Ambush Alley - Force On Force - Enduring Freedom PDF
Ambush Alley - Force On Force - Enduring Freedom PDF
Ambush Alley - Force On Force - Enduring Freedom PDF
a force on force companion
© Osprey Publishing •
It is de rigueur these days to refer to Afghanistan as “the for international adventurism of all stripes. It is little
graveyard of empires.” Like most over-used catchphrases wonder that Usama bin Laden chose Afghanistan for his
attempting to reduce a complex issue to a three or four al Qaeda headquarters.
word aphorism, this one obscures more than it reveals. Afghanistan finds itself once again the stage for a
While various empires have pursued interest in contest between ideas intent on defining both regional
Afghanistan and often suffered bloody reversals there, and global reality. Yet another Afghan government finds
those pursuits have only arguably contributed to the itself scrabbling to establish order and stability in the
immediate demise of one of them: the Soviet Union. midst of a conflict that far exceeds its nation’s craggy
Alexander the Great certainly detoured into territory borders. This volume attempts to describe some of the
that is now labelled “Afghanistan,” but his dalliance there engagements in the on-going struggle, the environment
did not bring the Macedonian Empire to its knees, let in which they are fought, and the structure of the
alone to its death bed. Later, the British and Russians fighting forces themselves.
would settle upon Afghanistan as an ideal playing field
for their Great Game, an exercise that would prove more AFTERMATH OF THE SOVIET
or less injurious to both empires, but certainly not fatal OCCUPATION
to either. Finally, Afghanistan played host to a rather Enduring Freedom focuses on events after 9/11, but to
tepid Cold War contention between the US and Soviet understand the environment in which Coalition troops
Union. While the USSR didn’t survive its adventure in now contest with both local and international insurgents
Afghanistan for long, its involvement there can hardly we must briefly examine the years following the Soviet
be pointed to as the key element in its demise. The Union’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, as it is the
United States emerged from the conflict unscathed, vacuum left by the Soviet departure that would
although the aftermath of proxy warfare in Afghanistan eventually be filled by the Taliban and al Qaeda.
would spawn an environment conducive to the planning Soviet forces withdrew between May 1988 and
and execution of 9/11’s atrocities. February 1989 and left behind a communist regime
The defining element of Afghan history is not that it propped up by Soviet advisors and as little direct aid as
served as the quicksand that pulled one aged empire after possible. Led by Dr. Najibullah Ahmadzi, the former
another to its doom, but rather that, as a nation, head of KHAD, the Afghan intelligence agency based
Afghanistan has rarely produced a viable, unifying heavily on the KGB, the government lacked international
government. Afghanistan has never truly buried any legitimacy and was anathema to the Mujahideen, who
foreign empires, but it has certainly interred its own refused all government overtures of negotiation. Why
governments in rapid succession. Trapped within a net negotiate with a government that would only last as long
of contentious tribalism, divisive geography and crushing as the Soviets chose to sponsor it, especially when it was
poverty, Afghanistan has been doomed through the clear that the Russians would rather put the entire
ages to provide a chaotic, lawless environment ideal Afghan adventure behind them? As it would turn out,
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historical summary
the Najibullah government would survive the Soviet Other factions existed, some unique unto themselves
Union in December of 1991 by a little over two months. and others spin-offs of the larger factions, but the
Between 1989 and 1993, Afghanistan found itself Mujahideen Interregnum was dominated by the Hezb-i-
under the control of various Mujahideen factions, each Islami and Jamiat e-Islami.
eager to consolidate regions of the country to their The Jamiat and Hezb-i-Islami came into violent
advantage in an ongoing struggle to seize national conflict when Kabul fell to Jamiat forces comprised
dominance. The two dominant factions during the of Tajiki and Uzbeki troops under the command of
“Mujahideen Interregnum” were the predominately Generals Rabanni, Massoud, and Rashid Dostum. The
Pashtun Hezb-i-Islami, led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Pashtun Hezb-i-Islami could not allow a non-Pashtun
and supported mostly by north-eastern Afghans and to retain control of Afghanistan’s putative seat of power
expatriate Pashtun in the Pakistani refugee camps and and quickly placed the city under siege. Hezb-i-Islami
the Jamiat e-Islami, comprised mostly of northern artillery took Kabul’s residential areas under fire,
minorities such as the Tajiks and Uzbeks and led by inflicting thousands of civilian casualties. With the
Burnahuddin Rabanni and including in its ranks the support of Ahmed Shah Massoud, the siege was
charismatic General Ahmed Shah Massoud. eventually broken. With Kabul in his hands, Rabbani
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declared himself president of Afghanistan. Fighting Under the charismatic leadership of Mullah Mohamed
between the various Mujahideen factions continued Omar, the Taliban soon prospered in Afghanistan. By
unabated, however, and the country continued its 1995, they were in control of Kandahar, Uruzgan, and
downward spiral into lawlessness. Zabol provinces. Territory under their control was put
As the Mujahideen factions continued to ravage under Sharia law. Despite its harshness, many Afghans
Afghanistan in pursuit of their political ambitions, tribal welcomed the change from the lawlessness that marked
and ethnic enmity, and religious strife, a new power was the rule of the Mujahideen warlords. The Taliban’s ability
taking shape in the crowded Pashtun refugee camps to rapidly replace their losses directly from the madrassas
in Pakistan. mitigated the warlords’ advantages in armor and airpower.
When Herat fell to Mullah Omar’s troops, most of
THE RISE OF THE TALIBAN Afghanistan outside Kabul and the non-Pashtun north fell
Within weeks of the Soviet intervention, over half a under Taliban control.
million Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran. A survey in Bolstered by support from wealthy Saudi sympathizers,
1988 revealed that 3.5 million Afghans were housed in the Taliban launched a final push on Kabul, attacking the
Pakistani refugee camps. The diaspora of Afghans hit city from several directions at once. Unable to resist the
its high water mark in 1991 when an estimated 6 million attack, General Massoud was forced to withdraw from the
Afghans, or nearly a quarter of the nation’s population, city and regroup in the north. Kabul was handed over to
were displaced to refugee camps, primarily in Pakistan. the Taliban, who celebrated their victory by stringing up
Thanks to the violence of the Soviet occupation and the former president Najibullah from a light post near the
factional warfare that came afterwards, Afghanistan had UN compound.
more displaced persons than any other nation in the Death sentences in absentia were sworn out against
1980s and early 1990s. Massoud, Dostum, and Rabbani. Within 24 hours of the
The unique blend of fundamentalist Islam taught in city’s fall, the basic rights of women were drastically
Pakistan’s Peshawar madrassas was very attractive to limited. Taliban fighters roamed Kabul’s streets, meting
young Afghan men that crowded the refugee camps, out beatings to anyone they deemed in violation of their
having no prospects for employment. This version of version of Sharia Law.
Islam, markedly different from other fundamentalist The Taliban had come to power in Afghanistan.
Moslem sects, focused on the ideal of an Afghanistan
restored to pre-modern innocence and populated by AFGHANISTAN UNDER
Moslems of true and simple virtue. The Taliban, or THE TALIBAN
religious students, who graduated from these madrassas By early 2001, the Taliban were firmly in control of
adhered to a particularly stringent interpretation of Afghanistan. General Massoud, the last major hold-out
Sharia Law and believed that Afghanistan could and against their rule had been pushed back into portions
would be transformed into an ideal Moslem state of two Northern provinces, Badakhshan and Takhar
through its application. The Taliban vision was equally and neighbouring countries, even Uzbekistan, which
attractive to disenfranchised young men and radicalized had vigorously denounced the Taliban in the past, were
fundamentalists of other Moslem nations. recognizing the legitimacy of the Taliban government.
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historical summary
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In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the US and its positions with their SOFLAM laser designators for
closest allies began planning operations into Afghanistan. Coalition airstrikes. On the same night two concurrent
On 12 September, NATO invoked Article 5 of its charter operations were conducted outside the Taliban’s
providing for mutual protection of member states under spiritual home of Kandahar. The first was the much-
attack, eventually leading to the deployment of the publicized 3rd Battalion, 75th Rangers combat drop
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). First on onto a Taliban airstrip which would eventually become
the ground however, a bare 15 days after the Towers fell, Forward Operating Base (FOB) Rhino. The second was
was a CIA team known as Jawbreaker I or the Northern conducted well outside of the eyes of the media – 160th
Alliance Liaison Team (NALT); a mixed seven man team SOAR inserted a Tier One ground element from the
from the paramilitary Special Activities Division (SAD) Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment –
and the Counterterrorist Centre (CTC). This pilot team Delta to conduct a direct action operation against one of
arrived in Afghanistan, in CIA flown Mi-17s, armed with Mullah Omar’s residences. The Delta operators missed
millions in cash to help ensure the support of numerous Omar but captured valuable intelligence before being
Afghan warlords including General Rashid Dostum, engaged upon extraction by a sizeable Taliban quick
General Mohammed Atta and Massoud’s replacement reaction force (QRF).
as leader of the Northern Alliance, Fahim Khan. Other ODAs, Joint Special Operations Command
Immediately the NALT began cementing allegiances with (JSOC) including a vehicle-mounted Delta squadron,
them, conducting advance force operations to identify UK Special Forces and CIA teams inserted across the
and assess Taliban targets for airstrikes, and paving the country and began offensive operations both unilaterally
way for the insertion of US military Special Operations and in support of the Northern Alliance and the
Forces (SOF) into Afghanistan. fledgling Eastern Alliance (under future president
Operation Crescent Wind was the codename for the Hamid Karzai). With the SOF calling in devastating
preparatory airstrikes which began on the night of airstrikes and advising their local
6 October with both US and British aircraft eliminating
the meager Taliban air force on the ground and silencing
antiaircraft SAM defenses and radars. Aerial targeting
soon switched to enemy command and control nodes
and troop concentrations in preparation for infiltrating
SOF teams. The 160th Special Operations Aviation
Regiment (SOAR) defied atrocious weather in the
predawn darkness of 20 October to successfully insert
the first two Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA)
teams – ODAs 555 and 595 – from the 5th Special
Forces Group under the command of the newly formed
ing with
Task Force Dagger. Their task was multifaceted but o r c e s ODA rid
ial F ,
US Spec fighters
included mentoring the Northern Alliance, intelligence r t h e r n Alliance 2 0 0 1
No Nov
tan, 12
preparation of the battlespace and targeting Taliban Afghanis
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historical summary
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historical summary
Afghan government program of disarming the militias of stabilized north or west, or forbade offensive combat
their crew-served weapons. In the background, the Taliban operations. The Germans were restricted from operating
was also resurfacing, continuing to base themselves largely at night for instance. Some US troops derisively
out of Pakistan and in the southern provinces of commented that ISAF stood for “I Saw Americans Fight.”
Afghanistan. Operations were still plagued by the division These National Caveats continue to a certain degree to
of most American forces falling under the command of this day, much to the frustration of nations involved in the
OEF and Coalition nations operating under ISAF with heavy fighting in the south and east of the country.
sometimes wildly disparate objectives and the continuing With NATO’s expansion into the south in 2006, a
restricted footprint in terms of manpower deployed. In region that few OEF or ISAF troops had ventured into
2003, the UN Security Council voted for the expansion of (apart from occasional force projection and SOF
the NATO-led ISAF to beyond the capital of Kabul, a move missions), the festering insurgency finally re-emerged with
opposed by some in the US government. This saw the a vengeance. British, Danish and Canadian troops were
establishment over the 2003–2006 period of four distinct soon locked in heavy, almost conventional war-fighting in
NATO sub-commands: Regional Command (RC) North, the southern province of Helmand. The British attempted
South, East and West. Two further commands – Regional to develop a “Platoon House” COIN strategy of deploying
Command Capital and Regional Command South East troops to live and operate within the district centers of
were later added. Each RC is managed by a rotating lead towns within Helmand. Often within days of arrival, these
nation and is responsible for both offensive operations and forces were in immediate contact with the enemy. In
counter-insurgency (primarily through the Provincial locations such as Sangin and Musa Qala, the platoon
Reconstruction Teams or PRTs) within their region. houses were in a state of virtual siege with resupply only
available by helicopter and the defenders fighting off
COUNTER-INSURGENCY massed attacks by the Taliban. In Now Zad for example,
The ISAF PRTs grew from initial OEF efforts at an ink the Gurkhas fought off over two dozen such attacks in four
blot strategy of counter-insurgency. The PRTs were weeks, firing somewhere in the region of 30,000 rounds of
tasked with improving local security, initiating and 5.56mm and 17,000 rounds of 7.62mm in the process,
supporting reconstruction efforts and extending the killing over 100 enemy combatants without a single
influence of the Afghan government. By deploying PRTs, friendly fatality.
the aim was for pockets of stability and reconstruction to US forces were also expanding their operations in the
develop, countering the Taliban’s own hearts and minds south with the massive 11,000 strong Operation Mountain
efforts. They are composed of a mixed civil-military Thrust conducted with British and Canadian forces in June
team (CIMIC) typically with Civil Affairs soldiers, aiming to destroy Taliban safe havens in Helmand and
Engineers and force protection elements all co-located Uruzgan. 2006 was a bloody year for Coalition forces with
with civilian reconstruction specialists. casualties rapidly rising due to expansion into formerly
Several European ISAF nations operated under Taliban-held areas in the south. It also saw the British hand
National Caveats which essentially spelled out when, how over control of Musa Qala to the town’s elders in a
and where their forces could be used. Some confined their negotiated settlement meant to limit damage to the town.
forces to particular areas or cities, mainly in the more Unfortunately, the Taliban observed the agreement for
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only a few short months before they re-took the town. north also stepped up operations with the German and
Along the border with Pakistan, fighting also flared with Norwegian-led Operation Harekate Yolo and Harekate
large numbers of Taliban, bolstered by foreign fighters, Yolo II in October and November. In December, the joint
crossing the border. Among these fighters were the first US/UK Operation Snakebite once again seized control
suicide bombers seen in Afghanistan, a ghastly tactic based of Musa Qala.
on jihadist successes in Iraq. The use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) also
rose in 2007 with devices of both increasing sophistication
THE NEW TALIBAN and ferocity being deployed across Afghanistan. This
2007 saw the level of insurgency-related violence continue upsurge in IEDs was blamed on the influence of both
to rise and the full emergence of the so-called New covert Iranian elements and the import of foreign jihadists
Taliban. To counter the burgeoning insurgency in the fresh from Iraq, Chechnya and Lebanon with the first of
south, British-led forces launched several large operations. the deadly Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFP) IEDs
In January, Operation Glacier Two saw the famous Royal seen in Afghanistan. Coalition forces responded to the
Marine assault on the Taliban stronghold of Jugroom Fort IED threat using many of the lessons learned in Iraq with
and the resulting daring rescue of a British serviceman’s the first of numerous types of Mine Resistant Ambush
body from the fort by Apache helicopters. Operation Protected (MRAP) vehicles being deployed along with a
Achilles was launched in March with the aim of suite of anti IED electronic counter measures (ECM).
dominating the strategically important Kajaki region. Helmand continued to be a major focus for ISAF into
Several ops were conducted under the Achilles banner 2008, with British-led forces unable to dominate the
such as 45 Commando Royal Marines clearing a major province due to lack of manpower and helicopters.
Taliban dominated area around Kajaki in Operation The situation changed in April when the Marines of the
Volcano and the related Operation Kryptonite which 24th MEU were deployed to Helmand. The Marines and
pushed the Taliban from the Kajaki Dam, allowing it to British almost immediately launched an offensive to
be re-opened to provide power and irrigation to the recapture Garmsir. In June, indicative of both increased
Helmand River Valley. During Achilles, a Taliban HVT cross-border penetrations by Taliban and foreign fighters,
and their most senior military commander in the south, the Vehicle Patrol Base (VPB) at Wanat was attacked
Mullah Dadullah, was killed in an SBS direct action and almost over-run in a bold assault by upwards of
operation in May (prior to 2010, UK Special Forces’ 200 enemy fighters. September saw the audacious
responsibility for the Afghan theater lay primarily with Operation Eagle’s Summit which delivered an additional
the SBS, with 22SAS operating predominantly in Iraq). 220 ton turbine to Kajaki Hydroelectric Dam. Although
In June in neighboring Uruzgan, a combined Dutch, led by the British, the effort also included elements from
Australian and Afghan offensive targeted the town of the ANA, Canadian, US, Danish, Australian, French and
Chora, succeeding in driving out the Taliban in four Dutch ISAF contributions. This operation included a
days of heavy contacts. Again in Uruzgan in August, a number of deception operations designed to fool the
joint US/ANA FOB known as Firebase Anaconda was Taliban on which route the convoy would take, including
attacked by a massed force of insurgents in a rare direct a dummy convoy of Danish vehicles. The operation was a
assault against a Coalition outpost. ISAF forces in the success and the turbine delivered.
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historical summary
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The Green Zone
The Green Zone and similar wooded areas encountered
in scenarios are classed as Average Woods. This terrain
restricts vehicle movement to Tactical Speed only, although
in some scenarios it may completely negate vehicle
movement. Taliban within these areas can claim an
additional cover die to represent their intimate knowledge
US Sold
of their surroundings. This die can be claimed in addition ier in Af
ghan fa
rm field
to any applicable Solid Cover, In Cover, or Armor dice. , 2010
Opium Fields and Crops entering the crops. This works both ways – any units
Crops, including the ubiquitous opium poppy fields, using the crops as cover must move to within 2” of the
affect lines of sight and fire dramatically. LOS can only edge of the terrain to see out and carry out actions.
be maintained by units within 2” of the edge of a crop Once units enter the field, they can see and engage up
field; otherwise no LOS is possible except by physically to a maximum of 4”.
Units at a significantly higher elevation than a crop field
(atop an adjacent hill or on the roof of a 2+ story building,
for instance) have a clear line of sight to all units within it,
assuming no other cover intervenes. A 4” blind zone exists
behind a crop field in this instance, however.
Only Tactical movement is allowed for infantry in crop
fields. Vehicles cannot enter crop fields at all.
Difficult Terrain
All off road movement by vehicles must be limited to
one, Tactical speed due the hazardous nature of Afghan
t r o l in Green Z
ps on p a terrain.
US troo
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The Afghan Combat Environment – Special Rules for OEF
Tier One Taliban prepare an ambush. Foreign fighters infiltrate across the Afghan
(Figures by Elhiem Figures) border to pursue their jihad. (Figures by
Elhiem Figures & Wartime Miniatures)
experience and previous training in insurgencies in Iraq,
Lebanon, Yemen, Somalia, or Chechnya. Many are true Coalition “Non-Teeth” Arms
“global jihadists”, following the war against the infidel from (Logistics, Medical Support,
country to country. Their high Morale and Confidence Non Attack Aviation etc.) and
stems from their pathological devotion to the jihadist Afghan National Army (ANA)
“cause” and willingness to become martyrs in furthering TQ D6; Morale D8; Confident
their global agenda. These are the non-infantry/armor/cavalry units that
form the backbone of any Army. They have received
Afghan National Police basic training in personal weapons and small unit tactics
(ANP) & Afghan Militia but may not have fired their
Forces (AMF)
TQ D6; Morale D6/D8; Low Confidence
The ANP and locally recruited pro-government militias
are both minimally trained (although in the ANP’s case
this is improving through ISAF mentoring programs) and
of low morale. The ANP also suffer from the Despised trait
due to endemic corruption and drug use amongst the
police. Some Afghan Militia Forces (AMF) hired and
mentored by ISAF and OEF Special Forces and OGA are
of higher morale (D8) and some of these AMF will act as during a
g s ecurity o f
Confident or even High Confidence troops, particularly if ANP pro
v id in vill a g e
p a t r o l near the
they are operating alongside their SF mentors. Affairs
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Coalition Regulars
(Infantry, Airborne, trol nea
l M a r in es on pa
Cavalry, Armor, Combat Roya
British 007
h k a r Ghar, 2
Engineer, Attack Aviation) Las
TQ D8; Morale D8; Confident Forces, US Air Force
The core regular fighting units from teeth arms, Coalition Special Tactics Squadrons, USMC MARSOC, US Army
Regulars describe the majority of ISAF and OEF combat Rangers, Grey Fox/Task Force Orange, UK Special Forces
troops in-theater. They are solid, dependable and Support Group and Special Reconnaissance Regiment,
reasonably well trained. This is the default rating for Australian 2 Commando and Incident Response Regiment,
Coalition forces and for Afghan ANA and ANP SOF. US Navy SEALs, Polish GROM and Dutch Viper Teams.
Some selected ANA SOF units may also benefit from a This is also the default rating for Coalition EOD teams.
High Confidence rating.
Tier One Special Mission
Coalition Veterans Units (SMUs)
TQ D8; Morale D10; High Confidence TQ D12; Morale D12; High Confidence; Abundant
Coalition Veterans represents those units with a mixture of Supplies
higher than average esprit de corps, some advanced The Tier One SMUs are the tip of the SOF spear – those
training and/or extensive operational experience in Iraq few select units who benefit from extensive combat
and Afghanistan. Units which gain this distinction include experience in both Iraq and Afghanistan, are lavishly
the USMC infantry, recon and LAR units, US Army equipped with state of the art weapons and equipment
Stryker Brigades, some US Army Airborne and Air Assault and are trained to the absolute limits of elite soldiering
and UK Royal Marines, Parachute Regiment and and human endurance. On the US side this includes the
Australian Combat Teams. Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment –
Delta (Delta Force), often known by its cover name of
Special Operations Forces Combat Applications Group (CAG), and the Navy’s
TQ D10; Morale D12; High Confidence; Abundant Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU).
