The Electrical Worker May 2010

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2| The Utility Code: How it works

3| Misclassifying workers for profit

4| A book for electricians, by an electrician

N.Y. manufacturer grows

6| North of 49°

7| Teacher earns advanced degree

8| Organizing Wire

Safety spotlight
9| Circuits Utility Locals
10 |
18 |
Local Lines

Editorials Promote

Photo Credit: Steve Salt

19 | Letters to the Editor

Who We Are
Code of Excellence
The IBEW’s utility workers are adopting a new standard of professionalism.
20 | LMRDA notice
he unveiling of the IBEW’s utility Code “The code is a bold restatement of the Bartels says he was concerned that many

Go “Green!”
with our e-Edition
T of Excellence more than two years ago
opened up a new chapter in labor-
management relations in the North
American power industry.
Building on the Code of Excellence in the
most fundamental principles of our union: a
fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay and a com-
mitment to excellence in everything we do,”
said International President Edwin D. Hill.
From redoubling members’ commitment
members had grown complacent, taking for
granted a secure role for the IBEW. “If we want
the IBEW to be part of the future of the industry,
we have to recommit ourselves to excellence on
a daily basis.”
Get your Electrical Worker delivered each construction branch, the utility code is a call to safety and quality work to developing a non- His interest in the code began soon after it
month via e-mail. It’s convenient & helps for all IBEW utility members to meet the chal- adversarial relationship with management, was unveiled in construction in 2007, a year
cut down on paper waste. lenges of a changing industry—an industry locals across the United States and Canada are before it rolled out in the utility branch. Bartels
Go to and sign up today! that is confronting a generational turnover, a taking up the Code of Excellence with members set up a meeting with management at Alliant
struggling economy and a growing alternative and management as a first step in guarantee- Energy to talk about implementing its principles.
Please recycle this newspaper.
energy economy. ing good union jobs for utility workers now and Management was cautious at first, particu-
in the future. larly about the idea of using company time to
promote a union-developed plan. But Bartles
didn’t give up, finally getting a chance to sit
A Wake-Up Call down with Alliant’s vice president of operations.
For Madison, Wis., Local The Alliant executive was impressed
965 Business Manager with the code’s efforts to improve employee
Tony Bartels, the Code attendance and productivity, but Bartels
of Excellence was a
“wake-up call.” CODE OF EXCELLENCE continued on page 2

W W W . I B E W . O R G
2 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

Continued from page 1

Code of Excellence WORLD
In addition to your monthly
reminded him that that the code is The Work Force of Choice Although utilities are cutting their energy bills, making promoting issue of The Electrical
a two-way street: he couldn’t call costs, Shaffer said he is hopeful a professional image for utility work- Worker, check out the
on his members to live by the code Soon after President Hill’s live video that the company can avoid resort- ers more important than ever.
broadcast launching the Code of wealth of IBEW-related
unless management was willing to ing to wage and benefits cuts or Collinsville, Ill., Local 309 has
do the same. Excellence, Detroit Local 17 Business relying on nonunion contractors by trained nearly 100 utility workers, information in cyberspace.
“There has to be a mutual level Manager Kevin Shaffer approached increasing employee productivity mostly at AmerenIP and AmerenCIPS,
of trust for it to work,” he said. management at DTE Energy about and attendance. in the Code of Excellence since 2008.
Management agreed and allowed adopting it. Business Manager Scott Hassall says
the training on company time and that the code is a vital tool in improv- From breaking news to
property. Members and manage- ing the public’s perception of the video stories, our
ment watched International “[The Code of Excellence has] gained union and helping to improve cus- updated Web site has
President Hill’s video message; the union a lot of respect from the tomer relationships. information not available
Bartels helped answer members’ “It’s a key time in the industry anywhere else. Visit us to
questions. companies we represent. The message and we need to make sure that we connect with the IBEW on
Since 2008 more than 1,300 is pretty straightforward: we’re the are putting our best face out there,” Facebook and to follow
members of Local 965—more than Hassall said. International President
90 percent of the local—have gone best, most professional and safest Management also participated Edwin D. Hill on Twitter!
through the orientation. Bartels also workforce around and we’re willing in the training sessions. “I had a lot
put on a session for salaried man- of supervisors asking for DVDs of
agers, who “came out raving about to put it into writing.” President Hill’s video presentation,”
IBEW on the
the program,” he said. he said.
Huffington Post
– David George, business manager, Cedar Rapids Local 204 President Hill has a blog
It has also been implemented
at Wisconsin Power and Light.
championing green jobs
Since then, Bartels has noticed The state of the economy calls
Safety is Key and more. Read it at
a different attitude from manage- While there was some skepti- for a more cooperative labor-man-
For Cedar Rapids Local 204 Business
ment. “If there is an issue with an cism from some of his own members agement paradigm, he said. “We edwin-d-hill.
Manager David George, excellence on
employee, a lot of managers will initially about whether or not the have to find ways to work together to the job means making safety a priority.
now to come to the union first to see company was serious about holding improve performance so we remain
if we can work out a solution instead up its end of the bargain, the most the work force of choice.”
“Every worker is part of a YouTube
team,” he said. “This is a very dan- The IBEW has its own
of resorting immediately to discipli- common refrain he heard after the
gerous job and everybody needs to channel on YouTube,
nary measures.” training was: “It’s about time.”
pull their own weight.” devoted exclusively to
The local has seen a big drop in Since then, more than 400 A Professional Image
Local 204, which represents videos about the union
employee grievances, from more members of Detroit Local 17 have
The struggling economy means cus- more than 1,300 members at utili- and its members.
than 40 a year down to 12. gone through the Code of Excellence
tomers are giving extra scrutiny to ties and power co-ops throughout Watch online at
the state, started implementing the
code more than two years ago. theelectricalworker.
Since then, it has been incorpo-
Utility Code of Excellence rated into the local’s yearly stew-
ards’ training school, with a session
last year attracting one of its biggest
Integrity, family
and quality are
Union’s Responsibilities attendances ever.
important to the
Stewards get even more exten-
✓ Zero tolerance for safety violations
 IBEW, but also
sive training in the code, with atten- to Klein Tools.
✓ Ensure members uphold their responsibilities under
 dees role-playing different scenarios, Go to www.
the contract from dealing with problem employ- to
ees to difficult managers. hear about this American
✓ Address bad work habits of members
 “It’s gained the union a lot of institution’s dedication to
✓ Set standard for excellence in work performed
 respect from the companies we rep- making the best tools.
resent,” George said. “The message
✓ Zero tolerance for unauthorized work stoppages
 is pretty straightforward: we’re the
✓ Confront issues before they become problems
 best, most professional and safest ElectricTV
work force around and we’re willing How is the NECA-IBEW
to put it into writing.” team attracting
Employer’s Responsibilities Bartels says that the key to suc- tomorrow’s construction
✓ Provide adequate supply of equipment and tools cessfully implementing the code is managers? By reaching

winning buy-in from all parties out to students across the
✓ Maintain a positive working relationship with union
 involved: local officers, stewards, and U.S., especially those at
✓ Ensure proper project planning management. “Because it’s all about Colorado State University.

building a relationship based on trust,
On, we
✓ Provide quality supervision
 show you how we’re
you have to make sure that everyone
✓ Maintain safe workplace helping to build education
 understands what the code is all
in the 21st century.
✓ Take responsibility for management failures about and supports its goals before it

can be successful,” he said. ❚
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 3

Cheating Workers Out Of Rights, Benefits

Lawmakers Go After Employers Who Misclassify Workers as Contractors
early three years ago, independent contractors, an wing, which they staff with what they

N Warren, Ohio, Local 573

Business Manager Mark
Catello found out the
hard way how rampant is the illegal
practice of misclassifying workers as
increase of more than 2 million in
just six years.
Misclassification ends up cost-
ing federal and state authorities bil-
lions in lost revenue. Companies
call independent contractors,” Brock
said. “But they have to follow the
companies’ regulations, their work
hours and use their equipment.
What kind of boss is that?”
independent contractors to circum- that report employees as independ- Brock says that the IBEW has
vent labor law and cheat on taxes. ent contractors avoid paying Social been successful in getting many of
The local tried organizing cable Security, Medicare and unemploy- these workers to talk with organizers,
workers at Baker Communications, a ment insurance taxes. but until their job status is changed,
subcontractor for Time Warner But misclassifying workers also they can’t legally form a union.
Cable. Organizers got the majority of cheats workers out of their rights He says he has seen workplaces
the 40-person unit to sign union and benefits. Laws regarding over- where two different workers are doing San Francisco labor activists protest a construction contractor
authorization cards, but the time, workers’ compensation, sick the exact same job, but one is found guilty of cheating its employees out of wages and benefits.
National Labor Relations Board days and minimum wage don’t labeled an employee while the other
killed the unionization drive after apply to independent contractors. is an independent contractor. “It’s a employee, but then go work for On Capitol Hill, Massachusetts
agreeing with the company that “This denies many workers their selective way for the company to get another network, do the exact same Sen. John Kerry (D) has introduced
most of its employees were inde- basic rights and protections and out of paying benefits and taxes and job, and all of a sudden they become the Taxpayer Responsibility,
pendent contractors, making them means less revenues to the Treasury to keep them from joining a union.” contractors,” said Broadcasting Accountability, and Consistency Act
exempt from the right to collectively and competitive advantage for Department Director Ro Wratschko. of 2009—with Rep. Jim McDermott
bargain. “It’s a scam,” Catello said. employers who misclassify,” Jared Many smaller production com- (D-Wash.) sponsoring a House ver-
“All the employees had to follow the Bernstein told the New York Times.
Educating Workers on
panies are also notorious for mis- sion—which beefs up enforcement
company’s manual, wear the com- Bernstein is a noted economist and Their Rights classifying employees to give them of worker classification regulations
pany’s uniform with the Baker aide to Vice President Joseph Biden. But the IBEW hasn’t given up on unfair advantage over local signatory and closes tax loopholes used by
Communications logo on it and fol- “The last thing you want is to give a organizing the satellite sector. The companies. “They are bidding for unscrupulous employers.
low their work schedule.” competitive advantage to employers Eighth District has started an organi- the same work as our union shops In April, Ohio Sen. Sherrod
Federal and state officials are who are breaking the rules.” zation—Satellite Techs Allied for a but they are illegally getting out of Brown (D) introduced a similar bill—
now starting to aggressively crack The practice is particularly com- New Direction—which brings paying the same taxes we do, so the Employee Misclassification Act—
down on employers who mislabel mon in trucking and some sectors of together satellite workers to improve they have a leg up,” he said. that focuses on tougher enforcement
their employees as independent the construction industry. It is also their working conditions. Organizers While not as rampant in the elec- of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
contractors—an act that cheats both found in the telecommunications help workers document what’s going trical construction industry as it is in The Department of Labor also
taxpayers and workers out of billions industry, particularly in satellite dish on in their workplace so they have other trades, many inside locals have recently announced tougher regula-
of dollars. and cable installation. evidence to back up their claims that confronted nonunion contractors try- tions of worker classification regula-
According to Steven Greenhouse And it’s not just fly-by-night oper- they are full-time employees. ing to pass off their employees as con- tions, calling on employers to disclose
of the New York Times, more than two ations that are guilty. Corporate giants STAND also helps misclassified tractors. Last fall, Dublin, Calif., Local to their employees their work status.
dozen states are stepping up their FedEx, Target and Comcast have all workers with tax advice and how to 595 helped bring to light one Bay Area State authorities are also inten-
enforcement of employment laws by been sued for misclassifying workers. avoid being preyed on by unscrupu- contractor who cost the state and her sifying their crackdown. In Iowa, a
increasing penalties for employers Counting their workers as con- lous insurance agents who try to sell employees millions of dollars by ille- six-month investigation by the labor
who misclassify workers as contrac- tractors has also proven to be an them overpriced liability policies. gally misclassifying them. department recently found more
tors. And Congress recently intro- easy way for employers to prevent It’s a long-term strategy, Brock says, “It’s the primary means for than 100 companies guilty of mis-
duced tougher legislation to punish unionization. but the campaign is starting to pick nonunion contractors to get out of classifying employees, while in
lawbreakers. up steam. “The word is spreading their responsibilities to their California, Attorney General Jerry
throughout the industry. A lot of employees and try to cut into our Brown is aggressively going after
‘Keeps Them From
them don’t know about their rights market share,” said Kirk lawbreakers, recently filing a $4.3
‘Widespread Practice’ Joining a Union’
and they are hungry to find out.” Groenendaal, Special Assistant to million lawsuit against a construc-
The practice is extensive, says James For Eighth District Organizer Bob The campaign is now moving the International President for tion company with several public
Parrott, chief economist of the Fiscal Brock, a crackdown on industry vio- into lobbying mode, with organizers Membership Development. works contracts that he says
Policy Institute in New York. He testi- lators is long overdue. talking to state leaders about ram- Federal prosecution of compa- cheated workers out of wages.
fied earlier this year before the state Brock has been trying to organ- pant abuses in the satellite installa- nies that misclassify their workers In Nebraska, a bill is under
Senate that an estimated 10 percent ize workers who install home satellite tion industry. “This is a good time, as contractors was nonexistent serious consideration that would
of the state’s workers are misclassi- dishes for more than a year. Many of because with the budget shortfalls, under the Bush administration, says target trucking and construction
fied as independent contractors. these workers—located mostly in politicians are more eager to crack Political and Legislative Department companies that abuse the inde-
According to the Bureau of Idaho, Montana and Colorado— down on tax cheats,” Brock said. International Representative Dan pendent contractor label.
Labor Statistics, that number has endure long hours, low pay, dracon- Gardner, but the tide is turning. Gardner said that the IBEW is
been estimated to be as high as 30 ian work rules and unsafe working President Obama has prom- working closely with NECA contrac-
percent in some states. Lax enforce- conditions. But according to their
Rampant Abuse ised to hire an additional 100 inves- tors and other businesses to push
ment of the rules has only encour- employers—including Direct TV and Broadcasting is another industry tigators to look at companies Congress to endorse Sens. Kerry’s
aged the practice. Star West Satellite—they are their where the practice has become wide- accused of misclassifying workers and Brown’s legislation to crack
In 2007, the Government own bosses. spread. “Many broadcast techni- and the Internal Revenue Service down on lawbreakers. “It’s wrong for
Accountability Office reported that “Most of these (satellite) com- cians will work for one of the big announced in February that it was workers, wrong for taxpayers and
10 million workers were classified as panies operate a whole separate networks, be considered an launching a three-year nationwide wrong for the businesses that play
investigation of the practice. by the rules and follow the law.” ❚

W W W . I B E W . O R G
4 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

N.J. Member Writes Electrician’s Guide to Control

and Monitoring Systems
“ ou should write a book.” Unlike when he entered the

Y Years ago, says Al Cutter,

his fellow members of
New Brunswick, N.J., Local
456, suggested that he glean the
lessons from years of intense self-
trade, now “electricians can’t just
do one thing—you need to have a
breadth of knowledge,” says Cutter,
who spent three years in China
building a financial accounting sys-
education in computers and elec- tem that tied together seven Asian
Author Al Cutter
tronics into a book to help nations. Knowledge pays off. Some
electricians upgrade their skills. While most textbooks are written computer data centers now have
Cutter’s co-workers knew that a by engineers, “I’m looking through the IBEW-trained personnel maintaining
journeyman electrician with a eyes of an electrician who wants to them, he says.
degree from a technical high school, know the performance and function of Single copies of Electrician’s
who taught himself over 30 com- a circuit,” says Cutter, who was trained Guide to Control and Monitoring
puter languages, had patented by Allen-Bradley in PLCs, by RCA as a Systems: Installation,
‘My book is by and
inventions, and worked in China and video technician and Bogan Sound Troubleshooting and Maintenance for electricians,’
Germany for New Brunswick’s native Systems as an audio technician. His can be ordered from the New Brunswick,
Johnson and Johnson Inc., could book takes completed drawings and Bulk copies for training centers can N.J., Local 456,
break complicated control systems breaks them down line by line. be ordered from McGraw-Hill. ❚ member says.
down to understandable bites, giv-
ing them a needed edge to stay mar-
ketable in a tough economy.
Cutter’s first book, Electricians
Guide to Control and Monitoring
Systems, was published by McGraw-
Hill this spring.
“Thomas Edison said that
New York Lighting Fixture Plant
everything comes to he who hustles
while he waits,” says Cutter. The
grandson of electricians on both
Expands Despite Hard Economy
sides of his family, Cutter is already
ith more stories than can possi- A large export order, coupled with some

working on two more books to help
electricians get proficient on alterna- bly be told about the outsourc- smaller ones, has helped Selux weather eco-
tive and emerging energy applica- ing of U.S. manufacturing, isn’t it nomic hardships that have left 10 percent of
tions. He has plans for five more time for a tale about “in-sourc- workers in surrounding Ulster County unem-
books covering building automation ing,” a company expanding its work force and ployed. Selux supplies private and public sector
systems and other technologies. profitability and even gushing about its relation- customers—including stadiums and news
In a forward to Electrician’s ship with the IBEW? organizations—with outside and inside lighting.
Guide to Control and Monitoring That’s the improbable story of Selux The company is now concentrating on marketing
Systems, Michael Callanan, Corp., a high-end commercial lighting manu- solar-powered lamps.
Executive Director of the National facturer north of New York City that opened its Directly after its founding, Selux recog-
Joint Apprenticeship and Training doors in 1983 with a skeleton crew—assem- nized Local 363, which represents employees
Committee, says that Cutter’s book bling parts made elsewhere into fixtures—and at a vast majority of lighting manufacturers in
“goes a long way towards helping is now completing its third expansion of facili- the Hudson Valley and has a reputation for
the next generation of electricians ties and people. being fair with employers and providing out-
master the latest electrical/electronic “We have a pretty good relationship,” says standing advocacy for members.
systems that control and monitor Joe Till, shop steward, New City, N. Y., Local 363. Signing a collective bargaining agree-
processes that are critical to so very “When information needs to come down, the ment with Local 363 gave the company the
many industries, including the auto- company’s president, Veit Mueller, has no opportunity to apply the IBEW union label on
motive, pharmaceutical, petro-chem- qualms about calling us all together and opening their fixtures. This is especially important in
ical and engineering community.” up.” Till began as an assembler at Selux in 1992 marketing products in New York City, where
“My books are by and for electri- and now works in the machine shop. Local 3 has, for generations, promoted the
cians,” says Cutter, who progressed A May 2 story in the Poughkeepsie Journal quality of union-made, domestically-produced
from relays to card lock (programma- reports on an April party at Selux where electrical supplies. Selux says that 85 percent
ble boards) to programmable logic Mueller told local officials and other guests of its materials are sourced from the U.S. and
New City, N.Y., Local 363 member Oliverio Espinosa
controllers (PLCs) and ended up that his company’s 20 percent average annual Canada.
removes a part from the line at Selux.
teaching college-level courses at his growth rate and sales of more than $30 million “When business is good, Selux recipro-
county’s community college and at in 2009 were achieved by “our union labor cates in bargaining. They are one of the most
Lehigh University, years after first force [who] are your neighbors.” progressive employers in the Hudson Valley
being introduced to electronics on Till, who was one of only 20 workers in 1992, including salesmen and region,” says Local 363 Business Agent Sam Fratto. “There are now many long-
scoreboards at Rutgers University and engineers, says that the steady growth to nearly 100 bargaining unit mem- time IBEW members who work at the plant under a great contract who would
data systems in nursing homes. bers was due to a “lot of hard work,” and to a company president who is certainly certify that the IBEW and Local 363 is the way to go when choosing a
“personally involved” in selling the plant’s products. union to represent you.” ❚
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 5


Grab your camera. We challenge you to capture a scene, a portrait,
a moment, in pursuit of the soul and spirit of the IBEW. It’s time for the
IBEW’s annual photo contest.
We received hundreds of submissions last year, thanks to the online tool
that allows members to upload entries electronically, with a limit of five.
As always, you can also send in your prints via the mail.
At the contest’s close, we will narrow the entries down to 15 finalists,
which we’ll place on the IBEW Web site for the final judging by
members and the public.
Keep in mind what our judges look for in a good photo:
technical quality, clarity and composition. As for subjects,
we’re looking for pictures as diverse as our unique and
varied membership.
Future issues of the Electrical Worker and the Web
site will announce when the judging will begin.


Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________
FIRST PLACE . . . . . . . . . . $200 Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________

City and state __________________________________________________________________________________________

SECOND PLACE . . . . . . . . $150
Zip code ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone number __________________________________________________________________________________________

THIRD PLACE . . . . . . . . . $100
E-mail address __________________________________________________________________________________________

HONORABLE MENTIONS . $50 Local union number ______________________________________________________________________________________

IBEW card number ______________________________________________________________________________________

Photo description ______________________________________________________________________________________



1. The contest is open to active or retired IBEW members only. 5. Photo entries must have an IBEW theme of some sort, 7. Photos previously published in IBEW publications or the
The person submitting the photo must be the person who took with IBEW members at work, engaged in a union-related Web site are not eligible for submission.
the photograph. Members may enter more than one photo. activity or subjects conveying images of the electrical 8. All entries must include a completed contest entry form.
2. International Officers and staff are not eligible. industry or the union. Please note that photo entries may be submitted through
3. Photos can be submitted as digital files of at least 300 dpi, 6. If members are featured in the photo, they should be identi- the IBEW Web site at
in color or black and white, on slides or prints. The preferred fied. If large groups are pictured, the name of the group or 9. Please fill out the contest entry form and affix it to each
print size is 8x10. the purpose of the gathering (e.g. a safety committee, a photo you submit for the contest and mail it to the IBEW
4. All submissions become the property of the IBEW Media lineman’s rodeo, a union meeting) can be submitted in Photo Contest, 900 Seventh Street NW, Washington,
Department. place of individual names. DC, 20001.

W W W . I B E W . O R G
6 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

North of 49° | Au nord du 49° parallèle

New Brunswick Local Taps Into Social Media

to Mobilize Membership
he announcement last immediately and make them feel Now Galbraith is looking to
YouTube would become one of
T October of a deal to sell off
New Brunswick’s public
utility company, NB Power,
set off alarm bells for employees
and consumers across the province.
plugged in. YouTube turned out to
be a very effective way to do that.”
Other groups opposing the sale
also utilized social media, with a
grassroots Facebook site serving as a
expand their social media toolbox
for future organizing opportunities.
“I’ve just started using Twitter,”
he said, referring to the micro-blog-
ging site. “It allows me to post brief
Local 37’s top communications
tools in the “Stop the Sale” campaign.
The sale would have put the focal point for over 28,000 people notes about some of the items I’m picture issues facing the local.” mote itself on the wider Web. “These
jobs of more than 2,200 IBEW mem- opposing the sale and another well- dealing with.” Galbraith says that his Local 37 is exploring even more days, if someone wants to find out
bers at risk, and while initially freez- organized group, called the “NB Power members appreciate having more options, looking at the possibilities about something, they turn to
ing rates, would have had an Not for Sale Coalition” also using the ways of communicating with the of using text messages, virtual meet- Google,” Galbraith said. “If you want
unknown rate impact on thousands same tools to organize rallies and local. “With Twitter, Facebook and ings and online chats to connect and to get your message out there, social
of New Brunswick consumers and lobby elected officials. These efforts blogging we can inform members inform members. media should be one of the tools
businesses. paid off when Premier Shawn Graham about different activities and issues, Social media has also allowed you’re using.”
As the union representing a backed off the deal in March. and also talk about some of the big the IBEW in New Brunswick to pro- And with more journalists getting
majority of the workers at the utility,
Fredericton Local 37 was poised to
play a key role in the movement to
stop the sale, but the challenge fac-
ing Business Manager Ross Galbraith
was this: how do you inform and
mobilize a membership dispersed
Une section locale du Nouveau-
across an entire province?
Galbraith says he was initially
going to mail letters to the member-
Brunswick a recours aux médias
ship detailing the situation, but after
talking with his newly-hired staffer
Mary Williamson, he decided that
sociaux afin de mobiliser ses membres
something more was needed.
“We set up a camcorder in my ers la fin du mois d’octo- exposant la situation en détail mais, des meilleurs outils de communica- D’autres groupes opposés à la
office and I spoke about the sale
and what the IBEW’s position was,”
he said.
The six-minute message was
then posted to YouTube—the popu-
V bre, l’annonce d’une
entente prévoyant la
vente d’actifs de la
société de service public Énergie
Nouveau-Brunswick, a sonné
après en avoir discuté avec Mary
Williamson, une nouvelle venue au
sein de son personnel, il a plutôt dé-

Le site de YouTube est devenu un des

tion de la S.L. 37 dans sa campagne
« Non à la vente! ». Au cours des cinq
derniers mois, plus de 10 vidéos ont
vente ont aussi utilisé les médias
sociaux. Le site populaire de
Facebook a été un point central pour
plus de 28,000 personnes. Une
coalition de citoyens du N.-B. op-
lar Internet video network. Within a l’alarme chez les employés et les posés à la vente d’Énergie NB a aus-
week it had more than 1,000 views. consommateurs de toute la province.
meilleurs outils de communication de la si eu recours au réseau social pour
“I’m not so sure we would have had Une telle vente aurait mis en S.L. 37 dans sa campagne « Non à la vente! ». organiser des rassemblements et
the same impact with a mailed let- péril l’emploi de plus de 2,200 des opérations de pression auprès
ter,” Galbraith said. “You can convey membres de la FIOE et malgré le gel cidé qu’une mesure plus percutante été placés sur le site, que ce soit sur des élus. Ces efforts ont porté fruit
a lot more information using video. des tarifs résidentiels prévu initiale- s’imposait. les mises à jour par le confrère car le Premier ministre Shawn
Viewers can really see how you feel ment, nul ne peut prédire l’impact « Nous avons installé un camés- Galbraith ou les reportages sur les Graham a abandonné l’entente au
about an issue.” qu’elle aurait eu sur des milliers de cope dans mon bureau et j’ai enreg- rassemblements et les assemblées mois de mars dernier.
YouTube would become one of clients et d’entreprises du Nouveau- istré un message portant sur la vente publiques locales. La messagerie élec- Le confrère Galbraith a bien
Local 37’s top communications tools Brunswick à plus long terme. et sur la position de la FIOE à cet tronique des médias sociaux a servi à l’intention de développer les outils
in the “Stop the Sale” campaign. The La section locale 37 de égard. » dit-il. éveiller l’attention des membres en les de réseau social en vue de futures
local would post more than 10 videos Frédéricton au N.-B. représente la Le message d’une durée de 6 invitant à des rassemblements et à opportunités de syndicalisation.
over the next five months, from majorité des travailleurs de cette en- minutes a été affiché sur YouTube— d’autres évènements publics, intensi- « Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de
updates from Galbraith to rally cover- treprise de service public et à ce le site de vidéos très populaire. fiant ainsi l’implication de la FIOE. Twitter. Ce service me permet de
age and town hall meetings. Social titre, elle était prête à jouer un rôle- Après une semaine, on comptait Selon la consoeur Williamson, qui agit diffuser de courts messages concer-
media messaging also alerted mem- clé dans l’action visant à arrêter la plus de 1,000 visiteurs. « Je ne crois à titre de responsable du développe- nant certaines affaires dont je
bers to rallies and other public transaction; le gérant d’affaires Ross pas que l’envoi d’une lettre aurait eu ment organisationnel pour les mem- m’occupe » déclare-t-il, en référant
events, increasing IBEW involvement. Galbraith devait toutefois relever le même impact. Nous pouvons bres de la S.L., toute la campagne a au site de microbloggage. Les mem-
“The whole campaign was tout un défi, soit celui d’informer et transmettre beaucoup plus d’infor- été menée avec un sentiment d’ur- bres apprécient avoir de nouveaux
done with a sense of urgency,” said de mobiliser des membres disper- mations de cette manière. Les visi- gence. Elle ajoute : « Notre objectif moyens pour communiquer avec la
Williamson, who serves as the sés à travers la province. teurs reçoivent mieux le message car était de rejoindre nos membres le plus S.L. « Avec les sites de Twitter,
local’s membership and organiza- Le confrère Galbraith a d’abord ils peuvent voir votre réaction sur un rapidement possible pour qu’ils se Facebook et les blogs, nous pou-
tional development lead. “We eu l’idée de faire parvenir une corre- sujet » déclare le confrère Galbraith. sentent impliqués et YouTube s’est vons informer nos membres sur les
wanted to reach the membership spondance à tous les membres en Le site de YouTube est devenu un avéré un moyen très efficace. » diverses activités et autres sujets,
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 7

For St. Louis Apprentices,

There’s a Doctor in the House
t. Louis Local 1 member same time. She’s a good role model

their news tips from tweets instead of

press releases, the local’s engage-
ment with new media has resulted in
tool to help facilitate them.”
“We are facing a younger gener-
ation of members who aren’t neces-
S Linda Little finished a
daunting, decade-long
doctoral degree program
in curriculum development at St.
Louis University—all while working
to men and women in the IBEW.”
Little has also been a pioneer
in another area of the trade. A nine-
year member of the National
Electrical Code Panel, she is the first
increased news coverage for the IBEW. sarily engaged with the union,” full-time as an instructor at the city’s woman from the IBEW to serve as
“One day I received a call out of the Williamson said. “We recognize their NJATC electrical training center. one of the 19 principals of the group
blue from a reporter with the Canadian value and importance, so we’ve St Louis Local 1 member Linda
“Getting a Ph.D.—I think in that sets the guidelines for safety
Little, center, recently earned
Broadcasting Corp. who was following made it a real priority to try and find some ways it’s a lot like climbing a and excellence in the electrical field.
her doctorate.
me on Twitter,” Galbraith said. new ways to reach out and get them mountain,” Little said with a laugh. She temporarily traded her
His advice to business managers involved in helping shape the future “I just wanted to see if I could meet vacations. Between college classes, hard hat for a mortar board when
looking to start in social media is to of their union—Local 37.” the challenge.” papers and studying, she logged she accepted her diploma last
experiment with the different tools To check out Local 37’s YouTube Little’s 12 years of experience time as an adjunct instructor with month. While Little says she hasn’t
available to see which ones best fit the channel, go to teaching IBEW apprentices helped the JATC before signing on for a full- yet reached the summit of her edu-
needs of your members. “None of this user/IBEW37. To follow Ross shape her dissertation, titled “Impact time job in 1999. cation—she plans on taking more
takes the place of building real face-to- Galbraith on Twitter, go to http:// of High School Math Preparation in Journeyman wireman Dana courses in solar technologies—she’s
face relationships, but it can be a great ❚ an Electrical Trades Program.” The Evans, one of Little’s first students, happy to take time now to focus on
100-page paper draws heavily on in- said Little’s background in educa- her family and students.
depth interviews from area high tion was a boon to apprentices “This industry has not only pro-
school guidance counselors to exam- learning the ropes. vided me with the skills to make a
ine the link between students’ math “She went above and beyond to good living, but it has given me the
education and their levels of profi- make sure nobody fell behind,” Evans means to pursue my dream of getting
ciency in the electrical trade. said. “And I think that it’s really a doctorate,” Little said. “I am very
She hopes her work will pro- admirable that she stuck with it and fortunate to be in a position to use the
mote awareness among counselors got her Ph.D. It’s hard to work a job, skills I have learned to give back by
and high school students—espe- be a mom and go to school all at the helping others in the classroom.” ❚
cially to graduates planning to go
into the trade—about the impor-
tance of getting a solid foundation in
geometry and algebra.
“I want potential apprentices to
en plus de discuter des affaires Canada qui me suivait sur Twitter. »
know before they apply what kind of
globales auxquelles fait face la Le confrère Galbraith conseille
rigor is required of them when they get
section locale. » aux gérants d’affaires intéressés à
into my class,” Little said. “And being
La Section locale désire même recourir aux services de réseautage
at the top of your game can only help
explorer d’autres options. Elle social de tenter l’expérience avec
you in the future. Apprentices should
étudie les possibilités d’utilisation les différents outils disponibles
see all the opportunities there are in
de messages textes, d’assemblées afin de trouver celui qui répond le
the industry. I tell them, ‘Set yourself
virtuelles et de clavardage pour in- mieux aux besoins de leurs mem-
up so that someday down the line,
former les membres. bres. « Cela ne remplacera jamais
you’ve got the choices—whether you
Le réseau social a également les bonnes relations qui peuvent
want to open your own shop, move
permis d’augmenter la visibilité de la être établies en personne, mais
into the office or anything else.’”
FIOE au Nouveau-Brunswick, sur la peut s’avérer un bon instrument
Little’s journey with the IBEW
vaste toile. « De nos jours, lorsqu’on pour les faciliter. »
has been atypical.
veut obtenir des renseignements à « Avec la venue d’une plus jeune
In 1980, she worked for low
propos d’un sujet quelconque, on génération de membres dont nous re-
wages as a bank teller when her
cherche sur Google. Alors lorsque connaissons la valeur et l’importance,
best friend’s father—a union pipefit-
vous avez un message à diffuser, le mais qui ne sont pas nécessairement
ter—suggested she should look into
service de réseautage social s’avère impliqués dans le syndicat, notre
the electrical trade. “He told me it
un des outils à prioriser » affirme le principale priorité est de trouver de
would be a way to make a good liv-
confrère Galbraith. nouveaux moyens pour les rejoindre
ing and allow me to use my brain,”
Considérant que de plus en plus et les inciter à s’impliquer en nous
Little said. She joined Local 1 that
de journalistes ont recours aux aidant à façonner l’avenir de leur sec-
year as an apprentice and topped
sources électroniques, telles que les tion locale 37 de la FIOE. » explique la
out in 1985.
tweets plutôt qu’aux communiqués consoeur Williamson.
Over the next few years, Little
de presse, l’engagement de la S.L. Pour voir les vidéos de la S.L.
racked up degrees in math and engi-
dans les réseaux sociaux a donc ré- 37 sur YouTube, allez au
neering science, dividing her time
sulté en une couverture médiatique
between IBEW jobs and education.
accrue pour la FIOE. « J’ai même reçu, Pour suivre Ross Galbraith sur
She spent three years teaching high
à ma plus grande surprise, un appel Twitter, allez au
school math and chemistry while
d’un journaliste de la Société Radio- RossGalbraith ❚
working the trades during summer

