(LECTURE # 7) 12. Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements
(LECTURE # 7) 12. Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements
(LECTURE # 7) 12. Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements
Some Common Terms
Preventive Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
Pavement Preservation
Pavement Rehabilitation
Preventive Maintenance
The planned strategy of cost effective treatments
to an existing roadway system and its
appurtenances that preserves the system,
retards future deterioration, and maintains or
improves the functional condition of the system
(without increasing structural capacity).
- AASHTO’s Standing Committee on Highways
Performed on good
Contributes to long-
term performance
Examples: Fog Seal,
Chip Seal, Thin HMA
Corrective Maintenance
Performed on failing
Does not contribute to
long-term performance
Examples: Patching,
Pothole Repair
Pavement Preservation
Time or Traffic
Pavement Condition
Pavement Condition can be rated using any
number rating systems, including:
Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
PCI = 100 is New/Excellent and PCI = 0 is Failed
Present Serviceablity Index (PSI)
PSI = 5 is New and PSI = 0 is Failed
Used in the AASHTO Design Methodology
International Roughness Index (IRI)
Rating is Inches/Mile and is automatically recorded
Pavement Condition Index
Corps of Engineers Excellent
(Developed for Airfields) 85
Very Good
ASTM now has 70
standards for both Good
highways and airfields Fair
Analyze Distresses
Type 25
Very Poor
Severity 10
Density Failed
Pavement Condition Index Pavement Condition
Critical PCI = 65 - 70
Time or Traffic
Critical PCI
Pavement Condition Index
100 Maintenance
Critical PCI
Corrective Maint,
Rehabilitation, or
Time or Traffic
Preventive Maintenance
Pavement Condition
Time or Traffic
Pavement Condition
Corrective Repairs
Time or Traffic
Pavement Condition
Time or Traffic
Pavement Condition
Time or Traffic
Present Serviceability Index (PSI)
Values from 0 through 5
PSI = 5.41 −1.80 log 1 + SV − 0.9 C + P )
SV = Mean of the slope variance in the two wheel paths
(measured with the CHLOE Profilometer or BPR Roughometer)
C, P = Measures of cracking and patching in the pavement surface
C = Total linear feet of Class 3 and Class 4 cracks per 1000 ft2 of pavement area.
A Class 3 crack is defined as opened or spalled (at the surface) to a width of
0.25 in. or more over a distance equal to at least one-half the crack length.
A Class 4 is defined as any crack which has been sealed.
P is expressed in terms of ft2 per 1000 ft2 of pavement surfacing.
International Roughness Index (IRI)
➢ Widely accepted measure of pavement
procedures were developed by the
World Bank in Brazil.
➢ Measures suspension movement over some
longitudinal distance (in/mi)
➢ IRIcorrelates with vertical passenger
acceleration and tire load.
International Roughness Index (IRI)
IRI and Pavement Quality:
➢ Very good <60 in/mi
➢ Good 61-94 in/mi
➢ Fair 95-119 in/mi for Interstates
95-170 in/mi for other roads
➢ Mediocre 120-170 in/mi for Interstates
171-220 in/mi for other roads
➢ Poor >170 in/mi for Interstates
>220 in/mi for other roads
Present Serviceability Index (PSI) and IRI:
Preventive maintenance:
Anticipated benefits
Non-destructive Testing
Destructive Testing
Destructive testing provides more
detailed data about the pavement not
possible to obtain through non-
destructive testing. Such detailed data
laboratory mechanical, physical, and
chemical properties (obtained through
coring and trenching) and
visual inspection of pavement layers
through coring and trenching.
Bitumen Extraction Test: This test is
done to determine the bitumen content
as per ASTM 2172. The apparatus
needed to determine bitumen content are
i) Centrifuge Extractor
ii) Miscellaneous: bowl, filter paper,
balance and commercial benzene.
A sample of 500g is taken.
If the mixture is not soft enough to separate with a trowel,
place 1000g of it in a large pan and warm upto 100oC to
separate the particles of the mixture uniformly.
ii) Place the sample (Weight ‘A’) in the centrifuge extractor.
Cover the sample with benzene, put the filter paper on it
with the cover plate tightly fitted on the bowl.
iii) Start the centrifuge extractor, revolving slowly and
gradually increase the speed until the solvent ceases to
flow from the outlet.
iv) Allow the centrifuge extractor to stop. Add 200ml
benzene and repeat the procedure.
v) Repeat the procedure at least thrice, so that the extract
is clear and not darker than the light straw colour and
record the volume of total extract in the graduated vessel.
vi) Remove the filter paper from the bowl and dry in the
oven at 110 + 5oC. After 24 hours, take the weight of the
extracted sample (Weight ‘B’).
Bitumen content = [(A-B)/B]×100 %
Benkleman Beam:
It is used to measure deflections of flexible
pavements. The light weight instrument is supplied
in two parts for assembling on site with easy hand
In use one end of the beam rests at a point under
investigation while the beam is pivoted at the
centre. The free end carries a dial gauge to record
the deflections.
The other end is kept on a stable platform with a
dial gauge.
This is a light weight dismantleable instrument and
easy to carry.
Non-Destructive Testing
Non-Destructive Testing
Why Non-Destructive
Pavement Testing?
Measure structural condition in place
High production rate:
more information = better decisions