Supplies On the Coalition front, this includes UKSF (22SAS and
SOF covers a range of well trained, experienced and the Special Boat Service), Australia’s Special Air Service
equipped ISAF and OEF units including US Army Special Regiment (SASR) and Canada’s JTF-2.
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The Afghan Combat Environment – Special Rules for OEF
Bala Ba on patr
luk Dist ol in th
rict, 20 e
US Marines react to a Taliban ambush. 10
(Figures by Elhiem Figures)
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In Cover Bonus
Taliban that have not moved during their activation and
are not Exposed automatically gain the In Cover bonus to
simulate their familiarity with and more effective use of
local cover and concealment.
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The Afghan Combat Environment – Special Rules for OEF
© Osprey Publishing •
IED Trigger Men by Taliban indirect fire assets (on or off-board) as the
The Taliban may deploy IED Trigger Men as assets from spotter corrects the fall of shot.
either scenario force lists or as a result of a Fog of War card.
These IEDs can be placed on the table as either a Reaction Is that a guy in a Burkha?
to a Coalition element’s action or as an activation to replace Taliban forces have become very adept at concealing their
a Firepower attack. The Taliban player must declare the true identities and escaping the battlefield. All Taliban can
unit to be attacked, place a marker to show the IED and cache their weapons, webbing and/or adopt civilian dress
finally place the Trigger Man within 6” of the bomb itself. (even dressing as females in Burkhas) if they spend one
The targeted unit (even if it has activated and/or has no turn out of Line of Sight of any Coalition element. In the
FP left) can attempt to either spot the device and take a following turn, the Taliban element must withdraw
Reaction move to escape the blast or shoot and kill the disguised as civilians and are immediately taken off the
Trigger Man (if he is in line of sight) however they cannot table. If ISTAR and/or drones are deployed (per the
do both. If they choose to attempt to withdraw from the scenario in play), the ruse is unsuccessful.
device, make a standard opposed Spotting Roll. If
successful, they can make one move up to 6” for infantry COALITION SPECIAL RULES
or 10” for vehicles to find cover before the IED detonates. COIN CONSIDERATIONS:
If not successful, the IED detonates with a Firepower attack Limiting Collateral Damage
on the targeted unit (IED ratings are given on the Fog of and Civilian Casualties
War card or in scenario force lists). The war in Afghanistan is focused on the
If the Coalition unit decides to try to kill the Trigger Man Counterinsurgency (or COIN) campaign to win the
before he detonates the device, make a standard Reaction hearts and minds of both the civilian population and
Test. If the Coalition unit wins the Reaction Test, they can moderate militia elements and “drain the swamp” of
make a standard Firepower attack against the Trigger Man. support for the Taliban and al Qaeda. The COIN
If the Trigger Man becomes a casualty due to the attack, roll
1D6. On a roll of 1–5, the Trigger Man is killed or seriously
wounded and the device does not detonate (keep the
marker in play as no Coalition unit can subsequently
approach within 4” of the marker for fear of a secondary
device or anti tamper mechanism). If the Trigger Man rolls
a 6, he is able to detonate the device as intended.
The Taliban have long used unarmed spotters nicknamed
Dickers by UK forces (from a term first used during the
war in Northern Ireland) to track the movements of
Coalition forces and guide indirect fire. To simulate this, EOD specialist approaches a suspected IED
unarmed spotters provide a +1 Firepower dice to attacks (Figure by Empress Miniatures)
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The Afghan Combat Environment – Special Rules for OEF
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Any time artillery or air strike is called in on a building, of any aerial ordnance heavier than 20mm or 30mm
there is a chance of civilian casualties amongst neighbors, cannon, the attached JTAC/CCT/ANGLICO must make
civilians hiding in the house while Taliban use it for cover their TQ check for calling in air at a -2 modifier to simulate
against their will or fleeing inhabitants. To determine if these restrictions
civilians were injured by a strike against a building, roll
Troop Quality check for the unit/figure calling the strike – Show of Force
if the check fails, the strike has caused 1D3 civilian Close air support is often deployed in Afghanistan in a
casualties. The Coalition player loses an additional Victory manner which does not deliver ordnance on target but can
Point for each civilian casualty. seriously undermine the morale of the enemy on the
The presence of the press only makes matters worse ground. When aircraft fly low and loud over enemy
from a publicity/information operations standpoint. positions to rattle their nerves, it is known as a Show of
Subtract an additional Victory Point in each of the above Force and has become a common and effective tactic
instances if a media team is within LOS of the strike. against the Taliban.
In the main Force on Force rules, a Show of Force only
Close Air Support Restrictions affects Irregular units however in Enduring Freedom, it has
For scenarios set post 2008, ROE restrictions on the use of the potential to affect any enemy unit be they Local Taliban
close air support came into effect under the leadership of irregulars, Tier One Taliban regulars or Foreign Fighters.
General Stanley McChrystal and later General David Indeed, it can also be used to disperse civilians – a
Petraeus which focused on COIN and limiting civilian and successful Show of Force run will immediately clear all
infrastructure damage from air strikes. To request the use exposed civilians from the board.
Show of Force flights can only be conducted with fast
air or dedicated rotary wing gunships. The AH-64 Apache
(and any similar gunship deployed such as the Tiger or
AH-1W Whisky Cobra) receives a +1 against Local
Taliban specifically (not Tier One Taliban or Foreign
Fighters) as the local insurgents particularly fear and
despise the capabilities of the gunship.
Civilian Casualties
When the unthinkable occurs and civilians are injured due
to proximity to a firefight, an IED, or an air/artillery strike,
it is incumbent upon Coalition forces to see to their
wellbeing as soon as it is tactically feasible.
When civilians are injured within LOS of Coalition
units, one or more of those units must move to aid them.
A motorcycle mounted dicker uses a cell
phone to call in enemy movement. (Figures Coalition units are not bound to rush into the open and
by Britannia Miniatures) expose themselves to obvious firetraps however, and may
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The Afghan Combat Environment – Special Rules for OEF
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So, a unit can only use Claymore Mines once per abstracted the placement of mines using a Troop Quality
game, but if it fails its Troop Quality test it can try test. If a unit passes the Troop Quality test, it recognized
again later? Huh? a trail or path that the enemy might use and their field
The Troop Quality test to “fire” Claymores at an craft has paid off. If a unit fails a Troop Quality test, the
enemy doesn’t just represent the successful triggering of chances are it’s because the enemy unit has shown up at
a mine, it also represents a unit’s foresight in placing a a place where no mines were placed. As the enemy unit
mine where it will do the most good. We didn’t want to (or other enemy units) continue to approach, they may
resort to book-keeping or on-board counters and blunder into the path of mines the unit did place – hence
dummy counters to represent Claymores, so we Troop Quality tests after the first has failed.
The firing unit must make a successful Troop Quality In games featuring attacks on a strongpointed
test in order to fire the Claymores. If the Troop Quality position (such as an FOB or OP), the simplest method to
test is successful, the target unit takes an 8D8 Firepower handle defensive Claymores is to allow every defending
attack. If the firing unit fails its Troop Quality test it may unit a chance to fire one set of claymores to represent
try again in subsequent turns. the mines set in a defensive pattern around the base.
Units may only use their Claymores once per game Players should note that in such games the attacking
unless a scenario indicates otherwise. force should significantly outnumber the defender.
Claymores may also be used to as part of a prepared
defence at a firebase or other strongpoint and are used as Breaching Compound Walls
described above. The quantity of Claymores available to Coalition forces must often contend with thick dried mud
the defenders is dictated by the scenario. walls around target buildings – some thick enough to be
resistant to 30mm cannon! Negotiating these walls
is commonly accomplished by explosive or manual
breaching (using either a demolition charge – often a Bar
Mine – or by pry bars/Hooligan tools to physically smash
a loophole in the wall) or by going over the wall via an
assault ladder – a technique jokingly referred to as “Grand
Nationaling” by UK forces.
Explosive and manual breaching is accomplished
using the standard Force on Force Breaching Rules with
units equipped with charges and MOE tools gaining the
+1 for a Unit Has Breaching Gear bonus. Compound
SAS team prepares to clear a compound. walls attract a -1 to the Breaching roll as per fortified
(Figures by Empress Miniatures) civilian structures.
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The Afghan Combat Environment – Special Rules for OEF
Assault ladders can be deployed as soon as the fireteam Any unit equipped with a backpack ECM system can
are in contact with the wall. They must spend the detect and jam any remotely triggered IED within 8” of
remainder of that turn deploying the ladder and ensuring the operator. The ECM operator may roll a TQ Check
there are no Taliban/IEDs etc on the other side of the wall! when the IED is deployed or when he moves within 8" of
On their next turn they can use their movement to scale a previously deployed IED. If successful, the IED is
the wall – no further movement is allowed that turn and detected and considered neutralized. Note that ECM
they may not initiate shooting although they can react in does not work against pressure plate IEDs (also known
the normal Round of Fire. They must deploy within base as victim operated IEDs).
contact of the wall on the opposite side.
Man-Portable Mine/IED Detectors
IED Counter-measures Units equipped with Vallon or similar handheld detectors,
As the IED threat increased in both the Iraq and Afghan can locate both pressure plate and RC IEDs along with
theaters, technological solutions were developed to begin buried mines. The Vallon provides no capability against
to counter the threat. Against any remote detonated IED’s remotely triggered IEDs such as those operated by IED
that are placed within 8” of a vehicle equipped with IED Trigger Men in the OEF rules.
Counter Measures, the vehicle may roll a TQ Check. Any IEDs or mines which are deployed against the
If successful, the IED is detected and fireteam that the mine detector is attached to may be
neutralized. IED Counter Measures discovered and rendered safe/bypassed. The detector
have no effect on IEDs triggered by operator may roll a TQ Check when the IED or mine is
pressure plates or wire detonations. deployed. If successful, the IED or mine is detected and
considered neutralized.
Man-Portable If the operator enters a scenario specified minefield
Anti-IED ECM (as detailed in the main Force on Force rules), he gains
Units equipped with backpack a +2 to his TQ check to avoid a mine contact.
ECM systems (such as the Additionally he clears a safe lane 2" wide to allow
UK BroadShield system) can others to follow safely.
electronically jam certain types
of IEDs. In game terms (and Mine Rollers, Rhino & Dozer
without impinging on operational Blades
security by describing methods or Various mechanical devices have been fitted to Coalition
details of operation), these systems vehicles as anti IED/mine measures. These include
can jam all radio controlled IED rollers, RHINO booms (which prematurely initiate
(RCIED) initiators such as infrared triggered IEDs) and dozer blades. For game
VHF/UHF and mobile (cell) purposes, rollers and blades will be treated together as
phone transmissions. they physically disrupt the IED or mine. RHINO (and
similar systems) is easily simulated by the existing IED
German SOF soldier Countermeasures Vehicle Attribute.
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Since Force on Force doesn’t use point balanced armies, Regular Victory Points
the typical “let’s beat each other up and whoever has the Major Objective Completed: 5pts
most toys left standing wins” approach to matches really Minor Objective Completed: 2pts
doesn’t apply. Per Hot Spot Neutralized: 3pts
As stated previously, Force on Force is a scenario- No Friendly POWs at Game End: 5pts
driven game. As such, the winner and loser of a match Per POW Captured: 1pt
are determined by the victory conditions of the scenario Per Enemy Infantry Unit Reduced Below Half
they are playing. Towards this end, each Force on Force Strength: 1pt
scenario includes a list of objectives or accomplishments Per Enemy Vehicle Disabled/Destroyed: 2pts
that will garner one side or the other “victory points.” Per Enemy Tank Disabled/Destroyed: 3pts
At the end of a game, victory points are totaled for Per Irregular unit Broken: 1pt
both sides and the difference between those totals is
used to determine who (if anyone) won and by how wide
a margin:
Margin of Victory Table RANGES & MEASUREMENTS
Difference of 0–4 points: Indecisive While Force on Force scenarios indicate a suggested table
Difference of 5–9 points: Marginal size, players are encouraged to use whatever table size
Difference of 10–14 points: Decisive seems to work best for the miniatures they’re using and
Different of 15+ points: Total the space they have available for play.
We find that the suggested measurements work great
for games using 15mm or 20mm figures. If you are using
larger or smaller figures, you may wish to increase or
SUGGESTED VICTORY POINT reduce the table size. Some players increase or decrease
VALUES the table size because they like the “feel” of the modified
Victory points are listed for individual scenarios, but the table size better or simply because it will fit in the space
following list can be used as a general guideline for they have available.
creating victory points for your own scenarios. Remember, though, that whatever size table the game
These victory point values are only suggestions. is played on, ranges and measurements must remain
Some scenarios may give the same victory conditions proportional or scenarios with a turn limit will be
completely different point values. You may decide that compromised. If you decide to double the size of the
victory point values should be adjusted up or down table, you must also double movement and fire ranges –
based on their relative importance in scenarios you if you halve the size of the table, you must halve
write yourself. movement and fire ranges. As long as you follow this
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simple guideline, you can play Force on Force on any size Taliban were advancing up the dry river bed to the east in
table with any size figures you choose! a concerted counter attack. A small element of fighters
with SOCCE 52 personnel engaged the enemy forces in a
SCENARIO 1: THE BATTLE FOR fierce firefight and drove back the Taliban…
THE ARGHENDAB BRIDGE Note: This scenario is a compression of several contacts
Sayd-Alim-Kalay, Uruzgan Province, 3–4 December experienced by ODA 574 and SOCCE 52 over 3–4
2001 December. Numbers of both opposition and friendly
After the fall of Tarin Kowt, US Army Special Forces fighters have been reduced for playability.
ODA 574, SOCCE 52 (a Special Operations Command
and Control Element staffed by 2nd Battalion 5th SFG
(A) headquarters) and the future President of Historical Outcome
Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, and his so-called Eastern Another suspected counter attack from the west
Alliance of Pashtun guerillas, began the advance on the never materialized and the men of ODA 574,
last remaining bastion of Taliban control. Their plan was SOCCE 52 and the Eastern Alliance held the
to advance on the city of Kandahar from the north as approaches to the bridge until ordered to
ODA 583 with Gul Agha Sherzai’s militia advanced from withdraw by Task Force Dagger command
the west. Lying ahead of Karzai and ODA 574 was the because of the fear that the Afghan fighters
village of Sayd-Alim-Kalay and the strategic bridge at may desert and the American elements would
become outnumbered and flanked – a decision
Arghendab. Karzai’s forces entered Sayd-Alim-Kalay
which did not sit well with ODA 574. A day
without incident but soon after lead elements, along with
later tragedy struck 574 when a JDAM was
three members of 574, crossed the two-lane concrete
transmitted the incorrect GPS coordinates,
bridge and were contacted by enemy forces. The
resulting in the death of three ODA members
Pashtuns quickly withdrew under the Taliban fire,
and the serious injury of several others.
forcing the Special Forces soldiers to follow suit.
The ODA quickly established their scratch force of
guerillas into a defensive line for the night in case of
Taliban attack. Their preparedness paid off when just after Scenario Information
dark upwards of 100 Taliban fighters attacked across the Duration of Game: 6 Turns
dry wadi to their south. The ODA and their 30 Eastern Initiative: Kinetic – Taliban first turn. Test for initiative
Alliance guerillas repulsed the attack with the assistance on subsequent turns
of fires from an AC-130. The next morning, reinforced Special Conditions:
with more of Karzai’s fighters, they attacked the bridge, Air Defense Environment: None
using 500 pound JDAMs to keep the enemy from counter Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
attacking across the bridge. A captured enemy ICOM Special Assets: Air support available to Coalition forces
radio revealed that not only were there Afghan Arab as described under Special Rules
elements on the southern bank of the bridge but that the Table Size: 4’ x 4’
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Fireteam Alpha
1 x Team Leader w/M4
1 x Grenadier w/M4/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Gunner w/M249 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x ETAC Combat Controller w/M4 and SOFLAM
laser designator
Fireteam Bravo
1 x Team Leader w/M4
1 x Grenadier w/M4/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Sniper w/SR-25 (Mk11)
US Special Forces Mission
Blunt the two pronged counter attack by Taliban forces Eastern Alliance Forces
and hold the north side of the bridge until fast air can Eastern Alliance Basic Attributes
be vectored in to destroy Taliban forces massing to the Initiative Level: N/A
south. Confidence Level: Low
Supply Level: Normal
US Special Forces Victory Points Body Armor: Standard (1D)
Prevent any Taliban forces from occupying the Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D8
Ruins by end of turn 6: 5pts
Prevent any Taliban forces from advancing beyond Irregulars – must use the Mixed Force rules and be
the northern edge of the dry river bed by end of controlled by Regular SF
turn 6: 5pts
Successfully call in airstrike on off-board Taliban Attached to Alpha
reinforcements across the south side of bridge by 1 x Group Leader w/AK
end of turn 6: 5pts 1 x Gunner w/RPK (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
No Special Forces casualties (KIA) by end of turn 4 x Rifleman w/AK
6: 5pts
Attached to Bravo
US Special Forces 1 x Group Leader w/AK
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Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll 1D6. Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty was only stunned and
For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in
round which does not detonate and is harmless to the the figure being taken from the table as a casualty.
target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or
advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type MEDEVAC Helo
(if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at No MEDEVAC/CASEVAC helicopters are permitted in
infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of this scenario as HLZs are considered “Cherry” or “Hot”.
Med. AP:2/AT:2(M). Casualties must be extracted on foot to a temporary CCP.
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randomly at one of the two marked reinforcement points Based around a force drawn from several AMF warlords’
on the map. private armies hired by the CIA and supported by a bare
handful of Army Special Forces and CIA Special Activities
REINFORCEMENT TABLE Division, the initial attack on the mountainous cave
Die Roll Reinforcements Received complexes at Tora Bora faltered. On 9 December, a 40-man
1 1D6 Taliban w/AK contingent from Delta, along with a small team of British
2 1D6 Taliban w/AK
Special Boat Service operators, was deployed into Tora Bora
3 1D6 Taliban and 1 x Leader w/AK
4 1D6 Taliban w/AK and 1 x Leader w/AK and took operational control of the SAD and SF elements
5 1 x Taliban RPG Gunner along with the Afghan hired guns. Signals intelligence
6 1D6 Taliban w/AK and 1 x RPG Gunner operators working with Delta picked up intercepts of
2D6 Taliban w/AK, 1 x Leader and 1 x
7 Usama bin Laden speaking to his fighters and pinpointed
RPG Gunner
1 x Taliban PKM Gunner, and 1 x at least two locations where he was suspected of hiding.
Taliban Assistant Gunner w/AK In this hypothetical scenario, Delta receives an
9 2 x Taliban RPG Gunner and 1 x Leader intercept which strongly indicates such a location.
1 x Taliban Sniper with Dragunov SVD
10 Without waiting for clearance, and ditching the
and Spotter w/AK
unreliable AMF, the Delta OC decides to launch a
SCENARIO 2: BLACK DUST reconnaissance party forward to gain “eyes on” the
Tora Bora, White Mountains, Eastern Afghanistan, potential high value target…
December 2001
In December 2001, after significant intelligence indicating Historical Outcome
that substantial numbers of al Qaeda including key Delta did indeed receive a good indication of bin
leadership targets had escaped Jalalabad and entered the Laden’s whereabouts and sent an advance team
imposing White Mountains bordering Pakistan, an forward. Unfortunately a three man Delta team
operation to stop them was launched. Their redoubt was a working with Afghan militiamen was pinned
place called Tora Bora or literally “Black Dust” in Pashto, down by al Qaeda fire and required assistance to
a network of caves and fortifications constructed during extract out of the contact. The team successfully
the Soviet Afghan War. extracted but as dusk fell, the Afghans began to
retreat back down the mountain. Delta was
under explicit orders to act as the supporting
effort for the Afghans, not as the main effort,
and they were forced to pull back with their
Afghan allies having advanced to within
2,000 meters of the suspected target location.
Bin Laden, his deputy Aymen al Zawahiri and
large numbers of his Afghan Arab fighters
subsequently escaped into Pakistan.
Tora Bo
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Al Qaeda Mission
American commandos are advancing through the
mountains to kill the Emir. He must be protected until
he can escape along the trails into Pakistan. You cannot
Delta Force Mission be the one responsible for allowing the infidels to
Advance to contact with al Qaeda elements, confirm capture the Emir!
presence of high value target and call in a successful air
strike on identified HVT.
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Al Qaeda Reinforcements
On turn 5 and every turn thereafter, reinforcements
automatically arrive for al Qaeda as news spreads of the
US Navy potential capture of bin Laden. The reinforcements will
Afghan arrive at either Reinforcement Point A or B – location is
costume at the discretion of the al Qaeda player.
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Rakkasan Forces
Rakkasan Basic Attributes
Initiative Level: D8
Confidence Level: High
Supply Level: Normal
Body Armor: Standard (1D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
Squad One
1 x Squad Leader w/M4
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Al Qaeda Cell Three (DShK Position) advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D8/D12) (if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at
2 x Gunners w/DShK HMG (Hvy. AP:3/AT:1(L) infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of
and AKs Med. AP:2/AT:2(M).
