2019 Spring Summer
2019 Spring Summer
2019 Spring Summer
Spring/Summer 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Course X News
MIT Chemical Engineering Alumni News
Cell-sized robots
can sense their
Michael Strano and colleagues have
created what may be the smallest
robots yet that can sense their
environment, store data, and even
carry out computational tasks.
Institute of
About ChemE
Table of Contents
MIT Chemical Engineering Alumni News
From the Department Head
Welcome to the Spring/Summer edition of XCurrents. Even though the snow just barely fully melted here in Cambridge,
you can sense a change in the air as the birds start to return, buds begin sprouting on the trees, and flip-flops once
again flourish among the student population.
There are many exciting things going on now in the department and on campus. One notable development to share: for
the first time in history, four out of the eight department heads in MIT’s School of Engineering will be women. Effective
July 1, my friend and colleague Angela Belcher will become the new head of the Biological Engineering Department,
joining Asu Ozdaglar of EECS, Evelyn Wang of MechE, and myself to round out the list. Angela is a remarkable
researcher, educator, and collaborator, and I look forward to her presence on Engineering Council as we work toward
continuing to provide the best research and educational opportunities for our students.
The Chemical Engineering Department itself is also working to help women in chemical engineering navigate academic
careers and increase the number of women who pursue faculty positions. Last fall, we hosted our first Rising Stars in
Chemical Engineering workshop, a two-day event where participants networked, presented research, and learned best
practices to become successful professors of chemical engineering.
My colleagues and I were immediately impressed with the caliber of these women, their research, and their talent.
Feedback from the event was very positive, and I welcome this and other opportunities to share lessons I’ve learned
from my own experiences; I know my colleagues feel the same way. Professors Karen Gleason ’82 SM ’82 and Klavs
Jensen headed the development of event, and we look forward to hosting more in the future. You can read more about
the October 2018 workshop on page 5. Also of note is the fact that our own graduate women have also formed a new
Graduate Women in ChemE organization led by two of our highly engaged students, Lisa Volpatti and Kara Rodby.
This group of women has already introduced programs and events that support our students and enhance the culture
of the Department.
You may have heard about the recent establishment of MIT’s Schwarzman College of Computing. Artificial intelligence
is a valuable tool and strong area of research in chemical engineering, and often overlooked when considering our
field. One of our professors and a presenter at the Rising Stars workshop, Heather Kulik, has been seminal in the
development of computational tools for chemical engineering (as you can see from her list of recent awards on page
8). Heather’s work in cheminformatics pioneers computational approaches to the near-infinite chemical space to greatly
accelerate identification and design of new chemicals. Also in the realm of computation, graduate student Conner Coley
is using machine-learning to reprogram the way pharmaceuticals are designed. For his work, he has been named one
of Forbes’s 30 Under 30, while Chemical and Engineering News named him the “Machine-Learning Maestro,” one of
their 2018 Talented Twelve.
Starting in 2019, we have added three new computational tracks to our flexible undergraduate degree, 10-ENG. With
options to focus on Engineering Computation, Process Data Analytics, or Manufacturing Design, our students will
have the tools to address the unique engineering challenges of today. Over one third of our faculty have computational
research programs, and I look forward to sharing with you their work and contributions to this important area.
It is with deep sadness that we also share the passing of one of our beloved emeriti professors, János Miklós Beér.
János was thoughtful, soft-spoken, and unassuming, and a giant in the field of combustion and fuel engineering. I urge
you to read his full biography on page 18: While living in Hungary during WWII, János helped save countless lives as he
worked with Raoul Wallenberg to save Jews who were headed to concentration camps. Despite his accomplishments,
János always considered the wellbeing of others first, and he will be remembered and greatly missed. There will be
a tribute to János at the 2019 Clearwater Clean Energy Conference in June in Clearwater Beach, Florida. For more
information, go to www.ClearwaterCleanEnergyConference.com.
Throughout the pages of this edition of XCurrents, you will see examples of the amazing things going on in our
department. I’m proud of the accomplishments and ongoing work of our faculty and students, and look forward to
sharing more in the future.
Paula T. Hammond
Department Head
Practice School News
Best regards,
T. A. Hatton
David H. Koch School of Chemical Engineering Practice
Rising Stars
On a blustery day at MIT, 22 female graduate students building a career, balancing family and research, and thriving
and postdocs from around the country converged to gain as a chemical engineering professor.
insight into the world of chemical engineering academia.
Nominated by department heads and professors in leading Professor Malancha Gupta SM ’05 PhD ’07, one of the
chemical engineering departments around the country, they speakers during the workshop, was impressed by the caliber
represented the top early-career women in their field. of the cohort.
The Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering program was “The attendees were very talented and ambitious,” she
based on other successful Rising Stars programs in the recalled. “The networking lunches and dinners were full of
School of Engineering and the School of Science, and for fantastic conversations about ways to make a more inclusive
two days, participants networked, presented research, and chemical engineering community. I am confident that the
learned best practices to become successful professors of attendees will become successful leaders in academia,
chemical engineering. industry, and national labs. I look forward to crossing paths
with them in the future.”
“The ChemE Rising Stars program was very helpful for me
as someone looking to become a successful professor in the Attendees said the tone of the first Rising Stars in
field of chemical engineering,” said attendee Molly Kozminsky, Chemical Engineering workshop was not only educational,
currently a postdoc at the University of California at Berkeley. but also hopeful.
“The program addressed the multiple components of the
interview process and was particularly helpful in demystifying “As was mentioned throughout the program, and particularly
the chalk talk.” by Dr. Karen Gleason, I do believe that the academic
opportunities for women in engineering have greatly improved
Karen Gleason ’82 SM ’82, the Alexander and I. Michael over the years,” attendee Amber Hubbard recounted.
Kasser (1960) Professor at MIT and head of the workshop’s “These professors provided so much wisdom, advice, and
steering committee, said the goal of the Rising Stars in encouragement about the future of our field and the potential
Chemical Engineering program is to “bring together the next each one of us has to make a lasting impression wherever
generation of leaders in the field and help prepare them for we end up in our careers. I certainly walked away from
careers in academia.” this experience excited and inspired about both chemical
engineering and academia.” X
During the two-day event, participants attended workshops,
met individually with MIT faculty, presented their own research
with feedback, and learned strategies for job searching,
Research Highlight
Cell-sized robots
can sense their
Made of electronic circuits
coupled to minute particles,
the devices could flow
through intestines or pipelines
to detect problems.
David L. Chandler, MIT News Office
Researchers at MIT have created what may be the smallest air molecules are stronger than the pull of gravity. Similarly,
robots yet that can sense their environment, store data, and colloids suspended in liquid will never settle out.
even carry out computational tasks. These devices, which are
about the size of a human egg cell, consist of tiny electronic Strano says that while other groups have worked on the
circuits made of two-dimensional materials, piggybacking on creation of similarly tiny robotic devices, their emphasis has
minuscule particles called colloids. been on developing ways to control movement, for example
by replicating the tail-like flagellae that some microbial
Colloids, which insoluble particles or molecules anywhere organisms use to propel themselves. But Strano suggests
from a billionth to a millionth of a meter across, are so small that may not be the most fruitful approach, since flagellae and
they can stay suspended indefinitely in a liquid or even other cellular movement systems are primarily used for local-
in air. By coupling these tiny objects to complex circuitry, scale positioning, rather than for significant movement. For
the researchers hope to lay the groundwork for devices most purposes, making such devices more functional is more
that could be dispersed to carry out diagnostic journeys important than making them mobile, he says.
through anything from the human digestive system to oil
and gas pipelines, or perhaps to waft through air to measure Tiny robots made by the MIT team are self-powered, requiring
compounds inside a chemical processor or refinery. no external power source or even internal batteries. A
simple photodiode provides the trickle of electricity that the
“We wanted to figure out methods to graft complete, intact tiny robots’ circuits require to power their computation and
electronic circuits onto colloidal particles,” explains Michael memory circuits. That’s enough to let them sense information
Strano, the Carbon C. Dubbs Professor of Chemical about their environment, store those data in their memory,
Engineering at MIT and senior author of the study, which was and then later have the data read out after accomplishing
published today in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. MIT their mission.
postdoc Volodymyr Koman is the paper’s lead author.
Such devices could ultimately be a boon for the oil and gas
“Colloids can access environments and travel in ways industry, Strano says. Currently, the main way of checking for
that other materials can’t,” Strano says. Dust particles, for leaks or other issues in pipelines is to have a crew physically
example, can float indefinitely in the air because they are drive along the pipe and inspect it with expensive instruments.
small enough that the random motions imparted by colliding In principle, the new devices could be inserted into one
Diagram illustrates the design of the tiny devices, which are designed
to be able to float freely in liquid or air.
“Artificial blubber” protects divers in frigid water “We think the ability to deliver mRNA via inhalation could allow
When Navy SEALs carry out dives in Arctic waters, or when us to treat a range of different diseases of the lung,” says
rescue teams are diving under ice-covered rivers or ponds, Daniel Anderson, an associate professor in MIT’s Department
the survival time even in the best wetsuits is very limited — as of Chemical Engineering, a member of MIT’s Koch Institute
little as tens of minutes, and the experience can be extremely for Integrative Cancer Research and Institute for Medical
painful at best. Finding ways of extending that survival time Engineering and Science (IMES), and the senior author of
without hampering mobility has been a priority for the U.S. the study.
