Specific Sliding of The Trochoidal Gearing Pump

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12th International Conference on

Serbian Tribology Faculty of Mechanical
Society Engineering in Kragujevac
Kragujevac, Serbia, 11 – 13 May 2011


Lozica Ivanoviü 1, Danica Josifoviü1, Andreja Iliü1, Blaža Stojanoviü1
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac, Serbia,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

Abstract: In the paper is given the method to determination of the gear geometrical dimensions at the
gerotor pump on the base of the specific sliding equality in the point with the greatest sliding velocity. The
gerotor pumps are the rotated pumps with internal trochoidal gearing. The pump working process is
followed with mechanical losses as a consequence of the wearing between the surfaces of the meshing tooth
profiles. To reduce these unwanted effects and taking out the gear active tooth surfaces wearing is necessary
to realize minimum of the film oil between contact surfaces. Minimum oil film thickness is in function from
the numerous different factors and in this paper are analyzed only geometrical and kinematical
characteristics of the meshing tooth profile surfaces. At first are defined the geometrical and functional
working limits for the gears. It is developed the mathematical model in form of the parameter equations
which is following the change of the relative velocities in contact, sliding velocity, rolling velocity and
specific sliding of the gear tooth profiles in the contact point. They are defined the conditions for the equality
of the specific sliding in the critical contact points. To the observed geometrical-kinematical model of the
gerotor pump is developed the computer program and on the base of the obtained results are chosen the
values of the parameters to the realisation of the concrete teeth pairs of the gerotor pump with the better
tribological characteristics.

Keywords: gerotor pump, trochoidal gearing, sliding velocity, specific sliding.

1. INTRODUCTION In the present time are using most often the

gears with involute gearing that besides the great
The basic components of the most contemporary technical and economical advances has also many
machines are gears and oft their quality defined the deficiencies. The main deficiency is the relative
life time and reliability of machine. The often small carrying capacity of the tooth flanks and the
causes of the functional incorrectness at the gear great contact stresses and it comes to the crease of
pairs are different types of the toot flanks wear. the efficiency coefficient. The good base to the
From this point of view is very important that to the solutions of the most problems of the gear pair is
exploitation and technological demands it is giving trochoidal gearing. Using this gearing in
necessary to be chosen corresponding gearing contemporary constructions can be supplied the
profile at the applied gears, which would be most basic functional characteristics: needed efficiency
suitable to its construction form taking into coefficient and working life with minimum weight
consideration contact stresses and tooth flanks and dimensions. Also at the trochoidal gearing is
wear. To reduce these unwanted effects and taking realised in the same time contact of the all tooth
out the gear active tooth surfaces wearing is with them can be attained better caring capacity.
necessary to realize minimum of the film oil In the last time engineers and researches
between contact surfaces. Minimum oil film indicated the great interesting to the development
thickness is in function from the numerous different and application of the trochoidal form. The most
factors and in this paper are analyzed only known examples of the trochoidal profiles
geometrical and kinematical characteristics of the application are: rotated pumps, rotated motors,
meshing tooth profile surfaces. rotated compressors, expanders and cycloreducers.
250 12th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’11
Ansdale and Lokley have done the equations This analyze will be done on the base of the
that defined geometry of trochoidal profile, used in geometrical relations given in the Figure 2.
construction of Wankel motor [1]. Litvin is applied Aproximated
the gearing theory for generating cycloidal gearing envelope
[2]. Maiti has given the detailed analyze of yt
geometrical, kinematical and functionality Contact line yf
o o
vta vrt vora
characteristics of rotated machines with the gerotor o
o vpa v
o o o
vnt =vna=vn
Modified d vp t
mechanism [3]. Beard and other authors Modified trochoide D x1
investigated the kinematical and geometrical
relations between the gear and the cutting tool G
during the profile generation process is the same o
v o
P{P t{P a z
Wa vWt
relation [4]. Mancò and other authors are developed rs
the computer method for generating gerotor y1 xt
r fa I
lubricating pump [5]. zI
it Mt Ma
The existing construction solution on the ra o
Oa o
e Ot {O f C xf
Za o

