the experiment was carried out. In
particular, we will consider the experiment when data for some of the factor-level
combinations are not available (the plants did not shoot up). Moreover, various outcomes
of the experiment will be discussed.

You will need 20 small flowerpots with identification tags, potting soil, seeds for three
varieties of the same vegetable, meter stick, planting trowel, 1/4-cup measure, and a
bucket of water.

After the data are collected, you will answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of seed variety on the plant growth? Does it appear that plants
obtained from one seed variety tend to grow faster than the other plants regardless
of the watering system used?

2. Which watering system contributes the most to the growth of the plants?

3. Is there any interaction between seed variety and watering system in their effect
on the plant growth? How strong is the interaction?
15.2 Experiment Design

Plant growth is affected by several factors such as seed variety, amount of water, soil
type, amount of light, temperature, humidity, and other. The factors are displayed in the
diagram below.

Seed Variety

Amount of Water

Soil Type
Plant Height
Amount of Light



You will use two variables in the experiment: seed variety and amount of water. These
variables are the factors in the experiment.

Seed Variety
Plant Height
Amount of Water

The seed factor will be three varieties of the same type of plant, and its levels will be
denoted by 1, 2, and 3. Write the names of these three varieties in the table below.

Factor Level Description

Seed 2
Water 2
Now you should decide on four reasonable watering plans. An example of possible
water-factor levels is:

Level 1 of water is 1/3 cup once a week.

Level 2 of water is 1/2 cup once a week.
Level 3 of water is 1/3 cup twice a week.
Level 4 of water is 1/2 cup twice a week.

Write your four levels of the water factor in the above table.

This experiment has two factors: seed (with three levels) and the amount of water (with
four levels). This creates 3 x 4 = 12 factor-level combinations, as represented by the cells
in the following table. The twelve combinations will be denoted by the letters A,..., L.

Symbol Levels General Description Detailed Description

A (1,1) Seed variety 1 and water level 1
B (1,2) Seed variety 1 and water level 2
C (1,3) Seed variety 1 and water level 3
D (1,4) Seed variety 1 and water level 4
E (2,1) Seed variety 2 and water level 1
F (2,2) Seed variety 2 and water level 2
G (2,3) Seed variety 2 and water level 3
H (2,4) Seed variety 2 and water level 4
I (3,1) Seed variety 3 and water level 1
J (3,2) Seed variety 3 and water level 2
K (3,3) Seed variety 3 and water level 3
L (3,4) Seed variety 3 and water level 4

Your task will be to determine which of these twelve combinations produces the largest
plants. As 24 pots are available, we shall have 2 pots for each treatment combination.

This is an example of a two-factor experiment with replication.

Seed type and water level are two factors affecting the growth of the plants that can be
controlled. However, some of the other factors cannot be controlled. For example, we
cannot control the amount of light coming through the window. The ideal situation would
be for all 24 plants to receive the same amount of light, so any differences in plant growth
will be due to the two controlled factors of water and seed variety.

To minimize the effect of uncontrollable factors, it is very important that the levels of the
factors are assigned at random to the experimental units, the pots, in the study.
Randomization is a technique for assigning treatment combinations to experimental units
(in this case, pots). We will use randomization to decide the arrangement of the 24 pots in
the window. Randomization gives each of the 24 pots an equal chance to be chosen to
each of the 12 treatments.
In the first step of randomization, it is necessary to assign labels to the experimental
units. Two digits are needed to label each of the 24 pots, so we use labels 01, 02, 03, ...,

01 02 03 22 23 24

We assign the 24 pots to the twelve treatments, so that each treatment combination will
be assigned randomly to exactly two pots.

Treatment Combination Treatment Number

A (1,1) 1
B (1,2) 2
C (1,3) 3
D (1,4) 4
E (2,1) 5
F (2,2) 6
G (2,3) 7
H (2,4) 8
I (3,1) 9
J (3,2) 10
K (3,3) 11
L (3,4) 12

Now obtain a long sequence of random numbers between 1 and 12. The sequence can be
obtained either from the table of random numbers (numbers different from the integers
between 1 and 12 are disregarded) or by random number generation feature in the
statistical software (integer uniform distribution with possible values between 1 and 12).

The first number in the sequence will assign a treatment combination to the first pot.
Continue using the numbers until all the 24 pots have been assigned a treatment
combination. Remember that each treatment is to be used only twice. That is, after two 1s
have appeared, skip over the remaining 1s. Use the figure below to record the treatment-
combination assignments as they are determined.

Pot Number Treatment Number Random Numbers

1 7 7
2 4 4
3 11 11
4 8 8
5 10 10

22 1 1
23 12 12
24 8 8
When you are finished, you should have 24 pots labelled as two 1s (A s), two 2s (B
s),…,two 12s (L s). The random assignment of the experimental units (24 pots) to the
treatment combinations is now complete.