Navy and research divers, as a pair of MIT engineering MIT researchers have designed
professors learned during a recent program that took them to inhalable particles that can deliver
a variety of naval facilities. messenger RNA. These lung
epithelial cells have taken up
particles (yellow) that carry mRNA
That visit led to a two-year collaboration that has now yielded
encoding green fluorescent protein.
a dramatic result: a simple treatment that can improve the
survival time for a conventional wetsuit by a factor of three,
the scientists say. The findings, which could be applied
essentially immediately, are reported in the journal RSC Living drug factories” may one day replace injections
Advances, in a paper by Michael Strano, the Carbon P. Dubbs Patients with diabetes generally rely on constant injections
Professor of Chemical Engineering; Jacopo Buongiorno, the of insulin to control their disease. But MIT spinout Sigilon
TEPCO Professor and associate head of the Department of Therapeutics is developing an implantable, insulin-producing
Nuclear Science and Engineering; and five others at MIT and device that may one day make injections obsolete. Sigilon
George Mason University. recently partnered with pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and
Company to develop “living drug factories,” made of
encapsulated, engineered cells that can be safely implanted
in the body, and produce insulin over the course of months or
even years. Down the road, cells may also be engineered to
secrete other hormones, proteins, and antibodies.
Plug-and-play technology automates chemical to be successful, scientists need to make sure that the
synthesis implanted cells receive enough oxygen, which they need in
Designing a new chemical synthesis can be a laborious order to produce insulin and to remain viable. The Langer and
process with a fair amount of drudgery involved — mixing Anderson labs have now devised a way to measure oxygen
chemicals, measuring temperatures, analyzing the results, levels of these cells over long periods of time in living animals,
then starting over again if it doesn’t work out. The Jensen which should help them predict which implants will be
lab, with Chemistry’s Jamison lab, has now developed most effective.
an automated chemical synthesis system that can take
over many of the more tedious aspects of chemical MIT researchers are testing
experimentation, freeing up chemists to spend more time on encapsulated pancreatic islet
cells as a possible treatment for
the more analytical and creative aspects of their research. This diabetes. These 1.5 mm capsules
system could cut the amount of time required to optimize a are embedded with a fluorine-
new reaction, from weeks or months down to a single day, containing compound that allows
the researchers say. They have patented the technology the researchers to monitor their
and hope that it will be widely used in both academic and oxygen levels with MRI once
implanted in the body.
industrial chemistry labs.
Gay V. Land died Jan 21 at his home in Atlanta. He was 94. In 1955, Erickson was a Second Lieutenant in the US
Land graduated from MIT in 1944 with a BS in chemical Air Force assigned to the National Advisory Committee
engineering and later received his MBA from the Wharton for Aeronautics (NACA) at Langley Aeronautical Laboratory.
School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduate work in Massachusetts, he returned to his
hometown in June 1958 and met Alice at a Fourth of
He married Elizabeth Cooper of New York City in 1945. July church picnic. They were married in March of the
After serving in Oak Ridge, Tennessee with the U.S. Army, following year.
he settled in Westport to raise his family. After a long career
in corporate development, he retired from the Celanese Erickson worked at NACA/NASA Langley as a research
Corporation and founded Vale Petroleum, an oil and gas engineer, a supervisor of various research sections and
exploration company. branches, Senior Scientist for Langley Research Center
and as Chief Scientist of various Divisions and Offices until
Land was involved in many community groups and was an 1995. In 1970 Wayne and the family went to Cambridge
avid sailor. He raced both one-design and cruising boats, University, England, for his research at the Physical Chemistry
often with his family as crew. He also loved to play golf and Laboratory. At the completion of the research Wayne was
served as the president of the Country Club of Darien. He asked to give a report to The Royal Society, which was an
was a longtime member of the United Methodist Church of experience of a lifetime. Other special projects included the
Westport and Weston, CT, serving on the building committee Apollo 13 Accident Review Board, teaching at MIT and NC
when the church moved its location to Rabbit Hill. State, and the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. X
In Memoriam
Professor Emeritus
János Miklós Beér
Professor Emeritus János Miklós Beér helped Swedish diplomat Raoul
Wallenberg rescue Jews in Budapest.
