Resilon D-Ring Seal: High-Performance Polyurethane Solution Extends Seal Life With One-Piece Design
Resilon D-Ring Seal: High-Performance Polyurethane Solution Extends Seal Life With One-Piece Design
Resilon D-Ring Seal: High-Performance Polyurethane Solution Extends Seal Life With One-Piece Design
D-Ring Design Advantages
The unique shape of the Parker
“D”-ring also provides a variety No Back-up Rings
of design advantages. The The increased wear resistance and strength
molded “D” shape which is of polyurethane eliminates the need for back-
higher in the middle and lower up rings, thus minimizing installation issues.
on the ends, provides sealing
in critical areas while reducing
Resilon® 4300 Polyurethane Material
the chance of a seal being cut
Specially formulated Parker exclusive Resilon
during installation. Its sealing 4300 polyurethane for long life and wear
lip is minimized thus reducing resistance.
the amount of friction between
seal and bore while providing
expected sealing performance. “D” Shape
The “D” shape is symmetrical Unique “D” shape provides sealing in the
critical areas while reducing the chance of a
so there is no performance
seal being cut during installation.
degradation as the valve cycles
in the reverse direction or
concern of backward installation Reduced Lip
of the seal. The design also The unique shape reduces the lip and thus
incorporates “pressure the amount of wear due to friction.
pedestals” to eliminate the
potential for “blow-by,” common
in reverse cycling.
4 3 0 0 DG 1 2 - 0 1 4
4 Digit Material Code “D”-ring Groove Width AS568 O-ring Dash Number
Example: 4300 = Resilon 4300 Profile ( 0, 1, or 2 Example:
4301 = Resilon 4301 back-up rings) 2-014 = 13.06 I.D. x 1.78 CS
Gland Depth
Please refer to the Engineering Section (Section 2) of Parker’s Fluid Power Seal
Design Guide (Catalog EPS 5370), Page 2-9 for surface finish and additional hardware