Smeda-Jica Industry Support Program: Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
Smeda-Jica Industry Support Program: Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
Smeda-Jica Industry Support Program: Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
mppiilleedd bbyy:: IInndduussttrryy SSuuppppoorrtt CCeelll
Senior Japanese Garment Expert Mr. Kotaro OTAKA offered his services
as Senior Volunteer for Garments Sector of Pakistan for a period of two
years. During this period Mr. Kotaro OTAKA provided guidance /
consultancy to various industrial units.
This manual highlights the main areas where the guidance was provided in
different industrial units. This includes key findings, process details,
important recommendations / suggestions and recommended formats. It has
been prepared by Mr. Haider Sagheer & Mr. Wasif Shafi and reviewed and
checked by Mr. Kotaro OTAKA.
Pattern Making and Cutting 1
Sample Development 9
Stitching 11
Quality Control 24
Cropping 33
Production Management 34
Garment Engineering 39
Workforce Management 58
The objective of cutting room is cutting of garment parts accurately and economically
and in sufficient volume to keep the sewing room supplied with work.
A. The planning, and if appropriate the drawing and reproduction of the marker
As a unit, the cutting room has a greater effect on excessive manufacturing costs than any
other department concerned with the actual production of garments.
Internal cost:
To make optimum use of manpower, their must be a continually balanced and controlled
work flow through the cutting room. Waiting around for work or doing fill in work is a
very expensive proposition in the cutting room. The key to reducing or eliminating labor
cost in the cutting room is planning and control.
Materials represent some 40-50 % of the cost price of most mass produced clothing and
are the largest cost component of a garment. Excessive use of fabric caused by lack of
detailed planning together with inferior spreading and cutting techniques can cause
serious losses to company.
The figure below shows the factors affecting the use of material and while each one has
relatively small effects, together these factors if left uncontrolled can create very serious
External cost:
Readily visible cloth defects must be eliminated during spreading or before issuing the
work to sewing room. There is no point in sewing a garment that will either require
extensive alterations during productions, or will be rejected at final inspection because of
damaged components.
Accuracy of cutting is of supreme importance because of its influence on the correct
assembly of the garment, and more importantly on the sizing. Apart from quality
problems, inaccurate cutting not only cause hold ups in production but also mean the
costly re-cutting of the components.
Guides for sewing such as nips, notches, etc. must be accurate and complete. A missing
guide mark might result in distorted seaming or could mean the return of components to
the cutting room, which apart from the cost would also interfere with the production flow.
Some of the major quality factors under the control of the cutting room are:
Marker planning must be given great attention , because when the cutting room cuts cloth
it spends around half of the company’s turnover. Any reduction in the amount of cloth
used per garment leads to increased profits.
The following factors are taken into account when planning the marker:
The width of the fabric from which the garments are to be cut.
In knitted, whether it is tubular, flat open width or folded on one side.
The normal length of the lay, which is connected to the type and length of
cutting table.
The need to minimize the amount of waste between the marked out garment
The need to ease the path of the cutter blade
The need at all times to maintain the grain and directionality of the fabric.
The alignment of the patterns and checks.
Since most the pieces are irregular and often tend to be carrot-shaped , those
edges should be discovered which fit together most neatly .
When pattern pieces are laid down the piece of cloth , the grain line should be
parallel to the line of warp in a woven fabric or the wales in knitted fabric.
When pattern pieces are laid across the width ,the grain line should lie parallel
to the weft or course direction .
The placement of pattern pieces in the marker must give freedom of knife
movement and not restrict the path of the knife so that it leads to accurate
Correct labeling of the garment part is essential so that in the later stages ,
operators are to correctly identify the parts which make up the whole garment
sizes. It is the responsibility of the marker planner to code every pattern piece
with its size as the marker is planned.
For a given quantity of the garments, a high lay rather than a low lay gives a
lower cutting labour cost . The higher lay will also be more shorter giving a
lower over all cutting cost.
Pattern Marking
Weights and round headed pins should be used to properly fix the pattern
paper on the fabric so as to avoid fraying .
The edges of the card pattern should not be worn out ( a scotch tape can be
used to avoid it) .
The pattern must be held firmly while drawing takes place.
The chalk used needs to be easily held and readily sharpened to achieve a
sharp line.
For paper marker spot and cross paper should be used to ensure adherence
to grain line.
Shade Sorting:
Where rolls of cloth of the same color but different shades do have to be spread adjacent
to each other in a lay , they should be separated by layer of interleaving paper ( a
roughened tissue in bright ) or fabric strip. This assists in separation of the plies for
Alignment of Plies:
Every ply should have the minimum possible extra outside the marker length and width.
However the width of the fabric varies and the marker plan is made to fit the narrowest.
The surplus is usually distributed outside the edge of the marker plan. Accuracy in this
alignment must be ensured as inaccuracy mean that the plies do not cover the whole area
of the marker plan and part of some pieces would be missing when cut. The alignment
can be checked using a needle with a thread inserted from the top through the layers on
the straightened edge of the lay.
Spreading a lay of knitted fabric involves similar technology to that of woven fabric with
one large exception. Knitted fabric is extensible and is readily distorted in width and
length. Great care must be exercised in handling the fabric at all stages, whether
spreading is carried out manually or by machine. The fabric must finish on the table as
relaxed state as possible.
Relaxing of the fabric for 8-12 hours should be done before setting the range.
Hand spreading requires at least 2 people standing on the opposite sides of the
table. Any localized pulling will distort the fabric which will be prevented
from recovery by friction with the adjacent layers. Inevitably with the with
knitted fabric the edges of the fabric with in the lay are less well aligned than
with lays of woven fabric and there is greater edge cutting loss. The overall
width and length of the lay must be constantly checked, as distortions of
dimensions tend to be cumulative and once induced may affect every layer
and be very difficult to eliminate once the lay is built up.
The use of cutting is to separate fabric parts as replicas of the pattern pieces in the marker
plan. When cutting by hand with straight knives it is very easy to deform knitted fabric,
particularly within the depths of the lay. While the cutter is apparently following the
surface marker, the lower layers are not necessarily being cut accurately.
Operator Skill:
There is also a strong element of cutter skill. Other faults of bad cutting are the failure to
accurately follow lines of the marker, and the cutting off of the corners.
Precision of cut
The ease with which accuracy is achieved depends on the method of cutting employed
and in some cases on the maker planning and , marker making. Accuracy of cut depends
Good line definition ( sharp lines , complete edges marking , and no dual
Appropriate , well maintained cutting knives
Skill and motivation of the cutter.
Clean edges:
The raw edge of the fabric should not show fraying or snagging. Such defects come from
an imperfectly sharpened knife.
Pattern Control
For proper control of the pattern number of parts per pattern and number of pieces per
sheet should also be identified on the pattern.
D. Preparation for Sewing
Position Marking
Marking the components with guides for sewing and other operations. The emphasis
given to Total Quality Control is proportional to the effect on quality which can be
achieved in most clothing companies by attention to this department . A little extra work
in cutting can save a far greater amount of time in making up and can slash quality costs.
A good general rule is to make all notches in V shape since they are easier to see .