Passionate advocate for cleaner of Technical and Economic Sciences. But in April 1944, Beér
was conscripted into the Hungarian army’s labor battalion,
combustion and refugee who helped and with the fascist Arrow Cross Party ascendant, he found
Raoul Wallenberg rescue Jews in Nazi- himself in danger of deportation to Germany.
occupied Hungary.
Then fate intervened: A friend of Beér’s introduced him to
the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who had arrived in
János Miklós Beér, professor emeritus of chemical and fuel Budapest with a plan to rescue Jews. Beér eagerly joined
engineering and a pathbreaking researcher in the field of the effort, distributing Swedish passes to Jewish prisoners
flames, combustion, and cleaner-burning fossil fuels, died in railway cattle cars before they could be shipped to
peacefully on Dec. 8, in Winchester at the age of 95. concentration camps, and then helping to ferry these people
to safety in diplomatically protected houses. In testimony he
Beér served on the MIT faculty from 1976 to 1993, helping left to the U.S. Holocaust Museum, Beér said: “Wallenberg
to launch the Combustion Research Facility as part of the was very brave, but not reckless … and there was much
Institute’s Energy Laboratory. In 2003, U.S. Energy Secretary solidarity in our group.”
Spencer Abraham awarded him the Homer H. Lowry Award,
the department’s highest honor, for his work leading to Beér remained with the Swedish legation until the end of
commercial burners that achieved high efficiencies while the war, when he was able to reunite with his wife, Marta
minimizing noxious emissions such as nitrogen oxides. Gabriella Csato, whom he had married in October 1944.
They remained married until her death in 2017. Resuming
“Dr. Beér has made pioneering research and development his education, he received a first class honors degree from
contributions for 45 years to combustion science and József Nádor University of Technology in 1950, and became
technology of coal, oil, and gaseous flames,” Abraham said at a research engineer at Budapest’s Heat Research Institute, as
the award ceremony. “He has also been a major influence on well as a lecturer at Budapest Technical University.
industry through his publications and lectures to professionals
at national and international meetings, his leadership with Beér did not have long to enjoy his newly established
students on university campuses, and his service as a professional life, however. When Soviet tanks rolled into
consultant to many power and utility companies both in the Budapest in 1956 to put down the popular uprising against
U.S. and abroad.” the Communist regime, he and his wife fled from the mass
arrests. They landed as refugees in Scotland, where Beér
Beér’s early years in Central Europe unfolded against a found employment with Babcock and Wilcox Ltd. In 1957,
backdrop of the 20th century’s most tumultuous and violent the couple moved to England, and soon Beér was completing
episodes. Born on Feb. 27, 1923, in Budapest, Hungary, an his doctorate at the University of Sheffield. After receiving his
only child to Jewish parents, he attended that city’s University PhD in 1960, Beér took a position with the International Flame
Research Foundation (IFRF) in Ijmuiden, the Netherlands.
As head of station at the IFRF, a global research hub for detailing scaling laws for use in combustors and furnaces;
the industrial combustion community, “János performed studying single droplet combustion; and developing
with distinction,” noted Philip Sharman, current IFRF processes for reducing NOx emissions from a range of
director. He led a team of investigators “in a great deal of combustion sources.
pioneering research on the aerodynamics and mixing in
isothermal jet flames. … “Beér was a giant in his field of combustion,” said Gregory
Stephanopoulos, the Willard Henry Dow Professor in the
In 1963, Beér left to become a professor of fuel science at Department of Chemical Engineering. But he was not just
Penn State University. He then returned to the University of an accomplished researcher. Colleagues recall a friend
Sheffield, where he served on the faculty and later as head distinguished by a certain old-world charm.
of the school’s department of chemical engineering and fuel
technology. He was awarded a doctorate of science there in Paula Hammond, the David H. Koch Professor of Engineering
1968, and also served as dean of engineering from 1973 to and head of the MIT chemical engineering department,
1976, when he was recruited to MIT as professor of chemical recalls: “I knew János personally as he was my next door
and fuel engineering. office suitemate when I started as a faculty member. He was
the ultimate gentleman, warm, kind and ever thoughtful —
Throughout his career, Beér focused on improving electric asking me about my work and offering his support for me as a
power generation from fossil fuels, hoping to gain efficiency, new junior faculty member.
lower costs, and reduce emissions. Even after his retirement
from MIT, he pursued these goals, publishing in journals well “Although Janos will always be known for his many
into his 80s. During his career, Beér authored more than 300 outstanding achievements in establishing and expanding the
articles, co-authored “Combustion Aerodynamics” (Applied area of combustion engineering, his lasting contributions are
Science Publishers, 1972), a foundational textbook of the era his many past students, who were inspired and influenced by
that characterized flow patterns in flames and furnaces. his mentorship,” Hammond says.
