White Bear Lake Police Department Citizen Complaint Form

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White Bear Lake Police Department

Citizen Complaint Form


The White Bear Lake Police Department expects its employees to serve with respect,
integrity and professionalism. It is our policy to investigate all allegations of misconduct
concerning our employees. If you wish to express a concern or file a complaint,
please complete the following information and we ask that you sign the form.

Your Information:

Street Address

City State Zip Home phone

Work phone Mobile phone Email

Incident Information:
Date Time Location

Case Number (If known) Officer Name or Badge # (If known)

Please provide the details of your complaint. List any other witnesses and/or persons
involved. If needed, use the back of this form or other sheets of paper.
To the best of my knowledge, the information I have provided is true and factual (false
reports may result in criminal charges).

Signature: Date:

Return the completed form to:

Chief of Police
White Bear Lake Police
4701 Highway 61
White Bear Lake, MN 55110

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