The Starting of Turbine Engines in Helicopters

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Benjamin Liff
Powerplant Group Leader
Robert B. Bossier, Jr.
Chief of Mechanical Systems Research
Kaman Aerospace Corporation
Bloomfield, Connecticut


MAY t972


NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017

Benjamin Liff
Powerplant Gzoup Leader
Robert B. Bossier, Jr.
Chief of mechanical Systems Research
Remen Aerospace Corporation
Bloomfield, Connecticut

Abstract The gas turbine, on the other hand,

requires very high rpm, hence high power,
The starting of turbine engines in to drive its compressor at a speed which
helicopters is discussed in tezms of over- will supply enough air under pressure to
all starting systems weight and service support combustion in the burners, assuming
behavior. A method is described of using fuel has been added. After ignition has
engine specification information to cal- begun, the starter must continue to drive
culate the starting power which must be the engine until the engine reaches a self-
supplied by the engine user. Electric sustaining speed from which it can accel-
starting systems are discussed including erate to ground idle. If the starter were
the relationship among the engine, starter cut off when ignition first takes place,
and battery systems and some system limita- the engine would decelerate because it
tions. Calculated starting power is shown could not produce enough energy to sustain
for 15 current and 3 projected engines. rotation during the initial phase of the
Starting system design as affected by starting cycle. If too much fuel is added
engine design, starter and battery char- in proportion to the compressed air, the
acteristics, and minimum expected tempera- engine temperature limits can be exceeded.
ture is discussed. Starting system weight If too little fuel is added, a power
vs starting power is given, indicating deficiency can cause the engine to hang up
gains to be made by a rational coherent or stall.
approach. Some design problems which in-
fluence starting systems are described Pigure 1 illustrates a good start
briefly, including a design alternative to (Curves A B), a hot start caused by too
a battery, arbitrary constraints on much fuel (Curves A and C), a hot start
starting system optimization, and require- accompanied by compressor stall (Curves C
ments for definition of engine starting and D), and a hung or stalled start caused
behavior. It is concluded that the systems by too little fuel (Curves E and P).
approach provides the only efficient
philosophy for improving the starting of
turbine engines in helicopters. Suggested
guidelines are given.

The principle of starting a gas tur- l'
bine is quite different from that of / A

starting a piston engine, even though the /

combustion principle is essentially the /
saom. In both cases, engine starting is / OAE
initiated by igniting a combustible mix-
ture. However, proper combustion pressure Cosfafssoo oml
can be developed in the cylinde~ of a VENOUS TWE
piston engine at very low rpm by the posi-
tive displacement piston. No additional
assistance fzom the starter is required
after ignition takes place in all or most ~TAUTEN IONITION STAOTEO WAXIMIW

of the cylinders. The engine will continue

to run and deliver power as long as ig-
nition and fuel are supplied to the





Presente at t e t Annu Natzona rum

of the American Helicopter Society, Nay
Startin Power Estimation Electric Startin S stems
The power required for the turbine Helicopter starting systems are
starter is calculated from the starting usually electric or hydraulic. In the past,
torque-speed curves in the engine specifi- consideration was given to air impingement,
cations. A typical engine-specification pneumatic and cartridge starting systems,
drag-torque curve is shown in Pigure 2, as but the problems of weight, complexity or
Curve A. Curve B is developed by extending reliability inherent in these systems have
restricted to special applications.
The electric starter in conjunction
with the aircraft battery provides the
simplest and lightest system for heli-
k copters, because the battery is usually
QR necessary for other functions, such as for
lights and communications when the rotor is
not turning. It is also the simplest self-
contained system, with the capability of
«~ providing not only immediate restarts but
e eaIII multiple restarts. Drawbacks to the elec-
~4 tric starter/battery system include
e P4 BL'
ge II accepting a low temperature limit on
g 4
e battery-powered starts, and accommodating
al both low power from weak batteries and high
Rl %44
power from stiff external ground-cart power.
Also, the number of starting attempts is
Electrical starting system analysis
must compare battery and starter capabili-
the slope of Curve A past Minimum Firing ties with the encrine starting torque and
Speed until the extended curve reaches speed requirements. relationship
The among
Maximum Firing Speed. This establishes the these three separate systems (battery,
maximum drag-torque point. Curve B is com- starter and engine) can be seen on Figure
pleted by connection of the maximwn drag- 3. Pigure 3 shows torque vs speed
torque point to Curve A at the maximum
starter cut-off speed. These curves set up
the drag-torque versus speed requirements
for starting the engine. The starting
system must supply torque in excess of the Tp
engine drag-torque at all speeds. The ex- ~4

