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Vehicle Scales

Load Cell
Unequalled Reliability
Highest Accuracy
Predictive Diagnostics
Proven Performance

Advanced Technology
Takes Reliability to a New Level
Vehicle Scales

Reliability to Protect Your Profits

POWERCELL PDX digital load cells protect your profits by ensuring that your vehicle scale
weighs accurately day in and day out. Their predictive diagnostics constantly monitor your
scale to give you peace of mind and reduced operating costs.

Unequalled Reliability 100% Protection

Every minute that your scale weighs against the forces that can eat into your profits
inaccurately or doesn’t weigh at
all costs you money. POWERCELL
load cells have withstood the
most extreme forces of nature for
more than 20 years. The new
POWERCELL PDX load cell takes
this reliability to a new level and Lightning
includes predictive diagnostics to
keep you continuously informed
about your scale’s performance: Snow and Ice Extreme
ƒ Weighing errors
ƒ Overloading
ƒ Environmental conditions
ƒ Network health
ƒ Load cell voltages
ƒ Enclosure integrity
Rust and Water and
With other load cell technologies,
Corrosion Flood
problems can go undetected for
long periods. Weighing errors add
up until a load cell fails and shuts
down your scale. The POWERCELL
PDX load cell eliminates these
concerns and gives you a proactive
way to keep your scale running:
Radio Rodents
ƒ Assuring you that your scale is Frequency
working properly. Interference
ƒ Alerting you to potential problems
so they can be prevented.
ƒ Pinpointing the source of a Physical
problem for quick intervention. Damage
We Didn’t Just Think Outside the Box
We Got Rid of the Box
Simplified Communication
POWERCELL PDX load cells con-
nect to one another in a simple net-
work, eliminating high-maintenance
junction boxes and costly total-
izers. In other systems, sensitive
electronics are located in junction
boxes, which are prone to failure
and hard to seal against moisture.
With POWERCELL PDX load cells,
POWERCELL PDX Digital Load Cell Network (No Junction Boxes)
electronic components are protected
inside the hermetically sealed load
cell enclosures.

Eliminating junction boxes eliminates a

common cause of scale failure. Conventional Load Cell Wiring (Junction Boxes Required)

Load Cell Cables

Load cell cables are often weak The quick-connect design makes
links in a network. POWERCELL it easy to replace individual load
PDX load cells use heavy-duty cells or cables. There is no need
cables protected by braided stain- to recalibrate the scale if a cable
less steel sheathing. The cables are is replaced. Analog load cells
designed to guarantee the integrity have integral cables, requiring the
of the weight signal, protecting replacement of both the load cell
against radio frequency interference Cable connections form a watertight seal
and cable if either is damaged. This
and damage caused by moisture, even when submersed. significantly increases repair costs
rodents, and machinery. and downtime.
POWERCELL PDX load cell cables
and connectors are watertight, ef-
fectively sealing the entire network
against moisture to IP68 standards
(submersible). The connectors use
the same robust, highly reliable
design found in the most harsh
and wet military and medical ap-
Double-shielded stainless steel cable and
submersible connector. plications, where performance is a
matter of life and death. POWERCELL PDX load cells have surpassed
rigorous testing for high-pressure spraying
and water submersion.
Complete Protection
Against Lightning Strikes
A lightning strike can put a vehicle in the cables, the load cell’s surge
Vehicle Scales

scale out of service in an instant. protection circuitry redirects the cur-

Lightning damage can be very rent to ground. All internal electronic
costly, requiring the replacement of components are fully protected from
unprotected electronic equipment. damage.
Even if a warranty covers repair
costs, you still face the cost of the Independently Tested
business you lose every day that The POWERCELL PDX load cell
your scale is not operating. offers real proof of its lightning pro-
tection capabilities. No other scale
StrikeShield™ Protection manufacturer has had its system as
METTLER TOLEDO provides com- thoroughly tested by independent
plete protection against lightning laboratories. The POWERCELL PDX
damage. StrikeShield lightning pro- load cell meets the toughest stan-
tection is designed to be the main dards for protection against light-
line of defense for your entire vehi- ning (International Electrotechnical
cle scale system: load cells, cables, Commission IEC 62305-1).
and terminals. It uses surge protec-
tors and a single-point ground to Don’t let a lightning strike shut
keep your scale up and running by down your operation. Guard
preventing electrical damage. your entire scale system against
damage with POWERCELL PDX POWERCELL PDX load cell under laboratory
Each POWERCELL PDX load cell load cells and StrikeShield lightning testing of a simulated lightning strike.
has its own built-in lightning pro- protection.
tection. If a voltage surge occurs

