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Journal of Aquaculture
Mosha, J Aquac Res Development 2018, 9:7
rnal Aqua

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000544

Research & Development


J t
ISSN: 2155-9546

Review ArticleArticle Open Access

A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a Protein Plant Source in Finfish

Sebastian S Mosha*
Training Department, Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI), Mtwara, Tanzania

The increase in costs and demand of protein from conventional resource necessitates fish farmers and hatcheries
manager to incorporate cheap and locally available ingredients in fish diets. Among protein plant sources, Azolla
seems to be good replacer of protein from expensive sources such as fish meal and fish oil depending on feeding
habits of the fish species. It contains high crude protein content (13% to 30%) and essential amino acid (EAA)
composition (rich in lysine) than most green forage crops and other aquatic macrophytes. A review was conducted
on significance of Azolla meal as a protein plant source in finfish culture, mostly focus was on Tilapia species and
family Cyprinidae. About 30 published online journal papers, from Research gate and Google scholar in aquaculture
nutrition were reviewed. Among reviewed papers revealed that, the dietary Azolla supplementation at certain level
have a positive effect on feed utilization and protein conversion ratio, mobilization and utilization of glycogenic
amino acids, and growth performance. Therefore, this review suggests that, 10-45% Azolla inclusion level can be
incorporated in the diet for Tilapia species, except for T. zillii which requires more than 40% protein contents. While
in fish belong to the family Cyprinidae, the inclusion level should be 10-50% for Rohu, and 10-25% for the rest of
family members, except Labeo fimbriatus which didn’t shows any effect up to 40% Azolla inclusion level in a diet.

Keywords: Fish growth performance; Protein plant source; Azolla flavonoids from Azolla crude extract. Therefore, this review aimed to
meal; Tilapia species; Family Cyprinidae explore the significance of Azolla in fish diets from the recent studies
conducted by several researchers in the field of aquaculture nutrition.
Literature Review
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food producing sector and is
perceived to have the greatest potential to meet the growing demand Origin, classification and distribution of Azolla species
for aquatic food [1]. World aquaculture production is likely to grow
Azolla is a genus of aquatic ferns and small leafed floating plants,
continuously, but at slow rate [2]. In Tanzania, aquaculture is largely a
native to the tropics, subtropics, and warm temperate regions of Africa,
subsistence activity practiced in the coastal and inland areas [3,4]. The
Asia, and America [14]. It is very sensitive to lack of water in aquatic
sector is mainly dominated by tilapia species, Orechromis niloticus and
ecosystems such as stagnant waters, ponds, ditches, canals or paddy fields.
African catfish, Clarius gariepinus which accounting around 90 per cent
These areas may be seasonally covered by a mat of Azolla associated
of the total inland production. In the coastal areas particularly Zanzibar,
with other free-floating plants species such as Duckweed (Lemna minor
it is dominated by sea weed, Eucheuma denticulatum farming [5].
L.), Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.), Water caltrop (Trapa natans L.),
The increase in costs and demand of protein from conventional Water meal (Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid) and mud-rooting species such
resources necessitate fish farmers in developing countries [6] including as Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum L.), Water purslane (Ludwigia
Tanzania to incorporate cheap and locally available ingredients in fish palustris L.) and Knot weed, Polygonum arenastrum [15].
diets. Recent literatures reported that, the utilization of high food value
aquatic plants are used to supplement fish diets. Literature shows that, Azolla domestication dates back to the 11t h
century in Vietnam [16], and the genus was botanically established by
A floating freshwater, Azolla pinnata is one of the aquatic plants Lamarck in 1783 [15]. The Azolla are categorized either into subgenera
with high biomass and protein production which can be used as a direct or taxonomic “section” level. In subgenera classification, Azolla are
fish feed or diet ingredient of an alternative protein source [7]. Azolla divided into two genera based on the sporocarp characters: Euazolla
has gained its importance in aquaculture due to higher crude protein and Rhizosperma [16]. Euazolla is further classified into the taxonomic
content (13% to 30%) and essential amino acid (EAA) composition (rich “section” level [17] which have 5 species, namely Willd (A. caroliniana),
in lysine) than most green forage crops and other aquatic macrophytes Lam (A. filiculoides), Presl (A. Mexicana), Kaulf (A. microphylla) and A.
[6]. In spite of its attractive nutritional qualities and relative ease to
produce in ponds, reports on use of Azolla in aquaculture are extremely
limited. However, it is well documented in some shellfish such as black
*Corresponding author: Sebastian S Mosha, Training Department, Ministry
tiger shrimp Penaeus monodan [8] and finfish such as carps [9] and Nile of Agriculture Training Institute (MATI), P.O. Box 121, Mtwara, Tanzania, Tel:
tilapia [10]. +918300983373; E-mail: [email protected]

