Word Family. Hockyi

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to transmit (v) : Truyeàn, phaùt (tín hieäu )

1. to volunteer (v) : tình nguyeän  transmission (n)
 volunteer (n) : ngöôøi tình nguyeän 17. to invent (v) : phaùt minh
 voluntary (adj)  invention (n)
2. to annoy (v) : khoù chòu laøm böïc  inventor (n) : ngöôøi phaùt minh
mình 18. to exhibit (v) : trieån laõm, tröng baøy
 annoyance (n)  exhibition (n)
 annoyed (adj) 19. to assist (v) : giuùp ñôõ, coäng söï
3. to appear (v) : xuaát hieän  assistant (n)
 appearance (n) : dieän maïo, beà ngoaøi 20. commerce (n) : buoân baùn, thöông maïi
4. to intend (v) : yù ñònh, döï ñònh  commercial (adj)
 intention (n) 21. to use (v) : duøng, söû duïng
 intended (adj)  use (n) : coù ít, höõu duïng
5. to deliver (v) : phaân phaùt, giao haøng  useful (adj) ≠ useless (adj)
 delivery (n) 22. to succeed (v) : thaønh coâng
6. luck (n) : may maén  success (n)
 lucky = fortunate (adj)  successful (adj)
 luckily = fortunately (adv)  successfully (adv)

7. humor (n) : haøi, haøi öôùc, khoâi 23. to destroy (v) : phaù huûy, phaù hoaïi
haøi  destruction (n)
 humorous (adj)  destructive (adj)
 humorously (adv) 24. to dust (v, n): (v) queùt buïi; (n) buïi baån
8. peace (n) : hoøa bình, thanh bình  dusty (adj)
 peaceful (adj) 25. to injure (v) : bò thöông
 peacefully (adv)  injury (n) : veát thöông
9. quiet (n) (adj) : yeân tónh  injured (adj)
 quietly (adv) 26. electricity (n) : ñieän
10. sociable (adj) : deã hoøa ñoàng  electrician (n) : thôï ñieän
 sociably (adv)  electrical (adj) :
27. danger (n) : söï nguy hieåm
11. reserver (n) : ngöôøi kín ñaùo, deø daët  dangerous (adj)
 reserved (adj) : kín ñaùo, deø daët
 dangerously (adv)
 reservedly (adv)
28. safety (n) : an toaøn
12. generosity (n) : roäng löôïng  safe (adj)
 generous (adj)
 safely (adv)
 generously (adv)
29. to excite (v) : soâi noåi, haøo höùng
13. to arrange (v) : Saép xeáp, saép ñaët, thu
 excitement (n)
 excited / exciting (adj)
 arrangement (n)
 excitedly (adv)
14. to agree (v) : Ñoàng yù, baèng loøng,
 agreement (n) : söï thoûa thuaän 30. to equip (v) : trang bò
 equipment (n) : thieát bò
15. to emigrate (v) : di cö
 emigration (n) 31. pain (n) : ñau
 emigrant (n) : ngöôøi di cö  painful (adj)
 painfully (adv) 49. to participate (v): tham gia
32. tradition (n) : truyeàn thoáng  participation (n)
 traditional (adj): thuoäc veà truyeàn thoáng  participant (n) : ngöôøi tham gia
33. cruelty (n) : söï ñoäc aùc, aùc nghieät 50. to pronounce (v): phaùt aâm
 cruel (adj) pronunciation (n): caùch phaùt aâm
 cruelly (adv) 51. to sign (v) : kyù teân
34. farm (n) : noâng traïi  signature (n) : chöõ kyù
 farmer (n): ngöôøi noâng daân 52. to revise (v) : oân laïi, xem laïi, oân
35. difficult (adj) : khoù khaên taäp
 difficulty (n)  revision (n)

36. magic (n) : kyø dieäu, thaàn thoâng 53. to enjoy (v) : thích thuù
 magician (n) : nhaø aûo thuaät  enjoyment (n) : sôû thích
 magical (adj) :  enjoyable (adj) : thuù vò
 magically (adv)  enjoyably (adv)

