Diversity of Animals and Evolution
Diversity of Animals and Evolution
Diversity of Animals and Evolution
Smita Singh
Deptt. of Science
Biyani Girls College, Jaipur
Published by :
Think Tanks
Biyani Group of Colleges
Edition : 2011
Price :
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B.Sc. Part-I (Zoology: Paper-I)
Diversity of Animals and Evolution
Diversity of Animals
Zoogeographical distribution; principal zoogeographical regions of the world with
special reference to their mammalian faunal; (2) Biodiversity of Fauna of India and
world; (3) Adaptation to their modes of life and environment; (4) Conservation measures
where required; (5) Continental drit.
Diversity of Animals
1. General principles to taxonomy; concept of the five kingdom scheme.
2. Concept of Protozoa, Metazoa and Levels of organization.
3. Taxonomy of the basis classification of Non chordate and chordate symmetry,
coelom, segmentation and embryogeny.
4. Detailed classification non-chordata and chordate habits and habitat of the
prescribed types, viz, Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Obelia, Sycon, Fasciola,
Taenia, Nereis, hirudinaria, Palaemon, Pila, Lamelidens and Asteria, Balanoglossus,
Amphioxus, herdmama, Petromyzon, Scoliodon, Labeo, any lung fish lchtyophis.
Salamander. Frog Hemidactylus, Naja, Python, Crocodile, Pigeon, Great Indian
Bustard, hare, camel Chinkara.
1. History of evolutionary thought (Lamarckism and Darwinism recalled).
2. Natural Selection (differential reproduction); genetic basis of evolution; speciation.
3. Variations, Isolation and adaptations.
4. Paleontology: fossils; geological divisions of the earth‘s crust; imperfection of the
geological record.
5. Study of extinct forms: Dinosaurs, Archeopteryx.
Name of Topic
Section - A
Zoogeographical Distribution
Biodiversity of Fauna of India & World
Section - B
Detailed Classification of Non-chordates & Chordates
General Principle of Taxonomy
Levels of Organisation
Section – C
Natural Selection
Study of Extinct Form
Section A
Zoogeographical Distribution
(3) Reptiles : No single genus can be given the status of being endemic;
lizards, tortoises, snakes etc. are included in this region.
(4) Amphibians: This fauna is rich with tailed representatives; exp. Necturus,
Siren, Amphiuma, Proteus.
(5) Fishes : Freshwater fishes include Cyprinids, Catfishes, Analsantids,
Channids etc.
The Palaearctic has been subdivided into four sub-regions :
(1) Europeans Sub-region : Comprises northern and central Europe, Black sea
and Caucasus.
(2) Mediterranean Sub-region : Includes remaining part of Europe, North
African and Arabian portions.
(3) Siberian Sub-region : Represented by Northern Asia, Alimalayan region.
(4) Munchurain Sub-region : Consist of Mongolia, Japan, Korea and
(ii) West African Sub-region : Western part of Africa extending upto congo.
(iii) South African sub-region : Southern part of Africa.
(iv) Malagasy Sub-region : Includes Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
neighboring islands.
Oriental region : Includes India, Indochina, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Malaya,
Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Taiwan, Philippines and South China.
Known for its varied physical features. It presents tropical and temperate regions
both. Deserts and luxuriant tropical forests are equally prominent in this region.
Fauna resembles the Ethiopian region and the similarity is quite prominent and
has compelled many to place both these regions in one group.
(1) Mammals : Of the 30 mammalian families, 4 are endemic, apes, pangolin,
bamboo rats, elephants, rhinoceros, moles, deer etc. are
commonly found.
(2) Birds : It includes 66 families of which 53 are widely distributed.
Wood peckers hornbills, sunbirds, parrots, pigeons,
pheasants honeyguides.
(3) Reptiles : Lizards, snakes, turtles are in plenty. Skinks, Chameleon,
Varanus, Typhlops, pythons, viper, pitviper.
(4) Amphibians: Tailless amphibians are plenty though tailed ones are rare,
Bufonids, Ranids, Hylids, Rhacophorids., Salamanders.
(5) Fishes: Fish fauna is dominated by carbs and at fishes. Other families
are Notopteridar, Anabantid, Osteoglossids, Cypriniformes,
Cobitildas, Nondidae.
Holarctic Region : This is characterized by the elk (red deer), moose, bison,
beaver, marmots, most bears and sheep, golden eagle, trouts and salmons.
The tiger occurs from India to Northern China, the opossum from South America
into the United States, and the mountain lion and rattlesnakes through both the
Americas. Various subdivisions of each region can be distinguished each with a
more or less distinct fauna.
how the human body functions and why people behave as they do.
Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered important
medical products by studying wild life. In addition by observing the effect
of environmental pollution on animals, scientists have learned how
pollution affects human life.
(4) Survival value : Every species of wild life plays a role in helping, maintain
the balanced living system of the earth. These systems must continue to
function if life is to survive. Thus the loss of any species can threaten the
survival of all life, including human beings.
Species diversity refers to the variety of living organisms on earth and has been
variously estimated to be between 5 and 50 million or more, though , only about
1.4 million have actually been described.
Ecosystem diversity relates to the variety of habitats, biotic communities and
ecological processes in the biosphere as well as the tremendous diversity within
ecosystems in terms of habitat difference and variety of ecological processes.
Some other categories of biodiversity are also known. They are named with
reference to a specific ecosystem, species, etc.
Agrobio diversity is the component of biodiversity that is directly related to
agriculture. It includes crop plants and their wild relatives, livestock and
beneficial organisms such as pollinators, decomposers and predators which are
normally associated with cultivated areas.
Endemic biodiversity refers to those forms of life that are exclusive to the given
geographical area or ecosystem. For the sake of convenience, endemic
biodiversity is often assessed within political boundaries. Islands for example are
rich in endemic biodiversity.
Introduced biodiversity refers to diversity of micro-organisms, plants and
animals that have been accidentally or deliberately transported by humans to
landscapes, countries, regions or continents where they never occurred naturally.
Disease causing organisms, weeds, insects, pests and rats are examples of
introduced biodiversity.
Microbial diversity refers to the variety in micro-organisms such as virus,
bacteria, yeast, amoeba and certain fungi.
There is so much diversity that one wonders where all this diversity came from.
Fundamentally it derives from the properties of a variety of macromolecules,
most notably DNA and proteins. Their characteristics made biodiversity possible.
All the tremendous and marvelous diversity of life emanates from the DNA
molecule-the absence of a rule regarding the order in which the nitrogenous base
pairs must occur along the chain. Since the order of the A - T and G – C does not
matter from the physico-chemical point of view, one base pair can be substituted
for another without affecting the thermodynamic stability of the molecule
(mutation). But a shift in the order of the bases will affect the genetic code. Such a
change can affect the characteristics of the protein that the modified gene makes.
A change in the order of the amino acids can be (i) Neutral, (ii) Lethal or semi-
lethal or (iii) improved (resulting protein is more efficient). The first type of
mutation can accumulate and create diversity that apparently does not affect
function. The second kind of mutations are eliminated by natural selection. The
last type of mutation is the material that ultimately gives rise to all biological
diversity. Arising from this variation at the DNA level, are the diversity of
world, partly because these countries have so much biodiversity to lose, and
partly because exploitative practices are often imposed by commercial forces from
the North. The affluent north has come to depend on the developing south to
provide it with cheap raw materials such as timber, cocaine and plant and animal
The replacement of myriads of species grown traditionally by new uniform crops
is yet another cause leading to a loss of the genetic mosaic of local crops, wild
plants and animals.
Q.9 Describe the biodiversity distribution at Indian and global level with its
economic value.
Ans.: India is one of the richest nations in terms of biological diversity. The two factors
responsible for this are-the variety of climatic zones and the existence of islands
like the Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep with their own variety of
endemic species.
India is among the world‘s top twelve megadiverse nations. Given below are
Tables to show the proportion of India‘s biodiversity of the world total and
India‘s biodiversity in absolute numbers.
Countries leading in the Diversity of Species
Countries No. of No. of birds No. of No. of
mammals reptiles amphibians
Indonesia 515 1519 600 270
Mexico 449 - 717 282
Brazil 428 622 467 516
China 394 1195 - 265
Peru 361 1703 297 251
Columbia 359 1721 383 407
India 350 1200 353 -
Q.10 What do you understand by wildlife? Write down the values of wildlife
Ans.: Wildlife is defined as ―the uncultivated flora and the undomesticated fauna
amongst the plants and animals‖. According to Dr. Mahajan, wildlife is any form
existing in natural surrounding.
Throughout history wildlife has suffered because of human beings and their
activities. The invention of increasingly efficient weapons, such as the bow and
arrow and, later, the rifle and shotgun, enabled people to kill game with growing
ease. With the help of these advances, hunters have killed off some kinds of
animals. People have also cleared forests, drained swamps, and dammed rivers
to clear the way for agriculture and industry. These activities have seriously
harmed or destroyed many habitats for wild plants and animals. In addition,
human pollution of the environment has affected a number of wild species.
Various species had become extinct even before people appeared on the earth. In
the past, however, other species developed and replaced those that died off, and
the total variety of life did not diminish. Today, human activities kill of species
with no hope for their replacement, and so the variety of life decreases.
Since about 1600, many kinds of wildlife have become extinct. For example, the
dodo (Mauritius) became extinct in 1680, the yellow-headed macaw (Jamaica) in
1765, Stellar‘s sea cow (Bering Sea) in 1767, and the great auk (North Atlantic) in
1844. Many Australian animals became extinct in the 1800‘s. They include big-
eared hopping mice, broad-faced rat kangaroos, brown hare wallabies, Darling
Downs hopping mice, Tasmanian emus, and white-tipped stick-nest rats. Species
that probably became extinct in the early 1900‘s include paradise parrots, pig-
footed bandicoots and toolache wallabies. The Tasmanian tiger has not been
sighted since 1933.
Beginning in the late 1800‘s, growing concern for the world‘s vanishing wildlife
has led to increased conservation action. The governments of many nations have
passed protective laws and set aside national parks and other reserves for
wildlife. Such efforts have saved the American bison, the pronghorn antelope,
and many of the rare plants found on such islands as the Hawaiian and
Galapagos islands.
However, several hundred species of animals and thousands of species of plants
still face the danger of extinction. Such animals include the Asiatic lion, the
Bengal tiger, the blue whale, the orangutan, the mountain gorilla, the whooping
crane, the California condor, the ivory –billed woodpecker, and all the Asian
Rhinoceroses. Plants that are facing extinction include the big leaf palm
(Madagascar), the Chiapas slipper orchid (Mexico) and the green pitcher plant
(Southern United States).