1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
Al Qaeda Cell Four (Bunker) Al Qaeda units deployed on the slopes are able to
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D8/D12) maintain concealment in the rocks and mountainous
1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0) terrain. A Rakkasan unit firing at them for the first time
2 x Irregulars w/AK must pass an opposed Quality Check. If the firing unit
loses the opposed check, it can’t locate the al Qaeda unit
Al Qaeda Cell Five (Compound) well enough to effectively engage it. However, once the
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D8/D12) Quality Check is passed by one Rakkasan unit, it is
1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK considered passed by all Americans and the target al
2 x Irregulars w/AK Qaeda unit is no longer classed as Elusive.
Al Qaeda Cell Six (Deploy outside compound Mortar, DShK positions and bunker
northern wall within 6”) The al Qaeda mortar and DShK positions count as
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D8/D12) Improved Cover (+2D) while the bunker counts as
1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK Fortified Cover (+3D).
2 x Irregulars w/AK
Smoke Grenades
Special Rules The Rakkasans all carry chemical Smoke Grenades
Ambush including 40mm smoke for their M203 launchers.
Al Qaeda forces begin play Hidden and may conduct
an Ambush. Advanced First Aid Training (ALS)
All members of the Rakkasans are Combat Lifesaver
RPGs trained and thus considered ALS trained.
Many different types of RPG warheads are found in-
theater. The level of logistics support available for any Caveman CASEVAC
given ACM group also influences what types of RPGs Al Qaeda is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC.
are supplied. Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll Units with this attribute do not follow the standard
a 1D6. Force on Force rules for checking casualties and do not
For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud employ front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead,
round which does not detonate and is harmless to the wounded and dead are spirited away very rapidly to
target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or satisfy burial requirements or confuse the enemy as to
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the number of casualties suffered. To represent this in Force 11 forced the deployment of a SEAL Naval
Force on Force, units with this attribute must check Special Warfare Development Group (DevGru) recce
casualties in the turn after they occur, rolling a single team directly onto the peak of Takur Ghar (literally
D6 for each casualty. Rolls of 6 indicate that the “Tall Mountain” in Pashto), a 10,469 foot snow covered
casualty was only stunned and is classed as “OK”. Any mountain with commanding views of the Sha-i-kot.
die roll other than a 6 results in the figure being taken The eight man team, call sign MAKO 30, was drawn
from the table as a casualty. from Advanced Force Operations, a specialist
reconnaissance and surveillance cell within Task Force
Al Qaeda Indirect Fire Support 11 and was comprised of six DevGru SEALs, an Air
The al Qaeda mortar team uses the Calling in a Fire Force Special Tactics combat controller and a signals
Mission rules from Force on Force. It can fire on targets intelligence operator from Grey Fox. The leader of
visible to the Spotter or to the team themselves who can AFO, a Delta officer, desperately and ultimately
self-designate targets. fruitlessly, tried to contact the in-bound Chinook when
he realized that MAKO 30 was about to insert directly
Coalition Close Air Support on top of an al Qaeda position rather than at the
Coalition air support is available from turn four in the
The battle for Takur Ghar
form of an AH-64 Apache (Missiles: AP:6/AT:5(H); Strafe:
AP:6/AT:3(M) which will stay on station until the end of
turn eight unless shot down or turned away by enemy
gunfire. The TAC or either of the squad leaders can call in
and direct the Apache fire. From turn six, the TAC can
request F-15E Strike Eagle fast air support with cannon
and 500 pound JDAMs (Bomb: AP:8D/AT:6D(H); Strafe:
AP:4/AT2(M). However the F-15 permanently replaces
the Apache on station.
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previously agreed off-set HLZ. The Nightstalker MH- feet to the snow covered rocks below. The SEAL
47E, call sign RAZOR 03, flew directly into a hail of immediately activated his infrared strobe and began
RPG and DShK fire from the al Qaeda defenders on engaging the enemy with his SAW as the MH-47E,
the peak. As the Chinook tried to escape the deadly with one engine destroyed, banked away into the
fire, a SEAL fell from the open rear ramp, dropping ten pre-dawn darkness…
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Historical Outcome
RAZOR 03 limped away to crash land further
down the valley while an AC-130 and an RQ-1
Predator scanned the mountaintop for the
missing SEAL. The SEALs of MAKO 30 were
eventually picked up by a second Chinook,
RAZOR 04 which bravely reinserted the team
onto the peak in a desperate rescue attempt.
Unknown to MAKO 30, the lost SEAL had
already been executed by a Chechen al Qaeda
fighter. The SEALs managed to insert under
heavy fire and conducted an assault against the
al Qaeda bunkers and trenches on Takur Ghar
until eventually being forced to withdraw from
the peak after their Special Tactics operator was
killed and three SEALs were wounded in the
contact. MAKO 30 requested the Task Force 11
QRF be launched and in Bagram, two MH-47Es
carrying the Ranger QRF lifted off. MAKO 30 off the southern board edge. Alternately clear
the peak of all al Qaeda fighters and maintain a cordon
until relieved by Ranger QRF. Note that the helicopter on
the map is only meant to indicate the landing zone and the
Scenario Information actual Chinook withdraws prior to the game’s first turn.
Duration of Game: 8 Turns
Initiative: Kinetic – MAKO 30 first turn. Test for MAKO 30 Victory Points
initiative on subsequent turns Locate lost SEAL and ascertain status: 5pts
Special Conditions: Exfiltrate MAKO 30 and the lost SEAL off the
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense board: 5pts
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls All al Qaeda units combat ineffective (below 50%
Special Assets: N/A. If Fog of War Cards generate a starting strength, destroyed, pinned or withdrawn
special asset for MAKO 30, discard and draw again. from table) by end of turn 8: 5pts
MAKO is entirely reliant on its own assets. No MAKO 30 KIA by end of game: 3pts
Table Size: 4’ x 4’
MAKO 30 Forces
MAKO 30 Mission MAKO 30 Basic Attributes
Locate and ascertain status of the lost SEAL. Once the Initiative Level: D12
SEAL has been recovered or status confirmed exfiltrate Confidence Level: High
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MAKO 30 deploys as shown on the map having just de- Al Qaeda Cell Two (Bunker 1)
bussed from RAZOR 04. 1 x Gunner w/RPK (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
2 x Rifleman w/AK
MAKO 30 (can be split into pairs at any time) 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
1 x Patrol Leader w/M4/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) (cannot fire RPG from within bunker due to back
1 x SEAL Gunner w/M-60E4 (MK43 Mod 0) (Med. blast)
1 x SEAL Sniper w/SR-25 Al Qaeda Cell Three (Bunker 2)
2 x SEALs w/M4/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D8/D12)
1 x AFSOC Combat Controller w/M4 (D10/D12) 1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
2 x Rifleman w/AK
Al Qaeda Mission
The American who fell from the black helicopter has Al Qaeda Cell Four (Bonsai Tree – deploy within 4”)
drawn the infidels back to the peak. Kill them all and 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
prevent the Americans from escaping. 4 x Rifleman w/AK
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their comrade. Once spotted by one team member, the is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in
location is passed to all via MBITR. To ascertain status the figure being taken from the table as a casualty.
of the SEAL, a team member must spend one turn in
base contact. If recovering the body, the team which MEDEVAC Helo
recovers suffers the Casualty Penalty. No MEDEVAC/CASEVAC helicopters are permitted in
this scenario.
Many different types of RPG warheads are found in-theater. Movement in the Snow
The level of logistics support available for any given ACM Both MAKO 30 and al Qaeda are restricted to the
group also influences what types of RPGs are supplied. Tactical Movement rate of 6” due to the heavy snow on
Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll a 1D6. the peak.
Any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud round which does
not detonate and is harmless to the target. On a 6, Trenches, DShK Position and
it indicates either an AT warhead or advanced AP Bunkers
type/airburst, depending on the target type (if shooting at The al Qaeda trenches and DShK position count as
a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at infantry it will be AP). Improved Cover (+2D) while the bunkers count as
Such warheads have a rating of Med. AP:2/AT:2(M). Fortified Cover (+3d).
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Historical Outcome
The QRF fought valiantly holding out against the
al Qaeda defenders of Takur Ghar. Supporting
danger close airstrikes from F-15s, F-16s and an
armed Predator assisted the QRF in holding
their perimeter until their brother Rangers from
Chalk 2 arrived to reinforce Self ’s Rangers.
Unfortunately, Chalk 2’s off-set HLZ required
them to climb the steep mountain slope to reach
the peak. Together at last, the two Chalks
assaulted the al Qaeda bunkers and killed the Ranger Mission
last remnants of the opposition. Hours later, Secure the crash site while minimizing friendly
after nightfall, the Rangers and MAKO 30 were casualties until reinforced by Chalk 2. Alternatively,
finally extracted after the seventeen hour pitched engage and destroy all opposing forces on the peak,
battle. The battle of Takur Ghar had claimed the establish a security cordon and hold until relieved.
lives of seven members of the Rangers, Air Force
Special Tactics and the SEALs. Ranger Victory Points
No additional friendly KIAs at end of turn 8: 5pts
No al Qaeda within 4” of any part of the downed
Scenario Information Chinook at end of turn 8: 5pts
Duration of Game: 8 Turns Establish a protected casualty collection post
Initiative: Kinetic – Al Qaeda first two turns. Test for (CCP): 3pts
initiative on subsequent turns All al Qaeda units combat ineffective (below 50%
Special Conditions: starting strength, destroyed, pinned or withdrawn
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense from table) by end of turn 8: 3pts
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
Special Assets: Dedicated air support available to Ranger Forces
Coalition forces as described under Special Rules Ranger Basic Attributes
Table Size: 4’ x 4’ Initiative Level: D10
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Force on Force, units with this attribute must check Chinook. Additionally either the SOAR Medic or a PJ
casualties in the turn after they occur, rolling a single must stay with these wounded for the duration of the
D6 for each casualty. Rolls of 6 indicate that the game. The medic can fire his weapon as a Reaction but
casualty was only stunned and is classed as “OK”. Any cannot engage in offensive actions.
die roll other than a 6 results in the figure being taken
from the table as a casualty. Advanced First Aid Training (ALS)
All members of the QRF are ALS trained.
No MEDEVAC/CASEVAC helicopters are permitted in Medics
this scenario. The 160th SOAR medic and the PJs all count as having
the Medic attribute.
Movement in the snow
Both the Rangers and al Qaeda are restricted to the Tactical Reinforcements
Movement rate of 6” due to the heavy snow on the peak. Jaguar One Two, a Combat Controller attached to an
Australian SASR patrol, is hidden on a nearby peak and
Trenches, DShK position and is calling in close air support on al Qaeda reinforcements
bunkers streaming toward Takur Ghar. No reinforcements are
The al Qaeda trenches and DShK position count as available to the al Qaeda forces.
Improved Cover (+2D) while the bunkers count as
Fortified Cover (+3D). Al Qaeda Indirect Fire Support
Unfortunately, Jaguar One Two and his SASR colleagues
Smoke Grenades cannot spot an al Qaeda mortar crew which is firing
The Rangers all carry chemical smoke hand grenades 82mm mortar rounds onto the peak. Every two turns
and 40mm rounds for their M203s. (starting from turn two), the al Qaeda player may receive
a random mortar strike from the off-board 82mm crew.
PID and ROE The al Qaeda player must roll a successful TQ check. If
In this scenario, where it was known there were no successful, randomly determine the unit that is hit by
civilian inhabitants on the peak, no PID Checks are the mortar rounds. The affected unit is struck with a
required before firing on any forces. Firepower attack of 6D6.
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(Bombs: AP:8/AT:6(H) w/6” radius, Strafe: nearby compound. Unable to provide fire support with
AP:4/AT2(M) w/6” radius). It can be directed in by their crew-served weapons and under increasing threat
either the ETAC or the Air Force CCT using the of losing a vehicle to Taliban RPGs, Patrols Platoon
standard Close Air Support rules (including Requesting was ordered to withdraw out of the built up area into
an Airstrike but with +1 “TAC is an Actual Tactical Air the desert which they reluctantly did. A Company
Controller” and +1 “TAC has priority for air support” approached the designated HLZ unaware of the
bonuses). The F-15 is only available for turn three. firefights raging on the ground. As the first CH-47
On turn five, Clash Seven One, an Air Force F-16 Chinook touched down and the Paras raced down the
(Bombs: AP:8/AT:6(H) w/6” radius, Strafe: ramp, the waiting Taliban opened fire.
AP:4/AT2(M) w/6” radius) is vectored in to support Note: Operation Mutay has been split into two distinct
with cannon and bombs and can be directed as detailed. but linked scenarios – the first detailing the perils of
Finally, on turn seven, Wildfire Five Three, a CIA Lieutenant Hugo Farmer’s 1 Platoon as they clear the
operated armed RQ-1 Predator comes on station “Cherry” HLZ and attempt to link up with 2 Platoon while
carrying two Hellfire ATGMs (AP:6/AT:5(H) w/4” the second covers the attempt to capture the enemy POI
radius) and can be directed as above. Again, the UAV by Lieutenant Tom Fehley’s 2 Platoon. Both scenarios have
only stays in orbit for one turn. Remember most bomb been compressed in terms of numbers of figures and table
and Hellfire strikes will be Danger Close. size to improve playability.
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1 Platoon Element
HQ Element
1 x Platoon Leader w/SA80A2
1 x Platoon Sergeant w/SA80A2
1 x Signaler w/SA80A2
1 x JTAC w/SA80A2
1 x Medic w/SA80A2
1 Section
Fireteam One One Charlie
1 x Section Leader w/SA80A2
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2
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Special Rules flanks or rear of Coalition units or simply melt away. Any
Hidden ACM element that makes base contact (with at least half of
All Taliban can begin the game Hidden in locations as its figures) with a Hot Spot can, on the following turn, use
shown on the map and may conduct an Ambush. its movement allowance to move via the Hot Spot to any
other active Hot Spot. They cannot move on that turn as
Is That a Rock or a Muj? this counts as their movement (and must deploy within 4”
Taliban units that successfully make their Ambush roll can of the new Hot Spot) but can fire as normal. Coalition
also benefit from the surprise and concealment when elements can declare interruptions against Taliban
Coalition units attempt to return fire. The Taliban unit emerging from Hot Spots as per the main rules.
raises its defense dice by one die type against any return of
fire for that turn only. This is to represent the surprise of RPGs
the contact, the panic and confusion of being caught in a Many different types of RPG warheads are found in-
successful ambush and the difficulty in spotting insurgents theater. The level of logistics support available for any given
who know and utilize the natural advantages of the terrain. ACM group also influences what types of RPGs are
This bonus only lasts for the single turn in which a supplied. Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll 1D6.
successful ambush roll was made by the Taliban. Only Tier For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud
One and Local Taliban are eligible to receive this bonus – round which does not detonate and is harmless to the
not Foreign Fighters, al Qaeda or other ACM. target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or
advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type
Taliban In-Cover Bonus (if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at
All Taliban that have not moved during their activation infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of
(and are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover Med. AP:2/AT:2(M).
bonus to simulate their naturally strong use of cover and
concealment. Squirters (Shrinkage)
The Tier One Taliban and Foreign Fighters in
Out of Contact Movement Afghanistan do not suffer from the Shrinkage effect
All Taliban automatically receive Out of Contact movement detailed in the main Force on Force rulebook. during
unless specified in scenario notes. Taliban can also make Morale Checks. Only Local Taliban, classed as irregulars,
additional Out of Contact moves after they have been suffer from Shrinkage.
spotted by Coalition forces. To do this, they must move out
of line of sight of any and all Coalition units. They can then Caveman CASEVAC
re-use Out of Contact Movement on the following turn. The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC.
Units with this attribute do not follow the standard Force
Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant) on Force rules for checking casualties and do not employ
Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead, wounded
move around the table. This simulates their use of ratlines, and dead are spirited away very rapidly to satisfy burial
irrigation ditches and tunnels to seemingly pop up on the requirements or confuse the enemy as to the number of
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Taliban Reinforcements
On turn 2 and every turn thereafter, reinforcements
automatically arrive for the Taliban. Dice for Hot Spot British sniper team provides security for
other teams on the ground. (Figures by
location as per the main rules. Britannia, photo by Dougie Robinson)
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Historical Outcome
While the clearance was underway, signals
intelligence was received that another senior
Taliban figure was hiding in the area. 2 Platoon
were tasked with capturing him. Moving to a grid
500 yards west of the target compound, they were
engaged in several snap ambushes, resulting in an
hour long series of firefights. A-10 Warthogs were
vectored onto targets forcing the withdrawal of
some Taliban elements, directly into the guns of 1
Platoon. Almost seven hours after the Gurkhas
and Patrols Platoon were contacted the battle died
down and the Paras were successfully extracted by
Chinook. The target compound clearance had
yielded disappointing results with a minor cache
of small arms and drugs recovered while 2
Platoon’s “person of interest” was killed by
Wildman Five One, the Apache of Warrant Officer
First Class Ed Macy MC.
Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 8 Turns
Initiative: Asymmetric – British have Initiative for the British Army Victory Points
duration of the game Capture enemy POI: 10pts
Special Conditions: Kill enemy POI: 5pts
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense Suffer no KIA by end of turn 8: 5pts
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
Special Assets: Dedicated air support available to British Army Forces
Coalition forces as described under Special Rules British Army Basic Attributes
Table Size: 6’ x 4’ Initiative Level: N/A
Confidence Level: High
British Army Mission Supply Level: Normal
Move to new target compound and attempt to capture Body Armor: Standard (1D)
enemy leadership target. Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
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a marker to show the IED and finally place the Trigger Hidden
Man within 6” of the bomb itself. All Taliban can begin the game Hidden in locations as
The targeted unit (even if it has activated and/or has shown on the map and may conduct an Ambush.
no FP left) can attempt to either spot the device and take
a Reaction move to escape the blast or shoot and kill the Is That a Rock or a Muj?
Trigger Man (if he is in line of sight) however they Taliban units that successfully make their Ambush roll
cannot do both. If they choose to back away from the can also benefit from the surprise and concealment when
device, make a standard opposed Spotting Roll. If Coalition units attempt to return fire. The Taliban unit
successful, they can make one move up to 6” for infantry receives a +1 Die Shift against any return of fire for that
or 10” for vehicles to find cover before the IED turn only. This is to represent the surprise of the contact,
detonates. If unsuccessful, the IED detonates with a the panic and confusion of being caught in a successful
Firepower attack on the targeted unit (Medium IED: ambush and the difficulty in spotting insurgents who
AP:3/AT:2 (4” radius). know and utilize the natural advantages of the terrain.
If a British unit decides to try to kill the Trigger Man This bonus only lasts for the single turn in which a
before he detonates the device, make a standard Reaction successful ambush roll was made by the Taliban. Only
Test. If the Coalition unit wins the Reaction Test, they Tier One and Local Taliban are eligible to receive this
can make a standard Firepower attack against the Trigger bonus – not Foreign Fighters, al Qaeda or other ACM.
Man. If the Trigger Man becomes a casualty due to the
attack, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1–5, the Trigger Man is Squirters (Shrinkage)
killed or seriously wounded and the device does not The Tier One Taliban and Foreign Fighters in Afghanistan
detonate (keep the marker in play as no Coalition unit do not suffer from the Shrinkage effect detailed in the
can subsequently approach within 4” of the marker for main Force on Force rulebook. during Morale Checks. Only
fear of a secondary device or anti tamper mechanism). If Local Taliban, classed as irregulars, suffer from Shrinkage.
the Trigger Man rolls a 6, he is able to detonate the device
as intended. RPGs
Many different types of RPG warheads are found in-theater.
Taliban Person of Interest (POI) The level of logistics support available for any given ACM
The Senior Leader must stay in the compound as group also influences what types of RPGs are supplied.
marked on the map until the end of turn four – this Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll a 1D6.
simulates the confusion of not knowing which direction For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud
the enemy are attacking from. At this point, he can round which does not detonate and is harmless to the
attempt to escape. He can only move at a Tactical Move target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or
of 6” per turn and must reach the marked escape point advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type
on the map by the end of turn 8. If he is in base contact (if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at
with the escape point or exits the board he is deemed as infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of
having escaped. Med. AP:2/AT:2(M).
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Out of Contact Movement Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty was only stunned and
All Taliban automatically receive Out of Contact is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in
movement. Taliban can also make additional Out of the figure being taken from the table as a casualty.