37. to choose (v) : choïn löïa 54. excellence (n) : raát toát, xuaát saéc
 choice (n)  excellent (adj)
 excellently (adv)
38. poverty (n) : ngheøo
poor (adj) 55. skill (n) : kheùo tay, tinh xaûo
 skillful (adj)
39. to appear (v) : xuaát hieän  skillfully (adv)
 to disappear (v) : bieán maát
40. to decide (v) : quyeát ñònh 56. to satisfy (v) : laøm thoaû maõn
 decision (n)  satisfied with (a)
 decisive (adj)  (un)satisfactory (a): (khoâng) thoûa maõn
41. to own (v) : chuû, cuûa rieâng ai  satisfaction (n) : söï thoûa maõn
 owner (n) : ngöôøi chuû 57. to accept (v) : chaáp nhaän
42. immediate (adj): ngay laäp töùc  accept ion (n) : söï chaáp nhaän
 immediately (adv)  acceptable (adj): coù theå chaáp nhaän
43. to die (v) : cheát ñöôïc
 dead (n) : caùi cheát 58. (un)importance (n): (khoâng) quan troïng
 dead (adj): bò cheát  (un) important (adj)
44. wisdom (n) : trí khoân 59. to mean (v) : coù nghóa laø
 wise (adj) : khoân ngoan  meaning (n) : yù nghóa cuûa töø
45. habit (n) : thoùi quen  meaningful ≠ meaningless (a)
 habitual (adj) 60. to attend (v) : tham döï
46. pride (n) : töï haøo, haõnh dieän  attendance (n)
 proud (adj) 61. to apply (v) : öùng duïng
 proudly (adv)  application (n) : ñôn xin vieäc laøm
47. to improve (v): caûi thieän, caûi tieán  applicant (n) : ngöôøi xin vieäc
 improvement (n)  applicable (a)
 applicably (adv)
48. to behave (n) : ñoái xöû, cö xöû
 behavior (n) : haønh vi, caùch cö xöû 62. young (a) : treû
 youth (adj) : tuoåi treû
63. to organize (v) : toå chöùc 77. to collect (v) : thu gom, söu taàm
 organization (n)  collector (n) : ngöôøi söu taàm
 organizer (n) : ngöôøi toå chöùc  collection (n) : boä söu taàm
64. to encourage (v) : khuyeán khích 78. to taste (v) : ngon mieäng
 encouragement (n)  tasty (a) : thôm ngon
 courage (n) : can ñaûm 79. to perform (v) : trình dieãn
65. to establish (v) : thieát laäp  performance (n): buoåi trình dieãn
 establishment (n)  performer (n) : ngöôøi trình dieãn
66. citizen (n) : coâng daân
 citizenship (n) : quyeàn coâng daân 80. (un) convenience (n): söï (khoâng) tieän lôïi
67. personal (a) : thuoäc veà caù nhaân  (un) convenient (adj)
 personality (n) : nhaân caùch  (un) conveniently (adv)

68. to fit (v) : vöøa 81. comfort (n) : söï thoaûi maùi
 fitness (n): theå duïc ≠ discomfort (n) : söï khoâng thoaûi maùi
 fit (adj)  (un) comfortable (adj)
 comfortably (adv)
69. scout (n) : höôùng ñaïo sinh 82. to select (v) : löïa choïn
scouting (n) : hoäi ñoàng höôùng ñaïo  selection (n)
sinh 83. to produce (v) : saûn xuaát
70. to explain (v) : giaûi thích  production (n)
 explanation (n) :  product (n) : saûn phaåm
71. similarity (n) : söï töông töï, gioáng nhö 84. to discuss (v) : thaûo luaän
 similar (adj)  discussion (n)
 similarly (adv) 85. specialty (n) : ñaëc saûn
72. to educate (v) : giaùo duïc  special (adj) : ñaëc bieät
 education (n)  specially (adv)
 educational (adj) 86. to celebrate (v): toå chöùc
73. nature (n) : thieân nhieân, töï nhieân  celebration (n)
 natural (adj) 87. neighbor (n) : ngöôøi haøng xoùm
 naturally (adv)  neighborhood (n): khu phoá, khu laân caän
74. to act (v): haønh ñoäng
 activity (n) : hoaït ñoäng
 action (n) : söï haønh ñoäng
 active (adj)
 actively adv)
 actor (n) : nam dieãn vieân
 actress (n) : nöõ dieãn vieân
75. environment (n): moâi tröôøng
 environmentalist (n):nhaø baûo veä moâi tröôøng
 environmental (adj)
 environmentally (adv)
76. to association (v) : lieân keát
 association (n) : söï lieân keát, hieäp hoäi
_ Duøng cho ñòa chæ : At 25 Bis nguyeãn Kim street ; at home ; at school
_ Thôøi gian trong ngaøy : At 5 o’clock (luùc 5 giôø) at midnight (luùc nöûa
At ñeâm) at lunchtime (luùc aên tröa) at sunset (luùc hoaøng hoân) at dawn
(taïi; luùc; (luùc bình minh) at night (vaøo ban ñeâm) at noon
vaøo luùc)
_ Nhöõng dòp leã : At Easter (Vaøo leã Phuïc Sinh) at Christmas (vaøo leã
Giaùng Sinh) at weekend

On _Duøng cho ngaøy, ngaøy thaùng, ngaøy thaùng naêm, vaø caùc ngaøy cuï
(vaøo, ôû theå
treân) on Wednesday ; on 15 April; on 20 July 1997; on Christmas Eve;
on Friday morning ; on my birthday (vaøo ngaøy sinh nhaät cuûa toâi) ;
_ Duøng tröôùc teân ñöôøng, farm, beach, the weekend

In _ duøng cho theá kyû, thaùng, naêm, muøa vaø caùc buoåi trong ngaøy
(trong; (ngoaïi tröø at night)
vaøo) in 1998 ; in September ; in March 1991 ; in (the) winter ; in the 21st century
(vaøo theá kyû 21) in the 1970s (vaøo nhöõng naêm 70) in the morning
(vaøo buoåi saùng)