METTLER TOLEDO Weighs in the World’s Most Extreme Climates

Proven Performance
With nearly a million in service
worldwide, the METTLER TOLEDO
line of POWERCELL load cells has
demonstrated the ability to weigh
accurately while standing up to
the toughest environments and the
Antarctica Deserts most unforgiving climates. From the
frozen polar regions to the scorch-
ing heat of the desert and the wet
conditions of the tropics, POWER-
CELL load cells have a proven his-
tory of accurate and reliable weigh-
ing performance.

Siberia Tropics

Innovative Design
Delivers a Clear Advantage
The POWERCELL PDX digital load cell pro- cessor provides you with the most accurate
vides many advantages over conventional scale possible by continually adapting to
analog load cells, hydraulic load cells, sec- changing external factors such as tempera-
tional controllers, and digital junction boxes. ture, nonlinearity, hysteresis, voltage varia-
It has a robust design and innovative features tion, and scale creep. The built-in predictive
that take vehicle weighing to a new level of diagnostics capabilities are unequaled in the
reliability. The load cell’s on-board micropro- weighing industry.

Load Cell Receivers

Durable 17-4 PH
stainless steel upper and
lower receivers.

Rocker Column
Self-aligning suspension
with durable 17-4 PH
100% Stainless Steel stainless steel construction.
Heavy-duty, corrosion-
resistant construction.
Glass-to-Metal Connectors
Form submersible,
Built-in Diagnostics watertight seals quickly and
Monitors performance, easily.
detects problems, and
simplifies service.
Strong Weight Signal
Resists electromagnetic and
IP68/69K Enclosure radio frequency interference.
Watertight even when
submersed. Laser-Welded Enclosure
Hermetically sealed and
vacuum tested to ensure
long life.
Rubber Boot
Keeps debris from
affecting weighing

Lower Receiver
Simple anti-rotation design
keeps load cell in optimum

Profitability Protected
with Highest Weighing Accuracy
If you buy and sell goods by Internal/external influences: Accuracy Comparison:
Vehicle Scales

weight, the accuracy of your vehicle • Temperature POWERCELL vs. Analog Load Cells
scale is crucial to your profitability. • Voltage variation
Even vehicle scales that meet legal- • Non-linearity
for-trade requirements can make • Hysteresis
costly weighing errors. The more • Creep
vehicles you weigh, the more the • Instability
losses add up. • Zero change
• Sensitivity change
POWERCELL PDX load cells protect POWERCELL Load Cells
your profits by providing weighing Because analog load cells do not
accuracy you can count on. What effectively compensate for these
makes scales with POWERCELL influences, they produce a signifi-
PDX load cells more accurate? cant number of vehicle weighing
errors that exceed 60 lb / 30 kg.
Each POWERCELL PDX load cell
uses an on-board microprocessor POWERCELL PDX load cells main-
to monitor internal and external tain weighing accuracy by alerting Analog Load Cells
influences that affect weighing you to problems within the network.
accuracy. By compensating for If a problem occurs, it can be fixed Error 0-20 lb / 0-10 kg
changes in those influences, the quickly. With a conventional analog Error 40-60 lb / 20-30 kg
microprocessor enables each load load cell system, you never know Error >60 lb / >30 kg
cell to provide accurate weights in when a load cell or cable fails. The
This data is from randomly selected service
any environment. analog scale can provide inac- reports compiled for scales from many differ-
curate weights indefinitely, causing ent manufacturers.
you to lose money and customers.

Breach Detection
In addition to its heavy-duty,
hermetically sealed enclosure, the
POWERCELL PDX load cell pro-
vides a second level of protection
for its electronics. A built-in breach
detection system alerts you if the
enclosure is damaged by accidental
puncture or tampering.

