How I Treat Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
How I Treat Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
How I Treat Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a condition characterized by systemic activation of coagulation, po-
tentially leading to thrombotic obstruction of small and midsize vessels, thereby contributing to organ dysfunction.
At the same time, ongoing consumption of platelets and coagulation proteins results in thrombocytopenia and low
© 2018 by The American Society of Hematology blood® 22 FEBRUARY 2018 | VOLUME 131, NUMBER 8 845
Table 1. Clinical conditions most frequently associated with DIC
Severe infectious diseases Gram-positive or -negative organisms, Thrombosis may contribute to organ failure
malaria, hemorrhagic fevers (eg acute kidney failure)14,18
Systemic infections with other microorganisms, including fungi correlates with the extent of DIC, suggesting that leakage of
or parasites may lead to DIC as well.19 For example, high par- tissue factor from the placental system into the maternal cir-
asitemia, primarily of Falciparum malaria, may be associated with culation is responsible for the occurrence of DIC.
DIC and high mortality.20 Factors involved in the development of
DIC complicating infections are microbial membrane constitu- For other underlying conditions (Table 1), DIC is a relatively in-
ents, such as lipopolysaccharide or lipoteichoic acid, or exo- frequent complication. In most situations, the severity of the as-
toxins (eg, Staphylococcal a-toxin), evoking a strong immune sociated systemic inflammatory response in combination with
response and release of cytokines. specific circumstances, such as concomitant infections, will de-
termine whether severe systemic coagulation activation will occur.
Both hematological malignancies and solid tumors may be
complicated by DIC due to the expression of procoagulant
factors by tumor cells.21 The incidence of DIC in cancer is not
Pathogenetic pathways
The most important mechanisms leading to the pathological
precisely known and may depend on the diagnostic criteria
derangement of coagulation in DIC have been clarified. The
used; however, some series, in particular in patients with me-
initiation and propagation of procoagulant pathways with si-
tastasized adenocarcinoma or lymphoproliferative disease,
multaneous impairment of natural anticoagulant systems and
report an incidence of up to 20% in consecutive cases.22 The
suppression of endogenous fibrinolysis as a result of systemic
risk of thrombosis is greater than bleeding, and in severe cases,
inflammatory activation are leading to platelet activation and
thromboembolism in conjunction with bleeding can be seen.23 fibrin deposition.15,29 Important mediators that regulate these
processes are cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 and
Severe trauma is another clinical condition commonly associated tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). In addition, recent studies point
with DIC.2,24 Systemic cytokine patterns in patients with severe to a prominent role of intravascular webs (neutrophil extracellular
trauma have been shown to be virtually identical to those of traps) consisting of denatured DNA from damaged cells and
septic patients.25 In addition, release of tissue material (such as entangling neutrophils, platelets, fibrin, and cationic proteins,
tissue thromboplastin, in particular in patients with head trauma) such as histones, in the development of thrombus deposition.30
into the circulation and endothelial disruption may contribute
to the systemic activation of coagulation. It may be difficult Thrombin generation in DIC is initiated through the tissue factor/
to differentiate DIC from the coagulopathy due to massive blood factor VII(a) pathway that activates downstream coagulation
loss and the dilutional coagulopathy as a result of massive factors.31 Tissue factor may be expressed by activated mono-
transfusion or infusion of large volumes of crystalloids that may cytes, but also by vascular endothelial cells or cancer cells.
occur in the first hours after major trauma.26 Besides inflammation causing procoagulant effects, the activa-
tion of coagulation also modulates inflammation (Figure 1).
In obstetric calamities, such as placental abruption and amni-
otic fluid emboli, acute and fulminant DIC may occur.27,28 The In DIC, all physiological anticoagulant pathways are function-
degree of placental separation in patients with abruptio placentae ally impaired.15 Firstly, a marked imbalance of TFPI function in
846 blood® 22 FEBRUARY 2018 | VOLUME 131, NUMBER 8 LEVI and SCULLY
Fibrinogen to fibrin
Platelet-vessel Mononuclear
wall interaction cells
Vascular endothelium
Figure 1. Mononuclear cells express tissue factor resulting in thrombin generation and subsequent fibrinogen to fibrin conversion, which, in combination with
increased platelet vessel wall interaction and activation of platelets, contribute to microvascular clot formation. P-selectin released from activated platelets further
upregulates tissue factor expression. Binding of fibrin to Toll-like receptor 4 and activated coagulation proteases to specific protease activated receptors (PARs) on inflammatory
cells (dotted lines) modulates inflammation through the additional release of proinflammatory cytokines. Cytokines also play a key role in the suppression of endogenous
fibrinolysis and impairment of physiological anticoagulant pathways, such as the APC pathway.