These fish species have been reported to convert raw protein from Received May 16, 2018; Accepted July 30, 2018; Published August 10, 2018
Azolla into the best edible protein, thus reduces the cost of production Citation: Mosha SS (2018) A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a
of feeds [11]. Also, it is reported to have important components which Protein Plant Source in Finfish Culture. J Aquac Res Development 9: 544. doi:
enhance performance of fish. Cohen et al. [12] reported the presence
of the 3-Deoxyanthocyanins which are the only known flavonoids of Copyright: © 2018 Mosha SS. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
Azolla. In addition, Mithraja et al. [13] reported various antioxidants use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
like phyto-constituents such as tannins, phenolic contents and source are credited.

J Aquac Res Development, an open access journal Volume 9 • Issue 7 • 1000544

ISSN: 2155-9546
Citation: Mosha SS (2018) A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a Protein Plant Source in Finfish Culture. J Aquac Res Development 9: 544. doi: 10.4172/2155-

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rubra [18]. While, the former genera (Rhizosperma) has only 2 species due to higher percentage in nutrients composition on dry weight
called Decne. ex Mett. (NI), A. nilotica and R. Br, A. pinnata [19]. basis (Table 2) and other constituents such as minerals, chlorophyll,
carotinoids, amino acids, and vitamins [35]. It can be used as fish food
According to Kannaiyan and Kumar [15], Azolla species are
in Azolla-fish pond culture and contributes directly to weight gain of
distributed all over the world in fresh water ecosystems of temperate
macrophytophagous fish [36]. Also, it has been reported that, Azolla
and tropical regions. Some literature has indicated that species of
tends to increase production of fish faeces which directly consumed
genera Euazolla have originated from North and South America while
by bottom dwellers which in turn used as an organic (nitrogenous)
Rhizosperma originated from Africa, Asia and Australia (Table 1)
fertilizer to increase overall pond productivity. In addition, the high
rates of decomposition of Azolla make it a suitable substrate for
Impacts of Azolla species in nature enriching the detrital food chain or for microbial processing such
as composting, prior to application in ponds [36]. However, the
Azolla is the one of the world's fastest growing aquatic macrophytes contribution of Azolla to aquaculture sector is promising, it may not
which can be doubling in only 2-5 days [21,22]. Though, it has various ensure high productivity when used alone. Hence, it can be a useful
benefits, are also considered as annoying weeds in nature, particularly supplement to natural feed in low-input aquaculture and can reduce
A. pinnata and A. filiculoides [23]. Many studies have mentioned high dependency on fish meal and fish oil from the nature [37].
Azolla as a weed [24-26]. For instance, the North American native A.
filiculoides has invaded many places in Iran [25,27], Europe and South Significance of Azolla meal
Africa [26], where it is now considered as an important exotic weed.
Among published papers reviewed, Tilapia species (Oreochromis
A. pinnata is another example of an obnoxious weed [16,28]. This fern
niloticus, Tilapia mossambica, Tilapia zillii) and Family Cyprinidae
became naturalized in North Carolina (US) in 1999, where it continues
(Labeo rohita, Catla catla, labeo calbasu, Labeo fimbriatus,
to be present [24], and also in New Zealand where it displaced the
Ctenopharyngodon idella, Barbonymus gonionotus) were mostly
native A. rubra in most parts of the country. In fact, such invasive
reported to utilize Azolla when incorporated into the diets.
aquatic ferns are major concern for biologists and ecologists dealing
with conservation and management of wetland ecosystems due to the Tilapia Species
threats they may pose to the rich original biological diversity.
Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
Azolla may have important harmful and irreversible impacts
on wetlands as they may change the local fauna and flora [29,30]. The aquatic fern Azolla has been successfully used in tilapia culture
Also, they may reduce the ecological quality through changes in as feed ingredients [38-42]. Some authors have been studied on growth
biological, chemical and physical properties of aquatic ecosystems performance and survivability of tilapia fingerlings by providing Azolla
[31]. According to Olenin et al. [32], some of the biological changes partially or fully as a component in the fish feed [43]. Therefore, most
consist of eradication of susceptible or rare species, alteration of native of the literatures reviewed reported the improvement on growth
communities and algal blooms. While physical-chemical changes performance, feed utilization and survival rate on Nile tilapia fry at the
involve the modification of substrate conditions and the shore zones, increased dietary inclusion of Azolla up to a certain level. For instance,
alterations of oxygen and nutrient contents, pH and transparency of Santiago et al. [44,45] reported that, Nile tilapia fry fed rations
the water and accumulation of pollutants. In addition, these invaders containing up to 42% of A. pinnata outperformed fish fed a fishmeal-
can survive and reproduce in a wide range of environmental conditions based control diet. Also, Micha et al. [46] reported highest performance
[33,34]. in Tilapia rendalli fingerlings when fed feeds incorporated with Azolla.
In contrast, Abou Youssouf [10] reported that, the final mean weight
Importance of Azolla in fish pond
of Nile tilapia decreased as Azolla inclusion level increased from 0%
Azolla can be used either directly or indirectly in the fish pond, to 50% in the experimental diets (Figure 1). Similar results have been