W W W . I B E W . O R G
8 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

Organizing Wire

Mississippi Local “We felt like the work could be problem. I know these guys and I
Reclaims Municipal done in-house,” says Mayor Aneice hope to have a great partnership.”
Workers Lost to Liddell. There were problems with James Ratcliff, a 24-year heavy
the management of city services equipment operator and acting super-
Outsourcing even before privatization that visor in the sewer department,
When municipal workers in Moss Liddell, a former alderman, hopes to worked as a member of AFSCME, then
Point, Miss., were left without a solve through the recent hiring of a Local 733 and most recently as one of
union after the American Federation full-time civil engineer to direct the senior city workers without union
of State, County and Municipal departments. “There are so many lia- representation. Ratcliff was dismayed
Employees departed the state in the bilities that you still incur [after priva- that—under Utility Partners—newly-
early 1990s, they turned to IBEW’s tizing],” says Liddell, at the helm of a hired employees started out at lower
Pascagoula Local 733. once-vibrant industrial city severely rates of pay than under the union’s
City workers, who had been tested by manufacturing plant shut- contract and paid holidays were not
meeting in 733’s hall, appreciated downs and Hurricane Katrina. “You counted toward overtime hours.
the IBEW’s reputation for effectively always have the question of who is The overtime issue was recently
representing hundreds of workers at fault, the city or the contractor.” resolved prior to the conclusion of
at the massive shipyard operated Liddell is targeting improved negotiations on a new contract
by Northrop Grumman Ship worker training in her dialogue with between Local 733 and Moss Point.
Systems, located just a stone’s union representatives. “We are look- “I’m glad to know that the city is
throw to the south. ing at the possibility of apprenticeship honoring changes prior to signing
Jim Couch, Local 733 business programs and cross-training,” she our contract,” says Ratcliff. “Without
manager, remembers visiting with the says. “I have to look out for the better- a union, we could voice our opinion,
city’s mayor following AFSCME’s ment of the city. If the unions can help but there was nothing we could do James Ratcliff, a 24-year employee of the sewer department in Moss Point,
departure. After the IBEW asked the me and I can help them, I see no to change things,” he says. ❚ Miss., says he is pleased to be a member of Pascagoula Local 733.
mayor to be recognized as the work-
ers’ bargaining agent, the mayor
questioned what would happen if he
didn’t honor the union’s request. “We
told him we would get real, real
Spotlight on Safety
active,” says Couch. The mayor agreed
to recognize IBEW and continue the
terms of the AFSCME contract. “We New Drilling Tool Eases Physical Stress on Wiremen
built on it from there,” says Couch.
In 2008, after successfully repre- Pain. Fatigue. Wear and tear. For journeyman workers doing this task,” Rempel said. “If some-
senting the bargaining unit for more wireman Fernando Sierra, such symptoms can be one does this work for many years, it can lead to
than 25 years, the IBEW was notified part of the job, especially when doing tricky over- arm and shoulder injuries.”
that the city had decided to outsource head electrical work. Typical overhead drilling requires a worker
the maintenance of streets, sewers “You’re operating a handheld drill above to apply 55 pounds of pressure to a hand drill.
and gas lines. Workers with at least 17 your head and looking up as dust and particles The new press cuts that amount down to six
years of seniority remained working fly in your face,” said Sierra, a member of pounds. Workers have also noted increased sta-
for the city. But other members Portland, Ore., Local 48. “Plus, it tires out your bility, reduced vibration and easier maneuverabil-
retained their jobs with a private firm, arms, shoulders, back—it can be very challeng- ity when using the new device.
Utility Partners. All were then working ing, especially if you’re up on a ladder.” “It allows you to work smarter, not harder—
without union representation. But a state-of-the-art overhead drill press in which always pays off.” Sierra said.
In 2009, supported by a labor- development at the University of California’s The press is currently in small-scale produc-
friendly majority on the city council, ergonomics laboratory in Berkeley could help tion in the Bay Area, and researchers are hoping
Moss Point’s new mayor reviewed Sierra and his fellow workers by eliminating the prototype device gets picked up by a large
the municipality’s experience with much of the physical stress that accompanies rig- manufacturer. Two major companies have
outsourcing and concluded that it orous construction projects. expressed interest but are waiting for the econ-
had failed to save money and had Featuring a wheeled tripod base, an extend- omy to rebound before deciding how to proceed,
actually created new problems. Last able shaft that can reach an 11-foot-high ceiling said Mary Watters of the Center for Construction
August, Utility Partners ended its and a rapid action hinge that makes bits easy to Research and Training.
month-to-month contract with the change, the press allows workers to bore into Portland, Ore., Local 48 members helped test Members of various locals working for Bay
city. The privatized work was brought stubborn concrete or metal ceilings with ease and refine a revolutionary new tool for tackling Area-based Cupertino Electric are already test
from the safety of the ground. tough drilling projects. driving the new equipment. Cupertino is the first
back into the public domain.
The city offered Local 733 the Dr. David Rempel is part of a team of signatory contractor to employ the device in the
opportunity to be restored as repre- researchers from UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco who have studied ways field, and union leaders hope other companies will follow suit once the
sentatives of the bargaining unit. to reduce fatigue and injury resulting from overhead drilling. Rempel press becomes available nationwide.
About 90 percent of the bargaining worked with Sierra and other IBEW Local 48 members—plus members of “It’s inexpensive, it’s ergonomically sound, and there’s no reason why
unit—which had dwindled from 65 the sheet metal and pipefitters unions—to test and refine the device, it can’t revolutionize the way many journeymen do a significant amount of
to 40 members—voted to support which has been five years in the making. their hardest work,” said IBEW Safety and Health Director Jim Tomaseski.
IBEW representation. “We wanted to reduce the associated musculoskeletal disease for To see the drill in action, visit ❚
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 9


BOOK RECOMMENDATION money starting in the ’80s. The big

13 Bankers: The Wall banks used that power to influence
elected officials, who then instituted
Street Takeover and much of the financial deregulation
the Next Meltdown that allowed the banks to grow even
By Simon Johnson and James Kwak bigger by engaging in risky behav-
Even after the finan- iors—such as subprime
cial meltdown that mortgage lending—that
nearly brought our eventually crashed the
economy to the economy in 2008.
brink, the top Wall While praising
Street firms that aspects of President Enter to win this made-in-the-U.S. Triton boat in the USA giveaway.
helped orchestrate Obama’s financial reform
the disaster are package, Johnson and
families of physically and mentally with the USA to award a member with one-year extension of an existing
more powerful and Kwak argue that the pro-
challenged children. a Triton boat in 2008 and why he is membership, a custom engine cover
richer than ever posed regulations don’t go
Volunteers got the idea for the supporting a second USA promotion. featuring the USA logo and a gift cer-
before. And without far enough. Avoiding bail-
project after seeing a picture of a co- “USA members are our customer tificate of up to $300 to spend on
substantial con- ing out another financial
worker’s son on a billboard for the base, and we’re proud of this associa- Triton merchandise.
gressional reform firm that is “too big to fail”
home. Eighteen-year-old Brett Jeffries tion,” Bentz said. “Our boats are “Union members have made
to reign in the power of Wall Street, will require capping the size of bank-
had a severe form of cerebral palsy. made in America, the Mercury engine concessions to keep American com-
they are poised to lead our country ing giants so their failure won’t
His family used the home’s services is made in America and these union panies competitive within the inter-
down the road to another crash. imperil the whole economy.
until Brett passed away late last year. members are here in North America.” national market. They have made
This is the conclusion of econo- A recent amendment spon-
“I was extremely proud to see In addition to this new promo- sacrifices and fought hard to keep
mists Simon Johnson and James Kwak sored by Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-
my colleagues donate their time and tion, Triton developed a union jobs in this country,” Bentz said.
in the book “13 Bankers,” a study of Ohio) and Ted Kaufman (D-Del.)
expertise,” said Brett’s father Lance, appreciation program for any mem- “Last year was one of the most diffi-
how Wall Street—including firms such would have done just that, but it
a director at Hydro Ottawa. “Actions ber who purchases a Triton boat cult economic environments, so we
as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and was defeated by a bipartisan major-
like these highlight the character package. The package includes a asked ourselves what we could do to
Wells Fargo, among others—landed ity in the Senate, again proving that
and quality of our employees.” free one-year USA membership or help those who give so much.” ❚
our economy in the worst recession Wall Street still exercises a powerful
For the Kitchener Local 804
since the Great Depression. It is an hold on Capitol Hill. ❚
members who also volunteered on
eye-opening history of unfettered the project, their work is both a last-
financial greed run amok. Hydro Ottawa Workers ing tribute to Brett’s memory and an
Economics is not an easy sub- Help Co-Worker, ongoing service to other families.
ject and many of the financial devices “This endeavour was a great
created by Wall Street—derivatives,
example of how members contribute
hedge funds, credit default swaps— For members of Toronto, Ontario, to making their community a better
are too complex for even experts to Local 636, helping a fellow employee place and was made possible via the
comprehend, but Johnson and Kwak at Hydro Ottawa was the right way to leadership and support shown by
make high finance accessible to the spend their weekends. IBEW Local 636,” Lance Jeffries said. ❚
lay reader. The workers volunteered to do
“13 Bankers” is also a political the electrical work during construc-
history, a chronicle of how the finan- tion of the Rotary Home, a facility Win a Triton Boat With
cial sector grew in both power and that provides respite care for the the USA
The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance and
Triton Boats want to cast away your
shore-bound blues with a new U.S.
made TR-18 SE bass boat powered
by a Mercury engine and a day of
fishing with Triton Founder and CEO
Earl Bentz.
All active and retired IBEW
members can enter to win this spe-
cial package on the USA Web site:
Current USA members are automati-
cally entered in the promotion.
Widely acknowledged as one of
the most creative individuals in the
fiercely competitive sports-fishing boat
Brett Jeffries, center, with the IBEW members who helped build a house for industry, Bentz is equally as patriotic.
families of physically and mentally challenged children. That’s one of the reasons he partnered

W W W . I B E W . O R G
10 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

Local Lines

Community Service Volunteers its membership remains strong and continues to serve busy. The Minority Coalition held its Annual Black
as an excellent foundation for her future. History Month celebration; we attended the IBEW
L.U. 6 (c,i,st&u), SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Members of Special thanks to the following, who put Construction Conference and the National Building
Local 6 have reached out once again to our commu- together a portable solar/wind generator training lab: Trades Conference; the golf outing preparations are
nity to improve the lives of people in need and the Mike Weinzapfel, Jeff Brady, Greg Ward, Dan Lasher, in full swing; and we are planning our Manassas,
organizations that serve them. Mark Bittner, Brad Arney, Jeff Barr, John Bogan, Mark VA, and Edgewater, MD, picnics scheduled for June
In partnership with the San Francisco Electrical Marshall, Will Brenner, Robin Haskell and Roger 19 and Aug. 7, respectively. When you receive this
Contractors Association, our industry worked Clark. It was used to power the IBEW/NECA display at article, results of the Local 26 elections will be
together to provide labor, service vans and material Fantasy of Lights. This equipment was donated by known. Officers will be sworn in at the July general
to 13 projects in conjunction with Rebuilding Together the LMCC and has the potential of generating and membership meeting.
San Francisco. Steve Powers, Paul Mitchell, Jim Reed storing enough power to independently supply the We mourn the recent deaths of members John
and Tom Burrows are commended for their efforts in display. The unit uses a 1,000-watt wind generator, W. McKnett, Ronald J. Windsor, Daniel W. Riggs and
organizing this outreach, as are the many members four 200-watt solar panels, and it saved the Easter Richard L. Chilcoat.
who volunteered their time and labor to enhance the Seals Rehabilitation Center approximately $600 in Best wishes to recent retirees: Roy L. Burgess,
lives of others. electricity during the 2009 season. Local 26 Bus. Mgr. Chuck Graham (left) Donald W. Frantz, Maurice B. Griffin, Randolph E.
Work in the jurisdiction is still slow. We extend Local 16 was again recognized by the NJATC for presents Pres. Barack Obama a personalized Ramey Jr., James L. Wallace, Rudolph C. Worch, David
heartfelt thanks to our sister Locals 595 and 617 for the large number of journeyman wiremen who have IBEW Local 26 jacket during the president’s M. Anderson III, Roy W. Curtis, Benjamin C. Judd Jr.,
providing employment opportunities to our appren- voluntarily given their time to broaden their skills Feb.16 visit to the local. Sidney G. Marsh, Ronald A. McConkey, Charles D.
tices during this difficult economic time. through advanced journeyman training classes. Meadows and John W. Hull Jr.
are our members proud to be helping construct the
Phil A. Farrelly, Pres. Donald P. Beavin, P.S. IUPAT facility but we also welcome their interna- Charles E. Graham, B.M.
tional to the area.

Tribute to a Brother Welcome, IUPAT Gary R. Griffin, B.M. ‘That’s a Wrap 2009’
L.U. 8 (as,em,i,mar,mt,rts,s&spa), TOLEDO, OH— L.U. 24 (es,i&spa), BALTIMORE, MD—Local 24 is L.U. 40 (em,i&mps), HOLLYWOOD, CA—With the close
Local 8 and our Toledo Electrical JATC are pleased to extremely proud to have members working on the Historic Occasion of 2009, Local 40 celebrated by throwing our annual
announce that the JATC’s welding lab has been ded- headquarters and dormitory buildings for the “That’s a Wrap” Luncheon. More than 200 members
icated to the late Bro. Kevin Flagg. A plaque honor- L.U. 26 (ees,em,es,govt,i&mt), WASHINGTON, DC—
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. and spouses as well as 20 guests attended. At the
ing Kevin is placed at the lab entrance. As a welder Local 26 is extremely proud of a historic event that
Brown & Heim is the signatory contractor awarded luncheon, Int. Vice Pres. Michael S. Mowrey spoke
himself, Kevin was a hard-working, dedicated union occurred here in February. Pres. Barack Obama chose
the project. The project is located at the IUPAT’s about the difficult economy, but also noted the posi-
member and officer who worked tirelessly to Local 26 to use as a backdrop to announce plans for
Hanover, MD, complex. tive direction in which Local 40 is headed. Int. Rep.
advance the JATC, Local 8, and our industry. We are a new nuclear power plant to be built in Georgia and
The three-story headquarters building will Tim Dixon spoke about how nice it was to break
proud to give him tribute in this way. he also toured our training facility. You can see a
house the offices of the IUPAT international officers. bread with newly signed Commonwealth Studios
We hope to see a few more job opportunities video of his speech and photos of his visit on our
The 36-room dormitory building will house IUPAT management, Chief Executive Officer Bernie
in coming months as the weather warms up. The Web site This was an awe-
members sent to attend the existing training facil- Weitzman and Chief Operating Officer John Marshall,
book is moving slowly for now, but we anticipate a inspiring and unprecedented event for our local!
ity, also located on the Hanover complex. Not only and expressed hopes that much more work comes
little more movement in the latter months of this Local union officers and agents remain very
Local 40’s way.
year. Some projects we expect to start this year will Local 40 Bus. Mgr. Bill Brinkmeyer reported
be a boon to the Toledo area, as they will not only that although we are experiencing higher than nor-
provide work for us, but also will bring permanent mal unemployment, Local 40 had a near-record year
jobs for the area work force. Let’s keep in mind the of construction hours reported and 2010 looks to be
work that went into getting these jobs to this area. just as promising.
Politics do pay! We also introduced another successful
apprentice class at our luncheon. Congratulations
Ben “Red” Tackett, P.S.
to Outstanding Apprentice Award winner John
Jim Kozlowski, B.M.
Smolonvich and fellow graduates Scott Billingsley,
Michael Stobo, Bruce Milligan, Juan Rodriguez Jr.,
‘Foundation for the Future’ Peter Diamond and Ray Garcia. We wish these newly
minted journeymen long and prosperous careers.
L.U. 16 (i), EVANSVILLE, IN—On Dec. 13, 2009, IBEW At the IUPAT headquarters project, IBEW Local 24 Bus. Mgr. Gary Griffin (left) and Brown & Service pins were also presented, as well as
Local 16 celebrated its 110th anniversary of giving Heim Executive Vice Pres. Jack Shiloh (second from left) join the Local 24 crew for a photo. Longevity Awards, presented to Albert Norris, for 62
southern Indiana the highest quality, best trained elec- From left: Griffin, Shiloh, Steve Langrill, Tim McGuigan, Dave Cummins, Paul Buchanan- years of union membership, and Samuel Shanman,
tricians available anywhere. Many changes have come Wollaston, Brandon Ingram, Jason Gilliland, Dayne Thomas, Jason Smith, Tim Legg, Charles L. for 55 years of service.
and gone in the electrical industry since the union’s Bradley, Tony Kontogeorgos, Brandon Cassady, Steven E. Smith, William Wilking, Johnny
humble beginning; however, the pride and integrity of Marc Flynn, R.S.
Wallace, Foreman Phil Gerber, Gen. Foreman Mike Kinn and Project Mgr. Jeff Cornelius.

Trade Classifications
(as) Alarm & Signal (ei) Electrical Inspection (lctt) Line Clearance Tree Trimming (mps) Motion Picture Studios (rr) Railroad (spa) Sound & Public Address
(ars) Atomic Research Service (em) Electrical Manufacturing (lpt) Lightning Protection (nst) Nuclear Service Technicians (rtb) Radio-Television Broadcasting (st) Sound Technicians
(bo) Bridge Operators (es) Electric Signs Technicians (o) Outside (rtm) Radio-Television (t) Telephone
(cs) Cable Splicers (et) Electronic Technicians (mt) Maintenance (p) Powerhouse Manufacturing (u) Utility
(catv) Cable Television (fm) Fixture Manufacturing (mo) Maintenance & Operation (pet) Professional, Engineers & (rts) Radio-Television Service (uow) Utility Office Workers
(c Communications (govt) Government Technicians (so) Service Occupations (ws) Warehouse and Supply
mow) Manufacturing Office Workers
(cr) Cranemen (i) Inside (ptc) Professional, Technical & (s) Shopmen
(ees) Electrical Equipment Service (it) Instrument Technicians (mar) Marine Clerical (se) Sign Erector
Efforts are made to make this list as inclusive as possible, but the various job categories of IBEW members are too numerous to comprehensively list all.
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 11

‘Big Footprint’ Congratulations to recently retired members:

