Conflict Management Design

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Conflict Management

4. Conflict Management Design

Dr. Javed Mahmud

September 2022
Organizational Conflict and Conflict
 Organizational conflict (also known as workplace conflict) refers to the condition of
misunderstanding or disagreement that is caused by the perceived or actual
opposition in the needs, interests and values among people who work together
 Conflict resolution is the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful
ending of conflict and retribution (প্রতিশোধ)

Does it only mean Conflict Resolution? Conflict Resolution also includes

 Reduction - হ্রাস  Negotiation - আপস-আলোচনা
 Elimination - বর্জ ন  Bargaining - দর কষাকষি
 Termination - পরিসমাপ্তি  Mediation - মধ্যস্থতা
 Arbitration - সালিসি
Organizational Conflict
Research on Organizational Conflict is deficient in three major areas:
 There is no clear set of rules to suggest when conflict ought to be maintained
at a certain level, when reduced, when ignored, and when enhanced

 There is no clear set of guidelines to suggest how conflict can be reduced,

ignored, or enhanced to increase individual, group, or organizational

 There is no clear set of rules to indicate how conflict involving different

situations can be managed effectively
Defining Conflict Management
 Nowadays, emphasis is in conflict management, as opposed to resolution of
 Conflict management involves designing effective strategies, in order to
enhance learning and effectiveness of an organization, by
 minimizing the dysfunctions of conflict and
 enhancing the constructive functions of conflict
 It does not necessarily imply avoidance, reduction, or termination of conflict

Affective Conflict Substantive

Affective Conflict
 Certain types of conflicts, which may have negative effects on individual and
group performance, may have to be reduced
 These conflicts, generally caused by the negative reactions of organizational
members, are called affective conflicts
 personal attacks of group members
 racial disharmony
 sexual harassment (e.g. Comments on a worker’s dress, inappropriate jokes)
 Affective conflicts interfere with task-related effort because members, rather
than working on the task, focus on
 reducing threats
 increasing power and
 attempting to build cohesion (সংহতি)
Affective Conflict
 The conflict causes members to be negative (নেতিবাচক), irritable (খিটখিটে),
suspicious (সন্দেহজনক) and resentful (বিরক্তিকর)
 Affective conflict impedes group performance by
 limiting information-processing ability (তথ্য প্রক্রিয়াকরণ ক্ষমতা সীমিত) and
 limiting cognitive functioning (নতু ন কিছু শেখার ক্ষমতা) of group members and
 creating antagonistic attributions (বৈরিতামূলক আচরণ) of group members’
 Affective conflict diminishes group loyalty (আনুগত্য), work group commitment
(অঙ্গীকারবদ্ধ), intent to stay in the present organization, and satisfaction (সন্তুষ্টি)
 These result from higher level of stress and anxiety (মানসিক চাপ)
Substantive Conflict
 Substantive conflicts have positive effects on the individual and group
 These relate to disagreements about tasks, policies, and other business issues
 A moderate level of substantive conflict is beneficial, as it stimulates
discussion and debate, which help groups to attain higher levels of
 Groups with an absence of task conflict may miss new ways to enhance their
performance, while very high levels of task conflict may interfere with task
 Groups that experience substantive conflict are able to make better decisions
than those that do not and generally have higher performance
Substantive Conflict
 This conflict can improve group performance through better understanding of
various viewpoints and alternative solutions
 However, the beneficial effects of substantive conflict on performance were
found only in groups performing nonroutine tasks, but not groups performing
standardized or routine tasks
 Although substantive conflict enhances group performance, like affective
conflict, it can diminish group loyalty, work group commitment, intent to stay
in the present organization, and satisfaction
 As a result, interventions for conflict management should be able to develop
cultural norms to support disagreement among group members in connection
with tasks and other related management issues without generating affective
Relationship Between Amount of Substantive
Conflict and Job Performance
 Organizations in which there is little or no conflict may stagnate
 On the other hand, organizational conflict left uncontrolled may have
dysfunctional effects
 Studies on organizational conflict suggest that a moderate amount of
substantive conflict is necessary for attaining an optimum level of job
performance in nonroutine tasks
 Therefore, it appears that the relationship between the amount of substantive
conflict and job performance approximates an inverted-U function
Between Amount
of Substantive
Conflict and Job
Relationship Between Amount of
Substantive Conflict and Job Performance
 The inverted-U function shows that a low level of job performance (OY1) will
be attained when the amount of substantive conflict is low (O) or high (OX)
 At a moderate amount of substantive conflict (OX1) an optimum level of job
performance (OY) can be attained
 This relationship is expected to hold good when other factors that affect job
performance are held constant for nonroutine tasks
 This shows that constructive problem solving is encouraged at a moderate
level of conflict, but it is discouraged at either a low or a high level of conflict
 Brown (1983) has suggested that “conflict management can require
intervention to reduce conflict if there is too much, or intervention to
promote conflict if there is too little”
Paradox of Conflict
 It is suggested that there are two dimensions of conflict that are useful for
managing conflict
 one consisting of disagreements relating to task issues and
 the other consisting of emotional or interpersonal issues that lead to conflict
 One of the problems of managing conflict is that the two dimensions of
conflict are positively correlated
 This indicates that in the process of enhancing substantive conflicts, affective
conflict may also be increased
 That is, the danger of “encouraging disagreement may yield results that are
no better and may well be worse than avoiding conflict altogether
Conflict Management Styles
Management of Organizational Conflict