Amongst his numerous honors, Beér received the Knight’s Yiannis A. Levendis, distinguished professor of mechanical
Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic for and industrial engineering at Northeastern University
his support of Hungarian higher education and research. remembers Beér’s arrival for a PhD student’s thesis defense,
In 2012, Beér received the Worcester Reed Warner Medal when Beér carefully fastened a pin on his ascot. “The
from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for his occasion of such an important event in a student’s life called
achievements, including such firsts as using water model for respectful formality,” Beér told Levendis.
studies as an analogy for describing combustion systems;
Adds Stephanopoulos: “As a true Hungarian, he appreciated
good coffee and had mastered the full art of brewing
temperature, duration, and amount of coffee to get a
perfect cup.”
New materials
improve delivery
of therapeutic
messenger RNA
Polymeric nanoparticles can
efficiently administer mRNA
to cells of the lungs, liver, and
other organs.
In an advance that could lead to new treatments for a variety Other authors are research associate Yuxuan Huang,
of diseases, MIT researchers have devised a new way to postdoc Arnab Rudra, and David H. Koch Institute Professor
deliver messenger RNA (mRNA) into cells. Robert Langer.
Messenger RNA, a large nucleic acid that encodes genetic Polymer control
information, can direct cells to produce specific proteins. Cells use mRNA to carry protein-building instructions from
Unlike DNA, mRNA is not permanently inserted into a cell’s DNA to ribosomes, where proteins are assembled. By
genome, so it could be used to produce a therapeutic delivering synthetic mRNA to cells, researchers hope to be
protein that is only needed temporarily. It can also be used to able to stimulate cells to produce proteins that could be used
produce gene-editing proteins that alter a cell’s genome and to treat disease. Scientists have developed some effective
then disappear, minimizing the risk of off-target effects. methods for delivering smaller RNA molecules, and a number
of these materials have shown potential in clinical trials.
Because mRNA molecules are so large, researchers have had
difficulty designing ways to efficiently get them inside cells. It The MIT team decided to package mRNA into new polymers
has also been a challenge to deliver mRNA to specific organs called amino-polyesters. These polymers are biodegradable,
in the body. The new MIT approach, which involves packaging and unlike many other delivery polymers, they do not have a
mRNA into polymers called amino-polyesters, addresses both strong positive charge, which may make them less likely to
of those obstacles. damage cells.
“We are excited by the potential of these formulations to To create the polymers, the researchers used an approach
deliver mRNA in a safe and effective manner,” says Daniel that allows them to control the properties of the polymer, such
Anderson, an associate professor in MIT’s Department of as its molecular weight. This means that the quality of the
Chemical Engineering and a member of MIT’s Koch Institute polymers produced will be the similar in each batch, which
for Integrative Cancer Research and Institute for Medical is important for clinical transition and often not the case with
Engineering and Science (IMES). other polymer synthesis methods.
Anderson is the senior author of the paper, which appears “Being able to control the molecular weight and the properties
in the journal Advanced Materials. The paper’s lead authors of your material helps to be able to reproducibly make
are MIT postdoc Piotr Kowalski and former visiting graduate nanoparticles with similar qualities, and to produce carriers
student Umberto Capasso Palmiero of Politecnico di Milano. starting from building blocks that are biocompatible could
20 reduce their toxicity,” Capasso Palmiero says.
MIT researchers have designed
nanoparticles that can deliver
messenger RNA to specific organs. In
this image, lung cells expressing the
synthetic mRNA show up as red.
Targeting disease
The researchers did not investigate what makes different
nanoparticles go to different organs, but they hope to further
study that question. Particles that specifically target different
organs could be very useful for treating lung diseases such
as pulmonary hypertension, or for delivering vaccines to
immune cells in the spleen, Kowalski says. Another possible
application is using the particles to deliver mRNA encoding
the proteins required for the genome-editing technique known
as CRISPR-Cas9, which can make permanent additions or
deletions to a cell’s genome.
“At the time, the cell therapy industry was very focused on
SQZ co-founder and CEO Armon Sharei SM ’13 PhD ’13
CAR T-cell therapy and gene editing,” Sharei says. “We
says his company leverages a simple process — squeezing
thought there were much more powerful and simple concepts
cells so they can be penetrated by specific molecules — to
to implement [with SQZ], and you could hit a lot more
engineer a broader suite of cell functions than has been
diseases. This was an initially difficult message to convey to
possible with the gene therapy approaches that have
the field.”
attracted the bulk of the investments in the field.
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