BEC Vantage Practice File - : Answers and Marking Guidelines
BEC Vantage Practice File - : Answers and Marking Guidelines
BEC Vantage Practice File - : Answers and Marking Guidelines
Part 1: 1 E, 2 G, 3 A, 4 C, 5 F, 6 B, 7 D
Part 2: 1 G, 2 A, 3 D, 4 F, 5 B
Part 3: 1 B, 2 D, 3 C, 4 C, 5 A, 6 A
Part 4: 1 C, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 A, 7 A, 8 B, 9 B, 10 C, 11 B, 12 A, 13 B, 14 D, 15 B
Part 5: 1 the, 2 CORRECT, 3 some, 4 so, 5 for, 6 it, 7 so, 8 not, 9 CORRECT,
10 any, 11 out, 12 since
Total marks available = 45.
Part 1 (10 marks available): When marking, try to answer the following questions:
Has the task been completed in full? Is the email clearly laid out? Is the information presented
in a clear and concise way? Would the boss understand the situation? Is the email of an
appropriate length? Is the use of language appropriate? How accurate is the language? Could
any errors impede communication?
Part 2 (20 marks available): When marking, try to answer the following questions:
Has the task been completed in full? Is the letter clearly laid out, using the correct format? Is the
content effectively organized with use of paragraphing? Have the notes been expanded into full
sentences? Is the register appropriate? How accurate is the language? Could any errors impede
communication? Has the student shown an ability to form complex sentences? Has the student
used appropriate grammatical structures? Would the reader know what is expected of them?
Part 1: 1 Sales, 2 02/584, 3 by Friday, 4 sign it, 5 Training Direct, 6 hard drive,
7 look into, 8 by lunchtime, 9 AS Consulting, 10 560H, 11 (was) wrong, 12 details
Part 2: 1 C, 2 A, 3 E, 4 C, 5 E, 6 A, 7 D, 8 B, 9 D, 10 A
Part 3: 1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8 B
Total marks available = 30.
Based on the entire speaking section, try to answer the following questions in relation
to each student:
Does the student use an acceptable range of vocabulary and structures for this level? How
accurate is their use of language? Do any errors impede communication? Are the student’s
contributions relevant and complete? Are there any pronunciation issues and if so, do they
impede communication? Is the student able to interact effectively – taking turns, initiating
conversation, and responding appropriately?
Worth 25% of the total marks.