Values of Wildlife Conservation : If people ignore the need for wildlife
conservation, today‘s endangered species will soon become extinct. Many other
species will also face extinction. If this happens, human beings will lose much of
great value that cannot be replaced. Wildlife is important to people for four main
reasons: (1) beauty, (2) economic value, (3) scientific value and (4) survival value.
Beauty : Every kind of animal and plant differs from every other kind and thus
contributes in a special way to the beauty of nature. Most people feel that such
beauty enriches their life. It also heightens the enjoyment of camping and other
forms of outdoor recreation.
Economic value : Wild species of animals and plants provide many valuable
substances, such as wood and other plant products, fibres, meat and other foods,
and skins and furs. The financial value of wild species is important to the
economics of many nations. In industrialized nations, the recreational viewing of
animals at zoos and wildlife refuges is also a sources of revenue.
Scientific Value : The study of wildlife provides valuable knowledge about
various life processes. Such study has helped scientists understand bow the
human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also
gained medical knowledge and discovered important medical products by
studying wildlife. In addition, by observing the effect of environmental pollution
on wild animals, scientists have learned how pollution affects human life.
Survival Value : Every species of wildlife plays a role in helping, maintain the
balanced, living systems of the earth. These systems must continue to function if
life is to survive. Thus, the loss of any species can threaten the survival of all life,
including human beings.
Classifications of Scarce Wildlife : Wildlife biologists use three main
classifications for animals and plants that face possible extinction: (1) endangered,
(2) threatened and (3) rare.
Endangered species face the most serious threat of extinction. They require direct
human protection for survival. The California condor is endangered because only
about 50 birds of this species still exist, most of them in captivity. In 1987, wildlife
biologists captured what was then the last remaining wild California condor.
Since then, more than 25 California condors have been born and raised in
captivity, and scientists have released some of these birds into the wild.
Threatened species are generally abundant in some areas, but still face serious
dangers. These dangers may result from unfavourable changes in the
environment. They may be also due to extensive hunting, fishing, or trapping, or
even to collecting by enthusiasts. The grey wolf, a threatened species, is plentiful
in some places, But its overall numbers worldwide are being steadily reduced by
hunting, trapping and poisoning.
Rare species have small populations. They live in protected environments, and
their numbers are not decreasing. The torrey pine tree is classified as rare. It
grows only I two small areas of southern California, but human actions do not
threaten or endanger its survival.
Methods of Wildlife Conservation : The method used to protect wildlife
depends on the danger to the threatened species. In many cases, wildlife can be
helped by ensuring that their environment provides enough food, water and
shelter. This method called habitat management, involves soil conservation, good
forestry practices and water management.
Many species of wildlife have been threatened by human destruction of their
habitat. For example, some swamps and marshes have been drained and
converted into farmland. Poor farming practices may also destroy land, or the
spread of cities and industries may pave over former wildlife habitats. Pollution
may poison the air, water, plants and animals. To save wildlife habitats, people
must control pollution and set aside areas in which wild animals and plants can
An animal threatened by too much hunting can be protected by laws that forbid
or regulate such killing. These laws may specify when a certain species may be
hunted or how many of the species may be killed. Laws can also protect plants
endangered by over-collection. If an entire habitat requires protection, the area
may be made a national park or wildlife refuge. In some cases , predatory animals
that kill an endangered species must be controlled until the endangered animal
has increased in numbers. On the other hand, a species may become too
numerous. When this happens, the animal may threaten its own survival-or the
survival of other species –by eating too much of the food supply. This problem
has occurred with elk and hippopotamuses in national parks. The numbers of
such a species must then be reduced, either by controlled hunting or by restoring
its natural enemies where they have become scarce.
Gazelle (Chinkra), Blue bull (Nilgari), Bison, Wild buffalo, Himalayan ibex or
wild goat (Capra siberica), Wild boar, Wild ass, Nilgiri tahr, Lion, Tiger, Leopard,
Striped hyaena, Nilgiri langur (Ceropithecus johni), Lion tailed macaque (Macaca
silenus) Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatto), Hanuman monkey (Semnopithecus
cristatus), Indian giant squirrel (Ratufa indica), Porcupine, Pangolin, Peafowl
(Pavo cristatus), Jungle fowl, Patridge, Quail, Great Indian bustard (Choriotes
nigriceps), Duck pigeon, Sand grouse, Storks and Egrets, Pelicans, Eagle, Crane,
Owl, Hornbill, Crocodiles, Gharials, Lizards (Uromastic) and about 216 species of
Q.11: Write down the status of endangered species , Natural parks and sanctuaries in
Ans.: A 1986 list contained the following species that were threatened with extinction.
These species face the most serious threat of extinction and require direct human
protection for survival.
In India, several laws have been passed and sanctuaries and national parks have
been established for the protection of the dwindling wildlife. India was probably
the first county to enact a Wildlife Protection Act. The Wild Birds and Animals
Protection Act was passed in 1887 and repealed in 1912. For game protection in
the states, in 1927, the Forest Act XVI was enacted. Indian Board for Wildlife was
established in 1952 and this was followed by setting up of Wild Life Boards in
different States in India. In 1972, a new Wildlife Protection Act was passed. Under
this Act, possession, trapping, shooting of wild animals alive or dead; serving
their meat in eating houses; their transport and export are all controlled and
watched by special staff (Chief Wildlife Warden and authorized officers). This act
prevents hunting of females and young ones. Under this Act, the threatened
species are absolutely protected and the rest afforded graded protection
according to their state of population size.
In India, nearly 200 sanctuaries and national parks have been established for
wildlife management. Sanctuaries are places where the killing and capturing of
any animal is prohibited except under orders of the authorities concerned.
National Parks are set up for preserving flora, fauna, landscapes and historic
objects of an area. Some well known wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of
India are :
Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary : It was established in 1926 in the district of
Sibsagar, Subdivision Jorhat (Assam) on the southern bank of the Brahmaputra
river. It covers an area of 430 sq. kms of forest grasslands and swamps and
supports a fauna of 700 Rhinoceros, besides elephant, wild buffalo, bison, tiger,
leopard, sloth bear, sambhar, swamp deer, hog deer, barking deer, wild boar,
gibbon and birds like pelican, stork and ring-tailed fishing eagles.
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary and Tiger Reserve : It is located in the district of
Kamrup in Assam, covering an area of 540 sq. kms. and is situated at an altitude
of 80 metres. The River Manas runs through this sanctuary. It contains the
following wild animals : tiger, panther, wild dog, wild bear, Rhinoceros, gaur,
wild buffalo, sambhar, swamp deep and golden langur.
Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary : It is situated in the Jalpaiguri district of West
Bengal and covers an area of 65 sq. kms. of grassland. Wildlife fauna includes
animals like Rhinoceros, gaur, elephant, tiger, leopard, deer and a variety of birds
and reptiles.
Palamau National Park : It is situated in the Daltongunj district of Bihar and has
an area of 345 sq. km. The fauna of this include tiger, panther, sloth bear,
elephant, chital, gaur, nilgai, chinkara, chowsingha and mouse deer. The flora is
thick tropical forests.
Hazaribagh National Park : This national park was established in 1954 in Bihar. It
has an area of 184 sq. kms of thick tropical forests. The typical fauna of this park
includes wild boar, sambhar, nilgai, tiger, leopard, sloth bear, hyaena and gaur.
Simlipal National Park : It is situated in the district of Mayuri Bhanj in Orissa
and has an area of 2750 sq.km. of thick tropical forests. The typical fauna of this
park includes wild boar, sambhar, nilgai, tiger, leopard, sloth bear, hyaena and
Chilka Lake : This largest inland lake has an areqa of 1000 sq. kms. and is about
100 kms. from Bhubaneshwar (Orissa). Its fauna includes waterfowl, duck,
cranes, ospreys, golden plover, sandpiper, stone curlews, flamingoes, etc.
Kolameru Bird Sanctuary : This is a small bird sanctuary near Tadepallegudam
in Andhra state. It is a breeding place for pelicans and many marine birds visit
this place.
Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary : This small-sized but very old sanctuary extends
over a lake of about 0.30 sq. km., 85 km from Chennai. Many migratory birds
regularly visit this temporary lake. The regular visitors of this lake are birds like
spoon bills, open billed storks, egrets, ibis, cormorant, darter, grey heron,
pelicans, snipes and db chicks.
Guindy National Park : It is situated near Chennai city and has mainly chitals
and black bucks. A few albinos of black buck are also found here.
Point Calimer Wildlife Sanctuary : This is situated at the southern tip of the
Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu abutting the Palk Strait. Its backwater and
trees. Its fauna includes Asiatic lion, spotted deer, blue bull (nilgai), four-horned
antelope, chinkara, striped hyaena, wild boar, porcupine, langur, python,
crocodiles and birds like green pigeon, partridge, rock-grouse, etc.
Kanha National Park : This national park was established in 1955 in former
Banjar Valley Reserve (Madhya Pradesh). This park has an area of 939.94 sq. km.
and includes hilly terrain and streams. It is 175 km away from Jabalpur and has
forests of sal trees. Its typical fauna includes animals like tiger, chital, panther,
sambher, black buck and barasingha.
Tandoba National Park : It is located in Chandrapur district (Maharashtra) and
an area of 116 sq. km. Its fauna include tiger, sambhar, sloth bear, bison, chital,
chinkara, barking deer, blue bull, four-horned deer, langur, peafowl and few
Sariska : This is one of the most beautiful sanctuaries situated in the state of
Rajasthan near Alwar. It has an area of 800 sq. km. and has dense Dohokara and
Solar forests. Its fauna include tiger, leopard, spotted deer, jungle cat, four-horned
antelope, langur, porcupine, hedgehog, peafowl, etc.
Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary (Koeideo Ghana) : It is located in Bharatpur district in
Rajasthan, has an area of 29 sq. km. and harbours all kinds of indigenous birds
like nesting water birds, weateside birds and migratory birds. More than 328
varieties of birds including cormorants, spoonbills, white ibies, Indian darters,
egrets, painted storks, open billed storks, great black necked stroks, etc. Many
migratory birds like ducks, geese, Siberian cranes, etc. regularly visit this
sanctuary. Drier parts of this marshy sanctuary have animals like spotted deer,
black buck, sambhar, blue bull, wild boar and python.
Sultanpur Lake Bird Sanctuary : This small sized (2 sq. km.) bird sanctuary is
located in Gurgaon district (Haryana) about 30 km from Delhi. Its typical avain
fauna includes crane, sarus, spot-bill, rudyshell and drake.