Shade Marking
To ensure that the components cut from different shades of the same color do mot get
mixed up during assembly process/ every component for one garment is marked with a
unique number, usually printed on a small sticker.
Bundle preparation:
Bundles of cut work are prepared according to size. Color and quantities, their actual
composition determined by the requirements of the sewing room. For example all the
components for one bundle of garments can be packed into one box, or each of the major
components packed into one box, or each of the major components packed in its own
container ready to be issued to different preparations and subassembly section in the
factory. Alternatively if unit production system is used, the components for single
garment can be loaded directly into the system from the cutting table.
Bundle Tickets
The tickets identify each bundle and in themselves play an important role in production
planning and control for the sewing and finishing sections.
An Example of Bundle Ticket
Bundle No. Cutting date: Quantity:
Lot no: Color: Size:
Operation Operator Operation Operator Operation Operator
name name / name name / name name /
machine no. machine no. machine no.
Pocket press Pocket fold Pocket stitch
Over lock Over lock Over lock
shoulder neck cuff
Over lock Over lock Flat lock
sleeve side shoulder
Flat lock Flat lock Flat lock
neck cuff arm hole
Top stitch Top stitch Top stitch
label placket placket
Top stitch Top stitch Button
neck yoke marking
Button hole Other Cropping
Checking Pressing
The performance of sample room is of paramount importance in the out put of the
stitching floor. The information flow from the sample room ensures a consistent quality
of the product from the stitching floor. This co-ordination should not be limited to the
pre-production meetings but should be a continuous phenomenon. The sample master
should occasionally visit the department to monitor whether the production conforms to
the sample produced by the sample department both in quality and operators’ techniques.
Moreover, the people at the sample room must work with a view to simplify the operation
and to make it easier for the operators on the stitching floor.
Use of Dummy
Apart from conformance to the buyers’ specs. , it is very useful to check the overall fitting of
the garment using dummy.
Machine Setting
To avoid such problem owing to higher tension of the boot, the operators should always
check for suitable machine settings for different types of fabric. Each operator should be
provided a piece of fabric of which is to be run in production and machine performance
should be checked on it before sewing the production pieces. It is the responsibility of
Sample Room to initially communicate the machine parameters to the production people.
Improvement in Effectiveness of Pre-Production Meeting
The effectiveness of the Pre-production meetings needs to be improved to have less co-
ordination failure as observed during the visit. Some suggestions are:
Sewing Problems
The problem which arise when materials are sewn vary in their seriousness with some
causing only minor appearance problems , negligible in low price garments , while other
cause damage to the material which it would not be economic to repair even if it were
1. Problems of stitch formation which give rise to poor seam appearance and
2. Problems of fabric distortion known as “Pucker” which also give rise to poor
seam appearance.
3. Problems of damage to fabric along the stitch line
The main problems which arise from the actual stitch formation are:
• Slipped stitches
• Staggered stitches
• Unbalanced stitches
• Variable stitch density
• Needle , bobbin or looper thread breakage
Slipped stitch arise from the hook or looper in machine not picking up the loop in the
needle thread. Thread elongation and recovery properties are very important in
determining the thread loop forming properties. Thread which forms large , consistent
loops are much more safely picked up by the looper, if the timing is imperfect or the
needle is badly deflected in passing through heavy material. Other causes of slipped stitch
• Bent needles
• Incorrect needle size or the for thread size or type
• Incorrect thread tension
• Poor material control arising from a large throat plate hole or poor presser
foot control. If presser foot and needle hole clearance are too great , the
fabric may move up and down with the needle.
Staggered Stitching: Causes and Remedies
Staggered stitching can be caused by yarns in the fabric deflecting needle away from a
straight line of stitching, giving a poor appearance.
In some hard woven fabric, really straight stitching will only be achieved at a slight angle
of bias.
Unbalanced stitches:
Unbalanced stitches in lock stitching can reduce potential for stretch in a seam in knitted
fabric and lead to seam cracking. Bobbin tension should be adjusted until a full bobbin in
its case will just slide down the thread when held by the end of the thread. Needle thread
tension should be adjusted so that the threads interlock in the middle of the fabric, unless
different color threads are used , for example in top stitching ,when a slight tension
towards under side may be needed to prevent the color of the underneath thread showing
on the top.
Variable stitch density arises from insufficient foot pressure in a Drop Feed System,
causing uneven feeding of the fabric through the machine. It can occur particularly with
materials with sticky or slippery surfaces. Pressure must be adequate to enable even
Needle, looper or bobbin thread breakage arises largely as a result of normally smooth
metal surfaces in the machine becoming shipped or otherwise damaged and causing
damage to the thread. The guard over the hook in a lockstitch machine can become
chipped, as can the needle hole in throat plate, as a result of needle deflection. Thread
breakage during production is tome consuming for the operator, especially if a join in the
stitching is not acceptable and the operator must unpick it and start again. Both the cause
of the damaged machine parts and if appropriate the cause of needle deflection must be
2. Problem of Pucker
The main problem which arises which is solely one of appearance is that of pucker. There
are several factor which contribute to pucker including fabric structure, seam
construction, needle size and feeding problem as well as incorrect thread tension and
unsuitable thread.
Pucker may show it self when the garment is first sewn or it may not appear until later
when the garment is pressed, wetted or washed. It may show itself in all plies of the
material which have been sewn together or only on some. It can also arise from more
than one cause which can make elimination extremely difficult.
However there are five main causes which cover almost 90 percent of the puckering
problem. These are:
One of the prime causes of seam pucker is differential fabric feeding caused by feeding
mechanism. When two fabric plies are being sewn, regardless of whether they are
separate fabrics or folded sections of the same fabric, the problem arises that the friction
between the feed dog and bottom ply is greater than that between intervening plies. The
tendency is for lower ply to be taken satisfactorily through the machine by the feed dog
and the top ply to be retarded by the presser foot.
Modified feed system ( differential bottom feed system , adjustable top feed
system , needle feed system , puller feed system )
Operator handling
It occurs if one of the fabric is dimensionally unstable while the other is not. In such
cases, the seam may be perfectly flat and un-puckered as it leaves the machine but on
subsequent washing one of the fabric may shrink more than the other so that a differential
pucker appears
Differential pucker due to dimensional stability may be suspected when the two fabrics
being joined are markedly different or when one shows noticeably more pucker than
other. To avoid it, fabrics should be tested for dimensional stability by marking up
sections of fabrics and subjecting them to washing process that the garment will undergo.
Several washing s may be needed as some fabrics shrink progressively. If the two fabrics
show a difference in dimensional change of 2 percent or more then pucker due to
differential dimensional change may be expected.
All sewing threads have some extensibility and are thus extended by the tension forces
applied during stitching and pas into seam in an extended state. When removed from the
machine they will tend to contract. Provided the fabric contracts by the same amount this
will have no visible effect but if the sewing threads are particularly extensible and
continue to contract after fabric has reached its original un stretched length , pucker will
It is possible to test whether pucker is due to extension of sewing threads. A seam is sewn
joining two pieces of fabric using the thread in question at tension previously stretched. If
this seam shows pucker it is re-sewn with a sheet of paper on top of it, sewing through
the paper as well as fabric. After sewing the paper is torn away along the needle holes.
