Economic Assessment of Dairy Farm Production in Kosovo

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Economic Assessment of Dairy Farm Production in Kosovo

Hysen Bytyqi*, Mentor Thaqi*, Fatma Hoxha*, Arian Misini*, Blerim Haxhija*, Hajrip Mehmeti*, Victor E.

Department of Livestock Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Prishtina- Kosovo;
Str. “Bill Clinton” 10000, Prishtina – Kosovo.
**Department of Dairy Science University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1675 Observatory Drive Room 279,
Madison, WI 53706.


The aim of this study is twofold: 1) provide an economic overview and 2) setup a framework for
benchmarking economic performance of dairy cattle farming in Kosovo. Dairy cattle farming is the most
important agricultural economic sector in Kosovo contributing about 10% to total GDP. As in many
transitional economy countries, dairy foods are a dominant part of the diet and dairy farming and dairy-
processing industry provide direct employment and support improvement of rural life conditions. To date,
there are no data about economic performance of dairy farm production in Kosovo. Therefore, data from
representative Kosovo dairy farms (n ≥ 100) will be collected, recorded, and monitored on a continued
basis, which will become the basis of a systematic benchmarking system. The study will utilize a number
of key performance variables (> 60) with an economic impact on dairy farm income and costs. Focusing
on a dynamic database and a spreadsheet model-based decision support system, analyses at the dairy
farm level on production and benchmarking will be performed and conclusions for the future development
of the dairy farm industry in Kosovo will be drawn in the light of competitiveness and efficiency. To date,
we have collected key economic performance variables from 63 farms on a monthly basis for year 2013.
Preliminary results indicate that the cost of rearing heifers calving at 24 months is €791.64; the average
milk income per cow is €144.78/month, its feed costs €66.74/month, and therefore the average cow
income over feed costs is €78.04/month. The average economic net margin of a cow after considering the
income over feed cost and additional income and costs is €67.44/month per cow.

Key words: Economic efficiency, Model-based, Input variables, Competitiveness.

1. Introduction

Developing an undertanding of factors influencing profitability in dairy farm is critical because it provides
dariy farm managers with the information required to select management strategies that would likely
improve their herd’s profitability (Gloy et al., 2002) and promote farm sustainability and resilience in the
long-term. Also, better knowledgement of critical economic variables in dairy farming would help
extension educators, dairy farm advisers, and policy makers to promote practices and regulations that will
assist farmers to remain profitable and economicaly sustainable througout time (Gloy et al., 2002). Net
margin in dairy farming is a key measure for determining how successful a dairy farm operation has
performed historically and a critical indicator of the financial success a dairy farm could have in the future
(Dhuyvetter, 2011). Net margin is the difference between all income and all expenses (Moran, 2009).
Farmers without a good margin tend to produce more either by improving productivity or by increasing the
number of cows. Increasing volume of milk produced helps to dilute farm fixed costs (Moran, 2009). One
simple and important key performance indicator is the milk income over feed costs because it is easy to

calculate, it is highly sensitivity, fast responsive to management changes, and it is simple to monitor
across time (Moran, 2009).

Cattle are the main sources of milk and meat production in Kosovo, including various breeds, crosses and
categories. This industry is clearly segmented in small-scale farmers (about 95%), mainly producing for
home consumption and commercial farmers (about 5%) producing solely for the market (Bytyqi et al.
2005). It is estimated that today there are over 83,000 livestock farms in Kosovo (Agriculture and Rural
Development Plane, 2012). Native breeds and their crosses dominate small farming systems and they
include a high level of land fragmentation. In these small farm systems, dairy products constitute a main
source of food and a high share of production, which still serves subsistence purposes. The small
livestock farms have poor hygienic and zoo-technical conditions. Large commercial dairy farms, on the
other hand, use more productive breeds such as Holstein (Black and Red), Brown Swiss, Simmental
Fleckvieh and Tyrol Gray (Bytyqi et al. 2009), have better zoo-technical conditions, and are more
intensive production systems (Bytyqi et al. 2007).