Shikari Devi Wildlife Sanctuary : It is located in Mandi district in Himachal
Pradesh. It has an area of 213 sq. km. and has the following animals : snow
leopard, flying fox, black bear, barking deer, musk deer, chakor, partridge, etc.
Bir Motibagh Sanctuary : It is located near Patiala in Punjab. The fauna includes
black buck, blue bull, hog deer, hare, jackal and birds like peafowl, partridge,
sparrow, babbler, myna, parakeet, pigeon, dove, etc.
Dancing Wildlife Sanctuary : It was established in 1951 in Kashmir, 26 km. away
from Srinagar. It has an area of 89 sq. km. and has two levels : Upper Dachigam at
3692.3 metres altitude and Lower Dachigam at 1846.2 metres altitude. It mainly
preserves hangul of Kashmir stag, musk deer, leopoard, black buck, black bear,
brown bear and baboon.
Corbett National Park : It is one of India‘s most famous wildlife sanctuaries and
was constituted in 1935 as the first national park of India. It is situated between
National and Gharwal districts in Uttar Pradesh. It has an area of 525 sq. km. and
is located within west-south bend of the river Ramgana. It supports a rich and
diverse fauna of the following : tiger, panther, sloth bear, hyaena, elephant, blue
bull, swamp deer, barking deer, Indian antelope, porcupine, birds like bulbul,
wood peckere, barbet, babbler, bee eater, and reptiles like crockodile, python, etc.
Shivpuri Sanctuary : It is located in Madya Pradesh and is an asylum for tigers.
Annamalai Sanctuary : This sanctuary was established in 1972 in the southern
part of Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu. It has an area of 958 sq. km. and
supports rich fauna of animals like elephant, gaur, sambhar, spotted deer,
barking deer, nilgai, Nilgiri langur, Nilgiri tahr, lion-tailed macaque, tiger,
panther, sloth bear, porcupine and pangolin.
These are some of the major sanctuaries in India. There are several smaller
sanctuaries and national parks that house some of the important species. A
sanctuary or a national park may be large or small, but planning should be based
on a scientific background. To provide the basic needs for the wildlife the
following steps may be taken as far as possible for conservation purpose :
(i) The forest inside the sanctuary / national park should be left unexpected
as far as possible. It would be an ideal environment for the wildlife to get
the fullest measure of protection and in such preserved conditions of life
they can multiply freely.
(ii) If total unexploitation is not possible, the cutting operations of the forest
should be in small units, well-distributed over the forest. Frequent light
cuts are generally better for wildlife than infrequent heavy cuts.
(iii) The forest should not be planted with or allowed to grow only a single
species of plant. Further, fruit-bearing shrubs and trees should be
encouraged wherever possible and the natural openings of the forests
should be preserved.
(iv) Poaching needs to be ruthlessly prohibited in the sanctuaries in particular
and generally in other areas outside them, where wildlife still exists.
Mobile armed units should be attached to all sanctuaries to patrol
regularly the entire sanctuary to stop illegal activities.
(v) The water holes and stream sides should be managed and guarded
carefully for the benefit of wildlife. Such criteria areas may be of small size,
but their importance is disproportionately great because they supply
important elements in wildlife ecology for larger areas during hot months
of the year.
(vi) Annual burning of the grassland in most of our sanctuaries has become an
integral part of management, since not burning these might bring about a
lack of suitable fodder during the hotter months. Controlled burning has
been found to increase forage and to preserve organic material in the soil.
Such burning may be done in blocks with unburned areas in between, so
that areas are burnt in rotation. The burning is to be confirmed to definite
blocks by means of five-breaks. Burning at night is favored unless it is
likely to extend the fire beyond the desired limits.
(vii) Provision for dust bath for animals should also be made by leaving some
exposed soil for their dusting. These spots may be prepared in the form of
small mounds elevated a few inches from the forest floor to allow for
drainage and to dry quickly in wet months.
(viii) Some artificial salt-licks are also to be provided in the sanctuaries since the
wildlife need them at regular intervals for their normal health. Such salt-
licks are necessary for animals especially in areas where natural salted clay
is scanty.
(ix) Concentrated grazing by domestic live-stock is to be prevented as wildlife
can never complete with domestic stock under ordinary circumstances and
domestic animals may be responsible for transmitting diseases like foot-
and-mouth diseases, rinderpest, surra (sleeping sickness), heamorrhagic
septicemia, anthrax etc.
(x) Cultivation near the sanctuary should be avoided as a rule as it may have
an indirect effect on the wildlife. The chemical control of certain pests is
often desirable for better yield in agriculture, but these pesticides can
present ecological hazards for wildlife.
(xi) Scientific studies of the sanctuary, wildlife particularly of threatened
species, by qualified persons should be encouraged in order to improve the
status of the animals even by breeding them in capacity to rehabilitate
them in suitable habitats.
Most wildlife could be saved by sufficient rigid protection of their natural habitat,
combined with controlled exploitation of species which are of economic
Some wildlife may be driven away from their natural habitats so that their
requirement are not in conflict with human interests. The only possible course for
maintaining their viable number is in natural parks, sanctuaries, game reserves,
where they could thrive unharmed.
In the case of the most endangered species which have reached a point of
extinction in their favorable habitat, their survival may be ensured through the
maintenance of breeding stock in zoological parks in suitable parts of the country.
In spite of the many conservation efforts, the future remains uncertain. The
continued growth of the human population, the destruction of wildlife habitats,
and the spread of environmental pollution pose an increasing threat to the
survival of wild species.
Some 3.9 million seed samples are held in genebanks around the world but, given
the challenges of keeping seeds viable, not all are healthy. Seeds lose viability if
they are not grown out regularly; cold storage can affect the genetic material in
the seed; and simple mismanagement, like a power failure, can endanger the
materials stored. A 1989 evaluation of the US central seed bank disclosed the
alarming information that of all the stored seed samples, only 28% had been
recently tested and found healthy. The rest of the collection had not been tested
for at least five years, contained too few seeds to risk testing, or was already dead.
In 1991, representatives of 13 national germplasm banks in Latin America
announced that between 50% and 100% of the maize seed collected between 1940
and 1980 was longer viable.
The network of International Agricultural Research Centres (IARCs) is one of the
most important ex situ repositories of agricultural biodiversity, with some four
and a half billion seeds from around the world.
Filed Genebanks : Plant species that do not easily produce seeds, and those with
seeds that cannot be dried without injuring them (such as mango, cocoa, avocado
and nutmeg) are usually conserved in field genebanks. These include botanical
gardens arboreta, plantations and other areas of land in which collection of
bananas, plantains, coffee and oil palms were established long ago in field
Tissue Culture : Plant tissue culture involves growing plants in tubes in nutrient-
rich jelly, and is well suited for mass cloning of a single species or crop variety.
Crops and wild relatives that reproduce veretatively (e.g. potatoes, cassava, sweet
potatoes), or have seeds that cannot be dried without injuring them, can also be
maintained this way.
Zoos : Zoos can contribute to the conservation of individual animals species,
especially those that are critically endangered. Zoo collections sometimes include
individuals of species which have entirely disappeared from the wild. These
captive specimens therefore represent an important part of the remaining
genepool which may be used in the future to supplement wild populations, or to
build entirely new populations. Some well-known reintroduction projects
involving zoo-born animals include the European bison in Poland, the Hawaiian
goose in Hawaii, the golden lion tamarin in Brazil and the eagle owl in various
European countries.
Perhaps the most important contribution zoos make to conservation is though
their public education role. Zoos attract many more visitors than most natural
history museums, botanical garden and other comparable nature-oriented
institutions. Worldwide, the existing 1000 or so zoos annually receive 600 million
visitors – over 10% of the world‘s entire population. Living animals exhibited in
zoos clearly have an enormous power of attraction.
Q.13 Write down about the In-situ conservation methods with the convention foe
Ans.: The in situ approach to conservation aims to preserve whole tracts of land and
water so that ecosystems and diversity among species can thrive and continue to
evolve. National Parks and other protected areas are the vehicles for this
There are now close to 8500 major protected areas throughout the world. These
are widely distributed across continents. Worldwide, the growth in national
parks and protected areas has been relatively rapid over the last two decades.
Protected areas now exist in 169 countries. Strictly protected areas (such as
national parks and strict nature reserves) constitute 3% of the earth‘s surface. At
least another 40,000 protected areas of various sorts have been established that do
not meet internationally recognized criteria, but which contribute to biodiversity
conservation. This brings the total protected land area up to almost 10%.
Accordingly to the Fourth World Congress on National Parks and Protected
Areas held in Caracas in 1992, each country should now designate a minimum of
10% of each biome under its jurisdiction (e.g. oceans, forests, tundra, wetlands,
grasslands, etc.) as a protected area. Many countries have already classified more
than 10% of their territories as protected area. These include Cost Rica with 29%,
Honduras with 22%, Bhutan with 22%, Botswana and Panama with 18%,
Guatemala with 16%, Nicaraguna with 14%, Central African Republic with 12%,
Malaysia, Benin and Tanzanie with 11.5%, Senegal with 10.8% and Rwanda with
Conventionally, the establishment of protected areas has involved the
displacement of local people, but increasing moves are being made to involve
local communities and to integrate their development needs into conservation
The Biodiversity Convention : On December 29, 1993, a legally binding
Convention on Biological Diversity came into force. It was heralded as the most
GATI and the WTO will have several impacts on biodiversity conservation and
management. Firstly, GATI is bad news for the environment because unilateral
stances taken by one country against another for environmental reasons can be
seen as a violation of free trade. At present, countries can overrule GATI, but this
will not be possible with the WTO unless all the other members except the
country in Qtion agree to disregard the ruling. In theory, the WTO could be
beneficial for the environment since it has the power to establish trade rules that
penalize parties conducting activities that are detrimental to the environment.
However, given that GATI is a trade agreement, not an environmental one, it is
unlikely that these powers will be used effectively.
Secondly, intellectual property became a trade issue with the launch of the
Uruguay Round, and the agreement encourages the global adoption of
intellectual property rights, which will accelerate the process of co modification of
(2) Pre-culture of the Material : Before freezing the cells and tissues may be
precultured for a couple of days on a medium containing low
concentrations of a cryoprotectant, and then healthy cultures should be
selected for freezing. This results in higher survival.
(3) Cryoprotective Agent : It is advisable to use a mixture of two or three
cryoprotectants at low concentration rather than a single cryoprotectant at
a high concentration – as it could be toxic. Dimethyl sulphoxide is the ideal
(4) Freezing : One of the main causes of cell injury or death is the intracellular
freezing, regulated rate of slow freezing, or quick freezing by sudden
immersion in liquid nitrogen are used.