cess of supply torque over drag torque AVAILASLE FROM

accelerates the engine to gmund idle E SATTESMS A'T N F
within a specified starting time, as is 4I
discussed later. A postulated supply e
torque versus speed relationship which
starts the engine within the minimum
starting time is shown on Figure 2 as e NS AMIS
Curve C. The actual supply torque versus E
speed curve will be defined by the selected REOUIREO TO START ENRIRE AT NAF, CURVE S
starting system and will vary from Curve C.
Curve C can be drawn by using a 25 percent
margin over the maximum drag-torque point


as a reasonable first approximation of the
maximum supply torque, which is constant
from zero to Maximum Firing Speed, then de-
creases to zero at Maximum Starter Cut-off characteristics at 594F for a typical
Speed. Each point on Curves A, B and C electric starter actor as a function of
defines a torque at speed combination, electrical power supplied anywhere within
which is nest conveniently described by the specified voltage and ampere grid. The
converting torque at speed to horsepower. torque which will be delivered by this
The highest power often occurs at speeds starter at various speeds is determined by
higher than Maximum Firing Speed,
with a torque less than maximum.
e. ,
i. the voltage and current available from the
helicopter battery. The voltage available
power is calculated for various torque at at various current discharge levels from a
speed points on Curve C of Figure 2, candidate battery must be measured at the
seeking the maximum. The maximum calcula- starter terminals and include line and
ted horsepower is used as the tentative relay contact losses fmm the battery loca-
starting horsepower for that particular tion in the helicopter. The available
engine. voltages at various current levels measured
with a typical battery are shown super-
imposed on the voltace-current grid of the
starter in Figure 3. The engine starting or stall. One solution to the marginal
torque-speed characteristics taken from . start problem is to use a geared speed re
Curve B of Figure 2 are also superimposed ducez between the starter and the engine.
on Figure 3. It
will be seen that this The speed reducer matches the engine speed
candidate starter-battery combination has for maximum power required with the starter
excess supply torque at all speeds, as it speed for maximum power available. A
must if the engine is to be started. second solution to the marginal start prob-
lem is to use two smaller battezies in
Next itis necessary to determine series for starting and in parallel for
whether the excess supply torque is suffi- other helicopter duty. The increase in
cient to start the engine within the re- starting capability with series .connection
quired starting time. The starting time, is illustrated in Figure 4.
t, is found as the sum of a series of
increomntal times tl, t2, t3. .tn. The
total starting speed range is divided into
specific increments of speed, such as a AN
of 21 radians/second (200 rpm). The TWO SS POSNO NICAO
average excess supply torque, AT, within OATTESIES IN SESIES
eC(ch speed increment is measured, CTI, AT2,
Y)T3. . .AT n'. The polar mass moment of
inertia of the engine, J, is given in the
engine specification. The time required N POONO NICAO
for each increment, is i JAN/ATi, 2i' where P'

ti is in seconds, J is in slug-ft , AN is
in radians/second and AT i is in pound-feet. ' ES POONO SICAO
The total time, t t
'tl + t2 + 3 + TI

must be less than a specified starting

time. Candidate batteries and starters for
a specific engine are evaluated by this
procedure over an appropriate temperature


range. When a starter battery combination

is selected which meets the various require.
nants, the voltage-current curve available Starting horsepower over 15 is not
from the batteries can be converted to feasible with a single standard battery, in
torque-speed available from the starter the authors' opinion. Either a larc)er
and compared to Curve C. The actual battery, more batteries, or a small aux-
starter torque-speed output is converted iliary engine (APU) must be carried on
to horsepower and the maximum horsepower board the helicopter to supply the re-
found. The maximum horsepower is the quired starting power.
common term for rating starting power.
In addition, the starting power level
The electric starter and battery which requires an APU may also require a
system is limited by presently available hydraulic starting system, rather than
hardware to starting systems requiring 10 electrical. The hydraulic starting system,
horsepower or less, in the opinion of the as a minimum, will i.nclude a hydraulic
authors. In the range of starting horse- pump, Iootor, accumulator and controls. If
power from 10 to 15 HP, the electric an APU and hydraulic system are basic to
starter-battery combination is marginal in the aircraft, as may be the case with
the author's opinion, especially since the larqe multi-enqine helicopters, the higher
Military Specification battery does not power starting system carries no great
provide consistently satisfactory starts weight penalty. However, the APU and hy-
with certain starter/engine combinations. draulic startinq systems add complexity,
Techniques such as interruption of starting weight and cost.
fuel or manual actuation of air bleed
valves may be necessary to get engine
speeds to the self-sustaining point without
danger of over-temperature, cold hang-up,
Re uired Startin Power