It is estimated that over 50% of Kosovo dairy stock was lost during the 1998-99 war (Kodderitzsch and
Veillerette, 1999). Losses included damage to dairy infrastructure, which has not yet returned to a
desirable level. This situation led to shortages of dairy cows and dairy products, which had to be
imported. Dairy production is an important segment of Kosovo’s agriculture considered as an activity with
considerable nutritional, social, and economical importance. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture
Forestry and Rural Development of Kosovo (MAFRD) has implemented the milk as a policy priority, which
consists of dairy farm’s direct payment support and investment support in order to improve dairy
production competitiveness and rely on local dairy production. Within this context the overall objective of
the study was to understand the economics of dairy farming in Kosovo and setup a framework system for
long-term benchmarking dairy cattle farming economic performance in Kosovo.

2. Material and methods

2.1 General conditions:

Kosovo’s climate is typical semi-continental with annual averages of 631 mm of rainfall and 11° C
temperature (Kosovo Hydrometeorology Institute, 2009). Dairy cattle are normally kept indoors from mid-
November to the end of April (winter season) when feed is provided indoors, mostly hay.

2.2 Dairy sector in Kosovo:

According to MAFRD there are around 151,000 milking cows hosted in 83,000 dairy farm operations in
Kosovo. The predominant size of dairy cattle farms is 1-5 heads which comprise most cows in milk
production (76%), 24% is comprised by farms that have over 5 heads of milking cows and only 5.3% is
from farms over 10 cows (Agriculture and Rural Development Plane 2007-2013, 2012). Farms with ≥ 5
heads of milking cows are the main milk suppliers of the processing industry that represent approximately
92% of the production.

2.3 Information on data recording:

Data were collected from 63 randomly selected farms from 6 regions in Kosovo: Prishtina, Prizren,
Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gjakova Gjilani. Studied farms were monitored for a period of 12 months (January to
December, 2013). Incomplete records and outliers were excluded from the analyses.

2.4 Economic variables:

Several key economic performance indicators were recorded within the areas of: (1) raising cost for
young stock, (2) milk revenue and feed costs, (3) revenues from animals sold, (4) other income sources,
(5) reproduction costs, (6) animal health costs, (7) depreciation costs, (8) credit interest cost, and (9)
other costs. Based on these variables, (10) farm income over feed costs and net margins were

2.4 Analyses:

We are implementing a Spreadsheet-based decision support tool that contains a dynamic database in
which we record and analyze all the information. Continued data recording and time-sensitivity permanent
analyses regarding Kosovo dairy farm economic performance is expected. Analyses will be performed
across time and throughout geographic regions. The decision support tool is self-contained software that
selects, filters, and performs queries on recorded data within an Excel ® Spreadsheet with Visual Basic
embedded commands. Results presented in this paper that describe the overall income, costs, income
over feed costs, and net margin of randomly selected farms are preliminary and are punctual for the first
year of data collection (2013). Continued data study is planned together with temporal and regional
benchmarking analyses.

3. Results

3.1. Young stock costs

Rearing costs of Kosovo dairy young stock is presented in Table 1. As expected, the most expensive
period of raising young stock is before weaning (≤3 months of age; €73.80/month per calf) due to large
and dominant costs of milk feed (€67.10/month per calf), which represents 91% of the total costs during
this period of time. As calves grow older, concentrate feed becomes the largest cost, although it never
surpasses 44% the total costs in any growing period presented in Table 1. Cost of milk feed remains still
important during the period 4 to 12 months and is close to the cost of concentrate (€7.67 vs. €9.91)
representing still about 30% of total costs. Overall, feed costs (milk in early life and concentrates, silage,
and forage later in life) dictate the big majority of costs of raising young stocks in Kosovo as they
represent 96% of the total costs. Health costs (3.4%) and other costs (0.7%) are insignificant in
comparison. No farm in the sample reported using milk replacer as an alternative to milk feed (Table 1).