(5) Storage Temperature : An additional injury to the cultures may be caused
if they are not stored at sufficiently low temperatures. The storage
temperature should be such that it stops all metabolic activity and prevents
bio-chemical injury.
(6) Thawing : Immediate thawing of the frozen cultures at 35 to 40˚C gives the
best results.
Cryopreservation is best for unorganized systems like callus cultures as it ensures
phenotypic and genotypic stability. The freeze preservation of pollen has
considerable potential in the breeding programmes. The preservation of
meristems serves a dual purpose of the conservation of germplasm as well as the
storage of disease-free stocks. Cryopreservation has a special significance for the
storage of vegetatively propagated crops, because at present no belonging to
plantation crops and fruit seeds, such as oil palm, coconut, walnut, mango, cocoa
and avocado, the embryo is short-lived and aborts. In such cases, the germplasm
could possibly be conserved through cryopreservation of embryos or their
segments. Freeze preservation of embryos has a number of other potential uses –
the somatic embryos are looked upon as ―seeds‖ in plants which do not set seeds
– when hybrid embryos abort, the immature embryos can be excised,
cryopreserved and cultured when the need arises.
Q.15 Write the difference between Insitu conservation and Existu conservation.
Ans.: Recognition of the world‘s shrinking biological heritage has prompted numerous
reactions both at International and national levels as well as with in local
communities. Several International agreements & technical measures are being
promoted to conserve the biodiversity left in the world‘s forest, wet lands, coastal
waters and in farmer‘s fields.
On the practical level, several complementary methods are being used to conserve
biodiversity with different degrees of success. These methods can be divided into
two broad categories.
Insitu Conservation : Which means conserving plants, animals and micro-
organisms with in their natural habitat; and
Exsitu Conservation : Which means maintaining living organisms out of their
natural habitat, either as whole living organism or as part (Cells, sperms, seeds,
Ans.: The hypothesis of continental drift based on the concept of plate tectonics. The
hypothesis of continental drift was first proposed by Sinder in 1858 but developed
by Taylor in America & Wegener in Germany.
Alfred Wegener in 1912 offered a theory that all land masses originally formed
one large super continent, Pangaea before the Mesozoic. Later by continental drift,
they reached present position for many years the theory has scant support, but
recent evidence is more conclusive and it bears importantly on distribution and
evolution of life. Two land masses have been envisioned. Gondwanaland in the
Southern hemisphere and Laurasia in the northern, separated by the Tethys sea.
The southern may have been in the south polar area during the Paleozoic
according to data from iron bearing rocks and glaciations. Gondwanaland yielded
South America, Africa, India, Australia and Antarctica. Laurasia gave rise to
Eurasia, Greenland and North America.
Evidence for former connections includes :
(1) Geometric fit of continental contours below sea level on the continental
(2) Age structure and presumed movements of rocks.
(3) Palemagnetism records.
(4) Data on convection currents in the earth‘s mantle.
(5) Wide spread deposits of a continental glacier in late Paleozoic of Africa,
South America, India and Australia;
(6) past and present distribution of life.
Time for break up of Gondwanaland in thought to have been from Permian to
Cretaceous (by different authorities), with much rifting in late Jurassic and lower
Cretaceous and dispersal of the continents continuing into the tertiary. Resulting
shifts in latitude probably organism to major climatic changes.
Section B
burrow is usually ‗U‘ shaped. It has two openings, the anterior opening is
large and funnel shaped while the posterior openings is small and circular
and concealed below the spirally coiled faucal matter of the animal. The
faucal coil resembles the astings of earthworms. The anterior opening may
give out side branches.
Balanoglossus feeds on plankton and organic debris. It is a sluggish and
inactive creature and moves about slowly with the aid of cilia which are
present on the greater part of the body. Sexes are seperte and the
development is through larval shape known as tornaria larva. Asexual
reproduction is absent but power of regeneration is well marked.
(5) Naza :
Systematic position :
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vetibrata
Superclass Gnathostomata
Series Tetrapoda
Class Reptilia
Order Sqnamata
Suborder Serpentes
Genus Naja
Habit and Habitat : Naja or Cobra is diurnal animal and lives in burrows
under stones, in mud walls and in thick vegetation. It is deadly poisonous
snake of India. Carnivorous and feeds on small birds, frogs, rats, lizards
etc. It can dialate its neck into a hood supported by ribs and bean spectacle
mark dorsally. They rise then hood when alarmed and the hood swings
back & forth for striking Cabra is oviparous.
partly buried in the need or sand. Its body in enclosed with in a bivalved shell
showing lines of growth, running parallel to the margin.
Oyster : The oysters are marine bivalves. Their body structure is very similar to
that of fresh water – mussel but they are sedentary in habit and do not have a
foot. The left side of the shell remains permanently attached to some solid object
from the early larval stages. Whenever some sand particle or a small parasite gets
in between the mantle and the shell, a mother of pearl (nacre) is secreted around
it by the mantle. Additional layers of mother of pearl secreted around this for
several years and formed in the large pearl oysters of west and south pacific.
Mikimoto a Japanese, discovered a method of artificially introducing foreign
bodies between the mantle and the shell of the pearl oysters, thus stimulating
pearl formation. The artificially treated oysters are lowered on the sea water in
perforated cages for several years till the pearls of commercial value are produced
and collected.
Molluscs are of major interest to man as about 10,000 species are of economic
importance. Mostly they are beneficial to man although there are some mollusks
which are indirectly harmful.
Beneficial Molluscs :
(1) As Food : Chitons formed the main food or Red Indians. The gastropods
are consumed by numerous predators chiefly fish, birds and mammals.
The large land snail Helix pom atia, large foot of Haliotis and apple snail
(Pila) form common
food in New York, California and South India, respectively. Oysters,
scallops marine mussels and clams have been often used for food. Romans
cultivate oysters to meet their great demand for countries like USA.
Oystres are served fried, the hard shell marine clam, Venus mercenaria as
whole on half shelled or cooked in chowder, Mya arenaria, a soft shelled
clam, is steamed in shells and served with butter mytilus edulis is used in
chowder, and adductor muscle of Pecten are served in flour and fried.
Pelecypods also furnish food for star fish, boring sponges, drilling snails,
some marine leeches, fish and shore birds.
Squids, cuttle fish and devil fish are popular as food articles in Oriental and
mediterramian contries. Sepia is used as food either cooked or dried in
open air in European contries. Loligo are split, sun dried ad preserved for
later use. Octopus, the devil fish is used in Canada and Alaska on many
occasions. Nautilus pompillus is much prized as food by Pacific islanders.
Cephalopods also form food for other animals like marine mammals are
large fish.
(2) As Bait : Many gastropods are very useful to man, as bait for catching fish,.
Squids make an excellent bait for marine fishes especially cod in United
States. Mall Octopus are used as bait by the line fishermen of Palk bay.
(3) Money : Red Indian tribes of America used the common Dentallium
indianorum as sawampum or money. Value of shells varied lengthwise.
Gastropodan shells were source of money for various native races,
including Vampum of American Indians. Shell of gastropods made media
or barter in Africa and their countries. American Oyster, Crassotria
viginica, is commercially cujtivated and harvested and provides millions of
dollars to the industry. Squids, cuttle fish and deveils fish earn money as
they are sold in market for food in China, Japan, India and Italy,
(4) Ornamentation : Scaphopod, Dentallium indiaorum, tooth shells are
valued as ornaments. Tools, utcensils and objects of delight have been
formed from gastropodan shells. Some marine snails of South pacific
(turban shells) have a calcarious operculum so rounded and coloured as to
resemble a vertebrate eye. These opercula known as ―cat‘s eye‖, are sought
as curios. Nautilus shell is much used for decoration, art and for many
other useful purpose.
(5) Useful Dyes and Ink : Some gastropods like Nucella (Purpura) and
Murex, are sources of Tyrian purple from their juices. Dye for royal a gland
of the snail, Murex truncuttus. Secretion is colorless but becomes a
beautiful purple by exposure to the air. Contents of ink-sac of cuttle-fish
provide a rich brown pigment called ―sepia‖, used by the artists.
Originally Indian ink was obtained from the ink of a cuttle-fish, Sepia
cubrata. Now –a-days a certain brown finish of photograph is termed as
sepia finish.
(6) Buttons and Pearls : Gastropodan shells are used to manufacture buttons
and other articles. Shells of certain bivalves have been used for mother –of-
pearl layer also for buttons, knife handles etc. Buttons are made by hand
by cutting shells of freshwater bivalves and some marine clams. Pearls are
made by clam and pearl oysters themselves and are among the most
beautiful and valuable of our jewels.
(7) In art and Medicine : Shell cameos are made mostly from snails notably
that of cypraea tigris and cases tuberose. Nautilus shell is commonly used
in art. It is a pretty object thrown ashore during monsoon storms on the
Indian costs.
A rather odd and unexpected use for fossil cephalopods is found among
the Red Indians of Montana and Wyoming. Their medicine men collect
specimens of beautifully preserved fossil ammonids from Cretaceous
Strata and keep them as ‗medicine‘. The internal calcarious shell of Sepia,
the ―cuttle‘bone‖ is used as medicine as well as for other purposes.
(8) In Literature : There are stories about giant squids and octopuses cited to
play exaggerated role in popular literature. One such story, pictures a huge
squid dragged a small ship beneath the wavs and grabbed the helpless
sailors in its cruel, snake-like arms and crushed them ot death. Large
squids and octopuses are feared more rightly for their dangerously
powerful beaks and ability to size men from boats or grip persons under
water by their deadly tentacles.
(9) Animal Inventions : Cephalopods get credit for two animal inventions.
One of hem is the principle of ―jet propulsion‖ only recently discovered by
man but used by squids and octopuses for millions of years. The second
novel invention is the use of a ―smoke screen‖, in both offence and
defence, is another novel invention by cephalopods. A smoke screen is
formed by ejecting a brownish ink into the water. This diffuses into a large
area and allows cephalopod to stalk stealthily through the ―smoke‖
searching for its prey, or to escape in cloudy water if persued by an enemy.
Man could use such a device in warfare not earlier than first World War.
Infra phylum
Super class
Super cohort
Sub Cohort
Super order
Sub order*
Infra order
Super family* (-oidea)
Family* (inae)
Sub family* (-inae)
Infra family
Super tribe
Tribe* (-ine)
Sub tribe
Infra tribe
Super genus
Sub genus*
Super species
Sub species*
Q.6 Write down the three necessary conditions for zoological nomenclature.
Ans.: The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) consists of three main
parts – the Code proper, Appendice and Glossary. The Code proper includes
Levels of Organisation
Tissue organ Grade : It appears in flat worms with the arrangement of tissues to
for organs.