Gary M. Bly, William E. Hansen, Charles K. Harnar,
L.U. 68 (i), DENVER, CO—Perhaps we should ask our- Jackie M. Holiman, Ronald Hughes, Peter V. Inzerillo,
selves just how large we want our union footprint to William F. Joyce, Thomas M. Lacy Jr., Maurice T.
be. Unions are never covered enough in the ‘major Livingston, Glen Leehy, Gary L. McGill, Michael G.
media’ for the positive impact we make. We need to McCormick, Nicholas Polallis, Joseph E. Powell, Gary
get the word out that our union makes a positive con- A. Ryan, Charles M. Turner and John H. Wise.
tribution to the community; that we do the right thing
when it comes to making things better for the working Local 94 recent retiree Bro. Gene Kobuszewski (foreground, center) received an award at the Frank D. Mathews Jr., P.S.
class; and that when something is good for workers, it March 4 union meeting.
will be good for business. Our footprint isn’t big
enough. Please visit
service to the local and the membership. Thank you, and we can proudly showcase the projects we have Illinois State IBEW Conference
Gene, for your hard work and dedication to the union. completed. If we don’t do this, no one else will.
to help make it bigger. L.U. 146 (ei,i&rts), DECATUR, IL—We congratulate
We wish you the best in your retirement.
The OSHA Alliance quarterly recognition and Ed Fredericks, P.S. Bob Schloz, Joe Woolums and John Taylor on their
awards dinner was held April 8, with 65 in atten- Chip Gerrity, P.S. recent retirement. The local thanks these brothers
dance, including state Rep. John Soper, OSHA liai- for their years of service.
son Chris Matthewson and OSHA Deputy Regional Flood Disaster Kits Four members recently completed the annual
Dir. Nancy Smith. High-Speed Rail Line Union Communitee Activist Network (UCAN) train-
Speakers included Adeeb Khan from the L.U. 104 (lctt,o&u), BOSTON, MA—On April 3, IBEW
ing. Congratulations to Curt Young, Chad Young,
American Red Cross, who spoke about automatic L.U. 100 (c,em,i,rts&st), FRESNO, CA—The high- 104 members and their families helped out the Red
Lynn Richards and Chris Hays.
external defibrillators. IBEW 68’s delegate to the speed rail line in California is coming directly through Cross handing out flood disaster clean-up kits in
Several officers, accompanied by Bus. Mgr.
National Safety Council, Chris Griego, reported Local 100’s jurisdiction, with northern and southern Wrentham, MA. Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Shad Etchason, recently attended the Illinois State
about the recent NSC convention. NECA board mem- San Joaquin Valley sections both connecting to were devastated after three days of record breaking
IBEW conference. We were honored to hear speak-
ber Rusty Gonzales accepted, on behalf of NECA, an Fresno, and we have an excellent opportunity to cap- torrential rains.
ers including Gov. Pat Quinn, Speaker of the
appreciation award from Dwayne Adkins, executive ture the work. Local 100 has its own labor represen- Many thanks to all the volunteers for their
Illinois House Mike Madigan, and several other
director of Labor’s Community Agency, for NECA’s tative, Chuck Riojas, on the “Fresno Works” assistance.
state dignitaries and candidates. On the second
recent golf tournament fundraising effort for LCA. high-speed rail committee. He and many others have
worked diligently on the proposal to build the Heavy Chris Blair, P.S. day of the event, Local 146 member and Illinois
Also in attendance were 27 apprentices who AFL-CIO Pres. Michael T.
recently completed the OSHA-30 class. A special Maintenance Facility that supports the high-speed
Carrigan addressed the
award was presented to Erv Krueger, recently retired rail in Fresno County. The committee includes labor
conference. All spoke on
OSHA labor liaison, for his longtime positive influ- leaders and representatives from the City of Fresno,
how it is so very impor-
ence on workplace safety. Fresno County, area businesses and others. The com-
tant to elect labor friendly
We extend condolences to the families of our mittee submitted its first-round proposal to the
candidates in November.
recently deceased brothers: Charles Elfeld, Maddie California High Speed Rail Authority. The proposal is
Upcoming events
Robertson, Paul M. Mettam and Norman Young. available for anyone who wants to view it at the union
include the annual golf
hall. Visit Web site for
Ed Knox, Pres. outing in June, the Decatur
more information.
Celebration in August, and
Congratulation to the 2010 apprentice gradu-
the popular Poker Run.
ates. The new inside wiremen are: Guillermo Arce,
‘Summer More Promising’ Our condolences go
Lonnie Barnes, Ryan Barnett, Andrew Cuthbert, Jamie
to the James Shell family.
Evans, Luis Flores, Rene L. Garcia Jr., Timothy Harven, Local 104 officers, members and families assist Red Cross effort.
L.U. 80 (i&o), NORFOLK, VA—Work has been slow in Bro. Shell was a 41-year
Thomas Heisdorf, Timothy Johnson, Kham Lo, Adam From left: Local 104 Treas. Hugh Boyd, Jake McCaffery, Terry Place, IBEW member and will
starting through the spring. Contractors have been
Noble, Natcho Ramirez, Christopher Rodriguez, Miguel Sarah Boyd, Ryan Boyd, Local 104 Pres. Jeff Place, Red Cross
awarded several jobs, which have not yet broken be missed.
Romero, Aaron Schiebelhut, Justin Taylor, Eric Turpin, Partner Service Administer Jerry Sirk, Local 104 Organizer Chris
ground. Hopefully, an improved economy and better
Charles Watson, Richard Whaley, Bryan Wilson and Blair, Christina Blair and Jesse Blair. Rich Underwood, R.S.
weather will lead us to more work starting in the
Rueben Sadler. The VDV graduates: Christian Duran,
coming months. Work continues at the Sentara
Princes Anne Hospital, with many of the recent calls
Hector Gonzales, Brian Jones, Sarita Ham, James Kansas City Local Goes Green
going there. Several other contracts awarded make
Ramirez, Simon Rubalcaba and Kenneth Xayaboupha. Picnic Date Set
Think safety always. L.U. 124 (ees,em,i,mar,rts,se&spa), KANSAS CITY,
the summer look more promising. MO—Local 124 has gone green. Beginning March 17, L.U. 150 (es,i,rts&spa), WAUKEGAN, IL—The work
Most contractors now are requiring pre- M.A. Caglia, R.S. the local sponsored a solar-powered entry in the picture continues to be very slow. Changes to the
employment drug screenings. Anyone who fails a Kansas City St. Patrick’s Day parade. Currently, 70 referral system have allowed for a more even distri-
drug screening will lose their place on the out-of- rooftop panels supply 15 kW of sun power to our union bution of what work there is and the new system
work list. Failure of a drug screen not only tarnishes Advertising Quality Labor Force hall. Wiremen from last winter’s photovoltaic class seems to be working as intended. We need to
your name, but also every other person in the IBEW. installed the panels and earned credits toward photo- remember that we are all in this together.
If you feel you cannot pass a screening, turn the call L.U. 102 (c,catv,i,it,o&t), PATERSON, NJ—Our local
voltaic/solar certification. Any excess power can be Recently Bros. George Eberhardt, Ken Taylor and
down and make sure you are able to be clear for the president is promoting a publicity campaign by
sold back to the utility for use elsewhere on the grid. Dave Williams retired. We wish you long and healthy
next job. As slow as work has been over the past advertising our skills on billboards on the major
On April 8, Local 124 hosted the 2010 retirements. Enjoy yourselves; you‘ve earned it!
year, no member needs to be denied the opportunity roads across our jurisdiction. The billboards intro-
Sustainable Green Energy Conference at our union Please remember if you are hurt on the job an
to earn a wage for a reason they can control. Don’t duce a positive image of our local—by explaining
hall. More than 120 prospective customers, archi- accident report is supposed to be filled out by the con-
let yourself be the one to embarrass our union. that we are part of the community and noting the
tects, engineers and contractors attended an all-day tractor and remitted to the hall as per our agreement.
benefits of choosing local union labor for upcoming
W. Dennis Floyd, P.S. seminar exploring renewable energy strategies. Topics This allows the Safety Committee to make recommen-
electrical projects. Pres. Bernard Corrigan also says
included: LEED green building rating systems, smart dations to avoid these accidents in the future.
that soon we will take ads out in a New Jersey busi-
grid applications, and solar PV and wind energy. Local 150’s annual picnic will be held June 26,
ness weekly magazine and possibly start doing
Member Receives Badger Award Fifteen experts in the field of renewable 2010, at Lakewood Forest Preserve in Wauconda.
commercials on the radio and cable TV.
energy presented materials on design and develop- Please lend a hand and work a shift doing some-
The message we wish to communicate is sim-
L.U. 94 (lctt,nst&u), CRANBURY, NJ—Local 94 mem- ment of green communities, construction and main- thing that day and help make it a pleasant day for
ple. We must explain who we are and promote the
bers congratulate Bro. Gene Kobuszewski on his tenance of renewable energy projects, and more. all who attend.
excellent quality, skill and knowledge we offer com-
recent retirement. Gene retired on April 1, with 42 Keynote speaker was Greg Searle, executive direc- Contract negotiations continue; it is going to
pared to our nonunion competition. This is vital for
years of service at PSE&G. He served Local 94 as a tor, BioRegional North America. be another bumpy ride. The negotiating committee
our survival as a union. We will explain the training
steward and a chief steward at the Fleet We remember recently deceased members: has already met several times.
required to become a journeyman electrician and at
Maintenance location. Robert N. Gentry, Frank W. Hays, Gary S. Olson, Don’t forget our local elections. If you don’t
the same time offer apprenticeship opportunities
At the March 4 union meeting, Bro. Kobuszewski Claude T. Owen, Glenn A. Long, Robert P. Long, vote, you shouldn’t complain. Make your voice count.
for the community. We will let the end user know
was awarded the Badger Award, an honor the local Gerald R. Morriss, Kenneth E. Powell, Anthony D.
that we are trained for the green work of tomorrow, Wendy J. Cordts, P. S.
presents to a member who has provided outstanding Powers and Cyril T. Williams.

W W W . I B E W . O R G
12 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

Local Lines

Stewards Training fit from our efforts. Special thanks to Bro. Joe Sun Shines on NAPA County 222 hall (see photo). These brothers and their long-
Licinski, who was there for every shift and was a time support and working contributions will be
L.U. 160 (lctt,o&u), MINNEAPOLIS, MN—On March 6, great “general foreman.” L.U. 180 (c,i&st), VALLEJO, CA—The local has sup- missed. We salute them and bid Godspeed.
the local hosted our annual stewards training. Joe Well done, sisters and brothers! ported renewable energy since back when it was To provide information and training to our mem-
Herbulock, from the firm of Hauer, Farigione, Love, seen as a “fad.” Involvement has included: hosting bers, Local 222 has held training classes for Code of
Landy & McEllistrem, again this year gave an John DeBouter, Pres. the local utility, PG&E, to present a four-day class on Excellence, OSHA E-T&D and CPR/First Aid, as well as a
informative update on workers’ compensation. Jim energy audits; a Give-a-Watt (PV to nonprofits) pro- pilot class for crane certification, in recent months.
Klatt of the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance explained gram; and the Green Employer Council at the local Our goal is to continue to have a safe, trained and cer-
the benefits of membership in this hunting/fishing Fundraiser A Great Success community college. We have worked hard to help tified work force that is capable of meeting the high
conservation group. Tony DeAngelis from Labor L.U. 176 (es,i,rts&spa), JOLIET, IL—Heart 176 Club others train people for the green-collar jobs that do expectations often demanded of them.
Education Services, University of Minnesota, held its 9th Annual Sick, Injured and Needy Cash not duplicate or displace our members. Rather, Remember to attend your local union meeting,
detailed the role of the steward. Local 160 thanks Bash Fundraiser on March 5. The club was formed we’ve supported the training in the occupations that work safe and promote fair trade.
these trainers for putting on a wonderful seminar. in 2002 to provide assistance to Local 176 members create projects and return our members to work.
The educational instruction was followed by a lunch Relationships were bolstered as an outcome of Fredrick Morgan, P.S. Pro Tem
facing financial hardship due to illness or injury.
and raffle drawings. The local also extends many Over its nine-year history, Heart 176 has paid various “green” meetings over a few years. We have
thanks to the 42 members who attended this train- more than $200,000 to members in need. This signed a memorandum of understanding to create a
ing and to all our stewards for the great job you do! year’s fundraiser was another huge success, raising Green Tech Academy within our Training Center with
Members are reminded that Minneapolis more than $20,000. Despite high unemployment the Asera Group, a local renewable energy devel-
meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at and the difficult economic times, our members oper. We now have a partnership with Asera for the
the new hall—2909 Anthony Lane, St. Anthony, MN. came through to help their brothers and sisters pending 6-megawatt photovoltaic farm in Napa and
Becker meetings are held the third Thursday of the who may need it more. are undertaking joint business development for
month. Check the Web site for Many thanks go out to Bus. Mgr. Dave future renewable projects exceeding 110 megawatts.
dates and times of all meetings. Udstuen, his staff, 176 West Catering and Local 176 This could not be possible without the sup-
members who contributed to the event. Special port and assistance of our NECA partners and the
Daniel S. Seawell, P.S. JATC. Furthermore, NEBF is reviewing funding for the
thanks to local member/attorney Marc Bessette for
his generous donation and his constant support. Napa projects and we look forward to their support
Most importantly, I thank club members Jeff Farrar, on greening our area.
‘Clothes for Haiti’
Neil Craig, Steve Newcomer, Greg Hess, Barry Michael C. Smith, B.A. Local 222 journeyman lineman Jack Butler
L.U. 164 (c,em,i,o&t), JERSEY CITY, NJ—Volunteerism is Aldrich, Greg Boyer, Doug Eungard, Steve Tutt, Dean (left) presents a statute of a lineman to Bus.
strong and well at Local 164. Hundreds of members Goselin, Dennis Lovato, Chuck McBroom, Ed Ferry, Mgr. Mike Bell for display at the union hall.
turned out on four Saturdays in March to lend a hand Jim Ryan, Jeremy Haddon, and Doug Fowler for their Contract Negotiations Bro. Butler recently passed away.
and a strong back for a “Clothing for Haiti” drive. hard work and dedication. I am proud of these
The project was the brainstorm of attorney members and the work they do. L.U. 196 (govt,mt,o,t&u), ROCKFORD, IL—Outside
Thomas Wells. His charitable foundation, the Wells construction in our local is still much slower than Scholarships Awarded
Mountain Foundation, the Ridgewood YMCA, the Mark Ferry, V.P. usual as of this writing.
Paramus Sunrise Rotary Club and Local 164 part- We are currently involved in several contract L.U. 234 (i&mt), CASTROVILLE, CA—We recently com-
nered to collect, box and load ten 40-foot contain- negotiations in our jurisdiction, where we have 15 pleted our annual scholarship essay contest for grad-
ers to ship to Haiti. Clothing, shoes, etc., were separate agreements with cities, villages and gov- uating high school students from each of the three
brought to Behnke’s Lumber Warehouse on Century ernmental districts. These negotiations have been counties that make up our local. Each student sub-
Road in Paramus, NJ. especially trying over the past year and a half as a mitted a 500-word essay on one of the following top-
On the first two weekends clothes were result of the disastrous state of the economy nation- ics: What is the IBEW and what has it done to
sorted, boxes palletized and staged for the two wide, and especially here in Illinois, which has enhance organized labor? Why is the organized labor
weekends that followed. This is when the Local 164 resulted in a very negative impact on the employers. movement important in the United States today?
members really stood out. We loaded five 40-foot Illinois currently has a $13 billion budget deficit and How has the union movement played a key role in
containers on both March 20 and 27. There was an the pension plans are grossly underfunded. the life and well-being of my family member who is or
8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. shift both days, with 60 to 90 Working people did not create this problem. was in a union? What is the Employee Free Choice Act
members volunteering each shift! Other partners on We will continue to do everything in our power to and how will it benefit organized labor? We received
the project were blown away by the teamwork and protect the wages and benefits that have been many good essays, which made the decisions of our
tasks performed by our folks. negotiated over the last several decades by this Executive Board all the more difficult.
After the clothing is distributed, the 10 con- Local 176 Vice Pres. Mark Ferry (left) office. The membership, through their expertise Local 234 Bus. Mgr. Ken Scherpinski will attend
tainers will be transformed into temporary living congratulates Heart 176 grand prize winner and quality work, are the ones who on a daily basis each of the school’s award ceremonies and present
quarters for needy Haitians who lack shelter. Wayne Lewandowski and Wayne’s wife, Becky. negotiate their future agreements and conditions; I scholarships to the winners: Kyle Pelot of North Salinas
Hats off to all who helped. We all had a great The local’s annual “Sick, Injured and Needy” am simply their voice at the bargaining table. High School, Michelle Chatley of Anzar High School,
time and we hope thousands of Haitians will bene- (S.I.N. Bash) fundraiser took place in March. The IBEW has put much time, effort and and Robby John Pappas of Santa Cruz High School. We
money into helping “labor friendly” candidates win are proud to extend our congratulations to each of the
elections and we need to remind them that we are winners, their parents and their schools. We are hon-
still here and paying attention when legislation that ored to assist in the students’ future success.
will affect working families needs their support.
Stephen Slovacek, P.S.
Eric Patrick, B.M.

Volunteers Support Community

Training Classes L.U. 280 (c,es,em,es,i,mo,mt,rts&st), SALEM, OR—
L.U. 222 (o), ORLANDO, FL—The economy, as we all “Communities support us, so we need to support
know, is still moving very slowly but with a small our communities.” These words were spoken
glimpse of hope in a few areas. Local 222 still has a prophetically by Bus. Rep. Tom Baumann to news-
large proportion of the membership unemployed. papers about the outstanding volunteer efforts at
We remain strong in our union commitment and look the historic “ZCBJ” meeting hall in Scio, OR.
forward to a more prosperous time in the future. Volunteers on Saturday, Feb. 27 installed light fix-
With regret we report the passing of several tures, stage lighting, receptacles and basic electri-
members: Kirby Joiner, Oscar Mathis and Jack cal upgrades to this well-loved building. EC Electric
Butler, all journeyman linemen. Jack Butler donated the electrical permit and our Local 280
attended the February meeting and donated a line- Public Service Fund donated more than $1,000 in
IBEW Local 164 volunteers turned out in force to assist a major “Clothing for Haiti” drive. man statue, which will be on display at the Local materials for a very worthwhile effort.
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 13

