NGP Pricebook 2011 Lite Kit

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National Guard Products, Inc.

The products you count on. The people you trust.

Freight prepaid and allowed (Ground
transpor tation only) in Continental US on
orders as follows
$1,000 net or more.

T E R M S: Litess, Louvve
e rs, Gla
E ges/Astraga
ges/Astraga als

i Lis
 UF S N T   / & 5

       O F U  G P S  N BU F S J B M


$100.00 net or less.





$ M B J N T  G P S  T I P S U B H F T  N V T U  C F  N B E F  X J U I J O   
G P S  O P U J G Z J O H  D B S S J F S  B O E  ö M J O H  D M B J N   / ( 1  J T


Prices and terms arre subject to change without notice.

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.


Model Lite Kits Page

L-CVFM-SS Stainless Steel 7

L-FRA100 Low Profile 4
L-FRA100-RD Round Low Profile 9
L-FRA100-SP Low Profile Special Glass or Door Thickness 5
L-GLF100 Self-Attaching 4
L-GLF100-SP Self-Attaching Special Glass or Door Thickness 5
L-GLF100-SP-TB Thru-Bolted Special Glass or Door Thickness 5
L-GLF100-TB Thru-Bolted 4
L-SG100 Security Grille 6
L-SG100-TB Security Grille Thru-Bolted 6
L-VGLF-MD, MDL Security Grille with Privacy Panel 8
L-VGLF-OG Security Glass with Privacy Panel 8
L-VGLF-PZ Security Glass 8
L-VGLF-SF Security Grille with Privacy Panel 8
L-VGLF-WD Security Glass with Privacy Panel 8
Options: G2-G24 False Mullion 8

Model Louvers Page

L-75-A, B, BF Dark Room 13

L-A700-A, B, BF, C Aluminum 11
L-700-A, B, BF, C Steel - Adjustable 1 3/8” to 2 1/4” doors 10
L-700RX Steel Self-Attaching 10
L-1900 Fusible Link 12
L-VRSG-2 Security Grille 14
L-VRSG-3 Security Grille (Both sides) 15

Lite Kit and Louver Fasteners 9

L-Clips Hollow Metal Door reinforcement 9

Model Glass Page

Pyran® F Filmed Safety Ceramic 18

Pyran® L Laminated Safety Ceramic 18
SuperLite™ 1 Safety Tempered (20 minute) 18
SuperLite™ 1-W Safety Wired 16, 17
Polycarbonate 22
Tempered 22
Insulated Tempered 22
Wired 19-21

Model Glazing Tape Page

GT-16 1/16” Thick Butyl Rubber 18

GT-116 1/16” Thick Closed Cell PVC Foam 18
GT-118 1/8” Thick Closed Cell PVC Foam 18
GT-132 1/32” Thick Closed Cell PVC Foam 18
GT-9800 1/16” Thick Intumescent 18

Metal Edges & Astragals 23




Quantity limit of 30 each item. Larger orders and orders mixed
with any other products will be subject to standard lead times.

L-FRA100 Low Profile Lite Kit

Order Size List Price

5 x 35 $70
6 x 27 63
7 x 22 57
8 x 32 69
12 x 12 40
24 x 24 75
24 x 30 81
24 x 32 85
24 x 36 89
Gray Primer (GPZ) or
Dark Bronze (DKB)
Powder Coat finishes

L-700-RX Self Attaching, No Vision Louver

Order Size List Price

12 x 12 $ 65
18 x 18 91
24 x 12 91
24 x 18 101
24 x 24 128
Gray Primer (GPZ) or
Dark Bronze (DKB)
Powder Coat finishes

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB

Lite Kits for 1 3/4” Doors

Lite Kits for 1 3/4” Doors

Mullion Bars available for L-GLF-100 and L-GLF100-TB - price of Lite Kit plus $115 per Mullion Bar
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24
Minimum 3” width or height; maximum 88” width or height
Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Lead lining - $5 per perimeter inch
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 44 44 44 44 44 50 51 56 58 60 63 65 67 73 75 77
6 44 44 44 44 50 51 56 58 60 63 65 67 72 73 75 77
8 44 44 44 44 51 56 58 60 63 65 67 72 73 75 77 78
10 44 44 42 44 56 58 60 63 65 67 72 73 75 77 78 79
12 44 44 44 40 58 60 63 65 67 72 73 75 77 78 79 83
L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB

14 50 51 51 58 60 63 65 67 72 73 75 77 78 79 83 85
16 51 56 56 60 63 65 67 72 73 75 77 78 79 83 85 87
18 54 55 58 63 65 67 69 73 75 77 78 79 83 83 87 88
20 57 60 60 65 67 72 73 75 77 78 79 83 85 87 88 92
22 60 57 63 67 72 73 75 77 78 79 83 85 87 88 92 93
24 62 65 65 72 73 75 77 78 79 75 85 87 88 92 93 96
26 63 67 67 73 75 77 78 79 83 85 87 88 92 93 96 97
28 63 72 72 75 77 78 79 83 85 87 88 92 93 96 97 99

30 70 68 73 77 78 79 81 85 87 81 92 93 96 97 99 101
32 73 69 75 78 79 83 81 87 88 85 92 96 97 99 101 103
34 75 77 77 79 83 85 87 88 92 93 96 97 99 101 103 105
36 70 74 78 83 85 87 88 90 92 90 97 99 101 103 105 107
38 79 82 84 101 103 107 111 114 118 119 130 132 133 137 144 146
40 84 85 85 103 107 111 114 118 119 130 132 133 137 144 146 151
42 85 101 101 107 111 114 118 119 130 132 133 137 144 146 151 170
44 101 103 103 111 114 118 119 130 132 133 137 144 146 151 170 176
46 103 105 107 114 118 119 130 132 133 137 144 146 151 170 176 182
48 107 111 111 118 119 130 132 133 137 144 146 151 170 176 182 184
50 111 114 114 119 130 132 133 137 144 146 151 170 176 182 184 188
52 116 117 117 133 137 139 144 145 152 154 170 176 182 184 188 194
54 117 122 122 137 139 144 145 152 154 164 176 182 184 188 194 197
56 122 131 133 139 144 145 152 154 170 155 182 184 188 194 197 203
58 131 134 137 144 145 152 154 170 176 182 184 188 194 197 203 210
60 134 136 139 145 152 154 170 176 182 163 188 194 197 203 210 214
62 136 144 144 152 154 170 176 182 184 188 194 197 203 210 214 220
64 144 145 145 154 170 176 182 184 188 181 197 203 210 214 220 226
66 145 152 152 170 176 182 184 188 194 183 203 210 214 220 226 236
68 152 154 170 176 182 184 188 194 198 203 210 214 220 226 236 243
70 154 170 176 182 184 188 194 198 203 210 214 220 226 236 243 249
72 170 176 182 184 188 194 198 203 210 214 220 226 236 243 249 256

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20% Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395