To talk About sth / Noùi veà caùi gì
with / to sb Noùi vôùi ai
To learn about Hoïc, nghieân cöùu veà
Be concerned about Lo laéng, quan taâm
be worried about Lo laéng
To think about / of Suy nghó veà
Be excited about Soâi noåi
To come along with Xuaát hieän, ñi cuøng
To join in
To take part in Tham gia
To participate in
Be interested in Thích thuù, say meâ
To thank for Caùm ôn
To wait for Chôø, ñôïi
To look for Tìm kieám
To ask sb for something Yeâu caàu, hoûi
Be famous for Noåi tieáng veà caùi gì
To hope for / of sth Hy voïng
To get up Thöùc daäy
To clean up
Doïn deïp
To tidy up
Be bored with Chaùn = be tired of
to help sb with sth Giuùp ai ñieàu gì
Be familiar with / to Quen thuoäc, thaân vôùi

Be good at / for Gioûi veà vaùi gì

Be bad at Teä veà caùi gì
Be frond of something Thích caùi gì
Be tired of chaùn
Be friendly to / with someone Thaân maät vôùi ai
Be different from Khaùc
Be popular with Öa chuoäng, ngöôõng moä

to cruel to
to tie to
To lead – led to
Be/get accustomed To Sth Quen vôùi caùi gì
to die of Cheat vì, cheát bôûi
to fall in love with Yeâu ai, thöông ai
To spend on Daønh cho
Be proud of Töï haøo, haõnh dieän veà
Be satisfied with
To enroll for Ñaêng kyù vaøo
To fill In / out Ñieàn vaøo
To care For
To take care of Chaêm soùc
To look after
To find out Tìm thaáy, caûm thaáy
In order to
Ñeå maø
So as to
To learn by heart Hoïc thuoäc long
Instead of Thay vì
To succeed in something Thaønh coâng veà caùi gì
To believe In s.one / s.thing Tin ai, tin caùi gì


1. “Remember, forget, regret ” khi ñi vôùi infinitive hoaëc gerund theo sau ñeàu ñöôïc,
tuøy theo nghóa cuûa noù trong caâu :
 “Remember, forget, reget” _ infinitive  chæ haønh ñoäng ôû töông lai.
 “Remember, forget, reget” _ Gerund  chæ haønh ñoäng ñaõ qua.

Ex: Please remember to return the book tomorrow.

I remember putting my hat somewhere in this room.
I’m afraid he will forget to write to me.
I’m never forget seeing him the first time.

2. “stop” _ infinitive  ngöøng ñeå laøm vieäc khaùc.

“stop” _ gerund  ñang laøm vieäc gì ñoù thì ngöøng laïi khoâng laøm

Ex: He stopped to eat. He listened to music.

I’m too tired. I stop working for a moment.

3. “try” _ infinitive  nguï yù “coá gaéng”

“try”_ gerund  nguï yù “thöû xem” hoaëc “thí nghieäm”.
Ex: I will try to help you.
He tried gardening, keeping pigs but didn’t succeed in any of them.

4. Caùc ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan nhö “hear, see, feel, notice, watch,….”
 Khi ñi vôùi infinitive laø chuù yù vaøo söï hoaøn taát cuûa thaønh ñoäng.
 Khi ñi vôùi gerund thì chuù yù ñeán söï tieáp dieãn cuûa haønh ñoäng.
Ex : I hear him come in.
I see the dog running across the street.

5. Coù moät soá ñoäng töø khi ñöôïc theo sau bôûi moät ñaïi töø thì duøng infinitive
coøn khi khoâng coù ñaïi töø theo sau seõ duøng gerund nhö : “allow, permit, recommend,
Ex : The teacher permitted them to turn the assignments in late.
The teacher permitted going out.


Verb + ing : ñöôïc duøng sau nhöõng giôùi töø in, on, at, to, for, from, with, without……..

agree Ñoàng yù Avoid Traùnh
attemp Coá gaéng Begin = start Baét ñaàu
ask Yeâu caàu Consider
Begin = Start Baét ñaàu Delay
Come Ñeán Deny
Decide Quyeát ñònh Enjoy thích
Demand Ñoøi hoûi, yeâu caàu Finish Chaám döùt,
Remember Nhôù Mind Ñeå yù
Forget Queân Postpone Hoaõn laïi, trì hoaõn
help Giuùp ñôõ Prefer Thích hôn
Seem Coù veû nhö, döôøng nhö Practice Thöïc haønh
Try Coá gaéng Start
Hope Hi voïng suggest Ñeà nghò
Learn Hoïc Hate gheùt
Need Caàn Love Thöông, yeâu
Plan Döï ñònh like thích
Promise Höùa
Want Muoán
wish Öôùc muoán
offer Ñeà nghò
refuse Töø choái
Prepare Chuaån bò


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