relation to the increased tissue factor–dependent activation of blood pressure was 100/60 mm Hg, heart rate was 120 beats per
coagulation has been described.32 In addition, significant impair- minute (regular), respiratory rate was 28 breaths per minute, and
ment of the protein C system may further compromise adequate temperature was 38.1°C. Arterial blood gas analysis showed
regulation of thrombin generation. This is caused by a cytokine- a PaO2 of 8.4 kPa (63 mmHg) and oxygen saturation of 84%
mediated downregulation of thrombomodulin expression on en- while on 5 L supplemental oxygen. Laboratory analysis showed
dothelial cells in combination with decreased synthesis of protein a hemoglobin concentration of 6.8 mmol/L (11.0 g/dL), a leu-
C and a fall in the concentration of the free fraction of protein S kocyte count of 9.2 3 109/L with 7.7 3 109/L neutrophils,
(the essential cofactor of protein C), together resulting in reduced a remarkable left shift and some schistocytes in the blood smear,
activation of protein C.33 Lastly, plasma levels of antithrombin, the a creatinine concentration of 212 mmol/L (2.4 mg/dL), a bilirubin
most prominent inhibitor of thrombin and factor Xa, are signifi- concentration of 18 mmol/L (1.2 mg/dL), a lactic acid concen-
cantly reduced in DIC due to a combination of consumption, tration of 3.3 mmol/L (30 mg/dL), and a bicarbonate concen-
degradation by elastase from activated neutrophils, and impaired tration of 18 mmol/L. The patient was intubated and ventilated,
synthesis.34 In addition, the endogenous fibrinolytic system is achieving an oxygen saturation of 98%, and hemodynamically
largely shut off as a result of a sustained rise in the plasma level stabilized with crystalloids and IV administration of dopamine. He
of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), the principal inhibitor
was further treated with broad spectrum antibiotics and con-
of plasminogen activation and plasmin generation.2
tinues subcutaneous heparin prophylaxis.
7.5 mg/mL (normal, ,0.5 mg/mL), and a fibrinogen concentration Table 2. Scoring algorithm for the diagnosis of DIC
of 3.5 g/L (normal, 1-3 g/L).
Platelet count, 3109/L
Comments about patient 1 .100 5 0
,100 5 1
This critically ill patient with multiple organ failure and a
,50 5 2
clinical suspicion of sepsis showed clear signs of a coa-
gulopathy, characterized by a low platelet count, prolonged Level of fibrin markers (eg D-dimer, fibrin degradation products)
global coagulation tests, and increased D-dimer. These lab- No increase 5 0
oratory abnormalities may be compatible with DIC, however, Increased but ,5x upper limit of normal 5 2
some differential diagnostic considerations need to be taken Strong increase ($5x upper limit of normal) 5 3
into account.
Prolonged prothrombin time*
Sepsis per se is clearly associated with thrombocytopenia, and ,3 s 5 0
the severity of sepsis correlates with the reduction in platelet $3 s but ,6 s 5 1
count.35 The principal factors that contribute to thrombocyto- $6s52
penia in patients with sepsis are impaired platelet production,
Fibrinogen level
848 blood® 22 FEBRUARY 2018 | VOLUME 131, NUMBER 8 LEVI and SCULLY
Clinical suspicion of DIC
- Underlying condition known to be associated with DIC
- Low/decreasing platelet count and/or prolonged global clotting
assays (PT, aPTT)
- Antifibrinolytic treatment in
case of excessive
Figure 2. Flowchart for the diagnostic and therapeutic management of DIC. LMW, low molecular weight.
Patient 2: a 63-year-old woman with DIC present with a platelet count of ,150 3 109/L, and in . 10% of
patients, the platelet count is ,75 3 109/L, most importantly
or coagulopathy related to liver disease? caused by sequestration of platelets in the enlarged spleen,
A 63-year-old woman, with long-standing alcohol abuse, pre- reduced levels of thrombopoietin, and consumption.50,51 In
sented with decompensated liver cirrhosis. At physical exami- addition, plasma levels of almost all coagulation factors (except
nation, the most prominent signs were hepatic encephalopathy, factor VIII and von Willebrand factor) are low, as the liver is
jaundice, splenomegaly, and ascites. Laboratory test results the most important site of coagulation protein synthesis. The
showed a hemoglobin concentration of 7.0 mmol/L (11.3 g/dL), combination of thrombocytopenia and low levels of coagulation
a leukocyte count of 7.9.2 3 109/L, a platelet count of 88 3 109/L factors was traditionally interpreted as a hypocoagulable state
(1 week before admission, 84 3 109/L), a bilirubin concentration and associated with a high risk of bleeding. However, recent
of 84 mmol/L (1.2 mg/dL), and an albumin concentration of 28 g/L. insights point to a rebalanced hemostatic system in patients with
Coagulation tests reveal a PT of 17 seconds (normal, ,12 seconds), chronic liver failure, as low levels of natural coagulation inhibitors
an aPTT of 52 seconds (normal, ,28 seconds), a D-dimer con- may balance low levels of coagulation factors and the reduced
centration of 1.0 mg/mL (normal, ,0.5 mg/mL), and a fibrinogen platelet count may be offset by high levels of von Willebrand
concentration of 2.1 g/L (normal, 1-3 g/L). The question is whether factor.52,53
these coagulation abnormalities are due to liver failure-related
coagulopathy or DIC, secondary to an infection. The differential diagnosis between the coagulopathy of liver
disease and DIC is challenging as many laboratory abnormalities
Comments on patient 2 point in the same direction. Even more complex situations may