Contact moves after they have been spotted by Coalition
forces. To do this, they must move out of line of sight of MEDEVAC Helo
any and all Coalition units. They can then re-use Out of A MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) is
Contact Movement on the following turn. available to be called in. The wounded must be moved to
a casualty collection point located anywhere in the UK
Taliban In-Cover Bonus Forces Deployment Box (as shown on the map) where a
All Taliban that have not moved during their activation (and MERT helo can land once called in by the JTAC.
are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover bonus to
simulate their naturally strong use of cover and concealment. Coalition Close Air Support
Coalition air support can be requested by the attached
Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant) JTAC. Roll 1D6 to ascertain type of platform available: 1-
Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to 3 AH-64D Longbow Apache (Missile: AP:6/AT5(H) w/4”
move around the table. This simulates their use of ratlines, radius, Strafe: AP:6/AT:3(M); 4 – 6 A-10 Warthog (Bombs:
irrigation ditches and tunnels to seemingly pop up on the AP:8D/AT8D(H) w/6” radius, Strafe: AP:6/AT:4(M). The
flanks or rear of Coalition units or simply melt away. Any JTAC receives a +1 bonus for being an actual TAC however
ACM element that makes base contact (with at least half the atmospherics are causing difficulties with his
of its figures) with a Hot Spot can, on the following turn, BOWMAN (jokingly known as Better Off With Map And
use its movement allowance to move via the Hot Spot to Nokia) and he receives a -1 for spotty radio reception.
any other active Hot Spot. They cannot move on that turn
as this counts as their movement (and must deploy within Walls and Buildings
4” of the new Hot Spot) but can fire as normal. Coalition All stone walls provide a Solid Cover bonus (+1D) as do
elements can declare interruptions against Taliban building roofs. All buildings and compound walls provide
emerging from Hot Spots as per the main rules. Improved Cover (+2D). Buildings are rated at 6D8.
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REINFORCEMENT TABLE based on the “ink blot” COIN strategy – base UK forces
Die Roll Reinforcements Received in close proximity to the populations of strategically
1 1D6 Taliban w/AK important locations such as Sangin and Musa Qala to
2 1D6+1 Taliban w/AK allow interaction with the local inhabitants and deter
3 1D6+2 Taliban w/AK Taliban presence. In Musa Qala, the enemy reacted
4 1D6+3 Taliban w/AK
violently to this intrusion.
5 1 x Taliban RPG Gunner
6 2 x Taliban RPG Gunner First the Pathfinders, and later the Danes and the
2D6 Taliban w/AK, 1 x Leader and 1 x Royal Irish Regiment plus a small contingent of US
Taliban RPG Gunner forces, fought off repeated attacks on the District Center
1 x Taliban PKM Gunner, 1 x Taliban
8 Assistant Gunner w/AK and 1 x Leader
during the months of June and July 2006. In late August,
w/AK the resident Danish Reconnaissance Squadron was
1 x Taliban DShK HMG w/3 x Crew finally relieved by what became known as Easy Company,
a conglomerate of troops from 3 PARA Battlegroup
1 x IED Trigger Man w/command
10 based principally around two platoons of the Royal Irish.
detonated IED
The Taliban believed that, with the withdrawal of the
Optional Rules Danes, the District Center was solely occupied by ANP
Who brought Ross? with British advisers and soon began launching probing
A two man media crew making a documentary series has attacks to test the defenses. On the evening of 26 August,
been attached to one of your sections for the duration
of the operation. They are strictly noncombatants and Historical Outcome
impose the Dependents penalty to any fireteam they are The Taliban fighters, with heavy supporting fire
attached to. Having either killed or seriously wounded and using the cover the ruined mosque to the
causes a -10 VP however keeping them alive and filming southeast, almost reached the walls of the
the action gains an additional +3 VP for British forces at Platoon House. They drew so near that on
the end of the game. several occasions, hand grenades were dropped
from Sangars directly onto the enemy closing on
SCENARIO 8: SIEGE AT MUSA the walls below. Danger close airstrikes from
QALA DC USAF A-10s and RAF Harriers thinned out the
Musa Qala, Helmand Province, 27 August 2006 attackers as snipers and 81mm and 51mm
The town of Musa Qala lies to the north of Helmand mortars of the Royal Irish joined with the
Province and is an important gateway for both GPMGs and the two .50cals to defend the base.
commercial and opium trading. Traditionally a Taliban After a twelve hour contact, the remaining
stronghold, the Pathfinders of the UK’s 16 Air Assault enemy faded away into the increasingly ruined
Brigade was the first Coalition unit to establish a town of Musa Qala. Incredibly, considering the
ferocity of the attack, only one member of the
permanent presence in the form of a Platoon House in
Royal Irish lost his life in the battle.
the town’s District Center in June 2006. The “Platoon
House” concept was a Task Force Helmand initiative
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Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 8 Turns
Initiative: Asymmetric – British have Initiative for the
duration of the game
Special Conditions:
Air Defense Environment: Medium Air Defense
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
Special Assets: Dedicated air support available to
Coalition as described in Special Rules
Table Size: 6’ x 4’
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1 x Fireteam Leader w/SA80A2 Sniper Team (can begin game anywhere within
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) walls of DC – Weapon Team Bonus)
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Sniper w/L96A1
1 x Riflemen w/SA80A2 1 x Spotter w/SA80A2
Sangar 2 (deploy in or within 3” of Sangar 2 – JTAC (can begin game anywhere within walls of DC)
Weapon Team Bonus for GPMG team) 1 x Joint Terminal Air Controller w/SA80A2
1 x Gunner w/GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
1 x Assistant Gunner w/SA80A2 MFC (can begin game anywhere within walls of DC)
(GPMG Weapon Team fires independently to 1 x Mortar Fire Controller w/SA80A2
infantry fireteam)
Taliban Mission
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SA80A2 Your previous attacks have weakened the defenses and
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) the willpower of the British defenders of Musa Qala.
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Attack the DC and overrun the base.
1 x Riflemen w/SA80A2
Taliban Victory Points
Sangar 3 (deploy in or within 3” of Alamo – .50 Per Coalition soldier killed: 3pts
must be deployed inside Sangar – Weapon Team Per Coalition soldier seriously wounded: 2pts
Bonus for .50 team) Taliban forces inside walls of the DC by the end of
1 x Gunner w/.50 M2HB (Hvy. Support AP:3/AT:1(L) turn 8: 10pts
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group also influences what types of RPGs are supplied. any other active Hot Spot. They cannot move on that turn
Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll a 1D6. as this counts as their movement (and must deploy within
For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud 4” of the new Hot Spot) but can fire as normal. Coalition
round which does not detonate and is harmless to the elements can declare interruptions against Taliban
target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or emerging from Hot Spots as per the main rules.
advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type
(if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at Sangars
infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of British fighting positions normally constructed of
Med. AP:2/AT:2(M). sandbags or HESCO barriers with some overhead cover
are known as Sangars. All three Sangars are classed as
Out of Contact Movement Fortified Cover (+3D) and count as reinforced Light
All Taliban automatically receive Out of Contact Military Fortifications (4D8) for Building Strength.
movement. Taliban can also make additional Out of
Contact moves after they have been spotted by Coalition The Platoon House
forces. To do this, they must move out of line of sight of The Platoon House roof provides a Solid Cover bonus
any and all Coalition units. They can then re-use Out of due to mud brick parapets around the edge. The Platoon
Contact Movement on the following turn. House itself is protected by 3m tall mud brick walls
which count as Medium Military Fortifications 6D10 for
Taliban In-Cover Bonus purposes of breaching.
All Taliban that have not moved during their activation The Taliban have no demolition or specialized
(and are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover breaching equipment and thus may only use Stand Off
bonus to simulate their naturally strong use of cover Breaching with the AGS-17, SPG-9 or RPGs as detailed in
and concealment. the main rules. If a Stand Off Breach attempt is successful,
a breach large enough for one man at a time to enter
Taliban Mortar Spotter through has been made in the wall. To simulate this, a
The spotter provides a +1 to all Firepower rolls by Taliban unit must spend one turn stationary AFTER the
Taliban indirect fire by either on or off-board IDF assets turn the breach has been made to enter through the breach.
as the spotter corrects the fall of shot.
Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant) The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC.
Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to Units with this attribute do not follow the standard Force
move around the table. This simulates their use of ratlines, on Force rules for checking casualties and do not employ
irrigation ditches and tunnels to seemingly pop up on the front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead, wounded
flanks or rear of Coalition units or simply melt away. Any and dead are spirited away very rapidly to satisfy burial
ACM element that makes base contact (with at least half requirements or confuse the enemy as to the number of
of its figures) with a Hot Spot can, on the following turn, casualties suffered. To represent this in Force on Force,
use its movement allowance to move via the Hot Spot to units with this attribute must check casualties in the turn
© Osprey Publishing •
after they occur, rolling a single D6 for each casualty. AP:6/AT5(H) w/4” radius, Strafe: AP:6/AT:3(M); 3-4
Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty was only stunned and GR7 Harrier (Bombs: AP:8/AT:6(H) w/6” radius, Strafe:
is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in AP:4/AT:2(M); 5-6 A-10 Warthog AP:8D/AT8D(H)
the figure being taken from the table as a casualty. w/6” radius, Strafe: AP:6/AT:4(M). The attached JTAC
can call in Coalition air support, gaining a +1 for being
Positive Identification (PID) an actual specialist TAC.
All UK forces must make a successful PID Check before Taliban Anti-Aircraft Defense
engaging on an enemy unit that has not yet fired during The Taliban have positioned a 12.7mm DShK HMG in
the game. the town in the to discourage Coalition air support. Any
Apaches that are deployed on station can be engaged
MEDEVAC Helo each turn with this DShK as per the main rules. The
As the Musa Qala HLZs are considered “Cherry” Apache can silence the gun by spending one turn making
(“Hot”), no MEDEVAC/CASEVAC helicopters are a TQ check and engaging the DShK with its 30mm
permitted in this scenario. cannon, but cannot engage any other targets in that turn.
Die Roll Reinforcements Received
1 1D6 Taliban w/AK
2 1D6 Taliban and 1 x Leader w/AK
3 1D6 Taliban and 1 x Leader w/AK
4 1D6+2 Taliban w/AK
5 1 x Taliban RPG Gunner (D6/D10)
6 1D6+3 Taliban w/AK
2D6 Taliban w/AK, 1 x Leader and 1 x
Taliban RPG Gunner
1 x Taliban PKM Gunner, and 1 x
Taliban Assistant Gunner w/AK
2 x Taliban RPG Gunners and 1 x
A Taliban spotter direct mortar fire. 1 x Taliban Sniper with Dragunov SVD
(Figures by Empress Miniatures) and Spotter w/AK
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Taliban Forces (Tier One Taliban – DShK HMG Team One (TQ/Morale D8/D10,
Regulars) Weapon Team Bonus)
Taliban Basic Attributes 1 x Gunner w/12.7mm DShK HMG (Hvy. AP:3/AT:1(L)
Initiative Level: D6 2 x Assistant Gunners w/AK
Confidence Level: High
Supply Level: Normal DShK HMG Team Two (TQ/Morale D8/D10 –
Body Armor: N/A Weapon Team Bonus)
Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D10 1 x Gunner w/12.7mm DShK HMG (Hvy. AP:3/AT:1(L)
1 x Assistant Gunner w/AK
Each cell deploys within the location marked on the
map. PKM Team (TQ/Morale D8/D10 – Weapon Team
Taliban Cell One (Hot Spot 1) 1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D6/D12) 1 x Assistant Gunner w/AK
1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
3 x Riflemen w/AK Taliban Sniper Team (TQ/Morale D8/D10 –
Weapon Team Bonus)
Taliban Cell Two (Hot Spot 2) 1 x Sniper w/SVD Dragunov
1 x Gunner w/RPD (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Spotter w/AK
4 x Riflemen w/AK
Special Rules
Taliban Cell Three (Hot Spot 3) Taliban Reinforcements
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D6/D12) On turn 4 and every turn thereafter, reinforcements
1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0) automatically arrive for the Taliban. Dice for Hot Spot
3 x Riflemen w/AK location as per the main rules.
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SCENARIO 10: SANGIN AMBUSH rusting Nissan sedan into the road, forcing the column
Southern outskirts of Sangin District Center, onto the right to pass. As they did so, the first RPG-7
Helmand Province, 17 May 2007 struck the third Viking in the convoy.
Note: This scenario has been compressed in terms of
“They tried to get me to go to Sangin and I said no, no, no!” force levels, numbers of figures and table size to improve
– Amy Winehouse-inspired graffiti in Sangin DC playability.
Historical Outcome
The Viking in the center of the compound was hit by The convoy eventually turned around, forcing the
two RPGs which set fire to the vehicle. On either side men to drive back through the kill zone carrying an
of the road, on compound roofs behind three meter urgent T1 casualty and several T2 and T3 casualties
walls, Taliban fighters engaged the column with small back to FOB Robinson. They faced the gauntlet of fire
arms fire, RPGs and two DShK heavy machine guns. (including one of the Dushkas which had been re-
The top cover gunners engaged the fighters at close crewed) with all of the top cover gunners and the
range as the wounded from the immobilized Viking WMIKs pouring on the return fire until they
were rescued in several acts of outstanding bravery eventually raced through the gates of the FOB. BDA
under intense fire. The WMIKs of the FSG, some 50 estimates indicated 10 to 15 enemy fighters had been
meters up the road, held off Taliban reinforcements killed in the ambush with a further eight later killed
including several RPG gunners mounted on by an Apache escorting the MERT Chinook which
motorcycles and other fighters closing in from extracted the T1 casualty, Lance Corporal Dean
roadside buildings. Bailey who thankfully survived his injuries.
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1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Viking One Charlie (this Viking has been disabled by
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) RPG fire in this initial contact including its weapons
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2 systems – all personnel are considered potential
casualties until a First Aid Check is conducted)
Fireteam One One Delta 1 x Platoon Sergeant w/SA80A2 (D8/D12)
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SA80A2 1 x Sniper w/L115
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Combat Engineer Element
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2 1 x Section Leader w/SA80A2
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Viking One Bravo 1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2
2 Section
Fireteam One Two Charlie Viking One Delta
1 x Section Leader w/SA80A2 Company TAC HQ Element
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Major w/SA80A2 (TQ/Morale D8/D12)
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Signalers w/SA80A2
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2 1 x JTAC w/SA80A2
1 x Medic w/SA80A2
Fireteam One Two Delta
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SA80A2 Fireteam One Three Delta
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Fireteam Leader w/SA80A2
1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2 1 x Grenadier w/SA80A2/UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Rifleman w/SA80A2
Taliban Mission
Your dickers watching the convoy were correct, the
British have driven right into your ambush. Disable
their vehicles and make them pay a heavy price for
this incursion.
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Per British soldier seriously wounded: 2pts (initial Taliban Cell Five (Hot Spot 5)
casualties from disabled Viking DO count 1 x Leader w/AK
towards VPs) 1 x Gunner w/RPK (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Per vehicle disabled or destroyed: 5pts (initial 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
disabled Viking DOES NOT count toward VPs) 5 x Irregulars w/AK
Taliban Forces (Local Taliban – DShK HMG Team One (No Weapon Team Bonus)
Irregulars) 1 x Leader w/AK
Taliban Basic Attributes 1 x Gunner w/12.7mm DShK HMG (Hvy. AP:3/AT:1(L)
Initiative Level: N/A 2 x Assistant Gunners w/AK
Confidence Level: High
Supply Level: Normal DShK HMG Team Two (No Weapon Team Bonus)
Body Armor: N/A 1 x Leader w/AK
Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D10 1 x Gunner w/12.7mm DShK HMG (Hvy. AP:3/AT:1)
1 x Assistant Gunner w/AK
Each cell deploys within the location marked on the map.
Special Rules
Taliban Cell One (Hot Spot 1) Viking Stats
1 x Leader w/AK See UK Light Vehicles
1 x Gunner w/RPD (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK Motorcycle Reinforcements
6 x Irregulars w/AK In turn three, along with any normal reinforcements,
the Taliban receive two motorcycle mounted RPG
Taliban Cell Two (Hot Spot 2) teams (rider and pillion on each with AKs and one RPG
1 x Leader w/AK per bike) who ride in from the northern edge of Route
2 x Gunners w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1D(M) and AK 611. They will attempt to either reach cover to dismount
4 x Irregulars w/AK and attack the WMIKs or stop and fire their RPGs
immediately upon being placed on the board.
Taliban Cell Three (Hot Spot 3)
1 x Leader w/AK Hidden
1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0) All Taliban can begin the game Hidden in locations as
5 x Irregulars w/AK shown on the map. They may also use the Ambush and
Is that That a Rock or a Muj special rules.
Taliban Cell Four (Hot Spot 4)
1 x Leader w/AK Is That a Rock or a Muj?
1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK Taliban units that successfully make their Ambush roll
7 x Irregulars w/AK can also benefit from the surprise and concealment when
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Coalition units attempt to return fire. The Taliban unit against Taliban emerging from Hot Spots as per the
receives a +1 Die Shift against any return of fire for that main rules.
turn only. This is to represent the surprise of the contact,
the panic and confusion of being caught in a successful Squirters (Shrinkage)
ambush and the difficulty in spotting insurgents who The Tier One Taliban and Foreign Fighters in
know and utilize the natural advantages of the terrain. Afghanistan do not suffer from the Shrinkage effect
This bonus only lasts for the single turn in which a detailed in the main Force on Force rulebook. during
successful ambush roll was made by the Taliban. Only Morale Checks. Only Local Taliban, classed as irregulars,
Tier One and Local Taliban are eligible to receive this suffer from Shrinkage.
bonus – not Foreign Fighters, al Qaeda or other ACM.
Out of Contact Movement Many different types of RPG warheads are found in-
All Taliban automatically receive Out of Contact theater. The level of logistics support available for any
movement. Taliban can also make additional Out of given ACM group also influences what types of RPGs
Contact moves after they have been spotted by Coalition are supplied. Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll
forces. To do this, they must move out of line of sight of a 1D6.
any and all Coalition units. They can then re-use Out of For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud
Contact Movement on the following turn. round which does not detonate and is harmless to the
target. On a 6, it indicates either
Taliban In-Cover Bonus an AT warhead or advanced AP
All Taliban that have not moved during their activation type/airburst, depending on
(and are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover the target type (if shooting at a
bonus to simulate their naturally strong use of cover and vehicle it will be AT, if
concealment. shooting at infantry it
will be AP). Such
Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant) warheads have a
Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to rating of Med.
move around the table. This simulates their use of AP:2/AT:2(M).
ratlines, irrigation ditches and tunnels to seemingly pop
up on the flanks or rear of Coalition units or simply melt
away. Any ACM element that makes base contact (with
at least half of its figures) with a Hot Spot can, on the
following turn, use its movement allowance to move via
the Hot Spot to any other active Hot Spot. They cannot
move on that turn as this counts as their movement (and
must deploy within 4” of the new Hot Spot) but can fire corporal
as normal. Coalition elements can declare interruptions
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Historical Outcome
1st Platoon was caught in a classic L-shaped off the field. Giunta killed one of the Taliban and
ambush. The ambush was expertly conducted by drove the other off.
Taliban fighters and the lead element of the platoon, The rest of the platoon was able to close on the
consisting of four men took 100% casualties in the ambush zone and lay down a volume of fire
initial barrage of fire. The Taliban then attempted sufficient to drive off the Taliban fighters.
to lay down a wall of fire so intense that it would Specialist Giunta (Staff Sergeant at the time
prevent the rest of the American force from pulling of writing) was awarded the US Medal of Honor
their casualties out of the kill-zone. for his actions in disrupting the ambush and
Specialist Sal Giunta, the trail team leader, selflessly exposing himself to danger to come to
rushed the blocking force alone, attacking with the aid of his fallen comrades. He received the
grenades and rifle fire. The ferocity of his assault medal in November of 2010, becoming the first
surprised two Taliban fighters who were in the non-posthumous recipient of the United States’
process of dragging a wounded American soldier highest honor since the Vietnam War.
Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 6 Turns
Initiative: Kinetic – Taliban first turn, 1st Platoon on
second turn. Test for initiative on subsequent turns
Special Conditions:
Air Defense Environment: None
Taliban forces begin play hidden and may conduct
an Ambush
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
Table Size: 2’ x 2’
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1st Platoon Forces Withdraw at least 50% of total force from indicated
1st Platoon Basic Force Attributes table edge by end of turn 6: 5pts.
Initiative Level: D8
Confidence Level: Confident Taliban Forces (Tier One Taliban –
Supply Level: Normal Regulars)
Body Armor: Standard (1D) Taliban Basic Force Attributes
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 Initiative Level: D6
Confidence Level: Confident
1st Squad Supply Level: Normal
Fireteam Alpha Body Armor: None
1 x Squad Leader w/M4 Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D10
1 x Fireteam Leader w/M4
1 x Medic w/M4 Blocking Force
1 x Grenadier w/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D6/D12)
2 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Riflemen w/AKs
1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
HQ Element (enters on turn 2)
1 x Platoon Leader w/M4 Ambush Force 1
1 x Fireteam Leader w/M4 1 x Leader w/AK47 (TQ/Morale:D6/D12)
1 x RTO w/M4 2 x Gunners w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M)
2 x Rifleman w/M4 2 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
1 x Grenadier w/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
2 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Ambush Force 2
1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D6/D12)
Gun Team (enters on turn 2) 1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
1 x Gun Team Leader w/M4 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M)
2 x Gunners w/M240G (Med. AP:2/AT0) 1 x Riflemen w/AK
2 x Assistant Gunners w/M4s
Special Rules
Taliban Mission Ambush
Destroy the American force and withdraw to fight again. Taliban forces begin play Hidden and may conduct an
Capture of an enemy soldier would be a propaganda coup! Ambush.