Figure 5 gives the starting horse- Starting power difference for engines
oower requirement of engines from 300 to lin the same power class can be the result
5000 HP, and includes 15 existing engines of basic engine arrangement. As an example,
and 3 pro]ected engines. There is a a so-called two-spool engine has a rel-
qenerally random pattern of starting power atively small high"pressure compressor
versus enccine size. driven by one turbine and a larger low-
pressure compressor driven by another
turbine. The startez drives only the
small compressor and turbine, which is
relatively easy, and does not require much
starter power. To start a single-spool
. engine, the starter must drive and accel-
~ erate the complete compressor and qas
generator turbine assembly, which iequires
H much higher. starting power. The usual
es16 argument in favor of a single-spool engine
e SATTEHY POWEO NAOOINAL is that it is less complex than a two-
spool engine. The arqument may not be
s 10 valid if the starting requirements are
included. If external power is not
allowed, and if the starting power for the
o p
single spool engine is more than a battery
can supply, an APU must be provided as
IN-NS GN-ISN IIN-1400 IEN-ENO EGN-NSO noted previously, increasing weight, cost
ENGINE HP ZEASS and maintenance beyond that found with the
FIOUHE 6. STAOTING HPe. ENGINE HP more complex engine. In our opinion, an
aircraft with a two-spool engine and no
Some of the starting power calcula- APU will be lighter, cheaper, and should
tions are not based on actual installation be more reliable and maintainable than an
designs. A required supply torque and aircraft with a single spool engine and an
speed relationship was estimated for some APU. This is one example of how engine
engines, essentially reproducing Curve C design can penalize the aircraft system in
of Figure 2 for those cases. Maximum which it
is used.
starting horsepower alona Curve C was then
found as described previously. Because of
the estimated nature of some of the data,
the maximum calculated starting horsepower
As shown on Figure
to at least 5000 HP need not require
to start at 59'F.
5, some engines
for all engines is rounded off to the
nearest half horsepower. Startinq Ca abilitv
Fiqure 5 leads to the conclusion that Both the battery and the electric
the enccine startincr system has had very starter could be improved by advanced tech-
little consistent influence, if any, on nology and by a design approach aimed at
the lightest starting system in the air-
engine design. As shown below, this lack
of influence can cause an installed engine- craft. Both the battery and the electric
system weight penalty. starter represent desiqn practice which is
frozen by the military specifications which
There are three factors indicated on the battery and starter must meet for the
Figure 5 which control an electrical lowest possible price. unfortunately, the
startincI system design. The three factors Mil Spec does not define battezy perform-
are: ance adequately for the short-term/high-
current/low-temperature region of interest
~ Required starting power - controlled in starting applications. What the de-
by engine design signer requires is curves of battery ter-
minal voltage versus current at various
~ Starting capability — controlled by temperatures fz'om standard day down to
battery and starter characteristics, -30'F. The currents
measured should zange
and from zero to sufficiently high to encom-
pass the current experienced during
~ Application-controlled by range of starting, i.
e. , 700 amps or more. Also,
there is a lack of recocInition of the
ambient starting temperature ex-
pected for the design mission effect of actual battery characteristics
on the starting motor, especially for the
The discussion below treats these three low-voltage and low-current situation
factors briefly, and indicates where with a weak battery. In other words, usinq
potential improvement can be made. two batteries in a cold climate might not
be necessary with a starter designed to
operate with a weak battery. Conversely, start capability is not feasible at -65 F,
battezv design could be based on the Icw and if an APU is not othezwise required,
temperature/high current/short .time re- there may be ample justification for
quirements for starting in cold weather. selecting a design low temperature other
The advanced technologv battery/starter
system miclht be slightly heavier than the
h -66' d~l'W capability
' 1*' 6 6'k.
The design low temperature
present system, but would provide greatly for battery powered startincr is a matter of
increased dependability in service, and judgment and opinion. The Air Force has
would be considerably lighter than an demonstrated a battery powered start on the
extra battery or an APU. Figure 6 shows Remen HH-43B helicopter with the entire
the variation in engine starting time aircraft, including the engine and the
found with three different starter genera- battery, cold-soaked at -45 P. One company
tors, each usincl an identical power source. prefers -20'F as the lowest feasible limit,
while another uses -25'F. Ouz somewhat
arbitzary suggested limit is -30'F as a
I goal for advanced technology design. A
MLS design point of -304F appears adequate for
SENERATOR / / operation in tropic, sub-tropic, and tem-
HN AHFI perate zones.
NLO. / To sum up, engine design can reduce
GENERATOR :the starting power required, advanced tech-
nology could increase starting capability,
~I lO.
and a careful systems tradeoff study of
STARTER the application would modify the starting
SENEAATOA ~system which must be supplied.
6 lf1h
ARTS Normally, the helicopter will have a
battery for basic electrical needs, which
makes the electric starting system the
lightest. When startinc horsepower require-
ments dictate the need for additional or
Pigure 6 indicates the wide variation larger batteries or an APU and hydraulic
in starting performance of present-day starting system, an additional weight
starter generators. The 50-pound starter' penalty will be incurred. Starting horse-
generator is of more recent design than power establishes startincl system weight.
the other two. Informal discussions with Sozm case histories of cuzrent helicopter
battery and electric starter suppliers starting system weights are presented
leads to .the judgment that the present graphically in Figure 7, which also indi-
marcrinal electric start band, 10 to 15 HP, cates general transition zones.
could be raised to 15 to 20 HP. Thus,
while engine design could reduce the
starting problem, advanced technology could AFU, HYORAULIC STARTER V
improve the starting capability. Sm
Igzll 1
Some discussion is in order also on
the low temperature starting requizement
currently in use, specifically -65 F. As