Organ–system Grade : here organs join together in a system to perform some
function in typical of all higher invertebrate forms.
6. Euglena is:
A.)Autotroph B.)Heterotroph
C.)Parasite D.)Both A & B (D)
Section C
was efficiently used depending on the food the individual relied upon for its
Yet another example of adaptive radiation is seen in drapanids or sicklebills or
Like this in every group of animals, one can cite examples of adaptive radiation.
Q.3 Write a note on genetic basis of evolution.
Ans.: An essential key to the development of the modern theory of evolution limes in
the discoveries emanating from the experiments carried out by Mendel in the
1860s. When Mendel‘s basic ideas were rediscovered in 1900, they produced a
revolution in biological thought comparable to the impact of Darwin‘s theory of
natural selection or, in our time, to the effect of the concepts of molecular biology.
Rediscovery of Mendel‘s principles led to the repaid, explosive growth of the field
of genetics and established the basis for unraveling the secret of biological
reproduction and heredity. A leading figure in developing our current
knowledge of the patterns and mechanisms of biological inheritance was Thomas
Hunt Morgan a great many assoc rates worked first at Columbia University and
then at the California Institute of Technology. By the early 1940s,these researchers
and a host of other geneticists had establishment a sound basis for explaining the
concepts of independent segregation, random assortment, the genetic factor
(gene), the chromosomal theory of heredity, chromosomal regulation of sex
determination, linkage, crossing over, multiple gene control of development, and
Almost from the outset of genetic study, scientists began to speculate about the
chemical nature and manner of action of genetic material. No real progress was,
made in this search until 1944, when O.T. Avery, C.M. Mac Leod, and M.McCarty
Demonstrated that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), long know to be localized in the
chromosomes, is the genetic material. Subsequently, in 1953, James D.Watson,
F.H.C. Crick, and M.H.F. Wilkins discovered the structure of the DNA molecule
(see Fig. 1-1). Since that time extensive studies on the nature of DNA action and
its control of living system at the biochemical level have led to new levels of
understanding of the molecular basis of genetics, development and metabolism.
The establishment of the nature, structure, and action of DNA has led to a
revolution in biological thought unequaled in the present century, leading to new
directions of thought about all aspects of biology.
Both the Mendelian and molecular views of biological heredity contribute to
evolutionary theory by explaining reproductions. Our present understanding of
reproductive processes may be summarized as follows:
meiosis (Fig. 2.2) and provides for reduction of the parental diploid chromosome
number (2V) to the haploid number (N). Meiosis may occur in unicellular
organisms, but in multicellular forms it takes place only in the reproductive
organs (gonads), all other cellular divisions in the body being mitotic. Thus, in
human beings cells are produced by mitosis throughout all of the body, except in
the gonads (male; testis; female; ovary) where meiosis produced the reproductive
cells or gametes (male: sperms; female: ova or eggs).
The significant features of meiosis are indicated in fig. 2.2 for an organism with a
diploid number (2N) of four chromosomes: the number and arrangement follows
that in the example for mitosis (Fig. 2.1). Two cell divisions occur during meiosis.
After the chromosomes are replicated during interphase, division begins with
condensation, just as in mitosis. About the time the spindle apparatus appears
and the nuclear membrane breaks down, the homologous chromosomes come to
lie on opposites sides of the equatorial plane. The replicas are still attached to one
another by the centrmere, but unlike the situation in mitosis at this stage, the
centromeres are not on the equatorial plane and do not divide. Subsequently the
homologous units (two replicate chromosomes of each homologous pair) move
toward the poles of the spindle apparatus. Nuclear membranes appear and cell
division is completed from each homologous pair. This process constitutes the
first meiotic division.
The second meiotic division begins with recondensation of the chromosomes and
the breakdown of the nuclear membrane. No further replication of chromosomes
occurs between the first and second divisions. The chromosomes now line up on
the equatorial plane as in mitosis, the centromers divide, and one replica of each
chromosome moves to each pole. Nuclear membranes appear and the second
meiotic division is completed, producing four cells each containing a haploid
number of chromosomes (N). The manner of division is random; that is, a replica
of either chromosome of a given homologous pair may go to either shows the
formation of chaismata) and is responsible for the genetic phenomenon of
crossing over. Crossing over is an important source of genetic variability and will
be discussed later in some detail. Figure 2-4 shows the formation of chiasmata
and their effects on gametes.
If one chiasma occurs between different chromosomes, twice as many gamete
types may be formed as when no chiasmata are present. (How many kinds of
gametes are possible when one chiasma has occurred during meiosis in an
organism with 2N = 4 such as in Fig.2-4?
In sexual reproduction, new individuals are produced by the coming together of
two gametes (usually a male and a female gamete) to form a diploid cell, or
zygote. The zygote then develops into the new organism. In most sexually
produced diploid organisms one-half of their chromosomal and genetic material
comes from each gamete, or one-half from each parent. Meiosis is responsible for
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Diversity of Animals and Evolution 61
this situation and insures that half of the heredity of the individual is carried by
each gamete.
The Molecular Basis of Reproduction : From the molecular point of view, the
fundamental features of any living system are determined by a series of specific
enzymes that regulate metabolism, development, and growth. It is because of the
specific nature of enzymes, and their interactions and effects on other kinds of
molecules, that each kind of organism exhibits a peculiar complement of
physiologic, morphologic, and ecologic features that distinguishes if from other
organisms. Oak trees differ from lions and lions differ from tigers for this reason.
As discussed in the preceding chapter, protein and enzyme synthesis is regulated
by DNA. The differences between oaks and lions ultimately involve differences
both in the DNA molecules and in their arrangement through protein and
enzyme synthesis. Since DNA controls the specific features of each kind of living
organism, it follows that the key to understanding biological reproduction is in
the mechanism by which a specific DNA structure is reproduced and passed on
to new cells or individuals, which will resemble their parents in all essentials. The
general process of DNA replication is now well established. During the resting
stage, described in cellular reproduction above, the DNA double helix strands
become separated through the breaking of the weak chemical bond between
complementary base pairs (Fig.2-5). Each strand acts to form a complementary
stand by pulling complementary bases out of the surrounding cellular material.
By the time cellular division is intimated, each strand has completely
reduplicated itself, so that there are now two replicas of the original double
stranded helix of DNA. By this means, each daughter cell receives a duplicate of
the DNA of the parent cell. This process frequently is called the semi conservative
replication of DNA, since each new double helix contains one new strand and one
from the original cell. As the order of the bases on the double strands of DNA
determines the kinds of proteins and enzymes produced by the cell, it is apparent
that cells produced by mitosis will contain essentially identical DNA
complements and genes, and will produce essentially identical proteins and
In meiosis the four haploid cells produced from one chromosomal replication
(and one DNA replication) will each contain DNA double strands produced by
exactly the same kind of semi conservative replication discussed above. The
zygote or new individual produced by the fusion of two haploid gametes receives
half of its DNA complement from each parent., in the form of one homologous
DNA double-stranded helix from each gamete. In some cases the amount of DNA
present in diploid cells is not obtained equally from parental gametes. In many
insects, fishes and other vertebrates, males and females differ in the chromosomes
(and amount of DNA) present. In human beings, for example, females usually
have 23 similar pairs of chromosomes, one pair called the X-chromosome; males
have 22 similar pairs and two other chromosomes (XY) that differ from one
another in size and shape, but that pair up at cell division. Consequently female
gametes usually contain 23 chromosomes one of which is an X chromosome, but
half of the male gametes contain 23 chromosome, but half of the male gametes
contain 23 chromosomes corresponding in the group in the female gametes
(including an X), and the other half 22 plus the short Y chromosome. Strictly
speaking, all normal human gametes contain 23 chromosomes, but the amount
and kind of DNA and corresponding genes are less in those gametes containing a
Y chromosome. New human beings arise from zygotes that are XX or XY,
depending upon the chromosome complement of the father‘s gamete. The former
(XX) are female, the latter (XY) male.
In some groups one sex is characterized by an unpaired chromosome (XO), while
the other has the same chromosome paired (XX); cases one sex produces two
kinds of gametes in terms of chromosome numbers and total DNA, the other only
one kind.
These patterns from interesting deviations from the usual. In most sexually
reproducing organisms, exactly one-half the chromosome complement, one-half
of the genes, and one-half of the DNA comes from each parent through the
haploid gametes. Gametes produced by the diploid parents of these organisms
receive exactly one-half the parental chromosomes and genetic material. Meiosis
operates through the process of gamete formation to insure this result. For the
development of concepts of evolution subsequently presented in the book, all
examples will refer to population where one-half of the chromosomes, genes, and
DNA present in the diploid adults comes from each parent through the haploid
Genes and Alleles : In previous sections it has been shown how chromosomes
and DNA are replicated and inherited. Most genetic studies are concentrated
upon the individual segments of the DNA molecule, the genes, each capable of
directing the formation of a particular polypeptide chain. The gene and its
polypeptide produce are apparently collinear, and the genes are arranges in a
linear sequence on the chromosome. On paired homologous chromosomes – are
present in each diploid cell. Very frequently a particular gene location is
represented on different chromosomes by several slightly different base sequence
that produce different polypeptides. These differences in polypeptides may be
reflected in enzyme formation or in the visible expression of some characteristic.
The different base sequences, or expressions of them, are called alleles of the gene.
In tomatoes, for example, the gene for stem color may produce one or the other of
two enzymes that control the presence of a purple pigment. One allele (base
sequence) if present produces a purple stem, the other a green stem. The gene is
called the stem-color gene (although it does not produce stem-color by itself) and
its tow expressions, the purple and green stem alleles. Each diploid tomato plant
male, the other (2) a female. Further, we will concern ourselves only with the
single pair of large chromosomes, which can be either dark or light. If it is
assumed that 1,000 male gametes are present, it is obvious from the nature of
meiosis that 500 will contain a dark chromosome and 500 will contain a light
chromosome. Let us first consider the probability under these circumstances of
sampling the gametes and obtaining one with a dark chromosome. It is clear that
the chance of drawing a gamete with a light chromosome is just as likely as
drawing a dark one; the events are equally probable. How do we express these
The general formula for the probability, R, of a single event is
R = f
where is the number of ways in which the selected or favorable event may
transpire, and u the number of ways in which some other outcome or unfavorable
event may occur. R is usually is given as a fraction or decimal; f + u is always
equal to the total number of events. To return to the example, the number of
favorable events is 500 dark chromosomes and the total number of events
possible is 500 dark chromosomes plus 500 light chromosomes :
R = 500
R = 5
R = 0.5
The probability of obtaining a gamete with a dark chromosome on any one draw
is 0.5. (What is the probability of obtaining a gamete with a light chromosome?)