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unit raises its defense dice by one die type against any (if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at
return of fire for that turn only. This is to represent the infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of
surprise of the contact, the panic and confusion of being Med. AP:2/AT:2(M).
caught in a successful ambush and the difficulty in
spotting insurgents who know and utilize the natural Out of Contact Movement
advantages of the terrain. This bonus only lasts for the All Taliban automatically receive Out of Contact
single turn in which a successful ambush roll was made movement. Taliban can also make additional Out of
by the Taliban. Only Tier One and Local Taliban are Contact moves after they have been spotted by Coalition
eligible to receive this bonus – not Foreign Fighters, al forces. To do this, they must move out of line of sight of
Qaeda or other ACM. any and all Coalition units. They can then re-use Out of
Contact Movement on the following turn.
Many different types of RPG warheads are found in- Taliban In-Cover Bonus
theater. The level of logistics support available for any All Taliban that have not moved during their activation
given ACM group also influences what types of RPGs (and are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover
are supplied. Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll bonus to simulate their naturally strong use of cover
a 1D6. and concealment.
For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud
round which does not detonate and is harmless to the Caveman CASEVAC
target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC.
advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type Units with this attribute do not follow the standard
Force on Force rules for checking casualties and do not
employ front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead,
wounded and dead are spirited away very rapidly to
satisfy burial requirements or confuse the enemy as to
the number of casualties suffered. To represent this in
Force on Force, units with this attribute must check
casualties in the turn after they occur, rolling a single
D6 for each casualty. Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty
was only stunned and is classed as “OK”. Any die roll
other than a 6 results in the figure being taken from the
table as a casualty.
As all potential HLZs are considered “Cherry” (“Hot”),
Taliban fighters set an ambush for
no MEDEVAC/CASEVAC helicopters are permitted in
a Coalition patrol. (Figures by
Elhiem Figures) this scenario.
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Historical Outcome
The enemy targeted the VPB’s crew-served weapons MEDEVAC Blackhawks courageously landed
first including their single TOW equipped under fire to extract the many wounded while a
HMMWV and their 60mm and 120mm mortars. QRF composed of 1st Platoon in HMMWVs
The attack on both sites soon became a ferocious, arrived to reinforce their comrades. Further QRF
close quarter battle with insurgents penetrating the elements including SF and Pathfinders from the
perimeter of the OP and almost over-running the 101st arrived throughout the day to clear the
VPB. Fighting was reduced in some cases to hand surrounding area and chase down insurgent
grenades and pistols. Artillery was fired at danger elements. At the end of that savage day, nine
close ranges to halt the waves of attackers. An hour Americans were killed in action with 27 wounded.
after the first burst of fire, close air support finally Insurgent losses are harder to quantify as the enemy
arrived in the form of Apache gunships which, routinely evacuates it’s wounded and dead but
assisted by a Hellfire-armed Predator and later SIGINT intercepts indicate between 21 and 52
bombers and fast air, managed to break the back of killed and some 45 wounded. Days later, the VPB
the attack. was evacuated by Coalition forces.
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firing po
advanta sitions w
geously er
and OP high abo e sited
Topside ve VPG
Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 6 Turns
Initiative: Kinetic – Jihadists first turn. Test for
initiative on subsequent turns US Army Mission
Special Conditions: Defend OP Topside until relieved.
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense
Mixed Force Game – Jihadists are Regulars, US Army Victory Points
Taliban are Irregulars Maintain defensive perimeter at OP Topside (no
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls insurgent figures within the OP Topside defensive
Special Assets: Dedicated Air Support available to positions marked on the map by end of turn 6):
Coalition forces as described under Special Rules 10pts
Table Size: 6’ x 4’ No KIA by end of turn 6: 5pts
1– 6: Hot Spots
TS: Taliban Sniper US Army Forces
F1–F4: Topside Fighting Positions US Army Basic Attributes
Initiative Level: D8
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Fire Element Three (Fighting Position 3) Taliban Cell One (Hot Spot 1)
1 x Fireteam Leader w/M4 and AT-4 (Med. 1 x Leader w/AK
AP:2/AT:1D(M) 1 x Gunner w/RPD (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Grenadier w/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
1 x Gunner w/M249 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 6 x Riflemen w/AK
Taliban Mission
You have gathered your forces – large numbers of RPGs
and crew-served weapons, led by battle hardened
jihadists and supported by local fighters who know the
terrain and will help guide your foreign fighters who will
lead the attack. You must overrun the American outpost
and capture an American soldier who can be passed to an fight
e s f r o m a Talib t t l e ’s end
al Qaeda and used as a propaganda tool to help force the Smoke r
a f t e r the ba
withdrawal of the Americans and their allies. position
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HH/MH-60G Pave Hawk D8/D10 and carry two M4s (one of whom is a Platoon
Leader) and one M249 SAW.
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Historical Outcome
Marines from both the Force Recon element and
attached riflemen of 2 Platoon, Golf Company
2/7 Marines maneuvered a third HMMWV into
the ambush area to extract the suppressed and
wounded Marines from the immobilized
HMMWVs. Pulling back, F-15 close air support
was directed onto the enemy firing points before
two dismounted squads assaulted the trench-line
under the direct fire support of the HMMWV
and MRAP gunners. The Marine infantry
squads fought a tough battle against the enemy
positions which were well placed to provide
mutual, and over-lapping, defensive fires.
Eventually the remaining Taliban elements fled
the battlefield, losing some 66 KIA including
leadership targets in a nearby compound who
were engaged by an airstrike.
Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 10 Turns
Initiative: Kinetic – Taliban first turn. Test for
initiative on subsequent turns
Special Conditions:
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense USMC Victory Points
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls Successfully extract all trapped Marines from the
Special Assets: Dedicated air support available to killzone and move casualties to CCP: 3pts OR
Coalition forces as described under Special Rules Successfully extract all trapped Marines from the
Table Size: 6’ x 4’ killzone and move casualties to CCP without
taking any further casualties: 5pts
USMC Mission Clear the trench-line of all Taliban elements by end
Extract the suppressed and wounded Marines from the of turn 10: 5pts
killzone before directing airstrikes or artillery fire Successfully direct close air support or artillery
missions against the identified enemy firing points. If strikes to destroy at least three Taliban firing points
the tactical opportunity presents itself, assault and clear by end of turn 10: 5pts
the trench-line with your infantry elements.
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Historical Outcome
The operation developed into a major contact with Shak Hawel was the first time regular Army and
insurgents appearing on three sides of the 2 Platoon SASR had operated together in a conventional
Team and firing from compounds on the western infantry contact since the Vietnam War. It
bank of the river. The Diggers fell back to a succeeded beyond expectations with a significant
compound and secured this as a stronghold, impact on the IED and 107mm indirect fire
fighting off the enemy with supporting fires from capability of the enemy. In fact, an ordnance cache
the CAV. The SASR teams engaged the enemy from discovered by 2 SASR Squadron in the immediate
the rear and caught the Taliban in a classic pincer aftermath of the main contact proved to be one of
action leaving the Taliban leadership few options the largest finds of 107mm rockets and small arms
but to stand and fight. Dutch AH-64s were to date in the province. The dent in the Taliban
deployed to support both SASR and the 7RAR indirect fire capability caused a cessation of rocket
team. The contact ended some three hours after the attacks on the local Australian FOB for some eight
engagement of the IED cell with 2 Squadron months. Insurgent casualties were conservatively
clearing the enemy compounds on the western estimated at 20 KIA and a further 20 WIA without a
banks of the Dorafshan. loss to the Australians.
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Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 8 Turns
Initiative: Kinetic – CT Tusk first turn. Test for
initiative on subsequent turns
Special Conditions:
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense
Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
Special Assets: Dedicated air support is available to
Coalition forces as described under Special Rules
Table Size: 6’ x 4’
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Each cell deploys within 4” of their corresponding Hot Taliban Sniper Team (deploys in small ruin on
Spot marked on the map. These Hot Spots simulate western bank as marked on map)
ratlines available due to dead ground, irrigation channels 1 x Sniper w/SVD
and tunnel networks. 1 x Spotter w/AK
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RPGs Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty was only stunned and
Many different types of RPG warheads are found in-theater. is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in
The level of logistics support available for any given ACM the figure being taken from the table as a casualty.
group also influences what types of RPGs are supplied.
Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll a 1D6. MEDEVAC Helo
For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud As all potential HLZs are considered “Cherry” (“Hot”),
round which does not detonate and is harmless to the no MEDEVAC/CASEVAC helicopters are permitted in
target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or this scenario.
advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type
(if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant)
infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to
Med. AP:2/AT:2(M). move around the table. This simulates their use of ratlines,
irrigation ditches and tunnels to
Out of Contact Movement seemingly pop up on the flanks or
All Taliban automatically receive Out of Contact rear of Coalition units or simply melt
movement. Taliban can also make additional Out of away. Any ACM element that makes
Contact moves after they have been spotted by Coalition base contact (with at least half
forces. To do this, they must move out of line of sight of of its figures) with a Hot Spot
any and all Coalition units. They can then re-use Out of can, on the following turn,
Contact Movement on the following turn. use its movement
allowance to move via
Taliban In-Cover Bonus the Hot Spot to any
All Taliban that have not moved during their activation other active Hot Spot.
(and are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover They cannot move on that
bonus to simulate their naturally strong use of cover and turn as this counts as their
concealment. movement (and must deploy
within 4” of the new Hot Spot)
Caveman CASEVAC but can fire as normal.
The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC. Coalition elements can declare
Units with this attribute do not follow the standard Force interruptions against Taliban
on Force rules for checking casualties and do not employ emerging from Hot Spots as
front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead, wounded per the main rules.
and dead are spirited away very rapidly to satisfy burial
requirements or confuse the enemy as to the number of
casualties suffered. To represent this in Force on Force,
units with this attribute must check casualties in the turn Sergeant, Operational
after they occur, rolling a single D6 for each casualty. Detachment Alpha
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COIN and PID Battalion, 3rd Marines as the tip of the spear. A
All COIN and PID Rules of Engagement restrictions and previously inserted Marine reconnaissance platoon
guidelines must be followed by ISAF forces. provided overwatch on the HLZ which was in the village
itself as Golf inserted in the pre-dawn darkness by
Dutch AH-64 Apache Marine CH-53. The boldness of landing directly on the
A Dutch AH-64 Apache is available on-station in direct objective rather than at a safer off-set HLZ paid off as
support from turn 6. Once called in by the JTAC (use the Marines quickly seized the local Taliban leader’s
standard rules with +1 for the JTAC being an actual TAC), compound, barely 50 meters from their HLZ. In fact, the
use standard Force on Force air rules with a TQ roll each surprise of the initial insertion and dominance of the
turn to keep it on the table, otherwise called away area placed the Taliban on the back foot, sabotaging
to another tasking or gone Winchester/Bingo in their command and control and leading to an
ordnance/fuel state. It carries 8 x Hellfire ATGMs uncoordinated response to the Marine attack.
(AP:6/AT:5(H), 2 x 2.75 inch rocket pods 9 (AP:6/AT:2(M) Fighting however continued for three days with the
and the 30mm chin-gun (AP:6/AT:3(M) vs. Deck). Marines showing significant “Tactical Patience” in
restraining their use of air strikes and artillery fire
Taliban Reinforcements missions although many villagers were seen fleeing the
As the SASR teams have encircled the enemy’s flanks, no area on the first morning of the offensive. The town was
reinforcements are available. cleared of enemy fighters and the population returned
to participate in the elections, protected by a newly
SCENARIO 15: THE BATTLE OF constructed joint US/ANA patrol base.
DANAWEH I This scenario is based on the initial insertion of Golf
Danaweh, Now Zad, Helmand Province, 12 August 2009 Company Marines while the second linked scenario is
The village of Danaweh, some five kilometers from Now based around IED clearance and the medical evacuation
Zad DC, is a major trading route into Northern Helmand, of a wounded Marine.
serving as a gateway for the Taliban’s lucrative opium Note: This scenario has been compressed in terms of
smuggling. Until 2009, due to a lack of available resources numbers of figures, weapons systems and table size to
for the under-manned and over-stretched British forces of improve playability.
Task Force Helmand, no major Coalition operations had
been launched into the village which had become a Scenario Information
sanctuary and staging area for the Taliban. With the Duration of Game: 8 Turns
upcoming Afghan elections and the recently deployed Initiative: Kinetic – USMC first two turns. Test for
might of the USMC to draw upon, ISAF planned an initiative on subsequent turns
offensive operation to root out the Taliban, seize key terrain, Special Conditions:
and establish security for voting stations in the town. Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense
On 12 August 2009, the USMC launched a combined Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
airmobile and ground assault on the town under Special Assets: Dedicated air support is available to
Operation Eastern Resolve II with Golf Company, 2nd Coalition forces as described under Special Rules
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Special Conditions: Insurgency Level 5 Deploy no air support or artillery for duration of
Table Size: 5’ x 4’ game: 3pts
Suffer no KIA by end of turn 8: 5pts
USMC Forces
Marine Basic Attributes
Initiative Level: D8
Confidence Level: High
Supply Level: Normal
Body Armor: Standard (1D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
Marine Platoon
Platoon TAC HQ Element
1 x Platoon Leader w/M4 (TQ/Morale D8/D12)
1 x Platoon Sergeant w/M4 (TQ/Morale D8/D12)
1 x RTO w/M16A4
1 x ANGLICO FO/FAC w/M4 (can be attached to
any fireteam)
1 x Navy Corpsman w/M4 (can be attached to
any fireteam)
Squad One
1 x Squad Leader w/M4
USMC Mission
Secure HLZ before immediately attacking and seizing Fireteam One Alpha
the Taliban leadership compound. Once the compound 1 x Fireteam Leader w/M16A4
is cleared, transport any prisoners back to the HLZ for 1 x Grenadier w/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
evacuation and press forward to establish a cordon for 1 x Gunner w/M249 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
follow-on forces to exploit into the town. 1 x Rifleman w/M16A4
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Americans before they deny you the sanctuary of your Taliban Cell Three (Hot Spot 3)
base in the village. 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
1 x Gunner w/RPD (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Taliban Victory Points 5 x Rifleman w/AK
Per Marine captured: 5pts
Per Marine killed: 3pts Taliban Cell Four (Hot Spot 4)
Per Marine seriously wounded: 2pts (negated if 1 x Leader w/AK (TQ/Morale D6/D12)
casualty MEDEVACed) 1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
Prevent the Americans from securing their 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
blocking positions: 2pts per blocking position 2 x Rifleman w/AK
Stop the capture/death of your leader by the end
of turn 8: 10pts Taliban Cell Five (Hot Spot 5)
1 x Leader w/AK
Taliban Forces (Tier One Taliban – 6 x Rifleman w/AK
Taliban Basic Attributes DShK Team (Weapon Team Bonus)
Initiative Level: D6 1 x Gunner w/12.7mm DShK HMG (Hvy. AP:3/AT:1(L)
Confidence Level: Confident 1 x Assistant Gunners w/AK
Supply Level: Normal
Body Armor: N/A Mortar Team (Weapon Team Bonus)
Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D10 1 x Mortar Crewman w/82mm mortar
(AP:4D/AT:2D(L) (4” radius) and AK
Each cell deploys within the location marked on the map. 1 x Assistant Mortar Crewman w/AK
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as this counts as their movement (and must deploy within receives the +1 modifier for being an actual TAC
4” of the new Hot Spot) but can fire as normal. Coalition however the buildings and anti IED ECM are causing
elements can declare interruptions against Taliban difficulties with his radios and he receives a -1 for spotty
emerging from Hot Spots as per the main rules. radio reception. Along with the -2 ROE modifier, any
call for air support is at a -2 cumulative.
Smoke Grenades Roll for type of platform with a 1-4 resulting in an
The Marines all carry chemical Smoke Grenades AH-1W Whisky Cobra (Cannon: AP:5/AT:2(M) or a
including 40mm smoke for their M203 launchers. 5-6 resulting in an AV-8 Harrier (Strafe: AP:4/AT:2(M)
– both may only fire their cannon.
The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC. Coalition Indirect Fire Support
Units with this attribute do not follow the standard A battery of Marine 81mm mortars are available as
Force on Force rules for checking casualties and do not dedicated support for the mission although firing
employ front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead, anything other than chemical smoke or specific counter
wounded and dead are spirited away very rapidly to battery against enemy indirect fire results in a -2
satisfy burial requirements or confuse the enemy as to modifier due to effects detailed above.
the number of casualties suffered. To represent this in
Force on Force, units with this attribute must check Walls and Buildings
casualties in the turn after they occur, rolling a single All stone walls provide a Solid Cover bonus (+1D) as do
D6 for each casualty. Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty building roofs. All buildings and compound walls provide
was only stunned and is classed as “OK”. Any die roll Improved Cover (+2D). Buildings are rated at 6D8.
other than a 6 results in the figure being taken from the
table as a casualty. Positive Identification (PID)
MEDEVAC Helo All USMC forces must make a successful PID Check
A Pedro HH-60 Dustoff is available to be called in. The before engaging on an enemy unit that has not yet fired
wounded must be moved to a casualty collection point during the game.
located anywhere on the HLZ (as shown on the map)
where the helo can land once called in by the ANGLICO. Taliban Reinforcements
There are no Taliban reinforcements in this scenario.
Coalition Close Air Support
Due to the COIN doctrine of ‘tactical patience’ followed SCENARIO 16: THE BATTLE OF
by the Marines during this operation, all requests for air DANAWEH II
support are made at a -2 for calls for air strikes due to Danaweh, Now Zad, Helmand Province,
the restrictive ROEs imposed. Additionally, no bombs 12 August 2009
can be dropped and helos and fast air are restricted As the Golf Company Marines pushed out into the
to cannon and Show of Force runs. The ANGLICO village, they encountered heavy house to house (and
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compound to compound) fighting. The Taliban had Fog of War: Determined normally by Reaction Test rolls
begun to conduct hasty ambushes in the alleyways Special Assets: Dedicated air support is available to
between compounds and deploy IEDs just ahead of the Coalition forces as described under Special Rules
Marine advance. Attached Navy and Marine EOD teams Table Size: 6’ x 4’
disabled numerous IEDs while the Marine infantry were
in contact with the determined Taliban resistance. The
fighting resulted in numerous wounded Marines and
one was tragically killed by an RPG. A large number of
the enemy were killed before they were finally driven
from the village.
This scenario is based around an IED clearance by
Marines of the 1st EOD Company, 1st Marine Logistics
Group (Forward) and the concurrent medical
evacuation of a Marine wounded by enemy fire.
Note: this scenario has been compressed in terms of
numbers of figures, weapons systems and table size to
improve playability.
Scenario Information
Duration of Game: 8 Turns
Initiative: Kinetic – USMC first turn. Test for initiative
on subsequent turns
Special Conditions:
Air Defense Environment: Light Air Defense
Insurgency Level 5
USMC Mission
The mission comprises three objectives – render safe
the IED discovered by the EOD team; secure an
emergency HLZ for a MEDEVAC helo; and extract the
wounded Marine to the HLZ. All should be
accomplished with minimal collateral damage to
Street fighting in Danaweh. (Figures by
Elhiem Figures) buildings or the civilian population.
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Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant) must be moved to a casualty collection point located
Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to anywhere on the HLZ (as shown on the map) where
move around the table. This simulates their use of the helo can land once called in by the ANGLICO. An
ratlines, irrigation ditches and tunnels to seemingly pop extra VP is earned if the Marine player manages to call
up on the flanks or rear of Coalition units or simply melt in the helo and dustoff any wounded before the end of
away. Any ACM element that makes base contact (with the game.
at least half of its figures) with a Hot Spot can, on the
following turn, use its movement allowance to move via Coalition Close Air Support
the Hot Spot to any other active Hot Spot. They cannot Due to the COIN doctrine of “tactical patience”
move on that turn as this counts as their movement (and followed by the Marines during this operation, all
must deploy within 4” of the new Hot Spot) but can fire requests for air support are made at a -2 for calls for
as normal. Coalition elements can declare interruptions air strikes due to the restrictive ROEs imposed.
against Taliban emerging from Hot Spots as per the Additionally, no bombs can be dropped and helos and
main rules. fast air are restricted to cannon and Show of Force runs.
The ANGLICO’s +1 modifier for being an actual TAC is
Smoke Grenades nullified by a -1modifier for spotty radio reception.
The Marines all carry chemical Smoke Grenades Since there is a -2 ROE modifier, any air support
including 40mm smoke for their M203 launchers. requests will be at a -2.
Roll for type of platform with a 1-4 resulting in an
Caveman CASEVAC AH-1W Whisky Cobra (Chin Gun: AP:5/AT:2(M) or a
The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC. 5-6 resulting in an AV-8 Harrier (Strafe: AP:4/AT:2(M)
Units with this attribute do not follow the standard Force – both may only fire their cannon. Missile and bomb
on Force rules for checking casualties and do not employ attacks are not permitted.
front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead, wounded
and dead are spirited away very rapidly to satisfy burial Coalition Indirect Fire Support
requirements or confuse the enemy as to the number of A battery of Marine 81mm mortars are available as
casualties suffered. To represent this in Force on Force, dedicated support for the mission although firing
units with this attribute must check casualties in the turn anything other than chemical smoke or specific counter
after they occur, rolling a single D6 for each casualty. battery against enemy indirect fire results in a -2
Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty was only stunned and modifier due to effects detailed above.
is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in
the figure being taken from the table as a casualty. Walls and Buildings
All stone walls provide a Solid Cover bonus (+1D) as
MEDEVAC Helo do building roofs. All buildings and compound walls
A CH-46 is available to be called in for dustoff. The provide Improved Cover (+2D). Buildings are rated
wounded Marine (and any other subsequent wounded) at 6D8.
