Practical Strategies: Hotels
Practical Strategies: Hotels
Practical Strategies: Hotels
in Green Building
What is LEED?
LEED is a voluntary, third-party green building certification program that awards points to buildings for satisfying specified
green building criteria. LEED-certified buildings have implemented strategies intended to reduce building operating costs,
environmental footprint, and resource consumption such as water and energy use. LEED projects are designed, built and
operated to cut CO2 emissions while encouraging strategies to help create healthier indoor environmental quality. As new
technologies emerge, policies change, and the built environment evolves, LEED will respond through an ongoing, consensus-
based refinement process. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a non-profit organization of leaders and
experts from across the building continuum, LEED provides building owners and operators a concise framework for identifying
and implementing practical and measurable design, construction, and operations solutions.
Sustainable Sites
Water Efficiency
Energy and Atmosphere
Materials and Resources
Indoor Environmental Quality
Innovation in Operations
Credit checklists for the balloted versions of both the LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations
and LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating systems can be found at the back of
this booklet. These can help you get a better understanding of the overall structure of the LEED for New
Construction and LEED for Existing Buildings rating systems, including the prerequisites and optional credits
that lead a project to certification.
Certification Awards
The LEED certification system is a flexible framework that allows project teams to decide which sustainable
strategies to pursue based on the specifics of a particular project. LEED requires all projects to meet certain pre-
requisites, and project teams choose which optional credits to pursue for additional points toward certification.
Of the 100 points available in the LEED rating systems, at least 40 must be earned for base-level certification.
Certification levels start at Certified and increase to Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Prerequisites are technical requirements within LEED that must be completed in order to be considered
for certification. All prerequisites must be met in order for a project to become
LEED certified.
Credits are optional sets of requirements tied to a point value. To achieve certification a project needs to
achieve at least 40% of the available points in LEED.
LEARN MORE to view the LEED-NC and LEED-EB: O&M rating systems. to learn about the LEED EB: O&M rating system. to purchase a LEED Reference Guide. to learn about USGBC’s work with the hotel & lodging industry. to download hotel project profiles.
“With fuel prices skyrocketing and concerns about traffic congestion and
global climate change, the demand from our guests and staff for greener
SUSTAINABLE SITES alternatives has been very strong. The new fleet of Barona buses are good for the
environment, save wear on roads, and reduce traffic congestion.”
Jay Bart, Barona Resort & Casino
Green Roof
Install Green Roof for Improved Stormwater Management and
Reduced Energy Use
Heat Island Reduction – Roof: SSc7.2
P opulated with over 24,000 native sedum plants, the Hyatt at Olive 8’s
green roof reduces stormwater runoff by up to 75%, an extremely
important environmental priority in the Puget Sound region. The green
roof also mitigates the heat island effect that would otherwise be present,
reduces the amount of energy required to heat and cool the main ballroom
directly underneath, and provides a downtown habitat for birds and bees.
In addition to these environmental benefits, the hotel’s green roof serves
as a symbol of the Hyatt at Olive 8’s general commitment to sustainability
and provides guests with a tangible connection to nature. It has turned
LEED for NEW CONSTRUCTION usually unpopular rooms into hot commodities with a surprising number
OWNER: R.C. HEDEREEN COMPANY AND HYATT HOTELS CORPORATION of guests requesting rooms with views of the roof.
Site selection, management during construction, and ongoing maintenance are important components of a building’s sustainability.
The Sustainable Sites credit category encourages development on previously developed land, minimizing a building’s impact on
ecosystems and waterways, regionally appropriate landscaping, smart transportation choices, stormwater runoff management, and
reduction of erosion, light pollution, heat island effect, and pollution related to construction and site maintenance.
Alternative Transportation
Provide Environmentally Friendly Transportation for Guests and
Staff with Shuttle Program
Alternative Commuting Transportation: SSc4
“It’s really expected that a hotel with as many green credentials as ours make
a true effort to cut back on water usage without impeding upon a guest’s
experience. Our green building commitment and LEED certification has
WATER EFFICIENCY opened doors to new business, partnerships, and marketing opportunities and
resulted in lots of positive, ongoing media coverage without compromising
luxury and service.”