The probabilities for any single event range from 0 to 1.0, a probability of 1.0
representing certainly. The probability of drawing a indicated in the diagram is
1.0. A probability of 0 means that the event is impossible. The probability of
obtaining a gamete with 7 chromosomes from the indicated individuals is 0. In
any given situation, the sum of the probabilities of all possible events always
equals 1.0. (With these facts in mind, what is the probability of drawing a gamete
containing one large dark chromosome and one small light chromosome from the
mixed gametes of individuals 1 and 2, if the total number of gametes present is
Thus far, we have considered only the probability laws relating to single events;
those principles applicable to the probabilities of two or more independent events
happening simultaneously are more meaningful for problems of sexual
R = 0.25 + 0.25
R = 0.5
Although the manner of determining probabilities to explain the three principles
has been detailed above, it is not necessary for out purposes to work out
probabilities by listing all of the possible arrangements in every case. A simple
formula will serve to provide us with all of the required information. Since a
zygote is always formed by the joint occurrence of two independent events (the
two gametes), the expansion of the binomial (p + q)2 provides the probabilities
directly :
(p + q)2 = P2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
p = the frequency or probability that a zygote contains a light
chromosome (p = 1 – q)
q = the frequency or probability that a zygote contains a dark
chromosome (q = 1 – p)
the exponent 2 indicates that two independent events involving p and q are
happening simultaneously; p + q = 1, (p + q)2 = 1.
In the expansion, each term indicates the probability of a particular combination
of the two events :
P2 = the frequency or probability that a zygote with two light
chromosome (p x p)
q2 = the frequency or probability that a zygote with two light
chromosome (q x q)
2pq = the frequency of probability of a zygote with one light and one dark
chromosome (2 indicating that there are two ways to obtain this
This general formula may be applied to any situation involving zygote formation.
For example, if the large chromosomes are ignored (Fig.2-3), what are the
probabilities of drawing zygotes (produced by crossing 1 and 2) containing two
small light chromosomes and two small dark chromosomes or a small light and a
small dark chromosome.
The previous section of this discussion indicates how the hereditary carriers, the
chromosomes, are inherited. The actual regulators of heredity, the genus, are
located in a linear sequence on the chromosomes. On the basis of the above and
your background in genetics (see Levine, Genetics in this series), solve the
following problems.
Problems :
(1) A plant breeder carried out the following experiment involving garden
peas. He crossed a stain homozygous for smooth coated peas (in the pod)
with another homozygous for wrinkled peas. All of the offspring had pods
full or smooth-coated peas. Since garden peas are usually self-fertilizing,
he prevented self-fertilization and made random crosses among these
individuals. What are the probabilities of finding each of the following in
the next generation : phenotypes for wrinkled and smooth; genotypes for
homozygous recessive, homozygous dominant, and heterozygous?
(2) A plant breeder crossed homozygous red-flowered primrose with a
homozygous white-flowered primrose. All of the offspring were pink
flowered. One of the pink-flowered individuals was crossed back to the
original red-flowered plant. What are the probabilities for each of the
following in the next generation: phenotypes for red, white, and pink;
homozygous and heterozygous genotypes?
(3) In many animals more than two alleles may be found for any particular
gene. In rabbits; four alleles for the coat-color gene are present. On allele
when homozygous produces a dark gray coat; the second a light grey coat;
the third a Himalayan coat, white and black ears, nose, feet, and tail; and
finally albino. The alleles show dominance, decreasing in the order given
above. A Himalayan individual is crossed with an albino. If it is assumed
that all genotypes are equally represented, what is the probability that the
offspring will be albino? The same Himalayan is crossed with an
individual with a dark grey coat; what is the probability that the offspring
is albino?
Natural Selection
This hypothesis / theory is based on the observations and two deductions which
may be summarized as follows :
Observation 1 : Individual with in a population produce on average more
offspring than are needed to replace themselves.
Observation 2 : The numbers of individuals in a population remains
approximately constant.
Deduction 1 : Many individuals fail to survive or reproduce. There is a ―struggle
for existence‖ with in a population.
Observation 3 : Variation exists with in all populations.
Deduction 2 : In the ―struggle for existence‖ those individuals showing variations
best adopted to their environment have a ―reproductive advantage‖ and produce
more offspring than less well – adopted organisms.
Deduction 2 offers a hypothesis called natural selection which provides a
mechanism accounting for evolution.
form those reared in a cold room having about 5˚C temperature. Cunningham
experimentally proved that in a normal flat fish, Soleo, the lower surface, which is
originally white, also becomes pigmented in response to light.
The nature of the medium in which individuals live has a definite influence on
their farm and behavior. When the eggs of a fish called fundulus are exposed to
the influence of magnesium chloride, they hatch into peculiar fish having a single
median eye instead of two normal lateral eyes. Shape of the larvae of sea-urchins
and frogs can also be modified by the addition of lithium salts to the water in
which they live. The nature of food has marked effect on the metabolism of an
individual. When tadpoles of frog are fed on thyroid of mammals, they pass
through all the shapes of metamorphosis very rapidly, although at the end they
are still of very small size. Those tadpoles, which are fed on ordinary diet, grow to
normal size of a tadpole but take much longer time of complete metamorphosis.
The use and disuse of organs also produe variations. The continuous use of an
organ result in better development. Whilst the constant disuse of an organ
reduces it.
For example an athlete who uses his muscle daily in exercise, acquires a stronger
and more muscular physique than the one who does not do any exercise. Other
example are true of other animals. An animal kept in captivity in a zoo weaker
than the one living in natural haunts.
Somatic variations are produced by conscious efforts of human beings. The
examples are : achieving slender waists by using light garments and belts by
European women receiving education, learning an art and formic habits and so
each gene. In other words, there must exist classes of genes or genotypes. Thus,
selection requires the presence of multiple copies of each gene and the hereditary
transmission of that gene. The stronger its degree of heredity, the more effective
and long lasting will be the results of selection.
Selection of whole genotypes in a sexually reproducing species occurs only rarely
because whole genotypes are not precisely reproduced. Similarly, selection of
whole chromosomes barely exists because a ―superior‖ chromosome lasts only a
few generations before it is broken up by crossing-over. Selection is most effective
and has its most enduring effects when it acts on single genes, which are
faithfully replicated and strongly inherited.
The gene is undoubtedly the major unit of selection. Other biological entities –
chromosomes, genotypes, populations also function as units of selection, albeit
less efficiently. At the level of populations, interdemic or group, selection can
occur when population of one kind emerge or die out at a different rate from
populations of another kind. Species selection occurs when the species is the unit
of selection. In this case, a given species with a given feature more rapidly leads
to other species (or less often becomes extinct) than species with another feature.
Fitness is an important aspect of natural selection. Fitness is a consequence of the
relationship between an organism‘s phenotype and the environment in which it
lives. The same genotype could have different degrees of fitness in different
environments. The more fit an individual, the greater its genetic contribution to
subsequent generations.
Clearly, an individual can influence the frequencies of the alleles it carries in
future populations. It can do this in two ways.
By producing its own offspring – that is, by individual selection.
By promoting the survival of relatives with the same alleles because they
have descended from a common ancestor – a mechanism called kin
Combinations of individual and kin selection establish the inclusive fitness of an
individual. In general species that are solitary or that reproduce in pairs tends
towards individual selection, while highly social species, such as primates and
social insects, give prominence to kin selection.
Changing Concept of Natural Selection : To many of Darwin‘s contemporaries,
natural selection seemed a brutal struggle for survival in a carnage. Such phrases
as ―struggle for existence‖ and ―survival of the fittest‖ were used by Darwin, but
in a metaphorical sense.
From such concepts there developed a doctrine called social Darwinism, which
interestingly was not supported by Darwin himself. Natural selection was
supposed to warrant as ―right‖ all kinds of cutthroat competition, including wars
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Diversity of Animals and Evolution 73
between classes and nations, on the ground that in this way only the ―fittest‖
would survive. The belief was unwarranted for several reasons. Natural selection
is not an ethical principle that indicates what is right in human behavior. It may
be natural for populations to have a high infant mortality, or for human beings or
animals to be infested with parasites, but that does not mean we should happily
embrace the situation.
Animals do sometimes fight and drive the weaker to the wall. Plants do complete
for space, water, and sunlight. However, the competition has no bearing on
populations and their genetic and evolutionary changes, unless it leads to
differential reproduction. That, and not the winning or losing of a struggle by
individuals, is the point of natural selection.
Creative Selection : Some nineteenth-century critics argued that the effects of
natural selection could not be creative. They conceded that natural selection could
account for the elimination of the unfit, but denied that it could explain the origin
of the fit, a more important problem.
It is easy now to see that natural selection is indeed creative. For one thing, the
selective elimination of an allele from a population does not occur unless there is
an alternative allele that, under existing conditions, is superior in promoting
Natural selection is creative in a second way that is more complex, subtle, and
important. An organism‘s many traits are, in reality, not determined separately
and independently by individual genes. Usually each gene affects many traits and
each trait is affected by many genes. Genes also interact, so that a given allele may
have different effects depending on neighboring alleles. As noted above, natural
selection acts not only on each allele but on the genetic system as a whole. It tends
to produce gene associations and integrated genetic systems that would have
little or no chance of arising and spreading through populations by any random
Form of Selection : Natural selection produces evolutionary change by acting on
the variability within a population that is under genetic control. Evolutionists
have described three forms of selection.
Stabilizing selection occurs when those phenotypes in the middle of a
range of phenotypes are favored. An early student of natural selection
found after a storm that killed many birds that mortality had been highest
among the largest and smallest birds and lowest among those of average
size. Stabilizing selection works against individuals with traits at the
extreme ends of the distribution of polygenic traits, slowing their spread in
populations and thereby maintaining a steadily high ratio of ―better‖
alleles at a given locus. This type of selection generally favors reproduction
of the well-adapted individuals near the average, at the expense of
Possible future changes can arise only from past mutations, which are often
nonadaptive. Surely, the likelihood is small that a chance mutation will improve
something as intricate as an enzyme or a receptor. Quite the contrary, and this is
undoubtedly why elaborate mechanisms have evolved for repairing altered DNA.
In other words, natural selection has to work with what is available. Also – and
this deserves emphasis – it acts on phenotypes, and these can be many steps
removed from the genotypes whose changes guide the course of evolution. As a
result, we find many examples of ―jerry-rigged‖ contraptions in nature, the
human propensity to low-back pain and difficult childbirth, both of which can be
blamed on a less than flawless transition of quadrupendal (four-footed)
locomotion to the bipedal (two-footed) variety).