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US Army Forces
US Army Basic Attributes
Initiative Level: N/A
Confidence Level: High
Supply Level: Normal
Body Armor: Standard (1D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
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Echo Five (M1151 HMMWV w/.50 M2 HMG) Taliban Cell One (Deployment Box 1)
1 x Vehicle Commander w/M4 1 x Leader w/AK
1 x Driver w/M4/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
1 x Gunner w/M249 SAW (manning M2 HMG) 4 x Irregulars w/AK
1 x Grenadier w/M4/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Designated Marksman w/Mk14 Taliban Cell Two (Deployment Box 2)
1 x Leader w/AK
Taliban Mission 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:1(M) and AK
As your spotters report back on the infidels clearing your 5 x Irregulars w/AK
IEDs, you must move your fighters into position and
catch the Americans unawares in a deadly ambush Taliban Cell Three (Deployment Box 3)
(Taliban forces only deploy and activate on table on turn 1 x Leader w/AK
4). Inflict maximum casualties before withdrawing your 1 x Gunner w/PKM GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
forces before the American gunships or jets arrive. 6 x Irregulars w/AK
Taliban Victory Points DShK HMG Team One (No Weapon Team Bonus –
Per US soldier captured: 5pts As Marked on Map)
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107mm Rockets
In both the direct and indirect fire role, unguided
107mm Chinese rockets are also commonly deployed
against Coalition targets. The unguided 107 is the
Taliban equivalent to indirect fire artillery. It is often
perched on an ad hoc mount using rocks or a field
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Special Rules Man is killed or seriously wounded and the device does
Rescuing the wounded civilians not detonate (keep the marker in play as no USMC unit
Four wounded civilians are marked on the map and can subsequently approach within 4” of the marker for
have become a priority. Besides humanitarian/COIN fear of a secondary device or anti tamper mechanism).
considerations, their location precludes the use of If the Trigger Man rolls a 6, he is able to detonate the
additional supporting indirect fires. An able-bodied device as intended.
fireteam can carry/escort out the wounded but must
make base contact with at least one civilian before they Hidden
can do so. The fireteam is classed as having a Taliban forces begin play Hidden but may not conduct
Dependent until such time as the wounded civilians are an Ambush as the Marines know roughly their
handed off to the CCP. disposition thanks to ISTAR surveillance and live feeds
from a Raven UAV.
IED Trigger Men
These EFP IEDs can be placed on the table as either a Out of Contact Movement
Reaction to a USMC element’s action or as an activation Due to orbiting UAV and ISTAR assets, no Out of
to replace a Firepower attack. The Taliban player must Contact Movement is allowed for the Taliban.
declare the unit to be attacked, place a marker to show
the IED and finally place the Trigger Man within 6” of Taliban In-Cover Bonus
the bomb itself. All Taliban that have not moved during their activation
The targeted unit (even if it has activated and/or has (and are not Exposed) automatically gain the In Cover
no FP left) can attempt to either spot the device and take bonus to simulate their naturally strong use of cover
a Reaction move to escape the blast or shoot and kill the and concealment.
Trigger Man (if he is in line of sight) however they
cannot do both. If they choose to try and withdraw away Hot Spots (The Afghan Variant)
from the device, make a standard opposed Spotting Roll. Taliban and other ACM forces can re-use Hot Spots to
If successful, they can make one move up to 6” for move around the table. This simulates their use of ratlines,
infantry or 10” for vehicles to find cover before the IED irrigation ditches and tunnels to seemingly pop up on the
detonates. If not successful, the IED detonates with a flanks or rear of Coalition units or simply melt away. Any
Firepower attack on the targeted unit (EFP IED: AP ACM element that makes base contact (with at least half
2/AT 4 (3” radius) of its figures) with a Hot Spot can, on the following turn,
If the USMC unit decides to try and kill the Trigger use its movement allowance to move via the Hot Spot to
Man before he detonates the device, make a standard any other active Hot Spot. They cannot move on that turn
Reaction Test. If the USMC unit win the Reaction Test, as this counts as their movement (and must deploy within
they can make a standard Firepower attack against the 4” of the new Hot Spot) but can fire as normal. Coalition
Trigger Man. If the Trigger Man becomes a casualty elements can declare interruptions against Taliban
due to the attack, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1–5, the Trigger emerging from Hot Spots as per the main rules.
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Walls and Buildings Rolls of 6 indicate that the casualty was only stunned and
All stone walls provide a Solid Cover bonus (+1D) as is classed as “OK”. Any die roll other than a 6 results in
do building roofs. All buildings and compound walls the figure being taken from the table as a casualty.
provide Improved Cover (+2D). Buildings are rated
at 6D8. Coalition Close Air Support
Coalition air support is available from turn one in the
RPGs form of an AH-1W Whiskey Cobra with 2.75inch
Many different types of RPG warheads are found in- rockets and cannon (Rockets: AP:5/AT:2(M) w/6”
theater. The level of logistics support available for any radius, Cannon: AP:5/AT:2(M). This is a dedicated asset
given ACM group also influences what types of RPGs but uses standard rules for calling in air by the attached
are supplied. Whenever an RPG is fired (not before), roll ANGLICO who receives the +1 for being an actual TAC.
a 1D6.
For Local Taliban, any die roll of a 1 indicates a dud Positive
round which does not detonate and is harmless to the Identification (PID)
target. On a 6, it indicates either an AT warhead or Checks
advanced AP type/airburst, depending on the target type All USMC forces must make
(if shooting at a vehicle it will be AT, if shooting at a successful PID Check
infantry it will be AP). Such warheads have a rating of before engaging on an
Med. AP:2/AT:2(M). enemy unit that has not
yet fired during the
Taliban crew-served positions game.
All Taliban positions count as Improved Cover (+2D).
Smoke Grenades Reinforcements
The Marines all carry chemical Smoke Grenades As the Taliban race to man
including 40mm smoke for their M203 launchers. their positions, reinforcements
are only available on turns 2, 3
Caveman CASEVAC and 4. After this there is no
The Taliban is classed as using Caveman CASEVAC. opportunity for reinforcement
Units with this attribute do not follow the standard Force as all able bodied fighters are
on Force rules for checking casualties and do not employ considered in the fight. All
front-line medics in a Western sense. Instead, wounded reinforcements are automatic
and dead are spirited away very rapidly to satisfy burial and appear at randomly rolled
requirements or confuse the enemy as to the number of Hot Spots.
casualties suffered. To represent this in Force on Force,
units with this attribute must check casualties in the turn Commando, Dutch Korps
after they occur, rolling a single D6 for each casualty. Commandotroepen
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1 x Grenadier w/HK416/M320 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Per US soldier seriously wounded: 2pts (negated if
1 x Riflemen w/HK416 casualty MEDEVACed)
Shoot down helo: 10pts
Assault Element Bravo (TQ/Morale D12/D12) Stop the capture/death of the Emir by the end of
1 x Team Leader w/HK416 turn 8: 10pts
1 x Gunner w/Mk46 SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Grenadier w/HK416/M320 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Al Qaeda Shadow Army Forces
1 x Riflemen w/HK416 (Regulars)
Shadow Army Basic Attributes
Aerial Sniper (TQ/Morale D12/D12 – on bench seat Initiative Level: D8
of orbiting MH-6) Confidence Level: High
1 x Sniper w/HK417 Supply Level: Normal
Body Armor: N/A
CSAR/QRF Element (TQ/Morale D12/D12 – in Troop Quality/Morale:
orbiting MH-60K) D8/D10
1 x Team Leader w/HK416
1 x Sniper w/HK417 Each cell deploys
within the location
CSAR Element (TQ/Morale D10/D12) marked on the map.
2 x Para Rescue Jumpers w/M4A1
1 x Combat Controller w/M4A1 Al Qaeda Emir
(HVT) (all wear
QRF Element (TQ/Morale D10/D10) suicide IED vests)
1 x Ranger Team Leader w/Mk16 SCAR or M4A1
1 x Ranger Grenadier w/Mk16 SCAR or 1 x Senior Leader
M4A1/M320 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) w/AK (D8/D12)
1 x Ranger Gunner w/Mk46 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 3 x Bodyguards
1 x Ranger Rifleman w/Mk16 SCAR or M4A1 w/AKs
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The organizations presented below are rough guidelines ANA Fireteam 1
for the forces they represent, not inviolable “army lists” 1 x FTL w/AK
handed down from on high. It is not uncommon for 2 x Riflemen w/AKs
commanders to beef up a fireteam with extra men or assets 1 x Gunner w/RPK (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
or reduce a squad or fireteam by a third or more if lacking
in manpower. Commanders may strip the machine- ANA Fireteam 2
gunners from their squads to use as an ad hoc “weapons 1 x FTL w/AK
squad,” or rifle/grenade launchers may be replaced with 1 x Rifleman w/AK
regular rifles due to restrictive ROEs in an area. 1 x Gunner w/RPK (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
In short, unit organizations are as fluid as the 1 x Gunner w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
battlefields they fight on. Don’t get too caught up canonical
adherence to TO&Es. If you don’t have an organization ANA Squad
chart for the Third Royal Etruscan Grenadiers, exercise a 1 x Squad Leader w/AK
little common sense – chances are they’re organized along 1 x ANA Fireteam 1
the lines of the Cold War Soviet WARPAC forces or similar 1 x ANA Fireteam 2
to modern western forces.
The following organization descriptions represent ANA Platoon
common units found on the battlefields represented in 1 x Platoon Leader w/AK
Enduring Freedom. 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/AK
This force list and the organization descriptions it 1 x RTO w/AK
includes are not exhaustive. They are tailored to reflect the 3 x ANA Squads
assets and manpower that would be applied to a typical
Force on Force mission, so they cut off at the Platoon (or
equivalent) level.
Organizations are described from the bottom up,
starting with the Fireteam and working up to the Platoon.
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sample organizations
perform Fireteam 2
Ir is h Guards
s of th e araj, 1 x Asst. Squad Leader w/SA80
Soldier t r o l in Nahr-e S
ity pa
a secur 1 x Grenadier w/SA80 UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
r, 2010
Nove e
m b
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The basic building block of the British Royal Marines is British Royal Marine Troop
the Fireteam. Two Fireteams form a Section. Three 1 x Platoon Commander w/SA-80
Sections plus a Maneuver Section form a Troop. 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/SA-80
3 x British Royal Marine Sections
1 x British Royal Marine Maneuver Support Section
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sample organizations
US Army
Initiative Level: D8 to D12
Confidence Level: Confident to High
Supply Level: Abundant
Body Armor: 1D
Troop Quality/Morale: D8 to D10/D8 to D12
USMC Platoon
1 x Platoon Leader w/M16A4 (ACOG equipped)
1 x Platoon Sgt. w/M16A4 (ACOG equipped)
1 x Navy Corpsman w/M16A4 (ACOG equipped)
3 x USMC Squads the
tors in
l F o r c es opera tan, 2002.
US Spec Afghanis
g u n D is trict of
Transport is in the form of Humvees, MRAPs, or AAVs. Or
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*One or two riflemen per squad are designated as Rifle Platoon, Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Designated Marksman (DM). They are equipped with 1 x Rifle Platoon HQ Squad
either an M14 or M21 (2005–2008), M14 EBR-RI (2008 3 x Rifle Squads
to the present), or M110 (expected to replace the M14 1 x Weapon Squad
EBR-RI at a point between 2011 and 2012).
US Army Rifle Platoon, Infantry
Weapons Squad, Stryker Brigade Combat Team* Brigade Combat Team
1 x Squad Leader w/M4 (ACOG equipped) Rifle Fireteam, Infantry Brigade Combat Team
2 x Gunners w/M240s (Med. AP:2/AT:0) 1 x Fireteam Leader w/M4 (ACOG equipped)
4 x Assistant Gunners w/M4 (ACOG equipped) 1 x Grenadier w/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
*Note that the Squad can split into two MG teams, each 1 x Gunner w/M249 SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT0)
of which is treated as a Weapons Team. 1 x Assistant Gunner w/M4 (ACOG equipped)
M320A1 Grenade Launcher (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) available
Rifle Platoon HQ, Stryker Brigade Combat Team from 2009 forward. May substitute Mk 48 Mod 0
1 x Platoon Leader w/M4 (ACOG equipped) machine gun (Med. AP:2/AT:0) for M249 SAW from
1 x Platoon Sgt. w/M4 (ACOG equipped) 2010 onward.
1 x Radio Operator w/M4 (ACOG equipped)
1 x Forward Observer w/M4 (ACOG equipped) Rifle Squad, Infantry Brigade Combat Team*
1 x Trauma Expert (Medic) w/M4 (ACOG 1 x Squad Leader w/M4 (ACOG equipped)
equipped)* 2 x Rifle Fireteams
*Medic is attached to the platoon and is not an organic
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sample organizations
*One or two riflemen per squad are designated as ODA has a specialized MOS (Military Occupational
Designated Marksman (DM). They are equipped with Specialty), team members are extensively cross-trained in
either an M14 or M21 (2005–2008), M14 EBR-RI (2008 each other’s specialties to ensure redundancy of critical skill
to the present), or M110 (expected to replace the M14 sets. Each ODA may have a particular team specialization,
EBR-RI at a point between 2011 and 2012). such as HALO, urban warfare, mountain warfare, etc.
There are typically 6 ODAs in a Special Forces Company.
Weapon Squad, Infantry Brigade Combat Team ODAs are usually supported by attached USAF Combat
1 x Squad Leader w/M4 (ACOG equipped) Controllers (CCTs) and ODAs involved in Direct Action
2 x Anti-Armor Specialists w/M4 (ACOG equipped) operations (DA) may have an attached USAF Pararescue
and Javelin ATGM (AT:4/AP:4(H) Jumper (PJ). PJs are highly trained and remarkably well-
2 x Gunners w/M240B MGs (Med. AP:2/AT:0) conditioned combat medics.
2 x Ammo Handlers w/M4 (ACOG equipped) A typical ODA split into two teams is presented below.
2 x A-Gunners w/M4 (ACOG equipped) In this example, the ODA is supported by two pairs of
May substitute M240B machine gun for Mk 48 Mod 0 CCTs and PJs. Note that it is not unusual for Special Forces
machine gun from 2010 or M240L from 2011. operators to split into smaller teams of four, three, or two
in order to accomplish specific mission tasks.
Rifle Platoon HQ, Infantry Brigade Combat Team ODA Teams are often equipped with a SOFLAM
1 x Platoon Leader w/M4 (ACOG equipped) (Special Operations Forces Laser Acquisition Marker)
1 x Platoon Sgt. w/M4 (ACOG equipped) which provides CAS attempt bonus for using a laser
1 x Radio Operator w/M4 (ACOG equipped) designator. ODAs routinely have access to Barretts, M24s,
and M240s as required.
Platoon, Infantry Brigade Combat Team
1 x Platoon HQ Squad ODA Team One
3 x Rifle Squad 1 x ODA Detachment Commander w/Suppressed
1 x Weapons Squad M4A1 w/ACOG
1 x ODA Team Sgt. w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG
The Rifle Platoon in the US Army’s Infantry Brigade & UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Combat Teams has no organic transportation. However, 1 x Weapons Sgt. w/SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
in Afghanistan, patrols have been augmented with various 1 x Medical Sgt.
up-armored HMMWV and MRAP type vehicles. 1 x Engineering Sgt. w/EBR (Designated Marksman
– can be split from unit with another member as a
US Army Special Forces (“Green spotter to act as a Sniper Team)
Berets”) 1 x Communications Sgt. w/Suppressed M4A1
Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) w/ACOG
ODA’s are 12 man teams organized to permit a “six man 1 x USAF CCT w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG
split” into two teams as needed. While each member of an 1 x USAF PJ w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG
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ODA Team Two Members of the squad may also be equipped with
1 x ODA Asst. Detachment Commander sniper rifles or Carl Gustavs based on mission
w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG requirements. Each platoon also has a two-man sniper
1 x ODA Intel. Sgt. w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG team that may be equipped with sniper and DM rifles
& UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) (Mk11s, Mk12 or M110s; M24s, Mk13s or Barrett
1 x Weapons Sgt. w/SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) M107) based on mission requirements.
1 x Medical Sgt. w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG
1 x Engineering Sgt. w/EBR (Designated Marksman US Army Ranger Platoon
– can be split from unit with another member as a 1 x Platoon Leader w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped)
spotter to act as a Sniper Team) 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped)
1 x Communications Sgt. w/Suppressed M4A1 1 x Radio Operator w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped)
w/ACOG 3 x Ranger Rifle Squads
1 x USAF CCT w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG 1 x Ranger Weapons Squad
1 x USAF PJ w/Suppressed M4A1 w/ACOG Note that Rangers were equipped with Mk 16 SCARs in
late 2009–2010. At the time of this writing the future of
US Army Rangers the SCAR is unclear.
US Army Ranger Rifle Fireteam
1 x Fireteam Leader w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped) DANISH FORCES
1 x Grenadier w/M203(Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Spejderdelinger (Scout
1 x Gunner w/M249 SAW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) Platoon) of a Light Recon
1 x Assistant Gunner w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped) Squadron, Danish Battalion
M320 Grenade Launcher (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) available Initiative Level: D8 to D10
from 2009 forward. MK46 Mod 0 MG available Confidence Level: Confident to High
from 2002. Supply Level: Normal
Body Armor: 1D
US Army Ranger Rifle Squad* Troop Quality/Morale: D8 to D10/D10 to D12
1 x Squad Leader w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped)
2 x Rifle Fireteam Spejdergrupper Team (Scout Team)
*One rifleman per squad is a Designated Marksman 1 x Team Leader w/C7A2 or C8A2
(DMR) equipped with a Mk11 DMR, KAC M110 or 1 x Grenadier w/M203A1 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Mk14 EBR rifle. 1 x Gunner w/LSW or Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Rifleman w/C7A2 or C8A2
US Army Ranger Weapons Squad
1 x Squad Leader w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped) Spejdergrupper Squad (Scout Squad)
3 x Gunners w/Mk46 or Mk48 (Med. AP:2/AT:0) 2 x Spejdergrupper Fireteams
3 x Assistant Gunners w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped) 2 x HMMWV FAVs (may be replaced with
3 x Ammo Bearers w/M4A1 (ACOG equipped) Jackals/Supacats in the future)
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sample organizations
Squad 2 Section 1
1 x Asst. Section Commander w/C7A2 or C8A2 1 x Group Leader w/C7A1
1 x Gunner w/LSW (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Gunner w/Para Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Grenadier w/M203 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Rifleman w/40mm GL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
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Section 2
1 x Asst. Group Leader w/C7A1
1 x Gunner w/Para Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Rifleman w/40mm GL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
1 x Combat Lifesaver (medic) w/C7A1 a warnin
ip e r t e am fires r u z g a n
sn er, U
A Dutch o t e n t ial Dick
a p
Squad shot at
r o v in c e, 2008
1 x Section 1
1 x Section 2
1 x SRAT Panzerfaust 3 (AP:4/AT4(H w/tandem
Platoon warhead – ignores ERA)
1 x Platoon Leader w/C7A1 1 x VRAT AT4 (AP:3/AT:3(H)
1 x Assistant Platoon Leader w/C7A1 1 x Shotgun
1 x Medic w/C7A1 1 x FN MAG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
3 x Squads
Romeo & Echo Squads
Armored Infantry Platoon 3 x YPR vehicle crew
Initiative Level: D8 to D10 (Driver/Gunner/Commander)
Confidence Level: Confident to High 3 x Riflemen w/C7A1
Supply Level: Normal to Abundant 2 x Gunners w/Para Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Body Armor: 1D 2 x Grenadiers w/C7A1 UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8 to D10/D8 to D10
Each squad carries the following gear in their vehicle
Alpha & Bravo Squads for use as needed:
3 x YPR vehicle crew (Driver/Gunner/Commander) 1 x SRAT Panzerfaust 3 (AP:4/AT4(H w/tandem
2 x Riflemen w/C7A1 warhead – ignores ERA)
2 x Gunners w/Para Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x VRAT AT4 (AP:3/AT:3(H)
2 x Grenadiers w/C7A1 UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 1 x Shotgun
1 x Accuracy International Arctic Warfare .338
Each squad carries the following gear in their vehicle Lapua (sniper rifle)
for use as needed:
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sample organizations
Section de Combat
(Infantry Platoon)
Initiative Level: D8 to D10
Confidence Level: Confident to High
Supply Level: Normal to Abundant
Body Armor: 1D
Troop Quality/Morale: D8 to D10/D8 to D10
A Frenc
h Opera
Liaison tional M
300m Fireteam Team so entor an
during a ldier pr d
ovides s
1 x Caporal w/FAMAS nationa
foot pat
rol with e c urity
l army, the Afg
2 x Soldiers w/FAMAS and Anti Blinde Leger Nov. 4,
Launcher* (AP:3/AT:3(H)
*French designation for AT-4 Launcher
2 x Gunners w/Eryx Launchers (SACLOS
600m Fireteam ATGM, Heavy Gun, AP:4/AT:4-Tandem Warhead
1 x Caporal w/FAMAS ignores ERA)
1 x Gunner w/Minimi (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) 2 x Ammo Bearers w/FAMAS
1 x Soldier w/LGI* (Lt. AP:1/AT:0) and FAMAS
*Lance Grenade Individuel – a light grenade discharger Section de Combat (Platoon)
1 x Groupe Commandement (HQ Squad)
Groupe de Combat (Squad) 1 x Groupe Appui Anti Char (Anti-Tank Squad)
1 x Sergent w/FAMAS 3 x Groupes de Combat (Squads)
1 x 300m Fireteam
1 x 600m Fireteam Transport
4 x AMX-10s or VABs
Groupe Commandement (HQ Squad) 4 x Gunners
1 x Lieutenant w/FAMAS 4 x Drivers
1 x Sergent w/FAMAS
1 x Radio Operator w/FAMAS GERMANY
2 x Marksmen w/FR-F2 (Sniper Rifles – may be Initiative Level: D8 to D10
fielded as a Sniper Team) Confidence Level: Confident to High
Supply Level: Normal to Abundant
Groupe Appui Anti Char (Anti-Tank Squad) Body Armor: 1D
1 x Caporal w/FAMAS Troop Quality/Morale: D8 to D10/D8 to D10
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Jäger units (comparable to the US Army Rangers) are GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0) to provide better penetration
the basic form of light infantry fielded by the modern of Afghanistan’s sun-baked mud walls.