L-FRA100-SP, L-GLF100-SP, L-GLF100-SP-TB

Lite Kits for Variable Door and Glass Thicknesses

L-FRA100-SP, L-GLF100-SP, L-GLF100-SP-TB

Mullion Bars available for L-GLF100-SP and L-GLF100-SP-TB - price of Lite Kit plus $115 per Mullion Bar
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24
Minimum: 3” width or height; Maximum 88” width or height
Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Lead lining - $5 per perimeter inch
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 65 65 65 65 65 75 77 84 87 90 95 98 101 109 112 115
6 65 65 65 65 75 77 84 87 90 95 98 101 108 109 112 115
8 65 65 65 65 77 84 87 90 95 98 101 108 109 112 115 117
10 65 65 63 65 84 87 90 95 98 101 108 109 112 115 117 118
12 65 65 65 60 87 90 95 98 101 108 109 112 115 117 118 124
14 75 77 77 87 90 95 98 101 108 109 112 115 117 118 124 127
16 77 84 84 90 95 98 101 108 109 112 115 117 118 124 127 130
18 81 83 87 95 98 101 104 109 112 115 117 118 124 124 130 132
20 86 90 90 98 101 108 109 112 115 117 118 124 127 130 132 139
22 90 86 95 101 108 109 112 115 117 118 124 127 130 132 139 140
24 93 98 98 108 109 112 115 117 118 113 127 130 132 139 140 145
26 95 101 101 109 112 115 117 118 124 127 130 132 139 140 145 146
28 94 108 108 112 115 117 118 124 127 130 132 139 140 145 146 149
30 105 102 109 115 117 118 121 127 130 122 139 140 145 146 149 152

32 109 104 112 117 118 124 121 130 132 128 139 145 146 149 152 155
34 112 115 115 118 124 127 130 132 139 140 145 146 149 152 155 157
36 105 111 117 124 127 130 132 135 139 134 146 149 152 155 157 160
38 118 123 126 152 155 160 166 170 177 179 195 198 200 206 216 219
40 126 127 127 155 160 166 170 177 179 195 198 200 206 216 219 226
42 127 152 152 160 166 170 177 179 195 198 200 206 216 219 226 256
44 152 155 155 166 170 177 179 195 198 200 206 216 219 226 256 263
46 155 157 160 170 177 179 195 198 200 206 216 219 226 256 263 272
48 160 166 166 177 179 195 198 200 206 216 219 226 256 263 272 276
50 166 170 170 179 195 198 200 206 216 219 226 256 263 272 276 282
52 174 176 176 200 206 208 216 217 228 231 256 263 272 276 282 291
54 176 183 183 206 208 216 217 228 231 247 263 272 276 282 291 296
56 183 197 200 208 216 217 228 231 256 232 272 276 282 291 296 305
58 197 201 206 216 217 228 231 256 263 272 276 282 291 296 305 315
60 201 204 208 217 228 231 256 263 272 245 282 291 296 305 315 321
62 204 216 216 228 231 256 263 272 276 282 291 296 305 315 321 330
64 216 217 217 231 256 263 272 276 282 272 296 305 315 321 330 339
66 217 228 228 256 263 272 276 282 291 275 305 315 321 330 339 355
68 228 231 256 263 272 276 282 291 297 305 315 321 330 339 355 364
70 231 256 263 272 276 282 291 297 305 315 321 330 339 355 364 373
72 256 263 272 276 282 291 297 305 315 321 330 339 355 364 373 384

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20% Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

L-SG100, L-SG100-TB
Lite Kits with Security Grille
Mullion Bars available - price of lite kit plus $115 per Mullion Bar
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24
Lite Kits with Security Grille

Minimum 3” width or height; maximum 48” width x 88” height

Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Lead lining - $5 per perimeter inch
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 201 201 201 201 201 206 209 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265
6 201 201 201 201 206 209 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273
8 201 201 201 201 209 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280
10 201 201 201 201 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288
12 201 201 201 201 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298
14 206 209 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393
16 209 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442
18 215 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459
20 220 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486
L-SG100, L-SG100-TB

22 227 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498
24 234 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 371 393 442 459 486 498 516
26 239 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578
28 242 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605
30 256 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621

32 258 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651
34 265 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664
36 273 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689
38 280 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728
40 288 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740
42 298 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765
44 393 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787
46 442 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806
48 459 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823
50 486 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855
52 498 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875
54 516 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892
56 578 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920
58 605 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938
60 621 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938 965
62 651 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938 965 1019
64 664 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938 965 1019 1068
66 689 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938 965 1019 1068 1121
68 728 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938 965 1019 1068 1121 1177
70 740 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 920 938 965 1019 1068 1121 1177 1235
72 765 787 806 823 855 875 892 968 938 965 1019 1068 1121 1177 1235 1283

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20% Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395


Stainless Steel Lite Kits
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24
Minimum 4” width or height; maximum 72” width or height

Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Lead lining - $5 per perimeter inch

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 280 298 313 321 338 370 375 385
6 269 269 269 269 269 269 269 280 298 313 321 338 363 370 375 385
8 269 269 269 269 269 269 280 298 313 321 338 363 370 375 385 392
10 269 269 269 269 269 280 298 313 321 338 363 370 375 385 392 400

Stainless Steel Lite Kits

12 269 269 269 269 280 298 313 321 338 363 370 375 385 392 400 408
14 269 269 269 280 298 313 321 338 363 370 375 385 392 400 408 423
16 269 269 269 298 313 321 338 363 370 375 385 392 400 408 423 441
18 269 269 280 313 321 338 321 370 375 385 392 400 408 423 441 450
20 280 298 298 321 338 363 370 375 385 392 400 408 423 441 450 468
22 298 272 313 338 363 370 375 385 392 400 408 423 441 450 468 475
24 313 321 321 363 370 375 385 392 400 341 423 441 450 468 475 482
26 321 338 338 370 375 385 392 400 408 423 441 450 468 475 482 489
28 300 363 363 375 385 392 400 408 423 441 450 468 475 482 489 505
30 321 321 370 385 392 400 368 423 441 376 468 475 482 489 505 510