and a current Belvidere alder-

man. When elected, Bro.
Pendzinski will put the needs of
hard-working families first.
The Adopt-an-Apprentice
gathering was held at a Rockford
IceHogs hockey match. Our
yearly get-together is a chance
for apprentices to meet their
journeyman mentors to discuss
all sorts of issues.
April 28 marked Labor
Memorial Day in North America.
IBEW Local 340 sisters gather for meeting. From left, back row,
Overlooking the Rock River’s banks
Blanca Baragan, Sandy Kline, CC Moore, Alsester Coleman,
Local 280 volunteers at the Scio hall project stop for a break. From left are: Bros. Tom in Rockford, a memorial is held
Renee DeLucia; middle row, Chris Gallagher, Joanne Turner,
Baumann, Mike Holt, Frank DeWilde, Don Anklem, Brian Samp and Steve Goodman and every year for those union mem-
Catherine Griffiths, Julie Foad, Leonor Amado, Cheryl Hadley,
Sister Christina VanLeeuwen. bers killed at work.
Gayl Anne Morris, Sandi Abbott; and front row, Tarasa Church,
After nine years as recording
Cheryl LaRocco, Anna Jarman and Cay Anne “Caycay” Lawrence.
This is just a small fraction of what Local 280 The future of our industry depends on individ- secretary, Bro. Charlie Laskonis
members give back to our area. Our Public Service uals like Mike who are eager to learn and take pride Sisters CC Moore and Alsester Coleman put an has stepped down from his posi-
Fund has donated more than $500,000 to such in their craft to produce the highest levels of “IBEW #340” team together for the Susan G. Komen tion after being elected Winnebago County
nonprofit groups as Habitat for Humanity, youth achievement possible. Congratulations to Mike and Race for the Cure. Thirteen women in attendance Democratic Central Committee executive vice chair-
programs, 4-H, sports complexes, etc. Our volun- to all the graduates of 2010 on a job well-done and signed up to go to the state building trades man. Our E-board appointed Bro. Chris Molander to
teers have donated many thousands of hours, so for all of their hard work. “Women Building California Conference” held in fill the unexpired term. Congratulations to them both!
please tell them thank-you when you get a chance. My thanks to Limited Energy JATC Training Dir. May in Oakland, CA. It was an informative meeting
Work in the local is still very slow but the calls for Sam DiPaola, who provided information for this article. Ray Pendzinski, P.S.
with many members reconnecting and promises of
the “Facebook” project have started. Bro. Jeff Fowlds is future involvement with Local 340.
the steward on the site and has projected 80-100 wire- Tony G. Maghrak, B.M.
Our work picture has definitely changed since
men over a 14-month period. Bro. Jeff has praised our last article. We have had pretty big layoffs and
Class of 2010 Graduates
Rosendin Electric for their professionalism and respect our Book 1 has doubled. Also, quite a few of the L.U. 412 (u), KANSAS CITY, MO—After three years and
for the highly trained craftsmen of the IBEW.
Kudos to IBEW Members at CVPS travelers who were working in our jurisdiction have many hours of training, the class of 2010 apprentice
Work safe and have a great spring and summer! L.U. 300 (govt,i,mt&u), MONTPELIER, VT—Central since returned home. We thank them for their help. graduates celebrated completion of their apprentice-
Vermont Public Service met all of its service quality I am saddened to report the passing of: Bros. ship and the beginning of their careers as journey-
Jerry Fletcher, P.S.
standards in 2009, the sixth straight year it Wayne Overpeck, Frank L. Patten, Leon J. Sharfarz, Paul man mechanics. Graduation was held at the
achieved that goal. IBEW Local 300 represents sev- R. Tooker and Merrill Dow, father of Bro. Greg Dow. Ameristar Casino. Feb. 1, 2010, was the official date
eral hundred CVPS employees. for the start of their journeyman careers.
A.C. Steelman, B.M.
“We believe that’s the best record in Congratulations to the graduates: Ian Quinn (Iatan),
Vermont,” said Joe Kraus, senior vice president for Brenda Swartz (Montrose), Jason Ray (Iatan), Joe
engineering, operations and customer service. Chancellor (La Cygne), Dave Ashcraft (La Cygne) and
CVPS has 17 service quality measures. CVPS Jeff Ford (La Cygne). Originally this class started out
measures and reports to state regulators on every- with seven people. Apprentice Chris Dame (La Cygne)
thing from how quickly it answers calls to bill accu- is currently in the Army National Guard stationed in
racy, customer service, outage numbers and duration, the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Chris will resume the
and safety. All Vermont utilities are required to file apprenticeship program when he returns and gradu-
annual performance reports with state regulators. ate with the next class.
In the Customer Information Center, CVPS Other local news: Local 412 reached a tenta-
Local 292 apprentice graduate Mike employees answered 87.8 percent of calls within 20 tive contract agreement with Kansas City Power &
Rasmussen (left) receives 2010 Outstanding seconds, beating the standard. Not one call was Local 364 Bro. Ray Pendzinski (right), a Light on Feb. 19, 2010. The three-year KCP&L con-
Apprentice Award presented by Sam DiPaola, blocked due to system overload. Other key meas- Democratic candidate for the Illinois state tract agreement was ratified on Feb. 27, 2010.
training director, Minnesota Statewide ures: 92 percent of customers said they were satis- legislature, greets Winnebago County Sheriff Thanks to Renee Mosby, Hawthorn facilitator,
Limited Energy JATC. fied following customer-initiated contact; CVPS Richard Meyers, a longtime friend of the IBEW. and Tara Leslien, Iatan facilitator for their help with
reported an average of 1.9 outages per customer, this article.
Outstanding Apprentice Award lasting 2.3 hours, excluding one major storm—beat-
Candidates for Office
ing standards of 2.5 outages per customer lasting Debi Kidwiler, P.S.
L.U. 292 (em,govt,i,rtb,rts&spa), MINNEAPOLIS,
an average of 3.5 hours. L.U. 364 (catv,ees,em,es,i,mt,rts
MN—The Minnesota Statewide Limited Energy JATC
“Our members at CVPS put it all on the line &spa), ROCKFORD, IL—George
and Training Dir. Sam DiPaola announced that Mike
every day to ensure that a utility with one of the Gaulrapp is running for the U.S.
Rasmussen of IBEW Local 292 received the 2010
most rugged, rural service areas in the country stays Congress in Illinois’ 16th
Outstanding Apprentice Award. The Minnesota
online,” said Local 300 Bus. Mgr. Jeffrey Wimette. Congressional District, where
Statewide Limited Energy JATC program provides
“We are so proud of the exemplary customer service most Local 364 members live.
training for the following IBEW local unions: Local
they provide to Vermont ratepayers.” Gaulrapp is running against
292, St. Paul Local 110, Le Sueur Local 343, Duluth
Republican Rep. Don Manzullo,
Local 242, and Hibbing Local 294. Matthew Lash, P.S.
who has a stunningly low AFL-CIO
Mike graduated in April at the top of his class
lifetime voting record of 7 percent,
from the three-year, Limited Energy Installer
doing nothing in the interest of
Apprenticeship Program. He is one of 49 graduates Local 340 Sisters Unite working families! Gaulrapp held a
in the 2010 graduating class. The complete list of
L.U. 340 (i,rts&spa), SACRAMENTO, CA—In March, fundraiser at our hall and many
graduates can be found at the Statewide Limited
17 out of 32 female Local 340 members got together union members participated.
Energy JATC Web site
to meet one another and discuss the importance of Our Local 364 vice presi-
On his last day of classes, Mike received a cer-
their involvement in the local. Pres. Greg Larkins, dent, Bro. Ray Pendzinski, Local 412 union representatives congratulate apprentice gradu-
tificate of achievement and a LinkMaster PRO XL
along with Organizers Scott Steelman and Andrew recently held a fundraiser at our ates. From left, back row, are: Local 412 Bus. Agent Bill McDaniel,
test meter presented by senior sales manager Gary
Meredith, led the discussions on becoming a hall also, and 140 people Vice Pres. Dewey Conrad, Pres. Jim Williams; middle row, gradu-
Shantz from Ideal Tools. Thank you to Shantz and
Membership Development Volunteer Committee attended. Ray is a candidate for ates Ian Quinn, Brenda Swartz and Jason Ray; front row, gradu-
Ideal Tools for being a great industry partner.
(MDVC) member as well as serving as a local officer. 69th District state representative ates Joe Chancellor, Dave Ashcraft (seated) and Jeff Ford.

W W W . I B E W . O R G
14 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

Local Lines

Apprentice Graduates held annually to thank the apprenticeship officers

and instructors for their hard work and support.
L.U. 456 (i&o), NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ—The officers The Local 502 training center has been very
and membership congratulate the members who busy the last few months offering courses in
recently completed their apprenticeship training. Confined Space Awareness, Fall Arrest, WHMIS and
They have all distinguished themselves through Construction Safety.
their hard work and commitment to our local and Officers of Local 502 presented an orientation
will continue to do so. We congratulate Bros. to 70 new members last month and feedback has
Benjamin Bajkowski, Stephen Charleston, Nicholas been very positive.
Cirnigliaro, Robert Corso, Keith Fugaro, Joshua The recent cancellation of the sale of NB
Genthe, Daniel Hegeman, Andy Lai, Chase Layne, Power to Hydro Quebec is being greeted with cau-
Michael Lomassaro, Patrick O’Rourke, Jason tious optimism. Local 502 has been part of a vocal
Tippett, Daniel Thorne, Brandon Williams, William opposition to this deal given the potential loss of
Burns III, Keith Cimino and Shawn Hohner. work to our members.
Many activities are planned for this year—Day The PotashCorp mine in Sussex continues to
at the Races, two fishing trips, family picnic, mem- ramp up and should keep our local close to full
bers picnic, golf outing and more. There is some- employment this summer. Members of the Local 570 apprentice graduating class of 2010, joined by JATC instructors,
thing for everyone and hopefully you have enjoyed We mourn the passing of Bro. Francis Melanson. gather for a photo. From left, front row, Ryan Lopez, Wesley Chong, Gabriel Ruiz, Instructor
and will continue to support all these fun events by Greg Noriega, Corey Starcevich, Kevin Whiting, Francisco Carbijal, Benjamin Yates; back row,
attending. As always attend union meetings and be Dave Stephen, P.S. Christopher Brooks, Instructor Jim Redzinak, Tim Cervantez, Charlie Starcevich, Alexander
an informed and active member. Nicolini, Instructor Jay Marr, Chris Soto, Billy Sturgill, Stephen Serio and Instructor Dan Chavez.
Wayne Martiak, P.S. turbines in coastal Georgia. The company, from 2010 Apprentice Graduates
Japan, awarded the general contract to Batson-
Cook, an open-shop contractor owned by another L.U. 570 (i,mo,spa&u), TUCSON, AZ—Congratulations
A ‘Home from the Heart’ Japanese company, Kajima USA Group. to the graduating fifth-year apprenticeship class.
L.U. 494 (em,i,mt,rts&spa), MILWAUKEE, WI—When The Savannah Building Trades organization Local 570 and the Tucson Electrical JATC are proud to
Spc. Jason Schulz, a military veteran and member of erected a billboard advertising the exclusion of present our 2010 graduating class. Top honors for
the community, returned home from Iraq after a life- local labor to the jobsite. We certainly got a lot of “Apprentice of the Year” go to Wesley Chong. Thanks
changing injury caused by a roadside bomb, he attention! The sign is on Dean Forest Road at the go out to HD Supply company, which recognizes the
never imagined that organizations like IBEW Local entrance to the jobsite. Check it out the next time efforts of our entire apprenticeship and is throwing
494 and Homes for Our Troops—a national organi- you come to our union hall. the third annual barbecue dinner for them at the
zation that builds specially adapted homes for People from our area pay taxes, buy from local awards night that the JATC puts on at Local 570’s hall.
severely injured service personnel—would come vendors, attend schools and churches here, and
Scott Toot, Organizer
along and change his life again. many are unemployed. If this company wishes to
Throughout the past year, participants have become a good neighbor, they should do what is
been planning and building a home Jason could easily right and give local people a job. Health Care Reform Success
maneuver through at no cost to him or his family. Local Attending the recent Apprenticeship Appreci- Judith Sheahan, P.S.
494 and Roman Electric jumped at the chance to help. ation Luncheon are, from left: Jean Marc L.U. 606 (em,es,i,rtb,spa&u), ORLANDO, FL—With the
After months of work and countless volunteer hours, Ringuette, IBEW Local 502 training director; support of U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida, health
the keys were turned over to Jason on March 13. Ike Gallagher, New Brunswick Community care reform legislation successfully passed. Several
Dan Weber a retired electrician said: “The look College Saint John department head, members from Local 606, Pres. John Bregg along with
on Jason’s face, his heartfelt thank-you, and the Construction Studies; and Dan Mills, appren- Asst. Bus. Agents Larry Kidd and Ron Woodall, were
tears of joy his family shed, made the rain, snow and ticeship director, Province of New Brunswick. meeting with Rep. Grayson’s Orlando staff, while the
long hours worth it. I was proud to help out on this congressman was still in Washington, D.C. Grayson’s
home and hope they enjoy it for years to come.” deputy director Debra Booth, a Local 606 member,
Bus. Rep. Rick Gutierrez stated: “We have the Support ‘Jobs for Local Workers’ placed a call to the congressman on the speaker
skills and resources that other people don’t have, phone and Grayson explained the vote and thanked
L.U. 508 (i,it&o), SAVANNAH, GA—Savannah, the
and to be able to make such a huge difference in his constituents for their support.
second largest city and the chief port of Georgia, is
Jason’s life makes you really proud.” [Photo below.] By the time you read this article, our local
situated on the southern bank of the Savannah
Savannah Building Trades billboard elections will be over. Good luck to all the members
Ricardo Gutierrez, B.R. River. The Garden City Terminal is the fourth largest
advocates local hiring. who run for office.
container port in the United States and the largest
With sadness, I report the passing of three long-
single-terminal operation in North America. This fea-
Training Center Courses ture makes large companies attracted to our fair city. Solar Farm Project time members: Bros. Frank Drew, John Thompson and
William “Bill” Green. Our deepest sympathy goes to
After sitting vacant for seven years, a 1,500- L.U. 530 (i,o&rtb), SARNIA, ONTARIO, CANADA—At
L.U. 502 (c,em,i,it&t), ST. JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK, their families.
acre industrial site near Savannah landed its first the time of this writing things are looking good in
CANADA—Local 502 was pleased to sponsor the manufacturer as Mitsubishi Power Systems Janet D. Skipper, P.S.
Sarnia. Our new/renovated hospital keeps rolling
Apprenticeship Appreciation Luncheon. The event is announced plans to produce giant steam and gas along and North America’s largest
solar farm has started up again. With
20 megawatts built last year, an
additional 60 megawatts will be
IBEW Local 494 added this year—totaling 1,050 acres
members and other of green energy.
trade unionists June of this year will bring our
volunteered for the local elections; nominations took
“Homes for Our place at the May meeting.
Troops” project. From We thank Local 804 for continu-
left, back row, are: Al ing to supply employment for some
Wilkinson, Pat Cain, of our members.
Bob Winn, Warren Local 606 members meet with U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson’s
Local 530 is saddened by the
Trede, Don Weber, office staff in Orlando: back row, Local 606 Asst. Bus. Agent
recent passing of: Bros. Gerry Douglas,
Roger Erdman; front Ron Woodall (left), Pres. John Bregg, Local 606 member
Don Partridge and Dave Tayles.
row, Ricardo Gutierrez and Grayson’s deputy director Debra Booth, and Asst. Bus.
and Larry Buege. Al Byers, P.S. Agent Larry Kidd; front center, Rec. Sec. Jenny Kenny.
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 15

‘All The World is Their Stage’ Step Up to Make a Difference Championship Lineman’s Rodeo for supporting community service projects includ-
ing Project Help, breast cancer research and
L.U. 636 (as,catv,em,spa&u), TORONTO, ONTARIO, L.U. 666 (i,mt&o), RICHMOND, VA—Congratulations L.U. 702 (es,c,catv,cs,em,es,et,govt,i,it,lctt,mo,mt,o, Casting for Recovery.
CANADA—For more than 80 years, IBEW members to our most recent retirees: Alvin F. Durrette, Larry K. p,pet,ptc,rtb,rts,se,spa,st,t,u,uow&ws), Local 760 was the only labor organization repre-
working at a plant in Kitchener, Ontario, have been Hannan, Harry F. Marcus, Gordon R. Seay and WEST FRANKFORT, IL—The Local 702 Annual Retiree sented at the Knox County School Career Day. Market
helping their company build a worldwide reputation Charles H. Taylor. Luncheon was held April 14 at the Rend Lake and Membership Development committee member
for excellence in visual technology. Local 666 held a blood drive on Feb. 20 and it Convention Center. We had a great turnout again this Bro. Dave Weaver staffed a booth at the career day
As both a pioneer and leader in this industry, was a big success. Thanks to all the members who year with approximately 200 retirees in attendance. event. Knoxville NECA contractors Service 1 and D&N
Christie Digital Systems Inc. has successfully made participated. Community projects are vital to the On April 23-24, Local 702 sponsored the World Electric are now doing the Knox County work.
the move from the small screen to the big screen— future of our union. Championship Lineman’s Rodeo at DuQuoin, IL. The
in a big way. First known for its work in the televi- Our Centennial Committee is planning several rodeo was held at the new arena at the Illinois State George A. Bove, B.M./F.S.
sion industry, Christie is now responsible for 70 events to celebrate our 100th anniversary. We will Fairgrounds in DuQuoin. This is an indoor arena and
percent of all digital cinema installations globally. have a family night at the ballpark and a celebration a great competition, with many teams competing.
Chances are that you have seen the com- in the summer. We will mail out details to our mem- Our annual Golf Outing will be held June 16 at 50-Year Service Awards
pany’s work—at a local movie theater, place of wor- bers and retirees. the Franklin County Country Club, southwest of L.U. 776 (i,o,rts&spa), CHARLESTON, SC—It was a
ship or other large audience presentation. In fact, Work in our area remains slow. Thank you to all Frankfort. We expect our regular good attendance dark and stormy night ... but that didn’t stop two of
equipment made by our IBEW sisters and brothers the locals putting our brothers and sisters to work. and a fun day of golf for all who attend. Local 776’s career electricians from coming to the
brought us the amazing images that wowed the We mourn the passing of: Bros. Herbert C. Currently we have 550 wiremen working at the meeting to receive their 50-year service pins.
world during the opening and closing ceremonies at Brooks, Stuart U. Guyton Sr. and Robert E. Martin Jr. Prairie State Campus located near Lively Grove, IL, Richard Timms and Charlie Goodale once again
the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and Paralympic If you want to make a difference, get involved. and 96 wiremen at the Baldwin Power Plant. showed their support of their local union.
Games. Behind the scenes, Vancouver’s Emergency We need all of our members to step up to the plate. Linemen are at full employment. Richard came from a union family; his father
Operations Centre (critical to the safety of athletes, The elections in November will be important to all Our local is very blessed to have the work in and two older brothers were members of the local.
visitors, spectators and residents) was also working people and their families. our jurisdiction and blessed to have experienced, He worked many jobs across the jurisdiction and
equipped with Christie visual display solutions. For qualified Local 702 members and travelers to staff nation. Richard finished his longtime career after
all Canadians, the Winter Olympics sparked pride Kendra Logan, P.S. these facilities. many years as foreman with Stroman Controls.
and patriotism like never before—We Believe. Our Charlie also came from a union family that
members at Christie had special reason to stand Marsha Steele, P.S.
Members Volunteer Service included cousins in the local as well. Charlie
tall and cheer—not only for our athletes but also for worked throughout the jurisdiction and nation for
their own gold medal efforts! L.U. 688 (em,i,t&u), MANSFIELD, OH—The work out- many of our contractor partners. Since his retire-
‘Don’t Retreat’
look in our area is very slow with 44 journeymen on ment Charlie has stayed involved by teaching
Paddy Vlanich, P.S.
the out-of-work list. L.U. 756 (es&i), DAYTONA BEACH, FL—Henry Miller apprentices as one of our CJATC instructors. These
Thank you to Jerry Conrad, who fixed the attic and the founders started this union with no signa- two gentlemen have set a great example for our
Important Election Year lights and moved a fixture in our union hall. tory contractors and no collective bargaining agree- Brotherhood to follow.
Todd Simmermacher managed a group of ment in place—those two things came later. The
L.U. 648 (em,i,spa&u), HAMILTON, OH—The annual members who donated their time and expertise at founders started with a desire to better the lives of Chuck Moore, B.M.
Local 648 fish fry and kid’s Easter party were held in the Richland Academy of Arts to provide power for a electrical workers and their families. Although his-
March and each event was a success with great new kiln and new stage lighting. The electricians tory tends to glorify individuals, there is no way they
weather, good food and fellowship among our included Jarrod Clady, Fred Claus, Jerry Conrad, Dan did it by themselves.
members and their families. Lloyd, Bruce Simmermacher and John Wallery. What a relief and a sense of rescue workers
The Local 648 COPE Committee is working We are sad to report the loss of members Walt must have had when organizers from the emerging
hard on the upcoming midterm elections. This will Eaton and Leonard Brewer. We send our condo- IBEW visited a jobsite and told them there was a bet-
be a very important year to at least keep the offices lences to their family and friends. ter way. Yes, there were detractors and naysayers;
we have gained in the state. they’ve always been here. But the IBEW’s invitation
The work picture looks much better than it Dan Lloyd, P.S. into its ranks was well-received by electricians.
did at this point last year and we look forward to a The IBEW has made many changes to reflect
busy summer. the fierce competitive climate that now exists in the
Solidarity modern-day electrical industry. It is now up to all of
Jeff McGuffey, P.S. us in the IBEW to work together to bring the union
L.U. 692 (i,mt&spa), BAY CITY, MI—One thing that I Local 776 retired Bros. Richard Timms (left)
think many people forget about, or in some cases back to its historic prominence. This can be achieved
and Charlie Goodale receive 50-year
never knew about, is the important role the union by involvement; don’t think that somebody else will
Upcoming Elections fix it—that somebody is you. Apathy gets us nowhere.
service awards.
has played over the years. The union is responsible
L.U. 654 (i), CHESTER, PA—This November a number for helping create the 5-day, 40-hour workweek, the We’ve been let down in many instances by
of seats in local, state and federal government will 8-hour day, overtime pay, minimum wage, vacation politicians, including some Democrats who fail to NYSERDA Qualified Installer
be up for election. Although it is not a presidential pay, sick leave, respect on the job, etc. If not for the support our issues after they are elected.
L.U. 910 ( ees,i&t), WATERTOWN, NY—The Local 910
election, it is widely viewed as one critical to main- workers who came before us many years ago, and Half-governor turned tea-bagger Sarah Palin
membership voted at the March regular meeting to
taining a more labor-friendly government. In our their struggles to form unions to help mistreated encouraged her sheep not to retreat. They need to
allocate this year’s contractual increase of $1.50. Funds
jurisdiction we will be voting for a governor, a U.S. workers, we wouldn’t have the benefits we have know that she, like many others, loves the status
manager, John Love, was on hand to present the
senator, a U.S. representative and several state and today. Many people who don’t work at a union shop quo. I encourage all working people not to retreat,
trustees’ recommendations for the funds. After discus-
local government officials. also reap benefits gained through union efforts. but to stand up for the interests of workers and the
sion, it was voted that $0.75 go to the wage; $0.50 to
Just as significant is the upcoming election for Strong solidarity is crucial in a union. The middle class. It has to start at the local level; it has
the local pension plan; and $0.25 to the health and
the officers of our local. Coming together to choose union is there to represent each member, so if there to start with you.
welfare plan. New rates took effect April 1, 2010.
the best-suited candidates to manage our future is is an issue you feel needs to be addressed it is your With some hard work and some convincing by
Daniel Hunt, P.S.
of utmost importance. As most members stay for a responsibility to inform the union so they can look the training directors from New York state, the New
few hours after voting, even more is accomplished into it. In turn, always respect all members and our York State Energy Research and Development
on this day. It’s a class reunion for those who union. Our union has bargained with the compa- Roadside Sign Updated Authority now accepts the IBEW/NECA apprenticeship
apprenticed together, a chance for journeymen to nies for many years and always looks to get the best program and the 40-hour journeyman photovoltaic
relive stories from jobs past and an opportunity for package for its members. So stand together in soli- L.U. 760 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), KNOXVILLE, TN—Local training as a way to become a Photovoltaic NYSERDA
the newer members to get to know more of their fel- darity and support your union. 760’s big roadside sign has been updated. Bros. Qualified Installer. (See information on NYSERDA Web
low members. It’s a demonstration of our organiza- Many thanks to our brother locals for helping Daniel Holland and Michael Marlowe braved the site
tion’s greatest and strongest trait—unity. Be keep our members employed in these times elements to repair and renew our historical IBEW Local 910 members who wish to apply to become an
informed, get involved and be sure to vote. Our condolences to the family of retired sign. The sign had been cleaned up and painted on eligible installer will need a letter from Local 910 or
Brother Robert J. Clements, who passed away. the large part by apprentices from IUPAT Local 437. the EJATC of Watertown verifying that they meet all the
James Russell, V.P. Thanks to all involved.
Tom Bartosek, P.S. qualifications.
Many thanks to the Local 760 membership Thank you to all the members who attended