Total cost per month of rearing young stock during the first 3 months is 2.87 times greater than during the
following 8 months, 2.42 times greater than during months 13 to 24, and 2.09 greater than after 24
months (Table 1). The average cost of raising a young stock is €41.26/month per calf. Nonetheless, as
seen in Table 1, there is a large variability on this monthly cost from period to period. A heifer that calves
at 24 months of age will incur in a total cost of €791.64. This total cost will decrease by €30.42 for every
month shorter to first parturition and will increase by €35.17 for every month greater to parturition. E.g., a
heifer that calves at 660 days of age will have a rearing cost of €730.08, whereas a heifer that calves at
780 days of age will have a rearing cost of €861.94.

Table 1. Rearing costs (average ± standard deviation; €/month per calf) of dairy young stock in Kosovo
dairy farms for year 2013 (n=63).

-------------Young stock age in months-------------

Item ≤3 4≤12 13≤24 >24 Average
Health 1.26±0.9 1.04±0.5 1.31±0.7 2.00±1.2 1.40±0.8
Forage 1.40±1.1 4.50±2.1 8.11±4.6 8.33±5.3 5.59±2.7
Silage 0.50±0.2 2.50±1.3 7.34±2.3 9.58±5.6 4.98±3.2
Concentrate 3.53±2.3 9.91±4.5 12.84±6.5 15.27±7.8 10.39±5.5
Milk feed 67.10±15.2 7.67±2.3 -- -- 37.38±29.1
Milk Replacer 0.00±0.0 0.00±0.0 -- -- 0.00±0.0
Other costs 0.01±0.1 0.03±0.1 0.82±0.2 0.00±0.0 0.29±0.1
Total 73.80±25.6 25.65±13.1 30.42±12.3 35.17±13.1 41.26±17.9

3.2. Cows’ milk income, feed costs, and income over feed costs

Milk income, feed costs, and income over feed costs (IOFC) is presented in Figure 1. As seen, the
average milk income per cow was calculated at €144.78/month or €4.83/day per cow. Feed costs
represented 46.10% of the milk income (€66.74/month or €2.22/day per cow). Hence, the income over
feed cost was €78.04/month or €2.60/day per cow, which represented 53.90% of the milk income or
116.93% the feed costs.

As in the case of young stocks, concentrates represents the greatest feed expenses (55.71%), which is
followed by silage (22.32%), then by hay (18.89%), and finally by other feedstuffs (3.08%; Figure 1). The
income over concentrate feed is €107.60/month per cow, income over silage feed is €129.88/month per
cow, and the income over hay feed is €132,18/month per cow.

Figure 1. Milk income, feed costs, and income over feed costs (IOFC) in Kosovo dairy farms for year 2013

3.3. Cows’ other income and costs

Animal sales are an important source of income in Kosovo dairy farms as they represent 34.80%
(€50.38/month or €1.68/day per cow) of the income coming from milk sales or 25.91% of the total farm
income (milk sales plus animal sales; Table 2). Within animal sales, those sales of meat are the most
important and represent 58.46% of the total animal sales, followed by the sales of calves (22.87%), the
sales of heifers (10.88%), and finally the sales of live animals for dairy (7.82%).

The next most important production costs besides feed costs are depreciation costs that are €8.94/month
or €0.30/day per cow and represent 13.40% of the feed costs (Table 2). Within depreciation costs, the
depreciation of equipment is the most important (60.40%), followed by depreciation of buildings (26.51%),
and finally depreciation of milking facilities (12.98%; Table 2).

Next in the list of costs are reproduction and health costs, which are substantially smaller to feed costs.
Both together (reproduction and health costs) represent only 4.58% of the costs of feeds. The major cost
of reproduction is insemination, followed by pregnancy diagnosis and other costs. Seems that the use of
timed artificial insemination is very limited in Kosovo as their related costs of synchronization are very
small (Table 2). Health costs are even lower than those of reproduction and, as expected, within health
costs, mastitis is the disease with higher costs among all diseases. Nonetheless, the cost of mastitis in
Kosovo farms (€0.50/month or 0.017/day per cow) seems insignificant compared to feed or other costs.
Costs of reproduction, health, and depreciation add to €12.00/month or €0.40/day per cow and are only
17.98% the costs of feeds or 15.24% of all costs.