 Based on the belief that a moderate  Attempts to relate the various

amount of conflict should be styles of handling interpersonal
maintained for increasing conflict of the organizational
organizational effectiveness participants with the particular
 Measures the amount of conflict at situation
various organizational levels and  Based on the belief that one style
attempts to explore and alter the may be more appropriate than
sources of such conflict another depending on the situation
Matching Styles with Situations
Matching Styles with Situations
Integrating Style
Situations where Appropriate Situations where Inappropriate
1. Issues are complex 1. Task or problem is simple
2. Synthesis (সমন্বয়) of ideas is needed to 2. Immediate decision is required
come up with better solutions 3. Other parties are unconcerned (নির্লিপ্ত)
3. Commitment (আগ্রহ) is needed from other about outcome
parties for successful implementation 4. Other parties do not have problem
4. Time is available for problem solving solving skills
5. One party alone cannot solve the problem
6. Resources possessed by different parties
are needed to solve their common
Matching Styles with Situations
Obliging Style
Situations where Appropriate Situations where Inappropriate
1. You believe that you may be wrong 1. Issue is important to you
2. Issue is more important to the other party 2. You believe that you are right
3. You are willing to give up something in 3. The other party is wrong or unethical
exchange for something from the other
party in the future
4. You are dealing from a position of
5. Preserving relationship is important
Matching Styles with Situations
Dominating Style
Situations where Appropriate Situations where Inappropriate
1. Issue is important to you 1. Issue is complex
2. Speedy decision is needed 2. Issue is not important to you
3. Unpopular course of action is 3. Both parties are equally powerful
implemented 4. Decision does not have to be made
4. Necessary to overcome assertive (জিদপূর্ণ) quickly
subordinates 5. Subordinates possess high degree of
5. Unfavourable decision by the other party competence (দক্ষতা)
may be costly to you
6. Subordinates lack expertise to make
technical decisions
Matching Styles with Situations
Avoiding Style
Situations where Appropriate Situations where Inappropriate
1. Issues are trivial (নগণ্য) 1. Issue is important to you
2. Potential dysfunctional (অকার্যকর) 2. It is your responsibility to make
effect of confronting (মোকাবিলা) the decision
other party outweighs benefits of 3. Parties are unwilling to defer; issue
resolution (সমাধান) must be resolved
3. Cooling-off period is needed
Matching Styles with Situations
Compromising Style
Situations where Appropriate Situations where Inappropriate
1. Goals of parties are mutually exclusive 1. One party is more powerful
2. Parties are equally powerful 2. Problem is complex enough, needing
3. Consensus cannot be reached problem solving approach
4. Integrating or dominating style are not
5. Temporary solution to a complex
problem is needed
Criteria for Conflict Management
In order for conflict management strategies to be effective, they should satisfy the
following criteria (মানদণ্ড):
1. Organizational Learning and Effectiveness
Conflict management strategies should be designed to enhance organizational learning and
long-term effectiveness
In order to attain this objective, conflict management strategies should be designed to
enhance critical and innovative thinking to learn “the art of solving the right problems”
2. Needs of Stakeholders
Conflict management strategies should be designed to satisfy the needs and expectations of
the strategic constituencies (stakeholders) and to attain a balance among them
People continually vacillates between the following: (1) others are fundamentally like us and
will react as we do to a situation, and (2) others are so completely different from us that
there is no basis for mutual understanding whatsoever. Both are wrong. In both cases, the
fundamental error is taking oneself as the primary stakeholder in all situations
Criteria for Conflict Management

3. Ethics
A wise leader must behave ethically, and to do so, the leader should be open to new
information and be willing to change his or her mind
By the same token, subordinates and other stakeholders have an ethical duty to
speak out against the decisions of supervisors when consequences of these
decisions are likely to be serious
Criteria for Conflict Management
To satisfy the three criteria, there is a need to design new conflict
management strategies. These are:
1. Attain and maintain a moderate amount of substantive conflict for
nonroutine tasks
2. Minimize substantive conflict for routine tasks
3. Minimize affective conflicts for routine and nonroutine tasks
4. Enable the organizational members to select and use the styles of handling
interpersonal conflict so that various conflict situations can be appropriately
dealt with
Which is the best style (or strategy) for managing organizational

Contingency Approach
 The contingency approach also called situational approach has replaced the
simplistic “one best” approach