Stefan Mühle, Orchard Hotel
Native Landscaping
Landscape with Native Species that Require Little or No Irrigation
Water Efficient Landscaping: WEc1
Buildings are major users of our potable water supply. The goal of the Water Efficiency credit category is to encourage smarter use
of water, inside and out. Water reduction is typically achieved through more efficient appliances, fixtures and fittings inside and
water-wise landscaping outside.
“How can you tell if the hot water for your shower was heated by yesterday’s
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, buildings use 39% of the energy and 74% of the electricity produced each year in the
United States. The Energy and Atmosphere credit category encourages a wide variety of energy strategies: commissioning; energy
use monitoring; efficient design and construction; efficient appliances, systems and lighting; the use of renewable and clean sources
of energy, generated on-site or off-site; and other innovative practices.
“We’ve invited all of our team members who are involved in procurement for
the hotel to thoroughly research the products that they are in search of which
in turn continues to keep all of us up to date on the most current, sustainable
MATERIALS AND RESOURCES options and engaged in the process. The LEED for Existing Buildings process
has also allowed us to exceed our guests’ expectations of what it means to be a
green hotel.”
Deirdre Wallace, The Ambrose Collection
within the region.
During both construction and operations, buildings generate a lot of waste and use a lot of materials and resources. This credit
category encourages the selection of sustainable materials, including those that are harvested and manufactured locally, contain
high recycled content, and are rapidly renewable. It also promotes the reduction of waste through building and material reuse,
construction waste management, and ongoing recycling programs.
Sustainable Purchasing
Implement Sustainable Purchasing Program
Sustainable Purchasing Policy: MRp1
Sustainable Purchasing – Ongoing Consumables: MRc1
Sustainable Purchasing – Durable Goods: MRc2
“CityFlats Hotel’s recognition as the first hotel in the Midwest to achieve
LEED Gold Certification ensures that it is a healthy, environmentally-friendly
component of the community.”
Chuck Reid, President, CityFlats Hotel
Low-Emitting Paints
Use Low-Emitting, Human and Environmentally Friendly Paints
Low-Emitting Materials – Paints and Coatings: EQc4.2
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that Americans spend about 90% of their day indoors, where the air quality
can be significantly worse than outside. The Indoor Environmental Quality credit category promotes strategies that can improve
indoor air through low emitting materials selection and increased ventilation. It also promotes access to natural daylight and
Green Cleaning
Ensure your Green Cleaning Policy Works as Designed
Green Cleaning – Sustainable Cleaning Products, Materials and
Equipment: EQc3.3 and EQc3.4
T raining for staff at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Baltimore Inner Harbor
ensures they are able to implement the hotel’s sustainable practices
effectively and understand them well enough to answer any guest
questions. A series of strategically designed displays as well as regular
building tours educate guests about the hotel’s environmental attributes.
These include a rainwater capture system, a green roof, efficient and user-
responsive lighting and conditioning systems, sustainable (renewable,
recycled, reclaimed, or regional) materials, recycling systems, and
alternative transportation options, including a smart car for guest use. The
educational aspects of the building have attracted local groups to host
LEED for NEW CONSTRUCTION events at the hotel, generating over $10,000 in additional revenue in the
OWNER: SUMMIT ASSOCIATES first few months of opening.
The Innovation in Design and Inovation in Operations credit categories provide additional points for projects that use new and
innovative technologies, achieve performance well beyond what is required by LEED credits, or utilize green building strategies
that are not specifically addressed elsewhere in LEED. This credit category also rewards projects for including a LEED Accredited
Professional on the team to ensure a holistic, integrated approach to design, construction, operations and maintenance.
Eco Team
Create a Committee to Focus on Environmental Issues
Innovation in Operations: IOc1