W W W . I B E W . O R G
16 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

Local Lines

the Jefferson County legislative meetings in support Carriers Food Drive on May 8 to help stock the shelves Cocoa Expo Center in Cocoa, FL.
of the Galloo Island Wind Farm. A large turnout by of area food pantries. This is one of many community Kevin excels academically at Enterprise
Local 910 members made a big difference in per- service projects our members support each year. Elementary and is an honor-roll student. He also
suading some of the legislators to support the proj- Contract and benefit negotiations are to begin earned his black belt in Taekwondo. He is inter-
ect. This was one of those instances where we could with Exelon and the IBEW-NECA Benefits ested in science and possibly, one day, becoming
influence a project before it was bid and win a Administration Assn. Our negotiation team is work- part of the U.S. space program and maybe even an
favorable vote by the legislators. ing diligently to secure the best contract possible astronaut! Way to go, Kevin!
for our members.
Roger LaPlatney, P.S. The local union has approved amalgamation Daniel Raymond, B.M.
Attending Local 2286 groundbreaking
with Local 51. The International President formally ceremony are, from left: secretary Tanya
approved the amalgamation effective May 1. We Hebert, Asst. Bus. Mgrs. Stephan Babin and
Kudos for Service encourage everyone to give eight safe hours of work Johnny Wilson, Bus. Mgr. Clinton Trahan and
L.U. 932 (c,i&st), COOS for eight hours’ pay and attend your local unit meet- office manager Debbie Anderson.
BAY, OR—Local 932 ings. Remember, we are stronger together than we
apprentice Tim Flood is are alone. Groundbreaking for Future Hall
currently serving in Iraq.
Karlene Knisley, B.M./ F.S. L.U. 2286 (em,mar,mo,o,rtb&u), BEAUMONT, TX—
Tim is in the Oregon Army
National Guard, Bravo On Saturday, March 20, the officers and executive
Company 1st Battalion board members held a groundbreaking ceremony at
Care Packages for Troops the site of our future union hall and training center
186th Infantry. He has
been there for a year and L.U. 1944 (t), PHILADELPHIA, PA—Local 1944 is involved in Beaumont. Construction should begin in about
Local 932 appren- is due to come back home throughout the year with special holiday drives to send eight weeks with completion expected before the
tice member Tim shortly. Our thanks go out care packages to our troops serving in the military. end of the year. Thanks to our building committee,
Flood is serving to Tim and his family for The AT&T New Castle, PA, office located at 100 Bus. Mgr. Clinton Trahan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. Stephan
in Iraq. his awesome service and South Jefferson St. comprises relay operators who Babin, and E-Board members Eddie Smith, L. D.
dedication to our country. provide services for the speech and hearing Whitmire and Gary Fredieu, for all their hard work to
I wish to thank the members and their fami- impaired throughout the United States. It is a get this project started. To see a picture of the new
lies for attending our winter banquet and pin cere- National Relay Center that employs 140 relay associ- facility, visit our Web site at,
Local 2100 Bus. Mgr. Curtis Stratton (left)
mony held Feb. 13 at the Mill Casino in North Bend, ates, and the dedication of these union members click on calendar then announcements.
congratulates retiring lineman Henry Atkins.
OR. We awarded several years-of-service pins. does not stop at workday’s end. Outside construction remains slow but is
Members receiving pins included: for 60 years of The operators collect useful non-perishable expected to pick up once the Motiva job is awarded
service—Granill Cornett; for 55 years—Lavon items to send on holidays to troops serving our Sportsmen’s Alliance Event to a contractor.
Gammons; 50 years—James Fitzgerald, Dave West; country. All Local 1944 members take part in this Members employed by Entergy Gulf States
L.U. 2100 (cav&u), LOUISVILLE, KY—Local 2100 Louisiana, L.L.C. and Entergy Texas, Inc. ratified a
45 years—Tom Kyle, James Morgan, Don Peters, drive, buying items such as cookies, tea, crackers, sends special congratulations to Henry Atkins.
George Reese, Ray Toma; 40 years—John McCaffree, toothpaste, sunscreen, face soap, lotion, hand-held 17-month contract extension Jan. 15, 2010, with a
Henry is beginning a new career in the world of modest general wage increase and a few other
Stewin Prater, Silver Robles, Roy Warrens; 35 games, etc. Monetary donations are accepted to retirement after 40 years of service as a lineman.
years—Doug Jolley, Rick Lattin, Louis Petrone; and help defray the cost of postage. improvements—but, most importantly, no takeaways
His years of service and knowledge of the trade are of benefits and maintaining our job security language.
20 years—Anthony Revelle. Congratulations to all! All members involved in this project volunteer irreplaceable and leave a legacy for all present and
their own time to collect, sort, pack and ship the Everyone stay safe at work and home. God bless
Robert Westerman, B.M./F.S. future linemen to follow. Enjoy retirement and best our union!
packages. The effort is well worth it to pay tribute to
of luck, Bro. Atkins!
our men and woman in harm’s way. Our freedom Local 2100, along with mem- Mona Mack, P.S.
depends on these brave men and woman.
‘UCAN’ Graduates bers from 14 other locals, attended
Mary Lou Lane, B.M./Pres. the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance din-
L.U. 1306 (uow), DECATUR, IL—Congratulations to ner held at Local 369. This event was
sisters Ann Harris, Nikki Taylor, Arlene Trusner and the kickoff of the year for the alliance
Pres. Lucinda Wyatt on their recent graduation from Space Program Rally and all attendees received a free
the Union Community Activist Network, UCAN. This membership.
three-week course was made available through the L.U. 2088 (mt,pet,t&u), COCOA BEACH, FL— The dinner was held to provide
local partnership of United Way and the AFL-CIO with Congratulations to young Kevin Nolan, the 11-year- information about the alliance and
graduates receiving a certificate from the University old son of Local 2088 member William Nolan, a strengthen the bond of the union
of Illinois’ Labor Education Program. UCAN provides union steward in the Voice Communications group brothers and sisters. The Sportsmen’s
education and training on labor history, civic partici- at the Kennedy Space Center, FL. Alliance goal is to recruit and actively
pation, community outreach, basic workers’ rights Kevin was recently recognized for a letter he engage union sportsmen and women
and leadership. Our local is committed to member wrote to legislators about NASA’s space program. in the Theodore Roosevelt
education and we are proud that to date more than Kevin had the honor of reading his letter at the Save Conservation Partnership’s ongoing Verizon Pioneers and IBEW Local 2324 members Christine
10 members have completed this training. U.S. Space Program rally held April 11, 2010, at the Casino (left) and Cheryl Moriarty (right) are joined by Girl
fight to create a better future for hunt-
Local 1306 once again participated in the Letter Scout Erin Moriarty.
ing and fishing while
bringing together an
existing union community of sports- ‘Operation Cookie Drop’
men and women and extending the
benefits of union membership L.U. 2324 (t), SPRINGFIELD, MA—IBEW Local 2324
beyond the workplace, into the members recently partnered with the Verizon
woods and water. Pioneers and Girls Scouts Troop 505 on their project
Not only did new members get Operation Cookie Drop. Union members donated
the opportunity to meet fellow more than 200 boxes of Girl Scouts cookies and toi-
members but many also won valu- letries to be shipped to our U.S. soldiers serving
able prizes. Special thanks to Local abroad. The Verizon Pioneers organized the project
369 for hosting such a great event. and one of their clubs donated 50 hand knit helmet
Local 1306 congratulates recent graduates liners to send also. Girl Scout Troop 505 spent the
of UCAN, Union Community Activist Network. Jennifer Kinsey, P.S. day at the Local 2324 union hall making thank-you
From left are members Nikki Taylor, Arlene cards for the soldiers and packing the cookies. Eight
Trusner, Pres. Lucinda Wyatt, Ann Harris Student William Nolan (at podium) speaks at the April 11 large cartons of items were sent to soldiers in
and Sarah Sylvester Drake, who conducts space program rally in Florida. At left is astronaut Winston Kuwait and Afghanistan.
the training. Scott and, at right, school board member Robert Jordan. Joe Floyd, P.S.
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 17