15.3 Data Collection

We are now ready to plant the seeds. For each pot, make sure the proper treatment
combination is being used. Label each pot with an identification tag that indicates the
seed type and watering plan. Also, to minimize the effect of the uncontrollable factors,
make the amount of soil and the position of the seed with regard to depth and distance
from edge of pot as consistent as possible. Use a balance the measure the amount of soil
used and meter stick to measure depth and distance.

Set the pots in their locations. You should make sure that all 24 plants receive
approximately the same amount of light.

Water your plants according to the treatment combination assigned. Do not deviate from
your set watering schemes, even if the plants do not appear healthy.

Straighten out the plant

before the height
measurement is taken

Think about how height will be measured and stick with that rule. For example, if your
plant is of the droopy variety, then you might choose to straighten out the plant before the
height measurement is taken. If so, you should do this every time the height is measured.

Our collected data in millimeters are displayed in the table below:

HEIGHT 1 2 3 4
1 35 38 41 45
37 38 39 43
SEED 2 31 39 44 47
33 37 40 45
3 38 34 39 46
38 36 37 44
We will store our data in an SPSS worksheet with the three variables: seed, water, and
height. These data are available in the SPSS file plant1.sav located on the FTP server in
the Stat337 directory.

The following is a description of the variables in the data file:

Column Name of Variable Description of Variable

1 SEED Seed Variety (an integer from 1 to 3)

2 WATER Water level (an integer from 1 to 4)
3 HEIGHT Height of plant (in millimeters)

15.4 Displaying Data

We will visualize the effects of seed type and watering plan on the plant growth by
obtaining the plot of factor-level means versus watering plan by seed type.

SPSS produces the following line chart of mean height versus watering plan by seed type:

Plot of Mean Height vs. Watering Plan




Mean Height




30 3.00
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00


The lines in the graph are obtained by connecting the factor-level means for the four
water levels. The plot indicates that the mean height increases with the water level for the
seed type 1 and 2. On the other hand, the mean height decreased slightly from water level
1 to level 2 and increased sharply at water levels 2 and 3. The growth rate is uneven for
different combinations of seed type and amount of water. The graph indicates a lack of
additivity (interaction) between the means for the different seeds when taken across the
water levels.

The seed 2 produces the shortest plants under the watering plan 1 but it surpasses the
other seeds under the watering plans 2, 3, and 4. It looks that the plants obtained from the
seed need more water than the other plants.
The seed 3 does not perform well under the watering plan 2 and 3, somehow increasing
the frequency of watering and amount of water does not produce higher plants in this

The strongest interaction effect is shown for the water level 1 with seeds 2 and 3. This
corresponds to the point where the above graph displays the greatest degree of non-

15.5 Two-Way Analysis of Variance

The plant-growth experiment is an example of a factorial experiment. A factorial

experiment consists of several factors (seed, water) which are set at different levels, and a
response variable (plant height). The purpose of the experiment is to assess the impact of
different combinations of the levels of seed and water on plant height. Analysis of
variance allows us to test the null hypothesis that seed and water have no impact on plant

The General Factorial Procedure available in SPSS 8.0 provides regression analysis and
analysis of variance for one dependent variable by one or more factors or variables. The
SPSS data file used for this study is available in the SPSS file plant1.sav located on the
FTP server in the Stat337 directory. To produce the output for your data, select SPSS
Instructions in the problem menu now. Here, we will display and analyze the output for
our data.

Analysis of variance allows us to test the null hypothesis that seed and water have no
impact on plant height. There are four sources of variation in the experiment: the main
effects of Seed and Water, the interaction effect, and the error variation. Corresponding to
these four sources, there are three null hypotheses that may be tested:

1. H0: No main effect of Seed

2. H0: No main effect of Water
3. H0: No interaction effect between Seed and Water

The GLM General Factorial procedure in SPSS produces the following output for the
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: HEIGHT

Type III
Sum of Mean
Source Squares df Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 393.333a 11 35.758 16.503 .000
Intercept 37130.667 1 37130.667 17137.231 .000
SEED 1.333 2 .667 .308 .741
WATER 324.000 3 108.000 49.846 .000
SEED * WATER 68.000 6 11.333 5.231 .007
Error 26.000 12 2.167
Total 37550.000 24
Corrected Total 419.333 23
a. R Squared = .938 (Adjusted R Squared = .881)

The table contains rows for the components of the model that contribute to the variation
in the dependent variable. The row labeled Corrected Model contains values that can be
attributed to the regression model, aside from the intercept. The sources of variation are
identified as Seed, Water, Seed*Water, and Error. Error displays the component
attributable to the residuals, or the unexplained variation. Total shows the sum of squares
of all values of the dependent variable. Corrected Total (sum of squared deviations from
the mean) is the sum of the component due to the model and the component due to the

According to the output the model sum of squares is 393.333 and the error sum of
squares is 26.000. The total sum of squares (corrected total) is 419.333. Notice a very
small contribution of error term in the total sum of squares. The p-value of the F-test for
the model is reported as zero indicating a sufficient evidence of an effect of at least one
of the factors on the plant height.