The paper ensures that extra thread is fed into each stitch and when paper is removed the
extra length is released into the seam. If the pucker previously was due to thread problem,
this sea should show now be free of pucker.
This type of puckering does not appear until the garment has been pressed or washed.
Cotton sewing threads increase in diameter and shrink in lengthy when wet and these
distortions may cause pucker in sensitive fabric. Synthetic sewing threads have negligible
wet shrinkage and should always be used for such fabrics.
This type of pucker occur due to weave structure of the fabric i.e. in high density fabric.
In such cases there is no room in the fabric structure for the insertion of sewing thread.
This type of puckering is entirely independent of the mechanism of sewing machine and
entirely inherent in fabric structure.
Prevention of this type of pucker is a matter for the fabric designer rather than garment
manufacturer. And where there is a choice of fabric , it may be possible to prevent the
When a garment maker has no choice in matter of fabric , measures have to betaken in
the design of the garment and sewing of it to minimize the problem. The only step which
can be taken which will always produce perfectly sewn seam is to sew the seam on the
bias that is, at some definite angle (15 -20 °) to the warp or weft.
Occasionally situation may occur where there is pucker on some seams but not on others.
If the patterns are carefully checked it will be found that there is a discrepancy between
the lengths of the stitching lines on the pattern pieces that go together in that seam and
consequently in a difference in the length of the cut parts which the machinist is sewing
together . An experienced operator will ease in the longer ply and if successful in doing
so the garments parts will level but the seams will have a puckered appearance on one
Apart from faulty pattern , the same puckering problem can occur as a result of inaccurate
cutting of garment parts which are then eased together.
The sewing damage or needle damage is a serious problem in garment production leading
to poor seam appearance and performance.
It is inevitable that damaged needle will damage the material that they sew and the main
problem is to establish the reasons for the damage occurring and preventing its continues
occurrence. The real problem is that a new and apparently perfect needle can cause
damage because it is itself inappropriate in point type for the material being sewn or
because the speed of the machine is such that damage occurs. The problem is especially
serious in knitted fabric because they will ladder.
The problem of damage which occur in sewing can be divided into the following :
• Mechanical damage
• Needle heating damage
Machine speed:
Finishing of fabric:
Improve finish (more lubricity) applied to the fabric during processing stage.
This occurs as a result of friction between the needle and the fabric being sewn. In high
speed sewing of dense materials having synthetic fibres are more prone to this problem.
Consideration for Sewing Machine Feeding System
Machine feed system in its simplest form ( drop feed system) comprises of
• Throat plate
• Feed dog
• Presser foot / boot
Throat Plate
The needle hole in throat plate should be only about 30 percent larger than the size of the
needle, since if this hole is too large , fabric can be pushed into the hole with each
penetration of the needle , a problem known as “flagging”.
The surface of the throat plate should be free of cuts or abrasion. to enable the material to
freely pass over it without damaging the fabric.
The purpose of the feed dog is to move the fabric along by a predetermined amount
between successive stitches. Important considerations for selection of feed dog are :
For sewing light to medium weight fabrics, a tooth pitch ( distance from peak
to peak) of 1.3 to 1.6 mm is normal
The peaks can be slightly rounded off if damage occurs on fine fabric.
On very light weight fabric, sagging can appear between the teeth and pucker
can occur after sewing as a result. Fine toothed feed dog with a pitch of only
1.0 to 1.25 mm can be used to prevent this.
On very delicate fabrics, damage or marking of the fabric may arise against
the feed dog, despite rounding off the teeth. In this case a rubber coated feed
dog with no sharp teeth at all may be used.
Needle Selection
For use in a particular machine, needles must conform to the machine manufacturer’s
specification as regards shank diameter, length from butt to eye and total length. In
addition, different needle manufacturers add their own design features as a result of
development work to overcome the problems caused by higher machine speed and the
demand for finer needle size to reduce pucker , fabric damage and needle heating effects.
As fabric becomes finer and more densely constructed, the demand is for
needles and threads which can be used satisfactorily in smaller sizes.
If the needle is too small for the tread, the thread will neither pass freely
through the eyes nor fit properly into the long groove and will suffer from
excessive abrasion. This can lead to costly thread breakages in production
because the operator must stop to rethread the needle and possibly also to
unpick some of the stitches so that a join does not show in important parts of
the garment. Even worse a break in a situation of multi needle sewing with
fabric running through folders could be impossible to repair. The use of too
fine a needle when sewing heavy plies of material can lead to the needle being
deflected which can affect the stitch loop pickup and cause slip stitches or it
can even lead to needle breakage.
If the needle is too large for the thread, there will be poor control of the lop
formation which may cause slipped stitches. There will also be holes in the
fabric and which are too big for the stitches and give an unattractive seam
appearance. An unnecessary large needle also tends to give rise damaged
fabric along the stitch line, and in closely woven fabrics, pucker along the
seam line due to fabric distortion.
Cloth point needles are used for sewing textile material which has a round
cross section and the tip at the end of the point can vary in shape to suit the
particular material being sewn. Cloth points needle can further be classified
Knitted fabric consists of yarn with spaces between them and if a yarn in a knitted fabric
is broken the knitted structure may become to unravel. This yarn breakage can happen in
two way, either by the needle directly striking the yarn and damaging it or by the needle
entering a knitted loop which is not large enough to accommodate it, and where for
reasons of machine speed or lack of flexibility of fabric, the loop is not able sufficiently
to draw in extra yarn and become large enough to take the needle. This situation is
generally referred to as needle damage but it is not the result of the needle itself being
damaged but of the point type and fabric combination being unsuitable.
Thus the requirement in sewing knitted fabrics is for a needle which will slightly deflect
the yarns and enters the spaces, but which is not itself so deflected that it fails to form the
stitch properly, a needle of as small a size as possible consistent with needle strength and
sewing thread size, and finally a fabric which is sufficiently lubricated that it has
flexibility in relation to the movement of the needle. The shape of the tip of the needle
point which best achieves this deflection is a ball shape and the needle is referred to as a
ball point needle.
Ball point needles are available with light, medium or heavy ball and each of these is
available on different sizes of needle. As the needle size decreases, the radius of each ball
point decreases proportionally.
To maintain the proper tip bluntness, the heavier ball points may be needed for the
smaller needle sizes.
Open-mesh knitted fabrics can usually be sewn without difficulty as the yarn tends to be
so thick that they can even be pierced by the needle without being damaged. In these
cases medium set point needles are usually sufficient.
Material with very small loops made of thin yarn are more susceptible to damage and thin
needles with light ball points are more suitable.
For sewing knitted fabric containing elastic yarns where the thread is wrapped around the
elastic , a ball point needle is suitable.
With an uncovered elastic thread in knitted fabric, a very acute set point needle should be
used so that the needle can perforate the threads. The needle must also be fine so that the
elastic thread is not totally cut by it.