32 370 321 375 392 400 408 376 441 450 406 475 482 489 505 510 528
34 375 385 385 400 408 423 441 450 468 475 482 489 505 510 528 535
36 321 335 392 408 423 441 450 468 475 412 489 505 510 528 535 545
38 400 360 418 510 528 545 560 577 592 599 655 672 680 688 726 745
40 418 423 423 528 545 560 577 592 599 655 672 680 688 726 745 757
42 423 510 510 545 560 577 592 599 655 672 680 688 726 745 757 782
44 510 528 528 560 577 592 599 655 672 680 688 726 745 757 782 800
46 528 545 545 577 592 599 655 672 680 688 726 745 757 782 800 814
48 545 560 560 592 599 655 672 680 688 726 745 757 782 800 814 823
50 560 577 577 599 655 672 680 688 726 745 757 782 800 814 823 862
52 592 599 599 680 688 697 726 733 767 774 800 814 844 854 879 907
54 599 615 615 688 697 726 733 767 774 800 814 844 854 879 907 926
56 615 680 680 697 726 733 767 774 800 690 844 854 879 907 926 940
58 680 688 688 726 733 767 774 800 814 844 854 879 907 926 940 954
60 688 697 697 733 767 774 800 814 844 741 879 907 926 940 954 980
62 697 726 726 767 774 800 814 844 854 879 907 926 940 954 980 1004
64 726 733 733 774 800 814 844 854 879 907 926 940 954 980 1004 1029
66 733 767 767 800 814 844 854 879 907 809 940 954 980 1004 1029 1052
68 767 774 774 814 844 854 879 907 926 940 954 980 1004 1029 1052 1075
70 774 800 800 844 854 879 907 926 940 954 980 1004 1029 1052 1075 1084
72 800 814 814 854 879 907 926 940 954 980 1004 1029 1052 1075 1084 1108

Stainless steel material - #4 finish standard and will be provided unless one of the
following optional finishes is indicated:
Add 15% for following finishes:
(T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black
(W) White (MBL) Matte Black
(TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat Beige) (GPZ) Gray Primer
(BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft) (MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely Browntone)

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

L-VGLF Security Lite Kits

Complete Kit shipped including polycarbonate plastic, silicone sealant, fasteners and installation instructions.
L-VGLF Security Lite Kits

For torx security screws add $6

L-VGLF- PZ 9x9 $177 Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395
(1/2" Polycarbonate)
Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of
L-VGLF- MD 9x9 $222 the following optional finishes is indicated:
(1/2" Polycarbonate)
Available at no extra charge:
L-VGLF- MDL 12x12 $280 (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze
(1/2" Polycarbonate) (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat Beige)
L-VGLF- WD 9x5 $175 (CAB) California  Bronze (matches Anemostat)
Add 15% for following finishes:
L-VGLF- OG 9x9 $201 (B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black
(1/2" Polycarbonate) (W) White (MBL) Matte Black
(TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
L-VGLF- SF 11x11 $270 (WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely Browntone)
(1/4" Polycarbonate) (MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

False Mullion Bars

Add $115 per Mullion Bar to

False Mullion Bars

Price of L-GLF100, L-GLF100SP,

L-GLF100-TB, L-GLF100-SP-TB,
L-SG100, L-SG100-TB series Lite Kits
G2 G3 G4 G6
Add: (1 Bar) (2 Bars) (2 Bars) (3 Bars)
G2 = 1 Bar $115
G3 = 2 Bars 230
G4 = 2 Bars 230
G6 = 3 Bars 345
G8 = 4 Bars 460
G9 = 4 Bars 460
G10 = 5 Bars 575
G12 = 5 Bars 575 G8 G9 G10 G12
G15 = 6 Bars 690 (4 Bars) (4 Bars) (5 Bars) (5 Bars)
G18 = 7 Bars 805
G21 = 8 Bars 920
G24 = 9 Bars 1,035

G15 G18 G21 G24

(6 Bars) (7 Bars) (8 Bars) (9 Bars)


Round Lite Kits

Round Lite Kits

Size Putty
L-FRA100-RD-12 12” $265
L-FRA100-RD-18 18” $550
L-FRA100-RD-24 24” $575

Putty (beige) finish standard

Add 15% for following finishes: (GPZ) Gray Primer (T) Tan
(W) White (DKB) Dark Bronze (CAB) California  Bronze (matches Anemostat)
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely Browntone)
(ASL) Aluminum Silver (MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Zinc - EL plate - Add $395

Galvanneal - Add 20%

Replacement Fasteners

Replacement Fasteners
Fasteners are finished to match Lite or Louver.  Specify color when ordering separately.

Standard Fasteners:
L-GLF100-TB Thru-Bolts (TB) $2.00 / EA.
L-GLF100 #6 x 1-3/4”  Truss Head SMS .35 / EA.
L-700-RX #8 x 3/4” Oval Phillips head SMS .30 / EA.
L-FRA100 #8 x 1-1/2” Oval Phillips Head SMS .35 / EA.
#6 x 1-3/4” TORX 1.70 / EA.
#8 x 1-1/2” TORX 1.70 / EA.
L-700, L-A700, L-75 #8 x 3/4” Phillips Head TEK .30 / EA.
L-VGLF series #8 x 1” Phillips Oval TEK .35 / EA.

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

L-700-RX, L-700-RX-TB, L-700-A, L-700-B, L-700-BF, L-700-C

Steel Louvers Non-removable aluminum insect screen - Add $11 per square foot.
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24
Steel Louvers

Minimum 6” width x 4” height; maximum 88” width or height

Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Thru Bolts (TB) - no extra charge
Auxiliary inside frame for L-700-BF $36
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 55 59 61 63 65 67 71 73 76 78 89 91 96 102 105 110
6 59 61 63 63 67 71 73 76 78 89 91 96 102 105 110 116
L-700-RX, L-700-RX-TB, L-700-A, L-700-B, L-700-BF, L-700-C

8 61 63 65 65 70 73 74 78 89 91 96 102 105 110 116 126

10 63 65 65 71 72 74 76 89 91 96 102 105 110 116 126 136
12 65 67 71 65 76 76 79 91 96 91 103 110 116 126 136 142
14 67 71 73 76 76 89 91 96 100 105 109 116 126 136 142 146
16 71 73 76 78 89 91 96 102 103 110 116 126 136 142 146 150
18 73 76 78 89 91 96 91 105 109 101 125 136 142 146 150 180
20 76 78 89 91 96 102 105 110 116 126 134 142 146 150 180 198
22 78 89 91 96 102 105 110 116 125 136 142 146 150 180 198 208
24 89 91 96 102 105 110 114 126 136 128 146 150 180 198 208 228
26 91 96 102 105 110 116 126 134 142 146 147 180 198 208 228 244

28 96 102 105 110 116 126 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256
30 102 105 110 116 126 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270
32 105 110 116 126 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289
34 110 116 126 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302
36 116 126 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317
38 126 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328
40 136 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345
42 142 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351
44 146 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364
46 150 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376
48 180 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391
50 198 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391 397
52 208 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391 397 404
54 228 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391 397 404 420
56 244 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391 397 404 420 432
58 256 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391 397 404 420 432 436
60 270 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 345 397 404 420 432 436 453
62 289 302 317 328 345 351 364 376 391 397 404 420 432 436 453 513
64 302 317 328 345 351 364 348 391 397 404 420 432 436 453 513 528
66 317 328 345 351 364 376 348 397 404 374 432 436 453 513 528 557
68 328 345 351 364 376 391 397 404 420 432 436 453 513 528 557 586
70 345 351 364 376 391 397 404 420 432 436 453 513 528 557 586 649
72 351 364 376 391 397 404 420 432 436 453 513 528 557 586 649 697

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20% (Available on L-700RX, L-700RX-TB, L-700-A and L-700-C)

Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395

L-A700-A, L-A700-B, L-A700-BF, L-A700-C

Non-removable aluminum insect screen - add $11 per square foot. Aluminum Louvers
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24

L-A700-A, L-A700-B, L-A700-BF, L-A700-C

Minimum 6” width or height; maximum 88” width or height
Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Thru-bolts (TB) no extra charge.
Auxiliary inside frame for L-A700-BF $72
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
6 203 203 203 205 211 218 220 232 243 244 255 258 276 277 300 308
8 203 203 205 211 218 220 232 243 244 255 258 276 277 300 308 311
10 203 205 211 218 220 232 243 244 255 258 276 277 300 308 311 321
12 205 211 218 220 232 243 244 255 258 276 277 300 308 311 321 324
14 226 234 237 249 261 262 275 276 296 297 322 330 333 344 347 358
16 234 237 249 261 262 275 276 296 297 322 330 333 344 347 358 369
18 237 249 261 262 275 276 296 297 322 330 333 344 347 358 369 374
20 270 282 284 297 299 321 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434
22 282 284 297 299 321 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457
24 284 297 299 321 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471
26 297 299 321 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502
28 299 321 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525
30 321 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550
32 322 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577

34 350 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602
36 358 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638
38 361 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660
40 374 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689
42 377 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714
44 388 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729
46 399 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746
48 405 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759
50 434 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779
52 457 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786
54 471 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808

Aluminum Louvers
56 502 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824
58 525 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841
60 550 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858
62 577 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858 978
64 602 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858 978 1117
66 638 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858 978 1117 1238
68 660 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858 978 1117 1238 1360
70 689 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858 978 1117 1238 1360 1493
72 714 729 746 759 779 786 808 824 841 858 978 1117 1238 1360 1493 1613
Aluminum material - Aluminum Silver (ASL) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is
Available at no extra charge:
(T) Tan (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(DKB) Dark Bronze (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat Beige)
(GPZ) Gray Primer (CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(GBL) Gloss Black (MBL) Matte Black
(B) Brass (Gold) (TBL) Textured Black
(W) White
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely Browntone)
National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

Fire-rated Fusible Link Louver
Fire-rated Fusible Link Louver

Gray Primer (GPZ) or Dark Bronze (DKB)

12 x 12 $200
18 x 12 217
18 x 18 248
24 x 12 234
24 x 18 266
24 x 24 274



12 14 16 18 20 22 24

6 342 347 352 358 370 374 380

8 347 352 358 370 374 380 312

10 352 358 370 374 380 314 317


12 330 370 374 347 314 317 364

14 380 310 314 319 324 326 331

16 314 324 330 336 349 360 367

18 324 330 336 378 356 364 396

20 330 336 359 361 364 366 370

22 336 359 363 366 370 372 380

24 359 363 366 372 375 380 404

Non-removable aluminum insect screen - add $11 per square foot.

Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12.
Minimum size 12” width x 6” height; maximum 24” width x 24” height
Odd inch sizes, use next largest even size. Fractional sizes not available.
Thicker doors (up to 2 1/8”) - Add 25%
Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
(DKB) Dark Bronze (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat Beige)

Stainless steel #304, #4 finish - List x 4 - Galvanized - Add 20% - Zinc El-Plate - Add $395

Replacement Fusible Links $20


L-75-A, L-75-B, L-75-BF

Darkroom Louvers
Non-removable aluminum insect screen - add  $11 per square foot
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24

L-75-A, L-75-B, L-75-BF

Minimum 6” width x 4” height; maximum 88” width or height
Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
Thru-bolts (TB) no extra charge
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 151 151 151 151 155 158 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346
6 151 151 151 155 158 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368
8 151 151 155 158 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433
10 151 155 158 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444
12 155 158 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450
14 158 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496
16 163 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555
18 166 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575
20 176 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632
22 185 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654
24 220 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691
26 240 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729
28 264 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763
30 270 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786

Darkroom Louvers

32 312 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823
34 346 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857
36 368 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903
38 433 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925
40 444 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967
42 450 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009
44 496 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044
46 555 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086
48 575 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115
50 632 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163
52 654 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199
54 691 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243
56 729 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288
58 763 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329
60 786 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378
62 823 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378 1420
64 857 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378 1420 1486
66 903 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378 1420 1486 1550
68 925 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378 1420 1486 1550 1616
70 967 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378 1420 1486 1550 1616 1679
72 1009 1044 1086 1115 1163 1199 1243 1288 1329 1378 1420 1486 1550 1616 1679 1745

Textured Black (TBL) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

Louvers with Security Grille
Non-removable aluminum insect screen - Add $11 per square foot.
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24
Louvers with Security Grille

Minimum 6” width x 4” height; maximum 48” width x 88” height

Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 111 113 119 123 133 137 143 146 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198
6 113 119 123 133 137 143 146 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219
8 119 123 133 137 143 146 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236
10 123 133 134 143 146 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244
12 133 137 143 143 152 158 157 162 168 172 187 198 219 236 244 246
14 137 143 146 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281
16 143 146 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308
18 146 152 158 159 162 168 172 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323
20 152 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355
22 158 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376
24 159 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405

26 162 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422
28 168 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444

30 176 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473
32 187 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496
34 198 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522
36 219 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542
38 236 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558
40 244 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576
42 246 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592
44 281 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601
46 308 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628
48 323 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645
50 355 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650
52 376 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658
54 405 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665
56 422 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680
58 444 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738
60 473 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760
62 496 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760 779
64 522 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760 779 808
66 542 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760 779 808 813
68 558 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760 779 808 813 834
70 576 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760 779 808 813 834 850
72 592 601 628 645 650 658 665 680 738 760 779 808 813 834 850 870

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20%

Zinc EL-Plate -Add $395


Louvers with Security Grille both Sides
Non-removable aluminum insect screen - Add $11 per square foot
Torx Security Screws - up to 24” x 24” add $12, over 24” x 24” add $24

Minimum 6” width x 4” height; maximum 48” width x 88” height
Odd inch and fractional sizes, use next largest even size
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 120 124 126 129 143 146 155 158 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238
6 124 126 129 143 146 155 158 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262
8 126 129 142 146 155 158 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279
10 129 143 146 155 158 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291
12 143 146 155 155 163 179 177 189 202 208 229 238 262 279 291 333
14 146 155 158 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347
16 155 158 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373
18 158 163 179 182 189 202 208 229 238 259 279 291 333 347 373 391
20 163 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425
22 179 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453
24 182 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 326 347 373 391 425 453 478
26 189 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504
28 202 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551
30 214 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559

32 229 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587
34 238 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614
36 262 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639

Louvers with Security Grille both Sides

38 279 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658
40 291 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680
42 333 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696
44 347 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708
46 373 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737
48 391 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773
50 425 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786
52 453 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794
54 478 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812
56 504 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833
58 551 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953
60 559 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979
62 587 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979 1031
64 614 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979 1031 1069
66 639 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979 1031 1069 1081
68 658 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979 1031 1069 1081 1105
70 680 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979 1031 1069 1081 1105 1129
72 696 708 737 773 786 794 812 833 953 979 1031 1069 1081 1105 1129 1163