The sum of squares for the seed factor is estimated to be only 1.333, an extremely small
value compared to the total sum of squares. The p-value of the F-test is reported as 0.741,
indicating a sufficient evidence of no effect of seed type on the plant height. Indeed, in all
graphical displays and numerical summaries we found the plant seed not affected by the
seed type.

The sum of squares due to water is 324.000, a very large contribution in the total sum of
squares of 419.333. The value of the F-statistic is 49.846 with the corresponding reported
p-value of zero. Water main effects are highly statistically significant.

The p-value of the interaction term Seed*Water is equal to 0.007, indicating a strong
evidence of an interaction between the two factors. Thus, in further analysis, the water
effect should be compared at each level of seed.

To further explore the interaction effects, we examine the table of estimated marginal
means and the profile plot of the same values displayed below.

Dependent Variable: HEIGHT

95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
SEED WATER Mean Std. Error Bound Bound
1.00 1.00 36.000 1.041 33.732 38.268
2.00 38.000 1.041 35.732 40.268
3.00 40.000 1.041 37.732 42.268
4.00 44.000 1.041 41.732 46.268
2.00 1.00 32.000 1.041 29.732 34.268
2.00 38.000 1.041 35.732 40.268
3.00 42.000 1.041 39.732 44.268
4.00 46.000 1.041 43.732 48.268
3.00 1.00 38.000 1.041 35.732 40.268
2.00 35.000 1.041 32.732 37.268
3.00 38.000 1.041 35.732 40.268
4.00 45.000 1.041 42.732 47.268

The combination of seed 2 and water level 4 produces the highest plants. The
combination of seed 2 and water level 1 produces the lowest plants. The pooled estimate
of the standard deviation is 1.041.

Now we examine the interaction effects with a profile plot. A profile plot is a line plot in
which each point indicates the estimated marginal mean of a dependent variable at one
level of a factor. The plot for our data is displayed below.

Estimated Marginal Means of HEIGHT




Estimated Marginal Means



30 3.00
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

The above graph has already been displayed and discussed in Section 15.4. The graph
indicates a lack of additivity (interaction) between the means for the different seeds when
taken across the water levels.

The strongest interaction effect is shown for the water level 1 with seeds 2 and 3. This
corresponds to the point where the above graph displays the greatest degree of non-

Since the hypothesis for main effects for water was strongly rejected, multiple
comparisons might be considered for the means of the levels of the factor. The following
SPSS output obtained with the GLM model shows the results of the multiple comparisons
with the Tukey HSD procedure.
Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: HEIGHT

Tukey HSD

Mean 95% Confidence Interval

Difference Lower Upper
(I) WATER (J) WATER (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Bound
1.00 2.00 -1.6667 .850 .255 -4.1898 .8564
3.00 -4.6667* .850 .001 -7.1898 -2.1436
4.00 -9.6667* .850 .000 -12.1898 -7.1436
2.00 1.00 1.6667 .850 .255 -.8564 4.1898
3.00 -3.0000* .850 .019 -5.5231 -.4769
4.00 -8.0000* .850 .000 -10.5231 -5.4769
3.00 1.00 4.6667* .850 .001 2.1436 7.1898
2.00 3.0000* .850 .019 .4769 5.5231
4.00 -5.0000* .850 .000 -7.5231 -2.4769
4.00 1.00 9.6667* .850 .000 7.1436 12.1898
2.00 8.0000* .850 .000 5.4769 10.5231
3.00 5.0000* .850 .000 2.4769 7.5231
Based on observed means.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

The above table shows significant differences in water main effects on the plant height
across the water levels. As you can see, there are significant differences in the water main
effects for any pair of water levels except for the levels 1 and 2.

15.6 Summary

The plant-growth experiment is an example of a factorial experiment. A factorial

experiment consists of several factors (seed, water) which are set at different levels, and a
response variable (plant height). The purpose of the experiment is to assess the impact of
different combinations of the levels of seed and water on plant height. Analysis of
variance allows us to test the null hypothesis that seed and water have no impact on plant
The General Factorial Procedure available in SPSS 8.0 provides regression analysis and
analysis of variance for one dependent variable by one or more factors or variables. The
p-value of the F-test for the model is reported as zero indicating a sufficient evidence of
an effect of at least one of the factors on the plant height.

The p-value of the F-test for the seed factor is reported as 0.741, indicating a sufficient
evidence of no effect of seed type on the plant height. Indeed, in all graphical displays
and numerical summaries we found the plant seed not affected by the seed type. The p-
value of the F-test for the water factor is reported as zero. Thus, water main effects are
highly statistically significant. The p-value of the interaction term Seed*Water is equal to
0.007, indicating a strong evidence of an interaction between the two factors.

The combination of seed 2 and water level 4 produces the highest plants. The
combination of seed 2 and water level 1 produces the lowest plants.

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