The woven fabric may have quite sizeable spaces with in the structure if loosely woven
from low twist yarns or they may be extremely dense if high twist yarns have been
packed closely together. In both the cases the needle should go between the fibres and
does not break them. The shape of the tip of the needle point which best achieves this
penetration between the fibres has the appearance of being slightly coned shaped. It is
usually referred to as a set point needle type. A tip has been set, or ground, and polished
at a broader angle than the main section of the point and reduces the possibility of
damage at the tip.
Medium set point needle can be considered as a general purpose needle for sewing
variety of woven fabrics and in some cases can be used for knits as well.
In sewing dense combinations of material such as shirting fabric and interlining in collars
and cuffs, where for the sake of appearance a very straight line of stitching is needed,
needles with very acute points must be used in order to avoid an uneven, wandering seam
due to the needle being deflected by the hard yarns in the fabric.
The increased danger of damaging the fabric can be minimized by using smallest possible
needle size.
A heavy set point or stub point can be used for button sewing so that the button can be
safely deflected slightly in to the correct position do that the needle passes through the
hole. However, the use of stub point needles when button sewing on some fabrics may
lead to fabric damage and it is preferable that operators using button-sew machines are
encouraged to insert the button straight rather than crooked in the clamp so that the
needle will not strike the button and break either itself or the button.
For woven fabrics containing fine elastic yarn, ball points needles may have to be used.
Different Feeding Systems and Their Usage
Instructions for Stitching Operators (SOP)
Clean the machine before starting the work. The machine as well as table top
should be properly cleaned .
Check whether needle is in the centre of throat plate hole using pressure foot.
Turn on the motor but do not press the paddle until motor starts running in full
For moving the machine in the forward direction, push the machine paddle in
the forward direction and for stopping the machine press the paddle in the
backward direction and cut the thread.
At day end, turn off the machine, take out the bobbin from bobbin case, put a
waste fabric under the boot / presser foot and cover the machine.
Instructions for Edge cutter , Kaj Machine , , Over lock , Safety Feedo machine
Check blade sharpness on hourly basis and clean dust and fibres from the
looper area.
For single needle, double needle and flat lock machine, periodically check
bobbin case especially after a bobbin is changed.
Quality control is seen as the agent of the quality assurance to attain requisite quality. The
function of quality control is "To ensure, at minimum practicable cost, that the requisite
quality of product is being achieved at every stage of manufacture from raw materials to
boxed stock.”
All of these factors increase the possibility of developing further business and the
competitiveness of the company, and is therefore to the benefit of the company; Quality
control thus becomes a positive -benefit.
A further point stems from one aspect of Q.C: continually monitoring production and
deciding whether, in any part of the manufacturing chain, materials, machines or
workmanship need attention to effect a reduction in the fault rate. It is very easy to "pass
the buck" that is for production personnel to blame materials or to say that it is the
responsibility of QC, and so relax any endeavour on their part to avoid faults. In fact,
quality cannot be inspected into goods; it is to direct attention and effort towards the most
effective areas for avoiding faults and to maintain product consistency.
To maximize the production of goods within the specified tolerances correctly the first
time, an effective QC system is required. The requirements of which are:
i. Specification - i.e. that parts of the total specification which is required by the
making-up supervisor.
ii. Tolerance
iii. Monitoring of
Itemize the variables that occur in fabric and garment production in order to
provide a complete specification.
Develop a specification in a number of parts or sections to ensure that all
design and production staff have a clear idea as to what is needed
Establish acceptable working tolerances in relation to all values on the
Establish fault rate recording systems
Improve technical understanding of the product including the fabric geometry
and the interrelationship of yarn count, loop length, pick count, relaxation and
fabric properties, sewing problems, causes and prevention of seam breakdown
, the effects of various factors on the apparent shade of goods affecting shade
Check consistency of incoming raw materials
Select suitable instrumentation for determining specified manufacturing
Choose recording systems to provide a history of control
Select a method to assess operator effectiveness
Commence testing of fabric and garments and record results
Analyse results
Check colour vision of personnel
Examine fabric on receipt
Consider fabric storage facilities
Examine fabric cutting quality
Develop through recording systems in the sampling department
Prepare working standards and samples for shade matching
Final Inspection
Efficiency of Examination
Dimensional Considerations
Measuring the dimension of the knitted garment poses particular problems. Handling and
placing a knitted garment on flat surface can induce stretch up to 5%.
For upper body garment, it is usual to measure the body width under arm, total length ,
length of each sleeve and width of each shoulder . The skills of the examiner in placing
the garment on the table and in using the measurement tape is vital. Examiners can be
said to sense ( trained eyes) rather than measure the garment that is out of specs.
QC In Sewing
The manner in which the sewing operation is organized has a direct effect on quality
problems. There is little doubt that division of labors accompanied by piece-rate produces
quality control headaches of a high order. In particular, knitted garment that are put
together by over-locking pose problems.
The over-locking machinery cuts off the edge of the fabric to ensure a fixed dimension
of the bight. What is not fixed is the amount of cut off. Pattern for over-lock contain an
allowance for cutting by the over-lock knives, which varies from 3mm - 6 mm. A sloppy
over-locker can readily cut 20 mm of a particular edge, altering the dimensions of the
garment considerably as observed during the visit. The workers training in this respect is
Other problems arise from the difficulties of controlling alignment of two components
during stitching. Because of knitted fabric stretch, it is easy for one of the components
to stretch during stitching. Subsequent attempts at correction with in the length of the
seam make matters worse and the garments show obvious distortions as observed during
the visit.
The above factors that affect quality, and need to be close control , relate to the operator
and his / her skills. Such factors are best dealt with through training, environmental and
management action rather than thorough checking , measurement and punitive action.
The best quality control process are built into the production system . “ Make well and
there is little need to check”.
Even if the above conditions are satisfied, his efforts will be inhibited if he is required to
devote the greater part of his time to ordinary roles such as that of a service man,
although a highly paid one. In short, a supervisor must be encouraged and permitted to
Given then, the ability to communicate, he can pass that conviction and knowledge on to
his operatives and, by so doing lay the foundation for an overall improvement in
workroom standards.
A realistic approach to making the supervisor aware of the necessity for quality is to
outline the cost of poor or inadequate quality. Such an approach may be based on:
He or she should be taught sampling procedures and checks and should practice those
Faults should be taught in a systematic manner - a manner, which the supervisor can, in
turn, employ when teaching trainees and retraining experienced operatives.
Such knowledge is vital, as knowledge is one of the many facets through which a
supervisor gains respect, - and without respect a supervisor cannot function efficiently.
Instruction Sheet
The quality of garment can not be attained if the information is not transferred to the
operator level i.e. What to produce and how to produce? For this the instruction sheet for
the operators and QC staff should be developed with the help of customer’s specs and
sample. The idea is that customer specs should not be kept in lock or at QA table rather
this information should be provided at each level by converting them in easy to
understand manner.
The instruction sheet should incorporate all the customer specification , style-wise along
with the sketch of the garment. The critical areas of the garment need to be highlighted
on the same sketch so that the operator and quality control staff could focus on the
desired quality level.
Illustration of the sketch for instruction sheet(Polo shirt)
Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs)
Standard operating procedures for each article/ style must be developed at sample stage
and stitching supervisor must be taught the same. The supervisor must communicate this
information to operators and ensure that they follow the same procedure to have better
and consistent quality.
