INNOVIA 300 - Bombardier

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INNOVIA Monorail 300 Technology

Automated Monorail System

The INNOVIA Monorail 300 design incorporates high

Bombardier Transportation, the world’s leading levels of equipment reliability and redundancy that
supplier of fully automated, driverless monorail permits confident operation of the system without the
systems, is now offering the latest evolution need for on-board attendants thus allowing the operator
in medium capacity monorail technology – flexibility in staff utilization.
the BOMBARDIER* INNOVIA* Monorail 300 system.
This urban transit technology uses slender guidebeams,
which both guide the vehicle and provide its structural
INNOVIA Monorail 300 brings futuristic aesthetics, spacious support. The INNOVIA Monorail 300 trains permit smaller,
interiors and a smooth ride experience for passengers. less obtrusive and easier-to-construct aerial guideway struc-
An inter-car walk through provides free passenger flow and tures. The pre-cast, post-tensioned elevated guideway
enhances passenger safety. Flexible seating arrangements structure is constructed off-site to permit exceptionally
permit optimization of the system to suit customer rapid assembly on location.
specific requirements.
The INNOVIA Monorail 300 technology incorporates the
Fully automated driverless operation allows frequent, design and operational features required for rigorous urban
safe and reliable service, attracting more passengers line-haul service, including full automation, emergency
and generating more revenue. Combined with the evacuation walkways, high-speed guideway switching,
BOMBARDIER* CITYFLO* 650 automatic train control bi-directional operation and compliance with urban transit
(ATC) system, the INNOVIA Monorail 300 system achieves safety standards.
shorter headways and excellent operational efficiency.

Transportation Systems
Automated Monorail System INNOVIA Monorail 300 Technology

50,110 mm
3,147 mm 13,210 mm 11,845 mm

4,046 mm

Vehicle Data Carbody aluminum carbody, steel

underframe, composite end cap

© 2010, Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada/10782/SYS/06-2010/en
Type of vehicle INNOVIA Monorail 300
Maximum train consist 2- to 8-car trains Windows tinted, single glazed
Doors 2 bi-parting doors per side
Dimensions and Weight per car

Length (end car overall) 13,210 mm Air-conditioning roof-mounted module

Length (end car over coupler) 13,032 mm containing twin HVAC units

Length (mid car) 11,845 mm Fire safety design floor rating meets ASTM E-119,
Width (overall) 3,147 mm NFPA 130 compliant

Rooftop to top of running surface 3,019 mm

Performance and Capacity

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Floor to top of running surface 450 mm
Doorway width (clear opening) 1,600 mm Maximum design speed 80 km/h
Doorway height (at threshold) 1,930 mm Acceleration rate (service) 1.0 m/s2
Wheelbase (centreline to centreline) 9,200 mm Brake rate 1.0 m/s2
Vehicle weight empty (average) 14,000 kg Minimum horizontal curve radius 46 m
Maximum sustained gradient 10%
Technical Characteristics Recommended maximum gradient 6% (based on ride quality)
Power distribution 750 Vdc Wheelchair locations 1 per car (flexible)
Propulsion system permanent magnet Passenger seats per car 16 (flexible)
bogie mounted Design capacity**
Vehicle guidance straddle beam monorail • 2-car trains at 75 sec headways 11,300 pphpd
• 4-car trains at 75 sec headways 24,100 pphpd
Vehicle operation bi-directional
• 8-car trains at 75 sec headways 49,600 pphpd
Braking regenerative/friction
Vehicle capacity (standees + seated) per 4-car train (flexible)
Suspension pneumatic spring
@ 4 pass./m2 292 + 64 = 356
Bogies 2 single axle dual tire per car @ 6 pass./m2 438 + 64 = 502

Bombardier Transportation
Schöneberger Ufer 1
10785 Berlin, Germany

Tel +49 30 98607 0

Fax +49 30 98607 2000

* Trademark(s) of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. ** Operation of 6-car trains is also possible

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