In patients with severe hepatic failure, several changes in co- occur when the coagulopathy of liver disease is complicated
agulation may occur. More than 75% of patients with cirrhosis by DIC, as patients with severe liver disease may present with
infectious complications (such as bacterial peritonitis) or leakage be rational therapy in bleeding patients or in patients at risk for
of endotoxin from the intestinal compartment that may elicit hemorrhage with a significant deficiency of these hemostatic
DIC. However, in most cases, the coagulopathy of liver disease factors. The use of large volumes of plasma may be required
can eventually be distinguished from the presence of DIC.54 to restore normal levels of coagulation factors. Coagulation
Helpful clues may be that, in contrast to patients with DIC, in factor concentrates, such as prothrombin complex concen-
severe liver disease, the (low) platelet count is usually stable, and trate, may overcome this impediment, but these agents may
fibrin degradation products (such as D-dimer) are only mildly lack important factors (eg, factor V). Previously, the use of
elevated due to the simultaneous presence of fibrinolytic acti- prothrombin complex concentrates was thought to aggravate
vation and impairment in this condition.55-57 In addition, clinical the coagulopathy in DIC due to small traces of activated
signs, such as the presence of splenomegaly and ascites, may factors in the concentrate. It is, however, not very likely that
indicate that liver disease rather than DIC is the cause of the this is still the case for the currently available concentrates.
coagulopathy. In the case presented, the DIC score was Specific deficiencies in coagulation factors, such as fibrinogen,
4 (suggestive of no DIC), and, in combination with the clinical may be corrected by administration of purified coagulation
signs and symptoms, a diagnosis of coagulopathy due to severe factor concentrates. Vitamin K must be remembered as a
liver failure was made. useful non–blood product alternative to correcting vitamin K–
dependent factors and will work within 4 to 6 hours after a
850 blood® 22 FEBRUARY 2018 | VOLUME 131, NUMBER 8 LEVI and SCULLY
the manufacturer of APC has withdrawn the product from the These patients may present with a severe and sometimes life-
market. threatening bleeding tendency. The hemorrhagic tendency
is a consequence of DIC with consumption of coagulation
A promising intervention that is currently being evaluated is factors and platelets in combination with striking hyperfibrino-
recombinant soluble thrombomodulin. Preclinical experimental lysis. Hyperfibrinolysis can be diagnosed by low levels of plas-
sepsis studies have demonstrated that soluble thrombomodulin minogen and a2-antiplasmin, low levels of fibrinogen (due to
is capable of ameliorating the derangement of coagulation plasmin-mediated fibrinogenolysis), and excessively high levels
and may improve organ dysfunction.71,72 Recombinant soluble of fibrin degradation products (eg, D-dimer).78 Further analysis
thrombomodulin was evaluated in a phase II/III clinical study in may reveal remarkably low levels of factor VIII and factor V (which
750 patients with sepsis and DIC.73 Twenty-eight-day mortality are both degraded by plasmin), which is in contrast to more
was 17.8% in the thrombomodulin group and 21.6% in the conventional types of DIC, where plasma levels of factor VIII are
placebo group. The encouraging results with soluble throm- usually relatively preserved.
bomodulin were confirmed by retrospective data in large series
of Japanese patients and are being prospectively investigated The coagulopathy associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia
in a currently ongoing multicenter phase III trial.74 is caused by the expression of tissue factor and cancer pro-
coagulant on leukemic cells in combination with increased
more efficacious) intervention. In addition, genetic variation may Authorship
play a role in the individual propensity to develop DIC and the Contribution: M.L. and M.S. designed the outline of the paper, reviewed
severity of the coagulopathy.84 Gene mutations and polymor- the literature, and wrote the paper.
phisms have been demonstrated to affect hemostatic changes in
DIC. Septic mice with heterozygous protein C deficiency due to Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no competing financial
a 1-allele targeted disruption of the protein C gene presented interests.
with more severe DIC and associated inflammatory response.85
ORCID profiles: M.L., 0000-0002-2212-5299; M.S., 0000-0002-2443-6517.
The presence of factor V Leiden heterozygosity has been as-
sociated with the incidence and outcome of DIC in patients with Correspondence: Marcel Levi, Department of Medicine, University
sepsis.86 In addition, the functional 4G/5G polymorphism in the College London Hospitals NHS Trust, 250 Euston Rd, London NW1 2PG,
PAI-1 gene affected plasma levels of PAI-1 and was related to United Kingdom; e-mail: [email protected].
clinical outcome of meningococcal sepsis and DIC.87 A better
understanding of the influence of genomic variation in the
host response leading to DIC could be helpful in identifying Footnote
patients that are more susceptible to severe coagulopathy Submitted 11 October 2017; accepted 17 December 2017. Prepublished
and eventually tailoring treatment to the most vulnerable online as Blood First Edition paper, 18 December 2017; DOI 10.1182/
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