Line Checking
The line checkers should inspect the stitching method and quality along with checking
measurement/ specs. and give immediate feedback to the respective operators. The role
of supervisors and QC staff is very critical especially at the start of a new style and lays
the foundation of consistent quality product.
In essence it is the job of the inline QC staff to make the operators realize that the quality
has to be built in by their efforts not by only quality checks. Focus should be on finding
out and eliminating the cause of a fault rather than only pointing it out or rejecting the
article. The skill level of line checker in this regard is very important. He should be
trained to become fully conversant with the specification, how it was derived and the
significance of each item contained therein. Such knowledge is vital so that he can
employ it to train the new operators and retrain the experienced ones.
The number of line checkers on the stitching floor is dependant on the skill level of
operators and garment to be produced.
Re-Work Control
To decrease the re-work percentage, fault must be categorized and data must be collected
according to each category. After collecting, analyze this data and give feedback to
respective department. To control the rework and rejection, an inspection chart has been
handed over to record the defects at an interval of two hours. Based on the findings of the
report ( after every 02 hours) , the supervisor should find the cause of recurrent fault and
rectify it by discussing with the respective operator.
The in-line QC staff must also constantly give immediate feedback to the concerned
operator so as to reduce the amount of re-work. Through an effective work culture, re-
work can be substantially reduced if each department sets its own quality standard and
constantly strive to achieve that standard. The department heads should designs means to
motivate the workers for pursuing that standard.
Inspection by Operators
In order to build a quality – driven work culture, the operators must be instructed to
inspect their own operation before forwarding it to the next operator. This practice, if
properly adopted, will reduce the amount of re-work.
Standard Procedure
A standard method / procedure must be developed for cropping and properly
communicated to the workers for efficient cropping.
Time study can also be done to determine the average time of cropping for each style and
hence setting targets for cropping on the basis of it.
Cropping Position
The workers should be instructed to do cropping in standing position to have a better
view of the whole garment
An effective lay out for planning and monitoring the production must be formulated to
avoid time loss due to break in material flow ( operators sitting idle) and re-work cost the
factory for overheads , labor and time without productivity.
The key related issues are:
Line Balancing
To reduce bottle neck and have uniform material flow the management should properly
carry out time and motion study and set individual and line wise target on its basis. The
following are the guide lines regarding work measurement and line balancing
SAM is defined as the normal time required by a normal operator working under normal conditions with normal skill
and pace using a specific method to complete a unit of work at desired quality level.
• One tendency of the fast operators is to subconsciously pace themselves to the
previous operations causing serious problems in line balancing . This tendency
must be checked and all the operators must be taught the necessity of working at
their full capacity. Then the faster operators will have time to help out on other
• Management must anticipate problem operations and give an adequate amount of
upfront training. Ideally, there should be at least two members who are fairly
proficient at each job.
Daily Production Report ( Line-Wise)
To record daily production of each line a report monitoring output at an interval of 2
hours as is being done in unit 01. This should be used to track variation in the production
so as to immediately rectify the cause of below target production.
To motivate operators , competition among lines may be introduced which should be
linked to some incentive for the line meeting or exceeding targets or minimum amount of
Line no.: No. of operators:
Date: Style No.: Shift:
Time Target Actual Re-work Remarks
01-02 Lunch
Graphical Presentation
The daily production should not only be recorded but displayed graphically as well in the
production hall and the targets being set for each day must also be shown on the same
graph so as to easily monitor the variation in planned and actual production.
dozen/ pieces
Producion in
20 Target
1 3 5 7 9
Capacity Utilization
The management should plan capacity utilization on the basis of the time taken for
stitching a complete garment . The time required can be estimated by process breakdown
of each garment and then determining the time required for each operation. However
care must be taken to also incorporate the time required for the necessary movements of
the operator like picking the part , matching it and disposing the garment after stitching.
The management must also focus on a smooth work flow and the presentation of the part
to each operator so as to minimize the motion of the operator.
A technique central to production engineering is work study and it is probably the most
effective tool available to management for measuring and diagnosing working situation.
While work study is widely accepted at the production level , it can also be profitably
applied to other departments in the factory including:
• Service departments
• Warehouses and stores
• General administration
• Planning and control function of all types
Work Study
The fundamental concept of work study is to establish and handle facts in a systematic
and disciplined manner . There are two specialized techniques use for the purpose:
Method study: An investigative technique used to determine the best way of doing a job
Work Measurement : to establish how long a job should take
Work study
Method Study
• Different operators will develop different ways of doing a job. Not all can be
• Some ways of working may have been developed because they were easier to
learn or the operator had a special skill.
• The systematic recording of method is essential for work measurement and helps
when we wish to compare different approaches.
The selection of the best method must be done in a systematic way . A suggested
sequence is set out below :
This typifies the work study approach by getting down to basics. There is no need to
improve the method for sewing a seam which can be eliminated or done more cheaply on
a different type of machine. The questions that must be asked at this stage are:
Analysis : ( record what you see and not what you expect)
If we are familiar with a skill , we have a model with which we can compare other
methods. Record the method first in general terms . If there is time constraint , select for
detailed examination parts which seem to be likely to offer the greatest savings.
Record one part at a time and wait for it to come round again.
Wherever possible look at several people doing the same job. It often happens that the
best method is a combination of elements from different people, with improvements from
the person doing the yarn.
The involvement of the people concerned will not only bring out any weakness in the
proposed scheme but it is affine way of ensuring their cooperation in making the new
method work.
Approach for Method study
Motion Economy :
Principles of motion economy directly affects the operator’s handling methods and
sewing techniques. Principles of motion economy are defined as LAWS . When applied,
these laws result in an operation being performed in the most efficient way and least
fatiguing manner possible. Therefore ,this allows attainment of the highest production.
• People come in different shapes and sizes. As far as possible the work place
should be adjusted to the individual
• The body naturally adjusts to counterbalance any movement of its parts. Ideally
one useful movement should be matched by another, so that they are symmetrical.
• Where possible, movements of the arms and of the other parts of the body should
occur together . That is they should be simultaneous.
• Jerky movements is tiring and unproductive. Fir the best results movements
should be continuous.
• When we carry out a new job we must think about the order in which we do
things , look ahead to see where parts are and concentrate , in order to work with
in the limits. With practice , we can do the same job with the minimum of thought
and effort. If the tools and parts are always in the same place the method becomes
• Restricted movements are more tiring than unrestricted ones. Work aids can often
reduce the control that the operator must exert and so make the work less tiring.
Edge guides are an example.
• The easiest way is the natural way. Sometimes , to the untrained persons the
easiest way to does not seem to be natural but , as training builds up co-
ordination , the best way becomes the natural way.
• The figure below shows how a work surface should be laid out for maximum
motion economy . Articles in frequent use should be within the shaded area and
all other articles within the un shaded area if possible.
Awkward body postures are a major ergonomic concern in the garment industry.
Awkward postures take the body away from a comfortable position, which reduces
efficiency and increases the use of energy. Another major concern are static postures.