The breach detection system allows

you to replace a load cell at the
first sign of trouble, before moisture
causes weighing errors or scale
failure. With conventional load
cells, a breached enclosure can go
undetected for months while weigh-
ing errors eat into your profits until
POWERCELL PDX load cells are ideal for upgrading existing scales to improve weighing the scale eventually fails.
performance and simplify maintenance.

Unmatched Value
The POWERCELL PDX load cell can be a real wild card. With its
offers a return on investment that exceptional reliability and advanced
no other load cell can match. When diagnostics, the POWERCELL PDX
evaluating any scale, look at its load cell virtually eliminates the
total cost of ownership: initial costs unplanned service costs that make
+ fixed costs + variable costs. other load cells a risky investment.
Your scale’s initial cost and regular It gives you unmatched value over
maintenance are easy to plan for, the life of your scale.
but the cost of unplanned service

Initial Costs ƒ Purchase price of scale

ƒ Installation cost
Fixed Costs ƒ Calibration and certification
ƒ Regular maintenance
Variable Costs ƒ Weighing errors
ƒ Downtime
ƒ Emergency maintenance
ƒ Premature replacement

POWERCELL PDX Loads Cells Outperform All Other Vehicle Scale Technologies

Technology Problems POWERCELL PDX Advantages

Analog Load Cell Weak analog signal: EMI/RFI causes weighing errors Strong digital signal provides accurate weighing
No compensation for many external factors, which On-board microprocessor continually compensates for
can lead to inaccurate weights external factors to achieve highest accuracy
No advanced diagnostics Predictive diagnostics
Moisture can penetrate integral cable, interfering with Quick-connect cable provides IP68 watertight connection
weak analog signal to load cell
Requires summing junction boxes that are hard to No junction boxes
seal and prone to failure

Digital Junction Box Weak analog signal between load cell and junction box Strong digital signal throughout entire scale network
or Sectional Controller Junction boxes not hermetically sealed No analog-to-digital converter boxes or gathering
Sensitive electronics located in junction box: cards required
Easily damaged by moisture Electronics protected in hermetically sealed load
cell enclosure

Hydraulic Load Cell Complex and expensive installation Simple and inexpensive installation
System Hydraulic fluid leaks cause weighing errors No hydraulic fluid to leak
Totalizer relies on weak analog signal Strong digital signal
Hydraulic system is difficult to troubleshoot Predictive diagnostics simplify troubleshooting
Slow system response time can delay truck processing Instant updates
Maintenance and repair are time-consuming Maintenance and repair are quick and easy

for Proactive Service

The POWERCELL PDX load cell

system is designed for proactive
service, alerting you to potential
problems before they occur. It helps
avoid problems and, if problems do
occur, enables service technicians
to make the right repairs the first
time and make them quickly. Diag-
nostics log files record performance
trends, allowing METTLER TOLEDO
to determine quickly if preventive or
repair service is required. With the
POWERCELL PDX load cell system, Quick-connect load cell cables are part
of the secure, sealed POWERCELL PDX
time-consuming troubleshooting network.
and parts swapping are replaced by

Features Benefits
Robust Design Prevents typical load cell system problems
Simplified Network No junction boxes to cause failures
Lightning Protection Prevents power-surge damage
Predictive Diagnostics Predicts faults to avoid repair expense
Double-Shielded Cables Prevents rodent or other costly damage
Breach Detection Warns of potential load cell failures
Quick-Connect Cables Rapid and secure connection/replacement
CAN bus Interface Fast, proven communication and monitoring
Converts Existing Scales Full advantages without expense of new scale

Proactive maintenance plans perfectly complement the POWERCELL PDX

load cell system to deliver unmatched reliability and longevity for your

For more information

Mettler-Toledo, Inc. Mettler-Toledo AG

1900 Polaris Parkway CH-8606 Griefensee
Columbus, Ohio 43240 USA Switzerland
Tel. +1-800-786-0038 Tel. +41 44 944 22 11
+1-614-438-4511 Fax +41 44 944 30 60
Fax +1-614-438-4900

Specifications subject to change without notice.

POWERCELL™ and PDX™ are trademarks of Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
Produced in a
© 2009 Mettler-Toledo, Inc. facility that is


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