lubrication pump gears is given in Fig.1. The main o

Za (ott)
k rt
part of the gerotor pump is a gear pair which is za zt E
assembled to the main shaft by a gear key. The
pump body has fluid outlets which are connected to Figure 2. Geometrical and kinematical parameters of the
pump suction line and delivery line. The cover is on trochoidal gear pair
the front side. Both gears rotate counterclockwise.
Starting of equations that defined coordinates of
During the gear rotation the inlet chambers are in
the contact point P in coordinate system of
the area where the teeth are coming out from the
tooth space and the outlet chambers where they are
coming in contact in the teeth space. xt e cos zI  Oz cos I  rc cos I  G
, (1)
Outlet yt e sin zI  Oz sin I  rc sin I  G

by them į is leaning angle defined to the following
Delivery area form:
chamber volume
Input shaft
External gear sin z  1 I
G arctan . (2)
Maximum O  cos z  1 I
chamber volume
Inlet Pressure relief
valve To be realized meshing gear regulation of the
trochoidal tooth pairs is necessary to be filled
numerous geometrical and kinematical conditions.
Internal gear
Inlet area In this part of paper are analyzed the conditions that
come to the appearance undercutting and
Figure 1. The scheme of the pump model
interference of tooth profiles.
The functional characteristics of the pump are Criteria for the choice of equidistant radius, to
significantly influenced by the gear pair parameters. eliminate the phenomenon of tooth profile
This paper will analyze the influence of geometrical undercutting is
and kinematical parameters of the gear pair profile
on the pump functional characteristics and their
influence on the specific sliding.
§ 3 · 2
cz ¨ ¸ O  1 z  1 ,
© z 1¹


where c is equidistante coeficient c=r c /e , and
condition for elimination of interference of
At the pump projection is given usually neighboring tooth profiles of external gear is given
constructive parameters: eccentricity e, teeth
number of the external gear z and radius of the root S
c d zO sin . (4)
circle of the external gear r fa of the mashing z
envelope (Fig.2). it is necessary to be defined the To be realized the regular meshing of the
limit value of the radius r c which at the given value convex profile part of the modified trochoide in the
trochoid coefficient O, does not come to the root area of the meshing envelope that is
undercutting and interference of the toot profile >..@.
12th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’11 251
& & &
approximated with circular arc, it is necessary to be vta v pt  v pa . (10)
filled condition for:
The angular frequency of the internal and
rs ! r fa , (5) &
external gear are defined with the vectors Zt and
by them is Za . To determination of the relative moving
& &
r fa e Oz  2  rc . (6) velocity vta vector Za is coming through the
parallel moving in the point O t >2@. As the result of
Taking in coefficient S fa r fa e from equation reduction is obtained vector Za (Ot ) , which is acting
(6) can be defined radius of the equidistance in in the point O t , and the vector moment is defined
form the following vector equation:
c Oz  2  S fa . (7) & & &
ma(t ) e u Z a , (11)
To be got correct manufacturing and montage it by them is e radius vector of point trough which is
is needed that r s is less than d eOz and can be &
acting vector Za in the coordinate system Ot xt yt zt
expressed with following condition: (Fig. 2), which can be written in the form:
c ! 2. (8) & & &
e e cos Mt it  e sin M t jt . (12)
The value of the radius equidistance for the
given constructive parameters is chosen from Transfer velocity vectors of the point P t can be
interval done in form of relation:
& & &
cmin  c  cmax , (9) it jt kt
& & & & &
v pt Zt u rt 0 0 Zt  yt Zt it  xt Zt jt . (13)
by them is taken for cmin more value from the
xt yt 0
values obtained to the formulae (7) and (8), and for
cmax is taken less value from the values obtained to & & &
the formulae (3) and (4), by them are it , jt , kt unit vectors of the coordinate
Starting from analytical relations realized for system of the trochoide Ot xt yt zt .
given geometrical limits can be defined domain of Transfer velocity vectors of the point P a can be
the practical application analyzed geometrical shown in the form:
parameters for the internal gear pairs with modified & t & & & &
trochoidal gearing. v pa Za (Ot ) u rt  e u Z a
& & & & & &
it jt kt it jt kt
0 0 Za   e cos Mt e sin M t 0 .(14)
To the kinematical analyzes of the meshing xt yt 0 0 0 Za
profiles is considerate the complex moving of the & &
 yt  e sin Mt Za it  xt  e cos Mt Za jt
point P t on the internal gear profile and the point P a
on the external gear profile. There is supposition According to, the vector of the profile sliding of
that is contact in some moment at the points P t and the internal in relation to external gear, to the
P a in the point P on the contact line, as is shown in equation (10), in coordinate system of trochoide
the Figure 2. For the correct meshing and their can be given in the form of vector equation:
continuality is necessary to be realized the
& ­ rc ½ &
condition about equality of the absolute velocities vta t ® e sin zI  O sin I  sin I  G ¾Zt it
of the meshing profiles in the contact point as also ¯ z ¿
. (15)
their components in the common normal direction. ­ rc ½ &
 ®e cos zI  O cos I  cos I  G ¾Zt jt
From gearing theory it is known that only ¯ z ¿
centroide can realize rolling without sliding.
According to, profile sliding is inevitable because Intensity of the profile sliding velocity in the
they are formed with the curves which are different contact point is:
of centroide. The sliding velocity of the meshing
& ­° 1
c ½°
profiles vta in the observed contact point is the vr
vta 2
® 1  O  2O cos E
2  ¾eZt , (16)
z °¿
velocity of the contact point at the relative profile °̄
moving and it is defined with the difference at the
transfer velocity vectors, regard to where