Static means to hold in place, so these are postures where the body is held in one position
for a long period of time. An example is when you work with your arms above shoulder
height for long periods of time. These types of postures require constant muscle use for
the time the body is held in the position. This reduces rest and recovery time, which leads
to muscle tiredness. The following are recommendations which will help to reduce the
risk of injury due to the above concerns.
For seated and standing work, the height of the workstation should allow workers to
function with elbows at 90 degrees. If the workstation is too low, the worker is forced to
bend at the waist to reach the work being done. This puts stress on the lower back. If the
station is too high, the worker is forced to lift their shoulders or move their elbows away
from the body to reach their work. This puts increased stress on the shoulders which may
lead to injury.
During seated work, if a good back support is not present or used, static postures occur
which results in constant use of the back muscles.
It is important to adjust the workstation in order to allow the worker to use the backrest.
It is also important to adjust the worker’s chair to allow duties to be performed with their
bodies in comfortable positions. The workstation and chair should be positioned so that
the worker’s knees, hips, and elbows are at 90 degrees, which will reduce stress on the
There should also be enough room to allow the worker to change their sitting position
throughout the day.
Static postures can also occur during standing work. If the worker stands in one position
for long periods of time, muscles of the back and legs will be constantly activated. This
can lead to increased fatigue, and decreased blood circulation to the legs. During the day,
workers should try to walk around to allow their blood to flow. As well, workers should
try and sit for short periods of time while working to give their leg and back muscles a
Awkward wrist postures are one of the major causes of physical disorders and muscle
strains. Awkward wrist postures are those which take the wrist away from the neutral
position. Neutral position is when the hand is in line with the forearm. The workstation
should be adjusted and the worker educated on awkward wrist postures, their harmful
effects, and the signs and symptoms of muscular strains.
Workers should not constantly work with their arms above shoulder level. Work above
the shoulders increases the use of the shoulder muscles. With this constant use, the
muscles do not have time to rest and thus tire more rapidly. The majority of work should
be done between knuckle height and shoulder level.
Workers should try not to twist their upper body when placing objects besides them. By
keeping their feet in place and only moving their upper body, workers are putting large
stresses on their backs, which may lead to injuries.
Workers should move their feet, instead of twisting at the waist, in order to face the area
where the object is going to be placed. If the worker is sitting, they should try to swivel in
their chair, instead of twisting their upper body.
Method (Motion) Study
Piece rate establishment involves setting time values , via time study or synthetic pre-
determined data on a specific method. Since you can set correct piece rates on wrong
ways to do a job , it makes sense to first find the most preferred , efficient way. Proper
method determination requires answering all of the questions asked previously. These are
questions we must ask ourselves about the jobs we are observing. But since most of us do
not have all the useful information , it suggests that other might have some answers on
how best to do or improve their jobs.
Therefore we should ask the very workers ,who do the job , ways to improve their jobs.
When workers think of the changes that effect their jobs , they don’t resist nd resent
changes as much as workers who do not get involved.
The garment engineer should rather act as an enginear who listens to the operator’s
suggestion and together they come up with a mutually acceptable better way to do a job.
People will change with less resistance and resentment if they can be helped by the
enginear to help themselves. This is called selling of change. There are five “R’s “of
selling that can be employed to help sell change. They are :
• Easier
• Faster
• Better
• Newer
• Cheaper
First see if the job can be broken down into elements . each of which consists of a series
of actions which are linked , with a recognizable beginning and end.
Give each element a title and write them down in a sequence .Where possible , separate
machining from non-machining elements since they have different allowances.
Identify break points. A breakpoints marks the end of the one element anf beginning of
the other . It is important to have clearly defined breakpoints between elements to make it
easier to time them.
Systematic analysis
Initially it is best to concentrate on one element at a time, recording , checking and
amending until the record is complete. Study – relax – study . It sometimes happen that
an unskilled operator will change the method between one cycle and another.
Then when the study is complete , examine it for discrepancies , and if necessary do a
check study. Draw a line between each element , ending with the break point.
When the study is complete , check it against the initial record of the work cycle. Finally
take another look at the break down into elements , in order to see that they are about the
right length an that different types of work are separated as far as possible.
It does no real harm if a very small piece of non-machining work is included with what is
mainly a sewing cycle if it makes sense on other counts.
Some possible formats are :
Format 1
Operation Layout
Sew centre row collar
Operator name: XYZ Tumble box
Sew centre row , sew off in chain Pull plies taut near points
Format 2
Operation Layout
Sew centre row collar
Operator name: XYZ Tumble box
Quality specs.
Seam allowance: 2 mm + 0
Basic Time :
Left hand Attention points Right hand
Position at needle Press seam flat & hold Pick up one collar
lining away from ply Position at needle
Guide collar forward Stitch seam 2 mm to right Guide collar forward.
of of edge from front edge
of collar band
Ditto Stitch past leaf ,stop needle Ditto
up , pull down ply from
front and holding it taut ,
stitch on
Ditto Stitch to within 7 cm of step Guide collars forward &
, stop , needle up , & pull then pull ply taut.
ply back from point.
Time Study
Standard time and production standards can be developed through a variety of methods
that include Methods Time Measurement (MTM), Basic Motion (BMT), and Modular
Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards (MODAPTS), etc.
Stopwatch time studies, which identify time elements of a work task, are the oldest and
most frequently used method for setting production standards and piece rates. Stopwatch
time studies are based upon the performance of the task, with a given method, and job
conditions. A qualified examiner using a competent worker who operates at a
competitive pace should perform the time study. Allowances must be made for employee
fatigue and needs.
The results of this approach are two-fold: 1) the determination of a base time that
includes the productive, repetitive, and basic parts the operation should take; 2) the
conversion of this base time into standard time through use of a predetermined
allowance for those tasks required of a worker other than interruptions such as clean up,
personal time, etc.
The development of any work standard requires careful attention to the work method
employed, and assumes that the most appropriate method (based on the guide lines
provided in Method Study)has been developed. Accurate description of method addresses
two basic criteria of work measurement:
1) what are the methods employed and what are the work motions involved with
equipment used, work environment, etc.? ( As discussed in the previous section of
method study)
Once the basic method of operation has been determined, it is possible to break the
operation into various parts, or elements, that can be timed independently. An element
breakdown is the least subject to error, gives an exact description of the operating
procedure, and permits development of information that may be used as a reference for
future jobs of similar nature.
1) Regular elements—those that occur in each cycle of an operation
2) Irregular elements—those that do not occur in each cycle, but which are repeated
consistently. For example, the packaging of every 20 units completed.
3) Constant elements—those for which the time remains unchanged throughout the
study. For example, machine speeds.
4) Foreign elements—those elements introduced by the worker, which are not part of
the normal cycle. For example, dropping a pair of pliers.
The length of an element should be consistent with the accuracy of the timing instrument
and with good judgment. For our purposes, an element should be no longer than .50
minutes in duration, nor should it be less than .02 minutes, which is the shortest that an
element can be timed.