German Bundeswehr. They specialize in assault and The use of sniper teams is widespread and they are often
defense operations in rough terrain, confined spaces armed with G82 (Barrett .50 Sniper Rifle) and G22 rifles.
and modern urban warfare. They are provided with
additional training to be Mountaineers (with emphasis Gebirgsjäger or
on winter warfare) or Paratroopers. Jäger units are vital Fallschirmjäger Zug
to the Bundeswehr due to their versatility and the (Mountaineer or Paratroop
nature of modern-day peacekeeping missions abroad. Platoon)
Panzergrenadier units benefit from the mobility and Jäger Trupp (Fireteam)
protection offered by their armored fighting vehicles. 1 x Truppführer (Fireteam Leader) or
They are especially well-suited for swift changes between Gruppenführer (Squad Leader) w/G36
mounted and dismounted combat to maintain the 1 x Soldat w/G36/AG36 UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
momentum of an armored assault. Their versatility and 1 x Soldat w/MG4 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
quick reaction capability enables them to gain and 1 x Soldat w/G36
maintain the initiative and determine the outcome of an 1 x Soldat w/G36
engagement. They wield enough heavy firepower to
outflank and overcome any armored threats the enemy Jäger Gruppe (Squad)
might field. Panzergrenadier units of the modern 2 x Jäger Trupp (Fireteams), one replaces the
Bundeswehr work closely with the formations of Truppführer (Fireteam Leader) with a
Leopard 2 MBTs, securing and supporting their Gruppenführer (Squad Leader) w/G36
missions where necessary.
It should be noted that most German units in Jäger Zugführergruppe (Platoon HQ)
Afghanistan, even the Panzergrenadier units, have 1 x Zugführer (Platoon Leader) w/G36
adopted the Jäger organization to optimize mobility and 1 x Soldat w/G36/AG36 UGL (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
flexibility for patrolling units. 1 x Soldat w/MG4 (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
Marders tend to be used as direct fire support vehicles 1 x Soldat w/G36
rather than transports and are occasionally manned by 1 x Funker (radio operator) w/G36 and radio
Jäger teams who have been trained to operate them. 1 x Jäger Trupp (Fireteam)
It should also be noted that a recent reorganization of the
Bundeswehr provides most Panzer and Panzergrenadier Jäger Zug (Platoon)
Divisions with a Jäger Battalion. 1 x Jäger Zugführergruppe (Platoon HQ)
It is becoming a common practice to provide squads 3 x Jäger Gruppe (Squads)
with at least one G3 (7.62mm) rifle with scope for use
by a Designated Marksman. Additionally, one MG4 Transport
SAW is in each squad is commonly replaced with a MG3 4 x Tpz Fuchs
© Osprey Publishing •
sample organizations
Note: The German Jäger infantry draws vehicle 1 x Soldat w/G36 and HK69A1 Grenade Launcher
commanders, gunners and drivers directly from the 40mm (Lt. AP:1/AT:0)
squads. Dismounting all infantry from their transport 1 x Soldat w/MG3 GPMG (Med. AP:2/AT:0)
leaves the vehicles idle without crew. 1 x Soldat w/G36
The recent deployments of the German Bundeswehr 1 x Funker (radio operator) w/G36 and radio
to Afghanistan have shown the need to utilize lighter
transport vehicles like the ATF Dingo or the Swiss-made Plus
MOWAG Eagle IV, to reduce the damage to the Afghan 1 x MILAN ATGM (AP: 5D/AT: 4D, ignores ERA)
infrastructure and (first and foremost) increase that may be fired from the HQ’s Spz Marder if the
protection of the soldiers against IED or mine attacks. commander is unbuttoned OR can be carried by the
Due to the lower passenger capacity of the lighter dismounted Zugführergruppe.
vehicles, simply consider a Jäger platoon always having
enough of the listed transports to carry everybody. A Panzer Grenadier Zug (Platoon)
mix of transport vehicles is common practice within the 1 x Panzergrenadier Zugführergruppe (Platoon HQ)
German contingent in Afghanistan. 3 x Panzergrenadier Gruppen (Squads)
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck Notes/
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor Attributes
Bushmaster S W FN MAG (Med. N/A 3D 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 1+9 Up-Armored
AP:3/AT:0) (Rear Improved MG for M2HB –
M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light facing) Remote Weapon System
AP:5/AT:1) (RWS)
Smoke Dischargers
Vehicle must be manned
with one soldier per weapon
if FN MAG and rear facing
MG is to be fired.
Mine Resistant
Land Rover S W FN MAG (Med. N/A 3D 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D6 3 Smoke Dischargers
Surveillance AP:3/AT:0) Vehicle must be manned
Reconnaissance M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light with one soldier per weapon
Vehicle (SRV) AP:4/AT:1) to be fired.
MK19 AGL (Med. N/A Mine Resistant
Land Rover S W FN MAG (Med. N/A 3D 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D6 3 Smoke Dischargers
Perentie Long AP:3/AT:0) Vehicle must be manned
Range Patrol M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light with one soldier per weapon
Vehicle (LRPV) AP:4/AT:1) to be fired.
MK19 AGL (Med. N/A Mine Resistant
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
LAV III L W Turret Mounted Medium 3D6 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+7 Enhanced Fire Control
25mm Chain Gun Lifesaver
(AP:5/AT:3) May be fitted with Bar
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
M1045A2 S W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D6 1+4 Smoke Dischargers
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
YPR-765 L T 25mm Chain Gun Medium 3D 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 3+7 Amphibious
Dutch YPR
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
VBL S W AA-52 GPMG (Med. N/A N/A 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 2+1 Up-Armored
VBL RECO 12.7 S W 12.7mm HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 2+1 Up-Armored
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
Tpz Fuchs APC L W Front Mounted N/A N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+10 Amphibious
GPMG (Med. Lifesaver
Rear Mounted N/A
GPMG (Med.
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
Land Rover S W 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D6 1+7 Hardened
Snatch (Med. AP:3/AT:0)
Land Rover S W 7.62mm GPMG N/A 3D 2D6 2D6 1D6 1D6 2+8 Hardened
WMIK (Med. AP:3/AT:0) Open Top
M2HB HMG (Hvy.
AP:4/AT:1) Light
Pinzgauer 4 x4 S W 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D6 2+8
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
Pinzgauer 6x6 S W 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 1D6 1D6 1D6 1D6 2+10
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
Iveco Panther S W 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 2D6 2D6 1D6 1D6 1+3 Hardened
CLV (Med. AP:4/AT:0) Advanced Fire Control
Vector PPV S W 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 2D6 2D6 1D6 1D6 2+6 Hardened
(Med. AP:4/AT:0)
Minimi (Lt.
AP:2/AT:0) N/A
M-WMIK S W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light 3D (Pintel 2D6 2D6 1D6 1D6 3 Up-Armored
(Jackal) AP:4/AT:1) Light Mounted Open Top
or GPMG) Mine Resistant
HK GMG (Med. Lifesaver
Menacity S W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light 3D (Pintel 2D6 2D6 1D6 1D6 3 Up-Armored
AP:4/AT:1) Mounted Open Top
or GPMG) Mine Resistant
HK GMG (Med. Light Lifesaver
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
BvS10 Viking L T 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+8 Amphibious
(Med. AP:3/AT:0) May be fitted with Bar
Main gunner protected
by gun shield, rear
gunner with Minimi
manned by infantry
passengers (no gun
FV103 Spartan L T 7.62mm GPMG N/A N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+5 Amphibious
(Med. AP:3/AT:0) May be fitted with Bar
FV510 Warrior L T 30mm Autocannon Medium 3D 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 3+2 Can be Up-Armored
7.62mm GPMG N/A
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
M1151A1 S W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 1+4 Up-Armored
w/B1 Kit AP:4/AT:1) May be fitted with
or Improved MGs (CROWS)
Mk19 AGL (Med. N/A for +1 FP die for MGs
AP:3/AT:0) MP version mounts CS
or grenade launchers
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
M966 TOW S W TOW II ATGM Heavy N/A 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 1+4 Up-Armored
Carrier (AP:3/AT:4) May fire and move at
M240G GPMG N/A Tactical Speed
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
M1126 Strykers
© Osprey Publishing •
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
Buffalo MVP L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+4 Lifesaver
6x6 AP:4/AT:1) Mine Resistant
or Hardened
M240G GPMG N/A Equipped with remote
(Med. AP:3/AT:0) operator arm. Used in
mine clearing ops
Caiman MRAP L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+10 Lifesaver
6x6 AP:4/AT:1) Mine Resistant
or Hardened
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
Cougar MRAP L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+6 Lifesaver
4 x4 AP:4/AT:1) Mine Resistant
or Hardened
M240G GPMG N/A May be fitted with Bar
(Med. AP:3/AT:0) Armor
Cougar-A2 L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 4D8 3D8 3D6 1D6 2+6 Lifesaver
MRAP 4 x4 AP:4/AT:1) Mine Resistant
or Hardened
M240G GPMG N/A Up-Armored
(Med. AP:3/AT:0) May be fitted with Bar
MaxxPro L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+6 Lifesaver
MRAP 4 x4 AP:4/AT:1) Mine Resistant
or Hardened
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
MaxxPro L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+10 Lifesaver
MRAP 6x6 AP:4/AT:1) Mine Resistant
or Hardened
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
RG-31 Mk 5 L W M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+6 Enhanced Fire Control
MRAP 4 x4 AP:4/AT:1) N/A Lifesaver
or Mine Resistant
M240G GPMG Hardened
(Med. AP:3/AT:0)
M1126 Stryker L W RWS M2HB HMG Light N/A 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+9 Enhanced Fire Control
ICV (Hvy. AP:5/AT:1) Lifesaver
or May be fitted with Bar
RWS Mk 19 AGL Armor
(Med. AP:4/AT:0) N/A
Gun Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Notes/Attributes
Rating Armor Armor Armor Armor
M1A2 Abrams H T 120mm (AP:5/AT6) Heavy 4D 5D12 4D12 3D12 2D8 4 Up-Armored
MBT M2HB HMG (Hvy. Light Heavy Hitter
AP:4/AT:1) Improved MGs
Safe Haven
M1040 Canister Round:
6D vs Troops in open/Lt.
Cover. TQ Test for
M2HB can only be fired
when TC is unbuttoned
© Osprey Publishing •
Uniform Guide
USMC at squad level for use against strongpoints. FGM-148
Marines in Afghanistan currently wear the arid desert Javelins are also available at the Weapons Platoon level.
digital pattern known as MARPAT (Marine Pattern) Sniper rifles are allocated at the Company or Battalion
with Coyote Brown covers for their MTV (Modular level. Scout Sniper Platoons receive the bolt action M40A3
Tactical Vest) body armor. Prior to its full adoption by as their primary rifle, supported by DMRs and the Barrett
2004, Marines wore three color desert pattern DCUs .50 M82A3.
(Desert Camouflage Utilities) with a mix of Coyote
Brown and woodland pattern covers for their US ARMY
Interceptor combat body armor (some units received The Army wore three color desert DCUs with a mix of
DCU covers but these were relatively rare). Most woodland and three color pattern body armor covers up
webbing items including chest rigs and magazine until 2005 when the ACU (Army Combat Uniform),
pouches are now issued in Coyote Brown. Their helmet also known as ACUPAT or UCP (Universal Camouflage
is the Marine only issue Lightweight Helmet with Pattern), was adopted with a matching cover for the
MARPAT pattern covers (which ironically was available Interceptor vest. As per the Marines, matching webbing
to many units before the MARPAT uniform itself). and pouches are now issued in ACU. The Army wears
In terms of small arms, the M16A4 equipped with the MICH helmet known as the ACH (Advanced
ACOG optical sight remains the issue rifle for the Corps, Combat Helmet) with ACU pattern. Post 2010, the US
including three per squad with M203 launchers (one per Army has adopted the commercial Crye Multicam
fireteam). M4A1s are issued in small quantities mainly pattern for all units operating outside the wire
to MARSOC operators, LAR crews and dismounts and in Afghanistan.
infantry RTOs and leaders. The standard fireteam The M4A1 carbine has increasingly become the
support weapon is the M249 SAW in the Para variant standard in Army combat units, nearly always mounted
with collapsible stock. Some of these mount the ACOG with a mixture of ACOG and Aimpoint sights. As per the
magnified gun sight. One rifleman in each squad is Marines, two per squad are issued with under-slung
identified as a Designated Marksman (DM). Marine grenade launchers, either the older M203 or the newly
DMs may use M14s or SAM-R DMRs pre-2008, though issued M320. The M249 SAW is deployed in both its
these were both largely replaced by the M39 Enhanced standard fixed stock and Para versions again often with
Marksman Rifle (a USMC version of the M14 Enhanced ACOG or Aimpoint sights. M240Bs are issued at Weapons
Battle Rifle used by the Army). The M39 itself is being Platoon level but may be attached at squad level. The Army
replaced by the KAC M110 DMR or Mk11 Mod2. also uses DMRs – normally equipped with the M14 EBR-
The company’s Weapons Platoon has the M240G light RI. The M110 (version of the Mk11 or SR-25) is slated to
machine gun available along with the Mk183 SMAW in replace the EBR in the near future. Snipers, again normally
Assault Engineer teams and the M32 multi-shot grenade allocated at battalion level (company level for Stryker
launcher, M136/AT-4. M72 LAW rockets are often issued BCTs), carry the M24 but also have the M110 and M107
© Osprey Publishing •
© Osprey Publishing •
Uniform Guide
Barrett available. Both M136/AT-4 and LAW rockets are for some time before this became doctrine in 2010. The
issued at section level as required. “on paper” organization of a British section in 2010
Ranger fireteams may have Mk46 Mod 0 SAW post- included the Charlie fireteam employing an SA80, an SA80
2002 or M249 Para SAWs from 2001. Weapons Platoons UGL, a Minimi and an LSW with the Delta fireteam
may have Mk48s to replace M240s post-2002. DMs in carrying an SA80, an SA80 UGL, a Minimi and a GPMG.
Army and Rangers may use scoped M14s – mainly pre- In theater, the LSW has been replaced by the newly issued
2003, but also available later in the war. Predominantly the Designated Marksman Rifle, the L129A1, in at least one
Mk11 DMR is favoured with some Mk14 EBRs in use. section of the platoon with the LSW often being replaced
Rangers and regular Army grenadiers may use the by another Minimi or SA80 in the other sections. British
M320 40mm launcher from 2009. infantry platoons also have a 60mm light mortar available
attached to the platoon headquarters group (replacing the
BRITISH ARMY & ROYAL previously issued 51mm) and a combat shotgun, the
MARINES L128A1, is issued as a secondary entry weapon to one
The British Army and Royal Marines currently are issued member of each section.
a propriety uniform based on Multicam and known as
MTP (Multi Terrain Pattern). Osprey armor covers and THE TALIBAN & AL QAEDA
webbing are becoming available in MTP as are helmet The Taliban dress as per the Afghan civilian population,
covers. They are also still issued one set of desert DPMs typically in the two piece shalwar kameez (baggy
(Disruptive Pattern Material) for use in the high desert as trousers and long over shirt) which is always one
this pattern proved superior to MTP in this environment. matching color. They often wear a waistcoat in any
Prior to 2010, all units were issued desert DPM however number of colors over the shalwar kameez or sometimes
temperate DPM items were also often worn, particularly in a combat jacket, generally in US woodland pattern. The
the Green Zones. Taliban were known for their distinctive black silk
The Brits carry the SA80A2, or more properly the turbans although this is less so today with many wearing
L85A2, as their standard rifle. The SA80A2 is equipped white turbans or other headgear.
with either the older SUSAT, interim issue ACOG or the Al Qaeda and other foreign fighters wear a mix of
recently adopted Elcan Spectre. Two per section mount Afghan shalwar kameez and western dress. AQ tend to
the L17A2 Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL). The wear their trousers six inches too short, a Salafist religious
structure of British fireteams and exact rate of weapons requirement. They also often dye their beards red or
issue has been modified several times both doctrinally and yellow. Footwear is another distinguishing feature with AQ
in theater since 2006. Originally, the section had a L110A2 often wearing tennis shoes or western hiking boots. Indeed
Minimi and an L86A2 LSW per fireteam. Due to the lack they have been seen wearing high-end civilian outdoors
of a sustained fire capability from the LSW (it uses a clothing such as North Face or camouflage clothing
standard SA80 30 round magazine), the LSW was dropped including US and NATO patterns, particularly among the
and a second Minimi replaced it. mountains along the Pakistani border. These fighters also
Some units, particularly the Paras, had unofficially been commonly wear balaclavas to aid in concealing their
pushing down the issue of L7A2 GPMGs to section level identity from ISI informers and American drones.
© Osprey Publishing •
USMC the dry-brush and as the mix sits and dries it adds a
For this supplement the AAG studio did up a new subtle pattern to the figure that suggests the look we are
USMC force using Elhiem Figures to represent a 2009 after. It’s a quick and easy way to get the uniform looking
USMC unit as operating in Helmand Province. good on the tabletop.
Although at first glance the camo pattern uniforms The next stage was to do all the webbing and boots
may seem hard to do, once you look at a few pictures of on the figures in Vallejo English Uniform (921) and this
the men in combat you will see the uniform fades out to was then washed with Devlan Mud wash. Once this was
an almost single color tone at a distance. We therefore dry we went back over the webbing in English Uniform
decided to “suggest” the look of the uniforms on the leaving the wash in the cracks. As a final highlight to the
studio army rather than actually paint the camo in! webbing we used Vallejo US Drab Earth. We also did
First, undercoat your models. We use a black spray some of the goggle covers in this color and then a few in
primer to give depth to the colors that go on over it. The Iraqi Sand as well to break it up a little and add some
next thing we do is give the models an entire covering of variation as seen in pictures of the real troops.
Vallejo German Camo Black Brown (822). This provides Next we did all the weapons. These were done in
a nice base for the next stage. Vallejo German Grey (995), then given a black ink wash,
Now we apply the basic uniform color. For this we re-highlighted with German Grey and then a final
used Vallejo Iraqi Sand (810) and gave the figures a good highlight was done using Vallejo Dark Grey (994). This
overall coating. We then added Vallejo Deck Tan (986) was just applied over raised areas and around scopes and
to the Iraqi Sand at a 1:1 mix and drybrushed this onto along barrels to pick out the detail. We then used Vallejo
the figures. Drybrushing involves using a large brush
and wiping off most of the paint. You then run the brush
over the figure and it leaves the lighter color on the
raised areas, instantly highlighting the model quickly
and easily. After this we drybrushed on the Deck Tan
and for a final light drybrush added Vallejo Ivory (918)
to the Deck Tan, again at a 1:1 ratio.
Now we had the basic uniform color we needed to
define all the detail and add the suggestion of a camo
pattern. For this we used a little trick of the trade. We
took some Games Workshop Devlan Mud and mixed it
with some artists liquid matt varnish at a 1:1 ratio. We
then applied this all over the figures. The use of the
varnish instead of water allows the wash to flow and sit
Example of SMAW highlighted as described.
into cracks, but it also blends together all the stages of (Figures by Elhiem Figures)
© Osprey Publishing •
Oily Steel (865) to pick out magazines. For other support webbing in this manner. We also painted the boots in
weapons we basecoated them in Vallejo Camo Olive this color. Next we applied an overall wash of GW
Green (894) and added a little of Vallejo Buff (976) for Devlan Mud to the entire model.
the highlight. We used this on the SMAW and on ammo Once this had thoroughly dried, we went back over
boxes, though these can also be done in the same way as the figure with Iraqi Sand, using short streaks and flicks
the weapons. of paint to highlight the areas of the original Iraqi Sand
Finally we did the flesh with a basecoat of Vallejo Red basecoat showing through. This acted both as a highlight
Leather (818) followed by highlights of Vallejo Medium and to make the camo pattern stand out more. We did a
Skintone (860) and then Vallejo Flat Flesh (955). We few streaks of Iraqi Sand over the English Uniform
tend to mix the colors with each other to make the “splotches” to make the pattern seem more realistic. We
highlights more subtle but this does take a bit more time. also went over the webbing and the water bladder, as well
We think it’s worth it though! as the goggle strap and helmet to make all these items
Finally, we painted in the goggle lenses in Dark Grey stand out and accentuate the details. We also used
and painted a few of the guys as if they are wearing gloves, English Uniform to highlight the boots.
using either Dark Grey or Russian Green. To both colors Next we painted in the gun with Vallejo German
we added a dab of Buff for the highlight color. Dark Grey and Vallejo Russian Green for ammo boxes.
