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KVIC Payroll User Manual

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Directorate of Information Technology

Page No
Preface 3


Chapter –1 Features of PAYROLL package 4


Chapter -2 How to start 5


Chapter-3 Employees List 7

Chapter-4 Payment Details
Chapter-5 Deduction/Recovery Details


Chapter-6 Reports 12


PART –VI FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)



This user manual explains how to use the Payroll System.

It shows you how to run this application on the web and how to
prepare your Monthly Data. It also explains how to generate
necessary reports from the system. The content of this user manual
is divided into five parts to include each and every details of the
package as well as the user interfaces for better understanding.

Part-I deals with important features of the system and the

benefits derived by using the system

Part –II explains how to start the system and stop the

Part-III elaborates on the process of data input which

involves different steps.

Part-IV gives a list of reports that can be generated from the

system after data entry.

Part – V deals with Frequently Asked Questions

Convention used in this manual:

i) Buttons are represented by the name of the button enclosed in the
curly brackets {}.

For example OK button is mentioned as {OK}

ii) Links are represented by „_______‟. For example, list of

employees link will be shown as follows
„List of Employees‟


Chapter –1

This is a web enabled software application developed by DIT

Team, based on the requirements of Director (ADM) for preparing
Paybill and related reports every month.

Features of this software application are

The paybill preparation is simplified to a great extent with the

help of user friendly forms in this software application.

Initially, minimum details of employees as available in the

existing database has been entered in the system This information
will have to be updated and completed in all respect.

All the field offices will be provided with a user name and
authentication password for operating the system which must
be kept confidentially by the concerned official.

Every month, after 20th, the data entry can be started.

The system can be accessed by computers with internet

connection from anywhere.

For generating the reports available in the system, Acrobat

Reader 6.0 (or its higher version) is required.

In the initial stage, for ensuring data integrity, there is no

provision made in the package for adding a new employee.
This task will be done by DIT on getting the details of such
employees through email.

On-line GPF Statement view facility is available

DA Arrears bills and Bonus bills can be generated

Benefits of the software application are

Does not require any lengthy installation process of the

Software application.

Field offices can generate basic reports like paybill, acquittance

roll, consolidated statement of payment and recoveries, various
recovery schedules etc.

A provision is made in the package to view the GPF balance of

employees in the field offices.

The services of clerical staff attending the paybill preparation

can be diversified for the other assignments as their
engagement in preparing the monthly paybill will be reduced

Separate reports for both staff and officers can be generated.



Getting Started

Chapter –2 How to Start:

Getting started with the software application is very simple like

other web enabled software application. Before getting connected to
the system, please ensure the availability of internet connection and
monthly data to be entered.

Double Click on Internet Explorer and type the following URL


A new page opens showing KVIC PAYROLL PACKAGE.

Click here to open

Log in Page open

Enter the correct user name and password issued in respect to

your office. Then the following page (i.e. Main Menu) opens with
the following three links –
i) Employee Details
ii) Reports Menu.
iii) Logout
User Name & Password are case sensitive, so while entering
the same, capital and small letters should be entered as such.

How to Exit: Click on the {Logout} button. And you will be

prompted whether you want to close the current page or not.
Click on {yes}. Now you are no more logged into the system.



Basically, in this part there are three modules namely Employee

Details, Payment Details and Deduction/Recovery Details.

Chapter –3 Employees List :

Click on „List of Employees‟, a page will be opened with details

of Employees in your office.

If there is no employee record found in Employee List, the

following details may be forwarded to the DIT through e-mail
i) PF Number
ii) Employee name

Note: -Only basic data of the Employees are included by DIT.

But before generating paybill, all the required
information about each and every employees
must be filled by the concerned offices.

Select an employee by clicking on the radio button given beside

employee id and then click on {view & update data} and the
following page opens with following three parts

i) Top portion displays Employee details.

ii) Left side displays Payment details and.
iii) Right side displays Deduction details.

i) Updating Employee Details

Click here to
update Employee
The following page opens

Do’s in this module:

 First read carefully all the fields in the above Employee Details
 Fill up all the information correctly.
 For not drawing the salary of an employee for any reason, click
on Stop Payment Yes/No Combo Box and select „Yes‟. Then
salary of the respective official for that month will not be
generated. This is to be used only when you want to
temporarily stop the payment for a short period.
 If an employee is Retired, Expired or Suspended then change
the Service Status accordingly and save the record. Then the
name of such employees will not be displayed in the employee
list any more.
 Any changes made to the details of the Employees, must be
saved by clicking on the {Save} and the
 {Cancel} is to come out from the current page to its previous
page at any moment without saving the record.
 Details of all employees must be completely filled up in all
 After updating all the records suitably, only those employees
working in the concerned offices must be shown in the
Employees list.

“Don’ts” in Employee Details Form:

 Don‟t leave mandatory fields (fields marked with red asterisk)

as blank
 Don‟t enter „Yes‟ in Stop payment field, in case of retired
employees. In such cases, their Service status should be
changed accordingly.