 It is possible to develop a contingency (সংকটকালীন) theory of conflict


 Whether a particular leadership style is appropriate or inappropriate

depends on the situation
Process of Managing Organizational
Conflict Management Process
 The management of organizational conflict involves the diagnosis (নির্ণয়) of,
and intervention (হস্তক্ষেপ) in, conflict
 Diagnosis:-The first step in the problem-solving process is problem
 The field of management has neglected to investigate and develop the
process of problem recognition
 Problem recognition requires diagnosis of the problems
 Very often interventions are recommended without proper understanding of
the nature of the problem(s)
Conflict Management Process
Proper diagnosis of different types of conflict in an organization is important
because its underlying causes and effects may not be what they appear on the
Another important thing to know is that:
1. Whether an organization has too little, moderate, or too much affective
and substantive conflicts and
2. Whether the organizational members are appropriately selecting and
using the five styles of handling conflict to deal with different situations
A comprehensive diagnosis involves these measurements:
1. The amount of conflict at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and
intergroup levels
2. The styles of handling interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup conflicts of
the organizational members
3. The sources of (1) and (2)
4. Individual, group, and organizational learning and effectiveness
The analysis of data collected above should include:
 The amount of conflict and the styles of handling conflict classified by
departments, units, divisions, and so on, and whether they are different from
their corresponding national norms
 The relationships of the amount of conflict and conflict styles to their sources
 The relationships of the amount of conflict and conflict styles to
organizational learning and effectiveness
National Norm
 Data for the national norms of intrapersonal, intragroup, and intergroup conflicts
were collected on the ROCI–I from 1,188 managers
 This table was prepared on the basis of the data collected
 The table shows the sample size (N), means (M) of reference group norms, standard
deviations (SD) of intrapersonal conflict, classified by organizational level, functional
area, and education
 The results show differences in intrapersonal conflict among the executives of
different organizational levels
 There were also some differences in intrapersonal conflict among executives of
different functional areas
 There were no significant differences in conflict among executives with different
educational levels
National Managerial
Reference Group Norms
of Intrapersonal Conflict
A proper diagnosis should indicate whether there is any need for intervention
and the type of intervention required
An intervention may be needed if:
There is too much affective conflict
Too much or too little substantive conflict
There are two basic approaches to intervention in conflict:
A process refers to the sequence of events or activities that are undertaken to
bring about some desired outcome
This intervention attempts to improve organizational effectiveness by changing
members’ styles of handling interpersonal conflict
The process approach is mainly designed to manage conflict by helping the
organizational participants learn how to match the uses of the styles of handling
interpersonal conflict with different situations
This calls for changes in other organizational processes, such as culture and
leadership, which can support the organizational members’ newly acquired skills
of conflict management
Transformational (রূপান্তরমূলক) Leadership
 Transformational leaders encourage their subordinates to engage in critical and
innovative thinking, which is needed for solving the right problems
 Transformational leaders assist an individual in the process of transformation where
their own beliefs and values support or align with the organizational values
 A transformational leader fosters an environment of trust, relationship building to
meet common goals, and sharing of innovative ideas or long-term vision for the
 They create an outcome of conflict resolution in an environment built on mutual trust
and the ability to mould an individual's response to a conflict for the greater good of
the organization
Organizational Culture
 Conflict management to support organizational learning and long-term effectiveness
would require cultures that support
 experimentation  risk taking
 openness  diverse viewpoints
 continuous questioning and inquiry  sharing of information and knowledge

 Such a culture would encourage substantive or task-related conflict and discourage

affective or emotional conflict. For example, Honda holds sessions in which
employees can openly (but politely) question supervisors
 Effective conflict management requires experimentation and risk taking; it requires
incentives that encourages risk taking and failures; otherwise organizational members
will learn to do what is safe and avoid taking risks
Structure refers to the stable arrangement of task and other factors so that
organizational members can work together effectively
This intervention attempts to improve the organizational effectiveness by changing the
organization’s structural design characteristics, which includes hierarchy, procedures,
reward system etc.
Conflicts that result from the organization’s structural design can be managed
effectively by appropriate change in such design
Evidence indicates that there is no one best design for all organizations. Whether a
mechanistic (bureaucratic) or organic (organismic) design is appropriate depends on the
organization’s environment
Some of the biggest corporations, such as GE, Xerox, DuPont, and Motorola, are moving
towards a flatter, decentralized, and less complex design
Sample Questions
1.* Differentiate between affective Conflict and substantive conflict
2. Illustrate the relationship between amount of substantive conflict and job
3.* Describe how the different styles of managing conflict can be matched
with appropriate situations
4. What are the criteria that should be satisfied in order for conflict
management strategies to be effective
5.* Illustrate the process of managing organizational conflict
Sample Questions
1.* Differentiate between affective conflict and substantive conflict
2. Illustrate the relationship between amount of substantive conflict and job
3.* Describe how the different styles of managing conflict can be matched
with appropriate situations
4. What are the criteria that should be satisfied in order for conflict
management strategies to be effective
5.* Illustrate the process of managing organizational conflict
Q &A

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