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black
(W) White (MBL) Matte Black
(TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20%

Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395
National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

SuperLite 1-W TM

U.S. Patent No. 7,090,906

Safety Wired Glass
Meets CPSC 16CFR 1201 category II impact safety requirements
Etched with UL Fire-rating classification on each piece
Odd inch or fractional sizes, use next largest size
Safety Wired Glass

4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68
5 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 71 76 81 85
6 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 74 80 85 91 97 102
8 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 76 84 91 99 106 114 121 129 136
10 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 76 85 95 104 114 123 132 142 151 161 170
12 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 80 91 102 113 125 136 148 159 170 182 193 204
14 68 68 68 68 68 68 80 93 106 119 132 146 159 172 186 199 212 225 238
16 68 68 68 68 68 76 91 106 121 136 152 167 182 197 212 227 242 257 272
SuperLite 1-W

18 68 68 68 68 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 272 289 306
20 68 68 68 68 76 95 114 132 152 170 189 208 227 246 265 284 303 322 340
22 68 68 68 73 84 104 125 146 167 187 208 229 250 271 291 312 333 354 374

24 68 68 68 80 91 114 136 159 182 204 227 250 272 295 318 340 363 386 408
26 68 68 74 85 99 123 148 172 197 221 246 271 295 320 344 369 393 418 442

28 68 68 80 93 106 132 159 186 212 238 265 291 318 344 371 397 424 450 476
30 68 71 85 100 114 142 170 199 227 255 284 312 340 369 397 425 454 482 510
32 68 76 91 106 121 151 182 212 242 272 303 333 363 393 424 454 484 514 544
34 68 81 97 113 129 161 193 225 257 289 322 354 386 418 450 482 514 546 578
36 68 85 102 119 136 170 204 238 272 306 340 374 408 442 476 510 544 578 612
38 72 90 108 126 144 180 216 252 288 323 359 395 431 467 503 539 575 611 646
40 76 95 114 132 152 189 227 265 303 340 378 416 454 492 529 567 605 643 680
42 80 100 119 139 159 199 238 278 318 357 397 437 476 516 556 595 635 675 714
44 84 104 125 146 167 208 250 291 333 374 416 458 499 541 582 624 665 707 748
46 87 109 131 152 174 218 261 305 348 391 435 478 522 565 609 652 696 739 782
48 91 114 136 159 182 227 272 318 363 408 454 499 544 590 635 680 726 771 816
50 95 119 142 166 189 236 284 331 378 425 473 520 567 614 662 709 756 803 850
52 99 123 148 172 197 246 295 344 393 442 492 541 590 639 688 737 786 835 884
54 102 128 153 179 204 255 306 357 408 459 510 561 612 663 714 765 816 867 918
56 106 132 159 186 212 265 318 371 424 476 529 582 635 688 741 794 847 900 952
58 110 137 165 192 220 274 329 384 439 493 548 603 658 713 767 822 877 932 986
60 114 142 170 199 227 284 340 397 454 510 567 624 680 737 794 850 907 964 1020
62 118 147 176 205 235 293 352 410 469 527 586 645 703 762 820 879 937 996 1054
64 121 151 182 212 242 303 363 424 484 544 605 665 725 786 847 907 968 1028 1088
66 125 156 187 219 250 312 374 437 499 561 624 686 748 811 873 935 998 1060 1122
68 129 161 193 225 257 322 386 450 514 578 643 707 771 835 900 964 1028 1092 1156
70 133 166 199 232 265 331 397 463 529 595 662 728 794 860 926 992 1058 1134 1190
72 136 170 204 238 272 340 408 476 544 612 680 748 816 884 952 1020 1088 1156 1224

Packing Charge: If any line item size is less than 15 sq. feet - Add $50 NET (total per order).

Glass for Round Lite Kits:

With GT-116 glazing tape supplied (loose) for both sides:
to fit in kits 12" $ 250 Add $3 per square foot to each piece of glass.
18" $ 575
24" $ 995


L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB with SuperLiteTM 1-W

with GT-116 Glazing Tape both sides

L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB with SuperLiteTM 1-W

Meets CPSC 16CFR 1201 Cat. II impact safety requirements
Etched with UL Fire-rating classification on each piece
Mullion bars available for L-GLF100 and L-GLF100-TB - price of lite kit plus $115 per mullion bar
Torx Security Screws - up to 24" x 24" add $12, over 24" x 24" add $24
Minimum 3” width or height; maximum 88” width or height.
Odd inch or fractional sizes, use next largest size WIDTH
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 122 122 122 122 122 128 129 134 136 140 143 145 147 152 154 156
6 122 122 122 122 128 129 134 136 138 141 149 157 167 176 183 190
8 122 122 122 122 129 134 136 146 157 167 177 191 199 208 218 227
10 122 122 120 122 134 144 138 169 180 193 207 218 230 241 253 263
12 122 122 122 118 148 161 158 190 204 221 234 248 261 274 287 302
14 128 129 138 148 158 180 178 212 231 246 259 278 292 307 324 340
16 129 134 148 162 175 198 198 237 254 270 289 306 322 342 359 377
18 132 133 159 174 190 215 217 257 277 296 315 334 355 373 395 413
20 135 138 166 188 205 237 239 279 300 322 342 373 387 409 430 421
22 138 140 179 200 225 253 268 300 323 346 372 395 419 439 467 489
24 140 155 191 216 240 271 296 321 346 365 399 425 449 477 501 527
26 141 163 200 230 255 288 315 342 372 399 427 453 483 509 538 564

28 141 176 215 245 272 305 333 363 395 425 453 485 512 545 572 601
30 151 179 226 259 287 323 353 387 419 442 483 513 545 576 607 638
32 159 187 239 272 300 343 371 411 444 469 508 545 576 609 642 676
34 170 202 258 285 318 360 393 432 467 501 536 572 607 642 678 713
36 170 205 268 302 333 378 412 453 488 521 564 601 638 676 713 750
38 183 220 278 330 355 414 454 486 536 574 590 662 700 742 786 825
40 193 230 289 344 373 434 472 514 559 609 649 690 733 780 821 865
42 199 253 315 360 390 453 490 535 591 634 676 722 769 813 860 919
44 220 262 327 375 407 474 510 556 615 659 706 756 802 854 912 960
46 227 270 341 390 425 490 528 580 637 687 738 786 835 900 951 1002
48 235 284 354 404 440 516 556 600 663 717 766 818 884 938 990 1039
50 245 294 367 420 465 534 575 636 692 742 796 865 920 975 1026 1078
52 254 303 380 440 485 557 600 664 721 774 841 898 955 1008 1063 1120
54 260 315 394 455 500 577 620 690 744 800 872 931 986 1043 1102 1158
56 270 333 416 470 520 594 653 712 782 822 904 961 1020 1081 1139 1199
58 284 342 430 486 535 618 677 748 810 873 932 992 1055 1121 1179 1242
60 292 351 443 500 555 635 700 774 838 877 961 1019 1092 1160 1226 1281
62 299 365 457 512 570 667 720 800 861 926 993 1056 1130 1195 1256 1322
64 311 373 468 525 600 688 742 822 886 942 1021 1090 1160 1233 1295 1364
66 318 387 485 549 620 710 766 846 914 967 1053 1124 1193 1264 1335 1409
68 330 395 513 569 640 728 790 872 940 1011 1078 1156 1229 1299 1378 1451
70 337 418 529 590 655 748 809 896 967 1042 1115 1189 1264 1342 1428 1493
72 357 430 545 615 672 770 830 920 995 1069 1146 1222 1303 1380 1457 1535