Genera Species Origin and Distribution

A. filiculoides Southern South America, and Western North America to Alaska
A. caroliniana Eastern North America, Central America, North South America, the Caribbean, Mexico and West Indies
A. mexicana Northern South America to British Columbia, Western North America and Eastward to Illinois
A. microphylla Western and Northern South America to Southern North America and the West Indies
A. pinnata Tropical Africa and Southern Africa, South East Asia, Japan and Australia
A. nilotica Central Africa, upper Nile Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo and Namibia
Source: Carrapiço et al. [20] and Kannaiyan and Kumar [15].

Table 1: Worldwide distribution of Azolla species.

Constituents Azolla (% Content)

Crude protein 13-30
Crude fat 4.4-6.3
Cellulose 5.6-15.2
Hemicellulose 9.8-17.9
Lignin 9.3-34.8
Ash 9.7-23.8
Source: Ayyappan [37].
Table 2: Nutrient composition (%) of Azolla on dry weight basis.

J Aquac Res Development, an open access journal Volume 9 • Issue 7 • 1000544

ISSN: 2155-9546
Citation: Mosha SS (2018) A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a Protein Plant Source in Finfish Culture. J Aquac Res Development 9: 544. doi: 10.4172/2155-

Page 3 of 7

[1] reported better growth performance of Rohu fingerlings when fed

200g/kg feed Azolla supplemented diet. In contrast, Mohanty and Dash
[52] reported higher weight gain and good utilization in Rohu fry fed
with A. caroliniana at 60% inclusion level, comparing diets with 30, 40
and 50% Azolla incorporation.
Catla (Catla catla)
Several studies conducted in other carp species reported the
efficiently utilization of Azolla inclusion diets. For instance, Catla which
is an economically important South Asian freshwater fish, reported a
higher growth rate and compatibility with other major carps, surface
feeding habit, and consumer preferences. In a study conducted by
Umalatha et al. [35] reported that, incorporation of Azolla up to 20%
did not have any adverse effect on dry matter and protein digestibility,
both decreasing (p<0.05) at higher inclusion levels (Table 6). Similarly,
Asadujjaman and Hosain [53] reported poor growth of Catla fed Azolla
as compared to those fed control diet consisting of rice bran, wheat
bran and mustard cake (30:30:40). However, in other carp species
the different results have been reported. For instance, Ahmad [54]
Figure 1: Changes in fortnight mean weight (mean ± S.D.) of Nile tilapia fed reported high growth performance in common carp, Cyprinus carpio
in earthen ponds for 90 days. L. fingerlings when fed Azolla incorporation diet.
Orange fin labeo, Labeo calbasu
reported by Abou et al. [47] when he fed fish with a diet containing 20%
of Azolla at 30% Azolla cover. Orange fin labeo, Labeo calbasu is an herbivorous fish belonging
to family Cyprinidae, found commonly in rivers and freshwater lakes
Tilapia mossambica around South Asia and South-East Asia [55]. It is a bottom dweller and
Earlier studies have been reported the improvement in feed can tolerate high turbid water during dry season [56]. It is considered
utilization and increased growth in Tilapia mossambica. According as herbivorous fish feeding mainly on vegetable matter, followed by