In Memoriam

Members for Whom PBF Death Claims were Approved in April 2010

Local Surname Date of Death Local Surname Date of Death Local Surname Date of Death Local Surname Date of Death Local Surname Date of Death
1 Baird, H. L. 3/21/2010 18 Oliver, V. K. 2/14/2010 72 Wade, C. R. 3/25/2010 134 Maltz, S. R. 3/2/2010 270 Duggan, G. L. 2/28/2010
1 Daskoski, C. S. 12/18/2009 18 Simmonds, W. G. 5/5/2009 73 Countryman, R. M. 2/4/2010 134 Meehan, P. J. 12/8/2009 271 Bradrick, H. D. 2/18/2010
1 Heeney, D. F. 3/6/2010 20 Calvert, B. E. 2/18/2010 77 Erickson, D. M. 3/1/2010 134 Miller, D. C. 1/27/2010 275 Stenseng, A. B. 3/7/2010
1 Jones, G. N. 2/28/2010 20 Choat, A. H. 3/30/2010 77 Fish, R. F. 3/26/2010 134 Miskiv, J. J. 11/5/2009 278 Bennetsen, D. A. 1/8/2010
1 Lipinski, A. 12/14/2009 20 Ransom, T. W. 10/18/1999 77 Hansen, K. L. 4/2/2010 134 O’Doherty, D. D. 9/21/2009 292 Alley, C. R. 2/27/2010
1 Novogoratz, J. F. 2/4/2010 20 Wynn, E. H. 2/1/2010 77 Jacobs, S. A. 2/21/2010 134 Perrino, V. P. 2/26/2010 292 Anderson, G. H. 3/14/2010
2 Messex, J. A. 3/4/2010 22 Jaksich, W. H. 3/7/2010 77 Knipe, H. 1/13/2010 134 Pinkowski, R. E. 2/14/2010 292 Bergstrom, A. 1/3/2010
3 Bauman, L. 2/13/2010 24 Macneal, J. W. 2/10/2010 80 Hogan, R. H. 2/20/2010 134 Schmidt, I. N. 2/14/2010 292 Briese, R. A. 3/16/2009
3 Beck, G. D. 3/14/2010 24 Ziegler, D. L. 3/18/2010 84 Burdette, F. L. 4/6/2010 134 Smith, M. R. 2/22/2010 292 Nevala, J. A. 3/2/2010
3 Bianchi, T. G. 3/28/2010 25 Bergmann, F. J. 2/1/2010 84 Grider, J. W. 2/22/2010 134 Stone, J. E. 3/10/2010 292 Rose, R. M. 7/6/2008
3 Brouillard, N. E. 1/31/2009 25 Kedlar, H. J. 9/27/2009 84 Mallory, J. B. 12/17/2009 134 Torres, H. 12/26/2009 295 Bentley, J. L. 3/8/2010
3 Church, J. N. 10/28/2007 25 Schulman, P. L. 2/5/2010 90 Aspland, R. G. 2/23/2010 134 Workman, T. J. 1/6/2010 300 Charlebois, R. G. 2/25/2010
3 Crugnale, M. D. 11/18/2008 25 Stokey, B. 3/30/2010 90 Carney, W. P. 12/25/2008 136 Lyles, T. M. 2/2/2010 301 Clapp, L. C. 12/20/2009
3 Dalzell, R. D. 2/12/2010 26 Chilcoat, R. L. 3/11/2010 90 Covaleski, J. W. 1/9/2010 143 Rush, J. A. 1/31/2010 302 Edwards, G. C. 2/13/2010
3 Dangelo, E. W. 1/29/2010 26 Dicus, R. A. 4/5/2010 95 Long, E. A. 1/10/2010 145 Allen, D. C. 2/12/2010 304 Miller, J. W. 3/24/2010
3 Debellis, M. 1/10/2010 26 Hill, W. P. 3/8/2010 96 Sinacola, J. A. 1/2/2010 145 Brasmer, J. B. 3/22/2010 304 Scott, J. L. 3/1/2010
3 Fesi, J. P. 3/13/2010 26 Meaney, G. E. 12/1/2009 97 Erdmann, E. H. 2/3/2010 145 Jones, M. D. 3/6/2010 307 Diehl, D. D. 1/29/2010
3 Frejer, F. 2/24/2010 26 Riggs, D. W. 3/6/2010 97 Pommer, R. S. 3/2/2010 150 Smith, R. T. 2/4/2010 307 Nelson, O. R. 1/21/2010
3 Hally, G. 2/12/2010 26 Simms, J. M. 3/20/2010 97 Sheffer, R. P. 3/17/2010 153 Higgins, J. E. 3/5/2010 309 Lukowsky, T. L. 1/20/2010
3 Hanna, R. C. 12/28/2007 26 Webb, P. J. 7/17/2009 98 Brusch, P. 1/25/2010 153 Howell, W. H. 4/12/2010 309 Weil, A. A. 2/23/2010
3 Holler, E. J. 2/14/2010 26 Windsor, R. J. 2/16/2010 98 Davenport, O. V. 1/15/2010 158 Schacht, W. A. 5/12/2009 313 Baylis, R. M. 2/21/2010
3 Lamberti, R. S. 12/20/2009 29 King, P. A. 3/4/2010 98 Given, S. J. 8/6/2004 159 Behling, R. W. 2/8/2010 317 Belcher, J. 2/19/2010
3 Mandragona, J. S. 3/1/2010 29 Pierce, D. G. 3/4/2010 98 Hardy, L. E. 3/10/2010 159 Kelch, J. M. 3/1/2010 317 Sarver, J. W. 1/24/2010
3 Maruscsak, C. P. 3/21/2010 34 Leigh, W. H. 3/10/2010 98 Hutchinson, H. A. 3/6/2010 159 Trexler, E. W. 3/30/2010 332 Day, R. E. 10/24/2009
3 McCarthy, W. H. 2/6/2010 35 Delphia, R. L. 3/8/2010 98 Perry, A. J. 3/8/2010 164 Cirulli, R. L. 3/24/2010 332 DuVall, J. I. 1/17/2010
3 McDonald, T. V. 2/28/2010 35 O’Neil, C. J. 1/21/2010 98 Seidel, F. L. 2/17/2010 164 Deutsch, J. W. 3/2/2010 332 Gauss, A. 2/14/2008
3 Miller, E. J. 2/18/2010 35 Sargalski, E. J. 3/21/2010 98 Swartz, B. 2/6/2010 164 Gonnella, C. F. 2/11/2010 332 Harmer, H. 12/24/2009
3 Moccia, R. 12/24/2009 38 Myers, J. A. 12/19/2009 98 Tomkinson, D. H. 12/12/2009 164 Harris, C. E. 1/10/2010 332 Kirkendall, G. H. 2/23/2010
3 O’Leary, R. T. 2/10/2010 41 Hils, J. 8/4/2009 99 Corry, R. J. 2/23/2010 164 Mullarney, M. D. 1/27/2010 339 Young, F. J. 1/20/2010
3 Olive, E. J. 1/1/2010 41 O’Connor, M. J. 3/8/2010 102 Brall, S. M. 2/26/2010 164 Newton, H. 2/25/2010 340 Patten, F. L. 2/12/2010
3 Pavia, P. P. 3/3/2010 43 Brown, R. J. 3/17/2010 102 Eschrich, F. 1/4/2006 175 Scoggins, J. E. 3/3/2010 340 Tooker, P. R. 3/7/2010
3 Phuoc Tai, L. 2/26/2010 43 George, R. E. 1/22/2010 102 Menear, K. E. 1/21/2010 175 Sherrill, S. E. 1/24/2010 349 Hasker, R. G. 8/27/2009
3 Riepe, S. M. 9/21/2009 43 Towsley, W. C. 3/10/2010 102 Smith, T. 9/4/2009 175 Smith, G. F. 2/15/2010 349 Regan, T. B. 2/26/2010
3 Rosa, G. 1/3/2010 44 Dean, A. D. 12/30/2009 103 Sheehan, R. F. 3/11/2010 176 Kapinski, S. R. 2/2/2010 350 Behymer, W. R. 2/19/2010
3 Salimbene, G. P. 5/4/2008 44 Ehlenburg, W. C. 1/20/2010 104 Shank, S. S. 2/12/2010 176 Novak, E. J. 2/3/2010 351 Ellis, J. B. 1/6/2010
3 Samuels, S. J. 3/16/2010 45 Edwards, L. Z. 3/17/2010 105 Roscoe, R. 3/29/2010 177 Cooper, F. D. 2/26/2010 351 Garretson, F. I. 3/2/2010
3 Sanchez, L. E. 5/3/2008 46 Condon, G. 2/9/2010 106 Parks, R. A. 11/9/2009 177 Eisenhauer, W. G. 12/10/2009 353 Coughlan, W. T. 3/30/2010
3 Shertzer, M. 2/8/2010 46 Liedberg, H. G. 3/14/2010 109 Ocker, R. G. 4/4/2010 177 Higginbotham, D. W. 2/17/2010 353 Gerstl, P. 1/18/2010
3 Sullivan, E. F. 11/20/2009 46 Vrsek, V. J. 3/4/2010 109 Schnoor, R. J. 2/11/2010 180 Guillory, C. A. 2/9/2010 353 Hopkins, N. W. 3/8/2010
3 Svebel, E. J. 2/13/2010 46 Widger, R. A. 7/29/2004 110 Anderson, J. R. 1/5/2010 191 Adam, R. L. 2/23/2010 353 Mastrokalos, D. 3/8/2010
3 Urio, L. A. 11/25/2009 47 Davis, C. C. 12/9/2009 110 Mertz, J. A. 2/26/2010 191 Bird, R. L. 3/15/2010 353 Merten, H. A. 4/4/2010
3 Vansciver, A. E. 2/24/2010 48 Bradford, W. T. 3/7/2010 110 Nelson, T. M. 3/1/2010 191 Grinstead, J. R. 3/20/2010 353 Quesnel, M. J. 3/7/2010
3 White, A. D. 3/10/2010 48 Corfield, G. 11/21/2009 110 Swanson, L. S. 3/11/2010 193 Craig, D. L. 3/16/2010 353 Riberdy, R. R. 3/20/2010
3 Zafarino, A. J. 10/16/2007 48 Lance, R. F. 2/12/2010 111 Thompson, R. K. 1/15/2010 193 Smith, R. L. 3/4/2010 353 Seifert, W. A. 4/4/2010
5 Beatty, E. J. 3/21/2010 48 Rainey, H. E. 3/15/2010 112 Curtis, G. A. 2/1/2010 197 Leary, E. D. 3/7/2010 353 Seis, W. 2/16/2010
5 Berkoski, D. E. 7/20/2009 48 Schneller, R. P. 2/20/2010 113 Leacox, C. S. 1/19/2010 210 Jeffries, J. J. 2/17/2010 353 Trombley, V. 3/11/2010
5 Clicquennoi, S. M. 2/19/2010 48 Stensrud, R. A. 12/18/2008 115 Hogg, R. M. 3/18/2010 210 Lecato, G. R. 1/28/2010 353 Waddell, M. J. 3/3/2010
6 Guiney, J. R. 2/6/2010 50 Morris, L. E. 3/1/2010 117 McEvoy, R. 8/14/2009 212 Gilliam, J. E. 1/31/2010 354 Pullan, D. D. 3/13/2010
6 Kern, M. M. 3/30/2010 51 Hall, G. A. 2/17/2010 120 Koyanagi, M. 8/1/2009 212 Gullett, R. C. 2/21/2010 357 Adams, W. 12/13/2009
7 McCarron, R. M. 3/4/2010 51 Perry, F. H. 2/28/2010 124 Powell, K. E. 2/18/2010 212 Schlueter, H. F. 2/25/2010 357 Bombard, T. M. 2/18/2010
7 Murray, T. P. 3/17/2010 56 Root, R. I. 2/24/2010 124 Powers, A. D. 3/1/2010 213 Caldwell, J. G. 12/4/2009 357 Coffey, W. A. 12/4/2009
7 Solari, P. B. 11/23/2009 57 Rodriquez, P. C. 2/16/2010 125 Brice, H. K. 8/22/2009 213 Clark, R. G. 1/10/2010 357 Lucas, K. J. 2/10/2010
9 Brogan, L. E. 1/20/2010 58 Emerson, F. E. 3/6/2010 125 Danill, S. E. 9/3/2008 213 Davidson, A. 2/17/2010 357 Martin, C. R. 1/21/2010
9 Froelich, A. J. 3/11/2010 58 Fraga, J. R. 1/2/2010 125 Hill, E. M. 4/2/2010 213 McCallum, E. G. 1/24/2010 357 Puschnig, M. J. 2/14/2010
9 Penning, J. J. 3/2/2010 58 Gnass, R. C. 3/14/2010 125 Maas, G. F. 9/2/2009 213 Midgley, T. 1/5/2010 357 Thomas, J. 2/22/2010
9 Sullivan, J. C. 2/23/2010 58 Jongste, W. 3/10/2010 125 Marr, E. M. 2/27/2010 213 Odegard, E. 1/22/2009 357 Williams, J. S. 2/26/2010
11 Barber, R. L. 3/17/2010 58 Katz, I. 2/26/2010 125 Newman, G. D. 12/10/2009 213 Urchuk, W. 1/19/2010 363 Carr, B. A. 12/27/2009
11 Borland, A. G. 3/27/2010 58 Riolo, J. L. 3/3/2010 125 Norgaard, D. A. 4/6/2010 223 Higgins, B. P. 3/4/2010 363 Davis, J. L. 1/8/2010
11 Cohen, H. 3/30/2010 58 Stencel, G. B. 2/21/2010 125 Rassi, R. L. 11/13/2009 226 Wulfkuhle, G. H. 3/16/2010 369 Brown, J. A. 6/14/2008
11 Davis, M. M. 7/12/2005 60 Center, G. M. 4/1/2010 125 Sansom, R. D. 2/26/2010 230 Hammersley, W. R. 2/21/2010 369 Byron, W. J. 3/15/2010
11 Ellis, G. D. 3/16/2010 60 Kenyon, C. C. 3/13/2010 126 Craig, H. 1/28/2010 233 Chestnutt, L. M. 1/20/2010 380 Watkins, C. R. 3/13/2010
11 Garcia, A. 1/22/2010 60 Rees, J. C. 3/19/2010 126 Lee, H. D. 8/5/2009 234 Cook, H. E. 12/9/2009 380 Weckesser, J. G. 3/5/2010
11 Hanaseth, T. J. 2/22/2010 66 Barber, W. S. 11/25/2009 130 Arnold, G. T. 2/7/2010 236 Harden, G. L. 3/14/2010 380 Wehr, G. J. 2/6/2010
11 Owens, T. H. 2/3/2008 66 Brinkmeyer, W. A. 3/12/2010 130 Cretin, E. L. 2/28/2010 236 Smith, C. C. 12/13/2009 386 Pinegar, H. L. 2/9/2010
11 Robinson, C. A. 1/28/2010 66 Fincher, F. A. 2/18/2010 130 Gallaty, D. J. 2/7/2010 237 Johnson, R. M. 1/18/2010 388 Christiansen, E. 1/17/2010
11 Rose, R. R. 3/8/2010 66 Williams, R. F. 1/17/2005 130 Gurtner, R. A. 3/9/2010 238 Williamson, M. C. 4/3/2010 397 Dorsch, F. A. 1/25/2010
11 Segler, T. 10/8/2009 68 Capraro, A. 10/12/2009 134 Ararsa, A. K. 2/13/2010 242 Schutt, W. J. 3/3/2010 400 Guastella, M. 3/31/2010
11 Shakhatuny, E. E. 6/1/2009 68 Dunmire, R. G. 1/30/2010 134 Brandon, R. C. 12/9/2009 245 Rundle, W. R. 3/1/2010 400 Shields, R. J. 1/13/2007
12 Brown, D. L. 2/25/2010 68 McNulty, R. E. 2/8/2010 134 Clettenberg, R. J. 2/10/2010 252 Kittel, J. N. 3/15/2010 402 Morris, J. A. 5/11/2009
13 Stubbs, W. R. 3/10/2010 68 Sauers, R. L. 5/1/2008 134 Eide, J. E. 1/29/2010 252 Meyer, R. A. 3/10/2010 405 Hrdlicka, L. L. 12/28/2009
15 Swacina, J. E. 3/31/2010 68 Young, N. J. 2/14/2010 134 Falstrom, R. W. 3/1/2010 254 Labercane, F. 1/9/2010 405 Peterson, M. K. 2/16/2010
16 Jones, K. G. 2/28/2010 70 Brown, D. R. 4/9/2010 134 Fergus, E. T. 2/12/2010 258 Leppard, L. J. 1/19/2010 413 Hawkins, T. M. 2/22/2010
17 Lewis, W. S. 3/7/2010 70 Criss, W. P. 3/12/2010 134 Herrick, M. C. 2/11/2010 258 Orr, E. F. 1/8/2009 424 Etienne, K. L. 2/5/2010
18 Alvord, E. W. 3/3/2010 70 Hardesty, V. F. 1/31/2010 134 Hoehne, R. 3/11/2010 258 Pinnington, P. 2/3/2010 424 Lamothe, M. R. 12/22/2009
18 Keilen, R. M. 2/8/2010 70 Jenkins, J. L. 10/28/2009 134 James, D. A. 5/26/2009 269 Shaffer, R. T. 11/23/2009 424 Short, W. 2/22/2010
18 Langton, W. B. 11/17/2008 71 Newman, F. W. 2/26/2010 134 Jurincie, A. K. 3/15/2010 270 Born, R. W. 12/23/2009
MEMORIAM continued on page 20

W W W . I B E W . O R G
18 The Electrical Worker | June 2010


Safety Takes Vigilant Unions,

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Not Just Regulators
he horrific explosions at Massey Energy’s Upper Big
The Electrical Worker was the name of the first official
publication of the National Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers in 1893 (the NBEW became the IBEW in 1899 with
the expansion of the union into Canada). The name and
T Branch mine in West Virginia and on BP’s offshore drilling
rig on the Gulf Coast—accidents that resulted in the deaths
of 40 hard-working Americans—have focused attention on
the need for governmental regulators to hold companies more
accountable for safety on the job.
format of the publication have changed over the years.
It’s about time. During most of the last decade, unions and citi-
This newspaper is the official publication of the IBEW and zens concerned about job safety nearly wore out the cliché about
seeks to capture the courage and spirit that motivated the the fox guarding the henhouse as industry insiders were appointed
founders of the Brotherhood and continue to inspire the to direct regulatory agencies by the Bush-Cheney crowd.
union’s members today. The masthead of this newspaper But chasing away the “foxes” and replacing them with honor-
Edwin D. Hill
is an adaptation of that of the first edition in 1893. able men and women more passionate about protecting workers’
International President lives than companies’ profits will not alone cure the tragic epidemic
of workplace carnage.
Safety on the job takes workers standing together, refusing to
EXECUTIVE Fourth District Third District THE
OFFICERS William W. Riley Donald C. Siegel ELECTRICAL
put themselves in harm’s way. And in an economy where unemploy-
WORKER ment remains high and workers are wary of putting their jobs on the
Edwin D. Hill Fifth District Fourth District
line, real safety takes the protection of a union—something tragi-
International President Stephen Schoemehl Salvatore J. Chilia Editor
Edwin D. Hill cally lacking at Upper Big Branch mine and BP’s Deepwater Horizon
Lindell K. Lee Sixth District Fifth District
drilling rig.
International Gregory A. Lucero Joe S. Davis C. James Spellane
Secretary-Treasurer Among the quiet successes of organized labor are accidents
Seventh District Sixth District Mark that never happened and lives that were not cut short or abruptly
INTERNATIONAL Patrick Lavin Joseph F. Lohman Brueggenjohann
altered, thanks to the vigilance of workers asserting their rights. The
Eighth District Seventh District Malinda Brent recent work of Albuquerque, N.M., IBEW Local 611 is a powerful case
Rick Dowling Jonathan B. Gardner
Len Shindel in point.
INTERNATIONAL Eighth District In July 2008, in the wake of a successful organizing campaign
Robert W. Pierson Carol Fisher Lindell K. Lee
VICE Ted C. Jensen
International Secretary-Treasurer at Public Service Company of New Mexico, workers at the utility were
First District PRESIDENTS Alex Hogan
Joseph P. Calabro
Ninth District attempting to negotiate a first agreement when a member of the
First District Michael S. Mowrey Lucas Oswalt negotiating committee became aware of a potentially explosive con-
Second District Phillip J. Flemming
Myles J. Calvey
Tenth District James H. Jones dition on the job.
Second District Robert P. Klein An underground vault located in one of the turning lanes on the second busiest traffic intersection
Third District Frank J. Carroll Len Turner
John R. Clarke
Eleventh District in town was leaking natural gas. Measurements revealed that the leak presented an explosive hazard
Curtis E. Henke Tim Prendergast
equal to a bomb.
The utility’s own safety protocol and the state’s pipeline safety regulations demanded that the leak
be temporarily or permanently fixed and monitored until repairs were made. But from May 19—when they
first detected the leak—until July 17, managers did not follow the company’s own rules. Local 611 called in
HOW TO REACH US the state’s pipeline safety bureau to investigate the utility’s failure to address the gas leak.
A state inspector asked for the utility’s leak detection crew to accompany him to the vault. But
We welcome letters from our readers. The writer should include his or her before he arrived, supervisors dispatched a worker to the site to vent the gas buildup. The local union
name, address and, if applicable, IBEW local union number and card
number. Family members should include the local union number of the contends that the company intentionally backdated tickets to document inspections that never took
IBEW member to whom The Electrical Worker is mailed. Please keep place. The utility says its actions were unintentional. State investigators found merit on most of the
letters as brief as possible. The Electrical Worker reserves the right to union’s charges. State regulators and the pipeline bureau staff proposed $66,000 in fines.
select letters for publication and edit all submissions for length. Local 611 filed a motion to intervene in the proposed settlement, contending that the fines do not
Send letters to: reflect the severity of PSN’s threat to public and worker safety. The results of the local’s appeal will be
Letters to the Editor, The Electrical Worker, 900 Seventh Street, N.W., known soon.
Washington, D.C. 20001
Or send by e-mail to: [email protected]
We should all be proud of the diligence of our brothers and sisters in Albuquerque and everywhere
IBEW members stand up for safety.
©2010 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
But this story isn’t over, and the future for a bargaining unit and safe conditions at the utility is—
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. on Union-made paper. like in far too many places in North America—hanging in doubt.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Electrical Worker, In 2009, still working without a first agreement, members learned that the company had sold its
900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. gas division to New Mexico Gas. The company is supporting efforts to decertify the bargaining unit,
The Electrical Worker will not be held responsible for views telling workers they need a “fresh start.”
expressed by correspondents. “We are still concerned about the safety of members,” says Local 611 Assistant Business Manager
Paid advertising is not accepted. Ed Tafoya, pointing out that NMG makes $60,000 a day in profits. That’s enough to pay nearly the entire
fine for jeopardizing the lives of citizens who—like their peers in the mines and oil rigs and workplaces
Publications Mail Agreement No. 40011756.
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
from coast to coast—ask only to return home from work each day in the same condition they were in
P.O. Box 503 when they left.
RPO West Beaver Creek And as always, a union is their best bet to do just that. ❚
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4R6
The Electrical Worker | June 2010 19