mo 4

can be seen from Figure 5, starting power f IEO

at -'65'P can be almost double starting
power at 594F. A Hil Spec battery at -65'F 6 IN
has no practical starting capability. Thus SATTERY. ELECTRIC STARTER
a requirement for self-contained starting "N
at -65'P can dictate installation of an ESTWATED ACHIEVASLE ZONE
APU. The aiz'craft must carry the penalty 6000 HF AT OOVF
in weight, cost, and cczRplexity for a Capa- IO EO N
bility which may never be used by any SHRINE STARTINS HORSEFOWER
there is nothing unusual about making spe"
cial preparation for man and machine when estimated achievable weight vs
exposure to severe cold is anticipated. An
The special preparations could well include power zone for starting engines up to 5000
an APU for cold weather starting only. HP at -30'F is superzimpOSed on Ficlure 7 ~
The estimated weights assume coherent
The weight, cost, and complexity gains systems management seeking the lightest
to be made by designing for a temperature weight combination of starting power re-
other then -65'F depend on the special quired, starting capability and realistic
situation. Because self-contained electric application requirements. The weight
saving potential would appear to be large.
Desicn Problems A Desi n to a Batter
There are many features of starting As in the previous situation, hydraulic and
system design, and of the interrelationship electric power can be required while the
of starting systems with other aircraft helicopter is on the ground under condi-
systems, where attention is warranted. we tions where the rotor cannot be driven by
have chosen to discuss briefly four of the main engines. A design alternative is
these features. Each has the potential of available to meet the requirement for
enhancing or degrading a helicopter design , auxiliary power without any battery on
with respect to weight, cost, reliability board. The main rotor drive system is de-
and maintainability. clutched from an auxiliary gearbox by which
the electric generators and hydraulic pumps
These features are: are normally driven. The APU is started by
a hydraulic starting motor which uses power
~ Design alternative to an APV stored in a hydraulic accumulator. The APU,
is then clutch connected to the auxiliary
~ Design alternative to a battery gearbox, thus supplying power to the air-
craft electric generators and hydraulic
~ Arbitrary constraints on starting pumps. The system is not light in weight,
system optimization as can be seen on Figure 7 where this
system is the heaveist shown, however, some
~ Required definition of engine weight and complexity is saved by elimina-
startinq behavioz tion of the aircraft battery.
A Desi Alternative to an APU Arbitra Constraints on Startin S stem
Power for auxiliary systems must be m 1a* tt
extracted from the rotor drive system so The engine design can force starting
that the auxiliary systems will always systems into unnecessary ovezweight.
function when the rotor is turning. How- Enaine
ever, an aircraft can be on the ground design could be optimized for the lowest
under conditions where it is not desirable weight of the engine plus starting system.
or feasible to drive the rotor and extract It appears possible to increase engine
power for auxiliary syStems from the rotor weight slightly and reduce engine plus
drive system. For example, hydraulic starting system weight substantially. A
power may be required for controls check- total system approach to turbine engines
out, winch operation or cargo manipulation. for helicopters would require engine re-
To meet this auxiliary power requirement, sponsibility for starting system weight.
the auxiliary system can be located on a Present practice of optimizing the engine
gearbox which is powered either by the alone and the starting system alone imooses
rotor drive system or by an APU, at the arbitrary constraints on starting system
option of the crew. It would appear that design. Some of the arbitrary constraints
an APU is mandatory in this case. However, on starter design imnosed bv this sub-
there is a design alternative to an APU optimising procedure include limits on
which has been used successfully. With
starter diameter, length, weight, over-
this design alternative, a main flight hanging moment and torque. In addition,
engine is de-clutched from the rotor drive starter pad location should be so designed
and so located that the helicopter designer
system and connected to the auxiliary gear- is not restricted to a single type of
box which supplies power for all systems starting system, which may not be compat-
needed for ground use. The auxiliary gear- ible with other aircraft systems. Con-
box is driven by the rotor drive system at sideration must be given to starter avail-
all times except for the ground-power-only ability and to starter accessibility.
mode. The main flight engine operates at Starter pad arrangement should preserve
a very low power level. The use of a main the helicopter design option of using a
flight engine as a ground-powez APU in- starter or a starter generator. The gen-
creases ground-power reliability if more erating capability adds weight to a starter
than one flight engine can be so used. as is indicated on Figure 7. However, the
It is felt that the use of flight starter generator may reduce aircraft
engines as a source of ground power can be weight overall. On a multi-engine heli-
a feasible alternative to the APV. Obvi- copter, it may increase reliability as well.
ously, it must be possible to start the This engine-mounted power source is an
flight engines without an APU. A choice alternate to the somewhat heavier and more
round about power route going from the
should be based on a trade-off study for engine throuch the transmission, AC genera-
each specific helicopter design. tors and converter to the DC bus. Other
limitations are electric starter design
compromises required for extreme tempera-
ture/altitude requirements. Helicopters
do not normally operate at 30, 000 feet.
Re uired Definition of the En ine Startin 2. Revise electric starter or starter/
Behavior generator specifications to be co-
ordinated with the new battery require-
Starting systems must be specified and ments described above, including a
defined as part of every new engine speci- margin for battery degradation. Make
fication. Current engine specifications a tradeoff in terms of overall starting
are inadequate in that the starting power system weight/cost/service considera-
curves do not reveal engine characteristics tions. Include starter compatibility
which may create starting problems. In for both external power and battery
addition to defining the drag-torque versus power.
speed curves, the engine manufacturer Establish realistic requirezmnts for
should define a starting system which will
start the engine within the specified time. self-contained starting systems,
These definitions should include a series especially for cold weather conditions.
of curves similar to those shown in Pigure Low temperature starting capability of
6 for various starter and power source
-65'P is a special case which requires
combinations, for temperatures of -304P, special treatment. In the general
O' F, 59'P and 125 P. In addition, when helicopter operating environzmnt, -304P '

