Embroidery Machine Appliqué: Ebook
Embroidery Machine Appliqué: Ebook
Embroidery Machine Appliqué: Ebook
Machine Appliqué
~ Getting started
~ Pattern method
© 2014 BERNINA of America
~ Trim-in-place method
~ Helpful tips
Getting Started
Appliqué created on the embroidery machine takes
a time-honored technique to a whole new level. Not
only is machine embroidered appliqué fast and easy,
you will find that every curve and corner is absolutely
precise and perfect.
As an added bonus, using fabric as the background
of a design instead of a stitched fill reduces the stitch
count of a design drastically, so you can stitch a larger
design with fewer stitches. Appliqué designs are also
good choices for children’s wear because the low
stitch count reduces the amount of bobbin thread
on the back of the project that could irritate a child’s
delicate skin.
To get started, you will need an appliqué design
created specifically for the embroidery machine. There
are many choices in the marketplace when it comes
to purchasing a commercially digitized design. Many
of the BERNINA Exclusive Design Collections have
appliqué. You can also create your own appliqué
design elements using BERNINA DesignerPlus
Embroidery Software 7 or the BERNINA DesignWorks
Commercially prepared appliqué designs differ in the
way that the appliqué fabric shape is cut. One of the
two methods discussed below will be used, but if
you prefer one method over the other, refer to the
instructions on the last page to customize the design
to your specific preference.
There are two primary methods for cutting the
appliqué fabric for the design. They are:
• Pattern Method – the appliqué fabric will be cut
prior to stitching
• Trim-in-Place Method – the appliqué fabric will be
cut during the stitching process
Pattern Method placement line
Pattern Method Steps
1) Placement Line
2) Tackdown Stitch
3) Cover Stitch
Hoop the background fabric or garment with the proper
stabilizer. (Download the Just Embroider It! eBook, All
About Stabilizers.)
Placement Line
• Attach the hoop to the machine and stitch the
Placement Line. The Placement Line stitches out the place appliqué shape
shape of the appliqué piece. The machine will then
• Remove the hoop from the machine and place the
prepared appliqué fabric shape inside the stitched lines.
(See Preparing the Appliqué Fabric Shape Using the
Pattern Method on page 4.) Take care to place the piece
as precisely inside the lines as possible.
Tackdown Stitch
• Stitch the Tackdown which will tack all the edges down
with either a straight stitch or a zigzag. This will hold
the appliqué in place until the final Cover Stitching.
BERNINA Exclusive Design Collections or OESD designs
call this Cut Line & Tackdown. This gives you the option
to either use the Pattern Method or the Trim-in-Place
method. See Tips section on page 8 for details.
tackdown stitch
The Tackdown is usually omitted if the final Cover Stitch
is a decorative outline that would allow the Tackdown
to be visible behind the stitches (i.e. a blanket stitch).
Cover Stitch
• Stitch the Cover Stitch.
This may follow immediately
after the Tackdown or later
in the design’s stitching
process. The Cover Stitch
is commonly a satin stitch, cover stitch
although other decorative
stitches also may be used.
Prepare the Appliqué Shape
Print the pattern using one of the methods below and
then roughly cut around the printed appliqué piece.
Placement Line
• Attach the hoop to the machine and stitch the
Placement Line
• Cut a piece of fabric larger than the stitched
Placement Line
• Place the fabric right side up over the Placement cutting line
Line, ensuring that the fabric covers all the stitches
Cutting Line
• Stitch the Cutting Line
• Remove the hoop from the machine but do not
remove the fabric from the hoop
• Place the hoop on a flat surface
• Using a sharp curved pair of scissors or appliqué
scissors trim away all fabric outside the line, cutting
as close to the stitching as possible
Cover Stitch
• Stitch the Cover Stitch
• This may follow immediately after the Tackdown or
come later in the design’s stitching process
• The Cover Stitch is commonly a satin stitch,
although other decorative stitches also may be used cover
Helpful Tips
If you prefer the Trim-in-Place Method but your design
does not have four steps:
• Stitch the Placement Line
• Place a rectangle of fabric over the stitched lines
• Back the machine up and restitch the Placement
Line. This will now be used as the Cutting Line
• Trim away the fabric outside the stitched lines and
finish stitching the design
On some BERNINA Exclusive Design Collections, the
Cutting Line and Tackdown are combined into one
color change consisting of two stitching lines in the
shape of the appliqué. There is no need to back the
machine up. If you wish to use the Trim-in-Place
Method, you will cut away the excess fabric after
this color change.