The University of Bamenda Course Syllabus/Outline

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Faculty/School: NAHPI Department: EEE

Option/Specialty: B.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Course Code: EEEE3105 Course Title: COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE
Credit Value: 3 Semester: 1 Day(s): TBA
Instructor(s): Dr. ASOH DEREK AJESAM
Office Location: CCAST BLOCK Office Hours: TBA
Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel:_+237-673-50-77-57

Objectives: To help students gain knowledge on the structure and organization of computers from the
viewpoint of its constituent elements – hardware, software, data, and interconnectivity; and ultimately
become skilled in the use of computers and computer-related systems in professional activities, including
design, deployment, and maintenance of computer-related systems and application development.

Definition and importance of computer architecture, basic terminology – architecture and design, basics of
digital logic and data representation, digital computing mechanism, logic gates, digital circuits,
combinatorial and sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters, clocks and timers, gate, chip, and circuit and
circuit board, Moore’s law, digital logic level abstraction, bits and bytes, numerical representations, binary,
decimal, hexadecimal, binary coded, positional and signed binary integers, data aggregate and program
representation. Architectural approaches, Harvard and Von Neumann architectures, Processors – types,
range, categories, roles, conventional, technologies, and CPU organizations. Computational Engines,
Stored programs, fetch-execute cycle, program translation and control, fetch-execute cycle. Processor
power, convenience, and cost; Instruction set, format, and length; Opcode, operands, and results;
Registers and register banks; Complex and reduced instructions sets; Pipelining for performance
enhancement, and instruction stalls; Program counters, fetch-execute, and branching; program operations,
subroutine calls, and arguments; Memory – hierarchy, cache, and storage; IO concepts, technologies, and
peripheral devices.

At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Define and explain various concepts/terminologies related to the structure and organization of computers
2. Identify and describe various types of computer hardware and software and how they interact
3. Demonstrate an understanding of how processors work, how memories are organized, how I/O operate
4. Write programs in a low level language to effect elementary computer operations related to acquiring,
storing, processing, and output of data.

Pre-Requisites: None Mode of Instruction: Lectures, Seminars, and Presentations

Mode of Delivery: Face-to-Face Assessment and Grading Scale: CA: 30%, EXAM: 70%
Statement for Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty (e.g. cheating and plagiarism on
assignments and examinations) undermines intellectual merit and development of new knowledge; and is a
serious offense. All work that you submit in this course must be your own original work. Each student is
responsible for being familiar with the university’s policies on academic dishonesty. Students engaged in
academic dishonesty receive fail grade(s) for the course(s) and appropriate university disciplinary action.

*Note: This course outline is subject to modification by the instructor. Any modifications will be communicated to the students accordingly.
Teaching Plan
Sess. Lesson L T P
1 Course Outline, Class Organization, What and Why of Computer Architecture 2
2 Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Data and Program Representation 2
3 Tutorial 2
4 Processors and Computational Engines 2
5 Processor Types and Instruction Set 2
6 Tutorial 2
7 Data Paths and Instruction Execution 2
8 Operand Addressing and Instruction Representation 2
9 Tutorial 2
10 CPU Microcode and Processor Modes; Assembly Language Programming 2
11 Memory and Storage, Physical Memory and Physical Addressing 2
12 Tutorial 2
13 Caches and Caching and IO Concepts and Terminologies 2
14 Assessing the Performance of Computers 2
15 Final Continuous Assessment 2
TOTAL 20 10

Text Books and Reading Materials:

1. Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer 2e (c) 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2. Other material to be provided by instructor.

*Note: This course outline is subject to modification by the instructor. Any modifications will be communicated to the students accordingly.

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