Each item of the work prepared earlier should be reviewed to establish the elements of
the job. If an item of the rough breakdown does not meet the requirements for an element
it may be combined with the next item in the sequence and checked to determine if the
combination meets the requirements. In practice, some elements do not meet all the
A “more is better” approach is generally not feasible, from either an economic or parts
availability standpoint. It is possible, however, to determine an appropriate sample size
for a valid and reliable time study using statistical and researched data accepted by the
There is a chart derived from an industrial engineering standard that gives a reasonable
accurate estimate of the number of cycles to be timed. The chart is based on the
completion of 10 preliminary readings for cycles of less than two minutes duration; five
readings for operations two minutes or longer.
Selecting a Worker for the Study
The selection of a worker as a time study subject is important. Such a selection proves
difficult even for competitive industry, which has developed procedures for the rating of
operator performance. For our purposes, it is important to realize that Federal Wage and
Hour regulations require that time studies be made with a regular worker or a worker who
is non-disabled for the type of work being tested. In addition, the worker’s production
level must be comparable to that of a non-disabled person of average ability.
Our intent should be the identification of an individual who comes as close as possible to
the basic requirements for performance of the job as defined. The worker who is selected
should be cooperative and as close to competitive skill and effort as possible. Even
through the person may be representative of a qualified, competent worker employed in
private enterprise, you should not expect the time study subject to function exactly at 100
percent. A minimum expectation of 80 percent of normal performance should be
established. However, this requirement should be maintained whether the individual is a
workshop employee or a staff member.
The time study subject, who is not disabled for the job, should be given sufficient
opportunity to practice the work method to be studied. While time for practice in the
work method will vary according to complexity of the task, familiarity with the operation
can be judged by the presence of smooth, rhythmic motions.
To create as comfortable and normal a work situation as possible, all those involved with
the time study should be informed of the procedures to be followed and the reasons for
conducting the study. The worker should understand the purpose of the study and should
feel at ease. If the worker appears nervous or inconsistent in performance, the time study
should be postponed or another subject selected.
For a valid rating of operator performance, four key areas are reviewed. The four
performance factors measured are broken down and assigned numerical values in order
for each to be more accurately scored.
Of those factors to be rated, working conditions and consistency will be the easiest to
evaluate. Working conditions are influences such as proper temperature and humidity,
ventilation, lighting, layout of work area, and orderliness and housekeeping. We are
rating constancy of the environment, not its relative degree of comfort.
Worker consistency is a factor that can be determined with a slight degree of objectivity.
If a worker purposely slows up while being time studied in an attempt to gain a more
favorable production standard, an analysis of the time data will reveal a great deal of
variability. This variation in elemental times results from the worker not being able to
fake his performance with consistency. In addition, there is high correlation between a
worker’s consistency and his skill. The more skilful worker when putting forth good
effort will have less variation among the elemental times.
Skill and effort are more difficult to evaluate. There is a tendency to refer to a worker as
being good, average or poor, with no degrees in between. Other degrees of skill and effort
are certainly present and can be categorized and quantified. There is a list that provides a
description of the characteristics present within each skill and effort category, and its
corresponding numerical value.
Determining Allowances
Various factors other than the actual work will occur during the course of a day, week,
etc. for any job: getting material, putting materials away, preparing the work area,
cleaning up, adjustment inspection, and personal time are unavoidable. The time study is
usually so short in duration that few, if any, of these occurrences are likely to be
included. If the standard time is to indicate work output in the work day, rather than just
performance of the regular work, the base time must be adjusted in consideration of
personal fatigue and other delay factors.
An exact allowance factor can be determined through direct observation and study.
“Delay studies” can be made for different work areas and types of work. It is entirely
possible for legitimate allowances to range from as low as 1.10 to as high as 1.40,
depending on the nature and amount of occurrences that are unavoidable.
2) Find the total time spent by all operators on each classification of activity, and
convert this total to a percentage of the total time studied for all operators.
3) Select those percentages for legitimate (unavoidable) delays and add to get the
total ”allowable” delay percentage.
4) Divide this “total allowable delay percentage” by 100 minus the total delay
percentage to determine the delay factor.
5) Add 1.00 to any delay factor to obtain the “allowance factor.”
Generally, not less than 15 percent allowance (9-10 minutes per hour) shall be used in
conducting time studies.”
• For general time study work, a decimal minute stopwatch (100 units per minute) is
preferred as calculations to two decimal places are made easier.
• A time study clipboard that holds a stopwatch and a time study record sheet is also
The observer should be as close as possible to the operation, so that it can be clearly
viewed, but not so close that the worker feels uncomfortable. All aspects of the operation,
the workstation and the stopwatch should be in the same line of sight, by assuming a
position to the side and slightly behind the worker.
Primary attention should be on the finger, hand and arm movements to detect the break
point for each element. Sounds can often be employed to make this task much easier.
Explanations should be given to supervisors and co-workers in the area prior to starting
the study, so that interruptions can be avoided.
At the moment of the elemental break point, three settings will be simultaneously
• Detection of the break point.
• Reading of the stopwatch noted.
• Recording on the observation sheet.
Using continuous reading of the stopwatch, the observer quickly looks at the watch to
determine the time at the element end point. The watch reading (R) is posted for that
element to the nearest 0.01 minute.
Without stopping the watch, readings for all elements previously listed are posted as the
operator repeats each cycle. The watch is stopped at the end of the final reading. For
verification, the times of the day should be recorded for both the beginning and the end of
the study.
Since the smallest realistic unit is 0.01 minutes, all readings include two decimal
positions. For speed and convenience, however, the decimal point is often omitted. In
addition several two-digit readings may be posted within one minute. The next posting
would then show the whole minute reading as well as the hundredths-minute reading
using a three-digit number.
If no reading is recorded, for whatever reason, indicate a missed reading as -M- in the
area provided on the form.
To summarize the Time Study, compute elapsed times, discard abnormal times,
determine validity of foreign elements, and calculate base time (average time x operator
efficiency rating).
Elapsed Time
Once the basic time study data has been posted, it is necessary to compute elapsed times
by determining the time interval (T) for each element. The time interval is the difference
between the reading (R) for the end point of that element, and the reading for the end
point of the previous element. By subtracting each reading from the next throughout the
study, the time interval (T) for successive elements is developed. Remember that in short
elements, the whole-minute division was not posted, but rather the hundredths of a
The use of a different color pen for recording elapsed times will make analysis of the
time study much easier.
Abnormal Times
Once time intervals (T) have been determined, they must be examined for consistency
within each element. Wide variations may indicate errors in subtraction, which should be
examined and corrected. Abnormally small values probably indicate a watch reading
error, and can be discovered by reviewing several prior and subsequent readings. Such
time intervals should discarded, however, since they could indicate the element was not
completely performed. Hesitation or fumbles that would not occur with normal
performances may have caused an unusually large time interval, and these should also be
Abnormal times are discarded to eliminate the effects of activities that occur during the
study, but would not necessarily occur with normal performance and working conditions.
(The factoring of allowances will account for irregular occurrences). This will also give a
sampling, which is a “statistically normal” distribution.
or being interrupted by a supervisor are examples of foreign elements. With completion
of the time study, it is necessary to determine the validity of these foreign elements. Most
are individual occurrences, which would not be expected to repeat themselves during the
normal course of operation. These are not valid and are discarded. There are, however,
some foreign elements that are likely to occur on a random basis throughout the day, and
are legitimate parts of the job. This category should be considered as valid, and should be
averaged with other time data in the summary.