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20% Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

Pyran® Platinum F, Pyran® Platinum L, SuperliteTM 1 Glass

All glass on this page is packed separate and crated for protection.
Pyran® Platinum F, Pyran® Platinum L, SuperliteTM 1 Glass

Packing Charge: If any line item size is less than 15 sq. feet - Add $50 NET (total per order).

Glass for Round Lite Kits: List x 4

Pyran ® Platinum F

3/16” Thick $159 per Sq. Ft.

Price per Sq. Ft. applies to the total Sq. Ft. per line item of
glass, rounded up to the next whole foot.

GT-118 glazing tape supplied (loose) for both sides:

Add $4 per Sq. FT.

Pyran ® Platinum L

3/8” Thick $345 per Sq. Ft.

Price per Sq. Ft. applies to the total Sq. Ft. per line item of
glass, rounded up to the next whole foot.

GT-116 glazing tape supplied (loose) for both sides:

Add $3 per Sq. FT.

SuperLite TM 1

1/4”Thick 1-2 Sq. Ft. $180 EACH PIECE

3 or more Sq. Ft. $ 90 per Sq. Ft.
Price per Sq. Ft. applies to each piece of glass, rounded
up to the next whole foot.

GT-118 glazing tape supplied (loose) for both sides:

Add $4 per Sq. FT.

Glazing Tape and  Accessories

Closed cell PVC foam Glazing Tape Butyl Rubber Glazing Tape

GT-116 3/8” wide x 1/16” thick $50 /150’ roll GT-16 3/8” wide x 1/16” thick $21 /50’ roll
GT-118 3/8” wide x 1/8” thick $35 / 75’ roll
GT-132 3/8” wide x 1/32” thick $50 /150’ roll
Intumescent Glazing Tape
L-Clips $2.40/ EA.
GT-9800 1/2” x 1/16” thick $1.78 / FT. DKB Touch-up paint - 4.5 oz. can $30


1/4" Wired Glass- Diamond or Square

Etched with UL Fire-rating classifiaction on each piece up to 1,296 sq. inches visible area - 54" max. width or height

1/4" Wired Glass- Diamond or Square

Odd inch or fractional sizes, use next largest size

4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
5 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 34 38 39
6 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 37 39 41 43 44
8 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 34 39 41 44 45 50 52 54 56
10 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 34 39 42 45 50 53 55 58 64 70 73
12 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 37 41 44 50 54 56 60 68 73 77 82 84
14 29 29 29 29 29 29 37 42 45 52 55 60 68 74 78 83 87 94 100
16 29 29 29 29 29 34 41 45 52 56 64 72 77 82 87 94 101 106 112
18 29 29 29 29 29 39 44 52 56 64 73 79 84 89 100 106 112 118 125
20 29 29 29 29 34 42 50 55 64 73 79 86 94 102 111 116 124 132 140
22 29 29 29 30 39 45 54 60 72 79 86 95 103 112 119 129 136 145 154
24 29 29 29 37 41 50 56 68 77 84 94 103 112 121 131 140 147 158 167
26 29 29 30 40 44 53 60 74 82 89 102 112 121 131 142 151 161 170 178
28 29 29 37 42 45 55 68 78 87 100 111 119 131 142 152 163 173 182 195

30 29 30 39 44 50 58 73 83 94 106 116 129 140 151 163 173 185 197 206
32 29 34 41 45 52 64 77 87 101 112 124 136 147 161 173 185 197 208 221
34 29 38 43 50 54 70 82 94 106 118 132 145 158 170 182 197 206 221 235
36 29 39 44 52 56 73 84 100 112 125 140 154 167 178 194 206 219 233 248
38 30 41 46 54 59 76 87 103 118 133 146 162 175 190 203 219 230 247 261
40 34 42 50 55 64 79 94 111 124 140 155 169 185 201 213 230 242 259 274
42 37 44 52 58 68 83 100 114 131 145 163 177 194 210 225 242 253 269 290
44 39 45 54 60 72 86 103 119 136 154 169 186 202 219 236 252 263 284 302
46 40 46 55 64 74 88 110 124 143 161 176 195 212 230 247 263 274 295 315
48 41 50 56 68 77 94 112 131 147 167 185 202 220 239 258 272 288 307 330
50 42 51 58 72 79 99 116 134 155 173 192 211 230 248 266 288 298 322 343
52 44 53 60 74 82 102 121 142 161 178 201 219 239 259 279 298 308 333 357
54 44 54 64 76 84 105 125 145 167 187 206 227 249 268 290 307 322 346 372
56 45 55 68 78 87 108 131 152 173 194 213 236 258 279 299 322 332 358 384
58 49 57 71 80 89 113 134 158 178 201 222 244 265 289 308 331 343 372 396
60 50 58 73 83 94 116 140 163 185 206 230 252 272 298 322 343 354 384 412
62 51 60 75 85 99 121 144 168 192 213 237 260 285 306 331 354 367 394 425
64 52 64 77 87 101 124 147 173 198 220 246 268 293 316 341 365 377 407 438
66 54 68 79 88 103 129 154 177 202 227 252 278 301 328 352 377 389 421 452
68 54 70 81 94 106 132 158 182 208 235 260 287 311 337 362 388 399 433 466
70 55 71 83 98 111 134 163 189 213 242 266 293 322 347 374 398 412 446 479
72 56 73 84 100 112 140 167 194 220 248 272 301 329 355 384 410 423 459 494

Packing Charge: If any line item size is less than 15 sq. feet - Add $50 NET (total per order).