Letters Who We Are

to the
If you have a story to tell about your IBEW experience, please send it to [email protected].
Solidarity or Demise?
Don’t let it be forgot New York High School Opens Up
That once there was an organization
For one brief shining moment
That was known as the IBEW
Career Opportunities in Construction
It is this writer’s opinion that our once-proud union is dead; oh, maybe not for any IBEW members
another 15 years, but unless realities change, it’s dead. The only chance we have is
if we can get our membership to band together for the good of the IBEW. Instead,
what we have now is linemen who don’t trust wiremen, the wiremen downgrade
other classifications, et cetera.
Meanwhile, the part of the membership that goes to work paying the local’s
bills and making the customer happy take our union for granted. They don’t partici-
M first found out about
the trade through a
relative who was a
member—a parent, an uncle or a
cousin. But for many students, par-
High school students
from the Edison School
of Applied Technology in
Rochester, N.Y., helped
pate in elections or the actions of their local. ticularly those growing up in poverty, build a house this year.
Quite a few local union business managers and officers are elected by the a career in the building trades is
protectionist faction of the membership, often with no experience in management,
rarely presented as an option.
just because they are of the same ilk. They take these guys off the street and
expect them to run a multi-million dollar business. The task is so daunting and the
But a group of inner-city public
staff so inexperienced, nothing gets accomplished. high school students in Rochester,
N.Y., are getting a unique opportu-
Tim Nichol nity to get a head start on a career in
Local 280 member, Salem, Ore.
the construction trades, thanks to
the new “Get Ready For Life” pro-
Apple for the Teacher gram at the Edison School of
Applied Technology.
I’m a first-year apprentice with Reading, Pa., Local 743. I never thought in a million
Every day for the last school
years I’d see myself getting the opportunity to say I’m a union electrical apprentice.
year, more than 20 students than 70 percent of students
Now I am proud to tell people. Maybe those who want to learn will succeed, but
what’s a classroom education without a great teacher? strapped on their safety helmets living at or below the poverty
It is a privilege to learn from the finest in our trade, our first-year apprentice and steel-toe boots after finishing line, says Laniak. More than
teacher, David Singer. He has gone out of his way to make sure his students know their morning classes and headed to 90 percent of students are
what they need to know and teach them more than what is probably required by a nearby worksite where they helped black or Hispanic. the building trades, many say they
the NJATC. He is there three hours early before class setting up for lessons. He built build a new 1,600-square-foot “None of these students can are ready to put in the effort.”
working models of electrical simulations by hand just so his students can see how say I’ve got an uncle who’s a carpen- Laniak credits UNICON, the
house, working side by side with
it works rather then trying to explain it.
experienced union craftsmen. ter or my dad is a plumber,” Laniak Workforce Development Institute—a
Dave taught us the importance of financial responsibility, what it means to
save money and how to use it during those rough patches we go through. I once Helping to lead the project was said. “A lot of their caregivers are statewide nonprofit that promotes
got a peek at all of Dave’s certifications in his binder. And when he told me he was Edison instructor Tom Waydelis. working two or three jobs at Wal- job training—and the building
an average Joe like me in high school, it only pushed me to study harder. I only Assisting the students with the Mart or at Burger King.” trades, including Local 86, for help-
hope my next four years with my new teachers will be similar to my first year. wiring were fellow instructors Joe Ken Warner, executive director ing to make the program a success.
Thank you IBEW, NECA, and NJATC! LaPlaca and Jason Millington, who of Unions and Businesses United in His goal is to get at least two to
Tyler Runge are also Local 86 members. Construction, which provided seed three students from each class
Local 743 member, Reading, Pa. Local 86 Joint Apprenticeship money for the homebuilding project, enrolled in a union apprenticeship.
Training Committee Coordinator Joe says the program’s goal is to combat “These are jobs that can’t be off-
Intinni, along with Edison teachers unemployment among minority shored,” he said.
The Union Advantage Paul Healy and Phil Smith, also youth in the city. The joblessness Warner says he sees the pro-
My father is a union man, as well as his father, and his father’s father before him, helped students plan the electrical rate for black males between the gram as a breeding ground for a new
and the opportunities supplied by their unions have given me the chance to be the installation at the house. ages of 16-24 is approximately 30 generation of home-grown construc-
first Brock to attend and finish at a four-year university and go on to pursue a “The kids were required to put in percent—more than three times the tion workers. The city is undertaking
career in law, defending those who don’t have the means to defend themselves. real work, doing everything a regular rate of the rest of the population. an ambitious 10-year school modern-
My father has taught me to be humble and to never do anything halfway. He
apprentice is expected to do,” LaPlaca “We’re letting students know ization program that will require tens
instilled in me a desire to help those who I can. My mother, through the law firm in
which she works as a paralegal, has tirelessly worked on behalf of unfairly treated said. “We wanted them to get a taste that there are good-paying jobs out of thousands of man-hours of work,
employees, including IBT and IBEW members. I listened to her description of the of what real construction is like.” there,” he said. and local officials want to make sure
cases her office was working on and was disgusted by the unlawful actions taken But students got more than just Vocational education has been the labor force will represent the
by some employers against their own employees, the very people whose efforts a lesson in basic homebuilding— stigmatized in last couple decades, as diversity of the city.
keep the wheels of progress turning and brought profit to the businesses. they learned the fundamentals of school administrators and elected offi- “These students will be the
Unions have had a profound impact on my life; unions have ensured my hard work and on-the-job etiquette. cials emphasized college preparation future work force for our contrac-
grandfather and father fair and reasonable wages, decent hours, and above all, over technical training, but Edison is tors,” he said.
“All the students in the program
stability and safety in a sometimes uncertain world. I will take all that unions have
have to be ready to take on a lot of providing an alternative career path- LaPlaca, who is now retired from
done for me to heart in my career and I will remain eternally grateful for the oppor-
tunity they have given me. The protection of the American ideal of a fair wage for an responsibility,” said Edison Principal way for students that is garnering posi- Edison, says the program is looking
honest day’s work in order to make something of oneself is one of the pillars of our Matt Laniak. Students are expected tive attention from parents, local to double in size next year. The school
society and I would be nothing if unions hadn’t given my father and grandfather to keep up their grades, have no dis- leaders and educational experts. has already purchased a vacant lot to
the chance to do just that. ciplinary problems and be at school The PBS show, the News Hour begin construction on another house.
Cole Brock every day. In return, they get a small with Jim Lehrer featured the pro- The completed house recently sold
Grandson of Local 606 retiree Floyd Brock, Orlando, Fla. stipend. “If they screw up, they don’t gram, as did the American Teacher for $100,000, which will help fund
get paid,” he said. magazine. next year’s program.
Edison draws its student body “Not every kid is going to “It’s great opportunity to get
largely from the most disadvantaged Harvard,” Laniak said. “But when some really talented students into
neighborhoods in the city, with more exposed to the benefits of going into the IBEW,” he said. ❚

W W W . I B E W . O R G
20 The Electrical Worker | June 2010

In Memoriam continued from page 17

Union Member Rights and Officer
Responsibilities Under the LMRDA
Local Surname Date of Death Local Surname Date of Death Local Surname Date of Death

424 Tchir, K. E. 1/23/2010 647 Day, D. L. 1/7/2010 1516 Brewster, F. T. 3/16/2010

429 Henson, D. E. 2/16/2010 649 Bowler, J. W. 2/17/2010 1531 Calhoun, J. 2/21/2010
429 Winfrey, K. R. 2/25/2010 654 Edwards, W. P. 1/16/2010 1547 Connolly, R. J. 3/7/2008
The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) guarantees certain rights to
441 Krebs, P. W. 3/13/2010 654 Honey, T. H. 8/25/2009 1547 Connolly, M. K. 11/12/2008
union members and imposes certain responsibilities on union officers. The Office of Labor-
441 McEachern, J. F. 11/4/2009 654 Powell, H. G. 5/1/2002 1547 Stallcop, L. C. 3/16/2010
Management Standards (OLMS) enforces many LMRDA provisions while other provisions, such
441 Peters, E. W. 10/21/2007 659 Baker, R. G. 1/30/2010 1579 Murray, O. G. 3/15/2010
as the bill of rights, may only be enforced by union members through private suit in federal
443 Baggett, R. H. 2/15/2010 659 Sparlin, H. L. 12/5/2009 1701 Clark, J. D. 1/6/2010
court. For more information contact the nearest OLMS field office.
443 Hubbard, H. G. 3/6/2010 659 Warren, R. T. 3/13/2010 1739 Zabzinski, D. C. 7/5/2009
446 Hyatt, M. J. 2/13/2010 666 Brooks, H. C. 2/21/2010 1837 Taylor, L. E. 12/10/2009 Union Members’ Rights
449 Nyman, A. D. 3/27/2010 666 Welch, D. E. 1/28/2010 2085 Hoffer, B. 1/5/2010
453 Jackson, J. D. 3/14/2010 667 Beach, R. B. 4/8/2010 2131 Martin, N. N. 2/18/2010 Bill of Rights—Union members have:
461 Schroeder, T. J. 12/10/2009 667 Newton, I. F. 3/2/2010 2150 Rick, K. M. 3/10/2010 • equal rights to participate in union activities
461 Young, R. W. 3/14/2010 673 Colagross, L. E. 1/30/2010 2295 Jett, M. R. 12/6/2009 • freedom of speech and assembly
465 Fairchild, G. B. 3/24/2010 683 New, W. S. 11/28/2009 2330 Pottle, S. W. 2/26/2010 • voice in setting rates of dues, fees, and assessments
466 Ellis, A. W. 2/16/2010 683 Stephenson, E. O. 2/12/2010 I.O. (134) Crawley, R. W. 12/8/2009 • protection of the right to sue
466 Hardman, D. L. 3/12/2010 697 Carnell, P. L. 12/27/2009 I.O. (134) Gonsowski, G. R. 3/14/2010 • safeguards against improper discipline
479 Adkins, C. T. 2/26/2010 697 Hathaway, W. B. 2/26/2010 I.O. (134) Krska, M. M. 1/11/2010 Copies of Collective Bargaining Agreements—Union members and nonunion employees have
481 Demick, R. A. 1/8/2010 701 Loser, W. M. 2/23/2010 Pens. (3) Itzkowitz, J. 8/16/1996 the right to receive or inspect copies of collective bargaining agreements.
481 Gehl, C. J. 2/10/2010 701 Nicholson, S. O. 12/18/2009 Pens. (222) Butler, B. J. 3/16/2010
481 Hood, J. M. 2/5/2010 716 Farrar, R. L. 3/17/2010 Pens. (323) Sasser, F. D. 10/9/2009 Reports—Unions are required to file an initial information report (Form LM-1), copies of constitu-
481 Zink, J. E. 1/16/2010 716 McGeary, C. K. 6/28/2008 Pens. (637) Skinner, R. O. 3/2/2010 tions and bylaws, and an annual financial report (Form LM-2/3/4) with OLMS. Unions must
486 Mulvaney, J. R. 9/24/2009 716 Young, R. 2/20/2010 Pens. (1788)McMahon, T. C. 11/9/2009 make the reports available to members and permit members to examine supporting records for
488 Carpentieri, P. 1/11/2010 725 McNabb, P. W. 2/23/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Anderson, H. M. 10/22/2009 just cause. The reports are public information and copies are available from OLMS.
494 Cox, M. J. 12/24/2009 728 Keller, L. O. 2/6/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Archbell, S. 2/11/2010 Officer Elections—Union members have the right to:
494 Gowens, M. X. 12/19/2009 728 Powell, M. E. 2/12/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Baker, F. H. 3/16/2010 • nominate candidates for office
494 Strassburg, J. 12/28/2009 738 Zamer, S. M. 11/10/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Bardebben, W. H. 1/23/2010 • run for office
495 Ping, R. D. 3/1/2010 743 Braddock, R. S. 2/13/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Beaver, B. C. 11/13/2004 • cast a secret ballot
499 Chopard, P. E. 12/3/2009 744 Harfman, A. W. 2/22/2008 Pens. (I.O.) Bridge, W. L. 2/15/2010 • protest the conduct of an election
505 Jacobs, S. D. 3/2/2006 756 Martin, J. A. 3/10/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Brizes, W. 2/18/2010
508 Healy, T. D. 5/31/2008 760 Summers, C. R. 3/4/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Brunmeier, R. D. 3/16/2010 Officer Removal—Local union members have the right to an adequate procedure for the
508 Miller, H. L. 3/2/2009 768 Eslick, L. E. 1/23/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Buckingham, C. E. 9/28/2009 removal of an elected officer guilty of serious misconduct.
508 Mobley, R. G. 2/21/2010 812 Loudenslager, C. V. 1/27/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Butler, E. T. 8/26/2009
Trusteeships—Unions may only be placed in trusteeship by a parent body for the reasons speci-
518 Bourn, C. R. 12/23/2009 816 Blincoe, M. J. 2/28/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Carter, J. C. 3/8/2010
fied in the LMRDA.
518 Burchart, D. W. 2/9/2010 816 Crutcher, T. A. 12/16/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Cartwright, I. L. 3/7/2010
520 Roos, E. 1/29/2010 816 Young, T. L. 2/4/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Clapshaw, R. A. 2/28/2010 Prohibition Against Violence—No one may use or threaten to use force or violence to interfere
527 Ryan, W. L. 3/3/2010 817 Oser, W. E. 3/15/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Clutter, R. W. 3/1/2010 with a union member in the exercise of LMRDA rights.
540 Crites, T. J. 5/15/2009 852 Caldwell, J. 2/17/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Coulter, O. 9/1/2009
551 Varney, P. N. 2/12/2010 852 Genry, T. H. 2/16/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Davis, A. C. 3/13/2010 Union Officer Responsibilities
558 Bentley, K. 2/2/2010 855 Townsend, D. R. 2/25/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Decess, D. D. 2/16/2010 Financial Safeguards—Union officers have a duty to manage the funds and property of the
558 Bratcher, T. G. 3/2/2010 876 Weger, K. J. 4/7/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Eaton, G. W. 2/28/2010 union solely for the benefit of the union and its members in accordance with the union’s consti-
558 Forrester, H. C. 1/30/2010 890 Atwood, G. A. 3/2/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Hastings, J. C. 3/6/2010 tution and bylaws. Union officers or employees who embezzle or steal union funds or other
558 Johnston, J. D. 2/20/2010 890 Westerman, T. J. 7/4/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Hatfield, J. T. 2/25/2010 assets commit a federal crime punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.
558 Stoll, F. H. 2/4/2010 894 Helps, T. E. 2/6/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Hoppel, R. G. 3/16/2010
558 Thompson, D. L. 3/17/2010 894 West, J. 2/28/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Hund, F. A. 12/23/2009 Bonding—Union officers or employees who handle union funds or property must be bonded to
567 Marquis, R. A. 1/12/2010 915 Thomas, T. D. 1/13/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Hutchinson, P. E. 2/28/2008 provide protection against losses if their union has property and annual financial receipts which
568 Chicoine, D. 3/25/2009 934 Fleming, C. G. 2/11/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Johnson, K. P. 3/8/2010 exceed $5,000.
568 Lepage, P. 2/16/2010 934 Stewart, W. 1/20/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Kafarski, S. 2/9/2010
Labor Organization Reports—Union officers must:
569 Olson, A. L. 2/22/2010 948 Haut, L. E. 3/13/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Leatherman, K. B. 3/8/2010
• file an initial information report (Form LM-1) and annual financial reports (Forms LM-2/3/4)
569 Osborn, G. E. 2/13/2010 949 Miller, C. W. 2/21/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Logan, M. F. 2/21/2010
with OLMS.
569 Walsh, L. J. 11/20/2009 965 Anderson, B. J. 3/7/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Long, J. F. 2/11/2009 • retain the records necessary to verify the reports for at least five years.
573 Riviella, R. F. 3/17/2010 972 Smith, R. E. 11/27/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Lorenzen, H. A. 3/30/2010
576 Ates, C. L. 3/17/2010 995 Chaney, F. L. 3/8/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Lukas, E. W. 2/18/2010 Officer Report—Union officers and employees must file reports concerning any loans and bene-
584 Crouse, L. E. 1/29/2010 1049 Christine, W. D. 1/30/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Lyons, D. F. 2/5/2010 fits received from, or certain financial interests in, employers whose employees their unions rep-
584 Lees, D. E. 12/9/2009 1055 Havel, R. C. 11/1/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Mahurin, C. 11/15/2009 resent and businesses that deal with their unions.
584 Robertson, J. L. 5/14/2009 1105 Strickler, E. D. 3/14/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Manning, R. E. 3/21/2010
Officer Election—Unions must:
584 Robinson, S. D. 2/15/2010 1116 Patty, E. M. 1/27/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Masters, R. L. 2/18/2010
• hold elections of officers of local unions by secret ballot at least every three years.
595 Livermore, N. L. 2/7/2010 1141 Dunlap, C. 3/1/2010 Pens. (I.O.) McClister, W. J. 1/21/2010
• conduct regular elections in accordance with their constitution and bylaws and preserve all
595 Ogden, L. R. 3/9/2010 1141 Ellison, G. 3/18/2010 Pens. (I.O.) McKay, L. E. 3/9/2010
records for one year.
595 Smith, S. W. 2/12/2010 1141 Howry, R. L. 3/5/2010 Pens. (I.O.) McLean, D. H. 12/18/2009
• mail a notice of election to every member at least 15 days prior to the election
595 Young, B. J. 2/21/2010 1141 Shumate, R. V. 11/2/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Menchaca, R. 3/3/2010
• comply with a candidate’s request to distribute campaign material.
601 Rhodes, W. S. 8/14/2009 1158 Russomanno, R. 2/22/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Miller, L. L. 3/10/2010
• not use union funds or resources to promote any candidate (nor may employer funds or
602 Ellington, A. F. 3/1/2010 1186 Mikami, Y. 1/29/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Mondeau, J. J. 2/6/2010
resources be used)
602 Maddox, D. L. 2/14/2010 1186 Tabar, W. J. 1/5/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Odom, H. R. 3/9/2010
• permit candidates to have election observers.
602 Rowan, L. B. 12/8/2009 1212 Votik, A. A. 3/7/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Pamplin, B. A. 3/6/2010
• allow candidates to inspect the union’s membership list once within 30 days prior to the
606 Green, W. A. 3/17/2010 1245 Childers, F. K. 2/23/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Pikal, G. K. 3/11/2010 election.
611 Beeson, K. R. 2/22/2010 1249 Drew, R. F. 3/29/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Richmond, F. W. 11/17/2009
611 Garcia, A. C. 3/5/2010 1316 Davis, B. W. 2/21/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Rzepka, W. J. 2/11/2010 Restrictions on Holding Office—A person convicted of certain crimes may not serve as a union
611 Murphy, M. P. 3/16/2010 1319 Kresge, W. F. 3/6/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Sawkins, W. G. 3/12/2010 officer, employee or other representative of a union for up to 13 years.
611 Rosewell, F. G. 1/22/2010 1319 Segedy, F. 2/6/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Schuett, N. J. 2/20/2010
Fines—A union may not pay the fine of any officer or employee convicted of any willful violation
613 Gentry, W. L. 1/14/2010 1319 Warnagiris, R. 12/8/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Shannon, W. H. 2/3/2010
of the LMRDA.
613 Hendrix, J. M. 2/12/2010 1319 Yoder, M. J. 3/18/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Smith, N. B. 12/28/2009
613 Martin, W. L. 2/11/2010 1340 Spivey, R. C. 2/22/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Sportsman, B. L. 1/9/2010 The above is a summary of the LMRDA. Full text of the Act, which comprises Sections 401-531 of
613 Richardson, W. R. 1/26/2010 1393 Force, R. A. 2/17/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Swanson, L. E. 11/28/2009 Title 29, U.S. Code, may be found in many public libraries, or by writing the U.S. Department of
617 Eiferle, F. W. 4/12/2010 1426 Landby, N. 2/22/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Thurman, C. A. 2/22/2010 Labor, Office of Labor-Management Standards, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-5616,
625 Cole, A. R. 1/1/2010 1426 Linnell, L. K. 3/8/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Wamack, F. R. 3/9/2010 Washington, DC, 20210, or on the Internet at ❚
636 Lea, O. H. 6/24/2009 1439 Barbeau, L. J. 3/16/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Wheeler, J. J. 3/10/2010
640 Compton, R. L. 2/13/2010 1466 Kline, C. L. 3/17/2010 Pens. (I.O.) Whisman, J. H. 2/26/2010
640 Martin, R. D. 2/15/2010 1516 Arrington, R. D. 12/6/2009 Pens. (I.O.) Worley, C. E. 1/22/2009

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