252 12th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’11

E z  1 I . (17) velocities are in agreement, and where are not in
agreement – negative.
Except the sliding velocity for the analyzing of
the phenomenon of wear significant is the summary 4.1 Conditions for the uniform teeth wear
rolling velocity [5]. Intensity of summary rolling
velocity can be written in the form: Influence of geometrical and kinematical
1 parameters on the sliding value and intensity of the
­° ½
v6 2
® 1  O  2O cos E 2 
1  2G c °¾eZt ,(18) teeth profile wear is analyzing through the specific
°̄ °¿ profile sliding >7@, >8@. The aim of constructer is
that with the corresponding choice of geometrical
where parameters can be realized the uniform wear of the
z  1 1  O cos E . meshing gear teeth in the meshing process. From
Gc (19) this aspect is necessary that it is realized equality of
1  O2  2O cos E the specific sliding in the points with the greatest of
The formulae to determination the specific the pitch point of the relative velocities. Starting
sliding of the meshing profiles in the contact point from the formulae (20) and (21), taking in also (19),
can be defined on the base of the obtained comes that for the given values of the teeth number
equations. z and coefficient of trochoide O the uniform wear of
the tooth profile can be realized when is filled
4. SPECIFIC PROFILE SLIDING condition about equality of the relative velocities,
in regard to, when is chosen value of the coefficient
The sliding existence in the sliding in the of equidistant radius equal:
meshing profiles process comes to their wear by 3
that the sliding velocities define the friction forces
z 1  O  2O cos E
. (22)
direction and intensity which take effect on the
O  1  2 z 1  O cos E
meshing profiles of the gears. By them the friction
force is in direction opposite to the relative motion This condition can be written for the points with
velocity in the contact point. So the direction of the the greatest sliding velocity, and they are the points
sliding velocity vta is in agreement with the on the top of the trochoide profile (E=0), in the
direction of the friction force which take effect on form:
the profile of the external gear profile, but the
direction of vat is the same the direction of the z 1  O 2
c . (23)
2z  O  1
friction force on the trochoidal profile >12].
It is necessary to know, at the analysis of the
meshing profiles sliding, except the sliding velocity
in the contact point also its distribution of their 5. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES
change in relation to corresponding relative
velocity of the contact point. Specific sliding is
On the base of the realized analyze as result of
relation between the sliding velocity and relative
the developed methodology for the identification of
velocity of the contact point of the meshing profiles
the optimal geometrical parameters of the
>7]. After the substitution of the corresponding trochoidal pump [9], are proposed the solutions
formulae for the velocities is obtained finally with the parameter which are given in the Table 1.
formulae for the specific sliding on the tooth profile
of the internal gear: Tabela 1. Parameters of various pump models
1 Pump Number of pump chambers

z 1  O  2O cos E 2 c
, (20)
parameters z=6 z=5
1 Trochoid
z 1  O  2O cos E
2  c 1  G c coefficient, O
1.375 1.575 1.675 1.85

and analogical for external gear: radius 2.75 3.95 4.55 3.75
coefficient, c

z 1  O  2O cos E 2 c
. (21) In the Fig. 3 are given alternative solutions of the
cG c
gear pairs.
Specific sliding is positive on the profile point,
where the directions of sliding and relative