Glass for Round Lite Kits: With GT-118 glazing tape supplied (loose) for both sides:
to fit in kits 12" $135 Add $4 per square foot to each piece of glass
18" $185
With GT-9800 intumescent glazing tape supplied (loose) for both sides:
24" $300 Add $14 per square foot to each piece of glass

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB with 1/4" Wire Glass

Diamond or Square & GT-118 Glazing Tape both sides
Etched with UL fire-rating classifiaction on each piece up to 1,296 sq. inches visible area - 54" max. width or height
L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB with 1/4" Wire Glass

Mullion bars available for L-GLF100 and L-GLF100-TB - price of lite kit plus $115 per mullion bar
Torx Security Screws - up to 24" x 24" add $12, over 24" x 24" add $24
Minimum 3” width or height; maximum 88” width or height
; Odd inch or fractional sizes, use next largest size

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 79 79 79 79 79 85 87 91 95 100 102 106 109 115 116 119
6 79 79 79 79 85 89 91 95 100 102 108 113 123 127 129 133
8 79 79 79 79 87 92 95 102 111 115 123 129 136 142 148 153
10 79 79 77 85 91 100 108 114 122 129 140 145 150 158 165 169
12 79 79 85 75 100 111 119 127 133 144 151 158 166 173 183 187
14 89 90 90 100 112 119 129 134 149 156 165 173 183 189 199 206
16 90 95 96 111 119 129 136 151 161 167 182 187 197 204 214 224
18 95 95 105 119 129 136 149 162 171 182 191 200 211 220 229 245
20 97 105 112 127 134 151 162 171 183 194 204 216 225 240 249 259
22 100 107 121 133 149 161 171 183 197 206 218 227 244 256 265 277
24 102 116 127 144 156 167 182 194 206 210 228 246 257 268 284 295
26 109 124 133 151 165 180 191 204 218 228 246 259 269 285 300 313

28 111 130 144 158 173 187 200 216 227 246 259 273 287 302 316 331
30 120 131 149 166 183 197 211 225 244 227 269 287 302 317 334 347
32 127 133 156 173 189 204 217 240 256 263 285 302 317 334 347 364
34 129 149 163 183 199 214 229 249 265 284 300 316 334 347 363 383
36 125 142 168 187 206 224 245 259 277 291 313 331 347 363 381 397
38 142 162 178 211 217 252 267 289 307 327 353 371 391 403 428 448
40 149 167 185 219 244 260 284 301 320 347 367 385 403 426 442 466
42 153 186 191 227 250 268 293 311 341 359 382 399 426 440 459 487
44 171 194 214 236 259 283 301 332 352 374 393 419 440 457 478 503
46 180 200 220 248 266 289 320 342 362 385 412 433 457 476 494 520
48 185 208 226 256 276 306 332 353 377 400 428 449 476 493 512 536
50 190 214 235 260 292 317 341 362 392 418 438 466 493 508 526 560
52 200 221 246 283 304 329 358 382 408 432 458 486 514 527 551 583
54 206 226 252 287 313 342 365 396 421 446 476 502 527 546 569 601
56 211 246 265 295 327 352 381 402 433 474 490 517 546 563 586 617
58 223 249 274 306 333 363 390 419 446 478 503 533 563 579 602 635
60 226 255 283 314 346 374 401 432 460 490 520 552 579 595 618 657
62 230 264 292 325 354 384 416 446 476 506 536 566 595 611 637 676
64 244 266 298 333 364 394 426 456 489 517 553 579 611 631 656 693
66 248 278 307 342 375 406 437 468 502 529 566 596 631 646 672 714
68 255 284 314 352 387 417 450 487 517 547 579 613 646 664 690 731
70 260 293 323 362 393 429 461 496 526 563 596 631 664 681 709 748
72 265 300 333 370 402 438 476 506 543 575 611 646 681 698 725 768

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)
Add 15% for following finishes:
(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20% Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395


L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB with 1/4" Wire Glass

Diamond or Square with GT- 9800 Intumescent Glazing Tape both sides

L-FRA100, L-GLF100, L-GLF100-TB with 1/4" Wire Glass

Includes U.L. etching up to 1,296 sq. inches visible area - 54" max. width or height
Mullion bars available for L-GLF100 - price of lite kit plus $115 per mullion bar
Torx Security Screws - up to 24" x 24" add $12, over 24" x 24" add $24
Minimum 3” width or height; maximum 56” width or height. Odd inch or fractional sizes, use next largest size

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
4 89 89 90 91 93 98 100 108 113 116 122 124 129 136 140 143
6 89 90 91 93 98 100 108 113 116 122 127 134 142 150 154 160
8 90 91 93 95 100 108 113 121 129 134 143 152 161 167 173 180
10 91 93 90 98 108 115 124 133 140 151 161 170 177 185 190 198
12 93 95 98 85 116 127 136 148 158 167 177 185 190 200 212 217
14 98 100 101 116 128 137 149 160 171 181 189 198 211 217 227 236
16 100 108 113 127 137 149 161 174 185 194 204 215 224 231 246 258
18 108 113 122 136 149 161 172 186 197 204 218 227 240 254 265 274
20 113 121 130 148 160 174 186 197 211 221 230 248 257 271 282 296
22 116 127 139 158 171 185 197 211 223 231 250 262 274 289 302 315
24 122 134 149 167 181 194 206 221 231 253 263 277 292 305 318 334
26 127 143 158 177 189 204 218 230 250 263 277 294 307 322 340 354
28 131 152 168 185 198 215 227 248 262 277 294 309 325 342 358 370

30 142 161 174 190 211 224 240 257 284 279 307 325 342 359 372 392
32 150 153 183 200 217 231 249 271 296 296 322 342 359 372 392 407
34 154 173 189 212 227 246 265 282 302 318 340 358 372 392 407 425
36 145 179 197 217 236 258 274 296 327 323 354 370 392 407 425 440
38 168 189 206 243 263 284 305 326 350 356 394 417 435 452 473 493
40 178 197 216 254 274 296 317 340 361 390 410 431 452 473 493 509
42 183 217 237 263 284 306 330 354 383 403 425 445 473 493 509 527
44 202 225 249 271 296 320 341 371 396 418 439 466 493 509 527 544
46 212 230 256 283 305 329 361 387 406 432 459 486 509 527 544 562
48 216 243 264 293 315 350 372 397 421 448 476 500 527 544 562 576
50 224 252 271 301 332 360 385 407 439 466 493 520 544 562 576 601
52 239 262 283 320 350 370 402 428 457 486 512 537 567 582 603 624
54 239 266 292 329 358 390 411 444 470 499 529 558 582 603 624 642
56 249 283 306 339 370 398 428 455 488 514 544 573 603 624 642 660

Gray Primer (GPZ) finish standard and will be provided unless one of the following optional finishes is indicated:
Available at no extra charge: (T) Tan (DKB) Dark Bronze (BPR) Beige Primer (matches Steelcraft)
(CAB) California Bronze (matches Anemostat) (PTY) Putty (matches Anemostat beige)

Add 15% for following finishes:

(B) Brass (Gold) (GBL) Gloss Black (W) White
(MBL) Matte Black (TBL) Textured Black (ASL) Aluminum Silver
(WB) Walnut Brown (matches Timely  Browntone)
(MW) Magnolia White (matches Timely Western White)

Galvanneal - Add 20%

Zinc EL-Plate - Add $395

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.