Adaptive characters may actually be produced by an allele that has other effects-
including nonadaptive ones. The outcome may be a compromise in design rather
than a crowning perfection. Consider, for example, the male peacock‘s large and
brilliantly colored tail. On the one hand, the tail enhance its possessor‘s mating
success. On the other hand, it jeopardizes his ability to avoid predators. Natural
selection strikes some sort of balance between the two selective forces and have
given way to peacocks with tails that are ―just right.‖
The limitations of natural selection have had a remarkable result in the history of
life: the great majority of species have failed to remain adapted during
environmental changes. Failure of adaptation is the usual cause of extinction, and
it is interesting to note that most of the countless millions of species that have ever
lived did in time become extinct.
Natural selection is a limited and blind process that cannot always produce
adequate adaptation. The whole world of life attests nonetheless to its overall
Frequency-dependent (or apostatic) selection occurs when the less frequent of
two alleles is favored by natural selection. This is common in nature. For example,
when a female Drosophila is offered a choice of males of two genotypes, she
prefers to mate with the rarer male. In contrast, most vertebrate predators seek
the most common form of prey and tend to ignore rare phenotypes. (Figure 1).
Fig. 1: Frequency –dependent selection in vertebrates. Predation by a fish on three
color morphs of the corixid bug, Sigara distincta. Each morph suffers
proportionately higher predation when it is common than it is rare.
At least two circumstances bring about frequency dependence. One is diversity of
environments. For example a predator may attack a disproportionate number of
individuals belonging to the more common type and repeatedly shift its
preferences. Or, some environments may favour carriers of one allele while other
environments favour the competing genotype. Another circumstance involves
food gathered by the host. An example is the brood parasitism practiced by many
species of cuckoo. Many cuckoos use other bird species as "babysitters",
depositing their eggs in the nest of the host species, which raise the cuckoo young
as one of their own.
Parasitism can take the form of isolated cheating or exploitation among more
generalized mutualistic interactions. For example, broad classes of plants and
fungi exchange carbon and nutrients in common mutualistic mycorrhizal
relationships; however, a few plants species (known as myco-heterotrophs)
"cheat" by taking carbon from a fungus rather than donating it.
For parasitic conjoined twins, see Parasitic twin.
Evolutionary Aspects : Biotrophic parasitism is an extremely common mode of
life that has arisen independently many times in the course of evolution.
Depending on the definition used, as many as half of all animals have at least one
parasitic phase in their life cycles,[1] and it is also frequent in plants and fungi.
Moreover, almost all free-living animals are host to one or more parasite taxa.
Parasites evolve in response to defense mechanisms of their hosts. Examples of
host defenses include the toxins produced by plants to deter parasitic fungi and
bacteria, the complex vertebrate immune system, which can target parasites
through contact with bodily fluids, and behavioural defenses. An example of the
latter is the avoidance by sheep of open pastures during spring, when
roundworm eggs accumulated over the previous year hatch en masse. As a result
of these and other host defenses, some parasites evolve adaptations that are
specific to a particular host taxon and specialize to the point where they infect
only a single species. Such narrow host specificity can be costly over
evolutionary time, however, if the host species becomes extinct. Thus, many
parasites are capable of infecting a variety of host species that are more or less
closely related, with varying success.
Host defenses also evolve in response to attacks by parasites. Theoretically,
parasites may have an advantage in this evolutionary arms race because of their
more rapid generation time. Hosts reproduce less quickly than parasites, and
therefore have fewer chances to adapt than their parasites do over a given span of
In some cases, a parasite species may coevolve with its host taxa. In theory, long-
term coevolution should lead to a relatively stable relationship tending to
commensalism or mutualism, in that it is in the evolutionary interest of the
parasite that its host thrives. For example, although animals infected with
parasitic worms are often clearly harmed, and therefore parasitized, such
infections may also reduce the prevalence and effects of autoimmune disorders in
animal hosts, including humans.
Many insects have filamentous "tails" at the ends of their wings which are
combined with patterns of markings on the wings themselves to create a
"false head" which misdirects predators (e.g., hairstreak butterflies).
Several pygmy owls bear "false eyes" on the back of their head to fool
predators into believing the owl is alert to their presence.
The yellow throated males of the Common Side-blotched Lizard use a
'sneaking' strategy in mating. They look and behave like unreceptive
females. This strategy is effective against 'usurper' males with orange
throats, but ineffective against blue throated 'guarder' males, which will
chase them away.
Female hyenas have pseudo-penises which make them look like males.
Other :
Some hawk-cuckoos resemble hawks like the Shikra.
Some forms of mimicry do not fit easily within the classification given above.
Owl butterflies (genus Caligo) bear eye-spots on the underside of their wings; if
turned upside-down, their undersides resemble the face of an owl (such as the
Short-eared Owl or the Tropical Screech Owl) for which in turn the butterfly
predators - small lizards and birds - would be fooled.[61] Thus it has been
supposed that the eye-spots are a form of Batesian mimicry. However, the pose in
which the butterfly resembles an owl's head is not normally adopted in life.
Recently zoologists have shown experimentally that eye-spots are not a form of
mimicry and do not deter predators because they look like eyes, rather patterns
on moth wings deter predators due to conspicuousness. [62]
Another case is floral mimicry induced by the discomycete fungus Monilinia
vaccinii-corymbosi.[63] In this unusual case, a fungal plant pathogen infects leaves
of blueberries, causing them to secrete sugary substances including glucose and
fructose, in effect mimicking the nectar of flowers. To the naked eye the leaves do
not look like flowers, yet strangely they still attract pollinating insects like bees.
As it turns out, the sweet secretions are not the only cues—the leaves also reflect
ultraviolet, which is normally absorbed by the plant's leaves. Ultraviolet light is
also employed by the host's flowers as a signal to insects, which have visual
systems quite capable of picking up this low wavelength (300-400nm) radiation.
The fungus is then transferred to the ovaries of the flower where it produces
mummified, inedible berries, which overwinter before infecting new plants. This
case is unusual in that the fungus benefits from the deception, but it is the leaves
which act as mimics, being harmed in the process. It bears similarity to host-
parasite mimicry, but the host does not receive the signal. It also has a little in
common with automimicry, but the plant does not benefit from the mimicry, and
the action of the pathogen is required to produce it.
(2) The London Specimen : Found in 1861, near Langenaltheim. Probably the
best known (together with the Berlin specimen). Its discovery was
announced by H. v Meyer in 1861 and the specimen was subsequently
bought by the British Museum of Natural History in London (under the
instruction of Richard Owen).
(3) The Berlin Specimen : Found in 1877 near Blumenberg. This was a better
specimen than the London specimen.
(4) The Maxburg Specimen : Found in 1958 near Langenaltheim (same as
London Specimen). This specimen is of the torso only and is the only
specimen to still be in private hands.
(5) The Haarlem or Teyler Specimen : This specimen was actually found near
Reidenburg in 1855, 5 years before the feather! It lay in a museum after
being classified as Pterodactylus crassipes by H. v Meyer in 1875.
(6) The Eichstatt Specimen : Found near Workerszell in 1951, it was described
by P. Wellnhofer in 1974. This is the smallest of all the specimens, being
some 2/3 the size of the others.
(7) The Solnhofen Specimen : Found in the 1960's near Eichstatt by a Turkish
(8) The Solnhofen-Aktien-Verein Specimen : A new specimen was described
by Wellnhofer (1993), but the description is in German and so information
is limited.
Archaeopteryx's Avian Features :
(1) Feathers : Feathers are the diagnostic feature of modern birds. This is one
of the main criterion for classifying Archae as a bird, as no other modern
animal has feathers. The possession of feathers is a characteristic of birds,
so strike one up for the birds. However, in late 1996, a discovery in China
may change this view. A small theropod dinosaur Sinosauropteryx by Chen
et al. 1998 was found with what appear to be feathers preserved along the
back. The identification of the sturctures is equivocal however, e.g. Unwin
1998, with some doubting that the structures are feathers.
Feathered Dinosaurs Found (Extinct forms of Reptiles with Feathers) :
Two species of dinosaur have recently been found in northeast China
which possess feathers by Qiang et al. 1998. Protoarchaeopteryx robusta and
Caudipteryx zoui show regiges, rectrices and plumulaceous feather
inpressions. Further, they are not birds, lacking a reverted (backwards
facing) big toe and a quadrratojugal squamosal contact, having a
quadrojugal joined to the quatrate by a ligament and a reduced or absent
process of the ishium. These and other characters group Protoarchaeopteryx
and Caudipteryx with maniraptoran coelurosaurs rather than birds.
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with the distal carpals in the carpo-metacarpus, wrist /hand fused. All
modern birds have a carpo-metacarpus, all fossil birds have a carpo-
metacarpus - except one (guess!) :). However, the carpals of several
coelurosaur dinosaur groups show a trend towards fusion, and in the Late
Cretaceous form Avimimus, a true carpo- metacarpus is formed.
It has been suggested that the ostrich and/or other Ratites also possess
unfused wrist/hand bones. This is not correct:
"The ostrich, emus, rheas, cassowaries and kiwis are often referred to
together as the Ratites, though they may not be closely related to each
other. They have tiny wings and cannot fly, but the bones of their hands
are fused together in the same peculiar way as in flying birds, which
suggest that they evolved from flying birds." (Alexander 1990, p. 435).
Some similarity between the hand of the ostrich and some of the more
derived theropod dinosaurs was once used to suggest that the Ratites were
'primitive' and evolved before the advent of flight in birds. However
Tucker (1938b) showed that such similarities are entirely superficial.
"He has directed attention to the bird-like characters of the hand of the
dinosaur Ornitholestes as evidence that a bird-like hand can be developed
independantly of flight, but the writer has pointed out in the
communication mentioned above [Tucker 1938b] that the resemblance is
utterly superficial and that the peculiar bowing and terminal fusion of
metacarpals 2 and 3 which charcaterise both the Carnate and the Ratite
hand are in no wise [sic?] reproduced in the dinosaur." (Tucker 1938a, p.
"Reverting now to the reasons on which have sought to base the view that
the Ratites were primitive birds whose ancesters had never flown, one: the
similarity between the hand of the ostrich and that of the dinosaur, has
been dismissed as invalid. Tucker (1938b) has shown that such
resemblances as there are between them are only superficial and without
significance." (de Beer 1956, p. 65).