12th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’11 253

eZt z O c
1 6 1.375 2.75
2 6 1.575 3.95 1
8 3 6 1.675 4.55
4 5 1.850 3.75
6 4
(a) (b) 4

90 180 270 Eq 360

Figure 5. Summary rolling velocity v 6 of the contact

point of trochoidal profiles for different teeth number z,
(c) (d) values of the trochoid coefficient O and coefficient of
Figure 3. Alternative solutions of the gear pairs equidistant radius c
theoretical profiles: a) GP-850, b) GP-375, c) GP-575 On the base given graphical interpretation
(commercial) and d) GP-675 obtained results can be defined the following
This part will present some of the results of the conclusions:
kinematical analysis of trochoidal gearing on the x At the model with z=6 the sliding velocity
concrete examples of gear pairs of the investigated v r monoton decrease from maximal (on the
pump models. top), is equal zero in the moment when the
In the Figure 4 are shown diagrams of the profile are in contact in pitch point abd by
sliding velocity v r and in the Figure 5 summary them comes to the sign change;
rolling profile velocity v 6 in relation of the angle E. x At the model with z=5 the sliding velocity
Because that the trochoide is cyclical curve with the v r monoton decrease from maximal (on the
symmetrical branches, by them is one half top) to the minimal value (in the root of the
generated in angular interval 0” E ”S, that is mean profile);
that the obtained diagrams give the clear picture x Summary rolling velocity v 6 has
about distribution of the velocity changing along aproximate constant value, near zero (on
the profile, by them for the top of the trochoidal the convex part of the profile), and after
profile is corresponding angle E=0, and in the root that abruptly increases to the maximal
E=S. value (in the root of the concave part of the
__ 8 6
eZt 2.5 z O c z c
z O c [t 1 6 1.375 2.75
1 6 1.375 2.75 2 6 1.575 3.95 [a 1 6 1.375 2.75
3 6 1.675 4.55 2 6 1.575 3.95
2 6 1.575 3.95 3 6
2.0 3 6 1.675 4.55
4 5 1.850 3.75 1.675 4.55

6 4 4 5 1.850 3.75
4 5 1.850 3.75

4  2
90 Eq 180
2 0
90 180 270 Eq 360 

Figure 4. Sliding velocity v r of the contact point of

trochoidal profiles for different teeth number z, values of 0
90 Eq 180
the trochoid coefficient O and coefficient of equidistant
radius c
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Comparative diagrams of specific sliding of
trochoid profiles

254 12th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’11

[t z=5 [t z=6
[a O=1.85 [a O=1.375 In this paper are defined the limits at the profile
c=3.75 c=2.75
generating to the aim to establish domains of the
6 6
practical application of the geometrical parameters
of the gear pair. From this aspect are considered
conditions that come to appear of undercutting and
4 4
interference of the profile as at their manufacturing
[t so that in the process of meshing.
[t In the paper is given a analysis of the
2 2 kinematical parameters of the trochoidal gearing.
[a There are defined the formulae to calculation of the
sliding and rolling velocities in the contact points of
0 0 the meshing profiles. The paper also gives a
90 Eq 180 90 Eq 180 analysis of specific sliding at the contact points of
the meshing profiles, as well as the relations for its
(a) model with five (b) optimal model determination. In the choice of the geometrical
chambers parameters of the conditions for appearing friction
and wear of the contact gear surface specific sliding
8 8
[t z=6 [t z=6 is one of the more important limiting factors. Based
[a O=1.575 [a O=1.675 on mutual relations of the sliding and rolling
c=3.95 c=4.55 velocities values, conclusions can be made about
6 6
the changing of the friction conditions during the
meshing of profiles.
Except that, in this paper is shown that with the
4 [t 4 corresponding choice of the geometrical parameters
can be realized the equality of the specific sliding in
the points with the greatest sliding velocity, in
2 2 regard to, from the kinematical aspect, ensured the
uniform teeth wear of the meshing gears in the
[a [a process of the meshing profiles.
The developed kinematical model is most
0 0
90 Eq 180 90 Eq 180 helpful in designing, contact and stress analyzing,
manufacturing and optimizing internal trochoidal
(c) commercial model (d) comparative model gear pairs.
Figure 7. Diagrams of specific sliding trochoid profiles
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256 12th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’11

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