Tempered, Insulated Tempered and Polycarbonate Glass

Tempered, Insulated Tempered and Polycarbonate Glass

Prices per Sq. FT. on this page apply to each piece of glass, rounded up to the next whole foot.

Packing Charge: If any line item size is less than 15 sq. feet - Add $50 NET (total per order).
Packing charge does not apply when packaged with lite kit

Glass for Round Lite Kits: List x 4

Tempered Glass - 1/4"

Each Piece: With GT-118 Glazing Tape supplied both sides

1-2 Sq. Feet $29/EA. Add $4 per Sq. FT.
3 or more Sq. Feet $14.50 per Sq. FT Packaged with Lite Kit - Use glass pricing with
glazing tape, plus lite kit, plus $7 for packaging

Insulated Tempered Glass - 1"

Each Piece: With GT-116 Glazing Tape supplied both sides

1-3 Sq. Feet $99/EA. Add $3 per Sq. FT.
4 or more Sq. Ft. $33 per Sq. FT Packaged with Lite Kit - Use glass pricing with
glazing tape, plus lite kit, plus $7 for packaging

Polycarbonate - 1/4"

Each Piece: With GT-118 Glazing Tape supplied both sides

All Sizes $55 per Sq. FT. Add $4 per Sq. FT.
Packaged with Lite Kit - Use glass pricing with
glazing tape, plus lite kit, plus $7 for packaging

Polycarbonate - 1/2"

Each Piece: With GT-118 Glazing Tape supplied both sides

All Sizes $82.50 per Sq. FT. Add $4 per Sq. FT.
Packaged with Lite Kit (fits L-FRA100-SP or
L-GLF100-SP Lite Kit - for 1-3/4" door with 1/2"
glass) - Use glass pricing with glazing tape, plus
lite kit, plus $7 for packaging

P R I C E L I S T | J A N U AWarranty
RY 2011

Metal Edges and Astragals

Door Edges Astragals

Metal Edges and Astragals

540 541 550, 552, 560, 562, 551, 553, 555,
Door 542 543, 545 570, 572, 574 561, 563
Height EA. Set EA. Set
6’8” 56 80 69 98
7’0” 60 84 69 98
8’0” 68 96 79 112
9’0” 76 108 89 126
10’0” 84 120 99 140

Stainless Steel, #4 Brushed Finish

Door Edges Astragals
540SS 541SS 550SS, 552SS, 551SS, 553SS,
542SS 543SS, 545SS 560SS, 562SS, 555SS, 561SS
570SS, 572SS, 563SS,
Door 574SS
Height EA. Set EA. Set
6’8” 140 200 172 245
7’0” 150 210 172 245
8’0” 170 240 193 275
9’0” 190 270 214 305
10’0” 210 300 235 335

Special door thicknesses - 1 3/8”, 2”, 2 1/4” Add $18.00 per set
Hardware Preps: Lock faces, strikes, flush bolts Add $15 per cut out
Zinc Electroplating Add $395
Galvanneal Add 20%
Lead lined Add $20/ Ft.
Torx Security screws #8 x 3/4” Add $1.55/ Ft.
Finishes other than Tan, DKB, GPZ, BPR, CAB, PTY Add 15%

Door Aligning Astragals

565, 575 565SS, 575SS
9” Height EA. EA.
Blank 28 70
ASA 43 85
FB 43 85
T 43 85

National Guard Products, Inc.
The products you count on. The people you trust.


1. Limited Warranty; Limitation of Remedy and Damages. Subject to the limitations of liability set foorth below, NGP
warrants foor a period of five (5) years from date of delivery (the “Warranty Period”), that the products provided by NGP
hereunder (the “Products”) (i) shall confnffoorm substantially to the specifications provided to NGPP, if any, so long as the
Products have been properly installed; and (ii) shall conffoorm substantially to the specifications provided by NGPP, and (iii)
e ts in workmanship and materials.
are free from deffec


This warranty does not coverr, and NGP will not be liable foorr, deffeects or damage arising from improper installation, modification,
lack of or improper maintenance, improper storage, shipping and handling, ordinary wear and tearr, misuse, abuse,
accident, unauthorized service, use with unauthorized products or parts, or improper product selection or specification.

The sole and exclusive liability of NGP under this warranty or otherwise shall be limited to the repair or replacement
of any Product or component part which shall prove deffeective to the original purchaser from NGP hereunder (the
“Purchaser”), and shall not extend to dismantling, installing or reinstalling (or payment for
o the cost of the same). NGP will
not pay for
o the costs of repair or replacement perfoormed other than in accordance with this warranty. NGP SHALL NOT
This warranty is governed by the law of the State of Teennessee without regard to its conflicts of law principles.

2. No Set-off ff.. Purchaser acknowledges that its obligations to pay NGP all sums properly invoiced to purchaser by NGP
foor the products are absolute and unconditional. Purchaser shall make all payments to NGP when due hereunder and
shall not withhold, delay ro condition payment foor any reason whatsoever. Purchaser shall not set-off any amounts
due NGP against any amounts already due from NGP to Purchaser and expressly waives any right ro claim of set-off.

3. Claims. Any claim by Purchaser with reffeerence to the Products shall be deemed waived by Purchaser unless submitted
in writing in accordance with this Paragraph 3. Purchaser shall inspect the Products immediately upon receipt and prior
to any installation or use of such Products. Unless Purchaser provides written notice to NGP of any claim foor shortages or
deffeects in the Products within foourteen (14) days affter Purchaser’s receipt of shipment, such Products shall be deemed
finally inspected and accepted by Purchaser. If a deffeect is of such nature that reasonable inspection within the time
provided herein would not disclose it, then notice of the claimed deffeect shall be made in writing and delivered to
Purchaser within ten (10) days affter Purchaser knew or should have known of the deffeect (but in no event later than the
expiration of the Warranty Period); provided, however, that (notwithstanding any provisions hereof to the contrary) NGP
shall not be liable foor claimed deffeects in Products once such Products have been incorporated into a structure. At NGP’s
request, Purchaser will send any allegedly non-conffoorming Products to NGPP. Any written notice of a claim hereunder
shall be sent in writing to National Guard Products, 4985 East Raines Road, P.O. Box 753430, Memphis, Teennessee 38175.

4. Additional Teerms. Acceptance of the Products shall be limited to the terms and conditions contained herein. Any terms
and conditions contained in Purchaser’s purchase order or acceptance that are in addition to, or are in conflict with, the
terms and conditions contained herein shall not become a part of the agreement between NGP and Purchaser unless
expressly agreed to in writing by NGPP.

Contact: Corporate
Corporate Headquarters:
Headquarters: Mailing
M ailing Address:
Phone: 800-647-7874 NATIONAL GUARD PRODUC TS, INC. P.O. Box 753430
Fax: 800-255-7874 4985 E. Raines Road Memphis, Tennessee
e 38
38175 Memphis, Teennessee 38118
© C OP YRIGHT NGP 12.2010

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