Base Times
Once all abnormal times and invalid foreign elements have been discarded, the base time
for each element, as well as the operation as a whole, is calculated:
1) Total the times for the remaining, valid elements and post this total in the
appropriate columns.
2) Determine the number of occurrences, or valid elapsed times, for each element.
3) Determine an average time per element by dividing the total time by the number
of occurrences.
NOTE: An element may occur only once during a series of cycles, for example,
packaging. Nonetheless, 15 cycles were completed. The number of occurrences, 15,
should be posted in the appropriate column.
Determine an average time per element by dividing the total time by the number of
Once posted, the base times for each element can be totaled to determine a total base time
for the operation.
Compute Standards
From the total base time, standards are computed by factoring the total base time by the
predetermined allowances(see table below) for that particular task (base time x
allowances), establishing a standard time per unit. This standard time can then be used to
establish a production standard, usually pieces per hour (or minutes per piece, or piece
rate, which is the prevailing rate divided by pieces per hour), utilized for wage
determination and production scheduling. Other forms of production standard include:
1) Hours per unit.
2) Hours per 100 units.
3) Hours per 1000 units.
procedures and results of the time study, it will be difficult to determine when
adjustments in wage rates or production standards need to be made due to changes in the
work method, materials or working environment. These standards should also be posted
for the individuals to enhance productivity.
A well-maintained workshop records system is essential to the safeguarding of wage
payments and effective management of the operation.
These together with similar allowances, are added to the total of the machine basic times
with machine delay allowances added plus the total of the basic times for other elements.
A typical P & F allowance would be 14 %.
Organizations must make full use of its employees- its most valuable resource. Employee
actually performing the operations often have the best idea for improving them. Human
resource are as essential an aspect of processes as technology. The abilities of managers
and workers, and how they are organized, trained and motivated can give a firm a
competitive edge. Firms can capitalize on the insights and experience of their employees
in various ways, ranging from departmental problem-solving teams to cross-functional,
self-directed teams. However, to utilize fully the talents of their work force, firms must
establish the proper environment, which includes restructuring the organization and its
incentives, appropriately designing jobs, and using the proper tools to measure
Workers Training
Organization must rely on their employees to anticipate possible problems, develop new
product, increase productivity and quality to remain competitive. In order to make it
possible On-job training is one of the useful tool. Teaching new work methods to
experienced workers or training new employees in current practices helps to achieve our
Mangers too need to develop new skills not only those directly relating to their own
duties but also those needed to teach their sub ordinates.
a. Basic knowledge
b. Correct methods
c. Quality standards (It means the establishment of the threshold at which
level of severity a defect becomes unacceptable, i.e. a fault. It is the
equivalent of tolerances applicable to measurable factors.)
Without these last item defective production cannot be prevented. It is vital that all faults
and defects that are likely to arise in any job should be taught to all trainees during their
instruction. An operative must be able to recognize these faults and take action on them,
that is, to report, correct or prevent them and where possible, to prevent their recurrence.
Training of Quality standards is greatly assisted by a library of faults, each fault being
illustrated in the various degrees of severity, - from certainly acceptable to definitely no.
Much duplication of effort is avoided if the faults likely to be encountered are categorized
under one or other of two headings: -
1. General faults
2. Job faults
General faults are, for example, those resulting from machine or operative defects, which
may be common to any garment in the workroom. They may include such as:
1. Skip stitches
2. Unbalanced seams
3. Careless handling faults
4. Seam breakaway
5. Incorrect tensions
Job faults are those which are specific to a given garment e.g.
Fault Analysis
'Fault Analysis' is the name of a well tried technique in which all facets of each fault are
recorded under appropriate headings. Together with an example or examples of each fault
the analysis provides an invaluable teaching aid. The headings are indicated below with
an explanation of each
a. Fault. - Enter here the name of the fault. The correct, or agreed name. This
must be taught in order to ensure that everyone concerned refers to the
fault by a common name.
b. Appearance. - Write a clear description of the fault, and/or attach an
example of the fault. No one can take remedial action with a defect unless
they can recognize the appearance or feel of the defect.
c. Cause(s). - List under this heading the main cause(s) of the faults. For
example, "Incorrect machine setting", "Faulty cutting", "Contamination",
"Faulty measurements". Operatives will be better armed to identify faults
if they are aware of what can cause them.
d. Effect(s). - The fault being analyzed if not rectified will have certain
effects. Describe what these effects or results will be. For example,
"Fabric will be scrap", "Garment will be a reject or second", "Loss of
earnings". Operatives need to be taught the effect of faulty work.
e. Responsibility. - Record under this heading who is directly responsible for
the fault. Operatives need to be aware of which defects are their own fault
and which are the faults of others. This discourages the passing on of
blame, and at the same time avoids blaming unfairly. Basically it is not a
question of apportioning blame but we do need to know where the
responsibility for a fault lies in order that corrective action may be taken
f. Action. - List the action or actions to be taken when the fault is found. For
example, "Reject", "Unpick and re-sew", "Report to the Supervisor", "Call
the mechanic", or whatever. Each and every operator must know what
action they personally are to take, and the right action is vital.
g. Prevention. - At times faults will occur over which no one has control, in
other words there is no prevention. However if there is, record any action,
which can, or should be taken to avoid a recurrence of the fault. For
example, "Inspect needles frequently", "Check tension and stitching every
fifth garment", "Ensure edges match before sewing". Prevention where it
is possible is invariably better than cure.
It can be seen from such a chart or card that if all this information is properly recorded
there is nothing else anyone will need to know about a fault or defect. You have equipped
yourself with a comprehensive record of everything that needs to be known and the
information can now be suitably applied in your teaching of operatives, the chart forming
the basis of any notes you need.
Collect an example or examples of all faults which an operative must know in order to be
classed as competent, analyze them and record the information which is then used for
teaching purposes. In almost all cases the faults which are of most importance are the
borderline examples. Even new workers will recognize obvious faults. The critical faults
are those where it is difficult to decide what will just pass and what will just not pass. In
essence the sort of faults which cause people to resort to opinion instead of facts.
It is prudent to keep several well-labeled examples of the faults for both comparison and
for teaching purposes. Examples which the Instructor and management have reached an
agreement on. In this way operatives can usually check when in doubt and by comparison
make the right decision regarding acceptability. At the same time such examples may
also be employed for teaching purposes.
Mounting examples
Generally, examples will be handled by many trainees and will, unless suitably mounted
and protected, deteriorate very rapidly. Fabric samples could be mounted flat on a
background of stiff card. The whole of this would then be sealed in a cellophane or clear
envelope, thus enabling them to be handled almost indefinitely without detriment.
Storage of Examples
Suggested Teaching Method
This should be carried out by means of knowledge lessons and some suggestions
regarding time and how to organize the Development, or main part of the lesson, are
given below.
Then compare the trainees' completed cards with the master card and discuss as at c)