to Sithara and Kamalaveni, [48] the biochemical studies on this fish crustaceans and other insect larvae. It feeds on algae (10%), higher
species reported that, the protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents in plants (48%), protozoa (12%), crustaceans (10%), molluscs (5%),
liver and muscles were increased when fish fed a diets containing wheat
Initial weight Final weight Weight gain SGR
bran and rice bran (control feed), wheat bran, rice bran and Azolla in Diet Mortality (%)
(g/fish) (g/fish) (g /fish) (%g/day)
the ratio of 25:25:50 (experimental feed) for the duration of 90 days.
1 (0%) 2.30 ± 0.01 4.72 ± 0.2a* 2.42 ± 0.21a 0.79a 6.67 ± 0.0b
Similar results reported by Micha et al. [46].
2 (25%) 2.22 ± 0.01 4.65 ± 0.2a 2.43 ± 0.22a 0.82a 10.00 ± 3.3b
Tilapia zillii 3 (50%) 2.32 ± 0.09 3.14 ± 0.1c 0.82 ± 0.08c 0.33c 3.00 ± 3.3b
4 (75%) 2.35 ± 0.01 2.72 ± 0.01cd 0.37 ± 0.03cd 0.16cd 16.67 ± 3.3ab
Several researches have been conducted in Tilapia zillii based on
5 (100%) 2.27 ± 0.03 2.49 ± 0.01d 0.22 ± 0.01d 0.10d 23.34 ± 3.3a
the knowledge of being microphagous omnivore fish. However, Abdel-
*Figures in the same column not having the same letters are significantly different
Halim et al. [49], reported poor growth performance of T. zillii fry when (p<0.05). Source: Abdel-Halim et al. [49].
fed a diet replaced with either 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100% Azolla pinnata meal
Table 3: Growth performance of Tilapia zillii fry fed on diets containing different
(Table 3). Similarly, Micha et al. [46] reported a decreased growth of T. levels of Azolla meal.
rendalli when Azolla was incorporated in their diets.
Family Cyprinidae Experimental diets
Azolla sp. powder Rice bran Groundnut oil cake
Rohu, Labeo rohita T0 feed NIL 50 50
T1 feed 20 40 40
Among fish cultured in family Cyprinidae, Rohu is the most T2 feed 40 30 30
commercial fish with maximum market demand and acceptability as T3 feed 50 25 25
food by the consumers due to its test and flesh quality [1]. Various Source: Panigrahi et al. [6]
kind of supplementary feeds have been tried to accelerate growth
Table 4: Percentage composition of different ingredients in experimental diets.
and production of fish per unit area [50], including Azolla. Several
studies have been focused on growth and survival of herbivorous fishes Growth Treatments
including Rohu fingerlings by providing Azolla species partially or parameters T0 T1 T2 T3
fully as a component in the fish feed [11,43]. According to Panigrahi Percentage
175.62 ± 2.31 197.17 ± 6.19 281.57 ± 7.21 239.33 ± 5.24
et al. [6], the highest percentage weight gain and growth parameters weight gain
of Rohu fingerlings were found in T2 group fed with 40% Azolla SGR 0.55 ± 0.01 0.60 ± 0.01 0.73 ± 0.01 0.67 ± 0.01
followed by T3 fed with 50% Azolla (Tables 4 and 5). Similarly, Das FCR 4.21 ± 0.09 3.79 ± 0.61 2.93 ± 0.18 3.49 ± 0.11
et al. [51] reported significantly increased  growth up  to 40% level of Survival (%) 76 80 100 100
Azolla inclusion and then significantly decreased growth when the level Source: Panigrahi et al. [6]
of Azolla increased to 56.8% and 63.6% in the diets. Also, Kumari et al. Table 5: The growth parameters and experimental diets.