We painted the bases in Vallejo Desert Yellow (977) We added a bit of Vallejo Buff to the German Dark Grey
and drybrushed them with Iraqi Sand. We then added to add a few highlights to the guns.
some static grass and Siflor tufts to finish them off. For the flesh and goggles, we used the same methods
as in the USMC guide. We also based them in the same
BRITISH ARMY & MARINES way to keep all the basing consistent. This system is a
As well as painting up USMC for the book, the AAG quick way of producing Modern British, but it works
Studio also did up an army using Britannia Miniatures’ well and allows you to get your guys on the table quick!
range of Afghanistan British. We developed a fast, but I hope the above helps you to try and paint up your
effective, way of turning out British troops wearing the own USMC or British force for Operation Enduring
distinctive DPM clothing. Freedom, it’s a lot easier than it sounds and practice
First of all we undercoated the figures black and makes perfect! Don’t forget to check out the Ambush
then applied an overall coat of Vallejo Iraqi Sand to the Alley forum for more tutorials and to check out the latest
figure. We then used Vallejo English Uniform to add stuff the AAG Studio is cranking out!
camo “splotches” to the figure in a random manner,
covering around 50% of the figures’ clothing and Piers Brand – AAG Studio
© Osprey Publishing •
A large number of miniatures are currently available in the ADF’s contribution and featuring both regular army
the three dominant Ambush Alley scales – 15mm, and Special Forces along with an expanding range of
20mm and 28mm – with more being added frequently. Taliban insurgents. Wartime also manufacture the
In 15mm, Rebel Miniatures ( and Bushmaster IMV.
QRF ( both produce A relatively new company, Under Fire Miniatures
suitable miniatures for US and UK forces along with (, have several ranges
opposition (QRF produce Afghan irregulars and Afghan available including 2006 Brits in Helmand, 2010 Brits in
National Police). QRF has created a huge range of the new Osprey Assault Armor and Mk7 helmet, and a
modern vehicles for ISAF and OEF forces including small range of Taliban. Under Fire produce SFMG
such theater-specific vehicles as the British Mastiff mount GPMG and .50 HMG teams perfect for scenarios
MRAP, the Panther CLV and an RQ-1 Predator. Peter featuring the defence of patrol bases or FOBs.
Pig ( also produces a range of S&S Models ( have perhaps
15mm miniatures in their AK47 Republic Range with the largest range of vehicles for the modern period with
some useful US infantry and vehicles. many useful for Afghanistan such as UK and US
In 20mm, the options for the Afghanistan gamer MRAPs, Strykers and numerous vehicles suitable for
open up considerably and this scale is perhaps best European ISAF nations. S&S also produce a growing
served of all. For miniatures, Elhiem Figures range of figures (including Taliban and Afghan civilians)
( manufactures an ever- and accessories such as Afghan rugs, local Afghan
increasing range of quality 20mm figures including produce and even Hot Spot markers! 20mm gamers have
Afghan specific 2009 US Marines, IOTV-clad US the advantage of the huge range of 1/72 plastic kits and
Army, 2008 Brits in Osprey body armor, Special Forces pre-assembled and pre painted diecast models from the
and Taliban. likes of Dragon, Easy Model and Forces of Valor.
Britannia Miniatures ( For 28mm gamers, the selection of excellent figures
also cast an Afghanistan-specific 20mm range of and vehicles continues to expand. Leading the pack is
Taliban, British and US Army along with civilians, Empress Miniatures (
wounded, media (including a great not Ross Kemp) and with a wonderful range of US regulars and SOF along
specialist figures such as an EOD operator and mine with Taliban. Helmand British are also rumoured.
clearer, Taliban on motorcycles, private military Eureka Miniatures ( of Australia
contractors, helicopter crews and a military working dog also make a lovely range of compatible Taliban and
team. Britannia offers an accompanying range of vehicles USMC Force Recon. The Assault Group
including the WMIK, M-WMIK Jackal, Mastiff, Viking ( produces small ranges of
and even a civilian Jingle Truck. Afghan, US and British while S&S Models and Imprint
Wartime Miniatures ( Models ( manufacture
of Australia also produces an Afghan range focusing on vehicles suitable for Afghanistan.
© Osprey Publishing •
ACM Anti-Coalition Militia FO: Forward Observer. A spotter for
ACOG: Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight artillery fires
AGL: Automatic Grenade Launcher FOB: Forward Operating Base
AK: Avtomat Kalashnikova; Kalashnikov FSG: Fire Support Group
automatic rifle FTL: Fireteam Leader
ALS: Advanced Life Saving
ANA: Afghan National Army GMG: Grenade Machine Gun (See AGL)
ANP: Afghan National Police GPMG: General Purpose Machine Gun
AP: Anti-Personnel GWOT: Global War on Terror; Became
AQ: Al Qaeda Overseas Contingency Operations in
AQT: Al Qaeda/Taliban March 2009, but still in common usage
AT: Anti-Tank
HLS: Helicopter Landing Site
ATGM: Anti-Tank Guided Missile
HLZ: Helicopter Landing Zone
HMG: Heavy Machine Gun
BDA: Battle Damage Assessment
HMMWV: High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled
Vehicle. The ubiquitous “Hummer” or
CASEVAC: Casualty Evactuation
CCP: Casualty Collection Point
HUMINT: Human Intelligence
CCT: Combat Control Team
HVT: High Value Target
COIN: Counter-Insurgency
CSAR: Combat Search and Rescue
ICOM Chatter: Intelligence Communications Chatter
– enemy chatter over unsecured radio
DEVGRU: Naval Special Warfare Development frequencies
Group IED: Improvised Explosive Device
Dicker: Taliban spotters equipped with radios, ISAF: International Security & Assistance
cellular, or satellite phones. Term Force
coined by the SAS in Northern Ireland.
DShK: Degtyarov-Shpagin Krupnokalibernyj; JDAM: Joint Direct Attack Munition
Degtyarov-Shpagin Large Caliber; JPEL: Joint Priority Effects List. A database of
Russian heavy machine gun key insurgent leaders, bomb makers
and logisticians
EOD: Explosive Ordinance Demolition – the JSOTF: Joint Special Operations Task Force
“bomb squad” JTAC: Joint Terminal Air Controller
ETAC: Enlisted Terminal Attack Controller KIA: Killed in Action
© Osprey Publishing •
LMG: Light Machine Gun RWS: Remote Weapon System – usually a top
mounted weapon system that can be
M2HB: M2 Heavy Barreled Machine Gun (.50 controlled within the vehicle without
Caliber Browning MG) exposing the gunner
MBITR: Multiband inter/intra team radio
MEDEVAC: Medical evacuation Sangar: Strengthened and elevated fighting
MFC: Mortar Fire Controller position
MG: Machine Gun SAW: Squad Automatic Weapon
MRAP: Mine Resistant Ambush Protected SBIED: Suicide Bomber IED
SEAL: Sea, Air, and Land. Naval special
OCF: Other Coalition Forces – euphemism operations forces
for JSOTF (Joint Special Operations SF: Army Special Forces. “Green Berets”
task Force)
Shura: Afghan traditional council of elders
ODA: Operational Detachment Alpha. SF
SIGINT: Signal Intelligence
SMU: Special Mission Unit
OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom
SOAR: Special Operations Aviation Regiment
OP: Observation Post
SOF: Special Operations Forces
OP: Operation
SQL: Squad Leader
© Osprey Publishing •
Bishop, Patrick, 3 Para. London: Harper Press, 2007 Luttrell, Marcus, Lone Survivor. New York: Back Bay
Blehm, Eric, The Only Thing Worth Dying For: How Books/Little, Brown and Company, 2008
Eleven Green Berets Forged a New Afghanistan. Macy (Sgt.), Ed, Apache: Inside the Cockpit of the
New York: HarperCollins, 2005 World’s Most Deadly Fighting Machine. London,
Briscoe, Kiper, Schroder, Sepp, Weapon of Choice: HarperPress, 2008
ARSOF in Afghanistan. Leavenworth: Naylor, Sean, Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold
CSI Press, 2003 Story of Operation Anaconda. New York: Berkley
Darack, Ed, Victory Point. New York: Penguin Group, Caliber, 2005
2009 Neville, Leigh, Special Operations Forces in
Junger, Sebastien, War. New York: 12/Hachette Book Afghanistan. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2008
Group, 2010 Robinson, Linda, Masters of Chaos: The Secret History
Kemp (Col.), Richard and Hughes, Chris, Attack State of the Special Forces. New York: PublicAffairs, 2004
Red. London: Penguin Group, 2009 Stanton, Doug, Horse Soldiers. New York: Scribner,
Koons, Christopher N. Enduring Voices: Oral Histories 2009
of the US Army Experience in Afganstan. Wright, Dr. Donald P. A Different Kind of War:
Leavenworth: CMH 2008 The US Army in Operation Enduring Freedom,
LeBleu, Joe, Long Rifle: A Sniper’s Story in Iraq and October 2001, September 2005. Leavenworth:
Afghanistan. Guilford: Lyons Press, 2009 Books Express, 2005
© Osprey Publishing •
Pg.7 M1114 Zeus-HLONS, Bagram Air Base, by Pg.97 CIA Special Activities Division operative,
Ian Palmer © Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken by Ramiro Bujeiro © Osprey Publishing Ltd.
from New Vanguard 122: HMMWV Humvee Taken from Elite 163: Special Operations
1980–2005. Forces in Afghanistan.
Pg.29 German SOF Soldier, by Michael Welply © Pg.99 Sergeant, Operational Detachment Alpha,
Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 113: by Ramiro Bujeiro © Osprey Publishing Ltd.
US Navy SEALs. Taken from Elite 163: Special Operations
Forces in Afghanistan.
Pg.34 US Navy SEAL, by Michael Welply © Osprey
Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 113: Pg.104 Sergeant, SBS, by Ramiro Bujeiro © Osprey
US Navy SEALs. Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 163: Special
Operations Forces in Afghanistan.
Pg.39 US Navy SEAL in Afghan costume, by Michael
Welply © Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Pg.108 Trooper, Australian SAS, by Ramiro Bujeiro ©
Elite 113: US Navy SEALs. Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 163:
Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan.
Pg.44 The battle for Takur Ghar, by Michael Welply
© Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite Pg.115 NCO, German KSK, by Ramiro Bujeiro ©
113: US Navy SEALs. Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 163:
Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan.
Pg.51 Afghan guerrilla, by Ronald Volstad ©
Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Pg.122 Commando, Dutch Korps Commandotroepen,
Men-at-Arms 178: Russia’s War by Ramiro Bujeiro © Osprey Publishing Ltd.
in Afghanistan. Taken from Elite 163: Special Operations
Forces in Afghanistan.
Pg.73 US Army Ranger, by Michael Welply ©
Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Warrior Pg.129 NCO, 1er RPIMA, French Army COS,
65: US Army Ranger 1983–2002. by Ramiro Bujeiro © Osprey Publishing Ltd.
Taken from Elite 163: Special Operations
Pg.78 Canadian Para Corporal, by Carlos Chagas © Forces in Afghanistan.
Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 143:
Canadian Airborne Forces since 1942. Pg.132 AH-64D, by Jim Laurier © Osprey Publishing
Ltd. Taken from New Vanguard 111: Apache
Pg.88 HH/MH-60G Pave Hawk, by Ian Palmer AH-64 Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) 1976–2005.
© Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from
New Vanguard 116: Sikorsky UH-60 Pg.154 82nd Airborne on patrol, by Johnny Shumate
Black Hawk. © Osprey Publishing Ltd.
© Osprey Publishing •
of of of
A pressure plate (victim operated) IED
has detonated near one
of your units!
Randomly determine which unit has
been struck by the attack. The unit
A supply snafu has left your units low A supply snafu has left your units low
takes an AP:2/AT:2(M) (3” radius)
on ammo. Your force is now considered on ammo. Your force is now considered
attack to which it may not React.
to be Poorly Supplied. to be Poorly Supplied.
The stricken unit’s Defense is
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately. determined as usual.
This card is played immediately.
Note IED/mine detectors, MWDs and
vehicle rollers/flails may negate the IED
An Explosively Formed Projectile IED SUSPECT DEVICE! SUSPECT DEVICE!
has struck one of your units! A possible IED has been spotted in the A possible IED has been spotted in the
Randomly determine which unit has path of one of your units. There is no path of one of your units. There is no
been struck by the attack. The unit time to summon EOD, so the device time to summon EOD, so the device
takes an AP:2/AT:4(H) (3” radius) must be bypassed! must be bypassed!
attack to which it may not React. Randomly determine the unit that has Randomly determine the unit that has
The stricken unit’s Defense is spotted the explosive. Your opponent spotted the explosive. Your opponent
determined as usual. may place a marker at least 6” from that may place a marker at least 6” from that
This card is played immediately. unit and at least 4” from nearby units. unit and at least 4” from nearby units.
Note as EFPs are commonly infrared or None of your units may approach None of your units may approach
electronically triggered, backpack or within 4” of the marker. within 4” of the marker.
vehicular ECM and vehicle rollers/flails This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
may negate the EFP contact.
THE 10,000-MILE
WHERE ARE YOU GOING? An officer in the lofty realms of the chain of
command takes a personal interest in your CRACK ON!
One of your assets (your opponent’s
operation and decides he knows better than A unit of your choice is in the zone!
choice) is recalled by higher command
any “strategic corporal” on the ground. His They’re clicking along like a well-oiled
or are required to support a sister unit confusing and poorly considered commands, machine and nothing can stand
in contact. passed down through the company net, have in their way!
Roll 1D6: robbed your force of its tactical initiative.
The selected unit’s TQ and Morale are
1-2: Leaves immediately, even if Your force loses Initiative (if you had it)
raised by one die type and they are
activated this turn. and you cannot regain Initiative until
General Confusion loses interest in your treated as if they have High Confidence
3-4: Leaves next time it activates.
operation. Roll a D6 at the end of each for the duration of the turn (at the end
5-6: Agrees to stick around 1 more turn.
turn. On a 5 or 6 the General has lost of the turn, all values return to normal).
Roll again at the end of your next turn.
interest and you can test for Initiative on This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately. the following turn. Otherwise, your
opponent automatically gains Initiative.
This card is played immediately.
© Osprey Publishing •
of of of
A randomly determined vehicle in your AMPED UP!
New fast-air assets are arriving while
force suffers a rollover on harsh ground. Your force’s squad and platoon level
those that are bingo on fuel withdraw.
The vehicle is immobilized and must be leaders are doing a fine job of focusing
JTACs/FACs need some time to orient
either righted and towed by a similar your men’s attention on the job at hand
the new pilots to troop positions on the
size vehicle (which takes three turns of – their situational awareness is so
ground to avoid de-confliction and a
base contact with the immobilized amped up that it’s highly unlikely
possible friendly fire incident.
vehicle) or denied to the enemy either anyone will get the jump on them!
with grenades or from the air. Your force may not call for any further
Your units receive a +1 to all Reaction
air strikes from the time this card is
All crew and passengers must make roll tests for the duration of the game.
drawn until the end of the next turn.
a 4+ to avoid becoming a casualty This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately.
This card may be played by any AT I JUST GAVE IT A GOOD SMACK!
AMPED UP! capable weapon at the time that it An enterprising crew member is able
Your force’s squad and platoon level engages a vehicular target. The vehicle to put his mechanical skills to good
leaders are doing a fine job of focusing engaged is automatically destroyed, use and restore one of your broken-
your men’s attention on the job at hand brewing up in such a dramatic fashion down vehicles to action!
– their situational awareness is so that it raises the morale of the AT
amped up that it’s highly unlikely weapon’s force by one die type and If your Force has suffered any Fog of
anyone will get the jump on them! lowers the morale of the opposing force War induced vehicle breakdowns (not
one die type for the duration of the combat damage), this card will restore
Your units receive a +1 to all Reaction
current turn. one of them to action. Randomly
tests for the duration of the game.
determine which vehicle is repaired.
This card is played immediately. This card may be held by the drawing
player until their next AT fire at a This card may be held and played later.
vehicle, then it must be played.
Sometimes JTACs or FOs make such
SORRY GUYS, SORRY GUYS, egregious errors in the heat of combat
EVERYTHING’S TASKED... EVERYTHING’S TASKED... that no amount of fail-safes can save
Sometimes, close air support is Sometimes, close air support is them. This is one of those times.
stretched thin and even urgent TIC stretched thin and even urgent TIC Someone’s managed to mix up the GPS
requests cannot be met immediately. requests cannot be met immediately. grids to potentially tragic results…
If you are the Taliban player, play this If you are the Taliban player, play this Play this card when one of your
card to automatically block one of card to automatically block one of opponent’s JTACs or FOs calls in an
your opponent’s CAS strike requests. your opponent’s CAS strike requests. air strike or artillery/mortar/MLRS
If Coalition, discard. If Coalition, discard. salvo. Instead of its intended target,
This card may be held and played later. This card may be held and played later. the strike will land squarely on the
unit that requested it.
This card may be held and played later.
A base of civilians carrying a wounded
child who has been caught in the
crossfire appears within 6” of a
A base of civilians appears in the A base of civilians appears in the
randomly determined Coalition unit.
middle of the battlespace in a randomly middle of the battlespace in a randomly
The Coalition unit must provide basic
determined structure or building. They determined structure or building. They
medical care or call forward their
will attempt to flee the contact as per will attempt to flee the contact as per
medic/Corpsman to do so for one full
Afghan civilian rules or until they are Afghan civilian rules or until they are
turn before sending the civilians
dispersed by Coalition forces. dispersed by Coalition forces.
toward a nearby ANA patrol base –
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately. they will walk at 3” per turn toward the
safest, logical table edge.
This card is played immediately.
WHO ARE YOU? ROSS KEMP? A nearby Coalition patrol has monitored SF’S COMING IN
your TIC call and has arrived to assist. Roll
A pair of civilian media types has been A patrol of four special operators on a
1D8 to see who has arrived:
attached to your unit. Immediately special reconnaissance tasking in the
1-4: Two fireteams of Coalition infantry with
place with the headquarters element or a section/squad leader (nine personnel) area links up with your force. They
most senior man on the ground. They attach themselves to a unit you
5-6: A light vehicle mounted patrol of 2
must be protected at all costs and loss of unarmored HMMWVs, WMIKs, MWMIKs designate. They are Stealthy and have
either will garner a -5 Victory Points. or similar Night Vision. They are armed with
The pair will act as noncombatant 7-8: A medium vehicle mounted patrol of 2 assault rifles with UGLs and one SAW
Dependents. If they survive the mission, armored HMMWVs, Mastiffs, Cougars or and 1D body armor. They are all
their footage of your troops in action similar light to medium MRAPs Advanced First Aid trained and can
adds 3 Victory Points to your total. For Choose any suitable model from your call in air support with the SF bonus.
Taliban forces, this is either an al collection. They may be deployed on any They have a Troop Quality/Morale of
Jazeera film crew or a Taliban table edge no further than 12” from another D10/D12. They may be separated from
Coalition element. The vehicle crew or
propaganda team. the unit to act on their own if desired.
infantry have a Troop Quality/Morale of
This card is played immediately. D8/D10 Confident. This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately.
© Osprey Publishing •
of of of
STOPPAGE! STOPPAGE! A suspected High Value Target has
A randomly determined support A randomly determined support been picked up by ISTAR assets in your
weapon in a randomly determined unit weapon in a randomly determined unit AO. Randomly determine which enemy
in your force seizes up and cannot be in your force seizes up and cannot be unit contains this POI and add a figure
restored to action for the duration of restored to action for the duration of to the table. Coalition forces now
the game (unless the “I Just Gave it a the game (unless the “I Just Gave it a have a secondary FRAGO objective
Good Smack” card is played). Good Smack” card is played). of capturing/killing this suspect
individual. If captured and alive at end
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately. of game, add 3 Victory Points. If killed
at any point, add 1 Victory Point.
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A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library
Play-Testers: Andy Rix, Chris Mihlan, Christopher Maes, Christopher Maes, Cyril Vallin, Donogh McCarthy,
Eric Emerson, Jake Rose, Jason Mastros, Jay Arnold, Jim Roots, Jim Wonacott, Joe Trevithick, Ken Gordhamer,
Leigh Neville, Les & Alex Shorey, Mark Taylor, Michael Moore, Piers Brand, Rene Raap, Rich Chambers, Robby
Carpenter, Robert Connor, Roy Adams, Rutger van Marissing, Shaun Matthews, Stephen Crawford, Steve
Morris, Tim Spakowski, Tom Konczal, Dougie Robinson and Mid-America Wargames. To anyone we’ve
omitted – our heartfelt thanks and apologies for the oversight!
Miniatures photos by Piers Brand unless otherwise noted. Models and scenery from the collections of Piers
Brand and Dougie Robinson.
Wanat photos Courtesy of Erik Slater
Other photos by US Dept. of Defense
Maps by Shawn Carpenter
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