Chapter –4 Payment Details

Click here to Add Payments other

than DA, HRA, Grade Pay, TA,
HBA and Washing Allowance

Following page opens for adding a new payment

In this module, all types of special payments given to an employee

which are not included in the Employee Details are covered here.

HRA, DA, T.A. etc. will come automatically depending upon the city.

In order to enter the new payment details, Click on {Add New}

and for updating an existing payment click on update link, to open
the above page.

The following details are available in this form.

i) Employee Code: It will be displayed automatically.

ii) Payment Details: Select appropriate Code from Combo Box

to select a particular payment.

iii) Installment Amount: This is a numerical field which accepts

only numbers without commas. Enter the amount of
monthly payment to be made in this field.

iv) No. of Total Installment: This is total no. of installments if

the payment is to be made as installments. If it is not a
payment by installment, then leave this field blank.

v) Current Installment: This is the current installment number

which when entered once, will get automatically
incremented every month till it reaches total number of
installments. After reaching the total installment number, in
the next month, this particular payment will be removed
from the payment details automatically. If it is not a
payment by installment, then leave this field blank

vi) Stop Payment : If you want stop any payment in respect of

any employees, then change the Stop Payment to „YES‟

vii) Remarks: User can give any remarks pertaining to the

Payment here.
viii) For updating an existing payment, click on the „Update‟
Link and the same form opens for making suitable changes
in the data.
ix) After making necessary entries, save the record.

(Please Note : This module is not to be used for normal payments

like DA, TA, HRA, GP etc.
Payments like Personal Pay, Cashier Allowance etc. can be
entered in this module.


Chapter –5 Deduction / Recovery Details

Click here to Add new recovery

like Festival advance, PF advance,
computer advance etc.

All types of Recovery/Deduction of an employee which are not

included in the Employee Details are covered here.

In order to enter the new deduction details, Click on {Add New}

and for updating an existing deduction click on update link, the
following page opens.

The following information‟s are required in this form.

i) Employee Code: It will be displayed automatically.

ii)Deduction Details: Select an appropriate deduction head from
the given list by clicking on the small arrow at the right hand side
of the blank column.
iii) Installment Amount: This is a numerical field which accepts
only numbers without commas. Enter the amount of monthly
deduction to be made in this field.

iv)Total No. of Installments: This is the total no. of installments.

If it is not a deduction by installments, then leave this filed
v)Current Installment: This is the current installment which gets
incremented automatically every month. If it is not a deduction
by installments, then leave this field blank.
vi)Policy No.: This provision is for LIC Policy only, otherwise keep
it blank.
vii)Total Amount of Deduction: User has to enter actual amount of
the deduction every month.
viii) GIS Group Details : If any Group Insurance/CGEIS Scheme

deduction then user has to enter group code. (i.e. A, B, C, D)

ix) Ledger No.: This is in respect of GSLIC.
x) Stop Deduction :Particular Deduction can be stopped by
selecting stop Payment as „Yes‟. Otherwise select : „No‟

(Please Note : All Deductions will continue till the stop

deduction is set to “Yes”




Chapter –6 Reports

The parts of Main Menu related to Reports are as shown below:

Prerequisite: All the reports are viewed in .pdf format which requires
Adobe 6.0 or higher version installed in the user‟s computer. This is
a free software which can be downloaded and installed in your
computer from the following site


In the above form, the first three fields viz. month, year and
staff/Officer are mandatory for generating all reports except DA
arrear and Bonus reports. Once you enter these three values,
reports can be generated by clicking on the concerned buttons.

Note: If any new changes to the data is made, like adding a new
payment or new deduction , then Payslip is to be generated first
to before generating any other reports.




For further enquiries contact:

Director (I.T)
Khadi and V.I. Commission,
3, Irla Road, Vile Parle(W),
Mumbai-400 056

Tel. No:

Director I.T 022-26287397

D.I.T 022-26712087
KVIC Gen No.26716323/26714320 (Extn. 333)

e-Mail: [email protected]



F.A.Qs ( Frequently Asked Questions )

1. A new employee has been recruited and joins your office

Ans: Send the employee‟s name to this Directorate through email.

2. An employee is transferred and posted in another office

Ans: Select the employee from the list of employees and click on
the transfer button and a new form opens. Select the name
of the field office to where the employee is to be transferred
and click on save button.

3. A new deduction is to be added in respect an employee

Ans: Select the employee from the list of employees, click on
{view and update data} and a new page opens. Then on the
deduction / recoveries side, click on {Add New}. This will open
a new form for including a new deduction.

4. A new payment is to be added in respect an employee

Ans:Select the employee from the list of employees, click on
{view and update data} and a new page opens. Then on the
Payment side, click on {Add New}. This will open a new form
for including a new Payment.

5. An employee goes on leave without pay and his/her salary is

to be stopped for the time being.
Ans: select the particular employee from the list of employees and
set the Stop Payment status to „Yes‟.

6. Bonus and DA arrear updation.

Ans: Generate the concerned reports and note down the changes
to be made in the data. select the employees one by one and
click on {bonus} or {DA Arrears} respectively. New page opens
with options to add or update the payment details of that


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