using the battery as the power source, might be a much better choice.
these curves should show how successive
starts with both a fullv charged or 70 Develop starting systems concurrently
percent charged battery influence starting with the engine, including starter,
time and starting characteristics. The power source and controls.
starting system definition could well in-
clude selection of hardware, including 5. Include sample starter, power source
starter, battery or other power source, and temperature effects on engine
and controls. This starting system def- starting characteristics in the basic
inition should not prevent the helicopter engine specifications. Starting
designer from changing the system during torque-speed curves are necessary but
development to suit his particular applica- not sufficient.
Furnish starting systems with the
As an examoleof changing the starting engine, the same as fuel controls,
system during helicopter development, ignition systems and other systems
Kamsa was able to control hot starts and needed for engine operation.
get satisfactory starts by developing a
system for controlled interruption of 7. Consider both single and multi-engine
auxiliary fuel flow to the flow divider installations, as well as on-board
during the start cycle. The alternate systems that are in the helicopter.
route was to use a much bigger battery The starting pad geometry and location
with a consequent weight increase. The should not prevent the use of electric,
means of interrupting fuel flow could have hydraulic or pneumatic starting
been incorporated in the basic engine systems.
S. In an engine Request for Proposal,
Conclusions require tradeoff studies of the engine
plus the starting system as a factor
approach provides the only
The systems in the competitive evaluation of the
efficient philosophy for improving the engine proposal. 'The starting system
starting of turbine engines in helicopters. study should optimize the engine plus
Suggested guidelines are given below. The various starting systems in terms of
application of any or all of these guide- selected criteria specified in the
lines would enhance the benefit of ad- Request for Proposal, such as weight
vanced technology engines to the helicopter and cost.
user. The benefits include cost, re-
liability, maintainability and weight.
Revise battery specifications and MS
sheets to provide soecification def-
inition for battery performance for the
low-temperature region of interest in
starting applications. Show battery
terminal voltage versus current at
various temperatures from standard day
down to -30 P. The current range
should be from zero to engine-starting
values, i.e. , 700 amperes or more.

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