Table 2. Income and costs (average ± standard deviation; €/month per cow) in Kosovo dairy farms for
year 2013 (n=63)

Item Income Costs

Animals sales 50.38±42.9
Meat 29.45±23.2
Dairy 3.94±2.6
Heifers 5.48±3.2
Calves 11.52±8.6
Reproduction costs 1.60±0.9
Insemination 1.19±0.7
Synchronization 0.01±0.1
Pregnancy diagnosis 0.27±0.2
Other 0.13±0.1
Health costs 1.46±1.0
Mastitis 0.50±0.4
Parturition 0.23±0.2
Other diseases 0.27±0.2
Other health related costs 0.46±0.4
Depreciation costs 8.94±6.5
Equipment 5.40±4.1
Milking facilities 1.16±1.8
Buildings 2.37±2.1

In addition to milk and animal sales other income (subsidies and milk consumed by the farm family) are
calculated at €14.31/month or €0.48/day per cow (Table 3). Also additional costs reported are: interest for
credits loans (€12.09/month per cow), labor costs (€27.35 €/month per cow), and other expenses such as
gasoline, equipment maintenance, etc. (€14.61/month per cow) and total animals purchased
(€9.46/month per cow; Table 3).

3.4. Net margin

Overall average Kosovo’s dairy farms income and cost are presented in Table 3. The total income that
includes milk sales, animal sales, and others are calculated to be €209.48/month or €6.98/day per cow,
whereas the total costs that include feeds, reproduction, health, depreciation, interest, labor, animal
purchases, and other costs are calculated at €67.44. Consequently the average computed net margin
(income minus costs) for Kosovo farms in year 2013 is €67.44/month or €2.25/day per cow. Costs
represent 67.80% of the income and the return rate is 1.47 or 47% above the investment: for every €1
invested (costs) there is €1.47 of income.

Table 3. Net margin (average ± standard deviation; €/month per cow) in Kosovo dairy farms for year 2013

Income and Costs --------- €/month per cow --------

Total income 209.48±56.5
Milk 144.78±34.9
Animals Sales 50.38±42.9
Other Income 14.31±9.2
Total costs 142.03±40.9
Feed 66.74±10.7
Reproduction 1.60±0.9
Health 1.46±1.0
Depreciation 8.94±6.5
Interest 12.05±11.9
Labor 27.26±13.9
Animal purchased 9.42±25.7
Other 14.57±12.9
Net Margin 67.44±65.8

5. Conclusions
Dairy production economic patterns are undergoing various changes at present time in Kosovo. This
study represents an opportunity to assess trends leading to this dynamic economic situation and ways in
which dairy farming in Kosovo can increase its contribution to the well being of farmers and generate
additional employment. Comparing the lower 20 percentile with the higher 20 percentile of farms
regarding the net margin, the results show large differences between them favoring farms ranked in the
higher 20 percentile (€160.50/day) compared to those ranked in lower 20 percentile (€-14.16/day) per
cow (results not shown). This demonstrates the large opportunity existing to improve overall dairy farm
net margin and overall contribution of the dairy industry in Kosovo economy. Factors that have an
important economic impact on dairy farms include feed costs, health expenses, and depreciation rate.
The main source of farm income is milk sales, which represent about 69.11% of total farm revenue.
However, average milk yield per cow per month tend to be low, about 17 kg/d per cow, and therefore
there is also an important opportunity to improve farm net margin by improving milk productivity. One
reason for low productivity is the feeding basis, which is insufficient and of poor quality to support higher

6. Acknowledgement

The Ministry of Education Science and Technology of Kosovo financially supported this project. Thanks
are extended to farmers for participating and giving access to their data, and to all Agriculture Faculty of
Prishtina staff and students for their assistance in data collection and analyses.

7. References

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