J Aquac Res Development, an open access journal Volume 9 • Issue 7 • 1000544

ISSN: 2155-9546
Citation: Mosha SS (2018) A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a Protein Plant Source in Finfish Culture. J Aquac Res Development 9: 544. doi: 10.4172/2155-

Page 4 of 7

mud and sand (15%) [57]. Gangadhar et al. [55] reported the highest fin labeo and Thai Silver barb. According to Nekoubin and Sudagar,
(p<0.05) digestibility values of this species at 10% Azolla inclusion level. [60], the highest food conversion ratio (FCR) was observed in Azolla
However, some researcher reported that, Azolla can be incorporation (A. fliculoids) (62.18 ± 4.29) which had significant difference (P<0.05)
up to 30% without any adverse results in Orange fin labeo and other from other treatments. Similarly, Ayyappan, [61] reported that, grass
species, which indicates the superiority of Azolla as a feed ingredient carp and common carp recorded a weight gain of 174 and 35.8g/fish
over other plant protein sources. respectively and utilized Azolla to the extent of 30% inclusion level.

Labeo fimbriatus Thai Silver barb, Barbonymus gonionotus

Freshwater herbivorous fishes like Labeo fmbriatus feed mainly on Thai silver barb, Barbonymus gonionotus is an omnivorous species
unicellular algae, filamentous algae and parts of higher aquatic plants in origin [62], an exotic fish of Bangladesh belonging to the family
[58]. Among published papers reviewed, only one publication has been Cyprinidae. It has good palatability, high yield potential, and very large
found reported insignificant differences in the growth parameters of L. market demand [63,64]. Das et al. [65] reported that, the highest average
fmbriatus fry receiving Azolla-incorporated diets (up to 40% inclusion weight gain (AWG) and specific growth rate (SGR) were observed in
level) [58]. fish fed at T1 (0% Azolla) compared to other treatments. However,
the general growth and production performance of fish was higher in
Grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella T2 (25% Azolla) and was gradually decreased with the increase in the
levels of supplementary A. pinnata. (Tables 7 and 8).
The Grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella is a rapid growing,
phytophagous, cyprinid fish indigenous to the large rivers of China and Similar results have been reported in several studies with the same
Siberia [59]. Several studies have been conducted in this species and purpose of replacing fish meal by the plant protein in Nile tilapia
the results have been shown almost the same trend as in Catla, Orange [66,67].

Feeds Total DMD Protein Digestibility Fat Digestibility NFE Digestibility

79.31 ± 1.90a
Control 60.20 ± 2.20cd 68.26 ± 1.91c 82.79 ± 1.47a

10% 62.48 ± 0.18d 75.45 ± 4.03cd 87.08 ± 0.29b 86.66 ± 0.72c

20% 55.61 ± 0.64c 65.44 ± 0.65c 89.80 ± 0.08c 83.74 ± 1.25bc
30% 49.34 ± 2.04b 55.64 ± 2.58b 95.29 ± 0.57d 82.14 ± 0.48ab
40% 36.21 ± 3.33a 44.91 ± 1.92a 96.83 ± 0.70d 81.14 ± 1.16ab
Soy bean
Control 60.61 ± 2.29a 69.21 ± 2.65a 80.93 ± 0.52a 76.36 ± 1.88a
10% 60.25 ± 1.76a 68.76 ± 1.74a 81.16 ± 0.17a 76.68 ± 1.15a
20% 60.08 ± 1.10a 71.37 ± 2.59a 82.70 ± 1.84a 77.10 ± 0.87a
30% 63.25 ± 0.98 a
72.25 ± 0.64 a
86.43 ± 0.80 b
80.68 ± 0.81b
40% 68.71 ± 0.14b 84.96 ± 0.15b 88.32 ± 0.08b 84.83 ± 0.19c
Silkworm pupa
Control 61.28 ± 3.26b 68.57 ± 3.41a 85.20 ± 1.35a 78.61 ± 0.19a
10% 58.61 ± 0.40ab 69.04 ± 0.33a 84.18 ± 0.22a 77.37 ± 0.06a
20% 58.43 ± 0.52ab 70.87 ± 0.45a 88.00 ± 0.39b 79.56 ± 0.47a
30% 59.00 ± 1.77ab 69.64 ± 1.29a 94.66 ± 0.87c 85.73 ± 0.54b
40% 55.31 ± 2.63 a
67.17 ± 1.41 a
93.72 ± 0.30 c
85.40 ± 0.63b
Source: Umalatha et al. [35].
Table 6: Digestibility (%, mean ± SD) of dry matter, protein and fat by Catla fed experimental feeds.