(18) Nasal opening far forward, separated from the eye by a large preorbital
fenestra (hole). This is typical of reptiles, but not of birds. Where a fenestra
is present in birds, it is always greatly reduced, and is involved in
prokinesis (movement of the beak)
(19) Deltoid ridge of the humerus faces anteriorly as do the radial and ulnar
condyles. Typical of reptiles but not found in birds
(20) Claws on 3 unfused digits. No modern adult bird has 3 claws, nor do they
have unfused digits. The juvenile hoatzin and Touracos do have 2 claws
but loose them as they grow, the ostrich appears to retain its 2 claws into
To Fly or not to Fly : Flying is a tricky business. However, flying confers such a
strong evolutionary advantage that it is not surprising that the ability has evolved
several times. The success of birds provide ample evidence for the positive
benefits of flight. If it did fly, Archae must have utilized much the same method
as do birds today, therefore a discussion on the possibility of flight in Archae
must consider those structures most relevant to flight in birds. These are the
feathers, the flexibility of the wing, muscle bulk and the presence of a keeled
Feathers : Feathers are composed of a long, tapering, central rachis, which bears
closely spaced side branches called barbs. The barbs on either side of the rachis
constitute a surface called the vane. The two vanes on the feather may be
symmetrical (i.e. the same width) or asymmetrical, in which case the rachis
appears closer to one edge of the feather than the other. The flight feathers of
modern birds are typically asymmetrical, whilst body contour and semiplume
feathers are symmetrical.
In modern birds, remiges, or wing feathers, are highly modified for power flight
(e.g. McFarland et al. 1985), primarily in that the rachis is shifted towards the
leading edge of the feather (i.e. the leading vane is thinner than the trailing vane),
resulting in an asymmetric feather. The thinner or leading vane of the feather
overlaps the wider or trailing vane of the feather in front of it (Fig. 2). The trailing
vane contains zones of friction barbules which grip the overlapping feather and
stop the feathers from slipping too far apart.
Conclusions : Archaeopteryx is a bird because it had feathers. However, it retained
many dinosaurian characters which are not found in modern birds, whilst having
certain characters found in birds but not in dinosaurs. By virtue of this fact
Archaeopteryx represents an example of a group in transition - a representative
which, although on the sidelines in the dinosaur to bird transition, an echo of the
actual event, still allows a brief glimpse into the possible mechanism which
brought about the evolution of the birds and by its very existence shows that such
a transition is possible
Introduction of foreign species into an area has shown, that this type of
reproductive barrier is often rather feeble and collapses easily. Hybridizations
with endemic species are therefore common unless prevented by other barriers.
Spartina townsendii is a good example.
The same phenomenon is met when analyzing the vegetation of islands. Endemic
species (plants and animals), i.e. species occurring exclusively in a certain, often
clearly demarcated area, are very common on islands. Both C. DARWIN and A.
WALLACE based their selection theories on this observation. The DARWIN-
finches, each species of which occurs only on certain islands of the Galapagos
Archipelago, became famous. The Galapagos Archipelago – of volcanic origin
and geologically rather young - does also house plant groups, certain species of
which live only on single islands. The occurrence and dispersal of Scalesia, a
genus of the Compositae, is of special interest. The roughly 20 species are easiest
distinguished by the shape of their leaves. Moreover, they are woody, some are
even large trees. This is atypical for Compositae, a plant families harbouring one
of the largest number of species, since most Compositae are annual herbs or
perennial non-wooden plants. Composite trees do not only live on the Galapagos
Archipelago, but also on other Pacific islands, like the San Fernandez-Islands
close to the coastline of Chile and in a few continental habitats.
The following model experiment shows, that the collapse of a reproductive
barrier may even lead to the extinction of a species.
Biotope Isolation : Just like geographic isolation, biotope isolation is no
absolutely safe method for preventing the hybridization of related (sympatric)
species. A. KERNER von MARILAUN showed already in the 19th century, that
hybrid populations do often occur along the border of the habitats of (two)
neighbouring vicarious species. These hybrids are rarely stable, and the
development of new species is even rarer. The primula hybrids described by
MARILAUN are a good example. Primula auricula flowers yellow and occurs in
the Alps on limestone, Primula hirsuta and several similar species have two-
coloured flowers (yellow and red-lilac) and are common on primeval rock
(silicate, granite). Mostly unstable hybrids can be found, wherever these two
types of rock occur simultaneously. These hybrids are the origin of Primula
pubescens, the garden auricle.
Seasonal or Timely Isolation : Seasons do hardly occur in the tropics. The
sympatric Miconia-species (family: Melastomataceae) from the primary forest of
the Amazon area at Manaus provide an example of a timely isolation. These
species are all visited by the same pollinators, among them bees of the genus
Melipona and Halictides (S. RENNER, 1984). The temporally staggered flowering
periods of the Miconia-species do largely prevent interspecific pollination. At the
same time, a competition for pollinators is diminished.
Ethological and Mechanical Isolation : These two mechanisms take often place
simultaneously, because, on one hand, the influence of the pollinator on the
development and selection of species has to be considered, on the other hand, the
flower structure allowing pollen nectar, and stigma access to only certain
pollinators is of importance. Aquilegia formosa, a North American colombine
species, has simple, nutant, yellow and red flowers with a short, 1 – 2 cm long
spur. The flowers contain nectar and are pollinated by humming birds with beaks
slightly longer than the flower‘s spur. Aquilegia chrysantha, Aquilegia longissima,
and Aquilegia pubescens have all pale yellow, erect flowers with long spurs. These
species are usually pollinated by butterflies of the Sphingidae-group. Respective
measurements show, that the lengths of the spurs and the lengths of the
butterflies‘ proboscides tally extremely well. Humming birds have no chance to
reach the nectar of Aquilegia chrysantha and Aquilegia longissima, and they do not
even try. They are , nevertheless, sometimes successful in the case of Aquilegia
pubescens. The last three species can without difficulties be crossed
experimentally. The hybrids produce fertile progeny. In nature, the demarcation
is kept by different geographical distributions and different pollinators.
In contrast, Aquilegia pubescens and Aquilegia formosa have overlapping
distributions. Since humming birds may act as pollinators of both species,
hybridization and thus also gene exchange occurs (V. GRANT, Rancho Santa Ana
Botanical Garden, Clairemont/ Cal., 1952). Hybridization cancels an otherwise
effective mechanism of isolation and leads thus to a reduction of the species‘
The importance of reproductive isolation and how fatal a collapse of a
reproductive barrier can be is illustrated by the fact, that several independent
barriers do often exist in parallel. A pair of species (a and b) from the genus Gilia
provide a good example:
(a) Gilia capitata chamissoni
(b) Gilia millefoliata
Both sympatric species are isolated ecologically. (a) occurs on sand dunes, (b) on
meadows. The two species are seasonally isolated due to different flowering
periods, (b) flowers earlier than (a). Finally, an ethological and mechanical
isolation exists: (a) has large flowers and is pollinated by bees, while (b) has small
flowers and is autogamous (V. GRANT, 1952, 1963).
Sterility Barriers - Extern and Genetic Influences : The mechanisms of isolation
mentioned so far seem mostly to be maintained by extern influences. This is only
partly true, since genetic factors decide whether a species flourishes on limestone
or primeval rock or whether the flowers open in the morning or in the evening.
The genome of the plant determines, too, how the flower looks like and whether
it is attractive and viable for the pollinator. The behaviour and occurrence of the
pollinator, on the other hand, is what we would call an extern influence.
Sterility barriers are almost exclusively founded on endogenous, i.e. genetically
determined factors. Pollen, for example, may happen to reach a wrong style. It
does consequently develop no pollen tube, or the developed pollen tube
degenerates or cannot reach the egg cell. This barrier is called pollen
incompatibility or pollen sterility. Pollen incompatibility is, beside other
mechanisms, one of the causes for the existence of obligatory allogamous species.
Adaption: A character that has been modified and is or was maintained as a result of
selection for increased fitness.
Speciation: The splitting of one species into two or more new species or the
transformation of one species into a new species over time.
their nutrients by living on or in the tissues of another species.
Uncinate: Hooked.
Zoogeographic: Branch of zoology dealing with geographic distribution of animals.
Part – II
2. Explain the diversity if Indian region .
3. Write short on the following :
5. Describe the binomial nomenclature and its various rules.
6. Write in detail five kingdom concept of classification.
7. Write down the characters and classifications of phylum coelenterate up to class,
with two example of each.
8. Discuss the genetic basis of evolution.
9. Define isolation. Describe the reproductive isolation on detail with example?
10. Write short notes on any two of the following :-
(a) Genetic variation
(b) Process of fossilization and types of fossils
(c) Dinosaurs.
Part – II
2. What do you understand by adaptations? Give a brief account of structure
adaptations in animals.
3. What is Zoogeography? Describe geographical limits, extent, climate and major
fauna of Oriental region.
4. Write a note on Continental drift.
5. Write short notes on any two:
(i) Coelom (ii) Segmentation (iii) Symmetry
6. Analyze the system of classification of animals into Protozoa and Metazoa.
7. Describe the habit. Habitat and external features of any two with diagrams:
(i) Fasciola (ii) Balanoglssus (iii) Hirudinaria
8. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Archeopteryx
(ii) Imperfection of geological record.
9. What is speciation? Describe the process of speciation giving examples.
10. Define hardy-weinberg‘s law of genetic equilibrium and give its main salient
Part – II
2. What is Zoogeography? Describe geographical limits, extent, climate and major
mammalian fauna of Ethiopian region.
3. What do you understand by biodiversity? Give an account of main causes of
extinction and measures of conservation of biodiversity.
4. Give a brief account of biodiversity of Fauna of India.
5. Describe general principles of Taxonomy.
6. Give characteristics of chordates and classify vererata upto classes giving suitable
characters and examples of each class.
7. Describe the habit, habitat and external features of Obelia, Taenia and Asterias
with diagrams.
8. Describe various isolating mechanisms and their role in evolution.
9. Write an essay on theory of natural selection.
10. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Dinosaurs
(ii) Fossils
(iii) Lamarckism.
Part – II
2. What are adaptations? Describe adaptations in deep sea animals.
3. Written an essay on continental drift.
5. Describe various kinds of symmetry and types of coelom found in the animals
with the help of suitable diagrams and examples.
6. Write the habit, habitat and classification of Hirudinaria, Petromyzon,
Salamander and Chinkara.
7. Write exernal features of Herdmania and Balanoglossus with diagrams. Write
name of the phyla to which they belong.
8. How is a new species formed in nature?
9. Differentiate between:
(i) Lamarckism and Darwinism
(ii) Continuous and discontinuous variations
(iii) Commensalism and symbiosis.
10. What is basis of geological divisions of Earth‘s crust? Describe Cenozic Era, Its
Epochs and life forms during this period.
Organisms Diversity & Evolution: Andreas Wanninger
Diversity of animals & evolution: S.LAl
Diversity of animals & evolution:Panwar