Protein (g/day) Feed Quantity

Protein (%) (Dry Matter)
Treatments (g in Wet Weight/day)
CFF A. pinnata CFF A. pinnata CFF A. pinnata
T1 (Control) 100 0 5.46 0 17.63 0
T2 75 25 4.10 1.36 13.23 15.27
T3 50 50 2.73 2.73 8.81 30.64
T4 25 75 1.36 4.10 4.40 46.03
T5 0 100 0 5.46 0 61.27
Source: Das et al. [64]
Table 7: Experimental design and feeding dose (at initial level) at different treatments.

Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
IAW (g) 3.90 ± 0.13 3.90 ± 0.11 3.90 ± 0.29 3.90 ± 0.09 3.90 ± 0.08
FAW (g) 30.93 ± 0.4 a 30.68 ± 0.4 a 24.55 ± 0.45 b 19.81 ± 0.25c 15.20 ± 0.39 d
AWG (g) 27.03 ± 0.16 a 26.78 ± 0.10 a 20.65 ± 0.19 b 15.91 ± 0.46c 11.30 ± 0.34 d

J Aquac Res Development, an open access journal Volume 9 • Issue 7 • 1000544

ISSN: 2155-9546
Citation: Mosha SS (2018) A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a Protein Plant Source in Finfish Culture. J Aquac Res Development 9: 544. doi: 10.4172/2155-

Page 5 of 7

SGR (% day−1) 3.70 ± 0.14 a 3.68 ± 0.16 a 3.28 ± 0.11 b 2.90 ± 0.08c 2.43 ± 0.18 d
SR (%) 99.33 ± 1.15 a
98.67 ± 1 a
99.33 ± 0.58 a
98 ± 1 a
99.33 ± 0.58a
CF 2.35 ± 0.035 a 2.29 ± 0.032 a 2.12 ± 0.13 a 1.90 ± 0.40 a 1.59 ± 0.095 b
HSI 1.41 ± 0.03 a 1.32 ± 0.04 a 1.74 ± 0.06 b 2.03 ± 0.04 c 2.44 ± 0.09 d
FCR 0.88 ± 0.09 a 0.93 ± 0.17 a 1.15 ± 0.12 b 1.66 ± 0.15 c 2.64 ± 0.06 d
PER 2.98 ± 0.03 a 2.94 ± 0.02 a 2.26 ± 0.08 b 1.75 ± 0.07 c 1.24 ± 0.02 d
IAW: Initial Average Weight, FAW: Final Average Weight, AWG: Average Weight Gain, SGR: Specific Growth Rate, SR: Survival Rate, NPR: Net Production Rate, CF:
Condition Factor, HSI: Hepatosomatic Index, FCR: Feed Conversion Ratio, PER: Protein Efficiency Ratio.
Means with different superscripts (a, b, c and d) are significantly different (p<0.05). (Source: Das et al. [64]).
Table 8: Growth performance of Thai silver barb Barbonymus gonionotus fed varying compositions of A. pinnata and commercial fish feed after 56 days.

Discussion diet such as Duck weed [84,85]. The reasons for the different inclusion
levels might be due to the presence of ω-6 fatty acids [52], nutrients
Basing on research papers reviewed, Azolla seems to be good value of the plants such as the gross energy content of the diet and
replacer of protein from expensive sources such as fish meal. Among the dietary protein [86,87] which assimilated differently, depends on
reviewed papers, suggest that Nile tilapia and T. mozambicuss can feeding habits of the species (example, Calta vs Ruhu). Also, due to
perform better in a range of 20% to 42% of Azolla inclusion diet [38,68].
different enzymes in the fish gut play an important role in the digestion
Some literatures suggest positive growth even in higher inclusion
and utilization of feed [88].
level of Azolla up to 50% [45,69]. However, young Nile tilapia have
been reported to efficiently utilize sun-dried Azolla more than adults In contrast, among published papers reviewed, only one publication
[44,69,70]. The reason might be due to highly presence of enzymes in has been reported insignificant differences in the growth parameters
the gut which can effectively digest Azolla which have a relatively low of Labeo fimbriatus fry receiving Azolla-incorporated diets (up to 40%
fibre content and no ant-nutrient factors or a deficiency in amino acids inclusion level) [57]. The reason could be due to differences in energy
and phosphorus [71]. contents of the experimental diets [89].
In recent biochemical studies on Tilapia mossambica reported that, Conclusion
the increased protein, carbohydrate and lipids content in liver when fish
fed with Azolla diet [48]. The significant increases of the biochemical Azolla seems to be good replacer of protein from expensive
parameters in various fish’s tissues revealed that the protein conversion sources such as fish meal depending on feeding habits of the species.
ratio, mobilization and utilization of glycogenic amino acids are very This is due to proper corroboration between the activity pattern of
high, in fish fed with Azolla diet. While, the increased lipid content the digestive enzymes in fish and the essential nutrients such as ω-6
suggests the fewer uptakes of lipid components by tissues for utilization fatty acids from Azolla diet. Also, the dietary Azolla supplementation
[48]. In contrast, several studies conducted by Almazan et al. [69] shows to have a positive effect on growth performance of fish and
(with O. niloticus), Antoine et al. [72] (with O. niloticus and Cichlasoma reduce the cost of feeding from fish meal and fish oil diet. In addition,
melanurum), Micha et al. [46] (with O. niloticus and Tilapia rendalli) due to increase of the biochemical parameters in various fish’s tissues
and Joseph et al. [70] (with Etroplus suratensis) revealed lowering of revealed that the protein conversion ratio, mobilization and utilization
growth performance and food conversion with increasing Azolla of glycogenic amino acids are very high, in fish fed with Azolla diet.
incorporation in the diet. The reason could probably be due to the However, too much Azolla incorporation in the diet will decrease fish
lower protein digestibility of this fern, as mentioned by Leonard et al. growth performance and food conversion, probably due to low protein
[73] and, Micha and Leonard [74] in Oreochromis aureus Steindachner digestibility and high fiber contents. Therefore, this review suggests
and in O. niloticus respectively. that, 10-45% of Azolla inclusion level can be incorporated in the diet
In addition, Tilapia zillii reported to have poor growth performance for Tilapia species, except for T. zillii which requires more than 40%
in Azolla meal (Abdel-Halim et al., 1998) despite being a microphagous protein contents. While in fish belong to the family Cyprinidae, the
omnivore fish [75-77]. Similarly, Micha et al. [46] reported a inclusion level should be 10-50% and 10-25% for L. rohita and the rest
decreased growth of both O. niloticus and T. rendalli when Azolla of family members respectively, except Labeo fimbriatus which didn’t
was incorporated in their diets. The reasons might be due to the low shows any effect up to 40% Azolla inclusion level in a diet.
protein content of Azolla diets (about 20%) while protein requirement Acknowledgement
for tilapia fry is 35% [78,79] and may be as much as 40% [80]. Also, The author is grateful to all journals and researchers to whom their works
the poor performance of T. zillii fed high levels of Azolla meal on diets have been used to prepare the review. This review is a contribution to aquaculture
might be contributed with the deficiency of some essential amino acids knowledge and is a part of literature review of author’s PhD dissertation.
especially methionine, lysine and histidine, as well as the high neutral References
detergent fiber of Azolla and possibly adenine limits the usefullness of
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J Aquac Res Development, an open access journal Volume 9 • Issue 7 • 1000544

ISSN: 2155-9546
Citation: Mosha SS (2018) A Review on Significance of Azolla Meal as a Protein Plant Source in Finfish Culture. J Aquac Res Development 9: 544. doi: 10.4172/2155-

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J Aquac Res Development, an open access journal Volume 9 • Issue 7 • 1000544

ISSN: 2155-9546

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